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FIGHTING THE VETERANS. AN EFFORT TO TvEDUCE THE SUPPLIES OF ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. A PROVISION' IN' fatl feUXDRY CIVTIj MIX THAT THEY Bath** BF! GIVEN* OHXT ONCE IN FIVK TEARS STOUTLY OrPO~FD-A TRA AX!) NAY votr. ORDERED. [HT TFI.lfiRAHI TO TIIK THIM'NK.] Washington, Jun. 80.?There waa n spirited contest ?. ns ceaamtlltT el lae wiiole of tiu> Hones today over the prepeslllea r< ?ported by thc Committee on Ap? propriations thal li-r-aft-r nu lim,oral ly tttscherged eff.cer or soldier who had a liml> in Hi- military ?jrvfee of lee United States si.ail receive un artificial limb or tomeiiilsilnn therefor, from the Government ,i:lv on-- lu Sve years, instead of once in H ree years, m provKl'rt In an net passed by th- la-t Congress. Tue aninuiit of comartBtalton athmed hv lan ls sra raf a 1-e aed ?M f(,r an arm. The leaders lu this ajasash ni1"" "lP maimed ve:.rans of th- Union nero jl,-sr>. OathwaHe, of Ohio, and O'Neil, or Maana. Cbu?'i;5' Keliher of these atntesmea nan a Beadier? gm latter erins ' ? yonag ami tie form-r otherwise aasafatd during Hi- war?bul they were gallantly sup? ported hy th* .solid ranks of th.- OX Confedi rates, as ?jell os hy al >m-i'l a fear Kortbern Democrats, and they von a temporary edvaatage, 'Hie BepaMI jgn^led hy two gallant tulon veterans?General t'os> sdhat Jsassachaotflte, ami Generel ningham, of Penn ijlvttila-"N Governor Dingley, of Maine, end ether* aaajts atardy right, end, although outnumbered on a flrisftm finally errang from their edveraartes ? reluctant tat-mt to have th.- emiter settled hy a ,,-a and i.ay vote in I!"' H'm--, wli. h viii compel nifmtcrs rlthei to pine themaetvea on record or -dofli-e- th- ojaestloB. Tb* straggle began over an aarrendment offered by (irneral Cog**rell to -iii,., ont thc provision chang bnaahdlBg htw, ead io Increase Hi- Item to eygnfyTo?000, wldch wtu thc amoanl recommended by tiie Appropriations Committee, on estimate railing ge fa*90,O0O. The appropriation for tie currentycai I, $1"hjOOO. Oeneral Kingham -.nd he ngntied thal ttaj chaiiniau of the Appropriation* Committee had dc dined io peal a heating lo ihe npresentatlvea ol tia; "Maimed Soldiers" Lesgne who bad applied tat privilege. Thia revelallon annoyed the amiable ciialrman. who tried to excuse himself hy saying thal gSj bill hart hern nported to 'he House when thc re qu^sj was received; hut he was reminded hy Oeneral Mngliam that heariups ace frequently granted after bill* have bael r-ported to thc Hons?, and as a re suit bills an frequently emended hv committee* wldrh have them in charge. Tin- Snndry ( Ivll bill na- reported to Ihe lions., nearly a fortnight eco, s,, that there ha- been ample Hine to'pram a hearing to tiie niaiiniHl veterans In their own behalf. Mr. O'N-II. of Massachusetts, replied io General Blncham. and becaaae ton.-lderably exitied le...- he toiK his peat. F.xGovernor Dingley clo?d ibo di cusslon in a calm and dispassionate sp-, ch. in which be took th* ground that the present law, which waa enacted af:-r thorongl Inquiry and careful considers tlon, ought not to be changed anti! stronger evldeuce thouin he adduced then bad yet been offered lo abott tliat lt wa- entrtse and Hs provlston* unnecessary. On a divi.?i.>n tieneral Cogswell's amendment v.a- lo t. bv a vote ol 58 yeas lo 101 nays. M----. . Holman, Campbell, Pearson, Lynch, Busey mel several other Democrats voted In thc affirmative. After s-iii" time apent In a vain attempt to obtain B quorum OS B Vote by t-ll-rs. lt wa- agreed thal 0 yea and nay vote -liotihl be taken In the House. (; rt eral Cogswell's amendment In Increase froni gS*>,OO.i Is9e0,000 thc Hera for headstone* tor i tidier ' grave was rejecteij; only pl0,O(Ki wa* appropriated fo ta ciirr-r.t ti-, ai year?an amoanl which i iu-'ilii mt and the nport of the QuariermaserOeinr I shows that B4OJ00O will he required for th- next fl?cul year: tut botii ii- itatement and th- anmmei i ul i.-n-i. I Cogswell were quietly Ipi ..r- d by th ? ll- moa '1 ni ? Jorlty lu tb* Committee ol th- W-le. BVtaXEBfl IN T HF. HOC8B. Washlneton.. .Tan. So.-Th- House mri el - o'clock today. On motion ol Mr. Cable the Bennie MU was ptvs*d ts ref-r to the <'"urt of Clslma the claim of leesls Benton Fi-eaaont ts c-rtain lands le Ban Francisco. The Hoti>? then proceeded. In Committee of thc natte, to funner conatder thc Sundry c.vii Approprla Hon bill. The 6p*ak*r arnonnc<-d th" appointm-nt of D.e fol. loving committee to Investigate the Himama ('anal scandal: Heans. Fellows, Geary. Pattenon, Power* and Storer. PnO("F.EDIXOS IN T1IK SENATE. traahtegton, Jun. so.?The senste gael et 2 p. m. Mr. Harris offered n l-eooluUoti (which was egreed lo ccillnp for a report of the Secretary of War as to the n=e of building material imported from foreign count rles for u-c in th- con-t ruction of the new llbrerj building and the rae awn, foi aitch Importation. Mr. Allison nported bach tho District of Cotambte Appropriation bill, nnd gave noil? that after the Anti Option bill *a- disposed ol be would :h1j th* Benet* to tako up the appropriation i gie- the Fortification, the Army nnd the District hills. A joint reeolatten appropriettng'O for th maintenance of order In Weahrngton daring laaufnra tlon days?from Fetayaery '.:-> te March o was reported snd pawed. The Anti Option Mil wns then t.ak"ii up. nnd Mr. White made another argument n;r.iln.-t lt end against th? George buh.siitute I..r lt. TJIB PIAN OF THE SUTER CMMPAIG9. Washlntrton. .Inn. 30.-The mik of war in the House on th* proposition to lenee] the. Sherman act will oome, on a preliminary vate. It ls BBderstood I ha' when the ("<.nimltt?