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LILLIE CLIFTON'S STORY. TESTIMONY AGAINST C. W. GARDNER. THE WOMAN'S ACCOUK1 Of Till* ALLEGED IX join lox bv MOSEY iT'.om HEIL I.llllo i ,llion >c*tr..l;,v told lbs juiv lu (.en.ral ?aaatana bar gre anni ai bow, a* she di-cian-d, -.,. bad ea_"apa*ad (liam* vv. llardift, lue ageni of Hie rarhiiursi .oci.ty. Into acceptlni in,.nev frota bi-r, and thus lu'lnc. liliiis. ir op.ii io a i hame ol extortion. bhe ls the (iit.-f svitiifs* |oi ti,,' proaa-eutlon. H.-r bad tlaasTaflrr naturally li*mr*'i <? thc fore*-' ol hi*r testimony, but -lie Kid ter *i<nv .veil. w. Tra vern Jerome, in hi* n,,**. . nain .i"ii Ol lu r, vi;;* able 1-1 JOHN Vf. i."IF. shane hardly nt all mo n unitive which ibe bad told Mr. Wellman. When court nix ind. John w. u,-ii nonpbilned that ms client had i.e.n handcuffed lo .1 ainrdetvr white being brought tnconrt from thi Tomb*, nils pil-oncr waa Antonio Morell.,, who waa convicted ol man? slaughter lu tbe Ural degree. Rocorder Smyth said tint ho would look Into tl," subject. A" ibe requesl of Mr. Goff be Melnded ail tba irttnesaos fruin tno courtroom. On Tuesday Ueerge C. Oranl had testlted to baring an.interview with Gardner lu ?, tnrrooni Bl rwciity. r.intb *t. and latxlngtonare. Ile s,i<i thal Thomas T. Mooie, of No. -Lil Ka*t Fortlettest., un agent lor ' THOM VS \V. MOORE. the (jerry society, BOW Oardnm and him there 1" getlier. Moor.- was UH Int witness y.-teiday. Ill said lie had l>eeti In tba mi vic ol tba society for liv, years, lt wa? in October tua' bs s.iw tba two "nen In the burroon!. Iii- believed lt wrns on a 1'iicmI., . evening. U? went to tba linn*.' lu attend n meeting of the I. I). K. Ctn**, or 1 l'mi't Know (lui,, win li met in a room over the barroom. Ho merely sud ??good evening" lo Wnrdnar and urant. Mr. Gotr u.sii.Ki the witncBa a ?bar of qwstloni ??to tost nls memory," be explained. Moore said Ibal for five months, he had kept har for Ids luther-ln-lnw at LeiTtigtoii-.ive. nnd Thirty tonnii-st. Ha didn't hnow that p. lice Captain lb-wry bad formerly been a sergeant lu nba precinct In Wbttb thut barroom va? lle had never met t'uplaln Dcverv, and in lact had never Boen him. Assistant I)i*irlct-Attorney W.n mrm and the He.order chafed u Wt lu st thc minute bess nf tile cii,.*-i-e\:iinlliati,,|). I'lnslly Kate Amos was called io the witness Hand, fhe i* th,- uni.- Cttfton wb ? is tho acon plalnant in tho <a*e. 8ba I* a woH-nnjBfled womal*, near middle age. Sha made n cool, self j> ssc-s>-d witness. To Mr. Wellman she said thal Kate Anio* was her name, bur aba trot generally known a* Lillie Olfton. She admitted (bat she had k<*pt -n*rcral disorderly houses In this city, bu' deeTar.*d that she wa* no longer In that bii*lno-.?. -Where dn you live pom** Mr. Wellman wanted to know. "At Uie Bryunt Park Hotel.? "How Ictig have you been out of mislne-st0 ??Since November 1. loaf.'' "Whete did yen live then V "Al So. 15H Weat Hfty-tliUsI it."* -Po you know- liardner?'1 ?Tea." "Tell tbe jurv about your flisf meeting with him." "It wa* cn OMObar 13, last. He was liBuiiiC again*! Hie railing al tbe West I'orty-s.-vcutli i>t. Biatlon, isalldii_ with I.-, '..* AH-n.'' "WIMBO had you been.'' ?'I hud U."ii In tbe stntlon talking with tne ?er geaut. I drove then- In ii rab." George Clamy was called imo the courtroom Tiie witnet* said Ibnt ?ho rode In lils cab evening. "When I saw Lardner," tbe nttnan said, "I told Mm that I knew him. Detainer said I didn't know him. Louis Allen Introdneed u*. Gardner told bm tbat be 1?d been lo live pull,.' Mellool io hore a man Damed Oronl ai lasted, ile .*a,d vse enid walu away from there nnd talk. WV walked to where his cab vims -.taiidiiiij and pot Into it. Liardner loll the driver to lake us tu Mxtli aw. nnd rmiy tilth st."1 The woman Mentlfled Hu^ii Leonard iu the cab driver, tito i anim nod bar starr-: "Gardner told Allen to get ln'o my cab ami meet if ut that place. All three met in tbd barroom on that coiner, (iard ner allied ug whir, we would have io Ile wanted to know if I couldn't stand a pint, but I Bgld Hiat a gins* would be enough for me. "Oardrk-r told md that be ""'a* looking out for himself and didn't bother abo it wlmt Giant gol. I told him 1 hod received a note from Grout. akhln* in.' to call at Gardner's i. ..." I said that I and bi at land that he wo* ninnie*!, and In my position I didn't Itel that I could well call on hts wife. He r phol . that lt would be all right. His wife would "-"?eerre me at any lime and neat me kindly. 1 gave him the note and ivkcd bun not to malle lt pobUe, bi? os use Grant had a daughter of good ac. (<s'diiT told me that when lie and i. i men polled my bones lt would be in silk hat*, i said i rattier libed Ihat style. "Tbe next limo I saw Gai?tor was an October ld, at hl? borne. No. TO Lexington av e. He Intro? duced rae lo bis wile u* Mrs. Kmlth. She left the room, snd I told him be had a yoting und pretty wif.-. I said tbst I understood timi ..ii ti,,- bQuail lu West Flftjf-thlrd-n- were to ba raided or Indicted, and l was very much worried, l asked him if be couldn't help Uie. He said he didn't know. I pleaded ulih him, and he wanted le know it i e?uM ..and gao a mouth. 1 Said ol cur*.- 1 could. I |uid ituwn t .v., 020 bill* and one ?10 1,111 on the tuld, . II,. didn't teach tbe money then, but showed m.- ., Kirup book ef pictures win, i. (.,? was getting up for the -.octet). 1 told bim I Would tall on him the Kith of the nest month and give Mm mimbi-r *",o. 'ii,,.., I drove home. I m*xl sass- Gardner mi October Sri. I met him at Mxlh-ave. and Thlrtr-itecond-sl, We went up Hie avenue to Korly-*lxtb-si., to a bar room, where we had a bottle i,; wine, Afterward ne drove away tn u rnurrlage walch GardtM*r bad pra enred. We drove uptown, stopping ?..\?.rul tim..* ft,. food and drink. Gardner told me lie i..?)?.-? ? to be a police Justice, and would thea pitch lui,. suporln '?indent H.vrn.--.. "I called at his hon*., tir-uin un November 'jo bul he woin't lhere. 1 gave li- w|fo momt gold ha,'. Me came noon and I gare bim gil), \\,. ,,?,__ _,, ,,', thc headquarters of th.- society, No. 9_1 BrOadwsy aud stowed me au envelope marked 'Mills Clifton < Which he Mid contained a complaint nguiu*! me nil which an Indictment would be found. I pr,,mis,rt ?m tloO Ml DecemW iii. I went to se,- i'a ptain -very, and he gave me gi mi In mik ' t copied Hie numbers on theta. Oa I>e,<mt,or 4 j Pain HelM.iBlcie.l. Thia ii iiipnoa^ to be an a?e of eiiligh'..'ini,e it. Vet abe half elvlllied peialAtcrue sith wblsb beeta <,f asepli ateap doting tlienu-.-lvea 011 -nail oera-lon. BIgBM n hi,nd credulity charaetcrlsfir uf the da-* __g ,. riBIHpallaii has s myriad of alleged cu:aliv,?, whhh in u n.ius. ,,,, deas merely cvsruste tiie benalB mn o|Hrai,.?i balag preceded br paiti 'nd follow, 1 uv neabaaai Ua iitii aa effect of their eaaeaalre, v k.i.