Newspaper Page Text
LITERARY NOTES. - IsUind Mights' r.ntei tiiliimciif will, lt is said, l.c tiie. lill* nf Mr. Babul Loni- s,.yen ..ei's lUttstratcd vtlunie af rtr*yn-r~ar ites-ies. -Tl,* Bencb of Falesa,*1 "The r.i.trl* tmtt9 nnd "Th" Isla "f Voice*" aro In clutl-d in thl* -roiBUM, The period of Mr. Sterenaon't r.civ Borei will, h l* tr, anet*eed "David r.alfour,- k tiie bIbbs sf 'he hui eentary and its scene is laid near _U_?Itfgh. _ Ther" ls mm ii thal I* historically raitt?bk as well tis picturesque lu the Tory ol the life et Thomas Hutchinson, the liovall-t i.overnnr .rf Massachusetts. Tiie evil- M,K,<1 I is h.els in Kltii: Oct-*rge*l uiif'-r.. BB t*> very lillie ?niino-e, flndlhg hi* loyalty not more pleasant limn it w.i* pp.1.tulle, llulehiuaon't career |. to be rieult with la it volume by Professor .1. K. Haaaoar, Um Uotrrapnet of sir Harry Vane. It ls said Ihat i'rofe--,r HOB?Mt BBt fund MOM iivullnblc un? published miiterial. .._ A iH.-iii hy ciinilolte 1,rome, which lins never yet boen published, i* to appear in one al the fatlheotnlng English magBUlaf, _ flail Ita M. Leonie Mlvart rontrlbntes to "Th* Ami rican Catholic Quarterly "torteW1 various .mer tt* reminiscences of Kngllsh Catholics, in tOtM liol.s on < Tn .lil til Nessitiiin's ?i ft of di'V humor be mys: "Wi'.-n in-ited i.y the Proteslanl r^mtra-rerslal l*t. well Um,'.vii as 'Till ulntlon t'rinnili"..' to dispute willi him belo;* the public nt Iliinilnghatn, he rubied lo th* etiect that he hod .muli ability la controversy and could not venture to neel s'? redoubted aa op ponent In thal li.dd, hat, he added, 'My friends un? kind enough to *jiv lhal I Inive som* shill on the violin, nnd If Bgreeable I shall 1*- happy la enter Into ii contest with yan .m thut Instrument.' "n another <><? cnslon. dining out at a friend's, one of flu* guests, a liol,le |i,ni who ss t" .Itnsy l.lni out With respect j to th.' upshot ,,f political c,ntcsts In the Rntnu'i Mates, BBhl: 'TITne-s are sndly dhUorhtsd J,i*t nosy In Univ, Dr. Newman.' sturlut; Into thc dunnice in sn apparently vuonnt inuinier, he raffled: 'Y*s, mid in China.' Mo one presrnt darell to suv ii worst more on Mast sub Jotf " _ Hf, (ieerge Parsons Lathrop, -arno ls now an ardent member of tat) Catholic Church, piesents In tin- i-anio number of "Til* Review" some rather Hue ipus illus lintlons of what lie declares to Liive been Tennyson's Inconsistency In Chrisllnnlty ! "Since Leliif* so largely Imbued with the l_tMBght, Hie feeMBg mid convlctl,sn of u Christin!:, he missed hceonilog wholly one, mid drifted toward the vnpuene*s of an eclectle and og. Iiostlc rcltfrion.'' In a paper on Tennyson In the r.citr "Century,"1 gr itt BBB hp the Kev. H. van Dyke, we lind this glimpse Of the poet "Ile held a volume of 'Maud' In bis liiind, nnil was talking about lt ns lie loved tn do: U'I ?ant to read this to you I.e. sus* I want v..ii to fe,.i what thu poem menus. It ls drama,11.-; it ls the story of it mun who has a n.erl ld nature, with a tout!) of Inherited Insanity, and very stilish. The poem ls to shn-.s what love does for him. The ?sar ls only BB episode. You must remember that ll ls not I myself speaking, lt ls this mun with the main of matine** in his Mood, and ihe memory of a great trouble nnd wrong that has put him ont with thc world.' ?? Then he lifted the Booh close to his eyes, and began la read : "1 hate the Uicadful hollow b"hind tho little wood.-' "It was the itiangeal reading in tlc world" ig? noring all ih* formal rules of eli.iuticn, peing straight to the heiirt of the matter, yet unconscious!]- treating his own form mill art, obedient le the Inevitable lass of nil true pt?tJon, wi ich always males th* sound lit the sense. The voice was raised a little higher than th? speaking lone: riistnlned at the BOOM level through line after line; almost monotonous In its measured chanting. It wu* not melodious or flexi? ble, lt was something helter, it was mush ul, us tho voice of th* ocean, cr us the sound of the wind In tho pinetree*. Is atailcol. In the impassioned lines lt rose mid swelled like Hie roar of Hm tempest through Um ts..,,,I*; in Hm patanga.I which expressed grief and law Hill n it broke and fd] suddenly, like the Bobbing of losy waves on the ls nih.'' Professor W. M. Sloane, of Princetua, lins finished bl* 1-ook on "Th.' French War and the Revolution," and lt will siren be published by fae Scribners as the Second volume of their American History series. "The Life and Letters cf Douglas Jerrold'? ls the title of a wurk now In course of preparation hv vMr. Walter Jerrold. He his Just s*nt to the printer thc Brst va linne of a prop oed1 ?? Bon-Mat seri's,-' ron talnlng witty .sayings of sydney Smith ond -sheridan. Other volumes sslli ofter ??mot.-," of "Pallal Lamb and Douglas Jerrold" and of ".samuel Foote and .Theodore Hook." Professor lloyesen, lt ls reported, has resumed editorial relations with -Tiie Cosmopolitan Magazltic." General Janies (inuit Wilson has succeeded, Mrs. Limb as .sdilor of ??The Mugu/.lli" of American His? tor*" and thal periodical has. while retolnlag ll* name, been merged, into one with ''Tile Nutlonal Mag.itlne." Th'- February number ts tho first to be puhllsJied under the conditions, anil lt shows careful editing and a keen aamjpa ot VSRat ls at once Interesting mid useful._ A (scotch clergyBaBB Basted Lawson Baa lately pub Uslirsl a book containing among other tljngs some Stories about the Carlyle*,, ?hg ?tv. William Con-O'i. parish tulnliter of CMtwaa from 184S to Ito", Was the ?' very stupid'' young mun who was wont to ??come and bore" the Sage of Chelsea In the old Ecclefechan days. Mr. I ,,r*,,n told Mr. Lawson that Carlyle offered la lenah 'Uni '?'erinan, and that be was in ihe habit of laying lils alblase*" pipes In u crsiBBy of ihe dyk* for arv needy paattiBf. It waa Jill's. Carlyle, however, thut -fas Mr. CSfSOU'8 special favorite. " Xnw, Wllllsm,'' she mir! to him when ba Wit* about to be licensed ut a, probationer, "don't be going about B**t__g for e. church, bat go out to the blghss'nrs and hedges, and Breath away like i* dome oil lire." The folks abe,it Ecclefechan. It seems, rntlier looked down on Carlyle, beean .e. In Ihelr opinion, lie kai married for money; and they even went tho uf slsotittng as the Mig* mid hi* Wife drove past, "I tay. Jean, if 1 had been gunn IO buy a man. 1 wad tine bocht a brawer man tann that." Mr. J. A. .-.ymonds's forthcoming book ls a "Study Of Walt Whitman." A "Lover of Hooks." writing to an F.ngll<h Journal. make* a vigorous alni much needed protest a;;ulr:st wJist he culls the ridiculous practice of allowing Come m.xleni litterateur to advertise his natue as "editor" upon every reprint of u .standard work offered to Bte public. Ile asks why theo modern editor*, should bc allowed to annoy In this imperti? nent fashion j. dasTc read ami beloved b*for> they were born, .ind he scorns tho "ridiculous, fussy, and arilflrtul ceremony of editing tilings which inly re? quire to be left alone to the care of any sensible printer." Here is a slap for Andrcsv Lung: "Of Mr. Lang-l'ditor-ln-Clilef Io the Iirltlsh Nutlon-lt la too lute to apeak, Ulai 'admirable and exhaustive index' now to be appended to hir Walter's novels will give one mon- sUinulu* to the pre-talent vies of Che arc aimless qaot?llou and ii pretence of familiarity willi our -Treat classics. And lt will re ti.alu n marvel to manv ot us whv the publlsiVr could Bot simply have reproduced, unaldisl, the ns yet unrivalled 'forty-eight volume' author's edition." i\rto publication!