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"^kkisg FOR REPEAL. NESIS OF sII.vki: ENCOUBAGED BY 01 ' doh DICKINSON'S VISIT. -urtr COXF1DEXCE IS NOT CHARED ET jrrr Til'-* si v\Y HOUSE DEMOCItATB. Ibt Triif-RArii TO Tin: TBIBCBC.] -a_ajBB***?< I",>' ? -I"** l'"-ttn:i.l.r-l..*nr*rrtI Don k(n_r,n sn? in WushinRion today In consnltatloo _ !itvsii,'r Cr\ p, **enal >r Carlisle and otbei Detno* am\\mMMoM* i" regard io Ibe prospects of let-latbm the repeal ?' ?'"' Slhvl ?'"r(l':'*'' ?*?? ll K >i"'l'f ?* mg* Ur Impw.wcd upon nil al them ibe para _uiasllj f'n'" a D'niDii-itic lUndpolnl ,.! ____ sari btfiratlTrB telare tb" ne.v Admlalstra. ***' r? in?<. power. Mr. DtchlOSOn*8 vnii appcai-rd ", aaSssTC IH" DeBBOCiml k inIs.nat,- of th." Andrsvv L|i m.' Uotase ss ii ti n.vv hope und cnnrage, nnd !#rerilt,f ,!""' '":" '? KR*** lts l>il"";l?" :1* Bmiu*e*, ^n'tir ree_sS>nt ? wai not shared by a "arse number !T|Bammiat i;,|)ir-nti,ti",'s. wm toninilltco on Kt.lcs I. to i.o'.d a nteetlBI |0> ?,,. Bernini ta decide apon me form <,f tbe ' paorRtt letting Bps*. Pebrnary '.? nnd IO for t"i* iSfanaa rd ti..- Anti -Hv, i- UH There i* no ?^^inr timi ih-' eeter a. recited l.v tbat r-oea ^m -rill Include ii provl-don i.n riming debate mid * M-n Hie llou?(* lo u vnif on the bill and ninon,I ?ult s spSclBed hour on Febrnnry in, bs Ike .-as-Uh*" rcaolBtloB provide, if tte friend. , ty toll ure strong enough. Itel ss ill vole down Ihe ^m for Hi" previous question 'in Ibe repotl or tte ? MBtttec nu Hui.1*, mid then move a closure amend* -.Pt and d< inand the previous queatloa ttersan, yany of Hi"" sppear to bc cntid.nt Hint they ?iU te *ii..*>(" euonph i? carr*1 om their iwogianime. _^?t expeit Itel Hie Repaahttenns will aapperl ilio il-siirr |_enahnen1 tn ?>rdc:- io pr. -"rre iii.-ir ion -**mmry, snd t^it a kami many DentocraH win do ., m -espon-e tii Tbe appeals mid doma,iris of Messrs, Mllsrl. Q''*1"r- WcMbsob, CBrBsle, Cockran nnd ntuer pemorrit*. wba aro reapnaled as iii- din- t personal vpreseuti'ive- of Hr. t levelrind on ibis subject. In nrtrr io do ttii*. Delia.rats, of eosurse, -rill bo forced rn csst their ansi convictions to Hie wind*. Thal lime ef th<-m still d > tlias, is altogether probable. .,1eT want offiia*. for themselves or their Mends under th* lBcO? In? AdtiTiii-ll'-lllol). and lt ls well understood tnt all ff "i*"1 bare been lavored ? itli **a -.tral_lit ll** Hist lte*J Will nmr their owa future pros-poet*, I-; troll Bl IhOSC of their friends, uni"., thev Miall ........t aud da <ll Ihey can t>. minify Mr. Cleveland's ?'ii:* d.-*nc lu HU" rvpn*1. It ls ex pw te<t il,nt HepubBcao representatives, r?ii>nilly vsiil mpport Hie closure nmcinlnient If lt 'mu sv ..ifored. sud several of them today were U-liucd t? '.inii. Uml ii might be adopted. ? 101 A ri.KMANKM CENSUS BUREAU. ItlMfnECOMMEXDED rv TUE HOl'SE BTEC1 Kl. C0MM1TT1 li. W'ashir)'rtr*n. Feb. 1.?Cbalnnan Wilcox, of ih<* i'om Oii!'** on Ihe Eleventh len-u*. today teptSTted lo tae Hence on th" rr-clution lo in,miro ns to iii.- e-. p-dienry of trio erlahllstimeal of a p.Tintnient census uui'-au. Thc report states that beni inp* wert bad I lamiitee ea this subject, and testimony wa* heard from mbsm experts, all of whom recneainended tbe esliblWinieiit Of a pt I Bm Bt Bl bureau, li wa* rttOfn that Hie vvorlt . onid be dour willi more accurm y iM Sfrmeay thea nudes- ile decennial svstetu. In vl?w of Ihi ts t!,e i'ouinilit.-e reported) favorably Rm/t the piopr.siton. and siiHniitte-rt to Ibe House for a Mil providing for a pern,anent bureau. The bill allow* it Mperlatendent, chief clerk, dis MirsiiiR officer and five expert chiefs of divisions, io*'?tber with in office fore, tile afp*rgBte etsi of shlcb, it ls estimated, will not exceed ICOO.000 nu raslly. Tho entire f. ice _ to le piuctMl under civil miv tie rules. The ni.i.xliuutn Bamber of supervisors t* Increased from IT", to Tia*, lt reduce*. Hie size (?f enumrraiinn districts, and places ibo Bnal decision as tn tho.* di* i rb:* in Hie band., ol Hie enperlnlendent ef cen*us, win, ls int likely to I.e l,l.i**.-d by local t'->i,-id?raiio<is. Tue OOmpetMMIon Of cnn mela tors is i .a' ,:*4 lioin a p"t' ciipit.i al*nwa*pce t<. s per ' ol to, and In sparsely s'tiled di.irids a Mfbcc ral", not to excrod 6', t-peclal BfMU arc made amen stile to ih* penalty prescribed for mnklng fal*" re> lurns, as well *, enameralora hikI supervisors. Tte in! contains a prov|-4on for conilnuluf tb,- farms, hasse and moitcai;,-, lnve*itl*-ntloii authorised by .-ti of lebruais a, i->i?o. There are also a Bamber of minor etan,,', ? wblcti lase tio..n sugBvsted bv tte rjfmrlmtt ot she eleventh eensus, wotcfa vtmpllfy tAe wnrl: and Increase the raine of the result ob ulncd, - *. a MCutaAOmo TOLL of the SENATE. Wisii|n(-is>n. Keb. 1.?The Uepubllc-an m'-mliers of Hs) eenaie, under the direction of Mr. slieruinn. hnve Just rornpletc-d a pftl! of ihe ScnaU* on the proposed repeal of the Sherman Silver act of lB'.'O. The poll *ss a.ade bv Beaateri <Tianciler and Dixon, and lt la a?d that thu i"* ult ls not at ali satisfactory to those "u*o liavo locked forwsid tn tho possible rei>eal of loe Mi Acmc?r<llnf- to rommon repent, these nena inri hsv? discovered thal there tire only about eliot members on the /Jomocraiir 6lde Who can he Opendel upon to vote'for the repeal, and that the ir.*uli la even mme cliMoiirairinic on the Repabttcan ?We. The,,, hi-o m.nie Senators. a"id In this class Br. Ilait 1. placed, who tire In favor of Or who WOttM st-te for tba repeal if tho measure came to a vote, lii-t vrl.o will not vote lo brine Ibe matter under BBmateration. It 1* also understood thnt lhere ls a maj..)it-, of .even or eijtht on ti,- Republcan elde "' ibe Chamber Bgalnsl brineinr ih?- ueautre io a vote. HAXAOESfj want DUTIES REl'l'XDED. sTaiblBflon, Teh. l.?A number of appllcatiOBi by abm Ult al and operatic aMaapers have teen received hr Hie Ti**;,.iirv PippiIBBIBl for h ff,uni of duties raid by them on c'tiinie. of their companies upon c**try to the L'nited .-tate*. These applknttohe are based upon H,e decision bv Hie I niteit btntee Circuit <"omt o.' Appeals In vshat ls hnOWn ns Hie. AgB**1 HuntlnKli.ll ewe. in thia ease Hie conn dedded thal theatrical loitumes Proiicht from abroad with the members ol i theatrical company were fred of duty as tools ,,! trade, in ail whees thu nuts- on Mach cnstnmw **a paid i.n.iei pr dmd* und n.e other requlrementi ff U.? Trca'iiiy lirpatimmi were compiled with, the V-vrttcsi. wm be cntliled lo a refund cf dulles. INTf.r.vTATF. CONMEICa AMENDMENT-. w'ashlnjton, let.. I.?Tte Senam committee on In teMate Commerce, althone*! it had previously rn purtrti ma ii,.",... I,,u .