Newspaper Page Text
MGR. FRANCIS SATOLLI. LIFE AND CHARACTER OP THE ARCHBISHOP Ol' IJ PANTO. BI- DITll.S ?,S TUB III ri'.! *SFN*T\TIVF. OF I.T-O XIII IB TBB INITKti ST,TI. -KM Lt'BE 'il B ABU ER PAPAL BELFCATEa IO Tlil COtTXTBT BIS FLTHBE MK ELY T-l BB BP EVPB IXCBEASIXfS I '! PORTAXCE TO Tin: I sTIIO HO IIIEBABCBV IS AM Fl! I l Washington. Feb 4 (Special).?" His Excellency the Apostolic Delegate, tin- Most Rn.iend Frsncii Satolli, Archbishop ..f Lepunto," i? tin- fall ecclesi? astical tit V o! tlie distinguished Koin.ui prelate who lias tlu- honor to represent tho Vatican In the .'nibed Slati-s |g connel'lion nilli tlie Propagam I. Monsignor Satolli. however, lins another title eon feriod hy an an ol ('mig I BBS ami that is I lommisaion ct Be tba Woiid*e Columbian Exposition Ile took part in the dedli ut rv e\.-ri i*es last October ami Will in his capacity a- Commlseionet sent by the Sovi-i ??i_n Pout ifl of Hoiik- i?- present ;it the formal ..pen mir, of tie Exposition in Mny ne\l Thc-mos! '? able aud certainly thc most an* I'-ut of tlie Interesting documents in.iii thc arcbiveaoi ibe Vatican are in trusted ta the cine ol Monsignor Sat .Hi Since the dedicatory eketeign inst October, when l.e waaoalj known a* a CoaBBB-BBBsaer. tlie Holy Sn has made li fm the first peraaaaeBl Apostolic Delegate to the I'nited States A character sketch nf thc Delegate must bc |>iv coded bp an of the infliienna that have moulded and Itted him peculiarly for liis work, lt is premised thal bis mission is friendly and that tin- power that created bis pine? here is in touch with American institutions and lia,* im presuo-.i it* legate with lint sympathy. Latter dav communication with tin- venerable Hesd ..i the Human Catholic Church hus cunflrsseti Hie opinion already entertained of tho generous atti ttid?> of th.- Vatican toward this- Western Republic. No ono hut n min ni profound culture, one familiar with thc ru*- and lull of dynasties and the mg*fh of progressive government : and ona ii Ii" at- th" Mime tun.- holds last to dis.p.root.-i tiona which an- stronger than written history in insuring the -.lability ol a creed founded upon Biblical and patriarchal lew?only Bloch a one could culbrae-- and appreciate tin- magnificent 6tride ands bv tlu* yo-mu-est nalinn iii the world, which has already outgrown ber mother uni her couains get-Baa. This is the knowledge and tin' appreciative "I miration which ihe head of Hie Hollian Church has decisively BtanlfSBted in In.* in-i-hr into our forms ..I gevamsBeal nnd tin- relations existing be? tween tho aatboitsed governors and tim governed. There is no liettpr proof oi tins knowledge than the fact that Archbishop Satolli i-? not tin* Brat prelate sent frotn Rome to the Tuite.I States on a special Brita, -ii As early as IS33 Monsignor Dedin!, th.- Papal Nuncio to Bra/il. bogan his work by a friendly visit lo thc United Stales that uas intended lom! just some of thc conflicting t|iwationa confronting Archbishop Satolli to-day. I?t?-r M mgignor KoOCetti was (iopiited t . Liing to tlie I ardinal iu New-York his biretta, mid usc.1 th" opportunity to censidei some of tli<- aspects of the Church in America in relation lu .picstions of State 'Ihe Right Kev. George Conroy, Bishop of Ardagh, oin used tho authority ve>to*l in his dignity na Apostolic lb-l? egate to (nuada, to look into special matters iu thus country that had engaged thc eye of the Holy Father in Bsane. It. dui there is left do tract? ?.i the practical adjustment of the relations of our institutions tu tia- .--.istiu-_? laws of thc Church in America. Thc names of these delegated have passed from nienmrv. The paree al ApaeloUe Delegate io the Called (states, Francis Satolli, was burn in Perugia, Italy, the land of the ancient Etruscans, whose eivilizi tion partook af the ci,lrure ol flu- Greek; Egyp? tian and Phoenician. He received bia education iu th? di'.cesan seminary of his native city, whoas celebrity was nit lo.-al, beiag presided over by Joachim lVo.-i, Archbishop "f Perugia, who noir occupies th.- I'arul chair in Rome. Surrounded as h*> w-as with associations entirely ecclesiastic iti thc tin,lint university town of "i uscan Perugia, th" trend of hi* mind from his boyhood was in the linp of priestly vocation. Iii* lirst ambitions reaching out for scholarly attnlnment brought him un-ler the scrntlny of a teacher more than ordinarily sifted with scholastic cult uro in the direction of th.-ologial kaewledge. Hi* profound intellectual acumen embraced the philosophical utterances of |be ?-arli.-st Fathers of tue Church, notably St. Thomas Aquinas; the theories of pagaa teachers, and the fundamental groundwork "f a!! theology us leaned i*i th.- Goapel "f the Evan gelists. With thaBC individual dements th" 7eal ous Archbishop of Perugia, with the liberality of perfect kiowiedj-o, soiiglit to bring int ? the ad? justment of tho popular issues of to-day the blended teachings of the past. And thus eaili? the boy Satolli -.row in touch with th" desire of hts illustrious teacher, and hi* ambitious mind followed enthusiastically where the- master lcd. When ('ardinal fleed becaae Pontiff of Rome tho scholar of his moulding was early called to the broader culture of th<- Roman School. As he grew In this streiiirthcniui: atmosphere, he kept in accord with I^o's theological principles, aud was his primo helper in tho diffusion of hit, advanced educational ideas, ihe Pout itt placed him in positions of high trust. He was ( Shea of tho Church of St. John ?>f Uiteraa, whose foundation was laid bv Constantine. Ile tilled with success two important profeseonhips in the most renowned schools of Rome?tbe Propaganda and tho Academy of Noble Eeclwdsatire. In th's latter there is found no mediocrity. Its patronage includes only the names of men who are to be trained for churchly diplomacy, and for solving conflicting questions involved in religious anil social issues. Monsignor Sat lill was apnoinl'-d to lill this chair, and the clerical* of his tiainin. may to-day bo found in nearly every diocese of thc Church. He has evpended upon hi- work in this direction not only the combined intellectual teachings of hi* msster, but has with his min growth evolved original methods and practices of thought that have brought, him before tho rending world a* author and writer Ile stands as the exponent and adspti-r of thc real Tho-misti" PhUseaphy as evinced in his *' Cointneiitary on the "Suninia" >.! St. Thom-.'' in live voluni"*. Ile has also pub? lished "A Course ol Philosophy" in tims- veluaaea Besides this work, lie i* known la the literarv world by essays rm 'Thc Beautiful and True, in Relation to tho Study ot Nature" ; on the " powers of the Soul": on thc "Variety "f Systems and Essential Defects of .Modern Theology." and kindred topi.*. Thc**.