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PRESSURE ONMR.CLEVELAND OFFICE SEEKKKS WORKING HARD. rtOOVERNOB BBaAVi DISAPPOINTMENT-CARL fcCni'B-* WANTS SOMETHING THAT WILb COME QUICKLY. Cleveland loane, number Jaree crop of milers hand when b* arri red at the Milla building from " (sod yp.terday morning. t ourrecsniiin W. c. W LtftfBSBlfSi ot Kcntneliy, occupied censifleruble at Ssl tims' of the Presldeiit-cle t. and gave him a et eo**ip a"'! r>0>Vs ,ram Wat?tugtoo. Mr, H-rtUie MRom lo draw Mr. Cleveland oin on Hie wert et els Intention* llgBllHoi .Hide* tltOSbam, .?. Va*a_ta-Bt*eleet was received wtlh a nt a| but ma . Mitf-nce ind tho KentUekiaB niadc postr^WOdway. "tJj* mT"'"^ "' I)(,n M* D*r--bi5on and Judge c-etb-m continued to BtjBSle the n.iiiocrutlu prophets tri???. b"t ninny of t!*? ii),,*t thoughtful nmong Lm coincided in Ike hegel that the grime which i_ tiresbnm was after was the vacancy on th sm rniied Gresham was after wus the vacancy on tbe -.tates Supreme bench emited by Hie death j/ttftlie Lamar. Mr. I Tevel.ind could not he ln i tri 1? C,""U ?*??' 11le s,,,>|o<t. There was a _______[___l |mpre-*lon here yesterday thut President ??nuki aaaataata .bulge Nathan dorr, ot ?-, virgil,!*-- for the vacool justiceship nnd that .. ui? savtuld prove true no amount of Inti lune en ?art nf ",r (l"vehind. .Tudge iiresham and Heir t1..(,o w mid pi vent Judge I loft's ronlirnuitlim. * Es?sser P'?',|*''*?l?' ??? geaatot Hill were hugely ! mMjRR wellniiihentlcated tmtOBaOBt about ex- I ^p-j i ail, Pusey may, of Indiana, y*wte**aa.v, | f,-y BFssrtrd Hill and N*i out to Cleveland1 _. ty Caica?" t.invcn'i.n 'nst .lune on the prom*,)1 . ^t placed on Ike Deni ,crulic ticket for Vi"e- ? j^dfiit. Mt. Oroy wat loeoa'lncntaUjf "dump d" ? ?ad tr-nt mtaM a ???ere mun. Ile itu Btlg -In ___? lump*1* when li* ' nine on here lott s. pt ? miter i 2 invitation of the National Demo, rmi, Commutes. | JL am lix-i-^e.! bv chairman iiarrtty ta go to Bu-P"*i's I'.bt sad te Mr. cicw-iuna. Ile tpenl a rc.plf of day* Si Wray Gable* and came Indi t , I \r? York ovirflowln: with < ii'hus|n*m for Hie Nu- I J^r?tl***!. Tofri-nd* lice l:o <oiifid?niln!lv Itiipuitsl I ag, re-son Bar hi* chui'.gi'd feeling-. Mr. Clevelai d. I? stM. hal promised io mnhe bim Poslmaoter'Oro ,n\ in o_a of hi* election. Mr. dray, u* i* weg __j--rn, hurried busk to indiana and "whooped lt up" j far Cleveland (lev lund nod Stevcn-on until Election Bsa ind bc ha* been walting ever sice for s-rne ort* | darice that the promise mude t > him al dray GiMes all ?>0 ta*?OleB. aaxaetoaallf rroifilng '. j|r. Clevelind'* recolecllon on the <*ubjecl. B became known yetletday tbat en Uovrnor Ram had heard fr,,ni Mr. Cleveland at *n?t. but lip no means to blt Mtlrfactlon. Mr. Clevehmn Informed Um that tv best possible thins thal eonld b* trie wns to :ive him th" place . f Secretary of Afilcultitre. Mi. <iruv wus exceedlfgly Wroth and Be? ta)*? tau' li- would never accept, Bat he amy c?ftge hi* mind, lt I* said thal Senator Voearhoes tn4 senator Turpie. of Mr. Groy*! state, arc ns mocb Irlielited atm ike dash which his hoptsi have re* eels ed as Mr. Hill's snapper*, are hore. ene ol Mr-vl'velii'.,!* si-'m.r* yesterday was SH i* W. hort, of Mugwump fume. Whom Mr. Cleveland put Mri Into thc ofticf o( Naval oilier ,.f the Port ot N>w-Yfirlt ia 1-"?">. aller I're-ident Arthur had tiirn.-d Mm 9'it. Mr. burt hat alway* been a rampant l lev Und man, and w,,a!d like to gd back Pit,, the Oust an Ilou-.e again, lbs cull on Mr. Cleveland was told IO refer to the Col).'to.*lil_>. but those who kn JW Mr. Burt well say that he would be much pleased 1/ ie. could Brow Ike munal pay al BoVOOO once more walch ptrtiins to the beast ->f the "laval Oaace. CoDgr?vsni.iii (J<*.ree rr.*'.. Williams, th.* Mugwamp tirlfl tefcrniei, ol Massachusetts, had au Interview ?with the elect yeMentay. He came, it ?rta said, to crpe thc claims to rec.?cnltlOB of the re IcuMable Ctrl behan, who, bis friends fear. Is in dtnr-r of teing overlooked, Mr. Cleveland i* well afars that the appoint merit of Mr. gchura to any place where he will h?- obliged to mn the guntl.-i ot the Volte*! dlatsa Senate srill be ihe -ign?l fer iroiilje with skaWt. HUI BDd Murphy nnd nie cohorts, of r'nipperdom. Mr. Cleveland lt navely lu doubt sheiiyr Mr. Sehan would be a food subject v> mnke a Atilt with and be n*t"ns cautiously to sogge*tiona "csting tobi* BMObittaeot to any prominent p?-t. It U "sia that li l- tbe emolumentt thai Mr. -tehan i* after rathei than high oftc .-, and If the 1 T'-ddent-e!*, t cenW slip tim Into :. uni, k and lucrative place he ttOTiW ht entirely 8mi*,fi,*d. These ure th,- hind ol nma-jes wMrh are being carried lithe Mill* building lor Xi. gehan with frvqueoey ot bte. & UR CUt_LtrTI> A WALL STRF.KT PltTOCR \T' tHlei-t, ('re.. Pi b. 1.-(invent >r rVaUOjei recis.-d ? litter Teste-d^v from lils Adjutunt-iieiierul n*klna permi-sion to ase two br:.-, eaanoa b**loaglng i > the Mit* for the purpose ol tiring a salute on Inuugnratlou PC- TVe Oovernor ?ent the following reply : "No pernTsslon Wt? be t-iv.-n to bbc State Cbunon fw Iring a salute over Hie Inniigurtilinn cf a Wull timi plutocrat ut President of (he t'nitcd .-.tate MK. WATTkbs.x DatKIBI A RCMOR. Winona. Minn.. Fob. 1?Henry Watterson, who lectured here TutnlBJ evening, in private convers Uro wltj> a prominent Democrat ol Ute city drated il.* SBhllihTjd mary ibm h.- vu* in Chlcagi t_Lssarj' of (iiov.r (lev.iuiid to offer Judge (Jresham I -Krlftllo In the (ubi'iet. ile said, huwevcr, that h? spent an hour nitli Judge ONS?BBB, bu! wholly In s social way. While In ChkogS he mw Don M. Die kl." sim, and spent a couple of hours with him ml lutlmatid thut the reporter would have heefl naifr the truth hud he u-ed tho nuuie of I)lcltln*on lo the place of Urcohaaa. CO.NFIRMIN'J PBOfESSOl BALDWIN. ACTION* CF THE CC.N.MT TICLT BE3IATB - THE HOUSE TO TAKE l'l' THE M ITT! KTO-l. AV. Hartford, Conn.. Feb. l.-1'uUic lnierc*t ni the capitol to-iUy centred In tko beaote OBtMtkor when Ul ipeciai order of the dav. the nomination bv Oov irnor Morris of Judgo Fenn nnd Prof I seor Hnldwlti. j ot Sew-Haveo, for the Supreme court henelt, ossse up lt 1 o'clock. Tho House bad previously adjoin n<*l. ltd the Sentte Chamber wns crowded with numbers iud ipectators. Judge Fenn was promptly cn flraed. tr a vott of 1-t to 3. Speeches In favor ol tk* confirmation of I*i-ofc*sor baldwin were tlelivcre.l tj the following Democratic BJOB?ton: Fox, of N*w*Hiy?n. Cleveland, of Hartford; Hoot, of Wuter -*-"?; Crtndsll. nf Norwich; Pierce, of awtstot; and Holden, sf Ansonls. Ttlere were do speeches against Hie nomination. Vpsti ballot Professor baldwin WBB conlirmeil, ll !? 10, b strict partv vote, with Hiree -rnulors'n?. gi abseiiift.-* w.-j-e KMistors Gard?Br, Deoaoerat; wooker stmI Ke*n ey, RepubUeSns. ihe re ttl allon "?lt ordered Immediately transmuted to Ci* HOBSe, ""uer* lt ism nr? to awarrow on a mottoa la f*e*tt ind catteur "ith tim senate, the vote upon eblcJt motion will be bv ballot. s*> ?? N'F.'V P!.A( F. F<?R STEPHF.N' J (CHARK. trlrtAttnrner Vi.oii vaartDM?V announced <V A aTSW PI.ACK F"R STEPHF.N" J CHARK. PbtrlctrAttornev Nicoll rejstOlt?iy announced the ?PI-'Intm.Tit of ex Assemblyman Stephen -t. O'Hare is a deputy | tistant bi bis oiiico, io lill the vacancy *?i*?d by the I'-Tcniitloii of (I,rle-; K. rii.uns, Jr., -?l was made l4 poll.. )n*il.e. p *W1 ?MBhlEM ('LEV ELA NI) MAN' HAS TO GO. "^kport. N. Y.. F.h. i (Special).?Frank Lillis. ?Wittwdcnt of the boikpoit Division of the r'rle /**? ?"ia removed 10-day, ami Robert Turner, dis* ^** *??"