Newspaper Page Text
i.Mman&Co. / To-morrow, Monday, tt. j tl Utopian, an tfitrlx) ^importation Bf ITorcltics Ja ces, fJoEOi-Jittt* of Point simeon, 3irrrc, Crediton, Btorpt, Jjoiirooii, tv Point flntttllcs, combination fffrci, in J3lack, ?rram, or i-ucrrf Sijaocs. ?Iot?, J ended Jiitrc, all bloch, bloch mill; colorco bcoos or $pon ijlc0,trim..tin8!Mi)tl)$. ??*?i flounces ono Mets. 1SI1, SI., Ultu St., uni) Sijth Jlor. Stern Brothers Monday, Feb'y 6th, Another extensive putchase of very desirable Silks comprising 3000 Yards Black ground, Fancy Striped 5ilks .. 78c Regular value $1.25 a yard. 4500 Yards txtra quauty -.ngni Taffeta Silks in raised Satin rx mw q Roman S'ripes at \\^j ^ Actual value^$i.5o a yard. White China Silk Robes consisting of 17 % P" (~\ Q yards to the piece ** ^ t *s O Regular value $8.5o. Opening of Spring Importations of Dress Goods consisting in part of Paris Novelties in Hping'ine Glace', Plumetis Crepon, Silk <Sc Wool Pointil.c, Trevers Soler le, Grain Soierie, Whlpc-rd Clianj-eant, Grain Sang].er Glace', ?* www -tnlrrlaa Silk and Wool tl gh Cclored Plaids And in Plain Fab-rcs Crepe' Popellne.Gr.inite, Cre'pons In new weavea, Armure, Rayure Soie, Diagonal Pointille', Rayure Pointille', Casimir, Creprn Brode And Rayurj in the latest and choicest shades. West Twenty=third St. WORTHY HESS I o.\ LES CET THEIR MOSEY. AN IXTKRBSTIxa sci..**,"'". ai THE OFFICE IN ( ax M.-ST. TESTEBOAT. " i've yat th*- shake*; I yat "mb aim I went t.. th** war, and i've bai 'tu ivor sine*." saJtl a srortliy veteran at thc pen-ion ofRce In Canal it y4*sterelay. "But I cnn Arr my nama to Um pensloo-roll all Ibe same.'' hi- connnued. "Yes, and I've cot one Iff rind 1 nm *l!*n mv Hame, tm.," -.urcasti. iillv said another pensioner. Tb?*se relics nf the uar milli liiiiiili'd- nf others of their kind vere l*rtefi*l**g <i? pawnonts ot their psmlons fi..rn Ibe Industrious eterka ?if Colonel Frank C. Loveland. Hw t 'nit.-rt Stales pension agenl of this distriit. T!iv.v had cone fem far .'ind wMe and mnny of them reid arrived thr dav before poA liad*ed tli?* nlr*!it In the mission roi,tn In Ute taase ment of the pension bulklljiB- Her* sandwich**! and coffee hud bawt, *t*\*i lo ili.rn and thea whea they bad finished their evening tanebeon Ibey Were mi ooui*flf*ed to ainu; Ibe Mop tlmt took then ba. It to days of "Marching TlMoagh G4*orgla." Ibey "wearne ?o filled -vtth th* spirit of poor thal Itally i;.<* peopli- In Abaft! of th.- ii:l-*iufi hud them ill gingini" "doobv and t-anttey hymn-. This van kept np ni t ot thi* nlsht mid winn mi'rnliif* dawned mote sand wlrha-s :.t:<l coff..- veer" pinn to them, and then OOfl and all they made ? raab for the office above "rilera tb** clerk*! n.-T" basti]) oin!.Inp nady the bonesUjf deserved ch.(Us of tbs vat tinny of pad-lots. It was 1 o'clock yeaterday morning winn Colonel Frank C. Loveland and Mi assistants le-rriin to Bake tho Amt <iuart*rly a* j bm uta of Hw year. H.'ss..,-,, that bour and 12 O'clock last nlfbt Bore tban .i.u'iO veterans were paid, and lt smis Calculated that B150.000 was disbursed. It wa? a B(hl to mc thi*. ?altitude of men from all parts of tbe dtj nnd Hw dj Ighborlng counUei crowdln.