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TO REGULATE COAL PRICES. A DHASTIC .ULASUNK !-RES?NTED 'IO THE SENATE. TM COMMITTKK JO IKVCVnOATl TIIK. P.I'.AD m "1 <".MBINI." Jj K('IDES Til AT bTATI. COX 11*f)ti OK THE COAL nUDI IS NEC B_B__UT ZO FJUrXfiOZ CON SV NEUS. tfsWMi rust tii,.ii.?it r,>':itr?"iivi) ot tin' laiitrSaM A'banv, Tah. I.- Senator McMahon, chairman r,t Um cutninilie.. ggpalBtgg by fe >? sato In.; v.-nr lo Inv-ssUgite UM "Ctol "Treat." to ri nv lubrnltttd his r pnr'. WI I j i ike report tiie rou,ii "ce -iin. ""I g li: diana up by Daniel '? OrtAn, it* ceunwl. The bin ls a most radical ot-, it t ibstaa Melly rreatea a stn'e (X)tnm1s*lon arltb j-isver t,. ..iv whol sholl be the prlrs of fti.tlir.uit.- coal In las stat., ol Novr-York, ai.d vbat the jiriee for Ita inila portal lon li om tue coal tWds ol rennsylvMiiia to the villa;*., and titles o! Ktrsr-Yorh. Kev** mor" iad!<ul Migurei have eter heee. lubmltl ?! lo tiie l^e_rt-!a>ui'e. Tao Bgnatt geall arltb Ihe in-i.sure also in nn a*:L>:,!*ai'ig manner, ai Senator McMahon's re<iuen lbs bill was loHaedletety ordered to ii scoiid and 'ton to a tlilrd readlni: Tbs aa ggyi Se-st m 1?On and after BJepgga>hSI 1, MM lt ahall bo ui.lS'.r.. l'l-*'?For anv petasa not having a "tool cartier's Morass." as in this a.t provided. t<, iraasi ri aataVocMi , oal which la Vitended for coiisuni]itiiui la tl* dani on a railroad, rh" BBvlgabis aratsti ar a caaal ihaiein; BBCSSld- Tor any person not hiving s 'coal dM' ?,:"* lle*??e." a< In 'Ti's *<? prov id, I. ls Mggge In the ?WiMag of selling laihrarlu on! arhleh is Iai the Stats sad Intended tor OMiumptloa Iherela. fSee. 2_The ll' aaaea provided la tkli arl ahall be knoirn NBpSeMvely ** a "liSBl carrel's license.'' and a "coal denl-r'* Meena**." A ??coal , ai,I.'f's ll eas." ciiali sutlibrlre the osvner thereof to t:an?|iort anthia, i: ? sal, artrieh i? intended for catataaa-pUaa la tho State, ., nd lng to i-aid Heeaasa, <?, t:,* rallreads, Mm aa*,">*taMe sralers and the cona,!* pr*j,rll#d la sud license, and lt .ililli prU'-rlrse the -BIllBllim |.'|. ??- pei tai |?'* n.'le lt shall be lawful for Uie ii en*.- to demand or receive fm trana* .tortinc tiie dlnVnuit crude, of *',. h ''al on *ii''h lh.I rood?, uss Inside ss-afr* ond ? annis. a "real dOSler'l license" sh;.:i aatharfre Mm swaet the:e,if tc ragagc lu the nsafjMBB of aelllag aathra, Ile mai srhleh ls In Mm .stat" and intended for eoasBB ag las* Ibsiela, aceardlag tu .-aid Uren**, ind .hon pri'?rt"be the n.jxlmnm price, it *lia,l be Isss-ftil fur tho 1.icc to demand or lei .use for Tie (fVTerent eiad''* of *uch coal, exclBsivs of ti"- prices tor deliver,ne tiie same, Uie places ""hers thc licenses moy train*, t the bunln-ss author;,'",! l.v lils Iteeaso, and that the licenses*, shall on demand deliver thc coal sold by him to a nurehaser thereof, sslthout chat;:" f?, *u, li de llv-ory, at lha pla e l;i MM suite, where. ku id sual u.ay bo klored at th- *_M of lu sale. In section 4\ uutbvrity ls conferred upon Hie Mats i:.,lliT,iKi i;onnni**lon t. lix Ihe mallanna* i>,i,,s for ihe *ale nnd t!iin*no:iat!on of Um OMI M-clion 4 suys: bec. 4?The asrs-rislotii rf li-^n-e* bj pursuaaos of t),l* get *-i'.h ICSpBCt t>" MM ii.aMiniini prices tor Mm trans l*,rtatloi. and salo of aaihtaettt coal, a. heicml, fore pta. vidid, sii*:, b.' in auaMaaia svith thc prior uVurrailnailea o? thc BoarJ of Ballisad Caa-aaissteaera, baaed sa it* in vcstijat.uis la ' tuinncr heieia ptovided t.f tlc'- matti:. aflocUnq sh pries; and Bach prices aha.; he so ad justod as not ls conflict suth and so as to at*,,rd only a reasonable rorripen-ation leg such coal oefoie lt la BBB* -fl and for the Ml Vi SIS jud capital atwgaserllj cu,j,lovel aud sa-yaasaa asceaaarily assailed in ii* pioiuction, u-ans-iot. tallon, bindii!-", st. ri.'" and .ale. aiid m s? aol to confer on suv MsseBBB an unre.i-.,Baale advantage avg] auv otii?r llccna-c, in inrs'iaii".',.I tins a t. In secUon tl there |s ,, provision that the Stot<> roatxi of Ha I Irv,.! OonaMaaJeaera si. a 11 meet every three month.; mid en*_dJS Ihe prk*? of coal and Hie price ot IU tran.pnrtatlou. The bill gagg: The Board ahall meet reyularly at leflit every tJir.-s months, at *uoh fianc* ?nd pince, as lt may d? i-,ai ? in Nd rule*, to connder and ax t aa the subj.., t of _*faV N pi - vlded In Uie licences rt umy hase Igagagi and to transact any other bu?!ness under thi* act. Determinations of th,- Hoard of I'.allroad ('oro-nisstoneri ahall bc svritten and Hied In Ms ofti, e. IDgathli ss't.i Hm evidence ou sshich such determliiatlon* mav bo n,?d". and soy person applying; tiei,T.,r shall ba entiti.d to eerUfled co] les of su'h detoinunavieiis and esldencc on paying Ta" actual cost for iraiiinf sm h copi,... l)eternilnat'.ou.s Bf Un, HcatJ of I'.ailroad roiiiml'S.oner. may be iel lawed by Writ nf certiorari, i?nd the cslst ng provHion* of last and rul,v of the court.* r'-laticg Vi tald writ abajl jovurn the review author^c 1 t,y this act. The Board of Ralirmd rhjaHBiasisnits la sdlhsritcd aud directed to Vehear and redeiernuiie nnv mattel pros lo: sly beard _id determine by it in accordance arith the Dual srder or d"cl?ioii msde on a writ of certlora.:". ti, Which Mm said Board -gay bo a pari*L aini to adapt and tefvwoe n< ii rnTea and KguIsUons, , on*J*"nt svith thia act, a* ll may deem useful for thc cnl,,r,'Ci,i,nt ti?je f. The testimony tnheii before Ihe committee was reported In full and wai WkthareA from all bran, li"* of thc coal business, lijcludinc production, Innis-nrtu lion, Jobl.lng, MTiolesaUii^'. retailing nnd trade report? ing, lt presents the evidence of representative men lu nil these departments, ns well as that of tho*,* di? rectly concerned tn ihe Investigation thal BJBVg risa io the Inquiry. Tho report reviews the - ir, tinistunccs leading up to tha Reeding eombinntloti, d"scr!bets the operations of the roads which wore lu thc ?? i (.niblin-,' end Bays the amount of real controlled by these gee. etnl companies agptegatcs about 70 per cen! of tho entire tonnage aniiimlly brought to tide Water. The coal regions coveted by tins combination af traaspoiia Hon snd producing companies are the only * a .f supply ot anthracite coal for the state of Kew-Vork, and indeed practically thc entire country. The roads thus far Involved directly or indirectly In tlie roinblnatton aro m.ilnlv foreign corporations, and carry un tl.jir operations without the State of Now York, with the exception of tbo D elk wa re. a_4*hawaana and Western, the Lehigh Vnllcv, the Central linllrovl of New Jersey, and ibe 1'hlladripliia, Reading and New-Eiigliiiid. The eeeahaltteg reviews brlcflv the test!un>i,v taken before lt and comes to 1hcse conclu sions: Tlmt the consolidation of railroad and coal producing companies herein described aud Kdoa'o ss Cat R?adtn| combination ba* created a aubatanUal monopoly ol sn'hra site coal In tb* nianagew nt of the Phllsdeiphis tod P.oud iug Railroad Comiany. That tbe roads Involved me tubstantislly psrs'.lel, and the mines controlled by them are thc sonr. c of the lar_re?t supply, snd srere competitor* in the coal*, until tbl* combination was formed. Tbat the most natural and obvious benefit to be derived bv ibem from ->n??dat n. M Ui.rcsse In tic pi Ice ol coal. Tbat the price ot coal may, in the Interest of thc BBSS* blastioa snd at Na pleasure, be advanced to au tmrciion sbls sud eat ut. .mit/' rate. Thal sln^e the combination st*, formed, rratcrlal ad? vances ira the prlco of coal have bega made and othe.s are tbrestcn?d. ' ' 'Ast Uieae adsauce* have ,,Hgtna>ted In the BhaUiBBll branch 0f the bus'.no?s Mid a,.' not due t ? at,y nat,ml linet,isti'iu lu tbe value of the commodity, but ar*- the direet reault of the policy of thc Heading combination and tbe partial deacruetbm of it i,y the sssapstltlea in tiie i.