?>' inspector under the HUI machine, wa* ap PJI to ibe place. Lillie bu* been distasteful to ? attchlne for some Unie, and hil umavat was de ?liti"'. by ""' -e*-?l P?*'*y bowes;. He bad lost Jj^-Bl Uiflutiice and bad tone over to the I loveland BK LlUvrrT MAY RENEW HIS APPLICATION. I? U potiible tlMit John Biook* LtOVltt, ssiin-e aafdjea* 'ot in trier to shes* isui'.' s?hv Ute State Boai-d (A Bl ti****'1 ,boi''<* nf)t tit punlahed te* contempt td touit j*J****-inut i_? order of th* court and cctintint In JJJ?1 ^O0""* has ben denied tr Judje Bsrr.ard will l,w *** iPPllCltion soon before stace other Judge. A I^J**.*ho h,? atOB sarclatid with Mi. Lea-tti. in the *-?? j? i*ny utton% u,ld * Tiibune rei.ortcr vriterda ? *? Ltsviu would aurtly len.w lil* .palliation. tRRttmmm1* *** MCn 'n bl* ?mcC *" X?' ?"* n,0*<1,v*'v ?^U)r/*T' bul Kfusen to Mv Wfltl hi* plana lor tb H,JL*'"' "' f'?^<'." ?ld Mt. I.easiu, "retuvd to my 1 itv*_!_!_! *fcl* ?n?lt"r' I rtnnrt even nay whether * o^Btfat U> renew my tpplliatlwi." AJ?A8 POP! LISTS WILL HE.-OKT TO *-TRATF.<IY. WeUost' Ka"' F'b' -?-T'"' rlVftl ??'JU,''* ****] aeau it* *D<" on ",e "-*sce th. rc ore BO develop titi a il t8* ,rar'P'r'v<*. however. Hint tlie **op*V g*-*o b UP?n U* 0<lvlc' of Senator (.ormnn. tulve "Ul ^rt" W*a of "*'"'" *"r<* 'or *hc Pf'^ent and -^-mw. ? *,rB!'w' "" 0T<l'T ,0 satrsr-rijrttte-H i iarnm^ -ssnin'B cBsc bcfoiw tis* senate, s-snotor ! mm-ae" til d.M,r0tt* th*t tbe Populist llouae "hall fe to iJ!!!. tawfc,uJr reeognltod House. Ills object I u**** enou6b metnbert to desert tile Bcpub- ' Jlj on, of the Demorru,: ?^^1^; fiS WED DI Sus, The -redding ,,r Mis, Bltobeth BtocktOB Koop t. Oeorge v,rv Fisk, took pu,,,. u,t ,.,...?..- ,.,' , Reformed Ckareh on the |Wgbts, Brooklyo. The ceremony ?ai performed by Ul,. U*v. Hash Smith 1 .'inventor, an old Mend ot the brtde'i tamby rhe bride sateroi the thurrh with bet brother. Hermann ll Koop, she wat attended hg her stater, mts s,,,,,.' Koop. Miss iirctchen Dreier und Mist Adele Rtsmii* Hanle! Tothill, of New-Yorh, wm heat man. The Ushers were staten. | Onl-vuy. of Ncw--Yt.rU : A. W. |||g. ?rbis. A. I.. Held, j,-., nn(_ Arthur Clapp, til of Brook lyn. A reception followed al tke hon,.. ?r the bride No. itt Moatagae-st. Mr. and Mrs. Flake, on their return from a Southern trip, will ||Ye nt tb- Hotel m. 'i-orpe. Amonc those at thc reception were Mr. and Mn. GetMTfC Watson. Mr. and Mi*. Wilmot Town*e:id. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rawland, Mist Florence Reeve, John T. -sh.rmuii. thc Mls*,.s (sherman. Mr. ami Mn! William speiinitin. Aiexumiei' Meldon, Mn.tieorge Vk lor, Mr. and Mn. (arl Vletor, Mr. and Mn, ll Van Cit, Mr. and Mi*. I,. C. ?"""..,, ];_,._,__,.., Van.Wyck, Ibo I Misses Whitman, Mr. mid Mr*. Oliver .1. Wells, 1! Mt**cs WalIbrid::e, Mr. and Mr.. i.e Gran*] Beers, the, Mi**,s BrinsB-ottr, Mr. nnd Mi*. WHIIhiii T. Hnvwnnl. Mr. and Mi*. E. Litchfield, Mr. anil Mn. Waker I.i,.bl. Mr. nnd Mis. William Moffat, the Misv, . Noni,m. Ml*, liettvnde, Mr. ind Mrs. ii. A. Beelu ,_].?. Mr. abd M's. Wilhmu A. Brown, Mr. nnd Mr*. John A Flak, Mi. ;i::d Mis. Y. -j. Fiske, Mr. nnd Mr-. .lohn Adi,.]|*. Mr. und Mrs. Carle II. TnVe, Ml-* Virginia Btaekpole, Mr. and Mr*. Theo Dreier, Mr. un,I Mn. cul.' ix- .-iisci. Mr. ami .Mis. Nathan Fiske and Mi. and Mrs. John 6. .lame*. Th.- wedding of j?l,n H. Doria to Mitt Amelia Whiting, while not altogether unexpected, eaosed |en '??,1 lurprlie, Tha eereaMmy took place early in the -norning, about io o'clock, ut th- home 0f tue bride's motlier. Mrs. Augustus Whiting. The Kev. Dr. W. H. Huntington, rector ol Hmo. rjlrareh, efllelated. The bride, who wore a Havening dress, wai efren 11sv.1v bv her brother. Augustus Whiting. Tke wet) dlO| wu* us Magpie us possible, lhere beiiiR no bride, malts, ushers, best man, nor wedsliuu hieahii. st. Mr. and Mr*. Davis Ftrarteit at on-e for Wat?iogtoo. 'Hie onlv people present at the w.ddini- Wen Mis. Whltlag, the brid.", rno'Ker. Mr. and Mr*, Georgi I,. Hives, the bitter formerly Min Whltlag, and by ber lirst marri.-) gt- Mrs. oliver Hclmoiu. her tittle daughter {Caliea Belmont Rives. Miss WkHtag. the oat?srrled i ter. uiid Ml** Flora Davis, thc only child .,f the brrle gtwom by l,i< first gtarrtag*. Tlc An! Mis. Dael* died In Tails al.0111 liv., yean ago. Mr. and Mn. Pavis will be at home lo their friends nt No. gd Walkington Square, in aijout two weeks, The engagement ot Ml-s Piora Davis ti. L0|?j Terell, e bin, li wood, yoiinp-er hui of the Marquis of Dutferbi and th" British Ambassador at Paris, was asuMsmeod hts! november, Lem Terem e u experted in Stew-York tome Ilma mxt mimili. The date and phue of Mi-* Das,.' marriage have not v>" been decided upon, possible tbat the sv'eddllig still luke plai e eurlv nest .lune. The wedding of Mi-s Rachel M., da lighter of Waller V. l'hvfc. to .fohn Rufus Royd, look glare al the I prettv home of the bride p, Smlth-st., PeehikHl, at | sta o', i,?.k lost evening. The Kev. William Hiker I.essiv rector of St. Peter*! Church, olin int?*1 and | the bride's hither pave her uss-iiv. Tb.- mall of li rn Vi was Ml** Ethel White, nf |:r,,,,l;lvti : the h.-f mani wat David L. Fem*. .,f Berkeley Divinity e,i.1, Middletown, Conn, lie i.i-ind Raymond, >.f tin- ten Katlonal Rank, Norwalk, Conn., auid Edssin ti Halsey were ushers. It ls In Paris THE OPERA HOUSE AWAITS ITS PATE. NO CEKTAIKTT YIT ABOUT WHO WU.I. OT. WHO WASTS TO BUT IT. The next meeting of thc MockhoMers of the Metro po'lt-ni Open House Gompooy will probably be held early next weeli, it it Beeestary t" walt for replies from tho stockholder., io ike circular Issued by Henry (less ns chairman of the committee appototed by the rkalrmafl Of the aaasttog held ou Monday. Tho rlrculur was no' i**'ied till Tuesdiy afternoon, and few if utiv r,p]ie, hod be'-u neel veg yetterdey. Batarday lt sn Incooveoleal day for a rneottng, sod to-day or lo-morrow would be toa boob, it ls, there fo:.-, iliiely to take ploOt on Monday or Tuesday. Mr, ciesv- suid jreeterday that bis plan. In accordance with j the scheme outlined Iii the circular, wa- t., rebulM the pin terre box'), now thirty ?lx In riiiinber, so ti tr> millie thirty-four, nil of cuinl slr-, fis they are n t now, and to Bise all the stockholder* of the new com pnny te he tm med boxes on thi* Her. allowing 1 bos fur eaih, or svhen BeCOBt?"J dividing I lox bets u twa. Ile would then allow ike lii-t Her boxes *",<??.. Ike pori,ire to 1* "-old to any who might want ihetn for the season or f.?r sinai* peiforinaacea. It 1-. tim Impossible to leg, they sus- ssh,, sn watching the fme of the oi?*','a hon*,- rlosely, whether it will fall at the sale al February H lo tome com \ ?nation of ttoehlioldera delermlned to heep H for , opera, to Ike MetropoUtan Improvement Company, or t'? tome buyers vet unh.ard or. Tiie Improvement I company will, lt I- *.|<l. mn bhtdlag Bp IO 11,500.000 nnd perhaps higher. Th" eampaa* bai ri lien ol ll OWB td pr ten, and, moreover, 11 ha* bern mading stoner* cii tke Bprntmoati of the two cornert which l' | owiit, nnd wonld Hhs ' 1 make mon. Then i* enough I bf space on the Thlrty-ointh sod Fortiei it. rldi ? tiie building 'o make aboul 100 mora loai-tatt-nts, with cut laterfering 1_ the least with tke ase ol ike lon te for open. This makes the purchase al any na enable sum 11 strong temptation to Ibe Metnpogtan Improve ?neut Compsay, lt i.