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CANADA OUGHT TO COME IN GOI.DWIN SMITH OM ANNEXATION. REASONS WHY Tall rx>\it\M\ BHOCM) BECOME* I-mit ok tiif. rxrii'.ri eJr.vTl - , OehSBi. Ktnith, of Toronto, the pre Iden! "t lite Continental inion, arne lee rears aaa BOjvo**et*e1 Use annexation of the J >. .tui.i i>.:i ?>( < alinda t'r la* lulled Ffnte?, nays ibe lansen anti Ihe wurhleg people of bl-, i m. un j ir. paste strongly la htvor of annexa? tion than they cn-f were before, Ihe etti that Wr Charles lopper lins s-iid Hint niuo i.-nt-1- of Ibo people of (unalla Bl. agSBBti tu aBaoSBltOB Mr. {Smith d.-iinns tint Hiv sentiment favoring it ll In creaftlng. and timi Ute BMtasaS ot tin- people ara hop lug for a bbsm with thi- eottatrj- Tko Cneslneatnl Inion, wah .1 la an organttelJ rn Barking in lae Ifitrreal of aanteaatkMB, he say*, ts liwreaalng In strength und numtx-r-., und will some dav bec-MBr a power ia Ihe provinces. ?'The arl. 11*111 y ami Ibe wealthy people nr.- op pofU to ens change iq government," -aid Mr. smith, ??but ina nni.-M-.s want ea esses rrsattena with thc Vn lt erl Seato* Bi can ho hud. The Mani sall the wcrl.tngmaii of Caaathl a low years BflO did not know what hetaeflta roth) he e>rtee*l frsaa a nnnui sith this C<Ulit;\ . h*tt BBB tl.i'V iili-.w that lt WOBM !?' for their benefit, in order le gala pr.i-ii.Tity fur canada Hot.' etas! '? closer relation* with Ihe I'nlted Kattata, lanena is anxMuaiy awaiting lo aee whal U.e aiiltiui,- <>r Mr, Cleveland and ni- Adml lUtratlon will br lowi.ti! C.nada. 1 iii p.-..pi<- v.l,,. are i>ppo--l to Htiiif >.iti(.n are lu favor ol clo er relation* sith Hm's beena >? my hitow t:..' antrim* ol surh rshttloea, end they, ? well b* Ihe fanner* ami the rest ..! Hi.- iiiHh- s, ero ;.i,\i>>'is le know- what Mr. CkvelaBat'a p. Hey will be. Nj argument bi 'nat If close ii inti.,ti-. ?.f an; hine1 will do goes, eleen re lull tis or iiiin.-.Mili >n trill So -:iii ni*.a.- ^'i? I, "The i:i:.-it Stat*-* ought aol t? fool timid aeoot taking ra neda af Ihe ptthlk ewe os this aOde have made the rn Iliad it e uid entirely upset Mm poMlkal tltnetton hero, mal lhal li woald result i;. a ."?al .-liwli. Thal I- an el rm.- Us Itn pres-i'Mi. The hmo Cation ot Lanette wi ulii have ao ni.. I ?. i al aaTeol in lita i asl?-i Stat*** maa tiie itdnii?. >n ol Moalaaa had. Tho v te ol the Beaafnasn would BM hs Ihrowe one way or tho other. The voles ol ctUsem frtan Hie pr .vince enj so eqaailj .tu uh*!, lu my opinion, ii!w.-u me Dem... i-atii iiiiii i:. i.u'di.'.iii party thu lite aueexa tion ->f Um l".inn i"ii v r lld Dot chango Ibe political complexion ol thia "Tiio 1/in.ina.n oi canada certainly ought, c. i* a d.s.rabae rn | .inion to the I Ulled .-tati-. it won! I lue. eu sj fts 'i ht! g latetwaU, wi ult end Um Uebrliiji Sea 0Olll:*jVei's\, wettM j:i v.- Ute I mei .-tates Beera waterways, and wooli give it a, OOOBtry rh li ui niUu'iul weeltav, Aa I 8 sada is s poor country ii cannot alford to develop it- rich mine*, rt Bal it wuuiei u ? country like the I Bites' .--lat.'s io make lt rich in every wey. We l;u>c .sunn- of the heat farmlm; lands in Um world, and iuiBilgratton is wljat we vant, rut if liiiinlgiiti'iti were stopped hera lt would not como t > u-. i susan would .simply he u-*d as a hack thur, mid Immigrants' would crotta tho bonier, no emiter Whal Um law* were, li 1 anula vere 1*1.1 ..f tiie United .Mates inducement* In Ute !>?? mil i'll could be provided ?-o that a good Cl*** "f J um*!-fra 1 ll .* WOtfM remain. Canad*, fcowSYe*, ls destined lo become part of the I lilted State*. !?ho must have, close relation* sith Ihe Called states, ami sa ariel ten le isa groper way io billia ubmi ihase relaUocs.* .-? .YO TROUBLE IX JUE COAL COMPAKT. denial or Tin: BXPCBT th cr tiup.k is FRIC? TION BETWEEN Mil. FLATT A.Vli TBS DIIUa mu.--. Many rt perte have bees rtrcutated recently in Wall Street that there was trouble in the Tennessee Cob] and Iron Company, and thal in Um Seal Pie UBS ll. Da Bardeiiiheii nattai aaceeed Th anea C. Pletl a- president. Mr. H.- BtnsViahea I- one of Ihe largest BtecMrolden lo the company. ->p-:.);ing yesterday nf the sHaathm he halli: -I have boob several article* in the news? papers lately thal gh*e Um linpr.-s-i'in thal lhere 11 some ill feeling hetwees Mr. Flail and Ute Southern eaaiea el Um coeapaay, whleh bi not a met. We here g .tt'ii eloni sag 1 nm now going perl of Mr. rim's gatle* a- president st the warta ai bl* suggestion and b 1 approval, he betas ton huey lo at? tend tr ag Um detail*. He ba* alway* acted tn .1 eajnare omi p lilli bm nlj atsnner in everything con Beefed ndth Ma Tetsnsaee <<>nl and iron Company ever BlSSM we h:iv.- been aT'ltiiilnteri. Positively t irre 1- 'i 1 tiling B*tt-etM lo Mr. H'.ntt on niy port, end I din tay the siro.- f'.r Si Cae Pe*TflttrB people Intel o-t.'d In the coiuirn. Aa ls ih" eexl olectton, we :u tbe rotttii have mt fives lt any tftongbt. it does not tska pine uti April. Re^ardlnc the qaestlon a- t,. who wilt bs Ibe Beal president, thal Ju-t depend* upon boo ho] s ;he s'ock nnd wanta the office on the d .. af 1 ie el. uon. I do noi rare particularly for the orb -e. iis 1 h*V" too mn h 'it,.r buajneM to attend to." Mr. Plat- aald yesterday that there was entire g. .od ie-lin.- in the retBpttny ani1 mi be era. not re.-pon.-ible lor any of the contrary reports. I vo MORE EXOAOED Tact, will be only #1..*'?>.<"?<> In gold oxp.-.rtM to* any. Thia g"id ana from the hni^Tressnry through f.tir that the departmenl ml?ht he closed yesfc-rdnv esl of reapsel for the Meewry of ic-lr. Blaine, Ko euell ord^r wea tossed, however, and the exporten hsi hu opportunity to withdraw Mere oi the yellow Bates! had there boos any demand for lt. The supply of told ha- been exhattated ami eonsequeatlj tho exporters win have a coon!gt,labia aaargln sf profli os today'* BhtpBaaats ewtBg to I e fad thal the cotna ar.