Newspaper Page Text
?""]HSHOP WIGGER'S CASE. tRWa* TIIE STATKMh-NT OF THE NEWARK D PRELATE. ATI-XCOE OF THE APOSTOLIC DELEGATE jOWAlU) THR'IHSHUR-THI'. ORDINARY Ol' TIIK XKWARK DIOCESE ADVISED ' IO DRCsII tl' MS LATIN. Ihe Wanna printed on January 51 exclusive -ormation wgurdiiig the ehnrfes made against aijjop Wagger, of Newark, by Father KiUeen, [*!? of sf Marya Church, Bergen Paint. In Ms**" jj^t staten.'*" t, printed on the m..rninu of tlio i*y Bishop tier, from Winger anya hs received a nanunnniea Monsignor SatolU announcing; tho (j> 2p*j7|g the KiUeen-Wlgger en-.- In the Bishop's favor theprei'c'inn wu- made thut Bishop Wiener ^jd be ordered tn restore St.. Thomasa Church _ fha Er/.-lish-spe?',si'i-' ' 'utliolics who built it uj.j provide fur BrTvicea therein as before, he. ^i it, aaa .var ago. -I caa ann tall you," tyiid Tho Tribune's in ftrmact, "in 'no face of all the sutboriied sfnto pjnts of Brashest Wicger to the contrary, that ?j^t prediction nil] be fulfilled to the very lotter. First, Bb .fnaanas'a Church, Bayonne, will be re itored to ens English apcaklng Cntholica leahs erected it: aveond, tho altar and all the necessary (urni.'^8 for r^'ino worship nil] be replaced 8Tid *rn<x* roctilarly hejd tl.ere aa before the ehurca mw eloped, bf Bishop Wigger; third, this c-rJft ot An hbhshop SatolU, tho Apostolic Delo? wie, ufa" aa proenptly obeyed by the ordinary of gyfJseraeof Nearer!*, <<r eotneone will i>.> found t? tdaimMer the affaira of the andean who niU obey the order of the Apostolic Dejegnte; fourth. ii Bi>1kp Wigger baa tho disiiteat doubt about ajnaanaacy "t tins last statement ho can eeally venfr if af natlinJlif to cany out the order of .MnnMpnc-r Sa fol li. -If thi-* canstitutea a vindication, then BJahnp aajjaaj Las boon sustained after the game msnner Pat Joan Pnenia asid he triumphed over his sn UgoDist-tii'ldiu- him down by inserting his doss Masai ni* antagonist's teeth, Aa the time when ill these things must lie done is very short, the folly of Bishop Wigger asking Monsignor Sstolli to bite off lil* ms-e will be mad ? pljiiner than any statement yet tarnished from (seton Hall. "l*ee by the evening pupers that Bisbap Wi<r pr positively s:". a that lie received a carumnniea tion from .Mons..-nor Sicolli announcing the de? cision of the KU .s'ii-\Vie5,.r (-;ik> in hL? favor. When gated if there was any truth in the Wash fngten dispatch savina that no decision had been mtde he ir, ousted as Mying : - 'I have received a letter from Monsignor Satolli in Latin, which tolls me the oa>o ha* been settled in gay favor, lt cover* all the charges against me as tar as 1 know. Out ot courtesy c. Monsignor Sstolli I cannot pive any portion ot the letter te the pul lie. <>f course I was much pleaded at the result of tho trial, x do not tear the result; however, as 1 knew that the action I tock in steini Si Thomas's Church was perfectly right.' "i fear there La one charge now etand inc against tbs Bishop that the aiiopod letter (loss not rover. What object the HJcrht Rev. Dr. iVisecr has in reiterating what wiU be publicly thown in a vcrv ghtvl iir,ie to bs sbsolutcly false ho nny larenfter bo nMe to explain t<> Monsignor Sat"lli. UnlcSa my information from Washington ** ant sf thc way, the time is Dear when Maajaien * Satolli will i divines him tlirtt hi* knewledga of Latin needs brushing up if he has found the authority in any letter from the Apostolic Dciegsta foi saying tho closing of St Thomas's Chants ana perfectly tight. "The Tribune'* Washington dienatch to-day points oat that Monsignor Satolli had already authorized a Hat contradiction of Hisiiop Wig gers ati'tenent. Non-, if this l* not true, why |hould l.ieiio,! Wigger shield himsolf on the ground of fa**riesv fr m proving that be Mieved himself ie ir richi in hi* intelwetstlon of the letter from the Apostolic Delegete? Why, 1 am fold th/it MiiniifsiT Satolli bar no snch acruplca and that he arill Dot fail to convinco thc Bishop of Newark thar be has ^roat nerti to read over the anaBalegse ia his next examination sf con? science. Tl it ks Hie (iifTer.-nco b?tw**eu the two prelates. It dees not se*-n to have occurred in Bishop Wiccer tleat ho i? tryiag t<. make' Mon? signor Satolli r:?ulous, and that it is himsell that will siller In the end. Tho ordinary.of tie dio?e?p .if Newark will ic-nh/e soon that though Ul Apostolic Delegate <!"?? not speak English, Ik can read it tuite '.veil enough to understand that somei.i.'iy has shamefully Diterepresented '.ii immb ta th" "!"n-"* wad* bj? Father Killeen. "What i* tbs use nf mincing words:* Biaho| Walter ha* h.,t leon sustained. There arere thret Chant'-s mi.!.' azainst lum. The lir-t wsis that llM ?Jasiag of st. Thomee's I burch, Bnyoane, was ex eecdinsr the suthority Ol the bishop; next, that lt was in eoatravention ol tbe rule established bj the rci.' Council of the Church at Baltimore ajkleh torbnde the elosjrg ..! a chnrch by the ordi eary of the S<-e with.cit- the consent <if the psstoi and pe. pl ?: end, third, the whole administrntioi Of aanhop Wagger was BB attempt to foster nnd o\ tend thc spirit of ? altOl >l.v i>ni. "Ihe first is Included in the second. The thin may i*? reset*ret) for snottier timo. Tho eoncrett fact get forth in theee charges is in the second tameh. that it waa li contravention ol the nih astasiisbcd ny tbe rc/jcnt Council of Baltimore wliich fsrbsdc tbs Closing ol a church by th. wli nary of thr> diocese without the consent of th< pastor an I people It < anno! be saul thal a J>ibho| eaaeeda Ida authority when he doses a church That is dane whenever a pastor and eongregatioi NM Bgsinst iii.- aiithoiitv of tho ordinary; im what Bishop Wigget did. Monsignor Satolli says h tel no right to do and he nia-t undo it: therefor he did exceed his authority u* a bishop and bi ecti'iti wa* jt, contravention of the rule nf thi Waasrjr t ion J] nt Baltimore. Now that, .it least Covers two of the char::.-. The third was elimi elad from thc presieni trial, not bul wiiel it (?? Lproved tine, but it dil not present a cads wliich rc'iiiiioi tn !.e beard end ronaldered now lt wu, MpsratH ti->n tin- iii in'iti- aol coneret. case pro-cut.-. I m tl,, petition Ol the o RX Thornes'* parish, vet it liiav now bo made t. eppenr before the I ?c of the trial that the spin of t *h..|,si\ j.,,, w;is fostered bp the set of th lusl..,D |n Bayonne. ul Buy venture another prediction. ;t will b mst PJeiiop Wit- ?. r will lind that bia recent coi ?act hus i; . | Inni in,.,..n .i Monsizror Satolli. When the mort of all t:; fara's reeelM i ti,e Vatican it i- likely tint inatru. ?ann sill e,,tno I; which may make it neon Rff for Biaiiop Wig-get to take Ibo public Int h* conti.I,.,,,,. ,,,,1 .? knowledge tlte folly of trj "it h. bolrtei up n bad neUon by v.liat profsji ?n^J vulg] r i opie lying. "On.- word hi r?**nrd t i '1"' Insinuation in 'Hi Tnhiin^ ti.-diiv. u was sjrnpl.v a wtnarii tan eoincidouee that th" decision ni Arclilii*. o 7WV sjionhl have ieacho.1 S' Nm Hall aline: nvth. jame time with tiie fit-: pulilicntlon <? SS.hetth.t th" .mi* il lind bern ma'*""T>.