- the -pension building nnd (he stre,-t outside for many Mock*-, nil anxious dsj rer.-lsi- t'n ir ni'iiey. There were one-urim-il m*-n and OM legged men ami men with no legs al all. There wera pay haired vet? eran a, bearlni* the marks ol many battles, and BOW and then the woolly l.t ad of a falthfal darkey who had served tor t'n.Te Sinn VOaM I"- *i ^n In ti,.- in,sid. Women too were thiit*. Wives pf mon ld ll >-?t in the war wer*1 walting for tie ii eb ? ka I'romin -nt am ng them all were repn'-iTita'ls- i of BctujhbO-riBg l^r room*, who were si*ekltij- u. tempt tl.*- penslon<*f*l to spend tlH'lr money In tin- dr..m ihops, There were few. baterentt, who aeeeptad th.- invitation af tn.- Rtptae sharks, for the veterans have learned by sad ex perienre (hi- result of ibdta to thees *v,u*<-s The pension oflire In this <itv ls the largest agency In the country, lt hus under lt-* tum most of Nr-w York Mnte nnd putts .,f Saw-let . v and (on necticut. It ls under the claWfl or C.lor.-| Kt ink C. Loveland, who baa hrou/ht 1* to snit, ii .'ate nf p.-r fectlon tliat when he retie * fi om nfl ?<? lhere ssll' be none of the mila d np condition of Hffalr*- ihnt char acterlled the office In MM past. Mr |_*)*n Un,| ,. __n aifliefli by thirty ta"sa*ha .-md tarlag ii.,- qaarterly pur tneut days an extra iona ,f is> itv iv.n ls rmployi-d. At present there are :,o.t,(Mi ramea m ihe panilon !i*t of this district and ?aio.OiMi.taMi a year I- paid mil When a pensioner tttMtt tor his ebeefe h< first ?feaaaaj bl* Cflsrtlfliate. 'Thea he signs his name to a rot kef and tbe disburnlng clerk writes out u cluck f>r him In most oases tho pensioner ls a pirajajaj Individual, who, aller receiving kb check, begins lo give ibo ? li rk * - n i ? ? personal recolWBoa of the war. This leads to make ibe bnrd-worklng clerk Irascible and Hun begins ii com motion lhal make* pay-day at Ihe pen lon ofloe one ronllnual hui,hui.. An Interesting feature ol the pension office In thi* dty ls the ml sinii iiml ls cundill Pd lu connection with lt. Al Hw ?uggestlon ol Colonel Loveland, 11,?* mlflsloa Was -tait.-d. in order lo ullord the veterans a place for spiritual ami bodily refi-Mbnent while waning fur their pensions. Frtv oofeo, landirlckei and ? little Moody and rankey talk are given t?. tin m. The ml alon i* supported b) private subscriptions. Those iiti.' -till tu it are Major-tienrral O. '?. Howard, General A. ?. Webb, General P. T. Iheke, <*olonel F. c. Loveland, Colonel H. Il, Hadley, Major-General Wog.-r Kwayn*', Ktllaen Van Bennekwr, ff. F. Wardwell and J. .-.. Huylrr. -w AX ATTRACTIVE RAILROAD " COBRIRR." lt is hard In these days cf l***rJsia?C?* to every form of capitalistic . oinbiiiation Hint threatens to aasnnw Ihe form of a trust to have Um words ?? railroad e*)*k bine" mentioned without exciting scorn. Bat a clever play on (he svord "CMtblta" Wai made yesterday bv a man Who had Ju*t returned from an exrin*r rn over Um Philadelphia and Reading lyatea-i. "1 know annie thing about Hw Heading "coiuMn",' * h<- aald, "but lt ls a Tomiiini-" af tome of Hw most delightful phase*. til railroad trnv.