> all new and unworn. n:id therefore are heavier than u-iiii'. Al pr.nt lt seems Hie Iv that the shipments BS Saturday, If any, will be fcninil. AS 1SSFRA.XCE COMr.iXYS ASSFAL BTATEMEST, The aiiniuil statement of the Aetna Life Insarsnea CotiiTtiny, Which appears in today's'paii.r. lnltcates Hint Ihe year Iggfl hus bern an nun- nally BUCCeaafoJ one. The Aetna's pi-erkma Btetement* have shown activity in smnagement, but the resulta of the last year have been unusually fevershle. While il-li' h?s bren bo aaaterlsllf Inc rt sst d, its percentago of exp. t.-.s ls les than one-tinartcr el l pct cent ever th.- pi. ynu*. it mada -i gale in membership of y,.'>?3; In surplus of 1*83,030 40; In pr.minn In come ot ffllP,ano01 ; tn ns-eis r,f fl <278.SB04)2, |n n"w business over the prevluu* year, .t.moo.-.j 30; la Insuraiu ?? in hue, ^7,-71,-_'i.-> !C THE TAX DEI'AKTMEXT iYAXTS SEW QUARTERS. The Tax Dei'Mitii.eiit ls loohlng for new qMSrters, lt having been dc lded io remove from "The vtaat/, ZeitunK" li.iildlnc ob May 1. Colonel gbepard ls anxious to have the department for one of hi- tenenta In his new '-Mail nnd Isfiwea* Dulldlnc, PultoB-st. Slid Hroadway, and on Saturday President Harker end CommisMoner Clausen, by lils invitation, made a Vlrilt of ln?pe<tl..n \<y the Colonel's new biilldjuc They ashed the Colonels hnalsesa nianaRer what the rent of one of the floors whs. ?'You can have lt at year own price, gentlemen, the loi.itiei siiy-." was in., answer. Yesfeiduv I'lesjd.iit lim lor ri-ceived t ie plans Of the Moor -.pokeii ol irotu Colonel .-h. pani. TO ES DOW A CHAIR AT TAMBAR COLLR&M. Miss Helen Dawes Iirown delivered a lecture on George William Curtis yesterday B fl 11 BOOM lu the rooms of Miss Annie IJrerera'a school for girls, No. 71o Flfth-ave. The cul. rtalninerit was ^Iv.-n under Un auspices of some of the alumnae 01 Teaser Dolli je, and w*s for the bettefl ot the Marla Mitchell Endow nient Fund. Anent !*1<-,<whi was -tin nedel t,. < .ni plete the fund r-tiirt.-d hf Malla Mitt loll to mah; Un depertment 84 astronomy at Tseaer ltidep.nd. nt, sud th.- pr.*eeds of y.-toi laj s letdare vin regace that smount by at.out J.'V). The arhaolreoBM won weil ulled with pupils o' ihe H.-hool. V-i-utar alBB'na* and a number of pi..iiiliieiii Ifew-Yorli eoctety women, JIBS LELASD SEST TO THE PFSITESTIAHV Mra. Sarah C. leland, of Re. *.(i West Thirty. fourih-st.. who li** run lure.* honnllng hun .-s .md ima conducted ether business eBMrptiara, was ern tettced to tbe pr-nitenilare for a yenr and 11 half hf jrt'lge Mnrtlne in Qsneral --.?-.i,,.)s yewerdsy. sin was OMivlctud of BasalaSg aa?aann*te worth |tTI fmrri Usabeth A. D..II y. 0f Na ISS W.-t Forty. Hat Bin In Febrtiarv, 1-kh. mu, HbUtj pjBJ ,,,, n,f Pain Nell.Intln led. TbI* I* ?iippo?ed to be an as" of ftillglitenrTcit. Vet the hslf clvlhred iieraUt^ncs witn wtii.-h hoi-t-. of peeplr keep doeln? theina.'lv.a on small ?????>,.m. arjrue. a tredul'^jr rharsetertstlc of the dark age*. Constipation la* a myriad of alli ged curative*, which In a nauseam dose rocieljr evacu*t* the bow ela-Wit* operation BBSSf preceded br pain and followed br eesaasas?Sba latter tv effort of their exco?alve, violent artlon. rodyphyilVi, al***, gainbote embodied In U>e form ot pill*, biuemua* calomel? aaSM ?re Bataet Uie violent u^diranient* lol which should be subatltuted Hoatetter'* Ktoinach Bitter*. Bia flneat, u.oat firial laxative extant, BBVBf aripliiK, a ,A reaemb'lng In Ita action an effort nf nutui.. in her hiip pleat mood. Thi* benign and tl.nroujjrti ir.edlilne I* ul-.t SB antidote to mulara and iliemnatlain, clv?v atrenaaVa u Shs syrtem, renders digestion perfect, ead refuiate* thc gfdsejs ead bladder. icc and. Injured Iteraell severely, Vfleen .sh.- ena brOlght home Mr-. L*'lnnd, who vns n-sorlnt-d with her la benenesa, andissaaed her nnd took Uss erst* from* the ranker of lor skirt. GARDNERS Till AL BEGUN. ACOVSETJ r>F TRYING TO EXTORT MOSEY THEM VI. MW HE A t dVTIM'VNi !?'. cl "I >'?? l N TJIOVERSY 111 r-vi I S DR. PARKIICRST Wi' MR. BTRJCE8. The iiiii of ctastirj ap, Gardaer, which wa* began trelore He. oril-r ?myth In Tart I Bf Gem isl s.e*sioiis yesterday, promise* to i>e a continuance of tbs eui trovervv 1*-tween the l?.v. Pr. Charil's II. Ha ri, h ur-1 and Soperl)rtend>Bl Hm- ??? . The defendant, erho was un ncetit of Hr. Pnrhburst's BOtietv, i- arrttsed ol trying to extort m moy from Mr*, i.iiiie ? Hfioa, ..r No. lag Yest 1'iftv third st.. Ihe beeper ol a d:s orderly boame. A-st*taat Dttfrirt-.Mtarney* Well mun bbs] < (.shorn.? are t inducting lb* prosecuiloa and w. Travsr* Jet-ess*, Jobs VT. Cog anti Flank Mos-, ihe defesea. 1 - ^ S M^f\4 J a^-jW CH MU.I',-. W "? VRHNI il. Yeetetday wa* *penl In serariBg nine Juror*. Thes.. were; Franh Bird, painter, at Ste. 1*1 West Mxtj sevratfa st.; Hen-. Vf. Iiolle*, JeweR.-, No. -' 4 I; ont way; Andrew Halla !a\ . I '.iii'-- maher, No. I,.WI : Madison ave ; Edward Richard*, ptember, No. 403 I Flflh-ave.; cherie* ll. Henri field, paints. No. :::-? [Ceael-st.: Rs*eell R, t'arnell, paper, Dui.'. end Wc-i Broadway; Thomn M. Nnnderaun, grocer, N >. 1 .V> l-e\c| ; William .!. Willett, pilmer. No. l.'.-l'i 1 Harli ave., and William lilhm. tlotisl, No. til \\\ t ' (ine-hiiiidr ?d-aad -'w nt. fifth -t. MRS, GARDNER. Mr. Wellman eoked all the tnie*aten if they were Btember* ol i?r. Psrhirarat'a society, Ult) Reform Club or nny similar organlzaUon, and ll they 1. ? ? Lr. Parhbur-it. Mr. Jerome saked them if they knew ativ one connected with Inc pjllre lorre or were i" lated tn nny liquor dealer. Ile also Inquired if they had read !>:?. l'.ar';!iiir-t's ehnrgv* aenlnst Hie p I' ?? and the presentBwnt ngslnst the police ol tbe Slarrb i.rand Jury. Ile challenged all liquor dealers per ?mp only. ? >!,.- talesman tra* ii-losl If he wa* engaged in the liquor bnstaes*. ?? N i. thunk Ibe L-nd."' he stj,i earnestly. -Have von nny relative.: who BIBI" "No, thank the Loni," rame Hie reply acaln. nial every one untiled. TWEXTY FIVE YEAHS OF ACTIVITY. The Harlem branch >.f t.'.e Young Men's Christian Assoclattofl completed the wort <?( Its fired quarter ol a cntury of activity and celebrated lt* tw.nty filth anniversary la-t night. Aasorfattl. a ll il. ai flo, :, W.