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TIIE HAWAIIAN SITUATION. I omi,,u'-d from Cii-t "Vise. ta Cutt we .-slr-nhl accept tile proposition cf 'ho SJgajtan C"tnrr.l*M,>r.o^ at mee. BLAMES TIIE SUUAlH PL AN TEES. views of AN orncra of the ex queen tmBRBRUMRB A-LEOED OBBTACLES IN THC. WAT" Ol AN'NTXA'Jl'I.N. C'lcar1' I""'1 ??" *"hoinai E., Ern:;,, ii commissioned officer of Queen UMuohaianl, al Hawmi, ? visiting fsistvt-s kare. He st quoted u Baring In an inter. flaw: -T-s caaom leading to the revolution are to be looted tar tntrnIdernnly below Um * niai ?* rn what tau tran ptabll?i?d in thc dtopatcaej trom gan Fraiicssco, lt -koold t* horne In mind that t.i" aouree of the in i_._M.sTn jleen t<> the _,:?,..* is from the cornmlttee ?f rtrc,;utj,>:.i.sts now on Ita way to Washington to preaent {_;flr afdc ol Um rase to the .-"attona] Government, ?ott asl. its Interference In thou- be.iaif. Thi. ^.-e* did no- wall lo;- the regular mail it ea mer, sv^hh a dur ld arrloi in Ban Fnnch-ee on February p. but clafared a ipa* ,.. steamer bb us tn gave it- ea-parte aMpoeaai and riewi bald before the American ueop;-; ^Krt ike otber itdt ind a almltar opnorlunKy. That tvjrf u another *idc pam without saving, ur bach l^ajaooM i "t bare keen made lr. patting their case. ;? so'-iid h<* well, tberrfare, tu anapend Judgmml until ss ire In poaee alon v'. more ut,i fuller Information as M abai the people of I la Wall want, nr.1 to Whal ex ,_____; la ? ? ?::'.!--. '. r-pre-elit.- their*. ?Jki? I* : Ima been bronchi nbout bv inter #teii parttm. sst:. Ute view oi improving their t_?*k*taJ eoudttlon bv Induolng th" I'nlted States io ??tore to them tho utlvuntngc* ihey received under ike -ajajprorirj treaty prer|o_I to ibu of the Mc Kin lev bill, I'ndor this uraty Hawaiian *aii:ar was idrairt'd ll '" the l't,Ted states free of duty, and the n_mters were noklag TS to 100 pee cont on theil plantation investments. Tine remission nf duty nu t_y part nt the i'i Bed -.'ute* has amcmnled to soni*" gg_g like 00,000,000 a se.n. ss ii,, !, baa -'ono into the poci-f"-, ,,t hut thirty or form men. Now tut not matt than H) i" r eent eon bf amado on -agar eoltl ntion, the, planter 1* unable lo reconcile bimeeit to tm cxiftinc order ol things, He t,.?. in annexation tl*, advantage s,f the two cents per pound bonan, and to i?t thi* !.*> 1* cadv t,> sin titi'., tie Hawaiian Qnogn, tu? __wroh_i geople n'.-'i everything und everybody ?lac. "The cause of the i .-volution 1s Bieribed to the un? called mta CoasTltntlon1 to be pi** lu inn tl by tbo Queen, it weaM he w. :\. peri,ups, t,. v. it :,u further advices l>-fi,re sv accept thi* stasemetrt Thta so called -new ConetltuUnn' was limply a reegoratiOQ , ' RM OgasafUlllllWI agjoOf svliich tin Jlussallnn people were gosvined hy king Katakana until the .same li;'.:.*' _*t ar* bow represented In the *un |o Washington1 comtnltt?-, .nd l?d hy the sam" 1.. A. T*iui-*?on. foreed snot-her ot. I: wMeh has boen obJeottaajaUa he'll to tbs Queen and the majority ut kel s'lb'vr-. I; waa in eomp:ui..e with the aim >st un intineui dernand of tbe as?reg, beth In ai,it out of l-arll.iui..nt, end nf is-o-tlird-, I th" s<,it- , f the Klngdem. Out thc Qneen intended tn i"*urn lo th" original I ooatltatlon, whi h restored io the natlvei the franchise ta!;*!! away ky the la*" one. "iii.* ,..,-?;.?",?- In tho way of niinexiUo.'i are many, Tiere is tri* t ..mi-- quertlon. lb,sc ran th,- I'nlti ! fcUtes l<_.r - ?'? I .::?-?? resilient. ,,; Hawaii w ciaaenshlp M ; ol these ara coolies, of u rery lew stamp, wn tgbt ri-, .-ti China moder contraei tn wora oa trie pji:.':,'.!.:.- ii?* gi9 pei month How con we extend tar invitation to til,-.- people to come Into our fold sv_je mir ;>;?"?u .tr..- renado on the sin-ir. books' 'I:- deb! of Hawaii i- little lee* than ?L.,0sX?.Orti, mostly held '.n Kngland. "Taere arr ? :her tater**** v. Hu wah to protect be? tides the Anu-ric* . planters. lhere aro the Intel est/ ol lite natty ??--, wtUco cannol ?.'.'erlooiied. A Utile aarsr IOU yesr* igo 1 ??."'. 400,000, i: ta? tataeaucilon ?: cl*-lUc?tlon. \vth it* clothing and oMRhamj, lhere remain do.s acarceiy ;'..).,,,'. snd, lu ?leal ut ;. .? amgntticeni physical specimen! o; man iitK*l ol yere, slto cbelr targe trarts ot valuable land, we .lave .sin- -ty k moderately wealthy native left. 'n.'-ii Tai- ivi keen g I led ap by t:.e misilonary, ti* adTen'tu-e:' and speculator. To cmsm all. thia o.,mnilttet comes; >.(Jw- with ? proposition tn cobbs tale Ute _Ji*- Ungdom, laud-. Datives nnd all." why in; favors annexation. as onsrnvr.n -avs Tun DfTEREgTS or thc. ISLAXIjS AKr. AMEKICAX. Best-m. feb. 1.?,I>s^ph N. While, cf Klnehenden, a |e*aa*ataen1 hu-lii"Ss mun. who left Hoooluln on Jon. rary 4, *nys of the prop.sed uiiri'xatlon that the in ter"'*?, ol the Ultinds nre tlatttnctly Aniertran and with AD.erlc.-i; tl.tit tU? white pe 'pie favor anne-jHtlon. (ind that tb- lalo?de, a* the key to the Paelge, are a itmteirje paint that the rnltod s'i,t<* ^h-.nld not fail lo secure*. This be consider-, To be an I inp ort a nt Hine and eeoastea, and he thloha it aooN n t be th,- ss,>rst thlr.T If Hie Monroo doctrltf were loot slpht of end the Korie* acquired. There ls. Mr. White fj\t, $-,0,. 00.000 ' of American business there- -practically all ihe b?atoesa lher? ls. ?The F.n?lihh eolony." ad'ied Mr. White, -.thoagh imnii numerical"**, acoaaet ? ure.-,: atrengtb, because of us open sympatby with tho natives, They are it. _7or of the native Govern meat, and do not aid the rropngnt on <sf American Meas. The F.n?li*!i are work lng Blow*}' to the .md that Hi,lim: 1 niuy gel the Ulfctids. and she i* bound t.i i-"t tl,-m. If possible, on eciourt of their itrategle raine." Whl'.e la Hon'.lulu Mr. white met, amonp other prcmii'ent men. Commander McArthnr ol thc Brinah wtt-ihip Daphne. Mr. White asked Ihe Commander I! ketmaglned England woaM objed if the I nlted -tut tried :<t get the Islands. The oftteer -,.'.d he thougtii tar* F.ii(.Tlsh would Serioosly T,;,,i, because tho*.e l*l?nd* are regarded a* among the moe! Importuni points In the FacUc, aa ntar English a* American ter iltory, and avallabk) a-s u riaval aid tull; ; itatlOO. OOMMBSIONEB BATES OX TIIE CRISIS. BIS KXfXaUENCE IN' SAMOA TAUGHT HIM TIIE M.hjj OF axxi XIV, HAWAII. Wllmlntrt.n, Del., r.:,. l. Oeotrge ll. Bate*?. who was AoMrlean < ??i.:ni*-i,,ri?-i- to Samoa during the i-i vesUe-ition la 1880, nod WOO wa.* aabeeqnentl) a monuhcr of Uie CtmenrOtsalon I i Berlin fur rue liovern na-nt of Samoa, in au Intervten to-day ???ith uti "Evciili.g .tnuri,.,;'' reporter u Dover, lu regard to the HasvniUn annexation question, mig: "Tiie pre*, ut crtsii in Hawaii i* ."? urprlae to me nor cm, !? i?. t.> any one who hus kepi th, ron af event* tl.ere ,,f the last few vents. We have blthCTtO Pf*jce,s!,si tt]?,;i the thoory < r mafntainlng tho neutral ity of the lslauds and Independence, and have ttrraj and time agata Bi -r'oti thal ire in bM ' ?' "?"mut any Ifgropeon Nation lo unin or con-ol 'he f-TtiTti-*. The becretarlea of Slate, without ex? ception or distinct!,,:i ,.f patty, lia'.'e I'-c. "'.I'.'.' <! the Iniportiiii.e ,,i the irtnui. (<? oui commercial Inlerc*!*, ?ral nth<T goweri have been -.r;.::.