\ Killi ??Nisnd thal Bishop \\ i__. r had Med hi- ai gjl to -, ? Fattier M ir*liall mifb ?fae addo.| thut in t!.rdinary odministritio gteUce. Bishop Wigtrcr'a conduct would hav '>e*Ti call.-1 contempt of court It waa not uni fteajjrsnr s irolli summoned him peremptorily jeord uni" to make snawor t<> tl..- charles th* J** Rsl.op of Nev.irk'iulcl to i ??< i> ;n.' ?aa ssthority of th" Apostolic Deice.ito Foi t^.tV- wi.., -;ns he did not le i the result ? rain?r Killeen', chartres, Bisl op Wigger waa aonw *tltt slew |n :i..v..|,iu the citation of his ?''d' BMMMm >ui*-rior." ttsacyr wig jee in-ists ni: is bight. HE Dixr.vp.i.s ire RECraVED v COMMUX1C* Tlt.N a-ROM; Null SATOLU Willi H Sl'TVIMI) HIM. Pd-hnp W|C-T ,,f t'.o Roninn Ciitliollc Plocese < Sesrsrk. to^ ., Trllmne reporter \eMerd:ir that BC BB fefe)r^ 1() T^(ln fr(m M(). .)2111)r tnt(,iu the con ??i'*tlon in srhlfb the ArthSfShnp Informed him t'u J* ""S" of t!i-. I',:iv., C.arch had teen decided 1 ?? hvor. BI?!iop WTp^.r whs a-'tet wlint truth thei *??- lt. the Wu.>?,...,.,., sfesaiteh alleslog lani Ibe ea* "'rt not rei i,tH*n settled. p,e Blehop said: "I tees only ie ear, as i told reeterda* thrsag '*^*r Marshs!!, that I have received a eOMBBBBlCBtlo ?pel by Jsessdgoor galoin in utln which tdl* n anni the ,nH(, |1;1, ,( S,.W(^ ?. my T.tv0,. Dor* that raver nil Baa chaise* made against V" B? Fathrr Kll!.-n |" ^Te*. to the bett of mv knowledge." tte you gs.y, a sjtoopsla or a few et-nteoces fro the letter to remove all doubt the e,,it,er0f,o0rtr,Cyyn,? ** "*?***" ? "???? allow me litter to lr? read or us-t ln anv way." re-ui. :"UP,,"S,> y?" "*" v?rv murh a*eeei at tho " Tea, i waa.* "Did voa f.-ar the r**jnr< f tJ.:i;'2 r^; *?* ? ?N anio,, i toole la Wa St. rii.mass Church matter. n?d I knew the de. r^mZS '"" "c *.l -? ' <? "? ?? ? The liishop admitted ,],at tnc f?.lwlll? Hrs.. ,Ml ,,?. ^,n| ,|f M T1()m^.s ^ . ex?' ii . .VX,'"W,I."B 'he authority of th- BUhon h,;t ? ,!' "',s "?' ?w"?*>ntlon of the nil' ,,' mora? ? ;'f,,i:.,:X ,MXU,2 ^,"^,' ''" ,;i''" ' -8 IT WILL BE AGAINST BISHOP WIGGER atONMOXOS BATOLUfj vuviskks M' at ' TUT- MWAI'.K PRELATE'.* COlfR&C. Washington, Jan. :to (gp*-tali.- since the rector of the CethOlle r.dverslty has added lil- positive decla? ration to that of Monsignor Satolli that the charges URalnst BRRmp Wigger have not i?.,.n settled, there la now .,1s,, upon th*, highest authority In sucih matters th- statement that the essa will' not be settled in favor, Mit against liishop Wipg.r. The cc-urrh at bnyonno. dosed in January. laVS, hy order <?f Rlshs.p Wigner and since m,-i ns a puhllc hall, must be restored to tte use of the English speaking CVilhol>s who built lt; sorv|res |? Kngll-h must he conducted there regularly nnd the rights of the con predation respited by the Bishop of Newark. Tl.- statement telegraph-d here tl4ls nftertKK.n that Bishop Wigger has, in the Ieee of the ope,, declaration of Moiisicmr Satolli and Bishop Kenn.., reiterated the story that the case hus heep d.-cid.-d i? hi* favor, ls '-'inply astounding to iboae who know that Bishop nigger has no mi. h letter from Monsignor BatoU or Iron any one who could speak for Min. If h.. has, ?? motive of need keep him from printing !t. Ihe representative of 'Ihe Tril.mie was told today that no rub- of courtesy would Ju-tJfy Bishop Wigger now In withholding Its contents from the public. Il? ls at liberty, ea lt was published In this correspond? ence today, to print ever* word of it. The hem* Is not ope of veracity between newspapers nnd bishop Wigger. but he twees ihe Apii-iolic Delegate and tao rector of ihe Catholic l'nlver-1'v on one sid,, and rishup nigger on the other. It l< plain that the re? spect du.- to h's effie? will not allow Monsignor sa lolll to have Mk word questioned in peddle, and there does not appear lo he any other course l.-ft now but for the Apostolic Delegate ls show hs publicly thal liishop nigger has exceeded nil bounds of deeeney In following the course he has. Bishop Wigger authorize,! th,- statenn nt thai thinc were te rentsla tn Mate oas nt em. Thoona*'* Church. Tin- authority ls given here to announce tint the siam qm witt he broken, end that In a short Hm.'. Those who know speal; distinctly on this subject, and Bte not Ituliti.-d to bandy words with tl..- Btftfsop of Newark, hat say the occurrences of the next few weeks will prove the absolute correctness of all tlint ba; been said. It ls not unusual for defendants to construe de? cisions against them lo snit themselves: hst lt 1 1 bought by the advisers of Monsignor BetOUl to be rather extraordinary for any one to ln-1-t In milking the public believe, ns the defendant tn this case seems to l>e determined to do, that Judgment against bim ts a vindication of his course, ic- ls not, it l- said, hu expert In bundling this kind of boom eran a. r-inic ilie Ptpc determined to Hstabltsb a permanenl ap Molle delegation m the I'nlted states, be ha* also ordered Monsignor sbarrntl, a nephew of th late Car Sinai, to report to Monsignor Sat -iii as permanenl ? ??? retarv of the delegation, and to art ii- lt- chancellor. lt is understood mat Father Booker ?i!l not come to Washington. Ills appointment In the :ii t Instance bbs ns temporary s,..retnry to Monsignor satolli, who at that time was only temporary ableeate. since the position l* made permanent, the dignity of de oMce reoulred a higher n|'.esia-tlc. The chancellor, who will bring nil the niitiientirated documents with Mm. ls between ttilrtv.five aid forty year* of agc. Ile i familiar with American affaire, having had charge of an outre In trie propaganda where business before iiim relating to th>- church In th" Pnlted Stet. He I- al-o professor nt?ranou law In ibe Propaganda, and '.veli annum for hi- ability as a dlpi anadst. Ile viii r.'i?.tt to Monsignor Satolli. and c operate ulth bim in the discharge ol his odele] duties. HERRICK MEETS CLEVELAND THF.Y RAVE A LONG COXFEREN IE. VKTl-SN-APPERS ARC MUCH F.r.VTFJi-TllE WV!'. IN this stvtf. to BCGlJf PBOMFTLT. riaahVaiti fleet Clevelsnd'a last \y.*-k of al tendance at ins iaw-oftice In the Mills Buildn g to listen to the suggestions >.t Democratic poli ticiana began yesterday. Ho Intend* to done th.-se auditory scissions on Saturday, after which he Brill retire to hi* cottage at Lakewood, lo re? main then- until he sen's for Washington to outer upon his linties bj l'ti'.-rieiit. Il" leif lie winter quar*era yetrtavrday it --,;o fci m., and two boura lat?