Newspaper Page Text
THE CITY POLICE BOARD. J. J. MARTIN AC MX IIS PRESIDENT. NO CHANCES IN THI. i 0MM15SIOB- -KETCH: .- OF THE MEMB1 RS. Xb" i*8 8j9CtlBa .,' Jamea I. Marin .-is |,i<-ideiit >if i tho itn.irti '<: i','|.. t ,,r:,: -iii-. I- ;,t ii: annual | ji:eetl*ii* on IT.-tis leave Ihe p-'raattnH el Ihe bunni , iinolinOffed In uttaer an '-. C: -Mon; Martin ami j CBaatOl aat anni rn Mai laan. Mt tin ve :.:,d Sh-i-ium nilli control tiie -rt.-UmI -s <,f tin j,,',.- tuen. I'r.-ld.'iit | "Martin, tommi- loner _luliaii ind L'un.nilskkiuet m.ic ifi| wi COMMISSIONER JOHN M'CI.AVE. LeTin Bre Ila-itMa-tats, ir ii CommlT-tlcner Mci hiv lt a l;epnlili,;ui. i'l.-i.l.'it Murun ira* born lu Ireland in i MB, un,! BOBBO t,, ir,,* , ,: .ts ? i.u parenl tr en a >?'"..:. Asa boy I..: ed In tl .offices ol Codding! nn Brother*, iii<-n ;i le,,ii og lae Brm it Wall-st, At the oatbrvak of tho Civil Wu- Mr, Martin sse,,: tn Tie front wMt i.*ip Hawklna Xouavea. When he Bervee" lor a jeal he beenme u clerk in trie.,ttl,,- .,? (ieneral I',v. Altai ret urn l:i_- tv Nra York Mr. Martin look deep Interest lu the potRlea .,' 11,., .nv Ho nona bet iii:,- closely IdmTt'sd s'.i', ide Tamman*: ora?nitatlon. later ht "BBB appointed a derk ni u.e Dt-p-nlmfM of Finance cnMMi'*-i'~NT:r. jons C "-iief-iian. ond.-r .lolin Kells, ile s\:i=; *efretary of Hm Special A*;.*r'>.s'-,ipnt Commission ordered i.y the LeffUlatnre, ann in IS87 became Deputy Regla-trar unite Slevin. Iii IMA) in- vsu.s appointed a Police Commissioner by May,,.- (i-rant. .ind in January, 1-!'?_', vv;ts elected president lor tl.,- iir*t lime. John MiClitve. ii," enly l". jiuilie.Tii Commlrisloner on the booral, lui* held 1,1* pn *>?!!' pin,,' .',,:? ? years, iTnving been Bypotnteff Ly Major Edton i'i 18s4. Fat m_.y yean lie lin* had ''..-.'.ri- ..f Ihe Polio..' Trttisiir.'. .ul I ii- ifffa his hniid* n?,re than $60,000,000 lui* y. -il. Ile ls a (-radiate nj Ibe Col lest ol elie City or New-York. Mr. MoClaTe waa is,rn In 1839. Since 18&0 he Bat had entire .-'.nlrol of tbe BBB lumber 1.U*,;,.*., |bj \\,-- ""-areaty-ai?nod *t. wblch JU* mt?a kal :,uiii.i.'I. Mr. MeCkive befptn his poUtteal rancr bb un Aldor tnaTi for Ui- Vllllh Matrlct. H.- I*' noss- in Iii* sciond temi aa <on.iiii~-!,.'i.r. hatinf bean reappointed ?t the request of both lieni,rjcrata ami RepTl,li<ant tv Mayor Gi?rt in 1900. Hi* a#et>o_ti uni Inanclal ttat?nients aiv> mot?ls. John c. Bheehan, thr. yoatvreal comml*?lo-icr on tbe to-trd, wm* born In', In 1-",4. He 1., jun neils'.' Hie as "hoy" on a ferrslM.rit that ir,.-...! Buffal Crook. He vth*. n.i,Ht;, n-. bowever, learned teleg? raphy, ami arni lhr?-cgli i coo*-.* ;.t lite But'i.l,, CoDiinsiviui College. Mr Sheehan .vu., for .. Tun- n clark in tbe aili e- >f the Near York Central Railroad. Later he became private .*??? r-tory t, the trca.iiri-r Of the Iltifiulo. N.-ss Ye:l: ?.-.-] Philadelphia Railroad. He Htndlr-d lass li, ihe office nf TUns,t _ Beaedld In B'jiT.l'i. alni ihr.'t y>ar later, vs'u> & -Mccta?lul cardViate for Tt- office -A Burroirate ot t:.*t drjr. He deeMne.1 nftersvar.i M: nondnatTon for Minor. Mr. Sheehan cann' to *? ? York In 1 ^-.0 II< m,,,i. became a p-*Arniiie?it men lier ,,' TauimanT Hall. He ls? trrent admirer of Pavnt T. Hil! Comm'-ssioi., r i'l Bries V. Mn, L an !* a l?v--ver. n zood classical acliolar, and an aecompliahed UntruUt. At one time he s'.i-'?'.',-'-i'i 1. :?;!??? Roiirtl He ara nppotnted eaton Ital let I '? "'. var )|o**Tn in 1888, :.r.<l ha.* aers'ed one lerra ai president, ATTACllvrXTS lOAIXST BC SIXERS MEX. Joseph M. Delaney, .' bnslno's us Foreel -)??? _ney _ Non. tj>ale. in >nth'r and "ir Mles it Uold and Ferry tts., 1. atkin*- sn extenalon of lime from his creditors, whir.: lt lt -aid most of l!,em have readily prroiited. nial it i- expe. t^rt that tim otben will do ao wh?n tl)" paper 1* presented to them. Ile pro pones to pav M i*sr rani ,>? tha llaUUtlea in rash en May 1"> next, and Ibu balance In notes at six, twelve and elghton*. months from Hint data. Tba Btalemeat pressntrjd to E B creditor* s! owed Uabfllllea of nh..nt Bfii.,000 .-md .i-*":s Ol rOS.OOO. The N.iiionul Raab ol th" Repahlte, of oliy, lin* obtained an attaebmwt foi f'Jo/KiO .iKnlnst th.- I'olt town Iron Cooipaay, wblch wns jilnced In tin- hands of a receiver on Monday with UabtHBei "f ll.lS5e OOO nnd nsseis of !t'T4U.n,)0. The claim I* !<,r money loan**! on Dei-ember Vi, 1808. Tho Sheriff hu* ras-etveff nn nttuehme!it of .-.'",, OOO iipnlnst Ralph Th, n.:.s Rokeby. ,,f Wlnnlp-'g, vii., ls temporarily ttoylui lu thia city, In favor nf Ibe i'omra?.'rclal Raak of Maniiol*), >,n ;i den,.uni hott dated May '21, 18BS, to fi' onloi (,f D. MacArtbur. Tl.? SherlfT vt'stci-litv received au atlarhmeni f?r BiS.tM'o th. ..nen liny. Winona and st. puiil Rallrr-nd Cr-mpuny, in favor of L'ernurd V. Rvnn. TiraiisiTlpt of ;. ladament tor KU,412, obtained In F.rle County on .lune ?.'. l-iio, wat Wed In Ibl illy ?teaterday against Andrew llrown, ..( Iiuffalo, aiid New York, in favor of Meyer A belYlffBB. A DIG CARCO FROM f.RECOX. Tho Iron ship 'lilli" E. S'arrv.irlc. Cipla'.n CnttL*. Brflved hero yiasteiduy, iou dav-, tut from Portland and Attorl.T. Ore. Her Biaolfeat reports H'.'iOO Im li eli of vbaaL 1.590 ln.le.* of wool, 200*000 feet of luml*r nii'l U4.:,lLi 00898 of rrjuneit tolmon, , bk Hy of Columbia River eatcb. Tht* Bab i it larorlte beisf, anil ns the mnil*et baa 1.8 iliffbtly rapplled vs it:, lt up to Uils lime this *eu__on. lt will Le welcomed, regsrdlaes of th., lute heavy arrival of AkuUca canned sal m. n. Retent iblpo fr. in Orefon Uave been mott ly lumber lad*,i. Some >,f th- i!.i,e*t material for musis. tpars and deriTik t1ml>.rs comes from thia Mata. MEET1SCS AMII EXTERTAIXMEXTS. The naptlst J?o< lui I'nlon fill have a ladies' m-et. IBS lt Jae??r'* Hall. ManTsmi-ave ai.