Newspaper Page Text
m f*./\ a,. Tl 1 / Jd 'Tr- ll V??MI N#?16.884 NEW-YORK SUNDAY, FEBRUARY ?">, 189t%-TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. HAWAII AND EGYPT. KO PEOT~:T KY -TOLAND AGAINST THE AMERICAN POLICY. -?raHT-L OK TH MbXOs.10- OT EKCLAXD'S POgETtOB IN' I'-VIT IN ri KM.I Ml". VT AND IN THI- TRElCCrl Cn AMBER AND l RESS. |BT riBLI TO THU TIMBI"*.-K,. fn-f-.TuTK :*?!'"? Bp Thr Triona* Attortatton. T/iD'1'in, Feb. I.?The toma* thal England had mot a ytoltol lo WaaflhtngtoB B fal DBI til.' :mn?'\i Mm o' Hawaii, roBt**adieted at mion by Sn- Julian _*3un"ef"'''' S,N""* to have bei n nines* if.-iv.-d H *v:is revived for ,( j(ui-pose, ir the story tele. ! .fiphe'l mttt be true, one news agency alleging Apt the reperl ol English knt4*Tf4>i* is to be jude ti:- basis; ol a patriotic American in ivis _j-.-t. There li supposed to hr H large I);i_,v ,,, j ,(,. (fatted Stall's, which floes nut eire much th0 Hawaii, bnt could ))?> made Xo caro i?v .? ^ace of English hostility. "Whatever Eng* jiiil ufpiisis, America must f.ivor,-' i-* the motto tt this - nm I win* Well, if you nm - .lng to apa Rawali, you mil hare to do it on t-om. cthT ""founds Sit Julian Pau**rcefote's denial ] 0fth*a*-ert ti that England had protested against Wr,.>vati"ti bj Ameriea was strictly accurate, and -uk* i.r,'' bean made stronger had dipt matte etiquette permitted. You mn' take ii aa n f.i"t that England has not protested not had anv notion ol protesting. Tha English Foreiun Office tl asa n n regard tin*, q n non a? soe which ron4**?rna Erigland primarily, or flfljl*rBi It sn?I lently ta i*e*|Uire any ranon* *_MM ;u:iin-t anv policy yt Suggested foi as! "p lion in 'hs I mt. i Staten. So doubt she has interrst.* la Hawaii, bnt they ar.' not such ss ?reiil'l h*' endangered either by annexation or by in American protectorate. Sh.' does nut fake rt military riew ..t the matter, rmr does she think herself in a position ta romplai*! shonhl the Gov. aj--flfljMat st Washington be ol opini in that Hawaii como* under the operation "f the Monroe 1> setrine. Such is Ihc Forolgn Ofltee view. A* f-,r the " table ot popular view, thoro- is non-* Nd' 'T ri thc English nra. nor elsewliere has thets been nny demo?stratton ol sli-li!-** to **_?_?tion, "i ol anv deep IntellJSI in Hawaii. JV revolution, it revolution it be, iva*, diMussed with "-"deration and without anv sign ol excite* *r-*nt: .sfil! leas "i unger or ol spriouB oppoaitlon *a An*eriean proJK-cte, should America have proj etis 'Hie roiee < t Ihe Jingo lias not been heard, nor dil the story ahoire alluded tn stir a ripple cf ft?iBf. ur prov,'..'' a sinc.1.* li'.stil** romi_ent. Ir is, however, a situation likely to occasion rumor-i, and &***?, at least in America, and ina raMe gives ns Ihe benefit ol others than the one ai?ve luer.ti"!,,"!. Mr, Lincoln, Hm American Minister m London, 1- nan**?*:] n* authority for th.* statement that Great Britain wUl hav.' aomes. thins* to my ia thi- matter, and tli" Cabin?*t at W*___g.?n i- s;ii,| to hav.* diMUssscd this po*, latsfl? innouneement. I have not asked Mr., i"it I 'I,, not believe thal be has em haiked np,ti prophectes, ami I am certain Ihat be has not Infonned his Gtovenment that Eng* land had lodged a pr"t**st or offered anv form of diplomatic .,h .-ct,,,n ti, th?" expected .i.'tiuii of the United States, because she has not. You are reported as anggestlng that England has her hands too lull in Egypt te trouble her. self iboat Hawaii. That may be a l*f_*0n, bn! H it, not tht mason, for her attitude ol acquiescence. I.-y.>t i? only one --pot on the map ?'f the world dotted all over with English red. Larger con rjJeratioiis jr.iv.-in ber setion ol Inaction In ihi*, rase. Tfie Evi-ntt viesv of thc Monroe Doctrine Hajjhlwmight not bo aecepted in Downing Stree! in thc very positive and emphatic way in which tint emii.cnt American puts it, but l apprehend that it is accepted in snhatance, ali>.-it Hawaii is a loru svay fmth.-r oil than < uba, and Everett's arguuicnt-i have to he stretched a little In order lo enver ttie Pacific. It la hardly n""--ai.v to sild thal no unfriendly action i*. t*> tx* expected from tho present Foreign Miai-ster. Everybody knows thal Lord R ?? ben- han a real regard for America. But his fir-t taty i* to his oiv n country. Ha has taken his "hclsion about Hawaii lu vj, sv .,i English in? terests, ur of the absence ol them. Lord Sali l' irv would probably have done the sum* Tii<-re are settled and continuous principles in force st the Foreign Office; and it is in pursuance "f a weU-understood and rational, yet entirely English, ?alley that England keeps hei banda ofl li Jicvpt has supplied thi- week a topic f"i tbe Queen's Speech, for debate in both Houses of toliameot, tor discussion i'i th.* French and Enuli*!) pt**n, and for a statement In the FVench C_uabef by the Foreign Mininter. This last ; Ihs most Importanl ol all, exe -;>t, pei haps, the aa?annie In the Queen's Speech "hat t!i" Khedive has now pfadged him- -If to " follow heneelorward the eateblisahed pra<!tiee *>f pnvioim consultation ?sitli my Goveroment in political a flail?" Previ? ous to what? There an* many p**eeedents of bad Knt'.ish ia the Queen's speiiches, but tradition doe** n->r absoljtely require thc nae of language BO sllV.-;i|y ;,,, thi**. Them ai-> na means ol knowing what value tho Khe.iis-.- attaches to such pl< Ax**. In any eas. a *\"iid ipoken on the lma^s ol the Seine may have inu'h more political significance than a wot**! ipoken on thc hanks of the Kile. M. Devcllc is a bow hard al th" Foreign Office, and his speech in reply I, M Delarosse's somowhat i'" "Mlaous invective is uncertain In tone, it i-, hoivever, all thi!i_i considered, more i*i>--*onable and more friendly t,. England fTi^an any recent om>inl ..r unofficial ileclaration touching Egypt Ho rake- iiotr- of the remark in the Queen's Spe"-!. that thc sending ol more troops to K.wpt ir.fii-;it*-.s do modification of the assuran >?* which l'.n-ar,d lia* fr,,m tim.* to time given resp" 'T"-' Ina ?ccapation ol thal country. He takes n tte ol Mr. Gladstone's statement In th** Hots,- <m th, a__sNbJ?et, whl h, in M Develle's opinion, tom farther thpp the Queen gears Mr, GladM inc ls ?eldom happy ir. dealins with foreign allan-, and on no subjeel has he been kiss happy than on Ejrvpt. Ho has once more encouraged Irani" to none thai i?. will T<- jH-M the whole Egyptian **u.-stion lor her lienefit. There i- to he, aays M DcvelL', a fr.-h dis, isaion ol 1-1*8 Biigiish 04*cupa? tion Well may he assure ih.