- profound studlea have been honored by aaar-BBeatlattea in a special brief from the venerable Pontitl. Their author in hi* political writings has shown himself i-i|iiallv well qualified le discuss mattera af Church and state. From such edueattaa, and such effective im? pressions, thc newly appointed Apostolic Delegate to the I'uitcd State? has euaerged as free, if i* claimed by those who know him. from tho taint of Old World prejudice, as lunenahle to tho, influence of New World liberality, as though, be had studied political ftccdnm under the aliudo-.i' of the American lag, Hie presence ol Archbishop Satolli in the autumn of 188U in Hnltimore at the centenery of tho Catholic hierarchy in the [Tatted States, and at the BBBBB-Bg of the Catholic University in Washington is rememlH-riHl. He wa* at thad time presented to President Harrison and S.?crct:uv Blaine and other mein?K-rs of th.- Cabinet Ile was profound!? imp tossed by the quiet dignity of tho President, ami tho simplicity with which nu audience with thc ruler ol so Braal a Nation waa granta!. It was a sturtlini, contrast to the Beverc etfiiuetB* hy which thc Vatican is surrounded, and it BUgf.i~.ti-d thi- broadest eo.(.|K-ration in the work already piannesl for the church in America The nxs-tina with Archbishop Ireland tBBB_bBBtaed Ibis imprcsMon. Ilia regal d and admirutiuu lor rho typical American Churchman w?-re sustained by thc visit of Monsignor Irdund snbaeituehtly to Rome to ?lisoii-.s the school question in con? nection uith lim F.tribnnlt pion. The Pope wee alieadi in )*t favoiab'y iBcliBcd toward Archbishop ireland an.I riic breadth ol American :n-r it nt i 'tis through tin, honest aol fiBttcrina admiration of bis depnly: ami t!.i* suggested tl* crest lap of a pevmnneni mtosion at th<- capital of this Nation, with Ihe jealous ami faithful Satolli as his acknowledged and authoritative itolegate The Infer events culminating In thia mission were not Incidents alone They hove ??**_ links in a progressive fi :un uniting the Supreme Head in Hie Vatican ,. closet and nubroken rt'lationahip with Ibe American Church by givini i" ito int'-r '*.*s ri rnl (..ulii. ls I.-re au authority, whoso strength i* sustained from the power ia the Head .?r iie- Roman Church. Ifeafllgnei Satolli* pn-sence here a* the per? sonal repfeeemtntive of the Pope le eur Columbian I vhibition ,s a nii'tir also ni Nations! Interest lins brings hun into personal relationship with .-> ii*- American people, beyond any policy ol ? Ii,, church Hu' official couiter-ies extended him on lu., expected arrival ai' that time tu i later, when he had reallied Chicago, proved that Ihe Pope's confidence rn Americana was nol overesti? mated Hi* representative will mah" this .--t.--n, practical by hi* co-operation In all Ihe interests ul the Vatican Bi the exhibit. Monsignor Satolli. personality ha* nol yet be oome familiar to our people. The high dignity ot his lillico surrounds him with the customary retirement ol BBC- Bflicials. and he is also still unacquainted with thc English language. Tim hollis which others devote to leisure li" spends in work ami Bindy, beatties giving to the Catholic I'niversity, where he makes his hon,"', two l.-ctui'-s a greek on the theology of Thomai A'piinas. His appearance suggests the Intellectual, stn.lion* thinker. In person he is and ol medium height, with 'lark eyes, brilliant and capable ol great expression, a broad und intelli? gent forehead, and compress-Hl lips thal indicate strength, raff-repression and Ihe power to keep silent. Ili> black han shows nu trace of his mental rigor sad activity, having no silver tine ms, and thc whole contour ol i."'" lndicat?_ the ht.l.-bi'.'.l Itiliaii iii lihou) the lniina'i und iiirlulv emotions ara under ct iii ral, while Uie in? tellectual l-cultks lau- received the hitflwat edu. ca'ion. Ar the same time the natural graces tl nt live ii it'ii th.- power of teaching and conversation make lum a charming companion wlwn cln ini stances i-nci- him in a position t. yield t" Hw leisure ol tl..- hour. His pa ponai siirroundinss indicate the stu.'cut and .l.-nc Hi* habits w-i" liv-I by th" coiibict with lu* master. !!?? rio's early, eats purni*: ly ai.d liv.-s iiioiiestlv ii. i sinti' n! rooms at the i atholl.- ['iiivrrsity. when lie sh.*:r"s this quiet mode of hun. with Bishop Keane, th.- rector, ind the other memlwrs ?? ri,.- fai.iltr His own roon* are ii Blady, reception pnr'nr :i*"l bod ch.miller. 'I hi* university is the place selected fi r his home . Mmsignor Satolli. with th" strength and breadth "f hi* i<I<? i.-. nins! lie i central figure, whatever posit lon he might occupy, and lu* pres ??nc- luis leen b-lt hiiiii. his slioit period "f i, *Mlciie.?" in tbe settlement of in- |iiestions cf o|>is_'ptil iintiioutv tillich wen. agitating Hw (Tiurcli He :> iii nowise a ilc-ii-i He ls a man of lo-ilay, whose pro fi. und knowledge of ihe past, with its mistakes and exprrwnce, qualifies bun tn decide wherein Hw present may lie hew fited and criticised. li" la pragrew-ive a* u-ll ne fixed. Ile selects practical adapt a tiona from the storehouse ol Ilia i":i*oi.ll]- faculties, aii'l pronounces judgment rrcordina to Ihe teatimony. lb- has Blready discovered that American custonu and laws are nut inimical lo Hw charin and be acknowledge* thal Ihe Church muri grow toward the St;ite ill*... This i* ? bri.-f .keech of the distinguished man who i oiii.-s amoug us not inly a* ? temporal delegate to he ie<.i\.-.l by the governwntnl bu thoritiea In Ins capacity as rominbteioner to tlie Wi dds Psir, bul th.- authoii.ed deputy of the Supreme Head ol a Inrire body of the Christian world which is in constant touch with America and American institutions. Any arti lemont "i conflicting> theories or practices disturbing the public pence in i-,t increase the Btabliity ol re? ligious .'routh. As yet Monsignor Satolli has i-een hut little of our "ouiitti*. ilis visjt to NVw-Y.irk durtnu the iTii-ctiiu ol the Archbishops was of an official natur'*. Ifo has l.e-'ti rhe .u.-sti of Archbishop Irland al iii* home in Sr. Paul. To this * tui ii? -nr prelate h<- wa* specially commended by a lctti-r of th.- Pone, and ? ft.-r Ihe exercises in Chicago la-t ? i.'toiler he spent a meek with Arch i is!iu|i deland. He has visile i Cirdinal Uih I ..ll- several times, and has officiate I in OM "I "f the Washington churches, lu th.- sprint; he intends making sn extenden! tour ni the sountrj tirol.ably with tlie seer..tury of Hu- Apostolic I ?ele_atiuii. So,.ncr or later he will ls- made B Cardinal, und then, according lo the rustum or the Vatican, lie will Im r.-.?ulled * > Kome>, lt te, perhaps, a linlc premature t.. make mich an announcement, but ihe plans of Leo XIII, if carried ont ns they n??w exist in hi- mind, will null;.. Archbishop Sat.Hi ..t _:i>?;,t.-r service ti the Catholic hierarchv in the I'nited States in his future office in Rome than h<- will lie during hi* careel as Apostolic Delegate In this country. Thia latt.-r office j* but the preparation l"r th.