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at well till aha General Election. Applications fairly numerous and Ihe arrangements carried t hy Major Clnrke and oilier* in behalf of tho ; British Columbia Uovernmcnt iiad every prospect of ,-(.^.1. Then the Radical spouter cullie on the * ,,e and application* 'legun Iq drop off lill they e nnw almost reached th* vaiil-hlng potal In eoiirnce no party of Btata-stded Imaalgrsati will , 'tart lids spring- Mow grsttfyln| lt must be ls ihesa ?BB ha** ha* real Interests of these poor people Bl rt t,, kB**W thut the Comnils-lon lt:.|iilres into til* r?se BBSjanhlffT about the middle el the year! "^ ' EDMUND YATES. THE CITY'S INSTITUTIONS. tXTOKT OF TI1K VISITING COMOTITE& THE DFrARTMENT Of CTI.I'.ITIES AMI COR? RECTION CBOWDED?JiAJJT IMPROVE Mt Ms M'::i.l THU. The New-York OOBBty VlalllBg CoSSSlltteS for Peile _,? Hospital and other Malle Institution*, has com ?Jeted Its twentieth annual report ta th" state Charl oe. Aid anmrtntlen. The report ki a long, seri ajji-mses In a thorough inunti-r the condition of nnd harces 1n *'ie '"y"* v'irl"l,'i ifistiintions. it -hows as*| ea Oatoher I, 1993, lhere were Evie." persona in o^ nepartnient of Charities and Correction, contest Hg of J-"-" aittesra nnd employes, 13,140 Inmstes, ?i4 \fi"o BBpakl belper*. This is an Incrraa* of saa a>*jnlajaat*B and of 144 In the employes, and a de <*mrf tM In 'he nnpsM helper-, e supered wita ihe EuBf*fton <5(',","'r li laml. in ihe penitentiary nnd bm city atiasB* Caere w.-ie i,:,us inmates, leaving 11*02 in the oilier InstRations. The report refers w ag appointment or Eldridge T. derry, FrsnkBn jd?on. Oscar 9, -Tau-, E. P. Burlier und Will am lammls as an Advisory Commlltee OS the Care ol tilts jjisar.e a* Ih* most Importanl InrMetr! affecting Ibe Bsjarhnant of Charts!** ami Correction during ike rear. in accordance with Ihe recommendations of Ibis (onirniurc Hie .itv sequlred from the suite Uti* lo tbe whole of Ward's I-land, and hu* been authorized ky tb* Legtobttars lo l--ile 05O>.<>oci of bond* for tho ?rffti?n ?* anil able Insane aaylam bttlkVags. The number of Insane penOM In the four city i.Tlums on Ortober I, I Sae, wai 5,7eTf- un In. rt i?e et .177 (ito asm, ina wesson) atoce October I, tani. jjic preaaal i ipsclty or Ihe lour asylum* ls given as 4.313, an torre*.f i*:i since Issi year: issi la, uVi* is really no n om for one fourth of the patients, and the patient* have Increaseg more than iwlca ns fast as tho Bccema dall 'es. The employment <>f more patti k'*i>er- iit GouverBenr und llarlein Hospital* un l the completion of various Improvemsnta are noted a* encouraging I !uin.' -. fie visitors louii.i seine IsaprovemeBl In the eon dltion of neiiovn- Hospital, bat Ibe aleohottc were found ts he mu. ii crowded lu t winter. The report says: -In ot-..- day. in November, 1BB1, forty-six: men were udmitted. and in i>.mber thirty-nine men were found tu.-r.-. ?t wh an eleven were (entitled ie bc l and mont of the other*, lying on Ihe Boor, There ave | but five c.'lls for men. with thr.-e beds in each: the ] women's side, thongs not quite so badly crowded, aral ujutfly lound willi more psUent* than beds," While tassie were io:; ]s.n.-iii> admitted to tte Bnergonry Hospital during lb* year carie*1 October 1, and loo blrttis. there waa not a single death among tb* wonien ronsned. The h'?-;iital ll repsrts*l In Rued I condition. At Q sae* ra tar lli^ji.'ai the toceesse in pattc-nti j admitted sm Boost ose-lhlrd, mid she vtrilor* recom i m^nd more room for th* liOBSekeeptag ;:nJ. better j waterworiis. Better ventilation f..r the laundry building and more iwm for the dispensary were the recomm 'Ddatlons for tiie lUHom Hospital, at which there Wars 1.410 - office'' ra-e* tiid -4,47'j dispensary ease* mated during tbe year. Many istssaannaatloni are made for Improvement* j In the iiiMatutiotis on BlaotrweU**, Ward *. Baodall't Bad Barial Wand-, Bari a g.-n.-ra! In iease In Iiiium'c- | ls noted. To tho prsctke of translening fr cu th* Wo-ltbouse to the Alms|i"ti*e nil person- tva OM or | Meal* to work 1* ascribed Ihe overoriwdllig lu ibe i Alruiho.ise. Thc ove: crow del tSSrillloB of th* Blackwell'* Island i A"-vl .tu li severely criticised. Tho report says; ??The crowding of tah asylum grew grndaslry n ssa | through l**t Btoler and spline. On October se, IffSe, there were l.T-J patt, nts, BS7 nf wh ni were Ui the ten rickety wooden pavilion*, Ute rapacity of sates (were they tit to be KOUpied a: Bllj 1* i,o' xua.?e r'yui ooo. y1I thc taro basement wards, each o.' lasrip-as* r 'ti,-, th.f-re wen rixty-nta* and seven ty-sl* beds respectively, and thc pail.-nts ol tl. ?a;dr. had no dav room* hal tho dart pasasge between tiie bedrom,-. Oa April _'. h. visitor found l etti patients ia om- sard; seventeen bodi were placed In tbe hall. On stay I Hore wsrc 1.B33 patleata; and On November 14, 1.1.60. Tue condition of Ibe old wooden pavilions ta deplorable: I cid V kn par? ticular ore liable to fall In any vVilenl wind, v, hat could ba dui" ss lt b th* narien*! In such a cass, *up posing any of th.-in to oe taken out alive, it i- not easy to ase." the Central Islip Asylum wis als., reported over proud"?.! Last winter, the visitor* mted ? ital* ..( disorganization at Hie Randall's Island Hospital Hi food wa* ahomluable, clothing und bouse line i b -rc lost and stolen, and tbe responsibility < uild n ' be fix?d. since Hie appointment of Hr. II. s. William* a ma-V:ei Improremeni hue! been noticed, 'I ? ? lng of the Inmates tn Ihe North lloeplti.1 wa* I .nnd ln-'if!ie|erit, anil a general carclesanea* pervaded Ihe Institution. ISCIDEXTS TS soc/ii). lbs.Tbcsaai L Hamilton, of No. :;i.: West Twenty Besanlh il. gave a receptl rn yesterday afternoon, she was. assisted in receiving by Mr*. John Hamilton, Jil-- .teiihie Hamilton, Mr-, .lunns Mun- and Nra. Pr.-i. lc Dean, of Worcester, Mat,-. Al tins reception the cngaseinent of Miss Jennie HaaaiHou, youngest daughter of John I.. Hhmfltoa, lo Hugh L Wehner, of fet. louis, ?a* BBBOusced. Nra. (harh- ll. ntls.>n, of Ka. 17 Baal Thirty eight ii-.-1.. a reception with mualc yeaierdey, Mis, Coi;, i Leith ga\e u dinner party ns! night at her hosse, No. 40 Park ave. Uer gnesl* were Mr. and Mrs, c. B. Asnletoo, Mr. und Mrs. Kairir-l; | Plgirs, Mr. arri Mrs. C. c.. Pranckiys, mk* llewlti Ml*- T.i!!?r. Mi-s n.'iridolph. Uta* OoSSard, .Monro. lanjasan, B. (.. Hewe aad .'. J, llarrlaon, Mr, arid >!r~. io pr llrwttl gave u imall bobmc wartiiing insi Btgbl at tii.