-i Fitts -t.mtli ??.. u, Blfbt. ITie tepis; for ill ?<.,,*.. na will be 'T'.ote.ton' lani and Pabllc Evin ..tlon." j',d the pnest* .f the Unloa vvill be th.- K-v. Dr. Davit s Wyllt ana th" Rev. J. _. Campbell. The K*ps.bli, an GBiB of tbt XVth A**emt,lv Du-trht Dill have its annual bal at No. TIA Blxtb-aVB. la nlfht Th'.- rons sutton ..f ttl- ialegal? of l-li* S nd is - ., et IT' IT.tlan:-. OiaTBBBBd BOd N>,v Ctr.-l.t isl) be bali at toa Platal ,i s:t<"-i Met?adhH Rpi* ,.|-,i Church, Fas?.uah, i,.i- altas-aoaa .md evaniaf. ?Ft,* Si.el.-iy nt l',.ra|.hers will have a ?inokini* bob tan en Pet-roar] ). Bad u,.* ant,, ti am. lion ssl'- o'i Ke'.rmrs II a social n.tln| ,f Um WII?mm Aluraal Asm iai <)?! will b" li ld al th'' Maori IV nsi>icl> tenlpln. *? a sie-s-opticon esiiil.itl,M of viess, of WU un,? Col lest and vTcinitT "iii be five,, The MroosT.vii Yotn.e il. u- .,::,vj,,, RatBtt) of Ihe Eighth Ward v.Tll fis.- a bal! at Friaaam iimi |t, prosp,- mve., near RU?i Bee., aa I*Ottary s Tiie imnir .vin t... ny the BRI *V|,'iineiit band One of Hie fe*i,it*rs of Uso aflalr will be thr*e tBMtatM by the BlItBatll of t. ? bolte s- In thre; tattpBtffB, and .titltlcd '*Re? tere the BBaBBB,'1 "Aft?r the Hattie" and "Heady for Ui Next RatU8.*" lil'watha I.o<l?s of Fret Ma-on* Brill hass * lodfe of aorisri.v j,. Eic pi,'ii, Avenue Open Home, Mount \>r Ben. tonight. The Ce'onlal Club ha* ? ????; 1 -,| nu ii.vltatln.i to tbe Bnember* ol the Huh and the inenibers of tiie Waal laid A-*o- iiitiria to join In a aubstrlptlori dinner, t'Oinpl'.n.entary le the intnib-r* ot the litter orsaniiaiion, to corarnemor?te the ninth anniversary of lt., foundation, on Saturday. The dlinisr sst:: ba glrea In the banquet hall of Use j Coionla! Cliib Bl I .'10 p. m. Tie- cornerstone af the ?ew building tor the Bear.Yark I Retail Uroceri' L'aion, at Nos. ins and no t?at Fifty, j as.nth-st.. sm,i t*-- laid svith Bpprtpriaie cercn.miles Ik?| arteraoofl ..'. i( p, bi. Mayer .iihey h,L. pt mitti co lay tht itoae, aad H. I'.ohrs win iell-rei the or?**cri. HOME NEWS. PBOMIXEXT ABKIVALS AT TIIL HOTELS inni went'e- Beneral Rattell a. Airer, of De. tr,,it PH?ki? Fairbaaka, of Vermont* and Rutherl rd p H... | .lil : ..' , BIB I.IIAMMlol one i J K Mil in i. Called etatea Army. PLAZA- Bank Superintend, it Charl . vi Pi ?? a, nt Kir. rsi on, X, v., nn'i . hariet i.n.',,, nf Chilian .-T. iami'?Anibal Crui I Charge 1'AaTalKI lt V\,i*.,.:.,tun. V1CT0111A ii, in i r John r. Harden, Celled ststv- Navy, VtlStt- ' OUI"? UiufoiJ Wi.-jii, o! Illinois. WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. (.nd: rr .?,,-., Court ''. Oeoenl Betitoat, Chamber ol Coma ree, 12:90 p m. Beal Ea?te E*.rbao_ri .,: ,ual dtnacr, D bnoalca's, 0:30 p. ,?. New-TorB v.ih: c.'-.h elubhouie, evening. vv. ii u,,\,*'s ease it.- Judye Mot?te. Brooklyn Colon Lregu, Clot rlectl a, evening, bt-aman s.iii taac, yt re referee, nt,, y.x Wsll-st., 2 p. m. i:.,.,ul i,f Trade annual dinner Jeraey Ctty, evening' ah. rican Institute ar.nual meeting. Ko. ill Wen, ti p, m. Nintii Wmd Pleater Corp* ball. Tammany Rall, b i vening. Wllliana College. Alumni Ataeciatioa, Hotel Bruatwlek, B p m. Raptlti Social I'nlea, Jaeger'! Rall, p i> m. xvth a-s,ii,i.'iv Dtttriet Republlcaa Club ball Liri Hail, cvealar. Itt,iii ComtnltiloncrB Betting. st.-? NEW-YORK CITY. "A. ('."--The andre** of the New-Vork F..\rh:inr*p for Womens Work I* No. 320 Fifth ave. Recorder Smyth yetteraay ?-.ed bail at 7510,000 in the m..' od William Purcell, ItqitorielleT Bt T'.vcnty sev.-niii -t. and Flrst-ave., vs!,.. K indicted -or marder iii tho lii-t ttegi-eo. run eli kum .lobii T. Farrall on New Year't Day. William Radian, Hquor-aener nt No. 3S3 Eat! 2?lneteenth*tt., famished the ball, coll,, tor Hendrlckt yeMerday appolated Daniel Flanagan and Jame* McGough night ii.-inrmr-, rn ihe Custom 11 -ase al ? ilarle* of ii! .1 day ea b, and promoted Robert Y-- Unre from a clerktblp at 91,000 ii year to one at ?1,200 11 yc;ir. Tho Plliabnry MlUlag (kmoaay of Mnaeapotla vest.'idav pal Into efie, t a lis.? ii,.Vi.r tate cn Itt hest grade ,,f Hour, with a rebate ol 30 cents to is'holesnie dealer! not cutlln| rates. The rebate iyatem ia a nest- thing in the Sour trade, it i<- designed to lieep dealer*. Kelling at thc BchedUlB rate*. Tbe Aqueduct Commission reorganized for the year retterday by ra-electlng Ocaaral innes c. Dunne -tretMent and CommltaloBor John J. Tacker vice [ire-Id. nt. The I!,.;,.:.! Of City Record opened Md* yesterday for lirintiiic and lithographing work for the city di par! iii.'iiK and referred them to Binpervltor Kenny for tabulation. Thy aa-g-segate of the bldl f,>r printing .sn* 925,00300, cf thi* B13,900 win t,r> awarded lo Martin 1. Brown and 90,830 to William P. MU, hell. rho men Ihe l )w*e*1 Milder*. Tbe lithographing bids imounted lo #7,;.10 1-. "svinr* to the delay in nll)ttin'- ?p.)re, Warner "trolher-i, Langdon, RotehelJer 6 <;.,. m.ii Roth R i"W-, li'i.Mt has.- d'" hied nit to exhibit al Ihi ",,lntnl,i:iii Exp,,-ition. They my that ihe apace wot -romtaed lot! september, but wat not allotted until ii?t week, and then tho juno,mt waa ru! down from mo-boll lo ttro-tWrda ol that twUdnally Biked for. ni,-- Bram tay thal thev eiperted t>. apend fi un 110,000 lo 913.000 each in making a d|*pioy of ihelr :o.*l*. hut 1, dhlng could be done until they knew Ibe imounl ol 'pail' allotted Ibem, mid now they .,-ri-i i>-r he time 1.