- hi..'her and mens Important trust vt to b* developed, snd which will on pleta the end thc Pope has had in view for some tune ANOTHER SOUVENIR COIN FMOPORED. Pro n Tic Washington Post, There i* i chance fun til" ronni rr alli have some more souvenir coins, winn Mr*. Boiler Palmer un, before tin- s.-ii.-iie sun-committe-e on apprspriatlons In advocacy of Hi" additional .*:?::.ono desired f'.r the board ul managers, ?h* suggested tint glO.OUO of ihe sum be given In souvenir coins, and Ibi *_{ apparently ln-1 \'-irii Hie favor of fie committee. It |s Ihe intention tu have His ("ins ol Ibe value of t wen tl Iva cents ea. ii, making 40,111*1 .inaner . The, uni bear upon one side (be bead "f *>ii""ti I .ai.-Ila of Spain, on the other it picture of the Women's Pull.lin/ ai Ibe lair, and urill i>- known u* ibe "Isabella m.Iu. Tlie price HI which Ikey will be sold Im* been gepl discreetly secret, A RCUOOLMOr PRASE. From Tue Beaton Globe Tli* la.t n-nn that I mw ex-Bresldenl Hares alive uss nt Hie tilni" thut Hie National Prison A u.lallon, of iviib !i bs iva* the president, held Ps snnual ion vcntlon In Boston. I can see and hear nus bow !u enjoyed a si..rv Ilia! Ibe Bev. Fred c. Min.-. aero* tury of Ihe association, i".| son of ii* founder, wss fond of telling at 1 . family expense, lt a is nt lb* reception to ii.- delegates and others given al Ibe Tremont House, l bad been talking to Mr. Wines, and turned ta In ?r..<li|.* suui" one to billi, BIMI presto, bl, linnie Hus gone fruin my mini. 1 wa* making a clean breasi of my stupidity names, snd then Mr. Wine*, -.ii lu would tell again tbe slory wbli 1 he lound Ixed In people's mind lils nani" fliat qucerlf enough, BS ll I, ..?I" of th- I .-si advertised names In the rountrv mci j -..?ni prone :.. lorin-1. Ill* father, in mali" n abort -ton. mis oik.' 1 ..- principal ol a boys' college. . .'av he bad ......sion to "frounce*' a bm. and ihe lsd look lils scathing revenge by writing in 1,1. letters upon Hu- front door afi-r ibe plate, which wa, Inscribed simply '? W'n.'s "-? ii nd Other Brkers." t tOUDR THAT TXDICATE R\IS From Tin- Boston Transcript: An amateur metro! ls ut.fs noils. Having ihut aaUafartorlly provided for tbe admin 1st ration of mv weather department, uiih thermometer, chimney smoke and vane near al band for ninnis nt consultation, 1 gave up attempting lo formulate my .?loud* acrordlng lo prescitbed methods, and for my personal convenience relegated them Into Iwo general types ..r classes, vis., fair weather and storm pro during or threatening, With tbe wind Bl Ibe u-.-i ward, smoke dVwolvitig and mercury normal, n few Hooting 1 loud* more or les* bud no significance .-...;,? ta fellow that ike earth sen! up more vapor loan lue atmosphere could readily aaslmilale. With Hie feeble Bumlnne and l"-.i temperature ol winter, ike r bs il, earthy clouds wera to l.(peeled dalli amt wonk) gradually mell awar nnd dissolve with * feu scattered snow- flalies. if I,,.y banked up Into heap! ul duffy cumuli, uiiii shlmmerlnga of fro/en vapor, -0 much Ike better fm- tin- weather and the observer, l-'.vi-n Ihe ridiculously named "BUB-doos," those da! nt j td ls of prtsmaile coloring that tomelfme* d.stged aboui ibe sun morning and evening, foreboded no evil, li na* th.- wisp*. ,,f rirrl, tin- iiit-h up niament* (hal rame from nobody knew where, thal <!ld Hie ml?e|i|.-f " f_M?U ont lor tbe ruin se.*|,- ?,.. i one keen "bl weat tier prophet, ? When Ihe sli-.p BS for water ralii will rome," added another. liie rain-seed I bb-miiied lu ihe separate Individual . b.mi* rormtng eolleetlvely lbs well ii,...un "mackerel -lu.- which according lo pioverb "never have* lb* ground dry." Bul li wa. ? -i?or Teai for mackerel .m.I I <au."it bat a few specimen* \ genuine mackerel sky, with uabroken nioud roiumn spanning 'he heaven*, from north to .south. |. ,,f eery rare ..(i ui-rence. 1 found mi min seed In Ike shred, and .uris above noted, denoting atmospheric disturbance bleb up In flu- air. With fresh south erl od they often gathered nnd thickened rapidly, assuming fantastic snapes? the ?? csts-tulls" and "wind-tree.-' of nautl'al abaci eera, tiwi the more Irregular nnd fantastic th" forms, thc more violent the storm that nromntlv fol lowed. The "Sheep" Indlcitcd by my friend were if I eery different order and mimd on. The? are small round clouds decidedly skeepy In B*pre| tliat dash lu ai th., breath after a Mom has been .some lime broodaag?brlsh IBU* fellow* thal Brud through Ihe CT-.v mn?s of (loud ?s tf willi reins of heated cur? rent* of air or electricity, an-t their arrival sa tin scene invariably precipitates Betlan. Perfect roadbed, four meka, tin.- rant aulek lime nnd (.rand Central nation? all by New-York . ia truL NOTES FROM PARIS. S'.' 1 KI V IS QUIET AND SAD sc HI. LIFE INTI r.l'.l'i'Tni AMO'.i. PABISlAB vm-TOcr. u" OPPOSIXO Tirr. CSE OB" i Ri Xl LIM \ PRIXCE IV TROVBl" WITH Bl s" I RI Bl i"" Pails, January 58. Aftei i short laterval "I mihi wentber Ih< ?s"...11j< lia- ..ii... more s.-t in here. Agni! the I links ol tl.e Seine sic lined with Ice bid ti." quays and avenues ai" coveted with slu*l and snow, iinch endanger tin- bones of ihe fool passengers and horses alike, TraU** in thc lewi i?, ol "Kir*", much Impeded omnibuses, thangi <ii.inn iv four, and BUBB UBI BB oven five horse, uni!,e theil ii.ii with < li Mci I ty ; esl* nre no to be had for love oi money, ami benigbtet Parisians returning fi om the play are foteei ii. s?i ...;.- nu i,. ii,,, mk,iv on f,?.!. Withal, tie '?..i.i i.s more intense than evei lu the prot in.i-s h.-.ivi mi..11 stol in-, accompanied bv shari winds, Iii*.-- retarded the trains on many linc I lie mai! trains t" thc northern nnd wrateri toil ll. - l al.Us, I'liili.ns, Hr.-.*t Und I lietboill hui.- ill suffered delays varying from Ive t. *i\ hollis In the Bl illth the Mloiv --fill fall v.. les heavily, and telegrams from nureassonni nnd Marseilles announce that many linea an blocked. For thone who ur.- loud ol akating tb change in th<- weather \t bbom than eel come a* 6"i .-lal fetes an- BnUOUBCed "ii the hikes o tin- i',..i* ii.- Boulogne to lake plan- this week I lies" smooth slus'ts ?.t ice were crowded te-du] uiih caiiv .in?.1 lad]?a geatlesnen ami children ul..., unmindful ?.t th.- ot cnaionnl snowfalls, gavi themselves np to th.- lull enjoyment ->f Iheit !avi.lit" sport. i?n tin- quays of Berey, uher. all tb.- win.- dealers have their warehouses, dir. e..list.-! nation reigns, Iii" linns ure all frozel in th.- ..Iiiu-, ami it li greatly feared thal this will destroy the ll. - or of tho Rurgundiet iiiid line clan-is Irremediably. Everything hen bas a sa-i look : never have thc poor suffered a much, and a dark cloud seems tu hang 0VC1 the hi .lei il .1 -*>. -** ol society. Mlle Marie-Tin re*., de f.nynes, who a few dayl il".1 made tier debut al Ihe Chateau da Sable, .-?I grandmother's superb country Bent, baa fallen 1 victim to ih it dread dise&se which so fr-. I'l.-utli assails yoting people?spinal meningitis? ind she I* ii..t expected to live. Tbe Duchess, I.