- English Prime Minis-w that he will approach that 'ii"' usrion in SMeodly spirit, The mere fae! of such s dia* foftian \v.,t1<! Im- a sort ol triumph for Fiance. Mr. fhamix'rlain quoted "ii Thursday in the "ou*e the nish wonk used by Mr Gladstone in HUltthian while out ol offieej words which the Frerifh press at the tiill" fastened on BS ll fnisli Ptomisa. ti. scuttle oat ol Egypt Mr- Gladstone ?K-d on Tuesday denied that he had made anv "sh or dangerous declarations, If is a matter ol ?Pl.'iion what is rash or daageroue; but it is B tnatter of fact that they wera Intcepwted iii Franc*- a- -Braning evacuation when Mr Glad* itcBie raine i*<t*. power. Ile lia* been taunted ?am them hy every French pap't ever sine** this REM crisis has arisen ; and now, a* we *???'. Iii** Tuc* u?vsp?seh Inspires the French Foreign Minister with 'hi* mos* lively expectations of som.- Inrthei con f<^sion by l.ns;i;.iid to France. I here will be no">e, hut what ir, to 1?- said ..I the dis'-rction ol ? Prinaj. Minister who has to I'xj.lain away his Wr,fds no oitrn ? Mr. Morley roiort.-d upon Mr. Uiainbcrlaii. a, '' W. **** Mr- <'ladsto.'i.- and ha) had said *>ut Egypt was iiangerouB, it was d_nte**a*s?. to 7?*.,llc "?emory al it hom- li Mr M irley lm 2** ,1,at ?ha French had forgotten it; M. De ?W >,"'"rl' WtU hdX" ')ti<l? '**ivi*.l hun. !>"? ._-. a r('t"rt: How pitiable the position ot a ehier'hl M'nis,"r f"r<"<l to defend b-MoU ami tn* 1 ",c P^? tliat thc mere (Juotatiou of their worda will work mischief ta the eopntry they gov. ern: * " What Mr Gladstone said las! night In a.,ss-er to Mr. Labouchere was much more disc-c-t ti. Tuesday outburst, hit contains nothing new ir; both casie, j,,, drew a diatln tl?:.-:.,- wo ld not have been himself had he r."t-v'.'*w,'..:. t!,- o_ues* tiona of polny under!*,ins tho om .; ,.t,?j, and the luestion ol duty snd English responsibility t ,. order while tl." English occupation la-t. Mr Labouchere's kith!....sins require no serious no tlee. There is in Egypt Itself still some concern about tbe course the Khedive ls likely to take: sum.', al**.,,, about p,,.ssiii!,. disturhances Troops will be landed at once, it 1- now -;,, \t Bm_ !,,,,.| Cromei is not tin- mun t,. I-t b Mu tutu" man mob get mu of hand, Ti lint', mea:.tinv, i- credited with all aorta ol Views '",,. j, t,, invite tl." l'liweis In ;i (joh conference, or is urging the Sultan to invite them She i- to sd/.- sue/ iiml l'ort Sun!, an I t,, put herself in a position to bomba] I Perim and to command the Red Sea. This last is a Royalist proposal, and it is to be noted that nearly all th" ' I itu isms on the Egyptian policy ol tin* French Government now come front Royalist sources. The Republican press has quieted down. Even th.- " Deh.ii*." is content with the moderite and not unfriendly attitude ol M. Develle to England. Sn much thc ix'tti-r. lt Egypt is to be used by the Orleanist proas as a stick to beal tiie Min? istry with, Republicans will -,,,,.) r,1;iv t,, the defence of then country and their Republic. M. DeUlosne, like other Anglophobes h.-for.' j him, attacked M Waddington as responsible in no sliu'lit licas'ii" fol th*' continued .ii England in Egypt. II" iva- English by do**C4*nt, said M. Delafosse, and whether he kiiesv it or imf, was English in feeling M. I Ma fi.ha- atavisma on ttl*- hr.un, ;is M. Paul Bourgel lias "cosmo* polis." it might surprise him to know that the English Foreign Office opinion ol the French Am? bassador is thc exacl contrary. II" is thought in Downing Street t" h.- the more French becaux el his English blood, .,s il ia atonement for i.ii paternity. M. Devalle defended his Ambassador handsomely and paid a just tribute to his clear sightedness and patriotism. <.;. IV. s. 'un: FIXTURE or tiie can.u, COLOMBIA*!"? AXXIOUS Tn LEAR- WHAT PROPO* ' "UTIOXS thi- UNITED STATES WILL MAKE. Pun.ima. vii Galveston, Feb. 4.?The people of Colombia appear t" Ima?nc thai the tTnit?*d 8ta!e*j la noxious to set hold <.f Hie Panama CUnal, and they express an earnest desire t.. linnss- the natnre ,>r ihe propositions the t'nit"<i States sslll mais". The ncwi** psper "Kl Cronlata," <?! this div. >!>-. In an edit il I to .lay tim! proposition! fr,-ti t.'i" i'll 'si Kt ate* rannoi be confined !,. prohibiting Colombia irom granting fln ex Un sion of time to tin- French company t. .'"in i p*4*t** the l-anama Canal. The L'nited states, -ays ? Kl Cronlsta," aaa no right t-> make ra :> a prop isltlon, aa li srould !?<? likely t., lireeal trouble \s',;11 other Powers. It mas- b" experted, I' .i'll-. Ibal iii" I'nlied stat-, ssiii at least Bsssure Hie opening ol the oanal. in conclusion, '? i'l Cronlsta" mya thal the great Interest Americans hare t,, .lav In bulIdlnK ihe .an ii lis American capital lias ii. explanation in th" Ioh.1 of Hie possession ,-f the railroad arrosi the lalhmus. While tli" transfer i.f Cn- railroad han hen a treat loss to Ihe Cnlted states, on the othei hand li ls u uran-I ami -lpnili*ii:t acquisition for ' " French, and if they have no! boll! ihe .anal, they are fulls- j rompennated bj acquiring possassiOD or the Panama Railway, with consequent control of transf-r iratlie _ r"*s (be Isthmus,, Americans, therefore, mu-t build the (and or l'?se all. -??? A BLUE B )0K ON EGYPT. Till". Kid .DIVE HAD iMTNTii.n to DISMISS ALL BRITISH ' HT Ills- LOUD ROSEBERY'S REPLY i ' M. IV \ii|'i\,.T v. London. FWfl, 4.?The Hine Dook lani l.e'orc ParBfl mont, iieaiins ssitii recenl occurrences in Egypt, shows tint Ibe Khedive, if he baal auetfljedi., ia deflsnee -f foglaae, in rlwnglng his mlnbtai**, Intended to di mi*, ali oUrlal*. 'Iii" Bine I .?"!* al-,, showa lhal I.cid Roflebery and M. wajddlngton, the Frenrh Ani!,a.-a'i.,r. lia.i -.ev.-iai -na p:>i - T Interviews, M. Waddington disputing, iii" righi of Rn gland io fetter ' the Kl.eilis.-, and objecting lo the highhanded metboda of l.oni Cromer, ile* Urtlish representative ..' Cairo. i.*i.i Roflebery ont lotorted thal ibe ldghliand?*dni'H.s ssas tolely "-, :li" pail "f tin-, and Ulat, ?' loni as Rrltlsta occupation con I In u d, i,-. hail Roar*, bevy, would not bUow ibe Egyptian Administration tn I*- changed from lop i" bottom al the rn i i liim ol the Khedive. WOS BY ENGLIS1I *' JfSERVATIVES THET CARRY Ht'DDl RS! HT.n. A LIBERAL STRONGHOLD, BT i \ U'liuM MAJORITY London, Feb. A.- Tbe Conservative won a -I??? 1 rlctory to-day by rapturing Huddersfield, which had gone Liberal In 1-*?">. hi IMO and In 1 flt*. Tiie con 1,-; waa fn:- tin- aeal made varanI by Ihe deatl ol ' MTU1- ai -.Hum. j . I.ii., ral. It v.