-r was Beated in hi* wttcr^fllee in Ihe Mills Building. A small battalion ol visitot - waa on bant] ready to send in their cards. Among the moat prominent af Mr Hevcland's callers yesterday were Judge 1). < .. iv Herrick, the well-known Anti-Snapper iLief of Albany: Senator John M- Camdon, ol Weet Virginia, Sena? tor Kenna's succefsor; -I- J. Richardson, of Iowa, Democratic National ( ommitteeman from ttial State; cx-MiniMer Edward J. Phelps, of Ver? mont; Danie) J. Csmpan, ol Detroit* .hannim ol the Miebigsn Democratic State Committee and raemher of the Democratic Vational Ccnrmittee: tim I>v. Dr. E. I> Andrew-, preridtnt of llrown rniversity; Congiessman Michael i>. liiirter, ot < '.lin, end e\-C',i)jrc-s:;iaii Henry L. l'iei'C, of Boston. One of tho to|iics which waa brought to Mr Clevelsj-td'a attention ie,- the reporters yesterday was tiie present situation in Hawaii and thc appli cation of i's. provisional Government lor annexa? tion to thc United States, and Mr. Cleveland was BSked if he would express his views a* to the pos? sible policy of his Administration on tbe subject Hie I'resid.'iit-ele^'t. said that whatever alight be hie opinion as to thc policy windi tin* United State,* Oovernmcnt ought t'? puisne, be was posi tire that the present was not the proper time to make it public. He denied m"st positively that he had given expresaion of his views to any one. Ti,is statement disposed of the report from Sen francisco which roprstscnted the Commissioner* noni Hawaii as In the Doeseasiou ot ''reaaaurina Information eonctnming Mr. cleveland's position In the promises.'' Th-- interview which Judge Herrick had with Mr. Cleveland yesterday Waa a pr .traded one, and it gave much comfort f'- the Antt-Snajspers. I h. rc is good r.-asoii for Baying that some tim. iince Mr. Cleveland offered Judge Herrick tb poet "f AttoTney-Ocnernl la his Cabinet, nnil oressed him t?. aeccpt. But thc Judi thought that giving up a rance on th Supreme Deneb, good foi fourteen yean ret, at ^,7<., -, yat, for four .vars a* a (linnet officer nt >'- ooo was an unfair exchange, and h. declined with thanks. Bul th- oner and th lieclinatlon haw not Inttn-fcred with thc eloee rc |ntiona Which have lone ,Aj,t.-| lielW.CI. the tWO, ard Judge llcrrich continuca to bc one ol M. '? ....-hind's most iirdent perth*tn*, lfiidv ami CSgW ,,, take i oonapicuoua and laborious part in Hs great eanfJict which be beiievea will end ta ti* discomflture and complete stmihiintiol of Ila Hill and iititi-Aduiinistralion faction in thia State Judge Herrick waa quoted after tbe tater view as saving that < toraland'a frienda need havi i,o epprehenaiona about what lie will do. 'Il< Antl-Snappcra would be "reeognlae-l" In a mo* ?u"l-,.?...,V mannsr, and th- lasttls to secun control of tito State machinery would begin witl ti..- opening of tits Administration. V I.-illili" Democrat who saw Mr. (lev. lam reaterday said that an urgenl raquesl had gon( from hiui to Judge Walt.-i Q. Oreaham to .om bj member of hi* Cabinet. What the office w* .vi,..!, had lietai offered to Judtps'Uiwehnm, or wha reply, if any, had come from thc Judge, was no M)i?i.. known, but the belle! waa greased tim 1.reapondencc between tliem would reeul in Mi' (ircshanve acceptnncs, and a nterglng o ho Populist idreogth in Congrcea erith that of tli I ,-moe nts. lt is cvp-ctod that Judge M-haii vi visit. Mr. Cleveland within a few daya. Michigan Ui'ii.nciats in thc eity are aanerallj run .,f onti.i.-..'.' timi '.vheu the name*, of I* 1 residents " ...Iviser*? are lb Senate on March 4 the list trill be headedI hj hat of Don M. Dickinson i..r Secretsn ot Stah gStr Democrats, who lieli-ve that their?tatoran th.n i* just bs trustworthy aa that of the ci ?ders are mat a* certain that tho miine ut th 7 iii be Kdward J. Phelpa, of Vemont* Mr iViekinram is to have another coiiloronco with Mr nt Cleveland thia week. DISCUSSING ANNEXATION Continued from Kirai r..?e. and reatralned much rash action edvoeated hy Itt oth-T nestber*. I- A. Thurston ls the grind- .ti of the r,.v. Asa Heir-ton. who went trom Hl.-hl.iirg. Muss.. t? the Sandwich Ithuads |n isis at a ndaUauary. Mr. 'iliur-ton ha- bees closely Identified with the business Interesta ol the Uland htngdutn for avtny rears, und tool, ? prominent pun in ti,., revolution* in ',--: and ld-!*. At one tim.- be vet in tl,- Cabinet 0f Mag Kelehsas. lb is soled f..:- hu positive convtottoBs, ins esergetk Runner <.f exprei i: ? them, una h.s grogre*alve Ideas. li- has always I--, ii un advocate ol annexation to ti,,- i ,;i...,| states Ile believes thill ll," u,;,|||!, -t c.-tlliy of |?.. Klll-'loi', I- tn be. an Integral part of the fulled State*. ? ?f late yean h.- ha- be. 'me htentlBed wit;, letting forth io ih.- om ld.- world ibe" BttrsctloBi of the kingdom and lia3 hera lustrum.nial In building tbe hotel a! the crater ol the great volcano Manna Loo Ile ha- arranged tot a cycloramii exhibit <.r u i | volcano at lh?- World'* Fair. Ile ls in lin prime ol llb- il.- ls not ii -ir.iiiL'.-r tn Washington, baviug i.e.n her.- last y.-iir, alien li ran-luby ranvusM-d - the opinions ol ibe National Reprr enuilve* mi thc future (-1 Un- Island Kb gdom. tn th.- preaenl Cabinet ..itu lal-, two ure .,i Ameri (iii purentage. Three ot the four were bom on u.e Iii.tal. ami one wu- Loni In Boa ton. They ar.- a .-.* by marriage and bj var- of active life with Ibe beal inter, -i- of the kingdom. Thej are Anrierl cm Hawaiian*, nen loyal io th.- Interest* ?f tl., tr niithe land, and their desire* ari- solely for i's beat lutero t-. THK -AVOWEDLY AMERICAN SOLDTIOX." dity or- Tin: cnitkd tfgkWER TOWARD hawaii IRE*, POBTT TEARS' PRUM.sitli'. WasMagtOB, Jan. 30 (.special!.?Ir. lioth ofllcbil ;,nd prtvste clichs ti,,, Hawaiian situation and probable ic-uit of the Bttadon ol the commissioners from thai 'on,try eontlnue to engreea ail iitt.-nttnti. lt aaa coine to he a pretty weil defined conviction that there ls but one proper and Just coins* for the United Metes to purser, sad that I- to accede to tin- desire* of the enlightened and Interested pepi.- of thc Islands in one fern or another. Whether the con rat "f Hus ronntry shel be In tbe lorin ol provision rm- a protectorate, or whether it is wiser literally t<> secede te the commlsialoner* appeal* and annex the Island*, l- a ant Hon in dispute. both propositions bare rarne*l advocates, who, fortunately lor the ebjeri in view, concede that the other hst many merits. Ih.- conviction tba! either a protectoral.' min be oi' annexation provided for gtOWl steadily aa the alternative in ease both ali asm ie are rejected I- inure Clearly api r-viat. d. Au ea member ol the diplomatic corp-, who-., inti? mate knowledge ol Ihe Hawaiian question entitled ld- remarks to nun-ti consideration and respect, ape sh lng today in bl* private capacity -aid: " We do not seem io r- ali/.e how far we have gone In this matter, and wbal OUT honest duty In the I B I I . For the la-t forty yean thia Uovernraenl has maintained fully and tiinily. by word and act, the advantage* and nece* tty of very close relations with Hawaii, We have turces-fnlly protested against prop ositions und projects of foreign eonntrle*, notably England, which enibrnced even remotely opposition or injury io ihe autonomy ot Hawaii, mir expression* have bren vigorous end our polk] has ln.-a definite and iinlfoiiu. Iii addition we have leen sim.-re. Aa ol', a a- we have been brought mee to face with the question >i a pmtretorate over llswail?and the que* I.oil has been p!c.