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LORE OF AN INDIAN SAGE. A GNANAM INST l.t (.TS A TRAVELLER. FROM ADAM'S PF.AK TO FT i".PMANTA. Sk trh.l of CVyloti nnd India. Bv K.lwanl OarpeBter. a\it. pp. Pt"!, Mn* rnlilan A Co. The antlior of thia latfffaling toluBaB of travels in an ln?lishn:un w?,o evident*" enT<'iTi7ns ia i?'OOfl many **BtlTBUOfd* views, Ile is r-omothinf ot a S'ifiuii.-t. for Uietaaoe, though not o ralaVi une. Ile <Ui.*e t*i 'iiclu tl.e Bainton tfiut Uie l.ii.'li-d ral** in Itiili.i is not un unmixed hhtesBdf. Ho oven j;oi*s en I.n- a.* in .'.nsiil'T aa a Btoat point tho ojtieutioa wheller W*-stoiri civilization represents tli.* beal of butnafl (Jevoiopniftir But what five* special int?-r< -I ;iti<i attiattion lo lila book it tbe (aol Ulai bo wont tn Ceylon and Iud ia to me*) and if possible to h.vom,. acquainted Witli tin* actual inhabitants of those countries, nnil that bo evidently tuC4>4*eded iu obtoiaing a closer viow al anana af them than any traveller has been ahl- to affect fur a lon- tin***. |fg is in BB vay ImftUBfed with tl.e prosier* of India. ile -*>?** tliat lita situation i* chancing in a-etna uraya radically: t tcriout movement. ia on foot In the n.-vv native get talion talking to tho adoption al mail ern and Eutopeau wayo uud Bwdea af thoaght: tliat tba clti beliefs, ami in especial tin, old iiiythol.agiital beliefs, Ti" O.'iiu ? iflcredited anil, bat??Sd tin- I- I crucial point-that Christianity is not taking their |,lae.. What it* dom,; h-x i* Ignoaticiam You nj} luina 1* |il.if<n:'|(!ly BJtvptiCOJ ..lid B*W-NaiglOUa Ul lt* nunt.ii attitoil*. 7; .-?t ii.s al*-* ut ta drop all ita iiuci.-nt eftsada*- and at tba Bama time lo reject all tiie Western theoeophiee a*, nat atora <i' eorvitij* of fioiloiKo. <o tour.*.* tba BHtbat'a ev porionc? could not I.av," Uvn broad enough t.. luund (retry tttmtwortby concliis-or:*. upon. Tho mental state <?f aa vnal a population a* thal ul India cutuiot ho av(*:ta:iiod hy t?*stln_^ tho ideal of eeattoiofl Batta" BatB and there, lin it i evldont that Mr. Carpenter really did gat at the geauiao attitude of thoae wjtb whom ho came in contact, aud Jio has made a tincere to r<'pro*ont as many phaaea ats possible of Indian and CiBgba'OBO CLwugbt, in ins '""?natka opoa what lui haw in both countries ho |? threwd and offon urij-iiial, always -caking to look past more OKtetaalilkB and ta gg| at the truth of tomas. What ha anya upon tbe eauaea <>i thu English inability to win tlc eoul;don<e and friendship of the natives is puti.ularlv depervioa of study, thou-i, no doubt English ulhuainmii in India will pooh-pooh it, until pothana another tat*uol.sMii, liiic tho mutiny of is:,; -.hall tome uud tear away trw? veil once moro. Apnrt, iiow*i...i, irom the author's account ol what he saw, his volume is si von a peculiar 111 t?*n.Nl hy r.-ariiti ol tho Mrange o\iiorii'nc.'-, which liofoli i>im m Ceylon, rind to these e\porienc?*s ho hus devoted loi.r chapters which alfet iiuite a new sensation to tho curious. For it was his fortune to make tho BCjqtiaJatanot] in Ceylon of a ('nam or lin-fhalos** occulh*t. and to take down from tho lips <>f ti,is strain,.- pfatttjaophet dctrines om' theories which will proba'h appeal merely eto/y to most icuder.s. Ihat most of thes*- doctrines must .nen irrational to the ma? jority Ib inevitable: it only for tho reaso.i that the principles tifderlyiii... them run counter to the whole methods of the V\?*stern wotid, Aa Mr. (aipiUter Bay*, moreover, it is necessary to realize ail the time, In intaking lo such penong, thut they stand for views which nave p.rmeaLd the Baal for thousands ,f 'ear.-*; which .veil uow go to tho toole ?f tho uativinal lie in Ceylon ond India; winch aie accepted hy seores ol millions with tho most implicit larth, and which ure not thought by thane who hold thom to stand in a*.y n??ed o! attestation. Premising thus mueh, we will let Mr. Car? penter do h's own rc|)i'i'?i:i'' That be was deeply unpressed bf thc personality of the Un****tf is very apparel.t Ila doe-Sflbea lum as a mun Vfiiera(.ile, yet physically iiule an<l vigorous; livmB upon the alighlaat ri-;;iiiien, yet strong and end ui Ui.-; weaung an BBPBOl of deep content and groat Iienevoleuce; lineal ol speech ami tortile ia illustration, ready taOVpountfiOa own views, but uot addicted to coiitioveisy; a veiy inten-stint. and highly iBtoUlgeot iiiterlc'iciitoi. in short. Tliia man was lroi.i Southi'in India, and was only sojourning lui a limo m Ceylon. Mi. Carpenter nays: . These Citrus or AtaOpfs are tOT be found Beat* tered till over the inainiai.d ?>f India; but they lean a secluded e.visiiiice, avoiding tha current* of Westoin civili7..Ttii>u?which uro obnoxious to them-aud rarely come mu. contact arith the Ena* Heh or app*'ar on the surfa :e of ordinary lil**. Thev are divided Into twa gteal Bchoola, the lliuialavnn i-ml the Sotitli Inuiun?form.' I. |N ?b*V bly, even etntottto back, by tue gradna] retiro lueut of th.* Adepts into the mountaine and forests of their reapcctive dlatticta before tbe 6proad of I >i**"r*gn rio ami civili/ation over the general eortinent. Ihe lllnwbajran school hu* "arri***! on thc more democratic and ntiMteeaive Buddhistic tradition, while the South indian has kept more to cast*- nml to tiie ancient Hrahnunl il and later Hindoo lines. Wheal Mr. Carivnter first BBW lii*? friend, the ("nanam, the latter was lodgia*. in a temple He thus his apriearance: We found ourselves in a side-chamber, wh"to, ae4ite<l on a simple couch, his bed aud < in one. waa an elderly mau iBOgae aeyenty y.-irs of apo, thouf-b he did not look neatly so much as that), dns-ed only iu a white muslin wtappef wo'ind looaehf around his lithe and even BCtive dark-brown lorin; hi** head and fai-c shaven a day or two past, very gentle and apititoal in graitaalnn. iiko tho best tyi." of Roman Catholic pri^t-a vorv beautiful, tull and ?nely formed mouth. Bttuight nose ar.d w-dl-foriiietl chin, dark*:. undo ibtediy the ayea Bf B s-;r, daik rinuiied eyelida, and a powerful, propheti'*, and withal childlike manner. Mo soon ro!ap?"f-d inlo exposition, which he eititinuel tor an hour or two with hut few intetruptions from hi- audit RR. ll is a pity that Mr. I arpctiter could not him? self unslprstand the Tamil language, but had lo proenro tho saffTkag of an interpretor; but he remark* that "it wa* easy to see what a romark nbh* vigor and command of language tho linn luul, what power of concentration on the aub jeot in hand and what a wealth of referen-e enpecially cituti >ns from ancient aitthoriti-? whi*rewith to illustrnt.- hi*. iliKOUrae." On tho character of the touching ol such OutOB the author ha* some apt ii'inark*. If dara not ut all resbmhle Western leuehliig, for example: "The pupil is not expected ta ask- qtweiiona .1 ? sceptical nature or Bapreaaive <d doubt, the teacher does not ?n about, la 'provo' his the*is to thr- pupil, or support it with ar-rumontfi drawn from th?