Newspaper Page Text
y-x-LH.N#-16,88l NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY -\ I893.-TWELVE PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. juBNEDALIVE AT T11E STA K K rtFjiii^ pnnsuxiEsr meted out by a TEX IS MOE yjOUSASr? OF CITIZENS I IN TOGETHER TO jmRTCRI" tXB KI Lt, A XE. IO A I'SED OF MVRBER Pari". T*51 ? ? ' ' -^ '',>n ***** f-""'*1 WM fn ,vf,_ her- yesterday thal Henry Smith, who ^gaited :? :"f:,? Myrtle Vg ?. .. ?? ? ? uo ha<) b***n i'1 :''' ;,t ?'"I"'' Ark., thr wi ?? to-vn '?*'' ,D) ? ey '' '? ' !' " wa" p ' ^ entire pop ila! ' lo the street* A 1 inc g^.y (tarted imm-HJ tdy . i ?peoiul tl Epkau ' make - ire ti iorpi"1- ? Ti lei rams i ? ?... i in from print' V the sui ?.riv asking VV, I s-nift ?*'" ? '' ?'"' '''" ': ' *vr'lt time hil exe 't,.tioB iron! i mk.* _< aa Ihe gender! wanti I J i* ?"'?*''"' '?""?? ,,,Tr ?* Smith waa de I i rmi it i ' Il wa* agree 1 tl. a i ?? ^._ld h.* t...' ' Ike I ene of las rr:i:.'' ,,: i lirned al a Hake A telegram from Hope, r erired earls this morning, stating thal Smith j_id'*x"l hi* crime, a I le I to the excitement. .Ul Un :; r trains bi hundreds ? tbe city, ami ' ? coiintrj roads were alive with I People cm: li i ir, with wagon* and on horseback. Ai noon to* y, when the Ti \ * an I Pa, tip mifi from Ihe \ rth arrived, if |g estimated thal (?.ee-osvi * :. .? :. . ti..- depot numbered near)-' 10,000 mn\' The gmv'.s having Smith in charge reached [rwrk'.n iwith their m.* mei at 8 o'clock. A mob -f 2,onn iici..:- had .athered ni und thc railway ittthn. '1!. - ii ?. ide l Smith, and with Wk'M T''V - - Inlee! ;, ),,,.. U<t J ],, , , ? | j | ,, rrowd t" ii it"" i'i waiting io brm,; them here. Pr Rob sv .,;t the coach, on the plat *Bs?.?*d ;,.p * " to'?l "I the <',,u('!i. Tliey "1 - ininuV'l t.'." aherill compel Smith to app ar ti (ur* af the windows. In order to satisl' *);?? MRnVaXj ,,i tu" crowd, and in the belief trial his ippearanr.' might appen** the excited people, Deputy Sherill ,,r,l"-ipl the negro r> ihiw kt?*'ll Hi* (.'.-ni had hardly protruded through, the open window -.v!."ii a b* stander nidi' :i ki rai e lunge :T him with a big knife "lie nero quickly -auk back Into the corner of ito *eit. The deputy sheri ila and guards then iresv their rev Ivers ind swore they would l-ill il tal person wlo maile a violenl demonstration iow:ir.l Ike prison r. The ni','' .* lenly wiihdrew ? short distunce from tiie '*'i and naked i r another view of lia? i." ly Sheriff Shanklin again com* tnaer.d.'sl the negro l show himself, which be ,h I, r'mii.iii:..' in full view ol the crowd for ibcul three Bdnutes, Distri I Attorney Birmin then nioiint,") the phi form of tiie i inch and uiidf au iiiip.i'-*i'i!'.''i appeal t,> tiie mob, asking them to -??*;???. ihe law and li ive the :i ithoriticg to deal wltk tit* man ll" waa fo wed hy Doput.v' Sberifl Shauklin, who a!*o asked tho aioii to allow tl." :i t.i take t!.. ir prisoner to the s.-c..u ol iu- crime i Ik* leaders, Biter i short brm'iltntiuii, agrr il t>. !"? !..<? train They Btv* Inp** cheers f"i tile leputie** v. nu had Mi>tiir,"l Smith. a _-uaril ol seventy-five uti ren* of l'an.* "accompanied th** train to resist rn >'> ViolenC". When th<* train trrived here :i rush was made f?r ti.* I,,;,,., ki which tht* i.-vi . was confined. Ina ileputy sherill*, and the guard ?,f citiz. is draw th.'r tgvolvers and attempteil t" prevent tiie mob Irom taktae. ilwii prisoner. Tiie ?: .uir'I win uuiikly overpuwe;,-i, however, and a rope wa**l tnrown gbsal Smith's neck. He was oragited Irria Iks fruin and l..irri.*l t<. the scene ol his Cfitua. . Ml .'ii"' , tli,' rout.* Ik* m,s pelted with u,i..i7.*s7arrt!rK ?,y fiats an I oiix-i wi**' maltreated Tlien hr ss-, puoed ti_?c,n a scaflold si** i"'"t (-illaro and ten feet I Igh, sfi urely bound willan the view . r riij beholden. Here the victim was !? rt:ii.":l for lilty minute* bf rtsdhol iron I.ruins tliriiKt "in.- Quivering l"<lv. Ucgiuniug at th* feet tiie brandi were placed wains! him inch by inoh until tji.-y were thrust :,--uiti*.t the lace. Then l?unv apparently .le.ri, l..-t,?*<*??.,? vs.. P'lrel /ii|i(,;i lum and cotton*?*i*d lr.11s vs,|,) plae^.j beneath him and set on fire. 'ihe .1,,ry of Smith's cmiiic la na follows: Oa Thur*,I.iv last the big and burly negro p ?: up little Myrtle Vance, aired tin.-.' and on-*-halt fasrs, near the house <,i lier fattier, Ih'iiry Vance. :i polieeroan, and, gi' ing hei randi t,, allay li"i- fears, carried lier through ti,,- oei tral patt of the 'itv t'> I.T.lain', pasture, j-i-t within the em di,rate limits. Arriving at tiie nanture lie, with Inhumanity too terrlblg t,, relate, lir-t vrieiously u-ajaulted tiie innncenl baltc, and th.-n t,,o?- one 11 rr!.- Utnb in each hand an l literally tore her [ft twain, 'llion covering the bo?ly with Imves and brush lio T.iy ,h,ssn and slept calmly Ihrough th:*- nishl by the side ol !?;* victim Aimil* 7 o'clock Friday morning Smith awak ene I. wenl t,. t!,e Imus." .,1 his wife und com wile! her t>, cook him br<-akfas1 Shi usk.'d lim vs.,at had liecome of thai white child. He replicl: "I ain't aeen no white child, and ih.n't Lav,, nothing t,> do with <l? ssi,;(,- folks." Ah'T deliberately t-ating I I* breakfasl ho wenk awnv and wag nol seen any m<,re until his can ture. As goon aa it ssa* learned upon re-"/Overy of the body thal the crime ssa* -." utroci. us. tli" whole town turned om in Ihe chase. Thc rail read- put np bulletins offering ii"'* transporta tion to tlins^ win. would imn in thr* ?oarch l',,..s."s went ant in everr direction, and nol i stone ? ia left antumed. Smith was traoetl to Petrnil on foot, where im jumped on a freight train ult went t., his u! I home In Hempstead County. Ark. Tri this "iiitity he -.v:is tracker] and v* terrtriv enpt ir,.,| :,t Clow, a (lau: Htntii.ti on tina Ailsun*.,., and J.",.Liana Hallway, ul... .r twenty lu.."*, uurtii of Ho.*-. .____*> BARI EL E. CHOUSE'S Will PROBATED. Mrs lOSTERI.ITZ'S ' r.AIM '.''i BK PRESERTEB TO Tin; j.n ? vi IRS- it viii r,r nvr. ,,;- THE HEIRS. \. v._ r<i,. 1.?Tbe viii <,r DMiel Edgar Crouje, e.r. millionaire, wai odtnllied t<, probate In -ks la**! rt t'.ii* rift.rn.i N, ss a, "Bsd* i,v t. . Bttornejri on lbs par! ..r Mr*. K i ler ?t?. the all.'c.^ ss if., and,u; lu l. hall or the child. Detetha Edgarita. Vf, -. Midrewi, who isp *t?