Newspaper Page Text
AFFAIRS IX BROOKLYN. A FLOOR DROPS INTO THE CELLAR. ON IT WAS rTORF-D MV.NY Tons OF IROR CSE Ni VN in HIRED. While the a* Yera I hnndred nun employed !n Ute F. Vf. Wanter Wagon, spring and axle manufactory, In ?oat-eve, and Soul li -i\t, -:.. vs.-ie ut vcili oe Ute ?ppee ti*.:- nf ibe building jre*ierdaj afternoon Ihey VT.T>- Harlled Kv ii I. rn':, crash with ti abOOll 1 (... building trom roof t>. cellar. The rra*l bad bera cau-eci bf t:i<- ground Hoer, on whl ii ss.-,- stored nearly 7do ten- c,f Rea, (Irian away. Immedlali Iv Kn ie wai a mud nish f-.r ibe -tr.?ct. ai it aa* eapeeted ibr vv j,,.!. building would collapse. Til* <ra-l. Aad bera heard a Mock awns, aad i len Blinnie* leter hundred* ?>' people arera ut tn- _Ran*. Many persons were belli v.ii nt ilr*t le have twntt Ulled, bal all bal one nan recaped ssh:, sMghl bruises, received in ia.ii anxiety to reurh ;, alaee of -at.'v. Tie building I- one ol toe large-t of lb.- Kind In Rroohlyn, and ba* a frontage of 160 fort In K-??:? av?.-. and |U0 feel In slvh at. It la t hre.- alarie* blah. The only ulan al work on the tlo..r which gav" ray wa* .1 liri- Milt- iel. f. Ile i.n arith ?!:'? in mv ton* of bea, hu! escaped arlibeul serious Injury. A* a nile, mope tin:, nits awn tire ut wort dally on tills Boor, 'iiicy had all cone to ihe upper Beor* el Ibe building n lew minnie* before lha crash t ime bebroxler'- Mt lea u.i- !,.,<llv nrofthed and br received several wounds Bhout the* tandy, ll" ara* lahen io lils hom.". Tar in,iii. n-.' wright "ii the door ssa- ibe cauae el ttl" collapse, and ihi Iron wen! through t" the cellar, tearing BWBy tbe. support, mid beam*. Mr. Womer .-aid he could noi account for Ibe aeaWeat. ? aa - THK BOARD OP ALDERMEN ADJOtBMS. At thc Meeting of tbe Brooklyn Board of Aldermen jajeterday afternoon, re*< lutlon* In honor of Mr. Blalne-s were offered l.v AMenaan Thomas and adept ed bj nnaalmou* role. Thc Board then ad loaned a-* ? aura: ol respect. Bepervlsoi Lockwood iBtTodueed reeciutloai ol ilmllar purport al the meet ins of the KJni;- County Board ol Mip,rvi-or- y??!eidaj and tl,ey wen adopt, i unanimously. - ?* - TWK.NTV dollars for A Kls.-. George li.iUer, stage rarpenler witit i',e "Dark 8**cref eajapaay, who completed i week'* engagement nt th" Lee Aveaae Tbealre on Saturday night, wa* m-raUiied before Justice .liing yestprdaj on rom plaint of Jeanie Taraer, n fourteen-year-old plrl. Tiie played t.i" Juvenile put In lae pius. i>n Friday night sh" .suv- Raker wen! to her dressing-room and kissed her lier will. She Ken caused bi* arre.-t. The magistrate |inpo*.*d a line of ir'Jci. BMMKNKKi:'.. THK PLAINTIFF, ARRESTED. The condition ,,f Presld ,t Simon nanto, of tin* mn gregatlon lietii A*lfob-l*rael, ss o vs...- aaaaalted In i Kfhi in tho synagogue a we.;; ago, ba* i lamed serfou* aspect.-. Yeaterday one of ni- sons weat lo th" Ewen hireet Poll i" Court and Inform.-1 the magistrate lhal ll* fattier had not eaten anything sine." Ihe a**au!l. He wa* mic oii.-c lons nt linn-, .-ainu.l Blumenberg, who ls tharged with tin> a?ault np .n I>;ini... wa* In court. Blaaieabeel had preferred rbarge* against Jos.-ph Rosenberg, Aaron SheufeM end Jacob Felnberg. He al-o charged Dante vvi'h assault, bul owing t.i condition h? lind not I.i arrest el, on the affidavit nf Danlo*! son, Blumenberg ssa- ni onie arrested and RM iVId ju default .,! R1.0OU ball. -*> HI DBCIDBS AGAINST THE ALDERMEN. In the suit brough! by John Adamson, a taxpayer, to enjoin the Union Railway Company nnd Ibe .liv from becinnin; operation* under ibe franchise granted tn lt by the Board of Aldermen, mr the ground thal th" grunt waa diega] beeaoae iii" consent of Ihe owners of one-half Hie property was not Recured and an offer of 130,000 i,\- mini her company waa rc fused i.y the city, a demurrer waa catered oa hebel! of the city, .indee Caliea yesterday overruled Ibe demurrer. Ile -aid thal an action could be sustained against tho city on the ground lhal th" Aldermen had wasted the publcTfund* In refusing the oller of Is' Tbe complaint alleged that ihe action ol the Aldermen vms fraudulent and c illusive, and Ibis for th" pui'po-.- of the derlstoa meal be taken as triie. While the local ?nthoritlei need not treat tia* cement a- property still if fraudulently an oRer t<. pas for the ronsenl wa* rejected, I ..