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Slmnoerrtcnio. _C_B?MY OF DKS1C.N-Art E-hibltton. ACAMTMT Ol* MI'SIC B-The nbrt Crook. AHBF.IU' TfirATRK-SlS-Der Voflhaendler. BIJOU THF.ATUl. -* -0-A Society Fed. BROADWAY Tlir.ATBE-8 lo-Ninety Days. CARAF.OIK MI'SIO HALL-10 a. Ba, until 10 P. _. The Dora ..-tilery. CA6INO-0 15-Fencing Me?tcr. CHICRURINU UAI.I.-9--I_ct-jie COLUMBI S THKATKf-8 TIJ-MlnstrMs. DALY'S TIII-'ATlU'-S lJ-Tbe I'oiesfrs. EDF.X Ml'-iKF. -Tri- World In Wax. EMPIRE THEATRF.-8 16-1'he GIN I T.cti Rehind Me. M1TTH AVEN'l'i: THEATRE-8 .I.*,-'Ja val tl it Ratti? est-. GARDEN" THF.ATKK.--S-Tr)? Mountebank. ORAKD OPERA HOFSE-S-'lbe Bp?n of Life. IIAF.RIGA**"S TlIEATRE-O- .Mulligan Guard*' Ball. HARLEM OPF.RA BOVtB-*i lu-I?'.e of Champagne. HERRMaVN'S THFATRE-8 30-Frlend FHtz. HOYT'S MADISON' SQl'ARE THEA1T.L-S 30-A Trip to Oltns'own IMPERIAL Mt'SIC HALI.-Vsudev'.'ile. ROSTER 4 BI AL'S-8 -\'?>ideui>?. LYCEl'M THEATRE-2-8T*.-Anierlcsna Abroad. MANHATTAN oriTIA HoL'SE-8 TO-The Wonder., of America. PALMER'S THEATRE-* Ti-Aristocracy. STA-VDAUD THEATRE-S :1.",-My Ortlclsl Wife. ?TAR THEATRE-8 15-On Probat on. TONY PAf5TOR'H-?-Vatnlrvi;i?. I'NION" RQI'ARE THBATBE-g Iii OltrlOBB. ItTn STREE!' -I'M-?TBE 8 mos da loegO Jnbex to a&pcrnocmcme. Fess. Col. Pas*. COL Atnu-riiientu .ll 6-fi trust ruction . ? l-l Annouiiceiiienta . 1- 6 Lecture* (> Auction Sales R-al l.'cal Notic-s-10 I Ketsto . 8 4 I..,st a-ii Found. .. H 4 Boara and Room* ... ti ? Marting.*., tt loath*. 7 O Rualne** Chinee*.... p (1 Mlarelltuieoiia .12 B-0 Bualtie** Notices.... ii i Mlsctllsiieuu* . W 5 Corporation Notice 11 "? Musical Instrument*. 11 6 ~ n<iu| Academiti. 8 2 Ness publications? 8 1-2 ildend Notices... ll A Ocean Steamers.10 ti rt**m-'hTng _ 'J ?'? I'ropoasls . * jeetta Situations R'al Estate. H a Wanted . 0 7-8 Room* and Flate.... 8 i ExrUr?lon? . 8 5 Uml-nstl/. . 8 fj-(i Pfnsnciai .UH I-ft 8pecls| Xetlces. 7 li financial Eic. tlon...ll fl steaieboats . 8 * or Sale. ? 0 Teacher* . 8 2 Help Wanted. 8 4 To Whom Concern.. 8 4 Help Wanted. 9 r> winter 4-V Horse* end Carrlngo*. '.I .'. Worn Wanted. 9 0-7 Hotels . 8 4 a. . -.'_ ._..--?"? Bneinrss JCotufB. Roll Top Dears And Office FURXITDBX Cireat Variety of Style *n'l Tn. '. T. O. Selletr. No. Ill Pulunat.. N. Y^_ TIUBCXE TERMS TO MAIL St'BSCRIDERS Slngla 1 rear. 6 mo*. 8 mos. 1 mo. cops. Ditly, 7 4sTs s week .. $10 00 $5 00 fi 60 $100 . Dells-, without Sunday ... 8 d' 4 00 '.'00 90 3 cv. bundar Tr.buue. 'i 00 100 60 .... Oct*. Wetklr Tribune. 100 . '?itu. fceml-Weekls- Tribune... SOO . I ct-. Tribune Montnlv. a 00 .&">?*?. Po*ta|e pr-paid by TM Xrlbunu except sa hereinafter CITY POSTAGE.-Th* ll* requires that s 1 tent po.(ace ?*_roi> be affixed to everr copy of The l*%i'y, Bundar, ?>r Kernl-Weeklv T'lbiine. malled for local dellsery !n New.York Citv. Thia po-tag* ti,u?t bs paid bv aub scriber. Resders are better aerv.d by bu-ins their Tribune Iron, a newsdealer. ??REIGN* POSTAOE-To all torlRn co'intrles fe-rcpt Canada sod Mexico), 3 cents a copy on The Sunday Tribune; 2 rents a eopv on Dally. Send-Weekly sud Week r. TTils poataee iiiuat ix. said by *ubscrlb?f. REMITTANCES.-Remit hv Postal Order. Express Order. Check. Drift, or Rettatered Letter. Cssh on Postal Note, if sent in an unreiiatered letter, will be at the owner's risk. BACK NUMBERS.-For Back Numbers of the Ttsily end Gundar papers, ffiore than a t*e*k old. an extra price l> charged, on a .nt ot the coat of atoroge. OFFICES OF TUB I'RIIU'\T.--I?ln office of Tho Tribune. IM Nassau-**., Bear-Yarn. Main sta-tswn ofTlee. l.t*'2 Brnad?ay. Addr*** a'.l corresDouBeiicc almply "The Tribune,'' Biw.Terfe. Km^tnM13ml^ Sbftttt* FOUNDED BT HORACE GREELEY THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2, ISM. TWELVE PAGES. tee BEWS rms moexixg. Foreis-n.?-The debate on thc Queen's si>coch was continued in the English Honan ot Cemtnono; lt is believed that Mr. (.Indistone will not be obie to present the Irish HesaM 1'tile bill before M ?n* day, Febuary 13. ?_?= M. WaMe?>*nonaoeow ho? ran bis speech in defence ol M. Eiffel in the Panama trials. --? Fuithcr arrests nf ofBciali in connection with Italian Irank scandals are expected. __?- Another earthquake shock and a tidal wave caused much destruction of life and property on the Han,I of Zant<\ Congress.?Both brandie-) in eeostod. ss? S-n at**: The Army aud For tl-cotton billa wei* passed, and the District bill eon-Tdoted. _??s Houne: The Sundry Civil lull was lui ther c .11 aidered. Domestic.?Chairman McMahon,' of the Senate committee charged with the invs-al ital ion of the Beading "combine"1 in New-York State, present''1 tho committee's report to the l.f^islattire; A_bm_ blymaa Kempner introdurtvl live bills lookine* toward administrative reform ia New-York 1 ity. -"-_-?= The Yale stlidents voted, ZRi to 410, not to ratify the rejrtilation fmvidtag that only members of undetssraduate cIuksc^ mIihII be elijille for place* on the various atlilelic teams. ?.??? The Connecticut Senate confirmed tho nominal ion of Profeosor Simeon E Baldwin for Ja*dge of Mm Supremo Court; the irons., will lake aeiion to? day. ? ?? ??- A nespro was luirneil alivi- at the stake by a tnob at Paris, Te>as. *?ess Th?* steamer City of Pekinf. eight days overdue at San r'rauei-;co, wa* not heard fi om. City and Suburban.?There were aeveral nesv caeee of tj-plnie in the city. =?-?-; Anton Kessbr abot Mrs. Kate Jaoajaf and tncl to kill hlmanlf .ri The iAocutive Committee of the'icin County Csniiruittee met and dlMOHMd plans for te orjrnnlzatioti. a___i Whiskev Trust atock was again prominent. ---*--;-_ rap'-rs were rend at Hie Academy of Medicino Ndriflg the Guniniiiv-hiiici.-s ti Charilieft and ( orrectinii. --- John VV. 1>iv. ll was preeent at a Meeting nf the director.) nf th. United States Book Company. .