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COAL ROAD PROBLEMS. JERSEY CT5CTRAL AND PENNSYLVANIA. the tw'i r.ovns drawing closi:** to. ; ft ii rr* READfXG'9 ll rr Ri".. Tbe repcrt from Philadelphia *>f ms* tlvtions for :i closer Inter* hatije ()f coal tritlic brtweCT Um r.iin-sl vania und Ike ( linllr.i.i.l .,' Hen-Jeraty, while not o(ti(i..ilv foiiiirniei here, I- cen,rails- B4*cepted in ?areli Informed , Ir.ies ii* f(,ic.|i:tdo(\.l:ic n change In the rela'lon-. b.-lwccti Ukt lett* J Central n-id Ita former allie-. President .1. Hogeis Maxi* I of Ibe Jer-cy Central, could -Md DC *-?- ll. ati'l Vice l're-l'lci.t 8. M. Wllliiini-j discredited lb,- Idea that nus radical negotiation- -ure nu fool. Mr. Willam- ssould m.t deny that Hut*' iv.-re u. L'.ytlitinns ..I kmoe Irlnd. but he Insisted that th're wa- Do lui! ( d-al ttl foot. A traflic arrangement ml.iit be made vv lt li the penn ?ylvflnlu Unit WOUld lli'icasc I_b rev tines ..f the .ler-ey Central, but Um Mtmral aiilaiie.- ?,f th" Cent ral with the Plillndel]ilil:i and K- "_la| i*-:i<. still ju.-tili*'**. Thfre ls little rtou'.t. li.vv. v.r. that tl.- relitl.ui*: In the conl r?g1on* of the Jersey Central and tb" I'eiin sylvanl-i l:ave l..-ei- material;Iv Btl****|S*|*s*encd t.v th failure of th,- Philadelphia, and ReO-lBg'l cifoit* lo control the anthracite Cfjal trad". Ihu falltire, cn ?erviitlve men in Wall i-tre-t -ny, waa ciiu-el bv Um too eager policy -af I'rcsl 1. nt i,, s,|iie.-/.e golden eggs om of Hie (?.ii.-.- ??.. rapidly fur tin- general health Of the fto.,se. Intense jail.Mc fe. lin? -vhs .-veiled, and Ute sjeverest critic!-m mid Hie strongest opposition afere stirred up. Tke ions-native members of Ihe anthracite tani Irade were Blamed nt th.- Reading's ambitious plan-, BB? UM further eir.irl i.f President McLeod t? knit together a line from Philadelphia or Heading to Portland, Me., precipitated a eulin t with Important ba*""_lag Interests thal were concern d Willi rival New Enplniiil InttrestB. Tin dra-tlc nelliMl of the flov.rlior of New .lei-., y nnd nf tli" Nesv Jersey courts ns to Um "((?ni (omi luntl"ii'' (onipelle.1 tbe Rending Company to fall bach uix.ii lt- Lehigh Valley combination, and wli-n Um New .lersy Central road was free i.y the ahroyatloii of the lease lo Reading room wa- n'Toid-d fur a now '?deal'' which would nol ?fiend ceflulll public B4Mi-lb'll:!.'-. There ls Utile doubt, n<cordi_| to (lie views of esp-Tlem-cd afjajtvi- In Wall street. Unit the vs!;,,|.. question of the relations l.etsveeii th.- mal carrying roads was materially ciiang-d vs in n the Reading branebed off into New-Kiii-'?nd anti r*n la iii .ind de Nen Ittoey courts set the seal of eondcninallon upon the Reading '"rtenl." The outcome 1- dlilicult to predlcl. The etrength ot the Bet?lng management neem- rema rim hie I when lt dare- to cope willi allies of the Vanderbilt interests in Novv-Knglatid, ;jt:?t yet the failure of the Btte-mpus to throw the Nevv-York and New -England j Into the hand- of h rorciv-r, the capture of tin- Cou neeticut River Railroad t.y enemies of Um "?.evv-llav a n road, nnd tie attempt of the liostoii and a?ala?*?Ba?a.g <".tiil.inallon lo acquire the *'ld Colony road BaasBi to iBdlcate a gnat deal ot pomee tack of the Readiiif- aggressor*, ffhete lt come- from ls a mystery, uni.*.- ihe ohtory he accept"*! l-bat all this conti-over-y ls preliminary to a C4*a**W0_lM be tween all conllh tiiif- liner,-!-. The Handing cannot stand alone, even with important Ncvv-Ktigl.ind sup- I port, Ri n w;ir In thc nial trade. An aluin-i ct tabing | combination between the Delaware tiiid Hud-, ti and the New-Yoik Ceiitml Ifl po--!Mo, and If thc IVlnuaro, 1-arkawanna and Wt-Bt?ra acre drawn Int.. the al? liance the cool trade would pre-cut mii.Ii a phase Hint the extraneous railroad eiiterpri-es of t!ie Hearting would ix- serioiL-ly liiip.-iiiieii. They would v.- given up. probably, in <n*der lo save the Reading's coal trade. or the rertilt wa.'Jd be ? union of nil Intea-eata, rall* roarl and coc.1. Unit would approach thc Idea*: of tho*' carit-liits sslia see no safety In future. llnaiiclHl and corporate stability CXCepf bj a Joint owner-hip of *_o-?ertlc- that would defy logi-lative attack? It would !"? I (BC time before ?stuh a deal could !?? completed. Nesv .lcm.tits are -.rossini* to the front in Hie eolation of the problem. The completion of the mysterious Weelinwkcii tunnel and tile ___hl_g of the connecting Hm between Hie F, nnsylvatii.i Hailroad ?nd the New-Yorh, Su-pi.hanna nii'l Western will plore the latter road In Um Held ns an independent factor in the coal trade. The N.-w-YorU. Ontario mid Western Ib BBB0 a grail?lg iiicml>er <>? the family of coal road*, and while Itu relations willi thc Ness-York Central ure clo-e the Central niny not claim the ahaolute control neces-nry to pvc lt a sjj**a*erft"| weapon In the determination of the problem of managing the coal roads In harmony (ind settling thc vexed ques llon of the dominance of railroad Interests In New England. That then- will Ive Important developmen:- lu the ?"astern Trunk Line situation in th- next few ?month- Beena pntable, and tu- drawing together of tue .i-t-*cv Centi-U and Pennsylvania In oiiposItion to tue Philadelphia and Reading may Indteaite the lines upon which some iff Um tatara comest- win be directed. A RILING ON TIN-LATE BATES. PraVILK.r,i;s ENJOYED BT OX- LINT. OPF.N" TO ALL THK ROAM. Chicago, Teh. 4.-Chnlrmati Mldply Of the W-nUm Freight AsSoeliit|.,n. leis ls-ucd a rullii- In repa.-d lo the use of proportional rates on imported tinplate. tsome Hine a?o a mt- of 12 1-0 CCBtl n liundred puund from MU-l-sljipi River cro-*lrIga to Kouthvvesterii Missouri River points on "Inflate BblpaaentB via New? port News and Balttflflon was aBthot_4*d on tbe ap plication of the Knnnwha tajBfflUcb and tiie Contlti. nial line, addressed to the Chicago and Alton road. Tba latter road hurt acquired ihe rlpbt to make tte rate I.y a notice duly filed and neted upon. Sulas-queiitly the (.rand Trunk applied for the us- of tbe same rate In connection with Um iblpaainta "rta Portland, Me., and Montreal, mill Um nuthnrlty was granted,, Then the R.-ck Island re(|iiesi,-d the i.rlvilee.. ,,f *-*___g Ute ?itime propuiTlotiiil rale on tinplate eot*h**P**A ta omaha nod Council Hlulfs. The nutlioilty was given, bat restricted to l"B*#0"r?I vin Newport News and Hal:lm"re. It afterward was learned that UM oili-r lines were applying the rate on a_eftap at Illv.r crossliiRs (lestlnefl! to Missouri River points when Im? ported via Philadelphin. Cons..pienlly B ruliiii, was ashed for. In deciding Um qaeailea. Chulrman MMIgelj Bayi that the proportionTl rate nf 3ii 1 _ cents may be u-ei| on deliveries of tlnplat.' Imported via any All?B?C port on Hu* written application of Um lal?al a**abtaurd line, lna.smut li M Um Kjuuii ba Dtapatrb and tbe Continental line ure ut liberty to quote rule- at th lr discn tion to Kast St. Louis on .