* plane of tin* pupil's intollir-enoe; he aimply redelivers to the pupil, in a certain order and sequence, the dtttrinjaa arhleh w*re defiveted tn him in his limo, which have tlnee been verified by his own MpetlCBOO, and which he ean illnilriite hy phntsea and metaphors ami citation* drawn from the a-gered books'' "Originality plays db part in the teaching of tho Indian Mgea. Tho knowledge wbleh they have t?* impart i* of a kind in which Invention is not requit?-d. It purports to ls* a kniwletlfie nf tho oricinal ftud of the 1 unrvorsa itself?somethin'- Ih-IiiikI arhleh BO man can to The West may orijinaie, the Want may prasent new views of the prime fact-the List 1 only Beek* to give to a man that fact lts-lf, t';c i eupreme consciousness, undifferentiated. Ila kev to all that exists.'* But the educational process need* some further explanation. A* stated ii mi-flit appear no more than a Mind pursuit of fanciful tradition. "Heall)',"' says Mr. Caiponter. the Indun teaeh era say thit there are a* a mle three conditions li of the attainment of divine knowledge, or Gna- | pam: ll) The study of the sacicd booka. Ill tho t help of a Guru, and |JJ the verification of the tradition I.y one's own experience Without thin t mat Of course the others nj-*, no lise; aid the chief ) aid Of the Guru is dircted to th** instruction of the pupil in the iiiethrd* by which hg may at- I tain to personal experience'.*> lr, effect the (Jurti glone can initiate the pupil into tJie arcam* mve tertisa, and even tho possibility of such initiation depeoda principally upon tho state of evolution to which the pupil bas been advanced. "A* a rule 4tvery nun who i* received into the body of Adepts rwivoa his initiation from another Adept, win* himself |s-?J*el\'e<l it from a forerunner, ami the whole constitutes a kind of church or brotherhood t -pith genealogical brando's, bo to bjicak-tlie line of 1 Adepts from which a man descends being imparted to him on Ina admiasion into the fraternity. I need not say that this resemble* the method of the ancient my?teiU*f* and initiation* of classic tim****; and Indeed the Indian teachers claim that the (.in*,; at:d EgyptlBB and other YV.-Merii m hoid* Bf arcane lore were merely branches, more Bl 1.-*-. do?erierate. of their own" Tho course nf BtayBtattoB for Guaaam lt call"ti Yogam. Vo!_i* are common all over lelia, and Bte of varioua degrees of ptegfea* aud btiekwaid* neus. "Some emaciate tliouiM-lvos gad tortate thou bodies, others soe* oonttol ">:!>' aval the;r nu nfl**, soul.- letire into tho jungles and moun tain*-, ethers frequent tbe cities and exhibit ?I.en.selves in the crowded fairs, other* apjit. CBtty on tho Bvoeatlona af ii!" urith bul little chane* ?i outward habit. Some aro humbugs, led ob by vanny cr greed of pun Ifot to "ive t,. a holy man is highly -Lenton ? ?*?) ; oth.-is Bte genuine atudeUM cr philosophers: some Bte profoundly Imbued with tho taUgtajs sense, Btben by mete dlBtaatg for the world. The majority ptobably take to a wan? derin'' life of tho body, some became wandering in mind ; a croat many attain te phis,.* al < l.i.rvoy anil abnormal power of sou..' kimi DI .'ther, and a very few bi**?me Adapts al a high order. ' In concluding tins chapter the Buthoi observee: ?? Perhaps I have nosv raid enough to show?what, ot course, ssas tafneiantly evldaut to me? that, however it maj" io disguised undet trivial or. in some cases, repellenf eaverinfs, there i* snme r.'ahty beneath all these same body ol experience, of i.u lift!" value and Un* portanoe, which has been attained in India by i portion, at any tate, ol (hose win. have elaimed it, and arhleh has been banded down nosv through ?? vast number of centuries among tho Hind aa peoples i* their most cherished and precious possession.'' In tl.e chapter* which follow Mr. Carpenter given an Intnestini! rewme of the Gnanam't teaching upon what may mora dis? tinctively i-o t* rniod esoteric lore. Here, thoush he doc* not refer lo the fact, the reader fa* millar with Ihe religious mysticism of Ihe Middle Ages cannot but be struck with Ihe ftequenl ami very strikiag analogies and i*eoemnlancen eu* countered, la fact, tba hegkdogy ol Boise abounds svith pertinent illustration* al the states which the Indian GotU who aspires tn adept ?hip has ta pass through. Bul at this ttage of Mr. Carpenter's Inquiry he is aeeessarily com? pelled to throw himself upon the mercy of the critics, inasmuch os laid this he tally leal Izet the phenomena to whir h he invites at? tention Bte nat to Le conrideied proved by rncte statement. In faet, the whole Indian fheme of pay* ehology iuvolvas sj complete :? rupture arith Western ideas and modes of t!iotu:lit that it is searcely possible to find common starlin.- gtound. Yet to deal with the questiona here ptopounded in anything lesa thin a thorough manner would l*e mere waste of time. Beaders of Mr. Carp'-n icr will peteeive tbat lha Indian Gnanam, whether light or wron-:, certainly does not tall* nonsense, but, on the contrary, BtgUCS Strongly and highly. Of course the gteal difficulty li"s in aeioptiti':?nti.v, BUBB in txmtptebeudlng*-bis prom is?'s. Vet it may Ik* that Western science and dafmatlsm have not wholly lost the power af roalizif? that the converse of a pood many mod ?rn axioms might by rtaaaibiUty be tme: a*, for instance, that the mind i> moro than tbe body; that it is the one thin-* in tho universe of really nigh importance; that it may Ive thought capi ble of dominating and oeaitrallirtf tho lodi Elven tho tentative effect of represent lng su.-h potentialities would probably he found useful in bringing the philosophy of tho Qnaaam within peach of the Western appreciatioa. In any ca?i he stateusiul r.f theft veoetable and widely beid siews eattnot bul l?e lat etea! lng la nil students nu- i|tiestions. mor.'ov.'i-, aro very lucidly state.I, ind the gajBatta] tieafmeat of them is well "alculated to arrest attention. X ATI OX AL II UM Oil. SOME interesting EXAMPLES, rilF. Ht'MOD nP i.kl'M.v.NY. (Meeled n-vt tianital ed, nilli Introduction ano Biographical Index, by Han- MuHer-iTiseiiov; alUi Illustration- bs- c. K. Bl -li. linporti.l liy Charles Serll*!.**"- Bona. rill" HUMOR OP rcanck. m|.(ted nun Translated, witii Introduction nti<i mof-rapblcal Index, i.y but*. h. tit Lee; ssiiii lUusiratlaaa by I'uiU Ir'reuseny. Ira ppr***] by Cbarien Bi rltmer's .-nt:-. rm: Ht'MOR hf italy. Bjajeatei aad ttaaslated, willi Iii'ro.lurllon. lili.prai lil<?:? I Index uml Not"-, l.v A iVeraer; tv-ftti lllu?traU*-a* by Ainu. Faull. Imported by Chatles icrilmer'a Bona. Tho idea of cn ina characteristic BtlcctiooB ia i tonvenient fong irom tin* hutnor of various nations, Icaetvcd to be earned out lUCCesal Illly J and while io mlection of tha kind can ba expected ta satisfy ill tasles, and while no doubt, many r-ad.-rs will hiss Borne favorit*. illnstration, it. is <|ueHtioniii.le ivheth.-r the work eould bc better done in anything ike the satin- compass, How manv more volumes ita to appeal in thi* iatetcsting series wa da n it know. There i* clearly ronni foi a goodly Bumbet. tint the thro VOlumea whose descriptions appear it the held of this notice serve very well ta point die merits of the undertaking, and illustrate the nost salient differettcea la national humor m a iurloua and Interesting manner. Perhaps the volume on German humor involved the gKateat difficulties for tho editor German tumor has, lndi?il, been almost denied existence by ihe volatile Flanks: and Jl.