-- Stocks mt ive and generally higher; I inn 1 ehnngea WOte wib atantial gains except in the coal stocks, which fell abruptly in the lost hatti on the prnq-autit ?t hostile legL-latiun ; money on call ruled at I l-.'a-' per cent. "The " \V*"p?thor.--Forecast tor ro-nay: rtain; possibly charging to snow: clenrin? late in th,. day and growing colder. Tem|K'rature yesterday ? Higheot. 35 degrees; lowest, 30; ovorafe, 3-'7-8. Aaseinblyman Otto KeBtpner, llie rn? rojire Bcntofive of this city who has had the rjoarage to defy Tammany, gave proof of the sttcngth of bis convictions by intn ducmg ye-tirdas five anti-Tammany bills, all relating to New-York City affairs. He gave notice of his intcniion to forward ibem to iho bo-?t of his ability, but of courae thero is not the slightest ihaiic.* of pawing one of them or e\en of bringing ono of thetai to a vote. Ne rmi helens. Mr Kempner U doing hi* duty, and ho will at least have the reward of a clear conscience. *> Great pres?.ire i* being brought upon i.epre tentatives in Congress to induce them to trote for the repeal of the Silvei-Purclias.' law mIu-ii tho matter comes up in tho House a wer*k hence, lt is a question now nbother the le pe*?ling bill can be brought to a rote, bul it i believed in Washington ihat ;t laige Dumber of Democrats will be prevailed on io join with the Republican members in favoring a closure ??esolirtitni. I'lifo!lunately, the outlivok at the other end of the Capitol is not so encouraging. A poll of the Senate made by Mes.ii. Chandler and Dixon shows that Um pHMpoi ts uf MenHag tho d(*ired legislation arc far from bright. | The hioked-for bill regulating the price of L ootsl _tt<ie ito apimraiic*? yesterday in thc Sea- i ato at Albany. Apparently tho Senators were well prepared for it; at any rate, without a voice, being raised again*t it, it, was sent at onco to a second and then to a third reading. Tho recent excessive prices of coal havo un? deniably produced on the part of the general public a fiame of mind favorable to some method of regulating the cost of this necessary of life, although legislation OH such matters is to be deprecated on general principled. Whether the attempt to reduce cal bills will I.e. moro BUCCeaafu] than the effort to reduce ?.'.i-i bills ;t few yean ago remain* to be seen. ttapid Transit Commissioner Inman ls de? sirous that the public should understand thal the conclusions of himself and his associates have been unanimous in every case, regardless of differences of opinion existing at the outset on subjects brought before thom. That is all right as far as it goos, bal the conspicuous fact.* which confront the public are that the Com? mission has boen in existence two full years and accomplished nothing, and that now it is (otiiinittcd to extensions of the elevated roads and to nothing else. Mr. I nm au's explanation doe<n*t tomh ihe core of the mattel', 18 IT Dom:ixe, * A* if by concert., or at the inst iga! ion of a superior power, several Democratic papers lui ak out in declarationa obviously intended to lelieve the party from the responsibility of making a thorough revision of the tariff this ?oar. Ono points on' that the condition of the Treasury, with gold going out of the country and larg.' additions every month to tho poper circulation and revenue* -scarcely equal to Bp propriations, must render it extremely difficult for a Democratic Condies* lo revise the tariff iu accordance with its belief*! and pledges. What it might have done with safety, it is said, when the Treasury held a large surplus. and the revenue exceeded expenditures, ami gold was coming in. cannot now he done with? out the greatost risk under Ihe altered condi? tions. In effeot. the people who care for Free Trade more than for anything else are warned that they may get no prog read in that direc? tion unless silver pm chases can lil st be ".topped. Moro cantiotisl... but with the .--ame obvious intent, " The New-York Times" editorially argues that tariff reform is iii present )e*s Im? portant than a settlement of the silver Ques? tion. "Mr. Cleveland," it mys, "cannot help detering that this imperative condition to order and prosperity shall b'' prompt!"" fulfilled be? fore tho mor." complex took of tariff reform is taken up." It then startles the souls of aident reformers by inch declarations as these: Thc tariff l.* nat n "natter of lawMdlate arni nial consequence. Its evils luis-,, beea rodan<l /ur mn nv rears, and In tiii-ir Beaten! form fur Blare Maa issn years, nnil they ran l.o endured another "teer ,.r so If neepss.'irs-.D.-liis- tn tte*a**lns Ibe oorrbase et illver i* in Itself snr.. tn iirtni* a elicit t> enterprise and I'liliistry BBOre BeHoUS tlmii nny pinbal'lf .lilas In oyaliiig sith tie- tariff.Th,' action ?,f fi" Denw rall, jilli's ii* to til." tariff, flrbile lt* ilir.-ci.loii Will nm ii" doubtful and l's ulUmate aim Mill be kepi eon itantrj in view, ssiii i,i' dellberale mai Jtidlrlotii and in no sen*.,' revohiUonurr. Bul straight .vrn-s titi* pathway io n fortnuate future stiintis the nels tod threatening barrier nf I c'iri-,:i,v deiaoraUaed br Ibe ciitlnti.'d !>'ivlii0' of tllver. lt is an interesting admission thal the " evils" of a Protective Tariff "can be endured another year or two if Bt*ceasaiy.'' When one remem bera bow often the McKinley Lill bas been pronounced abaolntcly unendurable, how often it has been aoaerted thai this odious measure crushed agriculture and prostrated all surfs of industries, and robbed the people of from (700,000,000 to il,000,000,000 yearly, it *ci'in> amazingly eool to remark thal this state of things can I.e endured for another year Ol tsvo. Ilavo the-." Ires Traders never believed any of their charges against ibis moot maligned measure? Or have they become convinced, as other people have been by tho marvellous pros* pei i's pali/.