-c on Huies httafi In the report tatting aside February !? end IO fir the conaWt of the Repeal hill which re|>ort la expected te \r mad* on thc morning of the nth?Hie previous qaea tlon will bc- moved. The Mental of th- r-p-.'il will attempt to vote down the question le eider to amend it providing for closure. Tba fie- oliver asea "iii fight for the previous question nnd if they rall \-ii! *e?k to am-nd the srofjosttlon of thus- favoring the repeal. Falling in th!-, any filibustering lactic* that can be hadalged In will bc followed, AN AGREEMENT OS THE QfJARANTI NF. T',lf.E. Washinpton, .inn. 30.?Representative Bourhe Coch ran hea < eoe to an amicable arrangement artth Hr. Ravner, of Maryland, who luis th- National Quaran tin* btu in charge lu Ihe House, if whoa (he hill ls returned from the Senate the Cockran aetendmenl is found to Jeopardise the html enactmenl of the btw, >ir. Cockran, lt I- .-aid. will withdraw lt; or If tlii counot h>* eecomptlshed ender ihe rulea of the llouxe, ?Ul uiaUe do opposition lo its rejection. TO VOTE OH THE BANKRUPTCY BILL. Veahlngton, Jan. 30(Special).?lt ls underxtood thal bpeakT Crail bea agreed to recognise Mr. (tales, ol it* Jadj.iiiry I onunlttee, os neal Monday, for a ate Hon to anita nil tba rules end pu-- the Baahruptc) hut. ind.r iii- proeeden the QUbnaten win be thwarted, aad if the bill shell r-dv- ihe votes ot two-tliirds of tin- aBembere voting it v.iii be passed. lt requir.--; a qaorum ol t-- House to ecceod the mo Hon to su-pend the ruios, ead If thal be done thlrtj mlnutfes will he allowed for debete. Pending the ffnsl ?hasmtctes sf a etetler on a etotJOB to suspend the rules, wily ese motlca to adjourn I- allowed. While lt 1* a fact thal the petition circulated hy Colonel Oatt* to hay- a time eel for Um eanoMerettoa*of thc Uankrup'-y bill received lae slgnaturea ol -i'l aanjeesrstauvBB store than two-thirds of the total aienir*is.hip of Um linus- lt ls utrierstood that a bomt^r of the asea who levorad eotuldentson of the ?abject ar- Strongly Bmlim*l to oppose the MU. Friendly Regard is never en? tertained by the children for a medi? ci n e that tastes bad. This explains the popular? ity among little ones of Scott's Emulsion, a preparation of cod-liver oil almost as palatable as milk. Many mothers have grateful knowledge of its Benefits to weak, sickly children. Jes^aaaa* kt Soo>t A *?*??? > lt *? drarstala. J.S.CONOVER&CO. 28 nnd 30 West 23d St. Open Fire-Places A line and largo assortment nf Brass, Bronze" and Iron in now and elegant do signs. Mantels in all woods, nntive and foreign, '-om our own special design*. Tile of every foreign make. In rich enamel colorings- .-ind Patterna for Flinns, Walls, Henrths, Facings and Bathrooms. Our nen factory, with extensive facilities, en aliles us to produce the finest class ol' trork at greatly icdiired cost. Foti ntl ry and racloiy, 526, 528 and 530 West 25th St. ii i< probable also that some members who might vote for itn- measure alter a lair opportunity for debate and amendment might refuse io Mippnri ii motion lo -ii pend th- rule* iiml ru?b it through after only thirty minutes' debate, without an opportnnlty lo ofter amend ment*. Ih- chances, therefore, appear to he a ga tarsi ih.- passage ol ia- mu in the manner proposed. RAILROAD 1S TERRS TS. Inn A BIG BBIOOR AT KEW oin.KANS. (Chicago, .ian. ::i>. Pre*Ideal Harrison has signed a hill au;i or/in.' Chicago men to ranstracl over th. Ml--iss|ppi Hiv.ral New (>rh an- ll,- largest cantilever I ridge in America. Surveyor* end engineer* will leave ih- city ;it ones tu begin prefimlnary operations, ami "Ullin iln? rears th- ga.000,000 atructure vin he opened for trefle. The plan i- one in which all the railroads In th- .suth a;.- Intere*ted, aid th.i brad has boen given to L'ortbell A Karner, civil ea glneers, of thu city, ti,- bridge must i?. bulli ol steel, with three unbrohen and rontlnnou* spans he tween th- river henka as defined by a medium itage nf wal-i. ."nil with aloin two piers in th- river, The li illili of ih- malu channel span viii lie I,OM fen ami ihe two si.i- spun- wm i ?? T..7 i?i long, with th h.wt-st part of th- aapcratrnctar.t les* than 83 feet above i ie estreats high aster math. Tin- will moke the bridge Itself hut a few feet lesa tliiiu :i hilt mlle in length. Th- easel location of Uk bridge will depend upon the Undine* of th- etea win. go t . day to nuili- tn- Lorine- to (li-i-vrr Where Hi- heat rounda li-n- -an be secured. The chsrter granted hy ron gresa provide! that one approach, If practicable, shall l-e within the (Itv limits ,,f N-w i uleans. In case I' ls found that thc suhstratutn near the city ls not sufficiently Brm to support the immense piers, it max bo located not more than live miles above th- city, hut nader no consideration may lt tx- bair) below, since then lt would posidbly Interfere with tl.?an vessels. Thc pin- now practically selected for ll I- ni Nin- Mil- Point, not lal lr un Cai nil;.m. DENIAL OP THE I'NION PACIFIC STORY. Boston, .'aa. N).?The roRoalng I- from the Bo* ton N-ws lau."in: -I ni :i I'm Hi- oflrtat* nay t al th- report lion, ti,- wv-i that the rnlon Parin) hail road O mpany I- preparing to aurrender Its moll line io th- tiovernmcqt i loo rldtrumnt for denial. Ti mall line, Including Hs terminals, i nnrtcag.d for ..Hiv s-7-..oi ii .1 mlle, including the whole Government 'lit. ami the main lin.. |- worth mm h ino:- Ihan'thh t.? th- I'nton Pnrlfli ayalem. ;i- it i- th- main arterj i. nnectlng all Ihe branch -\-terns, 'ih.. whole I'nlon Putin v lem, luclnding the main lin- and brauchc*, la mortgaged for hut 100.000 a mi!-." Omaha, Neb., .ian. 30. Joseph Nlll&rd, I'nlon fa Uh- director, -int,., that lhere I- no f undallon v.ha' -vcr for th- rumor thu' ih- road will i,e turned ovei ?.. | ?? Government when ftt.000.00a in hoiul- fall du in 1804. Il- -tate.i tint lhere has been m. meeting ..f the director* for three month* end lhere will i - in. the annual tn?Uni; in April, and that lhere bat been nu correspondence among the direct mi the sui,).,;. He .xii - thal th- hun!