-n- receatly eosnplcted house. Bs. 11 Lejdngton-arc. ai.out slaty ol their most iBttnmte friend were preaent. After -'.pier lhere wa^ !t-.fa;-msl dam lng. Mr. aad Mis. Umbi i*;.ru, of No. BBS Flfih-ave., gave * amaU dinner i?arty t.. thirty young people last evening ia ih.-ir large sining ball. Thorley aclileved ?om'- i.e-.v effects'Iii lbs Boral det'Oiiitlotj*. Tiffany awnlshed Hie favors for the german which foUvwou, *nd tu.- mualc by lander wits asper!.. 1 V lOAMIXt WRITER CORRECTED. 6**BTahBrg, imhi., lan. no fgpctlal).?la lb* Pcb rani "Atlantic Monthly." k- it- BBotl In aa arti, ie On "The Con-age c.r a Soldier." suv- on pago -47 ?that although at Gettysburg som.- ...ikki New Yo:'., ar* ijerlshtd, th* only monusjeni ceected to the New Yor:. aaa*jeei I* dadtnaicd :>? a mmtla regiment that enter fred ? -'io*." This t- an nnjasl leBcettos on Bes Yarh Stale, bb*! show* dense Ignorance of the fi'-t'\->, lrR BBtttoBesi on the arrlter*a part. New Vork as* ut ha-' liini-iv rri'iniiiti'iit- erecled to lier ***d on rjna sahl. Tba eeat of them rangs* fr.-m hCf-iifi -., pl3,000 end , ami tln-y are th,, tlnest her.-. ?Slides ti..- regimental monnnieiits, ?:.,? Blare hat Bjcird m hirst' iiHinumenl lu Hie National cemetary aaj'1! rn sc Mew-York ha* pent tor mor.u BSSti al Oeitayburg not inr from gooo.ouo. BfdiMr TO RI.OPES THE WHITE HOISE fishington. Jun. BO. in rpm lori si th* Health *mM have been engaged tor sevcinl nai.* ow-\ In IffURat'iip that portion sf Ihe Whit* Hobs* recently ottupiec io the Preatdeni ? ginndehlm, llsrtbena H*:ii-'.n, -tining her BtoesM Sith scarlet fever, and ami the BpSTtSMBt* oi \ }? her motlier, Mrs, BBBaaafj Harrtaon, who waa ae* eonatsni companion BaBBBgheui ace ah ki ??<- .mci conva?e*cetH-e. Tbe anally OBM-rved lo lbs* l.-:i-i- ibe samiar] precaatlon* *S*d b\ Btw, and m? .flori whatever io oMSlH the )ea?t rehivitiiiri. y\}>. Iianison and fee* faugh tar r***eta*d in eamrsatln* tor the fall petludof thirty J*>s. mid did mu attempt ta leava Ihe house anti! ?s*iii'i-d '? ute iiciutii .-iiuioriti.-, mal m. danger ta any one osuM poaelbl} result therefrom. The White {?Pus"- which ha- been closed to Hie public since J^ctniber -ji, \vtii be reopentd lo-B?urrow. .Yorea or the mt arr. jhe f.r*t production ?f VV,ilium Ollletle** B*?l ?***? t4<-'". "Mn hy iiav*," shish araa to hu\<- *ccurred nt th* aaessws* Thama hali evcalas im^ bees i*ji-ti?.iie.l 0??l to-morrow ?,,!,r mmmm ''?"'? *? H. B. Vulantlr,.- Bod I- <?- VVl-cn. (tnutle^ "1-^trtiood!.-." ?ll| l?- ,,r *.-tited ut Ealnir-r's heatrv *'.i- afl*aassn f?r the bent-'.f, of the Church llos BBM and DaBBaBBary. 'Ihe port* will be placed l.v J. W. iisott. itrur Mrtu... w , . urB**|*r, < harl,* vv. Butler. *'xl- ''*i... Jaka Matssw*, M's* tun. inns. Mi-* T*n.,,-. i>(Vl and Mm Utmi Mm^ il??. <ieof*lP Dr,,w u,.r,im,rp ,rrtvejl nore yesfrlav ?J>California ty tbe vav ol panam*, tiba bj in aood ?"?"*?? and wm coon mum te ta* eta**. THE DRAMA. "<iLi:Nii.\T/r;;n ? - presented huff nigh, .,, ??. ronr,,,-,,,,, s7;5 H,? ? !,:'flri '.' *? ?'? "' "Tr.1 ? .... .hter r. and he wsa aided l.y a ii,.,,,,-,,,? f ??????. tli;lt f." Wi*?4by Mr. W, ll. fewer*. Tb* pie, e I*MMntk .,? Bentlmentsl. i, ha. nilIeh elita* B>,'rr. / S ','""" '" '"' r-'"-':'"" ? hrtang|n? In tn. ral to n,e|,?.r.una gesMng with Ibe Irish psaaantry. rhssa phn*. u ikey ur.- rewaonably gotri draw a "-...?rons etas, of theatregoer, with certainty, and ore commonly popular without preteaitoB*. Tue preseai example ls one of (bose winch are reassnsMy good, ii piesses the eye Bari Ihe Imagination, and lt* purpose and effect nra <iuit.- hamate***, lt is also competently acted. Mr. Murray I- pleasing iu pres ??nee and earnest In .Hort. Ile J< bIho n good singer and bl* par! wai int. raper ted witta several longs which were much apprectatid. Other acton lu ti,, et were charles a. smiley. Vf. h. power, Jr., E I.. Walton N.i.iuei Morton. Charie- Kaufman, Ji.lm i-. u:ilI,"t x.'Tm 0l.M";,r:'- *J?* Mure.,,., McDonald, mi*? vt ';;'?" i',,"h,:V:V' M,.T N,i"' 8,p,<,W??w?. M?a- Kat. M.. to, Mis* Helen Kemp, Ml** Elhrlvii Hiikkland and Mia* ll'.t.i.. i..ii-,ooc Th- play wa* unrated wita ii censMeraUe amoanl ol gooa acenery. -*>, -- MME. Dl'SR As FEKNANHK. Mni". I),,,,., ;,t the liri Ia Avenue Th Mire, giving the third performance In her preaeni engagement, presented mal evening lue character of Fernande, In Ihe drama bearing Ibat titi.?a grsms Brsl mad hnowa le tbe local public by Aagaxiln Unly when bis theatre was lu Twenty.fourth st.. and when Agnes Ethel wa* u member of his company. Mme. Dum- I* mature for lbj* character, pim embodied lt. however with Hie *Ulll of a trained nnd accomplished mir.-,*', unit gave pleasure to a demonstrative audience, rhlefly Hallam. Whether Fernande !>?? acted well or not, li ls ..f m. consequence, The tull caste I- given: | I'M; .K. ni'sr, Kernanda .I;, Uiaainailci Mill. Seneschal. .;. Snla//I '?""I":'-' . (,. M.ii.'a//..ii flor Io Pes.-bc. ii. Iknilviilo Amanda .i-? Hoimio (iii llt'-iia .ii. (ira-si Hint. Cn..-.I itrnlil Teresa . . ,'. iumi Andrea .L. Oilandinl ? '"'ller.l. .I'. And,, Itoquev Ile.... T. I lon iv en to 1! Brassil... . i, (ii-n ? i Anatollo . .... . .. N. Bianco I"' 'Ills .. lt !,'?? lui Felerleo . N l'o ?-. The ( 'iiiii-.-a la'i.i.(.. Tun li I :-nii Mare.(|iil^i .j.. e.-ii The ii,a.-ral .A. Milli Alfi, do.A Get! STAR THEATRE MR. CRARR. Mr. f;.mu- wa* welcomed lust night bj a Joyful iiiniiiiiii!,- in ibe M-ir Th.utre. bc began .'in enr*agrmen! which no doubt will prosper presenting -On Probation.'1 by Brander Malthewi and O. ll Jessop. Beneficial rbangei hu ve been made In that play ?l!ice lt wai prei nt.-d her. last aeaaon. Mr. Crane11 expen treat men i of comic perplexity and bl* ex pedi!lons and tigoroui con.ic bc!lon are ns dr ll n< ever, iiml ibej .vol..d ibe oW response of hearty liinghter. Mr. rrsne'i company hus undergone com ? changes, a* well ns Ihe play, though Beveral of Ihe ? ? ?- now pre*enl the lame lunts ns winn "On Probation" w.n. tir-t seen here. The character* ol slr Manille Fltsmaarlre, Erin,.- Ivan Kans li.itr -and BenhOT Pedro Ollv.lra y Dnarei were acceptably ptaved bj Adolph Jach Bon. Lewis Baker und Ueorge Backui reapectlvely. Harry Braham enacted a esmleal, bot decidedly Im? probable, If liol wholly IniJKI -il le 1 ''iigll-luuaii, uni William Herbert wa* amusing a- a vlUsinJu* walter. Mill Hallie Russell adel and talli.d. un -In' I Bl monly doe*, with a gay exuberance and a ts* breezl oesi lhal -vcr.' sltogrther refreshing !?? ber bearers. Miss Anne o'N.-ill ha* uKo long been welcome ta Nc* V .rh audiences, and she shewed again that si.. bud toa! urea- af her rlcht lo the welcome i\mt she enjoyed. Miss O'Neill. Mi-s Amy Busby und Ml**, (.ladys Walls nie cl atlr-.n (iv- a gTOUp Bl ultno-t any theatrical company ba* to show, atui they ail . ..mill. ii.