-tiipinetit-; de-tlucd Ire yond, other lines from Um Braboard BbaaM i? es-oail] free to (|iiot.- rate- fn.m their BUBPOfta lo Um MM alsslppl Uiver ? ro? ll gs. In < u-e they flbot_d do -... Cliiilrmiili d.-ilde- that lines In tbe Weat em Freight j?Isoclail'.'i may ni "'pl their iigi.-.d pr. portions of such pnt.ii-hed proportional raiea oa tinplate ship m.-nts de-lliietl to the Ml I?arl River and beyond, ihi rule ls eflective from and after irbruary ii. NEF.D Ol' RAILBOAO IATI HKI-ORM. Aldace F. WulI'.T, eli,airman of the Joint committee Of the Trunk Line and Central Tra?? association-. In this week's "Blll[way Age ar.d Northwestern Rall roader ? will make nu argument lu favor of better CO operation among railways, upralBllj lu the matter of rate making, ile -ays: "The fact lr?and lt ls pp oft.n ov.rlvoked that lt must be stated strongly?Hie rate -making poar-ar of a rall wuy company ls its bighe-t cai pw ate faMt?mb. lt I* ? charier power, lt- taatrU toot* ultitnutcly In tbe Mate in acts of inc?rrx."iatioli this power i5 iiiilvci bnlly conferred upon Um hoards of dlr.-iTors-the high? est seat of cori?nite authority. It should have ber*! Urtited with s*'rtoiiMie-s and ns repre-enting the must Importniit flluly of the severni boai-ds. Hut lafllead of lids our country lias been to a carnival of rates?rates? rotes; hundredi of Ibaaaaa*?i <<f inriiis have been flied In Wfl_b_)gta*_ during Um last livu years. The directors of every corjK.r.itlon Lave prac tlcallr abdlcateil this most important duty amt have left lt in the hnnds (,f -mb<M-dlnatefl, arho have pa tlr?tly develop***! n most Ingenious cu fusion Ihrongb ?s-tiich they alone are onmymttA lu .*dek their \sas.' A DF.CISK.N IN TIIF. COLD WATKIt CASK. Mansfleld. f)hlo, Feb. 4.?In the Circuit Court yes terday tho ins-*1 of 8. R. Sturgcs nnd others against the Han-field, Cold Water and Luke Michigan Ballway Company, known ns ihe c?|ebrati*d Cold Water ?UM, which lias !,een haunting the ajaaajBji of * ? tii-. f..r fifteen yean-, was dec:d'*d In favor of th- plnlntltls. who sued the mochliolders to recover money paid out by tl"*in In 1873. The Pennsylvania Cnmpiiiiy. which holds :iO, OOO shares of the Cold Water stork, was made a de fendant. and is liable to assessment. The amount claimed bv stiirges ls Hyoo.oyo. Tho ca*'.* will a^iun go up to th.- Supremo Court. -flt-JP-D AOAIMf/T TIIF. KAIl.UuADS. San Jrand-co. Cal., Feb. 4.-Judge ll ebba rd yi-.-l.-r day handed nosvn a de*d-ion^ln the suits ac-nu-r th" tt-tntral and Southe*. Pacific jrillroiids for the lajeotllj Of taxe-i. The decidion is BgalaBt the The action was brought by the peoiiie to i*e((ivei both -ute and county LiM's for the. year IMT, amounting to ?*W50.0<H). with ?". per cent p-nalty flag dell'uiueiicy and lntere?>t from tho last Monday In December, Xfix-T. The court allows thc ottoi-ueys for thc- people a cn tlngent fee of 10 per (.tit. The railroad companies held tnat thc assessment far wits lllesal. beean-.-. tba Federal franchise Was Included In the assessment. Hie amount of mortgages ou the roads was not con UP AND DOWN THE STAIRS. (ITV HOt**F.H AM) rUin KE HEALTH. MART WOMEN COMPLAIN" or TIIF, FATIGUE AM) WEAKNESS CAUSED DY WE-RI SOME STAIRS. "I raa*t linaglM ss ny I am no tired all the rm,e. ll IB n..' I do very little," said a .New-York worran. dragging heueif to a chair and tlttiai daaa arearlly. ??Hos* ni.. Utnefl do yen cc up a'ld dossn s!a'r-'" Inquired a irlaad. TIM house ssa- bb ..a aaa?sra *tr*-*-t. inch uni Barrow, srttai f,.ur long stains av-. Ibret -f sshieh Inienreaed between u-e kltcbea fltid the -aether"! "mm thom. ' "Why, eery ottaa ; I doa't knie*-. 1 Inse a gasad many nr uni. al,ve. -iv baaae, h. rc and tl,eic I ?u|>P SM I ?pend a rood deal of uv Mreagtb on tin.' stair*, noss l think er ,t" ??(if cv,r-c ron da And<* von esi-r a?mght," said I!,,- si.T.a, "tbal sui csv e.-'inn ...mes frula Mil- I X ? lion! Add to your reaaatat domestic and Katie! earea th., fact Um! v. a .h. bard ?m? rn tramping un Bad dossn those weary?| atalra, uni goa caa BBdcrfltand ssnv n li tl j. S vi I'. -0 tUCll." 'lins || nii(|ucstii.ii.i!.ly true, and lt ls the tttttX <>t ball tiie sickness and sufferlns omont: ac*?ea rn tin- - 'r i.e.- people liv* on uc- groans' Roar, and -mir- arc a i --..iv evil. No SV,,vl.T. ll,ell, I?ll SSOI1CI, v. et anatruni nerte*, irrttabUlty, Ured feellaga, leaTa- io* and ('tier patalul aymptoma In apeaklni et -?rT.,u< ratter Mi-. Marv L. Tu|.i m. er im Weat 4-'ii -.v i.'.ciitiy -ad "jeniii'-- ::.e |...-t ihrei -rears I has- baal aceasl-i to BM a number cf nae Jes, hi.univ tu lie cur'(I of certain bIIbmb? eantraeted in t?!*> was-, irota sshi.h I ci* aotfer lag. I hud -.'nissa (iiscouia-iKi ii-m tic Inability or my phyalclaaa tu cara me- I bad h. ard and teat >??' l-aia*"* ,,;.:>' compound, hut pla-?? I little cnilit in t!i" r"|ieit until a dar friend pe-*ao??lly recomniended lt. I then .... I j;. Tin- rffetl wa.* iioti'.jiilc irvin tlc start, for 1 Ih-'ii began tu cain In sti.iife'tli and Hie pain **??.: li had beao ?-. en-taut ;-1-? ss- ;.-?-. My flpa-etl? i- better, my lids'- -" and n.y geaenl ??Itt) In.|.rosed. I la.ntiiiii.d tn" u-e of tin" raiapeaad, beUeiiag that it ss mild cure ta", and I wa* not rni-tnUca. To day I am In letti r health I?M I lias.. I.'.ii la*. It 1* -'ii ti:e|y dBi tn UM li*'* Bf th.lefJF .aiiiip'.iiiMl. fal 1 Bard no other rem. dy. I cannot recommend lt BBB fltrongly.*1 Rey. io. li. D. ii.-*,.-!:.. of HU Wes* Twelfth.-*., pae? lla of the Ando- American < hut' Ti. mali.'- fl -tafmont I'.at. I- specially InteresUBg. He raya. "My ntte kat i baie had to usc Paine's celery con,pound, and l bave no ii.sitiitiou in saying tbat l believe ll lo be u r_?t excellent remedy f..r any aaa ??aabtod ult. nerveusn**?* or suffering from overwork. J ceasMei it a splendid remedy for tot?ag ap Um (yatana, relieving exhsustlen and linpailiric n< ss- atrengtb." Mi. William M. Riley, SO Broadway, i- BMaager of th** riicrmati Park Building A?c.'11.111.11. Ile -.'Iv.- Um I? lowlng facts' "A friend Harlem happenCd t" taBM ln(o my ellice recrntly. 1 knew -Ii" had bt?I fal I I ? - I'm" a rufferer from rbCBBwUsm, svith flttendanl unpleasant. aynptoma. I advised ber to try Paine"- celery rampemnd, and she did so. The efTcYt has tiecn woiideif T. NM* ssith-t?idincr ?he lt flflmewbat Bdranced in iv- tbe issmedy eared i?'r eaUrely, and *he i* nosv enjoying um beat Bf health." 1". IL Graham, N'vv-York tnanaircr of tiie arrtl-known pabUflhlag boast al i?