- will nol hill duo until 1090, - 4* - - VU T.-l 1.I.-II r.M IIARRI-i UK-H.N-. Pblladelpbta, .'au. go.?Joseph rs. Herri* ba re signed the vic pr? :il-m y of (he Phlladelphta an I Rending (oal .ind lion Company. Mr. Harris i president "f Ihe Lehigh ? -il .cl Navigation lUnu pany, wlione linea of ral road are lensi-d to Hie Cen ra. Railroad of n. w Jcr*ey. lu compliance sith thi order* of th.- ctiancellor ol N-w Jet ey. t... i... ? .? tn- Central Railroad t' tn- port Reading Railroad ?.-.ii- recently dissolved, and th- managers of tn- f-rm-i road entered into full and lintcpendeui po ?? lon ..? iha: properly. Hence Hie .?-.i.n t" - ol M.. I! ml a- \i? pc-..I.nt ..f ii-. Heading Coal and Iron 'om pany. HORE UNION PACIFIC PONDS TAKEN. (?rn, of th- Uall Street n-w- iii'-a'l> s sahl y. st. rday We ar- authorised tu -nj' thal th- second rrpltou to tah- .r'.,.ia,.i.i..Hi ,; the I'nlon I'm Hi- bon cloded in tm I i<-. rear gold loan ha- been -x-rcl-d The lim---vain Interest, lt win be remembered, ne (foliated .??.-,.(am> on., ,,f ..?..,. bonda vouie Um- ami ..nd h.a- noe effected tim sal- ot #3,000,000 more, OENERAL SITKRINTENDENT PREY RESIONS. Pateena, him., .tan. :io.- .t. j. Prey, tor th- past lour yeer* general mp*rlntendenl ol th- Ml ??un. Kansas and Tcxaa Hain...ul Company, baa resigned. A. A. All. ii i-i .-0- 1 in. OLD COLONY N< >T POR SUI". Boston, .lati. 30.?There ?iii he tm I-.'-- or s.ii< .,f u- mr! Colony Rellroed or any part thereol t< the New-York, New-Haven and Hartford Railroad ai least noi nuder the |.re*ent BdmlalstraUon, ot white *h- -:? h ot th- road remains in th- band* "i th- pr-s-nt hold-r-. Tbl* cou.ti H.- authority ,? PreaMenl Cboate, of th. * >i<i Colony, who in ai. Interview exley gave positive essanorm lhal lh? : onsolldsted Rimd his not epproerhed ia- dlrectori .f ui- cid Colony with sny propo Ulan, and ii' tl thal I in v hiiv- no ill i- i!'"ii to Min, nii-r th- control ol any portion of their -v '-m. AN ORDER olTMV. THE H'M'Ks. Cetambiis, diiio, .tan. SO, Judge Pugh, of ti- com .non i'1-a i oin'. In Ibe application of Edward L Mortimer for a receiver for Ui- ( l-v. laud, Akron nt' ins Railroad, to dav l-i.-d an order p-rmlttini ia- pliilniiii to examine the book* ol th- company. CHICAGO As A RAILWAY (KATI; B, Chicago, Jen. ?".'?. fSpeelsl).--To.dav's Issue of "Tin Traveller, Khlpper, and Mail Gnlde" has an Blilcli showing lhal Chicago I* th- greatest railroad cenin l;i th- WOrid. H -hows that 1,380 trains of .al i 'lasses arrive nnd depart here daily on forty one roads operated hv twenty-eight companies, of these train SJ7H ur- through expresses and mall trains, 1,70 robarh an aiid Bccommodailon, -2~4 merchandise freight trains snd I'-* grain, stock, and lumber train*. Tin twenty-eiehi companies operating these trains owi ?IO.oihi mi! s of ililli'ad. HEAVIER EASTBOI NI) PREIOHT TRAFFIC. ( blcago, .'un. 30.?Aa Improvemenl is shown tn thi rolume of eoktboand frelghl traffle from CMcsgs* ai lhough th- 1'. .ord i- considerably behind that of 1 v..,,- ?, -.. Last week's storproento, Inrlodlng averythlni hut th- stock, emouBted to 80.043 toni, Bgalnsl cc, 407 for th? pre.-dltur week, an Increeae of la.nri: tor',-' ..nd against 06,819 for the .cnv-pondlng period l?st yeer, a decrease of IB.TT0 tons, ti.- tram- wm ???1- up of tl..- fallowing lirtlrl-s : nour. 7.4..0 tons grain and iiiHI-tufTs. 30,103 toa*: provl h'hs. hird -ic*. io.::iiii lons; dr.?.d beef. m.oc.i ton-: aaxseed 3,6113 ton-: lid--. 9,433 lou-; luinbor. 8,71g lena mlseeReaeeae, BJffl toss. ThrOBfh BhlPSaeBtS of flour, crain find provlBloni from Chirac, lo the BesbOSrd by the roads In Uk rentrsl Tratiie AsaoetatlOB last week astonnted t< i-.:;s9 ton-, ap.inst to.:!-!* for Ihe preceding week. ?B Increase of i OOO lon-, mid gainst TO.tMW for Un correapoadlBg week of lewll, a decreeee of 9MAM tons ot this irani- ti,.. VssderhUI ines rarrted -:.'t V" cent lae I'.'iii'.silv.inli. Hims, l" per <"<'i" I the Battl more ..nd (Milo, lo per Cent i th- Hg i;??r. J PT*J?Jj ,h, CWwgoand lal-. T per .?.?... H ;? Chicago .nd Urand Trunk, Id a** '???'" Ibe Wabash, 11 per TD ASSUME TIIK DCTIKB OF BISHOP BROOKS Hos'ton. Jan. 30.-Tbe Righi Baa. Fred-rick COUTI nev. BUbop of Nova -..dui. ls to serve otliclally li flji d'oes- for .. month, He will i.rr.vo in Bosto. al tba end of Ina geeeenl w.*h to eeeasas Ike dall** of the lute Wsnep a^reann. Portland Mc. Jun. nth Al a meeline of all UM ?ignsatlBSl n.inist-rs of Portland th!- morning reno lutlons were unanimously passed commending n th. Kghest terms the Ufa and serries, of the late Maha, Brooks* IN A RECEIVER'S HANDS. ROOK 1RTST DIPJ'-.OTOP.S DI-SATISFIED. FOUR op "nm SrR-roMPANir.s in- CBAEG1 OF CHARMS W. (.OLXD?AN l.XPMNATIOX DESIRED from JOHN w. LOVELL. Tim directors if thu United States Hook (ompnnv ere auSssttsfled win. the statement math. Kunda)' hy John ey. Lovell, .-\ rietvpresldent ..f the company. Mr. LovelL who I- raw t. have ratnrned te alt home on Sendai fiom Beeton, could not be found yesterday at lils house. No. i Lexlngtoo-eve. in- brotben sod hts lawyers, Carter, Pleaey .1 Kellogg, rpoke fr him. Mr. KeOegg na* al Mr, Lovell's luau- mst evening, and he?sssared ..ll who called to eteke Inquiries that Mr. Lovell was in this div actively engaged in doing all ho could t,, pur ti-- I'nlted Blste* book 1 ompany on u firm titiamlal footing. Mr. Kellogg -aid to a Tribune reporter! "The ebsrgea alleged ami Inalnuated Bgalnsl .Mr. Lovell at-, of inur-.., 111:tin--. Mr. Lovell has geld Hil- in the itstemenl given lo the newspapers. Ile rannoi understand what motives could hare Inspired tuck utterly false suspicions. Hr. Lovell hes, Ince hi tatara to Ihe rity, seen Cherie* Vf. Uoukt, ihe re elver of Ihe Cotted mate* Hook Company appointed by .imir- Patterson on Saturday. Mr. Ooah! now banar* thal th'pr.uni *ory noli .about which ao much has hr-n .