-vt i liie-hnndred and-twentj fifth -t.. was flTied wlUt the friends of the association. The Rev, Dr. Her haw read the Scripture lesson and BtepSen ll. Beer, * ores tn., ii-, chairman of the branch, offeree* the prayer. Willem li. Sage, the present chairman, and tbe Rev. l>r. <>.'ge R. Van De Water mette Btldn ? F. >',. Banister, the secretary of tbe branch, made Ute annual rogart, Carl E. Duftl and Ml* Beetrlri ? >??: ti.-id pleesed the sudlence atti) then? vocal end lu -tr i mental music The annual report contained among other statements the following: "Thrt* were mad. to the As-,., billon room* In Ihe hts! 'ear 117,4km visits. Th,- (otj,I membership oi Un brunch I- I.W7, which I- a ma:lied lncrea?e over Inst -.ear. The average age of lae memberabip I- twenty-two year*. The Board ol Director* ol tho main association offered the Harlem brunoh p-.'i.oOO i: a dmllar um would bc rai-e.1 by the tirane ti to pay toward the mort gs. ged Indebted!!.*-.. Acc/.rdlng lo the t rm* ol the;, tiie money mnst he raised before Pebrnary 1, 1?03. lt was reported last night thal the money wea rst*ed, COLOXEL II AY ESS SEW TRIAL Jadge Marline, In I I ll of Oeneral .-.-sion--, yes? terday sol the re-trial of Ceionel W. li. Haye* for perjury fm rbursday. The jury In the find Ulai di-.iuTi(.*J. w. P. How-, f.,r ibe defence, Wed le secure a Inn, et sdjournntent on account of Ibe lllnesi of Mrs. Hayes. Edward ll. Alcott, the juror Who Stone Mood ont foi tm Bcejattla] In the ease, gs* l.^t his position with the New-Vert Belting and racsfng company. Ila wis ot;.- 'if their il'v sal.-men. Au OSVer of the . nipan y aid that Alcott wa on pa ced for one year from Pebrnary, !-!?-. Ile nnd the eonc??ni could not egree on lorin* fm ?uoth<*r var. ->, be left lt- employ. Tigs waa -.inca before the Haye* trial wa* begun. AS ATTRA'TIVi: STEAMSHIP fir I DE. A hand-nriielv print d, tioetlv arr.mK.'l Bag BttreeUve elide to mc place* erac bed by BM Mallory haraataaig ItBte )ms Nen jtsiied bf tin- .'oii,]ianv. A galaobta map ls lli.'lonod with the |]i!ii't. Thi* filide giVSS ? ki eat deal of inhumation of value to people who desire to ko Beeta, 'l ii li tampa ay, whoso atcemshlpa leers New-YerS from 1'ier* Ssl and '.'1, last River, i.a-. three routes; the (i* Iveston root", hy srMeb BtastsBshlpa mhII se WeOawedsy and Saturday by way of gey \V'e*t: the Floiida route, by ?rhl.'h *t-auisi ,p. Ball on Ki.da", mid the Mala* unite, f..r Bbleb the dov of -allin.' I- bsttsWdhtf. Willi Us gert Bf eleven non -lean,-hips, tlii- line I* r'-inar.ialily v.. Il eSBtppod fat fr-iKtit tiwaaportattaa and ps men ger travel, The geeeral neut* BK C. II. Mallory g to., Pit 20, Ra-t River, and No. 80S RroadWaT. THE rOMMIBBlOXEMM1 case ADJOCRXRD. Hr. Ilenrv S. William- WW* iii.- onlv willie-s before Cotninls-iotief shhids vest.ul.iv in the beering iii the eas,, of Edward C. Sheehy ami t'harli's E. simmons, Conjmdsdoiiera of Cbsrltle* and Correction, who are accused of abetting Ibe Illegal regMrattoa of paupers. Dr. williams was throughout la-t veur m.-dicHi tnpriintendent of Rn,dall's Island, la Octa ber. In uccid:.tie with Hu- order of the Board of Cbsrltle*, h<- transferred Ike ninnes <,f thirty three rnsestes of Um ln*tltnilon to tba Hst of sneelerleg earpJeyea. ll. I>. Iletrhklta, for the defence, a keg him If lu- was not a Rcp'ildl. ai\ A-.'sbml I'nlt.-d sta'.-- Attorney Baker objected to Ibis qneatlon, saying thal pollii>? sh..nhl be kept cut of the case. Dr. williams, however, answered thal be beti not roted in -i\ vear-. Mr. Iletehhlsa iioii wanted to know if UM witness had not supplied the Pf del el authorities with the Information on which the prosecution was baaed. Dr. William* IndlgimnUy denied thi-. li seems that he lo*! his position boessae he waa his pect?*! of giving to the fnit.-d state* Ittornrr the reeta about the order ..f the board. Th.- heeling tra* adjourned until Monday. IXSrilAXCE RATES SOT RAISED YET Tba New York Hoard of FaBttet*B*ritera yesterday met nt No. gg aJsSSSS -t. to take aet|.?i ,,? i|1P |jaajj| of the committee BBfStnteg hf MsjW Riardy. Bf Brooklyn, BBSt action on Isa gtatatlos ..f enfonlng the rnl-e of ^."i jier cj-iiI Iii ln*BTBBCe rates In that dtv h.- d.-biTed. pettdlasg nu laveettfBUea of lae lire Depor'm.'tit. lt. LeekWOB I presided. A < ommlrte. rsgartad m btver el ? Setay ...' tblrty says, ami pro poy,*l some *ugp.-st| ,:iK for Improving th.- Plre Da psrttnent. After some dsacnaatos the enforrtag <?f the- lucien*,, wu* *ii.sp.<iid"d for r-ixly 'In-, tliouch not wltlioiit opposjUtKi. At lirst t., carry this propia-lllon at all were larking, but pr?om.l appeals lo some members Anally Induced a majority to fnvor the suhji. nsion. HE 1.0 FOE Till. HEJ.W .il El. .... M. KISRKTT vmi :? I.. 'TI'BOIH TO IXSWEH tiie i'itarlr. of f-?r..:n'; \ i n;. k J , .j; -^ , omi. Tbe examlnat i n ol IK rg* M. NI """ ;:"' E. nun*-, on the charge ?! forging Um Royal Instu < onrpaaty's chert for a>o,000, Nash pac In ibe Tom ? court yesterday morning. Pee nea tact* were brought oul In Ibe illili-" of th.- beating. Nlabetl. wb iiiiti-ed !>n riaturday of forging lbs namta te the - was ..?M.. i McagS io g I - na., BaSne) rather than lo alt-nipt BB mle fnii^s cn BS large n rt-eta ;n * ??trent:" place. JBntts t?, i.iHv.ii!. radhfH af Baa Manolmade1 Nm Hnnat Rink, w-toi wa. tile n. \' Bltness, sail that he bad rerclved Ihe rbeeh htod Tne*day, arlih a nota n-unc that th" cbaeh i? paid a -.taine- WeesnraM* ?.va- h..' aide t,, present n ha person. Tbe ind -r-. mint Bl th" nam.- of the ollie:- of the i *B*pany, Ihe note mid, wouM show the genBtnems* of the Chert. The i beak hud bSfB the nuuib.-V 'J'-.'.ll. A- aSaWB b\ K Iwnrd F. Reddall, BBBOBgrr of the coaipuay, ihe check uuniber tSA,4*V7 wea Um hud ono -"- ^ ir" ? ? j ? i M " ,--^ fi fr} lm#1 ^iJelll^fWl I al A\llV"' 4 '/i f\ ft*. / I /^ 1*\//^- "'W ? I ? \*l' S ' P^ 'VA//// IA I/O Nisr.t.!!' ANfl sn ItUIS, had leenred mun-i yesterday, Iosep!) Mo appearln1; for him, Ex-Judg" Kllbreth was pr -???il lo reprenenl BtnrgW. Mr. Le Rn-he. of No, .;.. william- t., rep resewed i.b.- bank ju the proser Bl lan. \. H. Lansing, nf Albany, Ihe sgeni for Ihe Royal Insurant ??? i - ni: j> 111 > in :ii.ii elly, aa* ihe fir I aline H.- told ti..