--<i nfl In terms thai Mmifau .:.. ottannderatandlng. Al th. babm tlm< our Government kai romUtahed for Msell a rule of wiiat ss,- ,,,1, aan-lnlerventlon in Ute uffalr ul olhei totlous, arklek la, bowsrvor, taik"d aboui and a "t'ti *aoel vehemeoee bv Uio-ai who understood tt ?tal. l have always believed that the real ba la ot ear doctrine ol non-intervention would n t Interier ?Uh our talcing whatever steps wore neceoenry to Pf't'it our lnteivst uni BBoert our supremacy In ta* tsc, e-rcat neutral groupi of Ute Factdi Hawaii ?ta Mun ,a. "1 in besltiiUon about Hie Bcqulslllon ol Hawaii ?ta grown out of Ihe feel thal the Ulandi do not ?-"Wi our territory. Probably mans ,,/ il,,*" who arc ?tattled ut tan eoggestloii ol our Incorporstlni H ? hito bar ..syn territory du imi rcaHie Ute bc! tbat n.e -*ua..a purchase in laded ;> group of Islands run ni ns wt bu., tue I'aciiic 90 degreea taogltud* farther tint. ta? *?.iiidsv,c!i isionds uiid IO drgrgjres further \srsi -hm s'.inoii. ffa gj i not :. el Bte ta parrlMuie Uui>.ai , ,,1(| Aiaaha ar annan tho Republic <,' Team ? tc ac<piire CbIIMhIb hs ,,,:..;,,?-!. Honolulu 1 lesrer tu Washington than Alas.:.a and vastly nearer '-un CBJIlarnla at the uai- li waa lncorf?<a-aied In the t'nlor.. ?rile gecaaeltim of modern tomroerce require b?J* i'*'* , suing -ittitions tn tko I'ucitb, both for oui m's Jtata.naval vessels, wnlck Bre kelpless without coal, ,?? 'tau a^ ?'"'?'us in repairs am! supplies for our wjmertldj ?? .. ? and for placet ul rei gc In case ol s-attr'r. We \,?y,. h.,,| a nrlhlllB IllUsllOtloll ''I tile ?Pgjatary .f BOaMng -r.'iti.,uh im ihe Navy ol the lime Ar _ * *rr* h> homoa cns In ls-:? With Hassall u* ?""rt' ,n lerrtlorv amt sv.'t, the ii^-nis which we ul t7Ja>1 _P_"Oeas li, *,;iii,oa. we should have llteralh wini! "Villa i ne jit Jv icnn.-il -th.' hes lo Ute niaitlime 0'imiii.)i, of ti,., -autte.'" atthJOIg'TIUXs MKiKINt. IO \.NTI'.X \ 1 J1 >N. Kaiem, or,., ,.-?,, j_..,.,,,,, Hoooee of the Legtatta wro adopted resolutiona reaterday laoortoc tho wmoi' asata ot the Hiwounn Istaoda. ?<,Jt'dJi'n*Voi*s' FeU- ,-A H?"taa rosoiutlon Introd ic-d ? "T urges iTpnhiicaiiK In Conirress lo use their *"?? ?"JTortii tow.?tnt tiie establtshmeiit of Amctlcuti JJJ*"rm,rr In Hawaii, ejtber by means of <i protec r_** W b5r ?,?l"?'1(?,","'1 ?t n? early date, und upon /^t-wms end coudiuvns r_ alli secure IU people '?mo and proaperity. Lt **tahvlu>, Feb. !,_?, '.e House to-day, Mr. HM* gmajd Democrat, totrodooed a ..solution cv,.:, , " RR the seit',0 ?_ the House tint the Putted States rNr,.'*u!,,no,:,'-1..:'8,;1!;'rre..v:,,v' to ,u ???????"> (harle-aton, W. Vw., ' ';l"i"ed ^resolution favoring the unnexatk erred. ii','1.' A--f8Peca*'.)'~ThO Honse "'? the riBwaliu'lBtand* ?"?|-'n.r,tn. ,-,.!,, i. ti,, 1(?VPr |IWM (i. fl? r P??*ed a join: resolution lavoring the of tho Hu sra h.,:; Ulairi to tr., i nited tatura to sm ?"..;? I States. 'N.I'.Y FAVORINn UNITED STA!ES COSTROI*. PROMINENT MEX OTHO THI XII 'Hil:* BHOU1 D HOI.D THE KF.y'TO TIIE pacific oi eax. Sonata Frank iii- ck i, emphatically m favor of annexina the Hawaiian Islands, or makins *ome move wherebr the I'nlted Ptatei mar asmme control of the rroun. The Senator has lu-* returned from WatOiln* ton, and be mvb thal tha feeling at the Capital fusors annexation. In s*>eaking to a Tri n ?? reporter a- tin Fifth As., ita Hotel lat! evening, be Bald: '' " Mot* Department foi ve,ir- ;.,,- i";,:;/.T. as ta shown by thu records, thai Amerka'i prestige In the Pacific th,,uki be maintained ir ::,.- Natl in wished te ni's,ive i's commercial standing t, tbe future ? the great Wc-.em Ocean. Our trade relation! with ti- Oriental c mntrlcs must be carried ? n by way of the Hawaiian group, mid trom gan Fi Honolulu is ins line of communication between thia 1 ountry and Anstrala la. Our Pacific ls bound io Im re ise to and we must look out for the future irom ma4o In California, Washington and on "our eiitli'o Western t tait during the la*: thirty yean win neve before equalled, We have -:'"' ? in the Pacific during markabk) progre nations, tv li o nile fere with lt. If tbe I'nlted States In til commerce ,?;: the tunendoua pron i tiona, in- t ct pro a ,,1'lreil great lil? llie j? .ns i,: t , ,t re *. *~d wa him:.,i permll other ,dv have ), ,--<? .,?, , there, tu Inti i t , i me do? ll sonic "Hi, mah" i inri"x ITKIUnATIONS AT SAN FHANCISCO. Ban I'r'ii., i-, o. Fob. i.?The commanding on, -r at Benlda Arsenal lias received ordera to have all the Axed ammunition mi hand univ foi- iklprnent at a moment's notice. The Adam1 ar.d ti," Ranrcr I ii ha mu up at Mare Island a'.i ure awaiting <>rdej ? OERM.VXY KAY As\ n'.'TPEN- \ T.-'s. Jjcriin. Feb. I.?An Inqnlry ut the Berlin Foreign t.n.i ?? lu regard to th" attitude ol Germany <?:, the Hawaiian situation ell-ited a semi oftietl reply to Ihe <-?;.-,-? )'.. ? German.* at \r ittii wai passive, bot Tnt ;i t'.e I'nlted Slat"** should annex Hawaii, Germany might demand ti slight 'Oinpensatiou el ewbere. l.ow TEMPERATURES IX TUE XOETBtTl ST M. I'.iiT, Feb. I.?Following no?o mi the becta ol j yesterday' Biotin come*a decided drop ir, temperatnre | al! over th.- northwest, and below /? i ? areather i* reported to > tay trom .ll i irl ,,,' Ihe North west. H. \ t: ;* city at, noon til" mercur) downtown registered tu ' below, while <,n tbe outskirt* ol the ch" from io to 1.". degrees coldei trai reported. Al 5 o'clock lt wai 83 def*reeB below In the downtown eeetlon, and ? ir in -j", lo 40 degree* out ,,n the hints. beattie, Wash., Fob. 1 .-"-Yeaterday went on record n*. th,* .olde-) dav *v. r experienced i'i Beattie and .,, ihe ht nnd. The thermometer ranged from d "? ii it.-('re.-- below, <'ne man waa frown aear ('ullman las! nlgbl nnd nnmerona ,, f lynn ti.iirem- cold have been from various part.* oi Ihe Stale. ti, ea th , iee? ai reported A ITT//MM) gWSBPIXG I VEB TUM gOfTHWI RT, Kansas <'itv. Ho., Feb. I.* The icveres! Mlxtard ol Hil, -linter ol ldi//..rd : ls sweeping today over Kau bu-, Missouri, and tiio Booth*est. liegtnnlng at III ? mst night Ihe mercury fell ' rtartnng ? ty, and at noon to-*aj the .oed drop In thirteen hourn wei M degn-co. lu ?puth'Airitern Kama* a fall ol 00 deftrcei in tb< same til ? I reported, A bli og ?1nd Irom the northwest prc ' I most of the lime, Bccompanled by i "ne drtiillng inna which cut like a anil?. Accidents In Kansai Mtv mi Bccooat ol the itomi were numeroo*. Most eerioni ol thone wa* the fallers of the brakes on a cable ear on ihe Ninth st latHae in hold, allowing Hie rat io dash t? the bottom, where lt port Ul ly wrecked the depot end severely Injured several of the passim e'er. The Mri,al Service n_eert bern say inst a hliUi'I'dlo:, ut In deg.,,s m., bs- Ol,OMI tul.lgl.'. XOTES OF TUE STaOE. Tba ptoduettaB ot winiam Oltiette-i "Warty Days.'' amid, i. ul th.- Bi*Bdsfsy neelia, omi arhleh baa t. i ?everal Utsee, bi.ea pot sd sate u.oie, and Will BS" "BOS BtBC* until Monda* Bight. lt i, as-aetlcetly settled ti.-.\\. bb spera ws-pany, the maiu.".ii,-nt ?i .1. M. Dag, will folio** .) M "I'etiMiio Master1 i Bapmry ut Hm Cosme Mr, intends to pineal "BbmcM " 'Ions- Pssts**! ?