-isi UCM Of coal prod aci,e, and tiansp.rtattou. TTval aucb ootnblt.atiot.* are opp.,ted to the ap.,,1 ot Mm law ts forcibly decuireu ,u the decUiuiis of ute nighest courts of this and staves stste* ss well as of BagsBBA, whose loatltuUona asighl ba thougbt to encourage ajttch esndittons far more than our ossn. Tour comn.ltu-e r^s?niru.? thc slew exptvs??d la tii'tr ft-Taier ioi*?rts tbat Ui roinblnatiofl heieni doseribed ls contrary to public ps Hey and dangerous io tbe inn-rests of the. State and Uie wattan ot Ma pSBfto. il ia to be noted lt,,' lutl?. li ans. ..?'.?. ,u ?? has Ile,. [sr beru malo la that ilsa of anthracite coal arhleh enter. UUgely Uifo co-npctitltui ss Uh toe blfuinliiou* product; and lt la suggested lu thc b'nUmotir thal any advance iu that pairticulsr tilt ot a genera! adv.ui.i; b-yuirl ,,r',:.iu HaTta weald result in the Introduction Int" genera, uso mt blt_ulnou* coal. Thia, li la bel itv ed. ??rould be for the city of Nesv-YotU a pub'.lc rslarnlly, and br,ii;j lt ta the unfortunate, corni! vion -sbkh some of our lutetior and Wasters cities are oow contending- It I* ncCslleas to i- ;.' out ' say oas who I* familial ss'th the pr.-sent condition ot tbe TU,. rslsrred lo bos* great ssuuld bu Ott dis ?<,,,.f.,rt to tho peopM of th* cir-- of Nrsv.Yoi'K and how lt remediable tho dan?ge ta its busltie** and i's cossoMfce, th.uiid ti,e suu ligbt be excluded tror.i lu. street, and a pcraiaiicul blt,). aftoous fog aetUe dossn upon lt* ssatei*. It ls quite certain, moreover, that if a* a re*ult of tht ?otu combination and ita control .?! ptkos, thc u.e of brtwrnlnoui cosi should I. *-. ce general, uo aubieitucnt re? duction la the price of aaMUBMlM coal would ci a iCrtoluts' rsstors to general con*umptlon the clcsucr s'ticlc Thc sgitauon which i* constant in cities afflicted by tbo bttumlDou* "vaia, ha* thus far resulted In no renmdy ot tho evita c-ompuuned of citbrr bv substituting different fuela sr by Mks Inttoductloa ot m.okc cor.aununft procBs*. i. . ae&ator McMsbon i\so lntroduied a UH creating a hist? Board of Telephone Commissioner with three ?Kinbee- Authority I* c*Mlarre4 upon thi* BoarJ to na the telephone .Tia:gc* of the Mist*. Tb.- es pensen ot the t.'ouimlj-.iuu. whit I. ate not io be nore shah f2*),000 yearly, are to be paid by the telephone ooni panie*. Sebator Met arty, ol Hrooklvn, Introduced a bill azteadlng to Kings o.iuntv the privileges ot I un.iel rsllroads. Senaijoa- Ssiton presented a bill providing that all THKRE aro familios in and near n*mr York vfho buy tiie LADIES1 HOME JOURNAL. More than 7??,??mi> oopies sold through? out the country monthly in cities aud tbe-larger towns. USE POND'S EXTRACT FOR PILES. Mr*. EMMA lill:!., India, .spoil-., ind.. "I han lUffcrcd s., .-.', :,.'..,? ,; ,:, j?j __,_? ?, th* I I ,,?..- Ranted ts "on.:;.,' *? i.:de {, .? thaiika .... \ ur a.idl . I sn cured. ?enid and areli, aud onli u-"i usu S0-caat| DStllea -,i PUND'H EXTRA! I and Ml b i ,1 1'OND'B KXTUvcT OINTMENT. ' _ In conne lion with poad't ).\'.u-: tuc PONDS I.X TRACT OINTMENT (0r lTLES Very rfflcseiatii avoid r-i'BSTlTi'Tr.v Ceauiai mads scly nc P'il.1. ?Street lo, 7(j F'.fii-4V-., M's, Vex ?c.,men and children employed in RrjRooRt Hore* In "lew-York nnd similar rltloi si.nil be provided willi chairs upon which (bey may -'..i IbSDVglVfi un,I Ital .sena*,,i Mcclelland Introduced a largs nun.! cr cd amendments to thc limiter nf Youker*, The senate Committee on fillet reported far ? i ij Senator McCarty's Mil creating a new Hoard of Tm* tees for the Brooklyn Hrldgo Th* bill wa- amended so ii. to p),'S'i'i<- tiiut th- preient lerretnrr i.r.d ihe pre-cut treasurer ??' tl-., bridge Truitees ihail con tinue lu (,tbri) live yean longer. A JOINT HIvMilN ; ON TAXATION, WITNLS&ES OPPOSE DISCRIMINATION ATAIN-T COP.POP.AT10N8, ANT' ? \V REAL ESTATE sltoi'l/i BE\R THE MAI"! BURDEN. Albaay, l.t.. I.- rhe J,,Int Mglslatlve Committee on Taxation ronttnued it.s Inrestlgatlon In the Senate Chamber il.l- evetlng 'I'M first witness called ssus William H. Panona, ol New-York 'itv, rtci pn-sldi I ui lac New-York Board n! Trade aird TransportAtion, and e Minna n <?! the committee on taxation ol that body. In ,,i.-ssei rn u request fur bis rlewi on ta.\.iHon. Mr. Psrsoni read a resoinllon adopted by Ihe board ,11 December ld, urglni tint the puitoy ol ihe Mate should M rather to sltrs t than t<> n pel business organizations, aad thal to this end eorpors lions inould not be subjtclod t,, prater laxes or mow Inqulsltorls! examination than hire of business car ried .'ii bj Individuals. MV. Parsons dwelt upon th" Importance ol iii" commercial Interests cf lae ^ ? t" Ihe Mut"'* proa I'ciity. ii" *iii(i he wai ',.''sid"nt ol [oar manufactur lng rorporatleni A fear sgo lt had hen-n decided lo change Ms pu;'f msiitifacturlng establishment bite :i corrmiutioii. :m,i tha Incorporation had boen effected under iiie inns al Maine, because auder til- New Voi'it insvK tin- rrKpenstblllty ol th" la< vparsters srai Srrstcr and the tax wa., larger thiin under Ibo Maine laws. G. Wubin emita, pr.sidsiit of Ihe Wholesale nroeers' Aaaatiatlon sod a member >,f the New-Yorh Stale l^rd ,,f Ttrade, rend s resoinllon pu--,?.! by thc itate Hoard at it-* last meeting In Albany, pretesting against the proposal lo lower Ibe heal rat- pf In tcro*t le ?"> per rent, ll" favored the r"i?."il el Ihe usury laws and tbs; egtabltsbment ?,I s legal rats only when a rat" lins MM I.n :if,-ree I tai ut. In hi* own bu-iii.'s<i up im<i Intended lo form s oar porntn.n. hat hail been advi-rd lo wall until Ihe lissjilalaic passed] law. more lenient re rarpomtlons, and had du id cd lo do BO, ll" Ibuaght lhal univ r.-al estate should be (axed. Jnd|?o William II, .\rusiu\, ni*,! a ineinbcr of Ihe New-York Uouiil of Trade, thought that t!,.- laxBllon <?f prrratB property la ihe Mads of lodindnal* was unjust and Inequitable. Thc Jaw eras nol fairly ?d!nl!i!*t?red and oiipiit t,> be repealed, ll" approved oi th" corporation lax, ihe collateral snd succession tax.* und ihe excise uut. Personal properly I, .Ness York City, Ilroohlyn and liuiTulo ssa* taxed at K!i:i,t'<i0.oiV). and In Ihe test of thc Sli le al UKI, 000,000; bul by the census ih" rattle lu the Kuti were worth more than', or moro than Hie whole taxable valuation <,f ihe di.tii,t. outside ihe lsrce cities. Apart from the three forma , f taxation mentioned, IM whole lax should M let1*d nn i".,i estate, il" waa lu of Ihe local option tux syatem. ,i,/un (.. II. Myers, attorney for IM llecelver ol li.