- r>- Merrill company, ot st. Paul. also of tiie Tedella Pen Compaay, flays: "I did bo! folly realltfl baa te I ssa* aaUl l ssa* told hs- n.y ssiic. Through flyersrorii i ssa* enable le Bleep Blandly, ind ssas growing quite Irritable and (ro fl. Fort-mat. ly, 1 ?j- ad? vised io try Pain.-'- eelery i-wapeaad, and I found it ju*t ss hat I Beaded, for my ii?tvc- Brera -aMtbed, ond a* s renie. qoence I ssa- a!.ie to rain peaceful I stake Ila point to keep ii supply ..f the compound on hand a.* a family remedy. I take pleaaare in retamtaflradlBg it to my fii. mi-." Life in e rr<a*. cite, arith lt- m-i-iy ho?lehold and ?1*1 ne?* .an*, lr nabealthy mid weakening;, bot hy Um aaa of tho creat reinedy above described it- Injurious effect* ian be ivoided, alckneaa can be preTeated ami bapplacsfl in J. ll I ed. sideted In the valuation. The wwii linds (hat the Federal franrhlae was 4K.t included in Hm bsswbi?"mt, and that in the sworn statement of defendants tn thc Mat. board of Bqnaltiatlon Hmm ssa.- no meattoo of mortgages, boot?or ti?rt deed-. PANAMA AND PACIFIC MAIL. with re-ird lo ihe aaBeatireawiit tba! the Pacific Mail st-amsi,ip Company lind refased lo "aa*? niroogb rates frau Sail Krancls.o tn New-York or lo Eui-Cjpean ports, (."flers of the Patmma. Itnilnuid <*ai(l JfCStef?l*f that their company was not to Marne, ns wa- Charged l.v the Pacific Mall people. A f'sv days flfl". ll ls a--erted, un offer wa- made to the PadIle Mall bs the Panama llallroad for a temporary nrrTiie.iiient rt-gar?ng rite- across the Isthmus of Panama In order lo prevent an b_ibarrani?int of ((.min.-ne. Tba Panama Ilallrond was Willing to UBBQl to fill equitable iivXtXea of thraagh rate* Batu the pending controversy and ilt:patl"ti between lt and the iteam ship company were settled. The pm; ima people aat j lint this prep villon ".sn- rejected by 'ho l_ I fie Man Company. KILLED HY AX ELECTRIC JJOMT WIRE. I.otil-viile, Ky.. Feb. 4. An titetttc tight -"Ire ve t' rday nu rn.tu' killed a man and alui'-t Ceheodee" him as well, thc current barning Atty l;iio his neck ami nlmo-t levering the lead frooI Ihe body, .lu -t before dav ll?it a vcir.-, wUeh carried a t-rreal of T.oDo volts for Uie street lights, broke lind lay III a coll 11 ole deadly Ik*?I any serpent assaiiln.' a victim. The place wa- pitch dari; BBd BO 'ii ? rah ssa* driven Bgalnsl thi broken wire. The horse was **B4*eked down. uta Um vehicle set on lire, bal Ihe driver eft?pe.. A bor-e at turtled to a brewers wagon next stepped db the wire nnd waa In-tuntiv kin-d. This alii?Med the attention oi ? p li*?*__n, who p-.-n-d hlniM-lf near I.y to wain people, "toot* after Li'.nani Figg, .(?I-l'.-d, cline up on fji- way to woilt. IJe approached in the Opposite direct! ti and the oilier on guard did ?mt se,, him until he heard a. sharp groan and Pim in:: saw the mun In the g.a-p of the deadly wire. Be""?ml 1-.T-1TIS iu*he(i to tiie re bobo, i,ut on touching Hie man, wer" knocked senseless. He bad fallen with the wire coiled about bis neck, mid fl (load .,f -.moko r .-?? a- the deadly molal durne*! Into the fl.-h. A set of .' iirh Ian's tools weic nt last secured and the wire cut. The man wa- dead and the neck almost severed. Thc pipe be was smoking waa Mill rllnrhed in his tooth, and hi- hands Were thrust In hi- pocket ,, il.-alu having evidently been ulmu-.t Instantaneous. BABIRQ MR. YVlsr. AR M0M0EAMT MEMBER. l:o-ton. Feb. 4 (-pedal ..-The Mlddle-.v (lui, nol today nnd iina'iluiou-ly elected ex-Conirre-smati .lohn S. \YI*e an honorary memher. Tho Mlddlcex (lui. I* composed of ardent RepnUlcans, and the ni lion today was In reply to (hal of (he South*? Club of N.-w York. Mr. WI..- will bfl one of Ihe ut Um Oflfe?i-uilon of flienerai Oraat'a falrtlaiay, April 'jr, a- he wa- laht April, when In- delivered un elO(|ti.-nt ard ittnring eulogy on tbe hero or Appomattox, lia coln*! will be Cariebrated by Ute Middle-ex (lui. next !>ultirday Blgbl by a banquet nt Vonni.''* Ilot.l. The .-ponier, will be L. E. l'iiittcnd.11, abo was Regfxter of the Treaaary nnder Lincoln: ex-Gov enii.r .fohn I). Loiir', the Kev. Minot J. savage and Prc-ld-tit llnkertoii. ol Ihe Beaate. Xnu f)nbiiciUions. I7'_C.?SMOLLETT'S Count Kath.mi, Launtv-. laftet ivase-, I 1. l.iiii:.'- Jonathan Wild, Mark Lem. PRATT, IV, Jnsirnttion For Voung Liidiea?City. ii?jAr._iM- a.*i< nw sim..., , ,,1. (jii'.ls 1> NO. 007 6T1I-AVL. lt v. Dr. and Mr*. Divs II. .All.NKll, Trln-lpala. Till-. .Ml.-.-,..** Will.AK.-. " " ->. ii.iul f.u ..ul- and Klnderratten. .-???..MT lena leir.ii- I ci,r,icy I. ll Last, 74th-kt. V i.s. kUiih ni -iNi.-i- (01.Ll.ul., IgiUi-at., H. y._ li All practtral brauchra; dav or erBBlag. tall ot ai rtt. ss iLivMK.M' C. (.AIM.-,, Mount Morris Bank HT'g. as N OHM AN IN.-T (Pounded lb67i. 6. L. coi. uf \Ve?; l.ul j-,c und 71-t-st. I'nn. Ii>.i. Mine. VAN NORMAN. B A For Boy* and Voung Men?City.' iii'Klsi.j.ri.M.. (taaajgiaj-a-gr. t-pcv.rltln^, dc, thur flagaij laughs; iia> cr es'-niBK; .Itufltions furaUhed Audits, .S-ss-ior? Uu.-lii-.i College, l.'5u.-Jt., N. _. 1,->.\( E~__10It MEDICAL rOLIVROR, A rvivriwi v 1.1 ,,i:i;r.s. DR. BOOTH, i;r last lOTII-ST. UNI VI .CM Tv i.P.v.MMA!; BC ll O'IL, .2 West lVtB*b*Bb All d"|Mitte,<nt.. Boardloe pupil* re *lscd. Baan E. Phillii.-, a. M. K. c. Iliadtlclfl?. Ph. D. Miscellnneoui PI.'P.LIC CLAUS in ?? HISTORIC "i-.s.vMi NT'' isill l.p leld at UM Ness.Yolk grbajaal af Apptled Dc-'en h.r Women, COO Weal _'t*I--t.. 1 .lniiliit- i'.htuny 4. MM, ti.d . ontiuuin: every HBtarday fur uxx- year t*. l***lB*_iry :> LSTl, ra elusive of inly, Augu-l and SSeptcii.her. ('oin*-.', 1.0 ^_ HANI* VI, DltAWIMi, ML' MANICS. MINlNi, PRosl'iii'ITNii, ARITUMETIC, ETC., ? studied nt home ?s'ltn-.ut lo.* of limn fruin work. IT. t-rsTti. snid-ui. need onl*? know how to r-ai and write. Win.- f?r PHKB circular, tis Ina al! particular*,, to I'.'ie (orr* s|K)i.deii. p S.-hool of M"Cl.i_ lu, gcilBBlen. !-? PRIVATE INSTRICTION IN PAl.VTINO AND IHlAWI.NIi from ev.u. Mlsa UY-LKIl, 81S .Vest I'laMat _ For Both Sc x-i-Count rv. f^ ASTMAN III hi Ni-.:-*. OOLLKUK, PougDBaepale. N.T. J Open ail the year. Thorough Instruction In Bookke-piag. Hanking. Connie Kial Law. Lorre.poiiden. e, IrlUiiDetlc. ku. ; T.lerrapriT. Htenflgraphy, Typewriting, Ao. 11 ,.mes- men fltipplled s. ith con-petent asatatant* an abort loticfl. No charge tor kltuations fural?s?d. bend fer catT'gfl. M jneirntnuL._ For Both Sexra-Citdr. A -FRENCH Al vin viv -?( Iiinl'fls- (""MBiefltl ? Banding . lion v. Ber-rer, ..i Pan*. .Tie.ror. i rea t.oin n: eonvett?Mun ?*-).. i.i.s nu i..jn-cni lt. adsan... ii._ BERLITZ SCHOOL or LANOI AOES -IV.t li,-*i... * ..i. Lowe** lee. AMERH an lil', a NT MK.-. _ Nflw.TorB, .Mool*.ai (.quarti rHofllwaj md Hiih-ev*. Po.ton 1".4 Tremont-*: Balli "re 111 N. Charlflfl-s! Pull.*. 1,529 I hefltnut-*t. ( : ? and ll -os reid". Waah'ng'n, 7.'8 14th st.,NW. At.."