- ; ry nf ihe pre ? niall rn ol I bi rh. ;, to the hotel clerk ol the ? ipdtavl. and of hi- own rffa I in lelepl otflng lo tbl rltj lu '? nn ll " i?< I???? i. were all right, stnrgl . he *aM, had told him lhal the . li,-, k had been given lo him In payment i..r Ute loss of hi- lin.!-', hf-. Mr. Lan-lng leaU* 1 lhal be int ?idvi-.<i ihe vim.- tn-a in telegraph lo h h es ia iliav.n, up to th" time of Hie aHrnvrry or me urra?*. i lo-li. V!r. I'. ? -1 '-ill -.-ml on . i-.-s rx* min itt. ti BJ i\ Judge Rllhreik lhal he and rerclved the iii l .nf'nm tum of the existence ..f * chert for gao.flon ritargt*, va,, bed 'nm'- in Ihe afire .in.i"! bj tiis rather, Appleton Mural*. Mr. Bidda!! Hen loll nt Hi ? . nf.?--;..ii mad. in .\, ti alien a. ru "l tl,, f.rrgery. le'e. UV," R..L' ' . V.I.. II eil U:-' -'."i 1. ' Itflel Ilia' s-ii _-i had f ne tn tawdqnnrter* and glvo hlm*elf up. isturgt* lani -nd ih..' h" lia.I imu np Un rhee* .ii ti.- val bel H vu lllmll) Itfld li I rill VI !.- ii i.ii.l Stnrsil iv, r. ii. | ; :, Jude WI l!( under Hu kaine bail, SIH.OOO, ;, await Hie ... t: . . ? ? Ute ' .ran I .'ii" . HA LUIS NOT RESENTENCED. DISTRli tat:'(i;:n!;y NICOLL SOT READi Tim RECORDER a!iii.ii;n> 'lin: SUBJECT -'i v MOTION i OR A ni >'. TRI vi. Crowds Bocked In front nf Ui.i ral Bet hm bolldlng yesterday miming to rel a gTlnip*e of Carlyle W. Harris, who lt waa wi.-ly Ul tghl wa* t-. be res. tn. ii-???'!. Ile wa* n il bro ;. Tom!.-, however, lr li- ra** .nu.' up befor I (ord.r (myth on n legal point al""''. DMrlct-AI torney Nlroli annennred Uml b* ie- had i >t bera served with the afMsvlts nf the defence anti! Friday h.- wa- mt Mt r adj ? i reply t > Hiern H.. would have the answering nfndsvtta reedy in .1 few deja, 'iii- I;.-.. nbT adjourned the whole subject Ol > motioii for a new- trill until next Monday, dlr*** Willi.-:, P. Il,--, 1,, -.rv Mr. NI.- ll nd later timi Thtir-day ? lt li a' \ addltl mi ?! sAVl. . 1 ? 'l.t. 1:.-, order Sn rth I r r many letters, <R pat. I. and * all :??? .1 ; ? - ? 'I.-''.1, a ? - - a ? Hauls a p, r, ni,:. '. rat handed i 1 lum which read 1 ? 1 ti ? ;?:? ni ? Hartls n ail \ 11 1 . .,- 'r -i. 1; !' ". ? ? A. II. \ .n I. .1 ? " i;. t I r 1 a-r note a a- bandi il t . 1 - 1 .11 th? bench: " 1 am Hie 1 \..11 i'm- morn!n( In refcren ? ?" Hu 1 .-?.;? il 1 1 a-e. May I n*k win 1 . i 1 also -li-n. 1 ? A. II. Van Hure 1.' 1 ni. I.-- ??! -I at l 'i t . him abai ph :?* Don't you I guilty nf an linproprh tj tn ; ? ? ? }i .;.-?? Bb ?...'? lutj Mr. Van Han n d left 1 - ' '.' 1 Ur ?? ' -??'? ? . 1. ir 11 ?'. t i I ' ? add.. . nj.p. ills I Mi ii ??? -vi. ge .1-t pit ed for n n< w ti nally as ii ,, i ?,, . rrito lo tl g.tW MAXI F.<i TUBERS COMBIXt lt hi reported that a 1 manufacturing 1 ubii mlm hi 1 1 unli 5 tu 1 li 1 iniie .1 to . 01 solhtate tin Inter ' and forming a ?? 1 di. Bte wi . '1 alli 1 ki urti 1 National - ie 1 umpan) ? lt I* nld that t rn ho u 111 . uti ri n- ll ttl lirotfaen raw Company, ol Newark Wheeler. M. d i-1. a Clemson, nf MWdletown; IVondson ,v Mcl'arlln, ul Uni lt.; a'l. and Hi.- Harvey V,. V- a. ?? < I Limited i, of Brooklyn. All ? I th. pi 11b In iii. i.e-ii arranged, and kn a (? ??? day. lb. nea u will issn.- 11 . ato.!. for Hie t-jrh of 1 ui.n a it iii. rn, . Thc 1 ? ...'? 1 i 1 ipi tallied nt *.'?,.,000, A Tribune reporti r 1 alli d at 1 oil ft. Harv.-. W, Pt. Company, in K ep i? Uroohlyii. iiial ot the Nalioi I Saw I lenpany, No. Wi Ree i- ? . .st. -riia v, hut Hie officer "! boll rotierl :\>r. reticent, and declined to give .. -. Information al in. -?.'. An >.". -r of ii-- National compuay .-aid tl- detail- would be Bl ? -Ina IeB da] -. lin- lUcherdaon ttrother*' Comp nj 1 probably Uie large*t ?.f Ihe com rm rnu-rl a. .. nj imM. at... and was In-nr|H.rated about tv... rear agu arith a capital of .-l<i".n"'. ll 1 Ul il ?: Lal Hamilton Dis-toii, of Rliilad.-lpl Ih, I- larg. Ix n I. ted III lld ...n..-I ll, whleh "Tirald b ad ll. ihe I. Il?f li.,,1 I . Brm, which )- Hu- mosl Important sir. tun g Iii Un- country, I lui .;pi..| ii thc :.? .v (Ollll.llliltloll. 1MVDRTAXT ELECTRIC MAI LRUAD TAT EX TS a dispatch pnhlUhed lo Tba Tribune ye lerdey fr m sprltiu'li.-ld. ?i)iio, -aid H,ai 11. 8. K. liv. 01 thai etty, ba* BO 1.1 Whet are BOOWn B I the < ?<? ? li patent, ,,,, , ;, , trie, railways t,, the deners! Electric Company of ?fen York City for .1 large -nu, ,,{ ni iney. The in (|iie-tion iii.- those granted lo ?.rae 1 tireen, Of Kalamazoo, Mich., and Basdgned to Mr. Kelly, who ls .1 millionaire maiiuliu tut. r of Springfield, nillo. Frederich I*. Flak, tba patent rana e| ,,f the untied l hom .ni linn ton and Edison companies, wees ashi-d ahout no- patents yesterday, saut: ?? We hsve made an Brrangeatent, th" terms of wM. 1, have not bc-n definitely nettled, with Mr. Kelly, ,. the owner of these patent-, by willi li our Company ami all our m-tonier.* ;n*c lo be protected. We gig not think it safe 1 > go on with three elelma onUtand isl .'uki -o made this arrsngestent. it I- not exartlj a pni'cha-e. iHit, Insures protection ender Ihe patent* io ali our ' a t-in 1 . -" that in ihe <ii-e of the palenti being litigated sulMutineuUf wc and our caalomcn will not bc uifert.-.l." TRAXSATl.AXTIc TRAVELLERS Aaasng the pa**eng?r* arriving on lae French ste;nii-li?p, ],:, GaSCOgtIC (roto llnvie \ e-'.-i-.l ,\ BOTO th- emili Ravinonl ge Pelet, tin- Rev. Ifcfjjrrg 1 e..1,md nnd .lunines, jj ff, i assen, heastor lonee, c. L. Pol ll BM ll mid T. II. Hiibl.iird. flee Hamburg ABMftcM SUesiablp Faerst Rbi mun K luid fiiiioiig her pn-*" Ur. I. raawsri Clark, <;. de Itiivii, Oeear Malier, c. ll, *,. grhnlts, 1 limbs A. Knight and ti rhanl von der ll-il. MfiRE SIOXI.Y FOR THE HOSPITALS. Cherie* Leatrt, of No. 1? rteeoaB-at., general Ires urer of tl..- llo-pital Batuide) and .-uiiiluv A* 0 .atioti, reotrrday reported ike receipt ol Ihe foUeBfeg addi OSBSl ron'ell'iition-: Mndfson .V\.-i. \\, . i,,,ii i church, gang; Metawsy rn gan ? Raastoyea, Mew Vert ami Aetetia, gi ld 90; Temple Israel, ul Harlem. g}i8b0; China nnd i.Pi:-war.. Trad.- ((J, li. I ,.|t,-i ,. Slid; Atn-rtcnu Dash Mote letapeny, the Bredsireei CoiiipntiV. nnd 1/-hor. W.nilli.Hi A C.... i-.uli *|im> YOUR HEALTH mst depend epaa IBO nar von treat the BOrehtga \v lil.