-rr Caaeaav, thaugh ha ia* given spe.-iiiietis as fgf back as thr thirteenth flitituiv, has taken the gteal minority ot Ins ex impk's from much lat** periods. Wa lind BO sfiin il*' of the famous Tin Eolenspiegel In ibis aoieo ion, but HaajaSflcha is fairly rapreasQtad. Ba fat is popularity is contciij.'d, the first of theae waa lethapS the beet known; but lioth arete rude nnd lrimitivfl', atid belonged to a little developed age. Vs towards development, the samo general aha* Tillulla may lu- obsetved in all continental eoau ties, Djodifled mete ot less by tbe goaius ol thc leople. "Ihus m (.ei many tba earliest oxampleaof iiituor Bte marked by a rollah Joviality, Often ouching upon brutality. In Frame, on the other land, and also in Italy, there (a a eertaln litie.***' ind delicacy of perception even ia the ru.l.*.t mt ind. Jake, for instance, tho fateea of Maitte 'elirehn,? and tho "chan ta* In Me" ol Aucassin <*t iicoietta. In Ceriiimj the popular irnufirjatien in arly times ran largely to the supernatural, ami .liuuiati'd in the groteoajoetlea which gtewr up .bout tho Faust legend In tin* eatliesl printed examples af thia, thc ai hm* s*'i*m to bave endeavotai ta crowd into the IBtrative all tha tales of ma*:!'* and enchantment "rilled had been abroad in tiie land dating tho aect*ding live hundred years. Ona may Bud there torlea whose origin can ba traccii tit lanai a* fat aefc as tin " Golden A-e" ol Apuleius, and soine ol I'lucli coull probably be aBBigued a much mor<- re nito paternity; posaibly i ot lc-*, ve notable than he ancient Egyptian priesthood. During the mid* Hay ages the monks arete the mlpotteuts al all such ItetUture, which thus found ifs way into tho hands f the laity. 'J'hcic it was taken great liberties ? ith. ami there gjao it received the Htamji of that in al barbarism which characterized the a__". It *, however, uitou-stint* to ohaervn that in these arly days national li timor tended Ifl all countries uitc as much?and pflthBBB more?to satire and Dalice, than it has ever dane aince. The joking .as t"Ttl(Milly rou-jli, and it was by no means al* raja kindly. Dut in Fiance and Italy Umbu wan substructure of refinement which sh used itself i the national humor at an early period, and which roduced **o:ne u-aatcipieces probably never to be urjiassed. TV vol'irxes in thia series which are devote! to how tsvo countries do not, perhaps, illustrate the en?d ot the later Middle AftS very fully, hut in t least some instances the egamplea which would ave had ..the!wise tu lu* eit?**l do not !**iji1 tl.em *iV4*fl very en*rly to modern reproduction. Coni tg down to i_uite rec. nt timon, the editor's task oeasnea much easier, but at tia* stun*1 time a raporoa-hineiit" of style and sentiment become* pparont which threatens to end in a practical hhteratiuii of really national distinction-. Tho annan naturally kohls out mest sturdily lor his rif-inality. The Frenchman and tho Italun follow ho "BUM models, aim at a like rrfinonjorit, and, artieuhirly in thc case of the Italian, sometime* end in polishing away all Ula fun in their hum ir? es efforts. This ia notably the easejn several of the Italian eeleC-one hero givon. thi.ugh lt must not mt over? looked that rs kind of humor which i? fully ap paedated in the land of its hirth mH\* fall Bal "lion iii* naaeeastoaMd eu- of foreigners Nev-Cthe Jcss. ibsrs certainly i? in tue bett spent-iens ol modern Trench humor ar.d sparkle, a *bonh ? mle,*1 on adroit phrasing, so 'o which will bc ,r:ght vainly elsewhere Comnarieoiia will oc? cur to every reade: of French, nnd that -Beana everybody in thew dsrs- Of course th.-r-) 1* plenty (f overdone French fun, hut it i?!y flat, and thar i* ti..- anpardemrble sin in humorous writing The German modern humor is oTIen vtBarena snd telling, bul even to-day it t* sp! fo savor rather of the bludgeofl than of tho rapid*. In tl..- realm of iinn^innti.'n lbs TeatoB i*- Bl home. There h* n.ore than holds his r.ivn Thor', loo, tho apright ly FrenehmsB ls apt to got bagged, though ho usually kr, nv.* too mush to tempt fat.- in that di? rection. Tho Italian inherit* a deep lore of safir.'. which, it may be said, bas '*V'T baw one ol ike natural weapons of enslaved people: etiBlavad, ii nether by ? ipi rstltl .ti i r fop **? i' ,,",il fojt*ther lu t!;e examples set forth here that*) 1- ample "i'? ll rt for comparison and f"t the drawing ol COnclusiDD*, BIMI the select inn*, H* il .vi, iii-, well I ll ur tra!?the gradual advanas In eulturs an l clvlli. -/.ition iii:id.> by the tl.n** countries concerned Frsoee o-'cuple* the hi?lier position In one res;" I: narnely. in righi of a certain (oyouenees and frolic ac-meness which has bo pan with malice, but i* in stn,'t \* it ii t !:<? purest an. most innocent fun S ime of tho abott st..Mi-* of Al ph..!.." Djode. fnrniah the vcrv beat examplea of thi* kind, and when thi* kind i-1 fontid if rnniint be BUrpaSreil ? )f course French humor cnauiol be edequatrty exhibited in a ainslo duodecimo volume: '"it th >re i* tin* to be aaid, that tlie editor cnn hardly go ann** in lu* l"r if Here Boileau anil Srarron are almost the only nnrenreisyated nota !,'..-s. and if tho rest are sometiinea shown " In p..ito," . i;>- .-'???* enough i f them, i"1 a rule, ta taste their flavor. N'i sueh sfluence of literary wita could, of . ("irs.-, I.- brought t".'.-thpr f^r the ill'i** tration of tho dei man or th.* Italian volnme; i>tt the editors In both eases have done well, and ihe re Milts ar.- intereoting and nttr ll t ive. A nurd deserves to he sail ..f iha Illustrations, which an- really uncommonly g.-nd, raey and spirited, und reSeel ik- little credit upon the three artiste employed. Th" nf tin Italian volume has Judiciously Included W, W. Ktot] * article on "Pas-iutn" In Ms selection. No bet? ter account could probably be lind of the famous talki!!- sfati", nor e..nhl the satin.' Lent of tho national mind be strikingly Illustrate I Altogether, tho Murk- of selection, arrangement md publication Las bean dune conscientiously tad well, and titc series of valuate* deserves bb attended popularity. RAI//AC IN ENGLISH. A WO.VDF.RF. 1. STUDY, .OT II I r?.inNs. liv llonore d< Bairne. Trana lilted by Kll'lilllllie IT. -.otl ll . rme|. V . 12111". pp. din. Boston: Boberla Bro!bera. Tbe IranslBfor "f "inn*!""* IVrdno*'' bsa Iskati li" fir*t nml third .?f tl.e serle* (I.e. Deux Perte*" nd "Bra .1 Tvivlil""' nml pu' i:,.ni together, leaving Tn <-rand Homme de Province a Pst!-," wbk i i* lie second atory In tbe aathor'i arrangement, t" sp ???ar in ii separate yolane, 'lid* rearrangem nt maj f fir*! alghl appear lo be rather a bold and i rtslnly n unauthorised -t..|i , ii ihe purt nf the transistor, mi s,i ii- Ibe i '? ?? ?*' and ll e ro lerers ?? ol Bli i ar ailie ar.- eoorenied, nil who sr.