-d tinco tl).' McKinley tariff went into effect, that the longer they I-t it al ii" the longer Iheir Administration will have the advantigo of active trade, thriving Industries and rising wages? Straight ocrosa the pathway stands the ugly and threatening barrier of a currency demoral? isation, says "The Times." lint by what po> ?ible distortion of reasoning can it be said that this grave evil, only apprehended as y?t but by no means certain t-> bo realix-d, can be a barrier to the removal of those " outrageous and intolerable burdens.'' amounting to from 9700,000,000 to 81,000,000,000 yearly, which the people have to Liar? If the Free Traders have been telling any truth whatever in all these \ears, if they have even supposed them? selves to be telling any truth, they must look upon the removal of tariff burdens as a cer? tain and wonderfullv powerful stimulus to pub? lic prosperity, sufficient far to outweigh any disadvantages or losse* which can result from the present outgo of gold. These Utterances ot Democratic, journals go far to support the impression that Mr. Cleve? land and his closest advisers have found the tariff question s, dangerous to touch that lli.\ .ni' *tnving bard ti manufacture an excuse foi deferring all action thereon. liven in their own minds, perhaps, they aie not yet ready to admit that the McKinley Lill has brought a prosperity so general and mi gratifying that they cannot afford to disturb it. Hut thai ia tho way the people will surely Interpret theil action or refusal to act, if they follow the course foi eshadow eil I.y some Democratic journals. _ Till: UII.I.-MUREUY COLDNESS. A painful but apparently well-grounded rumor i*- afloat in Albany which ciediis 8en ait.i-elect Murphy with having designs upon ihe p iwci and prestige of his Senatorial brother Hill. Pei haps the rumor should occasion no surprise, sinoe it is a proverb that Iwo of a tiade cannot agree. Doth of these gentlemen ire machinists by trade; their methods are the ?atti', their aims are ihe same. Wit li both politics is a game, and Loth play it primarily in the interest of their own individual, seliish ambition. Nevertheless, the rumor in ques? tion will OOcasion a good deal of amazement and questioning. These two of a trade have agreed so long that the public had grown to believe that they were going to prove an ex? ception to the rule. The appointment by Governor Flower of Mr. Van Vket to thc piesdencv of the Civil Service Board means the triumph of Murphy it the expense cf Hill. In order to make this plate?a place of considerable consequence?for Van Vie.t n close friend vi Hill was sitcri lood. Naturally, thc talk in Albany is of a Mnrphy-rioivcr combination. Let such an at? tempt be successful]* made aud what would become of HUI? lt might occur io him that the time had arrived in his active career for tiiin i.) turn his back UOOfl politics and devote himself exclusively to the law. Still, this i? aol quita certain, for BS we all know David s full of resources and has plenty of plink, .licked Ly g./od staving qualities. Hut if Mur )hy and Flower tami him il is difficult to sec iow he can make good their loss. ,\., nui \ I hauy correspondent points out, "Hill m?n kith ono kr one, disappearing from places of power in the State administration, and men doner to Governor Flower or to Mr. Murphy are tabing their plates." Of course Hill ap? preciates ihe precise political significance of every appointment and removal which the Gov? ernor makes, and thus far. if we mistake not, he has not, said or done anything indicative of dissatisfaction. I* he biding his time, or has he become ton vim ed thiit hi* future as a political bo-.s js till behind him? This thing i* certain?tbat Governor Flower, ono of the most ambitions of men. never would consent to desert Hill fol Murphy unlcs* he felt sure that HUI was the going and Murphy the coming man in the Democratic politics of this State. If, is fair to .'issiune that Mr. Flower will be a candidate L>r renomination next year, and that the buzzing of the Presi? dential bee in his bonnet will Ix* among the sounds of spring and early summer in 1800. Win. is likely to do the mote to give him a lift in the direction lie would go? The an? swer furnished In the Van Vint and other appointments i-. Murphy. Ir was given out after ihe a-t ut" Trojan's election to the Senate Ihat lie did not intend to antagonize the Cleveland Administration. A* for Hill, no such olive branch has been tendered by him, or by any one in his behalf, so far as is known. It would not be surprising if Flower and Murphy had decided to hold up the hands of Cleveland, with the nndeistanding, of c mrse, that their should not go unrewarded. On ihe whole, there is good reason t? suspect thai Senator Hill i* not enjoying himself these days, and especially that he is a prey to re? flections touching the uncertainty of the white man. _____ IS TUE CITY WEI.I. OOPEENEDt Even Democratic newspapers in this city ad? mit thai the condition of affairs In tho Coroners' effie" is disgraceful. At leas! one of the Coroners neglects his duties in the ni"-t shame ful manner, ami there are reset in the depart? ment in which the wanderings of officials from the paths of robriety and of propriety are ol a prolonged and deplorable extent. The public business i* wofully neglected, and men in the department char,'.' fees for papers without war? rant of law, and ni fact in notation of law. Mr. Croker is the actual head of our city gov? ernment, mid practical]"! th.- ruler ol' thi* town. Will he not listen to the prayers of his humble subjects, and gracionslr bestow upon them a better administration of the ('"ion,'is' office? Will h.