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vices and the collin avus closed and l*>rne to tho hoariV. Outside fha .house Ihe street was thronged with spectators who reverently doffed their letti ns tin* paB-bcaierS deposited their sacred barden In the hearse and while las atten? dants tempo: iril.i buried it nuder as many towera a* could l>e pleeetl therein. The prseeaslon then star'ed for the church. THE rUXXJUL PRO! ESSIO!* nv its way. In th.- (hst borrlaee wsa the Rev. Dr. Teuala I,. Hamlin, tho officiating clergyman. rben cam? the pall-besrerr; Senator Hale ol Maire. S-imtor Frye cf Maine, Senator Morgan "t Ala? bama, ev-S|?.;iker Reed of Maine, Representative Bsa telle of Maine, IJeereaentative Ititi of Illinois, (formerly Mr Illa,m's Assiatant Secretary of State, Representative Bingham ot Pennsylvania, in which Stat.- Mr. Blaine was lulu. Genet il Thomas Ewiaj, of ohio laeeond cousin ot Mr. B'aineI, John Hay leg Assistant Secretary <d State', Joseph ll Manley ot Augusta, A!iii"i F. Jenka and F. V T. Kl.v. Afterward there followed Hi.- immediate familv of tho dead mun, who entered the carriages as? signed thean in the foBowing order: Mr- Blaine, Miss Harriet Blaine, James <; Blaine, jr., mn the box of this carriage rode Fred Brown, the family butler ; Mrs. Danroocli, Mrs, Emmons HI un.-. Miss Abigail Dodge, Miss Pries iMr. Blaine's nursi- ; H. (i. Maine and family, and Hampton Denman, of Missouri. Frank and Henry Stanwood, and Walter Stinsons Horses stanwood. Augustas Stanwood and his wife, W. Il Hnteh, In t:;c next carriaco were Hrs. Johnson and Hyatt, the attend? ing physicians in Mr. Maine's last Illness. The (listinsuishe,! ?uests followed. The arnagementa weic admirnbly superintended hy W V. Curtis at the request of the family. Tho Presbyterian church of thc Covensnt, where Mr. lllaine waa a pewholder, is a modern edlllcc vtah a lofty, ptetoreaqne atone tower, capped with red UKng. It is at tin- corner ?>( Conneetl cut-ave. and N-st.. apposite th- British Legation. and in the heart of th.- fashionable northwestern eastine of the city. Anticipating a tremendous pressure for admission t<> thc secred edlgee, a squad of police had been anni there early in the moriiitij; to surround the building with a line, an 1 to excl-de all nm specially invited. ?LORAL DECORATIONS ol' THE CHURCH. Thc decorations at the church were rich and effective. The terra-c formed by the pulpit and the rail separating the oigan gallery from the platfoim aft ir.led a harttfronnd for a etriktnrj ma/sing of plants and cit flowers. On the edge of the pulpit cut flowers were rame I in a ribbon ten or twelve lashes in width. 'Ihe blooms com pnsed renes, hip's of the valley, Btaleus, -ii na? tions and hyacinths. Below thia ribbon and liang lnr from it amiss the front ami the curved aides of the pulpit were short festoons of smilax. The baptismal font at the ria lit of the pulpit waa twined with smilax, and bore in its bowl a bunch of lilies, fiver the cut flowers weic foliage plants. A similar ribbon of cut Bowers, Inclu lin- als narcissus and Jonquil*, ran alon- the upper edx* of the rail of tho organ lift. This was matted in ferns and esosjrsgua ^f either end of tia rall, acai'ist the wsB, Stood an immense rubber tree, and sewering over all Immediately behind tho leading tie ah were two Kentiae palms. The front of the ergots was covered with curt.mis ot smibiv. draped from Ibe apex of Hie instrument to thc candelabra on the s*i?lr? walls of the organ loft. This decoration was made under the dir" tion of Mr. Brown, publks gardener. Tin spa'"1 in front of tho pulpit, in which the coffin lay. wat entirely revered with Hie floral emld-ms which ?ccnnipuniel thc body from the hons,.. Thc relatives and psBbearera occupied Hie fii?i eight rows of scats In. the main aisle. Behind them were seated the President, Viee-Prsaident, Cabinet ofiicer'. Speaker Crisp and naembera ol the Supreme Court with their families. Inter mixed with them were Baron Fsva, rican ol th* Diplomatic Corps; sir Julian Pauneefote, Hrifisi Minister; the new Russian Minister. Prince Car, catnzenc; representative* of th- French, Ger man and Spanish lacerations, an 1 nearly all tin Ministers from South and Central Amer! a, a well as many Senators and Representatives in ri'l dilinn to those present at the bouse. Among th Senators were Mcs-rs Sherman, Sawyer, Carey Vooeheea, Morrill, Washburn*, Pelter and Cock roll. Five of the Justioea ot the Supreme Court headed by the venerable Justice Field, arrive, early. Tho others were Justices Gray, Blatch tori Brown and Shires. Chief Justice Fuller jninei them just before the ac*vlcci began. f>n t'ne left of the ehurch wea a delegation fro; the Union League club of New-York compriain the foBowinf: Thomas C. Acton, Cornelius > Miss, M C. I>. Minion, J. Adria noe Bash, Willi .1 Jirookliehl. Thomas H. Wood, Le Grand 1 Cannon, Colonel S. V. H. Ctuger, Thomas 1 (larked Chauncey M. Desew, GrenvilVs M. Di ! ?? Joel H. Erhardt, Sigourney w. Fay, John ll Hinton, Hrayton Ives, Thontsa L Jamet Arwon ii. MeCeek, Whitelaw Ueid; Will lam Q. Ri.Mle, Elihu Boot, Jeaae Seligman, -loin Sloane, William L. Strong and Allied Van Sent >*ood. There were also delegations from th Stat* of Massachusetts end from thc l'ni"i League Club of Philadelphia. Warner Mil lor. Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Cal,ot Lodge au ex-Representative Mark Duniicll, ol Mlnneeoti Were w'it-h these delegations. MR. DAM ROM'll PLAYS AV (HP.AN VOLUNTAR1 It was exactly at 12 o'clock when the solem organ music nnnounccd the nriival of thc funert party at thc door of thc eburcb. As the sud pn cession moved up the aisle Walter Damns ! Mr. Blaine's son-in-law, who aros at the oreel played an improvisation made up of themes < several hymns which Mr. Blame loved. All pre egg) rose and remained standing as the tunori party moved down thc aisle. Dr. Hamlin, thc pastor, walked at the hes of thc mourners, and holding in his hand an op* book containing tho ritual of the Presbyteria worship, read as he advanced selections from tl Scriptures. Behind him esme the li morary pal bearers, two abreast, Senators Dale and Frye, tl representatives of the dead man's State, lcahr the way. The family followed thc body and ton the front seat sn the lett, near the eofhn. When all were seated the organ cease I, and li Hamlin, lining from his phire ni the pulpit, lieu tho church services with the tessUng ol ariecttol from tho Scriptures. The rea lin,: tiinsh-d, pra;i was offered up by Dr. Hamlin. This, which Wi tl*? only approach to n funeral diaeoune thi marked thc ceremonies of the day, was aa fa lows: DR. HAMLIN'S PRATER, Thanks b* unto Thee. Ahmgaty Hod, leal vg fae u>u> u?? ptaaaaea st d-nth "tm seth ?o:d* ot triumph i lh?