-ti nature gu.-*, a lew battle* ol B. s. s hthaa at Um poogee time may Insure goad h-allli for a jeir or i?o Therefore a< t nt otu-.-, f,,r lt |* Isaptrteat that BBtBN I* a**i*i"d ?t u.e right tiiin. a s. s. Bevei fan. t., relieve tio- system >.f impeitMse, aad ls sn exerileat i/>nic also. III'. WANTS Tn Aim HIS NaMII. "I'ertnlt me to add my tonne to t.ianv BtbOf rertitl cate* In .oiiiiii.'iid.ill,.ii ' f tin- r.'io-it curative pr. | is>aalaed ht Bwlfl'a Rpetiae > s. g.). lt ls certainly ene af tbe beat tams i em aaed. JOHN v,\ DANIEL, Aii'l, ; son. >. C." Treiti*- BB Bated and Skin Dl-ca--?* BMlbsf fr.-e. tWirff ?PBCiriC CO., \ilaiiin, fia i - ri 'I. rd --I..- ' N ih**SI I < nm i. fii4 ?: Hominies a Haft, f.'sf): Ht ; au!** M tl ndl?1 mun I ?Mi ; I lr ; RH ?? ..- i Bpi i pal (1 ;( lt, --'.i . Kt reel M. fi dl*t i . iii a, and !?. we Mel iodl ? < hnrh a fill , |( I lier ? ?? i i. .itel I mploj ?-. .-'J . -J.', ll, ai! ,\ I .... t ilftlll '. 'fllll ill, K. I* til I ? .; . ? i ... und .ti me- Ron, ts rrv. ? ? ,.a, - , i ait- ,v .', . pan in. rrlg A < ?. nnd employ.. . .? i.i; llolnn - i.iii!.'i.-r-.a:i I Morai lan < hnrcli I. xlngto . a ti ?-' _ c..!.' .'. i ? il.n. rtmnia* Nel -nil-, ll,,-vaiii M.,-,-c.-i.i. John L'enjamln, .\b.'iidru!li A !;.-,? Nanni rinrtng Comiany, nnd .-iva.:/.. Jerboa lil A i ii., euell glO. 7/7.' RE <: El "ll: VO(i ESCAPES. ii; I LCI I. Ri- ri Cst ." \: i . : - rill! ?COII v HOLE .-. 'iii! i i Xi I M.r s i ROM 'lin >: .?."'.?. ll 'I:.' do ? thal I a *lno* Frtinv la*rl bm ?! al I n a. :, i . i. .-,,.', i si ii.r.1, ,i hi , ii . ii Curl, u . -tin lhere yi R-idaj morning, .'md a nam **r of men, women ad dill li ti sveni lo I lui. I!-- al ? ??? nod - ? I ' ? . a i imp .1 ?,;...;?, lu dog i :.i ol l ..- i . . lo i ? ?: rg. i h. i-iih ie b ?. lan ?? i . o d i t ? ? ' . elli '" V dmu ? ? nd cap . i ? ??!.- . i ' . i a . 1 b: e li . and 'ii! a "? i ... a heyo.d ... . ' ? .. lue men k'i! '?? i ' ' i! , ? ? ' ? - r ni i a nob un iii ? I ? ..j-, ri ... d sa ? li i?? ' ? ' ?- . >? I he I I up to nigh! la I In h.. M< ? N Burp u . . i . ? ,;. ? . . i \ ?: ; Ipi* p 'nan -mi. w i tran f-n-.; rom Ibe tank ssMch ah baa * I ??? it . i il.j . - ? :? -i i.\ i.. i .'.a ??.. i ia ie ml ai of m.ri li res una. u n ? io - ol wli i di Hg i. and lu Ihe re of Us everyt itng i 'she I peart irddenly Ml Morph j opened bet j .-? - and made daughter, sr ho nt r lie 1 lon r ?? lu Int . ile lanh. Ij I-- ii. ih.- afiernooa ti.-y eitk-d i i r ud ?? ? i?? 4 .i" li) ie In i ? ? ? i . .. bsl '. : :. lek m Bike), .?-... .. . miilopliU ? Hi ? . . ' iii rm. lils .f lier I i . louder!) ri. ni . -I bat .. and . halt a-:,-. y il !,-?> ? v/.f, - FgOlf 7 flt ' Bl tri REPUBLIC " i ? leam bip Alvi; ;i, ?-' tl.- AH ? - Ut ?. s bk k arrive.! here yi**terda) rrom liaytl, Irrooglil a kiln In a nienhaiii In fi elly ?*!.!?;, gave an acrouul ' . re. elli '-I', 'n.iis In the " III ll k R. public." I . 1. ttl r dd thal Hippolyte Lad nldlei - at the poll . md that tho e abo sere oppo .-I lo Min war. not all..?.d IQ vole. .?ii t before Ihe liet-tlofl the lender* of tl,.- opposition Were arr. lol. All the jail, were crowded with political primmer*, After ii,, r lee l lon un. i of tn. ?? pr,-uer. were ?. I ? :i ? j Bli . a lea caul lunary word . DEATH Or ELEAXOB liol i,HITS CB I LD. The il,lld of Dooghtj tied Bl the lome ol ll a.l ,|,'l'.e ni ,',..;. Ml -. Maj I. ia. Un. d, N ?. l-l Wi i blxtj third-*!., Bl mMnight Hun dav. I he (hil.I'- ra ?? mntjaed ? m ld ra bi- iiii.-i.-t last tall, when mu- Dought) s..ur.-.! ii writ o! habeas corps* in prwreedlui ..uni., l Mi . Bradford lo sun. nd. r ti..- child. Ml - I.gilly alleged that h. a>. Vreelaud, of No. 100 \a--iu M., was the lalber ol the child. v tea w.-.-lt.s uit.-r lt eros bom, abe said, sio- bad hem In? duced to let Vhs,, lira.Moid have lt hv Vreeland and Mr-. Mian and hseeney, ni No. HT lireciiwU'h *t. ?he -aid lhal die feared lhal Vreeland and Mr-. loni would nike li- life, The .a .- was ell! I" Jaiue* .1. .Neills, a- referee, w-lm la made no report. A L-oroner'a Inqtteat will probably be L. ld. a var imo cur oitmm to pai /. n do cbailw. A sliver loving cup wa- presented lo Rael B. da (?ballin yesterday efterffbon, el ? rereptien giv.-n bj Ibo olin er. and members of Ute Cl .am il of the Am.ri can t.eogrnphical **?-letv, ul Ihe cliibhuiiMS tu Weal Twenty-ninth ?t. <?n the rup was the Inscription: ?I' to hlUl B. du Chaillil by the OfgriT* and members ol the csmncll of Um Aetertcmi Oeographk-al society, ..ii ihe Iweril) iifih aiintveraarj of his relura Africa after guosverlag lea gorilla, Ibe p> g ni. - and the great Btneatortsl fotest of Hint ennuin.' Bx* hi.f Jestiee I huies p. Haly prevented the rup tn Mr. du dunlin and mill.- a few remarks on thc lift inni di-inv.-.t.-s .,f th.- great explorer, son.f thone Invited, lim I of Iheni Were pteeut ist Hu- reception, acre tteorg* Vf. Child*, Hw Rev* Dr. Tiffany, lien .r..| Ciel.-, 11. ... Villi-. M.nus h. Jessup. PraiirU M. lill.,Ul, William T. II.'.'lilli.Ol, U I1II.IIII l!ell|.el|. (',, n M.r William i.n.h... jr.. W. II. II. Moore, Chandler Quilbin*, John A. llndOVn, cluren s king. Henry ll-iit, (.,slav c. hiss, i. orlando ii. ["otter, Levi Holbrook, .iain. m. Halley, Waltei P. Jones, l. Ilerubeimer, 1.. c. Hull atid v. j. Drexel. SIRS I E.i K coXVKTED Or ARDUCTJOM, The Jurv in Pert ii el Oeaersl kaeetsna loslaiflsa ronvlctrd Mt*. Reeeaafl i.??*u of a hd Betlan altar gs> libers Hug Bftecn minutes. Tiie trotasB and Jacob sturm*, of were joint iv tatuasti foe the ub dn.ilon ot Hy Ito'lie. Illt.eii \euls old. Afc'-lsUnt i i irlct A"iin.) Wellman prosreated the woman, mid I... ni, I;, i tMendVd her. Tin- trial was kaftan Judge Marttae, in tia- moratng Ni . Lech teetaka*] In her own behalf. Bbe prc nled lo knew nothing of the re Intlen* ef ihe vonni; girl ami stmsas, in tho cross :'ii iiuiti.'ii -io- wa* min h ? oufiised and, oente*> ilnt. .I herself badly. -la ' .,,, Kngl|ihwi>m:.t., thirty foll; >?? iii'- . ld. Mr. liorlliiger innde Ivy Roche's i,.ni. s ed simrii ntniiiL's hi* s: i-i,ii-.-,-.i point tu ad di.--iiig Ihe jun. Mrs, l.