- ssa- a watti the eitv's property. The eas* will soon be brought tO trial. a, THE WATER FAMINE OR THK HEIGHTS ENDED. The witter famine, on Brooklyn Height!, Which La? lor ten dors caused prent Inconvenience to the people who live there, xens Viroken at noon yesterdaj l.v a god flow which reached Ihe 1('P fi tor* ol Ihe highest house*. The water Waa muddy and uninviting, hu! Its arrival wns balled with jov. People had Just b" ra;i to de-palr of ever pttfeufl water nenin and at lanai one dweller la a brown-atone mansion In Monroe Mace had put a pump In the basement nf his house. 9 GATHERED ABOUT THK TOWN. Martin Tropp, ,i well-known redden! la the Eastern District, died on Saturday at hi- home. No. ls? North 1'nuHh-st., from pneumonia, lie had i>.. ii sick OIilv a few days. He. wu* In his sixtieth year, nnd wa* for a long time a trust.." of st. Matthew'* German Lutheran Church, In North Ftfth-at., near Driggs-ave. The funeral will take place there Ihi- afternoon. A widow and tlve adult children survive him. The burial will be In Ihe Lutheran Onie t.i y, Middle Villa RB. The fuin ral of the late john Prentice, who died suddenly leal we.-k while visiting at hi- mother'* home ea m.- ll.-lghta, t,.ok place yeaterday afternoon at hi- home, rfo. ito Columbia Height.-. The Rev. Drs. R. s. .-',.ir- and C. B. Brewster coadacted tbe a* rylee a. There were m.uiy weR-kaown realdenla of Ihe city la atteadaace. Tbe Kunai wu* in On ea Wood. The marriage of Edward A. Anderson to Ania Anderaoa waa annulled yeaterday la Ihe s.ipr. me Court. ..ii n." groaad thal lt wa* brought aboul by dures-, the father and brothers of the girl having threatened to shoot Anderson if he did not conaen! le tn-- ceremony. He never lived with hil aile. Th<- Coroner was naked yeeierday to Investigate the cause ol the sudden death of Ellen Duffy, foarteen years old, of .Nu. kTI HIcks-sL, which wa- regarded us sti-plil'.u-. The girl wa- housekeeper for hr father, win, I- *. pur ii. ti from .hi* wife, 'lhere were six oilier children In Ibe fi.tully. Tbe girl wa* taken Ul on Thursday, and Dr. T. L Fogarty found symp toms pointing tc. malpractice. I*, ll. McNulty, who r.-i .-iitlv complained to Ihe Board of Ald-nm-i Ol Ihe lilt uv condition of 1:,' .ai ou the Jay and snit!, v,. line, wlih food reunite, teal to the Aldermen yeaterday a complaint In regard to Ihe- way th- cn- are run, without reference ic. tim, and the comfort of puaaengera. li na- referred te th'- Railroad Committee. OPEEA PROSPECTS El: Io II I ES. A MUTING OF METROPOLITAN bTOCHHOLDERS -?jw.. l'i.ANS TO in V THK net -l A Ilieetitig Of -to< kl.older- ,,f the Metropolitan (ip. ir, llc,u*e company sci- hi ld yeaterday afternoon at :i. dire, tors' room of 1!." Mutual Ll!.- It,-uramo Cnn paiiy, ut Nc -'i- Namaa-at., lo roasMef action In regard lo the foeecloaure sale of ibe company'* prop erty, which win place February 14. ak.,ut thirty of the stockholder* were present, among them l.ei?g Janies A. Reeaevell, Ihe president <.f ihe com pativ ; Henry "Warren, KU nig. I. Gerry, Adrian lsellli, G. li. Haven. K.dss.Kl .ppr, <.ge I'..,l..rf!s Wetmore, Winiam ll. nilliighasl, George Kemp, George K. linker, ll. M.K. Twombly and Hear] cl. vs-. Mr. Gerry pr.--id.-d. The pinn fonaed sc.iue lime ago foe Ihe purchase of tbe hoaoo and its preaervattofl for opera by Henry Warren and others wai proj.1 by Mr. Warren al the nieeUng and wai discussed, Ila detail* have ulready tuen puhll-h.-d. li look* t?. tbe formullon of a new company with a capital <>f ?1,000,000, di vlded into twenty .-hare- of R&0.000 each, lo be held by i?!*out tw.-nty tubacrlber* Ii j- proponed lo r.-ni the opera boase a! a -um raftrlenl tu pav Ihe In tares: on the amount required over Ibe rapllallx.i tlon of RLOtMljOOO lee Ibe pur, I,:,-", for llttin,' up and re..pening Ibe hon-. Uv Ihe terni- ol th. r.-ntul fifty perfonaaacea of opera must he given in h.- coneil of the winter leeson, ami ibe tiockbolden nf the compHiiy iire lo accept hojiee for Ibcse per foriiiaine- in Ibu of ,,n rii. ii- Investment ll at ally time a tie!,! ol 030,000 shall I"' ai a iiaitilat.(I the beana la t>. he -dd again Tbe subscriber* tim far snared un ier n,i- pian are Adrian l*elta, i. rierpont Morgan. J. Hood Wright. Cornelius nnd William K. Yanderi'li', Rebel! and Ogden Ooelet. Luther Keitatae, W. >eward Wet,h. Edward Cooper. Mary Warren. John .Ineoh Astor. II. M.K. Adrian bella, Jr., and William 1). gtoaoc. Tlie-e til leen have taken oi,|y Ihlrleen -har--. Anoth.