\?. |0,lt;:;, to amend tte Inter "l?l? OimBlSKS a", today heard Vf. J. Sess.-ll, ,,: tbe I'ermsyivanl.i "tallroad Conipinv. who linnie au "??Sutneiu tn favor af -niklnt- cut the second <-ccti,,!i a the Ul*. The commune, de, rici -o il rite ant Hie "dire mellon. lt rct"ulnted tuc liaiisportalion ol 1'ided cam iendei.*| by one line lo anoiher and lin chirget to be for "muling :HU rla-s of freight Tti? eontmittee 8i.o reported with emendment tte House bill piovldme {or tte public Inspection -if lutlil* *>'"'. but added an iimendment which provides Hui ""l*le* of -,_,_, s, |,*rti,i0,, toiins. far.*, cte, shall M leeaervtd as records by th* Interstate Cenvmerce '"om "ince. n,,,, slmn rw priam fa'le evidence in all in ?ettigatlons _,nd ji-dl* I-* 1 pitrnejilats. It furttei b*fblm t;.ai roplee simii be is.-pt on Ble of al JJtemm aud acreeBftenls between common rnrrlei ?l ?Uti-n, ., ubles and linures. and Hui (??illllcc ?fjhl ol the ililli" shall bc leasable: us . vld.nie. DIM! ->i.\,, FKEE A ET. ""shh, j mn, Feb. 1.?Tbe House Com ml I tee on '?J* ind Mean, this mornlnc de.ided lo rcpori __f*ai a bill for Hie admls-lon free of duty ol *r*r'ngs on worKi, the worb of American anlst Z***** ''ibioHrt. bul '? motion Ol .'slr- Co. luau, ol ????York, lt wa. d,, lied io hold BMMba Baeetfol *" klBrday nnd io reconsider Hie bill, in artei ja h nins te en-id,!, <i in roniieciloti xx ii ii a Frc SJ bill. The l'ree An bill wa* eahed up bv Mr M**is-j, _,.<i du,N.erj. hut li oA'.o'k anlvtT b' foti ?B_B could be bad OB it. AniztiNA wjLl. HAVE A CHANCE, "^biDgton. Keb. 1.?Tbe RepnbllcaB grimlorlal 2*J -hh mouin,).' dcddxi to pat tte Territory ?> Oki1'.'"4 * ""' *:"'" ?"'"?"?: "'"' ,|le Territories Ol -"?acuna, Stn Jdexlce and I tali, wl.icli. xl a p.evb.ii' 3__ Ulfy decided to admit lo Ihe finon. ih-K NOTHING LIKES.S.S. (J'''11' speclBe is totally unllKe any oth-r blood ir. di ___ ' -' *Uf,? di- asea ri tte b noi und br rea st Ull,.' ,X"M'"' *"d ?? "'' SSBJm I-If suppl,.* cood bleot ?bi.'s ,,"M*'' *'a"* fbm't be trr.po?ea on br sutetitutes are ^.w ,? __, JUH as f-0-. Jt (> 10t (r)ie Nl cute., 'n U,c w<"'a '"s i"*'*.*-*d ?s "'-"?>? woudertu ?as or re|>vtl N p ,j( h vlrtri.;n| ny *?k i "" ti,(l!v ^,'lK0?iC*, Is-t rear, which vu *our,? , *y*l''a, ?"1 "f "rdf|-dl?ea. d and s mi,.tan van botti*""'r'n? "? *i''"'Ut** snd no eniovment of life M no J , ' "f s ?**? S. bi-taisht me rtfbl ont. Ther, kayttvn o ' W*** * h00d di**,,,c WW OAVMI ^^-Mte on Blood sud Skin Dl?eav*? milled free. ?W1FT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. Oa ZrZtZS* ****? ***** ?-*?*. had been nf Muli,.. T *M a(M,m'" ??? bur-l^n "ho v i, SL_T_Jf,?_U<"' r,,r ""?'" ?? *-''""~ H,.n1i.:11!e,:i^1^,;;;'-('n|^'u--.v.fa,,d ,.?? ?... ?ta u^^^y'vVearhed1:>o -* a',v;,n<^ -m. jiu; sundry civil bill ITEH1 ron rivex am) iiAiiuon imit.ovlmknt %GREED TO PT TH! HOl.-i.. Washington, Feb. 1.-1,, ,!,.. House t0-iar ibe jj, iu-.*l.,u ol the Sundry (ivil hill ssas continued. The pending question wa* un the Jurtadlctlonai pom. of enter raised by Butler aplnil tte river end bartel ?tims ol tb,* un. Mr. Outbwalic anrued In a..,.non of tte polnl of order, lie charge! extra*nguiu??? against Ute ("ommlUee on Uiver* and .forters, .,?,, (.'iicUed ibe bills reported Lom thal committee r,is criticism waa resented by Mr. Catchings Mi Holman suppcrlcd tte point ol order, and declared nun tis reversal vv.,,,1.1 eatnbhsh a taBgermu prec cdeiit. rile palnl of order \\;is overruled. The \tewt vs,,. H?.:, ml,,.,, ?,, .,?. con.ui,.,,,,.,.,,, ,? Ihe aggregate the appropriation made ls #16,000,000. Mt. ii,diinin oBcred .,- ., enhutltute for lbs Item mi amendment approprtattfig a bulli sam ol fS.OOO - OOO, to be etpended In tte discretion ol ibe deere! uv of War {,.!? ti,,, improvements contemplated in the pending provision, ate (Whale un tte subject uas liniltiil t? is-.o hour*. Mr. Hpringer in opposlag the apprefMatlOBS con? tained tn tte bin. caii.-d attention io Bte report ,.r tire Secretary ?f ;ilf. ,||{|I| estimates that Bl tte condition of the liscal year ot 1893-4, unexpeMed batam e af ?17^00,000 would remain from previous apprapriattotts for tte Improvement or livers and bm bois. Now li \sn. proposed to malic an ad dltbiial appropriation of $H;,0CJ'J,0()0. Mr. Calm-lags questioned the correctuem <.t Mr. -sprliik-er'.. dedin Hons Iroin this statement, whereupon Mi. Springer annnnneed lils wtlhngneas lo vote for th.* npproprlalbm of 011^000,000 il a provl.o was added thal should be all the numcy that would be expemtei taring the fiscal year fer Hm carrying nut. of contracts. lint ihls Migg.vtli.u was n't favor received bs- Mi. fatcjilnp-. vs lu, Intimated Itel Ihe itppi-.'priutioi, wonlit pa tin.jiiR.i without tte bene? fit ol Mr. .-priuser's vote. Mr. Onthw-iitte culled attention to the depleted condition ot tlie Treasury and called upon a Demo? cratic House to pause before II was placed tinder the necessity of borrowing money lo meet Hs liabilities. Mr. "Hagley also opposed ite MU as far as ii re ferred lo river and harbor appropriation-. Mc one wai anare Miongiy Id favor of itasoBahld apfanprtsllorti than Be was, inn ll the mu were passed in lt* present form Ibe appropriations for Ite Bscal year inr river and tarbor Impovemeniii would reavh Hie s'iiii if gvtU.UUO.OOU. Even if th" treasury had a barge surplus, ihe appropriation ,.i .such an enormous inn .uni vs,.,i:.t not be warranted. After lurtlier debate Mr. Holman's Substitute wai rejected- ao to 145. Mr. Holman oil,ted nn amendment providing thal Ihe l'ie.|,i.."it if, m his Judgment, Ihe condition ol tte Treasury win not warrant the expenditure, may wlti the appropriation* made f,,r river and tarnee Im? provement.. Lost?d'! lo 14'.). The items for river and barter Improvements were then nnp-i-d to. Wit inn n dt..,Nving of the MU tbe tom mn ,,? :,,-,? ima the House adjourned. THK SENATE MAKES GOOD PROGRESS. TIIK 1'Or.TIlH'AITON AJs'H ARMY AlTHOPniATiON Bl LU PASSED?THE UISTEXCT ULL COX?IDEBEO. Washington, Yah. 1.?In Hie Senate today tte Fortihciiti.m Appropriatlan Mil was lakcn np. Mr. (.orman sui.I that the condition of tin- finance-; mad,- lt absolutely necessary tint Ibe great el economy sh,,ubi be prac tl'ed. The whole bin does t?,t appropriate half what lt ouclit to, said Mr. Hawley, and tte whole scheme of arming our coastwise defence ls going on ni a limp? ing, ni together unsatisfactory nnd unpatriotic rat", people are talking about vs I,ni wa will do in a certain emergency tlint may be on us mis day: while *?