-cut>*i several times-WC Lave p. ... I lt a-ld.-. "I'tiii!;.- any ether strong power on the globe, wc lia v.- refused tn assume this re ponslblUly over a val uablo and Important group of Island* eoraparatlvelj ti"nr ..ur coast. Wbyl Because we sincerely io see the autonomy of the** Ulanda maintained, in this ere ware unique, no doubt, but wc were Just snd honorable. The rnVcl ?<! this ranslderatton for th. rigii's and prlvlicge* of Hawaiian* and 11.:. I I and courage in ti..- matter naturally won tbe re peri and admiration of Um thinking people of that rountrj who are serionsly Interested In ber pwperity, llewahsa neutrality ba* been found to l-o *mprai tlrable, :mrt in their hour ol dal ger and dlttd I ? people el thal country naturally mm tn os. their tried end trusted friends, f r sympathy and -upi*.rt. ?? \\ i- i.ave a . lear d ity In l " pres i ??? ? hi prtnriple* and Inters lt wlB iwt permit u* to neglect. We hove gene too !..r. We cannot afford t. r"i?-i the present frlendlj advance* from Hawaii. if we do ii we drive h. r Into the gi . ping arm of England oi aime other loreign power s ? pc.ii.v i ii mlral to Ibe be*| lnlere?i of Hawaii snd America. I recall th- wo.da nf Mr. blaine' di lo Minister < iiinlj In i --1 l? arina on ibl - ?And If,' Mr. Maine lld, 'through anti cu ll se, Ihe nf a | ' ? of ti" in.ll'v lollld 1" '" ' I hy Hawaii Impnu ih it*l< . .? i.i i uni ? liatinely m< ? I ihe altered situation hj ? *vowi*ll) Amen.i.n solution trw the gravi t .u< pr. .,.?? i lied iiiiwiiiian ri'pn eniailve are Knocking at m.ns tor admission ti* ? part nf Hie i-.-i\ piddle Will ll - '.'' ? " - di* A ie :!' all il lU n i" Ihe gr*I .. ' j..- applied ' HAS GREAT BRITAIN MAIM'. A I'l:? -'I t:>'l '" \ REP i KT TM IT sir. jim vv PAUM I TOTE wli.i. i.M. UT I ll hi ' RI I'vl'.Y l"-'J! ll. w.i lilngtnn, Jan. 30, -The British Government ha? in tm. t.d .-lr .billin Phaacrfofe, |t . Mu:l brr here, In proteal again I the ai Uon ol the lu t..| Kl tte* olhel .1 and tart -? In Ila" m. I ;?:??'. lt i - undi - ' Bill be lodged willi I seer* tory >.f -iii,- p.. t.r io-mor row. To what extent the protest goe* reimol I lated now whether it kt merely ? protest Bgalnsl ihi a. ii-n already taken in Honolulu or ahelher il gm . ? . hi,.- a of mi; In advance again*! anne* ll.glil for bj Hie ., pre , ntailvc* of Hie Px ? visional ihiv. nt now on their way lo Wa lill rm: LXQUEEN SENT ADVIt ES TO LONDON OSIMltglOXEn CASTLE'S sat: FACTORT Til.: GR MU IK' M V||! WIIITM V. Prnnrisco, Jan. .'n>. The statement 1s made .er.- tait Ihe deponed Hawaiian Queen ha* sent ',-ibl.' .adv!.., t, t!,e J;,,'I :, Government .ai London i.i N'-w-/. alan.! concerning the situation st Honolulu. ?ii th.- ey.-ning ot Monday, lanaary IO, the steamer via meda sailed from Honolulu for siydney. Hy lhal noe the mass-meeting of ritisen* had been held. Bl which Ibe resolution condemning Ibe action ..f th. ',' i" n and empowering Ihe i oiiiuilti.-i- Of -af.-iv further lo devise arny* and mean* for ihe maintenance if law und oi-d.r and Hie protection Of Mfa and properly wes submitted snd adopted. The matines from the cruiser Ruston bad bIso been binded. Il was Known Ihat Ihe Queen'* <'.ibin-t had forwarded hy the Alameda a long dispatch IbrOBgh Ihe Hrl'Mi inn-ill ti !?? llrltl a Foreign OlBee, presumably de telling Incidents np to the Ilma ol the steamer's de ? ;,i tni-.- and something more. The Ai.nne.iii ores due :t Am Kland, New-Zealand, today <>r ;?. morrow, and from that port Ihe dispatch could bc cabled to England. Knowing tl.!- lad the Provisional Hovernment wa* inxlou* lhal Ihe true fact* of Ihe revolution should ,?? made Known lo the Untied States Government be fore the dory enl lo England by the Queen'* Cabinet rould reach thia country. The Claudine ass accord ingly charter**!, Ihe comm! doner appointed and sent m ile-ir wey to Westlington. "The Examiner" this morning print-; the followlnr. i, ?? i . lew : ?I received lo-dey," said Com mts loner <'a tie, -. dispatch tim' sail-i"s ii- that Prriddent-elecl Cleve land lo'ih- favorably anon "'ir propoael. Netamll] that hus given gnat - es > ?rtup atenl to ns" -ii yon aiv unable to come tn an understendln; iritfa n,e Government at We blngton, viii yon go le England with var proposals ."' ?-..ur t oininl-si<>ii give- Us no BUtherlty to gi beyond Ihe United States." raftled Mr. Ca?lle. -n we c.munt aira'.ige terms with l ??? United Hat. Uovcrnment we will rrtsrs boase. Thea if las Island* heve le turn t" England, a eomeuaatoa ell i." sent tii.-re. bat v..- sase that that win sever h. i ecetuaUT." -How long WU] you I. malu at Washington''' "tnlil vie burn ol hV reception M rejection of our offer*, -iimid Pw widen! Harriaon'i Ailiatiii nation liol give us Hie BBSWCT We ib'-lre, Wi will In Bil probability reauttn until Wa cnn ge! another trial. In oilier words we will walt for Mr. (l.-\. lund to BBBBBta control and Wli r> submit SW .ii-.- to Ihe BOW Administration." ??Von have staled that v<>u have rvassartag la loiiiiiition concerning Mr. Chrvrland'* position la Us premise*, mn you ghfB Btore drgnltrty tba natur' .a i ? i- assurance I" Well Immediately on our arrival here, I sr-' Mr. " Whitney, asking him t. .- Pn sid. ni el.a ' ilia! I. ill i considered ii. Tod.iv I received a replj personal telegram t puce our maller belate tl ow be c.-n-ldereil ll. lo-n.iv I iec iv .-fl a r.piv trom Mr Whitney, while I obvious!* cannot mai,. nubile' Hie reply, lt being In no BeSSS an official o' m.bile document, 1 will say that lt was most Mthf f:n lory to us." _ Mr (le vela nd denied pn-I'lv.-ly yesterday that h. i,.,ci .'inn,.Hired any one io Hay [Jeal he favored Ih. annexation ol lUwall lo Hts Called Mslea. *? .'Al.liol! NI ANS FAVOR ANNKXATK'.V. sacramento, Dal., Jan :io.-m the Asasmhry md:i\ ,i joint resolution etea iBtrodared reqaestlng tito Catt fornlui delegation lu Coaapem IS Use every honon.Lb .wm to teesan lae annennttsn of the nawsMai Inland*. The resolution was referred to tbe Com mine., cn Pedetal ?emtatSea, with Instructions to re port lt liarb to-morrow. ROSEB1SRY OS AMERICAN ANNEXATION. Sslti TO !ivvi. IvriMVTI.U THAT EVOIsAVO, I KV.Ni !. AM. Cl.ilM VNV WOO LD RUSE ol'JI.irilox. London, Jan. 30.?A Hoffnung, Charge <i'.u fa:r--s of ti,.. [Inwaiisn Iteration, received official newe to-day confirming Ihe report "f a revolu tlon In tin. Hawaiian Islands and the dethrone? ment of Queen Uliuohalani. Tbe Hawaiian repre> aentatlvs afterwafgi vi.ned Lord Rosebery st the Foreign Office. The correspondent i- Informed on trustworthy authority that Lord Rosebery inti? mated that (.teat Britain weald probsbly net intervene ir pr. sent. Loni Rosebery also hint,*! that England, France and Germany would ot he jikciy to consent to tbe annexation of the Hawaiian Islands by the United Staten The Princess Victoria Kawekiu Kaiulani Luna lilo Kalanlnulalillapalapa, belrcsa to the Hawaiian throne, hi* nu,, ,...v,.(i diepateliea irom her au. t, containing a record of recent occurrences. 1'iMVir.NTS OP THI I.d.MXi.V ir.r.