* too short t,> Bel u;> bb ex bibil which woaM idoinnteiv represent their bualne . Judge Martlne, in General ffetatloni yetlortlay, ten lenced Mn. Rajrtba Eau* to the penitentiary for issi .??ar* for forgery. There were teveral Dbergei ai-nliist der of pettit);* finns tr, cast) Min,ll check* si-i,e,i with letltlooa naatea. sh.- wa* laoaaekoBper fm General Domingo Rois, thc CotiMil (.cikttI of Bcoador, with ishoni the wu * arrested on a charge of forgery. The Glener-al was. arqulttad. At thc dinner ol tbe Hnj:in<*ers' ci,tl. on Saturday irealng p uniiil>er of the membera arin teH ,,f their ?atpertoncot abroad. Men v-lu. hare practised ihelr prolotilon In Egypt, China, Cuba, Ceatral America, Africa. Oort i;inv and cite: .rm,trie, will niiir.ii- in? ter-tn" -r< ne*. KUI.El) UV A PALLING BEAM. 'Hi: BI-PIIBts OF A DERRICR IN' Tin: SEW !'? BT.%1 Tl AA 1, RAFI '?? BUII?MBO Til. ? vi.'-E OF THE ACaDEBT-TWO OTHER HEB IBit'RED. Tbt-oairh ti,? tUpplng ol 11 denlrh in tbe Postal Pelegrapfa Compaoy'a new ball?ng, al Broadway ind Murray-at., al 8:80 o'clock yeaterday Btornlng, 1 ?( the wetkmen svn- Instantly Ulled ind two oth 1 re,-iv. 1 seven- injuries Tin man killed irat Michael Rogera, ?f No. m Uretnpoint-ave., brooklyn. Lat renee lleoron, twenty-eight yean old. ol No. 22S itt Forty*foar!h-tt., tojared U*. back Bad ipnlned iBkle teverely, and Bamue] D< liinlie, tn-ent, two ?:r-nr- old, ol N'o. 309 Ea-t Forty frciftl, .*!.. cruahed iwti Sngera so baa*]) thal ampatatloi- sv.-, nectaa?ry. Sevr-rnl Btontba alf" tbe eix*tlon of th" building 9 , .cguti- J. li A J, M. Carnet] se, urad thc ,.,ri race for tbe liaawork Bad a inrge force of their work men Rave linet (ben been engaged in erecllni Ihe natal-re Iron frame. When they sreiit to work v. lav roornlng the men nt tli" .lerrlciis brgaii t? mite t ir.r.v beam, weighing ni ..nt tbree foin, t>, lb, Ihird dory oa tht Ri??lissa" Bide. Iwo large derrick* wrre icrej,varv io accompli! , Ibl*. Tl' di rrieka rwted uinmi alatformi of i;''uvy p a i*o>, Rogera, Hi ar .n an 1 .';'. ike vere Handing ar*,iii,<i ihe pbitfcrra on lb. uptown iM? >t tin- building. When Ibe bea? sra- on a level with tbe floor md they were making preparation! to land '?'. 3ie appotlte derrick Blipped 011 iii" plunks, * r al ie 1 great strain upon Ita companion and forcing lt for .mrd under Ihe pretturo. A moment Inter li illnood il?o, releniing tho Iw-nm, which arni eraebing down e the afreet. Roger* wai tlruck on the h.-..<i 1 ?. ihe nJllni- matt .'n.d pinioned agBlntl an 1r*.n column He war* so badly cma*ied that ht live,i only :, few ninnies. Samae] D. Dlake *.vns. caughl bl one of Ibe ?uv ropet ond tUrown Into tbe nir. Aa be f-ll be u igb! aid of tie framework, and tl Ibe -ame ii, tan! ba derri, li dtteended apon bb Ongera, cruahlng ts., ir ibem. Lao-rea ?'? ii".,run wat more fortunate, al bough lil* back and ankle were *o r,.t<tiv burl tba! br ?Tis glad to go with Surgeon Stoke* to the Chiunbent itreel H<**>pllal for treatment, Later In theday lleoron md Rloke, who ulsv, hati accompanied ibe surgeon, sf; thc boaaltai ni.d trent to their homes. The bod! f !:<,?' r- ss.,r removed by the police, Nolle.' of Ibe nan'* sm* tent to Ibi Ooraaor. A large erowd pthered uls.nt the building Im aedlately after Ibe Bccld.n.1, and eicltedly dlacuased t. Fortunately oo p-de*trlana were lnjur.o For h?lr protettlon a Btrong roverel brid g.. wa* buiLt over he sldesvalk, Ihe roof bring composed "f heart lim? ier*. Despite na strength, bowoie**, it nffered no r. Istanr'e lo the falling 1,earn, which snapped th. heavi En'ev* ll!i" pipes!em* nnd scattered the splinters all ,ver ibe bridge. Several iMopie bad list passed the poi when t' c meld.-nt occurred, Rogers leaves a wMow nn-l ihrec smull children. 'ETTILE TAMMICB TO HE REMOVED FROM CAMS. The llt-a'.'!. Board yeaterdaj ills, u- ', 'he ,,rder dire^tliis Il tc-t::* ;?i,ti's to be remored rmi. he street^eara with :, repret Btotit? "f Uti various -ea-panke. lt sv*. tug. rtted t7*t aire te other mattlog, not eeadaelva to ia< retioii. sbr.uid ts* substituted. The leptetealaMvet el abe lae assured the Hoard thut the dlree?m be roa-plled rlth Inside of thirtv da--. A Belegatloa from Harlem alta appeared In rora the i,..nd t>, r aaa piala ti n,e attack arlstag fraot the M,,ti laveii Canal. Cboiiet Towateod, i: 1 dra-. and (js-orgt k, Vate*, rrpreac*otlog 1 Bamber w. elBteot a-K-J Ibal toe anal I*' dredged. .Ian,"- 1 .ms- and M. Ros?i?ii, artm*; ur atieiiipr body <>f rlUteoi reajueMed tli?t lt bt flil-d up h.' mullion ssa* laid ostr lot fume re.T?ld'ii.'.:, 11 MORE OOLB FOR EVROrM, The ste.iliii-ss iii f(,?e|!rn ttchaajr this week had il? ise,] f0. -h- preaenl Bm feara la vTaii s*/"?t that more old snead be esported It s,_i laaraad -aatardaj leos- v s.r. ihai Brroagemaatt had beta trude fer tbe -MpaieBl f about 9t.O9O.090 coM by Saiuituy , Fn-nrh steii!*! I? , i?,,eeM". Th.- .01,1 trill be taSen from -Jit .Sub-Tr ea., ur jr 1 , oday or j 1 TRARSAYLARYIC TRAY FILERS Amonc tba gatty ag'I' *',"t'ic en ti,- White star steam. Mg lUitaimir for UveTptOl si.Isil,,} ,,,_.,. j| \y His ards-Vaughn. Mr. and Mr*. Vt, T. Bill, f olonel I. I lort, tbe Kev. II. (> Radi IB etd ..e6ru. Blag lergaa, Mr. and Mr*. Digby Rob Tl-. J il. 0. Vllian. .'alter Thompson and C. W. Walton. ^^ The lied star atea-nablp Vt?at?Bal, for Antwerp, had ] "j inong ber pa**enger* Mr. and Mr*. II. J. (.mn-hi, Marilu j ji dler, btanl-y Sch!!, II. O. Fclera and Jo-rph Cuerln. AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. SHE WANTS BES MAHRIA'-K ANM'U..l) MUS. EDWIN' j. Pl CEVEE BAY** IH_ tVA? BRrGGEC VI TEE ( IT'.E.V.rNV. A- order wi.s -rniii'ed in tbB lupreme Poart ycsrer diiv f(,i the e. iv;,., hy publication af Ibe iu i... ? ? I complaint In the tult of William A Mc Kentle ni of blt daughter, Cecilla, to nnnal ber nianing) I .'