<? hove absolutely nothing whatever lo fight wltb. Mr. I'latt l"gnideC! Un' whole 1-111 ns l olnlng il de llterate determination on Ite part of Congress not to do anything for cia-' fortifications. A new Admin Isirnllon was ion,lng Into power, and he hoped il,at those who represented lt would rise lo ii patiiotlc con -literation of the needs of Ite louniry and to a pnrpose to d,. whm was necessary tn put ihe country in a rensooabte condition of defence. Mr. Dawes. In charge of the Mil, 'aid I,e had no desire to defend the Mil ns it came from the Howse, but i.e thought whoi s:de condemnation of it was not fair. Mr. tiornian said tint, In his Judgment, Congress. Bad been ss illa ral BS lt ought I" te 111 Hie pr, experiments] stage. We have apprfprlttedl enough to pay for all Hie rough steel Itel can te Bltllscd during the next, two and half years. We have pro vided a siifflrieti*. amount of money io complete the machinery for tbe groat factory which Bssembtes these pms. We bara ea 'he s'ntuto Beam ? ptovl.lon ot tW.OOO'OOO ihat doe. not appear an tins MU. Mr. Hot! reseated the intimation ni a bankrupi treasury The Treasury (be s:ildi had stoney la nn et nil ll. obligation*, and WOUM BBVe tn,nny OB hand nt Hie close nf th.' fiscal vertr. lt would have money enongl, (Witbout anv Change In thc svstrti) of ta\atl,,ni to meei nu ins obiigatioas uiiritig the conting B eal year. Sir. Teller offered an amendment appropriating 0130.000 for lestine tte twrtre-laeh rievatlng gun carriage of N. II. Emery. Agreed lo. The bill was lhen pa.*.ed and the Army Appro priatlofl bill was lahen ap. Mr. Proctor moved nn amendment Increasing the monti,ls pay ?,f lii-t lergeanfo lo ?rio, nnd >.f *er if -*.>( and )*1 rori r's tho lin reased -lively >. pay !',r an Increase mid irising to both elasi length ?,( iiet?lee. Mr. Btewarl, In charge Ol Hie bill, rprxn ed the amendment, saying lhal Ibis was not the lime to Increase pav. Tte amendment ssas agree,; to. Tue 1,111 was then Mased, and Hie District of Columbia Appropriation bill was lahen up. ii"' 'mle Item thai provoned anv opposition wsi sn amendment reported by the Committee on Appropriations, direct Ihe Di.tri. t Commissioners to obtain plans and sp". I heal lons fi,r a municipal building ito cost 0500,000), on the reservation In fr'-nt of Centre Market, ',,, I'enii.vivnt la ave. It w:,s opposed by Mr. liorman on the gio,ind that such n .Ite should not be de voted to such a purims". The amendment tra! allowed to go over till tomorrow without action. THE PATENT COMMISSIONER'S RETORT. RECOMMENDATION! FOIt TIIE IMP1I0VEMEXT OP Tin on-'ic.E-Nox .".Miri-sv BERVICC URGED. WasMngton, Heb. i.-ihe Ccsnmtisfoner af Patents has stibmlMed 1,1* annual report lo CmigrCM. The urgent need for more spare ls again dwelt upon, and n ndalb.n for on Increased lorre of examiners is made; alan one for annual appropriation of 035,000 to begin Hie publication of a digest to classify Hie patents. Th" r>i>o!'t shows Ibal lhere has a greai Improvement in Ite Patent office under Hie srorhlngi of tte cfomlfied service tubs and savs ihat the appointment of CnmiBlUlonei nnd Assistant Com missioner should cea*e lo bc polltlciil, t In Tr salaries sbOuM be Increased and they should hold ofiice on th- fnnie of good behavior. Ilegardiug the Patent Office exhibit al Ibe WorlsVecolumbian r*_posltioo, the rcnori -ass Hint lt will comprise upward of 2,600 models, nearly all nf them wnridag machines Brmnfed In chronological order. The report Kays Ital ear palen! law 1 = exceptionally liberal lo foreigners, mid mg,* Ital legislation be enacted thai will place American Inventors on Ibe -ame footipg tn the for? eign countries. lt I. lerommend-d Ita! Int. ifcrenc contest* be abolished In H." PBtenl OBVe ard be relegated to H.e courts, and thal no damages or profits be recovered in a sall lor InfriBfement, except - within Ite -ix years MM -arocedlag lb, snit. ch ns accrue bi IngtBI cf a The Bet iclpls of Hi'* Office (I'tlill? lb" la*l calen da,year w.,e Ptl.3fnVl31 B.I snd me -Xtendluires ,! iiVt'-'.'JI. maMng the receipt; over rypendi-.r s IAT', yril'A. There W-re H.tit patent* Issued 0 "itire'n* ol ite rolled bulee liming Tic tari var abd 2,051 to foreigners. ?J ELI ki:* Washington. V appointed tb to COUnl the el Lodge, r.oti: sro Hon of Pri -Id'-nt TO COI M' THE b. I.?Tbe Bpeakfl lellen on Ibe pat ctoral vote Messrs n,embers ol th and Vic President. VOTE. er I,,is morrvlni il o; ii." in,,,-, *. Cnipman and IMJIII111 Ell DI -INT.-** IN THE -KNATE.'i.ti, I'.b. 1 -The Vi ?? I'i,-'.d. nt ai: ...:..?-?.! Ibe appointment of Messrs. Teller. Rsneom and Mr i'ii,,v,,n. us thc mmmlttee to'mnta Me Becessan utii.i.gements for Ita iBanfwnllon Of Ita iv-idem elect on March 4. Mr. Washburn moved Ital Ita S.T.ate "a*S|e| em tt amendments ta Ita Anti -Option bill, and ask a con fereiue willi Hie House, 'ihe motion was nsreed to and MenSTS. Wu.hbiirn. Mitchell and (.",ise wet. oppolnted (imfcrees on the part of Ita Senate. Mr. I>oliii) islled altenlion to a (Ircular lettet from b Brm of Washington lily sliort.ev?. dlrcited t. aettlcr* on lands jrrBiitcsl ta the Northern Pa I fie RmII road Compnny. saying that ther had been overcharged br the Government and offering lo recover the over charges for a contingent fes of 25 per cent. IK ch.'rarteri7.,<i ,h? proposition as -, hand ,nd *ald h< '"-fed bc had .,,tv,mus- ventilated lt. . .''h" tenate subsequently passed among oit?.r. ihe "" r"' I1"' ' mil ruction ,,r a bridge srrosi un- >t uurronee Uiver. ' THK Pl'BUC DEBT STATEMEST. AN I "(CREASE np ABOUT *3 noonoo T\ JAM'AP.Y THE LARGEST RECEIPTB iv TWn TEARS. \Vasl,|,.g,?n, y,.\, _ ,Sp,.,.Ial ._.T:?. ,no?,.?y p,.i ll, dei,, siatemrnl lisned from ite T-*i_wry Department to-day siiows an Increase cf B3.10&.00] in the debt dining t..,. last month. There was n a>crenaa of 0732.200 In U.e nen It.teret bearing debt. On Ite other band Ihe Interest tearing debt was Increased a inn,,, --",-r,. and t;,.