-it ajrtlan. I*odypbylr_, alecs, gsi-ib.,*,' einl*.d,ed In the form of pill* btasaaaaa caloinsi-tb,'*.' an- among tin- vlal ",t Basdlsantenta r.,r which ahould be suh->tlt<ited IloMetiei'* Mo,,,*, li H,'t.'is. the !*ne*t. i?ost eei.l_j1 |a\ative extant, nese, -frlplog id resembling in Its set lon an etfort of nature lu ber bag. plest mood. Thi* ueniuu and thorough medicine i. *!?n BU antidote to r.*)lai*a and rlie.itnatUiri. else* agaaajpaj *?> sba system, randers dlge*th? pHast*, and rega'at-j. the kktaeys sod bladder. p.i.e Gordner the money nt bis boase gao la one packs ge and ?;??> In snuther. He put the MO lu a wa.*:- basket. We took ii .-ul. to Twenty fourth I. and Kourth-sve., where be vsa* arresta-d. On lin, next Mas Inspector McLaughlin, t'aplalit Da-very, a Merges 111 and 1 v.enl ',, Gardner'* le,u-e and I u , al Ih. rm.v in tl"- l*a*kct." Mr. Jerome ti.mi -pent an hour and a ball In en examining Ihe arline**. Mic mid lhal she had never pun a , .ni io i.iv one Imi Gardner ?'"' proteciliui ju-..-.en':,.u. Tiie liissv-r u*"l all bl- "kill lu i ry lng lo weaken lei ie-.'liuoiiy. hui *??'? '""'' ""' i v 41. fl ?' iiml goes Oil to dav. TBE BEOOEI TX EMI li HO PIIARI1 Y E> tl.L MOST SUI i i'i. ""Till l? IVriON'k. v: I'VII". pi ,,??:.'. pm -' st. The annual charily l-all ol the Emerald a*-,.'in? ti i; of Bro (Wyn In aid if Ihe I: nunn I'albolle ur pim i a*) I ''il Ol ll,at , it-. ;..,* .-.I ..ll ssl'!, in", ll bi '?? im v lit evening In the Acadeni] of Mn lc hi Monbiguest., where m-viwuI llwusand* ol ;????,pi danced i rr " wert i' irilv' ike." The a i 'ii- *" i the mot ,rr... ,. i ?f ii,., long -erl."- ? I aimil ir en? tertainments In aid of lue rlmrl'le*. The Academy was dei rn'el ss,I', foliage, plants and flowers. Ai the i-ar ol Hie singe, behind a bank of flowers*, va* <'Hui ire't Han,I. rile Isl ll '.sn- tile flflj flftll elvi'll l'V thc r.tnel'.ilii i.'iT ll. Before Ibe dancing there was a roncerf, at which Mi-* 'A"ti,* I lorlan, John T. Uren ns ii sud Ml-* Tlicodoru Pfaffilu nong. The grand march was led by Hie oiesiiieiit., .1 I,ii .1. Vul-li, mid Mrs, Walsh. Among th,,*.' In Hie bOXii "Tere May >r and Mrs. Iloody, Mr. and Mt*. Iluuli M<-Laughlin. Mr, and Mi*. Maurice O'Meara, Mr. and Mr*. J hu A. < larry. Mr. ami Mrs. Henri I Ia wheo, Mr, and Mrs. James Kane and Mr. and Mrs. .lanie, la-iils. Among the many present war,- ex-Senator Eugene F. O'Connor, Mr. and Mr*. Arthur McGtraM, Mr. and Mr*. Thomas K. I'eiir.-.i'J, .Mi. and Mi*. Hugh A. McPemail, Mr. ^*?*5S:^ Jl'DuI'. W.Vl.s-lI ANT) i: I* O'CONNOR. inni Mrs. John H. Newman, John Drtmar, Dr. and Mr*. Alexander Carron. Maj t and Mrs. P. II. Me N'u'.iy, Mr. and Mr*. Thoma* J. Kenna, Mr. and Mm. inuits -bevlin, Mr. and Mr*. Jame* tl. Tighe, Hr. ind Mrs. J. A. Ken,. Mr. and Mri. John p. Adam-, Mi. and Mrs. John Guilfoyle, Mr. and Mm. M. E. Finnegan, Bernard Leavy, Mr. and Nra. Th.a* 1.1 -in. Mr, and Mi*. Jan,,-* iv Judge, Mr. and Mt*. rViiiium Gibbons, Mr. and Mi*, a. J. Heaney, Mr. ind Mr*, l'. Loughran, Mr. and Mr*, jaine* Martha, Mr. und Mrs, John 1'. Ma'mie, Mr. und Mr*. J, J, Hair,'!'. Tho chairman of Hie r.-cepti ,n committee vsa r'ugene l. u'tounoi and ,f Ute Hour committee Ja.* i. Kerwin, XO BORET TOM OLEASOX'B MEX 'Hu- men appointed by ex-Mayor tilenson on Jan nary i went to Mayor Sanford's office yrwtenda) morn lng lor warrants u?r their aalary. Tbe new Mayor de? eded I,, pty all oihciais who Lave gone ec!oal service ilare tba iir-t rn Ur* year up t,< Januar* 30, winn be leuk formal ga)-ion Ol Hie 'Mes.ti's afire. Tl. is,,,, .ne still in albro will be paid in lull lor tbe month. Daniel Devine, cl rlt of Glenson' Bund ,?? Education, presented a warran! for h.s January salary toTreaaurei Blaekwena ye-derday m..min-', tut live Tn isurer re illbi'd (O I'elllglli/e |t. Milli], I'oflrV. ll 111. tlll'T Ol Tl" same le'iird. presented a MB foi Pl,100, ihe pay roll raf he i-Tfil. Wurd mUooI, and il.I* Treasurer Dlecbwciin il ?j refused to h /inn-. None'Of ibo twooty-elghl lench ri who were mj cm Tu.-.las |,v Ibu -;, nf,rd Hoard of ""duration i|>peared at Ibrir Kboole yest***day. Tha Ob-asm jourd of Education has inttructod its eonnsel io apply a Ibe nnpjmw Conrt for an order reslralniui the ianford board fr.'tn taking any a'tlon In Ihe man igeiii-iit oi ihe school ]iniil th.- question ll willed --bother Mayor Gleason's appointees ure entitled t', ihe positions. There are two policemen itatloned In he Fifth Wari .-, hool to prevnt Pr. Jo-map f Ii',,tu liking lon. ll" was the principal "f thal tcbool, as s'.ei) . ,i, ,,_ ?uprriiitendent, nuder Ihe ileason administration, bul was deposed by the ni d, will, h he does uo1 rt* oguli . ord U THE .Yin UMARIA EKTEMTAIXREXT Tar new 1'iaiii.. exhibition, "Tbe Wooden ol I melita.* wilt wa- given .,t ti,- Manhattan Opera leane la-t night, will be ro'teuled lo-nlghl and on luesdiiy. The explanatory lecture i* given, a* here afore, by Garrett P. Berri -, and 1* aa usual most in er<-*ung. Tba lecture begin* with Ihe Netnral Bridge f Virginia and tin n ink"* ii* was ta tbe Mammoth 'areal Kentucky, Ibe deacrlptioni ii-n-' rn,., rffi roly Ulnalrated. Alter ibal drar-iptlons ur,, ejren ol ?Ike's I'.-uk. the Golden of (tods, show inp Hie greal ? iu',' >,f the scenery In Colorado, ihe t'athedral lock*, lbs QOaker Congress, Ihe getting Hen, Mother ?randy and Ibe Mountain ol ibe H.,iv Cross. The i,,-,mite Valley, tbe Yeltowetona Park and Alaska re also Inrloded, and nil are illustrated iu Ibe same chli-ti, mid i eai,iiiui manner, "ne or u.e n,,,-i ittractlve features of the entertainment I* a ti,un,i.r loiin ann,nt the mountains. BRAYE OF MRS. HOWARD E. COATES. Mr*. Howard B. Cootra died al ber bome, !fo ts "n*i Maty-fourth -i? on Tweaday morning. She waa ?eveiity-ih'.c years old. Advanced age, with hean allure, canard ber death. Mr*. Coote* was hom In ni*. Tty and Wai Ibe daughter of Captain Kirban] las man, of tba Kngll-h Navy, and In l-l I -lie w.M eau lad lo Howard K. (onie.-, abo for a I "mg Mine w, be mperintendenl ol the Continental Bank Mole Com mag, Mr, '"ate* died In ie.i. <>,,e ion, Howard v. Coat'*, and one il.nighter survive ber. Tbe fun ral sill ht; held Bl hoi heine III* nun u lng. al IO ?"JU ,'cl.,<k. The Iles. Mr. Lubeck vvill ufficlule ami the rurial vs 111 bo in Greenwood. TERSE Voles MUSI HI i:i:\loved A mw " pr >s, ti,.-ii district" baa been established >y ibo Boord of Bleelrlcal Cantro!, and nil telegraph ..?lo* un.i wires tbereta must be removed within ilnciy days, ai the meeting af ibe Board yesterday i resolution waa adopted Using the now dis!rici Habib Ibeea Uuei -Veal Hil) ulm hst n?. nat cry, Eighth and Eleventh av.--., Greenwich ai.l Vest ft*. K.X .Muire Vf. H. Ki ll), lepieK.-ntiug (be 'houison lion-ton system entered u prolesi again*! be Uobway Construcilon Company, which, be -aid. ompelled hi* company lo pas guuu a year a mlle ,,,? a lin"''iii li -ul.wav dint from I', inlet nih lu "Iii i-i v *.