<. Thanks l>e unto Ties., 0 Lard iotas Chi lat, (h immortal MN I? n- BMSO ? aim ?urmlse, 3 probable spec laU-n. but an esssref t*ct. TSaakS he unto Thee, Holy Spfslt of (kid. Hut Thou hast rsveobal *'< Ibo bsei gpj) mindil of niisi those truthful verities apse whi.-n * rest (when huiron life pas??-th UK- a shailnw, when 01 hopis are ill (rasaratCd std our plans ag pul |a hang ta the presence of the 5:est d-'atroyor. Thank* be u-.lo liol the K*th-r ard tin- Hoe Sad V, Holy Ppiilt tor CnriUian triumph lu Iii- pteoeuss of L ops* grave. We reader Thee in Un* as* rsd ami taloa place aol pretence, o f,od. saw tribute sf gratlSeS* r ?hat Thou SMst Bath* Thy terra it, whoa* srhn are a uaw committing to tue ijsatlae psseo ?.f all Hts Urta*, v Sunk Thee for all thnt BMadOl ssstowaMM wita arfel Thou didst b!c?a lam, fm- ah the lid-llty In . ult-re ni rsnaenu, t In tin- pursuit rf a:; that nakc- t'ie bess Blind atatl *ud true and BtTOag uni BSgbty Ihat matk bis life. We thank Thee for Iii* pairie: j?m, his ?-r? ne jud I eh*nclti? faith lu the Institutions of tho land he lovi We thank 'Hie- for his lervtoa* to hi* waalitj In div- ? ream of j??ri 1 through critical time* ?(? adiir holding bl* confldence In the grea'. piitu !p!>-* linn und-ill" 1 Institution*. Wc thin). Thee for lil* fulfil In 'i'd. I ?sith in leesa Chads*, iii* orecytiaet of mm a* his p aonal Saviour and Hf d-< o-r. We thank Tl.? f ? I broad charity. Ma bnaate** and awttSaeaa of h-ait tl THERE ure 40,000 families in an near *>v? iori* who buv tlio LADIES' HOME JOURNAI More tliini Ton.oon copies sold tliioiiijl out the country monthly in cities an the larder towns. USE POND'S EXTRACT FOB PILES. Mrs. EMMA HlbL, ladawapoilt, lad "I have ?Sered s- Inteateli ri -rn pi I.I > 11*1 I haw wonti I lo .uiiiut nil-Id" nut thanks t' youl i-..i:-,I- I inn i ui-1. '?ind and well, mid sal* Bte* two Vi- nt ''"fl.f '?Mi'- EXTRACT a:.ii -ti- I. \ "f l'i'N.'s EkTKAtT 1X1 .MINT.' lu connect'on with Pond'- r.\tr*ct u? POND'S IX RAC1 OINTMENT foi PILI?- Ven eda iel -ut. AVOID s!|isTI'IMl->. Uenulnr mad - ?a l'a I (trsi t , .... JG I ltth*a\ .. Xi a Voik. on Iv liv \V' Impreaaed till tho* (hut tove nan and acive thank Thee foi ins ttrong bm ally aadei ll* great and -ruablag bereavement* thal rn the** 1**1 jreai hav* fallen ? I-ii lum mid ayon his i: ,11-. ii.,'i. W? lhasa TS -% f i ala fortltud* daring sit these weeki ol waltina, lot his paiteaee sod ic* eeattene>s. uv thanh Thee, i. ni. foi iii thal oar departed brother, through TM gi see, wsi a* SOM and .ltira, a* patriot, j- a M fVSOl ol li- country, ?is haehand uad futh-t la tba beaatlfnl lite -( the bane. Ani un-., arc eetresi Thee, 0 Oed, thal Thy M,fon may iom- apse tim? thal jr- nm-t neaily liereaved, 11-.:? t. thew meeibeia -f i, ? ova aewcboM *ad thone atat kiiidi: l may Ik atrsng ut faith. tru*tlni la i-'si alene, bim whli- there ilii'-s to timm Me ii a -ti'iin "( lympathy from ali |<nts of Un- hind (lad of thc wm ld. SS I'l'V Iii? Uni, i.iring it ?iih giatltade, they may real aol ia lt, tint in ta- pri?i'-ss aympatby of th- son .,t Gad. Wa entreat Tia" that thev may b- SSS* to Ink. aol in:, til" U| U grave, int mn, th,, aaoe beaven*, aol iii wbai they havs lota, hut ut wHat iii- deal oat gaea in's left behind. And wa Thee timi Um fragrant amt proclou* n-morl'- "f this deal liu-liind ont tstber, friend and Uiu-aian, easy Le their --lu e la thi - desolate .md trying days. Wo a.ii tay btes*ns, 0 Lard, our <;?.!. arno the {Executive renartneai ,r tin- Uovrremoat ?:t'i which Tay ?-?rMiiit. wa- m Intimately a--", late I. We roma'- il to Tb** ihe pr-ideal st the ratted stat?, the w-.-i'i-i drat on1 Bli th- lin-ml-i- al the Cabinet With whom our deponed brother ktl.d. Aad w* r-ntrvatihai anon them all In thi? i?bm nt koa* sad lal* ara adaMriiaJoa -f Iheh o?n mortality,,. may rant* a comforting ron?c!ou?ue?? lad aeiea* traal la '.-i and Ute Lord .i.-n- Chrl t. We pray ti. Oat rather, tor tb 'ongi - of the Catted States, la who-e rona Ila foi ? lona Th? nant pirUtlpated and with such larluenee f- i wd. We ea :r--at Jh-> t.-iit every member ,,f ihe Conui s ia be leipHased anew arlen ra- aeed of tra*l In nod, la prcpara l.o-i lot thi- ev-ut thin .-oin'tii al te '?? all, and thal theil work beatefortb sat] be don- nader Ut* raw leo*ao** af their reapaealbillty i. lead under the powei ol io ? ndi,--. iif.-. Wa ssh Thy bte**lo3 apes al ear ?.monwi ilth. We commend lo Theo .-p-aiiu in State in which otu i athel v -i bora set Bm stile thal adopt >i bini and thal ti!,-tli-r i .ail - tn.div In bl* illu-t: lou* -:\i--. and WO pray Thee, that th* rxerutlvc- and i-v.-'.s; ?? ? ot ill commonwealth* nsy be nea of ia,d. thal they niy tra t ?ind -rv- Th.-. We a-k Thy ll.--in:. '? Lo.(I u the people -J Ihe I lad i ui * Ike minion* thal ? ta iii ruI ir tiil-'itA have loved Mai who?s voice aa nam -r them have bea td, who* ? toonveJ aa auiny 'f utera ha> I Po* I, I il who now t at* -p cehl a* In <i sth. Wi entreat Tb - thal i is patrlotUra, I la loftj purpo -.:--;. al tani love for the Inatitntlona ol the lind nu] animate a poop, and may be ? blessed brritag foi every lUzeo ( lb* RepubJii. We '"ha.''I l' Thc- Hi- nations .' ti, ptrth | rill th - hinds ihet hove f-it. lae touch ol hi* hand in Ha great relation* cf diplomacy, and we pray Thea iliai amy cona- ta them ail * nan- profound tm t In Hod, I* people, In ti-' llbeftle* wherewith ii od li nshtng peoph ri?, and in nil tim-e hteaaed gift* (hst pome trow Ulai li tbs nattai that haves sad aerve* the bot I ,.: '.'