-iiing. The Lehigh Valley rente ,,f Ike Hemline between (he Baal and the west will corry von from New-Yorfe or Philadelphia to Buffalo, Magura Palls and Chicago. You eau travel for ? month on tbe Beading's "ssh rails, ond y?u trill net a caxnbtne i aeasbore, mountain and lake." There wai ? sus*~tclon In tie man* retnarlis that ie I rn veiled with a purpose, but railroad men i'at tin- L> his-h Valley rout.- of the Heading road presents many attractive leature'. THE S ILE OF LIQUORS IS DRCaSTORF.S. The law that drugstores shall not be nllowexl lo have the ordinary liquor sellers' Meenie will soon lu? lu effect all over the < Itv. The Frcl-e law of April TO fix rd the fee of the ?lru_?glsts' license to sell liquors :ii ko im; forbade the drinking of them aa the pi*-"ini?-c*.. Thc lnw further snys that no other license ?ball be granted to a dngglst uhder the act The IbiTor Mlfera' llcen-e* to <ini_n*lst* are running mit, and ikey oana*! b*1 icnewrd. 'ihi* leetliM wu* put In the ?et at the innt'ii.ce of the liquor selieis. ssh,, want t'i end Uie competition ol the drugf-toii',, The druggist*, however, suv thal th.v hme sold much li s ll nair t; at. in gen. rally siipiiosed, und thal the law Will li'i'. hurt them pm'Inila| fy. hrs tiesast to lectere ox " christi axity" Mr*. Anni.- liesant win le. tare on "Christianity and Theosophy," at (bickering Hall, this evening Mrs. Beeanl s*iil employ -xTentlflr evidence to prove that there ls an Imtiinrtnl aonl. and ?he will quote Christ as MMblBf r.ltiearn/itl-in. thc dodrlne of rebirth on eiirth. Mrs. [Meant will show thnt Theosophy ls no fue to Chrtsttanity*. but Unit on the rontniry it mules Christi iii'y con-4*tenl by tJ.<- rt... rin.- of r. Incai nation, ssitln.m ssvi.i,, tnt siiy. religion i ut,r,ot be ri-conclled to th.- Darwinian theory of -.volution. HE SAYS MR JEST Din SOT COMMIT SUICIDE Tari .lust, the nephew of E. ll. M. .iu?t. who waa *ald to have committed suicide on Krlday evening li. his office in One hundred und thirty fifth st., near bighill uv.-., believes that bli uncls'i death was due to Simpson,Crawford & Simpson. LADIES' SOU DEPT. ON HOBDAY WI MIAIX OTFT.B New Designs in Ladies' Street Suits, Made in Choice Patterns of Imported Tweeds and Cheviots, at 13.50 rn it. Tliey arc eqnal iu every respect to any made-to-ortlcr Suits costing three times thc money. We shall also place on sale to-morrow a very handsome collection Of Dew styles of Ladies' Suits, in materials suitable for early Spring Wear, at prices ranging from $16.50 to $49.00, which is greatly be? low their real value. We iimUe no clinrae for uttering either l.mllr*' or -)Iii,*r?' -nit*. I iouli* or fur tim inci.l*. Sixth Avenue, I9IH to 20th Street, "CAMMEY Stamped on a Shoe Means Standard of Merit. COME AT ONCE. IN I ON-KI'lTAIT. OP 1*010111. TO Ol II SSW ni ll.DIM.. NOW IN COVMMtt Of MIKITION. Il ll R COMMENCED TO Itl.IM ( K **TOI K ll\ OITUMNI" Our Regular $3 Line of Ladies' Soolma Kid Hand-Sewed Welt Button Shoes at, por pair, 00 Till- SAM lilli IN fl". II. A. AND Till'. Illili DI KIM. Till: IM*-T TWO Dt\- lit- Mi IN TUE ni.Mioi -. wi: -iv to \ i.i. inn-;. W HO \i Mil to tiki: tin ant.m.i: or Til 1*4 n uti. un. S3.00 Shoes at S2.00 Per Pair, COME AT ONCE. ll ITU I'lTKNT.I.KlTtlllt Til'**. Illl.ll IND I.OW iii.i:i.