* farther hlateg that c-r.. amy be a real estate syndicate which WOUM like t, hus tho property as it spsctilalloo, In the hope of nell?us Bsaae 1*000,000 from n* future sale, it ia argued thai If tho fr-mt apartment houses were allowed to -ian,I and the rc*t of ihe properly wen cul ap und bom In ?mab lots, large prices coijd be obtained, und I probably a handsome prolit. MES. W. C. WHITNEY SERIOUSLY III. SAID TO BK DI.TTLU LABI IAT.NT Nf; ATTI-.*. A j sryi I.i- ATTACK. Mrs. W C Whitney, wlsl ?l ss-Seentery Whitney, I his been *?rloii?lv 111. Only thief ssc-Xs j^u Ust nlclit ( Mrs Whitney gasc Btu of tte faahlooablt dlnaat dances, It ssas lear d up t? th das ot ibe rta,, e Uasi tl,- sit. Terbium, nt sse,,ia to oe tn vii Bp kal Mr.. Whitney asaOBged U. rteelvc hei jnes,. sad remain throat*: en ?*..? dsanas it oat k 1 lateuUeh io have tie- *ni* rlptlon ,,-, .,? I,.- ibo lahlteh Orehestis ut Bet batt** aa 1 ri dur. gulinary io. but N h.,s beea decld'-d thal ?'. lat." un tatertetaaseal sse,,ld be eat <>f the qutttlea, and th" osneort trill bl iriv e-n instead at th" lion*" of Mr. Alison lie li,, Stokes, N-? ?SO M.'di.'.n-ase. lt 1* :i Blatter ?r geoersl repel ti,ut ^.n amiable r, bo 1 M Mr.. Whitney thoold bl ehUged ia rcllw frtaB 'ie' i'uv mrld, '.. whoa, pkaaarc* her liberality ami besutir-il beast base *? fretjoeatly ceatribaled. m. iBMaatAt friend of thc tun.Uv t..ia * Ti.huns rn J porter la*t Olgbl lliat Mn. Wliltii.v ssj* aagetlag lr..m : tSBM tieibl" ?f !'.<? li.irl ?Mi Wliitie suid the I Hie Ins reporter'* l-utermaat, "ii 1 I'orj si, k ssuu i>,tu subj', t 10 bsari u?,ii,." fer tsssa stars, imo the jjr"s.rn at-ta'H appeoii 'o be ti")' terleas. t'etil lest Bight the family ihuuiiiit ber roadltlen est!**?ely pre -ei ou*. Tl.b evening *he wa* tllghUy mttei sad bel tse> dillon alford-T m're leason f?r totsana'coasts." EXOtRRRRIRO FLATS AT SEA. From The Marine Journal. There tire a fesv points In rt-irird to the I mlirts bi. uii.iown, from an en^neerlag iniint of ilew, ss.n.n tnici.t not appeal to the ordinary observer. ??"-"'"'' Tomlin, on not h "treal deul ,,f , relit fur repairing ms shaft, wheres* a consldnrahle purl of Hie credit wal du" |_im and bl* atslsUBti for thetr coull' ii- *stcn* fulness of all the machinery. RoBorta tho" <b"i tbe tl.aft wns not eutlivlv hioken Sff-tkl fraitui" WSI BW complete. It hud been noticed that lt ssas not wm 'li? ing smoothly, and Hie CBg wus taken od the tUru*t bearing and' the flasv discovered. The mendlnt: <on slated of strengthening the parts to that tho [racturi could not become any greater, and loll wal pnctlcabie. while If tl." brenli bud been complete, ami Ihe loila part had made one revolution apilnitt the broken ott end of tho oth?r part, repairs would hive become al most If not utiite. impossible willi the incllitlcH on board the ship Our engineer friends, ss ho In the fuiTire miv msnd In danger of b'lnR tailed upon In mend a broken shaft, mas- well U-ar li. mind, there? fore. Hist to dHrover a frat lure before tbe shaft breaks c-e". a long stuv to wu rd *uc ees-fnl repair. Then have beer, "ome wonderful things done by .nrii,e_-. Bt *ea. however?feats nu,re .Illliealt than that of Mr. Tominion- which have been lost ajgbl of on.- lt. railed to n.iud l.v n ftlend. und th" lien, I* -till nllve 10 attest to the mrtteulani .r^aord Peek wat at one time engineer ot the lily of Vera I ru-. Thia vc"e| had only a singh* engine, and uhlle Ctmlni up the roosl souib of Hst Kn* on one of her nip- i,.,,,, Havana the pl-ion broke in three phd-, lil- wa* a rtlsuster that would have made mans nen eonsidn fhH? ship lielpl.s.. bal Mr. Peek toerreded after twentr-four hoon' work In pat, i.Inc up thal ninon so nit it was ttrong ennugn und true enoagh '" con nect'wlih Ibe machinery and iring Ike sb|p Into port ni Ihe rule of Ml miles un hour. at Eeo&ag <" i*'*? ?m*2*\ ?" __ !_!;", f",Y:, timi deni nf one of ih- dully pt*_pera saggetla bat Jeills IlllPhf lie mule e. taponul or I.eMij-onal Instead o round, outside of hnitog*. and t number .. .*:.?, re* har* id ions could be eurri.Kl to bc applied lo "..ter lot? bn-aK ?nd bolted togetaer, wblch would ni the B strong Joint. Tbe Idea sceuis founfid Upon lolld temi. FATHER KILLKENCIIEEKFUL. BE Thinks THK PARISH OP ST. THOMA-] WILL BE RESTORED. I"'- HAS HAD A it rn:lt FRO** ARCtfBIBnOP ?ATOLU-BISHOP WIGOE1VS u,|',;.,|; UA1 ADDI !. 7 , IRK CHARGES AGAIXBT lin:. Tin* mail from Washington on UondBV after? noon l.i'.U'-ht to tho Kev. Thomas M Killeen, ?.. tor of m M;irv.., , hureh ,;, r,?n ,,oi|)t( m |(it|)r from Monsignor Satolli, the apostolic delegate As rather Killeen is the complainant ai i I Bishop Wiggev, thom hu been much -turiosity ??nd considerable Anxiety among In.* friends to know what Information the pastor ol Bi Mary's parish bad received la regard to ins cha,....., against ihe ordinary af tho Newark Diocese. Thia anxiety ha* been Increased since Bishop Wigger bus ro emphatteallv ami oaeqaivoeally anaotinced. not only throughout bia diocese, but lo tin* whole country, that Hi" charges bmmm bp Katini Kll'een Inni not Wn sustained, that trehbishop Satolli Inni written liim to this effect, iiml bad approved ii:* curse in closing St Thomas's church, at Bayonne. Father ICnioen lias no! been a favorite "I liishop Wigger, and being aoroewhat Infirm lunn .'.eur* ol clerical s.-ivi ?<-. there bas beea a nat mal solicitude ob the part ?>! Ins friends les? his recent eourse should involve bim in further displeasure with bis bishop. Mott* than Seven weeks BgO Hie IJev. George ll. Brown, rather Killen'-. BBststant, ?;i* trana leired to another parish in Newark. At ihat time Father Corrigan^" waa about to com. to trial, ami fenr* were entertained that Father Killeen Would also he Hied on charges "1 In subordination, conspiracy, or alleged hostility tn Hie Bishop of Newark. It was hud enough. Father Killeen thought, to have st. Tbomas'a Church cloaed, and Father Egan, who attended th" eon. gregation, ordered away from Bayonne, hut to leam through th.* papers "ti Sunday last that Ins bishop been sustained -sus not only dis lieartening newa to ihe venerable priest, but to all the Eaglish-opeakiBg Catholics at Bergea Point Ile suv* he believed it. Why should Int doubt lor a moment the authorised statement of the head ,,i the diooese? iii* parishioners shared in Ma solicitude, but eoulrl do no moir than atl.l their i* mpalby, I'n Tuesday morning, however, it was noticed that the -lindow which clouded Father Kllleen's liee lind disappeared, He oe,lined to intimate tiie c.msc of his clleerfuln.**, e\e,.pt to s;iv that he believed the parish <>i gi Thomm would he restored and Ihe main object he bud ia earryiag bia case i^-foro tho apostolic, delegate would ix* gained, A reporter oi Che Tribuae eollad at the residence ol Father Killeen yesiorihiy. hut be wis not at lu,me. When a second cull vms nude tho Min.. aaswet waa given that he hud son,' away and would not return until late, poihupti. Om* of ins parish io net),, however, who saw Tho Trib? une reporter just as bo was leaving the prvini*.*-.. learned th.