-,- bitterly I 11 lar.cly on Hi' lilli Hom" Kui.' Issue, EH a ? ?' Bartlett haling declared li. a -peech In behall ot the Conservative raw-date, slr Joatph < rostand, lhal ans Icgtslatlve body m Ireland ss.,ni,) be controlled bj I ssl.,, in tin- past !md Uneaten, d vengeance ilpili ' later \ loyali-t? and lmd thratened t,. rn*, Brlllsh Imports . ai.d c*'ii,li-ii Roman Calhollelnm. 'rutland ss eleeted lo-djiy by 7,0-4 mu.- i,. 7,o:::: i,,, ivoodluiid, Ll berni. ai the late geuertil election bummers, , Liberal, hud 7,<j.b -mles to .',,-:;7 foi- 1' MAirriAL LAU' IN" l:o,rr.\. 1 Tilt". RIOT THERE MORE Fjl RH CS Til iv WAS IT FIRST REPORTED Panama, via Galvi-xton, rei.. 4.?Prlvnte adv!. h*om I,'.-"ta arc to ihc .ife. t that ibe recenl liol ssa. innell m T'- "SEHoBS 11,an at ti | reported lt K -tai'si tba) th. rc ss-.-is a sanguinary battle bc tween the populace ami inc -mitre, ti." mob de? feated ihe p :.'?? a!i i held j,.,- , -ai: ,,t ting city fia- tis,, dais Then thc National I roo pa uer" rall**! fm) and martial law pnnelaluMd Thc s<.i<ii.-. * sue ceded In n dorina order, and ihe leader. ..r the mob v.. I.- arreflted and exeeuted. Altogether aboui IOO persons ss,tc Killed and from ?JO lo fiori j>. i -, . -rounded in ihe confllrl A rigid reiit-or-tblp of the pres* dispatch.--; js t.?-:?i_ maintained, ,? ihat lt h dinunil to get :.t the la, ls -m. - ? To A-K A RAF- '.NDiT'i FOR M. ROC1IEFORT, Parts, Feb. 4.?Xl. Mllleroye |,r,|,.,-s ta u-ii th" Government lo gran! M. Henri RoejVforl a safe cnn dint. In o:der that Rorhefort mav cuni.' to fails and ilse evidence rn "t*gard ", paymenta all. ge. to have !?., n!" Iv ' i'll.dills Hers IO M, I hui' va , a,;. fOXVKTED COALDEALEER Al'l'EAL I.ockpoit. \. Y., rd. t fSpxclal).?Tbe l/.Tsfirt Coal Exchange, lomiio-.d of all tbe local retail drillers ssiio ss.'ic convicted of conspiracy under ihe Aili iTii! lass, I,.-hi a aieetlng lo-rdgfal ami re*solvi*d lo appeal th.-lr ease to the Court of Appealfl. Tb**! were convicted In the Supreme court of consplraey.In attempting to min lbs i,u-lnc*s of another roal dvaUr, who ssas not a member of Ihe Exchange, by euttlng od his supply. Tiie raae ss... appealed t,. the i.,'. '.il Term. Which continued thc vrdlc" ,,r Ike lower court. The matter will now be tals.-n t" ti" highest court In Hi" State. this ere will 1?- of lit, portatiee in shaping ttl** action "f the pi-*4*4*ntlng iittortieys In Rorhes!,r mid New-Yorh (Its. ssl,,, ar" i.ow engaged In a similar prosecution, a na ni ber of RorbealPT dealers being now under Ind lc Ii.t .1 X1011T M<)VE HY A RAILROAD Denver, fol.. Kel,. 4 -Karly this mornlnc Union I'aiTlic svorkini-n, eii(.'lncs and cars In Hie employ of , Um- NorlhsvcM.-ri) began laying Ira.T.* at a rn at rat" , from ll'ewatta-st to Twenty second st.. on a parallel , with the Krll-i-r st. tracks of the liiirllnploti road. It ls the evident Intention lo steal a mareil oil the ic-iii-iits lo-nlghl before they can get an injunction, land push through lll*arb No IS to tbe N'orthwa*-u*ern'fl hud in Nos. ii and io. where the company Intends I lr, build ll- roundhouse The resldeiils .,r- ::, lu. Hy 'np in inni- They are Bflosily Hg, brawoj Wah ' nicli. who Isiioss more about pugilism and etuis than I thev do ahoul courts and l.iwlx.oks. TiicV ai.- .Hiing Lboal in Ibeir doorways, with binded shotguns a! 'land, read* to resent lie first ci. r?acii,?c..t on ihdr nroperty- They proi..,..* to have a fair p.l.;e or bood II Hu- Northw.vl.Tii ..tieini'ts to ims). Ita tracks tlVnlgbt or toiiierrow there will !-*? truiille. .'0 WISO YS hi LL ED U Y IS I) Ia _\'x. FOUB MEN slain .hv si .rx AT PIKE RIDGE AGENCY, TIIE M".",: ' :-,- ... MEET &IVH-T. PCXISIOIEXT v ?' ll ES Of IX EXPECTED CPR! *?1 XG DISCRKDI . Omaha, Neb., Feb. I. -A dispat h Hus morning o "The Dee ti H. Chudron, Neb . nye: "Two Stio.k'a band hilled four men on th. ?e*ervation last ni *"ht, Th* killing tools place at llutnplircj-s i .- i ;,. i.v.ii tl. ? mo nh ol White ' lay tech Humphrey's ranch i- ai..ut twenty mile-* lorthwesi ot Pine Rii .,? Agenc* and Hf teen mU**s hi'-tn v.... o( ii.,. Wounded Knee battle iround ol two yearn ago. There was c nsidcrablo tkirmishing in that neighborhood during the big ipriaing, and soldiers were stationed at th*? or souie time. At 8:30 o'clock ;,, ni "j't "The I:""" received therm advices fron Pine Ridge Agency direct: Captain Brown, acting ageui, inxiiueted the poll. ? hal in -,in uni ibu iiioriuiig that the) mut Dring Ihe murderer* lo the ag, ni jr. If the) r< s'- ted lo ?lug Hiern anvs'.as. ITr-t is, rgeaUt Jo*' ljjt.sU, Who ssit* In totiiniiiud, leila Ihe siury, Ile arrived ?1 ibo igenii al II p. m. t'xiiis. and r**purta as lollow.i: ? l li?- m.ti were ramped down near No Miler's ?"nj', a'c lo th" hill: Hie p-lli" were oat on tho Uni sshvie I!,- Oma lui House I*. When the poUee ame upon them ihey hi-.1 once ai n-. ami all "f n> la.-n began lu ure on ibrm. IVe gol un Indian - ung up Uh- hill ami wc ?Ita i him th tv. "?There waa another man mis al up iii,..- by the house, and ss, '.:j-|.,' |||m and kl.ed Illili down. -? Tg.-ant Sitting Henr killed om-, I'nlliemnn Red <'.*! Ulled one, and gorgruiii ilium Horn one. I look nw ,,i v?ni___ si ,,, Afraid'* tuen, young fell on . and th.) help,, ii. a M.-.ii No Waler ra. np to Hu. police and told us thal ss,, had s*>rvi. tb**m flgl 'an ss.- hail I lllcl I hem. anil , I ll Ihel hud 'll llli'J lind Ul ? best ssas no.S" ,sa- lo drop lt."1 Afii-r makli . iii lr n |*orts, Hie p. lu .? .?*??? lui hli [-ompllmented hv Captains Krown and tine, ino slick* and one ol his boj gul away, li i- I bough I Hui Two Slick* ssa-*ls WOUildSd. la],lain l',,,.ssii I.a- ll Hollier -yuad of police Out ifl'i' . tssv. wit li In-tiiiiTh.iis to 1 ? r 111 _ them lu Ihe ageiiey. ? ai'taln lin.** ii I- r.lghlj pral-*d on all -ld"- for lil* prompt action. ln*peetu* li-n.v, ,,; the Interior j a--i..i i-i iin<*ni, i* herr, li* .* sm . Bptaln Uro* h. doe* n, t anllrlpaie any further n nible. 'ni I hm-das a number ol , ,?\s:?.,s- belonging to lie heel ramp ol laaoe Humphrey a, * iSov.-niniein .-un tractor, located nn White Rlvei al the month ni While i In] <'rel'., aboui iwenl* hs.' mil.?- non liri *i ol Pine I'ldge Agency, returned from town lu ? drunken i >n IRiun and l.ruuilil a good supply of alilsk.