*i)ti Mr*. RoaterBls, -:.'?'* lhal her claim ss ll be P*e-"nre<i to 1!,.- executors, who mu-t poy (,, i,", dui"'*; lepifatniatlre* Ihe Ltilli of thc estate, Mell -sar.,; to the next nf kin. Ru. bayard at uxios a matrrr.r. s " pounca in amebica" de* !.. I-T I ORE THE OTUDEJC1 ". S*f>ne.t.i'is, n. v.. Feb. i "Special!.- Rs-Secrelary J?""""* !'. I'.uvur,! delivered :. discourse on -* I?? lita. *' ? AsB-Btca*' before the Milieu's of l.'nton Ootlege. JJ ?Nwrwon, as om- of tl," series >,! leelnn d< ""?*"**4I and t,, 1,,. ^.-livered Iry mell roan ns Ooverniar "-Killey, ?f ohio; ci.i.'ii <ev M Depew, Oeneral Mlr''l.'. Denn ol Ihe Koenll-f of Wes! Polnl JfOllnr AcMoniy ;i:(t ()l!r ,,,,n.illN p,,,),,,.,.! men. The t*nr>" ?aa gotten ap b? fieneriH liult-rtu'lil. one <,f ?'" tniMoej. of tue college, for lbs beneOI of Ihe J,w!"n,<. pei :?? rs mid those Inlere led In ih ? cd hre. *?" Bayard tra* received v. it!, greal enlim lo m. rn* raw i? hal i am irlbate lo the cot|i*ge, mid spoke a bl* Nattai ol allocbmeiil for lt and ol ibe high ?""nation li, whirl, iu diploma* were li ld. Ila HM a gniefui compllmenl i? General BulterUeld. toe ttmRwt iii ti,, cour '. IIB kelara began with a RR** of the principles undeilvlag ti,.- Cons!Ito ?? BM the rjuti... and prlvBegre ol dttoenablp. "ls trinutes to ('lief .lusti.e Marshall, lUahop PRHUpa Brooks> Juitlie, Ijln?,r and AlexandtW Hamilton wert eloqu^t _ Tlw? UoRm politl.-, nf Ametlen do not re'iuii'e for 2_ Kw*t -aient.. familv or buslneas connection, nor twial ornoo*. I' dntlea caa Im foUowtsi la l?riv?te *t*tloti as fulthfiillv, ir,,..! as conspicuously, as ?i pnbBe; by n p,^,, mun M Wt.M M hy a rtcJl ,?;,,,; attJ. mtn ni piuUu eood s' l"M'' ;'* ,JV '' n,an "l()l" d/^l*t l* ??<*ded a man. I'oaUca requires -ssrsotial tBT-5!.^^ h,8her ,he Pomonal cliaructcr Ihe higher FW,tte?? The lesson tieods jepotltloti that poUilol 1 ?*? bat means to an end, snd that cutt ibo ?" - **? :" tbe ' intry. EducatJ n I* < 1) drawing he man out, 1 - re*] ? ted , ?,: ll . ls t! . HOME RULE BILL DELAYED. ITS INTRO] '? Tl N UK-EM TO BB t STJ PONED. : :!' "1" tKl Ft P. ADVI LOW] D i:v Till : a ?"i" v IiTJI.r. DEUA! E CN THE QUI EN ? SW : I t. London, Feb. I -it i* n ,w regarded a* certain * ' Mr. Gladstone will not be able to introd icc f " "onie Rule bil] next Monday, a* vi ,* his 'I Intention There will probably be no opp irtunity for th.* ii ir iduction of thr. bill bef ire Monday, February 13. The competition for -eats ? ll ?? gallery on the night rn the inlroducti, n f,f ,h" ,,i;! i in>a#oea all pi.lent Thc mem? bers will ballot specially f,.r the privilege of introducing their friends. tis.- an l Unionist leaden not tn move any amend? ment to the address ilirectly antagonistic to Home R ':'' s?" I. on an endment, bc urged, would be nol only unusual, bul also likely to bring ou t Home Rule debate before the submission of the bill. This idvice probably will be followed. Mr Frederick Milner, Consecvative member for the Bat-set law division of Nottinghamshire, hai decide I not to pi .pose his ited amend? ment reflecting upon the 4'overnmcni's action In tho release ol the Uwee lore prlsonrra, ?-*??? TO WATCH AXXEXATIONISTS. KM ATTI,TD RIPBESEXTATIVE OP EXGLAXD COMING III Ul. FROM T .ROXTO Toronto, Feb. l (Spechtl).-A train trhlch left To? ronto lo-nlghl for Re** York bore lawrence Irweii, an Englishman and a graduate of Oxford, vs I ? once con ti-slcd a constituency for the Imperial I'arliamcnl In Ihe Liberal Interest. Ile bas lived In Tomnlo ' rr three var*, contributing lo Ihe leading ms pia In r I ind and Ihe L'nited Stott . He w, n! newspaper men a?! gathered Information of all kinda aboui men u:.ri matters, it now becomes known lhal ,.<? I* iiii ag 'nt of tl ?? Glad I mian Got ?, latlo In Cai ida lo keep English Liberal, posted on ?": p ililli?, ? ip. i illy upon (he annexation h. s ement. ll* vIM! t, N'."v v,,:! is in consequence of idlcn ?:''.?? orden lo crail the border to effie! the pi ? ol Ooldwln Smith and Edward Farrer. Ile refused lo-nlghl lo sneak mi Ihe roblen of 1,1- trip, beyond staying thal Iii* ..r,!.-:-* were au Iden a id urgei I, '?The Evening -tar." on ss!,..!, he In,* been an ? li I.trial artier for three n mlh?, makes the announce ? lhal he i- a repre*;. native of lb. Imperial li rv ernment and has ;:,:.,? t, walch M.?--!?.. Smith and Farrer. _?*>. M. BAIHAUT MAKES RESTITUTION. HT. HIT l'M,s DAMAftES TO v JOL'RNALIBT WHO HAD Ai. rs;.i. HIM OF TAKIXO PAR. AMA MOXET IV l-i. Parts, Feb, 1. M. Barnaul, es Mil I ter o' puhllf Works, ti,.ss- awalling trial for ;,, r, j.ti-,_ Panama money, hal derided to restore to "?? Rar! tte, , jo'.i : ai *?. the au, ,uvt ? f <!.,nii._' - and co l of which ?i-i 'sa mulcted In a libel null In i ?, M. Hollian) wa* Ibe complainant In titi* suit M. Harlot te had io, n "<i him "f accepting Panama money. M. I.iii,.ant had denied Hm truth ,.f the accnsaUon and had brought liis accuses into court, a* be said, to vindicate hi* tharaeler. Besides pus Hm damagea and <'o-t*. M. Marlotte li.ol to -erse tss|.,iis 7! ? . At tho lime M. Balhaui wrote io the _a*)s|-Bpoi'* Rial "the sentenee waa not hall heavy enough ., puni-h sn, ii a ? '"'iii-' 'icni'i'l.'s- liar arni I. ali, ru int," M. Ralhaul v'steiTav resigned ih< presidency of the Society for the IYoin..t|,,n <,f Morality. ? aa | M. GUILLEMA! T's PRELIMIXARY REPORT. j l'uris, Feb, i.-in Um Parliamentary Corni of inquiry Into the Panama aranda] io-day i> , ,., Gntllemaut, of the rub-commli i :.. appoint d In In vcstlgate Hie rabjeet 01 contra tors' . read u pn i llminary report. Most ol ll roi ned the n? further Inrcstlgstton. Tbe sub-comml .lon, M. i maui said, were anxious lo know how Ihe conti proved lo ti-' company lhal they bad ? lenna ol ti," contract, and on what grounds Hie con? tractors might try to Ju My tiolr pom.. ,.-.?? 77. (. ):...'.*) tran,-. After In -tri -Tu/ tbe iii]ss|,.,"i io proceed vsitii iii i.- ss irk, the ccu il??lui adjourned. _ Tia- greal que lion for Ibe unfortunate ilockholders of PsBBsma U not -,, much ssl,at will be Ihe meni ar ihe officials, polltklam and conlraclors who lias. libed Ihe rana] company a ssiuit the am,,..ut of Um ins, "i,.-I.t to be refunded at t'.