- *urplu* ur m-' cask In the Treasury wai lowered B3.S27.&20 during n,e lam a,"lill,. i'!,e .,'iplns lo-day, Including the 9100,. ()?().ono gold gr., planck reserve aggrogated B125_05, oe-. Treasury goM ssseti lo-day aggregate 0228, "?08,405, :,g;i|,is! wi iib Hiere ure gold cet llflci,!, ., d" mand ItabUltles, nmoui ting to .*"i:'(..:'7.".."ii-'i: leaving ii gold balance lo-day in Ite Treasury aaaountlng io 002,222,870, ii decrease of Ot.TtiO.031 during Jana arv. Miver asset* ns-grogate M68.0eO.081, against which there are silver eerilucates nnd silver Treasury note liabilities mumming lo N5ti.0e2.003, leaving n ..liver balance of 011,047,088, aa inn ease of abonl HOODOO duiing la*! tu,,nili. The Rational debi lo-day, les* the cash balance in th<- Tieri.nrv. BBMMJBtl IO 0638,537,065, of Which 0585,033,060 is Interest bearing debi made up af 1050,600,180 A per cents and .*j:,,:)i',i.:,oo 3 per cent bends in round numbera abonl *.. n uk xi,ooo of this bonded Indebtedness ls nt refteterml and f7s_ooo,. ooo ii, coupon bt-nds. Mme March t, 1800, the i.e. ginnlng of Ita present Administration, the landed In debtedneai of ita coonlry hus decreased 0290,073,500, lhere having bren -il,nit ssl.I*-,OOO,ooo 4 1- nm! 1121X00,000 4 j.r uni linds pde med and citn i el led. (.t.vernmeiit reeelptl last month In round niiinbers niiioiinted ti> B35_00.072, ttelaroesl In any one nu,nth for more t..;,,, two unrs, and fully four nnd throe quarter millions ni?>re Hian In January, 1800; customs rec.'ipi-, alene last month were 021.103.470, or three and u half milli,,ti- mete ii,un lu January a year ago, willie int, i uni revenue receipts were half a million grenier thu,, in January, lr-oj.. Fm tbe seven monita "f Hie carron! Bseal year, or up io January 31, Meiji's from nil sonne* BggrefatSl ??Tl .un ;,- ..; OT abOUl ?25,000^060 more than during Hie correspond? ing month of ihe preceding fiscal year. Ob the other 1,nnil. expenditure during Ute Boven months of th" current tis, ni year amounted lo 0234,556.000 er abonl ? j:;.ooo.inio more dti.lii_J Hie salim mouths of Ihe per, dine year. Thu receipts and expenditures In detail dilling Ins! seven months ol ti.e curron! bscsl \,nr com pared with tte c rr. .pointing month, of tte pt" ceding year ate shown by tte following tnbi--. i'.i.l l.ll'l-v .s. s.-,, monihi gooree. , ?'runt vu. ( ?*(,-,?is.??i-,,..;s ;oi Internal lleveoue .. 90 il.ul'. National bsnk di i-,-,t lund Ml , . :.i, lo '.ll. Totali ? . ytai t",;i -'..( I Xl'l.MH it TH.*. civil mlacellaaeoui.ei'l~5H>,H*fl Wai . .io.i'."'.i..".n Nat s- ., llKll.HI. ......... M .'.''.I -I ri,.i,.,i. vj i. 1,1s.: Nation..', bank lund tedi nap. linn a.i.t 5.801.778 Int. real ,n i, ii ir H'M 'jo.'.ji '.,(. Total. r-'.U ' .'i s. s> ? maTh? p.- ? line s.-?t. ? let,l-l '. ; S- t-.i7.lAi I.Vi.o BIS I. -... ,ui ? -li I Mt) Ol ? e'o.'.Ti.ano i: ul t\: ; 11 - i ,?, "1 e,'. 1.901 in c.'s.Mivi lt) Jilt.I'll) *.'ii,',i; iii CAFTAIN Mil Kl I. RESTORED. BEC RET A RT TRACT OVESJtOUSB TUE COCRT M XI'. Tl H.s. .si Nii.M I, ul' M>IT:\*T"N. Wii-liincton. 1 ,!?. 1 (-???. lal,. Thc sccr.'tarv of Ite Mavy t,.,ins,.i tte ra.f Captain Meehev, of Ite Marin,- Corps, which Involves Important prlnrtpl.f Naval lass- and di rtpllne. rbi* raa*> ba* teen pend lng In Ite Navy Deportment Since tte earls pint of hi*.,ti, and owing i.. n,e Important point* Involved ha* received unusual!*) eareful atienil n. In several featuroi ite rase presamted no preerdenti. li Brose from ih- in, ld,.ti!", on .snore at I.n liuayra, ssiii, li led lo the rrj,ilma,ul niel tn;,I by iou, I mn. Tal of Captain Meeter. Tte rn-s" ssa. brough! la th.n atderattOB of the I', parin, nt BpOft appeal bv ' aptiiln Meeter. Tte Judge Advocale-Of-ncral, In a i.f re rentl) BubmliVd io heiretary Tracy, gave ai Bl* ,,:> nion timi tiif pul,Iii aToii oi Admiral Walker'* gen i ri'l order reflecting upon tho ? terni ler and condm ? of th.- marines and , ;i|>taiii Meetei '.mi* a public reprimand; Ital Admiral Wal ker sra* authorised by liivs- nnd precedi-nl la inill-t such roprlmaud, tl,at ite .ourt martini properly suMnlit. d Ihe pl 'a In bar of irmi oil.r.,i bs Captain Meeter, and thal, :i>.ort having sustained tte Bte* In bar. Admiral Walker bnd no nulli,'iii y lu older lite coiirl to pio.vd ssitii tte uiiil. In bl* remark* Secretar** Tracy .oin ur- in Ite mnln *--. lt I. inion* reached bs Ihe Judge Advocate tieneral, bul states Ibal he does not deem lt ne, vssar) to decide whether a public roprlmaud of :i rommls -lo,;. t| ,.fli<-r bv ii itiililarv superior reinstitutes s legal bar i ? a Idol and rmi vii Hon by a ronrt martial. < nm tn-mini; un Ihe a, ton, >.f Admiral Walker ordering ite ,o,ni i,, proceed -sith tin- trial, -.-, i,'arv Tracy . among other things: ' sm ?!,?:,>? ti.a", such ti record OUgtll not ti -land. It ls ,( helter and Mif-r practice ,., I,, iii ibat ihe convening autborlt-p te* no poster lo .I,,.,! a <".,rt to ,li r,,'ii rd Ihe .i.d.'ni. nt ss lib ii lt ha. i. nil" r >i ;i,ai proceed lo render h different one. Ti,i pi.arer i- a ->it"<i i.v some BUlhorlll.** un military lase bul lt i- a .lange, on p .sier, and I am noss ilillie tn i?. ii,., cn i| to e-tiiitiisi, -mil a precedent, rte trial, conviction and Judgment on the merit* "f ihe ra* aro, therefore, iel i nb and Hie penallie* remitted. ( i.ptain Meeker silll te released from eu-pen-lou and i, sion-d lo duly.'' TALK OP AN EXTRA SESSIOX. THC Fl HUNT GROWIXG IN WABIIIICGTOff THAT om: wt i.i, BE m nun. Washington, Feb. i fRperlsl), Tte feeling In gro Ing lure that Mr. I level:,nd v. Ill deride to call rongrem together In extraordinary rosslen *f*>u after hi, Inniignratlon n. President on Mitch 1. I'nill art thin a few weeks it tai ben Ite "staley af Ita healers af ita Cleveland wing of t',e p.irtv to decry an extra rosslon. Tte chief reason f,.r their d' io posipnnc ihe aaeeting af Congress ?< p.n.- n* potslble tal ben vsell kt, nts n ii Ilselv fear. Hamels. iinii tte i'l'V land forres tare pam bi vi loattared itrenglh enough in OBBgrrsa le everthrvw Ita present organir.aiion of Ita House, lt begin* to b*,k now. however, as if Mr. Cbroetoad ss.,-, al.t le leave tte snll-Crtip i:,Hilldale*: for -p-ak-r in Ite dllcli mid call ii i..'.-ioii for 11,1- spring, no Blatter if an eat ls- date ranna! telp teing highly favorable lo Mr. Crisp In lil, canva.