. h. eV,.,., mt, ii,,..v.- '?it i,i ? ??.... In April I nt oi ,1 : i-i Hons I'Bllt. a, li II-- bj di n.other sr, I brother areri well-ki rn Bro .kit ?? litter. ?? I plalr.i ..?- forth thai 0! Morea er 2, 1*01. Mn* M Kentle, wi , tr ni eighteen y< irs old, went on ;. i si-;: ssl';, ii., ,v?<? io tbe bout, f one of hi* friend! , ?:. ? , -raj ...? (!:?.:.k ti rae toda ?rst. r "Ith him iEd rhen the] rea, ned the hoaie t!.w n< I an dd | man. .After * general eoa**ertallon the mbjec! ??? age came ap, and Y>- ttet taW be a-anted tobe married lo il girl i n and tberei and the i ? n si,, performed The gin declared that ihe did nol vt..m iq be married, esptctally ollhoul hei pat-en"*' ?on*, nt, snd !'? revet -. il th il Ihei wt re i liing und ibe marriage could b i k pt set ret* :" ;- ?'|- ' ? I. ? . i:.', vi ,?: tn :.nd belief. IhBl ' pul ai. injtuiotu drag i.i lb* gk"*" '? -odo - ? ? drank, and ilia1 she ssa* not In ber proper wn ,i the tiine .,f ih" ceremony, and ihai ii -he bad aol been dragged -lu- would net have been married. Al Ibe lime tbe bu ll In ea*e wera Ors! published lt -lld Mi-s McKenzie ind bri tittil acre murri.*! tn Den vee ind bli l-rt-tbt i bi ., ch in .. ?rtsrlding, aller ihe -e. lt marriage, Bird thal Ihe de fflKl.ilil Iii Ihe Milt dl*gu|s>rd hlin-lf un Um *-" ? ? ? '? -' v.i.n.ev lo avoid i', i,,e:,i.i,,t, by il previous Wile Ile ssh* arresied foi bigamy ,>n the strength of ibe pu ll. nt lon In sioux Eui!*, but the p.Tte rel u?ed bim ssi.. ii I.,- aboard n.a*- be ssa* i,,,' u btgaml I. .1. A IVERXRKRG DKFENtfa HIMSELF. In i.i* answei to iii" *?la begun by Mrs. rora Chapman t.ipel an accintnilng la regard to th ? Cliupiiuin .-in,. '. A. VVerBberg yeaterdaj defended bis acts a- trustee ol it Mw aflhlaTll *h?>w* thal then- ss.te sfVeral thousand dollar* due when he .., ,. Ti,I.-- of ihe property, and nunirrou iii wen Ihi i,T',,.i or pending. Ile loaned f1,50G !ti meet ihe i ? --:? ig di 'ni ndi and by tb. ex**"* i.f ? ? paid oil all claims nure Ihe arru- of ta.\c?, ind pul Ibe property In lompletn repair, Mr, VVembeii .;,,_ ;., ,,? , ),,, fe, rjv,,I ,, .lelia,- 111 Iii* -.ill i?i ;, ? .. and ls n els to ici ounl f ir all Iii ? I li ?'.?? Ho aili in ike un ?.inting ....i Un i, i i '?, !?? ri Hived ol bli d Hies. < aita IN ll.: ii: A. HARDY DIES IS A < vi:. t .,,,- ila e. (er A lli Mis-, "f No. 247 c ni' "i!:,ioI '.. iva. taken >uddenly 111 In ai. elevated train v-'-r loy, and 'ii"?i In a station before n phyil lan could . ired. He vs.,- :, member i f Ihe - lc bin ?kl - ur:,, of Ames, ll ire * 1 a., ..i N .. 00 Ev liange Fla Mew-York and was on bli way to busl.sui Si i .vt,ii rending ii newspaper betw.jen tbe Cumberland t. al.d i. il Ite i -?:,:...i ? he f ll si k, und pre* apldlr worse When Ibe 'rain reai the Ooerum Place Halton li- wai carried to the platform and laid ip..ii a seat, bul breathed lils bli! In a le** ni t a],iain Hardy waa ???'?? ,ut if", year* ol I. lb vii* [ormerl) a rnptnlii In Ihe BIM Regiment. Il* ,,:? '..',,1 it? thc i" nth Hi W ird Ucpublh m v.i. Hon and Hie r*n?i ? ni All leilc Cl il?. Ile |, ht ., is;.-: nt iitni iwo , lilldn a. I' - d( alb l- i] , ll 1, ,s ?? 1 ? ? n dui t" bi tl i .I!-.- tte. -m. - GATHERED AROtT THE TOWX. M:-. Eat.l.v lire;,T.ner :?, UrOd absolute '? ' from John Brenckn r In the City C. | j ? rday. rhe p?-ilea tu the mil aew married In i ?- lu Mlstilii. In a -ult brough! bv lennis Rrtrwn ta rat wit - ??? ici (,r the 1 >,f bli min in ,i phil lng mill Itt Inn it., "i" Jui s rctui :.? : i v,:,'.;,' iwardlng 13 lerd iy. Thc city offered ?*-". OOO vester he i ighi ? of tl ?? J.::. ii, i 11 i l( mv 11 I portion I Ja i ???. within Ihe i Ity arhli', two lollgati i ire I ilntoln :. I ?? I ii.' P2 D.OOO, A dil ? r given (,, E. IV. I ll**, t'.. , ? ll all ? a? E n ?;? and Ihe liol] Land o - ?' r, by I ?? ll .,. d ?, lora in thu lirookl] n 'i's Kaili, mv :.( Hm* ll-rooklrn Club ri let?IV aft' E. il. ai rmi died v, lertUy it 1 , No. i'i il ? p Pla "? He Wai a fund de lei t No .",ii ? ? t Mr. Si rms fi merty t-: ?? ged ' ? the KM Regimen! l' : I lake | lu rloaning ut a roe] pt! ?,' the %11-mti 1.. .,1 W .: li-, at Hold ..I .1 V| | , ,|| ?? ilt, ii.i the di 11 is | a i. ..." i- ? i, nfth" work i Hovea that lt must have tee-, meier ihe i ntl ., ) ear, 11 tb. Blt a Bl ? I me lasl w ii.i?-i. A warran! ssa. yt lerda* afb ,ir,-: ot Patrick Duffy up.* i . retina bini sith Hi dca! ... ? , Nellie, foui'. ? . s. ,ld, whirl .in ,1 |i ai blood potto ind he v. i arresied. ImfTv i- ? si >. ? .???: lives at No ',71 Hicks-it vtltl. Ml .????.? h:!(lr,'ii. Tuc girl Nellie was the - '? : kepi f >r h. r lather. Tin ro wara ' i - j ?'. lon ?' mal ir.,, Tee Iii connection willi ler death, bul tbe uut?| ? '.i:i,ii lo confirm the iutplr!oa*. A ttatenieui v. . ibtalaed hs :: ?? Ri Iii. t AH imey yeal, i :? id gli l's -i Ter K ila, and I - , h.- .. lcd, foilX iv. LOP ELI MEETS ITU. DI BE* TOES. y RE ii', vm/ vii'..*. COMMITTEE '.vn.i, tiiv q., ErTRAIttHTI N I IT THE AFFAIR* "I Till ENE! ED SI Vi 1 - BOOK COMP s '. I John W. I.os. ll. th. lepoaed si, <? pi , -...,. ,,f n .. I'nlted Mate* Rook (' .iiip.iriy. appear. I fe ? norning by ipiMdntmei.1 before Ihe executive rom lillie.- of the i ompany In lb ? full ,i st ,t ? no >k ' nm ?any' ollce, al Ni ? :> and 7 Ens! Mxti-entb i. ll laid ,,i. Tuesday by Mr. Lovell's lawyer, I..1.1.,', ft. Kellogg, thal Mr Lovell sr. prep ring a ,| lulled ,1.,tein-nt ,,f bl* ?,.' a- V|ee.|,r, ,_|, n. __?,_ ,.,?,,.,_-,.,? .f Ibe company, Mr. Lovell coofr-ned Til state n?T se ii-rthiy al Ih.' moellng of Ihe es.-cutliT cum nlttee. J. - lissi, Tait, chairman or tb.' . .nimitiee, ir"si,ied. Tue i,Eur aiemben af Ihe cummin.