- 1 iievreuse i* nearly .,..^? -.i with anxiety, nnd refuses to leave her beloved granddaughter, bed. tide even for a moment Tbe death of Count Hippolyte de li Rochefou ?auld has als., put a stop fo almost all social en? cl fanni.nt-. :u th.- Faubourg St. OertaaiP. The ?..nut, iiim ba.I 1 !-? celebrated his ninetieth iitinlay. -?iii remarkably well preserved ind enjoyed all bia faculties. Thc cenrtly old liplumatisl, who waa beloved and admired hrougbont Europe, is universally regretted, and ii* ebi.'sf son, the celebrated Comte Aymery de ., Rochefoucauld, i- lo-in-: beseiged with nuts ..l -ondulenee and has received hundreds >.r tele lams ,,r sympathy from Vienna, Uerlin, Lon lon, st Petersburg, Rome, Athens, and even Hm itst sin..- hat father breathed his la-t Comte \itiii-iy is Hm recognised arbiter al etiquette and "ul taste in I'aiis, anil 111 fact, J? a kind of so isl and infallible oracle, ll,- is one of inc awol llivalroua "I tuen, and let so I.-iv.-nt a "I* ?iple of etiquette that his c.ule of politeness !. not nl!"'.i lum t" advance more than a eer aili liitnls-l of to meei a Marchioness ?n criag hi* anions, while a Duchess or a Princess S ??lltltleil to P.I |.e the ]ltlll,!..T. alli il lll-n Uaronena med nol expert hun to advnnce to licet her at ;ill li commoners were ever a.i ?Itted in so Dobie a Urawingroom a- ih.n ol he Hotel <i- la Rochefoucauld, tl." Count would aro Imbi y recede instead of advancing, ni order 0 ahem his dhmppra al of tl.e lowliness of their .nial Standing, Them I- BOl a fcr?-at dinner liven in the Faubourg st. (iermain without ..lute Aymery being implored to lecide on lbs iiihjecl of precedence Another of lu* "fads*' 1* i.e extreme m..ti with which he ealcnlatea tie DOBBPai "I Banking I.i.s apis .name nt ? hot-* ih.-te lu- i.s invited io dinner. At that, ot a Royal or Imperial Prince, lu- arrives ten minuted 11 advance: at Duke's live minutea before lu- appointed hom : at tiiit Bi an equal he coin,ss i rb., prc is.- minute, and when he happens to im.- uith somebody whom lc considers bia social nferior, if ever bo slightly so, he dora Hui ap tear until ii-1' "i ten minutes after flu- time men toned on tin- invitation he has received Ita is i."."itli.|.s-, a liv excellent man. and lu* good tear! ami charm "' manner make up f.>r them larmless little eceeutrieltiea. 'ihe receptions vhich he and the ( ??untrue! give every Friday ?vening will be sorely missed by Parisian Bristo 1 it*, lor their hons" WBg BBBOng the pleaSBBtCBt o vi.sii, and it will now remain eloaed fur many nonths TM- is .-iii the m ire to 1 e ti..;, tte 1 a- tho Jenth .! th.- Mill |iiia ile CAI le. who succumbed a few lays ago io a violent altai k sf pleuro-pneumonia it In* enetle of Choiey-eH-llae, near Comptegnc, brows into mourning the families De Graf fuhle, d'Arenberg, De Oanajr, De Vogue, Bad, ka toort, th" greater portion ol tba noble fan ..,hil lt i.s. therefore, mora than likely thal he s".i*ou is over for this v.-ar here. The Mar ini* de I'Aigle was one or Uk- most lamons iportsmen In France, and hi* bonada and hunt ng equipage were regarded a* Buperiot t., all it hers ll.-- -ohm or the Algie which is lu- oldest in France, sra white Aflsong the ?rentes! ticis'ir.-s contained in the library bI hoisy :iu-l!ac is the hunt hool;, whcr'iii BM many celebrated boar hunts of the hst entury Tlie Prineras de Braneovaa, whore salon i* iha cii'b v .. I- ol ill tie- -tin fleur" ol society every sinter, Ins. moreover, left town t,. spend four Bl th" Villa Nola, her palatial lesIdenCC it Mont.- (arl.. She is accompanied hy '.u-r ..11, Prince Constantin, and hy her two charm, ag daughters, the Prier crae a Anna and Helene. ilad.itnc de Braneovnn i* the daughter of Ma urn* Pacha, Turkish Ambassador lo the Court .f Rt. .Ti.tii.-s, and sh.- i*> one ol the most charm Bg leaders "i aoelely, a, well a* one of the landsomest women In Parin Prince Bran ro van, il... died three 01 four year- BgO, waa the ld. st -on oi Prince Oeorge Rlliesco, ei-ilospodar d Wallacliia. Il,, was an ?* -truordinaiily brilliant nun. whose u if waa celebrated throughout ta rope. Encouraged thereto by the anceesafal effort* ,f the Anti 1 11 uniiti.- League iu London, the French 1 '.nif 11 n<r- l.aic begun a regular 1 usn.le here on the subject. Tlii", ai" all inanimoua in apposing any revival of a steel ul structure Im ladies' dresses \f Felix ^"'*s till further, ll-- has nlwiivs condem.I erinn inc-, iii liny sha|s-. aud he talic. sollie credit 0 1 himself foi having brough! int.) fashion the .dilutely more graceful stile that lu. reigned 1 lat.- Fells and Worth, La ferrier* ami Rehonx 1 ways thc Introduction >>l steel springs iiiu skin*, tnade 1:1 their establishments during lu- whole tune thal the majority of the feral line world wore 'dies .improvers" Ihe rogue vhi.1. Felix still so deservedly enjoy.* m tl.e ..-t proof ?.f nhat genius and perseverance (an clin-.e iii I'ari- Vol bing can be more curious han the history of the Felix dynasty dunn;,' Iha asl lort!-live icirs lb. first Felix wa* tl." ..iileiir eu titre at rh.- court "f Prlnc- Lou ia tapoleon during Ins Presidency, and when, later 11, Napoleon became Emperor and minnel Mlle, c Monti!'., the nen Empresa, delighted l.v her oihVur's masterly fashion of disposing her BU erb Biibarn Ireasee, soon granted hun anare* e.I.'fited position anion;; coiffeur* Felix, it gp. ..ats. was .is BUnrratitlons as his lair sov.-r i.ii, and he entreated her one day to obtain for un the raver of removing the nnmher ci on is boase and t.. sBhetitnte the lucky Bumher ". in u- si.a.I si,., did so, and to this day bet- is no niimbci 1:: j,, tl,- FauUi,ir_ m. r.ino!,-. At |,|* ,1,'uil,, Fe|j\ |r|t ),,, Ml|?n (U. oifl ure to Ins RtRHKMtt hollier, who determined to make a vet neater name for himself, anti created a "mni-<m de roi..-* et ,di.ipeauv.' which ha* since re_aaiaed i. ns m passed. I h.- Duke .1- Dino, who has hitherto been kn iwa ratl.-r In thc light of a man of pleasure than nni thing eke, teenm destined to liuure in history us the person lo whoa iii** nineteenth eentury is iuiicbted for bbb ol the neaatet archaeological and historical find* that have ever been made lt i- t.. a linke- de (myara that the world owes th- (hst discovert' mill- af the necropolis ol l-hizeti, neal Cairo, and il hi BOW lo nnolbet French Duke, namely, M. ile Talleyrand. Duke de Dino, that must be attributed the principal merit ol thc wonderful discovery made at heli? opolis ;, few uiih-* distant Irom i ano. Heli? opolis waa the icli.ion* capital ol Egypt in the dais previous tu the Mosaic era, when Memphis was the temporal capital and aral ?f govern? ment, lt I- iiioi" ancient than I holies, nnd wa* fhn -eat ot all learning and ..len..