-.. IS Cflln-fll Chlragu, Audltortiini. Cw< . si 218 M i.n-flt. BL Louis. Odd Fellow!'Hall l-H? 04)4 Third**. P.tT'.ul'r.AN RT. VN' III - parla, ll Roe T i. hd lu - ' n, 1". Prager^l. Linden (VJ rhflarery lame. H.n.inti, I Nu r Wa.l. "Trihi. 113 Leii/.le r il LeiptU. 8 K un.rm ??-*.. Hi.-iM.--- i :."' vii"\ b ng, wrttlag. srtOi ? .tel frflphy. ir|.rli Ins. Ladle* Depaitm l iv.-i*. |n*.iru< lion day even ii -v ||| -vi iv-r I'., a* - f - "'- :'"', ' " tor. i h...I- t., uptown, 107 Weat _Hh-?t . eor. Broadway O BEKCY'S SCHOOL Ol' _ANO_AO__. NATURAL laX.TJ'OD. MODERATE TERMS. *.. WEtT UPS... OPPOSITE B RTA NT PAltK. IS ii.ii: mi AND Andrea j. Orsham'* BVh*_t. ]4t Brs?d t-5 wit, -voioi.-ii Instmctitm In -h.. th md a;.d ty-x: wrlUna In lea.t i-o*?ible tine; pu] - f 1 position fl* MM I, ...ii.i.. tent . ......*.- daily i ' (Mturday; fliflalai tia*-", Tuesday mid friday. Circular* .'.oe. 4 T TUB Muaietvl in.-unction. xi;\v yoijK .LUMAN ( nV-l.l'.V.V l"KY OP Mt-'SIC, . ' -,',... ( on- r.a'r.rv Uulidni---. 6 t" 7 Weflt l-l '-.. L'--.i!i- iii Piano -iv. iv ....'..iv Mandolin Oaltar Zither. Banjo. I In Uti" ? '<-' '???'? ?**? I"Al I Ll V s. lt. Milla, V. A. Benham, L. '?- Parma, Ch, Heller i . Srhai reuka, Jul. i vi ... _?*, laiubur-Tle, L. Rica I! vv ? itrr, M. C. Balds* ia, etc. *cnd for rataloguc._ |B AN JU MANDOLIN, OL'ITAR iti-'ru. timi > prlvat. III. .-..i,*: inn;:. BROTHER*, omi c.?:-..*". city; ?-: I i.,t visii-usc., Brooklyn. Lookout lui oui annual roncet Aprn a._ al . j i;iii-<iLI IAN UOIjLEUK OF ML'SIC, lil LEAH I.NO Ml sn .vi. IN.T1T1 t'E OK-AMERICA. l;csid.-n - department lui aa - ? ai imdeiit-. nudTt hack, Pr--.; Alb*!" Koa* ITir-oi,.. "j* 1. e-Prei. J li. VV U.nene, _??? y and 'I rea*. Hi a: d Jl ?alt Mth-sL. New-Yorh._ NKW'TORK ? '"I t UK OF Mt'SlC, !.-- VN ll 13.1 IV 1 .'. ? IT! ST. AL! XAN i'll: LAM ki ::i Dlr ? :or. Ail (-ran. i. mu* : - ' daily. N ORBX A'-aI'i-.MV OP MUSIC. SI Mf'hv.e. Through Tv i. sr. - ..r beaut lion?ila N'unex, Directer, ill nun :-.. a i id i- me Kv... i ...ii ic. n'onr, counterpoint, ronipo*ltlon, it., ian t. . ore ii.urouriilr , nv.-I in .. i m ...nan- ii,.n hy au, method ia a l ii uss uer* in a'.I bran. hes. t._ll. or write for ?______ PITH". W. SI MN s ll FRI '.t, lnfflrm hi* friend* and I noll, il,a. I,., lia* -'S. ;?? i hi ? refine, lion I ita Ik ef Mu-iv. and ss li riutlnue i ino I . aft, r Ihe ?? , lp ' |. n i -' au I III, , v '- IT:- i i-t ..nv -i ? v vd fn ? .t vi...-. PITT!.- RI I I VI i> by espei ?.,,?< I ami eminently ni i i c...'.vt t- i- ii . , Mir: arl Addreaa a. j... 1 ii Wi t ii?I at, For Yon nu L-*li**a?""ow nt rv HOME BO.MlDINii - I! "I., tl . . N. J -I'. -.: . ? | : - ..i. B. 0 for ? :.:.i leal Vc* 5 tn la. Ml-- I uNiil/l ll. L1V1NOSTON PARK Kl MIN * p.v. lUcheMer. N T - Hon ? Chu r.i - .il for lae ' rianaK.'n"it and il r< , : - -., s .ai bi nina .*??;' 16. HWl. wi: roi ii- irated di i'r. Mr.. i . M. Cartis, IMnc:|*_ Tims n:ul Tonne Mi fl -Conn fry. A DO A RD I N'O -( HOOL (ar IS bo - pl ?(?."itv -itu*'-! mi U.e ??kt of ti," .-..rvs-1,. . Ri >?- ii-,; Qonk, si vi::: s : r .,- i.ui. . .- . ? . foi . . or I I:. . I hoy* -1 . Fur |~rl - Ile. i- i 1* P.I.I ti* >1-T? IN-l.l I ll r.hold. N J.; Iltth J ll . ?? pr'-paratlflfl a spri-laity' bafltacfl-a, .thoo. Uld da-*: 'al ? ovr-e*. >] EWTON |N. i Ii ? ? le, WW fi aler, n-?t I I I I ir lir.Ts Bflfll s?. Oar- a; | ali tr..'..:.*. Mea?i h' it rvcrs-ssh-re. Stn_)-beated swimming tan k. J. WI un, AM .caclicro. \i ?' * . s I'i Ml'l'i.l iv ore, ptolt'ttto, t a r '?? covr: tatt., ,; ., In ai: depart?rata ol ire*?bf. i r .r- al E ? -' hfl - : . "?? ?'' !'-; v ?"'? ..V r.i i m. li ... 'i t. I'i if.. cr. -e-i, ... AMI RICAN ANI. POREION TEACM1 RS' BOENCT **i.I.vile- Profe?? ?*. ,'., i, r* I ?? r* fcc., te I oliefe*. S, ho*l? av! IV III**, A v.. . '., MRS M. J. YOUNO FfLTON I ' I iii fl - . tr . i * ul.I.! (?!'. ORA DI VII. and e*rpvr1e*ir*d I I / li,-'? v t..n ?t her awn oi kl pupil home st SV. Kl W.-t 4 Mt. FOR A Tl I'";: leeor i ill bs ?:- linen fi . . and -I- . - ... or otb | li - I'ali i '.: . 1.1.-i rv, n ' (Jfflce, I 2 Vi lt; ? i ? . WAN IT Ii A !. ?!'. I I ..- '? -- In Kl llllj III ' ' . it tl,.- Berlitz I ' i : . ? ?BZlNTI ll Lad. t ., :. r >. rc j-i a:.J ???? IT |.--;' Ml ?**** *? illl x- xi :. and mu i .. ?? ;.?. pins md abort M I Iii VM . ..Viii i Ti lt o: Il ? t " ?? v . Oandftd ^radcmirt. fl 1 ORfliK WALL V I - ' I.V- *l - HU - ? \-, ... j ... ll sr. i hii'i-eu ? -i ad lu. X al Mu?l Hall, .',.".h--t. air: TM- . ti'.'.- an.; all faa?looable a_ieee taaght nrlvstyi ll aud elflfll li-*nn* . altifltl . fancy arid rimer iii i LautT.'. tern.* n'.! rale; ...'*' Knicker?Kker Cou ,n sat av ** VV-..' lilli il lUin'.cr Hioorio. HYGEIA HOTEL, OLD POINT I OUI OUT. lt., Doei-redly woriB fflaieB", t i aalqu re-, t i. aa?sn*. ... -li, h' a: 'hf ni r.e-* aad .--ii- i ? I u'lr e t .v. lt I- th > tid'/son. fr eat pi (...:?? f on. TA Mat "lirklah, Kii?i.o, "UflCtrle and ll I Nea ? .?,.- ... ? "Iv -.J for thci. ifli'T'-niT la ll.Vat ? tn,ul,m. . . |m e-..i rsr*?atafl, Mas!e by Um U. h. ,u ??lu'.I Pand. Sfeirawarar?I and In-uriirii* .j,e ill y and In n,o-t ta?< ., attn aarally relletred, bend fat di-, i lpn se piiiiphio _ I". N. Pl UK. "Ilin.naer. Virginia Beach, Va. Tin: Pimm??. ansi: Ol'J.N.S JAN. 1. A I?BblBfltla-B of OttOM aili piM fnre*t. mal,*, lt an ??fx'.ivllv healthful Winter Re*ori ss.u. a |M*.t,sfiy .uta Ise .hu.ute. l-l n.laas flinn N'orlulk. lamou- dael nj; fcrsaa?I at up;."r end ef ("nr'ltii k ioui.d. Adiirc-^. s. E CRITTENDEN, ""raprleior, Man- and info rnutlo'i at tn. UronAwny, N. V [**_*_ SS), Mitchell House. Thomasville, Ca. now oren. IT.i.ioii* lite Ihi.i1. Tl.illl enilrel. of irirU. Karel**?i N.* Yottt rafereacaa, AiLire** lor ll i.llOI HUI MOM. IMEO. ll. TILTON, llnnii-fei. TbaaaaaiHie, lin. thoiiamtlli:, tin. Piney Woods Hotel now OPEN. M. A. ROW Kit, I' For psrth un.!-, late*. A"., BB?tefl* wm. I. DAVIES, Maaaser, ThaaMafl-rtlle, ca. HOTEL BON AIR, '!' 'cu .i.ieiiiM I-' , . v , ,-__ ,,n ,?? -ii,",, i.mi. r ii,,. .._.?.) . a* fi ? ? .-eiis,,,,.. Within -i h.iiii. ?i ?trw-ierk, with Uirvugh I'ullaian :.?.-...-..,,....I..i.....-. via th.. "? iiii-sis..iivi, ,,,,| i;,,,,,.,,?! ?nj uauville limitmni. I? ?>'..I aa un elevation user I..Inc ia* Kflvannah Valle) ml il... elis ..f Augutta. Ha- a partleiilarty dry, Lain.j '"? insi.'... i ? t.-. u..| ||, n.,. south for ti...-. urr.Tli.-.- (rm, ,,,,.rv4,i- ,,; b O'.-!.i.l or p..'ii .mers- troubles. trleel patieilate; rxrellral , ui-.iv j.- ,r?f -ai i fl*n?.ni* iiud flrat-cla*. .isers Fat ind book, v-in, f.Tl aithdlars, a.lTic- ( A l.l NM.I.V. AUfUSla, La. THE OGLETHORPE, UKI N>\\ ll lt. l.t. A IT.i'.i:,, ; WINTER Ki.