*?. ai.-o ( o?i ?ios-*-i \-i; htvi.i:-. am, **l/.l> AND \l IDTII-. ll Sixth Avenue, cor. 19th St* AVOID Mil. AND HI'RB 1 I RR T il l'l Ll ?, FIS! i LA, I ll ll I HO, I- l**-1T:l . ke. ** 11 in l I..-. I H >.N I Ki ?j-11,- lil .--INT-- -t IT lilli.V II.1.1 - I KA | KNIFE. I Ii BOOH "S' I'll.; -? SF.Sl l III I. lilt. \. II. .lAMI-ON, ll Weal ililli ??i.. N. I, i h.. ii. iM tit. Ile ai't tr, a Mirana reporter s. t*?r***a* : '?The report Ibal my dd*-**- rom*nttt**d -uh at. i- not areli r?.iin*i. *). I am i"i Hire be a-ai sbot accidentally, Ile ssa-, nut .-.ns i. eccentric ,,f i:t than iv bad brm Lu- tua: v rears, ll" ssa alway i*i-*enr**l. Mr. Mnj-pby, the Jnnltor, -rho i r-s him Immediately after tin- abootlntr, iil-ii i- mu-' tliat lt "a- not nh ht-, bal thal death ssas due to an un Meat*] dlaeliarge ul thi i-lbt.ii. ?_ roi: TBE t.i.mi ay POIAEUXIE. Tiie annual |Krf?*""nMMi4*e for Ihe in-n.-iit of tue Orman l-ollhllnlh '-'-iii lake plan- on Fcbroary ii, al - Ji. m., Ht Hie Mil ie Hull. Aupi-tl'i hals Iv ron eated lo lake fbarste nf the manNK-,m**nt. Mr. Dais'- tyvmpanj ssiii appear In one of Ihe mani ev. - .(Ili'iii foti.eiiii.s nf their rvpertorjf. Messrs. Voa j Haven rmd MamffleM's company h.*.- ni-., roluniee-*-*! their sets.ri-. Walter ttamroaeb ***.111 ronda I the I Symphony Orchestra. Tin- m..ii or"dsti '-sin be Miss Emma Jack, Miss Mande i??.?-. il and Ml i .in i. Bracker, *>-? CORBISSIOXEES OP DRRDS Mi ST HF. C1TIZEXR. ai th- i. quasi .,f Renata* Oeprtt w Pluali ?? Peter It ?..- : - kai .1 'ssa ap i MU, nhl h alli ??? intrvda a t, Un Sii.ut'.r t..-na,iiw. prerldlna Uni every .nala inn . nf di-rd, tor iMa elly ahall a thin i.tie-n 'ii ttl ? hi* ? ii- 'atm at laki sad tab* i be befare lb*- County Clerk ja vnTi bfl ll I lt:/ n vf Mv t'nir. il **?,,., ,,,,( ,,f ru-- btatai vf NvsVnr/ tnt i reiMent el fie rona! u | a>i?o proirtdtaa tbat ? reaM-*ra] tram thr r-oaaty, ai lt bt * eltttea, ai * "allure t take Um pre-erlbed oath within tia Bfteea da] li letts the aaVs aad >r ? , rslllai la laki ti.-- preaeribed oath ai haili.:* torfe I ted thc ollie- as pr'-vttinl aha '.:,., ? rrrart i ?. t a- a I in ?Iflflloaer, ahall bi rail?-.- of ? mitti n,- uno:. AMITEFR TM BATEDALS Et R CRAMITT. The -trull.r*. formerly l*t.<i**n pg the CalnmMa ' "i lefe Dramatic flab, arin .-\\- -:.; *s,.'h it- ??? ulai ni'.', Hinter p??rf rmi nt i Tbej vin lake plan nn Tiiuraiins-. PrMay and latarday even In aa, Pebraary ?. IO and ll. ii. fit. ulm; nt * to o'rloek, matinee Satur day. K. liru.iry ll, al 2 o'clock, ni (he Manhattan Athletli ("lui, Theatre, Tke hill .,r d,,. p|a| arin cor.-:*! nf "The Wooden Spot rt," aa operetta and "A Iin-Ks l;. :.-.-ir?;il,-- aj 1 url- -th.v The ..).-.-, r 1 v equip a mut. ni ward f..r Ike bablei hi the 1'oai (iradnnte lloaptlnl Tkere has nip inly 1.n a |arRl iirtsTitice tale ol, and tr.auy dlr,i.**t-> and Iheatrr linrilei havi be* i. arnuad, ar no inoercsnu Hr.'.r.r A Davie*."*, at D. B i svt.m Mll'll-rs-T BtSMfle* af ?li V---.V-I- H. .letti ..?:,:?