*. *V^i"Ktfrdi'ii.*p."?)i paid, foi''.'."??.,'uf itaniw. TUE HUMAN UAH.: Whj it Fulls Off: Kims <.r?s. and ihe K'tuedv. flv 1'rof. IIARLKY l'AKKKU. A. M. ?UNO a 00. 1.018 Arch Kt.. ??ails. i'U ?T'.vcr.v siit.iuu rr*a thie little Hirff " ttl?aissnn*. IU\ EACH.-Complote Longfellow, Brr" ? \n.r -it Whittle.. Lowell. .S.,Ne. Tenns *?'.:, 1. .niN lloitier Moor.-, Ilutler Virgil llorac*, Jav l',? and others. l'l'.Aii'. lu", ilth-av*. Jnatrntnon. For Young Ladiea?City. BUARDINu AND DA*. S>> Hm,,,, ri/* .URIA _ _. __. MO. oo? BTB-AVE. Rev. Dr. and Mrs iTIas. H. iARUXKR. PrinTpali. TUE"Mliti,t_ whkaKs" - .*?, Iiik>1 for .iel* and Klndercaitcn. Beeai? term b*iiiiis February 1. nf Ka?t 74th-st. %a KW-lu UK Btttl.N?^ i ul.I.l..ii:. l.'*'... NTTn 1*1 All Otacttea* branch**; das- or evening Call or ad BK*? C Ll Mi:.NT' C. i.ylM.s, .Motii.l Morris J,a ,k ll'l't VAN NORMAN' liRoT. (ftsaadtd IMT). k. E. nor. ol We*t Fn1-asc. and 71-tat. nsBtlgal. Ma,*. VAN NORMAN. Musical Instruction. Mi."I'ltUi-OLITAN COLL?UK OK ML'SIC. LKAOIM' -CBIC_- INS1TTUXK OK AMF.RICA. Iteallcn"* eepsrlinem for aon-!"*ld*Bt aludeifA*. liu-k Pres.; Albert Rosa Parsona. Vic* 1'rea.; ll. W*. Urscne, B*c'y and Trca*. _19 and 31 mm llth-at.. N*ss.York. IV VSKZ ACAOKMY OK ML'SIC. St Flfth-sve. Tl,rough dls.ov*rl*s of S*nor Gonzalo Nun*!. Director til music ls ss easily r*ad as the Key ot C. and harmony", eonn:*r_xiint. coiapoaltlon. gc, csu be mor* thoroughly IiMl-ind lu a few month* Utan try air.- oth*r methad Tn a lifetime. F.minent t*-.i,'ti?r-i In all hranche*. Call or s-rrlf.' fae ftisettlaf._ V. COXHKKVAJORY. I12~LAMT IHTII>(ir BE'l'WWW ITH-AVE. and IRVING PLACE. The BRSl' .SCHOOL for PIANO sod sll OTHER IN HrRl'MENTS. Volt*, Elocutloo In sll Branches, Lan. (?ages, l'siniing. OPEX DAY AN- _V_NIXQ, Tor rcort oo Hth-at. Xcro [Dnbluanona. T?HE I.NDKI'KNDJ-NT. MAGNIFICENT NUMBER. i nprecedeated array of sp., iii testrlba?>rs_ offering clo q,;, nt LT,ute-. U> the oVad Sta'csnian, JAMES <?? BLAINE, Our Qrcot Political Leader. A REVIEW OF HIS CAREER, Bp ?? lal trill'.- *? by "BeBihert of PretMeat Harrison's l uMle't,. TI.e Hon. JOHN W. I'iis'II;R, Scrcfirr of State. Tlc Hon, \\. ii. II. MILLER, Ataatner-OctM-raL "fat lion. JERE. M. m si;, s reta ry "f Agrieultare. The Ilea. NELSO"*. niM.i.i.v. Jr.. Mrabe* ul cen."' '-s trom Malue ?A WOMAN'S VIEW \M) REVIEW." ty our apeclal eonespssBatait, kati: FOOTE. Tt i* eenttdentl*, bolleved Umt no poper has cv.r pre. f.cnte.1 to Its lfiul")*, in r> sinj;'.,, Is,,,,^ _[,r> nain, s nf inch (i,-ttii."iieii"d ssrit i* aa art glvea ;ti",se. oiler great BttiaeUoUa io.- add.-d to our li-t Oils sveck. emhroctna inn., s of Xatlooal repatotJoa, whe dlseaat thenc* that only the BMeet and te*t scholars can hand;,'. as I illowa : I RI.LHilON' ANTI SCIENCE: the II a minne af the Tiro. THE PRETEXSIOXS OF IGNORANCE. WHAT BIOL. m.Y HAS TC SAY. THE AXTIQl'ITY OF MAN. V1EW8 OF SCIENTISTS ant. THEOLOQIAXS. a sPl.i IAL BTMrOBIVM HY "THE 1 M'l.IT'.N'D. I NT'S" BPEC1AL CONTRIBUTORS, VIZ.: Bl*?ap U. Vf. WARRE"!, I). D.I Plot. HORDE*! I*. BOWNE, THOMAS MEEUAX. TALBOT Vf. CHAM? BERS, D H.. LL. D.; A. ts. PACKARD; Prof. ? ;. FREDERICK WRIUHT, HEXRT C. M'cooK, 1). I). Also, mer* apt Mt! att ra ?".?:,* from able and popular -srlt. r*. Themes as foll,IWfli "NOVELTIES OF OFFICIAL EXPERIENCE IX WASHINGTON.* Bv Hon. L. M. CHtTTEXDEN, "Tesl-ter of the V S TiettlilJ under President Lin,oin. th,, teeeS- articlo of tho set 111 of six, I'V the ajBBM dla?BgOllbed linter. "CHI'ISTS STOUT A FIRE." By our dlatlncnlshed and valu*d contributor. REV. THEODORE L. CUTLER, D. D. LESSON FROM Tin: som; OF DEBORAH, HY THE LATE BISHOP PHILLIES BROOKS, D. D.. ONE OF THK NATION'S UREATI st FREaCHERS. THE STORY OF A CHOICE DI LIFE, RY thi: VENERABLE ARCHDEACON FARRAR. P. P., OP WE81MIX8TER A BRET, LONDON, RXOLAND. ?A TK.MI'EHANCE REVIVAL': Thc work donn bv Mr. T. E, Murphy, son cf l'rancls Murphy. Dy Rev. A*her Anderson. "THE BATTLE OF THE HOOKS IN CHINA." Bv Rev. Henry t). Porter, Missionary nf tho Ameii. can floalj ri* "TIi*E DONATION PARTY AT HUSTLERS' CXY.V." A ?rilling story. By Kat.? W. Hamilton. "ONLY JIM.'" Another br.lllant and toochlug btory, by LUlio Curr-ll ?BB?M/a u HANS." Another good stcry. l,y Marv Vi Went?I* "'? ORIGD-TAL POEMS. By Maurlee Thompson, William II. Hayne, Chnrle.s Lotln Hildreth, Marv Clark Hnotlagtea, flinton SJcoUard. l'ino Arte, by mu I'm;* Cones-^admt. SPECIAL DEPARTMEXTSl P.eiipious fateQigeaee, Rellgioat Notes, Baridty Behool, Biblical Ilesearch, MiaIstci?1 Reglater, Rook Reviews, Ulerary Rotes, Hook* af u.e Week, Se?tal and College, Science. Mosts, pebbles, personal*, Kesri i,f th" Wes, financial, latarsacs, l'lfty Yean of thc Mutual Life In salaam Couipany. EDITORIALS, Aii FOLLOWS! JAMES ti. BLAINE. anni:xatiox op hawaii. REPLY OP PRCDI-I'TIALbbVMMITTEE. STORIES ABOUT PHILLIPS BROOMS* TESTIMONIALS TO HR, BLAINE, EDITORIAL HOI?a, FARM AND OARDEX. ltriL'at:?n In Xew-MtXlCO, Py MMES knapp REEVE FARM IMPBOVEMEXTS. Bf DK. BEOROE Q. OEOYT, TERMS OF SVB8CB?I-TXOlt, PAYABLE IN ADVAXCE One', | Ts-ui Years ..'...... SS.00 Four Months.-...SI.00 I Three V*ara..... "?ri-' s\ Mooth!.SI.50 I Four Tear*. S8.50 Oat Veal.M.wi I Msc "Tear*.?iu.,.t ; In Clubs at Five or More, $2.00 each. ?MOLE corns, jo . Meiari. Bairitv,on Low i Co. ar* our agents In London io NBStfa ?ubs,.rliitioui and adel Wiall ala, ADVERTISING BATES made kn?svu ujioa application. ADDRESS THE INDEPENDENT, NEW-YORK, BOX 8,787. For Both Se*.ea-City. TUE BERLITZ SCHOOL UV LAXUUAOEB, Madison Squire (c*r. 2MB*at. uni ll'ivar). lira' I.-. In the principal Anuri, an ana l..v i-'.in c'.tic*. Mon frm begin* nosy;_ S~'~Hn7'. iTTa.M) -AJidrrtw J. OrshSro'l S Iv -'.I. 714 llr.,7 wiy, glvis u.oio,.,.. tt?SniCtioa lu -I,,, ilni.d sud tsp" ssrltllis' in least pBBtlBia t1n,?i pupils, get )K>*Uoli _ Mian ta competent; clusses dally except buturday; avtuiug natal? "lu???tn*' lind lri(l*y. < :r, ti.-a. Ii For Young Ladieo?Countrv HADFORP AC ADI.MY. j Pur the higher education of Tounii women. Apply tc Mi-* IDA i" AI.I.I'.N. Bradford, 'fa.**. _ LIVINGSTON PARK ki Ml NARY, IU, hester. N. T llonie Chareh School for the car*,, insnaxem'nt and culiur" of sinmi, ladle*. 