- darill:", tb" ::,ii'""i \,.ure ?i Hie Ihsraonie era. All treera of if bad I'.nu been loaf, mid it had been sought in iain iv arehaeeldaiBta and r_gyptomgmta RA length tJi- linke de Dino became interested III the matter, and Inatrueled a young savant ii hom he employed fur Ihe purpose, t" make re marches nt n spot several miles di,nut irom tic sup m... d site of the buried city These invest l . il .ms hs ve now reaiilteil in lim diseovety ol s mos! h.inderi ii I necrupoH" w!l"'1' ,r Ma ,".1"' -.ilio ls the Director Ueneral ?i M iseums and \n tiiiufties in Kgypt, Itu* pronounced to Ik- the true -it,. Ol th" Blicb-nt lleHopol-*- Ali minion-" tl,.'.i oi ancient Egyptian history and r-seureh it. therefore hud open lu lite sa' ants "t th.* world, thanks to thc enlightened liberality and slirewdn<-B of the I) il..- de LHnu. During Ibe reeenl Panama acandals the nonie of Maras has been au often on tbe Ups til Hm pd pl.- in oiiinn'cfioii with the incorcprathin of ? .. nccused directnra ?>! the company, Hint it / -,- lie well t..plain Ute origin "i the name ul Ibis greal Parisian prison Ma/as waa the name ot :i remarkably brave general who com? manded tin- 'ith Brigade at Hie battle ul Aus? tral its, and ii ho tell win'.' leading one of the regiments Into action. Napoleon was much aile.'t..I lo hi- death, and by a decree benrin? the date of I-os, vaic bi- nani" lu '>"?' "I tire principal sqnarca "i Paris Al a later period tb.- great metropolitan prison was erected un ona >nie "' lim square, wlience ii look its name. l'? lay, lhere i* no worse indignity and I'ontumelva'thuf can lie placed upon u man than :,, i.-.-.t iii it h.- is a-orthy of Ma/a*. Tlie removal of tlc nam.- ..I Cornelius Hera from the tank- Ol th" I. '-'I'"! ?', Hon.,, wlll'-li wm gaxetted l.eye lasf week, does rmi neces? sarily mean thal he h.** been found i;uilfi and connel.-d of am' offence hy a French court nf law. Th-- Ci.i.nd! of the Legion <?f fTon. i and the members ol ti,.- Supreme lbi:ird of Con!roi tin- righi i removing Irom thc i..!l iii tl.rilli fla- name ..I a nj one who they have resr<<? i I" lielh-ve na* laen .'uilti ol pies tionabl.nduet. even ii Hie latter is nut -?uf ii.i.-iitli criminal t.. in h.e iTi" mctuliei ..i tl." order eiHi.n tier ("i1- of Hm Iwal B-.thorities. I'htis, dunns the last twenty var-, titi" hiv," i.ii some uno expulsion, from tlie Legion of Honor, .-md i.i these not even .*"" were dna lo criminal convictions. Tbe Council ol Ihe Legion il Honor, ju.Il-ii. it* Betlan nub renard fo M Hers, who un- a -rand officer ol the order. is evidently "i if." opinion thal any -We mixed up in t',.- Pan..mi scandal, even it nut criminal l> so, is unworthy >.f wearing lite national de (oral ion Prui'?? Paseal de Bourbon. Count de lian, is r.. in the topic of all conversation here, foi ie bus hud ti appear aa defendant in a hui bronchi hy se,..nil ot his Parisian creditors, who have iu-r obtained permission ir.mi th.- pren h courts to levy a distraint upon all his per* effecta, furniture and properl) For the last si\ I--.ii- Hie 11,i leeman in locution made numer? ous but vain efforts to obtain th.-ir tn..nev from Hie Tiii. who, I au: surry to any, has a moat ii.-'uli'i method ..! avoiding flu1 payment of In* Befits by claimini that all hi- nosers ii um ? r" the property ol his wife, and the creditors wera therefore wor-l.-l. The Comteaae de Bari, who former!', belonged t.. r*Se* de ballet, is i-ii mill her husband's senior, and ls be no .ans ii lui -ne miali! terni a T.-rv red ned *.r a !"iv scrupulous person, but th.uri* have noa ile. hared her respe-sitde for the payment ..f h.-r husbnnd's debt*, and that settles the maller, jf least for ti,., pt.-sent. Tit*.i ?.;* BUTLER I I IWMCITR. I"r..n. Tl.- Bo ? i h ..I an Important law 11 .? on," -..i.i s \\..k-. tb ni natl Ihe nt bi r din . " I knew no oin lbs! ? i ? for me but inn Baller, ll. ?., i,, Wu til. ? (Hie lime, I neut to IVasbtnglon. and ? tier liar.I ... rat.I.Hui- f.>r I WO .lui. ir." an .'.Hillel;,,. ??II'b I !:n Ile dd be Bimldn'l lake mi rase for Si.?.isi ? dav. Ile bad more Hork ..n id- band, noa ll.un h.- coaid BlleMl to; alu! h.- went about bi* wurK rtgfit tl eu. '..leia!.* 1 MM, 'I Waa born !:i ii... ..m.,. town ?ll", '. "', * ? ii- grunted, bm uaen'l otberni - affected that i "Do ron r.'iib.-r Bille Ml*s ? ? And rou I...i -I." i:*-d '" -ini ti ?:. - '.. I" r. snd ?b- lov Who ii -.J io lake .heall I am Ihe buy ulm I.."'. lie noll ?An.I I am il," h..i wi... ienl them.' ..ld the lien eral. Ile held out bis hand. -I gui - I'll ri,- your lier nil ' b- ?aid. arid he did and won IV '?..ii ral P.uti. r ii- couti -I for the plaintiff lu ii damage ,.,S1. Bgulnsl one of ibe Boston stree! railway ?"Ol''*!' ."e. rear, -inc.-. turned a point lu in* . li.iii*. favor mi,.1 non Ms ?. bj sn and or) irina I move," nrh.-, a correspondent of nine, Tbs sci Iden! in "neil.ui had taken place lu a crowded sireei, and tn- t ead mon j eras contradictory an.! con? fusing. Iii- conductor >.f Ibe ear, on ihe wit.* ?land, .wore polnl blank agali.*l iii- plaintiff, lils ? i I'l- ni ?? u ii - ' "i'i ??. mid he . tainted lo Inn.n nil ll ?? ii i:.i-f..' ihe affair, and d. scribed tl ? m minni-ly, disputing ibe (Jem-rat's . ll.nt al every turn. lt wu* manifest iimi if iii" conductor told Ibe iruib I*. | I: 'I *l!' ll ld li" ' I ? i ? '.. i'i-.ii look up h." cross-examination, bal tl"? iii*' es hui k t., li i.ti . '??Wiai I *' .ubi il... i.ciieral. polntlm; tu the bell pun. h -ii i" from Ibe Wtlnesa'l neck. " Hell punch,' wa* the un-ii er, '??Vial iiiiai l< n" innocently Inquired tbs lawyr. And then follow..I u lengthy ex pla na? tion of bow Ihe linn bin- ran. Ibe bell lo attract Ibe pa .-"?,'. r ' attention that Hie amount was helm, re? corded bv the machinery nn the Inside, The ahvi mid wherefores, the nee e ssl lr f..r lbs thing and the company's rules were lone Into until the Court wss w-ll mell out ..f pull.!.c.- anil ihe jury were plainly wean In.'. ??'And rlini do von do If ti mistake ls mid- snd von rome bu) short when you nnd Ibe mai bin.' an-ut variance-" wa* ihe fieneral'a .|i.-n '?- il;, v n. ike ii* p;.v (he difference.' wa. Ibe an? swer " -Weii't ibej lake v.ur n..r.l f. r ll ' ".Vii.' '??U.-I1. If they won't tait.- i.uir word for a nickel th.-i h.,.int expert un* Jurs Iii believe you.' said Hie (loner*!, nnd they didn't, tor th.v (ave Ihe l.lalnllfT ii subetsnttal ierdk t." I would nol have ny reader think the neneral In ? ended nny .|nr upon -tnel .ar conductors, who are ss honest ,,? i honorable bs Ibe real of us. ihe nen .r.i bad a iray of "gelling lhere,*? bo Dialler who was Mt. WE VT Al.Wk 1 /s* 6001 FUR Prom ii,.- tarlington Pres Pr.-*. lt-*i. nuts of Vermont nave bud a new Interest In Ms ku, ii.' i.i nor!bern lerrtforj >.r h.- lulled -i .*.?-. Ince ihe appointment of i.wu,in i*. Knapp, >.f Bbtdlelmrr, :, Governor, nnd soi.i ibe fact* ron rernlng thal farol land and Its peopi.-. us shown bv his report, viii bc i.e.. p'.il.l- lo ..ur renders. The ??lillie population of tn-- Territory was al the list ci.-ii. uiih :;i.T".i.. sud les, I ba ti 4 .OOO ?f mi, was ablle, .1 iha! lt will |.roba!.li be some Baie I. roi we have Alaska raking f-.r statehood. I h.