\.-. ol R s Y i.iT. illy, thought lhal liiipr1*soiiuirnl for ii rn-f.aytii. nt .,f lax a should li" itbolt.hed, l,e, ,,-?? lt b"in* nioit !.. avily on Ihe j,., ter, lu ?->?-. i ud< r ibe U"ll.i"tul Tux law eat ates were olten laNcd twice, on-, directly by th" Stule nnd again thr. ,.u', thc es eiui,ts f^T local purpose*, i* monal pr p~rti In New-York (liv paid nboui om sixth of the lax. E-latin ?honlil bc ta.\.,i Kheri' 1-ller* ,, s,.;ini -aiiii s ar.. I.-ll I ?vitia.u legal d i , tli" i'<?-:.leno- ,.f executor*, i ? I' .i.t ii lg abolishing ti," lax un personal i>r.ij.-1", i. - lim' i, would probably :,-uii iu sn Increase ol rent*, and thi* would ),e u hnrdslilp lo truant*. The committee t? : a' .""i'll.t iii meei ni Ih, ? li? ligi*, I'i NeW-Yorh City, ul ll a. in. t.u ss..!, (nun Pl May. ? ? ? ? -?> MK. KCMPNEB I'BESENTS A FEW BILLS POI! OXE TlUVi II,: \V,,IT.') PltEVEKT CIT* onT'i.M.". WITA MEDDLING with JUSTK E -OTHER III 1,1.s IN III! IKS] MIU.Y Alt.atiy. I'.;.. i (Spa-rial).- ?," i Kempner, ihe M.? b-r ol Assembly from New-Yorh lily, who created consternation In IM renns nf tl.- machine Deggocrai by roting against the Domination ..f Edward J. Murphjr, Jr., f"r t'nit. ,*. Btntes fegatir, Introdnced Ire bili. t,,-duy wu, i, ar" mere 1Mb Ithety lo re ceive ii,H negative vote ,,f every Tammany Hall Amen*hlyman und ,.f avery Demorrail member whu is owned pontlcsllr by mme one of ihe four Demo crail.- Mr. KempiH-r sus* thal Ih- Intends t. puah bl* nu. un ivu be can, Mt li l- proMble IMt aa one of them vs ni ever Bel out ol the committee to walch Speaker balser will refer "hem tomorrow morning. Ons ot Mr. Kempner** Mila redncei the number of the polio- Just lees In New Yorh City from jilleen to eight, and ladtuis tlu-lr salarl"* from sW.000 a scar lo 15.000, Of all Hm measures lats oin: vs ill be nio*t unpopular with Hm Tan,mane bosses. TM ?emMrs of thia political orgaalsatloa a,,, never In favor of a redaction of IM number of ofiice-, MM bj Tomrnsnv men. or of IM salaries that the holders of HMM offices receive. TM reduction will nut laM place lor some time, should this 1.111 become n lew, but there rxsaM M bo more gppelntmenti until after enough leno.* bad expired te brien IM number al Justices hold!ng oflice down tc the number allowed by thi' bill. TM salaries of thone BOW Bervtng CSU Bet be nStjeed, for thei" is u congtltmionsl pro vision preventing the reduction of thc salary of au official durlnjt hi* terni of office. Another of thc billi lhal Mr. Kempner presented pfuvTdes that at Hie next general el""l"n lhere *!'*ll be nu bm Itt'*;! le the popular vote In (New.Yorh <l'v IM ajagstMn of BBs-arating the mnnletpal el"1 tums from tho tcnernl elections. This BatSMre tho will lllldoublilllv re(<|Ve th" e?eip"tl< ?r,ptl-lllOU ',f all of iii.- m?n.ij"f* of IM Mglslaturs sviio ..ssc sllegUure to thc douilnunt I'/cmo, iniic fa'tli.n In New-Y'orh (its, beaaaaa it t* fer the inter,--t ot Tammany lia'! ?,. Mee the local campaigns los! alibi Of, bo far iv pi,*-ible, In state nnd National qoegtlons. a tiiini bili will, if it bsppeoi to Meemi a law. prevent in tho future IM Intei fere nea of ""rscelesi police JnstiiCM nnd other ofhrtal* willi t|i<* end. ol Justice. TM bill as.: "An** pilbil" oflli 1*1 holding un appotnMve or elective office under any (itv f*.vern< nietit wno shall directly or indirectiv Intercede In ha. naif >,f any person accused ol any offence or 'rime !_>, nny criminal court In this .Mute turing or alter thc trial, or ultci' c.,i,vi,tlon np lenience, With the intent te iii.iu-"i- lin* Judge of said Nari, esntrary t,, lils dntv, to do or nulie or omit ar fclay any act, dc ilsloii ar d'teiinliintl',ii in r+speci lo sahl seemed per ten, stiaii bc d'sitned i'tiiliv ,,r a misdemeanor, aM Bhnll.M Hubie to it lim- of imi lc ia thiin WOO n.-i more than *J0() tor ea. I, ollelic,'.'' Mr. Kompner'a fourth un is intended lo do away arith the ofSee ? f Corporation Attorney, and to irani fer Hu* vork now done liv that official te U.e < orporn iion Counsel. Tiie luT I,lil prOVldei thal there shall b" dally scs alon, nt Hie District Courtl In New York City, sxcepl on Dunday, (lidgea lo *.!t from lt) o'clock In ihe morn inc I,mil the day calendar has Mea .Icutcd. I ndci ihe present law the Polled I;,und ,,f New York ins cannot dismiss or retire a member of IM polite loree without the concurrent votes of all ,,f IM conimlisjonera. Assemblyman Waiker, a Tammany msn, to-day broug'it up a measure which caine to liiui for Hitrodmilon from one ol thc lending Tammsnr braves, (.aid to bo Police t lommtseloaer Martin, amend. Hil* the law ?o that a majority vote will be luflcteut. The provisions of tM old lave an tins ryAnl have stiod In the way of m.ikln_i tiie Police board absolutely _iurtlsan lu thc ma.ter of dismissals. If lim bill should become a law there would tx." little u.e of Cotnun* sloiici McCUtve attending any ot the meal I BBS of tM board, st least io vote on questions ot reMromsnt snd dismissal, lui tbe three Tammanv ('omn-ilssiotierji would guiviits him. It ls proMbla, ..lao, that lr, case thia bill becomes a law, and lt will .io *o if the Tammany bosfc Wanta it, that lhere ssoaid bc a falling off lu ti.' nutrber of thc isepubllian member*, of tbe pullet force, and that bernie long there would be few tr.en of thia political fslUi left on lt. AsM-mblvmuri Nnssbaum, Ol Albaay. uni In Uil n'lorr.lm; four bills thnt are intended lo rMnte msterlallv the local governmen! ol Ihi cltv of AIMnt and wenken the paQMral lon.* of I). I_dy ll, nT, snd Mayor Manalnc, bs ^okii.i.' fros* *M Mayer, sha I* ti Herrick num. li,c i^iwer of tipp,tinting ,, .on-KM able number of 'itv .,finials. The eMagt-l lo lu- Blade nuder Ihe bills nt" In fie s .''...ard. the Wi.iei Board, the School Hoard snd the hoard ol Aaainmrni All of the officials now are appointed l.v the Mover bm. if the bills become law., [na aSkes win Mssoms elective. IVR A HEAItlM". ON PUSOMAIi RlQItTatATlOX. Albany, tel.. 1 (Special, -Tbe Assembly Indi, lary comniitiee will give n Mattel on i,.\t *saak TharaMi on T" IYrsopsl 4*K?ists*aUou LUI !__> w*w _"a****aa>-a*a*g In Uie As?e-nUy by Mr. RBI MBA, of Nburira. Thc bill extend* the provisions o! tM lefltotratJoB law ' I tiie eountry nnd the inteatton >,f it is le amM ll ei diffic-iit for the Republican former lo rota si j*?iwc - ap? ril ? Tv .sr?>P 1TJBTTICBB l'ROM PRACTISING LAW. A MU to r'T>'-ul Ihe ft t cf last alni .ra! i . P '?? * , ju-',,'- in ti.I* elly t" prac Mas law will M Introd in tba Assembly this week. TM a.* referred I passed l . tha Inter it of Pa ? - : '- ' ? j lirsdy, vs;/, Btani ti oaf oa a lunketlng I ?? -? '?' ' | ward in company ss'.". "-Ir. Croker, *??.?'' firsdy'i Mnefll oe mt a lal Mayor iillroi pointed ' .? re i' iee I iwj i !? i ? I'1"" ' JOsM-ph K ., C mt\t - v. Ha mi, Jr. i .1 Yb mai i< Y-?;?:.? r, Mr. 1 roket .,- p . rd bim-ell on 1 rd la lent :i hvton af 1: ?? offici I .Iden In ;..'