-- end ?.f Ibo whole iiiTair ssiii i <-. The report id Deputy Hui and the power* granted to Ibe sub-commU*|on ol In qBlry are cal, ,ii.,i,,i io give to ti," stockholders some hbpes of recovering a port lon ol their rapHal In vested in ti,- Panama nnd rinking. According to Ihe i,pin"* of M. Flory, Hu official expert who Investi? gated the u, < om,i- ot the ( ompany, lt up;i? ari that, out of ti." 1,434,000,000 franci lecetved ly Ihe lab ter, 51u.O0O.0UU represented Ibe paymenl for exesra Hons and .,ti.??! viui. alleged t<> have t, ?-n performed by contractor* in artually digging Ibe canal But, ihe I sui, roiuu, ? ivii <?f t.'i<- Parliamentary Committee, In dorking at lu | tin- rumors svlii, li Last- been Circulated, snit'--. Butt ii." ? ..ulm,-tors have made anbtwfol profits amounting lu 77,000,000 fran''-. Dar.u.- ? u trial ol M. IT'M lt wai ibown thal pr,.it- were du" to the non-fulMmeul ol th" i ',:i'. awl i, ' <? payma ' of billi for work ".*? Tl.Ti gras never done. Th.tracion thougbl al ii I lo screen Hiern* lees behind lbs ilatule of limitation, which might iriv.' covered tb?*m under ordlnar* clrcnn itancea; but article 1,304 ol tba Civil Code, forgotten by them, exti ali Hu limitation period to ler ft ii In Bing ,,,u!d be discover d In lbs exe rut:..:, ol .' tit, li ts. it i- fortunate 'or the vt ? kb M< i ol Pan ima lhal Ibey mas ex peel lo recover a lithe from tbe eon n:i. I.,,-. f,r fi"v can hardly recrivi' anvtblng from tue muiiev* '.sal,-, th.- Indict d < \ Mini-' -i -. s?>naior* I |, ;. . rn iv I" '. ndemni d lo rel mid. Artli le 1-., ,,t |||." I'.iia. ?: .I.- - av-, lti'l""'l : " So I" T'uT ?:: -liall ever 1, ? inad" t" Un* rurmplor of Ihe taint.'* or ol ihe v iin,- ol t "in ss1 i h li" ha- surrendered to cor nipt.T purlins, 'iii,-- t.Inga or Ibrir sala,, ., ,n i? ? .i ti, the prolli ol ta.- hospitals '-vi Una lu llir piacii where corruption ahall Dave been secom pushed."_,_ ? POLITICS IX THE SOUTBEBE SOCIETY. UH \T Mil. RAXDOLPH BATS ABOUT BXCOXGBESS M vN vvisi."* Bl SICS vi IOX. When ex-Congrcasman Wise retnrmi i". ">i Bnrope in a few .lav-, he ?*?-111 lind lhal hi r?*lgnnUoa Irom tl,," Southern Society I* still maeh dl-tewawd by thc members, lt ssh-, offered alain! a month ago. r.x Congressman Wing ls on Um ocean, having sailed f..r Ulla i itv on s;,t.iidiiv ... l.l. KXplunatlon ol bbl retirement from lbs n*lely could .'"t ts* Becurssl seit<-illili'. The nan." ol Wilton Randolph ls, however, u .... iaiiT willi Mr. Wis..'* resignation. Mr. Hun dolph ssa free t<. ? mfesi yesterday Ilia! he had mghl ., ,;.:,,::,".,,"-nt arith Rr. wi-". Mr. Randolph 1- ? leading spirit in the dab, having been h* atci-elan unul i,*s ti,.in a >? rn- ago. -Mr. \vi*,> was soclaBy sMradsetl In vii.'ii.ii on ;,,, ,;,,,t ol Iii poBllcal "i>i!ii"'is." aid Mr. Randolph. -i,ut we overlooked ssl,.", he cams lo Jlew-Yorh and i wk Mm Into thc ? athern Society, i knew him j,, the South Ll..' him I" .-"ii Tis. hut I ssa- li"' pleased vsiti, ti," speeches be -im** In Uh las* cam ,,.,,.:,. i m,i him at ihe clubhouse and asked] him II he bad really delivered ti.:>-* l" "***}**. *J bim. ii- si,ni he iiiai. i ti,-,, '"I;, hm that l ? v.-u,I.-.! iii have nothing more to <i - arith Mm Rr. Randolph waa defeated for re ri- 'io;; a- yee .etuis of the *.,,i,!s. ll" rame Into |,u',li? notu? tl' . I v.u.i through Ibo dlffkulto which ;? .it * tl M1O0VCI..1U In Iroi.t ol th*'clubhouse. ,,,,. major two sboU ut Ma bat did mu Ml '"'tii.i'," ara away Repobllcans in IBs aorttty, w* ,,?." ,?iv like the Mea ol rnaMag poUUcs ? Usue ,, it Mr Wise 1* execedlngly i* T.i'1-* with mosi 'n, the rosen'inthe elob, and a apesc* R ''"?' '* ul''va>'i a delight lo Ms Mk-w rn-tub-r*. lilt CLEVF.LASD AT EAEFAYOOD. Ijikevvix.d. ff. J.. Kel). l.-Mr. Chv land returned from Mnn Vork flt fl -Oo this evHilng. He drove lo Z CkriBtoBl t#mm and laMt INal with NM. Cleve, Und io dine witl, Dr. snd Mw. W. C. btone at their ocrttage la Second-sU 0 0 VE I,yoi, FLO WER S TI RUED UP HE TALKS PLAINLY io SENATORS Ml LEL LAND AN!) PARKER THE li! wv F.XPEXSES OP llir. li'T*. N RIVER 1: SPITAL CACM* THE TB L'BLl NOMI* -na.. ,\* H! ?'. . \ I IN COR. I ? JCEXCE. [Bl ll I I GB VI ll TO lill. TliTiI'M ] A r.y, Feb. 1 Go< ri i i . , ,.- . . .: ?..,] |_|_, : ' ' ?'? the State nnd ai a t ai a confereuti he held Ui the Ex, miva I hu af tei m nt h - ? ie, .-? ,?<? officials, " ' ? - mouth* ... the li iventor, with .. view i . l ?un :: p wh ,t it s-. aid -ti. ,, ? in. j,,,,. ^ " ' '? ? i'-' ". :? , ? '? '. the tl rc C ?.I .stoners I ol Lunary, Dr I trios F. MacDonald, Goodwin Lr,.ssa and Henry A. Bccve*, to prepare foi him a labul I i "-' '" ' wing tbe pei pita cost ol maintaining each Inmate ol the hospitals, the price paid for troth ts, poultry, il,cr. i,utter. cbee?e, milk, tea, eggs, i t..\ rogar, fuel and lighting, and for wages nnd clothing, a. mie result ,,f Tn. romparisin and In? vestigation, ti... Governor hud i nu drawn np and presented to Uie Legislature a fortnlghl ,..-, imp,. lng np -ti tin. .tut,. Commissioner* in I.unary tbe duty of auditing ihe bill* of the righi stale hospitals. ihe Governor waa uti Bed thal stat,- inperrtston "f Ti- nuigoes of ihe hospitals waa absolutely ??**? utiai if tluv vs, ie io be conduct d In un eeonomlral ti.;itin--r. Thi. reform wa* mad" thc more nee wary beran*.* l?ntrolU'r Campbell had reported t., ibe Governor (hat lt would vost the state 91,300,000 to support the insane poor in th- ho pl ila. Thia v. , ,,, enor. n "'i* sum. the Govern * ll sight, lo Intm t tu tha ii Hst.?-.' of the I, , j ital, wltho it their belns any mp r s i-i.,u ,,[ (ta expenditure by ihe Stale. Ile. lt ss.,, iirii li" hui! ii,," nu prep red ind Mibmltted io tho I ' I nure putting ,.!",,.. tl," -. muter .,f tl.,- Kl ,:?? C. i; ...:? i ai in Lui , s the duij i anilllng Ihe I Ubi .,f Hie no.pltnl*. The flnan, I >| -?. tem of i Copied s. ir Ul it of t|,,. ...,,,. |Y1 ma. 'li ? r. un of Hi,- comparison of various sut* li >-i'i'a!- s ,. nol at all pleasing lo the I ru. tee* of Uie Hu,!-,Ul River ll -pita] at Pl .; Tsvo ' ' ? inn'.". of Hie Hudson Rivi r Ho p ? il, A J. Parker ai d t liarles P. Mri Mland. arc rn. mbers ot ' ? St ito * ii it, . They allowed whal ll thu lg il "f C" lab'ilaled statetneni making an Invldtoii* <? >tu P-"'i. by opposing ; ,-t week Hu . nilrmailon of Goodwin l.t'".i, and Henry A Beeves a State Com rn) I, : ? i - of I.uu ,, s. fe i. ,v, rn, - r norn lnnt?