* for ie-election. newspapers -upi-o-ed pl reflect Mr. cieveimd's opinions, which hs! Decembe nrere denoun. iner aa early -a-mtoa as n tepelen binn der. ure, Bow notating ont Hint Mt. cleveland i golng in demimd ii ktoppage of .liver purchases as Hie lii**t )?'??)> toward Ite execution of ll,.- I), in,,, mir Bnanchti paley, and ibis demand inu-l Im< met br an extra session of Ihe LUM Cons-res*, if Ite Pcssecral af the LIM t>?aO*"??*' refam to meei li noss. if Mr. Cleveland ls teteranlned te tare b vote lahea la im.gus. without delay en Ita proposition la repeal tte *bernma lass, lhere vsiii aecessartly te * called ?ej-l,,u in Mar, ii or April, fM lhere ls pm prospect of BUCh ft vote being Imd before Ihe end of Ite pr.-t'iil -(?..iou. Whether Hr. devetaod think* he rna leenre a repeal af Ita Bhermaa law trom n,e next Congress or Bat l* not 'lear. Although the next House may te a Trong,t unll free-coinage body Ite prcMiii one, ita *iairt in Ite Senate will te Ju-t Ite alter ssi.v. Changes in the Western nate* have .,, f?r *,-~uit.-.i iiiTIormlv In gains (or tte free -Coinage aide. If Judge Martin gets Mr. ivrkin.'s Beat, tte anti -Uv r itrenglh avril te reduced by tsso. TM Democt-stle Senator lent (roan Wjroaadai t,. sueceed Mr. Warren -sill, aa doubtedly, gi over t? Ibe silver column. Mr. White, ,,f California, a fret coinage Pe merral, appan-6tl*r, hus iili,:nlv been clio-"!. to succeed Mr. Felton, who eppesi s free coinage. If Mr Cases is defeated for re-election In North FLINT'S FINE FURNITURE FOR CULTURED TASTES. The home bcmililiil. That'* strut e\ery cn-, *s*,,ts, ai si,st,:d ss?nt. It'? beaut* cr in k af it d'-Kcd. sa Um lu,,linne 5'uii buy. lt H.'- '?' b'iv only artlMlc. (mill Yoi kr.r,-, bos* |:.-\;? :i-",v* bCBBty mav bl ','ti. veuve visited eur ?tor,*. Yoi maam lind farartun note !*?!,?;,il. There's none better asade. Oaly Um n.aker can .'.', *o theaply. Oi.r'", .'.ito'.iralir.js aid IB Turj 'er. Bet that yours ar- I" IBtlfol. "Bl V OF TIIE MAKER." GEO. C. FLINT CO, 104,106 and 108 West 14th St. HODCMAN'S MACKINTOSHES Stylish, Odorless, Durable. BROADWAY. I or. I., niol -M. il \Vc?l JIM **t.. Adj. I ml, Ase. Hotel. Dahota, Hie re-uit vsin probably te another io-, lo tte friend* ,f somid Burney. Alto.'ether the >. na le? ss 111 be a more ii.-, -ihor body bj elph! t,> (efl votes j|ft,.|- M:i,eh 4 Hum n u now, and If Hi,. four more Western lenilorlei are admitted a- * I i,v thi* ?r tn- nest congi poi, ail chance af repeaUng ' ie -,ls,a I'm, base lass- still bea' an end. Mr. Cleve? land wishes, no doubt, lo Basin Ho' .itt,nipt nt n, tl -liver legislation before New Me\i. .. Arizona, l'l il. and Ofclaboms 11111, e int . Hie In,iiii ; and tr ho r'allv lui. nt hear! tue itoppags of sliver purchases, te would i.e tully lustlhed in Insisting apoa action al Hie very ,?il*,"t or iii. tenn: lor tillie.* a? inn roc UM nilli .ns, r legtalntlOB then be win hare lille hope nf se> comrlliblog it dnrtag Ita emt of bis Aamtmstraiiou. A. far as tarin la-glslattM i* concerned, Mr. ilev. land ls apparently lu no hurry to repeal tte McKinley ia'.', and lt can le assumed thal un extra rossi ii sviu mit be railed foi that kpeetal purpose, rio preparation of a new url tl bill bj .-n pt,irv 'arl, ;.? and lnin*e|f dur,,,.: nest sommer vv mit i,- much more I,, the '"resident'* taste. Tte Idea H'*t an extra, sc-.| >n tuny lie made necessary by the fHibir-- ,,r tho regulsi appropriation bills ni,,-i be ,11-11,I*.od ol! hand, iii- appropriation bills srtll Hi c> throngh with ..n.e. for Mr. lloUiuin has bidding Item bink purpisely, mid c mid dispatch Hi- win,ie tot In a few week-., ir be <uied io, by procuring a suspend bi i i the rubs. Tliere 1*. m tan, oi Iv i. legislative project which threatens t,, |,..ep On gre.-* together after Match 1, win.,her Mr, ' loveland wishes il or not. The prop? osition for tl,.' annexation ?f iiavs-nii may has,. ,,> be dealt with bj l ongross in m.. way or another be? fore Hie negotiation* soon to begin cnn te terminated mu cs.funs, mid if il,e*e negoilstlons contlue Into Mr. Cleveland'* term it is Blmost tvcrtaln Ital Cm irross ss ni have ,,, remain here t,> nise legislative sane iioti to whatever action may i,* decided upoa te the Executive. CHANCES f)F TIT. ANTI-OPTION l-l LL. CtlAIEMAh HATCH VERT roMini'.NT THAI' IT xvn.i. ni;, omi: a LAW. WasBlBgtoB. K.l.. 1 '-,[?'. lal,.- There wns tn,nh pri? vate and inf,,, mal dtaCUMilon an.g Hie members of the nous* or k>prcsenmilvea lo-day in regard t,, the probable bte of the ABti-tiption Mil, which had teen received from ti,, bennie vnib smendmenl* ami a re.juest lot b committee of conference. Ctelrmafl Hatch I* extienielv COnBdeffl that III," bill will be agreed io br both branches af ? Mgro*t* and sent to nie I'le.ui.'tit - within a rta-,,n, lime." Tte oppo Benia of ite Bieahuro, on the eontrary, appeir t i te 1 i-i aa ronBdenl ital it will die on il," House < ilea dar. Hov ;.rgBBlXlBg lo ol-itu. I Ite bill ?t es. iv stage, ind a eonftrence ol iii" leaden la to te in M io moir,,ss- morning t" a.-r.-e upon a plan nf ? impaign. Tte wot*l Itey raped lo happen I* thal Speaker Crisp will revogntro Chairman ll,vi,, al tin" Committee mi AgricuUuro, lo >,n r a mot on lo siipend the nile, nun ".moir lu I be Senate amend Brents, snd itey Uti s.n, in ealing ihat such n motion ran not te carried ba ite two-thirds vote which win te ia.|u!f.,|. ,\t Ibe l,-t lestton tte b ll pa-*,d l.v t sot,- of lu" io |B on ? moiton to suspend Ihe rules, att'r tiiht, minutes' debate, bul lb, opponent* of tri-- measure assert itel many mem hen sn,, roted t"r it in lune, i-'.l-J. wilt tole B**stn*l it now, if Ihey :,ns. an opp,,itu,,li". A (iceni , ?:,sa-. ,.f Ute House ol i:. pr. ? utan.. ; gavi tte folto-xl g result: For tbe Mil, 05; against Ihe Mil, IO: non-commit isl, il). According to n,i* .ans,,--, sshi :, included more nmn twu-thtrda of tte total memter*blp ol tte lloai . it nil tue "non-committal" -Beinber* woro added lo ll,.-.' <u favor ..r Ite bill, H WOUld Still It U Ita accessary Iwo iMrd . lu conversation with s Tribune correspondent to? te] Chairman Hatch .said; I expect Itel He* bill, with Ite -Senate smendments, wtU be referred to ti,- Committee >.? Agriculture. I lave stiled 4,,.' of the committee foi to mon ow- morning tot until after tiiiii meeting I can mil -ni whal course artll te laten; Itel I- a mutter f,,: the commlltii lo determine, l du not understand ibal any one nf tte -, :,.,,?? ii na* nd mm I.itnln* :. provision which -.ill i".