*.u:t lim fl. "1*1* .ian. 4. Bead f..r cir. u.'ar. Mann bi lei health al climate, balmy ? . air, pii.o foi.sts, fmt dilsrn * -1 (juatlc and li ia *|<,rt*. _SVAKIU-N Ll.!.ANT.. Jr., llBBaill THE De SOTO, ___, __. ,. -Al ANN til. lit., f ', ,?,\x-x,,x":[",t,."."-J :??' ?"""?' I "'??"? In the world. ?CCOMMODAflON mi; ;.UF-TS Touriats ? |i uj_. i.m'L.'. "' l"" "T"1 '"'"'-'I"!-' int i.eaiit,r<ii _t_ ? lr. i'1 '" ,"-': N ' '?'''" "'"?' 'a'""1"' ****** ls ?J" ]",AAl< l "f dealtaWfl a* a .f .sinter -.-?.-?. . rite for Illustrated Buckle) _WtTMIN Rt I'OWIIt-. I'.oi.iieiur,. rHE NEW HOTEL CASTLETON^ Hr.ix.un ll'lum., .N?H.Brlgi J-**. U. KOlXtivlW. iTou. pillv mix.Ll.ALL .Madl*-r.rNe*rJer*e"r l'ure ,1"^ I air, rharininr. -it-a,,,,,,. l0f KrMin, g^ ttatlllw iroflts or weak buRk len,,* |?ss. nairne V ltlR_t*ir-*>-^'Wp.WO?? AT TM MMMSBtamM. t MALARA {ALI?1 foti* nilli ute. ass*/. tUnttcr llc.orio._ LAKEWOOD, NKW-JKH-sEY. LAUREL HOUSE OPEN OCTOBER TO IVMM, LAUREL-IN-THE-PINES OPEN DECEMBEB TU JUNK. Ac-onTDOdfltio..* lo- Mia. hundr-d gues'.s. HORACR PORTER, lieneml "Innnaer. LAKEWOOD. Pl. J. "The Lakewood," TH I It l> -LA-ON. ORE-THIRD OP k MlLi i N'CLOSED r.i.ASS VIA'/. BAB lilli I. willi TROPICAL PLANTS. MCBIC RY TUE i*; .--ivs COI i-i ORCH1 SI RA. *PRED STERRY. Maaafer. lam.wron. RRW-JRR-RT. LftUSEL-iia-T-E-PINES. Se, onl a-aaoa al this !. ant ftil and .hannlally lit?Bled Betel. BneH balMles, sunny roeeu arith spea ss oort area. fa.'-; sad ;....? ilea* fraa every atodaar. lillian; PORTER, tatmotml fAnnmamr. PALMER HOUSE. LA Kh WOO II, N. J. llaaoVeme briel md -i. hotel, all eonvenlanre*, nr.t-rll.s: t mi., CA pe .l.s ne k's. ,-*17 -".J lo #23 -in**-. -J- to *l() doubt.'. .1. ll. PALMLll, l-kowoud, .N . J. *i:imiii: iioi-i. ATI.ANIM (I'll. N. .1. OCEAN END OE !?: \N-VLV.v M A WK. Rested thiswabeat. Il I tnt i tat wttet _itfea tn hov*'. Bl later, ita. Covetot traill le Um ac. ia. CHA's. I. VANS. HOTEL TRAYIMORE, AM,AMU lill, Rf. I.. IV. M. ORRRR ft CO. THE HOTEL WINDSOR, ATLAS lil ( ITI . N--? 101 ll - .'. v . .*.. Teitsel bbs ir.. I il.- ? . - . '?Waters."' (.. vv v ; -.:: , v Koo, Pr ips. ATLANTIC (I'M, fl. J. HAOO.N HALL 1.11*1*1X1 OTT. THE PENN HURST, Al I.v.n : ' i ;.-??.,.. :? . . ,.|. i .fur Bl-hi I. i the ? .i JAMI'S ;i- IOU __ HOTEL HOFFMAN. A TL AN ll .I.s.!" i'.i ...,,.? . I: ? .. I ??. i -i , I i-? In eitr. r p I. ii j. vv . * LL -"\ AY. lill: I t ii ti \ n. : t I'.i i-a ' I.AXTI i fi v. N. .1. I . sv. LKIIMAN v. . " IIOTI I. PITNEY. '? IT'' i i TV . I of .N'ST-Yoi (?;? n ! I ' . HEAD, TTL I Ll* POX, N I , i-s-a.i c. j: !.- ..? T. C un l-l.-_.-l ? ; . M- - : . VV , i.i Ss'* MAKIO.-, lim Ll.. NOW flil'KX. Pacific - . A ? ? Ctr, M. J 6p> i lal i. -. ?? . .. - . ? ? > ? . i \ low; , . ? c. VV I .IK VN M.r. rtai|i* IHVIN LANTI l'i'1 V, "a 17, 1 ki .'.vs i ? um mi i nu Mi" IU .? h -?- . v h. ii ?'. s it ii.tifll. . an and l/tllard ?'?''-;?-. lr-'. ' . '! VM r.i K- s llnOPI*.") H\ lt M.t. IT PARK, N. .1. THE PINES now OPRN. TOPPINO I WILSON. BAKERHOUlfC^?land.R.J. I'aifl air, i .re aatei u* _aiar_ up a s.a. iona. Trn. a. el (cr ?)?., i, t,, %;o _, r arel - it ; owler p op. V*" IS SLOW INN "i He ited I.y ll - I. Wood I'i ie*. Il :il-. Howl. '. ii ia NOllL . ALL WINTER RESORTS IN FLORIDA. COBA. & WEST INDIES ? tv I Hulls, :,, i,.,i| ?Men i|> l.inr* of TIIK PLANT SYSTEM and ita t - NOs-TII, KANT, on?l WERT. The i i . l hotel ? i rid .. SEMINOLE, ? Winter Park, TAMPA KW, ai Tampa. IN\. al Kori Tampa, ne i ,.).- ; foi tl -. a - -a r.\,nt*,nn* io .amalea sn ag tha i-tater. Fll ? ll lp li is.?* 1'i.rl Tl I ii ?? ir,. r.- ... via r tn I - - Lin t.. Ke* sv.-r and llasana tim lo i iut,i -..- -, ... ? ri -ort* oo tho I.Ull !'<-?ll I ? . . oppl. Ul ?: I il -. ," ? -.??*. i. v l',-- s,- . ,. on ville, I la. .( ii ll A.*. Il v.i s i .. -.??.. , ; i li ia*. i; s 1 III li FU'HLI\, iv. Pa lift., j t floor, N. V. LORIDA. MAGNOLIA SPRINGS HOTEL O.M. OP TM" Mo.*?T l'l. vf I ii fl. AND ll 1._ I.T ll i UL ul un rsa in i ni. soi . ii. Bperlfll ra'.- fr s*e k ..r -ea* n. for lllu*tr.i*t_ pamphlet. M. I. INI.OI.D. Unnnarr. M vv Mil. i.v r.l'HINO-1 I I.s. FLOR8DA, NASSAU, JAMAICA. TH IIML I.N L'HSION mil's I li' vi POUT TAMPA, I I .(>:?., i. v la full Inf..ri I tl. in I ? , - . ; . a ii. I la lia.- a. Ku-lt-rn Anent !'.. .I tem, i;..-..., v, first, N... mi iin.*u VIC . N' ? V . ? HOTEL ST. ELMO, liRRRX I 01 V. -I'HlNi;-. ill. Cl?naloft- lorated on the Bl Johns, .to -ailee * sith sf la . - ..... . .--.iii! foi Clri alar. r. v. DORI)] \. Pro-i'r, J.'OTT, M-_eger. RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, Kl VS \ HIM. 41-1 1(11.1 IIIIVIT. I I.OKIDA. On I.iit..- la. -I TT,li..|..T.uliMii. "|.'i...t I ? I.: ? .. \ l-i I- -a ll ,i!l.|,il. limul.'. I'u.A relied hiiiitloa mn' ll?li ll autilul drive*. Vear .-t. LlOUd suva. |.:.l,I ,:.,:, ITU. I..- III. V-.IN.VIII.L. -v..! ' ? i-l . v ?? s,| |v . Tim HAMILTON UIKSToX INVK.STMKNT COM PANT, No. SI Naa-ni ?l , N. V . I'Hr, ... Ma.r al li. id. FLORIDA-HARLAN IHITKL, LIKU ULLIN, ?Milli ..i I.i i, -..., nil.- . 1.1 = I,,.,, -i. .1.,|,us Ills,-i- ami Alla III lc ...eau pilli, for-vl ai,il (.rance Iv lt ; dellirhUiil ai.rt I althlul ?.i ; .... -., i.,,;.- ,,,,,i ap. I*, i.itii l.t.- needful; Northem service J terna Bindi 'i ii, .-.nd fur circular. W Tin; LOIULLAr.O VILLA, KT. vt t.i-.-Tl NT., ILA. Pot nartli vi n - limit ( . __ MRS 1 V. M.vLN VNlif/. L SON M..u:i?.-r?. I I. Ll. A N 1". Il O ll I. I. | K L. IIOTK.L ALT-MONT. Kl TAU PLAIT. Illl.TT ll OH H. Ill-I,' t a.,il lic.ll'il. -' i.<,:iit, i.u,.>t bouiesaid. A rhar-Bing apot hi apena tlc winter; ?utliem climate, .hanni.'- of a I a rn elly. .d? of at?am ?all I iii ?:,,. ..ria ,V I.OV.'I feat'jrfl -I'N I'.VIU.nil ON TOP ii:- HOI -i: overlook I na the .ny ? H_ltiu,uro aiul Cl-.flsaprakfl lias- s.-vd foi <:? .i.ns.- pamphleL C. WAIINKR bTORK. Projr'r. HOT SPRINGS, ARK. HOTEL EASTMAN. 'I'li<* I' lion**- ol III,- South alli flt-a i i"i,iin -i.v.-.iN Jaaaari X*a_, 1-..1.1. Lier) tM ow f.istcia?1 aud dsliBhtiai tor pluaaure.*aek. er* Accuiv.i iMiai.uu- (ur ,cib inomaud or pto. iiv.s LM'i!<ov-e rn t'e florid .-?-.?! .riihofltra* I*-?1011a liSalth llcsuru TIIK ll"l BPlllNOH Ol' AUK A NM Ali ure Boral re ni.wii*?i. 1 eli. ir. cara to: ih. utuaiiim, Bout, in--,.., _._ un'! ir dr.'i 1. ber* dilan di-.-* Ta_I -rn* a.! in -t 1.0111a, Mica ea via tho Irun m a.11 i.-ad i<> it-' H**riaga. lor iu*e* -.vd "uaic t Hoi -p-u.c< arrits HRXRV N. UTLI.IY. llnnneer, Ti," equ?bla r?:..; .-1 .1.? .- ,,r u,,. Adlrimdash rcjjion I* c-.n .d.d to i*> unequalled for overeosaiafl Um lur.iaU. of RIVERSIDE INN. OPEN vl.L 1 III. YEAR. offer* ev.a'v11.T Inducement" a'il -scry m .d'rn ron vmlence. -. ,.,| i,,r i.-iii.-i. Wallace Murrav, sarina. Lake *"rfluKlln fl'., N. Y. ?INTKHPINK*.'" Il UK ll A ll PA Hli. -OSHRR.R.T A bra.t,lui. (jiu I. 1. still, h, ,11.. for Uie udsoii* Ins.HU. bummer tami er.iurc au eoaicnlt-uiafl. rur.u k vv'ii. m d.. ttupeiiuienaeal "dr7 STRONG'S SANITARIUM, *ARATOI"A BPBIROR, N. V. A i* r " ri for li fliOl, dian.", re-t or re. reillon alt thc year. Eh-sat.u-., flletrtrlfl I..