?? "itv ss., ? ,1 von inj i>,n ul th'dr timi lo their ?' n b .-??? av, tbe time of municipal officials, Mr. I roMi Mi .1" larrd, belenp to the c"v. and '.I they canmH live their ss;,.,... ;.:i... a',,' energies tc the city daring b il nest ho,rs, n lbs grew.! boii'i opinion, I rt 1'.11. i * WU lo repeal Ihe a * P 1 l's'. fi ur Ina vcr p. Ut ?? .'" th "* ' (,... il* .? tl," las'' 1. ?:.?-??' .. ? : ., -s Mr. Ci it - i'l ?;- uf r* form and 1 ?? ir! 1 to send a letter lo AlMny dire .?- ir_ i. sn , ? p..-- .???'. school kommissioxers make CB a ROES. a I.: vi TY DEB VIE ai HIE MEETINO OP THE BOA KU OP KDI'LATION-NEW COMMITTEE*. Tl ,;,? ss ti 11 lively deMIe al the regul ir me< of the Board ol Bducatloh yesterday sflernoon. when Commlsrloneri Guggenhelmei and Gerald Intimated IMI the comm'ssl- nen employed In the corni tl ,1 ol in,._,.i'iv !..1 s(i??,i purposei wert irging ton mm:. in Ibetr lervlces. The 'iii". I cause of t:." ni ( ssa. u motion lo r?*que?l Ihe Legii tai ic tn p;>,sid,- some meehi by which IM cit* of condemning property for pchool purposes could M red ,.*?:. lomml-slomi Guggeiih-inier saM Ibal In the can* "I i"'. No. mi 1, IB West Thirty rifth-st., whli h nus worth onlj *.'.'>,">". tM cosl ul condeinitstlon bad ie,n ir-j.Kj. The eommk loners had placed iM s.i.u.' of i'i" l"t .a ete.SM) Instead ol il i,u00, w 11 Bl Ihe total (?,-'. ol Ihe k>! lo Ihe , Itj wonhl be tfiOAii, t.'iii' m. r uuggenhelmer thought Ihe charges .f condemnation loo hi*avy, aud MUevea Ibal 11." case al.ould M brou iib 1 Mfore Ihi Legists 1 Connel ., ti"'.- Darri* endeavored it, defend tM Bfficc <>i t.." Corporation Counsel, and said IMI ??? Blame iheuld in an) war M aliathetl to it- Ihli m.,,..,:;, ,1,i-iit brough! Commissioner Gerard lo his fct, an,' In walbing t"iu>- he arraigned the sj lem of condemning pr iperiy. Ile said lhal li ss:,. ,, ? ii :,, appeal lo IMI "sacred Institution'' me Leglsla* mic for 1,?'!' f, a-, a ..a.lim' ni" isure M 1 be< n ' laug 11 d oaf1 ol 11." Assembly lail year. Ile accase-1 lbs ;i.ii,ml-T,.i..i* of i "lid -ni.talion ,,f M*dlnj to" ..??--I. 1,-, of adjourning lon soon, and ol meeting loo alien, and *aid IMt ii," buslncai might bc done In mu. h 1" . tim". commissioner Harts then sprang lo hit feet sud, uralhlnj down the aisle, laid IMt M deilred lo Inter* rupt th" CommUtlooer, ..* he dldn'l Ihlnk it nc- os? lo Impute Mproper motive* lo tbs Detriment ,,t IM Co ip , ration Counsel. Chmmlsslone.rard, pa?'"** BO a'tctitioti t.) tiie lotorrnptloo and sbakli 1 hi BngBi at Commissioner linns, thmrorj reierted - And 1 wan-, im lentloatan lo andeistand lhal aol iii- les l ,,f nie teen nay that la called {.>r In ibis < ,,,iiii 1.- prarUsed righi In tiie Commutes on bite* nnd Ness- s, !,? .|s- ,,,f uiiii'., Mr. Ilarrti ls a member). li ss.,, iii.n'.iv decided lo is"tit,?ti ti,.- Legist* 1 ira to devise s,,n,e means by whleb a lol worth RKfioot t be condemned for *, )k.,,i purposes wlthont IM lal pas--, bell -' eompeUed to pay 100,123 tor it In bli Inaugural addre*t Miora the ll lard, Pre Men! "hanger announced tM policy he would advocate us president. Hg recommended t'.e creation 1 a new Blending commitine, io M Mown aa a Committee on School Syatem, ssh., . purpose '.'.il M t., coo ider complain!* Bgalnsl the prc-eul -Ti.,| yatem, ?'. I,nudie., ai,,I t,, listen III t:.e ,?.','.,..? ,|,,| ,,,;.:.? experienced educatoi . it 1 ? .?: . I > sci a* * medium t,. 1 .',???:, the auperinlei dent and : I ., ii....! . Another rMoae odt ? ,'"i by li tonger l? il." estal.ll hmen! ??' in eligible ii L from vs hl? h li-.ii he, ? -ball I," selected ind riI'l-T 1.t.-.i ?.iiis;.e* "according lo merit." TM adoption ol t 1 plan. Mr. bangor believe . ss u ..., u: ? tompcti I -tiu, 1,-rs "ssli,>-e appointment vs,;i |*> r . : . merl! and adgptsblllty, li, ?? ad ni fas ar lil ru or i? 1 ...mai Inflm in"." Mi. * m.' r dd al*o lhal Mis pr"-,-ut .-s.s.eui 01 pas,h.r ', ichera ihonld be doned. Af, ;? *on.pp ? Ition a rc lutl rn lu creal! 1 . -..*??? ., i" "i 1 lie ia ?' ? T" ti aiii."iiii"*il th" Uandi it com ml tl foi 1- ,. 11,iai,1 <? Com mil te*. ' umml lon* 1 l.o 1 I cMlrman; Wehrum, Hopper, Van Aradale, bi rommlttee au leaclieri Commissioner' Hunt, cMIr mon; Moriarty, Wehrum, "tran . Living mill.1, building*?Comml**|on.*r? Ma,la., rhal ji,,]ij,.i. Crosby, .'Tiri. ,i. l.ummls, McRnn Ll -i.i. rommliiee on tupplh ?' ?t?mlaal n 1 Moriarty, chalriuan; '.iai. Hopper, Mclutrru Goulden; audltlug l.ill.ll,I t. .? I ..iii ul-- .1 1 " " . ..... Ml I'.iiii'-.ii. Ullin. Hull. ll,p|i"r, ruiumllfee .,11 slti 1 and he** -? hu I Cominl lone 1,aliiii,,'. Harri*, '"rc . Iioppei. lii.uld. 11 . i.n , .Hirst. >?! -tu,is slid ?? I ""! I ""I" ? "'?? Holt, IVehrun . 1 tm. 11,1 I lug. "lille. I,,-' . Mnci.iy; < .ii.ii.itt.-<- t,u evenins ?? ",.;. Conimlvaionem 1 'Miloo, .,nh 11.,11 . 1 rn l.s, i,i,.',.'i,li.-iiii.f, .Mt I.nilen. Living*!!,.niultt., bl la's* . >.:..mir...-.I ? i Knox, <-liuiitiiii 11: LnmmU, Gerard, Hunt, Hulibelt; ,-\.a,!'., on Nautical bel.1 ('mum!* .loner* L'ruaby, chairman: O'Brien. Von Ar*dak>, Mii'lus. 1 le rsa rd; committee un llbrnrv ntui annual r p.ilT I iiiillil-.loiiei \\ : . 1 Mi ? 11. 1 : airman . li ere rd, IJvlllgstiin, Kilo! Vin. Vr ,1 ,!? . . ,.a,u,Itt.-.. ,,., 1,, uilua Illili III trustees I lilli.,1, - .io al's I . ,l ,:.?, ll lilllie r 1 Ililli wan; <. 1-1 v. Kikis. Crosby, M, 1 ..lam, Mortality, U'Hrlen, Tiri-. Wehrum; commit I.>n ie hool .s , lem?1 ,.mu.1-.I.iii.-c. .-tnius*, il,airman ; Lummll O'Brien, Wehrum. IIulIh-ii. (,,.ul,i.,,, Hunt; special committee on leg! Litton Comma loners Goulden, rMlrman: Haul-. Vaa Aradale, Gerard, Hubht-11, Strauss, Holt. i 10M1V, < iiitiiniii in,--|..iier Hain-. . Imlrnmi Liimml Strait..; Conni I ? ?.1 liirnltui Hopper, 1 biilrmnti . Mori n's. U.u.ldei KX-PIIESIDRXTBATES h.i.n MISSED. A TU1BCTG 'i" Hil MEMORY .vi Till; D1NXER oi' 'I HT. I.oV.vl. LEGION. of iM faces atinesl as' mmlMr a Gernrral gherman'i ?s,-d le M at dlnnera <>r im Nea York I'otntiiatiderv of the MlUtarj. Order of tl," Loyal Legion w*s ihtit of SX'Presldenl Have, and ssb.ui IM tr,I,ut,. ssas given In hi. measorj last nl^-iit at Delmaolco'i IM dlnen '"lt tbHi rou deeply. Ainoag Ihe 510 ?".',0 s-ji ni,.,ut tv- lereral labteg ia.t ajghi lhere ssa. u," iu len, perMp . wk Inherited |M right of mern bershlp fioiu Ming the eldesi *,,n or bb original com pani..11 >wM had boen engaged in t:.e lappa easton ol Hi" reMBion SI .1 C BMU|?sI .r,"l ,,fl,,.-r ? the .Vriiiv. Navy, ot Marine i.'Orps-" Tim other* .,?ii,i ss. il recall their romradsshlp ra the .amp or lu Um btvoi u an thc inui.ii ac an ptchel <iuis ; on tM forage or lu hatti. . on the blochade ,,r in th., chase af priialeers, and ili-v Md proof bl tl? tMOfl In IM scats from Tu,' inni si,.ii or iii- sal,c.-lu a hand ", MM ronfllri. Oeneral Wafer *5wayne, srM preeldi-d, rapped foi older a non a. coffee aud .Ijjar, ss,-,.. BfTVed, nial all listened 1,, ti,.- interesting paper on "In ti,.