*d ' "in to the office* which Ihey have . > al,Is and creditably filled. M? i . Parker and *!? leliantl, Ls- their t'.-- In'.- oppo lo thr .-. tiflrmat Rrown and Reeves, has-- "hung up" their ti? ti,rn* for iv.,, weeks. Tilla morning ti," li ld snot! ? r ,.':?' - ,:;. e. .. Slid Parker nd Mel tell ind per ? nlli . oe '?, n fr n fi rn poising a r, '!? w i: ? ? ii : ;.. ?:. Mr. Parker gave of a, :i,,n on the nomination, Rial ha ls i rag.*! in rndlfylng the lunary laws, ?,.,| |,r.,|.,., t. bile Hu- Stale Lu ? ii y ( rmr, ' Governor Flower heard of ii,|. nrtlon of Hie 1' '.':? *'.,',-. bi I Itu mis : "Do tl p : . I ?? i tl nomi of iii""i whoie only .." I that th* ha formed their duts' l ssiii stand by M.- ,-. Brown and Ri eve* be, iu .? |h< v ).?-,,? ,? ., ?]?, , re<|uc-led (hem t > du In making I il." expel! rn ol Ihe li Mpltals, Bod lil be d d If i'll -eii'i in any other nomi Hoi andi they ur" , (infirmed I v the th oat ?." \ Hi'lc i 'er In th" afternoon, -.-,T n Go. Flower waa killi rimmerlng with wrath, lt i I that the iii' , ' the Had on Rivi r li arrived in Albany, and going lo iii- Capitol, rall.*! apon Ti. Flower. "Yon lusa- tome st an opportnng moment, | I ' . ' il Ml Ul < "St 11 ? .1 i,as e ii good tall; ni,..ut lour expel ?? I '11 eu the (ioveri for the r ? ? i. ? > Ber*, M- . M, I' '. 11. I : d Re. VVTk , Bil ti,, ,? gi nt lem, n I, id i ? 'mbl. di i live Cl. mil. ?. the G .vernor p ill, d 'it -l hli <i"-l; ; . ? . , ? I item, ni i hos of tli" vari ait In-ttliuUo . id 1 . lu li, for I,., f and muli ??, for three monti ; , l, ssh., I,<i thal Um Hud ai River Hospital nu lee* wera I-,s lng U 1 - ? ? ni ., pound for beef and 10 ? | i p Bud f * mull "ii, a Mle lbs 1: t ?? for bee. . in,.i A sin,,, ssa. only 7 cents, al buffalo ?? l I rent*, al Hlddleti-n 7 1 tf renl*, al Binghamton 0 rent . b| *'. Lawrence U reata and at Rochester '? Governor Flower then compared ihe price >?! chickens, bowing thal al Fought.pale i were pul doun ut il mit- a pound, whUe al other In Illation Ihe co t vsa- from IO I i lo IQ cent*. ?? il",ss do .sou account for IhUl" asked the Gov . ri,..i'. "W- i,us , iii.',:, ii- al ul! prices and ut all ptao ,' Ihe reply. "We get nome at Rev. Vork and ,,n," al Poughkeepsie. Superintendent lleveland be lles.s (bal bia patient dould Lase th" beal In the market." ??.n,,w ss-,- come to the ?./.'' aid tbe Governor, " Hov. do jon ma.,um for ti., iu " "Tl.i-t.,iu of ih.. superintendent,*1 replied Mr. Lord, "ls t,, regulate ibe s*g ole! according lo the market price, w:,. u eggi are .h.ap ihe patten) iii-.- favored vsi*ii Ibetn ii.rc-,- llmei a dav." Senators Parkei and Md "elland Hui. admitted tbe truth "f Hi" figures. "Why i understand tba! to be th.- Object of Ibis meeting," isld Um Governor, "and Hms our aim ls a. compllsbed." Mi Lord -aid of Ihe li"- f market Armour had ii monopoly lu Dutch.* County. Ann.,ur had sup piled i.? I.", f si 7 1 i cents and then tho trustee bad gol Um lr beef ?i ewhere. ?a.m.' said Ibe Governor, "lt is very apparent thal the expenses at tbe Fougbkeepsle Hospital ans altogether loo high." Senator Parker .aid li- could aol iee trhat Rle t,u tees ?.iiiUl do, They tried every nu ma lo obtain lower prices, tait were anabte to Bo **>. i,.,, niioi Flower (ben -aid : ?? i dosi si i a ? leita t,., Parker <? ans othei memlier "f Ihe Board a Bleating money, bul nmebody Ix gelling lt. I dont believe thru Armour l (barging people ... Prsgghpeep hie gny more than people tn atber partM of u?' stu'". some one I* certainly gvlUng the di ???renee * Xi | ri aiuiIs naiurally m ide i ten<~tl m. Go al ssin lirowa then began reading Ibe tabulated i an purl ,, ,,f ti,.- , M>. ?.- - ..I the hospitals. ? vve don'! ss ,rn uiiv mot-." figures," exclaimed Senator MrXTeltand, and every oin- laughed. - you read t:. li.'ui.-." said Governor Flower. poundlug Li* desk with hi* Hst: "maybe sou don't ssa,it I,. I,",!- them, I"..' I do," and ii,, p ,,[..,u Senator .vi. i -yilan I jami,."d bia hal dosvu over hi* eyes and slrode out of Hi" room. Mr. Rrowa then rmi a eompari on ol Ute prices <.f coal al ii," rari-rtts in gUtailons, iidiif" sing Mr Parker aa ? ?.-??i.h.tor" ??inn i :,m here." aid Mr. Parker loftily, "as pr"* Ideni ?f H.- I oint of Truslees and not as pi? -ii.-nt of ibe Hoard of Managers bf lbs lludsca River Hos -altai." (..,vernor Flower's list again came <io\sn ssiih i i?u,i whack '"ii ti," labia. Turning to senator Parbar b" Indignantly *ai<i: "Do yon know, sir. thal as RengtOf you belong lo tbe only i?,dv sshirii ran Icy sou ai trustee on Uie charge of malfeu*a*ace 1 Mom i itv.- nominated tss., n,. i. par lom tul- -loni rs tu Lunacy because I nm . elis i:u ed iii".' ur.- doing H..-lr .Intv. 1 ssant them to lopervlv Ihese boipital . and when Hus u"> tiur." and lind anvllilng "arong, I want ls"ern '" 1.1| ni"-. I wont go I,:,.!, ou Hi"..i. i vsa,,t thal understood. That I- Ibe main point. Hut rhet are atopped iii cul..ii,allon, and that 1- ut,foi "m.*"'. jiow (lib hearing was wanted "? prove lhal their figures, were wrong, lt ba* fali.-d -,f U* purpi*-)**. j believe Hie t ,,n,u.l-*l a."). hu'' liol," -t III all Ihey have al lem pied to ,1.,. You, air. -nu lilting ,u tbe Se aile ..f this Slat- und vu BMW I"' called ti, a acl ii seiir o\s,i ca>" on ii .hark"' of Baal i e Iii olio<-'?" ??I ss.,ui,: a. i on mi, h a rase us fi.lils i.?d eon s. |ei:ii',,-lv." replied f natur Parker, "aa I would ta m.v other. . ,__, Then ih" Governor ended his remarks by saying. .. I to nee I hi* law for Hie prolecilon ol the .ard* of the st.ii,' carried oat The Insane pallenti .,,,. n,,,,,,- ink*rn care ol noa Utan Ihey v.-tu In tbe ?,!d county bonnes. Tait th. re I* no r"u*nn why lt .i.oiild .o-t il,- Mat.' ni"." lo run one In.tumlo.. lau 'l'.'_. end,-d tb** heating, "mt tb" UotreriM r aRetrwafd " Tl I* irlii*al of th" -" to cotillrin M, **r*. Ilrosvu . ,yn i ,."s..s I- the next "io'ir to persecution. The en? tire trouble I* thal the t.u.t.-". of iii" Stale boapliiils nhlecl to l.avlhR Ul- I ?oiuml**ioii.i'. audit Itodr Wits. 1 iiavc inform".! (h.s. senato,. that I will "."'?"??' draw thc*" .oii,mi*>l"t,"is' nomlnstlons. nor jv ll I Tirn anv hill *o long ai I am governor lhal legislate* {bern out of office ar Interfere! with their prerogatives." THE HAWAIIAN SITUATION. SI RETARY J. W. FOSTER WILL STAY IN WASHINGTON. nr v.w-v ic sail for the DER Rix , s::.\ .