-..k m*\ ba sentenced, to live \. a:s' ii,,prt-..lim- ni. COAL ASI) 1ROX OFFICERS REELECTED Tba ?'i.c..holders of the Southeastern Coal nnd Iras s] .-.ny held their annual meeting at Heir oglers, Nu. .sn Well -c. nt noon ye*B>reeVi The boord oj directors und all Ike 'Bah r* of tiie company erere ra elected utiatiimou-iy. Three are C. lawrence Perkins. pi"sidint: T. '?? Oeedatn, Hist rim priafdent, and gen ia! Bmnsgar! W. R. Vsrher, teraad tiespetaldini. R. P. I'. 11.In-, se.-r.tiiry! Trsssnrer ! an.I dlr.-, tot i. C. liiweine I .-il in?, lieadw.ll Ch nv ,-1:111(1. Slo-pp.url Handy, H. c. i.-ritin-, i. ... Condon. W. B. Vartm mil J. R. '-il. !ir.-i. rue president'* aannel repnti was eatlsfactery to 11*> itochhoMaas. THE COURTS. A t-WBM) KIN ll SPIT DI>'. ON TINTED. Judge Barret! has ssmnnUnaed bb bcUss bro'r:iit lu i-::, by the people of New-York aajalnal Jehn J. Walsh, ot.f the Tweed rina. Walsh wa- ene of iii,, gt 5,000,000 Cmirtltotthe Comhilsal.'i's. anl th.- ai non wa* one ol those known as the ?? ring sana. A ll, p.lalee wa* til"! Hlluin-t Vi ilMi's properly In Kins- t 01.tey in the spring ol 1*71, UH BO proceed, i lags have been taara sine.-. Weeah r*-eently irlea lo -ell hi- IllM'i'sl ill the pinpi I'lV IB Kills'- foiiiiiy | for K1.730, bul lound that he could not give a eltari titi.-. He thereupon moved io cancel ihe gs pengana, diing in lu. motton popers a kita* irrtttea bj Mor? gan ?'. O'Brien, a- Corporation Counsel, to Mayor Hewitt re. i.lim.. n*l it ut a discontinuance of all the ? na .-. it ." i,..?i,.i-.e the .1.1. udall's |md no hUlrxtno iii I p ....ri; on which lo re. li/e, and because (lie titi gstion .n'.uive s large rapes**?. ? 'NF. .'-FT <>!' RX I'V in-i's ,i|'!'i.-lN'; ANOTHER. JSBJge Ran-'ti ii-sterilay ll-tonel to BrgUBten! "n a Beatson to vacate ea easier of tbe court aUowtng au extension ol lime to Hi" e\ecutors of Mrs. payer weather, Wife ol Dmle! B. Ravi wernher, In which ;.. pm :n an amended COSTplalnl In their :k lion ngalasl the executor* seder the will et Mr. gayer '..'.'!.:. s.'V.'l.l .'\te,',.i''i,- Ul lillie have heell granted. John R. larsons and C. N. Boves< argued fur the BMtlnn on Ihe ground leal the -.Hons rbarges ornate again*! Thoma* '.. Bitch and Henry 11. Vanriinii. executors, ?bania' aol he allowed le hang over them sar n treager time. uWlnm Walkie opptrted the motion, Ile -uni thal no Injury would he evan* bj a inti" deter, as c., monej Ans tied up, and that be waa .bring hi- be i i?? hiing tbe case to trial it* -non BS pest! le. Tiie ;n timi va- brought !.', John B. Reynold and Vinni'. 15. I..a:'l-le. a- omi iltur*, of the will Of Mr I iim-iw..i-h. r to continue proceedings began by Mra. I'uj. rv esther Just before her gestk In July, ini>-, le set a-ide certain clauses In her hatband'* will, la rludlng C; it providing Hutt ihe residnary estate bel given In the rx**, nt or* ie diapir*? of, and also the bed in ult I j" which ti,' executor* .livid il several million dolini*. among certain school* snd hospital*. II |. al-e lOOght tn - I ll-lite the rel-ase V. lill ll Mrs. I .iv.-iw. i'll!"!- -lined when the ronica! oVer Hie will aa* s. ttl. ii b\ . ..inpi'iiii.l?. Thc ground for tbe i.-p-.n ,. ni lifted undue in1;.i.oe,, .md fraud on Ihe [ur! of '.ic executors, < -ne. "illly dr. Bitch. ?- *> ? Till--. DA VI OBOX-AARONS SUIT TO Bl TRI RD. Tho -iiir brottgtrt hy > e sheriff Alexander v. David ? a sg-tiisH es I labr -iieiitr Aaron Aaron*, to re rover money* Bllegrd lo hava i.?-.ti wnmgfnRy eem \ to bl* own nw, wig be tried seon. four. ?l , a??? bare i.'"ti dlr., t.-i to appear tn Ihe Supreme ?' ??ii-'t Pcbraary i- in rader lo Bx a sag lor the trial, rae mil lois been peadBag Uaoo 12, '. "'? le,'. :,; . ?? aa PS Sheriff Bl that lillie, i.od ? |g rbarged vi'ii converting m bis ?wn sae tors* smeantB of money which he bad p. elvedln iii- official capacity. His piece was cid tn be north aW.OOO a year la bim. A iniiii1 -r of ..nits were brought ? gains! him lo rerovi r, und Jodgi -nt- were siiSJTed which nere ra in-.-I un -it, tied. IndJrtment* were also found ?gain ' hlii. and ii" tra* iri-d on one and acqult'ecL ll,, ii.-i I,, Ni- .ii- -, r.. eacape bia |adgme*il ? r- -I:'? r-. Brad In M'p li. IBM, !"? wa hit. -I 1 m lliivnnn. A- I lani l> t, Iel Attorney Nh oil, on rasas . i iund lhal Dn\1 Ison wa. not lbj.* t to ea ?lii'.l'i. t.. He wo* afterward hesrd from in Vets (ru/. Mexico, h.i now lt appear* thal ke hes been In California. Davidson charged thal Aarons ol Itlhen Un moneys and was resp,.:is|ble for hi* litii. uni. , ii lt bough R vas generally believed thal holli Wi re . ulpablr. Judge Ibu rti \- iterday l*?aed ;i commlsalon to ll. ti.'. IV Mack, , ' (nd. ;- ndei ce, fal., lo tal B ( ? Chirit tire his They wi-ti for lil I >.1Vld *i ( nunn They wish f .,? hi ti Hm my, a* Cmr | ,- ld- pnsencc cannot bo had al the tr al. \ ? turnlm ii a. an adverse part] aa ?.. . ? - . i art! h Un fra : -l RR. > . WK HANSOM IN NEW QC.ARTRRB. I . inii Term of the fnrrogate's douri held ,r the i.; i limo in it- n**. p,oar*er? In the benemeul ?r tl,, tieneral Bewden* building yeaterday. Tho i, ? nie i li s |,.- Moe h. :,i'. r ? -. i'e.. and ape . ti pu;,- have leen taken tn make il bi I trtit and f ,1 a- po-sii :-'. There wa* a -t:..e-'lv smell ?f pain! and a general "brand Bea ' appearance, -ii ..I.- Ran- -rn aid the new iii--' i- v..nhl do f >r ? but lhal h ' ped tn ft I ls itel a ft n tl vim... : ..i i . ? pul up. ?? Tell I " pc ipi ??" st Ihej Mi!l lind ii- In the bs r.nt." file "1.'I- III Ul- ll'-Vl r:Mri| HHS la., te ||.i--s,l\ ' -. lin- |. - -rt :.. will noa b ? bold thc i id r om ii. t!,e emmy Court House ? 'i In Ihi q. a ro an, DEaDED Vi.\lN-l' Vf. .< J. SLOANR.' .lui!.'.. InaTBbam yesterday gave an opinion In the lion of W, c. J. .si,.,ia-, tie- carpel <!? lera, I i have l.lief- on iii -ir pi ? p i !". I -.'. el io!-. The . were *7,874,> a.''. . .1 dm Ung tim ii i n i r> \\ <? !?? th ? remaining ?..- euot.oai, upon which Use lax i mimi dimers ..--? -.-.;. rho ctsmpnay ?i ti'.- prop ftj con . ting '.f *toi ka, I tied -i ? *eruriiiea end Imported goods nm.pened hud -."