-.I I., 'h- pleasure ..f th- evening. When Mrs. Au?ii?ta lo-te, i- added la th- Mri iiu<1 v !i--n lt i- -end iii it -he i- e.|ie..ii\ worthy of commendation willi her !<?-. 'dal. -. ihe .i-t i- ...tnplei-. Mr. Crane mri hi* company have everj reason lo b* grutllii d v. ila their Weic on ?. 'I HE SEAN OF 1.1 Ii:. A melodrama called "Tie Span ol life" had Ita tir-' r-p :?'-? a. tail ni ntl! night ??' Ihe Ure nd Opera House, li pr.n's a. decided a relly in un lodden! lu Mlibh gymnastic* ar- railed Into the servh ? ?( dramatic art. a -ava-.- tribe "f Arab* I- pulsating -itu.- worthy RngHth people, ll.- fngltlves (oin- lo a chasm about les tori wide, lb* brttga over rn ?>:> h bsi i.n cut down. isa* man alta on another"* ? h. iii.i. r-i. and a thud clamber* on top of ibe two. Th.- column s .uni- rn ibe edge of the I sg* and lambies over, Hi.' lop man grasping -oin- thin-' i n th* other side. Tbn* n bnman bridge la form.*!, "V-: winch a woman and child pis-. Tiie whole pa Ht tims escapes u.e savage*. Luke, Jame, and Lawrenr. Wilson form Hil* lemarkubto bridge. GLORIANA M.MN. a revival ol ?? Ulorlana" wa* a rreeably ari ompl cd lii-t night lu the I'nlon Square Theatre, it wa* -????ii at aucit'o-r nf Ihe elly tli-ati"- la t Benson, mil mri with enough favor lo Ju llfy i: re''.m. v:.. Henrietla fl ennui] appeared in Ihe part, and renewed the pleasant Impression which abe made a len th. piece wa* lii-t Beted, vi, a \|,,. Rohann wa- amualng und gratifying u* -i.- seldom fall* t" he Hei- Impei ona I lon in thi- piece i- Indeed mi- of her . !< v -i. *. l.d-wu Steven lani thc part nf < ..uni Briton, i..,,t ? epinble in lt. inlier arl ??- w-r- Thoma* A. vv,-.. AJah Hobson and vii - Margaret l! bin m. ? ?> -_ I) >' KSTAiiiifS WIXffTRELS. tv ruSYtalnmenl furnished la lb* rotumbus Theatre mst night wai provided by Hu. i.-tud.j's minstrel*. Mr. Dock lader ba* MM been a ? n t>\ bl* many Iriemt* In thia rlly In a conriderabb period, ;ind nuiiiv of them who were pt. '-n: Iiis* night welcomed him i.t lu ..rtliv und enjoyed Ihe performance offered lo Ibem In the full ex ten I of lt* value. The companj ba* BUM) rlever i-n i. ri ul i.'-r-. PARK TI1KATRE "THE DITSIDER " An RngH*b drama relative to lae raeetrsck, called '?'in- 'eitid-r." w:i- presented Issi night, tor Ihe lie-- tim.- lu America, al Ihe Park Th iain . th- 1- ? .ase of tho-, "r-i.l nib-," that were au mil. !i admired by Mr. Cram ml ea, Beveral actual horses vier- Intro doced, and several artaal Jockeys mounted them und rode. ? l-'ormcsa" and "Th* Plying Head" Were pre cursor-, of "Tin- Out kider," which, however, was far Inferior to either ol Ibo** p!a\-. Bal lt served to gratify tbe large BBdlence in the park Theatre; which, in great part, wu* made up of Ihe devotee* of staler rilling. lillie.-ll, tl -eellleCl Ililli th- ll. I'lllg Mig lit c.titieiibitrg bad emptied Itself Into this theatre. Th* chief feature of th'- ptCCC Was il c oinplnicy to drug u racehorse, which hud I.a heavily backed l> win the nio-t eric heated BU**plerbss* lu the world. Ute Orand National ut Alette*. A wi-lo-d uoblimeB, whoa* rasrsllly wai <>f Ihe nnhNadted, oW festooned sort, vhs th.- prinrlps] Bgnre In this eonsplraey, while a Hebrew villain, short of atature, brood of BBaath nnd al^i of fl"' genuine Old-fashioned hind, w^ lils nn.-t scllv* agent. Bobbery and nurser entered Into Ibe plot, nnd melodramatic excitement wa- plentiful. Two of the scenei srer* ao eSTeetlvely aaranged a* grestly lo please Ibe tpeclators. ene of the** wai in tie- stable in which Ihe eiorl wai mad.- ta drug Ute horse. Tbe other prpreseBted lb* esarac al Aluin*', In Which thS stage wa- crowded ?,,., people, and van ms laetdeats, Which are laminar on English r.;--rom-.-, Mob. j,;.,,.,.. ih- race Itself leseaabled a real Madest -nita i.titiv h. provoke much rflthasJasm mid Bpptoaae, and Ibe play I-- Bhely i? succeed muong lb* people who un- not aallsfled wi-h seing IboroBghbred bbIbmIi careering orel raceirachs In th* day-time, bal ?i ?? gc |ro te walch bdrm - and Jockey i on tl ?? stag*. Cerlulnlv In ono i-i?'i the mimic rai- of lari -cn Ins pr?nied a nfresWiig uovely to Hw dall! potion* of (Jutteiiburg nnd Hie fr- .pi. niert ol th.; ellj pool risiics Thera was na rhlcaBerj about th.tu ? t on Ihe stage, and nil the spectators had I ran for ii,.a monet.. ** ihe rai Ins phrase goes, "The ''ut id.-!" ws written |,\ loila-' Dawson, runt aa* played by C'lmrles Barton'i company. \ VARIETY PRO'; RAM MES Tb* ii:"-t hayifal Beat aatraetlin al T*ay rastot's Theatre lu-t uiKi.t ataa J*ba aad Jan. ? B**a*ll, wiic*' rlever Inipmiaatlaai si lrl*a aarvaa* jtim* aaVe baas ?cn with li ^njovri.ent from tillie I* time In Ut* last f.-cv .ensor*. I'lu-v an- amSBg BBC BBBl Mirl'tv ultra, flan* bob batorc th* pabUc. J. W. Ketty, toBever, ka*** arib inir i.y rasinsrln?. aad a* tivaiiy caa mnk" him le** , popular fa\uilte. .Mlle I'scjn-i-f- 1* ailUiin; t. h"i flin-, nnil Mi* V.-ti Vi'toiia i* niairitaiiong le-i-. Other ,.,, iii.- p..,'jiaiiiui- an innv pastor, bas* nn.i Verso* tho Mar\el?. Lillie Willera and J'na IriWBa, ailli hi trleh Baale. Wt Best*] g Hm!'- U" j 1 ? 'ula' on if ...mi'- 0|?'M* In a i gaden aid faeui 'u* b. ** Basal aalertalalag gsatare ,,f tin- pr.icraniiiie- Od ul-. h'> "mph IBS, " BlOl Ir B*n m.:,in-ri. Lisas is iniini. Vktaris Walter* and Chart** it iinriovi..- :?> tr.e casi., is tho tc.*i pie*salts*a sirtiiaaiaci ;? 0 ?Brill*! BB/, vet >.-'rt flt Ihi* liom-e. Thc -I' I tm coinpanv ?iii b" rum er Btt*mgia*BBrd sa M sday sveatag, Keir mi v S, l>v thc of Ml*- IrSM V-iona, a Bril and Bjjmsbly BBBWa ****** singer and burleaquer. TS* balaac* of U? prosrsauM this wssb includai MU*. yi? lette in an entirely new repertory ot | BgB| Marm-li.. Bm ror.tnr'i<itii?>, |n a*W feattnea; the three Judge, air hat.-, Wood and SlieparJ, Kui*-N.i-, Ki m h eo'iliihri-.t; ihe '*Qmririlla Pia d- a**ri*,M laama Tknaiist and hm )*r forman, o of I?-o l>.-lih-'? BO*-*Ct SUBIBIlB. '?ThC Miller's UaoghMr." There bon sesnral aaatheri ra lb* kmg sad tal prenianni.- Bivea at lb* Mai H i*t t MhicU hui d.iiiiit;..., a,a-, crowd*, r.-.j, - :. u..- ... ? a n sod William .ie."in-, i- i.o -? ... mm to -lng arctS* than he .an. ti,, re UM lap** M leaaa, the Kawak.'ini* a BMa jt,d a Br*01*B BhC |BV* ari .Alola. Ilea ?.f Bread *??** atnciaa mn! ?rreaillnf; Mesa* and It*I-tea; Swaa ana Bamba!* screhatic aoai and dane 1 : -'- Mts* Lillian Israeli, seri* isaak recalls! sad ?Barer; the daaeer nd kicker. Fleurette: ta* pey Drat ra, -ni'-!.- ana bbb***; nulli.- ami vv-st, th* Cleveland Quartet, fc.rm.'ilv of th* Clevelsad Mli.