-r plan w?- peopoaed ni the meeting of yea Bteday hf Henry clew- iu (be lona of a reanhiUon ??that the cha,i' .apj... nt a committee of t|,r.-? to c iii fer personally Ot hf OMIQaaoaalOBce with all the stockholders, with .-, view ,,f -.-, uiing a^ manv as po* albie to Join m the pun hhs. .,r the Metropolitan I >p.-ri. Hun* Comp.nj' propcity and tile .vjoiropolltau lm provement Conipetiv propertv at the auction sale tho 14lh dav of February, providing the committee sue ce<d in securing nt leaei th.ny four atorkfeoMera to rome in. Hen the eoaiailttec lo he autborlaed lo buy th., property for and tn their behalf, provldl lg lt pun haae tan be made at a price n< t lo exceed 11,750, OOO." Thu ie ..ut on vs;,, adopted, .'.nd th** rhalnaaB np polnted . tie committee Henry (lews, J. Pier pout Morgan and Charles The pian proposed bj Mr. R'arren ssa, m,, adopted a* an aliernatlve In case Mr. (lews'* plan should not succeed, and Mr. \\:,i:en wa* appointed claiinaan of a coi mtttee lo carry it oul Mr Clew, and Mr. Warren ss,ii hare a me.-'ing today, and it I- though! pi tatble thal iii" tss,, pian- ssiii in -om.- ssav be harmonized. Thora -('"iii- io !"? a general sc lt! d i nt i lion Hi it th,- Metropolitan Opera House vsin again be used for opera. The various schemes for making k i hotel or a circus or a railwai sin ti on have iweu entirely losl sight "f. .md thc pim- fi* a new i nnpiiny lo cou din! it as an "p rn bouse .. apt t ? ? n< ld nj >n ? The properly lor .'n,s' oilier purpose would noi be hk?ls in ia na minn beyond the value .?! tbe land, ss lui. those vsi.o wj.ii! it for o|* t.i can a il ord t. pu. something more than ih'rt. n the plan- dlscu ed s.--'.-:'las niel successful tile I ->u-.' ss;l| j.i..l..ibis I. di tn.-.-.l of ju-t ii- lt ssa- lo be thi- seal :-. lt will he rein.-d to Abbey, Schoeffel .s (.ran. The plan Of a p'-i-iMie ni i In ii- tra* di-p - d ,,f s.--r. i-das by Mr. Hamilton, the agenl of J. A. Huller, ssh,, dc lared po*,i nv "iv that Mr. Balley had never though! of bu)lng Ihe opera hou e. HOME NEWS. 1'KOMINI.NT ARRIVALS AT I HT HOTELS. ALREMARLE Baron s?n Moiienbecher, ol tue ,..-? man Legation fit. Wasblngion, RREVOORT?Cbarlc* K Perkin*, president <.f th" I hicago, Durllnglon and Quiney Railroad (..inp,ns. Illili vviM'l Senator Nelson vv. Aldrich, of Ilbodi I-:., ri Cot rrees* ra H. Il Po* el Vermont, ind John M Wever, of I'lattaburg, S, T.i Arthur Sews!I, Of Malu.- mi'! K> ri,nani VV Peck, ,'f Chicago. MURRAY HILL Rx-Congrossman H. I Parson*, nf Ohio. RTURTEVART-Uoveriwi Robert J Reynolds and ea.i 101 Benjamin T Rigg*, ,,f Delaware. vu rOIUA-tienera] v. K. Marin, of Boston, and I baric* K Pee*, ol Albany. W1KDSOR?Jdarvin Ilugbllt, al Chicago. --? WHAT is GOING ON TO DAY Kapid Transit CommlmlonerV, Ne- SS William-**., ?2 p. m. i: umi Line pre*lden(s' meeting. C. vv. liardner's case, (curt of Oeneral Bessiona. Knurl of Aldermen, I ly Hall, 1 p. a>. Kullee and c'..ti.ti iii -i"te r-' meeting*. French Cook*' hall, Madison Square <;arden. evening. Protestant Kplsoopal Church Hospital and Dispensary benefit, Palmer's ileaire, afternoon Academy af Mi Heine, ape lal meeting, Ro, ii Weal Forty-Uiird-Bi * p. m.'t Kane Lodge, No. 151, K. .t A. M., Mis,.nie Tempi", g p. m. E. Ridley I Bona' Employes1 IMief Fund enter tainiie'tit. Leno* Lyceum, 8 13 p. m, Annas] meeting NVw.Yerk K.nd- iparten Association, Kla/a Hot 1 :< 80 p ni. NEW-YORK CITY. F.\ ("bambi ri.iln Richard Croker and Corporation Counsel dark will Mari on a nip In Ihe Knuth on I bnrsday. If wa- given oul yesterday lhal Mr. Croki r Iniend- getting bai ls In g i t.> the Inauguration. The Committee on Rule, of Ibe Board ol Aldei sviii meei t,. .1 iv ti. . onxlder Ihe propriety of chai glng Ihe r. gular hour ol meeting fr.un i p. m. on Tut at lo sot.t!..-r h'.ur. The fommlltee on Snlarli i d Offices mel yesterday afternoon and prepared it- ll t ol Commissioner* of Deed*. .vu Ii leresttng mid aitia,'the entertainment will be given In til" Lenox Lyce im, at Ma llsnu ave. and liff. ninth--!.. Ibis evening, f,.r the benefit ..f th" r. ll-f fund of ihe employe* ol K. Ridley rt Sons. The oh Jed I- an excellent one. ami those w.n. mt.?ml (be en tertalnmcnt vsi:i no! only be enjoying Ihe i e fora i 11 bul have tl,.- consciousness lhal ihey ar"' helping ? well-managed mid admirable Institution. The failure of Harri- A Co., memben ol the Con -'lida'.