* emapaay for nett sve^r. will ta Iuds Miss Bim- Oakley, eTaatata Bnfl Little gare ghat abe been esteaioMag etae-amai wttk her pir*o>i aud arlaas-hall aho'.'lng. end Hat MAraaa. a eaeaed* tea-,., whick ha. thta tool wwioed tram -n eaeajgaaaeai abroad. __^_ TUC cuI.i'MUI.'N MXVMYM al the Peniisvhrmla Kalimna ta a bckhI MBMld to the next morning. ' not .-eo tu its commercial Interests abroad, lt ssiii nave do market fer Ita products, lt mut consider Ita commerce now ..ti the Pacific, and tin- only step i lt can tahe now li to gain pi . -,--!.tn of the Hawaiian i stoup, in timt lt con control toe North !?....:..-. "Objectloni teen to come from Louisiana nnd othi-r sugar-raising states, rae o |< Hu .... ta id ? or private i?.??:\ American capltallat* but intcrc-ts Iq HawaU. and they should be act ,:,:,.ii tho san,.- privileges ai the mea who have Interval bet ?. Hy bringing Hawaii within tba eli. ?? ol domeM'.c :r..d- of the I'nlted State! lt ran be made a wealthy country. Jt l* u,ii in,ss- ia resources, bul ll can be mode more -?>. and it la certainly a dc*!table BCqul tuon to the territory of the United SUI e. Hawaii belongs to the American lytiem, u;.,i the Pnlted Mute- moil take advantage ol tbe opportunity whick noss- pre*-ut- Itself." Xathante! N. Page, ss!K. is rorognlaed a rood Buthortt) ,n n-rost ll ultana] ,-j.a lattnatlcmal 'uss-, *Us* that Ibero aro no obstacle* li the -Lap,- ol trea'lei or anything else that would prevent tue ila''..Una gronp being made a part of the territory ,; the i'nlted States. -if the ''rited Mutes decides to innes Hawaii or te. secure rontrol ed the Island hy any other means." Bald Mr. Paw, al 'ut. Fifth Aveane iio>i bi l even? ing, "'h?re ii nothing in tiie ssuv. \n ny opinion. Bl aitch a step, it i itaeleu to my thal Hawaii, after ssTmt ha* mlien place, can stand alone. Sons l?,sv.? r must assume control over the blands, und that power most !>?? the rotted Mates, This Government ran not penult any nine* nation t. assume i there, 'li.- future commerce of Die great Wi ocean ta something this eoontr) must be thinking T Hii* lime, ;.nd the time ka. o..l- i when tbe Putted Ma'"* mu-t deride the Hawaiian affair. America mast lookthnt for Its commerce, ii I' does not Us factories and l'- wuieb u*ei ail] i, choked up with goods. We mnsi l.ave trade .sith btber nation*, and If America ss,-h.-. ;,, lake t ?? lead mi ike Padie abe must have thc keynote to the Pa If , Till- appeal ss;,pa come-: from the provisional gov rrnment c Hawaii must receive favorable coiisdern Uon, aa America >..ii not uttoid t., ?..i!i?i natleua gaining more prestige In the it ldc ??, etin." a America trnnt tahe ihe leaj m the Pacific again I ail competitor . ard In order to do Ui;<: sse ma i control tho Hawaiian gronp,"1 said Vf. Peck, of t'hi enso, last t-V'-nit)-:. M am certainly In favor '-r taking some .*tep- whereby the I'nlted stat"- would have control of th- Islands. In order to protect mir Interest a <'ti Uie Pacific and the Increased com? merce wi,i-h we ssl'l h.>v, there in the future, we should knee poiwetlon of Hassall either by aonexa Hon or hv an American protectorate. The dilled state* certainly cannot alford to permit dei many, England or any other Power to gala any more pe -??s-ioti- lu tho I'asilii. and .-lin lulls tBCb a de slroble |ta< i'i the ocean ;.- Hie Sandwich island-. ll- Ul.,:,,is |,.,ve pun b-cfti ? ?ntr<.ll.'d hs American influence, nml the wa* In which lhe> have been nih-d in late years waa saiiBfactoo to tbe Cnlted Slat, . Bot Ihe rccenl chan gi ibal have pia . ,, ic essar* io- u- r.> _.,,., ul. 'lab' < mr.'! ul Ibo i croup. Ties lmerlc.ui Interesta lhere .. ?? va thr-y should lune the sm," prtvlk-gi bi lnve?tment here." General Russell a Airer, cf Michigan, l- ;.l-o en Hit . itlculls In tas-r of sr-InK the ifawnlian i-lum'. i,,|ile*l to the lerril ? i * Ihe ' ulled Si it* Mi Blnlne probably knew umre about th" relation of the Hawaiian island* lo iii* t , iteu Rmi tti-tn u oiher man. uni In all I.i- ssi-ui, g. on IIbw.iI! 'j fa' ore i elo-ier relation*." said OencraJ Alger y lord ,'. 'Ha sv.iii destined I i ? ? i.roe a ptu I ol lb* t Smtea, but the Hui" cam* a U'Ue .-i.r than na expected by some. The r "??"< ol ihe I.i- in ., I-,, Dimi nil the nu re desirable f.?r trie I'nlted *?:.??- lo |i ?- ? ? frthcr nation* have possession* In Ile Pa ii.", and thia coiinir* cannol j . -tho key '?> thc prit-lflc lo I ? un I n tia. ? ?ti l Power. Etigland upparenlly -.-.til n?,t Ilona if til* I 'il'' ?! MU" d", ld. * tb iii" Isiui'i,, and even if -he dm lt will not . \ rn u- Ir,",, Ukin ? p., lon.' li u- ral ,\:t'"l and Mr. Peck were al tbe Fifth Av nus.- Hotel. THE MERITS OF ANNEXATION HAWAII'S ttEQVEST VIKWKD WITH widi: FAVOR ?E rI' '- "r WWW ??Ai-ui.s ,_, XKIUIXt I" LISE n WARD Bt'CIl a Mi.l'. 1; '? I ?' ?*< ? ' irleane Timm D mo, ,t ,u..., , Jv.;':"':: !'," II* ?.' ,:'' '"';'V ?' '''' '" ' ? ? eui '-?I-., ai* Bili midoubiediy drift i '"'?." '?? *'?-? ? >"??'? : "?"?? :? . ? * ?" ?" '?'? '" ??? , and Hull |. ... .,.,,,, , ' lVf, '? ?-' ' : "? : ipwl mi 'trotii! nd , . in i . *_., j uujt-roo* to us I . ? ? t isa moen i -i , gt ?? V..- I'nlted -t itea .... . , ,. . ?"" ??> '"? I" il" 1 lilts! '.".""? ;'?'? *' ???nallib Inter?,, be .,11 ?:.?? .-,:? And taunt- all ?:.?--.? lari*, into n.n-ltlerntinn w< la '!? "? ll would prove 1-: t., ? ? mn .? ?-' , ? ? " ? "' ta - 'cpl the ii..A-.ii.iii oder, and plat-. ; ? ?:'':'- '??" ti rrttortal goverununl of t..- I ailed l.'JtDIVIDED i ONTROL PRRFERA1 I B, r ui I ii" .Ness-.,iu Advert! ? r 'Rep.!. ihi l) KER" li :: o;- THE MAKIN'Es, Irom The Kl-ulru Adv, fillet (Rep.. Ila r.i....."'I a ? AMERICAN!- GENERALLY APPROVE. Pw n the B ilfalo Ennuin r Rep.). ., '? !:'" people ? : th ' lilted Mate ta lld * Bte upon ??i" lhere ss, ?',.i I,.- ,.., _| . ? ? ? The ii!".i ssh,, bave bronchi about tin ps,. nt hm are determined tu be rnb-d by white m?-ti. even I H.-ir joveiuora are appointed bj ti,- Queen ol England. A Mt'Cll REEDED Ot*TPOBT. From ri,- Atlanta Contututlou (Hem . it .- suggested tha> certain European eoantriei lui'M, "i I, '..?? Islands .'oiui make lt . ,| :?. . Admit i:.- ml*, H I- ai-o probable that Lu the nea ' ?' ??? M we i.-t th-se leland* ... ?.- ? ol ? .?? gr--* puvx-rs ?: Kurope will holsi l:s U.,/ uv?: them and ti" ii '*?" mn : .?!.' ,,,' modify thu Monroe do ? " I* bo Merty qu>-ataoii it i-. -., mattel .1 I iklneas. v.. wnm i,as ii sod coallnc Cae . and ive v.ani lu extend uiid .*;;,?!.,Miei, ute InstituUiui* snd N I ul our icpul.ii until they Will muk". Ibl* sresteru lieml*phi r> foi ver *?? nr* ?,.? . ? len .... . ? and robber-like policy ol monarchical Enrol . WHAT HUI IT" IT.AIM-: HAVE s-AIH, From Tl ?? Wort - t*e Bp* Rep.). i ie Hass.,,1, i pi ibiem i> . ?.?? that th* tate Jame* tl. Ulalu* WuUM IlaVe dellgBted to v ;,.-.:?-. ii.a bl abUtt* lo roi'." lt ss.,* . doubt li I- ., repted :, an indi-p I':.:?!?? :.. i thai American Influeu ? ilnu* lu .ii i ti.,- key to the commerce ol I 1 in Ult*. . if th, ts 1 ' iv to s l except 1 'xatloii to the 1 Blt. t .-' it, , UlSI ilUllOU ss ||| ;.; ut e ..,'? eplable. ONLY DETAIL*! SEED DI-' ' .*-!Nt. Pr"m The Toled ? Comm r tab lt ssin t?. ike unai mon* len'lmenl I I American Mipreniacv be tu,,lira uni I'i ike ll sallen I land . VVnni parti, liar fm - , imi, II. il lt 'I'la. ll 11,11*1 sooJi I.e -n|s et. Whether lt ls I to the I nlt-d - ii- ll leeui t.. ? pravbdoiial guvemmeni arlll t-ei|ue*t, or wnethi i u pn teetora! i r < otsdditfatfon. SOT CONTEMNED BY WASHINGTON. ' Fr tn The llartf. .