- not also rondestrend t" Issue a ukase to hi* faithful follower, Street-Cleaning Com? missioner Hrennan, and secure better work in tho street deaning and in ihe removal of ashes and garbage? Tammany apologists, Including Speaker Sui? ter, insist thai tins city is remarkably well governed, nf course, they thrust their tongues in their cheeks, ami rhucklo inwardly winn ihey make suth ridiculous statements, lu al? most every department of tlc city gnvernmcnl there i* serious extravagance prudigalit.i and waste. Iii aim,*! ever? departmenl ile' poople ;>f Now-Yolk ;ne daily cheated om nf ihe full measure of their ju-t rights. In almost evert lepartmenl the cit.! constantly fail*, to gel Ihe full vallie of the money which it expends to lavishly. Thc one-man rule in this, town, the uitoiiatie ami unchecked domination of Mt. Croker, dues not bring about re suits, and the i.i (payers <?!' th" cit.* are amaxing* y patient .nil long-suffering. The politit ut n public office here aro doing so badly lhal Ur. Croker ought to favor us .sith busin ? nen in office f"i a change, ll hardly teemt KMsible thal ho tan be satisfied himself with be municipal misgovernment which his prac* leal politicians ara giving us. PAXSY A XD Ell li AX. Either In a spiril of noble emulation of the 'rench Chamber of Depution or because in* tpired by the circumstance that in a little non* than a month thc Democratic party will tome bat I. t i the full possession of powei which t ha* n,t enjoyed f, i more than timi) years, mr own National House of It?*prc-icntativi i on ruosday rocked ii*<lf foi several minutes on he .tl te of one of those interesting oceiirn nc -s, o common before thc war, called "affairs of ion,i."' Tho temper of tho statesmen nie,in be Democratic party tends n Washington h nake tun ians is nol especially malleable ot iliant. even when they sit in p itv and lave no iespi,n*ii.iiit v except t i keep the ma* univ from doing business, it becomes ex eedingly brittle when ihey ara in .1 mammy md have power. lt must be lhal (bera i* ometbing in tbe prospect >.f victuals that Bakes them ?ensitive and I ruchy and excites lereenoss. On Tiieeday Mr. Huller, a Demo ratio member from Iowa, ss ho has distin ?uished himself by advocating the adoption of he pansy as the National emblem, attempted 0 defeat tome items in an appropriation lull i.v raiting points of order. Mr. blanchard, a icinociatic member from Louisiana, intimated hilt the Iowa horticulturist was put up t.. that ort of thing by the sly, economical Holman. Ihe insinuation roused the ire of the hort!* ultnrist. The pansy suddenly rose t., the eight of a lunflower. With a flowing gesture e denounced ihe insinuation .'is untrue, and dded, in a " befo'-de-wah," but quite-out-of* id<'i \sa\. " if you were .1 gentleman you would tot have made it Straightway lu! hi! rub-a-dub! houp kr Verybody tumbled t.. the k at of wai. Mem <-rs dosed in around ihe two statesmen, and ll eyes, according to the report, rrere finned pon the gentleman from Louisiana. " With emarkable composure,'1 the di*patch from ,hi< h we rpi,.le remarks. " he -lowly and .Il? literately said: 'Mr. Speaker, thia is not the ime nor tho place t., reply tn the statement nat made by the gt*ntleman from Iowa. I will t another time and place resent the insult ,hiih lc his just offered nie."' An imm,'(li? te collision was averted, Thi members win ad closed in and put themselves m thortotop ttitudes to catch ihe casual inkstand on the y and pas* it to the home baoe or Hi" Speaker r Sergeant-at-Arms 01 some other fellow, grad ally subsided to their plates and foi- a mn lent, breathed freer. Hut the Iowa pansy eon imted to "glare defiantly" at his antagonist. 'his deiiant glaring awakened apprehension. tate-men from all paits of the country, hold ig widely divergent opinions on the tariff and ice Rilier, gatheied around him and pioceeded . mollify him. What argument*, they used OM not appear, but the dispatch intimates oat the oiliness and imperturbability of the entleman from Louisiana who after an ouncing hi* purpose io resent the Install at nother time and plac* had resumed his speech, a* more effective than anything .J,,- m thc inimical ion. Having glared defiantly until ii* glare had be.- m.* a little monolon,,,,* and ies,.me t.. |?,ld, t!?. gentleman from Iowa lid it aside and ap..|ogixed io tho House I'heieiipon ihe pansy and the pelican ihook ands, and dontrtleaa "took something.'' The dispatch from which we nxtatt adds ia! "the lighting m'-ml.e,s ?,f the House were mien hat disappointed at the amicable adjust* icnt of the difficulty " We do n .t know how iain- "lighting MMMmhtRM** there are in the ouse, but their disappointment was rpiitc .tura!. The "remarkable composure'' of the 1 gentleman from Louisiana and the slow ond J de-berate announcement that he would resent i thein-ult at another tim''and place had an old ' time flavor about it that carried "the fighting members'1 back to the good old tunes " l.cfo" ; d" wah,'' when the Democratic party had full lawing. lt was delightfully reminiscent and j full of encouragement for the future. Let I "ih? lighting members'' contain their impa? tience. When the nn\Y regime gets fairly rn ! wau king order*! and the old dispensation is j completely restored, they may look for plenty of entertainment such aa thej came mar hav I ing when the pansy and the pelican caine into i collision. The French Chamber ol Depotiei will not have a monopoly of this sort of thing. A LONDON DAY. The fortnight of extreme cold with which human kind in this latitude was favored last month could only be adequately appreciated after such a day as yesterday. The low tem? perature then was not only tolerable, but even invigorating and exhilarating in comparison with the higher temperature of a genuine I.uiuloii day. with a stagnant, humid atmos phere .inti a suffocating fog rairharged with an accumulation of city smoke. Through the dens* medium of Impenetrable mist and noxious fog the retrospect of thi' cold fortnight, with ifs clear light, div air and Wholesome ionic foi enfeebled lunga and pulse isa* refracted as a hie ting unappreciated at the time, but none the h's, leal. The New-York climate is not without it* flaws, but it is ordinarily exempt from th" characteristic evils of London weather. Such a fog a* that of yeaterday i* so rare as t , excite a*tonishmenl and dismay here, but i' is a very common experience in English cities Turner was perhaps the only Englishman who ever found it picturesque. Ile loved the worst London weather, and was content to in,unit to hi* housetop where he could dian- Inspiration fi,un endless vista, of fog, without form and Void. The mole instinct of investi? gators of unitary science has discerned the brooding presence of tickness and mortality in these prevailing f >gs. The death-rate is al ways highest tn London during inch visita? tions. Dining the memorable winter of l?7!?