-IN. .(.-am. oi*-ii tire, placefl. a m-parlur MB BM BM I BB t'i ?? 1.Kif. .Sui'... ,,f ruottx*. sith hath. : Ssraf-ifa, wat, r*. MA?Mare, cl. ctr!,-Itv; un liatli.- and all r-medlal upllance* N*ir Turkl*li and Una Man bath*, unkiirpa-. d in orlentil elegjiic.' and lonipleto nea. band for lllu.trjwd ? Irui-r. ftturoaoB CEHTIMLIUIIR0AD OF NEW JERSEY. (Anlhm.ile toni u*ed njmwijtty. insuring Cleaiillaeai lilli! ( uni! 'I'1' , Four T.iieU*. Piolerle.l hy A ..tommie Block SUnnl **y*leui. Triiin* leuve Million loot of Libert) I. Time Ti.ble in Dre 13. 1>9i* '.?,,>,%-c'-:v,-<,',,,--7'..!:ip8M5 ti ifni*bT*\Zl i J .1.1, * A)*), ?> t)\t, > 1... t **iJ B* *",.. ^j. . j(\ R (li bktufday ill-Til. M lilias-, li :>o A. M.. 1 M, < 30. o oo lo.m. t. 00 i' M.. u I" alibi- ___,,. u , A.. i-.o 1 ? ll,: vi .i. ,t 1 i ' ? I "? *'-*' A',"'"???., ' 4 00, 5:00, I.ii V. M., iJ !?'? iii-i't ex.cpl .-iitmu?> nfPU .-.vial-, ll JO A. M., IOO, TOO. o.oO I M-, l-l '"";:? HOIUVIII, ..HOC, lio.Oio A M.. 1:00. 1:30 4.00. 7-0 P. M.. '. Xo niel'*. ?e?P?_J*?ur,?? Sy!1.1, Sundays, 11 TO .v. M., 1 oo, A Ao. OOO I. M., n.u i j |"h. | rer sum,un-. Lewlahsira and Wllllaaisport, ?t 4:00 ; ,i.", si:, .v. M., i iv. i 10, .?:.') P. Hv l-}'[ :'"'}'* l .'it -..tin lu-, Bight. Sub lays, 7 :10 A. M., niuo i . ai. i i. 15 ii lum rh) . _. , . I ...- I i-t,.:i, Allentown. Maucn Chunk, a-c. I 4 lld. 7 i.",, a li A. M., 1 iv. 4 ST*. 5 l*>,J -0. te Alie.. t.,c... p. m. sundays 4 to, 7:1*1 A. M.. 1 oo. oJC . Poi Wilke*?irre, Pittston am! Scranton, 8:15 A. M., i 4 I'. M. -undays, t ;30 A. M lui- Ited flank L'.ii^ Branch, ml pollitt flatjUl tu I mut Plea.nt, 1.30, 8 15. lt ISO A. M . I-JW. 1 4> IA .AD Bee I Bank onlr 1:00 - :?'. il I". P. M. .sunda*-., cv..! I Ossan Oms.- and A-burs- .'ark. 0:00 A. M.. 4:00 P. M. FOR LAKEWOOD. at 4 vto S j.-, A. ?,? ,14-, ;i io mpee.liX). 4 20. 0 15 P- M. I i.r Tun.* Ci sr. Barn fal Para, and Hani-*!***. 4 :.'i0, |:I3 A, vi . i |S, i :j,i !? M. I ur Atlantic City, iTnelaitd .md BrldcotOB, 4:30 A. M.. ll". P. M. 1 oi Monmouth Besch, Seabrlght .ind IH?liI-ind B*ach, 4 A ' B 15, 11:80 V. M . 1:30, I 45, 4:00. 4 :-'0 T. M. hii.ia.-,-. 'i on .\. m., |:00 P. M. _ ' AMERICA'S _"<L ATEST RAILROAD. NEW YORK (e ENTRAJ_ "V-*/ _ HUDSON RIVEfi R. R. hinter LIME TO NIAGARA FALLl All trnln* nn-ive nf nn.l depnrt from IJRAXD l"T.N. TR Al. "STATION, the -.u'r rallr??d -ntiion in thc (lt. Ol Viii Y?rU. Ti nil.? lea re a* (olio*.*: LHIMHI. NTATK I'.M'itl'****. 8 on A. H. nu'-, es ? >i sunda**. r*B*test trsln in .Oil tue srorM. Hue Hui?lo e:10, Shunt* u:.. 6:05 p. m. Wagaer Ve?tlbn!e -enrica. No .;.\tr? faro. IA-T ll til.. 9 IO A. IL fm AlbanT, l-'Ji SjtOent. t*A-%. .lo .-?.-. ri ??:> deniand, Detre*! an. C-leafS. NRW YORK AND < ll IC A-O LIHITLO. in nn A. H. iv. :?-. dna I h. i*r? 0: to a. m. nevt day. IO.LU *,.u..|ic'o Warner Ve*tit.;i* Rrrnt*. DAV i:\i'Ui:->. min A. M.?_xrept Sunilays. ("total-fas' train doet IU.?U u9 i | ,.,* ,f i .,.,,. ;,ai!'|iu'l f?.'".rolt. HOI THU EATKRX LI HITKH. 1 ***- P. il.-i'. ly. due CI'.ctBoetl 11 :"_'0 ?. m.; St ****** Leila 7 M Bl ' p. fl*. Nu <M.r? fare. IVORLO'*) kau: ttPtti Ul* 1 *"?; P. H. !'? lr. il'.-" ' hi sfo A i-o a. rn. petA day. i.-sj v, ,.x.., fir,.. ueapiete Watner s-rst.e. ALRANY. TROY INT) HAMATOtlA *I'K( III,. 3*2(1 P. M. Ks e|*t Bandars. Da? Alo_,y 7 25. ?uo ,- ..-, - mo .,,-,- io p. a.. NORTH (SHORE LIHITLO. a in p. m. " '? " ?' H ''' ?? ?*! Chl" ^,v,w rase ( 30 p in. Ce-ptete W.-.tut Service. I A-T .VKMTRR!* LVI'HL**"*. 6i.n P. M Dally, doe Chicago taM p.?-; Mk, I***?l ?uu 7.15 t. m. Wagaer --tvicc. NORTH LU N L\ PR P.--. 6 9": P.H. Dally, due BurllB-rton 4:.'.'. a. rn-, ??"i I lat! - ? .,-?-.. m. M.,air al 7 :45 a. m. Itt HAITI ANO NIAL ARA KALI** -I'LCIAL. 7 Ol) 1*. II_Da'lv. du..- Jl'.italo 7 30 a. m.. Nugara ?.-u ,-? . ., ,, ? ____ wacaea .-crstec. lilli.OM)A(K AND HONTREAI. RXPRRBRa 7 fifi ?'? 'i- Dally, dc Tumx-r Lake, 5:1*, b?raaae ?vi" . v ia. -a.;-'. .,.?.. Malone 7 15, Mon ? .'.' ... t. i u ta sv* dalli, I'xrept Hatiirlay, ll:*?) solid Wagaer Y> -tihuie acrvTce. Breikfaat on ?I In in if. i CINCINNATI ANO -T. IO! IR IX PICKS**. O fin P? tt, DaUy, du- ClnlunaU 7 27 p. m.. Il ?"wu "laiupii * IO 10 ,.. m . St. _MlS 7 :45 a. m. I.IMITRD ll-T HAIL. 9P.n P. ?'? '''' ?' s lea p.Lig-' ar p,i.*sc-nger* for Ho ch ,uu ? -? a ; . ame I on Hil. train. ( lill IUO Molli BX PR RM. n ir |. ||a ,,j. , ibi Battale, H.tro.t and Chfeaeo. sf.'sJ, rday for Cape V.ncnl fl <M0 Ialand*). PITT-IT LLD, I.I.NOX. NORTH ADA.H- ANO THK HI.RK-IIIKK lill.I- lin lin. Icu IH?i?...ii . 1>?.. ... .^.i i iiu* da..), v pi ttuaday, u.oi *. m., due i'HU?rll" 1 .Ao, North Adan,* i JO p. ni.. 4 50 p. ax.. Ant PllUdeld I lo N.,rtn AdB?fl 0 IO p. in, l'ur liaifl of local i lin*, tl .*???-* and .|?.-e In Slapping Ca'- .i.i'.s ,i ..rand Central .-uti m. or ai 113. Ml. 413, TO*. Ol.' li ofldwar 5.1 W"*t 1 tot a -?i-. '-(.** lolvmbufl-ave. ant Liol., st, **ai m New.Yoi.: 3J* Waflhlog?O.M., 73v) Kui ton -t . ai,J 7* r.n.adwav. ?? D . Brouklyi. st. ..- trains ex. \: thoa* Ifl?vina* si 8 IO, 0:10 fl. _-. jv Ju ;. "1 |, rn . .| ;. al IS**tn-?i ?'.: n iw .f Kxpresa calla fer aid eheeka bBsjgBga from hotel* ?i?| r"-,.t'Mi."? tliro'iith to d- -tin it! n. JOHN" M TOtf'KY llF.OllrtF. ll P.VN'IFT.fl. Oeneral M : ager. Oeaasjal Pa.aagll Ag?nt umm RAILROAD SYSTEM \ nt ht in Itr ( onl u*r.l rx. Iu?jsrl?, in.iii inii ITennllnea* nu.I I .m.lori.i Time Tuttle in elle,! Ile. LT.. 1 BRM. LEHIGH VALLEY DIVISION. PAST l.X'T.I'-- ll..VIN.- i?as.' -Utloil fl*,', of l.l. rn st., Xortl ;-. lilli HI I LALO. ROI IIL-TKIC. NIAGARA 111.I.-. TIIRO.XTU \N1) (HU AdO, S:I5 A. AL, Jilli P. IL HIl.lvllAV*. WO -I NOIVS. I'ul v au iluit"!. Tar.or i i.r** ..ti div irajii-, and Pullnu?I ii tel .-1.. ii ..v x ir- aa n sui ll nae. ROYAL BLUE LINE. KXPKt. - i HAlA'ti l>a?fl station Central l.alliuad of Xi i Lr*, v. foot i" Libertr-at, No lb River. left l-ilII.Al.r.l.l'lUA. ss.ek ilj-, too. Tl',. B.'OO, I. ll IO, Dillina iv a. M. 1 ao. 2:15, a ti) iv . | i ai i v" "? 00. a on, 7 HO, ?<*:. V M., |* IS night, s.a.'los -a cn. I'l lo, il BO. Dlnlnj Cari A. M.. 1 :; - .T .I" lev'nv i Tr ?". -v. .'. uO V M 12 1:, nlpM. POR IIALTIMOItl vNTi ".'.-v-llir.i.i'iN. ss.clc (fiss and Sunder*. 9 00 ii 30 [Dining ( itr a. M.. 1 .10. :s .io iD.nlug ( ur- 5:00, (d 00. Haltluiora wily) P. M., 1:' 15 pullman Parlor Cara on day trim*, mil Pullman Bleep. Inv ' Blfl mi ul hi tr .i!. i|.-.-'- and ra i ir teats rsa i.e procured at 172 ta:, ml. 115, **??"?, ?i2, i ii" Hi'.issas. 7:1 Murray -,-??. Tl 1 1 Ti il -'!'. I Tl IT-t I ttl. -t r.e'. ';:t., I'11! uinl,us Avenue nnd 53 Weal 125th -t, ? -f Sea-York, AAA Wn-ti I-,.??