- value ..f Alaska ronslsl* ol Its *.il rookeries, leased bi the North American Commercial Company, ibe i>*-l t ii ? - - brough! In bv il..- bunters of the Alaska Commercial t'ompony and l.v natives lu exchange for rood*, the canneries i.r salmon, cod and halibut, a:ui lue mines, or rs I her pl."er*,'? where !.'"!'! I found In Hi" nash of Hi" river, "nh one or iwo aliempia bavins as rel i.n made Bl n.nart, mining. The loial export fi..ui all these -onn e. amounted la*' war lo #7.7 .!'mil. The i,.....t ...sih furs nfler Ihose of ibe ...I are Hm.*. of Ihe ..a oller, marlen, diver, while and red fo.M-s, ml ti ls and l..-:ir skins, lite.e. wilh i feu other .kin . were of au nggregale value nf (CMH.Wil. A- again*! 17.750,0111 of exports, Ibe Import! ol aierrbaiidlse nnd machinery onlj amoui'.led lu 12,1 'M,_3s Tin- I..,i. nun. ni hu* provided for H... delivery of malls nt !!"- orin, lpn! settlements, but lt ls Irre-'iilir. ii:.I generally lbs rale of deliver! ls al*.ill one niall il lunn Mi. There are forty- even -tores lu Rasiern .Muka ami i-lgbly iradlna siallons extending ulong ?I,., roast, nearly all of which are under the control of a few corporations. Trade of Ibis sort can nonrl.h In u way, bul ll ls I lui ii ii.ii Alaska will in ur be. nu agricultural I .nit"ri. The cereals will not ripen lhere, ile grass cannot be dil d lui" hiv. and only pot h.,e. aud tm nips can be grawn In i lew .pectsilv favored -.ii":. 11,,- (.rn eminent ba* .?*iabil-h.<i s. hoots ,t different points for tl.e etliu "iilon ol Indian n. which .em- to be makin;: some progress, snd ...uris fur lb" Iris I ot .hil and . I lilllie;! i a ? -. ieile abo been es. tabll*hed. lim ih- sodai order ol ibe Territory I* anything hal desirable The Oovernm mskes a, %.I a showing a* I'" -Ibh- lu hi r. pori. Int Ihe null, ap? pears i., be Kial Ihe p.-..pi.- ..I ile Territom are mien io lawlessness anil drunkeiines, io a discouraging legree. -????.-m PH III IP* BROOER A\D THE UR I LOREX. Prom "i'i" Roston niobe. 'Nothing ..ucl Iii ([Ire Mai Brea I er pl , lire.'! Mr. li ...ii.. H. Howard, lin siip-rlnlend-nl at mi. vii.ii.".' pni-i.. iiein iii !iaie children m_r him. Ile bl.ed '" gel ..If In mi" B group of lillie . bii'lr- ti and pla) willi and fondle them. ? I r.uib.r one Instance,'1 continued Mr. Ilmrard. nilli a faint Millie, 'when |)r. I'.rooks di-urr in..-| our plans cuuiplei.-ii. sud nd* dhairungemenl aluiosl re lilli ! In a -ai iii rbi' Ile ntuur* at tended our i* ir!*! mis festivals, :":il was alway* eager i" lake sn olive |i;ili In Ihe dl-lllbutloii ul Iii- (TIB* and lu Ile- fmllll lies Iii general This israsion la parBrular m* iii* lear i.'-'ore lu- wa* ion-ec I *t, snd n.xerrlse* were ...liij skmg *iilmrul!.li gfe had I i-."dirl. lUiCialuu.". Will. I. piolid-d lor Hie BtVlBI MU al I' e bal.'- of .audi Bl the veil I..*: Weil in. Brooks wa- surrounded br a dowd ..f lae smaller children, lae bai.i-s .,f in., mission, and iiii.uii Hie line iii-'t ibe earn lees wera alsaal hall oeer lin--., lillie began lo rlanvw for .andy, sud lin go ba couldn't their pleadings, ile -inniii ...i un Slid ?oiiini.-ii <sl lo unlo i I |he lr.f ll* sweets. ii,*..n; ibe begs "f randy lo ih<- lltib- ones. BS soon.r bsd iu- began la do i'i* Ibss ile ..ii-r cblMrea, |H||,a|i* :i ii.-ii'le hillier. ial*_ a Brest """luis, mid HeT. wa* noll.Ins foi us ti. do Lu! lo -but Dr.,I., tilf. cull n J.*)' and listore ord-r." MODERATION IN POLITICS. mk. i mi A(;m:.. < oMur.vis .>nTHE irknth ( fMSis AND OH THE PAUi ?F WOLSEY. iii: BBOABBS TMB CAltlMffAt/S pmiaPPY k\tf. as I iM. OB lNsrr.rcTlON FOB MOBBBB Mlil-MIN .I"!) ' CM.KAU I.lTI-s HIM bii.r that TiUN'.s Aili: DOBK BT TA MM IN V OB A I'l I lill'. AM' BA IT,B BASIS TBAB TBET wini; cv TUB panama PEOPLE. "?""Od morning. Major." said Ibe Mon. Doyle O'Meagher, cbeerfwBjr, aa h?- enlewl ld* BaVe In Tum many Hall sud foitnii id** poiitieoi conBdanl paring tbe room In dutiful walling. " lioisl morning, mv hov I lt's flt.e sillier areal her." Mab.r Tiiif responded becomingly, and Ike gn-nl Hos, pr..,..-ibd lo lay add- lil* oiercoal uni! other mil of .lour necessities. .\* he did s? from Ike pocket of the coal a newspaper dropped to Ibe leer. Pi. hil..' li ap, Mr. i.*Mea.h.-r glanced al a brad Hue, ''There', a ( ni'net ?ii*ls lu Prance," fce mM; ?? had I" ll ll"'!, ed. Maier '" ??W.I!, nov.. Dolley," Malo:' Tun" replied tn a rather apologetic lone, "yon Know I don't real the pat..r* min h. 1 don't blleve in Viii:" ?I luih.r admire you f..r that, Major. I do. BOW, really. I lil." lonee a man arl righi np lo bl* priori pb-., i ib.ii'i blleve In 'em myself, bul l reed 'em. ll .tn-. Ilk.- the .-iisl.-t way :.. gel rid of 'em. TI.--I i onie .it you in greal bunches morning and afternoon, :iiui iou sort ol can'i (.''*' oin of laking u glance at '.?ni. Of coarse von know I ba I wbal'i In 'em ls moally lt"* and what's nol Iles yon lon'l ?mnl to know, hui you're all ibe lime fooling yourself willi Ihe idea Unit something mlghl gel Into 'em somehow, iind -o von ito on reading 'em. if we wa* all la act ".im leal, like you. Malar, Ibe dun thlnga would stop priming, .uni hone.t people would lune *oni- chance ..I gening along lu ih" world, rah" thal Manhattan deal, for Instance. [1 be 1000,000 richer than I an ii this minnie if lt hadnl been for one ..f them bows papers, it rome out In a long artlrle lelbng ail about Ike leal, how nra bad Ixed tb*, commission to Islay rapid Iraiislf und tinallv lo report lu fm or of extending the elevated, how Ihe elevated people had given all their patronage to Tammany, and every? thing. The stock took a tumble and was down on n.Ighl pointi before I bad sen,.- enough lo Bell, of coarse I wm on velvet even then, mid I'm going io bm u stable of raiiiig boraea with _ part of what I gal out of ll, bal lt Just shows you wi,al outrageous things in- newspapers ls allowed to do lu n.I. eean rn " ?I know H." ii,- Major, shaking his beal ru* fully, I kiiou li, ll'i a -Iiim.-. Ii'* a wai down shame. Rometblng ought lo be lone aboal lt." Don.- ? Why, certainly. They aagbl all io be ?boll.,bed. ll ought i" h.. a .-rai... prison offence lo print 'em. aud uiiy man caught iradi Hg 'em ought to get slat) dayl f"r lt. That's rite ivhv Id do willi '.-rn If I was io ib. ibe wai I feel. Hm In tbe present stat.- of society, a- \be* Hewitt would ray, I lon'! .!.. |nsl i!iat way. Inatead, when the reporters come around I tell 'em Hint they are BUgagOl III ll great .md nobie calling, nnd that any aaslatance I cnn give 'cm, CU do |r. I 'ell 'em thal 'he newspaper- ls tb bulwark of safety for mu free Inslltootloos, and 1 **vs l.l'i- the vcr...* : Here -i.jil riie pr. s* th.- people's ? '.-irs "-tintaIn. i uini.ii ii- lulBBacs ju- aa bri bsd bj sr-* Mr. O'Meagher smiled, si ai iv rloaed lu* farther .ic. walked ... rus* ibe r'*.in to a handsome i niffounlere, uni... k.-d it* door and fool, our u decanter, a long. wicker-covered bottle and a wagle of glasses. Thew h.