-aid and BO nun li ailinn pretended to h r - !.n f-ii. gre tale and In good benda. 1 calulu; now a\ what io Hui will be taken bj Mr. Lovell, ell ber as an Individual falsely accused of (bingi or is a m-mher ..f iht I'nlted gtatei i-ol; Company. I believe, however, ?h:it Boam people who have in Berton* thin,;- will regret IheJr ba 'v hell a, I haven't ll-e.I anv PIOTC lath I-dav about B cilnliial action being ln*tltuted n lt.. !. -1 1 Mr. Lovell." Foui ol th- Bub-conipanle* connected altk the Pnlted Mates Hook Company were pieced in Ino hands of a receiver yesterday, ri-v bk the seaside Pub ii-hins Company and international Book Company, huh el No. 149 to nv Worth-si.: the Hovenden 1 0 1 puny, st No*, it aid lu Waverley P?aa '?and 1.01 ell. Ooryell atco,. ol Ko. 1.. io it Efl ? 'i ? it. Uiarle* Vf. i.i.iii.i \mis eppotated receiver tr them on tba application of Edward P. ?'. Young u- receiver of Ihe Pnlted States Book Company, Mr. Uonld being Ihe New York receiver fer lb* hitter company. The Ita Miltie* nnd a -?'- were estimated on the papers a* follows: seaside Publishing Company, liabilities, -a -1,01,0, I,- ,.t-, ?130.000; Int. rna'..:,.,1 Book Com pam, tUMUtleai, 9125,000, s*tets, glOO.OOO; l.n.eli, ( nr>?!i .v i.... gabOltles, gtss.ooa, ar-.-. glOO.OOO; Hovenden Company, Hahllttlee, |100,000, esset 970,000. The a -rn cotuisl of merchandise, booh 11.'counts nari i.n;-. receivable. John Howard Latham ba* o'.tiiim,1 attarhmenta against the National kooli Company fm- gll.llO; Lorell, 1 orv.-n, a io. *ii>. 103; Empire PabMshlng Compaay, 97,406; Sea d< Publhihing ' tiipiiiv. 97,330, Attachment* hove been obtained agata*) the I'nlted State Hook Company In favor of Henrietta Bmltfa for 920,704, and In mvoi of Braatas N. Root for 99.600. Judgment wa* obtained in tba elly Court jester day agalnsl John Vf. LoveU, Isle ri 1 orevldcni nf ihe 1 tilted Mate* Pooh ' ompany, for -t<i\ In favor 0 I to?lilian National Bank of Ntwarh, on a note dated May 12, 1002, payable In -iv months. The nan plaint wa-; sworn lo on December t; last. (execution aaa 1 -a. .1 io the r>ln riff. V. M. Coryeil, president of liOvell, 1 mell ?? ' ? No*. 40 sud it Ka t l-iiih-s!., U?u?d Hie I lowing ?tatetucnt lu Um trad ? 1 .1 sa, l-ni lientlemen We pt thal ? 1 d... 1 . f the t- iiporai - en irra i: . . ..r pan) :.? il i- *.ib*ldl . i noe hi 1!" bu< fl I ..,.?. ? 1 Ml -l-l..1 I. '.- I '.vi- ' 1 !-. ..... h tl. . oni|*iny 1- an oBl ? > i.iiyi.i.!. . 'ir.', i 1.1. I ?; ron vt 1.1., it . ? 1 ..1 Mr l.'oryell Kidd il h. ? ?<? anxiu 1* to Iii ir m 1 tp inatlon from Mr Lovell, wla. ? d, hid re rrted I 1 un 1 il mi thud !>? ral ?? n M .lld, tile I ? r for lb- I lilted ?l ll ? I.I < I ll puny, aid I . il lie I. -I 1. utu in il sit thi affair- ,,' th rompany, bu! thal pr bailly .1 ?tal?-me 1 u..nhl be given nit ' ? day. t of Cu 1 ulled sta'"- I...rh ( umpeny, il So 1 and 7 1 SltlCetitll-ht., \. nlii\ Bf td ni ii .1 s,;....., |.,|i rhall mau iii !!-? ? \> ? 'J\ ?? . un mil leo of I aid lhal lia liad .. ? ? n <l 1 ? rfflrl .1 n . .? ?? ll Lovell rn . i In '? - ? Hy. Ho :,l '?? ?' he i.-i.?????! ? ii i me . a lae i lu a " ' H... ;..,,. ' ill . Lui ell ? I . .1 nm,. very ni replug I ?' ' li ? du not iii i u? Mr. I. ??.-:I of anv iriinl il li ? ' Iii condueitin! Ill* ll. I it Ihe) do ? lill ni iii r'jron elli . lld ? '? ? \. m. I rvell, ul I ..v .ii. r.m ll 1 co M.:- j,'... ,,| In tile Hld . ??' i : ? \' : ? ' !!.;,? I,, v mi a llb- '.. have Mr. I ip du ll .'?.." il ? mst I ml* heb i Haul .'s ? ? r ? i ? ? , .ii. imo, ll ? lld. Mr. Lovell i ? |i a d tailed allah - ..; Ih- I llit.d ?' I ? ?'?? ? 4> NO CONNECTI-'N WITH THE rV?'?K I OMPANY -lr: In Ihe n-porta ol th- trouble* iii Hie l'l led Kial ?? i.o-li ' 'ompany liv i .. ?? I sppian-d : .,. un altai hm< ni i m be. a pla ? a upon Hu pi ip , n\ ol the 0111 Ungi irina; i on ubi I Boot. In Justice to ourselves ?,. d< lr* to -ay thal we bare nu connection whatever sitli i ?? affair* ?>! ihe t mt..I s'mi-s Book Company. I??? t fall Be male, at their order, certain plat, of Hie value of *:.?..% 7!l. .ii october .". U'i Mdiled villi theil three month*' note fm- that amount, rbi wa* Indorsed bf u* and ,11 ri.Hilted at oin I, a I* all Poper received from ..ur easterners, iii! Hoi- matured on January :?. It ams paid at our, on Ihe morning ol J nuarj io |,\ th- I Oiled Mat.- I lo. rh * ' ju.-. %. ..r tl- lr r> pn tentatives, bj certified cl.?H for H.- face value of ih- ii-'" i.t'.i'.'. til i. and bj rash f-r -I "?- proli I fe--, ami was of com - surrender**!, what became of lt Ofter I'- pa) m. ii! .a.iil cn i |ii. nt mi'-al-r lo Hi ? mah. i . of h.-. lt i., nc lui', dr. Kwit' hand* av have ito hnowledge or imere I. We heard nothing from lt after H> pa.i i-m uiilll Mr Boot's prweed lng against u* on Friday last, w- have .ion- hu worh lor tn- I ulled State Book Company for leveral THE DILL ENORAYTNn COMPANY, I M. lilli, I'.- Went. No. mt Chamber* t., Nea York, Jan. :i", 1803 .? ?a> ? 8LAUOBTBBEBB OCT IXCOBPOMATED. Alhiiiiv, N. v., Jan. M.?The Scirwargschlld. ami Sulxberger Compsay eras Incorporated today with u caplial of 93,000,000 for th.! purpose ol carrying on a business of buying, aelBng hu.i alenghtrring cattle, sheep and other animal* for fi**i purposes. The principal othes will be In New-York City. The di rectors aw Ferdinand rJulxberger, Prederirk -io-ph and .-aiini-l Well, of New Yurt (Ity; Heorge Parker, of .a. .-ii. md ''Mn - Hapgood, ol Everett, Mu--. What A Housekeeper Can -lo with that unequalled cook? ing fal Cottolene She r.