|',n.n-id.ration ni the Committee of Hie Whole vviietiitr tn,- committee .sin a.-,..- t.commend con i u,ien,e in all tbe Senate amendment*, or agree lo w-UM i.nd ton, ct,,,, ur on other*, or non, 'lour in nil of them, .f ,,ri,.o rollin,,,- to !?? .????,,." lt bal i"'n ., 'ti.ti. r> m.ult,-i n,e correspondent, ll,..t sou bas.- ..Td thal If tl," Al: tl . .inion I,111 ls opp -eil bs hill.ll (Cling lactic* (IOU VS III l.-oll to ihe sams melin io 'b-te,,, ..n ?itlni pendine l- -ri-Li? ri. .sen if ite result .-hall te ii apeclnl session ",f i 'ongresi m tte sprinR. ' ? 1 have -?mi not hine ol Ihe <-ori.' replied I i,alni,an Hatch, who i?i<b-.i . T do n I even know that ibero I- t , be an attempt to def en I Hie hill bv hllbiistorllii.. nnd In advance of Hie action ol my eenuninna of lour-c l rannol av whal roar** will te laten. I have no doubt, however, thal the difference* between lt,.- House sud Renate will te reoonrlled. anni',- l,||| sent io th- President for i.i* approval within a rea enable lime.' DISCEMIXQ THE lt EIGHTS. Tt.? arete*** foi Ite h indi tapi f iralsh I ia all ibssrblna topic for t'.ifiii'ii ,.r es.,,,- irade j.?*terd*-f. Tbe baot ?.,... si t, n il unsnlBssai la aa [thal ti," ll Ida la Um B-uokljra nnd Buburbao Uandi ipa si i Uh ? ls be .\',.?, ly light. To n in i.j, 'Hts- of i.e ???-???? I- -i'.v'i t". : , lo ite Brooklyn - ? bm I to te il ihe bm n f "f lite lUness-aa stable. .-? s<-:?i person* ?.?:? ?.?! Lamp llgktri u* tte ssim,ti. Boom ski-rod turfmen aald L ona vs-a was tiiioisn m al 110 po'iada I ? rs of ste 'Oops Hook ' di ai I X assad bad na ii tte best tf lt, and roe t tha Marris Psrh .Uageai looked ?rl*e abeu te Mid p.,f\.i mt a "? m.'h." '.. li. Morris I* -.t -air-' te .. rn ..,.| bia "i.'H' i, ?* be coaaldera itet Judi ? Morroa aaa weil ircaled by U,e baadicapperi ''?.ll ? favored 'r. ssaas petaaoa ute "??? ia touch arith ii vv. Waldra, but Mu- - saaa lo bass ? go <i rbanti ahoald b* rosso to tao patt Bl m, i s%... i, la tl.pinion ut a -aaa aita ti m i?i,?,*'" f,i md of J. a. Morris. j. vv. nager* ;* not IB tte eltv, hm if m -,'.J John llucgtaa ai- i.-i,t la itelr oplnliBa of ate tespeetlve flterltl ef l.i,ripli'.li'"r uni PtCkBB bet, thc totter kai an rasy -ns,, ie imetbrr bamullghter. Psetolus sad Ctersde in ia .,,, estrtaaaiy light freight- paetolui defeated templtgbtev lalee, iud 'intel- lowered tte eolsra el ?; m i, ny. ii "'a sra libel* ia save follower* ahouM tUTr i.tsioi. Beeept mi ,>i>.,i ? ? i ? H li Bm llk?t-r mat tte swaen asm ta la iay basts le ?? teat, ?* |*''?''> will prob, ably state them mink thi asattei ?*?: rorefullr orton ti,, y pul >.?, ?', bim ii tn Macy. Tte Butertea Handicap kai * waiter "' rotries tint Its ii'., : i '."? Hi",,.ilsa. 'i'niiim.iir.' aili LltBpllghtei Ins" ii; paundi rack, -, stat ll tem ?> c ibo Bs-rits ^r rte ? .j.;,' thros-rreer-olda at 1093 ?an be d led ? ti-li i.1-- ? -1- -Iv tte SIB).l-l.,a a- Val. ,-l , sen,.riv t|-akea to wanted ... bri Itel teaystreel would bm attn 'n rilber race, in* Hlghs-eui li Un thal I of aosse ,,f ba old tin.'t*. ''IjT ' vv'viin.' li t..iiiii"itt ital th .,,,, ,,? mt . ,i ssiii be ni .t pan ni- |?,-i, BceldeBia barred. Tte Pepper i? m mi* mis Hil, hut mav de weaders la ite heads of Matttau Rftaet, Moataafl is lalktd il. i,v wemberi si tba telvstai Club. Jallai Kauhaaa - ia. ? ,,;, High I'lBaaUaitiaer, tel Int ml- tu keep - I. j- iv Bsually dora when ks ba* "a foot tblag." "Ttetsvy, arith log psaads, la web tteught of br lbs Brighton Brock ?,.,,,nv,'nt. Prsaate s*11ii 113 paraads i- llbelr ia ti rix labataatlal aaaa-oat Irani Us earner*, Wetest! ? Campbell. Mi. Walcott ls in ia.t,,|?'- Tte stable of tba dna ka aaa a.. bem ? ..n.t.'i' t' "i ni Morrl* Park. Ox i M.000 is been espeaded kt loaahrotUag * track iiouad Ite teiMlag, ss in, ti i- rsmptosrly laelssed ssi'i. glass, ?o that no liane i* i,st ,,ti arrouat if bad aestta ?jiie Metropsllttfl Handicap Bsreti me api>t,ssai M all I,,,,, linn, but IBe ? s\i;ei. 0f tbs ttpwetghti *av Tia'. Ite . .,, ,,,1, h f,,r Hem. i.v,av pia, ti,ol IBClag Balfl ,, ni 11>? seiehta loolgaed ta Ite cet."- in the M. t, i|it,iiUin. tel dsei ii -t bril,'sr th.t ike issaweighta arin rpi. theoga rassigk ks-aea wltk Btade-ata Impoata sad testbet ss. .-ins ss. i remsto to t" n,a.,? a n casi il stu.I. RALLOrtSQ Eon SEXATORR. Bts-nawb, S. D., Tah. I.?Colonel Ioho D Benson (Dem.), ..rn ? wilbla throe vole* ol being elected iTiited states bena! * sgala la-day. As tte iem*rrrttnre was about ?*') degreei below icro, several members miter? ing from iron, i.lui troubles remained away from Hie .,,..?.. N" url] Bil ,,: tte Democrat! and Indopend eats, however, were la ihetr .ea'., and the ss-,mi arni ;> around lo rote mildly for Benton, Tte anti i.,..s KepubUcsns, however, did not embrace ito op Bortunll* lo pul Mr Beuton through, as ihey rest (bree xsHea tot each of Ite (oui candidate* The ballot renulledi Benton, 39; Casey, :;i . Kingnisn, U; Omilb, il. Wnl-li. :., lal.l.liain. il. riie t'li-s ?,,;i ,,r.. beginning lo realite ihat they rsnnol eic t the >'ii .,:... snd ni" Beg K tating sith ite sntl* ssnii a s i?- w ol getting bim oul "t tte tray and holding s ram is. Helena, Mom.. Feb. i Five m. nters ,,t the Legt* lat ure were absent from tte pdnl ?-??i.m to-Uuy. Ileecher ,l'.,|... ruted for 'lurk ui::iin. nnd Matthew* and Burt, the other iwo HopuHsu, f,,r Dix?n. ih. vole st,?,.|; Mind":*. .1 . I lari.. ?.:; Dixon, IS. Cheyenne, iv.,. Feb. I.?Twa telhMi for I nited .'ate. Brin.tor were talieti today, ant the re.ult i* practically i!,,- asm* a* yesierday. New nnd t. War ron, ll: fatarB- u; Corn, 4; Powell, 4; Heck 3:l*sl>i* l . I.o'idon, I. "IsinpU. tt'Bih, Feb. l.-Tlie 4Ut ani 40,1 haliOU for I'nited >'nte, >? iiiitot, uk.