- c ,,?, pans"!." by Charles P.. -.prague, and n, u?. m formal remain-, ti,.i look pati In tbs singing ?f IM r.imiiliir war songs. Among the rnany preseni were General. o. ". Howard, ll, vf. n.rn, D. 1 (Han ley, Horace Porter, Vf. ll. Wilcox, -ewan 1.. Wood? ford, ( . A, Carleton, Edwin .Menin and Alexander Staaler; Colonels tr. C. Chareh, Prank Parher, CMrlc H. Hamlin and Alfrod Cooley; Captain* A. Kelt hum, P, ll. Story, tl. de Woir,., ci,uri,. 11, chatfield .,,,,1 David Brown; Major, a. m. i Merhfll, il. \. wilkin and Henry .Mann, and tntrgeoa 1. ff. Hyde; Commo dere linus Erlien, Captain Jaa-ea Parker, Lieutenant I'l.ilip it. Ism, Medical rMnetera A. L. GIMn and r..i ssai.i Kershner, PBymsstfv '.. de 1 . Barton and Lieu tenant H. K. Ilhood, . ,.t ihe Xavr. and Captain ' oug don. ol H., Id-venue Marine; Charle* Huberts, ihe UoeutlouUt; Uwrence E. Brailia und Cbariea K. At thc meeUng the foUowlBg mrert eleetsd a*em bet.: Asalstnnl Engineer William c. Munros Lien lenaut Miinuei P, crafts and Paratasier Vf. ll li atltia-na, of um .Navy, colonel Tliomas Droohi Ueutensnt-Colooelg deorge > Heit-, .i,,).,, o Bron' sea and john Byrne; Canurn* winiam i?" 1 irr V,?"'^!,1^1 u,,a W 'V,ll,1"?; A-Xilit eurgBiri Ai'tuaud Dnfloo, and Ueolensnts Myron \dam* Ca? mille Baqnot. Jaeob tk-MnMlbergtr. Willum P. Mott avawmrdA. skinner anti Milton H. Smith of the \rmv and gerick T. keith, manager of lbs Astor Hou .' ...svaldaclison. Thomas R. Reynolds, ?,.? ?,rirv f Wer. Jr., bv Inheritance. TM following w.-re elected BB I enrt..,.,,tHI|\e* to f-e ou.,dlen,ilu.l congress or im order to m held ai m. l-, 1 ,?n \?rt li: Dalegatea-Oeneral, Wsp. gwayns and m,",;,,T McMahon, and Paymaster Oeorga y... v iiirtor, *i ternates-coloii.) charles N. bartft, AMdsttnl Vol (linster A. Noel P.|hu,rrisi, and Major (Tinton it gear Old litui,ta oa. Th. namf of Mn luir.i rlfai.i.te. Sn.^ge-* Hud them **?uu.i_|y itk.^t snd **Uv tying. J.S.CONOVER&CO. 28 mid 30 West 23d St Open Fire-Places A Rao Urge Micrtment ol Britt, Bronze _:;i I. ti in new a:ii t'cgant tio HfBs. Mantels in a li wool., n.'-'vo and UrAzn. ''om dui cwn ipec.B.' u-'s-o" Tile o! Brm forrfifl ?ake. In rich bmbiH co] r:njft uni l'..'t"in- foi rc:-, wau* Hearths, Facing* and Bathroom!. Otu new factory, with eiton-tira f-u ilit-.o-j, en iblet ni to produce tho fifiett claw ul ironc at greatlj redui (d o it. 1 ulindi > anti I ucloij. 526, 528 and 530 West 25th 8t. .1/ ? L EU irs L A TES T fi Cl I EM E. I> HE .\Lil.I: Jin: OLD COI/>N?? \ RI PORT THAT THE !; bT< N IND MAI SK RF.ADISG C0MIUSAT10X I- TltTIXG TO al I UT TUB i ON SOI ITV 1 F.D Ol*T )F li KTOS. Borton, r-i". i.-i'i- *ome lime Hie air lias beth llllid willi Lim,,rs regarding Ibo "ld Lol ny, Ihe Sew. York, Sew-llaven ind Harli ni, and lue ia,-ton and Maine roads. The a. mal situation i- thal Hie Reading Boston and Malne-Xra Vcrfc biiU Sett Rostand mm. Unall-.u ls IB s.e.,,,,,,. ,, mp. Ttuut ss il!; Hie Se? Vork, x>.sv Haven md Hartford llallmod Company for Uie posse* i.r t! a entire i 11 Colliny ?j I ni. Tha lormer line i* rompi-ilflg vsiTi the Sew.Yorh, Sea iliivvn ai.ti i; irtl ird foi ? ,' igh freight, and li i. ,- ll I (',,n-'?ii,!:it.'ii mad blocked ai long bi lt can pre ni ii 'rom .-? tiring a petm..,.t and Independent entry" into Boston, v hl< >: the i*ld Colony would gt"' lt. iii,.- Pet,,n i.i,i Maine ls now tn tho Held as a bidda fol tl" entire ;?l,l (' I,.;:v aa Igalnil Um Consnlldaled. Tiie OM Colony baa irlrrn li alli uiiituu.. it will '?!! notUliift loss Ihsn Ita whola system. A ontrolllng Ihtcrral moy be bough! ni r"-'.'." b ihare, and Dial ls ibe res mi why lbs old Colony atorb lia* gone up IO In the Issi ntonili. If the Heading combination ecurea Ihe "ll Colony ll effectually bloch lbs Sew-llaren road lu any further uti. ::,pt tn 1.1,lulu an lui"' lul>> I I ion. lt I. lied Hil pell .lUtll.lllS IhSl Ill Ul' list f" 'A' ss-,'!.- ii," . nih'.- Btnouni ol San Yo !.. Nea His,:: and lort brid held tv Harvard College ia- been quietly disposed of. The college trust*-**., lt li lld, ,: ? ,,.,; ins,,:- ,iie large sspeudllures and present poBry of III. Ilial:.r.e,I,'lit. lu the Senate I hil ili'-rnoon a pelHIon was received tn,,n tue Boston aud Maine llallroad t.'ompanv asking :.., a,ii.,Tts f,: lha kaie ,,i pur , ? by Ute limo a Um i.,, i in and Lowell llallroad ,?! lha CoBri rd and Montreal Uallroad, ind ir Hie "ease ls oulhorln i 10 i." made la Hie Boston and Unveil, Ibal sullrvllj the !..!'? r t" ign it ovei t.. Ihe Boilon Hid Ma i ?? i.i. ni ' li nie, ,<f t ,?? i 'ld I ol my road, iNr"9>ri ,i 1 ef ;, Un I.. .-, < unmitiee an Ballroadi to.lav in tori i ,,f a Mil (,. prratll that corporation to anlli will rind pur , ? il p ) perl j "f any leased or .?p.! .t.d roil pr..!, or nus kiramlwil or twlur Iran* ;???? t'.. u " impany lu ?iii, li lt hold . a n aj ms- ,,f t: ,? st,., k. Tlll'.Y IVAST TO CSE BOSTON COMMON. Boston, Feb, I/?CouBsel f,.r lbs Well Kid Btreel Italiss is i. ,:n pans lief re ';?? Rapid Ira:, ii i .tun. . .inor- < , t'.as a-i,. ti for a recommendation bi ?a lhal ti.-in" ",f 1--:. .si,, , tn- use !' ? i ( um rn >n l.s tn- IV. t Knd road be re i ?? ! d, and lhal Ihe qui lion of whelhei ihe road I ,,.ild l.<- a!i'"'.s.?l tn ni car* *,?: rsa Ihe c.rn mmi be lubmlHed tt, Ibe pi iple of Bollon. Sathna Mi lilies d lie lliougbl Ht re <* re ;.?h.,. anil i ii ? . would oliJi*T io lining lha nn ? , rnpH Int I rm 100,000 people wouM vole lu tav,.; ul ll. ? ii.vsi.i'.s i\ TIIK BEADING "l'l HT'.-. Pk lad, Ipi la. Feb l ? I bari, ll Eddi ha )?? lg ted ? ? i r of Ibe >..'.'.:;, and Vft tu rn Itali road < nany I.und 11 ? pr. ' l< ni >-< Hie . i il ug, rice i '..ur Marl borne, a ? a li be made third flee pr, ildenl In pla< ?? nf !;..'?,i il sayre, ss!,., become* fourth rice pre ' ni i fl Vouug, al pf-ut fourth vice prr'ldeiii, *.*-i11 lie made nf!, vi,,, pi, Iden!, Tb ? dillie* uf M. i - 11 , ? *us rc And Voiin z ai ? li no s t ii ,!,:;??,i ur ,ii turbed l.iperallng deportmeni ssiii i?. in .. * . ' ? first Vlce-pr. Iden!, i bendore v.. ? ? ulalie Un md vlei pr. rt. I Mr Kids . .sin havc general lUprrvlilon ol li,,- italie- department. ? ? TIIK I ' NM'. .'TH ll IlIVKfl ll'.A-i: VC.AIN. Bo ion, Feb. I, Tux I di nw Hi nt Bin r Itailrood dli"','i. sslll have au..Tier meeting i,ii Kn.liv nest at Which ta" llOsliin and Mame's proposition '"' !l I. a-, \till firilo i .- ,iiT,|e,.,'|.,n H I* now though) lhal au a ;r." unlit vsiii then i,< nailed. ?? .m-? MB ' l MIK "!\ I* fl' "NK OF III*- OFFICE*;. . maha, Seb . I', b. I. -?. Il ll. I lark io dav ro mu'i .,s general mutiaget of Ihe I nlon Ka, iii, ?i lem Hlld SV.i. -lia ,e,|..l I.V I'.. I 111' Ul ll .'ll. Sll,,, li.l- I,' lil a ninian! gi-u-'l il Bi inagrr. DlftBCTORS OF rilKIB BBOBOANIZBIl LINK. Tue nt.nnal meeting ol the SlOektaOMeri af thc PblladalpWa, Reading nn.l Nsw-Rngtand Ballmad (Un Hi >? **iibJe"llBg. Hie lleadliig and lin New l;i,gland -v-tet,,* user tn- 1'.niriil.-rp.i,' Bridge yosierda) rei tiled lu Ute elecHofl of Uk .oibiarin. directors: A. A N i.-.d. c.. Tower, Jr., WT. ff. Hibbs j.iir.e. Armstrong. Jcka ll raytor. Maurlee \. Vlele Arthur Ulick, i.-.