-d stock nmi Petroleam Ext,ge. rs,is an noun* '.I v ? .-'? rday. Ex-Mayor Gran! reappeared In tl).- netghborbood ol the (itv Hall yesterday, having removed hi- olRn from Ko. 43 Exchange Place, where be began busl neaa for himself Ihe day .-itier laming tbe city gov eminent over to Mayor Gilroy, t" No. 261 Broadway. Hire be bu established the office* of the Ra Advertising Company, of which Ut- ba.* became Ihe president. The m.---eng, rs at the Custom HOUtM and the _%p pr:ii-er'- >1.,res have employed Ir.itik Sperry lo g,, lo Washington lo try lo get the President lo make them nub]eel to tbe Civil Service ral..-. They draw Balaric ol 1840 ii year. Cotton price* declined eleven point yesierday, ow inp to fear Hui the Anti-Option Mil would pa ll Senate to-day. Cotton broker here ar" Inclined to believe tbe lull win g,, through thc npper Hons", end are anxious about lt- fate li. Ibe lower one. "Arizona Reader."?Edward S. Blokes waa found .milts- el murder In tbe Ural d"gre,- on bis iii t trial, ai.d wa- sentenced lo be banged. Tbe Cowl of Ap? peal.- granted a second trial. On thi erond trial he wa- found guilty of a lower degree of crime, and served a lena lu Slate Prison. Th" amount ol duty due on goods remaining In itorc ut th- i',,rt ol New-York on November 1. 1802, according to returns completed yi lerday, w, -i-. 023,?'.''.'> H. The open bonds amount to $12,72.-.. The amoanl of good- k -mi t,, be the largesl ever li ld lu .-tore. The good* have been senl ben. In I rgi amount- by foreigners, it, Ibe hop" >.f selling Ibeni. 1! not told they will lo back. I)..minla Coletta, who arrived In Ibe steerage ol I ? French Line steamship La <>a- ogne yesterday, bri ughi a valise full ol gold and liver walche , ll- aid hi wa- going to start a Jewelry store. As bc had not declared them dutiable they ss.r.- seised, bul alli bi released on paymciit of duty. The warmer weather, rain and fog have io reduced Ihe quantity and softened tbe little remaining lee tn such iii thal thc steamer ?'. II. .Northam, ol ih" New-Haven Line, han resumed her trip*, Laving Her No. SO, Eas! River, al n :30 p. m., i ber, lol re A sal.- of painting* by well-k*iown American and European arils!* will br held on Thm las ead Frtdai evenings al the FIR , Avenue Auction Room . No. SM Flftb-ave. The painting ur.- from tbe coTerilon made by Samii"! SibwarlS, and lin Ind" example I'S Rd ward, Leon mid Percy M.nan. Constant Mayer, Ki ink, Lajoa, Dupre, Van Ltemputten and .,:... r-. The Linn.i.nil Society of New York will meet in Ih" American Muaeum of .Natural 111 - ? <. r >? to-morrow even lng to ll-t.ii to addie--.-- by J. A. Allen and I rai,I. M. Cbapmaa. Owing lo the Berfoua nature of hi Hine* . ti,.- Rev, Dr. .1. ll. Worcester, prof. ur ol yale mal lc ibeologj In Cnion Theological Seminary, ba* been ..Mig d lo jive up iii. class work enllrHj for Hie pr. em. Dr. iv,.!, ? i. r li :? ml- to leave Hie elly In a few u..s.s lo .. t u change ol air and surroundings. Colonel James S. Clark on, who bi- be t, confiner] o 1,1- for several das.-- Witt n were i n ,1 and a ?Ugh! i.n.'., li Of ih'iiniat m. vs.a tu ell I III; r ?'?"'I In lealtfa >?-'.-idas, ll- did not n-clve an] vile lining the dav. a- hi pb] I-bm had a hi ,,1 al. ...ii ? lulel. Ile vsi;i proUiLI) he able tu bc oul In a "na-. .1 two. THE HEX El IT FOB MBA BISHOP Tb* benet!! wMeh ss.-,- given ai Daly'. Theatre ye .?rday afternoon for Mis. Eleanor Fletcher RNiop, l,e motbrr ol Washlngl ii Irvli g lil li ip, a alt nd. i ,v a li tv aii'ii" me. ; nd Ihe ri relpi . muled lo bout W.iiOO. Mr. Haly'. compeii? play, i Lord r.? 1111y-?.11'- "The Forester*," whick ssa Hi roughl] ?nj..sad. a- usual. In ad li I lon lo "The I ' ? ter li- Marie Tempest sang two ongs, v Rummer ;|gl *" ...i! ? I he Mg! ll lg ile." I ie nc. p of Hi mm-tit I- mos! gralllylng io Hie many friend ol vii ,I-||, p. \s|e, I- . ' -' y Ol all i i .hu li she i.Ive. V&l Powder Jthso/ute/y Pure A cream of tallai liaising powder. Highest if all in leavening tfreflgtb.? /altti United <tntift fiormniiriit Food Report. ROYAL BAKING lVlWIJKIi, CU., 10C Wall ht., M. Y. Life and Accident Insurance. FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT CK Till LU OF HARTFORD, CONN., January /, 1803* ASSETS, Jaaaary 1. 1892. al ? i.V'i.'t.. 17 1 ??'? ? IA Bill**!