-,-, Street, th 1 ul'.oa Street, Hrooktrn, and 71 Broad. ?,,i WU : Ul -I. vc vv -? of Expr ?* Company ss-11 rall for and eherk 1 c.,. ?? In n hotel or t* ld n e tn d**llnatlon, WEST SHORE RAILROAD. IN, V. C. *t ll. IL I'll. co.. Le-oit,.) Tiiiv. Las.- Wen 4vd--1. -mi. 1: Ne?.*t*ei_, aa fol? low*, a...1 li ii.liiutcs (rum fis "?'ranKliii--l.. B r? ; "Ililli A. M.?Dally lor Xvaouig,***?, a,Ija.,) . 1.11...1 -?.'Opt .-uialas, >.?.-.,l ot ... yt..all's .lc. Jxi-'t A. ll. -Dmiv for Albanr. rkcflol hundar. Montreal. Illili) At .11.-Haily for Albany. I t!ca. Mrii.'iiw. ltoclio* ter, linilui... Niagara lau., i?, Hull, ?.uicai.o; c*.ivp Snr.ii'ljr fur 11-3.1 A. M.-Hails, excep* Sundar. f-r A'.bar.r and I'll. a. 4:(t(i P. KL?Dellr. exeeM Buodar. for AiUnr. AilaP. .R.-Dsllr for All_nv, Montreal, rtiia. Svraeuso. K.-.h.-tr. i'.'iiTolo. Nla-raia Kalli. T'Nato. Detroll.". St. Loul*. 0:110 P. H. Hdls. Snfid.1/, fir N""ssb'ir'.'. Al 'aav. Biratosa und Montr, il. *4il."" P. ll. I'-. '. lol sv,.,iv ff leo. RTiaiNMBl Roch-a ter. HuUa'.i,, KlBffSra Kill*. TorocW. Octroi, Chi. ago, tit Luu.-. HAVK.It-iTHAW I.iu'vl.s 2:15, ?*? IB 1*. M. .NKVVIH HO LOCALS S .'a. MO 15 A. M. *1 :1">, 4:30. ?,.35 -ii 30. *ll !'. P. M. Bti-eplrij .ar. tr ButTalo. Ni-'ir. Fill*. Toronto. Drtro'i *'iii''.i..., on all tlirouah trains ?Dallv. fur ts. in e-tahlefl, parlor ond *leep!nB ra- ar ?? mnu-datlon* .r luf.rn iii u. .11.1 ? I >- ufil.-i*. : r.i,.o>. i'll alt.i Wa*?lll|*tOn-*t, ^--''. rultori ?t., Annex Otlt'O, fo-t ..f |-'il'..n-st. ; ("Itv. 571. 113. 803. 785. s.(2 Ilro-idssav. Ill Rn?rery, ll EM llth-st., 63 Waal 125th-at., nnd at at.arion*. <* R. I.AM 111.ill'. Qen-rat Pa?*enrcr Agenl Steamboats. NORWICH LINE. Fa-e- r.*iu..U IO NRW-LOMHIN, )i.ou, KORW1CH, ll'J.'i, WOlkCE*'ILK. ?1.00: i?o-T(i.N, >3.00. Loire -I-.. .;. u 1 iin.Ti..11 lo ill! 1*111(1. I-.asl.* Iflav* ii. 1 10 St. tn nisei (nev* pier uL-.s.< D<**bro*aea l-T-rryi. .tails. Mundara fl*te|ited, ai 5:00 P. M._ STONINGTON LINE. PARKS I"A_IUC__, UOSTO"., o.NLl s~, 1*1:0Vi? ii i-.N. 1.. 02.25. Wolli I -li li and all I???TB Points. 1N-1I'K ROUTE -Nosy -sta*el bl**-?tera MAIM: and N KW. li.vM I'-ll IKi'. lease lT-i UV, N. H., one Pi,..a. aOuva Canal-al . at ?"> IO P M dfllly^aacflpt fauniiay._ FALL RIVER LINE. KALI? HITliri'.l) Tl* IIU.-.1U.N, IA LL UIVER, I'LOVlUi.Ni i, uni u.i l'TiuTpal Ivastern Point.. Bte.?|. ira PLYMOUTH ami P1LORIII lu cae-*?.ealoa Irom PIER -.-. N. H., foil cf Murray-*!., ?reeh -uy. auJ bun la)* ul j .00 p m. l onaei 1 tin ll\ ;.avs Jtraejf lats al 1 lit.-klyn, (30 p. m. OKl'HLSTHA itv LAC ll fa I 1;. T?u eeo-eeUBj sr-tiixil-.l exprci Haws ia11. 1 all Hirer, A.-. l'v-t ii 700 and 1)00 a. m., -eflpectlvcly. i;oi; NEW-HAVEN-FASE, TSe.~E*URinioa 1 i.-.ikI 11 dis* . Ti ::,. .s; uniiic. nt ness- twin-*?nw *,t"ol ? Bin : "P. 1.uni Perk,"1 the User. Ii.le.t .1,'aiiK'r un laen I land Sound, and the |.ai nial ttearaei "C. ll. \. r".!i'iiu." lease Pier J.',. I . I',., .lally (Sunda* BXrepted) ii ;t 1.. m. and ll ;:u 0. n . atrlving tn time fur train- fur Vlerlifen. Harli..rd. Sui muli 1,1 and the North. 'I ti se ?leuani -Bean-era arc equipped arith ? Ie. trie llarhia and nil Mllfl and furnlslicd luxurloualy throuarhout. Thro>i**h ti. k it- und haru-g?e ni :u4 llia.iidssuy, N. y., ?nd 4 'unrt *t.. Ilr.__.klrn. ice -iciini HORTON'S I(T".-t|(.K.VM IS THK OLD standard r> I..iLle lei IIBB?I j ajaaajn pure, ilcli nnd li-flJthful; Kr-niTi aud American: sll llavor-t: itt lt: iou will Ilka lt ind will u*.' none other. Denni*: !W5 4*.h-.ive.. 50U Oth 11-. 1.219, and 112 West K'Jth-at. Pennsylvania RAILKOAD. THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF AMERICA) PROTECTED TRROl'OHO**. UY Bloc! Signals a? Maadii Siitta TR tI\K LBATB BTATI02U. foot of ?c?l)io??c? and < orilumlt Strcct-i. In Ellen l-f.OI \. ll , JAN!MIV l?_, __,9x TIIK ;ou MH1AN RXFBRM 9.00 A. .11. -Pulla-u \ _-b*ini .-a- va, , -,, ,n ,... and Cln.ini.-ir,. Dl/Ung, Mn- ktag. ... ,1 fwiS '_*k* .'.om New-York t. fcWca-?>. Airis-eain i'i..?l,*S OTC, a. n, lBdlauai?IU 7 5o a. 'm. : ^'?M a. ui. lux- ilay. ?' lu-00 THI I'LNNSY.'.VINTA LIMITKD. H.OO NOON.- un,,.,,-.,I .... i vc,; .? Vnl v hui; Drawl,,,, .....I .??..?- li ru, Od pii* Jafif BnioklBji, a id - - -\ mon ( ..... i ? ? ,?,, - _,, ,, . , i'i ot-, atenogr.,.h*ra -iii tyaaai ! . IsTiLbssBB both -c\c-. ladk-fl' Biaid, .??...,,, nurarr the e-ffit-enl n es f liome ur ellice. Uahted LT? Bonary av l movable, electrl. Ilghu. Ar Le. r__Z 12:00 uoon. xm***B ST. Lillis ANO CINCINNATI L\l'Ri>< I'-MIO NOON. iv ??,. l..,. i.J* I ?"?' '?? M. I-.- ;,?<_, U,? ?,?tl. { -? it "a_S ii.a du and Pit-eu?er i\>, . - I i SI ;.- . ' ,(,Tz Cincinnati ->:i.j a. Ba., and .-.:. Lou ll j k) p m aig THU MKSTKRN" RXPatRRR, 0.30 P. .il.-i'.l ,'iu V-r,.,... .-_.., lim Can ta-Baa. i - rg, Chicfljo a,<i (-vs.i-i?.'. .. i . ,T, '. ' * land ll :4() a rn , hi bot 0 JO p. rn n u oJi u*?* soi TI|.\\i>TL(tN KXPRBKM. 7.30 P. .il. a .. uaj-. ;.i., p. ,,..- r_____ Vestibule -.e.-i,,..,' .a.- iu , ,?, ,?..,-., ..l.a,.-,u.V'?^ I.'-'i-. Dunn.- ? ar Alt-tuna Pi .:..-,. *_"??. ("olumfcu* -J -J', p. m.. Cin-in i-t n . ., .... ti,.,'* oils 10:15 p. m., and .-". .'....!., : ,y., a \\ ^h pacipic i\i'i:i:ss. S.0O P. .11. ? Put.,! . ii.v .-. ,..,. car h*ew.T<BB a. t hliajro, urns i dal i Chi .a., .....", ?? ,? itT*J* niuri.l-n.'i. Toledo ll.-.o p. ,?.. Columbo* ?:U _? and Cleveland ?cej(-dflj ? il.lo p, '?"???.. .1.00 V. Il, -vvi-v.i, Vi ill v l-.v.- .. ttX'y Puii^. Buffet -le.,,.., ,. -. ?.r.r! ui. v .. < ? a- -.-..,*. -", nllam \VAs|||m;ton ANO TUB siMTli.' 10.00 A. II. '" il ii.'iiuiilon Liam, ,i a.._ ?. i'i.i.ii-i . Patio '--. :? .,?-...: : .... . _..' J inr tv I. a ti. '.ai . ai ri vi., j ... s, .. .. i ?_ , __? Ko sana for-. ??*? ?? a. ,'L70 P. H. "? ( away* se?ami Limlieil" dilly, V.-.toiaja Pullman P?rior a - and Di'ilna .ar. arrivtai vw jn.toii nil iu m. No sxtra ?. "" Aiidilidiiiil Kvpri'--Ti-iiiii*: ' . ,, ,, ~. II Ol* I, ..... -.v. i I TH, | ;.lll (I', . ll | - . - lg n id JJ .00 iv ui. and til: xx arin Sundi ? ,:,.._ and OT'O a. m., i :J0 4 ::; I i.. fc ii :..,. r,1". ,V...vrt,?-1 ,3!??"W* =' '"' f'LOIMO V (SPECI tl. r. r .In ?k?**iv!'|e BBd Ht, la..,. line :' to a. i: si ;,v IV. du* li ? j '| r i'lvt, !:*..?? -* f., Jaeifl?oasllle. **:. Ainu*. ind Tutat '? SO a ii . I. |. m.. a.el IJ .i ? i. v J" Th.uuiKsille i 00 |i, h. dil kr-WV-al n.j IIhshiiii .. f>. ,|(.,l U.I-, n;.-|. ?_ ,? ?,* , Th da* - and K ititi ' *"" l.-'fll P. IL -:-. .i ard Dan ?? r ,.r>*. dali? I nr?..:2r!i .*. . f. j ?-. .- ? ph:*, atii M>J. Or! an-. DInlna Car t.. '? X . Caaeaaa Sleerar <-< .v-V-.i le si d ll ? - ?? *?? xvi -e-'J" .1.00 P. if. Da I r..i , ; ; Hall-ray, Throi .1, Sleeplnu ..... ;? - . , . * . For "''1 I'.ilrif. Comfort and *?'