?? t . .vu-l ?.? a-w Thy ble**ing, 0 Lord, upon ti.:- church We thsnh Thee thai Thy aervaat had part In lt. ?e be giaalag, that ne did oat de-pUe the da; of ?n?dl bing* We thank Th? thal l.e lovid snd ail 1 it In lt* '.nh ley* ead it- plo'-''- - Kui '- worshipped hm and ?at si lins i- .mn.'maia'1--. Wo pta) Thcg that Th"a Wilt -.ant- io thi- church, as Thou taketh f: m ll nae u aii-i'i-i. iii- eonaolatloa of Thy haly aplrtl sad Thia* said inc irate. Ami aaw, deal Lord, a* ? go beac* and lase aa i ia. -s about the apea uia\- aul d po?lt Uiei th ? -? -i - ami pl?'ions dttOt, wilt Thou go ?'tli B? a- ta- la leturu t? th-ir d.sniat- )... Will Thou h- ?iu, "> ai Wilt Thou make F""l Ihe void thal t- la their heort- n <? this many tine* bereaved, tai- sorely aaVrt d bou?ehol have iii- ni,,mi roartort ami atrength and graet s Ji-us i Brill, ,,-ir Lord, sad we beaeerh Thee, oai llcovenl; I'atle l. that IhroUghOUl all the lani and IhrOOgbOBt B th- world, warta rei Ute eye* and heart* ol men ar Pimms at th,- hour toward this place, wherever aay ? ?eadine '<? 'tod the tribute* el thank* f-r Ihe aervli ? ( Jil* ute. wherever lhere ia aorrow lo-day, w? oatreat Thi thal ihv presence may s<Hth.- every ?oirow and lhai lb hope nt Immortality may be in-pir-i afresh In -mtv heart i [ive eui -in-, rttetve aa all halo Ute number ot Ti? ll ar ihiin-i-n,, help oa a* t. Ilvi last we -'mn be read] a any mental to beat Thee ssy, "shu. daughter, lbj woi i-in carin ls flni-in-d, rome bone"; and *o kc h. at la t may tiu-i.. apea the door* -f the s-at ot dod; ond may ? Btei m to lu- lott vet btesaat. (The Lord's Prayer eras then recited by tis pa-tor and ? part of the congregation, and tit benediotloti waa Invoked upon all present, snd a 12:43 the church aervicea cVieed; ihe coffin wa raised ami phtced nine iii .re in tin- hearse, all tis dietingulahed concourse standing as lt waa laira from the ehureb. lt was then jjiitcil that Mrs. Blaine wa- pu among Ihe mourners, a- iud i.u *nppo ? Among go many deeplj veiled ti. i-- ia-r form hm not heretofore been missed, bul lt was now whii i'-;-il t a it. overcome by ^i let, she i a l remain ? l a th., boase. Before the starting "f ihe iunnra proeeseioo from lafayette Square Mts. Blaine ha requested to be left alon- ltd a hw minutes ail Imt dead. The parlor bud been cleared t-r thi purpose, and wlien Mrs. Blaine emerged .sin- mad ber way, supported on the arm-, ol ber - >n on daughter, Mies Haunt, to Ihe room wla?re he htwhend Im<1 died, and there nave way t ? li uricf in utter prostration. Mrs. Hale and othe aymnntbizinq friends followeil her tu thc ilral ebamher, but tlicir friendly ministrations were no avail, and Mrs. Hlaim- was Competed t . ri main iK-liin 1 'lie funeral proeession moved trot the church, I.cadell by u platoon ol pollee, wc* ward out N-st. to Twenty-Ural st.. thence ijorl to Pst., crossiic Hock < rc.-k Into I.rgel iwn. AT oak BILL CEMETERY, Oak Hill Cemetery is a most picturesque burit ground. It is situated nt Ihe summit ol Georgi town Heights? overlooking the natural beauties i the vaBey ol Reek (reek, end almost under ti shades of lieorgetown College. Mr. Blaine's la restiiijr; pince was ehosen by bimsell after ti death of his son Walker, who, ns well as i. dnughter, Mrs. Coppinger, Iles buried near bin lt is sa the eastern part ol thc Cemetery ha way down the terrine un the western hank of tl cp-ck. John Howard Payne, the author i ?' Heine Sweel Hollie,'' whose body was brougl t?i Waehlngton, lies hurled a Utile t.> the south i Mr. Swine. The Bower pieces, so numerous ghat five wsgw were neccssarv to convey them to the cemeter; were arranged ertbdleally hack of thc grave < :i huge snip of canvas Mud and melting sno were everywhere underfoot and temporary plan walks had been placed mar Hie -rave. oM i|,,. the family, friends and official associates of M Blaine stood darin:.' the last ceremony. <>?..? head the sky W8S hidden by leaden el "i'U. With the exception of Mrs. Blaine all the Cami and the relatives wen. there, Behind them stta the President ol the United States, tho pal learers, anembela of the Cabinet, \'i-.> rr.-siii.-i Morton, and many Intimate Monde and politic associate-. Dr. Hamlin read the simple buri service of Ihe Presbyterian ( lids wi followed by a prayer -o followa: wp thaak Thc-, Heavenly i-'ath-r, thal 11 lhase a trust iii ihit-t tee l?st -f earth i? thc am ??( il-iv We tLank Thee that thosn aoleaa ant ?ad Bread*: "D to dii?t, and saaos to s*h*a." ?'?? mil spoken ,,f th- a* w*. lavas* Ttay ronfluting pro*cac* bi this aoaoehoM they rsaara lo their /ad hon.-. Bad booeech Tho* lo sh risil hv Thy liia-c th- void in itu-ir eserts la tho** ad I hem* that arc ret I* fellow. Msy shell trust in Thee iin-huUeu, and th* pic, ions ewBoty sf th, ir departed ti ?.,.- tti-m In th-lr hSBBHBBIS. Jauhl- th-m t- look aw from th- open tomb bato th- n|? n Beaven, ?nd liv I \l?!on of faith niay thev s-c their on- tafe with Th' and whee ether* shan pertain for us tie-se i.i-t oat ce* love, mar th-v have tin- sw-et ??4.irance that llu-y I -with th? Lard. Pergtve cir *m* ami reaelva ea whee ihl* Hie -i Bloao, in'ii the nerleoaiaa sm and teurtty et Hf* Innsrl in Ihs nam- mid t.,r gat BSM ?f least < hil-;, our l^.nl. Then caine the benedifltlon, ami all thal W iinrfal ol Jemea UiUesph- Blaine was cousigu to earth. lae burial was over tineen minutes after t ptuteealon entered the cemetery, at l :30 o'eloe slowly the crowd dispersed. President, (aim Senators, family?all enter-d their -.urn:.'- a i wera drives away?all bul one. Jesse* a Blah (who Ls iunior no longer, stood battue t kfiivo nf Ids lather until Uss mason* iml brick j in the tktfna and tho gravedi-'jjers hid lilied ; tho remaining apace, when alf this was sens plisbed he returned to his home, and the lsst troup of spectators disiersed. FITXEBAL SERVICES IN AEOUSTaV A TRIBUTE PROM Mis XKtOBBOM TO Tit:. M'\n -tvtVsMvN'. Aagasta, Mc. .tan. no. while t!i- la I li^rmr- trew i,. ii i pa, i over fa- body of James <;. Blaine at wash I nu t ..ii tl,I- afternoon n gular lani ra! sen I?- were b*td in (be Congregational Cbareta In thi- city, ao that the people among whom ibe departed Hatesman hegsn bl* i-aieer might atti-t tii-tr regard ("?? Mm a- a assn : i'I " -iirrun- :it l,i- il- alli. il-.liunh va- Ililli. -v-r IjQCO iNT-ntis being present, luehtdtng th- elerey men or Hie (itv. Til- altar Wai driped With Ibe National .'.lor-, and in fronl of lt wei ptaeed a large portrait -.f the geed .talesman, urila ? Mach nournlni i a. i.-i-uni. relieved by smUax entwined abent 'He portrait. The I,lame i.iuulv pee "a-, hung wi"' ?oral emblem*, evergreen* mil white roars. Alter th- regular aervlee* speerhei were mai- bj i. W. Bradbury, " l?. Baker and M. m. Heath, rho r-rnari.s etea Rt tn; r Bradhary wera doubly impre tire. ll- !s pow l.lii-ty un.