-in make the mn>t delicate rake, the sweetest and flakiest pie (rust, thc most palatable biscuit and rolls, and fry the lightest doughnuts, fritters, croquettes, etc., and there will be 9 total absence of that greasy taste so often found in these articles' of food, while every kind of cake, pastry, etc., shortened with COTTO 11 ni is short and rich, and there is no disagreeable sensation folioning its use, which is the result of using other cooking fats. Cottolene being largely a vegetable oil is much more wholesome than animal fiats, You should nuke a trial of COTTO* I im-. For sale by all grocers. ttaeataaeaared ooiy by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., CHICACO, ILL., and Produce Exchange, N. Y EVERYTHING IN RUBBER GOODS HODGMAN'S, ?ROADWAY. I tl Weat **M *.?.. tor. I.rnn.l M. Adi. Ililli Axe. Mold. NEWS FROM NEWrJERSEY. JERSEY CITY. At e fire In thia cit* ht*1 Week Matthew Bligh Ml from h wind nt shlle trying to tove lils eblhtren. Otu of ih- loiter, a gin named Marretll*, was -.. bodljr Injnred thal the died. When Ihe fun-rat was h-id a Bomen whom no one nt the h .use hnew ashed lo el Ihe bJdy. i;.f..r- going away th* tald that si,,, art* Bligh's real arlie, and thal the bad i?ii married ti him lu New-York In l'-'. bbs told they had had foil children, let Hmt u- bed not sup ported '..ii:. -': i rained a living by sashing. Rh*, had not beard >f Isrr hu?1and since then until *bt had read the ttory ..r the gre. I'.-un Bligh'* house sh- wenl to -M. Francis'* Hospital and ashed '? -? ii.m. Tim -1st,;", t. iii her he wa* in III. Aftet 'h- woman Beal away Bligh iva* --ni t.> lila h me, A Tiii. reporter called lhere yesterday. Mr. Bligh saki -in- ind heard tlw story nboul ber husband having another elle, but dla nol believe li. She .-In .-d I i allow nus oi- to . him. While u North Hudson I >???-? ?.'.? ares running Mir m.a Summlt-ave., Ibis .Itv. yesterday on- >f th. lull- ti i|i[?-,t and pi..i''! Ui- bottom ol H.- car, lt ripped ip ti,.- ?? a' ?7i. r- William Madden nat, ?v.-reiv In]ming his spine, 'iii- other passenger Beru lal,-ll lip hut liol hil!. The funeral of Nlcbolaa Miller, who weHrJe-d 400, ws* ii.-1*1 at lils hilt.' iii r.eve. in sandor. Km :r year I.- had laren m.nil- to walk. Tn- undertnhei i |'ld li | gel th- Univ down -lairs. .. a *a*ll "I i altido* wis taken out nnd thu eilan lowered to t'> sidewalk liv tm am ol rop. -. HACKI N'-m:k. Thecatore inn. paymaster of th- New-Jersey ark NcW'York Ualtroad, ab . dbeppeered on Saturday, bs broeghl beek to bli home in lleckeaaeeh teat eventni Iv Illa. Ainley. :i neighbor Ol Mr. lilli. M: \iil" received :i Dote fr-ii Mr. Hill yesterday murnini ?eying be bed Jest come in from Newerfc nnd Bantei Mr. Ainley lo om > t,, bim a* -? ??! a- possible ai i restaurant. Mr. Ainley harried to ti,- phi - em r.und ills friend In a dased condition. Mr. Alnlej anally indued Mr. nm iq go with Mm and Ihej "?. nt uptown to isie-hundred-and twenty fifth st. i roaeb wa. procured and lltoy drove t. ""'?? "1- bj v.v ,,f Pori I.? . I.:i l -v.?ulm: Iii, -"'I -aid 1:1 roll 1 ...I lill ii, i, ,)?/,.i| ,.lill,,I nnd ?;i- uiiii,!- t,i give an a. i ouut ,,f his Benderine* Voling Mr. Hill -nd tint hi* hillier had -mr.-r.s a bu r, lime with riideui mada bes. Mr. Hill' in lue* wa* somewhal taxing and it I- b-Hcvisj thu tl - sli.ilii ha- Bile, hi . mind. NEWARK. ir ry Wilton, ti- "?vooJui"' doe tor, sn* convlrle in Ui.uii- \. ?? rii.av in a charge of obtaining 92 ? "in i.lin Harri*, colored, ot Ba I Orange, unde f.l? r-i?i. ? ni.ii|oi... ii- aaa remanded for awi i-n. -. ? - ? i i.r/. \m.i ii Th- trial -fl' : nil o Uurn'.l .. and Charl. - Pram* the aiurdei ..' I .tri.:, Keb v ,,n **-pt< um -r - ? ???.ni; \ -I- ?'; v ia U-- inion County iou ri tefor i'll!'.- ? \ an - ?.. 111, ni il will hist tb. i. milnd-r o I .i'- ;.:..' . Hm ?? il m -- "S iii th Itu ui Kalian . ).? \ mlrlj ??um I i deb ' ii I,, the :. i iit-r . : ...., mu H. - a: i er, ira t r ut Hie Fl i .-.o -nilli. Ill) limul In I , ls stni deiermlni >t '<> lea' ? lb ?'hil.i ll. ll i ?! il \.1. a:' . |. ii .r mi Siimlii ? ? iii i-i .1 re l M. i. (iialloil ill ?? Ihe .- I ir r i ".,at |||. .? ..||ld lll*l*l I I".ti ll I ? pi I* aid t,, be . III. Il) o i j, lon . ,., cit ;:i remarks male Ls ~, ? pi milncnl mern -; ? ? .ii.ii on hi -" li ii ; . .di m . ahl.!, Hu \ -iiU did i ' ult Hu. r ?iiilrr .' .. "i. :i ? . \ .tn. ii ti. n_- ..f ti,- I'liurel ..i ia t i urtu to .. be ?? I ie i ii ???' KEW ifl.l'NSW!< K. .': rt ? i'.|. ??. nf New Hr ' ? nilled al ?'? fal p m. on Sunday, ul litany and IVar* -(-. Kv ? ? ? a nifflan* named John Horn nu. ? ? . Mdlnr. They ar- nu ol ?? ? wi.. ? :? me. * bli hi'- ? o) v. h re Ihe a* ? ? r . ao ar*Iking to* ird 11 Olid Hie ? omer if Ihe tv.o -tr. -I- WM , : ? ? ne-n with -m ii fore , III I ? Ol. I h" ti: i. . ? : Blt. ni]' ??! ' ? a. ! .i. ? ?. ). ii H.. ? ' ia ny by J?>sep ,'.. ih- .. pelt. I ' ind Wi re ii i in rill .'..| '-ni'. iienipt,*! rolrli-ry. 1 lie men w.. ? : ni sim -s r.v //// ki rm me < m rt. k RI . i -.s '. ll 01 NT OF MR. hi.MM ' i ? \ t '.I i ' :.i\- ti w: i n iros v W ? Jan, 1" l' - Supreme Court of th t mt. <| -tat.-, today tran:', ted Ihe following linaine** \t ia ,.'. li li i:.i, Mr Jtt-atl ? Brea er, tl.ali mei of the court present, said: "The futon ervlce* or ene of our in,,-t distinguished rttUen* tami - 'i. Ul. lu... Mill fake place nt ihl* hour, am In order I ? enable lb. J *tlei ol 'h's curt tn alters and pav their rasper t- to bl* memory, a teresa ail li ? i :l. ii until 3 oVIorh p. m." In ti... .iee ol the I'nlted linea Pel* rr* ? i ompsny and Kdwai I woke*, appel lunts, B|rt, ibe Boston Safe i?. T ..