?ii i. ?' - ally, and timi after deducting tle-e Items Ihcn H.aiW la* no lailance ubjei-i to taxation. Iud,'-- ltu'laliaui derided thal I ll-- tUXCS nm-t bo paid. RI ! s ol', VI. M.W'S. lu I ? ? Darn ti j eaterday *|>| olni 11 WiUiaa- 1* Ckei ef in pi Unga for a voluntary dlsastails. ? t Lumi I I lbl? i| ati\ . i i" .' ' Bl ti." Hope BM < ' ';rt, lia- ap|i.,.nt.'d i ni.',e c. ia ii uer reeetvor of th.- MaohaBBm Lita*. : iphin ? ' -"pan., ni proceedings for a vstuatary diaaolu. tn.h. ni th- staj uf proceeding* obtained by tte creditor* iiiiii.H ? ?' i- ? . a'- i. Th I-. ?, l i.r the rea Ivet u ? I boo i ie , ? : ? - ta t sal i ? th" it Ti id Mr* Clara !.."ii-.i I.'--":-, abo ?; IO ;??'. r 1; l-a:. |< av .m. aa ??-tat'- v.ii-j. I at about i:i'i'i ii. areee v. nh lia-ii arhen me , is* ..m..- ai. f,.r trial in tin- harrogate'* I u irl ye*. oii.ii Mr-. Lyon* left ail her pi ? .? 11 > rn tru-t ?i:li i inn,, s II, ii .-tr.ii. lt. : of M. uti,*, -i,en. fol li-r three lull:' il. H-r h'is!,.iut Walla,e I* ..eli-, prim ipa! ..f a pattie rn hool iii IllgbbrMi . .- eta a coates! af Hts * . a. ia- ground ul uiidoe InOaenrc. Mr- Lyon* labertted ii.,',- fi .in .11. ..I, Weeks, iii" adaptive father al bet , uv :. rho * di wa* admitted t ? probate. Jule* Darren board argument yesterday on a Bastion in soi aside j- baanBlclent a verdict "f 83,000 obtained by Ji?p i c. ( enniii- f,n injuries t... ived May i, 181)1, nilen he wm knocked down by a rarofthc ?raedwej and -. ? -itii Avenue lUilrvad I'unipeay. Purttu-r argument aili be ii ai i t., ii. irrow. jul-,' PBtteraon ye** rday gr nted aa-lnjuaetloa re* >t rain ia. the Manbatcan Life Imairanco Com|aany fruin ?.anne .I...-n the Uloba BuBdlag, Ne-, iii tad 88 Broad, a ay, eaiandleg to N**r-?t., sad fr, m erecting gairda oe th,. aMearalh srhleh would laterfere \uiii tin- aatranc* to th>- Inii.-li.roi'in of Clmrl'-s A. Qerfoid. slaaoa Jterue luis begua * -nu agalnal th-- dtp to re io\.r *ii..^io f.,r profeaaloaal ?ervke* perferatsd bu a r-taner sf the I'orperatloB l'ouaa*l in settees against aeveml kBBka St Shirk Wie .ny B8B pliinti'!. .-? rt) Lard n,.- .. .iji.u ol 81.000 a a Inst the city :.,i Injuries i ? ? t\? .1 in faiUng aa a Oadorilv* asdewalfc. .lu'i-'-- I. ii t tt, af tbe -ii|.i"iii i our:, wa- laked yeaterday '.. -ni:.t ran af Mr* i rank* Leslle-WU le's answer le the sun brought sgalasl bet hy Cherie* C. Wlag to r?? '??uer 84,700, a lilian'" all.1 t" le le .,n | di mood ne. i.lii-'- sh.- jiu rc 1. a M-l In Is-c. Tl,,- uri,-., of tb* ii.-, ki oe SB* tl. 400. Mic paid ifTun. and nile".'-, th lt she Bgeeed ts paj lbs remainder ia sdvertlslag. CVsi'.s ARliCRD IN lill'. fot'RI' OP Ali'F.Al.s. Albany, Jan. 10. In Ihe court of Appen!, today these motion- were beard! charles kibi.y. a* admlnlatrater, etc., and another, appellants, a.-1, Lovi 'J'. Miller and -'Hers, mo*lou for ord.r limier acct lon 1/JOO of UM CihIc ,.f civil Pro cesare. OeUserlne Mehgan, ;i ? odmlnlsdratrlx, etc., appellant, Hgt. the N.-w Vol lt <'elli lill iiml Hud-oil Revel- Ral! road Company: BtOtion lor Huv<: t., go berk for m?W trial, hrjfaed. The Reopb- eX rsi. .lo-.-ph Ciiulfman and other'. Ont. Dozf.n IIotti.ek op THE GENUINE ? JOHANN HOFF'S Malt Extract EQUALS In Nutritive md TONIC Prfpartlit ont Cask of ALE, without bolnf Intoxicating. It <i tits tho r-nenries, ??inmlates Hie nutritive noarars, improves the appetite und aids digestion. It can be used for Ulan, w oman or chilli. Matchless aa & tonic in convale<?cpnce. PUrehBBttB arc warned against Imposi t.oi and disappuinrment. Insut upon tn* " i^nuine," winch mus*, hare the sarnatur* ol , "JOHANN^1IOKK" on the^ecklabsL "A tiling of beauly ls a joy tow." A Homo uifMONt Fireplugs is like a. enan without mf+-4\ ImmHoss .tUii ,. ?.IClilly. Thf ilflte I*, not eoe ia Mc n#Jr titus Uk- sunni radiator ?lou um, hospitality. lu tamil) affairs wlial is s(>taiiitio)itn| i?. also practical. Dntnrstic Lafnpaj|ejc**B i*? a practical tnattor. anil tho home i? tho sin um- of st'iitlntrnt. \ Fiiep,iar?. is. f Bi ot-fie fir of I lie home einlo, uaritu hearts anti limul*, alike. Tltereiore beey seasonable lilians for the fireside W. H. Jackson & Co., UNION SQUARK, lor. Broads.,. Vine IV nnd kinniel* and Chimney.pte.-r Xovrltlf*, POROUS PusTIiis *hou|i| nl'.ravs he gap! on hand road." SN u?e |n raw, ?# riil.;^. .'ouch . Nure Thro-Jt. Ililli- in tl. OaB*S, Watt Ca it. Break Mu- !.-. si ai.-, spniii-. laaaea -s*. ni* v ii - ,n,d pa ns of evorj Soieriptloa. apt. .1. Van Baree asd eaeUter, BpneBsaai; motion foi- reargumenl: submitted. lb.--.. appeal* from bider* were argnal: lu the matter of tue application ..t Prtaasjaa) wood for peremptory writ of manias**!*; argaec in Um matter of opening, et... of lirovaaWl t? the vtllaee ..r Bdgearater; argued. ' S. I'. 1 vi I; sgt, Henry Aniv. Impeesa**!, cir., ,-, pellant; sppesl dlarnhfed under ruie I,, viiboj. coat*. William M. Helson, appellant, tgt. K. r.|..fgaa*ab tren Hirer, etc.: ni gard. ' in Hi- matter ?f the eatale of rsth tine L. Moke *>. teased, egalnsl rector < f urace t burch, apseuBBt' ba good. Ill the matter of the e tat., of Catii.-fine a*.lifo fa. ceased, again*! Metropolitan Mu-um ?,i .vrt. ?'$,*.[. Iain ; arinied. In th- matter of 'he sppllrailon "f t.e t ny n. Rochester lo acquire land* for pm'; pnrpn***: a".;uMi chi.rb-. yid.- son nat. Wilt.-. *.. Curr and another in tin- matter of the contempt pn*.Mum inhu*. Joan .1. Leary-, attorney, .n i- lian' Braned. ? rn tlc general calendar, ihe aliment In Fe* ... . of Boyer act. Khlnehsti wa- re-i.i'-d nod .nii.*i. Th.- day iilendir for I-ni ito, i- >',,., 033 oy ?j.-,t, o?, 'jr. SIS iU7. 343. ' "'' cor ht CAUcno tua for to.dat. Suprem.- Curt - c? reeta] Term?tty . ,. , on tl tined. Sn; i -ii..-' Cnurl ' Before Barrett, J ?MtaBa relendar railed ai ll o'oleek. Supremo Court?Spec uti Term Part i Idjoureed ha tiie t. rm. 6uprrnie Court-Sp*1'lal Tenn?Part Il-lWor*. T"iax j.-n',.. ISM. lodhi. 2273, 121*0, ISH, 22W, :.;t %M oo'if. ..oe,, f.iCi. lin Its 8122, I8B7, i:,n, i.V44 ,,r?V Iggn 'jcvj. l'."'.s. 2121, Hts. ^ tTreuit Coon Part I Adjourned until te-norrow, Circuit Court?Part* li. ni Bad IV?AdJe*aTB*d gar tho tel'". Surrogate's Court IWor Fltzrerald s Mom . . ?.;i/v ? -.'