-s0. when the fog did nol liff for week*, th" mortality was as high a* it ever was din? ing the sevcresl outbreak of cholera. "This j> pneumonia weather!" was an exclamation fie quently beard yesterday in the tfrecta of N, tv Voik. which were as dark at noon as thev are ordinarily al dusk. It was mote iricntuic than the comments of the weather w i*e usually ale. ll I* fortunato for Nen-V,,il. that if is a wind**wepl city during tin- greater put of the year, and almost invariably during th., winter. With its thousands ?,f < himneya discharging smoke and "ther products of combustion into the atmosphere, it requires the most favorable r nditiona fur tho dispersion of *umt, rorbonir oxide and sulphurous gases. When the wm,I dies on* and a dense sea ("^ settle-i upon th" town, the ful breath ?,f all th"*,' thousand*) ,,f .billin") s mingles with the n,i*t and in rrcriB-es th" volume of watery vapor in Hie lower air. lt is the stagnation ,,f smoke and g.i- oin pi Bluett on a foggy day that irritate* *, rrsitive Iuiil's an,I Induct s laryngitis! .and bron? chitis for a ( i ai si ii dues nt have the same ? ?il','* upon ihe respiratory organs. This is nhl unitary investigators in Lunion have I., en .,,:i\ in, "d fm a long tune that iii,- mor? tality 'f tho city ti un.,! o" reduced until som* substitute is found for coal combustion in heat? ing bouses and keeping factory wheels in motion. Disagreeable as was yesterday's experience ni New-York, not a little txrnsolation ran be drawn from the fact thal while the aim, sphere ;* ordinarily humid iiml filled with tbe fumes .,f combustion, the wind* are constant and thc conditions seldom admit <>f ? visitation ol genuine London fog. It is al hast one of the redeeming features of a cliinat" which receives at iill times undue censure and too little ap. predation) thal ii offers exemption from fog. NOPE I. E.tiiY wai.un:. If hath laen rooirtrb.-'l that th" babies whieh an- born in this ;,-? show Ki"**ter wisdom than nny met i urn in th.- past, Inasmuch ns ti,-v have Beta ted the golden BgO nf hallies Never l,ef.,re were known Such ornate Mttl''-I?,\.'.si. mell s i, ressful teething ring... inch mtisfactory remedies fer amati interior pain-, such ambrosial arte? rial I.I. Atul new, with it all, ta,me* th.- lo veiitn.ti <,f Mr Thomas Phipps, ,,f Phipf-Ville, '"..Tin.: thoufh wo do ret know bat this i* ajKlfC for tho parent than fer the lal,v. If BUSt, however, prov.- a great lr,un to In,th. If appear* flint Mr. Phipps ls fl,,, father of ii healthy and rigorena baby. Thi* baby, like many others, delights in rn.tliiri_ sn mueh an walk? ing with hi* purni! through the ?ril| hours ,,( the lang niidit, the parent, of course, being th" fictive porty in th<* pedestriaatam. Tl,r.e Bjoaths BgO Mr. Phipi*, ilef.'rmiti.'il to devise .sum,, uart of meehanleal means fur iloins thi* work. If,' folly recofoixed the many dlflleultlea in th., um of till-., the Chief Of whirl) ll"' ion, ,.|\ a*.| 1,, lie, ;i* his experience prnveil, th" 'raits' aiel BIIS|M>iOllH li,in,I nf the infiitif himself, then bobxbI three months nhl. IfatUraDy Mr. Phipps'! Mist iT. a wu, to make n steam man to take flu- plaee ,,f himself in the '.finial p.-iai eserrisr-a, After a month ni hard work he lucceeded tn making thia ?',rt nf a in'in, and th,- lust frial wa* fairly tstisfaetory Ile experienced eonaidernhle diflleiilty in gettlasi a lifelike esprooBaon eu the tra*. f;_,.,. i,nt goally atieeeeiled. The j-renf difficulty, however, was in ?_; n n I i rt ir the automaton properly, and after the second night be Insisted on fsllios over th" fumltnre t<> radi dm ext>n't that Mr*. Pbipps arnold tm longer allow him tn he trusted witli lier offspring. Accordingly, Mr. Phipp* ahnndooed Hus Ida*?, and hej-an working nn slightly dif? ferent lines. The asnaolt is the Phipps Patent I'aiinrniiii" Baby Walker. Mr Phlppi had heeoree eonviaeed tint it wis not -.I roach travel n* tho appearance of travel arhleh wa* demanded by the Infant Blind. He loss- erected wire framework, somewhat reootoblin ? the "dummies" seen in front of ready-made cloth log store*, which ure aotoetiioeB mistaken by ncu ibfhted people for our illded youth riv Ingenious na-lunerv in the cellar, which Connected with Tie*? through a hole In the floor, Mr. Fhipps eieceeded in giving it the exact motion Incident ',-? walking. He then cried "EurekaI" in a loud \o\ro, and placed the child in the nrtn* of the inure, which he had fittingly slothed in white lint it appeared that he had, iu his own words. 'eurekaed too toon," for what wai his surprise vhen the child cried and refuted fo he comforted! He r-non *aw the trouble; the intelliaent Infant pot hit eve on a picture of " AVa*l)in?ton Cro-s Bg the Delaxvare,'' which htinu on fl." wall, and v thi* told that he wm not movinu af all dr. Phipp* wae nuain lia flied. H.. tool,- the lit le treasure and walked on with him throned the lark hour*: hut the Phlppi mind was nit in - active the while Mr. Phipp* mw that what WBI lacking WBl he uiovlni. paiiorainii idea. Ile BCeerdlBglg BOnatod an endlem strip of tfeiie canvrtH on up i_"it miler*. Thi* he painted with the Miiine inftern h* the wi.llpa|er, lind mi if hutu, tie licture nf "Watthlagtea t'rosxin;- the Delaware.' )n the other ride he placed a paiioritma nf the ppp aire wall, witli it* pletarm nr the Boston Hate Iloune and the Kock nf A^.