-it nnd Trust Com pal \. i.n appeal fr-m Ihe Cnlied Slate* CIreall Coor :?!? the Boothera ni Irki ol Nea Vork, Ihe Keprem. .it in dav, in :m opinion render, 'i by Justice Blah li ford, efflrmed th* '!?? ree ol Ibe lower roart In favo of th- Rapid t'ompany. Th* ci-ptr.m-erned th ownership ol u lins ol triegra|ih between Clevelam and Cbb-ago, . part) claiming under a. Rapb morlgiige of 911,000.000 rmi Hie other under i mortgage from Ihe Bunker*nnd M. n hunt." Compen; nmountlng to 910,000,000. Jnstlcea Brewer snd Pleb (ll-sCllt-d. The Supreme Court In ll.f lb rner, pluintlff li -.r-i. agt. Hie I'nit-d suns ha* derided thal lb tu Irian premium la ods coi dilute a Inie loin rv with tn the mooning ol the stointe*. notwllb tending Itu pl. ;i it,ai they :if- pur' of the Au trlnn debt : nnil lim t iey are th. r- fi re i ol mallabie. Tbe case ca.ap oi ?ruination from Ibe ii.-ni' Court of Appeal* ol New Vork. Hi- question* certified sere whether tbe mod ..f drawing a* described '". the back -I the bond eon ? ii itt :, lotti iv. Bhi ther Ihe cln alar bi oed bi Horner mut --nt oat hy ..i'll 1- -i circular coiieernlni b lottery, and shetber tba iii. ular containing e li? ef the public drawings constituted u bdlery dmwlni slthln iii- meaning ol t - statute. The conn en awered ell ol Ihe - qm Hen* In Ibo The following business wa* al o d?a? : So. i.ii "i. in- De lu Vergne Refrigerating Mi clilui: Company, appellant, agt. John feather lone ? ul. ordered thal the mandate l*sue un February < uni?, furllur nins.- t,, thc. contrary la shown. No. i.'ji.". Jame* steel, sdmlnlsirator, eli . appel bini, agt. the I'henlx Insuraiire Company of Bnad lyn. i...::i-u tor ii Bril ol certiorari to tb I arnie* circuit tout ul Appeal* tor Ibe Ninth Clrcul granted. So. '.io-. Bl hard P. Barden -t al. plaintiffs I crr-r. it ' Northern I'-.ii- KallroaJ Com pan j j Al -u.p-l.t . olilInn. d. \,lim, n d till lo-morrow. Tile day rall will I. \,i. ;ii-. ii'J4. l'Jii. IsM (ai.d Isis and llfU au linn, ISIS, Isl", Hil I.!'.!. 134, Iga and 136. WILUCEXT l.lRRiRY DEDICATED Bedford, Mu-s, .ian. ::n (tyectsl).?Fairhaven'! nei building, H.- Millicent Memorial Llbrery, -.wis ded! culed d's afternoon m the pia*eece of u htrge bbb ber of people from Utal town and isrrosadtng ptaeci Loaf belora tbe I.r lor the public pun <>r th- cari bm |. ti..- Congregational ( hun li was Oiled, nu i.limy w. re Bnablo lo obtain ndmlaalon. Invitation were l- nd to qnlte a lur.-,. number. Private an rice* were Irs! held in lha library, whkfa aaa basa tifiiliv decorated eltk eajwere, terns ead pehns. The* rvlc. were slteaded by Mr. ead Nra. Henry ll 'Bogara, m,~. Rowland Roger*, Mr. mit Mrs. Willum Everett Benjamin, Mba Marj H. Rogers, Henry ll Rogers, jr, ead several ot lac trustees, a qesrta with lbs Rev. Dr. CoByer'* church In New ?\o.ij lang. Th* Rev. N. C. Alger, el Palrhever, offered prayer; Hara came an addt-a by IN Be* .1. M. Leighton Ihe niemorisl window was uavellri Th- public aervirea COUaUted of an addie- bj lb |:ev. Roberi Coll) rr, muMc by toe choir of bl* rhurrt remark* by Henry ll. Roger*, sofas hy Mi-s tiara v Mul/maii, I. K-liv i ol-. Mr. and Mr.. W. Vf. Thoona* nnil Frank" Frutiehe) all ol New-York, an edJress fo th- town by.rae il. liipp. and Invoeslloua, p ra yan etc., by tocal i lergymeB. gj rOMTMAMTKM-VEXKMAL CAMPBELL tv Rilli) IMnliiil-lpM.i. -lan- 80. The funeral et ea Post ami kn Oaaersl A^aet Oaatshetl, leal mux ivor af i'.? lieut ivie's iiibinct. [ooh place tats moruln.' ul al Uar)'* Uooiau '.atholl-. Uiuu,, WILL OF ABIEL A. LOW. LARGE BEQUESTS t<i HI3 CHILDREN. PCBUO IN8TITUT10N3 REMEMBERED - TOM VU.m. of Till" f."tatk ESTIMATKD A 1' $s ooo.OOO. Th" provl-lon* of Hi- will of Al.l.-I Abbott Low. of Brooklyn, who di.-j oe Jensery in. were mad" pabUc yesterday by Phillp ll. Ad?, th- attorney, lt will I.- Med in Kind's Coaniy in a len says. Tbe will. vs Iii. li was drawn up by Benjamin I). Sillltnun, di? nnys ,,r Beverel etttlfana of dollars seteag .Mr. Low's (iiiidr-ii. relatives, fti-mis gad pubUe toa.ltsdlona. Akbosgh ibo exert raise of ti.stilt- could not br learned, lt aaa said Unit it wi- estlasated at ?ir -.'a ii i.i a Mi. Tn- Instrument ts dui.,I ??. t..l?T BO, 1-!'0. and ls witn. ---d by Rickard Ring, Vf. w. Bberasan mid John Leonard. Mr. Lew names as his esecater* lil- -on-. Abbott Augtuta* la.u ind Seth U*?r, and his stepsOB, William c.. l.ow. The Parker Collegiate Inslltate, of Brooklyn, ol which Mr. Low bsd been fer many yeera :i tralee, receive* 920,000 the Female F.mployment Society, of Brooklyn, t-ft.OOO: th- Long Island 111 toricel Society. 93,000; St. Phebe' Hom-. .*li'.inH) for -iidowiii-nt ; th- First Cult arlan < Tun-, li of Brook? lyn, 97,000; ti,- Cbember of Commerce ol th- Stele of New-York, 980000, :,.,,! c.. Brooklyn Hospital, 110,000. To th- Rev. Frederick A. Farley, tbe Rev. Kr. Alfred 1' Putnam and u?. lt. v. H. Tri.- Collier, form-;- pastors of tho First 1 nltarlun Church, li- gives 93.000 -nell. I i hi- -on, Abbott AngBstua Low, th- testator elves his dwelUag-boase, No. 3 Plerrepool Piece, Ur oktya; his stahl-- In .iruee Court, un undlvid-d half of Bve lou opposite i.n boase, ami th- Uerileld BalMlng, al Coori ami Remacs st*., with lite furniture, bortre. carriage* end persooel property lu Ibe h..use and -titi-, together wini Ui- sum of a>700,i><'(? Bed a geld Batch. Te lils son, Seth Low. pr-sld-nt of OotaabtS Coi? led.', lie gives lill Ills houses Ht Newport, lt. I.. WiUl their iuni.nus; the HamUfon and Freaklln baildbig*, nt (olin ami Joralemon ste., Brooklyn; 1700,000, and hi- Sal l* g lld wa' li. lo his son lu btw, Henry IC. PIsrrepOBt, lie Rlv-s 91O0.000, und :i pictBTe, "The Alp* by sunrise," Ly '.I'll.,tis, iiml to tin- ria chlldr-n of ll-nry K. Pierre l?,iit, 9100,000. iii.- buatoesa bouse of a. a. Lew a Brothers, in Barling slip, his lands ai Newperi News, Va., und lils hinds in Minnesota und other Wooten states, and lu Virginia and West Vtrgtnls are divided ea taafawe: |>.|- |)atl tn Abbott AUgUstttl l.ow, one to Seth l.oW, iiml one to ihe -tx cbltdrea of III* dec-used dilllgllter, KJi-n A. H-rr-potit. th- nlfo of Henry i:. Pterrepont. Th" testator afatributea #:t'..i)oo auoog agent* mid employes nf the linn nf A. A. l.ow Brotlier* uni lils own personal umptayn, as fol? lows; m.hv Augusta Smith, 93,000; Josses W. Futon, 15,000; Oeergr B. Condlt, #^,..