3'ith war te-slna Sept, io, ISB1. Witts f?r illustrated eliealsr. Mr*. C. M. Curtla, PrlBCll_L THE CAMBRIOOE (Mass s, HOOL l-"P. vim Nt) LADlIiS?Adssntarea ot Most a Quiet ot Cambridge. Co_fi.rts of llonitt. ? hn.all numbsrs,, Mr. ARTIIVK OILMAN ia tho Director. Bore and Yoting .Men?Country. A BOARDING Bl HOOL for 1". bejs. jilaoaaqljfcT situated on tho l-anks of tho BBrewsbaiy Riser, Bsd !ii.,,K, N. j. u winthrop BTARR, A. M.. Principal. BOUDENIOW.N (N. J i"MILITARY INSTITUT?. "" Rl'.V. T. H. LANDON, I'RIXCIPAL. CAPT T. D. LAXDOX, COMMANDANT. jr* a,NAAlf ACADEMY.'i ni,d',,, "Tann.?Hn-ne for als V' t?? ii bags, Three Master*. Collen* o* buslnes* Bath "-..rd (wy* ii*)ei*it}-. 1'or parUeala**a, adu?a>-K tn* iif..-tu-. E* L.M WOOD" SCHOOL FOR BOTBJ at Milford, Conn. a? p?r-ni? -rho are .iiifo-t'iQHt.- li, the .naiucrri"nt al th-lr *t.iis still do arel! to j-ioflt. hr th" advantH'*- ofTer'4 bv this Behool i the a.huol 1* In se-slon d'irinc the entir* r*ar PRANK M. HOWE. Supt. F" S KEKHuLI) INbTli'Ul'K, Wrethtli, M. J.; lath -rsaT ,?.,'i',' preparation a ej.. s;*;iy, buslura-i, hl(th aehool mel rlasslml i our.**._ V I.WTON (H. I) Inst tot*. SOO rt alev. Best. School ll for Roy*. Rest sanitary sppoltitmente. st.\im heat BIBIjahBtS. siteani-beatcd HMrlmrnlng tank. J. Wllsuii, A M. For Both S.:xe?-Courjtrv. f-t ASTMAN HLSIN1'.-)S OOLL1 UK, poiighksnisto. .V.Y. !*Opon sll the year. Thotearh ln*iiucti?n in DooKke'pint. H_ikuiR. t'oniin. nia! Lass, pei.n.aii-hip. l.,.n*sp.,iiit.-ii,.). Anihmetle, fcc. ; Te!?cr*priy, sterio,'i*|.hy, TypewrlUng.Ae. H'lslncs- mun s'lppllea WlUI eompctenl as*|.taiit- on ahort notice'. No char,-* for hltuailcns JurnieheL f-end for cat'l'go. M Misrellancoua. IV II AN IC AL DRAWIXO. Mil HANI, S MININ.J, Pllosi'iciTN'o. ARITHMETIC, ETC., he ..untied at hum* ??!?.,ul Io's ?f tit,,* from work. Io Ix'tlti. Students ne.;J OBlv iSlioss hoss- t,, 1*0.1 and svrlte. Write for PRF.E Clnulsr, giving ali parin alar* ts The Corre-ponil-n-o Behool i f Merhaatc* ot Tba Cor >l?.i,.l< n-e S.i,ool of Min.*. Scranton. Pa. Dancing Academies. Wiltt and all fashlnnat.l" dances teucht private ?nd da se Ie*?ons; *rti?tic, fancy and -tat,'* dancing ItiiiKiii vnus Bit)derale; , ircular*. Kinckert-uckcr Con s,,rsaUtry, *4 West ilia-st ?X cartier.". A,.i.M ) io si I'l'l.Y tutor*, pro*e**or*, facher*. govtri:**aea, etc.. In sll department,, of Itsrning. cir* of g,.oU sihool* r*, on,n.e.idea to u.r*nu. Milli IM COY RI ERE Hook Building. 150 Wfth-aTC.. cor. '.")th-?t. AMERICAN AND FOREIOX TEACHERS' A'il.N'CY BB Bona* Prof*s?oi?. T.-achers. Tut*<r. OaitllltSBSI Ac. Vu Collei***. S, hools and Pamlll**. Aunlr to MIvVS. M. J. YOI NO-I'LT.ioN. -3 Inloi, Sonar*. 15 l.nCl TION' and PHYSICAL Cl'LTL'RK?Claas "aiui .* private laatractten. M;s. VAI'.iT.V, Hota-I Rrosik h?l_J. 101 West alth.-t.. Terh City._ T'lir I ls ic iciii.'rs' Ageni:,'?"--X*?. York-TTiost")!. Chlcag,, JM% Anj-les. Re.; 3...,hi |?>,|tjon* Hind. ll. 1' (TtocKr.R. N. r. Manager. 70 fiUt*?\Te. ,i3tii-*i) ADV_Rnsr.M_N'lS AND Sl'USCRIPITONS FOR THU XL.V.VOIlK llliniNK WILL nP. RL CL1VED AT TUP I'iTOW.V liKKK R. No. 1 tl] Bl lad way, 2d door nerti) ot Thlrty-flrat-at.; ano ADVER? TISEMENTS at cha follosT'iig Branch Offlr*. _>si 8th ava ; a. a. ror. OM-et: IS- Oth -a ve.: 1S7 Potirth-sv*., corner PourteenUi-st.; TOO Thlrd-ave.. corner Porty-seven? ? at-i "..oca Thlrd-ave , near blity-ttnut.; 1.708 FlrstHiva. I REAL ESTA IK. BUSINESS AT THE EXCHANGES. Ia Bddltioa ta lha asia bs- R. Y. nsroeti yeateidsy of Um llagB .-a..ti. ? -Mt", boorga H. Resd ealereS, ai tht Liberty sir-? l.v i._?_-, No, 17 HfUi-aTe., * foar-atorj i,r,, dtrclUag ,ii a lat ?""?J2*V The proi-rrty bel uga t, thc ? *i Hawley tststa, Bad la -tsattwhal ssl of i'i .ni aol ii..s.;,_' Us-ii rented lol want that. Tht btddln I i.,., ii, . -,,,?,, ap : .-'."..WU. L. ???? lowe* aa* la At No. Ul Broadway th.- Maljoril) of Ult aal*a -J <?? adjourned. pin i. M*-y>-i ofl.'-ed N . -,ji ti*?i i.._..:- ? i ., i ,. -inti hu. k ie,'!-?? "li i> full ?? ?: ll brouglll --'.."., ina, ).. Usborne .sn.iti:. llit.,11 I.. ls. I., ? .lt -, al .!? i I | ?. ; ,?,;. a pl '. li* .1 0 oil I <<? - nu,ni: u-aiiu-tuitli-eL, I..-', ol tllUl-a.e., t i -..?, ,000 t? IBS ?ilali.tlll. A- I,er Weinstein has bought Sn. VA Weal 'i'u,'iti,,h--t . I'On f..-i weat ,,i HfU.-at*., BOHO -'<?"? a I?,it--t?,.s and Ul- h., ul hl-ll-M - |, I I' ttl --I,Hie lits,|,III*. ..'.v...t. I., Utotik, foi -.,?, <??,. 'ii.i* pieper*! i* rcateo io Mar I, 1-,'J.S. Ut f.) ,,"., .1 J ? al. RI CORDI n MORTtT tC.ES. Aecuml, Vito, sud alfa, lo Mils I" P.liner, tn,-i.e. Ii s UJUl-sl, t, ..; pi, a.aiil-ase, 1 yeal t^.OOO P.,,i,i..., -,.reno l?, stn,- u. Anus N Ho ;....,,,et. e . IV, 1,4-1 i-i. , ii ol ITVth-al, a s,ar., 1 ii,,:'.',., ? B,. Boland, ? . ila., i.i i . mil annlie.. Ul IsTiil'* i <e nts buslnii< ln-i:l,il,.ai. - .ne i ."?'..:h- -t and DUiase, 1 psi .- fcOOO Rn.stn, Abraham, and ainUt r, t" Mlrhoel I.i,' lind nclier. No. al ?.u.iiii.i ?! i ?*'. 1 sar 5.300 Bil n.i libel, leas, aii.1 an.,Hi,i. lo b")'l.,1 1' Kunmsn, ?t s -lUi.ivt, a td int-*'. -' -noaUia t.ixio Bell 'Utuls Keno il. lu Louis lt lulu r. irii.t-e,'. lil, and alioth a No. .' We?l i'.,',.--'.. o years, 2 na,ne,.-,., ........... .0,06*0 M. \. ullin. Ito le rt si .mu anoUi*) Un I . lUiiia:,'! li Mi ii. No. .'.i.i ll,.'ivii -t I year. 0.000 Ciiiniiiiiis, .|?|,n ii _ .hun ?* >l ' i-.'is, ss * Blood way, n ni II ,u*t.a,.., liistoltncnu S30,( n Cohen luast', to Mas tfoetx and aOtith.'r, ss . N',,r folk-at, ii ol Ills Inf I a, .' Ill rea -.. 10,1 00 Cochran, l-a... . ty um Title ou.ira?t,*e and Trust i i?nipati'.?, n * ifrli-.f. e ef M.',-!,... A suns 10,000 Ci.issiiian. i.r ?? naaf VV, to L .His.i NVt-hweglet, ll - Tsiii-.t. .? i,i ii,tn.ase. a mortsas*a .. 4 <??i Same tu asm*, n ? TtlB-st, e tat lOth-ave, S y.-ari 5.000 luniiollr, Ilaana* B, and all,,the,, tl !.-'?- t, V. i, Burt, ii * ) i','ii *'. ts al 1 in,-at, . 1 v in 7 i00 Das. 'Hu,ma* I. Jr, t<, lleurge 1'*>t. ?? -1- r. li ? ?.'li? st, it ,,( Thai, . '. s.i,,. IS 100 Desrl, Phillp, and wo?or, t? Nelda- Rv lii'.-r-.t. . 4 'Blih-il, ?? of nth-use. r, -rear* ? ?- '?<?<> Duffy. Junee, t., Ileitiia Voiu. nil,.', Itt-Sve, ? ss . um. i at I ft}*! ', l jreai .. .... a ?" ? Fox, Benjamiii, lo Katha rim i>l*b*lliou*e, n - Mth-at, st el DUi-ave, 2 resr* 7,000 Feyh, AdrlsB, ami Will te !'?? i isl R.s.v *,>,i,'s laatlt-ltlon, So J ? I William-*!, 1 real I.' ' i.r. I.. I'.,,-i. ti, Iii uh l<. rn.-i mid .in,.ti,' i. a . s, -li? st, v af l?t-Bva, .'< sens . .. ?'. si o ,.,it, mun. Jacob and another, ta A- le' Wein? stein Ne* tl and til II.'dfoitl-?l. 1 s-tir 7.--00 llatwr, I.."!-.I. to s;,: j HM I, ?'.-. No SS Thomp. -n-?t. t y?r. . MOO llo.loul.. ' K, T manuel, t. C.teilv ll I,.c.. ll ? llank-t, N,, .*,, Instalment* ?. 7 ?'. , llii,i..,,,i, Jami* to ll.iiis Dryer, u ? :n.ih-*t, ? "' -Uh.av. 3 fears.'.... . b\000 .lu,oh. tu Mo-e* Poll/, n . oner llllu ?? a, 1 Wo 4*,-t T-. 1 s-.ii . IS OOO .li.:,- m. I aaa i la l.v . s ll )? rim, ?*? ? M-tvi . . ,.f tts.--; :i s er- . . 10.000 Kenn.-!,, Minc, io I :.?'. tl k Bo -. - * lIOtTttian-sl i, ..f road l*_dliiu frotn Mu*-*!, ? to w.-t. Pst na '...,:... . .. I '- > K.tstm t?, _,, p,. ii'i.n.l,. All?SO, ll - B2d-*t, ts- at ,t',i;i,i,il.,i--as. ?; s-ai-. I lienn, t Rsrtl V'S. I', t.. .1 Wilton, No 28 Down lug-*! l s .ni-. 