-n lo-day, ibowed Bo ,hsn?e. THK OT. Hills AND C1XCIXKAT1 ItXPUM of Hie penn.vTvnnla B_sh*aad ta B Clent trulu lo th? West nnd genlhwest. lt leaves P>W-Yorh every ?l.v a? ll nrain. mid urrlsen at rin.tniinii 8:1:, aral morning nnd at st. LouU ' :*>0 p, m. um nltv-rnmui. HOW TIIE PEOPLE FEEL. THE UNITED STATES SHOULD BR ALERT rr.. DEBICI w. M vvvr.D ADVOCATES Til* BP?EOT Al i I lTXM : OF THK li .WmI xn PKOPOMTIOX. To the F. d I t o r of Thc Tribune. Slr: In n great encampment Ino things demand at? tention: lir-t. orderly arranpsaaenl and dHclpBne witi,in: -econd. outposts to gnard agmnst attacks from WUhout. Tiie people of the I'nlted -late* are In -mi. an rorampment. Bal they have a ? ampins ground io vast, so Immense, and demanding such vigilant ,;"<* within. Hut! they at** apt ?,. neglect the neefl of any oat-posts beyond their line*, t mfident :n itali awn peaceful purrmses, they have been un willing to have any outlying dependencies in Hie ..ens nnd Islands nnu.nd Ibem. th. ugh IbCM are Ita natural gnni,:- of a irani continental power, -No *;i,ii guardi sven- needed,'' ihey thought; "for no body la going lo attach the itrong and peacefal t'nited Mate, nf Anierii a." Tin* . a-y gol in; sisamptlOB of safety received a rude sIhhIi at the lime of our Civil War. when every tea .Hound us swanned with hostile . ntl-ers and blockade runnel -. and every nrighbortng port and Island wa* transformed Into ii base for hostile snpptles, rabi* and attachs, protracting our ilruggle, adding to ktsenonnoui expenditure of blood and treasure, and dealing t , our ocean commerce a, blow from which it lw-i not recovered to this day. But Hie lesson was soon forgotten. We tari re maiio'd rapine. We allow iii" Panama irsnsll rowle to fail Into Hie hands ?f French spejenMlors, (*ata io gunn miller her Spanish olintill*. We lefnss to a. rcpt Min Domingo when she ii-ks annexation, nnd ss.- r'joi i st. Thomai. the bes! tarbor in the West Iiidie-t. Now we tire confronted arith n elmltor que. lion by the Hawaiian delegates Unockins ut our door III W.'l-lllllgloll. Of eearsa ws may pi"".r Ital all these ports and Mends stall remain Independent and friend!), or at bsa-it neutral. But fhn yearly march of events shows that they are not going lo remain Independent, nor neutral, and in any mids, not even friendly. The great European powers are steadily adding to their naval and military strength, and to their outlying dependencies. Ttase outposts sviii either belong to ii* or io one of them -to England or France ar uer* many. It ls ,i ,pi.-Hon sse have now to deeide. We ra ti not play the ''"g In the manger, what shall we say lo tue Hawaiian representative*! Shall sre> shake our bend* and fold our hand, fm fem- of offending the sensibilities of .onie Royal House In Europe' < >r shall sse add a new star lo the ga Ia xv nf lortv-four that we have .such reason lo be proud of? FREDF.U1CK W. REWARD. Montrose r,n-t!ie Hudson, Jan. 31, le'.,:;. THK NATIVES TO BE CONSIDERED. THIA" M.T P.p. THEIR OWN" [XDEPEVDEXCE?A CIVILIZED AM) EDUCATED RACE. Io tin. MR 11 nr of r bc Tri bun e. .Mr: Nay I respectfully urge upon you the fnet thal In all this dlscBiihm ef Hawaiian> the opinio;,* and desire of Ibe natives ure trover eon sid -red I lu Ihe fa," of mnny dif!iri.|,l.n, tj.ey have maln lalned a governawul for ino years, lor tilly veal's they have ,-opted I lie methods of nations. They love their eowntry; they have n hearty and genahte pride In their race; their history nnd traditions menu mach to them. And who ar.- those who i.< me to rob Hiern of Heir right to bc a nation.' A bnndful of white men, whose only claim upon n. is this?thut Ikey nt" r'uli. nnd thal Hov would profit us In territory and In pocketbook. Hut what ground ls Ibis for our country to lake ' ll li merely of spain when she entered In and possessed ti," lind, of tl,.. Am. ri. .ns, of Knjrlnnd *sii"ii ibe made bi rrolf mtolresa of Ireland, of Oeramay In ber brutal roaflscalloB af Ita Mnrshall Hands and N.-is Uulnea. If we un- to enter upon a mreer of BBgrandUemeni let us casi nalia pretexts af righi* and Boldly avow a d,-ire to lake by the strong bund what we , an get. What do these envois represent 1 Not th* Hawaiian race of people, bm ;i mere handful of foreigners, and mere than ll,.it?merely n part of the foreign population of Honolulu. IVUni Hawaiian llani? llo you lind on I heir li-t' What pretence do they make l! :il Kauai iiml Maul und Hawaii have been conrail* d ' And I beg to add n vt.,rd as io the Hawaiians. Th*y are not Ignorant. In i-pt> tin Board i-f Education ...vs: ".\|| . i.ii.tren between Ute ages af *lx and lift,-en aro by lass- i,,tnp.lbd b> gu lo school. Tue re.iilt ,.r ihi* lass- l.s (tal Hore ls baldly a Hawaiian win. I. mini.le in rend, wilie mid cipher.'' lue teacher* In Ita Hovernment roboola In 1800 numbered Ho; nt tins., .est',iv nine were Hawaiian and forty two lui If i;,..... I,, ITT." Ihe people were bar bu rou.. To-day there are no moro pent-cable and orderly people on rarlh. I spent Hire'- mon I bs Pi Hie islands tn issn; my brother lived among Ihe natives ns a physician for several years, .ind I only echo the voice of iiii -ho know the country v. lem' I .ie,inr.- ihat nowhere In Ibe world aro life and property more safe nowhere ran one lind more agreeable neigh bur- nowhere ran tl,ero i... a lund moro worthy of Mml I rea I men I limn III these sam." lands wiil.ii we I a, I,,,.,, io ink," from tl,.- band, of n Honolulu mob. I oi coi brutality the iroposttimi nf 'hi* mine mob to dl-ir m. lil*'* th" Hawaiians la about Ita Bidet re inarkaMe statement ever made l,i dlplnmatk overtures. .n,u Vork, lan. 31, l-m. IIKNKV c. i Al.TKIt. ? ?*> WILL TIIE t'NITED STATES LET HAWAII SUP ? To t b a Ed I t ,,r Of The Tribune. .-lr: -onie yean ago BB opportunity presented itself for ii* to gain peaceable possession and con? trol of the be.t nari of the Island of Hayll, Known H. -tonto Domingo, President Urani snd hi* Cabinet bad fm-'s|_-'it enough to gee ih" strategic value af Ital Linn,i iii the Atlantic, just ott ,,ur southeastern coast, in front of the eastern terminus of the Inter oceanic canal w liir'u. sooner or Inter, ss-,ll be cit across the Isthmus of Panama, They bpi need lt by s treaty, for Hie Cnlted Mates, on terms both de? sirable and honorable. Bul ti"- timid gentlemen then In the Senate p-fuse.1 to ratify Hie treaty, and thus a valuable Lland waa l"-t 10 BS, after lt Lad been pla, ed tn our hand'. Thai was ii National Munder. Another island ls now oifcred us In Hie Pacific, on our ocean highway ta and from Alta. Ks.ry cnn aid era! lon connected with .mr National security and IniernatloBal commerce demands that we noss- annex the itrategtc Island of Hawaii with boldness ami alacrity, ns MOB as lt |; formally offered to us by i . commissioners who have come from Hawaii for Hut purpose. When any of Ita Nations of th? old World gel a chance to anne*; B valuable mid desirable Island, or pan nf I Continent ttay annex |t, amt no One *?vs then) miv. Ila. not the time coane for the I'nlted Stales tO do Ita Mime, especially winni ita pi>.se*sion to be annexed irouM aatarally f a possession of Mrategio value to our vast domain I We have tap! our possessions coal nod t,? tim land t,?o long already for our own Independent.