<*); BMney Painter, Ss!,500; iJeorga Patterson, 93,000; Tboetae Walsh. 93,000; ni- widow of Henry w. baldwin, 91 ?OOO; John Theodore Wilson, *1.imk); th- widow- nf A. li. Ilurkley, 93,000, and Mrs, Ma.v tioiduti Pryor, 93.000. iii- win al*e meka* ? Bamber of Isstpaest* tn relative* anil friend*, as follows. To Mt. Low's , ter, i:ii-u I.. ihe hons- No. MoatagaeaL, Uroohlyn; to ni-, sister-in-law, Mrs. Rebecca a. Lew, ih- hon? No. -j".", illili- -!., Rrooklya; to his nteee, Kat- Hillard, 93,000; to his uteee, Mary ll. I.oln-s. -s7,-,ii,i; ?,, Mrs. RebeCCS A. Low, widow ..: i.l- brother, Betb ll. Lew, 913.900; to his brother, r.iw.i:-d \. Low, 9sS6,300; to Ms dater, Dieu :. Min-, 913,300; io hu nephew, Albert L. Mills. ? :.'. i; io u- !-: ???h. r. Charles P. Lew, M5.000 : ?, \|.i: v I-.r und Bl lee, Richardson, children of his ami'. Vi'-, lt..a !'?!'?:. 93,.: tn Ui- willow of u 'a. edward R. Porter, fd .OOO: to tbe daughter ... r.Hlsln. -ama. i K. Low, 93.000; te lils sis'.r in-law. Miss Hanleth] Dow, 93.000; to Abbot i.. Bow, -on ,<f hui brother-in-law, Oeorge W. Dow, eiO.OOO. and lo ll.liter chililieii ol' OeorSS VI. How. 92.300! to hts hr..Uer li !a a. H. DOW, 93.000; tn ii benevolent Inst I ml n In New-llempsblre, 93,000: to ihe surviving rhildrt-o of Theodore sad AblgaU K.iu.-. 93,000; to M.-. Sarah A. Kull-r. gVOOO; t.,, ? ,\. Arrher, 93.00O; to Jerne* IL Tites, Augiistu Titus, Alice ll. THu*. Hamel Lew TlOaa, children of Mis. Augusta Tllu*. 93,000 eech; to Attes Osborne, 92,000; lo Jane O'Connor, a former .errant. Si .ooo; to Rate Lawler, a towner servant, $",oo: i0 peter Beers, hi* gardener, SH.<hV); to Ludlow Malian, lil* gardener rn Newport, 91.000; te Jame* Bartlett, b servant, S&Oo; lu Stephen ifllara, bl*!. 9JI30; to Jane Hester, a servant, 91X100; '., Catharine Leyden, lils rook, 91,000; to Paney Kau-. roi in ns vars his wife's maid, f750; lo Janie-, his butler, 9S30, ant lo Jeanna O'Neil, ht* I;.milln --, 9s!30. A. Augustu. I.ow, ?'li Low an.l .h.- (hiid.-r. ..f Henry R. I'i-u-poiir. and ul* stag -on. william ti. l.ow. are mud- re* kies ry legatees. Iii.. executor* r- -Iv- full power "( sal- over U.e .???il .-ta'-, unr-s.ii. I-I power ol inv.-im-nt nnd gower lo partition amt make deed* mid other Instrument*. I.,, proceed* ol sal- ol ;>:iv pniDertt glv?l '" ans I liam ar- tu I-- h-ld i.v 'ii- Franklin Trust Company. i :. in ,,iii- i- t., i?. ii pp lied lo hi- 'I-- during min.uiu md Hi pr. ucl pal pild io him when h ? cornea ol age. i . i la ., ;i : 1 linn i: a.. put of 'li- Will 1. ? ti-ld his all I it -hall no! Bltei-I the rest. Ile expre*vea the il the in.i- ol Ibe bw|iie*1 lo Ihe Chamber ..f Commerce he used tu bu) portrait* ol eminent m. rrhiinls of Uiis md ot -i' iMintrie*, and thal 93.000 ; iseuueHi to iii- il. ? I'ni tartan Church b- in ?.,-'??1 md the !..!-? applied to the b-netit ol the poor through tba KaUHiriiiui soctctj of th., ii.un h. should ..nv of -\. ur.,rs rail to mt. Henry K. I len pout i- .ie,ii; d ii- exerntoi lu lils -t-ad. No u.iid- are rvqulred <.t ihe executor*. -?\ : il nail !!> to Ihe sill wen" mud- on December ?j 7. i-'.h>. Th.) madi provision for his tons' fun Ill? ili rase I hes aliould not ?urvlve lim, and for tbe lil? li,.spion of iii- ii-iu?i lu iienrs R, ilrrtvpont, timoug [?la . iltdn-n, should hedi". The betiueat* In general ure m.ii- -?? ti. it Ui- heir* of the legatees would have Ihe benefit In -a? the legatee* died before Mr. I... Inni-. H dl<*d. AU disposition* under ties,, dlr.. tim ai- mad- per stupes mid not per capita. ni: swixnr.r.n v.ivr rcsixess mf.x. ii m '/m.-. alas Charl*-. Akora, ala- Clarke, i I' a. Unmade, dui ont display any lagr-nultr of Brig!* ni -. In bb n? Mimi* nf twlndllag, bul be ins sieeeesed ta ? h-itui.' a iiiiiiiher of arlbknowa buslaeM bmo. Rep hsieutlag lhal h" wea cai.tad with Um New-York ten n?i ami Hudson Kint Raitt ad. aa called u|iou twenty glffsreat linn-, aad, havlag given * DetlUou* miler for s.m.k i,inni-d in payment u i te-it liii tin* ( ititea'a Nj Uooal in tn- Chemical N'aUooal Hank. Th- cheek bore apparently u.e algaatura -f E. v. Romlter, treaaarer Ol coane tbe face value -r the check wa., slwayt much larger than tba pries charged for las goods, and Kiaka ptoced Ute difference le atooey in bl* pocket. In thi, wav he robbed I W. Pfeiffer, nf WO. 871, of tllOi i. \. sini'ii. ..f No .u; VvaaB legtaa -t . ot il-'O; ll. I' Tuttle, of ko. 191 lilian?t, tl 10; (t, il. Marita, af No. SSS Waahlogtoa-ti., 994; .lim-. B. Burrow, el St Ul Chamber*-*!., HI; Ta* iiml Uverpool Clothing Company, *.".:i; Rog ra Peel k Co., est, and A. ll. Kine ft Do., --'.4. Wbea the i.,? is arer* portshls Rinks carried Umbi with him, winn taey wera heavy ha teat them to Um Dmod Central -tu tain. Mr. RaMlter -aw one ol the ?!.i<- .uni. <ii orei ii-.' tho forgery, UM tho raw i.-f-.r- laapeeto* Mc* lai'i-'iiiu, who put Detertlve* Price amt Maatgoawry sb rh,, .a--, /.mle's fa'ier has n -rm'.rv More In Rlghty. fourth.**, la a liquor alor* al heeeod?ave, and I .itriitv fourth st. Ui- detertlve* louad him. aad ycaterday ba ^^ . held for examination. A number of ctaaptaluaat* wui appear agalaat hint to-day. HF. SHOT HIMSELF IX THE CELLAR. fle?rg* !?? In.?n. mi- nf th- proprietors of a tin and iheet Iroa working eataWlshineot, at Mew-Brlghtoo, s. I.. ?hot hiu, in the cellar beneath th- afore, la RlChamad Terrace last. Bight, He ara* sen io po into the c-ilar about 0 O'i 1" I. "nd w*- f?.nnd di ad ahout three hour* later, u- se* shoot tweuty-iv* yeera old. BsettrrlM and bad BO husiti'-s tr-ull-s. UN hrottv r. a (io is h.s |.ii tier, ian git* rm r''a?oti for his BCt, FLINT'S FINE FURNITURE Always Wins Approval. Three Things That Mean Success: Trie Berth, V-'i'll alwavs t;nd it In our furnlt'tre. If* saluah> and will be aft-r y.