1 000 Lednrei Jacob ?, J .inouei f.. I'ustsl T la" len e. Avenue A. s r. ,,,-iier P**tl.-st, I fi i '?'" ? Levin* r,|w.rfd, tM Laira Wtxermaun, ?Bsrr?in, rvlne riw.jd to Laira Wsa*ermann, toot ran. orchard-it, lot'I.OW, mop ut Ja-nei : 2 s'e.ns. Le.-, Walter -I nnd another, 10 lt ?haul Irvin, trustee, <? * Balubrldgc-ave, n ot Roaa Place, a 17 , no -1,000 If 00J Sain- to Will.-bb- Weston, t.ii-t- ?. r a Ital,, bridge ,.? n nf Ro-I lise, 2 renr COC-O Ma lonald, llaiiold II, Lu WI liam M Purdy and Mot?er, executer*, * - .V'th-.t. ,? of Madlten .is,', Il yu:* Moore, Alexander ind arlfe. to Phebe A Ho" man * * '.l*t--f st ,.' -th ac II s.?r. . 21.000 Mr A Uley, Ila bel lo I'.' a!."'i M Hoyt, n .- load .? tc rf '.'ol intel* IV* - sa al. IS 000 McDonald M I a I. lo Henry Imoa-n, n * Sith. al. sv of iW-ave, .". s, ar 12.000 Roblnsol), ,l,,lsn s. Isl )'. ' p.',, r. - BtU-ekt, SS Of AlllSterd.'Ul.-JS e. 2 iel'- A 40'? sr, ih PranB I. and wife, to Kran ?- M .1 n I 1, n * WJth-St, e nf ' U.Ue '? :- , li ? 21 1 , Sssan Joseph aijd ss;:-, to the 1 n I .rani I I trial k..MM*- Bank, n - of iSthvst, ? ,,r nth. av, I year ... 18.000 Keely, I'.u'genla *, lo K lin > .'-j.:'i ,, othei, V, H - , ,, 1. ? 1 sa .1 , ?, ii,. ?,. thee* .... 72.000 KetU-r La-tis..-. |.. .ti iu. Well j:,,I BBOtber, Xn 322 I sst it-' t. :, year* 12 '? "' Steffen. S' 11 -? 1 '., .ian..'- Millett and inolb.r, Sa B03 lf,? ? , ,? :, r. ..?- I'J OO ' Kehnuev 1 rsi 1 it if, to \n ? Iii A Vu- lt, ?v s park m . - ,.' ,,i:i|,.-' I y.eit 7.C*t*' ,. il , ? , li .- Well sod an,uer. Xo Ali I a.! .'.!-'.-t .'. s ..- ... . 12 SOO Strauss, m , ,... t . 1 ," 11.1. Br. bi <?,. - . I20tll-*t, ? ,.| I'.-. ?? ? '. f'tr* Thoma. ..n\i.. 1. ,? .... ?'. , Ington Lila 1 . ? e< , 1 a 4i*Ui-?t, ts nf 1-t iv*. 4 year*.. lOO.t 0 To'id. .In,I* ,n s t., a P l't and another, Ma ll***. ,,sv 1, ,. ron *i 701 st l't. lOOtXl Tai I - Sarah ll. !.?'?' I- ,-?' 1 .' ?saslii^.-.. Hank. Madl*oa-BVe, :, sv . ,,:ti r ..f :,'" -t. 1 s.... ? Tohn!*, c.,., lotle to 'I'M,'.' Brsdr, Na 130 Ev I lilith-*.. 2 soi- . d.OOO W |,ei 1. . . . , ; . ... tn l|, 1,rv W H 1. 1 . ntre 1 ? Vt ,-.. .-? n ,..??, - of I md ? f 1.u ., t ".-iel. n. 1 year., .... 15.000 W.?.!,-??? 11 A-?!.. r. t/. I' J Midd ? 1>l sre. * of .Ml I ? , Mni in N holaofi * * '.'?? --. ? >.f ' I ave Ba ? ,. ? -. :i year* *"- 000 Sar t ? l.t.. ,... f . , s ?,,i -| ,.t , ,|_ ,,? .,-, , , ,.;:,.-', u of I t.?s-. I tal ', 00 Same tn ? p Pratue, *>'*- ll sod 13 B Of. ri ? I year *:0 r-cio Wilt ki ns 1 iv,, 1. ,., ? 1: Klngil-ad, n 1 itt' ? it, .. ff Avenue, a 1 V. 11 10.000 Winters, Rot* I ( lo W A Whorl, IS, n ? tftSth -t. s or 11'1,-u- ? . 1 re* - . 1.000 \v, non wm, un to Title i.uaraBl*-* sud Trust c. n s vsTi.-t. sv .,f Sthase, .) rears . t ~-<u Wllllsma, KU >,. to U? *.*v I uillne. A'.l'.bon-as. . -4 ss rormr of ITOth-st, 1 ?? i* 1.51 Woodi-atT, Anthony J. and s f, lo ly\> i K-sa|? ton, ti I UHU-et, sv ,,f 71'jas.,. H .. . REAL l>Ts i I TRA Nf-FERN 30thai n.i 1.11 i . ?. Ila ??,. t Pu Hips aa I sa. u, ??,.". 1 ii gil sf rs ATI -t, Sn * I a I iH- Ui iAl \\.-'., linn.. ? n fiushee t . M -I- li limnni 1 C0.000 Oh Iwlhou*", Katharine, tu Beujaralfl I ?x Sta t. . W--1 H4lh-*1 I- ?'*'0 ".'?ti, -t No 101 sud psil ?.f ro 1 n'i Henry ImiiH 1. an) "It- lo .'I;-ha.-l K M. li ai . 1 ld <"'0 !5lh*l - - 100 fl ''? ot HUi-aV* V.'il\'..-> :?; Jol.n II M?<.?,?', 11 t., Marv '' si., phord .. . . ll ' ? Non 1 el Ui I1 1) ^ B*t Mi.'Uii. ? ,. |?.| Weln.t* u 00,003 ;,... 1;,,, tu 1"" M. il... n MebolauB 1 ll, nVy Di i '<? Jsm*a ll irria*? ll 7"0 An,-i"i'i.<m-a . ? - -? ? j 11 n ol BOth-at, 'iox loo a I..a p. . .., t i 1. ?? t., .i xi :i is,ii .-,,,,r -t n - .1" , ft st ..f KO-avc, ..i's'.,,'. lt?ch. 1 1 l?hei f.'l ai. ?' 1- Ui Meti ._*.llua ?j ri Boa 1 ' N'eV.Tor* nott)-*! - s HO fl - ol lot ive, 2??xl00; Heart \ . niki v sn 1 ?!?? t" Wm s l".i 11 !i,7",0 - 'J C. (I ? ,,f ',1'i'tl t. I7\ll?l sv ; 1. :? n lt in , da ui P.i',1 a- I.', .. 18,000 it -t. No i".j u -? , 1 .is. , 11 Hayes to Mers ll A Ila ? . I al. -?',"-? ifni -t. 11 - lOO ll '?? "I ' ? us v. 12*.* 102.2; Louisa Rchwi'tlei U. i.r.leal W f'r?-. man . 85,000 S3d , No. 133 r...-t I.,.sn-, nd Wan 1 ,1 al al. ? ? a Martha W Mils*'Il ;i SOO I" .1 e. n . torin-; Pulu.n-st, 21H77.I; Jolla I. 1 ,,-t, r tu la M Knot, '..:. 23 1*4 part I I M same property; Henry A C'oator and s?if,, ,?, sa, ? pori .... .... 1 ont proprrtr; ctaarl.-a c Ju.k*..i,, eiocutor, to aame, Ann oatt, . 1,801 Same iir,,|-tts , 11 ,. Joana le E M ll nos, pji 0,000 I'ari. . 8,l?'0 sun,,, j ri |i 1". C ' Jsckaon lo a 11 . n-'il 1 Bart 1 -ian,,' property; ll T Tallmsds** u, *?*-...-. ral D.OOO |?rt. . a.Ol) ) Cbun-h-al No los. 1 ' 11 Mstthes tod srlSi t., I. A Seas- '4 part 14,:olio 1 jt' 1 -1 - - 0.1,', ft ? . f 8t* an . ti 11103.8; w il Mallard rt al u. I'lillip **a-Bta*i 7ii cot 28th-*i ti ? 1-0 ff w "' HUi-aic, SOxttd.b; Stllna I alk t-. Wllllsm Wfleon 17 500 s.;ti, -t ,, . :(_'<! rt " ,,f l-'-a'.'. ?iSlOO.B . .In",.b K?'Hi"i IB I'.'sa ..n.t. . 2,'.,".U'J BOth-t. 11 - MU ft ?? of 1 -t-..\ S.lslOO.SS; |,,-|.. s,'/k?ti, an1'l to charl.- a?!i l'...0i)'i lltSth-Ht, ? -. 1*1 I' " "' 'ii"v-' .'i.e.ilOU.10; Henry Baraeh t,, Kati* ,.j,i... .12.873 120that, No- IT ami IHI I i-f . < -marin* Uren. nu, and l,n*l,i,nl te Michael MtS'lsa . ?."! .'.OO 10;(<l--t t, -. 187.0 ft " "f ' ,?],,,,,1,,i--'ivc. te-.ix 100 il Vienna D ItlBo aii'l hii<l.jiid (,. Rachel M. Aul.-v ... 24,000 .'sri, si .. . -J,,: f> ss nt lllth-as,', 1_*i't',l. Nb bola* P., nliiu,lt tn Phillp Deael and \s ir- 7,000 4tHh-at No, 'AA WeHl 1*000] ""BlidBBIBii 1 lo p. ll Rillington . vi non San.- property; ll R limn I-' ll Miursth 2I.O0-) A\n,y.' li, 11 a , ?'i,, r ol sitii-t, 7A'8s78 I lludolph H*i?i. r nnd,- io faeorar* fchret . 3:1,.',,,) 'Jil ave 4 , *. tm.O lt II c et tl'lhst, 'JI.SxII'i M.-s.a- Hellman and tsTf* to Km 1..-I1 ... si 23.&O0 ICth-st, s s. 100 fi .? nf 2d-lye "j."., loo..",: Kraal Haiugen .1 wife to John lafh 2I,5*.0 77th-*t. a ., lim n ss af 2dav*. l'".',*0; ... .1 ??? Wolf mid sslf I, IC iiiiiin J schilf. 10,WK) Ir.Tst. li .n 1 P i'll,Mist ?,,., tl* 11 Mf.i.l 1 ; 1 : ink Alello tn I'- li,, T,>*,, m ,1 .. o.-, rnm lOrth-st. No. 127 W -? : Na,,,lin 1 Ma-'i.. 1 t.t Sophie :,,,,! Ja oh slac-r .... 20.300 mill *t * * 323 i> ss .,f Hth-Bve, "'.? 1 mi 11 le ' !, IL *- bl ''I.a* Tl-H,.. 8 500 Instil -t n *. 200 fl .? ol tlthase. : Wm A Wli..rk i",l stir.- lo ll,.).- rt C Winter* ." not, 1',ll..ase. .? :,i, I f ,, ,,f I (IOU,.si 11\ 1. I'Jiii Dally elle to Harli lt Hollins Rail,.. .d-;ts. ?. * .. '.". 7 tt n et I'.-'I, .t j.-.s-i Moise lin-inimn ant sslf.- U, M?\ R Ku,,lt ls 3.700 I,:,',,.! ii . B18.0 fi s, ,,| Rrook-avs, IS.OtlOO; i ,i" mi nu-tav.-son and>*tlft) to chas lieilm-r uti I ano'li.-r .... i, ooo Mli-ate, - .. rortier ,,i,st _,.-,.-,*],?.; \it. lilu.a s Marka.v.-iml*h io Aachcr W.-lnateln 100,000 As nile s. * c, corner nf KAlh-st. 'j.'iv;,',. vistas i I?wren** to .la.-oi. Led.per and inAtker .'tn 700 1st.*,... N... -.ri anti :>7A John X a urlattidd ind st :[,? t.. s. I. r Wi iBatela tn Inn :.7th-.t. 4 s. Pa.' lt tl of I-f.ase 1.1 4V71 .J i inri.