*s. Ile then ur iitt'jced the liniire to turn quickly every ten '*<?..mis, ad.iiiBtcil the ikltSK let- ''"> tho steam in the cellar, which darted the fl jure and the panoramas, and watched trie result. The child felt the ssvinRiiiK, ri.*<.'-and-fall, lean-ovor-and-sway baek motion of the drum, mw Washinjrton go patti on the Delaware, felt the tarn, observed th.* IV.stoi, State linus,, and the Kock of Airca toll pii-t in Itting sciiietice. the State ahead, looked up into thc fatherly wax face of the linage and closed his eves and went to aWp. Mr. Phipps crept into heil add enjoyed th,. fir*! Bight's rest in live month*-. Mr. Phipps expects to have his machines on sale hy the 1st of March. He already proudly reports that he has one order, received from Hrat tlehoin. Vt., from a Mr. Kipting, said to he ii tbrewd nnd wide-awake Vankee, who i* him? self no mean Inventor, huv-ni- recently patented the American Bogia Hired turi Agitator. M in lenlooi apparatus for boanelng slothful servant Sirls out of lied at 4 o'clock in the inornim*. The fact having been pretty clearly estahlished that Tammany, th" Manhattan Railway Company and the papid Transit Commission entered into a tripartite agreement on tin* subject of increased transportatioB facilities for this city, there would appear ;tf hist thought to bo considerable merit iu Av-mM-mnn Farquhar al bill ci"atin^ a BOW Commission. Bot Inasmnoh aa it is provided in the lill that Mayor Gilroy shall appoint the Commissioners, it is ly no means certain that the community would derive any udvantaq-* from snell ft substitution. ??m it.'vnii.i nil Muslim,, (he negro needs ti be edie .at.T. itu) I,,, inii.t at.ii Ui make ll ll*, fill .iii/., ti and un Industrious member nf th<- rnmmuulty lu v. i, ii li In- liv ?*. -(li" Atlanta Cnnstltatl o. If le ifl tn I) ? ? u-"f'll eitiz -ri li ? must I. ? e lura! -\ ta iu-iht that, he shall DO allowod tO e\er<i-" all the rigbtS "f cit l/onship With imne fi. Illol'St or make him afraid. And om* of the moat mered ol these la the riaht of suffrage. ? *> The Plunkltt bill providing that the street cleooiBg (bree of thi* city ahall be pain 23 emt* .tu hour or $.' a day, Instead of receiving monthly wages as provided by last year'a law, is vicious ni principle und could ret fail to prove oeedleeely pxpensive in practice. lhere is oo call lot any additional legislation on thi- subject. Tho streoN ? I'Mii.-r*. are well paid already ami have ao ground i,,i , .i ii pl.; i ri t: un,i it is emphatically to th, Inter eat of the .uv that a regalar unlformetl frsree aha 11 ii.- employ.*,; to do this work. Politics of the worst fort is evident Iv at the bottom of thi* lill. ___ The current number ?.f "The New-York Inde? pendent'1 it remarkable for its variety and Benoni Interest, a* a glance :it the table of cuni, nts pub li*h".l elsewhere will show. Tue pagea to which the nader will Baturally turn lirst are those arhleh contain tributes to Mr. Plain.' from three roembera ?i President Harrisons Cabinet and from Representative Dingley of Maine. We print thia morning extracts from the affectionate and grateful testimony of tin-*, eminent aasoeiatea of tbe areal atateaman and leader. Mt Croker starts tn-day on the Journey to the South which will make it irtJboastble for him to s'itii"** Mr i lev.'land's inaugtiratioo n.*\t month. nf course it is apparent to everybody that Both log but direst ii"',s*ity .'a eonipt>] the N*#-York r?,*s t,. abtB-nt himself from Washing! in on that intereatinu occasion. Ti,.* duty of thorough party reorganization should l*' regarded by ihe Republicans of Brook* lyn a* a duty nf paramount Importance. What i- It'iosvn bs the Philadelphia plan has been miked about considerably sin,'" tit*- lust election, and a moil ideation of that plan will eome before the amoral committee at its meeting this month. The Brooklyn Voung Iteptibllcao Club i* using all it.- influence io bring about a reorganisation, te ns tn .-nulli., th,- Republican voters "fonerally ti have a port and a voice in :ill th" work ,?; ti" piits'. Tba matter i* pit. in a rtriklng and si. (i ui re way, when it la stated that 70,000 Ropubll ?un* voted at th,, loot election, while univ 6,000 took part m the primaries which chose tiie del... --Btes tn ti," general oommlttee fur tin* year. Tu th,* i.t, k of thorough organisation is attributed tl," virtual falling off in the Republican vote in Kings County last fall' ii i*e_?lited almost, exactly arba! it had beeb m l-*-. while the Democratic rote iti'Tei-,-1 ls,iiuu lu the lour year*. -**> Th" oommlttee which th" New-York Academy ,f Medicine has sent t" Washington to promote the pis-i:e nf ii .National Quarantine lull ought to carry RRfRt weight. It contains ii numlier of t is .ity* leading physicians ami sanitarians, men arith a National reputation, some of whom luise aade a personal exanilaatloo of the existing iiiariiti'i i" arrangements here. The suggeatlon if the a idemy that like committees bo appointed n Huston, Philadelphia, Baltimore an I Chicago I au excellent one. 'ihe tim.* to aef is now. lt i* possible te secure the Bamaga of au ade* I'liite BSeaSUre, hut there 1* Il i time to be |,,*t. ''"rh,. Springfield Republican11 sdviBee Mr. I..-.eland t., appoint John K Pusseii Secretary nf li" Navy, and mentions, apparently aa Mr. llus a*l|'l chi"f claim tn that honor, that he mad" a Irtt-olass secretary of the Massachusetts Hoard >f Agriculture. The process, nf ratiocination em iloyod hy "Hie Republican"1 i* somewhat pus ling. To .some mind* the point which lt aaakoa vould h.; distinctly a non sequitur. The desperate rim* Bf Albany which believe.; |*_ lo ker lng elly charters for Democratic revenue nlv, now has its eyes upon I'lichcstcr. Seeio| hat flus ring can muster votes enough to pa-s any ii"ii*ure which takes ns fancy, tm matter bow Ba* taut the joh may he. why.dees it not put through ii omnlbua Mil legialatlni nut ut ofllcc all the tepubliean municipal a?Iceni in tbe State? fudging by what ho has already done, (iosertior h.w.