- familiar anti BbIsbc lill ndinit thal lb* r. .ult ls sdvniilng. ons. laasmnrb . "Iii '.rind llooiBK d-' lTnvlnec :i 1'iirl*"* ls !? "ll irarili ,l Intents a separate atnrj Binn lbs! which reals of tba S'-cimrds sud Lories d- Babsmpre, even bongb i!"* mam names are inti..due.I In both tbe ; ill ?-. .\* lin*, pr.--nt. d Hie In ll.-- ioiii*. ..f ilil.ii so ninny l!!u.*l"iis are dispelled, i- fr-.d fi.-rn merrili III ii* viiiiii break lt. continuity nnd to ? ertatn extent li en Ihe bilen-st; and iii. for* i i if th* poet und lil itv,i ansel Bab friend* ran ba f"l elcnrlv tu Ike Nowhere lui- I!:il/:i. ibOWfl -i greater opBlCBCC o' nrentloB, b d. cpr penetralloa Into s>ctal ."men lons, than in lid* atory. Il is on* ...' provincial ii", null lt I- so lull, so a'...m..ll';, lu Illa trallon . i .ir. fni in ail li - delalls, thu u ;di ollii r bl lorb ol lu- period tr-::!..i were by some raia Irophe wiped i ut of ,_i.trnce, it woaM .'ill be poeslhle !<? rroon I triu-l u pelf., liv lurid .i'l If'Uk-- r pr x BIB'lon ?.f *rcn. ii s.h i? tv in the eurlv yuan ..f ? ..* c Binn from bene pages. Among Ibe mo*l Isrllllant nf h* les urw i ibe pl'lure nf lid sadety. Ii I* ii distinct Iltur, h..t u mere sketch. The pori ral tl 'f lu i.-ii and women who aaaemhlsd In lb'- parlon o; ludnme d'- Bargetoa lo hear Lnrlen read porto sre ot, o. in ordinary iii Hun, a mer.- rollecttoa >.' ba ll) i.(i. i...I peraona. li 1 a "islalagan ralaonui." lu rhlcb euri featare nnd ahade "f color mid character i noted, in whleb thc men and women stand amt luirplv nml boldly, la which bsbtts "" lem Hms thees I. .1. s. ri!., d. In short, lt ls one of Ibe most won erful studies of th- kind t" be foand In all Utera'ure, Balsas ba*, somcttmea been fimni fBalt with lor vcr-elaliunitioii: bu! utiy CSrdM rrttl. after noding ii* reinarltiiblu dcBUlplkm will bare ta ronfej.. ttiui k: thing na* well n.aili til- lining ll Maid lc "lie lu Mus ..,n.iiii,lu.ite iiiu:iii< r. ..nd moreover Hist bud* s reiili.-.ii to the Blot? ?hit li mull prO-Mblj 1 la.iinrlcil In ho oilier way l.s'.f ... will. Tba tea ency al Hie tale i* In its.-if knUrtral, vt n.,i aiallgnl) i. Ona K atlnwad tn ma fi--rii i:..- beginning that .:<lili If sure lo (all lu!" (lifll< allie , ami lliul Ins lot] iii mil probably lead Mm i? shuffe them nil on , olliers. As tor ld* p.i**loii fur .Mel un.- .!?- BargrtOll, I. plainly ri Bpadet of Hurt arbich crual nun sf the ?urid ion'-- aga labelled "call lavs"; while thal ?.f lb* idv ti.i.-if I* bo Blore grnutne, being lae j"im pm act ol au empty bead and idle banda. Badana, de argetou, lades*!, is in no sense u lora al* woman, .itliev ls Kurll ii beroi, lu nnv point "f view. With u- poetic tempersmoBl be Hdna a selflshne * whl h hs bo neceeeory iifiilistioiis arith genius. HU laen ciience, and vmillv eaUM Bim IO BS " fouled lu lie ip ol hi* beat" by il"- aromaa win. pim al luring mi, and u lien the ruin Which Hearty ..v. ii.mies linn iii- i mi < m.h. -. bim, little sympathy la Bhrlj t? be ?il f .r li! (BIB. Da eld ini'i Bee represent, however, . very different und. They siuin! for the un.-i unsaUsh ih-vol lon, ie m..*! loyal msgnanlmlly and tin: m ,-t patten! idumnce, Kv.- is not leos eager lhaa Dui id io mc Dre their owa waitara lo Ihe BrnMUaa nf her Ugh) .iicii and scii-_i.-'iri?ii brother, who nc.cpu all ihe "ii!., cs uni.ii aro Blade for lum, and lu the end iini.s !..- i doing a noble deed In andertahlag, ni !?? Brat h..nest work he baa i v.-r BCcorapBsbed, lo iv ol a tiijie af Iii* Indeblednesa lo Ibe in.lui,."nt nnds he Las by Ms blind selflshneas i.r..iij;lit n, the mr of lulu. There is another very Intsrmting dc ilOpmenl in Hie story Ol Kv.- alni David, hi..! il lilas ates ibe Bmrvelbms Bcntenom ol Bahtac's intenBona. ls lo ls- "liserv.-d that Dal id. while a sturd] worhei id full ol Infenkma ideua, bi wanting in pmctk-altty, id hence hi* di.ii nous experiments In the making paper ami oilier mechanleal invention-.. In >pii* hi* general mutch.-s In- wonhl lin-i- gOOB In nun l;e LnrtsB but mr ibe miine, preurara ??! id* wile vc'* natural slui udn.** and BBSlneB* sense This la a point whkh Bright ls: easily overlooked, il ll deserve., lo ba m.isled upon louise lt showa ;ilr.uc's lilith io naturi' even in tin- .mullel details; mid Btlght nislte disastrous blinidci,. hui Bra, l lie oinun of bullio-*, ihe, clear lyp. of bey ara la i rt" In ioiidlll>n*. rises to Ihe ,lre?s of Hie sltuallon. usps Hie main points lo ba Bl leaded IO, und (nut deed, wlrhirut external he|pi prove* the ?uii.,r Of ie Impeling lan.iii. Thia whola picture t, niarlicd ! tx ?a-oiid.-rful l!iy|;*lit und Iiik-m-. Ii read* _',,e Ua ry rather than aaa ta nun. in.t then ihut is the iar_iterlst|i; of l;alr.ic'? stories, and tho mote io leads them the mom mi_it bu bo Impressed by cir irJlli mid their lone, nf ? nurse Hie aathm a in experience In Ibe priming und publishing bus!* ?ss gave Mm u ?pc. lal advantage In dealiiu With ?sa tnpits. *nd nothing could be battas timn ni, dc rlptlons of "ih-. Boar* and Ills met hods. TM* beni-." too. I, a Well known up.-, which mil he icc :n/.-.I by many who ure ui in llated Wltk lieiuii mra' ti-r. I,ut indeed Hu- sunn- BrigM be mild of nearly every iiiiiicier in Ute bo..I.; BBd Ihe (Iranian* paraonae .- numerous. There are renlly no l.ulfdrawn or Bdwwy Bgurad. Bach on.- st.-rnds out fully and nat. ullv. K-ich one lives nnd moves ultliout BBBnwm aniiiv.'irdiie-s. There |* plenty .,f meatiness, plenty BgBnOBS, III Ihe ,t?rT ; -.,.| nftftl. ;lI| ,(,? |gghW <|'i :L cs -(-minute th.- movement, .-md tin- lntere*t |. n. Itu. Bl B steady ala sa MOB from beginning ra Bad, L'wt DBBBB-B." lu .hort, ls o_e of thc mailer,, jrc.t ( works, and lt ihoukl be as popular In Ml* w-ymeley _ excellent translation as lt ban been In the original at home. RUSSIAN SKETCHES. SOME VAM Aili.!: INFORMATION'. VARIOUS CIIABACTBfl TVPF.s. Bntfla Under Alex aadei iii and in ihe Preceding Period Kron, tbe German .? ll Von 8am?on-HlmmeIatlerna. Trans '.ared by j. Morrison, win. an Introduction by I'*lix Voikhoveky. evo. pp. ion. Macmillan A Co. A* i! is I* no! u lull Iranslatlo.i Bl H." original work, bal only _ gollsctiofl ot sketcbei irom lt. ii ls a fragmentary study if tbs anejeet. ind disappointing cv that a.'runt. Tl.-- editor, lr, bil laborlOM ?ttempt explain In li* Inirodnetlofl why a complete irsnt-ls llon if t!.-- Oernmn anther* worb midd br of nc value io Engttah reader*, awkwardly createi prefodlce Bgalnal ibis booh of ifcetchei He refert apologetically t. tin- niitboi n* BR "OstSee .Mii.k'r.- who .* onlj '.in- brlllaal side of Roman Catholicl-m. BBd a patriot bl :.'*.'? type that would Lave nothing ts my of ibe whole w.uld ir there were so ( ea earth. At for ihe Rusalane, "they are Bathing etas than a borde al barbarlaas, nt for nothing bul being crushed donn by the united (stree si iii til/, d Europe. If Europe toefl aol ulah lo be Invaded by l o??ack? and brutalUed by Nil,ili-iii. which, in Ita lUlboi i mouth, meant Un same :i- barhart?m." iVhlle thc BBibor'e potnl ol 11, ii. tri lem lei nnd ?rayi ol dealing win, hie malertal (!i-.iuaii.'v bim for enBghienlng the Rngttib publb on tl.i* inbjert, Le i* pronounced loleraHy iota and I ? nocuous wi.en he attempts compUatlont from Rue .'