- TTinarr Oran* lirioten-v and Kirri..ty Maura ? Ifl 1. I tc j ****** --? ? R. Si W.-Jlio Tyrone link cutt almuM be worn w.u ou. raaaaa o; Xatraa ^oiwr. K x. sv. riili.i.i:'- lu,;i siiiu.K Cm 0A '"'J,l"a'1. ''?? of "fbtasaa ia ajaln.t Omi oi -, wt-Bi.i and Maiacha, nu comuioi. win, u:C\h4tf tocam* fl'1 iftoix W$Ia^^ Successors to AT.Stewart (Si Co. TO TAKE EFFECT MONDAY, 6TH INST., 8 A. M. MMENSE REDUCTIONS in THIS SEASON'S LATEST IMPORTATIONS FINE LAGES and DRESS TRIMMINGS, 22-inch FINE CUT JET and JEWELLED NET, $10.00 per yd., reduced from $60.00 " VELVET, 10.00 " " " 43.50 45-inch Blue and Gold Pearl Effect, 10.00 " " M 21.00 Tablier and Corsage, Cut Jet and Turquoise, on Black Net, 50.00 " " 115.00 One, same as above, Cut Jet and Coral, 15.00 " " 60.00 An endless variety of Colored Drapery Nets, 45 inches wide, for Evening wear, .50 per yd., reduced from 1,50 20,000 yards White Embroideries, Exquisite Patterns, 2 to 4 inches wide, at .19, value .25, .30 and ,35 AlatlO Chiffon Edgings in Browns and Ecru, at 25 Cts. per yard, reduced from .50 Handsome French Jet Passementeries, Newest designs, All Widths, Round Reduction of 60%. Black Silk Novelty Fringe, 10.OO, value - - - 29.00 Jet and Ribbon Gimps, 3.00, value - - - 5.00 Jet and Chenille Fringe, 10.00, reduced from 18.50 Finest French Zouaves and Sets, in Jet and Colors, bodices and girdles, 10.00, reduced from 18.00 A~*4l> Spangled Sets, 5.00, value - - - 10.75 One Lot 50 dozen P. D. Corsets, pearl white, 1.75, value - - - 3.50 A close tnspertion is incited nf thr goods of these ttco departments. In laces and dress trimming*, anti in many other lines not mentioned, equal reductions have hem made to close ont staci:. Broadway* 4th Avenue. 9th and 10th Streets. IM THE 1 I LLD Ol SPORTS. OEXI RAL 1-slM - LT .''? I ' ? ' n s-. -i iv 4 flaois - ir . ? ? ? b* ??? ?if.I - : I , ? I ii I!. I'll. ' rd f ? ll t aad ? - ? ? ? ., i p :?- r I . - ? fl ? - Uiflt I i?riii-| ? ? ll ll build the boat aa I I - * . I liri miall I f J ul v and ., I . | - fl *' .. I i .. in r in '?-..' -J I ? : ? ?:, ii r ii tiwi i rai if a - foi ? I I : - , I HUI ll. the Ai 1 'rv i-,,i -'?'. . il v .! >|| lu I I. . ! I.V S . ' '- -t is 1 ? s ? , ?' (ha baal I in only ?. in tail u- lett mah. - - s ib. I ? ? .... I , ? ? i ? ? ? mr di , i a Barr, . T ? ' at ?hi- -:.? la iri n y ;. ,? i- u- 11. - ? 1 -a a vv, . . Hu matt, r - ( . ? " _ THE OFFICIAL TURP Ot'I Dr FOR lf?5. (. :? ? ? on il ('ul I " i .; H..- -? n -il ir i la v. ? al ., ir a ?! pk A .r.i ua< ! '.-. t'.- pu ttl ? lib " ' .-.-.. inion a f Um L'nited stat * snd Canada, Wa* 'Hal ? pri* *- raarfl than i vi i i .i and racing In l I tilt, d ? i . , ?...- .. ir i -.'.. ll . oal iin ???' i: .-i i \. i l -. , .,' i ti a*i I a ol Inform- w f?r evei st.- dy i in r* i - -. end lt I n - . I i- i a i '??:-. - tanti I |i.i" ll, and "ii rumplier* and i lb to i -Tsv , ba :* ids r tura fur their srdueaa labors. ? ? A.M'i.N'. Till ATTI Ul r.s. Th* N.i'i'.tiiii Bkai ng A v hi iag*d to hold Um Annual rba*nplon*htp rai *' Red ll -.. N. J., on , || l.l. i.vl-a tia .. . i I of I * Icu Vaehl 1'lub. The dialancea snii I, ? 