-xi i M au int- Waa] Ingtou' , anti . i nilla;,, ?? foi (o tf> '.sith Uie wetter' . . . "i-- i ? I - ,, .ii ?:??. ??..?.',.,?:.? an 1 :?? opie Bgh< lt them elves, Keep , a yi ,- >?.-'.- ?-'. tbe aorta ? '. niijid yin ,,ss i, :,,,-. -. sounder ed vlei i ? ? irlveu. lin! ibe Ha*aallan i land ere on our Ide ,,f t: e WOI I'i. itt.,1 Ult. u_u, . , : .1 .:.? - 1*1 pl., l.-> ly li. ?, lt inc.?'.-. , .. tldemuun. A HINT TO JOHN BI'LL, From Th" ito, ac. t.i- Herald (Demi. One thi:.g moy >. <ius*u a* certain. Th, Pr* , dent, .'?...??;,' i fiji., ou or i ll hellier the I Md nr Mild, sm,, , Met ??. Hawaiian propo Ition on it mci it . a .ia .-??:? ' . . l. , -i um .-.? n Inn ind pollrj etu t r I i ? , uuside ? :. aad i. \- Ji., 1. Il lac .ai '1 |h-i -l-? lu the laetl ie inn -cation a.-iului ul In the t al -i I simply Irresistible. NATIONAL SELF-INTEREST THE TH I NO. iTotu The (Ta Herald iRep. . Wuii" Ihe i ulled Ulai es to t everj .1," eaU eisI ? bllicati -n. li l nilli I* i di i ? m 'Telfri". ss ?..??,'.. i it I- lhal ?l rennin relal ol -jolt* ..! podltion am i .: Ibe list A ktudy of -a .. a "Malley ll 'T.i. ? I rr mi ,i, iried a (la I B . blttttei .? li ., ? :.'. ITT I*. ClET WHAT WE CANI I'ioiii The t bl csiro Nea . ll.rd I i question lt mi imp 'rtaiit on*. i ,w i np t:.- bl itot ?? ol lb, : il ie day ? w? ll le .... Ve- tl,.- I.t,V.-li.ile III tod-Si ss L'l I' "i'll ll I' '' nyi to ibo advant ig.-s that may la lire of til'* lia* ' I Wlxil ll ' ?:? ilt I.I,' all: al.,1 til . Ill 'US will a* uni" U the iii ? i. ?? kepi lu vlev t?ne ,, '.. ? . ii, ,i i bj, ? ? >., '. . iu_* to A anne* ill .ll, LET i * HAVE N ' HALF WAY WORK. Prom the Rm hi tn Di nt ? i il and I bi ?mele (Ri p ), Dur Oovernmeni roiikl no! gimrantee P' ;,'?"..I ro vern un nt ji,,i d. f< m ? i di I forelen agKre lu >?.:.i,,ii.r tin- : lamil oud Uti lug cJiai| their . rh.* iib*i iiUon ol lb, rt pe , ; ,, iinlni gurri on dui) wu lld . .' Ih In a au, - willi the law i.i ii id Hon.. ol Un ' lilli il '?' uni should liol mplaled. J ll"' pl i r ? I t,, i int ii ol tU" c ninia lu ???? ':? ui ||,,l,'.lulu. Alt. r Ti.ui petit lou I- . ? lsst*?1 ? alli |?. til of 1 i* I' .tates, and < in '?? A dei u-ai i h.. Amer) ". I i?ld hv run un i.a thu I bind* lt u ik'klt u- pw a'"'," ali'l the I t:. et ii, ??. ia ii i'r Iii, .-nt t , Hon -i-i! i The Idea ef wallton until ni ? other y >wer attemptt to a/, ibe Ula nd* | len '.. ? .onie Hie l-lati'l- -so,i'l .??'?? otb. i power and oteal would, he s-.iiu imle - toro I- u?ed. Noa , an be peaceful ann* catt. ii. ."??-!?"? I of lix ; be thc *i..>?..-' blunder ot Vu century, HESI1 \TIUN TO DE bl.l'l I'1 ATED. Fvem ra- Chtoagu fribeme iRep.). ?. De h.- ', . ?ni'i.'i.t will imi iilhcs encroach ? .. ,.?,, aiwi r ii elli uol d< Us Ihe Uh iieni . ,;.,-.? on ..ii Uie en inriatlon ol a vii ,,. p. ?. )?.? n ..-iou Ind.I 1 one st hi, h do. n il ? i even li Kr . ?'? ' ? nol l?, h ol v^i .ono. i- i , ii irged, t.'ie t illure io adopl a s:.,i,,',is policy InevitsW) ss:;: ?? .: u, ,,,Ton of ll," L.Tl/:-. A* soon I toiumtattoner* ahall Iwvi ? ihi: Ts presented e. , ii ,, in, I re ld ol *U1 I-' ? the mal ? ? bet..ri longrest for IL* declatoo svu'-'a.i thi c., ext'lid .i p.'.te'Tnn)'' over h." l-iji.ds or annes ihem ind nive the,,, :, ivrr.t rial form nf _rovernment Th* ... ., .. ,,, ,?? for Ihe stier. ? I i bib Biilimei t I iinqueittlisji.ibl. ripe nar lt. GREAT BRITAIN MIVT BB BALKED, li-ru i.-.e Indianapolis: Journal (Hep.). ?I ;),? islands st.j-re i to ',-at Britain she .. ort ,-.'?.,: | ? inlly, and it t- by n- bi. ,,,.,,,.,' ,',,- i ? ?? nhl int ru t" war to _n*ave_tUie i tated -i ite* i "ni oiin. xii s I u- ?'?" cannol il uni t,, lei ureal brit ito ae.| ' I ad- in anv wbt, nor r-.tsii>li i an\ url -?? !?'"'" ' ml* or contn I Ibem. WbatevM I acct -a.s to pn .'sot Ibal must bc done. LET EPROPE ORI'MBLE. IF BHE LIKES, (Tom I:,- Kan ti my Ttl. tm,, . 'inls ea miry i Bsttered to taar.i lhal tl;- people n Hawaii e-.|e. ui lb* Amerti ?'" ????""< :l|",;i,, that :i.ev want tu bet nm* ? |?arl ol lt. r.e I value ol ti," I-la nd irnnip must - ? .i ? i ... In t ie , .; ?'deration ?,: the ir ,,. Hi, n tv th; H nt ..." aboui lu pc-eni to the u iiboriile* ?' ? n ?- , wntle ii- i productive region lt would ?i once ma high raul; nu. tn I lb* Rate . ,. i ngia nd and liermanv aili doubtlei** Iik>b ti*""1 :' prop-tt.*! anie tallon with d. I ivor, '? ?' l? ' nil," i.iitli of t...? country'* product rome Ui In* I mteil -t.,', . nnd the people of Hu" all itreli i lb. American iiovernmenl lo sn* protectorate, their ei.vj I* u..'all-1 la. lill. I ESSON OF III8TORY. Prom The M, l-anl lloa-eei ir, \ sitnallon like til- ends In bot one way. I" i ronni, t between the ny. nnd lb* new, between ., Kiip, rmi' :iP'l an li.lertoi vu ? . bi tween the am ei.i ri-Blme and Ihe modern, lb* ancient roes lu tbe wall ??_._, I i,,,. i,| the -an,Issi h Isla I n *'- I ; Ihe h. nc ul tu, fr..' rr. Tlc native ml-, sn! pr_>r?J'lv ?h'] liitlve roc. IsduomeO. Iii- e..tun,.ia al ant! -tra', .a. importance ,.f ibe emin, gives iheni raine ll * ?oi ., ,| i.-Ton ol ss'Ut ha* I"- . bal ol " *1 abell I e. yew t,i eic: us or a r ICMYIXQ Assoct \rtox. .. Kaw-Terii V,. it Racial A*., tl a beta Ita v, ???: meeetai tasi iveatog Ta. ?**??-'"'" "? ?ni Dayemae Yack! etaba svr. t. Btemta -fi ??1?r H r Bon aa, .fr. ?'.??' ,. . t.-: pee?iee I N t. R ? ' me "ism,:* y i ,,.i, si..- j.r.-iti ii ..,<.,.?, p irkhll I rh. ? ? Vui.t tiui. -awHtarjr, aad t Baaaedese R i. MtManor. ?f ?,'.<? aMataa tataod .vti.ieti.- Club ir,as?r... Tie c I.,ins- BaaaoUtaa aBsemd mm Daniel 0-XaMpi ot the ?lltkllB Vaeht Hub; i-harte- ner*n?. mt Mm hltan Corinthian Vu,!.t Club: E. M. Urlfllth*. ot tho ltoxi-'ui Yaci,t ciaOj c. E. I.. Btoolrk, el Bm CaMrala YaeM Crab, and Gmwthn ?sr-hr-d,. uf tu- Newark Yb i.t i tab, MORR casts ur TYPBCS EEA'i.i:. THE HEALTH BOARD A.SHH TIIE COMMISSIONSIU ol' i ll A Un !'.* TO , ,m: POR THEIR 1,\VN PATIENTS Sew rosea ol i re again d ie* red ta tba City ' "-"Ila'. . ii .:? ||g t,,. , . , .,. ,_ i ? ?? death* ai reported U of : maa that ol ;??? : | k, nnelly, :i potroli r.| the I ? ? I Prei In. I, ssa . ' ? ! '? ' . ? ' ? prison word bi Iii Iii -.c. ii ., ,?.!.. p0| pri ''' v a: i I .- la >n undei ipi iranll . , . ?? lyphu* pailenu v.: : nd i,,..,-., ;, ., ,. u |,|_,. Kenn, lly look 1 - ? lb, ... n ? ri Hov ever '.. ? mu] i ?. '. ? '. I'rlday la*1 ind wa rell'Ved from duty, sit ?? then hs i. id remslned bl hi* lome, n ,. 493 Thlrd-ave. Venter de* be devi'.oped unmistakable .ymptomi of typhus and ? n-moved tu Ni rib Broil ? r 1 lal I, K, ? lly I- Dfty-clghl y, in old, 1* marri.*! and ha* a family. Henry Ultliani r, iteeii yean 1 id, t! No. .ir Bot 1 v, s' tal 1 on J inn .1 .- IO 1 a ?' iutpei t" 10 North brother Uland. Yesterday li wai learned ihai he had the fev?r. I usc Tbcabold. forty var* old, living bi No. UK) Park Row, walked Into Cham hen st reel Hospital, and ? owing signs of the dl??n?* ssa* promptly carried away to the Riverside ll Late al night th***. , herci.Be caine to tba) know ledge of the authorities., they were tho.f li. Utinegao, el No. 119 Bowery; Martin Mlcbncls, of N.r, .