- \ .nd, atl'l (V ll. Il lu: spoke er ?!,,. M;r.. .,f ivivid-tt.e, hv wi,iib ? man of Mr. Ulalu-'- age, when nt th- renlth nf hi- posdbtlliie*, -1,'iuM be tai.-ii. mill tim-- advanced in ape snd ol litti- Bsefulnea* be i-f. th- -? ene wei very atteetlnf. Mr. i. al., r delivered a poNshed ml ratssleBl addie**. Mr. Heath'* reworks were niiitln.s-1 to th- Hf- or Mr. Liam- a- aeen Iv Iii- fri'ade and B*dghbara lu this ,it\. .iu-t before ih- elrae of th- enders Joseph A. Iloman, an old neighbor ami Mend 'f Mr. Blaine, presented th- tallowingresoiatloa*, wblrh nereedopted Ly a rising role nf th- lari." audience: Reaolvi I. That. ,1 Bf B? ???' ? the, Bane and hUB* of I,...- i. r..ain- in tin- leeard of even Arnerleaa rlUzra, u, ,... who levlrurly m.him bim here io-d*y. hi- fellow. i,, iinil 'i h/hher*, Iii - :?:? d, pWirlaa*. and ? I,,, toad t ii - :? -! ow heart* i- thal here, where Hie Ulnttrioot eora ol hi- lg* wea brgaa, whet iii- rhlldrea wi- born and a urtu red, whew ail the ansi atrrvd a?*o. rlatlon* "f ia- Ht* ai- reatred, ind hi- j-> - and -< rows, pul ii- in pt Irate, a re rejoin d rn tod -vmpnthi/ I vu:, that i. la Um rlty of bi* sdoptloa sad awe, bb ?i.-rtal r nuiiis should BKM Had Hi-if last rOStlB I piece. Reaalred, That whtM rteMirw rcaacetfui aeeuleaeeau te the wiahe* ind tm nt toa* -f Mr. Blaine"* fanllr, ahosM ll. v 'i-id.berwlo*. '.hi- e*pre**Boa sf o-ir d Mr* ba aft ??'-v roumani ited i- then '"? raesidera timi bv tl-' oflierr* Of lins ni?Un-, and mad- a part ni lu r.'v-rd. ? ?? MR. I'd.UNI S WILL [T WILL BE PROB VTKD i\ tCCITBTa BI? EST ATI Bttl IMATI I) AT 1*00,000. Washington, .hui. :;o The will ul Mr Blaine will he probated In Augusta, Me, which \\.w his legal resiil.-it.". The disposition I" makes ul hts property I* rharaetetistie ii the confidence he alway* reposed In his wir.> ami which was euell i r.otlreahl ? feature ol thc famil) relation. Kvery thing i- 1< it iinii's'i ? -div tu Mrs Blaine, Sh.- ii tn be sole executrix ami is not required to give any iHind. Mr. lu,liip-'s estate, ueeoi ling lo t'.atimate ol .' mau whian relation* with bim enable hun to speak with -"in" tm---, will amount to eboiii sisii'1,11.111 ii In composed ol improved real estati in Washington ami in Maine, and of Coal and (in? lier I,ii.d- iii West Vu _?,ma and other States, and -mall holdings o propertj Mi Blaine*. expenses, especially In late yeera, have i-su, verj ?'-;i'a, anil had he devoted hie lime and enerto i( I lie devi l"|.i.i--ni ni lu- property the valuation ol his estate would prol.nblj have been double what it i- Til- coal an I limber lands aro likely li tnerenae in vali.e i theil rctvuirjea ar. developed sn thet '.'.i-n th- lime come* i-t a division ol the property Buang the remaining children t!i estate "ill doubtless amount lo considerable non than at t resent. There ure but three children now living1?Mr* I?imn -i-h. M,-* Harriot an! lames Ii Blain**? bni Mrs. Ulai. ir- for th- children ni Mr- < oppin :-r, li-r eldee! daughter, vbo died three reen ago. The will we* executed ? eral week* since al :it.out ti,- inn.- \lr. ''.:. ??? i- (???i.'.-il with tl first perkin* he:?n failure which ennouncel Irs ri; i-i ipprouch ot th- end ACTION OF NH. 1.1 l'l 1.1 1", si APPROPKI ITK MINI il. Al."l'l ll) WARS :?:; > i i yon 1 lit n \i> Ll lill ll Many expre-edui of -i r iw oi ? r the death lame ll. Ulallie were utfi n t la*t ? rei lng si -p.- lal meeting (il lb.- K'-.ii'-ii'.in i lui.. John sabin smith, pi.-id. nt ol th- .lui-, made I brief -p- - In wi.i, a ||,. e.\plained that ti-,- meeting had :?? ..iii-,i ->r M.- sp-, ia! porpo-e .r tai. 1:1 ? eppriprlal :. i g the di iib ol Mr. Blain >. Ho Lhi appoint cd :i . uiTiiitt.i ?? ni ? ? ' f l.'.w ltd I I Mill ll, .'a III ? . Ii \ i "-na:.. . . Iud_?? ". 11 tm -'. - and ficncrnl li M. Iledgi . ii"], iluil i,-, la put, were as foUiw* ?| ie i: ..-. Hub of lb- i li f Nev fol . ? -I- lal n.- ? ? I--, n.i.i. ?: . ? ? .;.. taara] ? ? I ? th ? !". o- ,.. ? IttlllUt ? I I,- .;.; ,d BpOO ll ??' Of J ai a li Bl line ? Hi t-,. _?;?., da] . ? .i , , ,,i i In Uh Cit] \\ .-h.- ion i - '-'.,. i ? i ll . di i bi! ' ? ? ? n I.' the moat hrillUnl ? ? i ? ? i t<a< .' bl-tor* i U ?? i n i I biol ii ??? e to Ita i . Uti* -ii. a Ml v I"- ? lt* f il HI ?? ? ll ?? a ;.- I ? I". | || -I.? ? ?? i.?-- I-adi i At ? - h a us ? ? -;. ii [rave lt I* ntl ? ' Itt . NH - . dow wj- other n *n n I 1 ?.-1 ?', '.,.-? ?? unj i*l polltii tl atti k?. ll-- * a the obi. al adv neale ol UK XtVth \ wrada nut th* i -n-tani..,n of .h- i oiled -tai. irbli:. aoaghl a.n ? ih- : ii- i - lu -? - ure the i ifni ol ? u hip t , t ..-.. mm Ile ibe lorri.t |>ioie<tlonlal ..f bi Ile -.. lo Ita.intiy ? in rta f.,:-> irad ? i roane ->. ? r -.- ? 11 -t n ?-if make hhs laanort* ?I - areal genia* ledi ita Inpte** apan ooi f.,-. m i ..??.. ? nd I.-- lame sa Seri isrj ? f SM .i ? ht i rendered I i agure, lo ibu aarld at larg*, r.l ,,; ? i- and lofty Inielleri, a tea ly debater, a pe ?uaal ui iiot sad * ? ??.-..,. atom r, be eati i d the bal In -' ?' ? chvmplon -( arbon j-h- pm'., i Iphl ari h- proud la gra?p of affair*, la Un otb -f \ aa an tateni -f osileeh, he sa* Uti f-t-n-st American tts'* .i "I III* lilli. ? .N" Mil n an aBV< ll ut) i ... .,, Uta i ao ie m Ihe bealla "l th | ? o| li Ile i "longed i. *ei ilea 11 si ile. Illa sdnlre sere found ia si ry party, il:- death la tell hs ;, \ Donal ralantt] ThU < lui, atlat u Um anivereal i i :? s .,,, , ,,: aorros and coaveya i" h.s at richea tann Ita i ? aftfell -?. a.pail-y. inn: a.iiin- sri were made i.\ i;. T. Bani it, M li.r ? l.nie. nils h. Robert*, (,.. K. ( liarl. s n. Murray, J..