-tre:*; Ailyn und Uagard, ehasgi and aketi t\ artist*; Bets eaatari alaSj Wood sad Beasley, Maaatag sad Weriey, Qeargc .sm,, a Ittggler and squlllbtlM, end MISS i**?l* Lal e, * p. r. lotmei on a numbd cf bmuI al Inali narau. ANOTHER RAPID TRANSIT ACT. ASSEMBLYMAN FAROrHAB RAID TO DAVE IT IN CHARGE. QOVF.BXOB FLOWER'S mu, i Or. a DEPARTMENT OF Al.KU IT.TCKI.. Albany, .lan. 80.?Il li r-p..rt<sl to-Slgbl lhal As aemblyman Farquhar, ol New-York, will arrive lure '"i.tow, brlngtas wirti bim a Mil provldlna tor the ronsiructlon of aa nndergiBwad rsptdtransll road ia New-York fJlty, ell ber l.v the city or bj .. rorsoratloa aid'd hy tbe mon-'.. Mr. Farquhar hsi been consorting with Ibe mcmbcri of the Bea Vork Bes! ?state Exchange on r..i>Ht transit, and probably th. Bressure he will brtag will base their support. Mi. Farquhar, at i member of Tammany Hall, however, will base lo show rlearli thal ..-? I* Beling in good faith In thi- matter arith tba people of Bea Yoiii. h.. cannot tafe!) take bo*** km ol b bill Intended t. give Nea York actual rapid iraurit ami then hill ii by neglect lt would appear thal Ibe Baden ol Tammany Hall ar* keon ly deriroa* ul aldin- ibe elevated raliroadi ta extend Ihrir lines. for ii la -int-d ihal Senator Plnnklil Intends iu intnsjiK,. H bili amending ihe RapM Tra:..:t act of ISOl bj a provision authorising il ? , *nmi?*lon, n* a maj,iri'.y v,.i... t,, legalise thc extension ol pr cnl lin--. A.* the law now stands tb* ananlmou* con .?lit of ike member* nf tia" commission is, ucci for ibo extension .f Hie elevated gaea. Ueutemnt-Uovernor sheehan ha-, been in Bugara three days, uni sow come* lue slstemeni (run .>c]ini >r I'.mlic* ?r Heil rllj timi un mi "111 soon h.- Introduced which will be un tantellon of Ihe Farquhar Inspection arl ol New-York, and wh'ch will pai ii lino ibe power ol Ihe Board of Poli ? or ! iB)il" to api*'lnt two Detnocrat* und miv one Repulafcan ns Inspector* .,[ election. This would enable Mr. sheehan to "count out" Hie Republican v. iers or mululu. a. Richard Croker now ba* Ihe power I brough his Dcmorralle Inspector* ;> . uni out Ibo Republican voter* of New-York. Tbl* measure will b. ol a series ol eels by which the < sheehan Murpbi Hill i lower .abai in ihe Democrat lr parly Intend not only ta conni om tb* Republican voter-: of the Mate bul lb* lleveiaml Democrsbj a* well. Tbe uniform I' r anal Regl Ira tl.>n ac! i* ii measure sith a similar motive. <io\.riior Flower bod A ---nil l\ cum Hilton, of Al hauy Cornily, who t a member of I -?. Art! iii .Hal m.. i-i<. introduce hi Mil lo-nlghl crenllng b Male Department ot AgrlcnllBre. I.,.ott intent, under Ibe bill, tor Ave yrara n. rosie "ill have two bureaus; one tn charge ol lbs agricultural Interest* of th- Mat* and :..e other 9i lb* forests, lb* agil cnltnral lutrreai* will i>- nuder th* rhorge ol lb* Ii.crv Commissioner, whii- ii nea Ibaard <.: For I c..tnnil?loners, conslsling ol JV* tu-. '? r-. will hove < barga of the f..r?i-. Governor Flower hop.-* t at lbs ii-w i oninil--li.'i. t- Bill ni I".'!,! vi-i' brilia un.ler :;..Bl roi '?: Ih Baal* lu :he Adlrendack Park i ate c-i-cm acres -i ? ?? : bini oWned bj sport ni ti' rl'ib .. i prival vidmii-. The M ? il "iv own* uoci.on.1 j,;.-- willi l1: Ih* I'.-rl,. Timi'H'isi m..- if 1,- 2,1 within * ?? park " auk! t m. -? te, Th. .' -r. -i (lom mi -i ? - vii i ? ?. i lt) ?'. . mira. I ? Uh Ihe nvin-i of lind sit i in ih- hound* of lb* psi li thal such land* mar lu* purl ol I - park ll' ' :i I.I-:; Hon raf Hu irorn inxaltim foi Inti , ? ? aiilcli i ontra i -i-iil (1'iitaln a pro* l lon thal Ina ?> i n< r* ol i ind Bud lb. lr grantee* ? Itali i removing asy oi tn.- limbri Ui ?? ipon >? ?? Hwn IWi l\ <? lu. ni - III di. Bl. '? . . ?: "ii i-. a abm have power lu aril thc lui I ai* 'ii ic Ike downed limb r nnd ( I let blight . ? ure mi an) id the 1 |. - ld. I bowei r. ll ai no it indi ?? - ? d 'ill h snail mea .tr-' tu. !\ ?? hu '?? or li - i di mu U r ai le ,-t 'ur ?- r-" fruin ? 111 ', -ni- lull 1. I ll.! ..? ? r t ? th-' StlH I l.v v hom in-) Shall be phil -1 io tn- t ledi i.i a- rv . i ,? ; , ? ? Dalry < ?? nee) deparlm. ul of ai rJrul Ute act < n 11 New Von. Sial* Dalry ('.'inni loner hall be ? ??< ?m ni oi v. iltur* uni i m i ? ' u and qll I ll lied. i . A , nu ii ? id iii b* appa tried bi Mi" i ? nilli .' >? sdvli ? and i un ent ul ih< - ?'? ii: . r ..ft.:H be Ht ?- fi i I!.- shall t- pi tl bu aimil il *alai \ "l I ? " '?? ll I Incurred in Hm dlMlurg* ol hi offi il dui c .mun i .i-i ot A ?." li -iliu:-. li clerlis, tauts, expert.', < n -misi. igrnt Biri roun el ? tn plo ed 1;. him I...ll bat ? !"l! ?" ? - ? ta all plan i of bi , f lyii- , farm* and hulMIng u*cd lu lb* ataiiBfacturr, -ale.,. ttati-poiUi'loll W'llh'll tl,,s M il" (,.' mn Cai. pi' ducts or unv laailailon t .-?- ;, oi >; ?uj stride -i prodari with ie^ji.-i t to which say sulhorltt la roo f.-tr.d Upon BUCh ' oni'iil- luliei. I!.. ( .,mail- ill of Agriculture ma] appoint and cmpluj fl t tauru than Rc e\|eit butter and due-., malters, who shall, i.n der Ms direction, examine and la peel batter sud i hee-a ht.1r* Biri *lt".'id a-rn ult ural fail's, aieletle* nnil me..inn;. designated bv the . oiinnl- -loliej. Lu impart thereat iiiforicali'.li HI la lb* le I and li'"-: apptov.d mci lind of making butter and che*** and improving Hm .11? n:11 v thereof." the ai t further d-nl- sith tn- care Biri feed ol cow*, the sal- .,r adulterated milk, pm \ ide* regulation* mr Ute -ai,Inn", ur- .,.' iiiii'-i and .;,..-- rai ...ri--, and ays thai rt.Ilk ..,:. nit il l? branded with lb* name of the counit sh r in- mlU wa- produced, i! sold outside ll* llmli>. Tlc Cnm missioner ot Anl.ultur- viii I.tnpnw-i 'I I > .ala--' seller* uf adulterated vinegar. Ile ul-., will be em powered to nae ins authur! ) ls stamp Int-' ilmis ni ease* among cattle, lu destroy frnll lr*** Infected ulih the "yellows," mid to destroy beehive' liiieeted ht .ll-.n bee*. ihe tommi' loner ol Agriculture I- I I control of th- New-York Agricultural Mall tleneva, und univ appolul ll* director; Ui have control ol tn.- Bilate Weather Itur.m. and of th>- Agricultural u nm, ni si'tlon at Cornell Cnlvmlly. nnd >>f all ether department* ol the Mate government rotated lu agriculture. -.?nm ii McCarrea Introduced n i,m antboriring bm c..mi atv Incorporated for lb* purpu** ..i constructing Hint BuinttllnlUB a bridge ur l-.i'ln- i.i"i any ilv-r. hay, mm <>f Hie iee or oiler bod) ,.f waler cooneel Iii,.' BB) CltJ Iii the Mule of New Voil, < ..lilniiil' .' more limn 1 w|:h miv olh?r lily In sahl ">ii(te. lo tay track* snd operate a rallwa) ii|ioti said bridg.' or brid---. Senator PtaaMtl Introiuced a bill lo-nlghl exempt in- ti un taxation IBS Bionel beque llb cl lu Ile- N< li" polltaii Mil-'iiin Of Arl bv Ibe ta!.' ' ali-iin- Cor.Maul Wolfe. _ m __ (,'iVl'.l!