*. Premlomi In 1895 t. -- ? Int-? ... i .1 'I ** fremlum* [Aecldenl)., . ,:.,, i ol .,,?.w?, Intel ... I :'-? li ?!?.?'. ?J.'l.v** 1 si.-,uti. lvt0.r*.N iiiMti i:*?i;tii;vi*. H.-vi- i :,???- .. il I Ji ? '? "'? Mai ? ? i nd ???'-. l "'t."!. 'J3 : ? , i'. : ? s rodd r? a, d fol l I f::- -,!. lt ? -,- . .'..-'.., l ?,, i se*, M, di, al I , ?? ,,i a- an I i,,I idler . vp a.- - 309,713 (17 Pis ur nd" nn Kl ? | In Ste ,. I' i' r ? ai . LAOnn 00 ?| ixe* ? 1."' .I'. ".. Ii ni', a"! I'll ii.nits I I niiis (Ai ? uh ni.i .7*1 ol . \|e i, - s R4..TR1.R1T.MR .V-- -,, I) e. SI, 1892, a:',,-I ?? *>::?. 1 I 7.".I 1 .fifi lb ,i i slate iee, ul red by I ? ..-ur" I'.'-'. l'.?i .rt,. ,? nm .' oo ? ' ." ? ,.f It.|,i,-li di** - In. lute - 1 !'"-:? IO id In list .' ???;?? I s Ron :- ?!?!?' s... on sud "Hi' r bto, kl and Ho id*. '-' 'Mi ~!- '?-? , Rai -. -? ..ks . 1 ni;.- ." "i Mat". , i.uiits-, c Ity and r "i- ... ?... i. - ??'.',> ?:.-.,.. - ir, ?! ls lt. -.i i -?.- ?. ,: i, d al ' - l". ? . - "'i 17,882 .'-'7 11 Loan, rn, I , list, : il M ,| kit Valli' - ? I __ ? " :.:'. i" ? ' 1 Loin* <*i r\l-l P, i ? ? ? ? i * hit :, . v .. d- -:t , .? . mi l 2.17 '.:>', H2 tgenl*' Raia IL- . ...,: . LUI KU Asset* Dee. 81 l-'O ste SI7.1 1 7.11 I .flit Inter. ' dui an i a r :. !>? i" Si, 1 ''?-'. HOT 191 N ri. n i-i" - in n lertlon hs, .'" pel ' . 1-'. .174 71 snnual Prill,lum. . " pr ' i L'OU 277 75 ? .'slue ,.f Si rurlU - (.sr ci . -,..'??.,'. ai ',-,v uni. ns Oro** assets Jaa. l. i-'< vt?.,t,7-,..-, i*,.o? 1.1% iii i.un:**. ? . .? and elate awsltmc f'.rl" ? ' Slid ja t ?*? . *.''.- 1 fl ni ins al i ' I' ld. - nm vi .:.?.?'( |., tl la ("ls Ile .'..' '-'' - I ' I md Tri I -, ? ? , i,| i -,f j: irai <fl.<62( I 903.35*00 : ?-? rv* on a m m |*i . ii - . St.3 S.IJ.iiin. i?s in SURPLUS As R| ,v!'.;i- POLICY-HOLDERS "?li.llli "(.O.'Itl.fiy I loree Janna 1 I-'.??**. lti...<l| . I'll" ' -a >' il) ! ,'..s.l ii I-''.' I -urtu . v!*.. 17 i.i ni..nn tl . . : - . IR, J'in.?.-,ii:iu l|OH<;%\ Cal. lil I I.I 111, IV. *.i.l. ni. i. c. vvi ns rr.R. v J. 1. 1 N'.l.l -!! - ,;. vv il I ? li in lt li v tar* 11. u - r i. 'if. s ...'.:.'. v. LL M D , | . . . MUMI ORD v- I;' I '1. i ?: :? '.-I.-: t c.i.O. t . .-s, l I'.LI Xii. Mu - v ? i' ? . ? Black Gooda Department* fSecond Itt,<tv.) Wo arc now cloning oul tho bal* nico of our 23 inch Black Figured silk-;in(!-\\ onl Bengalinea, 91*1*1 mt yard ; formerly S2..J5, Also, ir* imh Black Camera Hair, in Stripes, Figures anti Plaids, ai ?1.00 per yardi re luced from $2.0O. I AMES McCKEERY ft CO., Broadway and lilli St. COLD un.l ii et I'll "tun lend In critical III,,r**r*. H3iRr& Packard V CO RK FILLEOV "KORRECT SHAPE1' SHOES I ll,.- te. I iiiiiI-i ni e and deep lltei.i sunni und . . BOOT SHOP PARK PLACE AND BROADWAY. 1 ri) i ? CH ^PlANOS?^ Grand, L'j ri^ht ond S,| are. CASH, EA5V PAYMENTS, nnd I OK klLNT. i:\cnAMii h. Elegant anil ebaatl design* in rare and t Bi .r*l sao d:.. MOORRATE PRICES. FISCHER PIANO WARDROOMS, 110 Fifth Ave. Cor. 16th St. THOM US i ILIA \ holli, ls ms FRIENDS. III. RI Ll ISKO I'V '.sll,. I I. A .MW HERE *.->'!' |>!M IPPEAR*- I "'POIXTMl XT "! THE i?:e ? 11 x.vrn'*- il li \'.i i. I ? . all iii. : he ii ii ii s. |m li id ia-, .-nils 1" .11 ?le* "i lr in in Kn; ; ?l" i" li* * i u a"! IO il '-,!?. |1U nil 11 ,." ::.!'< 'I U till* I lt! ' ' '? Kl I lill II-.lula.;; Villi il' i'i - ? ... hip I iii 1 -t 111 i num.' ? nut nn lin ' inn r'i flrst i iWn !?, j '.. ; 1, t. a ii . 1(1011 11 1 ? ;? um inp sta . ia "?! ? il ? n**lde lu 1 |i|. r ni Ho r.k. ii lie ? nt ashore i nd j ?Iii" .III ?!. lt . - P| 'I timi le SS. Ill III l.'.S' . il, ' as*., where lu ha. frit 1 il ami re atlvi li ' baggage ssiii. Iii,,, willi Ihe .\ eptli.n of a small uniting. 1 ssa> 1111 j? 1.-?.I "ii ibe < Mu '? "! try I hr .ls:, um', ssjti: ih. 11 ? t ? -111 imi , ,f Mowing up | ? ' ii-n I lou r ol Common*. Ile i lal med lo br j 1 .'.ni..lian iii lien, bal wa ' n I bj the j '"'-I' ".ui'-. I; . enlly ha wt 1* I-.. -? I, and al onre Igaged ||| [,a . , ,. 1 ..... , , rite Irish National | .en gue ira ni od t-. sive Hi "luii 1 n .pun, when ne arrived ber* y.-*ter1* id O'Connor .m. i.-am ilin ss;, io merl lum at the er and tal.. m?, ,,, \,,. ,-,| ,;_,M , ,?,. |.?, __n4 .,., , ' nlj see n ! -I . Ibe |,,, in* ,,[ Ihe league. Sh. \|, iiighlin ss:,, un baud alien il,-' l.t- steamship arrived, ?lr. ' allan a al ked . , d went Li - 'I- nu.i'i .m. Hi i mie lu ii,- ? ? md t abln ul iii ?ali,.