-pli I bIuiioU, John Vt. llriM-k Charles | lari "hoi rn*, Vf. Vt. Jenks. ti. K. Morgan, |r iud Pier ii TO RB0ROANIZE OKOKGIA I BNTBAL iii- pronouncement timi ii,e Mercantile Trusl Cowi pan] Bell W,.lue .las WOUM t?' ready li receive de p lt. af seeurltfe* andei lbs n-arganlsailon pim o iii- Ontral RaUrosd and Hanking CompaBy ol Georgia ba* li TM yet railed lori* a hostile demon iiati u ii inn Hu- Richmond Terminal laterest*. Tht ie rganlutloti i.uutiiiii,',' <f Oeorgla Central nay Ihej ne ar*1 pared f-r Iresh oastructl-*- fora dr Rich mum I'r-rinliiiil. and tl,|r I- no !.dull..ii f,,r Ida lep'ut of * few day. iir'u Ibal a ? mproiBl >? ,,f dtsputei wai B ?uleiiipl.lte.l. Til.n.'li lehttal people uro rmi I,"I.,it lu 'lull |>.> HI ul lu Hi"- lltlgnllWI wi,lilt I' noa j- a 'in, . nnd (hey wy the r-tttrgaiilsation svii gu Ihrougk. in mae ihe hobler* >,f underlying Hem do nol respond fis, t . Ibe 'ir. r made aBdei ii,- ll lim. pim. ii<e bunking syndicate hark ol Us -.heme intend, to carry oul a rvorgnnlrailon ,<f Um tieorgia ? euti.,1 main line, Tiki i.I.,,- *av ilia li Hu- iilieii..,ii\'.- |i 1,1 ugh! al. .ul Hie bolders >, , ml "fis in- ii. u will noi io. .use in-bull ot i ie i iluu hun offered to I bein mulei t In- lenna ,,( rvurganlbiUoii THE cn\ OF TEX 1X0 Yoi YET HEARD I-Holt -mi I i nil- ,. Feb. l.-T!iero i* ^HII lu. new* .,f Hi, .veld,I- k.i.iii, Mall steamer Ult ,,f ""eklna. and ihi non-arrival of tbe raaat'l Ls lausii- lacreaaed saslrli lu I bose sslit, Nus- Iiii'tnl* and irl.'ilivr. >,n Imar.l BIM al*,, tn il,- I'mii,, Muli official*. It ssh.. I boil gill pas -iii'., thu ti,.- tidna, which urr.r,*,i here from lloni K,,ng and VskobBBBs earl* ti,i- BMndag. mici brln: anni* ness-, of Hie PMHBg; I,ni nba i-pnr: . timi sbC *avv untiling ol tn- missing steamer .md Mal .si.- spate in other vr?s.'| wiii ii bad Bighted Ibe Peking. The lattei Bessel la Bo? Hgbl dav- overdue, ami lt i* probal,lu tim Um Pacific Mun ?,rm .als 'sin semi another steamer li ..-..nh of her svliiiin a dav or ivv... ARCRRIRROP FEED iv SERIOUSLY ILL Chlcaju. Keb. t -Arc'iM-hop Fcehan 1ms l?"-n him dangerously III .it iii* Anhlepiscopal rwkdeace, li |ute-sl., for two wc-elis or iitoie. ii.- IBncsa bat larva taowa t,, only a fesv ajuatbsra of his bouaebob ann (sn. nf tn.- artesia ut tte Caltedral pariah n-ttorl until tLe lnttor pan ni Issi weak, ss inn hi* brother. Ur I", eium a prominent pbyatdaa al st. Louts, ss j, wm moned io tte badatdi of n,e ArcbMsbop, Tw iroabb .-r^ss om ..I a Ktrarti told, aggravate*.! hy stoimu.1 fillin*iit. lue -rl*is i% now bVllsvesI io bare \,ee\ passe*], lbs oal] danger Irared hiing tbat aiding fi?u a p.,s-.'',|e l.lap-e. KX TER ABC BER ll) ATT III Nurvsull*:, *;,,tin.. l',li. i.-.i.i,i,.. \v. Hyatt, inn.* ?mies 'IT".',surer during Ihe I l-v-land Aduili,|.itat|?n ll.-* s-rin .sly iii Bl Ms home lu \v,*; uv... For severs in,mills Mr. 11vrarr has U-eii ii cr, at Bufferer trott uout and lie has been nllniWe.l sslih u bad form of toiiTIHI iud u severe ,old. V--i-rilav Mr llvuli was vsur* ' u,l, ll" had I.e. n for ll SV'eeli li. lure, hilt lo nlu-lii III -ymploins BbOW au linpnis enieut in I I-; < (.million I neuiui,ulii w*s feared, hut the unending plivslrlai il,, Ufa*-, th- Oaiiiier lins nosy p..*.*.-1. TIIK RAPID TRANSIT MUDDLE. C IMMISS10NER8 Al.!' HAKMONIOfS. We Mayor aid Ibal he ss?s opposed t,< thi. nnd some otter provisions af tte Fartiahar MB. lld rc ferrel pam,', i.ulv to Ibe ..tlon of Hie lull which Will prevent supervision "i mblerreuoun work "f cob* itrnctlon by Uk i Hy autborlUe . I Insisted,'1 tba Mayor said, ssl,eu Hie present Hup,I I: ui'sit ar; wu-, passed, on Iii- In., iii in ut .1 pl.uing nil sttiTi work under Hie supervision nf H., Kepaltin,nt .f Public Work-,. There may be se.tlnii* in Mle Fsrqubar Bteasure to which l would objecl I have not scon u copy <if Ibo Mil. and all I know about lt 1 i'*ve learaed from ibo newspapers. I siiait n .1 hesllale lo express my tiewt when I um In possession of ihe necc**art farts." TO REE AK VP attacks of coldi, chills, fevers, rheumatism, neuralgia, and kindred derangements result? ing from sever* exposure, there's nothing io valust.le as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel let* No household should le without them, to meet just su<-h crjacrgenc'.es. These little Pellets ar* tiny, sugar-coated things that ?v ,?"_, ery child ia mady for. They J*) keep the whole syitem r<_ju a\W "*?_?_?? ln>'< ,n ft perfectly natural wav They're a compound of refined and concentrated vegetable ex? tract*, put tip in glass viii*, always fresh and r<*hulile; a bundy ami perfect vest-poi'Let minedv. If tbov don't give satisfaction, in ovary cease, your money will bo returned. Hometime when von aro suffering from Catarrh, think of the thousands of hopeless .use* which must have ben cured by Doctor Hage'*. I 'atarrh Ucmedy, lief ore ita proprietors oml.1 1*. willing to say, as thoydo: "For any case of Calarrh, no matter how had. which wa c&aiiot cure, we'll pajr 1500 cash.'* OTIIEB PEOPLE A r.i: NOT. TnOCOH?DEFENDING THE MANHATTAN HOAD. John ii. Inman, Saanvl BpeBeer nn<* P?fsr.e i. I;,;-:??. ?: me RapW Tran-ll l'ommls?lon, -*>? >?* "ob -'.ii'iitao t'-:.p yeaterday together IB golns ocr thc yeneral hui Hon ol plsni looking to lmm-*diate rettef ?,:, igti imptovsd facilities, lo te ]roTd"il by exteB Hom granted ?? the i-f - t' eleveted rai:, ad lyilem '_'.?... , ..;.., I-|| ?..??. viv they ar- r.Ot Iii tho lots' a .: ur bed iv tnt Farquhsi MH. Mr. .Timm frinkli ..:,*. >,.? -,i.,v; ??-., ;nr tl I in (, ll in" poop;, warn ?'. legislate _? tal al atlee I sat perfectly ready to ap, j am sur? I luis-- 'Hod to do my lint.-. Foi '.wt rears the member* ol tb? commission nave hn.-i pinrig 'tn lr timi lu tte public Interest, and have irorked t.nsct*finou-ly wubin ihe lermi ol tte law. ; an, purt'.i Dial I) i li Mtv u*.' sdded Mr. Itiinan lo the ii'T-.:., reporter, "lbs! if you -av anything as coming f: m me. you ahall -av tim' tha sctloBs ol Ihe foin ml**lonera luise bean tarunmlous Ib noir results. il:.:, have I.i i'l*( tl.-lotls In ll." (?otu*" Ol our deliberation! in wi,nu. lor tv lime beBtf, all have noi agreed. nut no g?,d resuUs sr.? achieved sit hou I in-nil,un iii iu-i?i,. Hera sre live men iu ihi. commission, ra?k possessed of positive , I ar.,, li-ri-tii -. Bach Im* bli Individual views t,, advance und support. Every man who 1.1, brains may te ? x p.. r. il to lave individual views ? ?? I . he will press as fur as possible, Bul In the , .:-- ol Ute dcllberallona of Hus eomaUssloii lhere, has never been nny serious div. rgime- of s;,ss-. vv,. las.- ii, huted questions for aa h"'ir or moro ss,ti.,ui , ming to bb ngrreutent, bat on nil point* '?'..? have reseted an aa*-*cemenl al last; and li I. not Hue, bi i have se. n ll asserted, that lhere have been Berton's conflicts of opinion between tho (oiiimi..i,,iioi.. Dur (inni wneluMoni have always i.i,..nlim ti-Iv reached, and I think fact 'botiM te made to appear In fte pabNc |ireas wWeb la given *,> liberal criticisms lo all Ibal wo lave ,,?, ompllatad or tried t < do." Mr. Ii.limn said I Iso that thc < otnml- iota ??