\r.:-,: TRAIT v ilftXIFI wt iiianuis OF FRONT RT MESSRfj BAYARD ARD CLEVELAXD 1XTELL1 IERT 0PIX1 X8 I Rt M, BPPK I r.s. Washington, Feb. I.?In t.'.- face ,,f ,, itate ?RRU bi i," with , ir qualin, ition ol i.rve bj ti." Se. :?-tari- il State thai no ? ti m from Sh i . .a Pg ineefote on the i lbj. * ,,; Hawaii in annes ,'. in di ti >? action of ti., L'nited Si tte* Minister In Honolulu, ? r the -:...- < ?... . .ptain j of ,!:" Boston it, : inding tn ops : , the pi it l , "f American citlg. ns md ai ,| erl . has bi en re* ? eelved at the State Department, all * ilk .-.'? il British ? protests" and ""inti .?:? rt : i ? ?? ';:,:" '' ??'-?- esso i S;?" dating, however, ai to the course tho Administration ls likely to pursue or the line of policy it will adopt in regard ta the Islands now asking fur annexation, continues with unabated vigor. 'It cannot be said timi tho discussion of th,* lui twenty-four houri has added any von valua? ble or m iterial points to tho comparatively meagre | stock ,-i knowledge which Hie publh ...,.*.*,*! in j regard to ti,,, ree, nt. uprising in thc Hawaiian I Islands, or the cause* which pre Ipitatc'd 1 ?'?" Anal ' riaia and led t - the overthrow of thal ? .1 '? -,'ii" monarchy, uf which 'ucen Liliuokalani i was 'li" visible head. I tit il it i* known definitely j whal "re ihe proposition' whit h Uie li iv* dian , Commisioners*, now on tiieir was r" Washington, have t,, nuke, whal the nature of ti:- terms Ls which they are prciwre>ri to ofTer, what limits have ?teen ph: -ed upon theil authority to enter into . ne oti,'. ina and, ibove all, fe wliat extent I I repreaenl pul.lie. opinion in ide islands?until all i thia is, known, aad more beaitlea, the views ol .ins responsible membei ot the Adminictrntion wUl bo Bought in vam. l'l,,- SUbJeet vv.,., a* has u:t? i? (, been stated ,., these dispatches, discussed in the Cabinet meelina ??! yesterday, bm it ;. mere i'll" HuB-up to nj thal ilw-scnsions were develop l :.t that conference, or Um! ,i difference of views wag daiclosed, m ??? ?-t,<ulai.I?? fti nature, which made it arem probable thal lite whoa" subject would be left by the i..en! Administra? tion na :. tinui.... ??? ?? I vexatious legacy to ita ? ;,,,?..,,.. Sueh statements have u-<-u Beni I !'>::"l a-t ,? -r the count rv upon no higher au? thority tl. :n thal of the quidnunc*, and witlioul Ihe -.T'lit.-.. io.,anI lo t!?" inni ,ui,| put riot i<: itti t nie which the Administration ,,i I'resideul 1! .i ii-..:i ha* taken upon nil quest iou* u fleeting (lae dignity of Ihe I ni*-,I States In its mt r ,.?*?? w ith fon . n ? ationa. I . hint that thc Admini ? : tuition s\,U refuge ?,, .- mae t!,- j. r . _ >. -1- a ? - - j ? i i lu.'ity '? i tl. ? t ? l ?? |. i:-i.. i m ll; pi .? uit j criiis, or t, it timale it ss ll shirk ti,.- duties. s.lil ': ''? I ???. an(| jn,. (nw* || >.', ? Ita. i,.sr,I I u|"n it, ls In deiuotistr.itc an vj, .iraiiei* ol Ila1 Pre* de : - , . . ; i '? I .,,..1 iii I ul lil* vv I u>'li ll ,'', .' ll ;' j,.it li- iii |i|tl|oc , r pre lilli i' C.UI ,,,,?, un, i r I lie Hawaiian ? crs ;ir"- ex pe. fed lo ?uris.- in \'. ton some time next I riday. and tli"'. will probably have an opportunity t,, pre *".it their care lo lite Secretary ol Stale on S t It I, ii I,, cu ti" Intcntiun ol Secretary Foster tn -tut ,.ti that day f,.r New-York, pre ; ? ? tu gob .- t , Furls on Wednes lay next lo take . ' ; of tia Ameri' an rot* lie fore Ihe International lt. rn ,,t Arbitrator* ap '? I to i ? ?? Ile! iii:. S i dispute, lt " * his intention, lr,;, s,--, t.. resign his com iiii*sioii :l* SV i"'..:'. ol Si le on Fcbrtiarj l".. 1 be pre* >nl >"i:i"i ."i. ?, lo,'.'-' \,i, cm]. >la a cl ol his plans, lt is understood t!. i be ssill now as Secretary >,i State until the appointment ol bia successor by Mr, < levelaud, nnd be will no! join hut colleagues in Paris until .? 11?-r the tir*f formal meeting of the tribunal ol arbitrit tl . b il in tm," lo t ke full chm -?? ol Hie case ul lite L'nited Stat.*. \ti interview ss ul, r\-Secret.-trv I'.,- at I, hud at bis home lu Wilmington and printed in "Tbe 1'hiloilelphia !..??! er," touching U|,"ii the question noss- confronting tia? l'nited Stat"s, h,* e.\ itel :. b.I deal ,,i comment. Wliile Mr. Bayard dia* tm. fly stat.-, "tlmt !:?? neither had thc ilesire ti .r the right to speak for the incoming Admin bittali ii :?* to Ra probable action in the mat? ter," bis views, lor ol.', iou.. |M*a-totifl, ssi'.l l*e rend ssitii intereal in more quarters than .? "He .lid not c,nr: it hims If," sal * tho Interview, in summing up the different poin'i broughl nut i,y Mr. Cleveland's Si-cretarj ul Stnr* in the course of the conversation. "'" t!"' *d voeacy of annexation as a delinlte pm i mime for Ihe i t ire, hui Ihe whole drift "i bia atatemenl enforces Ihe view lhal annexation would be ;h,> consummation of Ihe political ar* mi "iii.-nt entered Into under the Fish treaty ol l-'.".. and followed bj Hie I levchtnd Administra? tion." i in contrast with the foregoing ls a letter written by Mr. Ilayard, when Secretary ol Slate, io Mr. Pendleton, th- l'nited States Minis? ter in Berlin, in September, 1885, on tbe subject ol' the Samoan troubl ?*. "The policy ,,i Hi- L'nited Sb tee," write* Secre t..ty I'.,.ail, "declared and pursued foi more than a ,'iitury, discountenance*, and In practice forbids, distinct colonial acquisition* Our act! n in Hw pas! tom bini th* acquudtion ol l( rritory by Purchase and rjeaaion, and oui recordi*d dla inclinalion lo avail ourselves of voluntary pi il reta made bj other Powers t-> place lerritorl * iniilor Ihe sovereignty or protection dI th- l'nited State*, iii" mattera of historical proiuine ? But here li a BtUI higher authority, no leaser, in fart, than tim! ot the Presidentelect, s|i.-ik iii" in 1,1-t annual ni's-a".'" to Congress In 1885: "Maintaining, as 1 'lu/ aaya Pn*slden1 , jes eland, ' the tenetl al ? line ol pwcedenta irom Washington'., day, win h proscribe entanj I , ha,,,,-, with loreign Stat"*, 1 do not tasor a polic- ol acqulnltion oi new ami distant territory, or the IncorporatloB vf remote Interests with our Km "pi thal Hst Presi l.-m -. ?let has umlergone ?i wonderful ? bange ol mind in the I ml four years, ,)?, mu-t still '"? .otiM'l.icI lo r.p.i'M'ut hts slew-, on the subject >,f annexation or " pi tte .orate." which Utter it- only ?"