* nature of tho visit and ventured to speak for Fie priest, Ho said tu it Father Kil? len had andoubtedly received .1 letter from Arch* bishop Satolli ni regard to the charge? per.,iin? in Wasldngton against Bishop Wigger, hut tl,a; Father Killeen had nani th'* document, wis hat,liv ol Muh n character bj would justify tho priest in making thr contents public "Ihat is what Bishop Wigger SOld Wheo he whs asked t" make tl,.- t nor ol ins letter from Mon sj'.'iior SatolU public," Interposed the Tribune reporter. "1 know that," replied tho reposT-Ty of Father Killen'.* confidence, "lat the el.t.Archbishop Satolli hud in writing t ? Father Killeen wm very different fi vin wi.;T i.e hud in writing to Bishop Wigtrei ? " How do you know th it :''' "Never mind l.ow I know if. hut listen. The purpose waa evi lent ly a pu; lent isl ojje. Nov.-, a* Filth- r Killeen I* the complainant ni tlc rose, nnd , ;.,? ,i Bishop Wigger'a priests, it would m.mi icm'.v ie liis, lurteoua (or him io communicate n even intimate what i- tie tenor ol tbe document he lms jual received from Waahington. Vou know I.i-!...p \Yigg**r has ,>ii three or tom consecutive ? la's assorted that he bad iecei....| a letter fr un tl,.- apostolic delegate austalning his action and ? l i-ii?i:?iii ? Fat liri KU leen'* eli?rge- Now, sup posing the good father baa ?? letter (rom Ihe apoetolif] delegate smuring him tbat Bishop Ui:. ger's a*ocrti'oa is aol eorreet. I',, you aol ace bow ti r? j ii -r it would 'ie to Father Killel :i tu make him tbe medium al furnishing n Matetneni to the pul,lie discrediting tho ??. ord pl lu, Bishop ? 11, ii would I"- io subvert ib?' discipline which oughl to be maintained m every diocese; .md I .un sure Father Killeen w , Td not ear.' ? ?> viola! ? a law ..I <?,, li?? i i*tic;ii polity thal would only gain Nu him many enemies :n,d adi) nothing i<> the justice of his ehargrs ii"\\ peadina In tl ?? ap al die .loie^.i ti ui in Wanilla lou.*1 "Bul somebody In Washington hal authorized ataiementf Hath contradicting Bishop u i;; Bishop Kean.- has done lu and dom Bot seem lo have nny qualms ol ci Bscienee la ae*-u*tn*i Bishop Wigger of prevarication, li Fatbei Killeen lia.-* evidence confirming. Bishop Keane, why doesn't lie Illlike it pol,in .'" was I lie 'lllhill.c leporter S question. "Would it Le the proper thin? for Father Kil? leen to Ko put in tho atti;,in,- of accusing !,;* bishop ha- ni- Hon" io grievoua a thing as d' liiciateiv publishing '"i untrutli? That ?*> what ti,., publication of hi* teller finm Washin t<m would amount io. and surely you would not wish to i*. made a party to su h an act. M would Bot add to the welsh! of lin- official denials alp .ely mad.' oi Bishop Wigger'a rtstenwnt, aad why ox poet the ; inn oriest unncceeaarily In Increasc his burden? Ile Imo already told the reporters tb;it it Would li" dist ouit.-.'.s f.,r liim I" ma'.;.' ; stntenicnt. V shop Wlggei *kiI*I Mia' com;-sv pre? vent. ?! hi* "is me om .un portion "f Monslgnor Satiillis letter, -uni " liitlar Killen might suv. lhnt if !?' hid u letter BMiirinu hun ihat Bishop Wiggor hal im warrant lor mnkinx his published statement, that would I,.- dis,.rtenus t" hi- Bishop, and wi ll would. Take mv word for H. Father Killeen* letti-r couhi not l?- ma?l" public at this time without ndding t" the cliui res which have already h"en ,'oa \- against Blslmii Wlggers veraelty, and thal Father Killeen will certainly nol .lo. esp.-iu.iy wini.' original eharg-** are -till undecided by tl V,H1 ,?!?? H.], val". No pail of the Mt".' could i.jven "ii withoiii traversing tim h-eeni ntatt mr nts of Bishop Wigger, and it is not ,'ist to i-xi.t Father Killeen to do lt."1 From another soiiree lb- Tribune reporter learned thut Father Killeen hod received a letter ef such ten ir bs -.vould make n embarreesina ' i Bishop Winger for bim ta publish it: he alan learned rim! liishop Winger's e., ir- had Btliletl tn th" chartres already pending in Waithinzton, and that lim final derision i'i tho ea*.* bud no! been roached The Killrrn-Wiiser rjan, tlaeiWaee, 1 still in th.- bands of Arehbisli ,|> Satolli I he con? tradictory reports have only served lo p itpone its linni setih ineiit. and further time may bo necessary before the decision is announced. w/.sv sylvia TIIORXES MOTMER ARRESTER. Mrs, Mary winiam*, about fitts- years nhl. *-a* a pri* oi,.r in the .lefter*..i Mutiet Usart rtthetaaf Baatalag charged s..;th -h..|,!ittinc hi itut, nr?tiiem' issei m Tu<*s".av afternoon pst i ipa i tl rads into sta ti- 1 Bf Hi" ""fi? b?l Det'-ctis*. i lara -i>sv th ... three MBTealr s|it?,n? wnd Hirrads int.o s Lau snd tl.en start tr. leis'* the Hon ?1bb mit |,asint; for (in- rluug: WhBB BefUStd Bf Oat '''"f Mrs. William' said tint lh? sro* al>>eiitmiiid<*tl: ef roms.) *li* Intended to I?T for the toed-, ghi ssas UikSi Bl I'oll.e He?di|iiait'ri aial Ju.sllre Hoi<?ti yestcrdaT helli her in tSPO Isill fer examination. la Hie afternoon Mit* psis ls Thorne, * corni, i,|,?r* MUB'.-r. f&r*n"rly willi ih? t sdno anil the Lillian lin*-, ll oj.'-ra 'onuitnlffs. csllsd *r ItROttm Msmct Corni. Mia* Thome. s*hB ssas recs-nllj* nurii"! ', "Bea" Titi).il. * il.-atr. ll n,anaret ss?s setsaaa_*aaatd l,v Mis K itt Real, tr..* olde* r.f 'le- artU-B?S-rs ?? tor. CSSl-lsa Reed sud lie a-K-d Mrs Slincr ssho IggeBISd fm Mit Williams, -.hat |.-.. SOM of BB! ii'.th. i She ss*, ti'onn.d that h'r Btt?iei ssa* ni prison lu di'nuit of t",')0 asU. Min Thon.e a<.d Mr- Reed (efl ceert -o vo to tht rit. Ctoiobcrtala'i ___B?a .,. ,:,.K,..t i'oo >..r ri.e t*apniaa?B of Mr-. William* abes wanted Thi City rhomherlato'i onie* wa* eteaed whrn th^ ?, ti MSB I 1 il i il.s-v i.tnrmsl le leBUrSBfl MiSef. anil Jostles llegBB par,,VJ Mr*. WUDBBM Iii Hie cu-t.tilT of Mr St.tar l)R CLARE is si I Ll. a rRRRRYYRRIAR. a reoeri noe boMI i.t jiitnudaj ihat the Rev, nr. K. I.. I la,I. MBt |:.-'") of ti,.- IV ?l,M* Cthurli ad Hal POI?BOB, On-. BSBadnd-BS d.thi' PM: , *i . ne.r P/t'-asv lal ani.ou?,.-d Ma intcMtlen <f a SSSBsa au Rp? taas'laa. Dr. Clsrk mil to s Tribune rciwrler yesVrdaj ? "Tbe repoit li tnrorrect. 1 hsve not lertded to bs ?Bit tn Kplicopslii? or s inr?iber of soy other rt lglous bods-. I think |t improi^r to maki mich an annouie. amt wi..I- i au, caoacctad ntth Mm Pieat-ytariaa chareh." VI8CU8SIN0 PARTY PLA XS. REPUBLICAN l-l..un.;;- in i onfciL PROP081 I. AMI.M.MKN'ls TO THE i 0S8TITTJ iii lg Hf UH. I i.i.MV ami D18TKK X . UM MU it.iv The os.-iiti ,. commit!.t the Rep ibl ii in '"Minv Committee held a meeting last eveningi ut Grand Opern llouao Hall, Kighth-ave aad Twenty-third-st., for tbe pups* ol hearing aug -'*7ii.ns and discussions i ii the subject ol reor? ganisation, with a view to the advancement ot tbe interests of glam RepublicuB patty in N'ew-York City. Jar,,h m Patterson presided Near him mt John s Smith, president of tho Repa bl lean Club; Ire Lu ni; s. (Jlbbe ami other active Re? publican worken llilind Rower, of the X\lH,i District, offered aoiue amendatenta to the general constiti lion ol the organisatioa. Thef were Bubmitted, bul hoi read, and br u foll,,sV*: t COVXTT. At?tis I.-Mic'iul I., prSVtdS tint ti,- C..a,if I' .munt:, es shan I,.- tiaspsaad of d.gatos, MtetDstA*, nrealdeui aldis Irlcl .,:.-unl/at.,,,, ,,,?| , I,.-1rt>.-11 ,.f .:,-rri t .i?,ti, . . Further pravtded thal tltenatet, pieetdeati at dlttrlei ar 'atni/.ttion*. chalniicn ot district ? ommltt. . -. ?ball, a- et adtrls Bernhers, ins.; all ti.., privileges st delegates, ex ,"|,t uii-tsei ro'd-esll. Arti, les in and IV.