--. I.ondon. Jan. 30.?The qnestten of the proposed an? nexation of Hawaii by tba Cnlted State* continues t., be ii prominent rabjeei of dlscu tlon In t ? -. Hi al ctn lea iind lu th.- newspapers. "The Evening Globe" (Tory organ) -ays thia efterneoa last ibe annexation of Hawaii may i. ult in bringing the Cnlted State* toto foreign relations at VBrience with the whole ,,r their traditional poller, end cac. e friction and ronald be? tween them and the KngHsti eslonlss, "American aggre. ion in th.- pm in,." adds "The Globs," "would occasion Ansi rattan remonssrance, t" which the Hrlt'.-!i Government would !..- compelled to listen. The Internal affair* of Hawaii .vin settle them rive* the sootier, th-- -?.ii, r ll I- BUM clearly understood thal they are aol lo be mad.- a temptation to ibo i ailed Stale* to commit a most uncharacteristic act of f'.liy." " rho St. .lame.'- Gasette*1 (Tory, mya lhal Presi? dent Harrison's Cabinet wotue se nell sot te arrive al i hurried derision on the qaestlon of Howell, "lt tim-' not !??? a um .I the! l-a sase Ihe United Bl Hi? bbs i.n nuning ila vail the i- best entitled te el I-. Uv.- Interference in the stair* of that country. The American party In those Islands ls by no mean* sa. strong a Be ur.- a I,..I to believe." " rte Pall Mall Gasette," now also a Tory organ, I- neuir.i ii- remark* on the question of American ai.tallon ol Hawaii, and suggests lhal lt would t?. Interesting t.. -??>? bow ihe American* would manage a i olonj . ?? ?*> OPPOSED TO A TKII'AUTITK CONTROL. Berlin, Jan. M.- The "Voaslsehs Zettung." BadJcai, -ays ,,f f .. revolution In Hawaii: "The restoration of Hie Queen certainly would bit preferable lo a tripartite control of the country. Our experience with samoa by no bscbbs recommends ? repetition ol such en experiment. Germany has no rea "?! t. meddle further with South See altair:. Amer', a uni i.i. at ll ri tain might better he left by us to eetlle their relations aa they think proper." COLONEL ASHFORD FAVORS ANNEXATION. Thorold, Ont., Jan. no.-colonel Volney Ashford, ie wa Commander ln-Chlef ?-f the Hewatieu fores der King Katakana, I- here vbdtlng his mother d si ?? r. Ile said I sd iy : "Revolution In Hawaii eras expected, but it peenis ? Queen has forced the band* of her opponents d obliged ti.-iii to declare Heir opposition rather mer ' lim a ? expel led." Recent advices received l.v Colonel Ashford from 8 of tte leader* <.f the revolutionary party lix-.i sate for to overthrow of Royalty In the ?r part of i bruary, and Colonel Ashford ex led to have sail Ir-i :i. I -. .. for H* l-ljnd home February 15! bm tte uprlstnc I- likely to hasten departure. The Queen cnn -d bl sire I atul lin oiine nt three year* :??-'... Col.I \ hford ls ..! i.pli ion M il nun tallon lo the Cnlt. d States lld be advantageous to il e blands. NU: SENATE CW IRS ANNEXATION. > s\vs SENATOR CAMDEN, d' vvr-T v.l'.nistv I wi v s'.'irn ?XD CONGRESSMAN HAR' TER v: KO - vv n wv MI BlIOCLDr >ME IN. The Cnlted Mat Roi ile I- In favor n> annexing i1 lan Island*: al lea t, a say Senator J. N len, nf Wi t Virginia. Senator Camden wa* l vv. In eton when the news of I * revolution became known in fi< eoonlry, and on Raturday after ooo , I even! ? Ihi Ila vt:iII hi tua'lo'i vv.,. fr -Iv at Iborons r di ii y the Cnlted -? ? ? dm l Ihi reel* and In h ?!. I corri lo i ... , of the Qm en wa* th- chi. f topi, ol Inn. - ran.' i an d a int and lal iced with fully "v. - ' nf the Kel -'..r . ate! he sal I rest crt iv t-. :i rribune reporter al Ihe Fifth Avenue Hotel thal the ol t ... upper h-'ii >? wa I :? i . I'nlted * . mid no! refuse tie- re uk-it ..f ihe romml I ?? repn entlng Ih* Pravlslonal i ,.,v. rn men I i - ? ? i Ho urront 'ii ? ; ? q e ii,n. i ie ntistn. h i tn t ie - ia pe c.f ireatle th ii may he In the way nnd ill eg d rig ii - nf nih r na'I n I freely t ilked shoot, Senator Camd and Rilli Ihe ?: inn'nt ..r lb*1 Senate favored an ni tallon, ? i' i my '?" " -li a* tl e opinion of otb. i f tbe rt nate, thal Ihe lime ba - arrived h. n the Cnlted "tali mii*l toke Ibe Hawaiian i ? iui.i ihe foM." aid sVnator Hamden last .-yen Inc. "I em heart ly In favor >>f Annexation. There ar.- Ireatle* snd other obstacle* In the way, bul i believe Ihey can all he .V Tbe future con mere* "f Ihe Pw Bc t* something Ihe Crdled Ktates must 1".!( eu* for :n tal- tiiue. There are great op portunltles lor America In ibe commerce ol ihe Pacific. America can end maa! tahe the lend lhere again I ail rom pell tor*. But her opportunltle* In lhal :-T.nt Western .Hean mut be Improved, mid Ihe lime 11 . bi rh ed ?? hen lhal can be don.-. Islands In tie- Paciftc tir- ti"',--irv f .r the aueee i ol America' . .m.a.-,,,. |n the Pa ldc England, France and Ger .nany have their p" e*sJons there, and why *hou!d not lbs Culled State* lev" it. share 1 The i dion f Europe have hoped and wished thal they could ge! -..,.,? |nn of ! o Sandwich Island*, bul America's secretnrle* ol stale have rarce .nilly re I ted all al tempt in til it direction. Amer! a hs* no! I.n a grasping nation. Il ba not reached forth Bad trie*! .,, rn p Hawaii, Bnd ll does not do lt now. Hawaii imply viini t. coi.n ob! of Ihe reta, nnd wt hoold open up our nm! rells lo prob* l ii r. it wa* ,n.v.table that the Islands hould one day become part ,f tbe i nited Stole . and bow I- the time for Ihe anion. There i- more capital from America Invested In Hawaii than from any other nation. America i Hawaii's best friend, and ll I- only natural thal Wi T. .ii 1*1 be appealed to, ?lui the other hand there ure advantage* whlcl Hawaii rsa give to a*. The I'nlted Staten cann n ,.ir..rd to p* ni"! nny foi Ign n i * to get >? mtrol oi ,i?, i-iand . They are ralttabte to a- .a- a naval dr Hon: la feet, Hawaii I- the hey I . tho North Pacific li,.. Islands vv,- mn-t have i,> preserve American cam metre on Ihe Paride. Tbe Uland* connot p..-ibh rcmslfl longer Blone. Mr. Tharalon and Ihe othe nmillil- |. u, i I nv 111 ll i'i" I- Ole Ile I" Will II' I a-iill .ut, io anylblna thal smack ,f royalty, an Hawaii a :i nation by Itself I* utterly ool of ile in.-tl..;i after what ha* happened. Intrigue* wouh result If ile old (. iveiiiin."it there wen- permitted i .?.?-nnil-. iiml tl..- roantry would probably be devastated A, ,?. ,.,,, , i |o i might How. He i" i "ul. on. ?,..,v t , I ..'. at lt. Ta ? I'nlted St itc dibs! dei kt. i. m whethei n v i ; p . Hawaii or not, and then la only on- Ba] 10 d''1 Ide, "Th.- El git ii prc* . I see, ha* atM thal Grea lilli.,i? could ii"! penult the Cnlted Slate* to ann." ih.- bland*, even if th.taWHhed policy at Wash tufton permitted tho Idea to be entertslued. 1 an i ti," opinion thal I. i I' Idea* regarding th .pi. -lion will not b" reaperled. England lia- hthel po. ? lon ol Africa, Egypt and about everything ti-' sh.- conti lay her benda npon. 1 don't believe *!? ion-iili.,1 us. And I don't iiiiiik England ?will b i ni -ult.-d io any great extent In Cha pre-cut cane There may be ? fen complication* with will, ii Engiau in iv I.av - .lu. Hilt,jr lo do, bul her attitude will a.i nit ec I Ibe result. Hawaii i- ihe key to the Pacilk HiiWiill WC fina - r have.'' - .v.ii, a, I: i .un nu Englishman I am nod of in, .pinion ti,.ii i.cai Url lain .