\"i: FfjOWBB ABD TUB CAPITOL. Albany, lan. 80.?Ooeernor ITower today Igned gk* bin appropriating BTOOiflOO for eontlnalng work upon ile I ijdl .1 li'illiiln-- In a memornndum Bled with the bin Ihe HoverBor sm-: -in approving a larger approprlatlos tari year i qaotrd thc ?? Umate of thc ( ommi-l'iii-r of ti.- Cspttol thal Um total nniount needed tor Ibe eomptriton of bb* strm mic Mas th. n *-.?,?_? M,08ft ?'!-. .'H"i that bv tin- expendlturs, ,,f B0OO,OOO iin.i year. gTOO.000 ni. yeer and Ihe i. inniini.-i. g73O.00O, n-vt year, Ibe Capitol would bc tinnily coinpleteii. i Butted laen that ta at) ladgsteBl i proper regard roe econ ai reqal"' Ih* ,j.dy completion af the building sud lu line arith Hint policy I cheerfully approve ibli BddllIonal ap proprialton. The experience of ibe I'-u Ju-t rsded Shows lbs! u targe appropriation can be expended to beit.-r advantage than a *ue?esalim of small ap proprtatlona aad tb* advanre In Hi- work Blade nuder la*l year'* sPpmprlMtlon rive* aasuraue. lhal be estimate Of Ih' ? olnrni -iou. r ot Ih- i|.itol will porer Ibe total . ri of <?.ptotti -? Hu ti ? ? rlX MOHR Cl.KATI-ANT) MKS LOBB Til EIM PLA1 Kr*. Alhasy, Jan. no aspectal). War broke oul uure mu,, io dav bel ween th* Cleveland and anil 'lev-land Deuioiriis ol Albany Cobbi*. Michael Driehsntr, f,i>h.-rln law Bf m natur ei.n Klwarl Msrp'V, jr.. ?nd Bipertntrndert .1 the Public IluUdlag*, di mlaaed i,c- orderlies living ia Alban! County wai * r ? ap |i,,ln'ieil UuroBgh lb* inti i-iii- of n. calv Herri, i aad .linne, ii. Manning, lb* cleveland leaders aere. Mm* over, apparently lo indicate that ii" iBteaded thi- a. an a'ct af horiBHj lo l'r.--i.l Bbelect Ovehtad'* rrtends, vir. Delebsniy aha dtaasbr**i Bslriek Foy, ( Bsirh bub, th- li-i appointeegasllh M. Weed, another Cleve lead leader, had in tlc Capitol. There I- evidently .< g.,od deni of harmony af torttagjusl b**b la ibe Desto rrsUc p*rtv. bu it IcM.k, to aalriden *- thone Ibe ?nil-Cleveland Demoerati wers as*?iiinir the Cl I'eUnd Ueraocrata *?lt'i con.lilerabl* Iwouti'. aiijMJaruUy to weaken th*m In this Buts. OLD GUARD'S RECEPTION. A BRILLIANT AFFAIR AT THE GARDEN. MiN'V I'i'i'.iMM' PEOPLI PBESEXT TO* VI ITI\i. ORG IJCIATIOXB. Th* ' hi Banrd'a twenty-nfth reeepttos wai bes] last evening In Madison 6quare Carden. The whole tbestre, Including tue bose*, wm profssriy gcsseated with bsaltag ami amntaan tia?-. At the * j MAJOR liCORSJE VV. Mci.CW. ??liv .nd ?r th.- ampbtiheaire nm i data apes which Major fieorge Vf. McLean ml ind received in- lui?i.s. iii different paris of the buOdlng nee* palma .mil growing plant.-. .vt iii p. m. iii- (Md Heard Burrard aroasl the Harden, About 1,000 uld Uusrdamen und their mill lary and naval guerii look pan iu the march at midnight. The gnesti wera escorted by their hot-. mid they were reviewed by Oersrral Loni-. P. ntsger ui.i. Hiii'm.* i..!!';-,c <i ike reception. Among th- limn*! guest!, ninny of whom Were /1rW\ ot ?JDW' *i a c U'T\1\ .1 AM' -. V vvi N.M.VN. prevent, w?-re I lo vernor Flower and bl* taS aisling ..f viaj-r <"?:?,.I Joriah Porter, Oeneral Varian, General Ferdinand P. Earle, Oeneral VS di lock, i i'i ii Tl omni ll. Mi f.ratb, Oeneral i H. Wi- eat . ' ik>n< 'I hom ii E. sgnan an I V Jacob Ruppert, jr.: Brigadier (rencrsl Louli gerald ind - r Uovemor I'mii-mi. -f Pennsyl and -t'if. Oovernor Rernold*, af Drtowsre, and M..lor '?? t ? i il c (.. Howard, Colonel Asa B. it, Admiral lirnlnc, Idmiral Vf. g. W-li..-. , cn .1. M. It. M. eorga lone! Fi tr? illion, -tatf: i. ircl Ililli i.n i l i.san i r.'.ri..:i I' LVO*. .' I Ileum Kris u. < pi ita Vf. ?. * hie). I om ? i J, H. Mil . Heneral V. 1. Mi Mah ii , General Mei shale-. ' lom I Pariel Voph I nf c.- :. ? i taff; Major .1 ll. I. ;? ? M., ir ii ai i i nu ev, David I '."u I> c. id E. ititi ii. Col . v i and ' ft " . Bala! in! -. Q --I.- . kl iyor i.llroy, i riane! ?.rsc c. Mi' I-:i?? i.. i ? M. i. Haly, Cornelius Van Coll, beuatur Ja?-ob A. Cantor, Mayor David A. I i.vvaKii P. MOORE landy, oi-Goveruoi Leos Ahhetl und ex Maier Abram g, ll. Hilt. Mane on ai i/. tlon-' from this anil oilier cities Were represented, satong them bring Ihe B*aes Troop, I'nlted ?rv I.- Hub, Prince ul Wales Regiment, of Mon I rea I; Troy < ni/.-n-' Corp, Ancient and Honorable Artillery of Rorion, und the Pl I lid Hu lion Utile*, ..! l",-? .ne "I !'.flu-r- of Ibe Old Hoard: Major, ."ge Vf. Mcbean; company A captain, William Henri While; flrsi lieutenant. tJeorge ii a,:, ......mi lieut pun nt, Robert I*, l.yon: Com? pany ll -Captain, Jai. F. Wellman; hr-t lieutenant. lit-orge chappell: second ii-ut-nant, john J. litamson; ulih ii- i i.iiiii. Edward P. Moor-. TO EVEY PAST OF lill oil) ll ll) TEUST. Tin; x i'll "S vi. LEAD 1X0 (Hr. COMPANY His > v.\ i \ci. v.\ vi fi \ nv 1 I.I 111 HOOT. tu ii .- Landon i i tic Kine- County Supreme Cosri realerday appolnled RegioaJd P. Rowe receiver ol the Vail nal i.and ami I-'. Company, under pt iceedtag* tai.-ii for ihe voluntary (!l -oluti.n of Hie company. The comoon) I- os* ol tl." corporation* Bbsorbed by the National Lead L'ompan) ol Sew-Jersey, Ihe mi ,,.? ih Sail nml i eu1 Trust, i f whit h ll wai a ronatltncnl part. Th- petition f-r di solution bbs -i. ...i I.) Ri sii aid !? Rowe, Ihe t Ice pre i l-nt . \\. P. Thompson, B. C. Webster, J. O. Meshes and John l.. SI.-cn, vi-, make np a majority of Ibe hoard of director*. Th?re aa -om- opposition from a ibm ll mino in. KU 'i i.'"'t appeared for Ibo rom pony, ??peaking leal evening of the aignbUcance af tba Brilon taken lc .sahl : ?ii..- ini*t.. . of ti- trari lu 1*1 stock of differ ? nt eorporaiton ? rbere waaa Bew-Yoeh company known a- VaHonal brad and (NI Cofltpaay, and i-l .. corporation* In MewJeraey, Ml-smi-l and other -?...-. ? i organisation ov.r in Xew-Jeraey, eben Ibe N'nllopal Lesd Company w;is fomnd. these rid corporation! *hb*h Birrie ap lb* tntri conveyed all theil ).i ). . c lo lb* new ro.npanv. Thal .--till i-tt a ...i piiaii ui existing her*, ll ha* conveyed away all u* property, paid nil it* debil and gone out ->f barine**. This waa m-r-U Hm statutory method of burying lt ti" mUy. li i- deed isl burled now- ri., atrertort U<ok proceedings tor a reina isry 'ii -'i it!"' u' ihi* 'ii "ui.i a",. Ki ter. i 11 '? asd ini'-v wai- in on''. Bmn who Lied i< orgaalse ans < jipo-:'loii. bm the* were defeated. A few dav* apo 'ii-in- Andree* lier.' li; >.i V ric mimi over nilen * deni'irr'*' BBSd* bf ih.-m agiiliut tbe trustees ol Um. old National bead IruiU I do not know whether or not siailln.