140 jan!*, Bv<i ma ?? n ii Ut**. Tba annual fleur Ital hat iii- t the Xfltlonal s il ir Skating A-- ulva will beheld fll Haletn, Ma**., ii uai i it The ? ntri*'* s\ i ? iv, ,ry i~i ssith 1'. Il ll. univ. Nor* lanT.ial ??- . Ma *. Ti,, I'aktltnfl Athlrtli flab will hoM it- 4tnn1.1l bollol ral (ur tba rbamplonflblp ol S ar.York Ktate on ,-1 ii, ami 1.1. 'iii- . iH-iteaU will be bel I il tbs Induairlal Building, u' U xlngton-ave and Ftrrty-fiiurtb-at. C, C ? ms 1 r. a member of the L'nlvei illj kihi Ut < tub, .nd W. li Wheeler ssiii probablji am-crt-d John lt Dsy ind J. W. Bpaldlnt ?? dh. ??( n, .\ ..v mi ba.ei .il .inii. Mi. Carlei h. a nu.1 1 -.1 rh. lTin >ton adi I .'lt. ill r.n Itt ? Th 12th I;.-m.-nt. Athletic Club t.s- ? : .--ly ..ri.: fla 1 nt* r' iii.iiiv,' ,.t iii?? (iri.ii.i 1 H mst ... . .nii|.-r md L'olum* bna-aie. las) evening. A large .ivsii ..a, prrarnb ? "raak" AiJaa,-, Um Bngei Minardi 1. entertain 1 . 1 vm! in the rsihna-,va, -f um NeatYork AUil ? 1 Int.. al 1 itt'. Tittil nt. .uni .'*i.\tii-is-.. !?*' ri..Ti' Aim* aaa remarkable, coatrol nf tho isms- ball*, and bs makia Tin-nil dr*?ss., tai aaa ami latap-flhotfl ss,tn aateol 1- . Dna -f Um -Adala el the Coney Island Atfeletie ."lub went tn i.viiir- tut 11 1 train quarter* yeaterday tai Um purpo ? ?<( o> rrtalnlng their torrect wei ttvtti. aa -is*, m.- in aplei lui - idil m, tnt i*o-r 1 . 1 <ia\v ss,,ri. .t ri,, ia flated ball, ii.beella, etc., aero pul ?11 ti,,, ml-sfl. '.ritiiii weighed ISO's pounds, sad "logan Ul i>eJ tli beaai at US pened*. HF. RUST Al Xl TIIE BAILWAT COBPARY. Judge lagrabara, of the Supreme Court, ha* decided 11 favor nf Um defendant* In the ault brought bj * lomon Dillinger agali t 1 ?? lovra Central Rallwaj ompany, the Central lovra RnUvrajf Company and ther*, iti 1887 iii- Central lovra 1t.1iiss.1v Compaii) lefitulled in Ihi payment ol Interest on it* bonded in TiTiii-iiii.v-* and proceeding* arere begun against ti by he ? 1 ? >i 1 ? ? >i liv*.-!! Rage, ?- il.-- 1: ralalor, Kimon Iloif, Charla*! C. Allen, faatra fhomson ami Horace 1. Moree nore appointed ? romatlttee of raorganlxn I'M. The inssa Central Railway <"? .m.j...r.<-? wai formed nd the -ii., "iii.vd. 1- ul the ..I: company had tba rlgiil '. tra nr fer tin-'r -'mk on payment ? >! ni; ., aban Hu- tittil notice ol ii-.ri:iii.l/i:tinu \\-.x-. -..iii mit In day, 161)9, inni fi.' last laatiilment on the atoeh ba due several atOBths later in December, i-'i lalllnger boughl <if 1. i\ Mead ... <-,,. _tk. ihare* ?f (?' - ol ibe old company on which only tba iir-t ml vf gt* had beea paid. In January, ISfhl, . ililli.-I "IT.t.'.I I!" 1 * :tin 1 ri't? r of tb- assessment to he Inu.i Central hallway Company, 1 .- Um Hate rm ll had expired, and the company refused fi. re elva Ihe lurch ol tba old rompauy and l?*ue to . .-i iiif.T" tbe -1 ? -?ii nf the it*-**-. J udna Ingraham ' sta.11* Ibe |.<i-*irio-i o; the raliway company. .oomxi; ior R fAEDIME R 1: Pi lr. vf Ni. 1:.: -.'.-Mot, st iiiu-tr ri. Coi n.. ? iterd ' ? ? poll. - iii ci- , it* tv :.