-, omi sis., bul refused the Thomson-1 Innaloo >e<>pi" Ibe u-e of li becante thev objected lo paying Lsr*! u in ii.-. Mayor Gilroy said In replj i ??Thi* lt aird ha* ll led 111.' rates of i,,,. rental* of ihe abu ays and the court) has,- -uT.iin.T our action, lr lie Knkwaj (i.mpans demnnda moir ihau Hie ie al*'.* >',ll l.ilVe SOU. Il-ll.r.i, 111 the .'nil-.'' REPOSITORIES Foi: CITY BOX EY. The Danu Commission, ramposed (,f Mayor Gili iy, .inii',,liri Myer, and Chamberlain (iain, mad" tb. uui'teriv de-dgnailoii >.f depo-tltoilea f.?r the T's stoney ealerday. The rate of lulen ; nbieh for Ix mom hi bi been - per rent, vsa* raised ',, - l - per renl n>r se coming quarter. Tbe National City bonk, lite lank ol Nen York, iii*' Manhattan Company Lani, nd ile N'W york National Exchange Imnh were dded to tbe Hs' of itei*o?!U)Hcs which now includes ,i i s -;._ hank* and eleven I rust c., mp! mle . AX till) III l.K EiiCXD IXDERi.ltorX!) In iii" work ,f excavating f,>r ., foundation f,,r pOWel si, nf U " lit',alissa) table Company at road and Front st*., tbe limber*) of a -hip were I-,'livered remit!;. The portion of the (Itv Where ie old *i,ip siu* fanni wu* aili anger irater a littl" s.r loo years ag,,. Tbe ahlp may hare rank ir.err .. 1.1. m .i 11 \ and been ' >s>.,,| nj, |. (I,,. ?,.,_-, |, ,,| he mad'' laliil U> the south, or ll may lui Ve bern au ld bulk sunk t >:.? purposely lo help the proeeai of niling In" Th* limbers vere in good c.,mini,m. and H' hull wa. '.'ii I-e! long. A lieut bnvourl. a |:iii allie IIIHl '..Hie loppef Hillls Were Jil-.. fl.lllul III ie .ai availi.n. THE F. IV. rOSMVMQ DAMAGED RY COI Ll.sloY Tbe tngboati Municipal und r. w. Vosburg rame In ?llislon Iii Unreaend Lay before tlnvliglH yesterday while ? linivv snow was falling Thc iwo ?gs ss err on their way lo a Ib-rt of B0OWB out ls) sea. he *cow* were am h,red Just laslde of coney 'aland olnt. in tin- abaji ni Ity ol tba night and tn,- brow be Municipal rtrnrt tba VoBlnirg't boara mid stove mn s?. badly Hint Ibe big mg began to ajak, lan as l?iich.*t til i onev Island Point and will |,? pal, ind p and li.iuhsl nfl today. Tlc damage to the Vhs urg will amount Io about .*-l..?i,i On ihe \',,shurg t the Hm.* or the collision were Iwentr.gve Italians, in. were heing taken down tn umn Hie bosva. No ne was Iai ri by Che collision. WHISKEY SHARES KALLY. ,1. ??T.VHoN IN'MIK ST' I K UIGIL I.lQ'Tii vii .\ t\,');iii. liv a COMBINATION OP ! ' - Ul - ;s. - W ?; ,,t x |;| i ,iN"; !.('( T|ON. The -nc, in I-, J.Milling and Callie Feeding . i' ii," Mock Exchange continued lo in, hlgti ., i, i ; ,s. The i mi ai. - for ibe dal were lol. :;u -i. ll,.- upeuliig st.:- excited ut WI. again*! a. - il li. fas' ? I,?- . anti heavy Ii.|iil.lal1,,ii n.) mai ihe jin- doun i . :;i. th,- low,-! point yet rem * rd <u Un duwiiward movement. A il ,>,l "f ihi,ag,. irrtk . ii n.i ihe I We. ami before ihe excbang-" ,1 "<l Nra tri!, buyer* Were a, lise m Ile imirk-l. l>, Miir mi:, .-ii t,, in. and I ben a freak arlina mere iii'-ui carried Ihe i|Uolatlou li Bri 7-0, v iii, li ibowed a url miva io ol a 1 I i-. r rent. rite i. liv iii ile slock brought fortk ic rx plana lion (rom ihe olin,-, ,,; the Distilling Company In Ce|.|j , Ibe charge* thal the a- "'I* rebate fund ii iii.nipan) Hive been iised np In apcenlatlona III ." i in;.iis', 1,,el, and in ihe product, which ri ? , man. ,i is ii," , ompany. Tic trt-asnrer "i ibe rompauy waa ijuoted iu Wall.:, a* laving loki .i friend ll,al Ile ,,,lillians had Ind bWlghl wlil-l,,. ol |.i-i,tvlii,-. ami had on ami outs ile product* mal" by linell. it wu- i,|-i. decbtred Ile manage;* if;, uni nil I,'.ar a Congee** lnves|la*Blion. If Ihi* ir lui" Iii' in,pilli will lin'"I g"ii,ial -all-fa, tu,n, t,,r i:." iii",,<i* ot buiiest;', nu,inged Industrial ciiierpri-e??, as treli a* Ibe men crippled by invr-t men ts in "Wbtske* ' xiock, bi* easton* for an ex p,... of Ihe manipulation which ha* -calidali/ail tlc (Mock Exchange, ll I- hoped lhal tbe probe will be carried far iii ugh n> reach ans high Dt-tuorrai ] ..m. who ma', Uti ,?!"', '"I Of Complicity Iii Hi" ill glut lui ".bal." Ii vs;,* imp-, -ii,I,- lo verify Ibe -nules (bal wm, goaling niioiii in explanation ol the rally in tin- al <', i!io-e persona l?"i informed agree ii,ai un Importanl liquidation which menaced Hie inni,ri yesierday im,! inm: wa* nrtTtcd, or at least postponed, try an Importanl combination "t lug.- Hebrew banking h,.ii-,-. A ronfervnee was ichl on lur-dti nigh) ami .pei ni u agreed upon t,, endeavor to sta) uir .iis;isiiti,i- decline. The raault, -,, Hie sims nm-, was iii.n I. .V H. Wormier, Kohn, Popper d Co. and ..Tier bouses were large i,uv.-rs yesterday. H i- ai-, -,ni tiiai ,i. li. Hreenhal, Hu* presldenl ,,( tba Dlsillllni .md Callie rerdlnf l*ouipnny, Joined ih" inset-, anil that .lam, * il. Keene, Who had Hie liiamigeuinii Of Ih" old boll poul, had ul-o <a*t lil? li,l. n*mporarily at least, vsith Ibe lleiurw I'leowul. Importanl a-t-d-dnnce la naU lo hare laang glreo hs roucerns ssiii.a have hereiofnra had no cooneell?ai arith Distilling slock, sv-me ob?-rvera contended lhal Mr. Keene's pur. In,-,' S'.-i.- nils lo <,,ser sholl COB tracts, and |t I* uni set known whet her tbe new ', ali ll f lilied 'I ursll.iy Hight Was ,|. , merell lu mod.Tule lbs prorrsa ,,f liqntdnilen, "; bad determined to make a vlgorjoi light lo wi,-: ibo ?- iiir..1 ol lbs piep'ttt' from Ihe Western dlra-rtora vs Iii, ai.- i leii gd ss i'll mi-inaliag' ucl,I mid bear Inaulpil lall -li. || i- i,o' I'l,p., -i'l" lhal III"' i.lplluli I* l"f! load.,I win, ?? IA ;n !..s ' ?!..,!. aftei . ,,.|ia|,-,> ..I Ibe Mg bull i.I nial attempt lo reeonslrnci ti." rompauy, :, aaa done In lue rase i?f lue old t alton "U Irnsi, lui--- ti.- manager* of Hie D4?iIllina rumpaii) have Kirip],.*! ll* li. a- ni v hore il I- believe 1 Hut Ibe properly lu ihe lui nd- ,,: men "f landing and repula li,-: lie rel al and ll* l.u-ln, ?-- mat Uti I) in Hie lill. r. -l .il .i.n l,.,..|i?.-r* iii good I.'-" ii li." Tu,-nt win, li I- ot s nielli Iii Hil' <?'!?,'hr, maj r",,!se vaTurihh' rn i.ail,,i, Irwin ai i..a," ll) cuttdiict.-d toiigre-u. lt, le ' un. _ MB. WiiBMSFJl ' 'Ul'.i TUB TA! TJIE I IT \ l.Vl'.M .-?:i.<- of ibe stock Pxrnange broker* v.;.', traded In ? il hey ye lerday got aroand I tdor Worra >-r ? ??I i ..<? do r ,.i Ihi , ta md I". la rusti M il sboul ibe i. ?',, bu i i -" lib.i rall ? i raui is Hr look i' "food nntur?dly for a tin., bul Inall) i.n ,|,.,|.,| (bal be did nol like - busing, and wenl bim! com pl si ned t., Hie up. i I il'.' s-n , restored iud,; and compell.*! Hie lindi. . 1*1 ld Mr. s't". ai ? i I ? ?! to ni- bu- iii. ? Iii pt ai ? . TRET WAXT A SEW TARE. At tlc n ? :',.- park II bi i r< i- ni iv 1 peiiliu f lha! a ni n park be I iM out within tin- i?,ii,.dari. . i-t r. I.-,-,.!,,!> a-,! liradhui I .,s.