- StBdBdtogl will ha tullen bl dissolve the Bha'shed lOTporallOB* In oilier biala** TUut M len to coun-el in these Mutes." I ni:xTY.f/\E SIMULTANEOUS HAMES. ui.r.rt LOSE*] only Tiir.rr. of THEM -r.ASKKi; *."!'.!- BEVKBAL vTCTOBIBS. Havan... .lan ."o.-ll-rr BTabtosdt, the eb*** p'aver. plaid tiv-ntv on- Fiitii-s slniultaiieiii-ly yesterday Ile won eighteen c.f them and lori three. Vasajnea and i'.-h-r played u panie as saturday, which was won ly tl..' totter. lt WS* tb* Sicilian I), e. Yesterday tln-v played uno: hr panie, tu yiieens Pawn Oseslag, and thi*, t.K?, wi* won jy Usher. The flr-t and second ga mea between L.i>k> r and lii'lniiivo were u-. follows: FIRST GAME -SICILIAN DEFEXCE, Uaker. White. l-l'-K 4 ?2 Kt-K ll 3 2 Ml ?i- Kt x r ?'? Kt-Q li 3 ' I K I 7-n-K i a? p-n t astl lo-ll \ Kt 11?ii a K a 1-' Q-ii2 la !' ll V 11 ll B t I '? Q I R ' l'l Kt cj | 17?I* - lld IH Q .Q2 l'.'-Q -BO 30- ft- Bl J'?m..ri aff.-r White'* twentieth niove Btoek (Orimayoi -12 pi.*. (,- a ayo, Black. i-r-u it i I'-P Iv Kl 3 I V i I' i-ll- Kt 2 r, Kt u ii 3 B?Kt?ll li 7?CaMlS* h-r-Q I '.i-Kt?K Kl 3 IO- ll \ Kt, ii ii \ n 12 -n-K .1 ll c. ii s 14- Kt \ ll 15-B-H I Ifl?H-B -|. 17 i; ni is-r \ !? l'.i-r-n 4 .9 iK*+M WU Mi m . rn I I MM fail I ? I ; Wli,:.- (I.ii-k-N .SI-a (INO i lei'imavo. Wini.-. l-r-K i 2 Kt R US ?? ? (j i 4?Kt I I* rv Kt X Kl i, ic g ?? 7?V \ I a-C'astlc "Kl Bl IU I. K Kt I 11-Kl-K 1! 12-11 ll i ii p-y na ll I' Q Kt 4 18 Kt |? v l< ld?P- BS 17-Kt v I' IK -Kt, v ll io rt?Kt a K ia, 21 K - K .t 22 Ii i: -i. 23-11-K - -i lt \ Kt -?"? 0 lt 2 :u i>?ii a 27 > 1! -K -q. M r.-qr4 211 <i \ cj .'') li K .'. ai?it x ii .'I.'- I' K K 4 S3 guy K 5 S4-K ll. :li Y ll 3 lt I t >:. Kt, I ll pi.?20, Beaten*. iAML-aColTlstl QAMB1X. i.asker. Black. 1 I' R I v Kl Q ll 3 a-P a P ?. Kt?s a .'. Kl V \ Kl ?? p g t 7 I' < P B-B-K3 i.-c astir* 10-1' im ii-r k na 12 I' ia ;t n-1' l.-.-r Ul?H \ I' j: q q i le gs Kt. ia o \ ii i* ro-g K-q*g. 21 Kt--K v 2.- g kit ... g- li o 24?ft \ U 25-K 1! Q sq. I'i ?II- Il :i 27-K-Kt J .'* -Q li n 2!i t: \ g un -Bs i .T ai?i: a - 12-P \ 1" 93-K-Bgch. si ll -ll 7 Diawa t'auaj. OBITUARY. MRS. UEOROE S. RKOWX. Baltimore, Jan. :;<> (*pec!al). Bra. Brews, the wMob of dveneral Oeorgc B. Drews, bite the head ol ihe bs oking bouse of .v. Brown at Bona, died carly IM* morning. Nra, Brown was wealthy and was f.,i- ber charities. Bfce wai a patroness "f every charitable Insiliallen In th- elly, abe btlesgrd te an ol.l Neve York family, Her father WU Daniel ? '. Eaton, ii prominent merchanl or B*w-Y*rk t uv. Her grandfather ssa Prof.r Ann-. Baton, tbe founder and Br*! pr**ddeu! ?'f the Nan Besaselaer InsUtut* Bl I'rcy. Mrs, Brown'* 'great-grandfather na* i.-ii-iiii James Llvliigatone, of Bevriutlonaiy fame. lier mother wai Vi-* Marrlrii Lady, a daaghter of Daniel i.-niv. for many rears one ri Ike moat pron in-lit lawyer* iu Xe* Vork, i momberoi Donore** and a jiniu. ot the Miprenn- Court, ic < adv Baton, of N'ew-itavcu, Mis. Brown's oal) brother, wa* fer nany rears professor oi ibe ht tory ol Hue arts In Van College. Mr*. Hr..'.vu waa related to most <>f tbe oW Knickerbocker families ol Sen York. if>-r h'luiid mother wm a *-fr of Mr-.. William Ii. Aster. IVI11 I wt .!. TAYLOR. Am-t. ilium. N. V.. .'un. 30 (special), William J. Taylor, ..-in-r ol ihe Forsters' National Bash, die.i lo-da] "f heart failure. Bl the Bge ol ll fly nine var.. l-l tiiatiN vms he wa* engaged In tbe leather traci.-. Ile orpinhted the Merchanl*' National Hank In lesa, and a!i.-u it wa* roii-i.ii.ia'i.1 win. the Farmers' National I la ak he became cashier, ll- wa* a Btembei ,.f the Board ot Trade, Ibe Waiei t'ommlarion and tue Masonic oilier. Mr. Taylor wa* one of the Influential business men nf Ihe city, ill, ?|f,. und mu and two daughters survive him. ? ? ? I'.I.OM.I, VVTI.UVM LINN Tl DBA LL i ila -i william rubati, aka died la hi* Bon* N? gos W'-t i'ift>--!.vUi--i.. -ii sunday, ^a* bera ls iitt-.i'iii.', 1', un.. Peecnbci 15. i*-0. lie 'tay i.,. > r ,-r.'.i inn.?if ni B*u*p*p*i autk -nil i.i ld.I aaa ? . |||,, lu. uii'ei on "TB* aal Basset," a pal". which wa* MtablUhcd bj hi* father, la i*h ii- v. 1 ? ilitiii ..| "Th- M.milln: l'-naaat'' a rimpalgB jouriial which rigeioualy advoctUM lb* ctsrUoa af Jam.- k polk Aftei ak* ksttle -f i'..i>. Aita In I8ir,, kc cnltatcd au.i -? i..'i; lohmri BSJuuel lt, I'erU*. II- saned th.- ISBk cf li-'it-nsiit. nial af 'let,me.a, -va* tnpaialed reaaaasder -f Ibo i--' Uc ?a- pi-?nt at th pI?^-- of Vein Cr*l and th- auneod. i "f Hint . ui. At th" ra* ri thc M-M-iui War he areal lo Maii-ll.UI. ohio, and bega* to study law in th- nih.- ul .Ia -li Btlnkerbog. iii it*ib hu Baal ta I la looatl. ll ? t lu ssa aaa*. .land "Uh vv. li. bbattoch, EdUoi ol "The I'riumbisa." in- eui lb.vt *jw him in N-w Vork. Herc kc ss* a--... mid arith Ogden Bosanaa, Peter v. Cotter ann .initir.. ri.oiii.iN in Beveral hapartsat case*. I" iisoi he orgaulzed lb* -'i'.'in Near-York Voluateara, au* ala. th.-tn treat la Un.- i uni Bcverc attack* ri rhm? lacapacitat u lum fran a.tu, advice, ind kc aa* timi. i.-ln-d to tn.- Veteran Corp". Coi t-n j. ii* li- ara* lu..-- Advocate nu tuc stat! ol Uedbral .?ill.-rn ut Vlritabuig, und la ISSS aa* Blustered sat ..t thc .vimy. L'atil faur var- ago ba ?a acUvelj BBgaged la ii - kia piacUe* h. i-.. but ike hard ablp* in- iu.! aaSeiguac duria ( thc ?ar begau 11 tell apua him and be sra* sMIgcd t>. n-.,c.. a lui ratlvu piartice. Mc "a- a Btcaabci -f Caarltj Lodge, i-. bb* a. M., al Naw-Twk; i. a. Ha*Ito* I'.-t <? \ M.; Hurletj el tie Anny oi tn- I'tlnaair, Crianbian uiUi., Um Okie Beelet} Veteran* u< in- Mexican War. il- funeral will hun li ' l M. glan and >t. ai.l i tain- pia.-- ie.BM.rra* *' I ,.,,,, I.i i .ill ll ...0 o'cliH-s ,\ ,, . , ll Cein-teiy. Cu mai ned oaughtors, Mr*. i I. irica 0. ii.iiiuiii. IU ti i. nun i "ii 1 . al ali i-U a "ll- anil tic. Ileni., ( lui i oj^lainl ali I Ml - MANUEL T. TOWKSEXn. -ani'i'l r. Tu-.mi?ni .li' U mi MinUay at lil*, Nu. UM Pierrep*nt-?t,, toaoklya, ituy-twa yes** old. tlc ?,i- i?,-ii la tl,i- city, Bl l> ia'- ami William kt*., aa 1 bia lather, Beujamlu Laaaaeod, sa* ju ah mian of Sew. gara ' Itj and a mell.'.<? I ?i tn- laiaouioj >,. i-', . IBS ...,, i.lacatcd ai .\j/a..ti lilli, li-'jii-ii-ni, Pena. ll- never engaged la Bu*luc?. nat devoted nin.-- ,i to ti,,. ,.,i ,,f I.i. inherit -I c-tit'. Iii pull til', le: na* BU ti dent i:.|. iii.i.ji.. but hu aevai hew oatrc. ii- I-ii a nil icu t... dauglileia one -uu- ll?? d-.i.i ? > jin- t- *uoulexy. Jiu) tuii.ial "111 bk* place al 3 rn m. lu m. .lu.,. and Ihe Kev. Ur. alon- ?m ui.iuii.'. THOMAS BKAOLBT. JahB*towa, N. v., Jan. yo.