|. ai.I lesa , ;, I,,,.,,,, j,,. .|,|p knew svla, tl,. .li i and retie, ni mau ss , 1 nil,,. ronner!* II. 1 I Lowall, an! li.' (OM ii f-'l' ? ,' -?,,.?-i tli.,1 ||c "Hid go 10 thai cit) :i. soon i e lal I. I. Ile ni ? ' 1. : Hu si ea mei al Kn itbamptoti, and bl* liar ssa- ald.d ||, ||,|_ i,, ||1(. |j,1 ,,| ,,., ,,?( ,,(,,, 1 engera a* - lier; Callan.* Callan ssa- eonvli led lu I' "us 1, treat disappointmenl t<> uu mani | emla Iii York Uiat lin.-} could 001 meet him nn I ., urilvjj. 1 HILTON, HUGHES & CO., Bacceei fi to a. X. aReirart ? Ce, SPECIAL SALE, HAND-MADE LINEN LACES, MEDICIS, TORCHON AND CLUNY, 15c 20c, 25c, 30c. and 35c 45-inch Flouncings, EMBROIDERED IN COLORS. Russian Edges and Insertion to Match. Broadway, 4th Avenue, 0th & 10th Sta. LACKS AND EMBROIDERIES. A Kpecinl lol ol ?"?"" pieces of Edgings und Insertions, from 1.1 < rills io AO cent? per yurd* Torchon, >f<*<li*i. Point1 de Paris mikI Normandy Val Laces in all widths. 850 Pieces Black Silk Drapery Nets, 7."> iriits, rf 1.00 nnd $1.35 per yard ; regular price A 1.50 and $2.00. .mo piecen Black silk Trim* minis Lucers 1. ~>. und ('* Incite* widi', al 80 (m'iii-., ?-'."> pen In mik! .?! re ii tri pf'' yard. Demi Flounces 7."> cents, 85 centsand $l*OOper Mild ; special prices, Novelties In White* Cream and IScrn Trimming Laces for evening wear, Duchesse Lace Flounces from 1)10.50 to $80.00 peryard. Point Lace Flounces from $10.00 to rt.<io.OO per >;iid. Duchesse and Poi ni Trimming Laces in all widths. JA3I ES McC R EER V ft CO., Broadway and 11th St. K'jtCt't Tr id' Mark. EMBROIDERED TEA CLOTHS, ETC. Wt lin < i?st r>rriii il tht first importation nf '?', teuton of thttt goods, comprising tray Cloths, Platt and Finger'Howl Doyliet, Ita Clotht and s'rnr/a, ott of ntw and haudtomt Spachtel work letigns, embroidered in silk, plain white, and tliitii uluie ni tombination with jmik, blur, and told. Thi* astortmrnt surpast - iv attractive' teat and artistU i refill nee any previously offertd. Incl nd td among thtst art finger-bowl ami date dopli t and centre-pieces in the ntw round Imiie just coming into popular favor. james mccutcheon & co., the linen store, til Hf st lilt! Street. I*- M^ Vut n.'fl nnd I..V* nf all ? ?-?'?*, l,,nc or -Is tt. -f'.'it Bau, -a'-'.l Um p"t. r. 'ly t.. ul .m. I'm largo nor-; and small men. Suits, sin in s_\"i. Trousers, silo ss. ( >\ rirn.lls, S 10 ld $25. Ulsters, si | tn s_?."i. lirhig buck niial you ilon'l like?the iirrsi sort of guarantee that our lathing is ii hui it ought to l?f. ROGERS, PEET & (JO. Tin;!.!: innni-e, ll'... ' HA A \ SS a ! ll bu.ii:.-. I .i at. HUMPHREYS' Di. ll.i;.|.iit rs*- ??|.i'i iii. * ,:. - emili is- 4.111 cara li] tm ,-.. i-i! il i'd.. '.-"i I' r s.a.. i-i private pr* lice ld !"l mri Ililli) -il - 1*3 t' ll upi. ss I Ul ft.-.I I.S. I. .I.,'e >|, ]|| ;, .,?. ||| , ,_,,. |,,r ,;__ J , ., ... hey ' a ? " ta.'!? (iru_,'v'ir-, punda, ..r redu Ins Uie -ten, Blld '? [tl f' t BIM '. ? ' -I.s.ta-.un IC.'.ur. I.-. ..I III.' M ?l l.t. i ar".. 1'., si I I ??. ir*. ' ii i ? ' ?? Inila n,i'na- . /n i vt .nm*. Worm if ai WY, . . ,-iA I Ti'i-illina. ' I isinj;. Wakel lim - .tr, I ld,,. 11,... a f i : nu .a Adult* .??.{ 7 t ....uh*, m d- It " lillis .i.i *> Si-.ita.luin. . I ' a ' <? . .'J.J II ll.-.Mia. I..-, h , 11'....a ? \. r- nc. . .'J.J ll lls.|.r:>*lll. Ill .-ie- I ? I.-I |.atl,.ll .Vii I "-lim,.. ??cilar r.m.tu! I'.-ikhI* .zr, i Wini.*, loo I'i H.-. |', ri (1- .-tA :| t, lau inuili*. Il "i - .it.-- .'J.*, I -nh Itlt.-ii.i.. -j. .. P.ruptlnaa.-tA .*> Kl., in.nili-i.i. I! . i . - . ,iA li Il' i ? i'i an I .Ita" . .'Ja} !i i inni i h. k. Col! In t... Iiml ... .->:, I) SS |,?,,|,|,,3 I ..11*1. .>j| 7 Kulin. Di*. ,.?.?. .'J3 S \. .,, ll. ll,-..,lui ."I.lill ti I inuit's Ui-iiUii.'... V.'-fl',.' Bet . .-J.1 .s..ii by (rtigalM* ri i?."!' Uumpbreya** Meal v, tn \ 111 \\:;i...ii, -t. N V SPECIFICS. HEARN MR, 24. '** A>D 30 WEST FOIRTEENTH STREET. Blue Diamond Sale. Of Each and Every Offering Advertised Below It May Be Truly Said that It Represents NEW ANO DESIRABLE GOODS IN QUANTITIES. Small Lots Are Not Advertised. Old Goods We Have Not. Ladies' Underwear. Wt never gara lath vain.* as wis are givlnj now. MkIii Gawaa 4 laa*rt|ng*?eawbrli rufllo. Ki-'. k.,1 d tacked yaka?(all niffle, 4'Je. Beaded s..v tura<vei collar md cuff*, ?