-ph M. n-n. I. w i. );,, v.i-u, Joh E. Bedgea ami Wlllliu.i Leary, Miss s\ MOOBB suI.I. If/.s.s/.vr;. It wa* announced reMerday thu tn- reword f Information lending lo the dlarovery i,f Mis, bail Moore hud been Inereased lo gSOO. Miss Moors Ibe young wobma from Kentucky who di appeeri in\ si. rh.u-Iv in I.loud daylshl after being teni fr? ill- luu.if her tister, Mr,. \v. \v. i wn-n, Ko, li Weat (iii-liundr-l and Milrd -i , nu nu errand ta drygood.s atora In Tweoty-thlfdat. Ber r-lniiv have eerrbed tnt ber In vain, sod Ihe poMre ha not been obi le |ri any ince of her. iMperlnlende Byrne i IneBned lo believe that -he luis bidden li? ll -niii-uli. r- iii iii- .Itv. mid will "lum ti, h fii-iai. when sha get* ready, il- miM ye*tc,ras ?Tin- -iii', li did not apea and tWalaOV h-i, anil ll nut probable ihsl a fall-grown woman cosht ha leen abducted in a rrowd .1 imrt el Ihe .liv In ga ggbl. Hu- I- one ol lin"-,- atrange -a--.. ,,f win .several Iinv. coate lo the notice ,f th- ponce, n innii'.t be explained until thc mlsalng persm rei un The person* geiiernllj do rei nm, anoner or int-r." Mr*. Cornell, however. I- (earful that lier -isl is being detained somewhere again*! her aili. FATAL LXI'l.OSlOX f.V A tIMMWOMEB FACTOR dmiimaii. .i:in. .".o. \ terrible raplosh.eearr "iis morning al the Dlehl fl re works plant in ]>adit a suburhen village cleves mil. - from this elly, T ehergtsg boase \\a- rompietely ahottered, mid htaxt Umber* shut inin ihe air, Betting Dre te the tsrr. lui; building lletirv Horn-, ag <l eighteen, was -lan'iv Ulled, mid '(.us' derwin, lwrnty*fonr, a fatally Injured. The cease of Ihe eiptoatoe is r known. The work* nr- ow.I hy the CtHiaotMat Ure Works Company of Storth Anterlra, of N*w-Ya Fifty per ..a, w.-r, employed st Ihe ptsnt. The t deportment iiirreeSed In beeping th- Mr- fruin t powder maeaatae, and tims prevented motlier . plosion. t In I arti Pa. kira 0/ ll-- lat,-i . iijar. tl-, Old I>.Inioa. "Huny adi" Waters. parnrrupin h.v. redoBtly appeared in ?arne newspaper* bera stating iiiat a Bow* Tort timi ot mineral troter dealers nr?- the p.*,,**, ii, Am-rlea of the Buoyed] Waters of Itu lu Pest, and n-p-ctlvelv BOW Bleats In the t' stat-s for the hunou* Baayadt hprlaga of Hungary. These stetenteat* are Ai>-?i.t'TEt.Y fnl-e, and tit- leteatten wtth srhteh they aro Bawds ls otrvtoea. Before any llunvadl ITater nea praetlcaltf knows la the tn t-.i mates, tu- Apollinaris Company, Limited, al London, arldelj sad Baree tfullj I ilrodo d the llunyadl Janos Water, tie Proprh lot In Badi Peal of Hie Rprlnp having rirtTttsted tn them, lot a term o' reen *.tm naexplred. Ihe sole sal- of this water la Entrain-, mid In all transaiirina pierre. HunTadi Jase* afoter hartog be? ctric eery n-pnliir. eulie * nambcr nf other Waters rn- now off-red for iii", under Mated, of which tin- worri llunvadl form* patt, ami lr. bottle*, and arith label*, rtosetj resembling In BBpearanee ind i-ahst those long used for Hiitivndl .tin-- Water. Til- wert 'llunyadl" having breasie a penc.r time far llungnrhin Bitter Waters, gnet, had, or ladlltereht. The Apollinaris cumpinv :iffi\ed tu ihe bottlaa o' Bunted! Janos, the llnngartart Bitter Watei of which (hey have -tilt Wv sn!- mle, a -trill Y-llow Label with their Red Dteatond, the ohjeel of (lils Trade Marl; '-Inc ONLY in Ind'ea-- to f,,.- l>;t tl- t'-il Hi- '."t'l- sn ll'.-lli I is i-eld hj The ApnUlnsrl* Compeer, Limited. Consu'ii-r- e 'n. desire lo Beeure 'li- Hun girl-iu Wtti-r Wal-: tild h' I"-"' ApdRimrhl C'linpinv. are i :- - ??? lhal iii- bottle hesta ".i" Red lnim-eid ail :V- ar* cauitensd again*! *nrh Bbsnlnleli false stato m- n's it; these contradicted herein r ii aim.!"- (1BAKF ??'. "'?.. 32, Beavei -t.. nv w-York, gnle Arent* tn Ihe I 'Bili <i Bi l '? "!"t Cansde ol Tiie Aaotttnert-t Company. Limited, i/mden. mi:, rn lu's rou lay .iv dui:. lill'. MINI-1 li: PO UKHMANY NOMINATED 1,1 jovi i.n i; wri.'is 'in >i i 'iii ni- :. '.'. iii I'l'M, i il I v ': m. NBW ji:i;-l v i PKT OF I RROIIS ?XU vlTLALS vi-'iiM.'.l \ .-? \ r TIM S l'"V mv th i '.ii.M'.i io m.-.'. I i ' ??-. .1 in. 1 :'. .. -in.-r Welt .:?'?'! Il nu - bail pl a mt ? ovation b nil lit bj rndlng ' i ' 3, nat ? the nomination rd William Wall >r I'li-lp-. ni present I'nlted stab " rr ti tit rmsiiy, li bo i i.av Judge >.f ii- I'ourt 'f Brnu and \pp-nl* li place of Judge Jonathnn s, wi-itt iU-r. wli ? t.-rm i about tn extilr-. Tbl* nomination wa rntlrelj un I roi et for. *n I i.n ... . .uni i-f li- hr ' ? la ? ai' it- ;i m ,. h pi..i .. flown ia Wi ri Int n rm i i rep rtei t tal I ?? ti al wor i fr ii i Mi I help* I pilfylni ?m. ??? ti:, pi thc nominal 11;.\. i. -a aettlcd i nil a dozen i >nt< lu .,n- ?- i ' nt il, Hie m?*| notnbl f Hiern bj rm pp 'lui (hg I lu,i'. Il Wi! field a ! I* Iltur ur Ihe l'1-l- ll ld,: a i imnM. Mr, V, Intleld wn> bltterlj opp ???? bj H.- I.ill..' I us at ii Iii, and th. lr iii- ??;?! . wli > hm : ;. a Hui liovernnr Wert* would i?- p. r-aa.i.-.i i turn I.Itu dowe. l\ r- pp i Ibu ll yard .--: - :.t-,i n i ? liar of the I leu* in Men ? r ountj . raor pul*: an end lo another hup -.nt- I M . ha i- :i i.-",i l' "ti for n monti or mort*, siorhtoii' pp.-.. ;.t. .- irani I lt, Mair, id rrenloii, ? :\ ina:.-, i '.-I lawyer ail tv., I)-ai.,-;.,;!, ,u i.ini/ i ?niu- for tl i I ? I ta.ri inor km a n-> goo boa ever, f-i rem , . and ref ii ? '? i d. H. '? \--m.,r Wi ris Blade al .i lbs f llowlng nomliui Hore foil u bi len ol Bud* ai ' ounty, Jame. I l..:\. rt \ : I..-. Judge ni Ihe C nnmou Pitas Court i '? rn t'ouiily, .ia ms r.. (HU: Law Jud-; -I Iii . i lea i ni of Mont- i mini r, fran i m . f the l La. ..f - : >x (ouiily, i ? rt * Inn n I.-iv Judge >.f Mern County, i harli Hardin. I.i'a Judgi ol Ihe Comm n Ilea i ?nri . lb i r'. ii < uni v. lame* M \ sn Valen ; La* ?', ? i -Mini"!! II. a- I "ai t. of Mom lotllll i lilli j tri blfraW v. 11 Iga : The senate aa* In *e lon only n few minot** I* ?ii, ol ? v members were in a hui rj t . ? lo Ni ?? Vorh ' ? stii <i ihe i ?'?! (Ju ir l I- ill, an lot-ret t- I hi ?? nomination* were n<H act d oil. A eXOriitlvi lon "ill j.r..lal,Iv be Ii- ld tu murro* ?? hi . the Bppntntmi nt , lt I* ll sig it, ?ill all bc i n Si med. rbi bill lo deprive M.\.,r Wan ? . ol Jersey < lt .f Hie power "f app int H.- ii i ?? :p --.-i "i ? ii : mi al-i from thc liovemot ;???.-? - int.a Mal ' i" i.? ii ? thai i in vernor Wert* Inlcu'.-I t velo I.- nm ire, ind thought ll bettei lo tri ll ?-Ul li ii :, again. I herc wu tn lt .n- ippntutnici - Iliid.son ring | Ut ? it ? i ? . i nnie i hen '-: lo-uaj nial i ai m, lioveninr ii a vein m.?. ready t>. ?? i' i ? ? ? luiuiv, UH mc thi- I'll. They lield a I,arm.I conference, un Hu. re .iib w ,- a r-s'-iuii. n ? . va.Uti ii ?-. ? ,. ; n, ?v|il< thc i ? il laturs ? loptel. Hull. I ni; HU. .1 I III I I h i l li;. M.llt"! a.ll TIIE IM ?? KIVI ll TOOK i il vi; :; o I ur. V vs ll iTTAN LAST M..ll 1. 1 ill. iiir.i croat Am. in oi itAtii d Th ? a enbi ra td the M i I iU ia ithletl I ib h.ix.- n v-t atria u| hope -f : ti mil- iheli lund.luuh-uu lu Nedleanave, laguriiMal member* -i Um 'inti aa iu-t sight that they I"" mill lin .iv root aced lhal tvei thiiiu' soul 1 <? /I ail ik..t. I h Hoard ... lion no v\ .