- wt*re devoting ttemieivss to a aolallon of Ike prow.m af prosuiiii- f. i iiniii.iiia'e relief In Bbq matter af rapid iran lt. Us though, itel wltblu a week sosa* amend menl In tho m-ttor of tern.-, aud plan* would te itibmttted by tba CWnmHslonerl lo tte Manbatian Extension f'ommlttee, whereby ? iieheme for ti\? early reullzalloB of improved rapid Iranstl wouM te ootUncd, A friend of th" Manhattan Company, and ono vslu. is familiar with t.aerations of that road, ipnta ,me fervency yesterday with re'peel la tte .nil,! in which hara Mien upoa lb* Catnmlastoners and their apparent relations with tho Manhattan rompany. Mr. Inman, lu lils Interview, declared Ibal be bad nol a dollar's Interest lu Hie Manhattan I'ompaii'. lock oi bonds. Hie friend now sjuoted cannol te io classed. He spoke, tewever, vviih feel lng again*! ibe orltletsmi la which thc argaBstalsaa las reoenlly teen subjected. Ile advanced the theory Hi-it tho present demand was for ImmedUte improved rapid transit facUlUes, Tho-". Le continued, could ot,ls be lupplled by extensloni >,r added privilege. 10 tte Manhattan Company. Ile admitted, with much landor, ihai Ihe Manhattan Ballway itt-elf and all 11 . (tension . now rslsltng nr lo he acquired, would prove only a temporary expedient. Hu maintained. however, ibal lt waa lougbl now only to relieve tho st.,tn- ,,f 'j. present, and lo tru't to Hmo to supply other expedients sud methods, Boam motive power. te added, mi.'l.t ta dos is,, l which would rovolti llonlte tte entire lystem within u brief period. Mew-Yorken had only le look backward over a porind of lifiv year sod compare the tocal transportation fa. Hide, ol that ste with those of tte present to rorm -,iii'' Mea af whit the future was likely lo pro s Me or demand. Ile felt that JuiUee was n<"t done ritter t" tte Manhattan ' nipan] or to Hie RapM ' Commie skm iu Hu <n -. n--lim. non going an la tte public pre ... rh* elevali I i illroads, te aaM, ss er- au asUUng ind in pproved mean* "i transportation. An) otter -sst ?, ss,.,,!), in ihe lir-t p'lo ,?. require tte tupper! of van rapHal t,.ir- Us perfeeUon, and many ...ii. would neCM m.iv te required to Insure Hs roi iruction and complsUon. Por two yin,*, tte pre . ? Commissioner* had hoon sedulously nnd con u ly 'i,s,'.^ t,, d'.is., aomo pracUcable under ground plan. 'Hov had BUM mid their tim- had sub taiiUsli) wasted. Ai business mon of in tegrllj and common seu-c, th,, iud turned, in ie I-.'. ?? to ibe demand* of (be people, t., ihe eaMesI and u..,.i prompt melh d "f inpplylng the dorlrloucv. i .I, ", no ss,,-, except tinougii tte extension of lb. M.,!.I,.,;,un system. rte Mauhaitan Company was crlUclsed becanse I! ara* unwilling to expend millions of dollars for tte i ? -vt. ii ion* ind ,>:,ls t,>;.',' B uiu.vltuutii Bile of 5 "'iii- tot a continuous ride .,f sixteen miles. l'l,.lupins, the speaker aald, , mid nol, with pr tit |" .'-I.' un the la-is ,,r authentic calculation, afford lu >i" H. There s,.is no parallel In railway hist orv, be -nd, lo ibm ,,f Hie Manhattan Company, In the mailer rf iiuuil.ei. of person* nirrl'd. uni tte In ll !'? dial limul,", ,.( people injured, tull yet the I -'ii,' nt '?':,* ,,,i:-taiitls I-,-isi,,.',,?:* if fnen the I ul..I, Slid Ul" p:--- I." ri-e under existing ? IU Ulliuii* ll Hillel] h> lass lt , .,,,1,1 n?i Blore "Np,lilli.,u-Iv or fiunprt lu-nslvely transport its willing patrons. ii... iiuuii ul ih- I'uuipam pointed to the *i ?' o| tte ??leveled ?ystein in public laser ss'un ii ss;,s . ;., tn tte seventies, ss hilt it a in t .arly nineties arith a tratV of 750,000 per ,,i a -liv it was (ailing into disrepute because, wt,le nperaUng nuder really primitive conditions ?*, far BS grunted futilities were , ,,n, erne I, lt ssh. havel I". I's nilli, t possie I,, attempting lu (lo whal tift-rli year* agu s. mid lias.- been legarded ss ImpiMslbli' of .., mn pi shim ul ihi* friend of tte Manhattan font pan* h. p.,I.- lain." * In the minter >>f pul,lie senti? ment on the luhjeri. ihe problem after all was lo tie solved on a hu-ino** best*, univ so many people could te carried on a train ut u minimum of road Ihe u of malnienanee "f .eay isa* Constantly pios.-iit atti Involved granter expense limn the public reallied. Tbe elevated lyetem, ho igld, sins for the Hu,- being hen. lt . t.ul.l not i,* removed until something wu. provided to take lt* place. A cold in UM on appointer] for the potpoae, nftor two rear* nf service, had oiror,*d a plan which was ahown t,, be limn.,, tl* ii,ie. , onhi anybody, lhere!,,io. suggest nus plan calculated lo supply the Immediate relief de? manded e\, opt through the medlumihlp ,,t extension* ,,r ihe precut eic vated system 1 Ol'POr-IKG TIIE FARQUHAR HILL v HE.. i nr. nt Bs BEEB, or Tin: Tts ni PaBTMCNT. I'^OTI'TT-* hOklMtft THK. FXI_;vi'.'. TION i i.vrsr Mayor Ollroy received a hiter fr,,:u I'r,shiont Bar? ker, <-i ibe rax Department, yc&lerday, entering Mi protest again*! ibe p, lon ,,i ibe farquhar Itapld ir.,,, lt nm, ss ni,., exempts rr-,m taxation any corpu raliolu tunned nuder Hie act for one y-ui alter tte rniissus t...eli,* Bperallon. Mr. Barker wrote lhal tterc ss. I- ali. ,,iv loo nuiiiv corporations nnd a-.o, laiimis exempt",I I,oin taxation, .Wblok had tte "IT", t of lu oreaslng the amount which Ibe Tax Hoard ssa* cuni pell,si tn assess a,,,! levy on 11.?- muni taxpayers. He ImTitsed the t,, ll,, wing Minim irised lUteutcflt "f re;il ??.int- exempted from taxaUon lu this ,iiy: lits- prt,|K"rtv .rio! 'AA 470 i nit. .1 --'a,. . properly . is *,,.( i ,?, ?.'hue h |,ni|,eri) V.el. s., ,_,. 1>r,,_,f , I ., ShortBreath Chest-Pains palpitation.-.veale and iota ?ung*, -leurisy, c h i co.ds. asthtaa and bron. chir." relieved in Ovi ,__^ /MiMTF. hy the C-Tict'lu olTTaT , .AV"-1,A1N *UflIB. ,h, first and onlv instantaneous pain-WW ctren_-thcninR plaster, l-'or weak, painful kid ney*, hack ache, uterine pain* and weakness it il simply wonderful. It-;/,),/.-,; the nervous forces, and hence is unrivalled for nervous pains, weakness, numbness, and Mi-nW Beyond qaention thesurrit,?iev Iwe,.e ,? ~ belt plaiter in the world. na Price: apel fire, ft oo. At all dr-t-jKUtaor bv -n>u gems Dat-a ano Choi. Coar.. BoW * ^l Solid Silver. Now ideas nnil designi are l,<-j__ '?instantly added to our oeleoratijd itu; of Sterling ware. It merits and .-lijoys au Intel-national reputation. Reed & Barton, -II.VKK-.MITII**, 37 Inion Square, \,Y, ?K COXSOL11) A I lOX TA 1. EEO OF, rUB MVMI.ViTAN ANI) .\ HW-VUKU '*?fogg, CLUBS -May Jijix ior.iT;.s. lt wa. aarjeaicd v.tains- ti,.,, f:,,. liW:iAr% H few.Terh mi) MmteUaa Athletic elabe ,?.,i,. i*. ^J*4 djut- I liv .o,.-?ii,!.,tioi,. Maay Beatle ?i,0n,,, m JS ,i think the Idea a? sxeelleol ot,,, but Bke*bM mmZ rill come .,1 lt i. a. vt un:, non.,. 'Thi *itu*-1on u ?i-t tin.." ,a.d a ss til-1,:,,,., ii Tub-uan tn t Tnbane ? Biter last evento*. "Tte N'< ar.Tevh Ataietk ClabafiZ nore room, and neel* it luiiuediat. V The IsaabsBte I tthietle cniniiim-r is Mrse r-neufh tat both data ?hs (Unbutton Club st In debt, but 1 think that lt bitten! Ma i- steeled tte Manhattan* ss??;d bl ab> to Vi,t'% inch lu th-' | iijti-1 as tte N'ss-Voiii, areola*. Tito, wits a Bea-tSmblB of 1,000 ssc ss??U n*sc a ^^ maaaaamml ind tte finest atbletle elubboasB la me ss,?