- and "n. -imo'iiei a ?i f.,its min ant om Itundre I and gp) ninth '-. ssas i- '? ' n I t.rnnil. killer Ural lu ? lamina and rspoi a \- coat. A letti i f, ? i i"..uml- loller llelllll :,-;,.! Ibal Hie engined ol the Psrh Depsrlmenl u- directed t, examine ..,.?! reporl upon Hie m-berne f..r a new speedway froni inje bu dr-d-and-sUt) di lu lbs M iholu r.rkwis. Hie ll ni. t... wbb ii Mr, 'ID Inn !?,emly pru is. r<t aiih ih.- approval ..f rxMayor tirani Tb i. .ul decided t i.n Hov ti,ul,i iabe bo acliua, A letter fi >m t ?? Hoi >-i I ?? Ret dallon int, Ihe li. ard thal Bil ss i i- m. to begin ss,ul, on I hr kia I lie of Nathan Hal", ss ho ss is executed hs Un 1 il'i .i i a pj neal Ibe pie t ero lng ,,I i ham bel I. ai d linsida i). Tbe Hoard appro* ? ?! a bl i lo i.ut t, Alban) auih uritlng ,1 approprlatio ..' IHI.'i.noo for iii- ??.'li,neut of tba nan tr nh nfng ol in. vi. I ro p<-Ut an Mu ema of Art. J lie ( mp .rnlloii ? -.un-. I was a-.,.'l to pip.u. .. I>ill lo allots Ul. expenditure ..I .ri ai..'.h. ,,, Hiilsh .rn,I *?,,._ Hie aquarium al < . Ile lim len I i.*i*lor, Kr?'Iing1iuyseti i leitei ? ? ihe Hoard i umplinii ming nth IN.Menial Herbert I. Howard, who bald slopped a ruii aaa. ira -?? attached n, u .["igb in Central I'.nii. RB* AXXIE m.s: wt To LECTURE. Mrs. Ami" ii. bi i. I ie tim, ? hhi-t, win )? i lore Bl I'bickering II ill lo-nlghl on "Gboat* and Appall i .i . ' Mis H.-ant gave ar ti rs-. I !??< t ur of the Bea here, after her arrival from l_i-don, earl! In H.,:,?,?. aud ha* since ipoken tn all ibe large .Itle.. working her ssas southward and westward Baili tan Ii.iiim.o aiel Seattle Were reached mi lil" I'.n III. i i,a i. ii-1 h, t,,i. . bare aroused great Interest In Hie occult -cn in ?, and lhere hat beea a largo in tlu\ .,' tu ss men,I,,is Into Ibe rarloua l In >.? nil. * ibriuighoul Hie ??niiii r,. Her iiej.t b*riun< .nt i ihai io iilghi will i si i bli ki ring Hall, on Bunda) evening, ,,a "Chrl Haul!) 'licotopir.. i vc7.7lise, v \BE lol: mt: COLLECTOR. The Collector ?.f tbe Patl ,,f Vork I- puzzling i.s. r ., ir ". i|U, ion brought lo hi* al'.'Uti,Ul le, riltuiiv A r... I ... > Wi li t, Impori a lurg.: lot of s.,| liable uni! diamond* li exhlbll al tits World's Fair, ami bare ibem art In Nen Vork, rn a* Iq -hov, Ibe ss,,;;, ni ,..?nen,.,n goldenuib*. Aller tba egbitH lion i- "S",. fe", wi h i -.mi I hem back la Harli Imi. l,.ri ?. vs line -mil stoats ai''' I, uii,,i, greater demand limn bei . flie- o*>J?r| lo pasing duly on Un m. Aa Ibe ilium,,rds sic imi In be arni directly in i ii,ir, as rant,ii b, ndniliied auder Ihe "In" pr vi lou, matl lo agpl) U pwd Imported lot IIB' lair, and ll i doubtful W bet bet or in.I ll.r lau allow un.' I.u po: la'io:, on hr lu.nd tor six lu lillis for ,\ I.ll,Unui a. pil. - i . I.ii e. ll,. I ol|,.< nu- will ny io ss,,, oul ? I Hie illili. i.l'>. I.iul MIBSIOXART BOt'lETIER MARE AX AI'IEM. A tl I' ult ,.' Ti" , I. li," b I'-' ? 'I ,? l"',l, ? tn i.".'?,i lu ml lon i irk muong ih. Cli m ?. which waa I, 1,1 al Hi" Inn!" Ileu-e. in Hu* iin. i.u Thur das |a-1. an apr al va- |< ir il s./Kril;.. lo Ibe pul,Ur and lu iiii rn,mi, rs ,,f i... gre -. ;,. ti,,, nil b i". Ibe lat Btfdhtlc repeal ol ibe obnoxlon* futures of ike -., ailed - hine ?? Exrla lon act, The poper i* .siin, .1 li? llie committee, , ,ii*l-itlug ,| lbs Rev. Hr. ll. I.. Mare .ri-i.u-v ol th.- American Drtptlal Hume Mi . ,a ;, tv . Il," Kev. Dr. .ii hun K iu' - i', .-<, r.-larv ,1 the board ol manager* rn the Dom. sile and Kirrtgn o' n i , ii, I,,m Kpi-, ,,|,:,i church, and the Irv. Dr. v. I. Ellinaood, kc-t-rvtari of be l*re>b)-|eriaii III ard ol | of, igu Mi i.ou . THE DOO HOI A'S Hi:: lt'/: Foin Xo l.OSOER Th,- BaCngri-l d i- Which ha- leen ruining on the re ,,r Un n ersili i" I'entral l*arb, oppo-n,. Hgbtj ?is'Ti '.. s*1 il ?- lal Ihu'iliv, ssa* al, lull ilgbl on "Tuesday nlghl. Tho park police, ivservoli leeper*, agent* for Hi" nod, ty f,,r He I'r.-ventl ni of ruelly lo Animals and tin- t"iuler hearled Women sin, have Hied io tempt the brute i , < wat h. land 'll.I i Ult \ -leahs Iee! ,||,e III.---. ? ||,,lt |||,. |, U.,_.||, Iring. Th'-ir i,.a,hine! elTort- h. Indues ibe don o ibe kee and ia'.:, up hi- efl*!Moory m de ni Ile lesitlKil Iii fiiilure. and (be laughter timi Ira*!,,,. if tin- thousand-, ol visitors uh,, became lalereaied Ulli:\ BATING l).'i,,mr* t'()iiblc<(iii),', ilij-estiuii drfoctivo, Mgcping gq Inpogaibil* itv. .ip, ct D' Co gagg, take Joliiimi noir- iiiiii Extract, it aVotfl lilco g ?lim in and lutes ?plenditl. Ik -inc lo ".a tin, ,?'* t* ii'iTi,'." vv liich mus! Iiavo iho ? >ikTi;itui.! of ".Johann Hoff'- ?n ?TS til)' I.C, N ,,f ?.V<TV I.Oltlc, ,'ypl tnk? ''m n? -iliHiiiutf. I'sc Jiihuiiii II..n'* Mult MniibDiis fur Sore Threat. Coughs, Cultls. I iii the fate of ihe merry mongrel made UM officers uiul kee pen unhappy. Abonl inldulf-hl , n Tuaadey, I lt .mas Wari, of Fa*! (tue h i nd red and Bgrood st., and Joaefh r-nill li. of Mni'lv -Ist.'i *i. and Iifthave.. several com pani ,iis, met Bl Hie reservoir au.I trawled oat "ii Hw U-e. ih.-v -nrronnded the i ,g and at a signs! began to approach him. The dog watched u.ese tpanoeuvr*-* :l -.iv. mid vvlcn Ihey began lo advauce rapidly, ie rnll.ijN-d ano** th" ice. lao nm linally run donn by Ward am! -.lilith, and taken by Ward tu lil* lt .ni". THE i oil: ix a. ii wr.-i i'.i.TTK.i.D'-- will, PBOBATBO. Tbe sslll ,,f .lt,.,.pi, H. W. -t. rib-Id was admitted lo probate yesterday hs surrogate Ba nanni as tbe result of I'ra.rcrdlt'gs brnllghl bv ll-lirv I'. l"Tl>> . a* iitliniu Islraior of Ibe estate of bis father. William M. Price, to compel Killian! II. Westeilleld to probate Ibe will. -I aeph ll. Wesieiiirhi dit.i December 31. 1801, leaving 1,1* property to bbl Wife. Il I nos formerly ii partner lu Ibe linn of W. H. -.? hleii.-llii * ? ?>.. drug -gats, ii,. :eiir,'d n number of rears ag,, ami engaged In sprrnhnlou Iii peirohuiii lu Vfewl Virginia willi IVHHam M, Prfre. Th-v kw) moms, and We.ioiilehl brnoghi *iiil against Price hu au accounting and lo recover m.000. I'll. <? brough! a count,;' stiil to r> rorer *f J.o?w). Thc suit* were ttTtcttR to Onrernor I', holli* lowe, of Mats land, a, referee, bul billi l'ri,.. ami Lowe had died before u letilemenl was mil bed. Edward H. West-it!'hi is a lawyer at No. 880 Rroadway. ile drew ii,(. win ami was ona of Ihe willies,,... ii was rbarged timi lie hud refttsnl to probate Hie will because he frar.-d thal the old *ults would I,.- revived, -mrri-gaiv Kans,un granted lb'' rn,ti,iii lo admit Ih, will lo piohate without laking Westcriieid'* testimony. u lilMN't: SEW -ITT- AOAIXoT M. .. nKARXBY. Righi -nil* w. re begun In ihr Supreme Coori la i against M. Theodore Rearm*"*, a Wealth] land owner In California, to rescind coulta,'!* for the pur , has., of ii Inri of lill a, f "I In FTl ll'> I'ounty oil the ground of fiaiiiluleiil repiesoiitalhiii*. 'Hie cm plaint* bare noi hen ?rveii. and .'udge Patterson yc*ti*rd.1* va, an d ord, r- extending the plaintiff'* tillie III WblCb to serve I Illili. 