-.. bowery, i 1 lr.,11, lt Hahn, < 1 No, ihi llayi rd*?t>. The t.i-t tis., tuen ss re di 1 ovi red si ll llevue Hospital. :>' 1. Bli Bayard-st., where llnhu ssu* {bond, 1- u bilpin,* . a id i 1 ti ? i, lute, No, :.i Llayard-st. 11 alli ie . tnmlned ll .rrougl ls 1 , itsy. John ll. Alb 11, torty-t'ln il yen:* old, 1 f No. Kl Bowery; J, eph D rrett, fortj s. .r- old, ol No. ?-"-'?? Park Bow, sud William Connelly, twenty-four years old, found with typbu al Hie Workhou * on Black? well's Island, all died yotcrday. Th" nu ml"Ts ol ti..- Health Board held a long eon ': e In I ovr n si rlou? dlffli al", whli li 1- likely io coiitrimi them. Ii is feared lhal the hospital at North Brother I als nd -?ill toon be over? crowd d. The opinion* and igge Ton* ol the mem I iu iii* tollowlug resolutions, ahlch wen made punUi at the end ol tbe meeting: v.i. :?!-. The ju'i ? plea at csmbattog tgphua fevei , ano BiplaWi aol 1 I Uni Ut s_|l 1 . no j tl bi md *? ?? ...?:.-I.-, ta tl. th,.-. sBleted, bat for 1 , I:.'..';' mci .,-.'.. ; IS >' tt Itt II,Mitti leu,*;' 11 ns sra fi -ii that t:."j itu;.,' io ba ....'I ut tue . ? . 1 ?ll' * iRei ibi I Un-ae. >?: , . . -. i,- .,t ?- .,| ? ? .a 11 j. ring lu 1 ? it . 11 ir; end Wi, . fi ? .', ,,t the liiB-stea sf lb iBltitutton* In the D 'parti ent ul i' .Ml Obsrltli ml 1 1 . itetl ,,1. Ula swsil'a ls 0 1 .,,.,1 . ? ? ,.,,.. iit',1: ? i ." ? ,r.,i h laijc 1. 11 1 . li?v? x tatty uri a espaaed io it; .? ? Wi. 1 . - , ition* I the iaolation eeo! ?..:." it ul I una di?a, whl>-b na ll ? ? ? uia| 1 lu ail ? sv ir a.-1*. Tb is II '?"' D psrl .... Bl 1,1 Iii" lodgll - ? ' I ; I ? ? I III J B lil ike p . ? . snd \\ . I si I Of til" HtMltll 1 1 ' ; thei bi ll I, Tbat th>> ll ? ? I,? . : i" . ...'?.. 1 , ? 1 bo and a ll ? hojnt wi-* __int_il noliiy di Band ta it all t; .:?,..- - -?... - ? .... a ..'.?. idl tea ... . . ? treated by il I that ll r . . beard < lt desired hy ( i1 psn na a*. Ot <ha :... . ll 1 ..-.'. Ipecl '1 ' ' ' |4, j aaary a 1 ? illotia ucl thia tioaiti by Um l'-~i ? ... and Cori SATE cU TOE lll'i.ll SMITH I STATE, v BIDDEr.S .VT TIIE 1 X II i\?r. -Till'. LOTS ? : 1 t.t Ill's-- :. ri. 's * ,- 1 ? ? feted fm Ul ti i Co o' tht V.- 1 1 U ,'? . 1 1 ?. Bulb Sd 'tu wea a' ate til . ? , 1 Bi ? ? . ir* a ? ? ' i ?l toe de . ... , . 1 the cit' ???? 1 ,. . that the Value* ot 1 la pn pertj ! 1,000 1 . ? . ? ' The ? ? ' ? ' ' it ? Tb [ot ol ne ha) lng a ? ia ? . i: re.' In v . ? , I. ll, ., a ilurch* ! ' . ' ''??? ?? ld ? . ll ,? .'bu. :-',i. ;?? ?.???? | ' I rbi lot* IB ? x . ? . : :ttii itt yeral: ? . , i . . ?? ? , i , ,.. j,,-.. i m ; . snd i ?ht ttl vu . ? ' , . , ' ?? I 'I, l: ' tv. ll ii..] r ? .. t Ui.* adjou? rn ,.. | p, M len ;.. I* ii bl Um ts i baxl lo'- for glS.73, ea h. Mt I" 11 ?'?' ? I :" 'I ? lol tu Weal No ? t ?' ??*' foi UL' 00. \ . ' ,.f vs ? ?'. i . iv, br. ngbt gtO I'" frooi ? ia lu bard, n . ? . lt, til sou fr 1, th asa 1 b r*i at " lot* In Uie rest dd for from I roo. T W lirachei looit two 1 rt leta ix'ri I ? ? 1 ? ?? at -**cMl ? ' ? ? ?' 1 1: ? :? tam aa: vmetj -t -1 foi sa "* ? af West Xiurtj.i.u.r ?? ,.i' Boulevard bteagbt 017.700 trota T. V- Citamtaa, 1 ? tata broaghl from lg ,,ii np ta 011.1.1 '?? Wa* barer* af toe eterioi lela ... ii.. ... I.- ,-.-. ?;?? ie,.". ? rnrtier ?t on 1 .-?.?:??,:*?".?>'. uni Weil ;. I-axe, ", lt . 0, aad interior let* 00 . 1 li tt,a,. .1 1 1.3 00*. tlixsn hw ' ni ? ? , lott In ttl' ? ? Drive, at I. I.,li.??!.,,lal "' lt. I ' I I lld MO ? |, ,',. i, vf lol bbb! '?? J m J. '??'. "?l f's" - tbrce lott tn RI ; D lt a Ctol ma 1 tte . bf 1 aal -.-i'i., ,.. yen 1. lb n irma V 1 ii Del'. I', r. ll. P. n ''tht: . 1 - .h.-.-t t ?'?" i's ta lb* 1. ,r h. L'toremoBt-ave. ru *:i inn 1 , ... PASTER ti'h: 1 nott nm inn rm a. Pi ?. 1 10 ll : d, Iphta Ii??;' ii 'c. 1. 1*1 Ri.ll I pro] , , ? . i, ? ? 1 tween < it] omi N i 1 1 b' ? tnu I ii,t- a . 1,?,,:! tM'fiii) lit .? n Ik 1 length fr..i 1 New lu,a, ?? |t i, tn 11 ]> li f ot, tl," ? slits ol ter ? v ( Itv 1 ,. ' 1 1 ? ' : 1.1 mi: :o, and rh.irt.-l wei .? pl ? llre.1 , V -i ll ' III. route, ai, I lil : n-ei 1, a Ih ii ?? '?' ?< ? '??? ' " '' l"r the con-ti , btldpi ?? . i* fu River, J lie r 1 ile I 1 nTi-ei t Hm . and V iii et dd I ? ellie- of Hal - I.I:/..,!.. tl, mid Newark, lt sill I* 11 rd ??-.iii IVelj l.s ,? \|,i. train . I local ts .<?.?' 1*1,11.lin] for Hi. ? us. ni 1 ?? ,,f ii-avellen lo and t. an the lille* IIICIIII '''"'I. Tl ? .?'..?? o' Ila* 1," ? ? ' > much in (he ? !:,,:?? ul ! Of Hi" di-l.llu e. but In 1 fact Hull Ihrongh tr iv< I ' ,U rn t i - lui, rh n il with bv local train or a ni ?? lp I n 'tri Hon* i lo the i de uf .|., d III , I'v linn' Vn i ' ber of local pu iin .,i nm !?? is, ,? >n f i ? ? f In ai I i: ihwav. md n ? ? ' 'bru lo *.".i iii',. ? , , 'lt ..I inti ked all tia ? fo Hitit al" "I ?' : al".|U it-. .,;,.! H I ' lld e.isl : ? : mini io pol In two .?, irai lit, ll ha been di, hie i hull | in entlrel; i ' rond for twetiti th " . n ihi- ctitofl roi inleted i' will he |. ? ? le i., r..i'i,e iii,, niiitilnu timi Itali an hour, reit ?? ? ,? , omp ,tis estal Li , "I i ta i hour-' i nv lo city, ami tl t tim ih* roadbed h i been Improved er t's. mon powerful engine ? :,|,; .. ??: ? . i- Hen '. bul lin ?' i.., ii no i lt mae li n??? time -? I ? dule. ivith i . xi . to j, ? ?, Ts ir,:,, ? I Iii io hms .fire n and li - Bi ? ? ? ?-. , I- |.e||e'.e| ti," ! | I |> tn the Illi'l*o,| RlVe| . ,-, |?. ,;.,,|. I'liit li. ? mil ales, or nt th" rai I, lng Alleen minute* i ,i -,,,, ,,;,, j. ? :i Tin: uv:: Giil.TY Mr: i\ r RI SOX, I'rnin i1 ie ' '' ipa Tribune. it,.. t,,r Knoll, : " "?' ' ?'? ? '.",,.? !?,;.? Rent m ll fifth : i, l,,.v>"! ' . Ste* rt' -\':".Iienil. Ki ott l< Il* a ..:-;,.., art v :'.. i. el Ila,li ail Vi rs old i ,!.,!. ne, I is 1 Im lo hat ?? had lt- niljin , , > ?., <>n> Cos. -.. K , It rdnli , Ih. st.-t,- e.iii,m.' ?' -..nj ; th. ;?; leiitbirt ? ' ., - ii ol li.-],.. ii ? ii-l - i i-i wen ll lo nj |,,,..,', |, the (ins ??rnm In perron nnd bloat vsiti, him for Executive li .ney. Ai lb* .,ilu!,: j,. M-d ihrongh th, .orri ,l,,r -???.?nt ene after at,.Tar .,( the ion vlei ;,h.,;,' ll- , e ?T am here." Tl '?:... '-for n murder I never committed " ??And I am In." *..ld s nol her, "'.,r Bltemptln' lo Mil v.1,, * ll nun n (Iran , ? . | . || ,i, ',., . ??rm Innarent, i,m,. nnvcrmrr." eaJd nnotbt-r. "i never atol* ;, ifiine In mi lir,-." c? ,v.ri,er PtewBti Baked bnhdreda of qa est lon*, bm every ...t,vi, i declared Ills bit.oi ecce und be_ted fur pardon. Al length, Ju*t before leavlnc the prison, the Raeeotrv* tint a yoong fellow carrying * i,,.,<t of f-orue rort of prison product. Tha cot,vlei nf-f' re-peetfullv and waa pa*-lng on, when the Governor ?topped him. ?? What i.r>. yon here for'" lie aak<*d. "for stealing horses, ymir rxcelleiicy." wes the r.'Hily reply. "But ul routs,, you are innocent 1" the Governor w ? ? en, wtnklnp at I'coerai Ki.oit.* ?nf ionise im nothing of the seri.*' sula the prisoner. "I si,ile 'em. and I**** got three years to .... s. I." "\v.ii,'' sairi Ooverner Stewart, "yeo win be par? doned tomorrow. I ara sorry that it ssiii be aecee ? a y n, ii guilty, bad man. I,, remain her.