- - ind Mean ? ? ? ?? mitti ? . eb aa ii Mem, th- i n-ii-v. ami ti-' I--?'?-?'? tndteo belt a apeel i, 11 ? a ? leal m.'.i' ll. Wayo and Mvana Coniailtt. ? -ni i.I of Ilea ird Mi Lesa, ( M. M i*? i I srb?, r n I- . i.i, w w. Bryan, Boderli h I rtBiltb and Albi'il Inn;-. (libel naim-s Hill lie el'l-1 Uti* ? ' ' ar' ? ai.- t. i -. ..-iiiiL' * iii I <? held ?-. m. I ml every effort aili Im naoV la posh matter* tl hm uni thg " iit-inpiai'-d rhaaajra sr* eompl l <i. Ur. '.h,u I-una! rhsrg* -t Ute properlj laat Bight Adiian laeUa, M ? and C<Hui.ia U'Douiell |a.-lin, irnst. ,-s ,,r ii,,, nrsi Biortgege bond* ot the Manbatt Ati.l-ti.- i lui., inn- begaa aa action bi the buprri C mt. t" im-.. p,s,. ti,,, a ortgagt if StOO.000 -n the -lu imus... 'in. ronplalnt >>?- sm,,ia i, baturday sud Ol BCVOral J'.ilvli.- nt ?: iii' |. aa', otters irho ? Mei bavc Bee* ae Ihe j:,.-uv ai btoagM ia a- d-f-n nut-. xii" BaSrtgSg* "Us -la M iv '..'.', Is.s'i. t, ??. i khi i, als of ai ,000 -ah which *fiw mad- payable M SS, 1WUT. TSe trust d-.d provided tliat lt ii [ ri?-:. shm b.a* le ai rear* f..r thirty day?, Um truUeo* roi -I-. t that ul 1 tu., pru--ipal mel int. i--t -houi i thereup> ba du- Ti- lateteai ha* aol been poid alnce thu fall ISSI, omi there I- mer 034,000 dm Tin truvteca ha elected t? foreelcaa the Bwrtgag* at Sm r?que*J ot soldi i-f about one-third -f the i... *i - rh-j a** rut .. sp... receivBi lei Ihe ptaperty under lae mot iga re, Regardlag ihe hiret bmieg of the mo i rage, c, . Haswell -alii --|t la ju-t abai ac * sn ted, tad M ? not iBterfert lia any ??y willi mir 1 plan*. V jr.. ail right, tad lac dtusUau la -till eu uuugli \v- rae got easther msrtgagc at a better rate.'1 Pr sal risa t (aesrs* w. i in la -i ii h Him believe t in t fntur- arelfhra -f Uta club. K*,-hiecrctary (. t. Ilugt sahl tiiut the forecjeture .-i tbs avortsag* "??- i ihiiik'. "1" ," -nd ti-. ? ??>? na.- besa affeied a t'.oo.i Basrtgag* at tu.- i?-r .1111, willi- tbs mt- ,,r latctest tin- laeUa Bvsrtgage i- ala pst cen*." n'O.V A BLT HY KILLI SQ BIMBEL*. Rene, Nev., len. 30. litter! Hoffman, seed twee mr?. shot lilms-if lu the -ionia, u last night, Infllctl a patiii winni, lie went Into a e*tuc>r shop .md ; tn- herher per Kl that he would hill hi s-lf thal nliMit. Th- I., I waa ai i il.teil, tl,,, mn, put up. ami Hoffman went home ant woe the h He mus n-iili-i drunh nor apparvntlj nosy. ISM*lili:\Ts AQAlSirt POTTER UJCBT sr.wi Hoot ob, .inn. :;(>.- Mi the I'nlted Mate* t In-all Co to-day, after bearing long argnment* on i|ue>tl<m* lau in the rs*e, Judge Putnam iud l lhal Ihe In-JI in-nt Bgain?t Aaa P. Potter, pi- ideal ut the ba rupt Maverteh UaiiU, lor Ibe til-,.rtlflratloti 11-- hs must stimil. sri.1.1sn TRoi ii\a stix h ir LEXIXfiTOX. Lexlagton, Kt.. lee. M (Bpeetil). Tr Hiing ?. tironto-lit ps vulu- g| tin- Pi Uer alis !:ra-h. ht aohj h BS-dsy, thi. was til- tn-t diiy -.f Mi- refUlar -in? sure, waly lieud hrasglit 930.813, au average gena, Petlewfai ere best prleea: Ashley, h. e. :;. Vetteaa, dam hy Memhrtae boy, .t, r. Bchueheitu Ktciitiioid. f-j.i'i.11: Vail .h. 'j:ji,ii i, jj, hy otana dam hy UemhestoBlan, IO, Wiaadtetrh i uni. -,.; ? - Hon. Kv.. 911,200; |;?i,n!t. MltliegM, ?_ la t ??_?. botreri MeOlVgur, ly I!.-, 'iistrm hui, BenlSI M. Kenny, Lexington, M..00. HWHISKEY" DROPS AGAIN. RUMORS THAT Till: ["RUST IS IN ITOtTBlA. RAPID ri.TVTtVTl NS OM Till". BTOCI ( HAN .!. LESS TM.K OF ' PPOStTIOJI Bf iviii pt \ -i. KT 'I'll l-l ER8. Won Street received a aol her objeet lessan In manipulation y pertinent t" th rrday, and Hu ?tn audition of un Saturday .tock M.. of Hie ex? pel illative "lambs" who pat their ,,...:., |n - v.-.'? -:.,-? ?? ran be Bgured by hundred* of thousand* nt dollars. Nm oil ol ihe losers, hoer, ever, ran properlj be called "lamb*." tor several of ul,, vrcre ?horn were, to follow oul the Ogtrre, : the olde | and si r-woY-t " sheep" In the it is scarcely a month -in? the ??win-Key ' declared .. dividend from li- earnings ol d per emt. it: -vite of this fact the report wes put In cir dilation reaterdoy lhal the Distilling snd Cattle Feed ink' i oaipunj wa In dir- dlatrr**, BBd there wen-even rumors ot an application to be made lo the courts tor Mu- appointment ur a receiver, lt are* said that the trust had aroulred sa. ii I large stock ol spirits and had apent ?o much money In purehsslng its ave new distilleries, Hut n luiii n rd up Ihe ceeh os nend, lu eluding nearly t>J,S3O,000 in rebate ftitui- held u>r i.nvei-. and rrraiod i Boating debt rn addition of over 0700,000. la i on--i|i:-nie of thia affair*, io ll wa* reported, the directors suspended payment of dividends and announced that ihs art (on was leben for the purpose ol masing good th- rebate fund, which I- praetli illy a trust fund for the lien-tit ,,r the euatemara of the eorparatloo mid f. ir disci ur .-in. t" Hi a lng debt. When the dividend ?.vas declared lour weeks ago the official ttaiemenl sat made that lae company held In Ita Uensnry .f i.iii n.iiiri) in rash. Tito di ?? paiiej between these two atetements was m.: one that could l? rxplaJned sway by the brief disclaimer l *ued by tl- olHcer* in Ihe form of a cir .ular to the -?( dil n'der- of the torporaUon, and when the fitorh Barbi nge opened yesterday lhere tnt n. ra h in tell. The oiii'lal ngura given for Ute open? ing as* 4t, bul Mic excitement wa* <?> great, ami the collapse of the slorh so complete, that -al's were mate a- low a- 38 ali.t at the team In-'ant. Tim cl.n eaturdej waa iv. After Mic Brat Hurry i,l-l-. . ie avered aornewlnt, and up to noon Nuetnsted between ii null 43. in the afternoon the range was f.-iT.n mi- ;, |2. Ihe rlo-lng Uguie. I'.- total salea amounted to 113,100 .'mr.--. Within Ihe pre i nt month the ? --ll above iMJ, end it i- com monly reported In Wall c'treel that S. V. White, who i- thought lo i n\- been ? lnrzc puretawer, acquired hi holding* .1 an average of ?':>? Al what H?ro ho di-p-.-i! ur them i- not known. James lt, Keene, wiso i lid lu have been a heavier buyer even thea Hr, While, I though! t-. have got int of lu- Uotdiiigii ! i ? ?? '. -.- i triter, before pin-- i ni taken their lin. i downward Jump. There were rumor* et Hie ? ii- yesterday thal an thor "pool" bag bees formed in (i r - pr i e ? up aga n. I b-cllng In Wall Stree! spins! (he marri'cm rt ? 