'I Ile nil- SS , 1 ;? lr. might bj Hannah ll. Dabcork, Henri Bnebns. Henry ll. Molder. *i"pii.n Habrorb, William ll. Harrison, I \. Hat lo-ii, K. Millard Jones, tiara \ Itoombour and Mamie Coomb air. nearly all Ka, liri- In Ibe In .nillir for the Dllnd lu nd* rily. The -ulis have ix ni discontinued in nrdef net ol hen maj lae brought by ih,- same plaintiff* agnln-1 Kearney. Ihe Arthur lt Itrtgga i ,.ii,|,,cv and lbs i'i il -Ti,, improvement t'omimny, ali of whom hare an lnt**real lu lb propi ns. niT*- DP I.I IIAIj KF.W8. li ,i .- Katti a . se-lu,;..-. <? ? . ,? an apia ,n dil vvrii.oii 1 I' Ktsfcea t.Md sp I.i- t.I l< tot st,adata* |? i, psrtv arsll "ii Int |?.et lu i Btalv-alsU? rt.. peat It.'.-i-id. Jsr a.ul Iii pav ll,.?- "f 'I" ? ? , .? ,.|. I him to ? '????? nc >. ade* ap by William Raysrd t iltlnc and ll.rt FulU-a ' lUIni arh ? ? ?sin IM ail," i,Inn tot. jades irr.'v. s..i i,i,v |isnita1 ia 'nhl 'in -i i eh s blt! ami olino . |... as- * I HU :?-'-,,, I- si-' be ila iii ie dna! li"' m ' lari 1 ? alt aaa I* et,, mv |P, lani, '" rerotel .-' *?"?? ?" Jadgs ..f Hs* *"i|..... ?> Conti " I I .:, srdei t,,r ..f il," aialk -..,.|... i, - i.' . i labu sad ' - i lag ol ? >? ? '> ihlh nstl e of p Bdeai i nf .. : .a, |n - : I in,.' u-iii I '? Ell ?ilim K. li'. ?'f' "' Wllliaaa ia. ? , partll.f tb S ? ? ? ???? Hut i' ' . nv. ai ii' . la , sad vv.,.' il >i Ita 11 ? . ? Is-gaa in is*'. , rsl isl * kan I I ???' '? tent int* Mari i , ,.? i. lg, Mitit.e., Morgan .v>. ? .-' tl" mail ,:?] ,,.,,.?; .. ....... f .?? . Iel* ... I r . ' ? - il' I'" ,.? , . | . |at le* int., tbe - I ?tad ii ' ? ? ?- ? . '"'", I' ?'?a-" * '? *!?? ? take p "? r j- lo Mlle* n, V?.a .i ll rai d , ..ho s..', rdsr leM I" Judes k.i. * i ? ? ..un ,.f i,- .,i Pira* s .nial tata al ? I . ? ' . ri- Htltj ,.? I . ' ' lt I v ?,:,,. otb ? |. .,,. ,n th* ? Ity abets Bani - 'lie aa. ... bl* ll ?a- a ><d I lisa his ll IO, Ul, IL MU',I . .. ?' W'.llij' , P. iv D? ,: I . ? ' ? ', I ' " ??' 'I '" I ? ? la. ??-.., rat 1 ll oi- ,., -..i . 11 ? ou , ?,.,,? I bSlle* I. ,, ,'. I ? inri.- ..'ri j.-i.tal l j I .. hSUr* id 03.000 a vasse, and I - vv s baa i... a BppaiB-d to lin. pises n ? m's i,. ai by Mr (1 iphri I ' ? ! . Juli.-, Rem ' "f Us Kuj '? i',' l Bart, yi ab rday di I I lbs t ,'? ? ' '? iin io pay ta r M Aronui gi ??'?: ?'." ? ? ? )? 'i * ' ? ' o. i.?Vaes li - a gael as. .. ntii ? f WU ssa H* aaa ' ?, Sa i*-o.?! lha n,,,i cf Henry *? is., t ... ttiu.i. hailed IB t I -' I---, aim iii dim i st ass rt.0.000 r M v.,,.,1.1 asa a ri dil I f,.r tSO -'.Vi. and V ,i Arnold K.r fl *:..'U7 IT .|\T-, i\ rilK Ht 1-11 RMR POI RT v.-: ? rion Feb. f .?In ih rnpreme Court to da} th (?l bivi (og lu In si wa. done No. loni lin 1,,hm.1 h. M.u'ieru Railway I . pans, pi.iiutiii in error, agt. uilliuin A. Wright, I 11 roller H. iirral, aird Ntl Itu I.. I ll emmi 11 tri ou, plaintiff lu 'riot. sgt. ll" Mo.f It.orgia. M. lions 10 as Nu nut -Tin- Von bent Pacific Rollmad rompanr, 1,Pp ll:, ut. uart. < luiile* ff. Walker, rou ut y audi ..1 Vi -nie.Ult 1 Ultltilled Kit. Uti A. I'eitli.olie. ,1 Bl. I.I. til,tts In error, sgt. Ihe lulled Mule.. Vrgunienl beg ? Adjourned tn,Tl Kimonos. lin ,|?. rall um be N..s 1*141. ISI land lit. un mid i:,o , |**5_ lg?, iol. ia.'!, 134, 135, 13C sud c.; IXH'RI Of APPEAL! CAI RUDAR. Albany, Peb. 1 - The dav calendar lu Ibe Court nf Appeal* f'>; Thursday ls Noe, Sb*0, 133, lu-. 3*j0, sill, 313, 017, BIS Ih.. f,ii iwlag ' i ? argued i John r. it,.il,a and another, appellants, Bgalnsl I,,i lani I.alu; I,s|. Williiim M. Ilunse, sppellanl, against John 1 I. rkwond uni another: argo,si iv R. t. lame* ami S. Una, k. i,|,,,h, (or app.ll.ints; ,\. ti j,,.., f ,r ,.. sp. intent*. C. I rank Pitcher agaln-t taite shore and Michigan (southern tooapaay. appellant: nreu.-d hs Haoi.i ll. McMillan, for uppellaut; .v. Mur.y, for r. i tmdent. t "tr.T (.v.i vu vt i on ro f VY Supreme ('oort '? Beral Term i: ream roatins I M..,,.,!,,. lunn (tis u bera U'-f.,,,.ti j Mellon rsl.l.dai ? ail.-1 ai ll .,'? lr, h bnprene r.mri Hpcelsl T-rm Perts I amt tl \<ij.ned f.,r the lem. Ureuii .tt fit I -Adjourned until I', i marv x; t'lrculi coori I'. ii iii j.,j iv Adjourn-d for ti. U'tin burrogats'* ' purl No ? ilendst (,.ii,?,nu I'i.-.* Hem ii. Tern vt,.ned nut.I Flu marv fl | on,,,,,,,, pleat sj,,., jai Tera" lijls (' .1 - s|? Hun*. ,,..,i,i..,i pi. ?,. Tf.,t Team-Parts I. ll and III Vd j,a.Hr-I for Ile lem,. Miperlor '"un ..fin i.,| Tem. Adjourned until feb ',,;,'t, s-tpirii.,. . .ort B_-er!a| I. rn lt,r..,,t lt,e.rn J Us ? Ol!* h aerial Courl ri isl i ,.-, Pans I 11 ? ,,l III -vi "Sari e,| fur tile lei Bl il's'ioiit Kihi lal Term ILf t ? M , a ,'v t via,,,,. 1 t, . i mi' T.on, Pa i-J ll III und IV Ad |ll ,,,??! tot H? |, ,',, '.not of ..??:.. i.i s... .??,. |>... | Htll'th Pl arl A.. . , li.-'ii > vii..m. s. Wellniail nu 1 Osborn. No I. I'le-elltit-a Se. I io l', a., lu. v.. lour' .,f ,.eie nt Sr**lo*.? fait ll Marline I aol A--st,.,, li,.t-|. i. vin..i,. . VV.,:,. N? I I,, 7 iii, i,,,u,. i ...rt af ii", s,e*,;?i|. part iii kTt'aersId I. and v asiaui DI inctAtiorn.i 'I.e.,.,. nu .%,,,. i _ i, ,,, i?-is THE MAMOXBj SI Mi ll i olll' I VT?'*.' I'ROSI'IRITY t hi...?... feb, l fgpartali. Tba annual alerting nf Ihe Diam,uni Mal. li I't.uip.niv ssa; liel.l lu this riff io day, and ilie- stockholder* were ashed lo rallfr the igl'iin of Increasing lha rn pl til itorh fr mi *,7.:., hi.ihki I,, g0aOon.00O, lt i- i,:.,|. > al Ural half or the rani tock shun be lamed bi par lo lite Mock hoblers, end be other hair dlstrlbnted aa a i,,<n dhldflnd lo 'earssent au accumulated tum'u*. r*ros|dt*ni liarttor, n In- latter to Ihe stoebholderi K.iiav, sus*: '?Tbs ?anni.a- ,.f Ihe ,,|,aiv daring lin- nar lOO** ivITt ll per .nil lu a-xeeaa af I0VI. Tin- excess of earn rn;, wis due io nsetal c.iu-e-: l'lr*t. the eompany, jv ll* Increase iu coital, paid Its dela, iberabl soring i laige munnin of initroal monej ; second, Ihe lncrea*e ,f business .tone user Ir-IH ssa, ll per ,.,.j,i ; stassel lie redurllnti of labor ac,,uni over ism x, ,, s j,,.,'. eui. mid this seas ,,c. i,mph Tu'd all holli red Ur lng Hie ir|c ? of lulu.r."' 0OVERX0R OSBORXB WILL xoT tXTRRFRRg, i resenne. \Vs? 1. h. 1. The rsqulsit.KStsBg i,|,im h. liovrrnor ol Rrw Yurh for fherb-a ,\. while, i,s tiling i...vernor Barber, of Wyoming, ia i mil.'will land, i.,-verm,, . i-,,.???,. refnses to Interfere, saying hst Ibe ev,den,,. |* In lilli, I, ut. Whit,. |, ,|.v. maboad g| Mrs, R. Magie, ibo B-ealthy widow whom ,,? ls BlleeOd tu have -si in,lied Ile relun?.,| In Ness lurk with g7..,oo(i ,,i ihe womon'i cash and os-r 1100.000 of hot honda nmi icrurltles, rhe rlurgs igaiu-t him ls L'rani tar reny. h.. ss ti rlalm In New "" ' t1"" ll;' W-UperlJ ss.,, nt- ni :.niau." sillh ||?. oiidlliun ol au lille imp tal i uuira, i 'ROMERO THE to Lol; \ Do DESERT OX BICYCLES. Yams, \:i', i .ii. |, Thomas (-alien and Vf. I., achieiiiheii. af gt. loni,, ii,,, fauioiis 'round tho world ?'