??' ? i l ..?). "',?.,. Knut.-. t*:00 e.. m. ss.-.-,..<1 ,... ., | arith Ti"0"irS Me- |.-r K:f*0 rx. m. datlj . ' R ?pr identic (Tri 1:00 p. m. rs w-'h Thronrli ? Buffet Pm '..' Car. *^ Fur Ca|>.' Ma'. I OT n. ttl *?(?'(?'I'.'C For Lona Breech. Ashore Park O ra-i and Pvia 1'l.a-iaf. 0:10 a. m.. 12:hV). S:IO, lilli I ll:45a.ia. ?reek-dar*. Rnndays fl t" i m. aa! ?*. .i.i p. m t), nut .-toi> ;.' v '.? rs I', r and 0 .: . . Sn ^r4i TOR PfllLADRLPniA. Eipresa: 6:80, v JO - 00, * W "1:80, 10:00 sT*BBtsfl> toa Ltimlled, ism. Dining Ca :? .?! ll au a. m. ruin ic...ii I', ii i'.i Limited, arith iii, ?:._? ? . l.'v'n inn ?j:ii, ,T O'. 8:80. i 00 4 M ?'.:-'. (1:00 9:83 ::,V>' g -i and U 00 p. ni. and 12:1.1 i ? ,: Hon. Il :00 a. n, 4:41 and 7 '". Ji ... S nriir, t\, preata, 8:1.1. 8:to. 9:80 IO:*) a. ?'-')' noaa L\iii".e<l>. 18:00 n - a i '". iv", - ?? ? a n :x ? n j,. -,. . av l :_? . -, , . . ? B '"> aid . -J-1 p. tn. '^ For Tillie.mille* .f " Cn-* to local point* un *(,* v-riw ?ylvanlfl Railroad By*tem, appiv ^r ui. ti.'lnssu g Tcttt Offlrea: Ros. 183. 810, 014 ' Alt ta ami :?,." ssav 1 A-iur House, lal I" -r. !.'".i .-' v,i w.^t 12*{rh-.r.. -.-*>1 Columbufl-flve, . ; BI*-t*i _*-?.. sad jS ?f p-.': ? a al Cortlai :? .-?-., i i ..v.-t . fciio y,|i. tun-st.. M Broadtray ind (ii-ook i i inner -uti'ia foot of Pu I tot...t.. Brooklyn; 120 Hulson-it Ubi S'li'i.,a. Jerse* I t's The "fear-Tori Tran-f-'r Companr v i i MT for aol .-h*. k latsraafte frv helela sad i*s*.ldeo.e* t*,roijb ia al -? ith n . ii ? - i-- lT-.iir .r. n wood. .j- h. r.i Maaagjer. Oeneral Pasa"i A?ai New York & Boston, Pullman Limited VIA \r\v-York A Xorlherii K;iilivu]r ASD \r\i-Vork A \ou-i:n-;liiiid RailtoatL in BBsjaeeRsa **-:rh Ma itiat'a- Ele-rsfed Rsflwaf nHI trna f PtritUfAR BLRRI RR**, PA.sSI." 0)EB sad SAMARI sits (eave lS'lli St.. termInn* em oriv Ma Av-. F.'.esar,. ,!a f, nil.!::? Sundays, a-, lt Ml P. M-, urrivin.- la It atea, feot -suuir.e: ht., flt T:40 A. M. ]i^z*i- BB?M (liroiijh Bl N. V. \ N". Italie Ifl, i'd M , :.**.r 3? As?, tal IHH . .-t. fli.d 8th Ase. IT.- N*e-T..r.. Tr:.;.-fer CotMpktn w'.)) cal', fer and -h-cl haUSflTB SS drfl-flflOon tram lioUT. or rflaflSSBfll Ul any l*iit of the rite up in sppfleatloa to flt'y st Uicir va?dui vtlaes in Ness-Vok or Brooklyn. I.Xl'f.l.? THAIN OH S'XTn A\T.. 'L" I^avinc Suith F-rrs- at 10TJ. P. M. co.mocta with till fain. For maning li.i.e mo i BM i*:.-*. PRINCIPAL Tit KKT OIT'K Ls |N NF.W.VOBR CIT Vi Area,.'-- .-.- twa Rooais, :i nisadaaj. ?I T.r aiwiy, wbtre PbUbbB_ laaairsBaa mb b; obuines!. - ? i- r- spaa fr BoceaBMedatiBB ul ss__a*a*su out hint befote l.-asliis- time of tra!a. ll. J.. VUKKLa.ND. l. m. allen. (?i'll. Manager. 43*rn. Pa-*'i Agent. Oe!a*vnre. Lurkniimiiin and lVr*tern R. R. sm lion* In New- Vol _ lom ol Hui. lay mid I hriatflphM .neel*. silOHTLsT LINK. 1 1--ll III I.K.I) THAIN**. Pl I.LU IN t Ott lll.s. , __ Direct rout., to N... .....* __u . II OX TC LA IR 'iitL uKAiNi,i?, .jun?t, Beraaidflvilic, jj_?ul RItye. Madwo... Alu.ii.?s.n. fatro. . V*-- r-oa, IL?? U'li, _o.i, ^UIalu?*e, lii'PU*. LA?ll i-AKi" HU. l'AlCO.N... llaclictU-Wii. _s.TiiHU.LV"* .MOL> TAIN, WflshliiKton, I'lllLLlPr-lL Iii*. R-lW-h IVATEil iiAP. bl'llOL'D.imjU", Posions Motm-ia*. bC'llAM'ON. I'I IT-ION. WILK-bUAK??, N.VN-T. fiihK. DA Si'Vi LLB, M ni i .11 vi "l ... SN Li. M?? lioic, III.N'.HA.VI:ON. OXFORD XOKWICU, WsMfl. ?/Ile, I TKA, P. Ii HITIT.Ll sPiilV,-, BV P. V(t:-E. OSWi;...', li If Ai" v O'S I"..'v, ELMIRA. ISIK.VIN.i. liv I'll, I) VN-Vi 1.1.H. lil HvVl.i', U-d Ul lion'* WEST, Nfl l, "Til WK.*?T .v.M> sol 1 HWTi.iT. ?:(.(? A. .11.- IH PP A LO, UTICA snd u_\VL_U LX. pp.Ii-S. Pulunaa i?nor rara Coane*.? at Burt.:* ssitii train lor UaMflffO, arril1nf li.ii a. m. ur? moraine. 7:".'0 A. IL-lilNTillAMTON WAIL. hrcps at prlnO. Ililli' P. M.-SCRAXTOX. ni.N'i HAM I.).*,* and EL. vllltv ) .\ IT'. I >s. ITillinan p..r!i.r iai*. lil.) P. .ll. *?? it v.N'TcN. WILKI -U.viUiLanil PLVR OL'TTI FXPR-SB. Pullman nari., rer*. 7::lO P. M. (Dfllly).-BCKI'AItO LIMITED LXlTtLS I'uliiii.i" .leeper*. Arris.- ? 7 II j ? tu. BiliO P. >l. llSailj ?ill IPA LO, UTICA ant 0SWEO0 I'.XlTll.-j_. ?'iilln.iiti ali-eper*. lil Kl.l-s ann PIT,1.MAN Ai I'O.MOHATIO.N'S at Tl Murra**--*, and ?!'___? Bri?dway, 'lleke-ai al terry, 7t*A a?I 0*2 lt asl"";'ii.-. ..ii Weat pj.-.-ti .-?... ir., io-um^'iv ase., Ne?.Yuri;; 888 Waahlnirton-.t., 720 hulton-*, sal sjs Bedford-ave , llrooklj-n. Tl*_i lal?es, sisiui fall _? foi n ii'i'if, ut fl'.! s'?tlon-. Wi.-TTCIT 1 'PRESS ("OMPA.NV will .-ail f*r snd eli-vk lauf-apf) fiota li t< 1 or lasMeiii s to ISM nanon. BAlTOa & OHIO R. R. l'a-t i:\ir -* '', via PHIL IDELPHIA '-fl IIAI.E f ikmh:. ui**)ii!,*<?ro^, CHICAGO, i IN*-'INNAll. ST. LOUIS. ANO ALL POINT- IVE-T j-IT.I..H.ts CAB srr.VtvFOM All. TBAfl * Leave MoT-YoeB, foot of Lib. itv rn a- tB.lo*rBI Far CHICAOO, ph !*?!? '*,"; ??*>?? '"- '-- "'J .^ * lor <TN( INN ATI SI. L"1 XS. ii :iW fl ?-. o p Bl Por WA-lll.N,.10N. BALTIMORE. RMJ. -.<0 B a. m.. dimii. car'. I:*0 18:80 p. m.. dlalnf a?1 ooo y. m., 13:18 a. si Por BaHtSMW on.j. o p m- ajj irun.s run dal lr. . r. , .,,, ., _ _a_a d? a. Por.NOP.L'l.K. ?1B HST Ulix-. 1 A n pm. 'lee g,aa. fl, Ticket ni' ? us -lil. il > and 1.H0 Itu.."* ?? V^., llrh.-t \SJis -Ycrlt ' HI4 Pallon-*! .ml Tl liru'.-l-'a*. fll^Klsn .SI V TION' LOOT Ol' LiBEKTV bl'. lCe..rJ vvcsi''', i-Erraaa Caaifaay win sall for snd chiel bflpgflge fruin hol?l cr l-*slJeiu.-o to dc-tin?.on. _i ERIE LINES. Ti.iou'.'ii IJ?Ol lo: Cinca^u ul.J UM Wt** ' J' - - ?? y,.rn bot .1 .,, r*-t.. U..:.y, *? tuOuas. auU "'? Bdaatefl earlier fr..m v\c?i Jja-.t.. i!_____R 9:i_ (__.."? .^T..rN'r:r s*^*** ^S* ??7Wli? tvmhVtmmta*^ tl'.iri) -iiovla theu-uqua Laks. Bieeocr is CttssiR liv.-..,nu aad ClBrlBBaU. Dinlae-*lar. v..a-aivia a* *>a P- M.-?aalM nala lu I (ilcsvao ria Jj?fM '^o, ():?)() Pxntytt* w iiuitai*., Koc:.s.*t.r fli.d Mi-*** Vim iSS5___Fi* ilruoklvi.' 20" H i-1-o i -t.. Hoboken, and J ;?"*,*._.'. __^. {.. ii Iner TMiiaf-i- (on.|*iiii .ali* fer aad mt*RR b*t ppi fro- hutei* and reHdesTea w d?rt--*-?v_ KEU'.YORK! ONTARIO ANO W 1>TKHN lt lUtWll iiUVJ-.N-i L-A.V- Wi.i. *S-?**s j. s.-jll A. -. vi. ii.ii.uu!. ?_i ni -aaa u.o ****** VBEf L^t." lol llaUl ls. ....^.rav.. **??_3_3 Mea-icalla, MeaaialiiuMe, i-aii.uuraii. *,*?-';y._.A,, prihi. neaoi i^iS V^ '^aS^SfirShS-V bur!?u KU-..vil.c, Fallaburuh. HurloyvUic. Uo*.r.>. ? '"^,06MP."M.. Middletown. f*?JI^JMfc JSg in .sianor, RoeklBBd. Walioic -^'J'''^ *\?i V, iasfl tot QflWCfB, liochcter, Manara f*ai J.."^J ?;&?*? ? Weat. aleepers "BBBBBSBl -**r sa. Bu-pension iiridje. .?.?, Gundar fDatiT : all oth-r tnins eal ly ?^P'.^^J.',, **ertM Pullman draWnu-Mom ?e^H aid sieepun*_* BbUlned flt ?"?? Hrosdvvay, Re-.Tem. _ ___ -,_? .. ? ANDERSOK. O. A.. M Beavs*'** *n *