- deposited "ti u table Bear st hsud and .at down Major luff, who had followed ihe.e mOVImeeta willi manlfesiationa of eager Interest, drew ala chair rloaer le Ibe 'ail- and fl i'll bi. eyes on Ike decaater with loving regari. *? There'! been s good U-sl In the papers lately," ron tinned Mr O'Meagher, opening the decanter and loving With th-- s'opper ol lt a* be talked, ''about that ia!.ln-t ir!*l* In France. It sort of Interesll nie, and I've been r-iidlng tno*r all about lt. p's all . ..m.. i.r a scandal in ii... Works Depart men!, 'They're funny folk*, them Frenchmen. There's a piece rh:* morning boob! on- of 'em Barned, well, never mind hi- name; li's a* linter aa be I* Ile got mixed up Iii the *catid:il and Hie COUti found 1,1m gullly, W.H. -lr. what <1o von Ihlttk be lone I Ile lellled ap I.I. affair.-, wrote bil wi!!, resigned hi. ii- president .-f tbe Society for th.- Advancement of Public Morality Bent a challenge to Ihe Judge to light a duel: Ind now everybody over lhere pears to of gone wild Bboul Hi- fellow and I* praising lils courage und tine s,ii*e of honor: I sometimes think. Major, Hm! Mew Vorkera ar.- prettj easy t.> work, but I wouldn't like to irv Hut bluff on 'nu. Would loll '" Msjor Tnlf had been .liing ( !,.*cr geed t,. H.- .!. ranter whereon Mr. O'M-agher'a band wm still resi lng I bau f" hi* remnrks on tba French cri*!*. bu: per celling by Hie period of silence timi lomethlng wa* expected of bim. be drew bis faculib-s together mid snld ? You're right ubout that, Dolley : Jes! right, SUI'." ?l wai thinking." Mr. O'Meagher went on. "thal If Hi.- Franck people would take it binti like Ilia! I wouhIn': iiilnd Hiing In their country. If I eur g.-I out of a )..!> h.-r.-, France I* where i'm going io. I .an s,,. ju-! where them Uovernmenl fellow* made nil-take. Puer ls they made a irood many. I, --i don't know how to run a Public Works Department. ih-v ."ini on to tim combination. There's a place (.i.r lhere by Hie narnu ..r Panama, and i "nc** n must be gidia a ways out of Ihe in-.. lt"* ii will *..rt of country and tin- Oarernment started in to improve H. That waa a mistake. They thought, you know, that Ibe place wu.* so fur out of town Hint Hie people WOUMn'l *".e what was going on. Now. that ain't the hui. Vee want to spend the people'* ninney righi under ll.di- luise*, where thev can see that they're gening something for lt. Tweed bad Hie ri-,;,: ?!? -, when be built Hie Court BOUM, onlv li,, waa too gieeil\. ll" wanted five dollars for himself io every one lu- put lu Hu- building. Hist wa* loo much margin. It give Hie snap mvay. If heil Leen ..ill, tied nub two io one theran ini.r been no kick. What's that lexi lu Hie Scripture-, uhoul enough bellin* as good Hs il feils! .''' Bajor Tu! hid taken from Ibe table on- >.f lbs em pt) glasse! amt u,is nun ru.fiilli paling Hilo I!. Selling n dow n In a Impel.-s. sm-i of way, le- pushed him..!! baik lu'" his .nail, reuuirfclag, iii" lexi 1* il! light, ll"I lev, il .4 |,il.,'.i . el er going lo gel enutig i. ' -Well, 'ii., i. I* enough, Maj ar; lira lo <.n.. is plenty," repBed Mr. ifMeagber, Irmly. -We're going io -vu* in pretty soo.i lite m*w (lu ii.iii. i know uini I'm Bboul In Ibis budnee*. We'll be watched all Ibe . h.sei mi a.. ona- ol TWi-ed, and Pill going lo set my fool iigit doun on everything ovei iwo ii one. Them Pieiii lillie:! played the gaile lou heavy. Noll, 'lull, louie a lining niau ju-l re ing .nt.. p..ii ... Thcie'- a ne io learn In Hi- bu.In.-... | na. '" Hie Hi.-alic Ibe lither lil-iil I" a pin I" "-I.ih .pi-ui.. Kin se,- anything ul ld*, Tufft" " lin ll'i bil. le .", liol lev.'? *' \l.ll. I..- hi.I a iuail .ui iiim, univ, lill telling v.ii. Iii.- pim i iel a i srdlnsl in li abu had been Ihe King's right-hand mun. lb' aroa i ama by ike nam. of \lelseI . ||e ll.|.t g"! IlltU politic* 'lill! lip !" Ills Hell,. ami r.n an:.i|e everything went atong a* gay .. i . Put ]u.i lilt.- Tweed and like I bose It-Bow* iniii" Panama lui-iiics., li.- played Hie game loo heavy. iiu- oilier i.-lloii. began io .lose In on 1st ii*, ami pretty -o.ei lillie Ililli I" le ll slow llollil mill he |BSt. le. -I hon h.- dbl i;il" on' I (ell all nil np about Ibe poor ..hi relbia, ll- -.nv ni,,! tv noil,lc iv.,,, bm |?. -au I.", lal" N.iu, iou .au bel voa) Hf", Tnlf. lin hot g"lng I" ge: nipped up li..- nay him and I need na-. Ih. re "in. a i Inp lu Hie pin, a lunn;- tetlow like iou, ii'* "I'l tuan hail ii laney io, and after I!..- long s.-nl Lim noni by one of lils enemies- and taat'a non sm I, n-n.s always riane*, TuS?thal be u i ni ni I' iu. tonger, the young fellow i ..nie. in nnd ii.a . i begins lo explain what ii waa thal lin iiiui. Some ilungs io- said, i ie|| yon, i'uif, wa, groat, i e.i..i -.av tin- wurla, you know, bul li aa-nl about like n.i*: ile -ay, in lin- young chap, h.- says, ?I:'* risk) bu in.-*,' lu*. I., depend ..n piinc.-s'i h. says ".lille Iii"!'re sinning,' lu- say*,, Mt's nil ll',,!)! i bill iou cani l.'ll I..nv bing !br -..lill.-, ll slay nilli you, ni' ul.en' I say, lull, lou ought lo see Hie a. lor do Ilia!. lb- Blond ,s -nf at :, pur,, .f fur nillir... and said lt In a Way-ddWfl ha.* voice, getting lon.i Billi eveiv nord, lld* win : ?An' uli.ii bl f-ll*. lie fella, Ilka lanifer. N'S, Cl !?? gel np ii -nh. ? nial's nu- way ii is iu noiiihs. linr. ir Tooley M.'ii..1 timi beni un- in iiu- primaries bul year, attar l -gui bark ironi Barege, I woaMul bara had a friend on iii., island In twenty four boura. I thought of that iigin nil ikraagk what Widsej waa Baying. Thew wa, a |ibiie win-re lu- saM, 'No sun shall erse shin. down on my honors, oi gild naaln the many thai s'ionti-d when i pu*.ed. (io, get away, frames!!.' timi wu* lin- linnie of tin- voling fellow lie Isid a fancy to? tio, tet ssay, Cromwell,' bc says, 'i'm a laid ont man I I tried tn reach np too f*r H.- -ime mistake.' he ,aya. ? an' 1 BUgBHo lavin' his iund lilli about !:"d on ..tats, (jay,. md Ike lights ?*? ?"**, mada better. Ba,., g. saTM. ,._,.. WZT*!***** *?*.'?'??'??'^?''^'?mv^;na^7 leg tell -eui Ibu! Wol,ey _Lrj* ?* BJ "> you, When |Ba taft J5 warn out. the -.-ret ?f m ?,.:,urn* .Mr. H'M.siKbets ms oner and vole* bad Lnnt. .eedliigly dram:,,!.*, and ai .pe* "J**J/"* if mmewhal Inoeewnle Raes in. ,??.s ,' PP-I r-'rr-'r.v- *^^?B2 ?'??" ?he -alema beak wUh-h Vul^J IBO rei Hut iou. bj observing. syni|,ai|..,.,|(.,ll|... Belsey muM han- hean lerilng my ^ , ... '* "iud.* ,'Cl,o.-.M:.(.*Me;,Kt?.r.-yo?,,,nU,lieWl. i.'iin- bnd. i cum Ifure om BM akanl how "".. Bat h.- waa a nervy obi BBmr. ii-, hag gb Hbjkl st nit In bim.; When they taM Mm ^ ? nemy bal Baan efcetsd io tahi hi* j,,h. ha _-? him*-If up. and lie suv*, -lie-, a good min!' i,, -Bethinks.' lie sari. Mie'll do well, and j ' held Hie pince.' He knew lu-t WM !o CUmps* I, If ?BB, -">l> b*'U !|0W to (ak. y. med line. Th? only tr'aibb- with him wa, thu \Z Bleed out for ino Mg a stake, i com,. !iway from * pity mot- ibun ever eon vi neel tam tba secret 0? meerai in politics is mBdwraUon. Th.