-y ssith them. Iinrli'L' Hie evening they been me nuarrrlsoBic ind 'iii-'i.a -ii and Injured an indian named Two ?tlcks. drtilng Iii ra from theb* ramp and Bring their rei i.ii 'i iii Im, issi -ii,T, rei um*, later In Hx evening, rein foi.i lit his sun- and a number of other relative* and friends, and began ? di-adly an on ti," i-owlaiyw' imp, killing !',:?" and mortal!- ?? undina Ihe fourth man, who ha* since dh I, rhe nan**** ul ihe three a.. i' Wiled are all tiiat can li- learned al ! hi . time. rhev ai", i har! v Swart? Rae.hi, i rtderwood. Han n's ?on In law 1 Ibo f Birth maa. Ne\ss ol the In.han tliflleulty ssa; fir-t e,,-i veyed tn ihe officers "f Hie Dopurtnu-nt ol the Platte by a reporter. IJeii#*ral Brooke and hi* entire atafl were at fl photograph gallery at the time, and the General exppt*?il the opinion that there . mir] l?- ii" foundation of the rumors ol an Indian outbreak. He gave as a reason for thi** fut th i Two Striken, with whom thc murderer Two Sticks was at Hrs* roi-founded, be? longed )it Rosebud and not at Pine Kid ?-. aa in,li,, at.-'l by Ilse ni"*.,;,,, giving the n?*WB of the killing, -? It I- ti,,- wroi i time .,f tl * scar ("r a ;en r-ral Indian npi Ising,'' unid one ol th** leading officers. "It la awfully cold up In thal country and tb?* Indians an- nol foolish enoii-fh ti under? take a raid i'i tho fa.i this hitiu t dd weather. If it were n month lat?*i there might He more likclih.I ol an upris Some in imi", a- tv tb, i. ni ti"'s;is now -ta.ion.-I al the pontt in the vicinity nf Pine RI . ? an I I.'"- -li td brou lil nut the lui rotation that th" department is ,,irttv svll picp.'i ? I lo TU"!! anything like au In.lian otitbre ? T.-h a thing should oct ir. Al For! Rollinson here ni" >i\ troops of cavalry snd il Infantry. The garrison is undei r muiand .,; ,'h.!.?! James Hid Ile, one ol th.- In ive-d and -t ollie* is in th*' v"|, ait!.,.',! At Kort Sin ? si i lhere are a!*., -|X ti..,;,. ,,( cavalry and two com panieN oi Infantry, one ,,i the latter tieing an lil? lian company. J hi* po-t ia commamtad by ' olo ..?j I > i .:. S tjordoii, a man ol ahilit' as a soldier 11..--.- c ni i-on- are aiipplied with bo th Hatting and rlntrhki*** .th-, ami can make it |nter**at| ig toi- tho pral hr t**lt ahould t;,k.- place. In ?a." it alton ld I"" ni" in .'-sar,, four troops "t ?a\::!rv could easily Ire brough! down from Fort Th.e nhl lie hind" I at Rushwille within li-lii boura The force* al I' it Robinson < mid placed in Rushville within tis., hour* after ii -:ii;" theil c.lois, ni,,| i|,,. troops from Ni ibrara ld be in Unaliville in al",rn len hours. The t ,,,|is ss,, ii ld have to in ireh from Ruahville to the i. ? a- , a ii -'" '"? "l twenty o .?? mi lea Th i" are i\tj [ndj .- | . icemen ,1 '?j .? i. I..- Agency and :',', ., the -1 te- nu in dm ,.' i: - 'md FOR sl'l.'?l.'il. FACHT RACES Al XEtTPOBT IOU- iai OB ISTOH "I I ' i:** Ul" Ml.ll I". ? VI'S ron a rai k nf rwi ? n \ i i i si., sips. At tl.C lim.aa' li Tn? . I IB. '. , ? , I , h i i'llv isin li ? it 1 ?? vu Thui ?:. Ul linjj ? ' c Icttel BB* r< ? ?! \ '! i'"l i ,! wrhlrti u . - net give eui i" lb* i' ? lt ?.. a co ? i !r,,,i, Joh i .11< ,', a '"? I ? I'oi '. .' ' ? ,,, i ? up* s al i. :,?-"',.,.. . ? : foi , .pe, ; il -? :.. ,,i ra.-es ... Ik* aall I S . li I . ll s*a- x-.ul. ,.,'t nc- -.ii i .a- ? ? , . ? I Ih Be fl a, I levei ? , not ?????., mil un .1 last night, a i, cv ,,r Mt \ un lett ,,. * S ?? - ark, i ? li a ii :'. i-'.;t. .,.:? .; rrr, S* ? V ,rl Va hi I I,- ? | deal*-- lo pt at fn ? ? , ? r't; ' ? . al ,?? ,1 -;' I, ii, Iv I dollai ? 'a ii. !., be for aa 1 I I i'", and Ci !. rd )., ll w ii ? ?turill Inly ZO. Ui< i ., '.: \ , . ? ,i, i ii,' . m| . i i.,- ,,., a ,,, -'.,,].- , f ive Res .York I'aeiit Oin*;: l to mr* ll I t. t any I I in a a au-ra ta ,,|| pt,,, : i..Ul foi ?.!?', i i ? I ? )-? an ? 'inn it ll Hil ".nh : :? of arh'rh I* ' , I " ' a I" I ii ' -. ?-?< I ? ir.i I. I*, fllti.ts. ai I, il ?? - i' Tl ? ? lg ml il I r.i ,; ' Ul " 'I ll: .V ".- V. I.i l-l' ' ! I I III ,. ,, . ? ' ". , i ,, ii a-t U- - ill 'I In a!) ' il I,'"ii -. TT,. , . ? a- f ?'! ?>' - Tl" ss .mc r ,,f ti," lii-t ,t,s'. iv lo ia ? ? ? ? p ind M." s, Inner, -?? ???nd and third ? ; ,ii ."ii,),?!'? In the -???.,nd rare for the "tte i ?'li? lli the .smi "f ile - ? nd ? np b* lng s*on bj tia ' ? vi,, , ssa. -" .ml ni HiirT In lb* ll.-! d,s'. )"?. lie: iha i I.- ., third n ? balwem U ??? I sro t-au, a-i i ii. ? ss im., t ?i ii, ii. ni rai ? , ill t .A.- both i upa f? i , .1. J. A! I' iv RTEOXO ETIDEXfE AOAIXRT CLITFOBO Plttshnrg Feb, -i. The Criminal ronrl tra again Towd ,; tod a-, long I- tor*- th" lit l <d ""Jw k" '111 I'ld. <i ai.:-I ss ii h murder, si i- r" urned. Several h-rks and ol ber employ* of Ibe I irneeie Compon) li slill. .1 t.iii.- - .I.,, k" < lilford aleut t:." mill dnrtng ih" nigh! ol n. Borne of Ibem -aid Ibal li? lias ei.grgrl in making and tiir,.sin.: dynamite bomba ni barges, i iii')-- uaw him Ihrrrwlna Ignlled botilei IHk-d sliii, mi: libera saM thal '," had rarried a ran <>f powder late tbe pamp-bo??? irbere Uh ran von ssa- ],|acd. lliM he acted as a leader to lbs Blob and bad .1.. lated ti," I er mi Bf -uri' in!'r. BeV> '?ral other ssitii, s-ses teniIfli. io fleeing < lilford lake lynamlle slicks from a box, iianding ti,, in lo other* uh" threw Un ni nt Ibe bal |e?. I'OJf f?FTT* UMER IS TROUBLE AOAIX. William Von I-lthamer. f.ns ...... yean oM, of Xo. ll Abingdon Minni", ssa. found afli-l I- o', : ,, li li-t night "by Bynam al Madison snd Markei -I... ssitii |WO Stab ss inn,I- In I,;- oak. I'"li 1*1111 kamer i ? ricph4?s? of B*u*on Puttkam**r, ssJc ls relaiod [,, m-:iiaii:.. Ile bai beci la much trimble ps"'ti*-. a couple of months ago be s*ai found i:i t-." bbII i-.av nt its iion-c. sia-ii"?i all ovflr Ute b sis with ki I isonnd . AX AXTI-rlXEERTOX lilli. r.tSBED ch.'iih -lon. W. Va.. !.:. -i Spectal).?Tbs Antl-Tlnk iTloli Lill |,r,,::l!' i'll li"!. ' 1.1/' Tl- of lin BtBtC froiii Being .inti bi pallet or peace oiVeiri Ibereln R-Bfl lia-"si l.y a BBSB?fl?Ils Vote 111 inc ?r_B? to? llu s Mk. CLEVELAND'S PROMISES. BIS .ill) PLEDGED TO A VII SNAPPERS, MK WILL HELP th:.": in THEIR k.iin*-? THE MICRIXR I\ v;:is STATE Yesterday Was Prcsldent-e!e ? l t eland's last nay for consultation with his Democratic advisers ?ii Ibe Milla Building, ind he was literally over run wnh Tiller- Thc m -r importanl ronferen e "f thc day ssas 1,,'M .v_ti, the Anti-Snnppers of tli s '?ny, who had adopt >| many rxpedientB foi bring* li B ihe bead nf tl..., omi pg N'atlonal Administration "i" tho acratch" and extorting iron him Miine ??*. pie-?*ion of bia intentions, r-? r-.r-lin_- them They had become tired ol his gei raligin'j phrases ile iionii'Tii. th.