-4 p st.a,., and wife io A*rh.*r Weinstein ;. ot, i ? Ttn...,. ? ., p.'.-, rt ? ,,f '.-.| a-..., '.,-,xm, Huns I Al,, ls and st.f., t,. I|.,in*n J s. hlff . 10.100 Lexlntton-ave, s. . |,,?i ft tx mt, 20x80 s ii ,i, I... iv m .Mm norman ?.,, .,,?, 113th *t, No 20 I a*t ? -t- ph*a O'll ii- t . 'I lion a* A,lam* . |_> fsf) , Ililli-st, No 22 last .nine |,, Jan. A Park 24 t* < ll..Hist So* 20 and 22 lat: Msarirc alu U. Stephen fPllsre t*i,tt(si tJersrd-sv* n e roruer Charil place t.'...".\i i* ,, R M Brady t. p. ti Oreen*. 17000 I88d-*| 4 4 _\,n jt ,. Triniirise ixv]n:). t burles ||,,h| and sslf.- t,. liam Benatla I .'.no ( r.-'oil-.ISe, tv . -?.| f, W 0f \V.||.-|.v . 30x100; I ,l..:,.,t sv Pai'-ell* anti mr.. ia Carolin,, j ..?,.,?.?, . . -n '"?'"'i-'- No Bin i ati,arin- f. Kern,, t.*., ta 1 il" ard a Ridley Walker**!, \? m ,?.??,,,., s ,\,rl,,r aseear'rik.' ? ?? n, I-1, Xarloe .... w..n.t.-r.-t No ti kIbhmi siniiilh-:,',, and stir,.' Ul Mitti,, tr li |t?..,, Wa.|,ini'i,,i,..t. No -_-,..t |?_..i: p Hole, e.j,. tu -*WU Mo-B-a '. Rams-ell , ,':".ki",' 1*1?. bl4* Andretr Ran,- aril ?Vue io I d"*rl Mi-h-lsnii ... 0.. 104 tl.-. I. n -. 100 fr tv ?f 'J ibJjs'lOO.lOi Sam N I ,...,?,d ?t,.,^er t., Horn I'ahaUkl ' ? "Vs 0lr_Sr_**- I1.'1 ""?'-? "hip '?ni'" l?"U.v, 25-*?. '" NMllia... V.'l etsi Vi VAwttX Lesme '.. ' ' -** -.-, , -"'Ku-f a^1,,1an,,,:.:t"-, ?**.' " '" "' ***** ' Brat4*ray st ?, .ll ic ft ? af li?,L.t.,., -.t .-,i? .iii ??! ?*et''lar; Jam** Md'rec ry and isife to John I) i no,mm. -..___, 2d av, No 03; Aunm Ruff and wifa to lanae 'JU,UIK' C jonnson . wn g_____ l_*t Uouaton-it, Not Sdi sod Sdi';'PiuViU'_o'W- ' on nt ki 00.30 ' 23,.",00 .uf.i'i and svife t,, Maa*?e Ba-mateia.? Rink-st. \o :,.-,; Pjnlly l i.Her to "?MU? "I ll,.i:..i.k ..... .......... -,-r N'o _??. . s;,,., |i M pom to 1.,,'ils I 11 . ?" ? ' Ride-el . ? s. ll I..1 lt n r cl UH .'i-toii-st. -1* li n .p. ,,i. Ram ti and wire '?" Isaac itin-fovrt. to ina' .1 ?t, V" iii . Mb dael I ., '" al t" . am lt-,H.,, and inotbei ? , ? St ' ? v lil : Mis .U i?l "lt' to ' - ii Cohen . . . '???' SH...i . . ;<>s ,i , ol tveiiin B. I0.0\?..0: Sam, el is, In di mis If* io l has Wei* i .' - "I H' ''I-' '?"-?. ,-""*. ,ra I*.,?, [il td Michael las- and ni otl ?! . ,. ,,. ,. . 14th -i - * 2*0 n * of lv.1. \. s-woaa, I?illa ss . ,,? , nerutnr, to ll 'Ms II s-ch'il a Pi.t'u'.ii '?.':"*,,. ":t:t Joseph wilaun and s-lfi '? ii )? i. un t ".,,,, 14th.M - . I.". ,'. f.if '?",?<?? ". ? '?'?* I"?' A. I r-' S K?ru -I a IO : " > M ' OOO OOO .100 ooo 100 ooo 750 sa ooo 16.850 22.000 lin ooo Unction Gfilco of Real --state._ li EH. lt. HP. \l>. Aaelleaeer, WILL .-P.LI. AT \l i I 1' N At the -rew.Vork Real Estate Balearooa*, Sa, lil Bi , I,':,', ll 12 "', I " I-. I1"""- "" WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15,1893, UV "Kl,! lt -' I'll Ml ' Ol HT IN PARTITION, NO. 212 BROADWAY, N. I., i UHXER I I t/TOX.ST. Blx-ftory bHch atora ind oates baUdlag, coloring plot ? ii ij'.is7; ?-?. Pilli... I RI (it;LES, E**.., Pefei'ee. Measrs, A. V k W. M\*.. Attorneys, Sd v.,,n-t. Map* and inforanatlon s< ta pi -? Bl l*a?J ot told preta. |.?. at th Auction ? : ?- OBI '. N" 0 I'""' "y ,;< :v;t (To Itt tor iinsiiuoa pnrpootB li,,. lit Itrna il ll ll.1. "*)o>s. M, I .mil ? Morrl* "strci-f. HIT ll I'? lll boll, ot ih.'X' Illlll.lillJS TO LIT *. taree ertlar lor s, n,*s or -.tornsc. kht; p.m'ii. ki.p.V-i ."i> i** each iii'tr.iii' Pl.ll lilli I.II.HT- DIN i.n.l Ml.MT. \1) I \TU \ I ll tl(?.l>. Apply ni ellhei le -PPM ER ll.Hitit I VBIX-S i.. t'. v i'i 11 PIN,, f ?'. I'M , >,,. I) reen * ind W. 12th ?'? . '" Iel 20 i ?> -,| feel po ii s win, IXL "> ih . in tn -' (Tiltj pro-mtT* -for Sale. Iv.*, ?I to one t.nant 10 no'VN ; , ,". S I.' 11-1'' Xl. I' ,.*"l to elie t....- ,., -; ? I III l.s Ml \. U III I INO, "? Ms-kn ,!,.-'. Real Cot.uc UJantco. ty A NUT, a pisi at rn ? l. 200x150 ?r "too-rZSO, bela* 'nth. et. A;,|,:s , . .1 \'ll.s L 1.IBRT I BOX, :., , i i. si;>T. (Tonntrti Propcrtn fox Sale and Clo Crt. TO ITiT. NEW HOTEL WASHINGTON, D. C. Costs i, nf 50 I room, I iut_rr. , .- , ' ?? ' ' . ele. trim iud ., |,t,... : . " ,'? r ?',d le if, rt ???? , ? ? ? , . Bid i kl. 1H5 f**l ' . ?? altin \. \ li it of . ?. out lindi ' len i r . : i sui i rou ,:? ,1 I.-, j a rd itr*-ts ... . ? renty '???? I iv bl el. t: ll ' ? ' ' as. ,.liT-' In lo'.itloti. a - tr snd ? I ippolnt ? . ? .'-,.-, M| desirable I ter. In tb , ? . i .- ir Losy ? ? . in fr th r-: ? Au'i*r.*.s lin* .'17. \\ n.IiinKio,, Loon A Trust ? ... Ill.l*.. \\ \-ll IM.'l (iv. H. I . Unftirnioljfi) -\piinmcnto Jo Crt. ItiEXDELftSOH* (BLEt: i lil II ill ie.nix.. lt ti III I oil IPAKTMKSTM. IIS SS.- ' l, , sl.--.-t. RttB '"i III .. jv a 1 MXUI As.snui si Ri. i l.v I IKLPllUOr. i ttl "? aa. i j J i-,d tt l.'.*p'c'!on. Kt.- I two Bi i i re* r a - s?.tii i.*ih*. b etan , j' ,- ti . .. ,i 11 , ??!.!, alt,*Mt, -*rs. ,-, ct. ,. all |t rpi ted m -eat. I'or i i ? nqulie al of*! it mt F .. BOURNE, agent :a Weat 23d-it ur cf stiiU,). i"n rino bro ~\u ti rt men ts ?0 Crt. THE DUNMORE, '?.HO ll INT 410 "T. Elegantly f'.-ni-tr.'-i apartment*, wtMt all asederB aaa. 1?lien *-. Sri itce Hui itt I In r'T w H. VA-iQG-TTR, Proprietor. ttooms _o Uti. w r.Lf, HI All I. P.,?,M>, r,ulii.!,'t and ' tfi ir,,;-',. -I 103 I.. \ ;,.!..;,-,w , tlOti'lC. HOTEL BRISTOL. o'lll AYi-i AM) I2D RT., NT.\VYon"C. AMI lill AN PLAN A FAMILY HOTEl, OP THE KIOHRST ORDER FOR pl RMANEM AND TRANSIENT OUl_T8. 1. M. CARI?* I CO.. Pr apr* 'or.. THE LANGHAM .V.'H -.'I'. WI! ..'Ill \\ K. A tety d "Ira! 1 ? nts : i tent . lars -i -.kwh in mir Tts- hoi 1 ,;.ti hsnd mst lui ... I and C- rated. IT! ? ?.. ? in ted i.- ?\|. 'i ii e. ". 1 sll VXVOX Mer. ?IO 11)1)0111 it itltllj (foiUT'lTl. IN PirnsrAXcFTol an order marie >?\ the a Ho., He ,s ss Hool itsier, one of tn- Jadfe* of tha 1 ..,,rt ol Cou.mon Plea, or Hi* i Itj aud Uounli of Nea. Vork, on io- nth ila- ol April, iMij noll * i- li.reb) tu all ? i. .l.t.,1 and i *i -,,-,- Hus lng . : itn - ai > nat l'.ob*rt Hoffman and .1*. I h an Utt I? .Ioihk I,'i,,,' - ,:, th. . lt* and I'o.intv ,.f Sea Vorh nnd*r thc Brm nan.. ,f lt . 'fi, ..n, v ()?? ii.mi/, i. tint iles *re rei|Ulreal lo |,i's-n. ii,- - ? . u i-i, ti... vnu.'ber* lhere foi <! i t ..vt,. I to the ni... rier. the duly appointed ii*-i-o ? of said lloBmau t O.-hnlnper, for th* ben*?i of , realtors, ju ii. ,,.., ,? ol ' aa ?? Una bu*lu**a N'o. 17t' liro.ihvas N'rtr-Vork Cite, ..ti or i.f.r- ti,- loth dav ,,f Mar ii. !???:! ALBKIIT P.. MOURR I.,t.I New-York, |.,. emi ? ?, ?_?;, ps..j. As'lvn o. Ill KRRRT T h l l, HAM, Alto'ii, s f. r A* : ". No 17,, I! .,,,1 I] Ness York I'ltj. Wan i'i ii Informal I ,, aa t i Ih* arhi realw U ol ,! alb ..filia.,,. Hobers; win. sta* a amman during the lui. '.ii', alld -'I 'I ? n I Stitt'* st.,aii?.| -, I,, ,,,,.,.,? fr,.m An...... Iboi to AugtiM |goo, Waa forn.crlv a m*ai M ,1 i, ll ns. PH Ne TA [>-.' V I ... s K Wu. areli and InUmaUljr known hs- Pred'k III,ie,n. of 47 Franklin .' . i< - r i It.r, X. J. M. \V l'*H'T sin mu-*. -t Kl l.oal-. Mo. ti rip IDuntro \IMM1 I' A", tr ? '-I oar j< it "Life of I i, Blaine" lt hs iii- fm, ,i. ll itorlan, l"r. I. ,'. ll ,li.i'li. A ii then tl,', liielli..Hal sol.'