???? i,,r incorpo? ration ol toiiiote Interest*.'' , .. Sooth ol the mnsl IntelUgent views "ti th* Hawaiian Bituation have h en obtained from ufli ,,.i. ot the Navy who have, in Ibeu criiisea "ii tim Faeillc station, frequently visited Honolulu. I,, i,. art a number ol "FaWiAcxruisers" now on ,l?,v in Washington, and without exception ihey .,,,,,,,Ts favor annexation. Tim reason.* asBiiiiied hv th,*'- uth"M for annexation itre not, as might i,,. .u-,|,.,-'.i, I.,-,'.I upon atrtegleal advantages to i?. derived iron, ?:,?? puaseselon ol thc islands by this country alone, bul take into tsoruRdi-ratiou general commercial and political bencH'* aa areli Oflid-ra say that the dh" illy into; *t shown to Haw ni,,,-, li ao mani years by Rte I nited Stat, a h.;* 11' i?'",l n sentiment In the iahintls which tiiiil.i* a i'-ii" i,,i annexation much st muser among tho enlighiened natives, a- vs. ll us the influential ?!.*- ol - -called " liireigners'-persons ssl,. -? recent ,i ton,"to ancestor* were born abroad -than , au readily Im appreciated here '1 lila.1 ii, - i-,r annexation ls attributable lo many eau es, nut tin- least of which la a natui il ambition un ti? pari "f ll issai, ms to have their rame and fortunes linked '.si", a strong, prosp.* ami lust Power, upon whom full faith and confidence can lie safely bestowed. I !.?? FnltH States la. been uniform and consistent In lu generous and sincere policy toss:,ul Hawaii, urnl such practical dem , nstratioo of frlendllnesa foi i period ,.l fifty years baa naturally ami ueceaBarlly had tl.nee! al developing kn,illy Impulses and lull confidence as to the future wmdiict ,f ?!,i* Government, naval ,,ili .'I* *a>. In turning to th,- Failed States In lheir preecnl dMieas the Hawaiians are, there lore, foUowing tin- in>t principles of self-presver v.tioti, aiul indii'.iTii'" Un- du lat, s ?f __rutitutlf iiiui r*_paot> A prominent and well-kiiovv.i nfllr.r of th.* Navy, who, while on avlormer cruise in the Pacific, waa ti." representative o' the Naval Intelligence '. and wtitasa ropmrs to the lK*p.irTiit"iit in rel ition to the political situation in toe Hawaiian I>1 md-! ar.* regarded as very valuable, said to-day: "I regret very much to see that a question exists as to whetner this country should establish a protectorate ,,r provide for the annexation of Hawaii. Properly, th".e should be no doubt r hesitation In tho matter. Tho j?|an is, far every reason-for the good of Hawaiians*, aad the ad? vantage ,,f t,,.* ountry?ought to be annexed. The t.:ii" is ripe foi annexation, and iuob a con* lumniution is thc I deal t.-* ilt of our p<i-t and l't? I I uti ti rel iti ms with Hawaii. rrr,lic .vex ox annexation. SENTIMENT IN WASHINGTON AS TO CON'. ii."; lino hawaii I.EADIXO MEX OP DOTH BOCSEg ix favor or THE IDEA. Washington, Feb. I .-Public men in Washington continue to >i... uss freely tho proposition t, an? nex Hawaii. Below gre given lome expressloni ot opinion from members of both Housea of ''on sress, gathered to-dgy. Mr Platt, of Connecticut, chairman ot the Senate Committee on Territories, raid : "The Sandwich Islands and the Nicaragua Canal ai- tho two things the l'nited Stiteg should control, a policy of iaolation dui well enough when wc were an embryo nation, hut to? day things are different, mid we no longer look to dominion alone aver the territory In? cluded between the waters thnt w;>sh our own shores We ute 03,000,000 people, thc mon ad? vanced an,I powerful on earth, ond r,*j,ai 1 to our fiituiti wc! 1.-H." demands an abandonment ^f t;.. doctrine ot iaolation. I don't iee how any of thc*, foreign nations could rightfully protest, England and Qermuny iu particular, as they have been m. the hahn of setting hold on every? thing in thc *!.,i|?. ol an island 01 any other division of lain! wherever and whenever they pleas ?.!.'' Mr. Five, one of tho moat a-tive nienaber* of th..' Committee on For.! ;n Relations of the Se-nit/;, ?>neakin| ol th.- Hawaiian matter, atid: "I iliil not thin); that ta'. |i Miram regarding tin) Hawaiian affair could bc questioned For some lin,.. I h.iv.- been d Ut ur bed by seeing th.- availa? ble coaling stations in th.* I'm iii - absorbed hy foreign icu,"... and I have made strenuous eonrt, to ?..,??_?,, t|,,un foi th" United Stat.'s, lint Without . ..,-*. li .':,,,,il,I ask for annexation I should consider it presumptnoui and Impertinent on th,- i'm "I England te interfere. I do not. think an;, il,nu more v.,,nhl result than the receipt (rom England ol ;t diplomatic not", ind an answer ii,un om- Secretary ol Stat" couched in equally dipl 'im.ti : lou"."1 Ucpre-jentdtlve Fitch, of Xew-York, wai equally pi iu in. 'I. ll" Mid: " I am m favor <>f '!? tided 11 tim. 1 think vv shoal 1 extend ont con irol over these islands al once. As against all other nations, we should assert our rights to con? trol, Whit to da with Hawaii afterward is a question to be 1 insidered later, an,I 'h**s not cu'."i- mt,, th,- question uf taking po?-"-". ?o. We have lieen menaced enough by the possession of the 1','n.iu las hy England. We sh,mil nol beal tate allon; tins matter, bul Bike pogaeealon <>f Hassan at once. It I. what England, i.-rill'lI-V ,,r France would do, and we iliould give nu ear to any protest lr ira them." Hepresentative Cogswell, ul M;i-*-?;i?''. said: ?? lt I had the power I would extend the protec? tion ol the L'nited Staten over tha Saadwlch [glands 1 ? row the sun j-oeadown. I would also, In soiuu peacol .1 way, extend similar pr, lection , \,.i Cuba and I lay ti; I would control the Gull 01 Mexico and the outposts along the FaoUlo coast." ? Whether Ihe proposition to annex ti," Hawaiian Islands should be accepted or not." said Repre? sentative Livingston, of Roorgia, "is certainly a serious! question, und on.> thal should he con hidcrcd and concluded with deliberation. Several point* aid involved, i'list, hive we a IWpoUalb.C, an.1. t,, any greal extent, a stable party with which to negotiate, or bi the romroikuon author 1/..1 t.i make the pica for annexation simply representative of ;i faction ot adventuren* ? Seo ond, if delay on our part will or will aol en? courage .al Britain to itep In, and" for the purpose ostensibly to 'protccl British Interest-,' take i"' *".->ioii an.I establigfa a Bovernment an* , . lat ic t., our Interesl aa well a-1* aver.