- cupidity ami political vandalism of Hill-.Muri>liy-Slieehan Snappen, ami they ssant."l ?o_u>ihlng suhstintial lu tic wat of direct i rum ** s ot positive rteognltion tn the ah-ipe of 'Hi es and patronage If they were to go to work ami build up a machine .,f their own, which should attack and demolish th,- machine ol tia- Snappers, the Preaideut^'lecl nun -iso them sometliin1* l-esid*. lame vaporings lin iletermination to make -var OU his en.-mies ol t!,:- lilli ..tlipe h.I I h.'CI !|,,.|e knossn ti, about ever* Anti-Snapper ,,i importance ivho had come within tange ot him during his vi-its to th.- city, hut he his fought shy of ail efforts to get tangible promisee i.i lum. Hus, the Anti-Snappcra tay, they >?! c.*,.,|.-,i j,, aecuring yesterday A qnlet conferem.f hi* Anti-Snapper admir? ers took place at tl.-- house ot Hswald Ottendorfer, So. 7 i:.,-t Sei-enteenth-Bt , about fen 'lav- ago lt,, ol,,,,: ssas t? adopt x-.i ?*- rcs i"!- obtaining a tall ami free expression from Mr < loveland on th-. subject -.shiva lnt?*r?*-*tc**l them so nearly. Tliere ware prata-at ex-Mayor William R. Grace, ex-Sec. retaiv '("ii!-, s Fairchild, i:. Ellery An lerson, Connel Robert Hrler Monroe, Mr. Ottendorfer and several ..ther men ul t'.ie Mtv raovemenl ..; I.?.t m'te. The subject was thoroughly discu-ined, 'ir! ; the result of th,, conference ss .- th" appointment ' of a committee rom*im-cd ,.f th.- m..,, na',. to . tak.* Mr Cleveland in h.uni. Tl.immittee hui aeveral consultations, ami on Monday aiMr***-****] Mr- I leveland .. |.?ttei asking him t? app dui a tim" v.hen its m.ti,her- could rall upon him. Several days pass",l without a reply, hut on Thiin* day u not,, rame lion. .Hr. Cleveland naming yes , teiiiav afternoon for th.- desired audience. In t!,-- in, tun:- Colonel Robert urier Mon | roe, DM of the uio.t con.',lennis a'ii"ll" til.. younger on**s ol the *s.s r... ts., agitator)!, called 0:1 the IT'*-i,|'*nf-.!e"t ssith a lett', af introdtietion from ona of th,- older Anti-Snapper*, . , 1 .,..1 Monroe, it ni'.,- 1.heetve.1 ii par-sin*, i- a candi da'" for Fir* Assistant Secn*tar* ol tlc rieusury. It Ma-, the hist tun.- that the Colon 1 had spoken to th.- I'res; lent-ele t. and he was ih iroitj lily l""lT"l i"r the .inion Ih- mad.' a eel speech , in which h.- ss.-'.f over tin- ssl,,,!- gmur-.d fiat itu,' to tl..- s"!M,'cs a "I sacrilioi .,1 ti,.. Anti ; Snappers in Mt 1 loveland's In-half. Ile gave his auditor a complete Inside hist ry of th,- origin of '? th" revolt again*! ii:l! - nomination bj du- Snap ! p-1 Si ite I Dvention, extolled the s'...r!> .,1 tho ! san, a. members ot th" "combine." and i-efre**he-l Mr. < I",, Im I'- memory of al! the various Incl. dent*) in tl,.- :ii!i;, neglecting nothing which ho ? thought mich) arouse tl." ulumbering vi of the I'r. ?idrnt-elect. Ih- ic ailed ti;" Ul 11 ?! j behavior if th" Inti-Snappi 1 - it Ch ira ?>, and t dd Mr. i'l"' elnnd tint it ha,I i'll i.1 | reji 1 'i.tsse-'T Willi.rn c. VVhitney an I themselvi . Mi < loveland I."n" vUihl* Interested i-i I M - - i" ,t ,1, an I s. ..ri' I lu apprecia '; ti"n ?! ii.- noble wort done mi his Intereel from , fl,.' .late ol tl," li i-i ,y Hill Hotel n, ti"- on j I'vl'i uar* 1 ' r- , llminutlon a: the ( llieng.i i 1 'oiisciitioii, no' , -,'.\ i y praising the di vol. ami ' s.lf-sii. riti " of th" I ti-sSnappera, bul I". '!?? Bouncing in ic. mincing torn,*. hi- Snapp**r op | po,lents, ssh' hal pa ked th.. February St it ? t unvenl ? with his ? 1 emil**, ami int t"r tl r determination and lahorlnus efforts ol his (rienits would nas. ailonced tl,.- voic "I the Democracy ? I th.- Si i'e Bl 'I I"'-, r-'.l th" ]i nple'** will Hp ?ailed s.-nat..r Hill and his adherent* a "pack of corm.,1 nt.. - and reiterated Ids purp?'S** to wipe int their machine. It'll he was careful nol to s,j a word al,ont th ? - ree 1 ;uiti rn" ssia ii t! ? ll -,-*:-.. 1 pp.-i- -> ar*lently desire in Hie way of " pap." i . innel Momo.- nuhmitt.-d the story of Hie In t"i-s lew 1 1 hi* Inti Si ?!???? i|??*i ion*, ami while Ih*-) were pl* 's .' with t ?? ? I' , lent n ply "l Mr. Clevi land lo the < lionel's orn'i n. Ihej <li I liol tail t" n*itlce ho "??> .? re nnlin-i tl.Hi cs I he- sv.-i.- on hand 1 t i'm- uppoin'eil uiidhii.e i.s'.-r.i .v afti rmi m ..' Mt I le' el md - ufli ???. K\-.M:ii "i- 'ii. ' 1 v. , th ? KPok*-*! in, an 1 hud the whole ?*. h. ;, re ihe I'r* -i?i?-.??-?-1 * " in a j. ii -. sahl, ' al h ? 1 ind it imp.ijss.jble tn evade. After thc interview was nei it wan ,, . di '. 1 m !? I the Aii'i-*-n:i|'|"-r* th ll . -all ii i.t ' I!-11 nltti-e had - - 't ? 11 -i ll ,- ||| i ivan - 1 tl?Ifl " ss:.- HlC ss IS lt ssa* MRI, ' .-I to st.I by th" Anti Siinpp**i ? ,. ;-...i..,,: ,,i i,... ot the '-it'. :i til State and -.? . ? marbi.1 lina! thnl "l the Snapp -rs ;? !. .,, rn I- un the -ippointmenl nf Mi I . ?? ; I j, ? .'..,.?,,!?, Mauri''. .1 l'"""i a- i ? ? ? 1 j, fill on td I "I Arti Snappeis in the (io- I I... ? a'"'" s. ., .... Ii ,,.. v ni kin on, I'ulone Lam _. I' "'rv \ il !? 1 .1 ? ? .. 1 .wa . < ni.I William I* ,' .-Vu ami -e.,at.,,' C. IV Mel Mil ml were IIBi.tli! .,. .!,?.' ,'. a.:-, t ?'. i . st. i-i ' sll I Illari .;, 1 , , . ' ? -? ki 1 or n's 1 i-osaibihli f ra Cab 1. t -o fir M.?ri ' ii I i-l.- anil l_.m 1 1 . ,,, ,, ti .. ...',.. i| .-,. 11 e pst ..f the 1 alnm-t will lie bulli at Lakeis.I - ? rm: /.? \BY inri'n" is in: Ut. 1 t."\'iv. >: .")? ii' i" ind CIP.I rn. ki F.PF.RS TRY IN" S'lN T") RIVE HF.ft IHT. Th- batu blppopot in u?, srW ti "rai bom In tbe rvntral Parti MenBg>*r|e on Friday, til I ?'?' al I) ,,', 1 ,:, !.vi ni.'la. The lillie one ssa- found s.- lei .!". rooming lol.dingly lr*. Al Ba m. she ni pa, ,,1 |,cv,'li.l this World. She ssa- ? ?! ii"l" to 1. nu ,,,, i,. r i?. ' ? n Hm tl nutHmenl from . 1. ,.|?..-, 11 ara* <l- :?!? I. I )i fore. I ? rem ive ber Ima* "ii!-- Murphy" ind ??? ?l*? ''r ,,v ""' ' ,,;l"' , nniBilislon r I'i'ia. Siiperlnle d Smllh. ?' H ? menageri". Bud all 1 ie k epera were 1.-nt *rhen Hie !? ai'S-ai ara - nw le. li was 11,! im art dei it nf danger. " Phil" Holm. , I'.i'iv snyder si- ron," Mr<8nlnn**i* volume-n-d , . .. ,.,. ,t. |n| bippo' BWay noni b< r nt ',? r. arho wns .I... 1.1, .IH- -ngly."The finn hnU > wa rio -i lo ibo pub 11( ,1 |be tim-. 'I"1'11' :""1 "T"'"'- " "'" ln m T-'.