**' ss..,. Air-- pres. i,i were! Homet K. TbarL'r, i, , , i.. If" 'i.i,. I. M 1.ussr, in ?, John |f. Inri. , *E ,;.,,. 1. 'AT-iiiss,ii ii., Edward Laage mid Jun.. a. Taylor. 'inri-- W. ,.,, ld, who bm b**on appoint.*! m olver or Ibe com pa ur, tra i pi.nted by l.l. conn el, Mn,on ' ?", 1 B I i, Mr, LoA'fll i i closely qneatloned by Mr, flood win md the ,|.r ,',,i . concerning bia di po Ition o monti ind ? ? .::? - owned by ll ? oompony and i - in t n< imount of a iel* of Ibe company now In bl* pu , i ,> Ii. ibal Ihe reportfr*, ss-;.,, were ? liing t, mm the resull of Ibe meeting,, mlghl no! hear Uie laestlon a ked, ., ttflng wu- stretched ti ,,- ,.,.. ,.;, rance passageway leading to tin od i . ind a | acard ttarhed t?, ti." tiring bart thi- InacrlpTon: "So te torten :,i. ,,i p.,,. lier,."' Af'.r Ibe meeting, Mr. tlOOdaln -aid: "It ssas elided t . appolnl .: r.ganlzatlon commlltif, and ,,i.ti I. Waterbury, atvatdenl ?f Ibe Manbnltan Im I ,,iii]iiuis ; Siimsief Quackentm h, ,,( Edward 8we<-l .? Cb., and ' onklln Vf, Hopkins, .' Hopkin iii,.ii,..i., oii-.'iite.i to serve a* the committee. We dlseu ? i be affairs of tbe company. Mr. Lovell ssa, que Inned, bul rouM tell ii* little aleut the company'* ifni!--, lie dbl not kana tha liabilities and * ? I lue company, and J;" wus <])t.-.t,-_ t,, prepare i tatemenl >,f the assett Bad liabilities, and Blake i borough eva:.nt, ttl ii ,.(ibe booka h_nselt Mr. Lovell egan on ti,,' booba nt Mea, ona ssh: j,, i,;ii,ii for ii- ,a mmi ? s. Iel., st.Ile,,, nt r.i,Ts lr. I,., ihi, Ibe ia, elver, the Comn ?autiaiion, and Ila; board ?.r tllrfeiors, ss v. ? \ .,,|,s ,,i Mi LoveU'i report, Af lei et Mr. Lov.ll'l -tatemein, \U. j,,,.,,. ij, e able :,, :,?i'pt tonie ptan thin .sin i?. arri*?bl*. ?> ll , airerned, and wblob villi enable u* i., resume un., Mr. Lovell vs,is loo bnty to !". .eeii yest erda t jj| iouid. ti.,- .Iver, vs..- bus) taking |s,* ra*lon' of ," he bbs. t. - : Ibe > ompaai. lie s_1J<t .,, ;i j i. i , eportei lhal be believed tli?t tl" air,it. ,,i ,,,,,. , ..,_ liitlV vso.;,. pt ,v listed hi a ?.. ".,l?. ',? .. niall,i,-i .4. BTASDARR CAXCELLtXO I'Osril.iKE. ?tom Oat Milwaukee Evening Wi- ,,. . Hartog glvei Hu American aeopl. ti... f?i,nnt,|... lemortal si a rn pa, at a -ort of bollduy rn ,.,?:|,,,', f?' be yu ,,; ti.. great quadri cenlenn'al . ,.?.-, ,..,,,? , ls.- exposiiion al (ii igo, i-.-.t;n..**.-r ...?.., ,i v... Mikel ss,, dd d v ell to foli,,'.v ,;,, ibis b, i edu.!,.., v providing for tl,,- ase of a b ni form postmark i'.i III | ,r,?1, the beuuilet of the nev llghip. t? i,. .. .' s H."-'' ssi.,, receive leHert ap?n whli I, il .-s , li.i The . incelllng marka ii. vogue at ,, ,", very poa! nfllci li, ti,, Untied s-iiies |e;,s.- tb. ilanii.t Isfigured with a sbtpeless abd analgbtly daub whleh ?? only conceal* ibe ds-igr,. bot render* Ibe siamn* bnosloii* to tl ,? evs. At Waablngton an i ai t bl. sa ancetlatlon ls effected by meana of ? aerie* nf i\Z,. arrow Mack linea, proceeding Ilse mys (rom ,,M I,:,.t sid- of ii ,!'?? cotilnlnlng the dnt- mid Hie nam. Mb. lown. Thia post mark I* not I nd effective ibi itandord for Bil ihe pt -t.?m,, : nd should I tironghom tl. the eoLt-wmtaM Fypiti--. f lh^ I'.iiii,slsii,iUi Hnllroaii 1, th^ baal trnln for the Mtbwest It leaVea New Yoik overt d*y nt 7 V) - and iiniv,-s_nt cinrluiiati o p. m. n.\i rTentnj o clock the ism ond morning. .:. ?yi ?t bl. Louli NEWS FROM NE .Y-JERSEY JERSEY ' ITV Lntbei C. Terry ind Lilian Terry, hie trite, colored, wen inr-.t.d yesterday for rob lag Ibl b .I "attire Vt, *. Weed last Thursday. The woman w.,s en.pi s.n ii. Weed'i h< '- ai a lervanr. Tht house v b? eui, ed ihi .. a window, but thi detectlvet auld ih. ? itch ? a- -j rung In m tfci Inside, ' .??? i ki for -? oj and .-i.r ir, n -:. w< re stoli n, -' '? '' ' -? li i, nun ? . wa* !.id al Terr; '- ho ne !'? rn d in- wife ss. !? i.. ? I ? : ? ?:.a m ,< .,? ? , Drtdget - Lyceum ssa* opened la>t night with ap ppoprlat., ixerrl-es, Tl i r ll nlnary i held li ? ? ; irl .. ; nil li M< ' ? ? ' " !-' : ' -;??.'? * ?? . ... rt nd. ' a*. ? ' ?. Jan ? - -:;..". and lathei ( air. Die ? ,. went t.) the Lyce im, In Mo ii ? i's -t., ts p..a- ? dil rvi .1 Lalei a . op " , pin r. ul ll." j,.,'.-'. Itali. ?? ? :? '"1- vs:., i ? used : nish Hu i ' ? -io Judge llud.p.*th yesierday reetgned the poiltlon of t ?iT?i'.,'i i. A.iorn.y. Moyor Warner hu* not ret . .. , . new, :. ii- di Ita d io ta* abai he Intended iu db In Ihe ;<-'. NEWARK Tbs asMgr.e, - ael, ried for lh< Irm of R. H. A J. D Harri-,.'i. patent-leal t manufacturers, whose failure ?, ... ,?..,,,i". i on T:.,-dav. Bre K,< i,.,rd c. Jenkinson ind Rdward Spaeth The counsel Ur the Brm laid ,,,.. rday t nt Ihi business debts of the firm amounted tn fl 10,004), and Hie ludlvldunl Indel-lednc* lo aboui l in .,. its of lb. Iii "i. In, l*i*i.i E "?'? '"' a" un bund Bud Uv Im',,;'. ;r, |?i'v. amounted lo nor,, '?-. n,,ie arere Individual ;,--"'- agBregiitlng -1 .n.i. The , ' tinsel ul Hie li rm are round -tit timi Hi,. , rvdlti i. aili h.- |,,.T ,i ::.,t f< r d dlar, and lb il in,- inn, will be tl le io i am.' Tbe ? in.-'!?,!, ,f ti,., t.s;-' n nf fallh came np In the Nctvurk Fri hvtery al H* meeting yesterdny lt tl .. i vs,a,/ , v|, ,,,..,,.,_ i li ii nh, A ...-,n,ilf ? ? nt Hm it. is ter i. purled r< -? lullon tn ll." elf.', t thai E., thy |t rs resp.) tfulls d. .Tl hs IO COI - l-l* r Ihe . Hon (il ai,pf,sn .- Hie proposed overt tm-* and a n vision of ibe (',,, i Ton nf l iilth, until i' (an be -al. lied Illili Ih.-V i,ase I e. ti |>|. p.,1 T III -Ti, I BC , iirdani e with Ih. provl lon*, of the < (institution. HOBOKEN. A , ie ,,r r:,?,<ls wa* nt elved Bl the I'nlted Si it, i.\_ res , ?! ij, ai.s's .m., ?? in Hoboken y< ?? rd i) di reeled io Mrs, John |*owi.