- even another night with all ni these Innocent gentlemen. Von ?i'i , -intftminat* ti ? - " il," truthful young hooethief wai free the r.e\t I, I lly ei.,uigh. he b"cain" an holiest, sain.Tl ? d'RADI'ATES NOT DEBARRED. YALU DEFEATS THE NKW ATHLETIC RULE. THE VOTE ON RATIFICATION GOS TO ISO-EARNEST SPEECHES AT a CROWDED MEETING IN AM'MNl IIAIT. [l.V Tl I H.HAITI Tn Titi. TUIIIIM:.] New-Haven, Conn., Feb. I.?The undents of Vale d'"ih I tonight, hy a role of 502 to HO, bot lo the proposed regnlatlon excluding fern tbe athletic tea mi ail itttdentt except members of un? di rgradnate rtasees. Ail day exrtteetenl on Ihe campus bad ben at fever-heat. Men passed fr?ni r.i, tu room, eagerly canvassing doubtful mind- sud preseattng the Instlce and Injustice of Ike athletic complications. A rulml III ti... ifttUtton ssas reached Wi."tl Hie blp crowd of Intensely determined student* Mrged into Alumni Hall, flUtag the hi t-ric chamber to lt* attaost capacity. Vale has never seen ti n.ital thal aroused sii.ii feeling and int-n-t. yet lt wa* perfect through out la tts order end conduct. There waa a lull lu the general ramotottoa us Captain McCarmack, of Hie football l**octatlon, accordtag to an old-time d.'nt. mounted the plutfurm, uud lUeaea prevailed a- he briefly stated the object ol tbe meeting. He i.l.I: :>* purpo** le ti. ro'iiy me ? tun reeeatty rakoa by eui alblette aftcert la New-York In adopt. li ? the fallowing repa tailem In om atti:.::, tf-Amu. Sn .... n-t..-r el a grsdoau dspaitsnat si * aa-retai al ? .'.un b" e'.lgibl,;, or any aodergitduam waa hay intered oi attended lectures or reettatloaa at say uiber ?iiiiversltj ar college, or a.iy orrie.- tmdergiodaate arfce is Bot parsatog a courae fe. u taft oe i quiring atle dan. a b| . isl cr.-, yetis. I,, molten lor acceptance \VH< promptly made by Payne, "OB, .,: the crew, ant svu* Mconded bv Beltlet, I.. -. It.-'umly p storm of dl?, Beeton uro.-i ;,* iu the order ,,f tbe motton, svhlrli ceased for n moment v. hi I Mr. Laughlin, ol "The Now.." board, look tli- chair. rheo a vol. e was heard from the rear of the rot ui, and Tr. Hoyle, of the Law (School, si ob" lu be? half of ihe gradaati students. He said: ?ii,ik -Beetlng cannot ba dltsotved on any tc.-hui ?silty. We, th" of the gradaate itepetiments, dem,na b Bearing*on Hil* quajstton. i ktltav* thal til. inc.Hug u the result ol un actina promulgated bj tbe alumni utnl advisory rotnmlttee In New \nr'.i lan rall, and lt wai farther d,,iu.,i by Hie v,ii and rem ? .un captains, two weeks ago, Ibal such Belton ss... necoasary and pr per. That tim antvrrstty does liol giVC l.t* lt CtmseQI ti. this, tile mo-tlng lt r ? lo prove*, Furthermore, in consmtatlon wu ii alumni t,nd students, i expreaj T.e .1 ot let thal in debuting graduei*fl fr,,ni at iletici Hie ' iptain* have .??.', atcd IheJr BUthurliV. , ss".i ti.,- Li* t Inti ntlon. I ,i > ii it benet- i thal any un" can ron rlentlously rote for thia rule t,, night, ii I- ss.-ii hilo.,..; ibai many men enter onr grad? uate ,:? pariments witi, \om experiem >? lu athu-th -. an l 'hi* mils (ur the purpose of gnlnlnajc .. place on uar'-. Ir i- tu jiiut i>nt Uteae -"Uii-pr i?-.iuiials thal thia role "rae made, i:ut bj there no lc-.s iweep lng means to i-- fenn i lt is evident that Crtnot.-i ls getting the hiter share cf Hits, ??aile Harvard aga i.nuis refund to adopt lt. Why ibould Vole <lo ber ? InJuiUcu " Captain Ive* - ,M be boped that no IndUidualt ss,,ali be mentioned, but thal Hie discus*! n aoul-1 be continued !?? Ihe question, -it ls unnecessary to -nv," ho continued, "thai thiareguteU *i bat nol been pul ba Tis through, lt was Uu-ottgh the decision mid Indium.I *u.h me:, us Ueorge Adee, Mr, Corbin, Mr, Howland, Mr. Cook ur.d Professor Blchards, rep aenting ?? many other nov.! alumni, und tho eoacbos, who have WU Hieir bUltneil t,. malle u* ssitinlti^ No other time could be <o proper, f,,r v.i.nld not bustaln her petlUou In a year when then waa do acriflce. Above nil. we moat heep the. I'nlverslty'a reputation intact, She should keep tn beraell h. r Internal quarrels, and of Ihe ?-. we. Ibe otu is, '.s-'.!l tali; our shine, only ,'..? Ti Vii"." After tbe enthusiasm this tpeech troased had utitldrd, tvveral 'peahen followed ou either -ide. , urti*, au old Lehigh man, now in the l-aw Behool, a wried that tbe rule debarred ambitious atm who had atodled at ? iremer unlvertttle*. it sri., i.-ft f r Captain Hartwell, of the VB crow, to malle the dos? ing -i,,ee..i for the regnlatlon. Ut said: ??I n. c. appear Incenstaieflt In advucatlng a *>rin jli.l'- I .-i, violated, fte very thing thal lins hr,", :'.t *. it vic lort** ia that the ha* M?**d a.* one man while quarrelled: ami In refusing to i-itlfv tbe action fi ir oin. ou ere pta, inp i ale open lu tbe bi - .. Hon i' ' :, li vou have - > often In rl-lu ale hurled at others. Ai * , Itarvuni'a refusal tu adopt ihe measure, lhof't-sor* Ames mid .Villis .use declared this | .. ?.'\ rented) for Hie at'iletlc ovll. Harvard dos aol adopt it limpl) for Rein. , reasons." mi ' ', - brough) to vote, each maa. ri pat r- nut, lipped hts hallo: In the boa. .\t i, ::,n o'cloeli t...- leUaria enuouuted lb* rc*ult ,.f the ,.,l', '. The rule win Dot be adopted, and Ute ellurts ,,t the athletic buders will he lo-it for the Iii time in Ihe history >,f the university. Aft.T H." I'.'sni: rf tbe i allot had boen iinnonnced, the captains bim! ruanagers af iii- various athletic team* were asked whal wr they would resign or nut. Som ,>( them would answer directly. They ni> neared deeply grieved at ihe result, bul *ai.i Hutt ? > would have taken no detii.tte ucllou in regard to utiv fuitire plana a* io ti ?? direction ? >, Vale's ? ni )*,,l,-s. A 'rnnp effort still I,, made nv all Beinber* uf the I'nlverslty to inflnce them n> roi tl::,," Iii ofter. The vote I* declared not to Biran ul confidence In the Vale captain*, but to be t diaapprovui of au obuoxlout rule i>i"i> '-eil _?r adoption. _ __, GRAXT RRRAER UP A GAME OT TORER Fi m fte Chicago Tribune. ?Ueneral Urant once interfered lu a mott untrar ??jut. j and arbitrary manner with n poker "aime thal ??sus paying me a mg protU," ab) Andrew Banner. ? ll wt* ihortlj aller the butti,.' of Bhd sse ,,.'.:,: were feeling pretty badly down in the mouth. i ? ,. .,;, the advaiu'i -ticket ii.n* bright moonllghi 'I-'.', nnd the lani**! nnd a r"-f ""ly -t rew hundred s.,:ii, sway, We ihol at u-u'u other until we sal iii d of Ti.- sport, then wc swapped newspapers, coffee j'ui lobacco. A dare-devil yoong Vanita corporal walked rl0'lit into our post, Mt down "li a lon ii* Hil - ,i a v u please, and asked u* if sro knew h.,' in plav <ii.. v poker, DM we ' Wfe rather thought wt did. Had sv* :iny greenback*! A lew. Than died ,,'it i ie, u nf cards and wa sat donn lo play r.rits soon moinee lank came over, ibm er. until Her- ss.m. s',v nt eui. and Wa all I ??! Iii aud played ii ss ul.- -open i"iiiie. r.iigettiirit Hint Hie i i'U-1 S'iii ssa- n I 0V| T. ??Luck uiiie mv way. and I koon had everybody bul the Vankee Corporal louis.-. The reel wereto_oallt*d around, bin* and gray, walebing lbs jim*, when Hi.te mme tint iiflr alick tah1 *o f.imlllir f,? thc ? eu-. \V- looked up, and there itood u Vankee ? ,T"a four men, their muskets cocked. Mt nb : , ol I te 40th, ,.,'ri'l t r< itrselve* lulu irrett,' suiii Hie Sergeant. 