*?. Cambrli .iowna -.iiid embroidered yoke, tOc. Panel s,,k't ... lac* anil embroider?! Tdc. Cambric?deep Val. oi Toreboa l*''-e, VS'-. \snrth u eeata lo *i 50. Tine. Mciit, i)re..r^ t,, *", oo .splendid Valaa I'ni.el l'n?rr* - Perl t *hii' - ali llua, Ile. r.i nt.-d ant Bonan 'ii i. ..i'i"i v trina*, it--. V -'ill'" I i' k Bad fr..nt i ? at lr tn. Wc High ..el la* ,. ?? and ribbon ran, 40c. worth 19 t.. ~, i tenta. Finer Corset Coyer* ti. MOO.s.ilotidid TBlttl Fine Muslin Neal 'rim. d' With corded band, lull taekad front, He. With "''lil ' ? 'lel'li' T'-el | .Oil. |>?d')H t. lilli 1 _., i.."i,..a ... ...... { ?**? Km? cambrli -lae.' vi.k.'. 13c. sstrth 40 to 75 cent*. Finer <;hen,l-e* to tJ.OO.splendid value Drtatrara turka and emb'd mm* er lace, |4?, Pour nicki ami aide eaiVd mrtio, _;;.?. '1 . ,.?. bea t tig ai i ? ld ? emb'y, i'je. Cambl "",:.?..-- / ... enitl'7 ai.(I in e't.l.K". \ m ' worth io to 80 coat*. I'.:.' r Dram i ? 12.28.*p>tid:d vain.' I.tull. ?' I nilton Flnnnrl Kl .?!' - r I)r ni'rs-ett l.'v trim, 6:).-. Canto Flannel Drawon , .Ute,, n.i l.\tr, .[/!? Canton i mnej D ia er* -heal, 4'.>-. Canton Flannel Night Gowns emb'y trim, 7'.' 1|i.*e?' I muon Flnnnrl Drawer* -beni bi uabrlc r .it*. Rat. I blldrra'a I Flnnnrl Dla ind ran bric r.itri?, 19c. . , I. el Night D 20,-. Hubbard S (bl <?? wi -? iBa aad "-??ks, 44e. CLO01SU HALI OP Solid Silver Table Ware ni ntioiit ro?l ol I h.- .r.i.le inrliil. SOLID BILTBR La*; ? half dorm 5 T'7 ; rat?M '.'''0 Deaaerl .sp .ona half adina IS 79; raia* lsoo T*l half i: n 12 08; *alu?20 00 . ? i ? ? i.n.r oom j* .?.., value ii 00 (.ms- i.i id , each .. ?.* rad i 8 10 (kihi I each l ?..- . ralua * 00 S' -T "ri e. . J ; ., . Vl ... ^ 5 , 1 , .? I a k. ... 2 IQ XJ ..,. 1 Derry Pork* each 70 , s?.. All lilli,.l-ntnel s i igtair.l. Silks. We n?\-er gave siKh \alue aa \rt oro giving __, White Japaoe** Wash .silks, ' llla'k China Silks-21-lrieh. **?? Pansy Stripe Japanese \Vu.-h Silk*. J* nij'k Freii'-h Surahs aeft lln:*h, ~*" mask Satin Dachau* etira finality, ***? Black limeade sflk-22.Jn> li, J~" Black Wida Wease jiens'iiine*, Jr* Colored BaagallaoB?oirtia heavy cord, -' ( hanjeahlo Surah*?all .olors, ***? i baageabla iii.>'i.'i" small*. *? Uro ni" Figured Wit'i. Siiits-27-lneh, JJ* Whit" Chiaaa?delleate colored ilsures, .7" livening Tinted I hlaaa i al Bgote*, JJ"* n-ss Figured lmlia- -li-'iu ami d.irk-32-lnch, 7 IB 73* Ht Ml Mt ?181 rinted Balis Binned Pongee*?waahabl*, Cbaageabla Striped Skirting Taffeta*, Rainbow S|?>t Taffeta*?Mack pi mindi, rwo-tooed Mni"- Balla 'b- . bine*, Black *nd Colored silk Velvet*, illack Silk Velvet)-?24-inch, Extra lino Black Bilk Villa** Ul lath. 2-J8 Notions at the Lowest Prices knosrn for many a day. Dre** Shield*. Colton nod Bilk. Stockinet. Ka. 2, tc. Bilk Tatt, U .poota. M No. >, 6c. Sewing bilk, doien aa. JJ^t Rubber, Sa. i. >,-. Emb'y bim, jg ?__.__, I? Silk, No. J, l'jc. Knitting co. spool ' __._' Blk. faced allk Nu. 3, Ile. LJaca Thrccl, 2t Baal Ilubber, No. 3, lo-:. Baiting Cot., dozen, o*. Other Iteiua of Interest. Done casing, p<:, Gc. Bxding, pc. lue, Belting, pc. Be* Catted- Elaatla. ' ' j^ Darning Wool, ge. bili Elastic, jq. Beat Bceawax, Se. silk Maa Garter*, __*_, sklit Bands, J'j.;. BOM Buttons, gr, i_* I'.vin i)r^*s say*. ldc. Beal H. 1 E, card, i*. sh'.o Button*, grosa, ge. N?aat,t;i do, box, Te, Eat' I'm*? ?oo to paper, se. Stajr nind'e, 3 }-i?, jg, Horn Bon*?7 Inch, 4c. Tape, pkg!,' ic 8 inch. Be. ru""ta Binding, pc, fia, 0 inch, Be, Kid Crin per*, pkga, (?, El, Dre** Bone?9 In. I'.-. Talma***, j^ 10 lu 17c Buck l'.ai, bei, it. Best Cov. Bone, 7 kt 9 Ball Co'tcn, lt_ inch, 184). Collat B.ttons, doi, ta i." 'ir Casing, 4c. Beal BeB Dr-.s Braid... til colon, De, B^.'k D.-e?wm*-kerJ' Braids, 3'i yd pc, 18*. Fan y Balllag aullll, pc, g* Skirt*. velvet beding, 11s, Beal Whai?bon.>a?warranted, 30m *.tr*.p* IM, Corael Bat :-. 5 hook Sa, .>1*ju bte-.;?0 hoon, pi;r. 40, Clinton M. Url Sn fr ty Plus. Net, 1?4c. doz.m.Noa. 2 and 3?5c. ta Crimping Plus. Box of twelve, 8c.; wen a. RADWAY'S PILLS, 1V*:t retetanie, nr.'.d and tell*!'.e. i ?nse pcrf'ct ;...? ? n ????? . aad healthful rec- i lt i -.- ii. -; c|,- , H l ? i | ?' il r., i .i-H ? - mptoim ?nd r. .as. hiv fe -y-t.'ia .:. .'ta. b b..x At I>r\t:c!