*',l, No Tl Adam* st. The police bad been Informed thal 1-owoU wu* under :ir-j rt?l in Minn.spoil* for conneellou ssitij several bar j .;!,iiie. '.,., . . ,'. ih. bot WO* tettei. nnd wa found 1 lain I ,i lutlei lo Hi value ol 11/4*0, Mi - i I'..s<. ii -.n.i she had r>, ms,-I a letter from h?*r hu*. I, ?:. telling ber lo take run* of Hie box, and i l ' .I- a u i,i til I..- , mio borne, slie - lld ! ? r bus- j band I ad !,?, tu i I I) .it I ? . ? i itu , ind ,? i . i ?! . I ? t ? ? nell ? i i, ? ?? I ..-. lie ? un, nor I ,?"? be li id .1 .1 ni lin m. A t .tnl-r I ,1 |ki m H. i., I* were f, Mi 1',,'s, ,i ?? .,* | i, ? in ted. Tht I x wa* ni irm >i to tbe Minne ?poll* police. _ _ El .IZAnETfa. a ? . ; n.,1 t.i .upporl io N ernltj lb i li il al Killala 'h In be< d< ? d ? Ml . E. M. Ela! ? ' - ?? ' 1 Ulldlll : s;. Ki-aUa i lan I - lo lorm ? In l< ? ii,p.i.Ti.iint ? e . :>v ir.d count*. ? rb cir, lo < ? t |t. ,| patrol ? ? LT : e??; ?? I.alters, all .1 ss rt. iii .!,::?, ' ? M a year. I h? pr?H I , i ,,.. tm 'i ?? ? : adj f, i ? ? ave l.?< " ? i a i ? . : '.., : U tl ,'n live A meetn p was held Ol I ' ? I )l arl |eh ' I 'i >?' ' ' i -'"' ' md the rll.-KI ? A rial lon *t ' ll t the t.| Mi . nhl!.- Iii* ni .. ?! i '? n*< it , m. und Mr.. I ;,. lem ,[ th, :., \ a ,. i i'|on. ll / si> ni SEER < <>U.\ TY. ! : ? N'XVILI.E. The I -. rd nf H?*nllh r.f the I ?" " ..'I,-.:. ,. r s. ur l.s p ill. il doa I ?? : .v e.ser. ni lirt.nwllle, liroi v ls I f\ li, ?? I. -'SS. ? Il ti." ' t|| 1 ??? n ?: i ? ? in not ii town lise,.,; Ralf of it ' f Yonkers and the , ter, A '? ?? ? ? co the \- ? I.. ; Ito.rd of ll.lll ' ? ? |..r id ' ut ii ii ,'.? n I :? 'i ', E. I'.- t I. lindi I Ith i linden, h.w ? f i . ? ? ? ? : -.-... i ? : il? .ti rn lite i I - . ,rii',| ,,? llied Rulla . ' I ? ; . heel pul lt took I , pull the d ss lil.s!M ss HIX WEEl PREPARED. HU v , ? '. ". HR ACTION' Tl ps*-: *.-. Titi: anti .'.i v ri t.i i ? ? i - coii-.n T.i ". efl I of the | ? : ? ;. ai l.lll I.y lb Ihat ther. . in de. tine lu t|ii'.tai tine: ell rt., ,'HlT :.'?'" a hiss. er I" ' p-n.-d 1 ??? of a tent a bu " an I .? !>i ?? >.I Tu. -dav. ai i of a llqiie hus ng lotion |. ?? ? I tlirce t., ?|* ii., iii, i d< ? lu...I i ur ',, ?? ?', I* iv . bul , : ed al ',',,? f four t.i I Rep ." ss, . ? .<iSe,| (p.;,, l.iS'.IJ. ? . Iipeillllg Of E." i ,''!;?:? 1 cpl .;> t! ? n . -,?,.' Bl mini all led I . ' lb. ????..,' fl t I V:." ' ,|.i n iii wu ld :, ,' - I,- . . j. .: ? Hui) III ? I..' ott b" sett;.il .pll.l ,n > V[,lev-e,| on |||< s fl il Hie i.iii ss .'.ai ii. s.i _?? i ii rough Ibe Hou ? oi irk of Him ll an, -aid that tf lt l ??- me a he ...ti, ,i ti I .- bi be . nih*, ly 1 ? '. to ? -'? ni ? mmilt< ?? ??> argue ? ihe rill when ii ? ,. limier roi ld, ration In ?, i, ai. i ban rep*- ? math ? - non In Wt .. ngt on i nrl< Vi. Ide, pp Iden) >f Hie fotlon Kt n ge, lld s. -'.i,' : " We | .:?.,. it Hi. a> Hon .,f th ? Sen ito t, We , ann A .ti s, Hie fate ??' Ihe bill will be. It la simply a - ? ther ,,i n .'. i's frti i .1 , in t ree e in a ,?? in iii'- H.". ?? li- i: ar,., i i - nol mm b alf.11 ? i p . pie don'i look up ai Hie arti ,n of Ihe Ken I ite aa In any waj Th., bill'* hanging ov.-r i i- b ,s ptr ea ih i. irli ted bu*in, I i lg i.r : ,? I t if (hr bill pa ? - th. s alli be Bbb- to buy ?Hani t*h<-ap**r. N.ulhern planter have a notion ? ' ? WU :nas L. lp llii :.' ave n t been anxious '. f .ne ni'.' - if 'i ? li ii |, i ., u uill prai Ti ails alu th.- Cotton Ev',..,,-?". Th.-v t ,1,1 us iii Wash niki i," doi ?? io Injure leajdHnuite ,'i-iiie -. bul tees' ti. v have . banged lt '?> it tike din* i iiosss nt the i ti :.'.:..?? -, ind tiwi .nt'T,<i",t to itrike hem." Henry llenir, said: "I experted thal Ihe bill rouM j,i - Ihe senate if a volt sere rcBched, bul ' elk vc ii will nol pa - Hie li" , The marin i was rpi up by Liverpool, it being believed lhere thal Ibe trike .'viili soon be settled. We wired to Liverpool 1*1 hirTit Hint 1li"re ss.,, ii i al . e. that Ihe hil! rould not bet i me a hrs. *?, the effet t tl ere ras slieiit. ii i- amaxltig to fon bey keep i king ui if ll ran be po Ibu* Hui an (tempi i- lo be mail- to ovrrttirou . tobUshed baal .?-s mel hod i, u ?? all over the world. Thev are ii.,,re',i ai ami prut Heal bu?ln. i men, nnd il.-v l,?>U non tin- ,.i ihe > xi bange* i a settled business ?i.loll.!-'. if Ihe bill I.e. vine, ii lass- this trill <?..??? ,. be ii .mi.,ti tnidniK' centre. All the btisli*e*-a ss,;; , t > i.iser_..,ii, .m,i the prices ss,n be fixed Ibere." Rda ird Annan, ol ti,.- Produce Rxrhange, remarked: if they can make such a lass- a thal Uley can st.* nythlng. I I ell s? it i, am ai Yon can'! vertbrow t man'a righi lo do boalm - In a regular nlversally rx ugn ted a iy " ?li- Anti-Option hill as pa..,,t by Hie Renate,'' m.I Henry L'low*, t. about the most reckless and I.:.,i* piece ,,f legislation, bt-side* _trcgardful of the ..?ii'i.T'i i.t Interest! of tin- N'a I lon, ar bleb I hus., ever ti,'sn '?? obtain rerognllion by thal body, it t* oa partly trllk Ute Ero.di,.Tun Irotd hill arhleh became National la* during Hie Mar period, the effect ul hi,1, ssa, exact!) contrary to whal the state-mien nd p,Ttl, inn- expected, Instead <.i gold goin( down - Intended, ll advanced loo |st cen! wilbla twenty ,ii I,,.ur* i Rei Hw lass- ssa. enacted Tin- it ruck ?i ,r ii the i. ,i!, ?.f Comm - . and the tallowing day h< i-t-peal ot li ssa- passed bj ? unanimous vole In ?", " mile nt d ilene ii,.