.arnon, vi h.. biive ne,ii iv rnntpleted ibeii tanr, av h-fl Yamg for Nov York bs suv ,,f Rei Orleans, using *af,h i h..ed ihe tpr fe tied and dreaded ,,1,,'M'i, ,i,-eri, making an average ..r nn.t .*k mile. ,r dav Thev s|e.Mt bite nigh! at Ibe 'ailinn . ia lion ea. lioih were In egrellenl health and spirit*. Their rip through I'sll'omla via* a perlerl ovation, lino vp., i lo teach Pu, xii, s,?,?,.,_.IS n,.^ ?.?,( |?JS0 _.-,.|lMI , v ll, and Nev Voil, li, nlliet* dav* THI WKVU.llN FA p| l\*. ' Hie vanl., Kalin ?,1 |, ? Kle,,t Kening ,r. leases V SS \ ?,| ,| WAfO ,,. ?,. ^^ (| . ires ai i lamond . m. Ibe next doy. TBIB0TK8 TU MR. BLAINE. STIM.VTKS OF HIM UV LEADIJCO STA I J.SM KN. lil- COXOVCT ol' PORriflR A IT'vi lis \ MW Ol' PR.ICE. me lion. John w. 1'osier. Scrtetorj oi Hate, In The Ness Vorh Independent. Mr. lill.'* ran* I es --?';- tmy ol Mate va* in narked roulrasl with Hie p.,;,ulm liiiprtsluii u tn luna. i-r. As a | ol.liv.I leader be bad I.n ul lin .'iii-hed lor anil is.iinbailveli.B-. AS li' lead of the Foreign indee, In hi* dealliifca with oilier onions he ssa* piv-en. I)H> I mau ol |' BCe and I o;is|si,.,ii advocate tn tit Int i ai iou BS lb. utily rational md stat,..?i?i,uk, method for tho s-tti. ni, tn ot inter IBlloiiaI lllllli lillies. . m ma-. In i-.-i ssiii ii he nrci-ptcd Hie portfolio ?>! Mate md r I'le-'ident (in rile W, one ol hi- Ural bcI* was bu 'Udenvor lo reconcllii H.itortunate difference* ut*. ween three ol Hie Mouth Atneric.iii I'pniilics and ermliiale ii cruel am! .Kv:,stating war. .vlHuuigh un nc,-rul In timi SI tempi, ll led to Ihe linallie Ol his ? I i,land invitation im- un Inleruotlouul lonferenci" >f Ihe American nanon*, whose only and expressed tl,je, t s'.n* to secure ihe adoption o,* arbltmllon .. ? I terms nen I mean* ol preserving the p?nce whlrli lu relieved ssa* m*?? -ns tu seenrfl Ihe "rrtHpenty m the valen, in hemisphere. ... The tragic leimlnaHoii of t'arfMd's Administration lereiileil ror lilt' lime lin- rt" n Slid belirtlclul scli'-mo. ,nt a -H omi lim*' called lu be rs-rrtdai) nf rtate, ut-c III lille: Si liing li.p-e ol seven XIII*, ll fell l'l bl* lol, ,v all Unusual di" ? I, piinnl Ol events, |o ralTV du'. ifter tins lom; int-rsa:. .Imili; ss I.Kb all iii!vei*e parts ,s in power, the notable nillo outlined in lils lli.-t my ? en r of .-Iii. e. Villi pi,*, leuce unit en ii ..eil him to i-t ,-i< iud licit, lil own, Idea- and m rlratloni Unit nod lain dormunt und r tin touch of l- * ..???ii It'll till iii less *sinpallietlcall,' pun I Ka I slat". iieu thiin he. lu; s. Ueii upon Ihe I nought lhal bad alnlv st niggled for expression not only In .mc <?wn ounfiv hut In lin spanl-h Annuli nu republics from be early lear* ol the pr. - ut oiiinry; and al hts om h Ihe old chimera ol ti federation '" Ihe llltcreals f (he -tat,- . th" A merl. Illl lo ml-pheii' Ititi) il coln . .olldlty he, uni" irii'.-luinnsl Int,, au acceptance hv in- i or commouw.'iililta ,,i the Invitation '? confer i -ai ii ,,l siam haiti, oin, ul. in (bl -landing viheicbv heir ,.mon im ?,',- t- mig!,; :,?? bill erved, and pence mt good will malm slued Binung (hem. . . . lilli ns {-ocivlni'V h< hail other rollsplcUOIII oppor .Me Ol ' vlii'oI'll : ll * telldclict lOVVilni III" p. a, "lui -Klementnf difference*. At "... , ;,??.ingot hi ? second 1-1 in ol nigra Ite found ih- .-'aimiiii cnfctpilcslloii seri n*l, llimilenillg the lei'.lou* relation- ol I Ki ???? real I'oviers: bul Within a Ku uni,Hi-, bl peaceful iL-oi. mon*, ii" i '?". ? IJii' led, 1 lo ai,io.i: and aligc.-on, l.'hillilh ipisovle ssas .igiiltf.-iiit In lt ssa a conducted :.. lu hrlng Ilia.vernmeni ; pniposo ? I.Illation. Which 'i il. !??,..i. . in,I .tuiitls oppu.itl In lie Pa n-A merles ii < ? nfeiotu.-. The Iti-brlngf Sea i ?n in "i- '. ssa Mr. Illui,"* n, o-i animal.,I uni prolonged Ipi.lille discussion, Ililli Iii- Tal! I" pol.nil u... , s-.-r iilspins,,1 Min, more hrilluir.ry I bul rn* crow i I de con | rovers j ls tin peeceful elli, men) ,,? arbllr.i lon. Winn Hie Ms ors of 1.1* lin- come* I ? '?? (lisps- fun tels milton, lil wt .' . .- , !? lui ?. o' -.;,;?? ssi.i be mnd to I" hi- mot enduring moniimeiii of lanie, and i,b Hs Im-tuii ?? h" I., ii.--. -.1 Ubi I the (nie ml -i. Iplomnri arua '?, ns.n or compose dim. nil le-, i >,' lo v lt- them, lind. Willi Ihe l*Mie* ol pence anil '.sar llhlu his baud*, bo via- prc>inluetiHy a wan of eai". . . . v. I' on, i?. c ll! * || vnt. An '. civil r.RADRR. Iii ri "S ion.ral Mill, r In ll e Ne . York Indi tn i 'l eui. \ ?? fl woi ' anon I Mr. lil line '?' I " ' de ? e.,,,n I- milting ai .. i, I. /u, and win. Ill sil .,;,', Hiing Ul ss ' 1 ...I. ll'" le VJ, t!,,. >,o I i,Mi ,t nod the ed iii i'i >?: his Him i ne. ? ...m r. - ill of li :? ? ti il m. H.- , lianne l hi* i." n. ,.. i k fault -. noil i , no tn . . ? t.i.if ii , io. indk ?? . nere iii laltv blind t ? i- vin- . in,, soi,.-. if n'l abo were wool lo testify ?' i ll ?' him ii" - ? I ' lie :,,.?,? ,,f denth. s lenee ,. . I! In, i| ,, ,): .-.,,,,.i.i i . '. i rf. Il .0* of Mle gt e.. I ll I ? I ..,..' . M boh all. ai pl ' ' ll. Ill |,| a |||e| al," ll jmlg em. ii I- ate ?? ? ??? i!,i , li aili perm nientlt lix ?f -i nu - Hill ? p.- Ilbilna very lilgh mi Hie 'll of th. | tildi m. , Hie I'l i'. I -t. ... i. a civil ad"i- of Bil ll. ill mei nl-e, ult'., ut *, a ? mi ? fnaii i.iuk. iii- powRRti, ip pEirsr v-n,\. ? tar* Ru !; In 'n, ? Nevi Vorh Indepcudenl ' '? p ? , , Ml, Ml iii I te. ling cn.p. tluir Mi- -t . ? : .rio-n-iso mimi ut his s billi) I i-i a alls '., giuppte "in all) treal r. hiern thal t noe i,;,;, ,.|.,,, ,...,-ir,jlU tilled lum f In- |i :. ? iii. . alni i pt* ill. for iHploinulk' ll" ii.ul pr..: .1,ls a- mus pei .rn,.! admirers Iii lill ? ''!? Bl psi ie* at ai ii. li! nine . ss: Ile, al timi*, lie iii i iii i i .i ,i en .(nu . ali lilli * OW1I par's In III* rehl lol - With I.I- fri.-ii.!* Mi. lain, ? - ilnguhi ?*. aft ?? i lotto te, ? > i.tnt ul ls brlllbiiil < ? i.s. : ..:i|..|ia| ptiWcr* ali.) lu.iglieli mau ?l he ss*, alu.ii. ||.itre u| a' i.i, ii,,u lu ,,ir. Ollll III 'Slit, h he 'S^s Uh -. ni. mi.;- iii.-H.i..i ,,f i .;i lemporarilt aubmergel "I fill dil lill pill ly, S|r. m..,:,,. :?. ?:?,. ,,,,?,. ? , ,,, rr. Hi. leader ot ni- parts, ami lt hon the poillieal -lui, nf the ta-! hull .. n I ii ry I- made up, lt .sill he Ulla! thal .. s, -i. lorie, pl . ? s- III i . a Hot I ed t . him. \\ lab I ll | lon, ll. C, IM'.. T.! i:'TI.'V- ol' VN INTIMATK ITTI-.M). ?;-" i i'i .-.-.. ': i . ,u ibe Ness -York Indept ii Ii nt. ll ? been titi it Mr. Ilbili ?? wit ,. I a ?tate aa, lu l a icm emili, il Uti ll I i III i li lill'" -set a tu "tn.,! lailb'ii . bul a irieat poiillT.rill/ lb* tier i.i ii. imi :, li* pi, an und proper - *? a* i ?? i ills ii, it of .tat, mm, bul lu Hie loo *? 'lise ot a er pa, is ? Vi.!,.: Mill ?