|,| him In ? . .:?!. for 1: il erl Jardine, ol 11 it ord ab - di ap - .rvd mysteriously nn lannary Uti Jardine 1 de vi:. : a* fort- ila y< 11*1 old, .hort and of mi dlnm mild, ss it:, landy imlr nnd complexion and ? ri - lark clothes, on tbe day of iii- dlsap-ejrar.ce h ami ti- tbli .l's ninl ie! ni ., patent t'irlnl in ,?* I.. 11 mi oflli- ii. lim,d*t. Th.11 hf ara* tn have n-turnfld o ll.Trtfi.rd, but he ii.r..d to artiYt ibrrt. TRIBUNE PUBLICATIONS. ALL IS PAMPHLET EOE M. \X.V\S\C. I4*!*:! -A renllr .plendld number. Fir*! ot ihr amit Almaim-* on the inarhrl. J"*iO pugfl*. Now ri-mly. '"i.i rent* n ropj*. KMTTIM. AMI (lt (Mil KT.-New. Willi innm pu ai* .1, lo Lou*. T...I.I ili-i'iiralloo and ln?hloii*. , RI i nil* u .-OPT. _ MII.I.IOKAIREft. t roiiuilpli* ll*r of ihe 4.0t7 mil ! lioiioiri'i ol lin* fatted *"lntr?>. unit how Ihc. nmiir thrlr j ill;,...*. Illili H?l ???.'?? .-n-iiplli-il. Inlunblr to ?liid.-nl*. 1 ri-.iiniml*!* -inii inonior.-r* of new eulerpri*c*. ***] j ,-i'ui* ii eapy, la legible cloth, 51. KEW SAVV.-AII ihr new wnedilpa *le?rrlbrd. with I*. unit inrlii.ling n 11*1 of Ihe old uuvjr, , in iiiuuicnt*, elf. -ti; crain ii ropy. \V Ut *?T(lltlF.*? (her IO (nie* of (lie Civil IVnr. br Inion .olillcr*. Iii*piriuii. llirlllina nud pathetl' . Mofll ul lbini written lor Tribune cn?h prize*. '.".1 reata. lilli I****rr*4.-The hr?( of Ro*well t". Ilorr'* arti rle* in Thc Weakly Tribune on ihe Tarli!, Fluau.e and **ilsrr. RSetwta._ ril.LAOl I UPI: (IV I. M FAT.-Two charming arll.le* hr ll. li. Northrop, thr prime mm cr In thia work. Vew Verb < ky tn-u who want io hi-lp briiutlfy their native town* la the country ?hoiil.l ri-uil Ihi*. 3 cenlfl u cop*/. NOUTIII IF.I.O. ItfMQU -The rxarrUe* there. 1.1 rent* n ropy. (Il lt Tit Qt'.. |vo?. I'roru.oly llluatrated. The s ni ilii-*.-ii*i.ii. Ao rrul* a copy. lil Ititi! INK AT ?? Hill \. That thrilling Mori-well told, with the ".lobu.fow ii llm.-lrr," unit li*t of turill nu liirl* ssln, lin sr mun nd iii l-?. iii onp publi. rilli..;.. 10. cul*. _ "(it'll I'll AI \'( FY." A Tribune prrmlum. Anjr rcviiliir ?nb*( i ilirr lo Th.- Tritium* run get ll for SO i nil*. A ilcliiiou. plrc i- al' Inn, sulllen ti. l-niiir ll. Ilromlry lor Ihr In lr uliiiiini. i'rol.I> illu*U uti-d by lin.iii mid (-ll.-ion. SPF Kl III*,**. Tin- br?i ol tin- niter-dluurr orr.tnrv ol' l.i*i wiiit.-rlu (lil* illy. -""vent*. THE TRIBUNE. THE I IEE El COED. FIVB FAMILIES BURNED OIT IN IIODOKE**. Fire "amlllti were made homeless yesterday after? noon by til-- al Nu. tji CHnton-st., Hoboken, rho ilinii--* broke oul abonl 2 o'clock, and inroad to tbe adjoining building. The Ure ssa*; caused by an over? heated stove. Kutiipci ,1 1.lard's blacksmith -ii"ii 1^ at Ko. .i_'i and It tba rear are lii'lni* apartmenta. it ssa, in tbe dining-room of this rear building thal the lire -tarted, n... house ssa-; completely gutted, uni the Mable* of Hugo Uerger and C. KeUnetter at No. A2f,. and the three atofy frame dwelling owned Ly Mra. lirock, al Mo. 338, caught Bre. "Tho ground ti' i' of Ho, 3slfl was ased ;i*. ;i grocery Uv John Dlnneen, and tbe ny<i>? ? r floors were occupied I'y the famlllei wf John Dunn and tbe Misses Harnett. At one time ll teemed aa if tbe ss,.,,ie bloch wottM go, but by imrii work on the pan of tba firemen the ilniii.