-r would hardly besltate to approve ol -arch , measure. In the nieinoraniliini which Governor Plower Hied lilli the tull which he approved) appropriating 1700,000 to continue th" work on the Capitol, a- expresses the opinion ihat an additional ap ro|,nun.ui next year of 9730,000 wig complete h? building. The Governor i* a shrewd buri?ros um, inni ls ni ii position to know What he is silting about. Put we are Inclined fo think that ItC majority of tbO pe,,pie ol this State will lead hat. he has to say with u dubious slink" nf the .?ni. For thev lom,' ago caine to believe otk upon the Capitol, like Ten ny .sun'*, brook, aa destined to "go on fol ever." PEEAOSAL, Only a few *veeKs heron; his death e.t? President laves told a Western Interviewer lhal he had tum.-a Vet to lils aotis all his butlBI-M matters. 'lor liv tune*." Mid ne, ? I Intend tr. make a trip to biiltl to-morrow, sud In tiie moraine. Just before I tart, I ss I ll get dosvn to UM BSAk and ask Hud for MM BSBBSy. I "Ul prob-iblv IBS to him: -Rud I ni golan Jp DaWmore, ;ir.d I mink 1 had better hate t,,,ut ifuOu for the nip.' And. J'jst u* like ul not lui will answer: ? that's too much; j don't '.Ink you r.>'fd mme than BIM.1 And I suppose I ill luise it. That's the way j used to do \i|ih hint nd that's t~e ~ay he does with mt now." bishop Courtney, who la to ollir?te In ihe diocese f M:is*Hchus,(itu for it month, was bom In Plymouth, atgatsaj, nnd after serving In aeveral parish** in that -tintry us a priest, he cam* to the I'nlted stat..*, la svus un BthlelaBt of Dr. Meagan, Iq *>t. Thomas'* burch, New-York <'nv, from ihtc to 1000, rector i,r t. Jinn.**,'* Church, Iii riili'ug... for Hi., next toto BBtO, and then ol st. raul's, lu Illiston, lor toR, ll, as elf. ted Ut thoa of Nova kotta In imsm. JUr*. t u*ter mtassBSi lur luisl.and lu lils tnmp-llf.. >r twenty y.-nr*. moving from fort to fort, l.ul she is* he never coiitlded lils military pinn- to her. I'rol.'ssoi-s s. huet.i-rle. of the I.ltli Observatory, and '. II. riclt.-rliig. of the llarvurd -.till*, will both watch le total ct'llpse of the Min next April n?n? las lilli's, MU |,| i||ir..i,.|,t Minions. Til.' hitter gentle iiii! ls now In Peru, where llarvurd hus a periiiiiii.'iit tiU'Mi, and Batata lie has been making Inlet "allin; nervations of .Mst*. The pu Ti along which the ul-st will bs Uit?i. however, li tout- af *V?ru; s_d therefore sirparntua trill be cBrrietl south-*-**! . __ alderable df*tance from Arenulpa fiT S5J ***" teorolotfst of the l|?rvsTO 'party, who'Jm'.^."*" New-Vork lust Monday. t__eBBfl Iwtnim^. "r?m him. He I* young, ,-ii nri,-1*Ji,B ii_JTn-J1, S w,,? mountain elttnmW sod TSgsVft 'JWS ln elevation of ?.'O.OfSo M In the Ande* ?rom ? Mr. Watterson denies that he has been lntervlearW po-lble Cabinet omcers for Mr. Ibvehmd, w uZJT! to boom saybOttf for a prominent pince und.** the new Admmls'nitlnn. "Mr. Cleveland,'' he say* ?u milli wlio ssiii form, if he has not already formed tu* own estimate of the men h.. trlshn to n'*k t, t *?' members af hi* ofHcUl family, mid I don't think"?* opinion, or that of any one else, s-lll laBiteaos _S In the lei .I.'' ""? "-?? The pronimclutlon of the deposed Hawaii? queea't name ls a atBafO matt, r If on.- remembers to give tbs " u" the value of ?' ar." li thea sound* hoe Itrln amI lanny. ?**?' Il has been Intimated lo the President that et. Senator Jack-ion. I'nlted states Timur .lunge for ?_.__ nessee, could be confirmed If appointed to Mr. .lu st ir. Lamar's seii*. CoitaltlB Hunt, of Ne-r-Orirtflna. qm also hem recommend.*! to him. Mr. Hnnt u * niiTve Southern man, tin able iBWyor, and un arowaS pr..te. tlonUt : n man of high ehoroeter, iilillltv and education, and boa Hie respect o', the *viut}i?>rfi u*otili li,- I* *_d by lils friends lo be a aUpoWea In er*rf thing but Hie nnme. '" THE TA Eli OF TUE DAT. lu reply in un I?|Olry the Postmaster G*nt-?__ announces that a rubber band ni ny bc used aroii-y| the new double postal cartis. ('Minis TTaslsiIsm nilln Boomi tbat nev theatre buPdlng yea have d"slen|*d have a domci Architect lin c lofustoo)?Yes. critic (Btemly) Ah, hal Aro rea a**--,-* _*. that there I- a dome on -t. Peter's at R0m^ I the CBpltOl al WasUfllton lui* ii dome! < 0tM si-, unswer Bte 1?(Chicago Nests be, rd. " ? Marshal Augereau, who wa* i; .vernor of rW._tt)*irt nuder Napoleon I, wa* very loud of *K-|ti*> _____m with mineral water, haime drinking which it tu ins habit ?" tay; "Toujoars lum'ur:* The pm Wuizbiii'.'.'r. u-.'l to Imitate the lioveriKtr, but Ita marri they could arte eel to lt sv** ? tousrhour. lillimur." In time they said srhoiirlanntir, stul ,? la-t Min,ii,in tl", which tu this dav l< the nun* tm which th" War-burgers know a gla*3 of wine ml?| ss ith B?Berni wat'r. Iteflertiona on Hie Craft.?"Lot v mr motto ka .___.. cel-J.-r!' " rrled Ihe orator. Aiifl Ihey in lib'd him. If* was nildr,*s|nj __ a^m. repllon of "osttretsamaert.?(I bteag) Trlhoae. Th" Queen nf IfBWBll was la fiver of |e__.-i|tp,g g^ lotterv In spite of the fan timi the |. a member Ut 1004 ttantUng of th" Prt-*byterlsa i bareh. bc h. r-buy X. << and Vf If y Ni want to dotbU v >ur money. Lomb if lt is such i pood sh?lg, whr don't rou iro in' i lt \ ourself br.Ina 1 nm Imo P up to mv Beek, |a |, B_ pt"?tn ptirpow t , .1 te.l" my moaej by getting out of lt.-(Boston Tint aript. Th" BtVSldenl of tiie Kansas Mate Dnliy .\s.oriat..)__ .ass it coats toort in pt,.<lu<o ii pouBd of wheat in that Mate than a puBBd of milk. KeirerthetVst thc wli**_t ?elli for tbreta-qaartera ef i <'-it a poassl. while tit rt,. 1 lc Belli for a eeo! a pound. Little 'Inr--, of -rater, I.HIe I1,u . , f -noss. Wake tie- airerla a bi tub of -In-h? blip, nun ."essn sou pi: - (AiisDis CtmsUtt?aa, '? I heal'." suv* a wonuin In "The boston Tr.invrlft.i Unit anti crin dine Laen,'* BM betog ,,rgan|-ed, asl ss iTi iii BB?HMM heart I nm uni im* the resnlt. || '? be or not to he, timi i. Hie iiue-rtlon' ugilutlng tue l,-.lny; a ._tie*U,,n of s.