- a-lo I. ssliat ??'? nial px-llev i.e ever "ormiilufifl or ssim leg lal ive mea nt* lu.- ever framed ., .,i bad enactoj to last . ii",, ssh, ere t ii* Inclined n> belittle Mr. Ula!ne oll 1.1 in,ne i nrefll ls |. ,<l i he il..i ale* In Cn ss iii, ii iu- (ooh .. prominent pu. on m. postal .. r ? ,? st a on ? I ? Imp a, un nillii n s |< _? i.i un lu i.- .4 al I -o',, ss lu. h placed in the liana- . f the I1. >l nt and g-iuial* .,f Hie arm. Hie mean., of flnallv ' n Rebellion. I lley I.kl il- I more , ace ill) read Hie m.lins of the House duri its' Hie re I -li o. Mon period, ss n- ii bis p.a, st ,- ..,. lani., lu niling prop, siiliei- nlld ll mell d men ls, nnd III- sol.. pol en I in mlv.M'UC* us to -??ur.- iii" adoptioil of e i'l,III eel.Ml \ III,Ul.I m.' Il t t, ll... .',, ,|||.|HOII -0. si-T und ,.-i." ill. drawn \,y himself), and Ihe lui irtUUI l"g.- .'I ui .,t that period. ...(Tv no mau er appeared In Congi.**- ssl.,, esUUIsbcl a higher ' fl lier all I lend, , riu i.n' Hun Mr. lilulue vu, in ti,,, apeaker'* Blr from Iddfi k> IH7.1, and, therefore, debarred fr.nn i" ,i ng In the debalea on tbe Boor, hi .1 thus large withdrawn rrom public i.bservatiou, i,a- lei t.> hu perllrial eli.'lii-biu thal th-i, !,,,,? ,,, wu* .1 ,in : it Tot.- sv..r",s nf tate imiushlp. liul ii u..* during at p. dud that in.atnie 11 Ve pOVert, a- ., i'? ll!:, more thor iigbly versed lu th*, url ,,i governniem an any other maa ,.r nt- lime, ivers" mo-i eff.-ci|ve|* i Piny cd r.i no public mau ls Hie c.Hinir) more In bled lr the l.gisl'iti,'. which pri-servod Hie Ni mal and I?!-.*?.. -.i Hm country bach t>. a Minmi tren, s. Hun f.> Mi. Ulallie, li any ra nd id Inuulrei -UH hesllatei ti award to r. Ulallie Hie raul, nfs frem statesman, .,s. a alette* ni and leader b* irulj grenl a* ITauiai.-li in ..e. mv or (.ludston,. In '.:*ai i.nlilu, |e| nie lusil., iu , ai.'fuiis to rend the illntimistl ? a n non lenee ring iii" len mn ti. |, \ u\.., |,,- sa* -ieei-elarl ,>f it- In H" < ?:. rt.- T.I Vitim. Villain!,. i :>?. an I I!,. r, e sen-. UCClllIlj I lui I pail of in, perilMl I,fifi '? ? ? ??? i ic1 I,,.,i lt. he a, i and upon him. in Ihe \il lill trillion ,,f Vt,-. Haul* m : a'.i il .nell a . -hall 1 Mien renell ll.Ililli i.lia I thi, isoiii aime I INl "? I ' > -Lino i in, a* . ni i lie il lil Cst rundle and i , ?, ,, g .*? ,t. -non thal thia ? * ever produced, then I ki ???? nm whal nun ll Hes ibe a k| ne man. . . . WI ut liii ,? ia,., un I brillia! i n i lillies ss.-:-. Hil' pw ni ii io him, made them in-iieve In him, nu t iii and f ll'.'.s hill), are u ll uivd'-l t,.,?l |,i |hnae who ? ?ss inni and Iud j I m ,:???., h,,. .liindpinnl of udor and ,'n.tKe. eil I lu '? Hull nf on Jlldb e tl il tlonsi The mt ii i ,..i hiller , rlilelsm eu I i. Bl lien alni, In ?,. | i ,i :,,. aMs llbJislH iu nonie niter* fr.lime ll i.e,.,n,e known lu 1*7,'. ibu imi- ii i ; .pirrili! '? ?:? li," l'l" Idem V. .rein" I Ilk" (??ir e-,,oe li Ik .?? ssl,,, i,m.u nels hu.'.. Mr. Iilnlne. ,,--^_w_gAW? Ks'OWI.F.IKlI'' llrings .-"oiniort and tiiipios. iim-ic and ta-nrts be ?sonni enpivim'ti' sv'uni r'.'htlv laasart tnO nv. who li.!? I'.'iter rit tn ntlar-re, anil rmjnp . ut,,rc. r/llli l''*i" i.\penditnre>, hv more promptly ipf.ti': Ihe worlil * beef prixllicla tn Hu' lieeal* pbs n'lil li-'lti'g. will aft.'st lin- sallie to health tin* lime I ii | ii l'l laxative prtnelplt-a i*mltrni?d m l rein,'liv, N\)'!|) ''I I'lg.s lt.* .'vceiietii',' is iluti tu it* pn-m-nitng in tim ni most pt ci-pt li'lc and iilc.'Jiitit tn tin- lanie ? r?'f[.-*iiiog ni ii brnly !rm*ll??l nt-opt-rtn-* of Itcrlcct hi.iifise; clleetiiiillv cleatlsl'ig Hie Mi* ti, ilispi'lltng ci bl*, headache* and fnvcra, and ?miiuttutiv miring f-onatlpetton. It Ima giv>*ii btfaetlng to mtlliona and mel with lim np , vii I of the medical gmfaimiofl Iti'i'.iii**' lt act.* Hu* Kidnryn. fsivsg and li am -I- grltlmni we:i< nu thom, and il is ps-rfvotly ir.i! from every retlnmtlile *i|Kst;n. Syrup of Kn- i" for ania bj all irnRRtntg in I ami $1 bottle*, but if im iiiitniiltii lured hy i iiiiiforiiiii fig Hy rup Rn, nnljr, mHmai mime printed on cv.rv pu l.agc. alan tin' miine, Syrup Fig*, and bring vvell inf.nitn-tl. you will not ,'pt any aubatlliitc if olfcrusl. "A thing of beauty ls a Joy fon?f.H 4 Homo uit.ioHt Fi* opine* |*|,k,_ mun un i.out ----- Tr Him ?_??_ ?*itflilly. Tho movo is uot not iablc nTr doo*, tho radiator slow uiib hosiiitahly. " Hi,,, In laMiilyairairKwhai^soMtiHient-a is also priiclinil, Dnmoatic linp|, ' in a ... :,! malt... and ll,, homet! tho -1-iiiM of Miitimoiii. \ riie?,ar|t i*. flic.'out rc of thc homo elre-fe, Maring ho a rf*, and hand*, alike. Therefore buy seuioiiuhle Hi in ks for thc lirenide W. H. Jackson & Co., INION SQUAKL', tor. Br.sdw.,,,. line Wooli Hunleis noil Cliiuiuevpiree \ove|||M = rULCOCKSrSlf3 ne the sole r.'T'.l.'e plasters eve- podBted. I'l-isyi* Tau. ie, i panel vs jud never fatliag, mer fails- om *~ l> fiuiteinent,. of a li<>-i*eliul.l', and *h,nilii j!w?v, __? i,.ot mi band. Let m. '.nil,-Kuli., i or explanation indue. r?>; ra tc?.n* ll -Uh-lltUte. . ii , understood the perfeel parity and Inteppa nt Ha private life, the notdilty nf hi* alma and p n-p.**,, j[JJ tim magnanimity mid kindliness nf uh nature.' nt wp* nut perfect: none ut lilt, detractor, ur trienrls 2 perfect. Hut he came a* near tu lt a< ea* _,r nearer than many nf I lie public men nf t he pint 'whom hi-tiny he* pronounced peat. . . . Tinie ure tboae ulm leem lo tiiin! Hint btCBgaa j|r Blaine dil not reach 'he Presidency, rn which lr honor' ably bi pt red. liter* fort-, his pu'.,ll, career -ega hi mm ?ll <? a failure. I d', liol . ntl. ur iu Hil* coin IiiTuj. .( i* Tai" Hutt lie did mil ?i|,li the Chief Mjglst-acv of th" Nation, bul Hie .Ulises Which prevents! syerc'vjrb a* lint tn ta'tie :; ss a y fruin lils lal Me and fSBM any %n\y. si a ii tis I "l-in-nt which timi high "flu.uM have ad. dell. ... before Mi. Blaine went abroad in IM7*'gf i <on versed willi him f,e. li arith referenca ',, the us., nf )|? nam,' lu the next Natl,nial Itepublbtin N'onilmting convent'on. I found Mai strongly averse la r**33 04nhl, nu: only un bccoiiiiI of ll* fem thai tba. ,tn,n. s'.uil'i pt-rmaneiitly impair hi* health, hut ilaobeaMH ihe IV'shi.tiey had |,,-' the attraction which ii or-r* had for him. Whin he *?. much desired lit 117?: and IgnO had lost Itu gin moor In I? Ila baa] i "-n near ennu.'.'h t,, Hie high Ofgce l? -??? aid timi., fully ap. ir,lat., i* ss.'ffTitv i"*| (.n-IMIlib -. Pnbsbly tia . ,i tallon t lui I hf* heallli ss..- no! an serat* ta ba tts) immy yeera doting which he had sorted parla, amii*,* H'il Iiml aliv thooglil that lil. ma .'nlfle, nt sit.'ltv ioiiII eyer be n-,si np. materially euiitrlbuted t" monti Mi 11 lon Yri th.- orcitpailou ol Hu Pn kletulsl .rail-, gnmly a* In ms |udsfflent I1 aronM nave henelM th* roam ry, could lentil', has. added le Mr, lilsiaa**i fi rn-. That i* -eetiiv. IVIieihei .?,.. ? psesj p,rtr I.l-l. a fat lighted -ta'.