-l -VI-* Mi:r|.liv"" from lor *I'"U rblld ss i li nweet l .av-, w.1 everything ?"as arranged. -Billy RttyRet A\yy-\ rn! 1 Ihe pen BBd 1. ll ti,,, baby -hippo." -li- has Bl "'? v ,aj',".i ap in blankets and taken lo Hie od.I 1 ?? ? ??1 ? - * 11 -. -.. * l. a a 1 , \,..n,!. ss iaI,- a l.el ?::? made '"." her on t!l'K .,,,; ,i -,. IO ll," lie:,:,.o . MIHI .mn wl.i-l..-s eui, .iii.', were i-l' 11 io ii.-r. BpparentlT -sin. grio*l elTeils. ,',':.' |??,. .... lox] a i'la;,-., however, bIhiui u .,-, l ? ii ,? a half a" hom I il* r aa tlcad. ll ? 1 nell vi;) be nen) io Ihe Salural Histor* Mn-'nm for exhl billon. _. * iii: m. orr rn ron the EXPOSITIOS. CMesa-o, Feb. 4.?Tke t'oiiuiT.i .n BxptMitlofl Com pans metwlth I'- fir-i legal defeal i,,, it ssa. In i'?- epae ol th- Rain ?? * -* Wilcox ("ompany, which (-onrern Hied In the < ""'H ' ""r' ^"n"' tim* ago a MU a.M.i.-i til" Rxposltlim company. In 'ii- bill lite ,,,nrl Wal a-1'1 lo i-'-Ti'" !"?' '.I'll'l'* 1 <n Iroin putting tbe tiollerfl Bl inotber * ompany m the nain I,.. I.-;-room ,,f Um Fair In ins iwimri Master um rbe-tri -a-t mis ev.-rv poflltlon taken by Ihe complain? ant, and lind- timi the i.e.. *u ,s Wilcox Company hii<!. 11:11, i- their rontraet, tbs exclmdve righi to fur ni-Ii boilers to Ihc min allow? ing another Liimpany to come in ssas a breBCb "f , vaii.c I. H.- i'. . oa.iii-ii.l-'il B "lo.|Ulrillg I!," Wolli'- i-.alr lo in il*" 1 -j,-ni, p-r forma nee ol their .ti?T ssit'i th.mplaInant. 1','? VVorld'a Fall attorney bas tildi exreptmna to tho Master'* rjmting. 1 .v/.u" IItoY l'l.A.\T IX OPEEATIOX Hani-!,ur.-, lef.n., Feb. I >;?> , lal i.-H., n. ss l.a lan. '.r.......11 bar and ibeel Iron plant, eata I'sbed bete bl Qm I?sal ?' land linn ,,f timi name, went i.t" opftatloa to.lav. lt will make tbeei for lha manufarturc ol agate Ironware and win employ otrw -SJ I; ,lnl . SWEPT BY A COU) WA PH. SOMEWHAT DELAYED, BUT HERE AT LAST. LOITER TEMPERATURE ANI) A _1.I1 WIND MAKE AX (^COMFORTABLE DAT IN' TIIK (ITV i:" loni Belayed tatt sv:,v<* arriv.**l In Slew Tort si ?. n't lock >'?*!.-i.i.,s mornlB|, mads it-'-lf perfectly ai home, aad having gol well "col?*d" np to li- ss-ru by 'i o'iv i< a ra., ran tie thermometer dosvn to 10 degree! T;."n 'he wave, art?eh has no (Ur;*-liii name, jdiasi forces '.sic. old Borea*, ami together lh**y nii.'te an "i.-;a ,-i.t sn Ihe ibermomeier, amt beat Uial _? saMerlan, an4 min a abused Inatrument Bown t,, IB .iv..-*.??-. n noon, "i'i aol, sst.,, im. beea rat?er nt-'., ai ten. .I la lelj "ii a, "int ol tbs fltasencfl of his aammer partner, Ueneral HiunMIty, tiled lo maha a .-1,1,1 against Hu isi'. BUathlel-raBkrrs, and sb nuraged til" leaipel; lillie HI?1111*7*1 to g?*t ip to SO d' >"'.'"'?*. i'.i- po.nt waa reached at 3*30 p. m., bal at 8 ; o'elock iii.- cold -rave hal kixickrd uir uso gegrees I and ssas making rv*rry ertni", to te better, bul al h D ' appal"!.! I nc .-. norean, however, kepi ap lil- evil svork. Dodging around rornera, he tbe eyes of pedestrian? win. dust, sent hats Hying down tie- itresrtfl, and whirled ii'.iiiid tall l.iillUlligs iii b lii.inii'T that made the windows raul". The waters af th" rivers and has ss .ie covers, vi Hli white cups, and panstrnifTa rr"B*IU| tbe f'T-ii'-- enjoyed s fair Imitation of "BIB bb the oecau wave." The rivers were free ?f ice, which waa iii ii down tnrough tbe Narrows by the high winJ. a:.d nil trouble wan e*,*s**rl*_ci_ by Um ninny .ima. 1 j i oat- which navigate tlc i ay. iii- heaps of lefuae In Hie stn-et*-. ispertally tli-j uptown siri-i'i-. sere froitan solid, and slBtaat deled the .itt.i'ks ,,! the -nu-- of - na ol -?nay Italy, it j ssas gen< rally ? trying Bay to all who baal t,. be sal , i .1 oi -. and no re I f l~ primi-ed f te i<* day. The c. 11 ss,is.- ssi.i probably remain ber* until to.rrow, and Um wind will do it- Imbi to bet*, even ii it o ,-s an reach a v. I ..Hy of lort) miles BB hour, as lt dal yesterday. lau Ness- Vork with Its temperature of 10 an **l*ee?, was a minni" yes tel?if ss I. ii compared svllli points in tl.-- West. In M..aluna, the mercury limply uuwied 'nt ot sight going dowa below tero, tnt tin? line of frerslBg temperature r? a< tx-n cliiBe t,. the i.nit of Mexico. In Chicago, 9 legree* belo* wus Ul. rei ard, and .-!. Pan1 ssas a tritl" , Ills ssith .* temperature of SB degreen below ti ??O." To >t. Vincent, iiiim.. i.-i .nus the doubtful tumor of being I' .? coldest plMC III ll,is colllUl'S ye,!.|"las T'i de greea i,.-loss tero waa recoi?t. theis*. A year au.. s..i.i,tr.. New-York enjo-.ed un average temperature ol :,i degrees above /.-io. and Icr dtlsena mill*.. ii,,-.- -il . relaxed Ihelr feainres y-*i?tei?iy, but , in.iiv lid. .M-. and with Ibe aid ol u beverage which i- . illed, but is not, ?? li d b : i. TIIF. STORM lVIDESPKEAD. EAST inti WEST nu. BLIZZARD BAGIXO? Ti:iv: i. in rF.RRUPTED. Behenectady, 5C, Y.. Feb, 1. I bh'.nrd. aceom p, lied by bunding mow and laten*- raU, set I" aboui i) p. m. yesterday. Stage! are snowed In an I Irafle mn,Ti leta)'.-1. Lorkport, s. v., F"i.. i. Ti :- etty sras struck by a bUBBard aboui midnight. The thermometer al I p. m. registered sen*, a drop ol in legree.fl from yea* j lerday ifternoon. Ilona-. N. V., I'.-li. 4.- 'I'll" Worst fltOTBI <>f Hie ; i season struck Hil- * lt v la-t evening a nd eoattnued I nil night, making iravel .inti,ult BBd delaying Us Two freight ii'.il!:- on the Central road -sere held I i ? re all Bight. Lyons, S. V., Feb. 4.?Tbe thermometer ssa. ?_'<) above gero al "tami resterdev, 1.1 below at ?'. Ibis rnnrnlng. Ai .; o'rlorh la-t ni?it a bilsaar! utm-lt thi section; blinding snow ami Mah wind prevailed. ' lentl, on railroad- I- pro'Heall* -'isp.".'Iel. Ni innis have ai riv.-1 Know i- drift ol so badly i t..:,i mllknten < hanoi enter toss a. nh:,. Feb. l.-A blizzard -rtrack L'tlea Bbotit .". ' o'clock -'? "i-'.iv afternoon. The wini Mew a cale - and tl," -ii, --.v in the air nb-'nnd object, twenty! f.s't a" iv. The -torin continued until carly lld morning, bm no Bsraape of ans- ,?>?,-.?,,,. tn the .Uv or sb laity I.a. s,, f:ir bett |**portad. Ba??Md ? tnitiis ;,-. consldi<rably delayed, bal th'- ttteti cara ? :ire ta nini ,.:i ii:nc ami muds are not (?n'atlr oe I ? ii. bi haded, I minni im, Iowa, Keb. 4.?Las! nigh) ssas th" rolde t nlghl of i'i" s-ai- In ihi- .itv. Tli.' iici'i arv atood vi .bs'. b"i .ss -"ro ai midnight, and this morning 1 -!n,ss".i -ju below, iii" iliiimi. 1' Rallroa.l ls ? n >s< '?. .nn 1 and ri-,/ n np iii il,is lectloo, train.- being :: ?! ai .inii. ii. loira, Just wefll of here, and Qalena, i lin ila, rm the .ast. "'-li.-li. Wi-, Feb. I.