..II, ....'.ric* Ti.e tong ol *!;'?* Introduction i* io ??' :.i:ii.y patronizing tba! Ibe lender finds hlmsell wond?ring why the ?,?-r?*? Junker'*" book bas ben translated al all, rven iu meagre M-clloni and under nrid inrveBtance. The literary performance, Loweer, ls much heller ll,:.n 11:1* >bil!!v pill had ..-.iii.rc Icii'.i BBC IO eXBei *? re I- a t:rciii mn** ?.f Interesting Informnllon In Bil vol Brue wbkli cannsl be found rtsewbere; end wldle n I- an Incomplete and fragmentary study cf Ki.- ;:, ii nus genuine Informing quality. The chap *.:s preen! a series of sketches or typical '.:iii.i:.-r in Russia, The reigning Ussr and Rmpn-ss head Ibe ll -1; tb.- chief figure, of Ibe court and tallow' v..ii nnd tba evil iplrtt af the, present reign, Pobyedonosi*ev, ure boldly ekelched; tin- blslorj of Ihe famous .Mi-skor family and "f Kalka* ami ftii.r dlavepbll plonassB ls recited; Ibo memoirs of Kosbelev, Ihe Liberal sgltalor, are re? pealed, snd a very striking study ls offered In ihe parallel between Krayrevsky, Ibe newspaper pro? prietor who bcame rh !.. and Hvellu-Uy. 'In- founder of Badtcall ii, wi." lived arid died in poverty, bul became fa moos. In connection wllb these biographical -ketches, lhere :ir>' luminous chapters nn ile. -eer'-i police, religion, fajiBth-Ism and crime-, ii" of Finland nnd other binn. li.-. .,f it,.. ,i,i. lc t. Indeed, we du ti..! hesitate to aay Ibat a clearei and more Inielllglble Idea of ls going on In bu -I., ran br obtal.I from llies. page* iban rrom many otbet bouka ol larger icope and greater pre tensions, Rnssta I* li'.;* min !-? Inf. ind from a pun fnl re. Hal given lu tha chapter un tba mlsdotngi ( the clergy. Prlncem Anna l.iioi. occupying a high social po itiun and having relative* respected u; Court, paid . I'lflll lu on of ber BIKhM Iii Ile* |.r..vllue of Kainga. Thenre stile vi.-n! i.i a in ll kmmn ctaUtrf I" perform devattOR anil !'? ?""?U ? oiins.-l respect rig th* lound mg of u h.Hpitul in a district -.mei.- aka had ipenl lier Hf.- in aorka of merci. Ih.- prior of thc clatsler :,.;v.*.-d ber to go to ibo nunn-rv of Tlkhopavsb, where ih*ro was n i "iv n,ii. Tie religion* fanatic arrived ;.l ll.e well after un BrdttOUfl Jo'irpev. lt was s'.r rounded by pilgrims, u," from time ta Brm wera forrthly PBSh? d lalo tlie uutcr by a tro,.p .,t aunt \- 'hs nat*? m* i-erj cold, -.lie- beetlated n. approach Ihe weil iii* nun* **t upon her, upbraided ber as an atheist nnd Immrrasd ber mveral tim*s, until *h.- wu* ?enaeleH fr<-ni esoeimalon ol Hie brain, 'in* nun* ned Lit arm. together, lo. Inr up In n room nnd left bel wttboui food, watre or BltenUon ror several days, I'-ii Ihej op-in! il-? wtndou and exhibited I bi lo pil.'rliu ? u. < :;?? an., ua. p, | ..? *.*il . I a d'", il. I " of iii.-.e pilgrims, liming been a servani In lier (aihi-r*, f.iiinly, racogidted brr and Informed her brotbertn law of ber rendition. Khi sa rescued and taken i" Moscow, I. it ""'i ''.til fr".ii her terrible exposure and rtfferinp. AU H"* kgal prorwdlngi ln-?lltnied by ber relatlics aer. wtthonl sucre**. '1.ri rn* tint - were no! pini bed. The i I iii Immersions al the holy ii ll were aol ti pended. The arbitrary powoi nt ii." ...' I ui,lu v. ,r . lp prevent**! expo ire. Iii v. -riannon and reform, thees I* bb tingle :u i ..f ihe Univ -Inod whick it i* permissible t" condemn. It mailers t."' whelhrr li eonrrrn, a wanton utrage upc'ii reUgtou, teal, <.r the violent measures taken t<. ,-?:? .ii thi d.. (ri ni - ,.f t* ? Oreek ibu. I. or the brutal uppre ? ,.ii . f ...i.-'i. .. v.. . ne dai ? at the ri . ul i: life lo ? pi'o-e mi, arbitrary i "? ? t I be dar ls deer ribed In U i ? ? pages os an amiable, . "ti-. :> nu-ni* uni Bprlghl *..i .r. 1 ;.. who I, rein ?? ibtngi a* they ure. iii. grandfather bad irted i-Mill. BBd bis tte (.pl" one, sud i..Hi wire baffled bj the rrsulia. rna aasa-slnsBoB . f Menander il >..>uir<i ob Ibe day when be bad rei Ivrd !?> lummcn a nat lonni a lemblj romp md ol icp-c . ni.itiii - af Ihe Eematvos, Liberal id>:i. i.;id tailed; iii. altcrnaUva was absolutism. The objection thal .i aystemnUe war upon modern Ideas would involve Ibe disastrous result, experienced undei Si. !u.ins waa nut by th.- most elfi-cUve cry of modem lime.* -1 .inh..?!! ni; met thal In Buaata implied (he of every element and Inffuenee >.f Weal. em Europe. Agitated by doubts, naturally uncer? tain Bud tilled uiih thc deepest distrust "f himself, the sin of (!;?? reforming Ciur bu* been drawn along ide path of reactloa whick lends ti Aslatli barbarism. rile appearance of lbs tail, stately, rigorous sun nilli Hie ime broad fore hesd int ikena a mixture >.( strength a;.d nenLiic. , il 1 - Im I ii lui pride nnd Invlncl lb. shyneaa, a mind ronetentt) occupied arith ll*rtf, i ?? ?,.. .ii..e ;i* a prince, ',,? ima arrived a an absolute ruler at a degree of Isolation within ike i.i-f ia* iiiu. which surpssai BnythtBgiver known rn Bus*ta. Hu rhone ter ls itrongly portrayed in n.i. volume. Indeed .di Ihe rbarurlei sketches are well dune, at I hough Hi'- nan.,!..tor occasionally limps In tran terring long, laborious Milieu.c* of tie original mi" Kn gi lah. _______________________ REtURI) t)F some COLD WINTERS. I . ci ie I renton Oasatte, The pr.-di; iiuis thal i:,i- i. t, be ? remarkable ?lti!er, and alie ?f tu. ohl-lashluned kind, led Pru i. , ur John -nioik. the Mule tieologlsl oj Mew b: ?!. io make some seasonable remittent* ..n the Lind nf ii.-ilti-i (lull mir loiefiilii.-is had lin .ni", v ,i* ii."i. I i-i 'ie-- nc >:u'"'!i his ililli, u cou *t. i.e. ii. |. about ii." a eat her, and bu* ii:.i.'.-i tn, mt ..eiipl.i. ri...rd lil Ihe iicilli.-r thal has ben brought l.etiv. cn th" ("lei, i.f a Ix.i.k- lcm Hie tacts and tl--.ii-, s he has ni ll* lommand Hu- people aim became frighlened a few days Bga when the mer ..irv around tbe /.ero point were an Justly .... ind should i.H. nd with ii..- thal tin f.iik, nf nils day .nd geni ration .ire mu lu it uni. tin- r.i "i-i *,'-?? al;il .md Beviiluilunan day* Im i nhl i nb i -. Prof' ? i Blanch's h ..i.i gn.. bat '* In l'i'7. ind I' tells how oRefl the Hud. and the Dei iiim,. rivers were fm/en ever, This P*rord ls par llcolarly lnter*~U|ng b.-cnise ii lin .,i frost In .lune nml river, full of !???? in Apt ti: making Ha ipp. ii'.ui. e lu every month In the year nnd snow ilona .ii m iv dewtroylng the rrnpa. There arr BUmerou* (ii*., (lint Where Ihe iiiitiuiv had gone un, below Bern gnd p-msljiel Jbcre iic.-k* ni ? ii Boote extract* are made from Ihe record, am nil awn *i..i v : I nt l-l*.', i 'in .a pu ii.- [lay nearly (roxi-n over lii.'.t'.. s "inner v. ri hot, 1717. -February 10-24, greal ?now, "greatest ever known" up In thal lime in N.",i Khgland and on I ?n_ l-i.,nd. 1701 1 - Nilibili.rn In Hie Delaware mn. 1, ohnlrurted bv lee from I.mb***. .'7 until February _* icbm.ny ?, an "i roasted whole nn Ihe Ice al Itilladelphls; Much it, BOOS fell Iwn l. two .iiid-'.iie luiif reel deep in ;i level (lust -sitiiiiLiv uluhi snd Sun.livi I.!iii7. ? Dataware ihwed I'.cemb.i ?