*.' to re? pa 1 li'Miii.sni. Thin1. is if probable or nol that, ii Uanda oft" be tire policy, the provisional gov. ..nun,nt now existing will be resolved Into a republic und give us a better pica and more con M.tcut grounds for Interference ur action? Fourth, thcae Milanda furnish the key to iii" control of the North-in Pacific const, and there can Le noexcuso i,,i us t , stand Idle and allow Great Britain ur any ai nation to handicap u.. at this time and nuder present cRcuinatonoes. ?? 1 mn not "ne if those who object on e.*onomio crouuds, believing thal the annexation and as tumption "f tiie present debt, which is **-)iil tu bc (3,1100,000, with future expenses growing out of annexation, would abundantly authorize us to do -". ss lun ssc consider the present u'nl future ?::iiii from many standpoints. Neither am 1 aini.i ol rompii ition. of ,1 very serious nature vsith foreign Powers, If we sim,"hi enter Into nogo 1 iu tiona now with tlte commission authorised, for the rc:,*on that all interest involving frlepilly re h.tious with i-i";.! Ikituin could just as well, and, in my opinion, better, l" conserved, with the ad? vantage ..1 ticing on the 'jr mn,I: and that not ai our "edkins, fndctnl, some action un .mi part i*. now aliolut "ls- necessary Shall we act wisely and profitably to our people, at the game lime with due respect to the righfj nf otb rrs, i*i ihe question. I am for entertaining a"T ? oi,.nI. ri,,, the proposition, depending upon ikv vcloi>nic,t*. and at the same lime holding the vantage irroui d '? ItVprraentatlve Sayers i-i earnestly opposed to annexation or extension ,,1 ? protectorate ovei Hawaii ll" dora not believe thal any foreign country should i>c permitted to lake possession of the Sandwich Islands, and 'lo,* not think tint any country will attempt it. bal he would not under any circumstance*) favor either annex inion or a protectorate He Dranes that if tl." lain nils were to lie annexed, this country would have io enter into enormous expenditures 1 ,r fort ideation* and navy, and he is opposed to that. Mr. Hock,tv, oi Missouri, another victim i Mr Holman's policy, it. also hostile to tl." acquisition nf Hawaii. He said to-,lav : " I am opposed to an* entangling alliances I am opposed t<> the*ac? quisition of new territory It would Involve im? mense es [un,Inures for fortifications and navy and endanger a foreign war. It ia against the prbi cip'e*. ot this Government." I'epresentntivr Stewart., ot Texas, is equally caution* H.- said that his Impressions were an? tagonistic, however, lo annexation ..r a mle Ile thought, however, thal foreign nations iboul 1 he compelled to keen their bunda ott. l,'.-pr,.s,.i,t:iiive Hoar, ol Massachusetts, -.iM that careful consideration would he needed I,"tor.- 1 decision was rca,i'd, lint in considering the question this country ought not to be Influenced by any tl,nats from Kngland or any regard for her wishes In the matter. OPINIONS CF INDIANA POUTICIAl*"*. IntUanapolls. Feh. 1 "Special).?Governor Mattbewa. speaking of lae HasraMan sltuaU n I 'lav. *ai<i 1 lt I, n mies'loti thal ss,, iquarely face. Tlc* i.M',;ite-i ol,j,ctlon timt I can iee lo tbe annexation of these l-i:iii,l- 1* th" entanglements that mas arl ? with fir.iL-ti Powers. England, I helles,', would be Hi.Iv Power lo Int. rpo." -.cHoiis objection--, on the other l.iin.l, our pr,,pie Lave Boqulred such property Interests raero tiiat lt may e-anpol us 1.1 asa mi" a |.i..tei-I..rat.- position, even sli.uld It not and tu ataolute annexation. IsW Islaasli ure iiound to pa** 'nt. tin- conti*. I of nome prent power, and I am ti?i sure Hat. while on general principles I .im opposed to thU Mea. lt may nut he the wisest poBCJ In Ute end for tiie t'tiltcd States to be. omi- the pl.OT of them." Lieutenant (ioseiiioi Nye s.iul the ant,??\:iti> u ss.iui.i be af treat advantage on sc , un , f ii,,- sugar Indastry. william ll. PngBah. , ."iii.ilitate with Hillie,ci, lu t ,***!). -lilli: -A* .1 ? ??? eral thing I tlilnlt it :, pretty P'."l ral" tor Uss Hov eminent I > tak" evervthlnti In algal f"r the asleantajCB of Hie people."* eleni. SUKleliiiker. of *joutfl Ilend. t ontlnucd on Hfth Page. A FORMER SUITORS CRIME. HE -?II<'OT<? A WOMAN ANT) HIMSELF. ! MRS lAEOBB, BIS VICTIM, s"aa*f_MUF. MOVMBRRt ysrt iii: wi it. PBOsUBBff DIE Mr* Kate Jaeger, pm ti." re-ult of her ac qttaintanee with Anton Keasler, nuw Lea at her borne suffering Irotu three bullet wounds from Kessler s p;stn! .\ltlioii,'h th" wounds are not gerioua, sh" will he coiitined to, her bed for many ?reeks KMaier hil?Kif lias a ballal ia lils lett lunjr, and th.* phyaicinna ut the lYo-byterian Ho*. pitil have no hop- of Iii** recovery. Mis Jaeger, who baa been twice marriM, and had thr-'.- children by her first husband, i* nott the wile ol a canvasser employed by the.Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. She is twenty-seven veins old, stoutly built, dark eyed and pretty K"-*i!?T hist met her about, four years ago, Just after the death of her first husband. ".Vlicfher any engigetnent to marry ever existed betwee* them is doubtful. Bat, however that may be, the woman suddenly renounced Kessler and married John Jaeger. Keagler wa* content to keep up his acquaintance wira Mr-.. Jaeger. Just alter the woman's marna";,.' to Jacker,' abetsl three und a half yearn ago, K.-wler neel dentally slot and killel a buy named Halide in Sclu'rinerli'iusen'-. bakery iu Thirty fourth-St., near Thinl-ave. The Orcnor's jury es mcrated him. but the boy's death troubled hi* conscience. Ho began to talk of suicide, and Mr.*. Jaeger, becalming hightailed, parted company ss,ta bim. I'liat was three years a-jo, and until yesterday morning the httfbnnd and wife had neil her seen nor heard of him. For about two month, Krasjet had lod<red at No. '."." Eldridge-at . and when he could get work followed tho occupation of g cook. It w-n-i about 1 o'clock in the afternoon winn lr* knocked ut thc door ol' Mu. Jaeger's rooms, which nra on the zround floor of thc big tenement Iioiih*. No. :,io Last Eighty-cighth-at. Mr"*, ."