-The hil*/,rd ol Ililli--dav has i :. loiioss-d i.s int'Ti ?? . lld. a driving nlnd has | .T.'itiv i.ii.Tii.Titi.1 tbe d:*ia'.inf'srt. Travel and btud ii? ? ii>" practically al a standstill, and lt ls only bj , Ihe ni''-! strenuous efforts that strvet cars an enabled lo run, ml m.-ii in an lrrt*gular Bianner. The nil- 1 road ar- mos/ln| no freight, all Hm k-como Ivw b I . pi'v--,*l Into tlf passenger service, toon ,.r ibe train. th" north having Ihrea rnglnefl drawing th-- n. lil train- al" lal", ant a IIT*i ni-Ut "'"litl'al pa *- n .'>T la il illd Iii a .nt between this rlty and the Northern atnie ll sptlal. .ill liaBIc arranger, 'i's are demorallx**d, and Ihe country roada are Imi? sable. ih re I- ni ii, 'i sulferlog among the poor, and cseu i : j iho-c ,,r moderate mean* ssh',." aupply or feel hail been exhatMled by tba tong told period. ll, n.'hioii. Mi.-,.. I'-,!., i. Terri Hr blizzards ruled for il,.- la-i tss i dais ssnii th,, m-n arv :n> in lu I, : ss-. -n >s'. drill* are as Muli ,i, the lona nf I enger tiairiw*-. Mineral Range and Hancock uni t i*im*I |*a -"I, :er irani- , ,-n -Isling of onlv one ron.'-h , aa i a baggnge rar lake i's., a nd three poss.'ifni . nglnes I" Inii lli'iii. The minc- arv * hut <|..ssn for lack of fuel, and ih" -lamp mills f,,r lack of r*ock, Trainmen ivlng their fm-, s badly fro/.cii. It ls more than ti 'piaiTer nf a reniur) alnee there arti! so -nany ron tincoiis blizzard* and such | lemiprature. tii-and Haven, Mich.. Feb. I?The al.nmer Bonn* ?ike, ..r Ihe Detroit, linind Haven and Milsinuke. line. | . mi muled bs ("uptiiln .lames Martin, whli*1 making arbor at o:30 o'cj ,k ye*terd-ii afternoon in u I err! Me nor! ti a eui -ni-, burt ber stein-- pipe, wbleh i.ui-.'i |,er io awing In lin- ,,f n?. j? t? *i*. ami a I," Ul* nilli.:.!.. .: I I" -I,,, ci-nliiallv ssork-d In i towiird Ibe bi'ili'li and -"Ul.-d nfl tbe Ik,'tom. Ti,,. life-saving .ress-, commanded bv Captain Lvsight, went !,, Hie r.Kcue a- s,?n rm i',--l!,|e, bm Hie lee form*. -o i|tili-kl> around the bocl timi the ere* ot eighteen m> ii Were a''l> lo milk a-lioi-c s,,.,n nfler she sun.!.. Iii,. Ko..,mk,' left Milwaukee ni ?: o'clock v--erilay h. ? ruin" nnd l- haded villi l.iani t.i.** nf eastbound sihe is owned by Thomson ,s M.min. of Pori Huron, and tba onlv thing timi will sase her from being a t. ul svr-.l ls f,,p ihe Ice io form ii rou nd her and prey, ii! Hp. beav) from l-ntik lng her np MERttV TTIIl'iNT- KN'J?'V GOOD SKATIXO. The cid s, av. of Fi*)?ai rdgBl brought the uanal ,ii ? inf ii- foi ibe average mortal, but lt Hied tbe lovers ol kalin:: with glee, f..r li permltt*. them to resume ii,.ir Interrupt*, sport on pond and lake. ll'.- rel ball denotlni -katini il Central I'.uk sraa !,"i-i"l early In Ihe dav. and the predictions ,,f ii,,. park then- would be abating iMfore tbe ? i r ih*. ss. .k ssas v.-rilled, 'iii,, bli s ai Central 1'aik were crowded with skaters all Ihe afternoon and far into Ihe night, B-StlBg was not Allowed ob tn, mall lal..- ai Fifty mntli-si.. wbleh bi give, over -\ elusively lo women and eblMren. At th.- larger laka at -ev. ms serond-at. Ike lee iva. in auperb cmdltlon, in feel Ibe surface has not been helter thu rear The iT-ss and rain had eaBsed a Ulm of water to cover ap eracBfl and holen, and -rhea thc temperature I era me .older a surface Ilk.- a "Blrror ssa- tbe res-alt. The I.n the Harlem Mere was al*,. In exeelleni ; rendition. null" Hie wind whistled throiiji thc "-rees, making pd. -tri in- -his-"!'-, the (.Tile was n-,sl to gool purpose by 14?ac "f iii" throng on the larger lake. The ichcBM ssas lir-t tried by a yoong woman, and limn, .lintels copied by half the I" "ph" mi tha Ice. Tin- ssii.d ssa*- Mossing from th.- north and thc ynunii ss, nu ikimmlng along before Hm breese. A illddell .'i-t ''less Int ihaw) os cr ber a,-ad, forming ii miniature -; il The ssind filled it nut in tn Instant Hlllj Un* young ss on an .shot lo the other end of lie |a_e with iiiim. I Hie speed nf an bc va, lit. isoon ... ,>::,.ti ssU.T -liasvl- :. i. 1 men ssith oseicn's rigged Into Impromptu -all- Were following her example. ihc ink.- iii iTa.-pi, i Park, Brooklyn, wen also thrown open t" ibe skaters ye*terday m'trnlug, and a tiir"ii-' enjoy*. Ihe sport luring ihe dav and at night. The lakes In Ihe parki ssiil be opeu lo-day ; from boa n until -nndown. I UK I1IVTTAN RBPt'BLIC AFI.'i.lT. Port To'.sn-ctid. Wash., Feb.4.?^The*leamor Haytlan | Republic, ss han ss,-nt ashore in ii .'il" and -noir siorin. I- afloat tl.Is ninnlne. " ' i DEEP RSOft IN ll'A.-HIN'.'IiiV. Beattie, Wash. Feb. I.?The wind Itr-gan Mawing from tl"- south about noon yesterday, follows, by rain. Itu von ell?ngel to til" north, ast. and at 4 i .,". I... k a benvj suowfall l-egan. There i.. gs*as*t dimi."T" noss of freshets pi Hie valley thiul ssUl do far ircrc diniii.Ue lian the flo.*l Bf Uat fall. About . Uirce feel uf sun** bus Bk*?if fallt-n. j HAWAII'S ENVOYS RECEIVED. SECRETARY FOSTER FINDS THEZB CBEDEM. TIALS SATISFAI TOST. XEGOTTATTOXI FOR anxkx mox IVTEaL NOW BB lTMini)-\ ET.IT__P.XT Ol" Till". COX* DITI0X8 EXPECTED nv IT.Iiiiv 0*1 Mi ri;u vv [RY RUUtaUr. Tu Tin: TP.lltt st..] W-rtilngtoii, Fob. (.-The lUwaiUu ea*sjus_B stoners mad.* th-ir forma', Ball mi S.-r.-tarv F ster Hus morning, a,n.l in tho aft -moori pail an'ther brief visit to the State Department. 'I !,."? win not preaented 6y tb- Seen of r*t.t->, bb bad partially been, arran, al. to thu President. ?>n. Tii'-silay ri,eV will bbb tli- Sr. retiitv a.,un. ant tli.-y wit] thoa be i-seeta*. at the White lim:-**. Mr. Feeler lias found their er<*<lctifi:il* a* <iiplo matlc r-M r<>*entiitives nf the Hawaiian I'r .vl-io-at Government complete In font, BBd ther*! i* now no nbstaele lo an enrly opening of the Rr**pHka* tiona fir the annexation ..f Hawaii which the eo!!i't!".s come instruct-.1 to r.-|!i"st. It ia prohahle that the prelimlnatries of the ii.-, .ti .tioiB svill be completed at the eonf'remf on T,i?-* lay, an,I thal by Friihgr or Sutnr.Iny Best the l'l'ni dent will be rend*; tn announee tln> rx:vt *o*h\** tiotis of annexation pi*opa*a*pd hy the II iwallaE '.'oi'Tiaf.t ami faioie.l by hf__st>ff ami Iii* a<l i'i?<"?***, if li" decides to a*!; the ..pilli in ot <' m tt**M before rommitttng this country i" a decisive -it<-p. Bb far everything lia* hern flmooth "?'Unit fat the proj.-et ,.f anni'Mitinn. Tit.- eo_imlflsjiunein li,i | tbeir power* af*pi*OVed, and ?BTB been ali! ? to demonstrate to this Govern?strnt that th -lr piopo-.iU have the supp, rt of the most int'lli* Rent and most powerful opinion bl the Hawaiian l-l unis. The Cabinet her.' la Mronrly dlsp h>i to Beeent tho Hawaiian offer, at h-art io the *'\t"n? of ii nt k. i ti jr the -lands a Territory of the United) statis to he 'j-oM-i'ied ini(|,r audi :a? ?