_?;; blMH|i|i< lianna elo*ed ?'? January 10, ns , -h weather i. rememberrd in ni'v rears, ai mm th and Wet ax I re::..iv I nhl r.'iT B, Miiitei long and cold; Hudson River closed n NuvctniM i i Delaware frusen uvi-i Dii-ember I, ..pen ? cn) ri Keluiuirv '. 17:m ...-a Mig and ?' I' re iiiiiier. willi much -now ; Narrh IS. deep snow. 1700.?Cold weather in ,piing; ir.. Anni _o trust lillie li ITOO-IAOO.?A remarkably "pen winier until .Lm i.niTv ?i, Delaware open uguln on l-i|h, *ni.iv tht.-c feet ."ieorpla ; snoiv und I,nil st Bl Marv's Uiver In Florida |B_CI,-*Msy 7, lr.-; cn ike .-.Hi, n muhv which broke lunn tba poplars snd ot.ver ires In Imf. iBtfo-w.?Hudson Rlvci 11 is.d D. limber i.i: Ree rom Ice April. lifi'.t :<0 -lluds'.n llmr ni Albany rlos.d .Linuary II il-cioi. and frc Bum Ira ugnln Mani. li. lead i.-Winter vi-ry st BouthWaat; tn., torasad it N--? 'trleaiih. 1035.?January sud February tmlb very mM; febmary ?. tharBtomatar r*n n.iow aera n.arlt -.ii iver li.e country north of Kavannaii smi Nnnii.v. bong Uland s.iutid wi* closed by u ? . cutdeai wtnt-w dm??? 1770 wi l^Sil. Mareil w?s the enid...I m..nih of the Hinter if I-43 li. *iiu? IB In. li... deep lu 4;...,r?lr, Vugust. 1 r. m.ii 'bali Iv iienvr rulnfall lu Newark, ii -4 liuiii*' it 1. uni.. 11 ville. i"i.*.'i; iini,.... Hudson itii>r rW mm h.- ni Albany April ii. barina clourd N'-vembet :?;. leu. 1- ??-.- winter of iri.M ,i cid; mein lemneralttrei .f Hie lUOtltll-. :i IB 1 lb i.Te.s lel.ill the i|Ve|';|e? gael Rivet .T.!.*i*d on tn.- lee January SO, -ind for lu-"-.* du- following: Bns-iuebanna, al Ibu rc d. | ir;,... n.'.?'?:, ,,1 .r p.- ..ven 'i.-eL*; cold mid snow. e. fir sout'i 11- Nen nil nn- and Jacksonville, rTorida d Nicy 1,0 io Ktagara sud h-c thc wonderful ke bri'ge. "ai,, in,, popular Btagara Falli Bpeelal vu New-Yorh 1 ni ral. ls'Sd.-One of the coldest years In our recorda; tb first three months of thin year very cold, rtop" durtloa of 177U--IO. March bsd minima of 7- degree below zero to 4 degrees above; bi April the low.-i temperature sr Uirabortvllle waa only 1 .degree,; tu B-BBfl ti'inpeiiittires for each of the spring month wire b-low Uietr averagea since. Long Island soun ii a* rlo-w-d to nai-lgstlon from Jnnunry io to Februsr _7 ? New-York Harbor wa, much obstructed by lei and that ..[ Philadelphia wu* eln-ed until late in March the ||ud*cir, Uiver did not open until April 10. Th rainfall at Newark for ibe year only :i4,0i la-bes. LITERARY NOTES. "I've Blueys sal-.*' Ter.nvson once decared. "Ilia ?Mild nnd 'Guinevere1 were IBS finest thing* Iv. written." _ UiiHa-n Morris, (he poet, I* (loin, at bis KetBSaCOl pr.*- a publishing business which appesrs io bc a proBUble BnanctaU*. ..- i' l* artlatle. Of the booh which he baited during tn- past rear b- brougbl on ont) -.ijii volumes oltogetber mci.- ila being ui rellum?and a rareful ralculatton, i>s--i m. price: a iuall* affixed to the boolis in Hie catalogues of bad lng secondhand booksellers, si.ow- that nie output of thi vu I.* wi un !.-. i Le market at Ibe present BMBteni b? tween _',0,.oo and av* The sdlBea of tbe worha of Chaucer which Mr Morrtt :* preparing win be, i; U ssserfed. the mom magiilfl .ni edltlo. of ;i ...issi. ever produced in am country, Mr. Morri* lu* a apectsj Chancer np-, snd Mr. Uurne-Joiies taa made about Bxty lUnatratlona fm lt," Bdllton. liriu!; love:-, m..! roberton SIB wefcwBM lt *.'l!i j.d'.r; and many a poor poet will long f"r li? lli rain. An edifies of ??siiaii.--p.-ai.'s Poems and Bonnets, rein in ltd Dem lbs Bril edition, ls now on Mr. .M..ins'. prap*. "~ Josepb Jefferaon'i verses defending Sbakeapear* ii. i ie altai :.s .;.' Donnelly- errata wblcb bc read .i*. r ?? Chicago I'l'ilel -'tl - ? thus: (ru ta.<c mi band and rome with me in u;."i ? .e... *,toud 11i*t mulberry nee: 1 icu nu t" ss: r,: Im (I -, iliiin:,. Iiere lali- a peep A! Whore il, t.iiiur ul Lu- Hamlet sleeps. They lob! tue place ni honor for ti..; dead, 'ii." family ot hbakesih-are al Hie head. i ? h ;?? ;*," altar "I inls -?.. rid pl.. <? i,.i .'iii.' b-'-n given burial and grace. Your va.*;.- tradition i- lim a surmise, 'I:.,- proof I oller i. before your eye,. And o'i I ie ndors' brothers "f nu* ail. Permit m ? fm ..'ie I" depart l'r..m t'.u- mi siii.j.'i. urging you .."me day To ? ??:. ii lacred sp..! sud humbly pru 'Hint s-hakespcare's ragautoward us will totten, Because iou gnow We've murder.- bim so often. I could pile up a '.ut nf -*.:if I,ut i hue taxed your patience quite lon; enongu. In turning over Ibis maltee tn my mind. 'I ..:- . Il ? solution t! I lind : lt Mirelv I* (whoe'er tbe .ap may flt) I.,!., .ii. .1 thal these wondrous piny* were Milt, ,-n if '.ur niiaki'speara'a not lt* very nama it must !iuve been another of that game. A cor respondent of ' Tho Literary World." of Boa inn, I* nap neible f'.r this gool story concerning sir Bdarin Arnold: "During ids last visit to this muutie ba Lad occasion io edi updn a certain uuihor of ibl* ..iv. -iiL;ii name, dr." n-Ued tho aweettfekea mr vant, Basing upon bis Impoe'ng Bgnre, -Tell your master,' Hm p"<-i repBed, 'thal tim Light of A*.U wl-lies to sec bim.'" _ Mr. Waller ruler's new* b-oic. "Plato and Platan ism," "in b* brought out hors in u few days bs lb" millan. _ Thu woy In which one genius struck a contemporary i* worth quoting: " was lately i,. ont.-.t iu reis Ilsa ls an .ia :nir. wno ls har youth knew Mis* Mltkenbs and frequently -m bar after she became engsg._ io Byran, that ail He informal lou coneernlHg lbs poet tiiat ravid Ls pined from uer was i!il<: "He wiis u lillie man. my II* mn.* lama, I iran civ looked af bim. my dear, for p*i>a did got nish bb io Im.nv bim, Hs wa* .i Tittle ticui, my dear, lie was lanie.*' AB Bri-fllsli writer, spending of the ??moral pitied b.-cu which -deaaea freqnently mistakes far gold," *avs that ib.rc J, *s superfine hind of rslBSflSSBl whir? ls ." repelled bi tbe talaetto tide of Mckrna that lt rsntiui enjoy bis almost Bnlkwlted power* of percepltoa and n_:.t baartadae-s. Indord, li fee-* rta whole humor -,?i,,t bf ihe Bwny ladloatlona ..f vulgarity nf |udg merit Whick alloy bbl BBtOOtebtag POWBTS of vlnlon, mid -un uvre Bstontablng powers si cartcature. Bal itu' Isa fi*ti'iioii.;ic.s u i.ii unuld Impoverish tbe sig nitic ur ? nf Bngffsh Bteruniro. . , . "f (our-..-, the greatneu "f Wcfcena ht bo! In bia sentiment. He ls often tawdry; be i* ilwaya srsrcbsrged. Bul wliea be I il.-ie-.s I nie viilgirl'v. BO OM make-lt more mein and ri ll ilous ' _ An .slltnsi of Ibo w*Us nf Aubree de in pTOBC ami i rae, in ii anon ba brought oaf by las Nsrsslltans. Pliot Uk- scholarly Iriahaml ls :? brae i??rt stool loweri i.f vera,' wfll concede; ll i* a pity thal not all LU wmk I. m." poetry. Ile doc* nut i'luiiy* rtas lo tho I- iel ld ills leis!. liic Oral mimbil of the "Houyhnhnm," the ?.lour : al for Yahoo-," hs* sop arcd lo Landon, snd Its crftlca Imply t'.ni Ibe rhlef isdnt of toteeret In it is Ita BX pl.ii.iii.ii tint the ntl.- ls i" I..