. S|;i-.|\i, ,| ll.l! to. B.1.00 bOOk ,-le. l-a,it's illn-rai, ,|. foi - '.Ml, ,..! Int,, the ll.I,| Ili.t'ttitJ, thu in, i.i,,|,aiai.i- i,.,.i, and i-oln monpy. -tl ,,o onitii free, nd 25 > t* foi ito-tii-o 1. lt. HA;- tlNlrfS 47 .hill, ll -t,?l, Mne.. Coot nub J:011!10. LOST Bank-1.1. v, LT 3 070 an Ins Dock Salinas Pani.. sus |,. :-.,a havlnt! ilaiin* u|*>n ?ald 1-im.K i . u|*m t" in sent th, inn, t, ti,., :.a M. within units' lias-, ,,, ti,,- .,,| i,,,,? sin i?. ti,, I.,,,,,, .-nn,...ibu and ex tltmui.b..l Slid ,1 le SS ol,- |..,|, i| ill ||, ,, t ll ,o|. Stciimboiita. NORWICH LINE. r.. I'luu lu mai i.n.siiiiN, ?ioo, NORWICH 11.35: U,>,.,!.sii. lt, KOO; llosTOX, rlt IK). Corr*, ?pondt'.l !? iin.-i...ii IO ali pant. _**(. I-lean,, rs leas. I'let IO, Ne ll, IUs,-r (n*\t |,|, . aLis- Desb-S-awa blit-;l Ferry), dall. Huiidajr* axraptcd, ai .,.(,.) p. M. STONINGTON LINE. PAR?S I'.l.lil.U.u, li,is.,,.s, ,.NL\ OA, I'ROVt. i.l.N, . , ti.ii. Ss..ll, I slli; an,I .il i.a-lrn Pain's. I.N si li. RotTE Nen mc- l bteamen MAIN- sud NEW. lIAMI'sllllll. has. n ts I" I,,, S. ll . one bi -a abova i's a.-si ita . ? p M dally, except bunt?y, FALL RIVER LINE. S*AR_B lt??lit i.i. IO .iu.*JH).N, IA?_ llIV KP., Pi;u\IUi..\, 1. a,l Pl Indi?I la-t'in l'oinl*. Mi'.iia ,r. l'L,YMOI .il sad PU.; n, lioniBiiMlon PIER -s n ii. fu,t t.r Msrray-at., week ,'')* jud s,.;.. das * al J IM |, tn, t t.'iae.'.In* Ai :.e\ 1,,-sl leaVf* Jci*8g I'ltj al ? lilt- kl)li > 111) |. in lilli ll l-.M'l P.A OR EACH BTEAMER. l?.isectinj \,-*tit, ,l.-.l ,,,.:?., irani- f'oa, I'all Hiter, due n 7 UO and tl OD a m., i .-* i ? Uvety. bon NEttiMLU'Ket^FARE, 75c.-Egcwion 1 igmut Odiy* . -1 25. Marilin, ? nt ness' iwin-scrs'B stael*- ? Rithaid Paek." Ut, Plier f,-t si steamer oa Pone uland .-* niel, and the pul i-i?i sfsmei "i . tl. I N'.rlun.." Las. p|.-r gi, I. P... djll, ,Mind iv e\, st a P m. and ll :II0 p. m.. o'rlslnn In Hine f?- trulns for Meriden. Hartford, Bprlngfl.ld and the Nnrth. Thens elecaiit *t.stiii?'r* ari- equiped ?,o, ale*trie liithl* and .-all hell* and furnish..1 luxuilouslv tbrouirhniit. Throuah tiek *t? and bmtfti" eherki-U at 044 Broadway, M. T., aud 4 Court it.. "Jrooiiliu (Excnrsiona. YACHTING CRUISE TO THE WEST INDIES. TUP. WORTH A'lLANTP' H s CO.'B MAONIPL rr.?T HTEAMSII1P ?HKITAVM t" WILL f.EAVh FOR HER -.Ll OM> PHI WI ON IKIIIHAIIV I ITU. CALLINA AT HAVANA. KIM-TON. MARTI. MOIL, GI IDAI.OI PK. *-T. KITTO ANT BRR. Hint. rwo ii li, nw- wu.i. BE mt.nt at HAVANA, ANT) Al.-n AT K1NO.STON. A LARI*!' PKOPUK1 ION OP.THK ACCOMMODATION I nil THIS CRC1SE HAS BEEN DISPOSED OF. PAs-l-.'*-'??;. : PITT l.lll'TN.. T" PROCEED VIA FLORIDA kSO HUN lill. '? BRITANNIA*1 AT HAVANA AN I?> .-,. UV .-IT'' TAL ARRANUEMENT WRITE FOR pp.,,,,I', \ AND TELEGRAPH DR ACCOMMO? DATION. i,if.i.,,v.i.M. CRUISE MARCH uni. THOS. COOK **. SON, ?101 AND l.t**) HROAOWAV, NEW YORK. nathan, c. lea;o, PhlladelBbl*, "?'? BOLE PASSENGER AUENTS. ligiiroaoB '' AMERICA'S CREATEST RAILROAD. NRWYORR (J ENTRAL tl HUDSON RIVEfi R. fl. OIHECT Lltlt TO NIAGARA FALL!* All trnln* nrrlrr nt nnd .l*|.nrt from ORARI) CEN'. THAL -TATIOV. lb* ooIt siution in thflliy ol Ness Trnlns lime ns tollovt*: I'HPIItl: NTATK KVITti:??. 8 on A. ?l. Daily incept Kub?ar. FafllBat trsln in ? Oil chu .-,,,11,' i,,;,, p,,irT,'? .*. IO. N'lsgsra Fail* S oo p. tu. Wagin r Vestibule ? rs Po. No sXttB far*. Fl-T MAIL. 9 in A. M.-Da.l. for Allans-, 1'tla. Svraf'ise, Roch' ? III ,.t,.r Bedale IT pt Rm.das- for Moat-staL SV.W Illltli AND t HMtl.O I.IIIITED. tn nn ?*? '*? Dsllr, de I''v. J tr, a. m. at?I day. iu.uu coatplott Weea*i Vestlbnls R-rnee. IIO KXPHK?s. in in A. V. Ea rpi sundas?. Satart?y *.raln tue* IU.OU ??, ,,.., ?..., ,r, .ixftafld l.e-rolt. ?sOITTIV. i>ti:hn I.I 1IITKD. 1 (_?" P. M.-Dellv. i'u- i .'.ui.i.ati ll '.'(' a. m.; St. t-slsl Loni* 7 Ao pext p. ni. No -'xtra tatt. UIMtl.D's FAIR -PPiTAL. 1 f_*_ P. .H. Bally, d ,,? <ll : aft) ii ?o p. m. n'xt dsy. '?sJst xq ,.xtra fare. l^mpietaaTaWsgaer Berilla. ALRAKY. TBOl AND H li: A rot;.*. ?PR4 IAI.. 3 rift P. .M.-!T\?|t Bunday*. Vms Alb_.y 7 25. 'OM i: ,. , .- -,,r toes 8 10 r>. m. KORTII -HOUP PIM IT'D. A Ttn p. Ms-Dally, aaa Detroit 'A a. m.: Chi ? ?-".? |M , ?, v ? , aadeta WasBei Service. I ?'*.???'? Hl>'l'i:i!\ BXHRK-tat, 6 00 ''' * lMl>'- dna Chi Iga 9 00 p. m.. St. Lou sJsiv , ,-_ _ ___, wtajoet ii rles. MIRTH ER* i:\l'Hl>?s. COC P. M. Daile, due Iltirlingtoii 4 55 s. m., Platt* v-t-si , j s rm ? u Xu. tr,ul - A:t a ni_ HI IT'tl.O AND MAlTKl PALI- -PIT I If.. 7 "-tn ''? M.?Dally ,!!)?? ll.tfjlo 7 AO a. m., RlBglM ,"u I l a 0:00 a. in- Warner benlee. A ni won ii vi k AND MONTREAL KXPHK?. 7 on V. VI ?Dally, due 'Puppet J*,,... .",:',.'.. .-urana ??o ... p.. --ii.-j... a w, Maioac ; '.".. >:,>.. tea, D iii a. m. BolM WagOBT VBaUB*?8 BetTlCB. ll: ??*..? 'sst on ginini ir IINIINMH AND -T. lill I- IXPRER*. 8 00 '*? ?''? '" "? "I i" Ci;, bia?? 7 gt p rn.. In ???*??? tl*insp -:,;.",, as.. St. tataila 7 to s. tn. l.miTPII PANT MAIL. O (Iii P. H. l'i ' .-???ping-' ar |M*.s,-u.;e:-, for lion ""? "-? a-r ?! on t: '* train. I HM \I.O Ml.HT RXFRRNH, 9 1 K P .H.-lu,..t rot v.u-.j.... Detroit .nd Ckieage, ?'?J. v.p hstn/ds) I? i ,,-? Vincent il.O'*) Island-). PITT-1 HLD. LENOX, NOHITI \D\M- AND TIIK ll 1. If lt. ? ll I IC t. HILL- Un Hillie..i l)i.i*i.,i, . 'is.., ?mugs I,*..-.- ii..... ? v _>i .s..,, '.<ui a. m., due I'ltt.-n, u 1 .I.., North Adstua '- Ao ?*, m., A oo p. m., tut- Pituri, ld * i i S'ortB Adam* Dil) ;? Pur tine ,f local ' . as, Ucfceta ni -ia a in si*,ptig (ar? aii(,iv at ..lind .'eittrsi Station, or at 113, Sdi, ?13. 7s-. ijaj ii ..Ti,,. fj.'i s\,*4t I2S?!???, -35 ColumbBSgea, *a liBJth-*!. *.'*!,on. Naw.VorB AAA ni.,,'i?, 7-0 Ku.leii st.. and Ti Broadwar, E- D., B.-Oe*l''i. Ab,,s- t sll ? ? ,1 rpi ll,,-o letv it>' at ** ?*". ? TO a. m., j '" I IO I" '-n p m.. .t.,|) st l.lstli-st Hta'T n W*.t. tl I ir.-, sails for ad cheeks baggage f:?? hotel, and r**ld-n.'.* thronth t" d -''?? .tl n JulIN .'! 'I'M', i V OEOROE ll DANIELS. Oeneral Manager. <)? r .1 Pa-n t r Agent. EADING RAILROAD SYSTEM ' \nllii-Bette I oul n.e.I cs.'ls, in.orion ( leiinlin.'.s lind I ..inion. Tim* Tnble in .ll*. I lin. IS, IVI'i. LEHIGH VALLEY DIVISION. i s*i i.\ii::..s* leave italian foot ol i. n m ?t. v., n. ""is. i IOU III IT'tl.O. ROCHESTER, NIH.AHA Ill.l.-. TllltONTO IMi i HU H..i. -il', t. H.. 7::tll P. M. IMTIvHll- I Ml -INDIA-. Pi P. ROYAL BLUE LINE. i..\ PRI. - I u sin- |. , stat ?., , tral Ral V.s !? ?- I ?,' v I, :. ' ? N Ul 1! I "ll I ll I I.A Ul I. IT ll I ?,. ,. dal's, I ,si, 7 1',, "I 00 1" OD, ll BX' [lin nt ' ii A M , 1 .: , : I ,, 3 .',. Hlii ns i ir i ,.i .. 00 ,i 00 7 ? , 8:4*. P. T ll'. ilfht. snntUr, tl ,s>. i i .ia ii a. p lt| , ,, i, \| I :i . .1 :!?> Dillina ( ii '. 00 ti ?" P M pj l'. , t POR RA I.TIM ORI-: sNT, SV.s-HI.\.,i..v, n-iefc dais ind sundi ?, !?:00 ll;'., Dining Car A. M.. 1:30. 