'Ob,..rome (sergeant,' the Corporal beean, when a ii roi ed up behind the euard, and ,e comlnded. ?ii. Merni (inint.l.i I :."?:' Th- bluecoat* trot un look? ing in." a lol of whipped schoolboys, and ts luted t cir ?.-:,., es r.i ''...'in u* st.-ruls a* u Iphlnx. irs Hied lu front ,,r ti," gusrd and started for Ibe lamp. \v ? a (bili ' ui,. iv..A turned on him Urant r mi',...i i.. ci.-ir ft-cu ii'- mouth, iud, with ? rvnleal ..?ml., asked the Confederate n.?t Mm: 'Who's ihead!' -lei. S"'r" ahead.' re|ilit-d the defender ot i .,. sitar* and Ibu , 'Theme chiiiii|i* you've brough! ere can't pla ? p a little hit. But tb s can Hirtit. til u?i I.'I n larked, 'Have to, someUmes,'said . ?:?.,:?,'. di ,iy, and rode t i ty,' ITOMEX AS 1XVEXTURS. Prom fnvenllon. li his niton li. viii thal the state of Civilization ,,f | om.try ls marked bv ihe hu, sn, education ">!i :....,! i| ni the femnln -> .\ lu ll. A* tbe Angbe Saxon nice, represented hs our*selve*, .air colonial*, ?;,I ?ni -vue ru'.,., . lu*. I a - frequently laid rtalru '., a foremosl i*> Itiuti In rirllixattan, sse are pleBsed :,l,., mir qiiolB of evidence lu upporl of thal itate .;? ., detluced from the highly iredllable position i:,:,! sst,.|,, i, are attumlng among Ins, uer*. lt i. ., , io i" expecti-4 la nu ny sri* and maniifact.-re* lhal ???."i sill br able lo take bb equal molina srlib men a- Inveniort; i.ut in dome*tic appllanci** or in ,. veliiee ol drem there i> no reeaon why the ladlei -!. .aKi nol enjoy a fMi -huic of ni" profit' resulting IC .---lui ;>.,Ie',t. Tb* a , ..;? , led sv.fe nf ;,;. Il ., i.'.t!i?*. Wc ate fold. Invented and patented ni rorset, end lt is said dial Hie Kmpress Kui,-nie iir*t ii-n-ei a mysterton* dra***. Improver, ?'...:, eventually developed Into the crinoline We ,., rill -rise- | el t ,' |.'..,l-',|r III .fiillj fol III.. II*. ii .'"iioas frinale Invent ora, and the patent Isis re, uri application* from wooten for palen)* ur latani al d'-turns Female Inventor* .io not, vn. themsrlve* to those department* in ,. h Ibej ii,is la? supposed to have special experience. i, ne i?> a ir.n.list to women for a plan tor leadening i ?? noise on railways, for preventing -parka . ii i.motive engines, tar vwr bag maktng ?I. i, li. "ts, m..! f,,r a ness l?rtii "f life raft. It is. however, mon prtrperlj in bov*| dreaa .prmertors. hil.,- nm. churn*. sv,-hhii*lu-. dairy appliances, inti di,-*, fitting*, Hist th* female Inventor Bsostly rxceU. Nr.nis 401' appUcailon* for pateata were ?cole la.t rear bj n.eiiihus nf Tie lair sea. The "-rentes! proportion of them have reference ta rta!med Improvement* In connection willi furniture. Invalid BOP?tnct-s, coobina*, and education. >ev*rsi appllciith.ns, bosviver. relate ta (fenerul industries. __? ?. |**aiiiAiajt tcrtlle uianufsetun-s, electrical and railway appliance*, pump* nnd typewriters. Foi-t-raoet among fernel? Inventions are certalnlv those epper talnlng to their own pf lanna! adornment or that >,f their home*. Many devloaa have been patented foe* the start erasa rroseing a muddy road, a p.-ob!> rn esBtllttaQp fur th.* fair one*. Appliance* tar the rick har,- aba en_.To-.-rti cun.slderable atten Hun, una these univ be supplemented by novelties in fancy work, putties and games. New skv sign*. advertising des!,,.*, lire ..??*-.,., camera*, buiioon* and ?:tates further kw,ll Ike list of last year'* appli? cations The uti-,-li.sli (l|sp,.sm..ii of women 1* again portrayed by their inventive sttealtooe to the oppo? site Bes |n turd -salters a< Impr.v-cl lances, " troiuer aplas'i previ liters," button hole Sewer holdens, selt tltaehlni neckties, sleeve links, and ?cnaa of securine m-n's ,, :;,irs atul cutt-. Not only do ladles seem fulls- able t" originate Ideas, but alan prov., abie to bold th'lr own commercially In the defence end ex plot fe tlon of their intent.. B?-veral lam.* und flo.irl*hlng commercial tai*tn?aaei ta thi* i amata I are at istlr and practically carried on bs- womeai x* bends or sole representative! nf tiru* one Indy In the t nit's" -t'ltev \ .ps- s i , ?? sfuily defend.-d Iut patent dr.-s protector In sport roin-t. and. "hough conductlmr her ca** herself, rame ott ssi-ii Bring mi,.rs, sith rs gi oppo-,.,1 to on.- nf the neverest lawyers in Amariea. In ihe multltudlnoua sud ever-lncresatog require men ta of modern dotneerir Hie, In the rhangmi fa?hlon of .'ess mid |n n_e m*nwln| neee**lry for substituting m< a mimi l.iii-T sus ,u_- apnllsneeM fur hindmnlds' wort In '.ons,!,,h] tffalr*, n boondi, aa field Iles before the gentle i*x in with then* Inventive faeuttfet can b' productively and profitably cvercised. STE A Y NOTES HEBE AND TTTERE One of the most absent .nindi*! men In New-York , li au eminent surgeon. He ls a great lover af horses. i mid ssi'l iiliiitirtun mi vt Iilttrr bat a patient to lake a drive up the road. Due of hts mo*i peculiar chrirac terisU, - i* iii, inability ta po*m M anetloaroom with? out tarring toeaethlng. Ifappt-rring on.- day to drive bv a stable ss here Blt iiiic'lnn tale wus going tm. hi* saw a raw-boned mlmal uti,I.t the bummer. ''What's bid '" li- asked of a byatonder, wfm replied i ?Nothing: nobody wnnts the bruie nt nny price." At the Bett .all fruin tbe auctioneer b* tdd i??0. and Hie horse waa knocked .b.ssu tu kim. il" dmve on. and Hie incident passed oat of his mind, ll- forgo! all abood the pur , hu*--, bul the animal waa sent to his stable mid th.* groom tnuli him In rbarge, Abonl two month* after? ward hi* favorite horne fell lame, and b* com patt oed ll,at he had liotklng to .Ilise. "Why not (jive the sv hone u trial ' u.'i.T the groom. "Whal new vb* "' li" -aid. ? I has.- a., new hon, ?." The gm?m replied; "The one rna bontht i*" laoola*, boo. slr. He anani had a bridle on aim > be < nm- lo Hie stable.?? Tue Kttrgeon could not recollect having besMM the animal, bal h>- consented In plv.- hbo a trial. It moved *at1-f u b.rv In every wm mid for elcht years that horse ba* teen the old gent taman'? delight. The pan,,. 0f ,ne,%< ha-- lneressed vastly tn popn lurits lu the I'nlted Sletes in Ute ln*t four or five vent's:, and the rhett .,,Ininti in tbe daily pupers le eagerly scanned by all clam.f roodee B. America las never given to Ihe world many bmeas players. The foreigner derlai rn tbat the \meii an t- toa r.ervoej*) and high-strung t.. play rheas. It I* a gama In which exceptional patience, coolness and h***e*4ght ure needed, and while ihe American a-naeeally hus t-*-.. of these qualities, be ls fri queiilly larking Ir Ike oiher. Ile would play In twenty minutes a mme that tho i.ei tn an or the Hu lan wno ld ll ul*, r over for ii doy. He nearly always ptava rm Hie offensive, and his attack ls tiMunllv iii.ii' hs brilliant ilranrgv. Thai often peta him lu IrooUe. He lease* bl. i;nt"S op"ii. and tho .mt walk* In JI" dm** not retard th" game ho s-iioiislv ns doe* his Ka cup,:: ii ?'!. There thousand*, of amateurs here atlast never In their lives |_ve played a game thrungli from Imoks. unit who bise tiie primary Source of enfwvment nnd Im? provement wlihii chess i,tr..r.