-, and i.e. What A Housekeeper Can do with unequalled cook? ing fat (otto.ene She? ran make the most delicate cake, the sweetest and flakiest pie , rust, the mool palatable biscuit anil rolla", ansi fry the lightest doughnuts, Hitters, < roqucttes, etc., and there will be a total absence of that greasy ta-tr so oneil found in those articles of food, while every kind of cake, pastry, etc., shortened erith Corro i i Ni i*? short and rich, and there is no disagreeable sensation following it. use, whit h is the result of using other cooking fats. (ottolenc being largely a vegetable oil is much mere wholesome than animal fats. You should make a trial of Co no? ir SE. For sale by all grocers. Man,Tat,ired onl.T by li. K. FAIRBANK A CO., CHICAGO, ILL., and Produce Exchange, H. Y. Spring Humors QPRINO nt "Mon.*", Moo.) humor*, akin tinmen"*, l^ *ealp humer* with loa* of bair, snd er?r_" ether humer, svhrthrr Itrhine. burning, bleeding, Italy, cru?te<!, pimply or blotrhy. whether almple, ?crof,ileii?, rr herciitarv. frc.ra infancy to aa*., sra sow-.perdily, permanently, nnd rcoDomleally cured by ibal grtaieat of alt kaawg bumer cures, Um ?ileura Resolvent A BK"?" and blood purifier cf iDeompsrsbtepurity and curative power. An arknowlrdged apeclrti of world-wldo eelebrity. Knlirely vrgetahie, rafa, innocent, and palatable. Effect* daily more great curra of akin, ??? i'p, and l '.1 humcra than sll other akin and blood remedies befcr* the puMla. Bale greater than tbe rcrnbined aalea of SU oiasT blood sod akin remedie*. Poid e?rrywhere., $1 PoTTBB Cars sm, CBaami Conror.ATiuN, Boston. e*T- Pend for " Hew to Cure Pprtos nunora, Blood Humer.. Skin Humora, Hcalp Humors." 3 Ladies, You Can See Any Day AT The Singer Parlors The Different Varieties of Art Needle Work In Process of Manufacture On Singer Machines. The Singer Manufg. Co., Cor. 16th St. and 3d Ave. The Original and Genuine (WORCESTERSHIRE) LEA&PERRINS SAUCE Inipsrta tue most delicious taste aad EXTRACT BRM SOUPS, ol a LETTER from "-"-" a MEDICAL OMS TI.KMAN st Mad? ras, to bis brother at WOKCE-jTER, Uhf, 1W1. "Tell MA * PERRINS' tbat their sauce ls highly esteemed in India, lad ls in my ootnion. tbe meet palatable, as well aa tbe most whoie aome sauce that is faade.'' Beware of Imitations; see that you get Lea & Perrinrf ?fnsture on erery bottle of th? Ortrnil and t?BUlns, JOHN n,-"-?*-"' - ""?*" HANDKERCHIEFS. ll'hate: er is newest and most desirable in Pure Linen Handkerchiefs for Men. Wooten and CM* drer, niay always be found in oin Handkerchief De* apartment. james mccutcheon & co.. THE LINEN STORE, ti4 West '>:itl Street. WilbeliQ&Gr&ef 'BROADWAY & 26tb ST. . China, Glass and Pottery Dl*It'M -It.rptilnr Habit I arri la av t?_?ITT_X lat ? Or?ITJ_*I ?r. OPIUBI (olinda.--.. >,.|.a, llllrur. , J. -.U'l.hen*. I**aa?*. PERFECT LAMPS lu plain ai,ll d' -leas i..? hom*. -I, r-\ nttlre, hotel, abos, factory, eBareh, etr. V.\.?ry l?mp ?*arrested. The "Ro. I....T. -i" hna no ??.nial. .sianufa. Mr?d by EDWARD MILLER a CO . IO v 12 CsMeaja l'l*-e, SJ" T. iiirlty, on Hm l.ljtli s.'a*. W,> now- have an oppnr limits' In the l'a.ifir thiil univ newr-or, ur agata, llnv,' H:,> fentlemen al Wi.slunk't.iti the f.>r??-!srht and tba eoura**e to annex Hawaii t.. ih" iulto?i kuua, and etutid bj lt ' ll ls to be lu.[..-.I BO, lt would haj another National blunder for laeni to hesitate until tba ")>?}' to our Pacific i i?i*i. and Ila aeons rnnimerrv, ls B..i.|i|.-d ii j,* hy Great lirltniii ,.r BMM other Did World power. I.ft thi- I'nlted States i,ssh nnd rontrol strategic Island* in Ix.tla Ike Athiulli hui! the I'lirlfii'. Sh?> has already lost tho opportunity to ,??,, mid miitrol th** strategic ishui.i ni lins ti in I.,- Atlantic, lt will )?? lia-ii-oii t,. r-Tii*.- lo oss ii mid rontrol Mir strategic, Islniid of Hassall lu tbe Parin.. Anne*' ll*V*ti at tii.e. J. i'.i.i.i.Nt.i:i; ii.arke. Dt-ln lt. Jun. :ii>, 1803. LR THEM f "OMI IN. To the Edi:nr of The Tribune. fir: Ihi' inajt'ritv af Hie rltlaena ..f our .onntry da not. of ...ur*-.', aadersUuad lb* l.',u*tii or width of red lui*' Involved In tbe proposition which Hawaii makes. We looh ?.u lt ii* B I?r ,|?.'-iil af murri ._.',?. If wa e_NM to accept, ss lu. .lure forltld the hun-. Wt iikkI'' n icnoo" bargain in purchasing Ahuha, Bltbongb ut the linn uutiv though! lt ?a* a emt** Intrentasant. Tba die. lama- "I Ala-Nil. if<Uoned I.y il. .Iliiintir etNSBaV it ns, which readcf approach ililli, ult. ls Brinier thsn timi or itt,,,,,lulu it th.- Hawaiian island* n*Mv nn nesad ta tbe t'nlied Mut,'*, tbey would draw hundreds of j) o|il>* fr .in our rlin-. Il aronM rcba**B our mar ket >f tts os,<a\ed labor, lr ss mild open up a near (it-Id [or Amerieaa ewertf. la a tan year* we would ?aba tl,"* Manda writ a IT ? j-.ird.'ii* in the sea, Hir.tiisii Ihe dt's>r.'.iii.'i,t p<'.,. is <,n svhirli lha 1'Aiihea hu* ii patent, ll our institution.* nnd lioiemanaat urn. Bs vs,' claim, th.- I,i'*i und i tbe -m.: if our Usa tvpltirs. bi vs.- rlalnt li does, lue a-randesf ayBis?I .ir existence bet below, tben v hs should we not Kindly and .'ni;,-riv extend these hrnedis io iii-*.' ssho en H. tn |ranl H. tn Wt- <i. it i,s i,'vilest nutt nol hs theft, a- other ililli, li* hast- .loin-. We desire 110 unwilling subject*. The i-o*M_nest* we Ukaka iom* through Tove, not fear. To those rbua knorblaff Bl our ,i..,.r th.' Amerieaa Kallon cnea arlih one trtaet: ?? ">?? tin-ni >.,m.- m." U. T. I.oVKI.L, Mount Vernon, N. V., .Inn. 31, 161)3. IT.tvr TO REY THE IKt)X l'l ER .1' LOYt; RRARCB. Lani Brnnrb, M. J., Feb. f.?Tba iron steamboal Cnni|>aiiv. of Nrw-Vork. ure ti.-irot in il n_ for tba ixir ?liMite of ide Iron l'ler at tb? \rlncu. lt a sai|*f:ii'iorv priie ena he B*"NaaJ upon Hie loiupiinr will rebuild tho pier fur list* ne.\t assaSSn. THE PENNsiVLVAMA l.lMITF.n I* tbs world's greatest _-.n**enper train. Ii karri yew York every day ut noun and arrives at Chicago al tiuon lbs nent day. . ?*?