-.'.maid ta pre-rid thai th" om, cm of the i',,,,iity i samatttes mall tent antil pertnaneal sr IstMitilta in c-iiit rear i* tattled by th, election of their aueec?tars in tBtet. Ante's V.-Ain"iid ll |>r,,sd.? that t!i>> I .v. uti-/' ' ? "? " sholl ? mi -t -I a. ? i wrim fi i.t< i, am " ' '? srlth ir?iii VBUaa lasarer, sad tie- ..Iii. t. ami chslrtnea ol itaadiiag inn,nutt,... a* tx-aM.neaiber*. i mill*-t -amide ihsl chatraaea -<t dUtrict detegstlona ahsll serve or appoint t delegata ta isrve ls treat al loabllity ,.f tin* elected eieeattvt aw wari. PBithei provlda thal the prosIdeal af Um Ceoaty Csa?attire ahall he .hallinan ,,f Hie Execatlve Coan?Itta-a, ssitii pstrer (.. appoiBl a their. a_B pr* tem. Putthet ptevlds let s menmrji is te tlc*?ted by tho BjStegous ,.i the Ceoaty Ceaaaltl e, ? leading secretory ia ams a* so^t-tinty tt u.,. issecutlra Ca?t_tata. ArtUlt VII.? \nrnd to pro\l'!>* for tbs ewtiaa af a* mans <l-T<>gitte-i and BltCtoat? a*, there trc tte. Ilea dis? trict* in each Ass-nibl.v Matriel BY-LAWB. A::."nd to provM > thal tl," BOBBS] due* of g>le*_*Btei and altcrnuv- *hall be sTO DISTRICT. Article Ill.-AniTuI la i.e.viii.- for thc Cl dion af bs rranv ^T?-at.-s BOd niter.,al's to tht CsOBly . oiianilt"* thert ar- clc.'tiou districts Ul Hie A?,is- l>,.'i. t. and luith?*r |.rovld,s th?t BM sOteefl ct d;*tr|.'l nrgaiil-J ?..,.. ,1..: talcs and Bltetaoiea m Um Can.fy i ouunitt ?>? ?lull lr- .'h.-s-n iinieoil'.. Artl-I" IX -Amend la luovld- that UM tBleett tl di rgaaltattsat, delcgstra and ilteroatei t-, iha Cetiniy . anni,.".,) shall ht, bk tattle, Mmhem ot iht Dbtrl i O-noasltiee. Further pres tat Ihat lha Dlttrkl Committee .mil tieri s chaim on sod mrretofy ?t bm tenaty del IBtlsa, nnd ahsil Itel 1 tin* exe."t'iy BM?bet from tl, ? sOtegstlon t. Um Ceaatg I -ssaMttt-e, Farther prarlda thst ths; thaii?aa U Iht dsligit?a ta Ut CobbIj Csaaalttea -Illili, Ul .sent of the Inat.Illtv ef th.' ISMBUTt I to a-t. ?eis,. ur appoint a d"Ie?atf as tHeCBUrt BM Bib* I pta lem. I*ut?an prtvldi Isl sn toa*?I taroltMai ls M b eteettea dlstrlel in roch Ate-raably Diatriet, tl Bri dayi a-, tu 11-_t >i l. place ssheig ihi Boort si Regis i h.????t*. A general discus-Ton on Ihe aubjert ,,f -*eofgBBi gatton followed, ia whieh .T. F. Lyme, of lha wviinii Diatriet, R. M Hillls, of tbe XX IV th District, and others took part. Mr. Ililli-, was not inciin.-i ta lay tba responsibility ol tin* lom ol the Idio Federal election upon th" County Ceuftaittee. Il" looked upoa tiie outcome as i truly National nttetance. I!" Incidentally gave expresttan to th?* belief Hat if there hen more money tu expend on the Republican --i 1? the result might dave l*tt*n different. In thin respect he thought tim Republican party had i-is-m altogether too righteo i SrtiL" ..I tue apeokers inclined t,, the Idea that ther.. ahould l?o b more liberal expenditure ni money u'l around Tin Philadelphia plan, which . c- i mri nf'aocial hons??-ti)-liou*e canvas**, ss,- diecuased hy 1.' i-h Simons, W. 1, Stewart und eulorel representatives .,| tim Keptiblican part] the aubstan.t Hie debstt* wu. in the litre :...n ,,f :, ini'.'.u expenditure ol funds and tel relationship Itel ween district Icii'ler* nnd elfin - generally, wlie*r?*l)* Uh* votei should ls* brou ht . ul ..a the day ol election. A pnipit ???.. . ml Hotted I,o.'mi, : to a hir^i* com? pensation lo i le- ?'omi mun .-I thc Executive Com? mittee, say *!,,.,',,,, for one year, <>n the nl nilee.-i Tammany plan ot rewai I rn Mr ? raker. Imi ti,., response ss * not r?thuslastic and the Mitton wea not acted npon. I -,, ol ibo |i hlifl meeting tnt- Ex? ecutive t.'ommlttee went Into executive *B*B*ion, wlnre Hie* remain*--! bu nearlt an hour with? out Bcct-inplishinu anvtlil'"! Tlu- announcement ssa*, nu..1" that (Mitlor diseu-sii.n \s.,ull take i he., .ii Friday evonint al - o'clock, after wbi"h .un.' r i- e\|M'. t.-d timi tier" ssill he an oflicinl itterance ls il,.n ni it tee on Hie tubj.*cl of .lllI'Tulllcllt t0 the . Destitution. pl..| ,,sitioi .M the \ riCTVRE RM ia: BXDS ?io il m > f a ? sill ? t .ti . f in ti'itij* by -?sit ia-..ti '? , ended llerl.s. \. V '. Tilth ave. asst an "? "Ml Adst * ft. m .. ll ." BIOS Mn*gtte af Mala*niwa-i AU ?Mt I..'-r'tt.? a,ol Kia. M ? V '.' ' . N ll 1 sv ' ra I. sjsaaaBt slat I! ?. the I'lftll As I nu.' Alt ' I ' Sn;.IIB the pl. "O' \>t Mad? rsirs," UK ll< ,.i l , t.. n ?>l < ina ? i.ilti.i,t Ml " . ' lani imil i, ?:'? ??, S-. i -/ i"r." ? e. ... I'i ? ii ? Bea s.i, ? r*..vo. ttlpet ? ti gie \ I ni Mc.o' .oo- "ii ir'j.i'ils'? i! S, H.." HM "Xeai Mi tv.isin ?? pal ? c,? tjag nivt v.',,,','" sag! "'ii'' Kd|e of Iii.- ".oud" ITO; "lu the lumt'.rlitt'd Moun? tain a. ' IO.'. TO REoltGAXlZF. THE RE ARUM ER HERE 'Ile lo al eonitnltt'i- sf th.- N'.t.oiml Ptsicrstl'M tat Ali.-il'.i. ?li?v. Bhftel I- t" a l'l Hi" ll. na' Itu'" i. mem in it'-Und. in-'t ia-t. molal Ia the "five si Um at r-tais- ,,f tu,, tftlltqtl BrgBB .,'??, ,: Cospei luieti. "ji-- . I. > ?!?*.. .ri (.revlo'l niel Ml' li Ml Kai u- U ?! .m sci IB tars-. Th., niue, t nf tlc inretllii: sta- t'. caa tl nipiits r? the leerginliitinn si the hrsn hes al IM Fed .ration '.:, this i?, .-.lui te |..,'i- st ill III" liianTc's IS li. I I rr..titi|t. and pilpill t? talf |url in th, pnblK met. lie's n i,i. h tun tr. h-ut by lha National a-aaalra?ta a* toss a- in. rsateata et los if. ,..? Kele WU in teeda etas?ll. ll ..... decided Ii?t Blghl Ihsl arsachi Koa. A. t Bti'l .". BBS lld BOM *Bet*l?Iffl a- *?eii ie WltSbb**. pl.. . .: i .... ... ami. The i**tiei i rSBchi - alli i m ? < ? >rg .1- ir cl ts illili ii let il,; *. ll -si. p?bllstaet! resteidsy the , b|e t nf lt?l nlght'a n" .in,- sBUld ht '?, i.t,- letica I isidinf nancst* lot in*ii prtssaarrs. kteaethie '" lesBpa I' Ryso, ths ?<?? ?i<t?iit. s"i*tary ..f Uta "tiUottsl sTfaaltatlea, ihe ? orr irs* ne',are. t. lie -aol t;.a' ? the at tttng eat natl 'ly a gathering ?f the lersl reaimlM t bs loch bcUob could ir mxhett. Ile ill I 'J,.,' th" -?? rt im- nt pr. .anio - In IBS Soi m i ;> |. in'ieii .ssl.- iii fas.I sllotrlng ta- pollrirsl I,,,*,,, i ia reaaslB la ja-' if the deiBtad foi isa i r ? li-a-e rn,* in ans- '..ns t? -agett UM ps-esff* ot "?" " "? Kui.- MU._ MOXEY V IXTED l')R A HOG'S BEX ET IT. Krona Sanper, one af Ihe pi-oprtrtori of Ihe Bmptrs Th- un-", teal ii letter la the Theatrical l*rotectlve I'nlon a-emtrday, bi ihe aicetlng ,,f ihe btsinl ,,f ssaiii Ing delegcles, saying lhal a cunnii Use tailed on bim n icsv days ago, repressen Ung Ihemselvea as tnembera jot Ihe Tbestricsl l"retecUve I'olon. Tbs mu told Mr. Ssnger thal they were oUcltlng contrlhuilona f?,r [ a hencfll performance or ronrenUco ol the anion lo i.o he'd boob. Mr. Banger drew iii rbech for 183 and sc- iii.ont ta glvs ii lo the committee, srheo he te, el.,i lo ms ? ol lp* to. Dcmg "ii tin' lest terms \sith th,- union, ssiii, ii i* rjomposed of *lilll>il stage tar j perrtem, etc., be ihooghl li .sn. strange that men I ssiiotu he hurl newe seen before tbould a*is lilro for t I cmitflbutii.ii. Tba TbeatrMil Protecllvc fakm In stracted las sMrstsry ?,t the board al walkin*, aetrgstei ! to Inform Mr. BSBger Hint lae bbIob bad bo! suthor 1,-isi linville io adi f,,r rontrlbutloni, tad tint lt sm.* j not goini; io hoM Boy COnveatlOB "r 1,'n.tlt p.