-i.-'Ui'i malu* any object!.*] i . itu, Ha*ali n i : in ! las omlng part ot the Cube states." said Goldln Smith, of Toronto, at tbe Vletorit .1,1, , v. -1. ..ii . - 1.. ^i..luI I- H.' ,1 alll.e.'.lu; putrer lu lb. world, snd if ?be na* reason* America -build not annex Hawaii they certainly en ? t [ ...i one*, and Uiey will ""' carry weight. Eng land i-i- Island* and po.**e?*lons everywliere, an -ii.- gained l.v anaexatlon in various w..v-. i Ihe i nited stale* i- in favor of annexing Hawaii tb ni,!.,!! will probably tahe ptooe, and l d. sot thinl FhiglUli objection*, if lhere are nny. would make asl clift, renee.' Congressman Hurter of 'dd.. l? in favor of ann-* allon, ll" agnes willi Benatoi Camden, mid say ihai the lime i- al hand when Hawaii must berom |,art ..f iii" f nt. rv .1 Ihe Cnlted -tuc, "Weenul lot permit mtv European Power to pain po*se?*jo .f the island ." -i'll ibe rongresKniati, -sud n- th country cannot katgei remain alone an at .si p. Iluwalf. There ma] be ireatle* nnd other obstacle ia the way, hat .a-' Ihe Bilaetios now -i?nds it look - if n..v ? ..uh'. I"- overcoats. Tho adair must b decided soon, but ll 'ntl-1 be thorouirhlv done-. N Il* h.a.-! be left open. Future oonttnteael* uiu*t bo luukcd out for, und all obstacles swept oil of the Tray. The Islands are Indesrpensable to America, and the breathlm? ground in the raclflc must be Ollr-.s TYPHUS FEVER SPREADING. < ASKS IN NEW PARIS OF THE CITY. THERE WERE ILMOST a DOZE* HMM T.vkfn SlvK TESTEROAT-DEATHS PROM TUM DISEASE. The discovery of several new cases of typhus fever lu He- .itv yesterday kept ihe inspectors of the Hurrau of Contagion*. Disease* busy, one easa was found in a tenement boase, where there was tangar of .preadlBg contagion. George Hetatert, thirty -i\ yeer* old, who lived aith his wife mid child at No. --? Ea*t Mull. .-I., vv..- found -Uk with the fey. r lhere, ll,- was mi Inmate of tl..- alcoholic ward of Bellevue Hoapital recently when that ward was iniei i'd. and he was discharged winn th- danger of ll- taking ih.- iii-e.-i-,. was mppoeed to be ov/r. Hi- bedding iii tin- tenement-bouse was burned after be v...- removed, and tin- bouse was fumigated. The occupsnta of th- hon-,, will be kept under observation. however, ut.ill tl,.- p.-rlod of Incubation of typhus fever haa pa-s.-il. Hags Heaae, ihlrty teven< old. who was re? moved from the Eldridge -t. poll,-,. Btattoo on Bet urdav evening, when be was suspiciously 111 tn tho lodging-room, developed the symptoms of typhus fever at the ReeepthMi yesterday and was re? moved witli other patients to North HroUier l.-land. Frank Hurke, ? laborer, twenty-four vars obi, who was a lodger st No. 119 Bowery, was discovered 111 With the feyer there. Eugene Zeke. ;i hQSMlSBS man. thirty-seven year- obi. walked to Bellevue Hos pttal, where tl,.- doctors Btw that ho had the fever. Jacob Seigert, Jlfty four years old. who was removed from the Inf,., ted house No. HI Bayard st. two weeks :l-'?. '.ni.- ill with th.- f.-vcr on the island, where I:.- hud been kepi In n tent with other "suspects." Cornelius .Mahoney, ii laborer, nineteen years old. who wa- e lode-r at No. 41 Bowery, and John King, I lodger al No. -JST Weal -I., wen- teat to Hie recep? tion lu. jut,ii f,.r observation yeaterdaj, a. they were rick, iil'ho'i-li me -vin pt oms of fever were not marked. Two deaths anion- Hie typhus patients on North Brother laland were reported ye*terday. Oas of tao victim* wa- william Davis, thirty-nine year* old, fha was removed from the lodgaBff-hOBBO No. 10 Cell st. on January SS. The other nae John Kiernan, u homeless mau, who wa, .sent to thc Island hom Belevue Hospital. President wn-on. of the Board cf Health, -aid yes? terday Unit th.- spreed ..t typhus ned ease* no alarm bo lons m the fever gerta* were kept out of the ta**. mein hon,.-.. Regardmg two oeaea found in tenement hone- on Miinlay. Mr. WU -on -aid: "We have learned that Francisco Pasqua, the Italian who was reatoved from ti..- tenement-house No. 46 Mulberry st., caught ih-' fever In tin- lodglBg-hSBse Ns. fl Chat? ham Btpiare, where be was employed us a barber, ll.oinii. Westwood, who wiis .-.-ul away from the house No. 403 Wes! Thirty secoiid-st., was au in? mate ol a mission there, and hud been in snot her mission in grinch a lyphua patient had I.a staying. That patient walked io ii hoapital, where he waa seen to bc iii with the fever. He -aid that he bsd beru ;it the mission, bal 'tho manager of the mission de? nied lt. We know now Unit Hie patient told the truth. The mission was disinfected .several days BfO. and We have men keeping walch Ol the place." lll the -|x tent- OH til" Hell. Vile Ho-pltal glollllils yesterday lhere were twenty lour "suspect*,'1 In charge .f Hr. ?.rge I'. Ruthe, who bad been detailed io watch them. In. blake and bi* charm were quar? antined, Eleven ward* of the hospital are la a state ? ?f 'inni-.iiitin a also, because typhus patient* were removed from them, bm the du. tor< ihinu there i llllle danger thal the patients lu those wards will develop the fever. Wardell u'llaurk* auld taut more lent* would b- placed on tbe ground* neer the Morgue li they were needed for tbe accommodation of "sus neeta," end that every possible effort would be made io prevelil Ihe fever from aprendlug In the hospital. -ai rai". Inspector* were BaaJdig measurement* In ii" lode lug-room* ol tho police atations yesterday io leam h'W ii'imv lodger* might be permitted to occupy Ihe i.m- with -at-tv. allowing ~v > cable feet .,f air .pace for each Istger. Thej will report to gani ?iv superintendent Ed.son, who ls to make a report ..a" the subject, iii- Health board wa* mouing I r| ration in destroy Ihe Recepll .ti Ho-pltal, an ?id frame building on Ihe wharf al Slxteentn-st. end ia. Ka t River, last week, In order t" mah" room foi a nea bulldli r, and the Ure Deport men I had been consulted ii- u. th.- propriety of .?tune tn,, ii it ea -.- evennu- when the wind was blowing toward thc river, ih- present trouble with typhus lever, how? ever, m..'iv, the ii- of tao old bunding a necessity [or a lime Lite inst nish! four new coses of tie f.-ver were discovered. Tbej were iii" e of Victor Largoun, thirty-one yean. old. of No, s!43 Front st., who wei renio'v.-l from Bellevue lloapttel; John i ."linen. ??.v.'iii'. four, ol So. ll- Bowery, who waa taken 111 in ? ? i.i'Mi Precinct; rii.tu. - itt, t ??!;??. [our, ot No.BBowery, who entered th* , 1.1,:i... i sn ni il"-piiai early in iii- evening, and in,i,n. tw. utv.tiv... ,.f No. Td.". Amsterdam iVp. I'll.- slrg tll.'ll Wle all taken IO the Kee p Hoi ii ? p lal, j h lt. liroham, ilxty-ctght yeera old, who was talon s.k at the le -punt on UL., kwell'* Island, ded it Hie Reception Hospital festeiday. T.e vv..-ri.-n's .|u:irt--r- lu the Tom!.