.'.. i ... io':;" nelone, l,, i - -, - ?.- 'ii. ?. j.?,b Keller, Allep l '.rp*ti ? . John M..-n-l. Catha i-r. Prance* J. Kamer|< k. I:, c. ll Inrlrb, i nari. ? n. Sfric. aril, H> o. m.. Jobn Kvrinbumi 1' la V. Rut! I Mar*. V. Headen, B. .v. Price, M-.' i Dst. William l> Mu. well, Cornelius septen-. I-ir-t Franklin, ta lbj M. Chopper). Cniiin.oo PlBSS fl'BMBi T> ria?Adjourned until K?t>. mary 9, Common Pleaa?Special Term?Before Daly, C. J. Motions i ? bbb mi Pla* Equity Term? Adjourned Bee] rYtr*> or: i ? Common Plea*?Trial Term?Perl* I. II anl Ul-Ai J..'.r:..- I for I! " t/TIl siller:,ir coori ? ? >1 Term?Adjourned unt.l Men arv o s |, r Cot Kp ,: i ? Before Datra, I,. Mt, Saprrtor Court-Equlte Tent \ . , if-:, tm, superior Court?Trial rena part* l au-i n iljoontti f.,r tho term l..r Court Tr si J rm Part Ill-hVfor-. M Mioa. J.-No i um. i ht i ,,-,rt.? Term?Adjourned for th I Cl'- C mr! -. " i , ? l 'l t -v., i i-v Court-Trial Term-Part* I li III and IV-Ai. ,...' n el r., tl, Court of ii ?. s,.. ... pan ; ftefor - rta Ti., and a? i-fiiii :> .ti - Imaii sod c-ti..raa Ki*. 1 ts I i ts ? ( "'irt ?' >.- ? ?-Part II !'. foe1 .Mirria". J., ai,.I 1**1 sis nt Ii .-?? Ma. lona?Nea. 1 t.> ti laclualve. iou rt cf naners! ??? alan Part [It?l>for? T'l'rronlt, I md a- isfirif U.-T'c'-.V ".. r ??? i.d-N'>- 1 a io CAPTAIM WOKMIBOX'R UCEXBE RMKTOBMD George ll. Bterhnrk, - pervl*li i ?perter of atastl V..--.I- for the .-.-,,.nd Id-ti-i, ?. ? ...ii. r- rt.r.*l a derision in Um matter al tbe .'!?!"ail "? ii ??.!i Item il cn, Balling master of the rsc hi Alva, irun tis il..'sion ol t,,. i.i.i Uiapector at Bast BS. CSplaal Mariini; in ii- opinion'.-s t. Copula Monteai lil- ll'.ii-e, ..nd lilli- th'- a. Moll ct the Steal Iti-P'-i tors at Boston " iii- gal " 'ihe .viva, one of the Mrajest and atest sxaaaaaes st.-atn yachla lu tb. trtajid, trea nts i;.t" and sang by the siraiu-liip ll. 1'. JUmoeli. I...i;:,d frmii New. V.-ik io Boston, lest msteter. Vf. K. Viinderhiit, tin- owner of the yecht, asd I parry nf fr., ni-* wire ? " boord it the tin..-. Tin- juna area as her erny to N.w Torfe, and on ir count of I delis- foe bed an- bored on* the Padlock nip Igbt tataal, seislds el Maaaseaf Rem', ene traa ast In Vlnererd assand, a.- Um d-." of the -u;. lAi-nic Inspector might bsd ena t.. sup? pose, but ?n- ii a BBBsese leading tdart*afh the etetaBj outside ot ( ap.- Cod. THE rr ERST WIBMARCMTB STORMY TOTAOt. The Hsmhurg americaa *t^*ant*hlp Pa**ral ietaatarefe rame into port yeebBiday. nfti-r a sioi-nu passage a rs* t'.o- N'ortli V'liitith . Prom s'liithainpt >;i lo s:itl4 IslMlid Ute creal ship foiiL.-'it ln-r vnv BgatlBBl a BBS* C.'--lull "if e.e-tolly (Tabs iilld lie.-H V lii-ad BBBS, ''n January 'J'- she plangrd thrtsagb great sea,, shiel were Mirved 'Hi bl u Hoi'iiiU"-i pale, The p.i-.s.-n^.-re Vere ll"! :ili"\\ "1 oil de. I( il.-.v. Ose big -* lame rntiing oa'er the bear, rind, tbandetiag don mi illili, broke in de troodtrorh right and l-l fha llljur) !.. the it-aM'l wa.s sliu'lil, bul tie m.i\.- wa* n H'.'iii. ope. - ? ? ? ?> h*OT AXXIOCB ABOUT Tin: I !TY OT I'EKIXd. .vt the olino of Ihe Parnta Mall ateaati lp < sa> piny lu this .itv yeaterday ii m. i saM that lise steam. ? hip eily of Peking was not .-?? -i?l< r I ,.\,-it:ie, bet ass univ mektng a Pmg "inter voyage. The < iy i r Peking was reported In the barb tr "f Voknhame on January IO. she was expected to sui from there on January 15. if she iM sail on that date Ute it Basking an exceedingly long trip if R. lae City of Peking is commanded by Captain Searle, -h.- i- a Ship registering 5,080 tons, and na* built le i-"* ll*!- Ia-' iirvey clas.-d her a- .}1 f.-r twenty ynr-. rio- of Hie Riiiiiie ,v!.,ii istMmabip Compaaf -iv ti'.ey imo io. doubt bal thal she will arrive s..: ly tu .-san Kraiu i-c.i. ('ii th.- Maritime KxchangY \.-i.r. dav lt Wiis thoBght thal she bsd broken I shaft. No \iiiieni storms eave recently been reported ls Ria Rai Hie tx run. JoHX MUMTIMOTOTB Rody sEXT To CIRTELAWD. The ( of .1 hu llaaUnajtoa, "f I leveland, lahls, who <n.*i recent!}' in London, arrived her* ytaterdap on the steamship Etruria. Mrs. Huntington tra* ? passenger on the same vessel. The member* of tan dead .nail's family at Ibe Cnn.,nt pier w! en tart vessel arrived lhere. The hoity was mkee la ebaraa by au uiid.Ytuker and siripped on to ci.\eh:ai. ATTACMMRXn iOAIXBT BTSIXRM MES Two attii. htii.nt-.. aggregating |O,403. Inv ? t^"tl oMatned by lHcm.-i ti.-l I llirs.h agilad Wilna Obormley, dreksmaker, of Mo. MU Plnheve., vhs sold out le lils v*tr.-, in favor of Pnnh Debenham The >b.ritr ha* reteived aaotltrr a buhetenl *-? I *t Lorens WHber, tier builder, nbs ereaf t.< K.u:> p ? aa January IT. f.,r elLOOl lu favor ol I".i Rulc-r, anil a ll- pt*nden* lui- been lied en Um pr pert) N"*? :tll!? and 401 St. Nb bola-:v . AS attachment f .r .-r'.i.T ba* 1.1 obtained In this fly niMinst itjrtvBBns c. Spalding, >f Alaska, la fmor of ih,nuns M. Bartlett, a- adiniiil-tiator of ti. estatS of Heojeette I.H. hu.ld. for Mr. ?jmtdtng'* -?"'" ot ll.-ibillti.-s tn. urr.'.i bv Ute Buster of Ike bark r"ree> erich P. I.itchli.lil, in which Mr. Sp. 1 .lue BBBad 0 li i'd ll'lere-t. The M'bedul. - nf Thomas Kell, ioing hnslm ja Pell A Van N.--. denl.r- In ftiintitire al Kl tv sec??' d -t. and Thlrd-JtVe.. -Iio.v ll.Lill le-of i?'J'.?ina. I oailuBl n-sets, el-.-'''! IlClUill a .-I-, ifs.UT. TO MARTI actcre Mowers IX CMtCAOO. chimp. Jen. 30. Itu dian! A. L Obspr, Bf the Whitman a Barlee Compasy, nen la la Cksrase with his aasst into--T. C. Alden and C. ?.. MMMM *abl to dav : "We ure onilnu to < hleaco to eni t Isa lu-'"-' plant in the world for the inanufaclure Bf .nani and binders, as well BB 'some BtWItsaSSl lines el 'I*' cuitiinil I m piemen ts. FasJgMa rut Bsfae ? a\tara ia the business, and Wo have coln hided tO BMVB BST Ki-t" ern racterloa ts taite cat.- sf our Raaten^ni baeign ,r ole. V- BOOB BB we decide upon ii site Bore a? sluUl proceed al one- sith the cnxtion ,.f thc plant. I.OW rate exotirsloiis lo Montr.-*! va* N'. w-Voik ceutral, during Carnival week, iVbruary 0 to la* ? ?