*i* forninn,' . A commlttm of three ivas ippolatod ti) a*k Iflspeetot McLsBgblin to endeavor lo timi the islndlera and have Ibem punished. rti< anion nu peet a several men who, lt i*. ittd, hast- tried the tame kit lilllie bsTor-'. PREFERRED DEATH TO r.i//.. Bseoei than t> te jai; for ill B-eauneai sf bit ?r|ft, .Io-i>ii ii-h^r. s isih ter nits-fsso s*?i. old arin bad lived *t No -ju Weil M\ts.-s ntiitt.. roded bit Ute re*trrdiy st uh a dasi cf esuhi add IBM l*fr.r? th" .los.- of ih'* nomlnt aeu'sai I Um TarkviUs Peile* Court rtaUBtdsy, Mrs, Clan I'l-u-r td* dl*)t*eg Jo-tM .- Mtsats ami a-k-st t,,i ti,.- ..1 ,,_ Bet ii ashsod. Thi csu all lad bern Bavtied aixi,,f tn-enty fesrs, lOd lu leariv the sshule i.f u,at t,n Klsher, .|," -aid bad ssas Utile b I b U bet i ,,?, . y.- i, ? gi Ba md lbs s-anstit sad latrus?d lt* .????, iu?a t., Coan OhVei s,,,ith Thf pettit -ma fo .ci Klihei kt bed al hi- la n." When telii :,. Bal Bp a. ,1 n,, >,, neut he t ?? ?,, nd. ti nu chane a'.lr anil areMOpaoled th' ajatleeasm io Fifty, ttl?M Omj I>?,,1"<1 a tites UlBB '?r. Oa i o r -M.. of Planer asl ni* Mitrea t h i .,, XM '?i had n..,v,d ,,nls- a Ll" I. ssheu u* lt . .,,...,. t... r.ntial l'ark tiMilt Fisher pa*|- d and tunl.l.U In a he?|, nt, th^ B or. "I knew lt." rrlrt til* *on ; ? for thc last hour he hu be-ti drtnkli c from a phial." Ia Fisher* hsnd wt* s IltUt louie. SmiUi -topped sud ?sith *ss|s_.|,c tarried Fitter to the ald-?a*a_(, tshorc ho! <li-J flit, "ii liiintitcs later. OBI HAUY. JUDGE JO*BPII PAR80XI COH-OYa*. Wllm*agtoA, Del . Feb. 1 (8peclsll.--Bx-Clilef Justice losepli i'm--,.ii. i noegyi die,i ut his home In Dover ?I a o'clock to-night, un end wat peacoful. Judge I'omegyt st,, bora In Cherbourg, Kent Ccu.'v. DA., on December 29, 181.1. m. BBCeston, who o*ere llnngarlan*, rame to tblt country about iuto. Uti r, i omeiiti* iv Comegyt, ssas uovernor of Dela were r. .,n l-.r to 1840. Judge rein, ,:\- ssas ad? mitted IO tht liar III 1635. In l-l". 0Dd 1-11 ll" sta. elected lo Ti- -tito I.. eilut'Tc. In l-,i lc ssas tme ,,f ii committee <..' Ihree lo rerl*e tin. statutes, ll- terved In the L'nited State* Senate from Deem d. lean, till March 3, IS57, having len appointed t>. nil the raranc* caused l.s Ibe death ?,f John M. i "aytl n lie wa. ,i deb pate to Hi" l-hliaaXpbla Station il I'nlon Convention in ison, un May 18,1670, he became chief Janice ,,r DelasrBre, a life position, and be lind only i.nth- retired front ii," hench. Judge I negri ssiis nppoted to iii'i'.-criiiiiniii" divorce* ant Ihe nu,tl extention if tin- svi,isit-ev mille, ll" inni n trr.-at reverence tor mcred affairs, and when Colonel Boner! <.. Ingersoll lecture-! here on Jaaaary I. ISM, Hie Judge wai greatly *:,,,. ;,,<i is the printed rep,ri. Ile sm. pained to iee tint iuch au Incident could hove occurred in Detatrare. and ii- f. lr compelled I,. Inierpoae hi* juli, jul nutborlt* it'll- Al Tie -e-.,i,.| (I -. 1--1. li, presented tl, Hie cm ntl Jury. ul roi-t j'* repell IPI ie l'l on I el,ni,irs ina,:, r lu Ms ( hn|-l"t> i , ll" deplored ii,"- net. nnil hoped Unit lu Hie future any mun arlio attempted a repetition .f iUCh u pr, . ...lin.- -h.eil! I.e ur. a,al he a* lured Hi" community Hint Hie lull penalty lu rase ef i ? ns., til.ii ss. nhl 'ne Imposted. Dil. Il EMBY Vf. VA TA.. ' -M. Conn., tel.. l.-Dr. Henry Vf. Bod .ii-.i Monday. H.- ssa* a son ..f Dr. ?imoel Bael, a physician of emlaen ,? In LHcbBeld f..r nu,re Hum folly sears. Il,, born OB Apiti 7, 1020. Il" ?vu< j-radinite,| nt Yule College in 1-11. On leaving college :," began Hie trudy of atedlclne, ut Omi \.nn his rather and Bfterward in ihe oflfeei of Dr. vt. v. Bud nnd Dr. Oerder ii';,!;, ef N'eW-Yor_ City, al the unie Hm" at '? mil ti r . iur?et of letup* nt tuc College ,,f Physlclani .nd Burgeons, of thut T's After 1-teeivtag Ms degi.r M. D., li- **:.-? appointed boase saraaaa ui iii- Now-Yorh HotpBal. I'pon leaving the batpltal, in 18*19, ns trsi lipp lilied re-idetit piis-iclall of BSOford Hall. Fluahlag, L I., \si,icii i>r..ition be eeeapted for lise yenis. in l-:.i he returned to litchfield,, and in v-:,' h.. tstahtlshed Hie latUtotlea nos.' known us sprtag inn lloma for Metrroaa IbvsMi, ile had been pi'.'-id. nt of tbs Connecticut Medical Bod ly, t member ?f '.Mk Mate Beard of charities, and n mem bet .,f t',,. American Psychologies! Bodety, amt ama appoloted hy unva>;ior Hnbtmrd ns ono of the three , or,itiii.-|.,n.'iv- to tgamlno Into tba need of provision for th" Indigent Insane of Hi" S'llte. Me -va: prcsl ll.'llt Uni" tiie urn Kallona! Bans of Lltcufbid et the 1.1* Ueulb. MR-. TH-ODORE IRVING. in the death of Mrs. Theodore irving, al tha Castle, Tarrytown-on-tbe-lttidaoo, on the evening of January muns excellent BtOVemeata for the comfort nnd uplifting of ber fellow nemura! have met wini a .seiinii, io..*. For maur years Mrs. (-"td?f's name hui been connected erith the cause of Chirtsttan >*iu ,.ition. Her B hool of .st. Jobtt'l for girls. conducted for maay veal, lo "lew-York City, and afterward ut Cattle, on Cue heights at Torrytowo, ~as an In? stit,,Ton nf great usefulness, m pad oat ts will Bl svuv* f-ei til,, influence <,f inr b.'iiiiti;fal character and life. Devoted tir-t of all to the eaoaa of tstneatlon, Mr-. Irving vet found room in her busy career for a iht re in every good svord. mil work. As president of Ii:." Ns Yurt Indian AjBoctattoa for Mversl years, she abundantly proved Hie breadth of her tympatbles, Few women ,,f our iluv BBVe left ii nobler record nf irsge, high faith, Chriitlan character und abjraUng Influence, JOB* M. II I NNIiTC. Battlmare, Ch. l is^'.-iai .?Joba M. Reanlck, ridel of ? 1.. Baltlmsra iii" De*airttnent, >!,, d ti,;* -oornlng. He lui h.-,, '" t. 1 arith tba IH" Mci ann:.uit for Bearly ti r, ,,-. aad ssa. known in Insurance circles ali ,"'i i'is ii-, had ., remarkable r- ord far bravery In .in.,' Ul" ard in dii"'t;ii2 ll'".b's orgsni*?Uonjt. ii* ancestors figured prominently lu th- Rerolutioaary ., ,;, ! ??. i i,.a. ?! fi ie- r fi-fhtlll | 0 .a I til)*. Ill* filth >l ni. .lim c. ii.iuir.'i-, ss ri.. ..:, ,i.nol'd a enmpaay el i tl. nins Ihe Mun land Hunk and Nuiuo'S riots. mother, Barak Ratter, ss*, the daughter "t lo-iui ! Ml Rutter, ssh,. s,a+ aecond la tuBiiaaad sf Um Cat -ai latUla ti tht baUla of North Point la IBIS. iK* FRAKCII A. MaRDF.N". i , - ,\ Marden, i well-known lawyer nf thia city, it iii- Len... Ko, int Wes! Eighty-Math .-(.. ut un ia ly hom yesterday tnorBlng train cei bra! heaiorrhsiga. Ml Mm I a s.j- born la Wini',,,.,. N. lt. it, 1810. and eitel los edaeaUon at n.iisaii iTiiveisicv, betag graduated theta i>, is,i.i. !!? ,: e "is a graduate et tha ii pi i ?!-.,i lat* in btso?ard, f.a! ;. ? ar*, ami ss.i* nu,I- u Jlilge ef tht iv i ? i au rt. Hoaseqneatly hf represented that diatriet guts) LegUlattiN tad icrved tss., term*, ile stu* , i, and s.*. Ce?Bil-asry oeoeml ea Covarooi Waller'* aMlt. At ui<* rio** ni Oovemo* Weller'a ad nan,-,i l',",, ne esaaa **> this cit-- and prac?Md law with I . ll' IC. HI,. itu fun. mi is,ii lie held on Friday nt 11 o'clock at the I.,,',.. ll. ;. it a st,'" nnj r.. ,r . hlldltm. OGOIIOE C. BREAKER. Wstklol, N. V? lei.. L-Hoo. Shorer dPd nt his hui.' In Watkins this aaatatBg at tin' lg*. Bf ISVeaty. Hire.- v. ur*. lu ls,,J I,., s, Bl ele, t> I Judg ? ?f IS, Ililli'"' Coast*' and served one fin. Itu ssa* a U"publl..aJi lu poll) BAMl'B- J. Mt'RPKT, Samuel J Mhipby, arba died al ii*? hon.