-fA SPECIAL MENTION * .11 ri ...mir ii i. ml.lillie I lot. me,* rolutn.i, air r> .,I lo llir rrn.lrr* of TIIF I Kill. I > I a. i l.'irnn j I.I r rel. solo, mil b.l.lnr** caa Bo dour br mail stiiI. llir udsrili.rr* sw b I ta perin I ? ul,IT ALWAYS IN ORDER Fountain Pens, MAJORS CEMENT .S THE STRONGEST Sru.l tor prier li*l lo Clinimere M. Drprs, sny* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ll .? llir br?l I'm iiiiide. Slnjor* lt .lishe, t .turin. Maier*! I calli.-r ( rn.nil. _ .llnjor'* lli'.i l.l.|in.l l.lur. J I 1* ' Platt) IR Rt 'J.V. per hollie. . Leacn, | A. Majcr Cement Co. hONtis.nn si, n. v. kum iokhmty. I Buy Gilbert's DRESS LINING I hum Magda COTTON |... ll* ? I"let .111.1 III.*! I all.I I* , aa-.- Muli I. lillis*] , , , In* ill . ?-c* IO |MB| I st III. - un uni; om NELY AGE. 'rouch & Fitzgerald Reliable Trunks and Bags. Hil llr..:i.lsTnr. 701 ?BA,*,. N. Y. THE AMERICAN .?Malty Insurance AND >ecurity Company ll VI I I 'KM.'I . III). AMI'Aril AL l.i.ll.'l. ??. Il.-I.cli ,V III. usart al Man ..???? *, IM iiro.iiinji, aaw'tata. l!l?*lltK*? oainpt i.o-.* on ntt A"i I". A.BISIXQ K!t')\I leam lloilnr K ii>l**iun* UVlistRMhlY A.SULIFR . Ask sour driller for the AUDEMAIR uri.nt ULAaMBB. Thc lt.t.'?l ?t,|.?*. Til.' h.*l nnil , lien pen. I nil.... I. .1 h> Taw HaMparar U|.ii, ut Hrs.Ca*, ld Maiden I..-,,..-. N. V. HOLIDAY BOOKS. LEGGAT BROS. ? Mi: IPKmT BOOK STORE i> nu: wuiti.i). .i?Vi)7 J ".. geo.. UoUda* . ll..... AT YOI*ll PRICK. SS I.Btvl Ma ? ..;. -ni l.?,.. usa and Amen,.,,, ._,." Al' ul K 1'Kii i;. IIS.7S-.. Bibi*., Vmv li' Al' ANY i'l'.I, i; ii. inni iiniiiiui Calal ega* Prto. Bl ? iiiui.lir.-, *>treei, :t.l .1 , r Weat t flu Hall 1 '?"?". ni: iv ton it. !>? I.. now ti-* HEALTH i\iiiti*i:i( I <>i- Hi nm-Wm Uri* anil ?i-ii.-tii.-irr People i tieniie I'.ii i.?d.e*. Youth*, ii.e ,, __--st. ?.. ,, r ^'fTil '????:"I v fJlO-r- .twaw " <'? I' I ? i .< ri^[?3..' iTHAH) siaiik i less -, |, q. lill' , duiabl". con |.rehen-lse. ? ??. Iii'! r-. I : , .t.'.iOO |inv-l'lan- io ,. w rlergy. ineii. .-d t.,r* and othei - now using t >. h.i for ll I'd lur. 40 rag**; n,> el,arne. I'm! I'. I. Dowd, .S'i-,,tl!ic l'hv-t ?! and Vocal culture '' la-l 14tli-t Ness \ '* Cleanfast" BLACK , STOCKINC3. 3 Hf9-% l'beflaanu.i Uo.iorr f? Bill Biiu.tuw.ti. Tribune Almanac. 1893. NOW READY. GREATEST ALMANAC EVER ISSUED BY THE TRIBUNE. 3.10 PAGBaV-M ? r.vr* A d'OPY. Some of the most valuable tables ever printed by The Tribune Almanac appear iu thia number. A map of the World's Fair Grounds is pre? sented, in addition to lull particulars about tho Fair. All the usual statisti? cal and political features, and m.iny of speeial and great importance. Copies can be ordered through amy newsdealer or news company, or pur? chased at the otliee of The Tribune. V THE TRIBUNE1 .? _? a TRIBUNE PUBLICATION* ALL IX PAMPHLET FOE)!. AIM KS AC. IHSa A renll* splendid number. Fir*} nf the tirrill Alumnae* ot. the, market. .I.O pule*. Now rei..Iv. 't't teni* a copy. KNITTlVi; ANO CHOi'HKT. Sew. With inaay pngr* .les ot.-,I lo liou.ehold decorullon nnd in-hloa*. ?J.j rent* n cop,. _ MIII.I.10WIIII>. I eomplrte list of ihe 4.04? mil? lionaire* ol Hie I nile.l Minn, iiml how the? made their moues. Uni, li*t eser compiled. 1 iiliiuhlr to .indent*. c. oiK.iui.i* nnil promoter', ol new ruterprue*. 'J** ceuls a copy, lu Iii xi IC.- dolli, ?1, BBW WW. til ihe nevr?nr*hlps described. srltB illus).inion*, nnd tn. tullin* a 11*1 ot ibe old nary, tu uni mr ms, ct.-. 'J,) crin* ii tOOf, WAH BT0BIBB. 0,er IO mles pf ihe Civil I'alaaaaldllta Inspiring, ihrillluannd pathetic Hoot ot thrill ,, linen tor Tribune chsIi prizes. 'Ji reola. nit; l?MO. The he.l ol lloswell <;. Horr"* arti? cle* in The Weekly Tribune on llieTarill. Fiuauco au? >*ilser. 'i?t cnn*. V 11.1. \ I. K IMI'ltOtCMKNT. -Two ehnrmln? nrll. le* l.v ll. I.. Norlin op. Mir prime moser in thi* work. New \ork i liv men ss ho trawl lo help benuliO ih.'T tnt, us in ihe country should rend Ibl*. .1 .eilis a copy. NOIITIII IEI.I), IBS*. The exercise* there li cent* n cnp>._ 4 MAI Ttl ??l \. IBS*. I'rolu.eW llliislrnled. Tte story ot Ihe *rii*on. 'J.l cents a i op?. Ill KUU WK AT sOllli.-Thnlllirlllina story ????? mid. with Hie "John.lowu Disaster." and Hal \merl, nu lilli* who lune married lille*, in ob* P"" cation.*._ "(lilt 4 Uti NCF.Y." A Tribune premium. **J reaiilnr subscriber lo The Tribune cnn a<"l " *or ' cen... \ delicious piece ol lim. v,rllieii br I***' Itioiulev lo. . t ale uluiimi. r.olusel) illu?uiiir? Heard iiii.I SI'KF.I lll>. The best ol ihe alier-diuner eralery tl Insi winter lu thia eily. Si .eui*. THE TRIBUNE