|s. sim,.ly be. :i ii se thev ss ill never be iii Hi-.' pain* to printed gamea. Many otberwl*. excell*nt pity**** have a weahneea for making premature attacks, which usually result tn du mug! ng repulse*. _ The giving ?,f "tip." i* aa nnmltafa*eter"r occupa? tion, and In Ibe existing state .,f the market the ariaa iiiati will refmla fruin patting b'l friends .,n a "tool I bing" iii die street. A nod many men have taken water lu Ihelr whisker In the Issi len day-, and not a few have token -nine. The c mbllui'ion aometfafeo gel* tim better of the it rouge*! cotieUtutloo. What I. the Map* doing tn-dnV !),??* lt reflect the fasbton of Ibe lime, or I- lt -eming aa example f,,r faahton lo Imitate' In Hie iii.. >f good Wileen la.-s and the gpbnbdi Armada the wooiee wore a iircat Bbundam.? doilies. ,,f ihe most modest d.? acilpllon, fruin lineal to bee!, and were vary free of their .peech. Evett their ankle- were most Jealously ct.iird.-d from view, but their (t.-qversaitoa vsn* shock lag. On the modern stage there a narara n curious rombtnaUon. lt ls mad.' ,i[, principally of frc., speech and few clothes. In some of tbe iheatrea the freer tbe speech and the fewer the (anthe* the more popu? lar Hie performer. N lld* a sign ol the limes that are Here of the tim-"-- that are COOllngl .indi t* the r.nmn of u lnuukey Hint a New-Yorker owtieti fur live an I ha* rac. lly given to tho menagerie In Central Park. ia. li u-cd to have ex. ..?lieut manners, and. as monkeva ir,,, sv.iv ;i pentle man. He had a p.I borne end aever stayed out after dark. The complain) i ?lost him was that be the tower noora i f the moti-ti and rulnc-d seveiui bondred dollars' worth of furniture, ills mas? ter left aim one dav lu chace of th* apartment*. and fork toot :l bath. Ile f-r.'ut to turn Olf the aater. md Him tub uni over. Mia-i-nvrr, he -culdee! himself, snd did mt look -sen respectable afterward. The master returned hi lime lo retch bim tu the act nf triping himself .sit', ii crush toss el. Being romon sirnicd ssith, h.- appeared penitent, bat in less tlmn nu hour 'sus In from "f a mirror, razor In hand. trying to -have .ut ld* mustache. .link simply hail to go. ssa, nu Hiing \sllh bim after Uiat. Ii seems that a great deal of Ink ta tr*?afta*j in por hraylng the nobllltj nf character of ihe prtre-Bghter, The |,s;.e. lille ii, nih. rs nf tlc community aro hon? ing for tiie early arrival nf the day when ivter .Tnck iii ssiii enter the ring -ind toke the championship. Mentally, he ls H.i|tuil of any >.t rho 'aluggt-rs,* alni pl J -J, -jlly, theil superior. An ebservant bartender Iii rrlntini Ilona- gt-itara de :,,? tbat be ran tell the aalionaBty ?f a mon ly bia ssas of driaking, rather ti,mi by what he Maka* "There goes a FrenrkHan." be remarks, "1 know him. .*??'.? hose kindly be taste* hi* alne! ho lovel lt and sip* lt. iii* appetite for drink ll In bl* throat. The man ttaodtag near kim I* a Herman. His op petite foi di ink ls lu bis stomach, atul h.* 1- in ? hurry t> appease lt. Seo him gulp if towal A niue of beer lit tsvo draughts. Ile di Inks ssitie in the Kimo wnv. That little man over In th" eortyer ls n Scotch man. Ill* drink of whiskey nev,*!' ha* a .second t h.ii., e. lt ls gotta at a aw allow, Tho li..* man on 'he oilier ttatol Ok, he I- an American, of .nurse. Hu says he likes whiskey for the enemies If ha* made, ll- likes it In his throat and Illus lt in hi* stomach. Ile alway* give* a Brunt .,f aattsfnctlon when h<* get* lt down, then thinks he'll have another, ill- peck 1* longer than lt Bsed t>, l*e. Ite hu* been stretching it (hes,- twenty veil-. lt make* the sshlstcoy ta*te longer. The man near him I* un Kngta-bannn. lie il... :,'t care fur bl* di'lnk at ult. bat I* luklug lc because he thinks he iui-<U lr. ilise |,lm il chop. though, and he will .*lt ri.iit down and drink a quart of liass. I wonder why ke hus stopped I ninds- and soda Yonder ls tn Italian. He ls too finicky. Ile 0*00*1 hi me ttiueete Iem<m peel In his cocktail for fem- mr hand Isn't t lean, il" drink* like a pljoon. Btitiilug bl* bill away down In the urns*."1 Hoke gmltfc, of Oeorglo, si lu, is said to want a Cabinet office limier Mr. Cleveland. I* one 0| Uie iiiiudsouiest men in the Sooth, Ile Mauds over Mx let! in lils to.ks und ls llnely proportioned. Illa f j,, e has not a hair on lt Ho lanka mt unlike two prominent men In (he "forth - Secretary Klklns of th* War I)"p;trfmeiit aud th" New-Jeraey isenator-elect, .fame) smith, jr. ii.,ke smith t? a lawyer, a poll ik uni and n newspaper proprietor. -The AUujitu Journal'' is iiin.u*f whuBy li* property. "The Jour? nal" SM.* for ( Icyeliind ssiiell "Tiie COlLstltlltlotl" Wat thoutlng for lill! suth all I's mtghf. Mr. iSmffh ls ie.-jiile<t .,. Ihe bc*t rallr.i.ul lussy.-r In lieorght?for the mun! The Juries uie hi-, nnd <jf?n baa lt been Mild tlii.t the vettlet ssa* ready l^loi-e tho case rame to nial. He 1* alway* ugulnat tho rallrood. Colonel Evan P. Howell, of "The ^.'onstimtlor.."1 Hoke -nilth's tls;il in the affect loot of the Prestdcnt ehi t, tumbles] boom Martneltl tonMramolta to get buck fr ni tho lilli log to the haulier of Cleveland, and ta lint yet certain that ho has he.'ti toeglvatt. He ls u, short, tblt-k-eet, .stocky in.m of loctobta luihll.*. Ho I* ike father of Clark Howell, ssio i?-cB-a*eB liss place of llciuv 0/. Qrady its n-aj-aglng editor of -The Constllntlon.* JUSTICE ROS lUPai EMORY SPEER. from Th* Bavannah Vu The attack upon Judge --peer by flo Richmond Terminal people Ls jne ol the most despicable fealures of ihe oppt-afUon lo the Lentrul ruora-anltatlan plan. It ehuis- busy desperate ar* Hm- methods used to .!..,....( ?,... ....ll,.,. ..# .,. ......... r....?*..,. '.'h., hl.lA?. defeat the pulley of ll ni ii.., lent cul Kalli,,ml mein. The history I,lp ls well under O, ,l,tj td, > .., ...... i ,,s,,,_^ ,-> ?,,, UIIU, I - st...,,!. Tho appinlitton t-> Judge rjpeer ..iris- list Mareil ss ii-. i-arefuUy < ..nstden.<i by film. H.- ttndled tl,,- case dlhgenUy and when Hi* order ssa* lilinlly s1i,-|ie.l Hi t'e evening li ssa'* n cuiic!tl_t)|i not hastily or reckl**islv fo*med, but a decree wtselr considered In the llifht .! all tl,., fact*. Half of tho Injunction* ami Important omit pepen ure signed, at Dight, where Hine I- talara tu stuiiy the papers and , un alder ike que lion. 'ills deci-iuu waa promptly :ccepte<i i,y t"fje Blch mond and Danville lulim..d Company, walch voiun , i,i. ttiresv up ihelr lease, repudiating the contract outright and uBegtng lu their smrwer that thc leas* ,,f ti,.* Central Itali rood by the etocMmldaf)) ol tim ".eui lila Pacific hui i.. v-r been nitllled. IVhen lip? pi .-1. ended this toiicrn dripped Its . ontraband good*. The derision "f Judge l'anlec mid Jud/re speer rslabitahed ;i precedent. lt merited an important spock in the btatory >.f corporattons. lt was a warning to operators thal btey enid n?,t menngo *> propertlea In vtotattoa "f the lasvs ,,f the s_.t_,*r Qr the rlpht.s of the minority Mix-khoMers. It Was a W*aV cimie ?l;-nal I" Individual holders that they bad ri;-TTs svhicli syntllriites were bound t-> respect. lt ts ns ii ile. -I-,).ni ss bbb has Inns been needer! In Bile country . ll marked Hie courage of .tn American Jurist and e*tabllshecl the JusUce of n petltlun wittoh has long been neill,si. In all these Instances Judge Speer acted willi the bett ileitis of the WW and for t/ic beat Interests of tho people.