-, No i^a \Vc*t l'? rts sesciitii-si., mi Maadoy, aroa *?, "T ateaahet of tl.e lotion laCBOage. ll" S i* bern -Vy-thr.e year* sgt in Aiuti-iii*. and ama m bostaeea lu Mattie aetara Um na, ti" Bervad iii Um fsata*>rata Army, aad bsea?a i n'?ui"i. After Um ss.u be tami Ber**, sud j,,in-,i Um rettoe i.r,,ii.r.e,', un, of Ware, Murphy ft Ce., but for ihe la i tom yin* bad aol been eogaged In a,-tl\e builne?s. FATHER RPMAMOS Otb SOT REBIOM. To the Editor of The Tr I bun* To the !?'. il 11 o r of inc r r i n a n e. ali : My attention hat been called to a paragraph in s,,ur I*-ne ot January :.", In which yon itote thal i hus., resii.ii.sf fr,.tu the Board of Msnasjers of the I Catholic summer Behool, und assign ns * rea?ia f?r . i...,..i,..,, ? v ,i,t?,talil,,o i.t nm?<i nt Im niii,,i HALT. OT HIE .UT.'T.Vr.l EOAT CLEM, Um men.lui- ,,i ti," AMlsnta Bael Club aad their ada tools poaaesslea of tha l>nos last Bight v ? unrin.ll ball, 'nol lc l'l UM foil Balli ju early hour di i ? morning. Fte fotty-Bvo rear* the A-slant? ha-re iis.'d and |...-i.ti. ..mi every (tinter, srhen tba lea pie lent* ihalt iDBulglng in boat racing, the* eau Mgcther theil fi i nls. and fur tot m.'l t Bl "SBBt '.lint mi a lide ul j. i?urc t that which Bo*r* tstan thaa toat ?f the Harlem Uiver, ssi,.-,, _ i-lub*a .ci iv "eight'1 lu* bbb inanv sh tori,*. Mact?BB, ehSlnaSO of tl. , ot.iti utee arhleh had tbs ball In charge, it n.e. grand mart-hat IO :S0 o'alacB, ?itu Ml** Helen Allaire. Amnug tho** present srare Theodore Van KaSen, Bcnkunln a. i., area, '? "-? ? llteih, Mas Lom, w. h JdtrmU, Ueorje l. Wllsea, W. B McKlce, ...orge ... Tysoa, li.-inv li. WsssclmsB, ThoBMa J (Mriafld, fr., oeorge ti Avery, Beraaid C. aVyaa, Edtvaid V Hines, c. a. MasrkaU, Joseph Bangall. I. c Pry, C. Edward Taller, David B. IfpdlBe, n r. nta-eaat, Eomiii p. Hoyt, Joseph E. hllbnian and M. t. Qulgley. In Ul* boxe* mtu Sttpheo <"> Carr, H -I- smith. Vt. Sssao, D. Van Ho?*?3, Yt', dampers, Edvard Uesii), ll. Wagiu."} and I, t'. VlUaroade. Boxes Maa gt, Ao and .iu s,ere occupied rttpeetlvelr bs- merober* of the Dasntiaaa Heat Club, 'ho Waverly Boat (Tub and th* "fatal ttettrve. STILL AROTBRR MCHlr HALL PLAS Ah- fact ssjs pahllthed s fesv das-a ao tiiut a -viuliat" ss|t.h"d to get controi Manhattan np uti House, and t ' a. I a. no nan I,,,;.,- Th* n.?itaf,'r rt iin of .,.. ir lUnimersteln's . make * a*atl? hall of dis cn in .oiitie.'iioii svith Uie ent-r yndleatt u headed by R. C Miner, the al UM Pit? Atreaod ut,d peer''''' Theatre, and s r .Visoii ,,r Tie grai ?f Rtsoa B Bamastraaao, lbs Ibearrlral satBBgcrt ot PhiladtlpblB Math of these bmb i, nmdy '.nirib'it.' tc'i.uuo. Hi* sthol" iap'al of the .eu (ki . 11'| .-'ii ihat Mr Haaaaei? la * tu 11 he a tiurr.lier af Bal -easpsay, and lbs p-esMeoey ^f lt ?aa onered to l,,n,. but he de- Hued lt. The p'an l< to aper th.. BaaMt .. ,, i .' nnj apia il ?* taaa a* Ihi strath, r srlll tier,nit Hi ll. , e reel alu , lo I t I I 1 _B ssi'll t Mr lljuii, , i-'.iln ha. not yet decided ssl.ether he still let lh< I .1:101,nv base j i'i-'. lilgtil tl,',,, he nd it 1* iBtlmab? thal abBll bt tCJOt-OO. It optra h'.,i?e al all <>? no', and he aagf .hould walt till tsatmday before de I tcrmining the fats- at hi* Liial.-h opera season. It woold be far more creditable to try sad compete arith the quality of the "Admiral' thsn to waste efforts la the vain attejnpt,* to siipprena lt. "Admlrsi" Clgartttes are not made by s tr,tat. _ -mp MARRIED. *?"?" DAVIB-WBiTIMa-WltasSBaMr, February 1st. IBM, at Xi , SSS r.ftli-ase.. by tho Key. \v. ft. II ii uti litton. I). IV. Am. Ita Whiting danivlif,-r of the lute Auiruttul Whiting. t? John tl. liasi,, all ul .Ww.York. l'Ml-l LL-' OI,LIN>-<>n 'liicsdiv osenliig. Januiry ll, at the hom.- of tim t-rlde'a nar, nts. I.y the Ber. Daniel .MT. QuBekeiibu?h, i> H. Miss Maud Lil/a beth ci Ubi and Mr. Urary Vsa ArfldOM rarsaaU, jr.. all of thia ri-g. I'll'., V-Wiil.i,i..,.K .lannars- ;i|st. 1893, at All Soula' i'mii,h. hs u?. Rev. I i. Williams, assisted by UM les- K. S. Bellas*, Elesuoi Hell.os,, daiie-hts* sf llaary o. Wheelock, to Hr rredertek ll. l?erry. No'. Ires of mn rib pt must bc Indorsed with full na'in- and add ress. Ol EB. AYRRS-Oa Tostday Jaauary*tlit. Aaa EMaa, widow st Aol "ts Avie*, lu the 7'Jd ve#> of her sge. lo,.ml service* *r lea lute rea deo. ??-. -.'a." Deaa-it.. Ilrooklya, ea Tharadoy, February -'d. at 'J _>. m. BEARD On io Btoratnt, January 31-t. 1-198. st Ms late leildeBc* TXt t .?naelit-isf . nn.i.kltli. B*. Y., Will iii, ll Hean! ii t|?. .im, u.m- nt hi* age. cl.Ml -elsi,.-. Iii th- .SniiuncrllelJ M R, ( ifirTi, cftt-fitr nt wstiiiiitjiiiii and lUeeoe ase* . on ThBtaaty, Febra a ) -,|, ,n .' p. h.. I" end* sud :? it ie* ur" rc ape*-rally invifd. COATES Db Tuesday BtornlBg, Jsnuary Hal Marta L, ??'? ii rs rd K. ' sate*. In th* Ti* i s.-.i ot he? aga. Iv ,?',- ami fiend, a, Invited t, attend toe limers! a.nrlr, * mi her lute le.-l.l. I,.-... .1.1 l-.a*t , ob Thur* .tay marni ,l-. at ioho a'rlaeU. ("NKI.IN- \t Mount Vernon, S, V.. Jan. 31, le'98. Anna, sm hos or wuhan, c.uiklin, lat' of Xe*.Tock City. In ic r -sin, yeal ll ami n . n i. are Invited lo Bttaad ihe funeral ? - tl th : - i , . ni ber son, WUK .nt O. I'nnklbi, - s ith I , M., nit Vernon, Sf. Y, Thursday. ~ i,. 1. ut .1 p, m. Rurlal at Danbury, Conn. niTtllTRY?On w, Ineadar, I hraary Itt, sTbatt. relist "I *\ ||, .,;, |, l .,' .:i| ., . I >(| ,, |rt|, I on,a il private. Inlet , ? at AP,ans-. 'i.t HUM. II -iiii I I,, ia,- lat, Stiar' Das- flSldBll, ba. '.I - 'I "I Samuel ll. inni Ann.. I., i.miner, aged 4 veai. an I .1 monlh*. s. is I,-.? af jt i .',? n .\. s".. ou TBuraday cveolag, 1Mb VI. Iht?, SI .* o' IDII.N-iiV Sullenly, Wein, -das lelruuls 1. Florenca ???? c. "in-. ?' h,Bluer ..I in. *j*mucl M. and KH-abvia li .1, in- iii a| I .' s ",|.. Pinier tl pi., at >, MEAD \t i. rms,I**i. Coon., an Jaaaary ll, Catharine I.s.,n. tungi tei if ni<onflli Mend. I an 'tal *ei . .,? th* ie?ld. rn ,- of her father on Friday, i ? ?' ru ,:?. u al 12 BO. Carnage* alli mt the 10:01 trail fraat Mew-Ytt? Ml LI.I.U ---i'i l'l -ii iv. on l'..r.ilav. .lam,arv Dist, Loretta ltol*o, sm. ul Jehu li Miller, aged Ott y*tr* Kunenl ii oi li r late r,-*ldei>*e, lu West i.tith-ai., on i Hum lay es. nm j at half-peal 7. Int-io.-ni it , nu tenir n.i family, MVKIW On fueadiy, Jaauarj 81, of pncumonls. Mason Ms. i*. sg* 56. Funeral at iu- late resldeoce, no Irtirlagroa ara. Thura duy, Tl. I p. m. SHAW?AtWsthlngton Retests, on Keb. ita, i8?*s Waisst Irving, e|d.*i -on af Joaeph B. Shaw. KoUce ,f tuic ...l li i ..I -r Willi t-'.-.s,.,Wanly, at Delhi N" .s-Vo.-Ii. on Tu*<da"?, Jain rv the Slat, .s"th ll. Whit*, in thc 731 year ti his age. ?t-'s'-i Cerf-rr. nn th* Har!, rn P.iliread. 48 minutes frnrn th* (Irand Central Depot. Nats itepot si tatnaee. Offics 1G East tOd-st. ?Special Notices. A.- n.v lite Fifth .".venn* Auction Kooma, asa ".rii-AVi:. WM R. NOKMAN', Auctioneer. EXECUTORS' SALK. By direction of the ox'euton .,f thc (sta SAMUEL SCHWARTZ, of Olf. PAINTINOS hy well-known A M t". RICAN A N1 > 1 ?'