- Prison were fumigated i.v .' of the Board >f Health >? t- r dav. TUE WIS ITE X SES'ATORSUirS. KANSAS REPUBLICANS (I.VIM TUE LEGAL ELEC? TION ul MU. vi'V Topeka, Kan., Jen. 30. Tue Republican* now a -crt that .bated a Cnlted slate* senator In Uv pani . lon of the two House* la*1 Wednesday. Tile*, av tn,i non. ni the member* ol the Popultal Ibu-. ??.a |i .-ail-, -worn In, nnd Consequently had no rl^ht I., vol- for Senator; that the state Senator*, bicludlni the Populist members ol thal body, together witt Ibe member* of the lepuWI. Il u--. . oi,-iiiut.-d ? 'I'loi'un ..f .ot.., or a majority ot the quorum, mic! i al lie was therefore elected senator. Mr. Adv Will | I... furnished with crcdentlal-i signed bj dpre'iM lhiugla*s ol the Repuldhwu House, end by cadi ol ,!,.. s.i,alie-. i'mI Will proceed at once lo Wa-it (lol to claim Hie .-"at now occupied by Sennlor Per. in i.,,- I'opulUt* < aim t-> have elected .Indi;. Joint Marlin. i . , ri | will .n be i".ulled in the House muddle r.iiiiklllt, just liefore tl- hon? adjourn. .!. r-p.-akei nuii-n., Populist, arose nnd hmd.d lu Bpeah?i [),, . tie Republican pl'' -I'lili'.' ..tliier. I --al.' i-ommuuicntlon. Dniwmore aid be dealied Douglasi not Iii iii .I," I'- contents known milli tomorrow, alu exacted :i promise Hom him not to reveal lt* pur port riien both House* agreed lo adjourn mull to morrow morning, nial us .n ss Bdjournmenl wa had both -;ie,i!,.r- rapped for order and announce a caiicu- thi- evening. These eau uses rousldrred ih< oi Hie communh-atlon hu oded t.> ihe K-pm. than Speaker br Rainmore. Ihe letter Is i notice IO II" Republican* to (|nlt. It set torth thai tue Republican House I* an bodv timi Ihe Republican* uti' ab?irortlniil*t*, delaying lb lm*ine*s ..! ihe Rouse, and nollfle* speaker Douglas Hun ,,ue and ntl iii".:..! Republican clerks and inii-t withdraw mid no longer attempt lo -ii-urp" th power- of the Populist House, which ls the ..ult legal House of llepr.illative*. s,p-.i,ia-r Dunsmon would id tail- to lu-hi. He said the siihsiau-e ?f h letter would he known i.row morning, and tba lie mi-hi have something tO I* ? Ucprcsentlllive r'Ui|.l''-ll, a r.'plili-t lead.-r, -"al If I.,,- i;.-pIllili' ali- do li"! Bl vv- will eal on Hi-i.-v. nu.;' t" exercise lil- prerogative and h.-wli hnvi io act. \v- win send a cmipany ol mill tu her, In . lhal fi, mle* nf the House are obeyed nm thal m.. i.ii-iii.s- of the House 1- not obstructed Then Hie RcpubUciiii* wld have to retire rrnm Uv spikers stand. We will Iel Hie responsibility in where li I-1 'i'-'-- '?'" Hovernor forced this muddh ,.? ii- by t.-. ,-siiirln-* >ur House, and now h" mw* i?. responsible for the matter." .,..1,., |i,i:-|.-- an. -.e., tonight, nnd he said ?The i:. pubii. :in lb";-' i m. legally nrBnnlaed H"U i:,| i propose to li "ld Hie speiloi's .hair, and li lol - -, i know lhal t will have Ihe law-aWdliu penpTi of Kansas with me. We hnow we are rtgh inni we will maintain those right* until f.I lo re ,i,.. .,, th,, p.*ni ,.f ihe bayonet. We have a rou -tit-ttio-iil majority of tbe member* .Ivied and Ila !aw abiding I" pie Of the State "ll! -tarni will, ti- li nut lb', nc.- ..; constitutional government." BALLOTING VI 1TH01T RESULT. Helena, Mont., Jen. :n>. To-day** jdnt ballot foi s.-nator t oil ted a follow*: fenders, mi; Clark, SI Dttou, 11 : rollins, -J; no choice. cii-venii". \\>.... Jen, !?.?Th* ballot for t-nairn to dav fulled tn elect. The vet.- was as follow*: N- a lu: Clark. I: Okie. 16; U.dlMay, -J: lb k. -j; KnbU 2; Hurt, i: Taylor, s; Corn, l : ndlm'1, i; Brown. 1. Lincoln, Neb., Jnn. :W. Owing lo Ibe Bbneuce .. many member* of Ihe Legislature the vote for Cnltet (Stnie* Senator lld* noon wa* light li" only chang* of note wu- timi Thur lon, win. withdrew' irom tb. ruc a .... li a .... r>. 'iv..! six vote-. Olympia, Wash., Jan. :i". univ ninety member var,- present at the lolnt sesalon ol ihe Legislature io .lav when th.- tiihtv seventh Io liol wa* t .ken lot I'nlted slat.-- Senator. It r>-libed a- follows: Allen :;::: Turner, injuring*. -' ' Teat*, ?>. Duutatr, l. Then ?a.,- io change un tbe tidt-tv eighth ballot. Mi's, M'CORMACK GETS THIRTY VOTES. gt, Paul. .lan. HO. A dlspstrh (rom RltStarCk, N D. Kiivs: "The iwentj ninth tadio! fur Srnator rosalia as foll..w> : Casey, 88: .fbjttey Paler, le: Besch, '-J Muir, 14; acettertng, .".. Th. thirtieth ballot: Uaeey Wi Mr-. M. I.. KcCormeck, 30; Muir, n; Arnold. :i inlier, ii; Walsh, 1; Yoong. S; Roach, :i; Mrs. Wall* Muir. 1. la- tntlCasey pee,pl.. failed on account of sldt ness In ge! all ol their men to tn<- punt session thi afternoon, >C1 that IntUad of i*hoalBjj their band I hey played "horse." un the twenty-ninth hallo fotuteeii of the Republic*ns who nfosd to &> int. ..-iii.iis east th.-tr votes lor Betley Kuller. of .la"ies Barn. The other chances from Saturday'* isiiini vrere trifling. r?n tlc thirtieth ballot t lil rt v I* pi lists nnd Democrats voted for Mrs. M. L. Mc or mack. vv1f. of ii,,, I eui, ni ute Stale benutor frun .,ruid I'erU. Ono Populist voted for Mrs. Wulte JilUX. HENRY W. CANNON AT HOME. RESULT OF THE MONETARY'CONFERENCE. SENATOR tOMMM, OP NT.VADA. HIS I'OJIIMMOS ni POSITION Ol' THIS COUNTKY ON Itt BU?TXn QIKSTIOX MOIlK CIABABLT t'M)i'.ii.-.TOon. Among the BSeeeBSSfe on the French steamship la taaaBsBIBe, which iii riv.-d li.-re yesterday from Havre, was Henry W. CBBBon pri'-ldent of the Chase National Hank of this etty, and one of tito delegates le the recent lataVBBIBBBSl M itietarv Conference st Urusscis. Mr. Caasoa siiiici t sat wea il frees na er Tessi on November IO. winn tin- retBrss from the election wera coming f essard in Bseeatiartabae ?* lame and with nn unpleasant sound, iind lt was not until ho reached th., oth-r side of the sea ttmt he ena able tn comprehend the magnitude ..f tho Republican defeat. Mr. Cannon was looking areli when porter saw Mm at lils home last evening, the conference Mr. Cannon said: " lu my Judgment lt was e .succei In tho nm ure of a conference hr Hie neeitlatlon of s treaty. The different delegate, were there to present tho monetary rttasUos from the standpoint* of differ? ent Battons, tho Object being to learn where evils Tribune re i;> carding lt Was not IIINHV VV. CANNON. existed and sugg.-t rnsjannes. since the demoneti? zation of silver in Kttrope In l^TIl the situation there has been Ba*attsfactory. Ibis ooaatry fm mad* greater use ot silver thar any other, and naturally our dering asa to ascertain the feeling abroad as to the future uso of the metal a.s money. The Cnlted States delegates, la tho absence of definite Instructions, had ts begin without nny ilxcsl pi og I BBB BSD We were naturally pleased to note England's Interest In the matter, and to have one of In.- delegates suggest an additional use of silver a.s ?oncy, <>f eeatse Mr. Rothschild'* suggestion wa.s not acc.'ptiihle, and at no lime did the Cultist rJtBteS delegates lncloi-se the pro? posed continuance of silver pBTChsses at thc BaBrfest price, yvhile other nations proposed only to buy up to a fixed maximum price, and then stop. In my view, the Rothschild proposition only Indicated lang? land's anxiety about the monetary .