- pronounced -whlnlm." Mark Twain's rn w st,.rv. -The cl.tMKMMIO linjih s...??.- ia i . be Included tn a volume containing several ather short stertea, and mi* win .s.M.n ba pubBebsd by i*. L. K'ebster .v fe. TUE SEDAS CRAIK. iio:ii Bygone Bngtsnd. i lie *? ,-,.i;i is mimed after Redan, thc leena whare lt wa* Brat The earBest meniBm of tt n Kn gin nd occurs tu ISSI. Kurll lu tba following rentuiy the Dui." nf Lu. Lil,-i,;iui caused mdlg nation bj Hs use in London, ll-outa wera *xa-*pernt.*d it tn.ii nobleman empluylng hi* fellow-men lo lake ihe [?lac- nf hm.cs to nirrv him. Prime I barlee brougbl ii..rn sp du. lu iii.:i. i.'ii.e curiously WTflugbt .s.*rtaus, two of uh., ii in- gave to Ihe Dune ul buckingham. A lew weeks after their Introduction Masslngei produced His play "The Boudinaii," ulid lu lt ho lint*. adtci'U* o tin) ladb-s : Tor their and can- le-liii; boin* in triumph mi men's siu.iiid.-is. liie iit>acniv is dmiltie.. lo Burfclnghanft Bedan, .iliicii ii.i, liol,|.> lihe a pilli:.ililli. -??????? rm ii ivs BHOOETR iSTiRisa EIEDNESS, ruin Hie (-Jobi-. every lull ot Ibid land then- i.ntu- tu bim Isl cr* fruin people uh" ncr.- in trouble, lin- |a?lnnci>, .."ii nd 'i tu- was ronnoc ra ted lin- xtshnp recrtved ii riler from a widow iu Minnesota, .-lie hud been nurrted In Mn ss.u bu-i's and her liii*!.:iinl bod bun lilied ni Hu- tull War. As a soldier's widow th? in* entitled i". u pension fruin ibe Hevernmenh tail ni* sh,- un* iinii-ie io ni,i.iiu, ell hooch none disputed h.- fact of Hie husband being i,i,i..i in un riigugi' nen! ami while righting nobly, nm un- poor, aflUcii-d villon could not prove ihut inls mun was her hui-band, s sim b:iil lita) ber i ci llti. ale. So she aruta to ll sholl Hruoka letting I.Im "I her condlllon and the .?(.?ssiiv oi reertvliig .i eopj ..i ber marriage rertBt ale. slie only Lncw Ibe millie nf Ihe iii I t.l-.i .-r who ...! aiarrtrd lui-, and be bad died. Thc lu-nop nf I.I ells took ,1 illlcli-st ill ber Ilise nd worked lui rd lo ubi a lu evidence or the mnrrlsRc. le wu* tliiiilly siicccsliil, und uas utile lo send tl.. lilt.nv ainu!..-r i ciillliaic. Another somewhat similar Incident I* worthy of lu ni; recalled. A po..r young mau li.ut liven christened i lin- Episcopal and ll became ne. cs.iiry f.u lin in baie *"!iic ic...rd ol ll. Ile v.rot. tu In Imp in*.hs lu a,', ir lhere va* .tin nay he could _d Ihe e-liiil Informsllnti, All ihe man knew ii,at he mi christened lu some "high" church In bul Le bad l.,, Idea illili ii Church lt W?K iiis na- a very Indednlte meatian to submit io a uv bl.hop, i-spei lilly is Hui,- are a great mini ;plsco|ial In Montreal, and several of illili nminilnailon. Hui Btahop Br?M)ks set i.. worb io li ll.)' tile milli. Ile I. null thc ninnes nf all thc iiuici.e. <>r Montreal, communicated with Hiern, and nally .-laM.-licil Ibe reen! ol the birth on another nccaslun in received a letter from a um In Nen-York saying, "Will iou plea*" scud m. list of a'l Ibe nu!,ll, ail..ns lu your diocese'. l-C.-IVlllg lt III" lli.liop dbl not .len smile ut Ibe uti iidiiv >.f Hu- request ar neem annoyed Hm! a niau tumbi I rou Ide him upon such a simp!,, atelier. H. ?-rented ii as something to fulfil Do iou think von cnn lind ii lint lids ninn wanta*"' dd bc io bi-, secretary '? I ^iies. ..,*? caine Ihe reply, nnd the ..crctiirv "ho knew 111. 111 Lop so Will, ?p,.|,t alf il..' night rompletlBg Ihe lash. While tb.- HI*!.op wa-, Iii I'nropc bivi summer h.- rr rived a Bomber ul letters requesting small favors 'hbli Hu'V could receive Just as well from lie, unit Iii- wu, assiduous In his inderi! lo forward ii curly reply. RIAISE'S DAY OF FIT E. ra*htngtaa dispatch In The Ch cagn Inier (Ve, lt K a .--...i,-, ?'. .-?.. .os ..,,...-1 .,,, , .ni. mm iroiu punllC ie. ii nj, on ih.- Mindiiy i-vvinu, to m,. Bmmn Ung of the Republican ('tulon m (in.Innutl in ?-.'d ihnt in- suif.'ii- the sunstroke whbh pinycd no nconsld.-rnhii- pun in breaking down the lilulin for_eS nd Iri .Urn/ ll.-ii-e. ll , ,. .._ ., __._*-_ ._._. , . - . and li uas on Bqmlay, ilii.e WPbhs tater. Ihut is ph.v?|.|iii,, finally aduililid Uie houeles-iiess ol his mu. THE CHRONICLE OF AJRTgJ EXHIBITIONS AND OTHEtt TOPlCi I THE WATERCOLOR SOCIETY'S SALE^piCT.Rg, BV MERRIS. PARTOX AKfi Ill' BBg||^ COMPARISON* OF ENGLISH AXO 4MBBICAB POSTOFF1CE ART. The exhibition at th, ,.-lo:i Ln^ ("lubthliT'is-. dav will I,- ml. .-lIuii,",,,,. |, ?,,, ^ ? n?^WB. of a amr commuter. Al tbs Avery aetlery til? be oprtii'd to-morrow an exhibition af twenty-,*???, i scape- done In Prance and Holland bv BugZ, JET an Austrian pupil of Th-odore Roj,s,.:,?, -rii? ,ei* nf stottish land,c.p.- by David Law t0 which"1* have referred before ara now an view al tha iv-*"" lien gallery. After the rxbHttaa aSmV?t_ Walter Richmond coBecttan, which m,.i be se.n ... !' Flftb Avenue Art GeBertet aa Friday, %mn Jj1* ?bown and sold at Hat rstabBahmsat * nun.W _ paintings belonging to Mr. Henry M. _?>-?.,!7 LlOOlillll. Te exhibition Will Bgea BB tile .Ut " Tn- Loan BxhlMilofl of iha AaMrtma Una tn, ?_. ctaty will open later tann . u* been experted *t_I pr.-*. Hw ls ,i"".' a;;ii"":.C"d f..r Ibe af'.-r ,.?,.,' '. .. day. P-braary 13, With the aanouncenMM mmsa fen nates ;.* to tbe object! io be shown. .Wm bi' paintings by R.-.-nbr.inli. Masquer., De Ham 2 Rigaud. Mr. PT. H. Fuller ls io lead bli .'.lun,-**! En gi B ; pieteree. wh!e_ wai di*. i*?i |? r;,,. Tr" last year, and works ..f the mme *.:,.??,./* be lent by Mr.*. Btodgrtt. Mr. C. J. Lawrence*. _._ bronzes, ov.r one hundred In Bamber, Tanaam !?____! bei'.ng,n? to Mr. r. i;. Clark and Mr. Ali,,,,,, ** cotaasal model ol Mr. I>. ?'. Prench'a status *?__, Republic,'1 ut Chicago, mil be among lae mhemat fiettie art. T..p.-til.*, iiim and armor, agatha! taBS, la.cs, inlnliiiiircs mid enan,. I, ire tim 7. Boned ns forming patt of the c.ll.-iiioi uhle'si, _*?.' IbC galleibM. ??? The Brat week's "-ales Bt the Water r*otttr |mbs_> exhibition lave been Bnuaually encourngtag; am**-..1 ins lu -idi.-in tor i<>7 pu tun-. PollaeBB B b Ii*! of Ibe principal worfcfl *.!?!: "Kv. rv lt.*,,. u_. M* Tiiom.- by i I. ii. Ferrie. WHO; "La?_a*,*3 J. P. Crupsry, *ioo: -Tke Mory Rook,*' ty f c innes. Rli$; "Moonlight Braves." by K k. b. |*g_ ?+100: "The Mother." by c. 'r. McChesacy, cW ??'Hie niinii of th.- Fall," by W. L Palamr, koo ? I.a'.e Afternoon." bi* H. C. Minor, gist; "Qm ml C.r.r.-d ("anal, V. nbc" by II. IV Bmlth, mi; "?>?, lember." bv J. r. Murphy. P130: "Ab "ld Min Dam, by C. il. Latin. #171: "Tin- Pool." by ,f. p. \,llrphl PSOO; "A Quiet spot.- r,v i, K.iri.-r. <__.-,; -? gLgj lng.'' by B. C. Minor. 1250; * A btreet In Cilro." Sh ll Fenn, PI30; ?? rn- Edge .,r :, poud." hy b, h. -millie, #i7.">i * B'ashei a omen <>f Etretat," lg # -afterlee. P990: "summer Roars." by ll. llandilo,, ItpO; "lin- t:- tm ii nu- Ride." br p. Muna, ???.'.'.'; "Snow," 1,1 L Ochtamn, WHOO; "dBalght asl Bhade," bv B. M. .-Iiiirtleil. PSOO; ??Crossing t|>- u,r* bv (i. PerfclBa, ..M',!); "Twilight," by K. Van E-tea, IMOD. (ino Iiiindr.