- p>,p;,, Won sbind everything. They'll pay ap al right ir r?a'n only divide fair. Tim for us nnd on- for Hiern Um fur a* ifs *afe ti p,.. Them rnmkama?? But Major Turf .mild Band lt no lon., r. H.. took ike empts gtoaaea aad rtrlnkel them aolalig tomlin. Mr. O'Mragber pauael, ? i 'h I" li- said. ,i .ccoivin-'lv. ?? I *.,.. y ,,,,-? ,?._, I.'!!- cabinet crisis lu Franea better if na ll :i ipi!--, rh, Majari" "I'm agreeable," ..uld ihe Major, shortly ara* lie wholly Indlsposisl to amata word ?Thu wblabey," said .Mr. CMragbcr, half guiu e.ii i of Hie gtoasos, --ihis whiskey wss sent tom<nf(J ike last election bv a Kentucky gratleama w_o bra i-id about in- in iii- papers. That's one gfeg S Ibe paper* dune in-, anyhow. Ile wrote a letter wc, iii- liquor, about its being a laban ..r nts -kfcaBam and appreciation af~my ettor!- ta premm fr** imb. lani! .ns mid tin- principles ot pure Deflmamry, u* .aid lt was a greiit comfort to him In i.i, 0'd ,j? ,, knew that there wnw *,11'.I a few simple-minled Mtrlots ino- Bte l*ff who waa Irm In tbe plain stem al ],?*,. ...n and Jackson, an* was BtanHa', snail in hint again.r ti,- pkitocrats. There was ? akahl lot 0f h HU-, and i plve tbe Wier le Mr*, i *MaaffN* ,0 pat Into a book s'i ??s pot full ot clippings and tabu about ate. Ile -aid the wWskey wa* fertyata yHri old. and I -guess it |s. There's i Uni.- ?*_?> ',m n y.t. nnd I tMiik vou'd belier pul a .:??:.. 4-. ? of this vermouth imo lt. Tba!Il cut ihe edge right ol elus.- ? -o ! WV:]. Major, here-* luck!" "Pm lookta' al you. Doyley," ike Major murmur*!, nm! lifted h's glass In salutation. J #? ^j, ,^ amiable looks of men wheae souls were Hjtm, tt,.. alloored Hie ronlenta of their glasses lo .?.. r?.-,,cfuHv and really lo the spot wiu-r-'. '.i their view, it woub do tbe mos' pood. Tbe Inst dr-n gsa* from hi. ti wt. and assured l.v .lose Inspection thal lt nu* ron.-, Mik* Tuff In h's chair and said : " What -about tin Fran ii buatneae, Hayley l" "Theil u reel Imrtractlve affair. Mater," repM tba gre.ii Bom reffeetlvely. - rn. v begin uraag, h i said, iii BBdertaklag to do budness out nf town. T*a (key inad- u bud choice of a lob. Il was a Banal Ttat showed poor tulgmiut, Takta' ibraj twa mail ?ogeiher, n*s plain that France i- i hally paewml country. Men 'har start lu Bowalayi t. imprnr* tba country by buUHn' .anal* ar.- away "if. That mi all rich! Illlv or sixty yean aga, abra iv- hiilt tbs Brie canal, for Inatance, bul lt** played ..ut bow. Hm wis a Mg prejii'ti"- igalnsl the i beak- 'righi un' Ihe wonder I* Hun th-v held lt together a* lane il Ikey did an' gat ai n. n a ..nt Bf lt. They nwie a Iraodfu] arhrtake, loo, In i-itin- .*.. awny tw-onln into lt. rii-v 'penr lo ol I browed their money ar.nnd B ttl kinds of entile. Thal Blu'l bo way t" d" u delicate y%. Uki- i at. Comet bing must lane ailed tba i.iwrti BmBtIa lawyers, too. fir I.nv made a !? ni Me me** nf Ib-lr (outra. I*. Biby, there's DOtblBg sliouH bt a.oe rareful abonl In Uris buslnesB than th-???ntrvt,. Pd bet any maney that Ibmmany ia.n't give, ma. tract s.-U ?' Pl- be.-n Bl the heal Bf the nrpnlistlon Him Blu'l atrldly ... .rding to law, wtiv. wt-,jt t* yon supp...*., i keep - ich men a- Shearers iraaadan for ex.cpi tu sc- tn- contrw I. l* al! righi ' hi- bualneaa. Now. we've g,.t on hand to-dav '!i, ?**? Lily Hall, tba gp* ed way, tke K.!m*t. e\ten-ion. the Mulbeiey Beni Park, the street psriac, Ike MamBM l):iin viaduct, un* a lot ..f ..tier tiing* atii'iuntlni tl Bboul #ir.n'S).(S*i. b. .id. * tbe reg-* tux lew al .f:il ism.nix). The BMBey'II be .*p>'Ui on thin*, th* popie ran Bee, li.itrartsll sll ha atteeffag te fee and I'm not gobi1 to allow a .ingle it.ina: io be don* on mor. than a two-to-one t.a.i*. Thepeapbbtw meet rights, Major, nml us potttlctans have got Ht practice moderation. Two for u- and one f-r ibm i* tlie fair thing. With Iw.'-d and poor Old W.ilsev. snd I'.ieB Panama Frenchmen In front of me, yon i ia Bake aem I'm goln' lo be moderate." -Haw aboat another irap af ii- Keutacky s?nt> man's esteem?bey, Major ."? b. E. Q. ARE HOT DRI SK S tSJURIOUSI ... nind ihe drinks (bal are i In temperature, fhe cal men ls thal wkwsj SilOllI- I le: di ?Tiere I V|> I s|l< *.' i""i ". ???? ? -..- .- ?--_r onsetisu, of . pinion among m.-. n",.- ... ii.,,, .-*. .e.. ti*,? tber , ',- , i ji, i .1 , I, I . . t Ul .en*. II*..-,o ,. |,o.e'" ?,.,,"." p ?-- ? il men I- thal when- wines ,,r Ib-u -r* are u*-- '-?*T ionia be taken Into Hi- stomal h it pia. the -jnr.! ?mperature us tiisi nf the room In which tuey ara : ml.. gu.ii . ls bo doubt thal hot drinks ore m-'"a better lu winter chi ones," -.ii.I Ibe nmnigerof lin- Auditorium bar yest iilav. -'M-ii who hui- tlOt drinliing not vcotcii far yean bear meoui in tba emf inent. i ion,, never Beare M wi it rBBcta Beal drina lng lint diiniis." Dr. u. (allman, the pbv-d lan il tba Glim Hotel, le.Ids ibws Mia: are dismetrlCsDy *S> posed t" Hms.- of the saloon men. "I ui.idd sdvl*e ? No: tin ri\ ll? ls (?.llllllii.d th.f.* J* a result catiiiitini Inlammatlon or n:- stumachaaa an undue liithitniiiath.n of the niu.uns m.'in'.ran'" 'if Vt* stomach and of Hie bile duet- ut the liver. The If soi plum I* -u rapid thal Bier.- ls an Imperfect -Ug-s'-n of Hie al iibol. Whlrh elilers Hic1.Io.k1 In a mote PjBt*_ on* condlilon than ii lu-iiiil if slowly rieutrullr'-d ana absorbed whee taken in a roM state. lu hut drlnk-s we have Hu -'lin.lilia. .... ema ,.. lie drinks that ns ii. ll as corgff*g snfrii* ni a normal lemperatare. I hen. too, be_apa?" Blues i id aliiuvs e.iis while he 1* drinking. The caw sequence I* I Ital Hi-lr drinking ls rarelv Injartoaa. ** The lemperatare of wine* nnd wMskeyi at emmj ?he best i.s.i'ts ,mi th,. Bast injury may tit expectea I would jlva als/ut ss follows: , I--,-,**. 'lum,lug.ii! Isret* . Whiskey . .Ill.nlljl.ll l?,IU-s Von < ?.' v..'?>?? i ii t ll n"di Beer . ::.s] -.j SM. - mi H..-se, aaresl ? kampagne ind tke beer and al!. siiieil.l be dilui-il. It i- a lari ilint uverhemlng or "V*-* refrigerating de?.H-ys the Bavnr .*ni<t nearly pa?*ij"5 the s,n.f last.-. thereby the pl-nsure of tsaifj ls lessened gieallv by Hie Ino extreme, of .!-*? *s "?!(!." . ?_,_, ,? provide **a\v* patlcni laking ...ld" 's hot drink will "P*" ". pures of lbs -kin and -tart the blood rtn uhit na. am Hie lc. .1 draft ls ll.hle to Clag thc pores of H.* ?"J aud bring HW a severe cold A pet-.or, breathe. hn*M thu smr.s or itu- -km. and they should lie kept in r* ??.Bilon. The breathing through the shin ? 'mmB a* importanl as the bic-niiing rhraagh Hi" nmg; ., drink* hm.- mach lb* -am* . ir- t <m a leaaearawg a, ,i Tiiiki-h nulli, nml all BhyaktoBB Ogres VJ^^ cir.i.- inn-t take lo prevent a fold Biter BBJ] Turkish Ililli. A- ihe hot drink- ar- usuall) 'asm rnnsldcr them extremely dangerous " Knew whnt hhe Wnnled.-Bnlcber-Meak. ma'am? sirloin or tenderloin, ma'am? - - -- mt Mra. Nuwed (knowlnclyl-A very taneerioin. *? :our.c.-lCbltago Ne wa Becorl.