'I ? w hi ki y Tm I I detl le 'Iv Mtier, and tall; . ? ,-lved -r the ii. -'r.t Hitv ol taking Ihe I-!. from Hu li ? nf ta- Stock Rxebanae. -V pell lion ma ki::;- a rco,ue?it for *uch edi hi by iii ? govniiTbg ? ..i-iTiiiti.. ,,r ii,, Exchange wa* placed In rtrTUlatlon" Unie ii.:", hut did not tlu-n meet general ravor. IVrhnpa a more general r.-apon*c coald l- obtslttel aow. Ac!lon In .1.n. toward an lutes'Ualm ol Hi compuii) alfi lr* by ? committee ol Ute I'nlted ?Males Confrre** i.a- alreadj b -n taken In Washing ti.n. ll lia- I ?n ojgKCNted, however, Unit the -p-c ?dative \--.i:,r-s .f the otheri ruber limn tb" man cut I.; the corporation deserves ta- closer ;it lentil n. Regarding ibe report< .- an appllcalloa for ? r - Celvei hip, i man v.'li versed in the affairs ot the .-?nipan;. lbj Ja IcrdllJ that I.l-l- V,a- liol Ih" slight esl po altdllty I -m li a thing. Itu declared thal tin concern wo* perfcctlj advent, and -,t...?l reedy at Bli tim- lo pay li relml.1, - .?, lost a- I bl v ?? I! ?:?- . I rebate i- ni thc rate -i 7 i rat* a illiill, and i- | aral I- at Hie end of -i\ molt'.- t> ??li i u tomi '...?ni: .1 -pint .ll i*l . K these | lila ii allow I.tai thej luive lint Blue* tr.un ..mer I ball Me? ls .ri i|.ru i." ie amount ..( ut-lamil-,' at lime* I- -aid t" reach d-i,..-it-d in ibo Kerman nt., and -ii- of th ? <? un [hat lt 1- i.o' kip' lu titl-t nip an-.. where Hi ? . li c.s eu, ("'.(mn. rub in Aim ia. an lt ? HU. ul I'.-,m. plaint - iii thc i oil tum ra I ' un v. .' ^ ni . iru : ' certified to. i action nt" on Saturday In naturing i .- price ol -pirlta IH cent* a gallon ba* aerved lo tliolllfv thc f?liii|.'- ul th- e..:.sunn I'. Who hu\ - tl real i:.,i tu pure tin *e opposition d'.a lllerlea for their owe -i ii i not lik-h lhal they ?ll lake any sctl'in ' i" muller ai pr---:.t. They have options, h iw i'--iii ii'l-il--, wllh au aggregate rapacttv ul in.ism . linus a day, which win ie available, If ? d--d. on I brunrj t".. These three dlatl lette-, lt t* -lld. could aitpi-lj Hi- New York market. .w/ PROGRESS TOWARD Jl.U'II) TRJSSIT. i-s:''i!!"i\ l-'ARQl.'HAR.-i VIEWS MODI FUD I ill. mm; SION TO Mil r TO DAY. No p wa* mesh yesterday In Hie develop men! ul raia! Iran*l| plans. The regular rn?tin; -I i;,.- Commission take* place to-day al - o'clock, ll wa* experted thal llb' Manhattan Extension Com lt would hoht a se aton yesterday, In accordance willi ibe declaration made i.\ J. Pierpont Morgan In ht- letter ti Ihe < .-uiiiil --ion !a-i week. Riusell - ? ind tieorge J, .lld I*, itaralled al Ihe bauhlng i.n- ol Drexel, >:. i a;:* n t i ,.. about -J tatlock, learned that Mr. Morgan wes confined to ' hotisi bj lemp rs . i.ii'--, it wa- thought be would b> able ?.ne down ti.wti tudu, however, mut If lu ???ltd m. ?? ihi i ?iunitt.-e sill probably meet. Tin' meeting Ol the I -anii-slnti Will |.- public. .ri -ichli will probahl] le cn band to argue iii" meriti ..[ ihe ei.i I -t. i- ii. sweeny i md. >! iii!.' lille Aaaemld) mn i I aii|iihnr apent a thnrt finn ?iMi the ii'gt?bnlre committee ,,i ihe Real Ratete Kx 11. in i- Rapid ti iti-ii I'oramlltee, for the eon*lderatlofl ,.r a bill modifying ihe Rapid Pron*!I aft, -..a- I i admit of th.i 1 mellon of an underground rmi by tin municipality. For *omt reawn or other Mr. Farquher't views bad undergone * rhange fr. tn Hus- he held las mri,. In.minni." ol the It-al l-'.stnte Richon ge nppuintcd al Ihe meeting nf Jnnaary ?', was decMedlj lu lav or -r . i-ii-ti'ii. linn b) the (lt. Mia.. Hun Mayor Ullray ha- cxpre-ae.1 hi di app ot ill -I the -. heme, and lt i noa Intimated Hut Mr, Croker himself ba* given ; hint t" Mr. Farquhar thal he mus! not be t.n> tesloui ni th- rliy'* i?halt. Hence Mr, farquhar will, ii i understood, content lilms.-lf with offering uin-n liu-nt p. ih- Rapid lian ll oct which will have thc effect by modifying ti"- t.iu.s ol sale, ol making tu- enter prl?e mina inviting ba private capitalist*. Mr. Far quhar ah! ll- WOUM lui reduce llis lill lu the A-m'111 i,ly to-day. ih-i- ls m. doubt expresseJ thal Ihe Manhattai Company will pi.?p.-- ibe exten*hm ol their Hoe t. Mn- div limit-, iiati agree to a maximum flvc-cent fare. In fact, the dickering between the eoutpan) nail Ihe t ai .ml --hui is looked upon a> ? ay alcuin li attempt tu siiuiiii th- public pulse on Ihe subject <? am extension* being allowed al all, and that by orig Inullj piovidlng for i |oppngf> Nit ta on Ibe ea?l an west Hide* at pol ni -. tu -what short -f Mi ? .itv bolinda ii. . iii- public m.uni heartily swallow the jilli if Hu ronipony al the la-i moment -lmulii agree in Itv nugnr-rontlng proee** of bundine ?.> the northen limits ami guaranteeing a liv.-teni fare. a rii'iri'.-i' fiiom iuk \\K.-r siDB. Although the mesa-meeting of West -tdert tn prc teal Bgalnai the ase ol Hm lloulevard hf Ibe elevate rallaay had not been br-airbl la public notice prop erly, * meeting wa* held last niiri11 at the chape nf ih- Beformed fharch, DoBlevan and W--I rilxty-isjghlh-ot. ( !.- lev MadlSOB C Peter* presided, toiong those who -poke again* the extend.f the elevated tystem thiough th [mulevard were i. Rdwsrd Ma*tln, J, ll. c. Nevtm T. H. oiinist.iii, j. \'. D. i .nu. gr, c. Stewart, A. I llati ii uni I'.-mas w, Uracher. lawson N. l-'ulle n r of I ITS DANQKB0V8 OBOVND that you stand on?arith a cough or a cold, and your blood inipuro. Out of thew condition* comos Cod eumptiou. You must do Bomcthing. In thc earlrr btages of Con* mimpti'jn. and in all the con ditlona that toed to it. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Dis? covery is g certain remedy. This aVrot\deaa affestion of ktlio lungs, like every other 'form of Scrofula, can tie cured by it. In severe, lin^ei'iug Q Coughs, all Lron-bial., and Lung Affectiona, uml every disecsc that can be \5 reeenod through the Uoott, - * it i* tho only medicine ko ef? fective, thnt it can lie fjwnraafaasT. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money mack. Nervous prostration and debility aro coriquered bj it. Even with the worst cane* of Catarrh, after you've tried everything else, the proprietor* nf IT Hake's Catarrh Kernedv will agree to pas you toOO if they can't cure you cointiletelj. BEAUTY AND PURITY Beauty Of shin and purity of Id-ad j? hung In hand. No greater bte**fBg thss .1 ggg without bstadih, and a body nuailahtd by pure blood, is vouihsiifed u, ni.m er waaaja. ll ls the foundation ni health and happia--*. To cleat,-., the Heath alda* and aralpsf -very eruption, impurity amt (ll-.