*d "nd nineteen pictures by Mr. .trtftar I'ariou unit seyeni.en i,y Hr. -eymew Oap art banging lu lbs ruth Avenue Art tsailerlea, where tliey uni be sold Tuesday and Wednesday evenlnn. Mr. Pallon ls a landscape wboae fes-dlun and sbUUr linve been recognised for ve.i.'s nt tip- academy 1*4 elsewhere, nnd this exhibition st.ow* that In the mia eenfldonee iii him tm*, not been ndsptorad. Numerous as Hie pictures are few of them an- Interim*. Mr. Pillion li uneven, but at hi* worst li<> j, respcrt,!,|? and al Ids best he i, roneMerabty BUM thia that. Ill* least prutltsbh: iiiotneiitK appear lo h.ivs brm Unto which were, almtohed lUBB baum, the monisms repeaseeted by ids ingest and Bsaat aaABtam wotto siuli a, No lill, ?Nightfall.* Nu. r.7. "The flos* af Pav," ur Xo. 133, "'Ihe Wallan, brook." The .special mitti of Mr. Harbin's gtyla ls li* delicacy. and hs faIN natunlly when ii.- attempt! a large, bread ?-rmrr ;n a picture like "Thc (lo?.e of Day." in -The Vioodiand lirooh " the renae of hi. hllure t.< mack his liirri*. leiei i-. addly enough, aiuetly appaelta lo IBs, lt ls (hal the'-., which i. acceptable ju a small picture or in a pasBBfa h*re mid lhere beean,! obtrusive when spread ov.-r a larg* surface. None sf the big pleteies is bad but none expreaaci Mr. Parton'i bern -id.-. Thal amy be fond lu norh* of smuii, r irate, lu the _il*_ inov.-mrnt of N" Bl, -A (.Us!)- Dai," lu thg Btrogg, dec_,?s. brusii work of Be. IOS, " Leogthentag .-iiKi'.w-.-'ia Ibo boshy dentil* ?? >,,. -j.-,, -a auaay Blade,' asl in Hie reilly lender, rabila ? !nrm af No.. li:t, Vt and ll, summer pictures painted lu Joyous. BBBBBW Bloods, Wheo Mr. forton toucher, a pmutariy rs Rited, p-nile note be ls aneceaaM. When Ut ?lips Ills In bolder BMra hd instaiut.* h BB mmetblng ...' ni. pawer. He loam it in thia way ia ?The (i.-*.e of Hil- Hay.** which ?.- haw neiiionfd, and loaee lt In works meg as No. oi "Sundown," a picture which l- gorgeoiu because the mere palm i* gergrans, but which l? not truiv brilliant, lu tact, li is n,.t Mr. Barton. f"rte io be brilliant, so rai- a*, ibis exMU-km sive*. u? an op? portunity of a*4'crialiiing. Hut be hr a food colortit and imrlis nilli energy and rgactaess. Ha BM si W0 have Bald, feeling tor land-, ape and lils picture! leave a pira bb ni Biemoey. Mr. BVymow Gey dram well, and while (.iiing bl* work a ?i**L clean ef? fect, und making lt extremely smooth, he ba* stopped short of tbe mechanical treatment "f f'-rm, which might be sue pee led as the taglral auloome of his method. He has not avoided, however, drifting into thal frame at mind Bf whick -ir Jehu MilUii gtVee iii" world perhaps th- most d-MlBgutflhfld ll lustrations; .th" fr;iiui' of nihid which conodrm did sivcet-iiKi-d, doll like child or malden as aa ideal of pin*; iii loi'i-liiiess. The MCherry Blpe" type* '"ntl amatol sud unutterably pretty, is no sSebt pxd in its way, but its adaptattaa to ita oi il... advertiser, lu Mg, gio*/ lltuogrspbs 1. a* sunni. .1.1 BS I' I* iiieii'.i'.e. IM ls ia,, type which, ni several i;i*.a:i. n-. Br. Bug bsa Isilhted Iii the chief of h!* j*, tm. - iii this eXS-Mltm, ile la ?eiitiiii.i.lal und pretll in Ko. 51, ??(?iri wii^U Mali'lullll ". lil >... Uti, BO .nd WI B*J Mr, Iii Ni lae, *? Margery Una ?? a lamplight stady aad nn il-i.-ri-.t work; in Bo. i:;n. "Found,"and even lu Xo. lilli. "i7.-ii)." in width toe bust ol a roung gJddemel siu.-it% I. limned a^iiiist a law-ground in waicB taa liisiiiie |s m .lin- lu fate at tin- bands nf the ro"ii. Mid lt happens 1 al seiillmenlaUty an 1 prettiness are inst ihe qiialllles Which, wen rombimd aBkBri i.uv's good draughumaiishlpand eommenda-tjr pcsimm liatidUng, ju tis.- ibe latter.rn t? b ? "f lea* " sseumacf Mum they iciiiiv arr, and help i" produce 1 Irtwrai eitct as of unredeemed commouptare. rbal i? tin iinpressini) we have rallied away Irom Br, '? i|' >".rl" In genre pulnttllg. W- may add thal bSth Bm 1.1.1 uni Mr, I'arl.m are Xatlu11.1l AndeeBCBSSB. \. wv \ i'... sf Boston, aaasnan the P'-k llcatlon "f a pitotogruvure, li 1 SxlB lochee rn ?!???; .1 ii.ii.ur -.linc's Aliena.-hui " Wa-alngton. A lim:r. ,| .stith.u i, ugered **BB ? .?riling on ibe margin, ;i* s "iramrrmv ol Hie pen and Ink draurlttg Sf tAwtttm ni.le le. Ina,. If, an.l BOW oiimsl bl Br. '? '* Kahon.av of Brooklyn. Copies of ihe plato ar* si lim1. dhis. IjisI vieeh li, lliis place wc hail incision ta *9tMim Iha new coinage nlil.ii ls exciting Interest In Kii-ls"? In Hu- "HA. .lames*. 1 int el te" occurs this pump a I'S BIMI her prudi', t of llrilUh ollui: I'b'iii : "-.""'a iinv ..ti.- wisi, tor a pram ??( Imw bmrtlstle a tmr laiiliiiiil I), p.'.rlmii't ian bc. h.- bes ont) to dlslsinsi a p.-iinv lu I hi.- pint iii*.- of thu new i.-i'itfu PJJ caril. On- ..1 lam rc .ni Is-ucs |.*l one IO l,. .p.- I -i-?* i-ciier limns, s.. far as color was concert ---i. talgai rn I....|..s| mr; but tin- mn .lamp ugh! Bo tarma ? be io., strong. Cotor. Iona, ?"<*' mein, lettering and eic uti,11 .ne ail stroch-as. '_? full leiigth Bgnre "f lira Walesty l- appareBtly Mg from a photograph, and lbs background i?prod_caM-i usual phologrtinht-rs ;.uric ut : Na.*. ?una.?. eli . reties ..I Ibe parlrallure af hall 1 ?"?,l"f-f1#aC Exiimliii- Ho- c.\ I brough ;. A.i- . and ? _ seuil.le. mdlllng *.. mn.!, ns Ita' Inlauili.e elf"!'' "J lim woisl i-ngn.ilugs in iii" iiii.p iss.ks of ""?;**? id,nny. A, f..r 11,0 urnument-ll ls m^drtgsem u cbariiiier eici ta of Place braHe lt Mal BOW s,:??p l.-neil Iv th- Itiil.-I .-tales lo cetoMSSB tt,.- c..i,i.iii.iis r.ntci.a.y. and ......pure tbe umkmss Rhlp ami eve,, th- taste. Hera, rn ;.** .hat. a sausm Hui,, a pb.m.- of aidlcBIng rtd Bjsj lobelia l' reproduced. Bot les* Cnn iwentl M-?'^ ur.- ariiDbtaiiliy tatruduei-d. and even ibelr rratm*es"J anlmair. 11 i^. ?f ??""'*-. qinsBBiitsbb* ??*_kmjam n crowded srrne I* lilted tar repremnla_km 1 Uta ? slump; ?.ul there can be .?ubt that -bHprndBdg ?f u,e 1 Maim!i..- mus! maha tis mu* our bend* In shume and despair."' Tlie Mels-onicr exhlblllon In I'm!* li !<? he heil_g !?,.. li op.,,, ot. thc Otb of March. &_ "i'l rrsmp ? view I.i a nioiiih. U will contolB ?"rk* IcntiW 'en.!, and foreign coBeclor. and all I ka l'?'?^| drawn,gv und sWckm Hi la ike srtM? studio ? ld, d.sth. ihe tencflt cf Bhataeraphy ta ih- piii.ii-ifr*.?Jf SM maraslnes and bi Ks raaeW* of ita- lau-?? .'""'?J,."'1 " denied, bul 1 very now and ita-n ihi-re will ****L? (.nu ol ll.e hn.i peii.sli.als au ah-.. .il'-J '"??'',; et hie vindication of thc sup.iiorllv ..I '?'*'," .k,,tU-> ,.. her to all Ihe prac; lil af P-pcs lu H BlMtJ J Las,, their WO!* 01, the Lintern. .M ,',ll'\'a-h, ihU !.'^*#.''n?,^-_S^^K_3 .M. I, s. cn iilnne I* B IBUa mu>t'-rpi;'< " ?? .'"^ ? r,^e 11 ?rl.. and immpared wlih ikeJ*^?"?*JL et sa,,,., picture in Mr. Ucl'? umMttair* mi-aaysamj ,i,c painter, is a, Isbt ls 1.1 dertimis*. J,/,*-*, ,,,,..1,,,, ..I - I ' M I" M Hal rail hos an ' '< niiiB ? " ?'....niit dc I'AroJto ct dc *??*& $ I- .m. i s ile \... bare we aeen the ewttM. wj 'aSmmLt -.d'I he fa, . .*..wgmtt a ?^JE sd.! redertrd -' ad ml ri 'Iv ?? ?? '?;', ".^igaadB KWi?--*tt_Jv_?i__^_Sl7l sidf atnd ovorywbew oise la tis wesB tue w*^ Bte, and >ldds a pliant, Soft effect.