3 :30 I,,,.,, ? i ar 5 co. ,, ,',, I! ? P. M.. 12 15 nig t. I',iiinan I'arlor r.i da] '?? na and Pullman SI* p n ? , I, s ,,,, |,| Ji' ii lins ,, lr ,| ? ir s.aif. ron be pro*ur*d ?<? I7'J ?.::'.. J,,1. 115. 7H". iii?, i i ;,' I'.n.idss ii 73 Miirrat mit t, lill Ct 1 il Ktr : 31 Ki st itt', *?ti el -j-:-*., t ? AViiue 11,1 .".:i West I2*ith st 1 N I ,rk, 333 Wa-li intriiNi --tr-t. ;?-?,; pul. -? .-. p.,,,,. ,,:.i 71 _j_ .,. t at VS t |?_, 1 ,,,., \ F.xprvsa I'ompn ? a U rall f'r and chi ii U^fu'-e from Im' 1 ,- rt.?!:",,,,? t, th -tinatlon. ERIE LINES. Through iu.a. toi i'.: .??" un.1 Um s\..,t i.^,.. .s,.,.. Vork. lent wi 1 hain., r-.1 , daii>, Ba louijis., and Uso ll Ililli. * earlie- fMllI S\ e-t . lt-I ". A. .H. -Ni* N?'sara 1 ;i 1. snd Chautauqua it.lit Cake. Pail,., mi- N s-York t.< BuUait.. H rper Bonella Vii lo U. Che Innil.. Dinlne cur. tl.I WI P. Hs se-i.1.,1,it .1. Solid tram fo Chi. ?).tHJ ia.-,, ila t hautaugua I?ii*.*, blecpera to Chicano, i |. s,-.a,,a and 1 nu mnatl. Dlnli ? ar I'.'Ill V. M.?DO Ul 'r,. t-, Cilka 1 s'a ' ., ? i h*al',.. ll.OU bleeperi lo lliii-.tilj, l.otih -lei ans! Chlcdgj. Din 8.0/1 P. H. Vii Chautauqua Luke and Niagara Pjii.s. .'ill (solid t .111, t,. 1 li! a/',. .*)tt,._er. t., llarie Us sl.i, , 1 hi, a'.',, und 1 in, I",,,.(,. IUl'AI. TIMI: TARLI-: TICKETS! AND PULLMAN J . . ,. , ll, .Hun* ai HT ami 'Jo] liri,.: ? ?j , 'i._.;.,,-: * and '.Vest vim *t. rerr!** Neti-Vork |g*l I'Tiltoo-at, Hu?.hp. 1 '.'('-. Hud o' at. Hole,:, a. ami Jersar I Itt Sta. Hon. ire' Conipan) eal's foi mid .rhos/k-. bat gage from hoiel* sod i*?iden - 11!...,,. NP.W-VOHlv. ONTARIO AM) \\ P.-TP.HN RAILWAY ii.AlN-. L?AV? lt Lol ??>_T., ^l'4'0 A. ii. il,. 11..niuo, car.iti froBi U.u wot ot iraak lii.-si.i, ior Ni.a 11 it.mi. UioouOnsbursB, i'ort Monti?"._. Mountainttaie, latish,,run, 1.1.- ,, i.isniu.tou Manor. Haareck, C.roouO?lo, acraaloa, Walton, u ihi, bianer. N? rsv 1,? li, _dn,estoU, Cues. Ito,ne Ole Ms US?e.i). Axil I*. M . CaBipbO.I 11-11. l.a.f Mal,oak * .1 Mllino sv*,?u, Wsllkitl Valley mjhohs. Middletown, itt?ma.iiix burirh, I'.lillis il.o, lal?burgh, Hurley vii;-.'. LiUnv, Liv nu'.lon M inor. UiOII V. M.. Mlldl.'touii. Falltburgb, Lnerty. Living. stoii Manor, llorkland Wallon, Hldn'-y, Norwich. Oneida, 0*w.go, p.,,he*ter. Nlafsra Falls, Detroit, Chlci o . 1 Wi si sleeper* raclljilngsghali cjr Ho to Mi-i.eiision Brld-r*. {Di ll : all ,,th,r tr'.ins nails- *x,"iit Sundas-. Pullman drawing-room s*,'. ad sleeping car berths obtained al ni ll.Iwty, New-Tnrk. J. C. ANDERSON, ti. a.. ."fl lhaver-st.. Niw-TorB. f)ropo3iil9. PROPOSALH mi.' WOVKN WIRK Uf\K I BOTTOMM Phllad.lphla Depol ,?' the gnarl, rea- i l)e|,:.,tna nt,, No. ll-- ti. li ,tv-.-t ii linn, I'nii., .lainmi'. s, | mill -. al .1 _,i ,,|?,..i' -. I, triplicate, tt||| l,e i",it'd liv until lt n'rtnek )? M. MONIiAY. P*bmorv i, lona, foi furnishing delivered si Ihe Sthuvlklll Arsenal, in tm* ip j:.,ii s\,,t.i, wu- Hunk P ,:t.?n*. um.s stiin.1,.1,1 -ample ran i. ii a! the - Un !r**nai Hld* f l deli)., s ul i.l.i i |?.!t,t. aili .li ? Pal.I. :. un,-I stat* ,li,Ies nnil i|iiaiititle* of Ul ll uroposul delly, h. - Hoi.r m*i I i -is,* th* righi I ? I ? ? ?. I mi ot all pi e...-,il-. Pi fer n. ? still l?, given t, BlUtle* irf |l mint t,*i Ol ll,.ll,,:fl..'tllle. ,am,inion, of UUalll inni pu, e (Inrludlng iii the pri.t foreign production* ,,, manufarture* Wi* duts ihei un ? lng equal Ulanka for pi i?,-,i. .,,.,1 full ii,form..Hun sull h- f, hv thi* ? line up.,ii appin alien. In telopea .'ontalnlng in-opoaul* ti, ni,i.,i- <i -prep...., I- f,,. Woven Wir' Bunk lt tt.a." iiml ad,lr, -*,',l to the undersign, .1. C. i. BAWTF.LLE, Depiity Qustt*rnia*t*.nersl, C. S. A., In t-hsrge ,,r depol IT - i;.\i;iNi:i;i{ OFFICE, Ann: Building, *U*Te?.York, Januarj 2i. IM?3 K*al< I propoaal* lu tripll, at.-, ss ill be received si ti,ie office until vi ,,'? i<M-k. no..,., M,,mks. Msrrh d IBV3 ,it which place snd Urns they s*ni te- pul.ii. ls opensd in the |iriren*e -,t blCdera, foi tn.- dellvtr) nt lori Hm, ali, .n, N. v.. at sand, broken ah. and c.anent ami f.,i foriilsSinK ill lulen- sad nnil. - ruis und ,, un., a concrete plant, consisting >** a tthaif. pile ami funned *TO*Uc f .r lu.limit cable ru WBJ-. sand and stone hu., ..unlit ..lied, mut atoreheoae, al Fort lUn.ii..,. N. v.. lu accordance t.itii ..,.?( ni, mi. m. and druss inn, ss hi, li mus ba BOCa on spi.llcatl.'in to this office. The iatU'iitlnn of lil.l.l.irs ls luvtti.l t^> tuts of Conan-** ap iirovitl I'Vbriiarv 2lt, IbB.'i, and February 2?, 1?8T. vol. 23, pace 33'.'. and Vol. 24, page All, Siatutis* all Largo. (a. L. GILI??I'll", Lieut. Colouol, Corps ot 1?tglaetrs. Jiilroaat P ennsylvania RAILROAD. THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF AMERICA! Pit, rn a t ld CSROl'OBOVX ny Bloc. Signals ai litniic&i Switches TBAI5W MMVi: MTllio-sM, foot of itBeaartj?? nilli tl Streets. In EII..I ii.ttl A. N , jam A|lv .,, u^: rm: , on miiiav i:\piu>*. 9.110 A. M. I'-iii,an VostsbUla bltepuiB Cara sa ea* tr.. tJWW'W in:-:-' S*-**?1* SS THE FAST LINE. 9.00 A. MU-Pullnun Votttwlo haler Cae ftt_ ?__ delphla. Arrlv** ? ..lumo,.. 5:40 a. m ii**-,*'1*' 11 v.. u. m.. Cleveland o in a. m., Chi w, ssS**-" and Mt. Louis 7.30 p. m. li'Jils. K.'ado'J ?? ? '"? t *?? days. ' -sus. TIIK PRRRBYI.TABIA I.IHtTKl). lVl.MO NOON.-lom; ?.-. 1 exclusively ol p.ii.,?____ v_a Mile JJiassuie _,?,_ _4,tlll,. Hu,,,,,, _,;,., , "'"?* Smoking, un,! Obs-rvaUon Cars. p^nui,*' tin.? ,*?, r.'io.t*. ats-nographera ima lt,, ur,!. ,., (S^wea?,. both .-.??..?.. tsdles' maid. barC-rthop, llb>arsrS v! ??'" COB!.mee. ,.f hom? ,,t ,.-??' ,/jQ N ?? Uonary mid usual,, aleetrle HrIiU. Anise. _L__ 12 (>0 noon. """"B* -*T. I.(MTS AMI CINCINNATI EVPBEsn nm < ?r aad Passenger Poa. hes ... ki l,??, /""'-' Cue, Ininti ar, u. m., and bt. I_-*iS i:3(j'p. i^gj TIIK WK-TKRV FT IB Mt ?..'*0 P. ll.-Pullman V-st.o .?? bTsepUl un ,. _______ bi'W. .'-,- and (i"s,in.,i. bliiina t^^'*-** <' Ihhla and PlttalurR to ('ulcjao. Arrlvaa" S_ land 11 :tn -, ,,... i hica-fo 'A 110 ,,. m. n-vt ?ir 'M* MM TII-\VK?.TKHN BXPRRSR. 7..-.0 P. M. seeB uui-. ;.!.'. p. m. a*adB*t*dM__ \.-lil,,li- Seeping 1.1,- Ui tin- lllia-l _*m_____l l-t'l*. Dining .'ar A Iles,,,, to ,.i'.."J, SST Ji*** Columbus 2 JJ p. m.. Clmimiit 'l/S'o m law1 ?li* 10:19 p. m., mid Bt. L.ul- 7 itt *. 'J** "Jj ii,ort,li g. ?*'0,-? PACIPIC RXPRaTRB, S.00 P. .11. -l'u.l..ui. ,1'l'M .-.-elnar fte Btt*.l_B _ Lhltspo, ..tris* dsii) Ihi.a.-u .,'.?-, 4 fi,"liLS niornitiB). Toledo ll : -0 p. ai., loiuaihsa * -faTT ? lld ' i-sTanJ.Kalas. 11.10 |,. Iii "' "-" *MU ?:$-,";";;"^'-"' Vail r Ktrgeaftfja*. hate It.irT*! *!.p.', ty, Nets ...ri,-ai., na ( hsttanoan BALTIMORE, UA-HIM/rov. AM) TRI MHTll H'.UO A.M. "W.i.h.oalo,, l.i.oileil ... ,._ts v-T iii.nlo Pi.Hu.?o l_To, i ?r*. P-ssonfer (oa,a , jj,. , , ,r tx, H..Uie.ol . BirlVtuB iii \\a*,.niKU*, s At , '__* No "\tr? fare. .? ?*> ll.'.'O P.M. "< ..nure..lonni Limited" il illv. Vo?s,),?'? P. iiiiin Pa Tor ta.