-iiu.iiu- Bradley, Osm? nu; I. a Protector, d'U i. Io-la\. ll na* Blxtj atteu M-Ji- old and ?a* apyoiuted nj iii. Ckm-lsod iu I.Hf-.t. ?-,? in: slior His FRI ES B, HIES RILLED RIMSELI \ tragedy t""? place io Ike houae of Al nodei i: So i "i." Lifj^'-n---' . i.ii.a1. ih. N. I . lari 111* mu, tictirg* s. lt. Brokaw, laeutj yr.,r.,,ii ,.i- -hut ni th- n-iit rhee* m. i iu in n-. k near the lugalu reta bs a mend, .lunn Nj. I,ant. a boaidri la Ihi Bouse, nu.i- .ii luti'i wa* laboriaa auder Mtma*ratj la. sanity, iu ataa Hen abet a bullet lab) lu- awn, .tn i uii.i in* head ui.t tli- I-ft eft and a third >hoi bee* ui in* adi iar. Th* pbyatriia**aj bewUldle. ll aa* tak'-n ni un Miiil.uiitiii >? t? Hi, cit.i M*Bpa**L, Illulia..'* n-.UIldS. Hillie l-IIUU*. ate liol I lill-ill. |,-1 faff 1. Ttl t.11,ile. thal - nt,i. i kl* iii,'in .i.e.', BBsacd oat i- it lo? ut ear. WILLIAM II HEARD AT THE POI ST OE DEATH. William ii. i; ?;, ii. a arrtl-ka*wa mookie i Brswbnraa and ?i H.-aliliy rsatrsebtr, i- l<y?l*d t?. n. al Ht* j.-int af death al liis hume. Nu. 9*J I ie:BaaabaVS., Hrnuklvn. Ile ha* been BBaTettog with a coiuiilJcatlun af dl*?.r.lei? r,,i .-e\ tal Bees*, lt bbs *uid ic-t svealag Bsai hi* |,iv-Iliac- lid nut BBQ**! Him c. satUv* th- Bight, Mr. pjeatd h,-. be i .? a*eaaa*r ri tb* HapablMafl Btato I***** mit:.'? I.n >cji??. and Baw ripiSSISai tt.o lld C*Sgr*M District. Ile ha- aanrel Ba * delegate to Natimal Coo % .-un .-uv Ile has lung held a piomlucal ?>Uc* la the couacUa *x al* aaity ia lU*okiga? Aa Escape. The dar haa passed when a trost caa dictate aa St what *o smoker BBB purcha-c. "Admiral" Cigarette* emanate from an ciToit to pico,-*? In which arced tor in ui lau:. | rolit* 1* not the controlling pow*r. Ileliia Cowpony'* Extract af Beef. Oikc ased i asm laBhaseeaeMa in the kitchen. Vaa par tm "hat van R. t-R -t what you par for. Act ept nu Mib-'ltute lor Cudaliy's ' Kc\ ' BtSBS J^xtracl uf L-l. S ? MA HE I ED. BOn?Will I'TKM.ll'.r.-<>(. Thur-dav *ftemoon. January .'.th. leos, at 240 Lafayette-ev*., r.toohiyn. x. Y., br ih.- Ind.'* brother-in-law, tie B*v. Dr. 1. Oe Witt Talma*.', la-tor of llroikhn Tabernacle, assisted hr th* KtV. Welfral.T Welllagton UoMdi*u. D. l? Mia. Bc**.* Will it-mure tu Wi.ham J. Bab, all ri Bl uglys. HIE IK ALUIN' nn Sinrtav. .lan'i.irv ', at hi* home, st La. fie rr.. S'..?\ cumin. N. I.. Dr. John Linn Allen. In Bat i.-ir _ . Funeral tervicea at h * late yeBBaSBee, Wednesday, Feb* friary 1. I a. in. BETTS?Oa Saaday, "nth m?t.. at n.idnisiit, Marj abb. widow of (a* lat- Peter .lilla-/ Betta, un-d S3. Funeral aervlcc* ut bei lute residence, :? Wari Otha*., I'lalntleld, N. J., at K p. m., Tu.-cla.i, January 31st. Int. rsa**! at Cnadiila. N- V. BBAXDEOEE-Ia Heieaa, Msataaa, Bean M. niandege*. aaa et Plot nee H. and th- late Dr. E Brandegee. lu'.-nt at Beella, i cnn. ( IHXIIK I nil-Al Bli home In Cope, ko Iron Work*. N v.. -ii Sinn an norning, Jaaaary Saab, ri pleuro pneumonl*, I-aa- Cullin* ;h.-h:uii-h, ailed 78 yeal*. Funeral WcdaeaSiy, Febraary l*t. at 13 in? ti iiTFn fiaadralj. -n Saaday, Jaaaary -'??. of nneumooia, Wiili.ini Koherta Dal r, lecoad roo of Adda Ti. and Ui* late j. Beary Deter, aired 'Jr* years. Funeral service* ai ni* late r.-*ld. nee, Nu. 1107 Adelphi.*!.. Brooklyn, on Tuesday afternoon, January 3i*t, st S o'clock". 1 merni, nt *t Oakwood L'*BI*tCry, Tioy, New-York. Kindly on lt Ituw.-i*. DIK KKK-On Janna y t**b, Killah Allder Decker, aged Ttl veer*. . Funeral from hi* late residence, '!7l Mxth-avc, Newark (Ko-evii!" . N J. on Tuesday, Jaaaarr .list, at 7 p. m. Train leave* foo: of Christopher and Barclay at*, st S p. m. of diphtheria, ot the teal deuce of her prand n athel i 'ar - a ? ohb, -a v bl d ? r ;h- Kev. tierard B. r. Mull... k amt Amu Cobb Hill ?? Funeral private Kindly inuit (tower*. HALL?On Bandar, Jaaaary BOth, ]*o:i. *t the r?sidene* of tel brother-in-law, ur. Lewi* a sum-, 2BS l-'irui-ave.. Mars lau- Hail, daughter .f the lat" Charl** Henrg Hall, of llurl-iii. In flic 7.M vic ri her au-. Funeral tervtcei ut her Int- residence ou \\ isdJicsday, February 1-t. ut a -.'- P- n. Int-rineiit Bl I inuit; Cl ic t>;\. HALLO! K?Of BueuBMBia, al .31 L*B*T ava., on January. '?? Kllra Bartoo, wit* of Albert 1*. llalluck, Pk. D., la lc- 35th ? iai Funeral nun. i 507 Main-t.. PeekaktU, on Tuesday oven lag, at 8 o'. ,i I, Mett'ILLIAMa* Da Rundcr, Jaonary '.nth. n ar Milton, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Rebeerc Mcwilliams, mata** ti Mr*. Frank K. lilia, af New-York cite aged ad yaaaa BUSHELL At bl* in- real euee, .v. law. .ii*th-*t.. January, suth, Henry !?:. lin*?ll. lu Ihe 70th v.*- <>r his age. Fun. ml aervl .-- at hi- lat- residence, Xa*ad*y, J*nuarj lilt, af in p'l I" i. B. m. Intern enl il Woodlawn. SHAKPE?On Jaaaary Sd, .in-ie. widow of the late John L. Sharps, In her ,S'',Ci ,".!. Relative* and friends ut ? i -|-,tfiliv iu\ ttej to attend th* run.'ci ?:,!.. on rue**** evening, January 31. at d o'clock, 'it tli- retldeace uf ber .uii-lu-law, Juhn C. Provost, lld ii.'"- -.-si., Brceklya. fi,..-- rn ur private. TIDRALIa?Al hi- lute r.'*'den<-". B04 Wet ."uith-st.. New York, gundar, .-.., ,..]. Wi.lum Linn ..miall, in the 7 VI cn of lil- ic.". Funeral aervleec ll th* I unr-h of /lon ?nd st. Timothy, ;,;iii.-i., near Eighths*., vv. un?i.av, Feb rae ry l, al 11.30 a. in TOWN8F.ND?Soddenly, on Saaday, JMaary '.'Otb, Sam. ae| T. Townsend, bi the SSit vai nf hi* aire Friends at- Invited t. att-nd the runeial fruin his lat* residence, inn Pierrepoat-at., Brooklya, on Wednesday, February lat, si I j>- ?? TRULL-In Brooklya, Msnisj. ,'!0ih lari .snrah Vander. lip. Iii ta- .".*!li car i,l he. cn,'-, wu... of the lat* Willard liuii. Funeral services at h-r lat" r?id-nce, I'lO l'lesideut-aS.. Brooklyn, Februorj i-t. al - e. at, lin-, melli at Cherri Valley, B. Y. 1IT.IIY 'H. th- ::r<i l.a-tinf, 'ft-r .? -hort Pines*. FJsle, rvum - 'Ilimier of Joalah J. und Pa*** Aaa*Tabb*, in th- 24th \-.r nf her ige. Funeral from thc resldeoce of lie i?renfs. No (17 Willow. -r Brooklyn, on iumtii day, second Mouin, lit, at 2 V in- _ Veiernn* af the 7rh Regiment, V O, B. B. Y., ira requested lo ?tteod the funeral or ..eerc Haeari hcott, ?Jd Company, from 102 VV.-t .i7fh-*t.. th's e\enlng. ats , ,, ;.. EDWARD '.. ARTHCR, Colonel. MOL'NT HOTE CF.METERY. OfllC'-'. 880 8-h-sve.. comer 23d-*t.. M. T. Kenslco Cerntterr. on the Harlem Railroad. 48 minute* from the Urned ( "nfrul Depot. New Depot si eu tr* ac*. omeo io Bari i2d-*t. Special iVotttra. Koberl tSoniertille. V.otioneer. gaul this Evuruca, ano TeO-MOBBOW (VvkunfsjDAY), AT 8 O'CLOCK. AT THE FIFTH AVINCE ART OALLEKIEB, , SCO F1ITH-AVE., Near MtbeS, PAINTINQ3 HY WILLIAM L, SONNTAO, N.