- ,\?,. ,,,,,,., , t. 11. ,? ,,|,.. , stmllar position should li ever beeoine a baw th. sn. a, the supporters ol Uie mea ur. protest. "bj. *UI I- th- real vl.tims and the tv- iii ,-' -? ,, usl) . nt bl it ,.p,,;,,. ,:,., ,,?i ,?, ,,;? ltlbeUemsttttsiexrep.ini ihe great milling t iinpunles . itiun I* lu i,e deprecated .,- ll li erl linly di plorable S.VOIT, FOG, BAIN, SLURB AND MUD. uv. R-CORR OF ? Ml DAY'S WRATHER AM) ITS RI st i r> |\ T|lls city -\ aVnse fog bang ovei the Ray r?-*ti-rday and iterf.-ted v it, the na rig i' lon ,,f the .h.,ni,el* loading ;. lo QaaranUoe. Burly i- t.?. morning it snowed ard, bal al dayligbi tbe iuob rhangetj ,? mist, and n ihraagh ibe gay the sleuth.-, ?... ancertaln ai '. .hellier -liost. f,.- ,?? nala ?_,. ,,,. ,?.,,,,.,_. ,Wnj ?r UH dav A harp ,]?., ?, ,..?,,,_. ?,,,.,_,_,.,.,, ^ ile, bul tip to ii lute hi.tir onls i, fen- |,,d beOB ,'p.rted. This wa* du. to the thick wernher which revt'utad tire lookout- ot Mod*, ll.tok and llro I__ud ; j tern Bros. To-Day, Thursday, f OOOO Yards White Lace Stripe Lawns at 15 yd Former Price 25c. West 23d St. teeing the Incomlog vetaela. lt was not cold. Ike mer. ur) tn ibo thermometer ranging above 30 decrees, bal it wat a depretaing doy, mid Bat at all a -jl-:t-:iiit one tv bc out ..f <iu..r* in. The Weatlnr UureBu pro~BU*_ a better state of thii.". for lo-day. 'lhere will be fog or mnom In tbe in,,! lng, followed by clearing weather, it win li polder toward night. A modlflad cold wava la <?*. l?, ?.<! lo un.vo hy Emt time, plie h. iii ia,. .-,md ssa* repartei to be > ii.iv, bul not n.i iv eni,n;*h tn interfere with tbe progi ?-- nf steam ?.i.s. There was little louting , ,:i ii,.- Ilay, ami tbe !??? Brat "ll that made tbe ferryboat! run 1I0wly. Ta" itrcett, nh,adv unspeakably dirt?, were r_ade -.. ,i ? by 1 ii moltture. ("roeswalks '.vere bMden be? neath ? ' th! 1. ".v. r 111 _' Of .slime, that presv thiel,tt ? .-: ? lick r, a.'.d ie> attempt! were mid" to keep then p,-.ii,:,'. At Broadway ond Forty-aecond-Bt., there vs I. a purtti lariy iggrav il ag ttate ,,' niiair-. Ihe , 1 -?'?!?:?.- ru sing iva, thick "tlth mud, and one nf iii" 1 ar 're l,s ni tne Forly--second Stree! Line vsn* loose, v;, ? people were uncared aitb mud hv can pot lng iver te- ir 1 k, 1,ti no ,Trf,r: waa mad" to keep the ilk ,,!".!I. .V|'Vire||'.'.V El" -IfP.-I < lelVlllU,' farer 1 ;? .1 ii. i. ii -"el nf', r sunset 1 ,.11111,;* -i.i.-r li len nan put a Urge force of men at w.irii rn 1.1- ,.,'!' A Chattanooga (Tenn.! lari,er hat nn Irish water tpunlel who, ii,,m ,1 point <,t IntelMgence, h hard tn excel. When the >. aa* low months old h.. be* . il..,- ,,! ::!, 1.Ml l| r ss ,s 11, t|?. house, and, lilllie (I e hi utily Were ".l.t "1 s!l*ht, he ttrt.I du,' a hole : md Men ni .ceded to pm Hie owl In it .1.1 . '..',' ll up .ilise. Tile dog I* on to " rushing tl,e Hie milk di pol, dort all kinui of avail/ * beautifully, distributes towels, and dort nunn roxi othi r thli ?? lAHauta 1 unstltutlon. MA BINE INTELLIGENCE* HIKlATtT.E ALMANAC. ? 7 -, Set B IS "? ? ?? rise* 7 07 p.r_|Moou*a af 10 he.11 .v s, 1 -. ?: , i.av I.M -s, dr 11 ,i,9 1' li ?'. Island8 it, 11 .1 oatt 10:!"i> .vi ba dj li 1, aili . ., IQ It-". I Lite n .! JX COM I.\o STEAMERS. TO DAY. Vessel. 1 n na, Lir.t. :?- .1 .,.*? ,,s jaa. -I.Aachor '. . . St. 1 mis 1 .a .-) . Que? ll 1 forma..('lasa * .1 21 ....Allan ?r !??? ...I.i i, i * . National . m.. .... T1..T'rU.ili., lan 1*1......N'.'tii-APier Ll .. Jan -'?> .Wh p SUI . Antnerp .Ia:, 21. iud Mu. . Urea eu, -la i -?< .. .X ii Lloyd I I'TEAV. IT BRITA?T 3. , K tteidim, Jae 21 .ff rib I mer BATLT.DAT. i'i.lil'.t'AI'.Y. 4. ? l.v la,. Ilatnburir, lon Tl.?aab-Aan r OUIGOING STEAMERS. JOT,AY. Mills V-sssl Line. For. i -olia lit.'..a, sta- K . ',, .Il ,',, j m 1 0 ? |> ni Qiii'.s I', nu ida . 1 00 |i in ll l't) |, in >, it -.-I s Y t I'uba. llavaaa . 1:00pm B:00pm i un, vv i .' ni'.i'.vuv .1 .net I: ! 'i I , . , ? i ll 00 a tn 1 (V) ti rn , . ' , :. ,r -i n . a 0,1 p i N V v P K I' ' Ul ,. 1:00 p in i 00 h i .*? V ITT'.I'AY. IT HIT AI'.Y. 4. ,".v I ? , ? i ms Ilaire .0:0 .. n. 13 (i" rn , rd, Liverpool I BU it in 7 lt" j li, i lind. " Ol . ?'. -1 > * Hi : ll , i S V ? i ' ,i ll iv ,i i ll .00 ii iii 1 is. p in kt 111*1!.VI ll lilli ? V '. ... kc. '..,., X i; I. ii ,,.;,,., .io rs. a in .?? nf A.,".-'a, 0 tan Bava nat . BiOOpm Vi i ,i ,,.,. Sll IEE IM, XE IfS. "ORT ii|' ni W-TORtC, VVI DM SHAT, ITT". 1. 1803. Alll'.IVEI. Kl ?? : ll ak '''.: l..t.'!-...v Liverpool .laii'iars- ZO, nth ul-, t., ll Maitland Iv r* sv Arris.T it the Eat it 1.' ,,4 , hi .,,?' salier ".ri. Von Ooltn, Bremen January 17. ? .a j.,..ii lu si uti mdsa ..nd j.h...'iii;er. t.. Oelrirh v trilled it 'I,. |! ir at 12 52 p rn steamet i, a KU ve Hi Vonna Catat . December 27, : - . lann irv i hi let mo li md t Iffier* '.'4. w tt ri nd-" ii . I'Vtt , i ?. < . vessel i. simpson, Spence .; arrive I ,' tht llir at 12 30 p m. S.i Kenn Ftoie [Sot . I'e'ersen, ii ivana Jamiarv - ?? ? tte !., v\ i> "Munson. Arrived at the lur a'* i i ? st, mer i'.,,ss i ti, And rson, Jacka uiille, ss;,i, n.ds.. to ,V ll Coal - -.'. , ? ntv nt Nets.r. iford Wester, ITT .-|n|i i a?hl-r (Bus), Ea;. - Si kholm IB, , . i. ui Decembei l. Detained outside ike Eur by Dark '..i.iihei Morl, Hansen, Fewer M dara svitii v. tn Jame* Uraadi ve?*e| u I Tohlta if Co. Hark "le'in-" Ital SrhlanTno trenna :?! d.ivs, srtth Ti, rossel to ??"in, li. I ilse \ , ,, I',:, Ilia (An* lUdlml, Mexandretta 120 days, sviih root to order; vessel to run, h ids, ' i ,,. saudi Hook, 1" ii rn wind, light bre, ie, E. tent, fog nd rain vt , ny i -vviiid. light, MT deatt tost and rite. CLEARED. Bteamei P.l Callan fftrl. Saunders, Trrt s'-jsln and ,' ' ?l 1. vis ir 1 le I a , 1 Hr, - steamer city ,,r m. Auguatlne, Ear, Jacluoavllle? '. ? IU.V Ri , - vv,.., ike, Vu' N rfnlk, N'ewport Kairi and ll ii,, ni i old n unlnl ,i, steamship Co stesi ,?! i Itv ,,f WashtnRton, Curtis, lliv.ino ind lal ,,i/a- I ,. E Ward V ,',,. st miei \ ? .,i,|,n,,. Platt, Charleston snd Jacksonville ? V I" , .sal- ll ,',, si j it city of Birmingham, ivirn, Bavaaoah?n I. V.i iv r. steamer Lenna Wilder, ii,.'v...'