-us-, mid re-mre the hair, no ugeiny In the wolli] .it nudiMn, la so speedy, Menemleol unrt BBfalgeg a- tba ct TiriK.v i:kmki)1F,s. BveryUdH ihuet them ln-plr's confid-nce. Th-y are alisa lately pura, ant may be us.vl ss tho youngest Infant. Tiley afford Itiitie-diat. rettot bj . n, most Bansaslng af Ittrhtag and Hislop, ersa mu-, ami other 1??lil ri jr. araty and nested .11* iiml scalp dis,.,,.,... Tiny prcv.-h' ii.flnnim-,. Hon umi cJegfglBg of Hi- pares, th,, mette! pimples, blotch.-, htorhaaatda, red, tesstaad oily skis. They -p?eily -ur., linm<>r-s of tit* Mood atti ranawllhloaaofheir,wheaagahm, p'e scrofulous, hereditary, or ale* rofl en -jj,,. (I-misc the system ot ell impurities by ia, tarsal ntui ex'ermii midliethm. Bad lnn. stitutc the mo-t etin live treetaasat al eaahni tillie,. -Ml everywhere. Price: ClTICPRa v*. BOAI?. LV i KI'.sol.VK.M' al.00 ' prepared by POTl'KK DUI ?? aaa ra au 1 AL ORPORATION. Do* on <*?*?? "All Ali-.nt lb- Min. h lip ml >? ?. psg< s, gpo Dltcaars, mali cd free ' ' "* Solid Silver of sterling quality, in mott, attractive; forms, for all purposes of household use, can now be found at our ware* tooms. Particularly choice assort mont of Kinimelleil Work. Reed & Barton, *>II.VER*>.MITIIS 37 Inion Square. spoke in fuvor of Hie rxten?*se of the atevstel Mat, v n s, him. 11. petitioning the Rapid Trenah" Oognajh alon te BlthhoM their sun-iou f,,r ., fraiarhlae to -aw the Botdeveid for derated rallaray parpoat*. wat adopt. .I, ami a targe ntitni-r of property oeth-raal other* -IkiksI their nain-* io 11. .\ commlttos coo sistine of W. r. fleerer*, J. V. I). Card .iud I. H.T. Nevins will appear thi* afternoon before the KajM Transit t'ummlsslon witt protests and petitions. tXDICTKD f'OAL DKAl.F.RS OUT. RMI Rochester, n. v., len. 30.?Al v.\* opening of rnsrt th1.* aftero on, Ibe toorteen -oai eterchsata et Koch rater, arho were Indicted for conspiracy, appeared and gave billi In Hie nominal tam nf -KW ca-a. ASOTIIHR (ll.WCi: IS TIIF. Hoi YES COVaT. Rochester, N. Y.. .ian. :io.-l>r. Lesrlt letti ha- rw reived 1 entile sjcpatrh from Ralph CVipehnat, ftn\al Astronomer al Bdlnhnrgb, steting thal PrfsJeseei Pa llsss hart telegraphed from Vienna thu- the llolkct ?omet now resembles a geed -ur <>f tho eigtith magnltnde, erith Dehalotu envelope, "ru- liitme* e.!.'' sill! Dr. Selft, -will probably p.ov* to be a I.mly forateS hi the collision ol two asteroid*, ili-ir orbits criss tn rti.--.r region." hF.iTH Of Miss ./ASK MALL Min Mary lias Hall, the alater-ln4a?r .r ;>- 1. on la -r : 1!??? 1 at nts Doctor** boote, x... at! rTfth-sve., yt terr .* si Hm a a ol aeveory-taro rear*, 1 m.: u?; .vn-ain. bel ahe had brea la vtgorou* health, hui ahem 'Muru*. llvlof her health began r. fji: and abe lld aol !<?? avst it. Miss Ital! - lifo ?js .1 i|'ii>M one, the bavlof lived *?.(? Hr hayre iloes the de iii of her rather, ilatrle* Rear/ Hall, Bree ?a- ii mil-known mei baal ht ISM 11 ** ^ anaitat af the Ino sf Murray k Mumford aUfaeal iiii-r.'li'lifts, and |.'a\" ToBtpktaa M|'i:ir- t- th^ -itv. M.M 11 iii ?..-' boro in Pomfrat, Cona., and 1, r ar..-.stry duet ba-u ti .I'lui Hui. Bf loveatry, Englond, alts teabag at 1 Inul al -Mi. Maa*., in lil-'i'i. Til- funeral aervtCS "III '>?? read by the Hec Mr Hunt. Ington, of ?.ta. e Church, on w-in.-j.r.. bi Dt aayirn botaa. The burial will be at Trialtj I'eatet ry, t BXOWBTOKM f.V THE Fi F.XISO Th- reacher in IW* etty reeterdai ara* la atnag rn*. tra*) ta thal af Sunday- Thivughout (he a ra lag 'ai s.ia abeoo brightly and t:i" eil ar* bameleaBy rest ls I lev- t a d'" ld *! IhaV, >et DOt ?-il .i-'i.'li I" ? . Mhic 1 ariv la iii- aftrreooo th" akj clouded o**r and the "-lither i-suii.-'i a threeteuJag sapecti vt ai-nut il p. m. sf;, ii,iii,|, ana b toe to tall, sal at a !?'* amir lest Bight Ihe -t ? t.s .if tr.- eity arte rasla cm"*! with the Mint- amitie vhich they bete a rn -> Beek this slater, sad the fau-s aero -ni falliag ts**. Tie blghoat t-inperutur- n-cu-d-d nt th- Wi:.- (Ut * in th- Rajuttebts Belidlag reatcrd t waa?7 utd Ha *t ;. ,1 re* Th* atora) ahlch oovered Ute city hui n;*'n* va* thought t- ha 1 total one si 1 Bal revet*. lt wul probably be fellowed by ehav uni calder a Un.-. Tilt: WEATHER KEPOMT. A sm M.I, gTORld (H.M1V(. OVER TUM iUl (MIAMI'S. Wsaalagtao, Jaa, ;?'?- a atora nf rooaiderable ai.*'* occuple* die u.uldl- plat-au mid th- BJadlb Ka ?] tteBB" tain refpaa. a sd.riu -r aaaderat* ita*igy ha* sasved nnrta uf eaat over th- Oh!" Valley 'lt? lai.>ri"i r i- h -li 'a*f the >4is!.ati'li-?n!i Valley and Stew.Eaglaad. lat pentan tia- rsllea rn the ?.thattle I as*t stew ita foi thu tn lake r.-.''"ii? and th- ft tren all \ith?est: ta**1 ?h-r- it. ha- naen. Thi* eveamg th* teeaperatoa ? td d-V'te-* nr li'ii* ie.o n-rtli nf Miint.ina. Hem *** fail,11 ni the ?nun Valle) mow is reported le Um !?<?> r* tri.11- mid aaae* Ml**i**lMrl Valley, and heavj m.11 i* re> purled m iii- I'aeifi. 1 ".i-i stn--. 1 loud) and fbi In j weather 1- lodleated for the tUaotli ' ?*?! NBBlea ia th" nhl" and MlaalMlppt \a!i-i< tho weather "iii h- ?' : emily lair iud wanner. lt-t?..-n ii-- Ml-?l-i*ipi>l RIvjJ iiml the 1;.i Mountain* rah. anon is indi ?ted ? ' ? i,r.ieit.iv a. .-id ware lu the Maaaaarl Vsllej bj reeenp iilyht. _ ncr ailed roEBCAtrf ron to-biat. lt.. Minn-. KeB?Hee*pahlN atui Vtrmset, matri waiw-r. . K..r MOSSaehBSSeaS, llrnid- I-land. ? .ame. ti .t amt Kostera atew-Terk, ram, halewed hy lair; aseterly alaai baceaatBi raiSsaa*. . Kn- Beaten l'-nn-vUann and N-? .1-i-v rain, lol" towed br rall eaaterly, ?hlfung to wetterg ?uid-. {::; Sxl^C?>*.."??, *?- vnsasn and "hi-, (slr, eaeapt local ahawen mar dm na**, s ssw TIUIH'M. I.(ltsr. OKSI-.rtVATitlNS. f~ 1 nounal M-ruui*. ?!V*ia ii ni I j | t 6 .j 7 a j lu ll l tat I (i ? ?'-"Q"_| 'i ?_.k.u._j-! a-i-L'.'. > -.;-:-,- -? ?;-?) !l!l Vi-.i."' i i I, t j'..jl i, . I ir ff+q aa3d . . -: - I j E2E ^M^m^^1 rn >m fS^^fWaaV^ ,..,,.ai ni; iai..ii.-t.r. 'Ihe braaoa ??* ? l-e-nt. tb- t*"' oeMtui* ?.i ohser\i-d ?t Perry'* Htarma .-? Tribune Jan. 31. 1 e. n..-lt SSS ?*"*>* ma Bay reaterdar, bat Uer- bbs cloudiness ntar, s aa Urti aaea la lbs bMbbS. The nesytraeei nu nssaei geer. to gt hetaraea ?sdelgM aad aaaalsbA ***** (;,V,i bShag IV I^W'T than .AS l*l|lS|IBBalf ? !??? teer, .m<i i7? htym mae .*i saasajey^ .?.,h,,i,h i>e .m*. in and ne?r thia l liv te'U> .hrh' Ml pnri ri ^ reeeMr tarelBg into ram, toUeaed b> aaanangi ?"? cbsugea.