-.Huntion. and that -h.- was willing to do something for the better use of silver. Ba| un of the palliative* surrge-ted were entirely Inattaheient; in fart, ali the propositions sub? mitted were tentative in character. " Rut," con tinu'si Mr. cannon, "the eenfersnre baa disclosed the condition of atlalrs io an extent which should be of great u-e to us. Furthermore, the position Of the I'nlted states ls, In my Judgment, much better under? stood than befoie th" conference, li seemed to have been the belief that we were only anxious from self!-li BaStlvee to Indue- Europe io take up bllver; In other words, the financial heads of soma of the European governments believed we simply desired te sell our silver, and did not realize fully the extent to widch lt 1* la ase as money among our people. ? In m the information pined," added Mr. Cann?, " I think our better roane is to repeal Hie Silver Purchase act and Bathe a le--- instead of a greater u*e of if n.s money until Bach time ns o'her nations aro willing to Join in in Its use with gold at some nrre-d 'ratio. If tho bc! ls repealed, and tho Cnlted states Brill prepare Baste definitive proposition an I have lt presented at the meeting In May, very likely pome beet* fer monetary 'r. ati-s can bc arrived at, although it ls possible the tiaie has not arrived for such an Bgn anent. ? It seems clear that the distress In I.nncnshlrc ts oi''.'i-|.iliei| hy tbe fall |n the price of .-tiver a* measured by gold, or BSBOBBBeminent financial writers believe, the rise in 'he pries of gold as compared wlih sllv.r and coiiini'Sll'ie-. Tue violent afrctSBttOaV of exchange between Fugland and India t* very dis .:-trau- to trade: sad lt teeesa clear tluit (irest Britain mast .Itli.-i' idopl a gold -'.nndard for India, af B gnat Merill.r maha -om., bl-m.-talllc agreement. Manv men of prominence bl London, as well as Hie 11 metalusts of Lancashire, believe the people of that DStton uro being educated to a point v. herc -liver will 1. ii d a- money, and that thi- will heroBte a party question, and take precedence of all other queatlena at their id- tlon- and In ParllamettI In the near future until the Banter ls tettbd. "Although the delegate* from Austria and c.ermany st:ii.-.t nt the beginning .<f tbe ('onference thal their countries were well i-ba-d sith their monetary situ? ation, before the elow nf the Conference they admit? ted that thev would in- pleased t.. refer any g*::*ral propordUon lo their own i lo vern men ts sad ash In? structions ior their cnn iricr.i'ioii. France, with its large stock of cold nnd r-llver, naturally prefera nat to iii' ti-i-i* ber hoMlngi of the white metal, bat would undoubtedly Join lu any reasoneble agreement. "The i-ein, i|."i/..,. n of silver, thercfcji'.-. sppoaeB to re-i upai tbe a 'lon -f {England, ir England nnd India would Join wita ;M- country In in InteroattoeM agreeiueii! i.t Home ratio, lhere i- no deni1 bul weat lt wt,ii.i h.- a greal i"'!'..?, I ?' trade and bualnesa througlioui the world, bul a* England ..abhornly i^t slsts iii remaining a gobi Btono-nieiatl.miry, lt would .HI ! ilt "ll!' COUr?e I- chin, alli :lwf W* must pm ri ..ii?-Ive,, with ile b--i.ii o' the Latia union before u- vv.. should mahe i> -- u-e of all vee BS money b.-tir-- ???? reach ilu1 point ?i niurailim.'' Speaking of tbi i-au*e* <*' the larg1 gold i-hlpments from tte- Cnlted *tates pi Ku rope, Slr. t innoa added: ?\s Austria i- ju?t beginning io carry out her gold resumption poley, -h.- necessarily mus! obtain gold from oilier natl Bl*. A- i! !- essler lo buy gdd from our country than ony other wc ar- shipping lt t. them, anet they ore probably pay lug i premium for it. Russia, too, is strengthening her guli reserve, with the Intention of resuming gold paym nt* within a reasonable niue. Tba demand exe eds the supply, and lt where. .lin il i pro ut io prac ara lt. lt an-i i- only natural lhal Te 'T -lie cen. nilli the 1- alli -.mes Ieee f r it." aerator Jones, of Nevada, who was nl-o i delegate to the Urussei. c.,i,f.-i nee, says that many Important malters .ame up Bl Ibe gathering, ant vv. re ili-|o-.-4 of to Ihe gr. at satisfaction "f th- American del. gallen, rtenator Jones relumed from abro*d yesterday on the La (iascogne with Mr. Cannon. lu apetktag further of the work don.- at tbe conference, he .-ad: "There were main pinn* proposes!, and one ti.nt received < "iisbi-ia i.islderutton was the aclicn:* proposed hy Professor rxietbeer, who recommended th- wlilidra .val of small notes und *tnnll gold coins, nnd the haming In phire r.f atlver eerllhYate*. Europe conn easily take .mic.-. <>f -liver, ind il (..niel en-ilj be ili-itliiiit .1 if ihe dtfferenl ll'* liotis could .bailie hu. tillich each ? minti shoal! tillie. Al the next -e--ioll. (fl.ll pr? "tit Indira tlotis. a result will be obtained which "111 lindon'f. .-dh prove satisfactory tn H.- i'nlted mates, lt m?v !..- timi ti-.- Cnlted state*, .i.iiiianv. Kngtaad ?ad france sill reach -onie agreement, and th. oilier Ba? llon* will be lefl to f''!i,w. ur do wnat they clioo*"." .1. I-'lvrnrd Klmmon* wli; give ii dinner In honor of Henry Vf. Cannon al Hie Manhattan flab en Pen* mary 7. All the bunk i.c-h'-tit, lu the city wis] be hiv to j,in In doing lu.r lo t.. lr Wlow blink, r. .vic. rep:.Red the country nt the l!ru*c.ela Mon- tliry C I'ifereli. e. AX IXSCRAXi E COMPAXY'S SIATEMEXT. The forty eighth anneal tMlefltrSl of Mi" Muttril lan lit Life In-urance ? , in >i in v. af S'ewerk, baa been |s-u.*l. and show* tia- organization to be la a bobssI tinntuial condition. The total a?.-u ..a laiiiiarv 1, vv.-r- gOl.< 00,S*1 00, sad th ? UabUIlle-., giT.7it.i.,3 .">8. ri.anpany, iberefore. had a surplo* ut .-.-i.-jt.v .-; .1. In l-'.c'. ia.O0S pin :-? vi-r- I-- ned and re iitn-ontiu : to gJtO.rsJ.Tffl. < n .lunn r. I, lad**, Tt.IMrt policies were bi force, bearing a lofnl in-urn net ,,f .-?t'.i.',,.'.'.i.->,(>,-o. Au/i budd i pre*! leal of iii- .uar AT THE P.ROOKIYX THEATRES Th- r"t'itn nf "The ra-.-1'itilati-'' io Ptooklvn. where they I.; "lb.alu Heed" et th. c'niutiiti's The.itro ia a. Bvctahtg, .va. gteeaad hy *n aedjeate arhkb raeside! Uv hon*.', full i.i ."ith'i-ii'ii. f-r the tm, fal BHUBteW of Has emilie- ..pera and i.ediul la -ls flrtJkOSaS Bf It. C. i larnabee, Tom Kiri, VV. ll. Ma-d.-nnld. bagCM Cowies, i .lessie Bartl?tt-ri3V:>. I 'amitie li'ArvlU . .. ore, KrorJilne. ! hain and other BBBBbOT* nf th. tSSt. The opeia trial bs i *nn? ea^h evening this weeli. *nr! at the VVetfne-dfr and Saturday maf'tice*. Nert week MBahea In Hat Wood" v.llt b?> given. togaaBaag an engar:' n.ent for two weeka 1/rvcrs of the rircsa had their tii-t, - -ra:;>l-?l t., the ful last evening ?t Uta Amphic a Th'atre. vc lure t . h. JalTtlBOB. Kl*? y r.rlaneer'a "CfBBlIf .pu.-.'' re elvc^ Ita ar?t Nta**saaeeiaBB tn the Riatera Distri.t. lt waa BSBrtgy ?ppliud'-il by aa audtet..-.- nilli.g th.- hsaaat, Tie perf-nnance wa* the fame a* that re.catly o', the A ademy of Music. J-'ur nevt week "ll.u- J tam*" le aanuuacod.