|,,h |m|ir>rttn-| I,.si,]., which that one nf Beease stnks Inti lB*!gntBeaace. When railed upwa for n prr-jnai <U elsdon ht. xn nil write -ii,' lu 1 ol.!, block letter*) PRnlnst our tinnies. .,M,1 thereby es rn tie- cm-clouss Best <,f hartog acted aobljr lu a righteous cause." I'rl.ori M|s*|on.irv-->\!i, you have a pet, I see. cutsiT Vet; 'hi* mt. i Teds him every dir. I think more ..' tbs! 'ere rat tl.un any other Mw creature. Missionary?Ah, lu every man lhere'* sn ni.Thi nf ot 'h" angel hit. if ..ii.- eui only Cud H. Hon came yog to take such a bin. r t,, thal rat ! <',,nit<t-l!e hit th" k. ? per. ~< Ness--York WeeMf. Tbe South, ia papen are aciln di-enssing th" Baths*. ship of the Bong "I?l\ie." without, however, thro-r?f any Bett UghI on til" *ul.j,ct. About tn year-a io 'ttl lUgattue of American History" d"' lired that tl'.e so-g ? r .' nated In th- North, and had no reference te Mason .lui! Dlzoo't liti". but \s:is simp hy t lot of Men-Jtraej Be_prees, wi!,, were *,:,! int.. the far sonts. They bad beteoged to a mun nam.-d Ottht', and thev nstarally Imotoilsed a refrata tbeot him. liemrai Loogslreel aayi tie' tong origil tted win, a nnmwr of aOa_lera codeta ut \v--t Potat. Aad lt ls abe clslmed that lt ima tiompooei for Uuu bryant'*-' BARR st:,I* in IMO. " I heur you've been CUlttvatlOg Vu" societv of thst pretty ividoss. Van; abai ure you mi to'" ?I'm trying to kill ti," weeds.*?Kate Field'! Washington. a lat?I paper tells how Albert lOalth, of Milford, peim., allowed nu old apple tree to -toad b.tseeB iiim and ii fortune. A parly of oil pr, specter*, btv* lag become convinced thal lhere wu* ea hi* farm, decided to ber- i well lu his secl*affi, Sanl?l ob.ecte* str,iiiiou*lv l?ctass lt would de*tiov uii appletree for Which lc hud n particular fondue**. After vainly ctideavorliii* lo lave Smith cbBBJI his mind, th! pros pee tort i*ea*-*M*ed their apporatw a few feet be? yond bia tree, on the edge of another niau'* lund, and lu a few iluv-t .,il wus lowtog at the rate of HW btr reis an hour. Farmer Smith saved his apple tree sad his BlighhOf got -?:j.'>,0OO iu royalties. And Then taOOTfr Took Conrail" -Timid Yntitti Ml*s (tracie, perhapB my eoBiing bots ss "ben msr see, i-.nay s. em t.,--tu smack nf undue persistency. Demure Malden-t,corp ?. ymir coming here han? nis never smack.*1 of anything yet.?(Chlcsfo Trtbut*. The Indies of the F.pworlh fifBgBS of st. Ptephen'l Methodist Chiirrh. OerflaBBtOWB, Fenn., are trying to drive out the flush literature found In M manv uttrl<tt shops hy putting In the shops copies of that uiilqut humorous NtigStas journal called " The Rum's Horn." tut thus fur th" experiment his not lien successful,the papers pro\iug t? be more popular. uJohnny, von hare left the door open, and irs lettltis tb" cid air Into the house." -I can't hi-lo lt, ms. I'm plavlng this n*nn'i-a stree.) car and I'm the conductor, it Mould Bot se>'iB rea] If the door wus not left open."? t Bu tra lo I? pr.i Jafif. BAMMEESTEIX'S OPERA. The CSBOMe, willing and Jiurdsvorliing member! of Mr. ll'!inin,'r-t< in's Opera l "inpuiiv are Mme. Jao i-, i.oss si,y, payne Clarke, ott.) _ttltt}e_i and tennid li.hreiis. Th" setvtt'ea "f the latter have ben called .ti univ iparlBgly up to tho present time, but lt lt that upon the s.,pruiio. t"iior and b.listens sh,, have been [MOted ls to r.*st tIn- burden ef up* loldlag whatever season Mr. Utiiniiivr-tcin may give. Ile v were nil In lust night's cost of " K!g.>lett<?." and ill the serious work s,t down for the remainder of th? reek hus i*"n aatognetf t<> them. SO ami a.* their 'oteea soid eat tba ptbih ought sal ,) eomstalB, fttr the Ihree are uriists waa nu i always command respect If not sataatrsta?i. Mn tathjens's singing (h.- waa the big,,bit,, ai lao! night'* icrfeniitincei is marred by some unpleasant habits, ?ut Ilk,- hi* tetnpai.l,,ns he 1* familiar with tha ludltlons of Ibe stag- un.!, BttB like tle'tn. devotes lim*, If willi sinc'iltv and Intelligence to the nt ,f reull/lng (ii.- Inteniliiti* of compeoen mid Bbultlst o the best of his nhilliy. Mad.ime iBBBt Icwsky'i :ifl* iiml uitiitniiieiil* ure miicTt more than llBflutabla \Tictlier or not illida cootel within HM cope of her powers might be OOt st lolled; but bil egree of Ul. I ess Willi ll she achieved speke Well fer er earnestness and versatglty. Mr. Clarke wus still . little hoarse, but labort-B bmnfully wim hi* psri, ml prodared excellent hign notes, desatte hi* imiit losiuon lhere was a burly numerous and utteu' Ive audience In th" theatre, notwithstanding the Id lenient wcatuer. ? . ? ? NOT J!fat! YET. rom The boston Journal. We lotti think that the country Ju.*f at present ls a any mood to tolerate u cessation ol the wont or trengthenlng our Navy. . O'1? EXAMINE IT AND SEE. 'rom The Sturgl* (Mich.) Journal. Tbe New-York Tribune Almanac 1* the most com lete publication of its character ever is.*ue4. -1-?--1? NOT A CONSISTENT DEMOCRAT. rom The Milwaukee Sentinel. -The New-York Evening Nat" ?eeraa to bin bunged lt* mind about the wisdom _..f ?**JJ_JJf " rev,it obstruction in tbe Hons.- ?f Bemeaea silies. t think* helter of them now ihau u am watw *** Ioctl mus BoiMSaW._ _m His OWN l'AKTY To RI.AME. rom The Indiana polls Jouinul There would 1?- no Mierinuii Silver law Io *,,rJ";,i^ levelund ..ow If lllneleen-twenlleths of ttoPg rut* In Ihe last Congress hud liol Ih'.I detern.lBtas . force free silver BOB?aga upon the coiinirj. THE PEACH CI'sUP, Pf TO PATE. rom The MultiMM American. This I (les ls int Hie ie nilltimore .-vinci?'..i. ._ s good new*. The |..*?ch rrop on ?JJ'?,",0"^,,!; reported snfe, aii*th*re ?\?'uX_i)*_ke is crop on the oih*"' side of thc CheMpee? sp UH tue cnip ott mi' um??? ?? t Joast tlinw-iourtbs al ?'*' tat.