*?.f AND HENRY A. FEROUSOM, A.N.A. OKTXUSM B CO., Mana?.'r*. Hung* .'. Cn.. 730 ABO 7U BBOADWAf* THE LIBRARY ci thc. LATE EDMUND B. WYNN, ul Wal-itoiMi. N. Y. ii,: lui Vii'iaii jud iBiercsUne Work* in the Vs rt. OU* Ii'i'ii'tiii, lit* -f Lit'linn--, with Sje- IjI Collections -ii LAW VXD LAWYERS. COOaVERY, WTNI..1 ANO vviNE-MAMXci, :? be Mild iit auction Tkanday and Krlday, February 1 mat 9, at :i p. m. i i ii day. _ A rbeeb tor t?0.i)00 parportug ta u- arawa by ih* Kural i i- ia,.,.- ( uaipauy iind ccrtifl. 1, i- ekuaacd to ho a furgery. -vu pe i aa ar waraed aol to negolate lb* same C. V. KAN 1 A. Cashier. 1'iip.ii.IUci- Noliee. Should bo r?ad dully hy all inu.-icited ?s abflBajBI m*P .'Ul at UIIV tillie . l,.-:t--rj fur fui-iUn ruuru. 1-- need nut he ipecially Bas Ireased fer d.?|iut h bi aav partV'Ulst ateanier, exe*p| aIi.-u lt i* desired t? send aupil.ate* of baaklaa aad - ei -lal d.' uii.tnt-. letters not aparhiUy uddr-aasd belUB ?ni bv the f.isre-t \---.-l- aM.llail-. Foreirn aatll* for th- neck .nifu;.' Feraraarr 4 will . IukO ipioinptlv in all CBBMI at this nilli e *? folloWBI MONDAY- At 10 a. m. (?uppleniei?ttr.T ll a. nc) for Central vuav-ii letrept Costa Rica) und tsoutii Pa.-ino Port* per - .. CHy ?.i rn. via Coloa I letter* f-r B**fs> mu bi ii,u.-i ix- directed "per City of Fara", /a*. IjI m. fol santiago, Cuba, pei ?. -? Mealeo il-tt-r- fur Venezuela and hstvaliilla, et... mu-t be directed "per llexlro ); at I i) in Coi I'li.ito Curt./, and ..uat.-nia.a i^-r *, a. Urakwater, rroiu Xew4)ri.-an?: at ii :;?? p. m. foi China .iud Japan, i" i -''.ii.-, irim vaaeeuv*! iM*na mu-t ot iu-.i. ? ".nc Vancouver"/, ii i.-H.W ai i j. ni for Earoo*, per i. ?? Aller. Ma Southaniuton a'-i Bremeu 1-tt. i- fur Ireiaod moat I*' di .ted "uer All.r" Bl I p. Bi. -'?;-I""U.ent.iry 1 .110 p. m.) ,,.i Na?au N V. i"i a. a. Joheauea Bun: *r I p. m. for lludad Bolivar, i-1 ?? * ' ' 'alia... ihstm lui Ttlaliai must b- directed "P*T Et ? ?l!u" >? . .. WEUMvHDAY?At ai 8 ? a.. f>r r.uioiie. pi'r a. *. k ,,..-, via uv :,-'i,'rn; .'t A BO a. m. t-r H.-iijltia V *. * IVae.lanl, vi* Antwerp (letter* must b* reeled" "per Wae*laad" a' 1! u m. for Fortune l*land. Hi,-, ti iiml MC Billilli -I'- 1' - -- A'.u.M nr li! ri., fur Ititi Jaie nu ..iel La 1'laM lauotl '?-. Mi Rio Janelio, per . '. Hogarth; at Vi m. (aupnli'iiienwrj 1 p m.i f.-r Fer - and Ililli*. I-f *? ?? ll" I'U. r- f?r Rio Janeiro, -ait..- und l*? Flat i - ..'.nt r..?. na III., j.iii'-ii-.. mu-t Isl Iii , ? i -'i.e] c.i*i- ; at I p. in- f?* I aha, p. i .. ?. c lu- if \v'.i-iuaet.,ii. \i.i Havana. vt l i. m. t.? .ir.?.?omi, p-r ja-on letter* r-i Jaaailca Brllie. on. emaU, Paaeaa mil i uxillu i""?; h- Blrearted "p-r Ja?on."j. IIli'R!*DA1 vt ll *. in .-up:-l.-tiieiitiiry ll Wa. m.) for I-'..rilli- .liiiniii'i. and lererale, jht *. a. Alvon* letters for c .^ta Una Ma Liruua Biuat l" di rec Bri "isir a livens" : at 1 p. u. *i,|.'-amiit-ri I ;i<i p. m., for Her- I n.uda. per *. -. Ortooeo: at I p. in i-ii|.p|ea.eut?r.v 1 BJB a, m. Inf N?-*:iu. N. I', nad HantBgu Cain, pr a. a. >a:iiuu'o ; at 1 p m fur I'm lu Itu . din ct, per a. ?. Hall. >ek. FRIDAY?At ll a m. i*up'il.n.cut .ry IS ip.) fur V*nS> /?i.-ia -uni Curarsa, also sn,mini mi Curara*, int *. a> i ;, h. n- itt, ra f-r uther CrioatMoa rarta mu-t he .11 iee tad ? -?-l l ai Bi a-" .N VII'III'V V ?At I a. m. fur I!." .lal-ii... Kauto* aa Pl..! a .j"iiii-.-1, \.a Rtu Jaocira, p i - .-. .-.ii iii.iii i- ir. in.. .-. at -I :<" H. 'i- for Ko rope :*'r I-tullin v.c ij' at S BO B. H.. for N.fh'r per - - M ci-ilain. 'in It'.'i. ;d un t letter* nun .'il--, r - -it 'l-l Mea dara"' : al '.? B. in hts N : uv d ,, r -. b. Thlngvalla - ti-i - must be direct**] -us-r T A altin, il. i?ui.,.'? ii'.nt.irv 10 :?0 a. in- hr lr "|ie| i ci,a SAT I" I1I> V V ? At I B. iii. fur Iii" .lal-ii... sail,,-nnd In Pl..!a i ountrte*, \.a Rtu Jaaeire, p i - *. hricra** l- ir. ni" .-. at -I :<" ic n for Ko rope ;*'r ?. a. I-tiiiiln via 'i'.-I. .mi. at .*> BO B. h.. fur Ni fh-'rUnd* ,1 . r per -? - M cfd.-t.ii. ila Rotteidaai (letter* mn*t 1*1 "' way direct. Thing. ['rauco, -riana lt*:., siuuln l', itu-u. mid Turkey, pe. -. *. I^i i.a-..c-ii.- via M.." (lette - f- 'tflei nt. ,,f Kurop* mutt !*? 'lir-ti'd "ut i La a**eo*u. ' st n b. at. for um. ... ,- Tahaa ? na! V ittn, p. r a. *. Seneca tetter* for (nba. Tun.ii'" and Tuxpaa dlrert ond other M.vl.oii State*, vi* V-:? ( nu Bluet ls" directed "pe* S ,,,. ,?? it (j :i'i p. ia- foi N'e'fo .ndland, lier ateamc* noni Halli** SL'XDAY At ?' |i iii. f-r c. ta Kna, via Union, pei b *. Hispanic, ti Bi Nen- ? Mai,> for ('liiii-i -'I ,Ii|si". pei -. -. Chi ia 'froinj Sen i on '- ??? .I'*- here Bally a,, to i.-'/ni.ny ??. at ?,:,"., -,. ii, M ,ii- fm ci Hawaiian I darri* per ?. ?. Au-c ci:- f"iu >-.ii i-1 ii-'- (.,. rio** hera cfallv ii|> tc Kehruarr 0, al '.MO p. in. Mill- for the s.ieletr I-...!-, per -'ill' '? .Hie- In.n Sn KlSdct4C*), "lose her* daily up i? I-in" ci -- :i* B W p. at. Matu for Vu* Nita Xew-B iland ll cue m, lin aad >?? can l-l "ul- p. a. Moaewai [rroai gea Fran HU t" Cl'un1 v ">7>. ti* r, :cn - m. ". "ii cr:'al bi Brar.Yorb of *. ?. ,!,.;,.,.' with British amil* for Hi-trilli. Maila foi i lunn and ti|..u m^ Val-..nor rspecially nddr?-??ed ,?,:r ri.Nse al ibis uiti'e .jai. al '' 80 p n. Balbi for Xcafoundl ni. by Itali lo llaiifn-. uni tl.en. - Iv *teamer, , |, ..- ar Ihi* ct,'- dmlv ct B BO B rn. ''all* for Miquelon ??? r?'l t>. Bo*t?a, and tbenee tv *ter..ler. eio*? at itu- -'I"" dally il ?"< :'" p i" Mi.:i* fur < utia: by I ,| i., i .a in la. iiml then .. by ?t. am r i?ail'ri? Mon. day* Ihur-'li'-- sad Hatardayei, rloae ai thia iiili.-e dally at '.'lion in Mall* f?r Me\|.-o nverljiid, uni-*- specially aU'lr *? I fol d'-p' li by -I'l.'iei, . BM* at this ,,tilca dally nt .1 a Bl. Tr.ii*-!':* ali- "U'il* We fi.rnard.'d to San dallv rind thc *cii du!'" of . I..?ii>? I* BlrSBg'd BB tlc.- pr*. .nu ptlon ol 'ii.lint, rrui.r I av. r mu! tran-it to Saa Francisco. Mail- frooi Bte F.a-t arrivlae aa Baa* ?i Sa* Frail'!*"' ..n the toy of -allhiK nt st utuers an- dl*i"i'chad Hue,., the -n:-,. (!.v i:. .- -i, i.-.i ir.Hii ela**. ?? 0 n rr. pcerasaa dur. F\'P> *up|il.-hi--nfn'v Malls a -. open 'I ca th* pier* of the Knell** I r.a.-li and <i.-re m steamer' ut th.- hour od rloainR nf Bopplewientnrr M*il* ai Bte PtmmRtt. whleh r.-in.iln open until a I th ta ten inlnutes of the hour of Ballin- of Btesaiei CCMtN'LII'S VAN CO IT. lVstm*?t*r. 1'o.tnflii-e Mew.Yark N. Y.. Jan. '.'7. IBM. tichqioti'j Notices. METBOPOUTAB MFKTINfiS, 90\oonda* meetlrie. li to 1 ; night aurville, 8 o'clwtik. Bcv. C. at. YAjifaVST. lCSdSI.