*!iii*-11t*in?i of th.- Territorial form of a/jniniBtration as may tx- found n.iiry. Congresa lia- a-< yi't'*a bo stepa toward leeordiBg it** opinion on anneaaaV fi ti, bal 'he g nerti .Ititt of .**-iitini.'!it in both brain h"*. i?* strongly toward bu; porting the p>l.oy likely to be i louted by t!.,? A<l*nirii-tr:itnM. The one point ol doubt In the whole pr" eel baa ic"! the pupi ow.I intention oi the Qo-rt-rn-M-tB of England pad i-sgrnany to protea! atainaB tho annexation of tbe i-Dm.!? by tiie United Stnt_| and io demand *-?<nra*- guarantees of Ind?nnifl-3_* tion in rase ibis -untry Ri.ptefl tim Hawaiian prop,.-il-. But BO pi otest hM been r*v'*iv<**l ai) far Irom any foreign <oiveni'ii'tit, n H" is any pro? test ot a aeriotiB character bow . vp. .-T...1. The dii-r ground ol a rrom either EngUnd .,r Uermany would he found In tho poa_ble dig. lurbaace of Induatrlal conditiona in the Ilaw.iiai* Irlanda ander Aim ri**.*?i Bamlult-tration. If tin pu -..-nt ayatem "i Chlits****; ami Japaiwee t-ntml lalmr on the aegar piantatlonB be abotiahed or modified by tht* Goveimroent, tho BagUah ami Herman planton in Hawaii might hnre mtvam bafla. ,,i, which to appeal to London and Berlin f"i 1:1 demniacation; and perhaiai both English and Uermau intereata In the Wanda wouhl Mffeir. la.t th.. English lntert**t In Hassan h.-* only about one-Oitli tiie extant of the An-erieaa, aaa] the Herman has bs- than one-fifth, bo that r.-la Uveiv the I,** suffered by aubjectsi of England atul Uermany andi* changed l-iidltio**-", U snob i ' ,,, ,.* "-eur. would he Mull. lt is likely, thot--1.ll'. tl.Tl whatever |T-.'t"0t lu ,r_*ie rill be iBoderatc in tone and enajr ot satiBfetlont ind il la already hinted th..t ??" * both of the aovci_men- supposed ti "-stet m ,ni.v wonbi ia* gild to " *-i'? aa efficient eor* ,?...?.-. ,? .,:,. Blight .'lila, "emont of tefl"^ 1 BUthorlty ;? 'i.e more ilisiant bUnda of thg Pacific AU t!.K however, ht *UI a matter ol diplomatic speculation. ._ . The li.-t Interview t-etweeu S- oretan J* W Foster and the HBwaliBn am.-xa ?? coninus-,.'"-^ ? held te lb" ?? malle parlflir ... ^ State D**-?t th* ? ?J in- b,tw.s'? Pi and li o'clock, and laated boll a? tour. There wore prerent Secretary FJJtof .??! -oii'Tfor Pam ni--, rei r*-?*cnting tho United Staten and Meaara. Thuraton, Mil bi, Caatlsj", Marsden and Carter, the Hawaiian rommlailorerBi MV. Kinney, of Salt Lnke HIT, who is present with then, a, unofflebi" adviser, and Mr. Mott* s-initb. the Hawaiian MlniBter, the letter maJ__i the lnt**odueti4Hia. Mr. TUuraton, tm helmlf ot ht* ?_?_4*i_toB pr*v s,,,,.,i theil credentiah rrom Prealdi-nt Dole, of the 1'r.ivi-ioiiiil io,\eini!ienf, am I BnBfl4*-_e_t*"d fh.'iii willi a lui' t staten.-:.t of th.?eurw*4*sjg on the islam!-, which were thai trpilxW of their visit Secretary Foster n "ponde I In B few WOTdg of welcome, atuting that the reaaon !>>r the rr- . rand waa well known to the people of tin* tnitod stat.-, lifter the exchange ol more aoeial Rtmrt* ? _._ in the eourao of whieh the Secretary' BX" iie-s.-,i hi- rcL.r.-t that he wa-* urabi> io i*e*-sri"ng them at bia own heuae, wbleh had been el?***"0d in ?-\|'."tii*ioii oi his departure for Europe aexl week, the uiterii.-'.v clotted with an eii-a.i'ii.cnt !, in,at i.iiii at T o'clock at the .sum' plat***. Th.* Hawaiian eomm_Blon**ra returned at once to their hotel, where tb-*y <li!- inved the question of miikinp .' atatement tu tl,.* people of th* United "fat*, upon Ibe Mil..,at of their minion to thia country Mr. Thuratofl waa tiaked whether tho reception hy Secretary Foster had been i-ati*. factory, ami li" replied that it hail I)>*en quitaj ?o. it tbe details, bowev<*T, he -_uld not flf-ea?t, as he had beea requested by -Kietary l'i.-.tor. pending negotlatbrni. to Bake no Btata3n***_t_ regurding th.-ir pr .-t" - other memlarrs ,.t tiie commie-Ion unitcl with Mr. I hm .ton in exp**-?sing much BatiMfaetion at th.- m.inner ol their ivoeption. Mr. Caatie sud he hail found Secretary .oater to be an e?C4~***tU Ingl) affable genthmian, and he anticipated very pl'visant reintlots l*?tweeu lum and the "oinnuja M"!i'T> i'ii.::.' their st;i\ They bad been bbga .haily ifc'iv.-'i by the repi-*cntative of tiie L'niled Mate, tiiivernment, U" laid, and thia lieginning^ he believe i. augured a autiftlacto'-j eompleti?I ol their tnieeion. Ait.r the Interview Secretary Fostec *..i.| li**, had notlii-- new tu communicate, and, awing to the press ol other huBlnew, he was unable to sis- newspaper men. 'iii- *"i,l interview between tbe Hawaiian Annexation ('omini-?ioner* ami the Secretary of State, hell at the State Department it 3 i,'i-\,xi-\c I is utter noon, waa eve snorter than tl:.* e..n I, remo of this morning ami qaite as un pro* duetive in results, Tlu-re ssa* . informal talk over the annexation propoaltlon, an-l thia waa norteluded hy an agreement that Secretary Foster should again meet the rommis-tioners orj Tueaday morning next i'.r an egt*-??l**d i*onfei*eD**aa 'Ihe c..m.iiiss|.,"ers, svluh- they are Mying little) ot tli.- aubjeel of the ultimate aecompiiahment of their object, Intimate that they bel m_a_ eneoura:ei). Il MAA THE HAWAIIAN FLAO. ITflBhtagtlMI, Feb. I.-People sv..n?lere*1 to-iliiy at Hie strati",* gag BoattBg nv. r W.rm'.ey's Hoiel. It lia.1 a f.-relirn look ami tlor,- were mnnv Imiulrles aa to ita ajgaliVanee. The nag ts iii- easaga ..f ibo Klvs">: .ni of llasinll ami -= I_r,I'i.-<l ti... pte*n*net in th* hotel of Ibe i'oniinls*loners tslecti. to meitlate the amaexailofl of Hawaii to Ike t'nlteB rita lea. lt is a Bag of red. whit*, and Mae a tr! pea, witia m r?_ ci-?aa In tin- corner. < AI TUN DAY Tn CONXAKD TIIF. It')*;T^)*r. Wa sill,un on, l.-b. A.?Captain la-niaaiin F. Day sailer! from san s.*i.r,l.iv fm Honolulu to a-simi' coininm,! of the cr'iis-r BOBtOB in pTrsiianea Of or?!ers I*.ned |,y Um Navr DepartaBasai on PlCim ber "Ji. Ob Um aaa**) bb aratar aaa Inroad do tari,mi: captain ?;. r. nuts- tram tx,,- oammflaB of Ihe Huston on the maortlag ..f captain Dav. ami d|. reeling bim to return a*obbb Bad report bis antral, MilNt.IN.i IT' THK OLD TUF.ATY. IV:,.'In-ton. Keb. t.--.|iat.vr Mor-in tod.iv 1ntl"7J? taestf a resolution, which was to. re<|iiestln_-tba 1%-esUl.nt tu -.-nd to tin- Miiiite de draft af He- aiuie-x. ulon treaty rn r"oiiat"i In IcOl, but hot cumpUt-d,