* a I Wi ia I ar. trnHaaj wu*. iiiartot. *> 1-, _,,. bi. No tatra fate. ^^ lil.I.ti-.uni Lxpie.s ., ai ? fy) a j\ amt, ____, 11:00 a. m.. -OO. i 30, ic lt, ?.? n. Vam ..'?.!? o"d B.00 p. m, and 12:M nl.lit Sunday ii 1:, aa* and '.i H<1 . ni . 1 SO I KO rt. t D. EllH-SB JTot? t'e ''?,"',?,'.,._c' (_,'?' J'J '" 1,";-'1'" Ear ?*-*_aai??K Pl OH I lit HPKI IAI, for .lu. -k.?<Hitille nnd -I. !_________, Hue I" M a ? ?! liv W I -:. - .nt fJJK Km-.s. fo .iHiksoosill,.. Kl. A SBB*lt se, and TaaV-a '?'''? ?<. <;??? '?' 00 I. tn, and IJ I. n:?i,t dal v. Foi Tho,,.,.,, .Ile . rsi ,,. n dtllr lr Kev\V*Hui '?,."MI,l"i '*.',V,.,'Y ;"? u"a ?-?,"' ?**?""?? ??"-'I'v. 1?5 4..'IO P. H.- KL -lunond Jtul Puisille EtOBNa di"? I bro,ith rsV.,,4 .., ,\ ..? .?., Mrmphis. aud *? Orleans. Dlnlnw ('ur n, .'.'. -. - - v.-, ?'oaelieo SI ??_?'- io A*h.-si le and lint R pr In stu .,n se, on 4 s?tin? .?.00 P. II. Da r tor all p?mt. m. lhes*|?cuM toS Ka, ssuv. Ttl rou di sieeplnt and Dluint I , I',,r ,,;,l Point Comtb-t and Norfolk via 'ap.- Thar'* Koii tc, n un *, m. Heck-dBj'*, and, stun ThuiR *?> is-r - -oo p. ,,. dally. For Atlantic < itv 1:00 p. n,. ?r*ek-dsys, with Throuil Buffet Parlor Cir. m Vi r i ip* M i>. 1 00 p. ". are. t-dsy*. For L"i,j Branch, Asnorv I*.;. Oeesn , and Pots) 1". .-e,i. 0 in a. n IO ". A If) -, tn :, .j |ll4||_T ?Trek-day* Bandar* fi l.t * a mi 1:1} p, m d. not stop at A*:.,,rv Pal i ,? '. fl i irove oa ->undari) KUI PH ILA DEI .1*111 \. Express: ,, 20, 7 J" .- 00, tM 11:30 IO nt) w-'tiiw to i taitnlted with Dininc ia'' ind ll , ?, h. m.. ii; oj i.n i'eiia'a Limited, mtii Dlu:nc a l. 20 I ,?) 2 ni, 3:0 '. 3 tn i n-i i .(,) ; ,. , , |j - _,_' s oo and 0 oo p. " and i- I*, nlalit. ArroanBaE tlon. ll "0 a. m. 4:40 and 7:00 p. in. Snad'ta Yu ntens, ii IS. H BO. '.' 30, IO ? ' s. m. I: , T.'. .t.T . 12 i-o noon, * v. i go, J:00, -piio ;.?, K (1 II 00 p. ii ?l I 12:13 nleht. A.. "ti.tnoUtloo, :. . . and 7 90 p. Bi Pur Tiuii'-iiil.le*. if ' ^ ,- to li* il I',Ints aa tim Pena. .Tlvania IlaIii ?! Sy-t-m upiilv at tre f,Town,| TjIm lil!..-.- No*. 133 ',-. :ot I 'Ali li: ind IO" B*Hi. s'as- 1 A-'..r House, 134 l.a-r l.'.t -; .Tl tVss| 12<th-.t. '-'".I ' imbil* iv*., 737 SUth-ate., and f*?t ,f [,,. ,i,r ,.*. . and Crtlandi .ts., I I .';rf~t.. MO rY. ,..n-*t-. '?"* llv-,1", aud Hi ,klrn Annes Matitj f?? ,f F. ',,,--? It.k!ya : 120 Hu l*on-at., H bA-r,; -?:,t... , J< -? ? ? " 'll-.e New.Vorh 'Iran-f-t Company will ?ttl for uni > mai realden et through at destination. CH v- V. ''I''.H. f. II. WOOD, O. tieral Rai . ? -. Oeneral Pa***] Afs.-t New York & Boston, Pullman Limited VIA .\e\v-Voik A \oillicrn Hnilway AND \cu-Vork A \?'\v-i:ii;_-l:in<l Railroad. 1b cnn, .finn tsuh Manhntra.i FJevabtd r.irr.'iy -olid trail t Pl'LLMAN SKKKI'F.K-. PAgSENOER tad RkBMoRR CARS leave I&5_ St.. tenalBBl Ctl, and 9th Ave. rr.-sitH da.iv. laelodiog Suadayi, u: ll 30 P. M . arrisiai ti P. *ton. foot sun.n ot St.. at 7 IO A. M BaggBgt rl?-'sed ibroufb a: N. v. v N stiUeas, i J Si . i *,r Mb Ave, aol Bt u: d Mil AS*. Tte New-York rraaafer Co-OBai wtn rall for and ch?*? batgaga la deatb icloa f-om ii,,'..'i. or rtsaltBCl in asy pail of tiie lp; upoa sppHcatloa ta any st it-;r v_w_ :l ta In N ss-Vj k or BftXaUTB. EX PRES*) ..IAIN ON BIXTB AYR. "L" le-BTlBg *?.',,lit pTry at H> A7 P. M. BBBOet? sri- U!l trail Fe ? i li i t ".?? - ,- t " ?? la'1 as, PRINCIPAL TICKET ol 111 BM IN VKIV.VOBK CITYi Arcaas .'? wi i:. Tl Broadirar, ant Jil ur *,i?i'jv, waers rnltstsa rsssrvailea sa:, do oiu.jitL - ? "i?rs o)?'n r>r a, isoa_?da_aa of v.^tn i> _ n k"ii l.'fo.a I.sivlng tniio of usia. H. _. VR*___?ls>, E* M. ALI.E.V. ,.eu. M.iua?' r. Oca. Pbbs'i Agent Dela ara re, I?eka-s-a?aa nmi W'eetera R. R. Slulioim iii Ken - 1 ol ls loot ol Iluiilnv and t brislopatr sln-el.. HHORTEHT LINK. \|;-TUI1ITTI THAIN*. Pl 1.1.HAN IOU MK-. . , ._ Direct routo to _???<*.?_, ..i.. m iMlLais. UH. ul.A.N,.!**,. auiiiUiit, Ileriia;\lssli:tf, ila-?_l Ultu . -Tasi.-ou, MorriaMwn, Pa_Bic. paur-ou. B??? lt.,, MsinhoUS. UlHii*, LAlsl., LA.sK ili> lAiCONii, llackeUattwn, ttCHooLtr'a xoi.*** 'Jain. svashiiui,.ii. pniLLii'siu k,.. kasIuN, WATER UAP, billOI'D-ltXTlsj Poe o MuU""*1^ eCKANXON, Piii'-iUN. WILKE.*) li A URE. NANTIe lulsK HAN VII.!.!.. Nu.lilli MHt ULAND, alter lose, PIN'..HAM ION. OXFOltD, N HlWICB, Watti* vlU". I'lli \. p., i HI .I.I.Li hl'lllN'iS. PertU-4, St liv i'll S.E. 0?VV_*.u. 1. il ai A 0 aE'.'V, RLMHWi s SHIN IN.:. UVl'll, I)\N-\Tl.l.i: I! IT A- A I. ', Hal all rib nt* WK-1'. NORTHWEST iMi .s(itTIHV_T 11:011 \- M. -Ill Pl Al.u, t'TICA a; .1 DnWEUO O" ITlE-S. Pullman jurior .srs I'SBBSita at Bu't'l willi tutu tat , ii...i,',., a?dtlag ? ,'. a. m. l ii Pl*MT _. Sf.?BINOHAMTOR MAIL, t-top* at prtasi. ,si. statl lilli! P M.?SCRANTON. BINOHAMTOM sad El* >lli;a I'.vi'p.i ss. uorlar cars. 4t10 P. .H. Hi iiaNTON, \vilk I,-baitiIK and KiTM illili i.Vl'KK-a. P.Un an narlo ? .ura. ft'AO V. II. ,I),,isp iii LIMITED EXPRESS. Pulimaii .leonor.. Arils, s ?i ; :i j ?. tu. lltlill P. .M. 11* ;i i s .-lUTPvl.i, L'liCA anl OSWEOO l..\ rill..-)-.. fullniaii ah-eper*. iii hi?ia una Pi l.LMAN ACCOMODATION! al fl M,ir-s.y *t. and I'.-i Brosdwar, 'linet* ai lerry sBatsBa 7*..'. ajid '.')- li o?tway, M west P.'VJi .t.. TU I'oDmb'ia. as-., Msw-York; AAA Washlust?ia*., Tit 1 u ?..'..t. an* AiS BeOfordave , llrooklyn. 'lino tafjicj. giving full la u. st ? 1 fut un*. WI .*l' OTT : XPRI ss COMPART aria "sn for sud eh-*Ck bsfltlt from hot?'l or rcsldeuce to d**t nation. BALTO. otOHIOR.R. la.t Espt *. Trair.*. vhf. PHILADELPHIA M itu i ii-t?iti:. "tVAJ-ilUXiTOt. i iiu'Aiio, cincinm-Hi ST. LOUI& AND ALL POINT-* WtMflh i itlmaX CAB ?*BPiCf*R? All TBAJMoX s*s: *. a* Laara NeTvirB. root of Ub. rty-at.. a* wi For I HU A-.u. PlT-ftWK-JfflJ .^oKa m 5 r I , . |V, | V V t'l'l Si 1*' '' *^*' " ^V *' "" ' * ***" * a B_t lal WaIThiNiITON RALTlMOR-, ?-t>- a tn ill g i S: WSml^VkmaTaSTW '* i?5&'i?* SS! aTmftJMaSSQ *n%aa*at*i ^XttOtt ComBanT will tjltlir BB. ehKA baggaga from hotel OT mttRmm lo d.allnatlon. WEST SHORE RAILROAD. [M. V. c. J. H. U. KU. Ob..JJalRJIl __. (0_, Train* Isate Weet ??*)_ *u*Uon. Ne?-lok. s* id? iots*. *:.d lo Biiuutos earbai iron. a. i-risaelei-t.. ?L*?_ Ililli) A. M. -UaUlj -lor N,woore. is.i.--io.i. a.u* ,iiill liVOl/l .sundos. ?**! ol s ... sinai. 4 .... , ?.I."> A. *.-__lr (er Atboar. except bundar ***2e* ?*?, ? i-iui-rta-sr. v^-iKtroiii TOiaJri wi Sa'urdar f?r Toiotilo. .it-.? sod Uni.", i. M.-DS?r. aaceal Sundar. rr a bs^ ts" 4:1HI P." M.-Hails-, eveept Sundar. tte *}*}**. _.._,,-*, fcTJp.M.-Dsiiv for Aihant. MQBB*-al.__.t'Mta. Bmag IWhetstrr. HufTalo. BatBBtB Fall*. TI ronlo, ?ttssso Chlrtig,. St. Leal- .___?. < . v..?hur?. kV lii.lll P. 11. Hailv. *\"'P' Sunda/, for Ni ?bur|. sis. baraioga mid Meiifnal- ? ,? Rochcf ?*i?._t_.^_i_? wsr'4b? w? ., a;, -il 30. -ll l-J, I'- M. ..,.?_._ rail- Tor?-* bh-aplnj ears tar .Baft*^ S3f*T ___ Dt'l.rD?_,yCf" P,%?- U^k^. l lu'; Xbft'Vrlo,'.ndI -ggg car ^oym,n.ijatlon. or iBtorniatlon apply oOl*ea; M? ls-n. H33 Wa-hliiBto?-?t.. MO ^''t"'.^!* T* ^^ ?Vl__r|_RI. ??->- ft--**?? Al-jj