..ei-rr'a -crvant opened the door. Keals! MkeaJ for Mt*. Jaeger. "Mrs. Jaeger i*> ut home and wi'il sec vo.i,'' said the url Kessler turned assay, how? ever, and "walked into au adjacent doorway, whence he could watch the bouse. Jaeger a few niinut'-s later left th" place. Kctvdcr wait ul until he WU out of sight, and then went back to tho flat, and again knocked at the door. This time Mrs. .lueycr angst Cl ed the knock. The _:irl had left tho hou*.) with the children and che wua alone. <>[?.' look at Keaaler'a face was enough to (righten her. She tried tu clo*., th:, door, but Kessler drove it back with bia foal. "Now I've got you," he cried. "You should have mani.'d ni". I loved you. I love you Dow, and we'll di" together.'' Ile sprang into th" parlor and closed the door. Mrs. Jaeger ran to the rear room which lead.*) Into the yard. Keasler followed ber. Sh?? palled at the fir deer, but it was locked. Then she turnod and tried to ".et past ker pursuer. Shu ian toward the door of th" front parlor and pull"! the lucie, but, it would not opea. Kesaler ra lead the re? volver and tri",) to dlachargs it a* tiie woman struggled. Five times the haaunec of the re volver io-" ami 1"H aa she pulled at the door. Thea there was a ci ash, and a bullet .?truck her in the !"-'? A second shel resounded and her right ann fell belpleai at her fide. Once more ihe report nine out, and th* woBMn cank to t ... round with the third bullet in her abdomen. For a moment Kessler stood looking down upon Inr. I', walking t>. the tear room, he prefloed the revolver to his left breast, pulled the trigzer and in a moment tell back in a chair. In the sainc moment tbe parlor door (lew open at*i<J four women ian into the mom. Keasler sTruKurod Iv them, gol into thc -jtr's't and walked toward Ave,.ut- a. I;,,un,Kluan Ryan, hearing ot tho shooting, hurried alter Kessler aud ar? rest. .,1 him ?Don't trouble yourself: Tm dyin:-." said Kess? ler, quietly looking al the roundsman. "That woman lina broken my heart. I wi-h that I had killed her.'' ll.* was taken io the PresbyterasB Hos? pital, where the doctors examined hi* wound, whicli, they said, would probably prove fatal. Xo AUTBEXTIC "BLAIXtV BIOOEAPBT. A.\ ANxnt'Ni'i'.Ml'.NT ""BOM Mils. BIiAJ&TK COX. I r.r.xiNi; BBC-XT kOVZMTMMMtVJCYM. Washington, Keb. I.?Thc following statement is published by re -uegt: 17 Mulls,,;, Hare, Wasting", n, D. C., Feb. t. Tie, public ails, it.., -neat! of ninny "Bloeruplil,.-, of fames ?. Blaine,H |>Kteodlag la (?" '?enHiewMe** -nd "autho itntise" compel bm to *tit? that as biography or " ant VV'e-ii ,,f ;,[r. Blaine" i* llUliialllal or approved by ns-if .,r bs- ans- n.?,,,l or ,,f Mr. Blain*'* tamils-; thal no naaasrript l.v Mr. Blaiaa ?r nus- prlsat" letter or paper <,f Mi. Blaire, ot ..nv material far btogfaassy liss tefl, pisr.? ,,i!f, tr, i v BOO. If 111 tli? fatWI any "; ullieiiti"-'' ,,r "mm, 1/ l ' !i\,si.i|,nv IBSBM be |>re_*r,*d l>s- ,'eii,|?'t Bl itu'. sill I," iiu'.h.'iiti, and BUBBaiiSeg by u.s.T.. llAKKIl.T fi. BLAINE. TRIBtTN Tn Mit. IT TINKS MMMOMY. Concord. Sf. II.. P..*>. 1.?The 1. pi-ivir.. thh morning adopted resolutions expressing a "sleep sense of the pultTc torrow on aeeounl o' tba loaa to owe common country of tani greet itatesman, ttint tried, tma and unswesrvlng patriot, James Q, BIsIbb." i i.e OorrnMt t- requested transmit an engrossed copy al the reso luiion* to u." family of Mr. Blaine. iio*:.,a, reit. I.?Tba Hons* today voted, ioi to io, to Invite un ii mu *?:. Barrell le grut*anare a eulogy ? n .lames n. blaine to-morrow afternoon in tha Uepr.BtatlvtM ciuuulx i. .i LIVELY FIGHT OM AS ELEVATED TRA1R. **Mte*_M f-vur-h. ",f th" i:?t s\\tv-seventh-at. ?tatioa, beau l loud erica si tbs BeventyHUxtb-sS. staton ag tho Thlrd-BVB. ,;.'sat-d railroad at 1 ;30 o'clock yesterday tuornlng. Ile ih.. i.i Mas place ,ii:(l found UTI lam Ker. ri,,:.". twettty4?rs rssrsoid, of lstoo:<ivn; Jan.,* Guunini*. twenty years old. ?f Ka, .aa goat ""'iftysixuVst., sod fttur er Use OtbSf yotlBg BtOB Bad ssomen t.'aijrlnf'; and alioutiiii*. They Iiml , onie fioin u dan,", lt wa., said. When he ord. roil the,,, to ??.,-> they BBSJBSt hlru and rsa up to Hu statlOB platform, ss brr- thev i.',,t on a tram. foll .n, tn Lyneb and Koiinda-nan ? mles-, wwt had coins ... Lynch'* a-si-,ai,,... eisgersd Baa e,?i:i to como t., a uland. ?UH. a Berra Rfbt Miasred betweea the maa and tao _?,:i, n en sad sleratad raad giua-dssssa. i-maiiy fer. nundi, snd Qsaatng afars laaaa lats eawssdy. In Vors \Hie r,.lll '.' ' oort ToM-iday th y are** held In S30O bali tor e*.a:uu,ation. EEL!) TOR STE MI XO TALC AMER SILKS. Detective Sargeant* \a,lely and Evanhoc. ot lbs Ccntr.l OH:,"', asea*) an lii_.,ta t airest Tuesday. For kestral ssntk. .,.?.[.Iiilnt. luis- bSea rei 'lsed from clsUt, and *lik aim lisnls in thi "Prygoads'' dlitisft that they ssere being robbed. On Mnnd'V last J. II. I.ois-en.telt), ot No. 401 iiioeue-t. , ,i),|iiuin.d la taspsfljag .vKf^i'ishlin that el.'Seii plseefl of . ioctl, vulueil at $700. had been stolen fiom lu. at aa, ValMy and Bvaabsa weie daBMlsd ?., Usvaaggm tn ? . sss. M ,n,lay Basraiag tbs ott,,, r? *t:i? in u.e ditt-itit carly. U1.i> alaadlBg Beal No. dj die"aect., shoitly aftor 7 o i In, R ti,??> -as a siring mat. enter t lie .tte, rid* un six p;,"<? .f .Uk fruin s l ".nter n-; i tn* door, ant walk quickly towt 'he stuot Thc pi*"" entered ssa. that ot Ashies | Batley, alla asaoaJSemrers. Vaiieiy and Ei al it arrcaled lbs nea aad t<..* inn, to r,,n,-$ Head quarto* arhers it e:.* Isaad h- ssa. a "it of^?*ionl** ?blot Testerday, arbes analtasd in the 'r,.inb* Puiie* l?uit, t,t Io:* Jaalies lt;:n. bc s.a* heit lu fitton bail tar trial. Mr A-t.: . ..,.i Hmm ttl* aga aafctes of *iik wete sstiith Hut). Tha i>i-i. : gave Bm .'.ame of Hairy BsaSM s--y. rm: AITUOR of '? kathi.lex MATOVRRRRR* Ptafssssv IvedaMsk Kiekslls daas-la, the venerable nu.*i'h1 ion.),,.*. :, la i.'.sv at the Houd nriJforU, Eleventh. ?t. and II road ss av. IU 1* Tinder en_r.:(.eirent with a tl,?*at>tl. al ,.,?,|,. i.y now playing lu MM city, and d-.plts tu* e,lilts Uso s.ars np;. ?,ed to be t"l excellent heall** and .plril. when ven bs- a rfporter yr?tci4?y. Mr. Crsaeh ha. led * saeehased nie, ant bas beaa s?*ocistod svith ctiir bright mind* In Cae mualral world. Il* la a ""elisa of the Mayal Mas-leal boalaty ,<f rngiand, doctor of milgie, toast r sf :.:'- nt BBVCB 'Lt! -teat i,lilver*IU**, a 1,11. Bald, and way. president of the Hlatortcal BroBbeis hood of tbe Stat, of Ma.: stand. HU moat faauou* aro "_s_leen Mavourneen" snd "Setmou ?Stbore.*"