-n."' When B?e rneasb. rs <.r the Msabatti,, *.M*?tM nm, ??_ MM la.t nlirht Itey f,il tint tte Ml . ,f a CSB-_BBBBS| va. a poid nu**. Out thev did not cue t.i , ?p rm ________ t.'IVf. too fe,-ly ul*,,:'. IBS i, ait-t. ll,,. SBBBHB at Bi* lon said Itel tte* i,..l Beard or audi j stssasUIMa, but lid n?t kaaw Brtether BajrUtlat watti essm ?i it 0r uol a. <>. Mills, of ate Xew.YsvB AtMenc club, -aiiua* ,ti- ?,ip.s"8tioii wa* a uaw aaa ?'< nun, and u.v. he an 'nt think Stteb s s-h^me ss,i.,li bs ,ani?d nut, _,_. villi* auld that notlilnir vsa* l<Minr d.,i,e at pt"Mtit about bs urepased bow tem ol tte Ne-r-TerB Athi-uc Uub il I'ui.s-niiit.h-.t., ani BiBtb-ave, Tte ii",n,o<!.-?iiii> of ta* I'll* lias about rs ached lt.* and MSN !_*Kl?t4 luartere are neides. In spit.* ol the riii-rfni ss, rds al Andr-"*- Fr-dtna-, Me icelvtr, U)eri" ha* ten a fesHag of (.loom in tut Manhattan ll,it. lions,- d,irina; tte la.t few days. Bj, Freedman baa derided u, eurtall sspBBSSl as far ts poaa Ma, and ninny nf th<- Sfl*_naa hus.. bSOB diichitrgt*! ten. |i.,r-rils'. These lucina.- I)..milli, ic McCstlSJ. the bo ii bj mstru, tor, at,d Jain"'. ItabiBsan, tho oM.-ti' trainer. Jtr. PraedaMB aaid Bum icnenchaMaM ssore berne trade sin 'die Iinji! nf savin), moii'-y f.,r Hie c.,lb TViubtr* mi Ui? ttt tuon. in rase tte tiubteuse i* otercd ot au noa, it ta mit thut Bm Vanderbilt luteresu nay anrehase Uie propett*', COI.. TBOMP80X EXE JV OE XO BP. IMS? HO o ivM"\ to BRIBE coxnr.r'ss-iii' answeav" Till'. ITM'.X'TI C "VrTlvViKNi'S QL'tUIEb. IndUaapolls, Pcb. i.?In sa autbeetsed Interview ?lili th" Terre llaute i-orrespondenl of "Tte !n__ Bpollfl Nf is,-' i'. i mel r, \v. Ttempson, r\-l*r.slieatof iii" Aamrlcan Psnanm Compaay, (ave a d<"aiH m. rouol of tte operatloBs ot tbe roataen** and tte e_rw ,f l.rltery a^.iins' lt. BegardlaB tte latter he nli'. ?I lu,ow BOtblBf Ol tte bribers- of anv < onrrwsmiD,, Idg or lltUo. ntnl know of BO BBa_a|aa__ or r*is,n srfiy my CtmgrrassjanB iboald have beea briu-d. Th? r? aeri af iu* eommlttee svjs bbibIbbbbi on toe subj.."!, with tte exception of CoBgrmMia Ue.ijamin wibo^ ?f Weal Vlr?.Til:i. wi,, nindi' a nitr.nrltv r*port." Colonel T:,,mpsan sui I li- could not testlfr to tbe itatemenl af lie i.e.. ps ital i_.<k>).o ?. fr.mi-s iud isti, exp'-nd.-i bv the Aaserieaa i aafaay. lae bcv,iM, lie tteught, were bow in BoiuMiBlaB si I iisrL'i Colac, of lirooUya. Ile steuld in*l-t ti,.it inln^ be muu non.d arith tbe I. tooti and papers before tbe committee. coiou.-i Thompwou said lhere ssa. sot i rem ni bbbbsj tu it actually paiatd tbrongb tte tends "' tteAmnnma ,,, nulli:.,-. A system "f fliechi was u-d. He lilts* -??ir tad votuatsrtly reda ^i Ms own mlary from ?i, i*)u to flSjOOO. ItesjardlBR tte stateinent tbat a Pren N cmailttee ?il .t,,,u:,,.idf.-> intiif over to n,i* reunirj snl iub iitlii.-l n list o| i|u."sii,,:i.s' to Colonel TbomBsea ar ? vaia ertdeavor lo tind eui h",tv tte A_n*rb*aa monet wiis ipent, Colonel TTbontnoou aatd itel stem the tel Bf -Ktal.'r Bf Ili-.t part ol *tov*s*ater te ro.-elved s series ol fourteen auestlons tbrousti tte Consd. Tue'' related to ite unrrlw.f the l*aua*uu Itallrodd. nrnsl lli?> IT'ticlitii'ti ?>"."in,'il lo t'.lnli ss i- made ll "tl _? IniViiir.uit prlf. t',.|,,i,,d Ttionin-ain siwwered tiie ,; . ';,,'- Ililli. Ile declined lo glva." Item Out I0T pilbil, al,,)li. BX-SBCMTARV HIOMFfON AMCKO TO TESTIFY. ITasblBBtOB. i'eb. l.-Tiie I'anama und fr irk M*U tslisclal lnvcstlga'Tng ComaalltOS ui.'t IO?SJ for edi aultatlnt) a* to the pinn of conducting Hie propose! Inquiry. n was decid.d t<> tels gnat* <*x--**creury riiiitnpsvn. if IndBtna, to b.- present a. Hie first sit aess. He will in* iii-iici an Jataiinr, or amrter li lie can fxi lier,' tefore thal time. Aftarward ttit? con Btttteo will t" to N.-v Vorlt. .t I IS AST ROCS TIRI AT I ITT LE FALLS. I'tlftS, N V , I'i'l'. l.-Tlie ino*t dbastrous fire thai lias vislt.*t tittle Koli-. *ln,e 1SUJ occurrad tbere tide ?norning hetwoen i a'dacB and daylfM. it *tart?i in the rear of a ii.|in.r sbup awned l,y J. C. lon-vav-, nnd i*itiad t,, h anaabef ?,f bntMlats sdjetmaf, ihlsti iit.ti'i. mid biisin.s. places. Tte Bra departsmat **??> not n!,l,' to cpo a llb Hie tire :iud iis-tstance sm asked trow HerUmer and l.'tica, bstli el wfelch pisv*? rvaponded, but before tte comUned dre ilc|,ur?iiiei.ii controUed the Bre ta ails pdOC.OOO daUMCs ssa-, don*. lt i* ,*.["?> tf,i thr in-u, tn, >? ,,ii tin burned pr';iorty vs ill BBtfcefste iMj.ishi, tut nias not r-.i'ii Uiat ii*-"-*. AaO.TO TBS ATRLRXRS. Tte IBMIIBI Athletl"' I'm,,n ntl, i BBBUSlly BBW I"* bbb! Medals as -Hires M Mtsldusl .titiatio duruuj tia* rest, Tb.sansci la rh*rj-o nf ih" saraids t**u?d ? , it,,,lat a i,.ni,ti. sf) *ti|Milal!n( thai claims tor tit* tnedali sh.',lld be tam t.> Um .?oaiailtteo befsrs Jaauar' ::.'j lt. res|asa*i io lid* elrcuUr m.Iv tl.rt- anea, ES, W. list, 1-'. (.'. Pater and B. l.iebi'.tld, liavr a'1.01 fur thslr SI,.!??? uf '.I, . l?,|,0"i. Secretary J. i BulBvaa, ?( Bm amateur Athletic iTiiitii. has ia, as. ii . .,,, 'i. i ni, ..t ion fit,in Chaffes T. WHklBs, nf th" Cemial .v-s,,, laMen, siafing that bbs On , ,jo a? hi-*ii? Usarlitins al beea rteesed t" st e*bere_i in tho ..eui:al assBelBSBM*. Xrtl* I* part of lil" aere* tra'tit tint sa., .'iit.'i'd inn. ssl, n a >i BastidUsI ft* te* tia. , itv. |; sn. absolutely sees Ainerti'i.ti AnHi',,,it UnwllBJ lt ssa. d?','i b^iiin olio Baal MBiaaaaeat on MstRdsy, "?'"bria... Cul,* must h'-uJ ,.ii rn bsfore february 17 a lbs) of aM t,on- IB tr I'Olistiltit- inri sud .ut,-',"' I Hasrltall mn, mm in tu think Hut llulfa'.o sronld I?*l it bette, .Uv Kn the I.ramie thar. I.u>il*vil!e. A ino. tma Will be hold mst WBSB mid a:, effort bs made to *?Ulc the trouble )|i the Amateur bbBbSBbII Loaf'??? Tho Kew-iereay Atbletk Club ssant* all -ame* IQ aa-tt StatihO|K) pliisid for thc -talon Island BshlCttl Club SBSSSSJ nut If Un* ls done tue Bew4eree? Athletic Club will __St Uie .hamiilufiship aud the Sutra fslaad AiDI'tt" a*6 ss lil rm'^n. _^ Mas* raentte .ours^a have beea mossured tatclr. ita hessv ke Bllo?*ed Bceuratd Mm'srsmaali to ne maJi. law *es?ral rc* BM Bholy t" os Iteawn out In COBrt quen.e. Tte l'_-ak Ulva* ?*??-*. '?" SSnasald, hal bee" mseevored rn te i.t ten -team, U"? seasiee h** tBB} found too lonp. ^^ i'uiiosver* a pafflltssa aro leaBlai test-aid art* *-"c'c_ la uio bao..? losaraaaseM io se i.*'.J el me Ceaejr MBJ" Ati.i.'tic CMb sa Meadai Blfte. Tue sssrtSSts --Ul ? bttweea Marnbi and Ori_a bb! Repa -?i Isieas*. RI101.E. TIIE MUREERRR, OBtB -? STAT A .uir nf rx.,,.tann In '.Bm * rred.rKk IV^tiit. who ssa. t? ban teea ssecstei scsi Ms?da? for "J iimrdfr ot Cat.U'u l*o>il*i>n. in BeW-TaiB OMS, w? ?** Ml Warton ll.ossn. of BlBg Mag. y. *t. r.lav. Tte OT wa, abmmed sa Pet easter td. ste te tawm resesa ** asl s,-v,d until Te-urdry by Dl-irict-Attntiicy sTUp. THI PAl-lFif ??'xri.i>s of the PennsylviBla tollreod Mves f-^}*l\?Lal p. m. every ia] nnd ari iv cs ut tliitiu-o 0.... UH ? . un > rnius