..a C 1! Msllnrv rt- Co. Nt .a ii . Lord Charl aionl Dr), Magill, "hal- N sv. '.ii. Mi i pine ('a steamet sis,,,.a Br), I!i-li p, Jeremie, Kingston, ste? Te Forwood *' fn st an,, r siberiaa (Br), Park, Olaigow?AutUa Baldwta I IV .*.,.i|. Willie Heed Porles, l',,rtl',nd. Ore *.,|t>on k Co, i V,, a vv. ..?,.,. it, MeKHinoo, Itshla -Mini v Co. Bark Kremlin, Univ, uuenoa Ayrei Jame a K Ward b Btesi ri Waeslsnd fnr Antwern: n-i'innl.-, Liverpool. NtlTH'E TO MARfXl !'.*> The l'nited State* Llehthnusa Insnector, ai Tompkins Ul, sf, v. Issues th. f,,:!,,ss im; until-,, t, mariner* Ti,, ma Mn?'v af thc lot-bell aa ftovernor's Island less.Vork Harbor ss inch waa lemporarllv di-nTd im* 11 red it, i th. bell ss, i ii h,. aouodad us usual in ul. 1< er fe ?.".' ss ither TIE, \;n\T vu nts OP RTRAMF.RS-POItBiaX POUTS. steane- F.ffvi-tiaa Monarch (Bri, irwin, trom How. i, ,- in irrlved it r., i,,|,,n February I, M ni.,; I.,,rd I.,,iiit,,iiTerrv (Un. Arthur, soiled fmni iv ,, >oi f ,i Ness v.,ri* January ,u. K.ennier Croft 'Mr- Rohlnsoa, sailed from r?.ind^? for lets.Vork February ' Ma*. i.'ri?et'- T'.r'. Wllltnms, fruin NVs, Yi.r* i i ,r Loudon, |k..*.*i the I*:,' ,,f wight Prbru M.',,-,,,. Weehawken (fin. Robinson, frim Kew-Terk ,?,,.,.,, lg i r liondon ,,i-s.,t th ? "Etrnrd January Ul. Sti'iiiii.-r oiriiui, Ten ), EeM-e'i. fr.iiii lana , t fo I'.ei - I'M,, atul Rotti'idam, |M*s."l Ike Lizard , ' r ar' 1. *.-.,,?! unthill (fieri Wasehausen, sailed from lr, i,an f r Se* \ lei M irv 39 lpn Br). Sykes f,,m KeW.Tork Jonuarr 7 irrlv.-d a! Ants, >i n Jtnnai t Bl ? lu,- .... ''. n (r,.n: O?noa. soiled -, . iit'.ri'isr In. Ne. Vnrk February I. ? Britannia IBr), Brown, ?uil-'d frum Palei?o ? Se* Vork J anna rr Ht Stearn Ocean|, nn **n,lt',s. ft tr San Prtaclsco lann rs t _? ri\? rt il linne Kong Februan 1 Steamer T' (Itt Bailey, sa,led from Yokohama ,r N.i'-Yer'i fan?4*7 Ul hi it ,-i F?ipi -- I India 'if Marshall, fron; Yun oust r January 9 arrived ii Roag Kong February 1. tnoonooerranta Woman av?ld Buttering by usinr- Pgrker'a Inert Tonie, ... ir la adapt.-t tn theil ills. I'liilier*-, Hair lEiltait. ulds th" hair u'r.isvtB. Inn.! ir-' ltir.isniii.iv Corot , a vali ibis ?iihstitut. for tea ..r roftae, lt Baarrla?aa. hey eiily stiu nlate. .\ s,,|M rim drinli fur Invalids. ?? ? ? IIe.vky A Daniels, M. D..' HO WEST a'j'iTl st. Disease, of th- N'ervtmi St.ten,, i..'iiUo.i'rin.irv Oriana, n iiotenev and Sterility. Hour*. 9 to I, I lo 9. -? ?. st W.-The TiTonga link cuff ahould, ba tera mt? our Yuiieaa or .N'uU'S* collar. _. _ w. HILTON, HUGHES & CO., iBIttllttl to A. T. Stewart 4 Co. TO'DA y REDUCTION SALE 500 UMBRELLAS, Bc., Twitted tm.I, nniurn. woad or artttatwUR Im..,11. ., -"-.taa S3.75, Lillie^, OO. ALSS EXQUISITE FBBSCB ant Martin's Bost English UMBRELLAS AT COST. Broadway, 4th Avenue, Mtli & 10th Sta. Silks. Thursday, Feb'y 2nd* A very choice line of Colored Ondines% at 85 cfs, (evening shades.) Lord& Taylor Broadwuj _ 20th St, Aristocracy Wears ar? co iik FILLED1 "KORRECT SHAPE" SHOESI bernn?e they nr. styliah and perl'ert in lit. BOOT SHOP PARK PLACE AND BROADWAY. I n Tribune Almanac 1893. NOW READY. GREATEST ALMANAC EVER ISSUM BY THE TRIBUNE. 330 PAGES SS CE1VN A COPY* Some of the most valuable tablet ever printed by The Tribune AlnuuuM appear in this number. A map of the World'.-. Fair Grounds is pre tented, in addition to tull particular*) about the Fair. All the usual statisti? cal and political features, and many of special and (rent importance. Copies can be ordered thronphsny newsdealer or news company, or pur chased at the ollice of The Tribune. THE TRIBUNE* TRIBUNE PUBLICATIONS, ALL IX PAMPHLET POEM. Al.MW'M', ISSS A renll* splendid number. Viral ol' lite nnil Illinium * on Hie 111.11T.eI. Aol) paces. Non ready, i-'in-iii.u copy. kmttim: AND 4 HOI Tl KT. New. With maar pliar* ilfsolril lo I iii. ..I allon .uni luslilou*. io rems a copy. -.11 I.I.I OM I lt K>. A rnniplrlr li.I ol'the 1.017 rall* lii.niiiiTs ol Ihe lulled Milli's, nnd hot* Hie* inn.le their money. (Inly 11*1 et er compiled. Vnliinble lo students, eronnnilsis nnd promoters ol new cntcrprisca. 'il cent* ii copy, lu Ile sib:,- .lol li, thi. dBW NAVY. All Ihe net* warships deacribed. willi lllnsti nunns, mid linTiidiasj n list ol' Ibo aid ua*7i urmumruts, etc. ?"*. ifni* a copy. WAK STORIK-* Ot er IO mle* of Hie Civil War, of tulon soldier*. Iii.pit ina. ihrillitiB nnd pnthellc Mat! of (hem written lor Tribune cu?li pn/.e*. U cents. Ill fi IBU HW The brat of Roswell I". Ilorr'e aril* cir* In Th. Weekly Tribune ou ibe Tuilir, Kluance and -sliter, ?."."> ceuls. VU.LACK |l||'ROVKHENT.-Two charming nrtlcl** b* ll. (.. Northrop, lite prime moser lu lhl? work. ??_ Vorh (Tty mm si ho tsnni lo kala) beautify Iheir uatM lott us in Iht- louni ry should rend this. .1 crnl* a copy NORTH IT RI.D, IVMs-ls- exercises lhere. Il rent* n . opt. I'll Al TA IQ I A. IMS. rrofuseW illustrated. TIM story ol I lie *en*on. i-i t enl* ii copy. Ill KKK AVE AT H-NOaV. Thnt (hrilllnaj alary wall told, nilli Ihe ".lehn.iovtu lll.a.ler." nnd list JR Aiiteric.iu4.lrl. who hate married lilies, lu one "?????? culluii. Kl cents. "OCR CHAIM EY." A Tribune premlaai. *af rraular subscriber lo The Tribune can ari M W tw rems. A delicious piece ol lim. millen by Isaac aa. Ilrotnley for Hip Yule nluiiml. I'loliiaely lllaalraiea my Heard and tabson. 8PEECIIE**.-Toe best of the afler.olBBer oiatery of loaf winier lu thia city, io ceala. THE TBZBUNXm