. I' KO I-1: A N A RT I ST9, laeladbig eiaasjBta by A. T. Brlcher, I". I . Jones, l*. DrlrtgeTlMd. SJgSSja-S Morin. Leon Murun. "Patty Meran, Constant Miyee, Bruek i.ajcs, i.eon calila, i:. CarpaBtar, P. J. clays, Juiiea Duple, P. i.iTlcrou. <;. Iluqti, tte, V. To-cttl, C- Selgnao, Van _, eni_),irt.n. and other-. TO BE SOI?I BV AlT'ITON' TUTS xiii KH0AY AND FRIDAY FVRXINTJS\ _i lill. 1 AND 8. AT 8 O'CLOCK linn** A. Co., 730 AND 711 BRO AMWAY, tsill sell itt auction, MONDAY, "-"eb. 0. at 3 1*. M., J THE LAW LIBHABY of ihe law r EDMUND B. WYNN, ef WalertewB, M. v., comprising various state BeportS, Law- Text Beales, AS. And on TUESDAY and four following dsss, bli i mrkabl.licet?a of TRIALS, nearly 1,000 lota, and lacludlag iivinv that ii:" -caret and valuable. gue*. Bullied upon sppUcaUoa to the autftlnreara. A Consiilesi cut linnie Inr gt, Luke's. A romp", t.-lv agulppsd .ouiitiv ?,Mit eu the hank* of the Hudsfii. ss un a furnished bouse au?t-icnt for fifty patients, has been laneeou'ly oiT-.r.d t>. st. Luke's Hst pl BM for a Convalescent Hon," H I..-Ii.k a'liinrabiy adapt.d for auch a purpose l.v it. location ami aurroundlut*, a stauce from the ,itv snd convenience ,,f tceess, und tacb u. Home tieing of areal Impoi?oct lo Bis rharlty ,>r fiee B-srk of tha lioapKal la i pu. e stii..|. pool pstlenta.t well enough ta he vnt to their home* without Hah t" their reeoseiy, but uot -iel: enough t > Ju-fiTs SA _iiii_- them tn the tv sri* to ti,, ?t.'lusUui of other- needing UnnieallBte nedieai ?r atus-Icsl rare, if I* moat desirable thal t-t. Luke'* should a. ccpl Hil- mfr. ihe ,,tf*i ,,f the proiM-rtr l* st companied, hos'.,ncr Witn the condition that B20u,000 he set a|ort fof it* ci :.- ? a,.?::? so thut Its perpetuity may i?.- aa*ur"d. and ihe Kour.l at Ma?ias*ra of the H.sp.Ul r-H*egnIr.e the pr-i prtctr mid ss1*dom of thi* condition; but ?* the Income of the pi*sent ena isvnieiit fund i* fully required for the ordt. nar- st,,rk ,.f the Hoapital. thi")' are ums-llllnit lo a,*>pi*>|>rl. at.j anv iKutloii ,.f the fund for ih" u*y, or u aastuns tha . harp' ni a CoBVsWeeot lt?n,e uni.a.* the $'<X),CO0 |sf tiulr-d he a_j?rlslly lir,,sl,l.*tl for lr. The Managers tncr'f..i*' app-al f" the pnbli.' f..r suck aum through thia noll, e. knott lng thee are trans- whom Uiuv isa?nat rea, h othtrwlat ss-ln, will b? _;lad t?.|?t tn itCBring for thc Uch of UM (Itv tho advantage* or-oretl by the b, tii'i. '"ii, <-? of ilie lads proposing tn arise the Und and li",ih? and turulturc. ihe fund pies lied sci*" be ?*t ap-vrt om" lield a* the tods wail at of "Ih,. lonvile?e*nt llo.n* for ci. ? li,* p. tui " and r''* I" "' " ' ? tn-T la * single Olin for Uie srhole S'Jiiu.OOO, or In smaller amounts, est.. In endowment of beds at, BSaMB fer an adult or as* s*s? for s child. or In ether forms, he na le u< a meinor'tl of thc uotior of tiie -_n,e or of some p. r*,,n d"s:gna'e<i hy tho l-u'rther Information upon the Babier! mar he hart fmm the und*r?!gii?i ..,ft* should he ?cnt to Uordon Norris, ceri. Treasurer, N',.. ll W*ll-?t. Bs order of the Bojrd of Munagera. i.I'iKi.K vt Ai (I'LL," Il MILLI-'."". Pre.ident. >e?.York. I"l,|,,?'s l.t. ia..;t._. A check lor SKI).OOO purportlna to_ b? drtWB by tbs Kosal insurance compaay and eertirted. ls clam.ttl ta. bo a forgery. All persons ar- ssarn.-d not to iieao"*aie the -ami. * " ' C. V. HAN Ta, Csshicr. I'o.lolll, * Voile*. (Should be r-ad dally by *H iiit>i*?ied a* change* B5ay o,i ii at ..ns- tun.'.) , , __._-_? Lett-r* for foielctt countries need not b? -pe.'Is'lT Sd* dm rd for diapsl i. by any uanVuisi *J""J""". SMSBf w-hl., ,t I. desired lo dupHsUa of bonitlnw and common iul i- un ?ur*, i-tt.-i. not epe.lally addreas-sl being sent l.v the fa-te-t V.taafls asaila'ile. 1-.,- .-i_ri insll* for th* t-il entflag Kehruarv I Will .-!,,...',, lonii tis in Bil esses] at tal- ortiCe a* follow*: ,iiiit*iisv sui j in ,*,ii,i:e.?e?t,ry li :M a. m.) r,,i l-'ortun* i-ijiis) Jamaica and Jeremie je'r ?. ?. Alveua .a.. I* for , ,,-ta ltira s ia I.ln.'ei must De die-cted '?iksi livens" e 1 p ?'? .s,i|,|,i"iueiitiry 1 ;3<) p. m., for Ber muda per a. a. Orinoco: at 1 p m. l?uppfefitaaJatf 1 3B n Bl lor No-sin N I*, mid Saut,agu Cul*. p*r a. ?. bantlagu at i p '"? fer PSH> ?'?"? Blast, iver a. s Usu ""iTiniY At 11 a. m. (supplementary IS m.) for Vent ???a? and I',na, M., Slao Sas.milla s la . 'iru.-a,,. |*.r S. B. ,' , " , ,. ra |?t uthci i olomblan Port* mu.t be directed .;. tiiraii*", at I.' tn supplementary I p. m.) for Pernambueo and lialn^. per s. *. Klsle iletter* tot Kio janeiro Santos and I- PIsU l*o?ntrl*s vlt Rta JicTm l u?t li iiir"t,| "pt i;|.l""ii ai 1 p. in. for Jamal.-* ?ti] ....-ti.ttsn. p.-r e. - .Inset (letter* for li'uir. litiato. J.,,', I'ucrto t'orts'l and Truxlllo Bailst ba dlr-ctcd "p-r ' ' s. sI'l'iTlDW?At 1 a. m. for Kio .lan aro, BBB IBS and las PUta Countrle* via Ria,., per ?. ... Salem,), rroni Haltim e al I ?<*? ? '" f?' Rurope, je-r a. ?. 1 , '"ia Ma O.natoavn; u> .". 30 a. m. for Netherlands a ., > ,,, a - - M .a-ilat!., sia Rottei?un i lettei** must ba dre eal ' l-l Maa-ilau," . at 0 a. ni for Nol'issr dlrccl, ner* - Thlngislla i-if , ? ""'*' '" dl'"' *?'?' "J"*'' Thing. , ? ,, .j., m. (atipplrmcMtary IO SO a avl for I'ranco. s.sit. rlalid Hals. -.pun. I'oiiumil and Tttrkey, t,*i *. *. l i ,,.!-,oi'i.e. si* ll.sie (letter* f.Bier parla af Ku rope ? , ?? ,, ||reel d "|?-i La '.ts, oi/ue ', ; at ll a. ni. tor ha .ni.|i.s. lana, o snd ""uratan pei *. ?. City of sieve,.i,. '..rt-i* (or i .ha. Isnipno and I'.iip-it.i (lireii ucl oth" Mexican states sn V.ia Cnn, n.n?t he dire.le-l "|?r City "f \l' va elli. ' at 8 BB Ss m. tor \. ??'.aiTiand. per st-aine. froaa HalnTflB. " sl'XDAT A' ?' p m f"r i r?;t* Rms, via Llmsn, par i . Hitt-anla. ft un Ness ,>r cans. Nial's for China ami .l?p-i,, yrr s .. I'hl ia ifroiu Ban Franclaco) rios* here dailv up t,, I'd ruarv *?. ai ?T?J P rn Mail- for UM Hawaiian l-land? iser I. s. auttralla foin BBB Frmila.o. , I .*e h'i* dtllv up to February "?'? ll 0:*0 I* m Mall* for tbe Societsr Ulanda per ahip rtaUlee 'fro,,, Bbb graneltce), close hero t an to I'-h-iia-v "Ti. at il 10 p. ni. Mail* tor Atis'iolla N'css-Z'olind. Ilissatian. Fiji and Si? ll ,an Island*, pel * *? Monowai (fi*a!?i San Fran ?Uro ,',o-e bert dalis oo to Keb-.arv -25. St t, 10 ' d m. io* u? afil'i?l hs Mew-Teta] of t. a. Liiura ssitii BriUth mslli for Au-tnllt. Mill* f?r China eid 'jpai. via V'anes-jvST is|?t,.islly addreaacd ,.n|s- closa at thi* oth. c daly at 0 30 p. m. Maila for N '.sfoucdl ,nd bv lail 'o Halifax and thence tv steamer. flo-r ut this oOttm duly si 8 BO p. m. Milla for v auston by roil ls Boate-i, and thenc* by ?t* closa at thlt ort).'* dslly at 8:80 j. rn Malla for Cuba, by ti. lamps Ila., and lhere" iv *t*am'r (sailing Mon dav* I hui st iv* and rsaturdav* clo** at thia o1k* dally At "'80s rn Malia for Mexico, oserllnd. unless apaciajly utttreiiad f,.r dlaplteh by steamer. clo^> at this oftlca Tnna-Pay-llle n,alis ar* f,.*'saided t^ San Franciaee da I, and He schedule of .losing I- arnng?d ou thc pro. -nirption <.r th- ir unint' rrupled os. r and transit to Ssa l-'rit.,'l?co. Mail* frti-i. th* Kart B-rlvlat on tin,e at ?ii. Kau. >,? nn the dav of -ailinn ?f ?ta*mcrs are dlspatchai Hun. >? the -.un,- dnv I", "l.t. re.! mall dose, ?? ft p. m. previous dar. I .'I-, s,,|,i.'..,,,a tn v Mail* a,y oiwncd on the pier* of Bi. final'-* I'Mih i.?"l <;.t'iii. >'.'.,N?r. at the hour of ,'IosIuk of suppl..., ,-iitHrv Milla at Uta Po'torflce, whlct remain ?i,"? until wilbla tea minute* of thc hour ai asillir: tl st,aster. , tillN" Lits VAN I'OTT. 1',."tm*?t*r.,.*nce N'-wYoTi V Y Jan DT. 'BJBB, tU'ligioii-i totters. MKTROI'OI.ITAN MKKTIMW, DO .Mh^vr^Xsoaala/ m. sting, 12 to I : olfiht service, S a'cloc?. ?tv. 0* ?? -AIMAN. kider.