-ur* of ..?. PrtStBl'S Ink- That he who rune may. read. We IB!) you ah .ut our furniture, lt's for your own BHStOal la read what we ?..y. Ri ability. You M.a.' aiwav.s d-iiend on what we ?ay. Wo Beret ra'..- your expectation* too high, our fur attars aero* aaaappslata in b.'auty, IpespeBslveeesa or diirabiliiy. '?HIV OP THE MAKEH." GEO. C. FLINT CO, 104,106 and 108 West 14th St. 1893. 4HT1I ANNIAI. r?TATn"4E!T? of thc _ RTt'AL BENEFIT Mil, INSiRAXCE C0M1?AlHb\ Newark. N. J. A HZ I HI 11) H. I'rr*ident. receipts ix ians. lecelved for Pr-mluiii-. tecelvtd fr int. hm aid Not H.nt-... .?.(laa.i'ioTa Balance January 1-t. UM... Total. *'?> VH.Oia 75 *. :(.(-<.j;u ti . 3.;,H-j4,:WJ IB K.XI'KNnniltKS IN 189.'. !ai.u* by D-aih . e3.'->37.8SB' lg laiuowm-nU md Annum. ?. .- '.''.'O.TrK) ?0 oirrendered l'oln ,-. J l",?0l9l Uiil.l.'iU* or l'r. a.lilias.? l.Wi.Wl OJ il'aid Pollcyholdera, -?', - ta tin *7,. las,,.i '? l'J7,078*4 r.\j?'ii?>'?, lOCladteg A^nl-' iXitiiu.l*. allana, Advertiahig, Halarlea s- . 1,141.673 ST PlaaalUBM 1-aid on I', nu- pul hu- d. .c.* l'.K*8t ?r.-.-.'Voti: oo ??.oos.2sali Balance January 1-t. 18''3. Total. .^ ISM SUV ls I, a-h on hard and iii Boah*. I'mn- nu ( lal. I . >. ii BIS* ai.U UtlM-T S C'lllti-* . i lied Stat sand Othel Bonis |?r_ lu-: lennis and Moilgaeea <*i Rtal Katata. Kal ls-,,i. i ,ni,|Hi'i\ s .uti,,, i'ai; |,I,.ii, Ni "(Ila. Kal Katate uarraaani on Koii-rlo* i I..UII* mi Pole |. s In I'..ree. I'? mluiiis in attica i->u-d ... Agonta' ttslaucea and ( u-li Ulilltatiim*. aili.lli4.A2A lt) tesn. r' O...W3 00 4,00? SOO 00 11.(80 121 49 27.297,812 22 200,000 00 i's-17.777 49 5..VW.102 53 I..'., ila 17 '.' SJ l 28 interest du- and seemed....8782.711 ag N-t d-'f-n-d and uarepuited !'.?? mium* ..n Poll, h's lu lorre 517.801 88 * 19 (599 230 19 1 310.624 80 Total. Slt.OO0.HM 99 I.IAHM,ITIr>. R.rv* I'und. 4 per real . 047,200,018 00 Poller i laliii* lu pro. ? -> ,,[ a Ijiistnieiit .... 186,64210 Dis (lend, due aid unpaid 207.747 (5 Pi en,.nins pud in adI ance.... 1,74 1 , i -?I7.734.663 69 . 93,'<t?.),'2'iT 41 Kulin lae al.ov- Satplna ? Hiv Mimd ha* i eeo de. larc I to -.1 n Polli y eatltled Hurt,.. payabM on lt- saalverMry in lt*UB. surplus by New-Yo'k and MeaaerhaMttt i-'jinljid (Aetaariea1 ( i* r ?nt ll ?erve, aad Mano- Sam. ..r tuart 9:1.001.909 91 S?itphi* l,v funner Nen Vork Standard Am la 4-3 per rent lt.?.m 9H.:i.VV ?->3 91 Poll, h., issu-d and revi..*l lu 1883, 12.002, liisiuIiiK, 660,021,721. l'oll.ieH in fur,- .laiin.irv 1-t, lO'.IJ, 71.Jul, inaurlng 8106.010,006, DlltEITORS. Pred'k M. shepard. ii ... - sj, c-ngar. John I,. Iliak", (.mi.'" A. HsUey, Reward li Uiairht, Jame* B. pearaee. Benjamin 0. Miller, M arras L. Ward, .sum Dede, Eugetaa VsaSarssot. 1'ie.rk il. leese, Pred'k PreUogfcuyase, L. SPENCER COBLE, State Agent houthcrn N-w.Vork and Volterra New.Jeiaoy, 117 nROADWAV, NKW.VORK, THE > North American ReVieW FEBRUARY, Contain* : HOW TO REVISE THE TARIFF. . thoHon.William M.Springer, I Chairman t/thi ll'ayi and Miani I C mmiltit. I Recollections ol the Panama Caral Con 1 |s *sS. 1 l!y Rhar-Apmiral Ammkn, U. S. N. I Changes in the Church ol England. j Uv the Ufan ur St. Paul's. I Criminal Law in France, I by Madam* Adam. / BOONS ANO BANES OP j FREE COINAGE. I. "IN THE INTEREST OF SHYLOCK," By the Hon. R P. Stand. Chairman af Iht Committti on Coinagt, III. A WARNING TO SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITORS. i St John Htrten Rhoidtt, J Ff tn lint i/t'nl Grttnwhk Jatt'ia/r f Bank. .Ww York. I III. a DEPOSITORS POINT OF VIEW. I By a Depositor in a Sayings Bank I SVlld Slag Huming in Devon and Somerset, 1 By theCoi-NTess op Malmesbury. 1 Government Aid to ihe Nicaragua Canal, By SknatorJohn T. .Morgan Shall Our Lawn Be Codified? Hy FKKLEKIC R. COUDBRT. EUROPE AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. I. THE BRITISH SECTION. By Sir Henry Trueman Wtof, ] Stcritary lo tht Brittih Communion. H. THE FRENCH SECTION. I By Theodor* Staatta, | CimtHitshntr RtsiJtnt ia Parn. Needed Reforms in the Army, By Gea. John HisBON, U. S. A. Why Immigration Should Not Be Sus? pended, By SewATCR H. C. Hansbroccm. The Hope ola Home. By Erastus Wimam. Millalee*?Eut Not of Mose-. By Charlie 87, TRietcrrr. Science and the Woman's (JjaaBa**, By I. uiA I.vovsa PiM.sorr. r'rom Renan * i'oint of Vie*. By ^ lita H.BSS Kimball. I I lie American Common School*. ' By Rav. Jami- M. Kino. Mall AYESICAtl HEYifW, 3 E?T UTH ST. New York. 4 Ladies, You Can See Any Day AT The Singer Parlors The Different Varieties of Art Needle Work In Process of Manufacture On Singer Machines. The Singer Manufg. Co.. Cor. 16th St. and 3d Ave. Wilbelip&Qr^ef 'BROADWAY & 26tb ST. China, Glass and Pottery DPZTrsf Maratala* tnrt* la K O PX IT Bal loin**,.. ><>p.,llllr.rea. OI'ZrmaT Or. J. <tlrB>hraa, Lrkaaaa. ?*. F.I.MIR I XFMSPAPER MES FALL OFT. I Kin.ira. .ian. :u> (ipa*eal) leasts uni. malinger ol tho Aii.aiiv (*Htton ot ?? y.i>- Kimi? T*4*tpaaa,a Mild to. day Ins stork In tho Tclcprani I'tt ti I lu SC I'onipany, tailing in payment Hm Albany und Sj-.jOO ls .ash. Benaan of tHi- tesl a isl Hi*' rea-ona there. fore? have hoes I. rlrrtiliilion for Bhasa timi-. It hu* hts. Know ti that aaUetaanBoa eaaatea] avsataeaa il. a. Brettia, BBsaasgar of Un- Dtalra .-iii'imi, amt Janice Hill, aaSSSgnr nf Hm Allia;.y .lttlna, and :i dlasola Hun Of Hie paitn.-rtililp or ra thor ins -.filing of the 8t.H'k of one tr Ute otlu-r. luis boca atiUiijiiitpd fen* rome Braehs. IlillN Bteek w- bought by iiniokM, and tho letter ls now the >oi.> ewnar of "Th.- Kl nil ra Tetegrsat " and lilli ot "The Albany Telegram." Mr. Hill asa a'.p'Hdv nindi- arning.'iniMits io start a neal hnmlav usaifiesu lu Klailra, us a rival ol "Hw Ha Bilra 'IV-lcBruiu.'*