-nan. a in--:,: )<i,irt,.-,H-t, g ? p nTuiiieninil ni and dehator. * _-1..,t |k)0,u,j) historian ami antin:'. <?? an allie dlplomeilaf, ihe lintis of .lau;. ? '?. lil Tue ss ld ,s-.a h, hi ld in la,uer hv tL? |,. i.t.l i i,l this rn,lillis . I lia... already -ubi amre than I Intended sr!en I Up Bl) pell: lill i - ",. "Ill "ol l|r j||.||i(. .,, )__._ I.'alli" if I failed rn refer hi lu h!? domcMU PO in'lon*. lt ssi* here. In iu- privacy nf hi* h-ppe home, (Mtldde of H.I.inn of ell eh* >p ih.i f**-? rhine :iiul iiiilmal" f.. mil', friend* ar bo Wen |irlvilfjp| i i ..riler 'his ? .,f lu.*| *,' thal hi- nobler quatta .linne with peculiar lu*fre. II. loved li. hame, a-i| ??hellshed the (bar anea beneath i.',. hniti" r.e.' *.<inlv . tender and offed lonato buaband tot father rn. ?"trt.i'j* ami I ells nt man a- I.e wat, hi rar-lv toni' pg portal I - '"i> until he imi ,<ii *u!t-.1 hi si lie: and h?r ludemeiil ana odtlee?the Int mt lon >,i , . h-?rii.?d*| .ni h..1.1" woman had rival Indt-enc nu hi* irritant. \< la.t He. tim., ra mi when the norti.1 inreernf lanie* i. Blaine, the dUUngnMied )niirnsHst, eith** alni s'mi ? unit, whs to , lose, and th. unending life hr sniei bevin. Wicks, i' no! mi. sro, ii" rasaasd Hi*. With Christian ii s!_rn.iiloi< and rnnfldencr, po*. -il.le .'lill (.. nile Hie, i- -Upi, l-l erl l,S I llri-flHtl fullh, h.. I.nie adi.-u lo Ihe ,,. ne* ,,f tl I, murial lif- an! put ,.n 'ii, ii.ti.? ,,;? immnn iii, v. Wa iii ?.ton. I), c. n oe El xo ion a uoxtaoious ut^riTAia HT. i.U'v iliviv.TTli ll VAfcHIN'ftTOM,JP iii:i:tut* -: Ml pi*, iei t. A'a>hlugi n. rab, i r"*oe*fte!V?Atoul two rears gu r> itlon of rblllran known a* the Daisy .'ala Uuiad, formed i;..-,. by Mr*. I'.i'.i.iitl.s. ni',, ni me ilnii. Henry Edwards, Secretary .,f ibe British I"--* T fi. fa* ta,- pup -e Bl In tere* tin? thetn ind dire.-* ? dr < ff rt* in rharllahle irorti, bsd braal i m their attention thc m*et***|is for . , Mariona .sari r.,r the child,en-' Hospital, ii ara* found aa earn Nteration br Ute nanagen Impracticable le bull -?tell ;i surd lhere, nnd Ti" ledy ss,, ss i. la rlur-S f ihe gul ld inga. ??<! In the t tatter, the Men *f i . '.tit.-iil u-r Hie.i- ss .,-!, .I pr Sui: ? .' ' r T a-ll I ti "-tari Dlml it *?> *o|,'lv Bi'Bdsd, .'.nd :.In.i,-t almie nf A.iicr! ,iiu .nie- Larked, a roniaidoua Inmpl'al. Tha rbttdren, bUmii ion In Bomber, tool ag tin plan with ???.thu-la-in. and pave ia;-"d ia vin'il ssass uh mt 0*1,500, gi i*i ,.f s, un u bas lest kmg liven ii VioVtta rinnii M.rand Lucy ToRt Mot ?er. daij-hiti- of Mr, and Mn lOrroll Metter, After 1< tern hiing tn build a hospital, .i" Incorp rotsm un? it.- it:.- iis-s of ii . |ii?ui,' u.i. taken out nu! a aeard fersn-*d, <.t whlrb Mr-. M'*rttn i* puddeat* Ml*. lillie. ,li Bl I Ml- .'lillies I' Willie.. u >? pr*4 '??ni*. Mi-. Anhlbald lloeknia, irvasurer, and Mag l.en., .'.In,ion. *>i'ii tins. A alli for Um BOafetal tao> iiliiln*; eh s .?, acre*, glviiij; pt-rferl U.lailon sud rr* ra lenip ran atructurva lu case of eptdeedas, ia* I "i'ii aeh-cted, end <,>n.:,-* bas been n-ked ta nu:'in.-,, thi* die, leatinn it lo Hi" cullen* of thi "Matriel of t lumbla t. pm ,,p ibe nece**strjr l*ilM* aa*s, for whteii plan* spprxred Iv Ur. UUtilM~?, tai il,;l.e.-t u'ithnrlty on hospitals, have been mad-'. I in- i.e. ??- :.s for eitel ii hospital need not ls d"* -lt tpon. A rose luis ) uni im..ii'piI of dtght herta brenlt uti mn BBsong i"" atrvonla li ,-i promlneni hatdf i.ere lure the famll. haw h-.-n compelled to abas lon tlisli hume aid ^n in a I.,,spiral bcauae f-^rs ? m. piara to lend sal. cai - The hospital V'n' i"-ni ssiii bare free and paji irards, and will nut ? Hiv iiir.iish lue beni n..stlli,.| tre;.t!ii"li! IBJ nara ng, but ss iii ulm la advance tl" prugTess el medi? al -, ;? me lu .....ri te, ii.? nu-.. acMtrgea. The pro T-:"ii lor ih, il. I* in tn.' I'lstrbi of Columbia Au unn-itiilmi hill ni Hie Senate, ard sill! SS VC to P<l ne uihnl .I 1. eoiit.reiiee. < ..ntrih'ith'ii? to ta* iiilldlng mini e,n h.- aenl lo Mr*. Archibold liege?m he lia .'-Ul. !. an.I 0*1) .Ililli .Oil I.e. onie * memor >f th Dais) i hain build, which will help build aud lupport the lioepltal, bi paring er a rtmr. I'KXXSl I.V \XI.\ 1) lill HES IX C0XVRXT10M. Meadrtlle, IVnn.. Feta, l ,-p<. lal,. T. ? PettttBr .",n elate Dalry A**-dallon ne here t.,1- aft easegg ? u- hs nineteenth antin,il .*?**! m. whick ss ill c*> Inna Ihree d^v*. After Ike usual preliminary bast I,-, ii -ii. nt m. i im',a u delivered the anaml ??? In ii,' urged ibe lai|rn*tance ?f proinrtag iK-tttB* inter nml ?i.*.'. bul at ih" Hate advis-i more lolled ailinn iu regnkaMng Ike -ah- ,f nleuumir'anne, is be has foo nd nm: ike *,,!,. ,,f 1,1, batter pies up r .1..ssa according lo il," messtire td re-n-l.tlnn p"* ipon the -Te nf enuinecf, it dali* products, Ile wit hilt lin* I'nlted -!.',< ? (.nVellllilellt 1,11'lli-hed o'.*>>sl I iuds ni nh?mrai-.ailne lor Ihe U*B el Hie inmates af Ile nhliel's' humes ill I'lll... .1. C. MMe*/, ('..tu-'f -siniin ,1 a t rr, tn Hie XXVIth lil rid, urged th" farmers io ! ">ls Biter iMr inter* t. in i- tb ihe I'nlted HT,* ("at-greas* and ike Mali , Matnie, Thia elate, be a*-, it",i, ...uld aafro> lilllie III'..'.' hll'Hels IO belleMT ||?-| il allllll e . gt .000, if iiiiiilv applied, ss.,nhl nl\ - ii return to the fiiieiei-i t iin- Kt ate ot ni 1111, >n - ol .1 illara. J. II. M.,iliad. Of Illino;.. <tss,|f mi ihe a-f-Ntl lal milan, >? >,i IViiiiaylvenla bavtos a lure foed l*aa> al ,|on, tm the creation nf a Web ilicie U now ? ass labu ? ihe la .rl*l.'it,,i". lill i:\DIcotts roxinioX CRITICAL Sabin. Mas-.. Ith. |. William C. K.idi. ?", ef ec reta r* ol Wai, does not Imprare, He is eXCOJaV ii.'Is ss, lk iiml Wa -uiullTui I- , ii ', al. .V'Tl' M- 'I ;. or THE *>'T Ll /' IKD oil. UOBPARY. Boston, r,i,- l Special), ii la reported lo-dsj titi he Mun iani ' ll , ompany, of New \.,ih. aaa buunat ',,? liiuultl'ne tlaaflghl ("inpu.'V. Hie prlOB paid ? ,hl to be ?1.15,01)0, The advent of Uta stOBS?OJ ,, p|? in ll,is,nu is sui.' to have nus.ii of I aV_M ' a pf ev, ll ssifh Mr. \il.lhli-, ol tho Lay Mute Ui<l> -.-i.t Compno]?. srlm went lo Bmt-httne recentat ||lt' ,.,'iieil .trol of gil i.,inp,n!es in that .Hr. Wl'k he si ai..I, rd "ll In |" ?>??*!. ii al the plint "f BR iiuokllne Uea t'ompenir, aad siiih pfnes ilread) bbbj Illi.iiUll lirnulsline und th, pta! r pull Of the Tweiiir* Ith ssiinl. the ness cOBapan* Bill be In .'?""I shape i i?_.'in > uiupeiitl ui with the Hus .-tale OM Dbw HIM. _ fv'UMll-U PK1L'B_ Ol' l VITHOIIMA MT0CK*J. Maa l*-eaclH,. rah. i I *??'??? \ ,r.rj. ir- I" l-'eltllS T?-Jl?J 10 .15 i M**A>. .'.* JI |o*;;'."." ' . Ophir '.'..1.75 . _!'"""' .4,-, Biarra Veaada., I-'" I __? :;;";;, jj*??*-ij '?\\.** lu"01.^ fl SST T "irry.: AO 4 fiSH jn*,t-: :n1 'A ile v Morcrua*. ? '?? "?" I mt monsse.lri, .. * JS 5rgg .,iQ f&loMo+ai. po w