-* ss.-r- confined t.i 11. bt.liding*, fhe tenants lu mo*! of their pnijoerty. Tm hies ls estimated at flU.OOU and I* itu Hally covered by lii-iiram ??. DAMAGE TO A NEWARK LEATHER FACTORY. Tbe fancy leather laetory af f A. fehnfcr, Ko. M Dergen-st., Kevrark, ssa- partly dostroyed by Ree ut .11 early hour yesterday. The Bra originated In flu* bidlir room la tbe rear, and tba high wind -*'>-'u iwept th- lames Ibrottgh tba main beilldlng, Ibero wai ti large nmount uf itoeh oa band, svhl<-h waa .1. -frvs. il The loss "ii i.iiililtiii- .'iud slock ii about g aili.*), which I*, partly covered by Insurance. A COSTLY FIRE AT FAIRPORT, If. Y. Rochester, K v. Fab. *?.? I'tr.- broke aajt in the De lund Chemical Warka, at Fairport, shortly bel re - o'clock thia morning, ind ut is o'clock the plant bad been destroyed. Mialling a loss "f ?800,000. in suian c unknown. Tba electric light plant wbleh *ni? piled tha tillage wit* light as well us pisser fur Ihe De I.mid VTorka, sms also destroyed, Tba chemical works covered time nore* 'if ground :md gave employ? ment to about 150 persDns. Tba ranta al the Bra li imt knoa n. "TESTER* MILLS DESTROYED RY FLAMES. Mii.i.iir.iils*. Feb. *.- The rolling mill* of tba Harrta Farge Milling Company, at Irondale, were de troyed by Bre bi-t night. Los*, SlSft.000; Insuraace, **'.>o,OvO. lin' company employed 360 men, -iini.v etty, 1'iiiii, Feb. 4. rin- Punka Mill and eb lalor, located al Ponce, Keb., ten miles from Ibis city, bumed tn tin- gronnd jreaterdaj "norntng. Flfteea car? il n.i-. af fi ur mid 30,000 bushel* .,r whaat wata eon sinned.,. about $70,000. Fully covered by la r. urn 11 ce. "Pressing III. S'llt!" Selling ?20 and $22 Cheviot Suit! for $12.00 ia what wo call Murdering prices, or wo can make your old suit last until spring by adding a pair of our $3.50 Pants to your wardrobe. They're worth 15.00. .S-.-n.--i liiie a -.haine to ai'll *30 and 833 Enc!lah over, i-.j.ito ut $13 and -ri**, lim Unod Keri lt'.t i ui way i* "don't Kl do and alway* <l;d -riva'beek your nioiuy lar, al exiihanije, any f hitit* not -aUiaJactor-*. 1 WV JU'. H. I.llk.i.U VIC," liu-d k??:*?? ss CMasMUss, ty tam over fhn n*?r. (127.02?l - Broadway. J r Blfleeker rt. 1 A. H. KING ft CO., The Leading a meris-an Cloth:' rt. iuotn^ame CK3 Co. Lyon's Spring Silk and Wool Fabrics. Xicoite, Vrillt, Crixtitl, l.einjiilinf. \'eloutii>r, Annure (ilncf, Ffamrnt Plain nnil li?ni<<I rllVt-fa in nen-nnd **il>KI"ti4.' iolo-*in(*s. WHITE, for Wedding Dresses. SVayW nnil laen ii I it'll I li;-ti I alindee lor uti.i. una i:?i;>i>*i* toilets. JJtcacWau c\j \<)[h A* Tribune Almanac. 1893. NOW READY. GREATEST ALMANAC EVER ISSUED BY THE TRIBUNE. S.IO PAGBS-tf CENT! A COP* Some of tbe most valuable table* over printed bv The Tribune Almanao appear in this Dumber. A map oi tbe World's Fair (Jrounds is pre? sented, in addition to tull particular* about the Fair. All the usual statisti? cal anti political features, and many of special and great importance. Copies can be ordered throujih any newxlealer or news company, or pur? chased at the otlice of The Tribune. TUE TBIBCH*