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r ALWAYS IN BLOOM. HAWAII ^^^^^^^^ ISLANPS OF rMrWERS AND ^"NSIUNL. _u.Tirl-r. MM' Min r.i: TEOETAnO- lb u.xl.,.MNT--Ul"llNl"Ss. OF TIIK feOIL. and i*. rvrv ? ?:?" n\ irr:i: t-ii. lie i:""1 ,,f Inxurtsnl vi getstlon; Hawaii, a ? ra'sere iudibi? and winier have ni otb >i rnean f'''u'i ' ronrenleni division of lime: where tbe frosts, lt1? ,JJ".'' Bl Ihe North a;-" unknown, ami t'"M'^' .,,, .|!:.i hurricanes or tn.- Boutb Pever rx bi i ; ?JJ* 1^.'. .,... md ire< - an alwaj m.nnd loweri ,'",7. Ifl !'.""?'? """ ' "l,:,: ?"" ' I"r;>'!l'''l -Piing- Sn.!' ?:1" . | i... ; Hie Ofi an which, owing ls di there, -.. ui* destined soon m breona ,K"n'.''?'.,? t.:rli'..-v Ol Ihe United Mates. 'a. Hawaii Ibsre *'?" 1:' ''K'11 aaaaasee elnihos to in vm- rn.'-nni-. will winter wrapa bronchi out "L,- suiil"^ n. N" -"ch impl-a- mt . limaUo change. I, ,? ai i ihe Iheinweter never varies more than 2JjJaSegri-s, Hom ? !:" rear'e rnd lo Uie other. Al . *g_B -M"'' lm tMu*'- ?r ?"lltll0:);* rsrtety sorcta | 4,x>v? *.ix>jvrv I The temperature of the water the year through Is from 73 lo 70 degrees. The mails through most of the country district* ar* Setter than the average coun'ry roads of the United State-*., lion,'iuiu ji.i* about leventy inn-* al atreeti and drlvee, akas, thirty mltea babig aaaesdamlsed wttk rruaheO volcanic r..<ii. i.sed down by steam rollers. It I* sahl that no other city of lt* Ital th. . pulaUon being about 34,000 do -? much riding and driving a* Honolulu. Besides bating about -lateen n I atreel taliwayi and a I imbw of well-equipped Mvery stables, Ibe city aupports aboul OOO I. and nearly every family ba, lt, own horse and carriage, A trip .a (ward from Makawao, a town northwest ii-. ?;11 Honolulu, lakes *i travail i over a rolling country, through g.n pastu ? d wood Tbe i 11 ls at iii*: good, bul lt gradually growi s .rsc *u.:il at Ihe ll imakua swamp the worst i I on the 1 i * * reached. Tbs r <<t at Ihl, point often consists ol ?.-. unbrok n aeries ol rl-gi - ! rmi d I j the :?- I of animals, their booti rinking Ints Ihe ra"! te it -/.y thal I helli.- !.*t on ti- ridges, After ona gets ibroui i * ic swamp the road U over poles and through raUeya, up ami down inn . over ridges and through deep canyoni. The place may appropriately I ? ruHed thc --.ii: ot Hawaii. Nothing can be n tating thaa lbs U^A-^R^*^n ^"\ I '^V' '?? *' \ V- I*fe t?iS?*- ; 'I SS-** W^ ir M iii ?2% .i ___fe8S_^58^ \*1i? ff S^S^r rrj VATE HOMES. mt Mountain rides, and th.-r.* Is always a picturesque (... . i ?? nj) ??: iii.- vaB< 3 . thal can If ?j^p.-e iai-l '?: '.'? bj t ??? who have \ i-it-il Hm mWHtt ol Ui" 1 ne King Katakana. Tbe aecom] saying ct.-, ari le ti :n p allograph, fnrnl d : i Hs Brtbsse corrsspondenl by Ur. I. Mott .-milli, ti.. Ilaw-jllaT! Mini*;.:- lo thc United btati , show bow Um rageiaUoa can be found at all seasona of Um yeer. V^ iere\ paka, date palm. travrBera' tree, and wuit; panii are aa hut-riant In D-.-cembcr a- tn May, ind the rapidity sf growth ol every kind ot Hon la Hana!] I* .- 'M thing in irv. Hon.. 1 lr ? yean 1(0 tbe lawn In Ironl of H.. bouse ol Samuel Parker, til* rx-l'rla;.' Minister ol Foreign Affairs at Honolulu, vasts barren Bl I plain. Today il ls a** lu-iuiant u.-> B 'Asni tn Ci- llkuti itlons. Vhs atna sala I i I illful tree. The frull on li. StriP tswhlea a huge bun fa "I grapes, .grows In a Buster to a lasgth e.* i-lgjil feel. Tba alf kt ol ulid and ever-changli - 1 * nama presented cn that peri ol Ihe 1*1 ind. Eat li valley lo I ? li ivi Bi r li oka more charming than t ,?? one Jus! passed, Prom Ihe seashore to the mountani summit stretch dense forests of tn plc .1 pros th, in pl ii'. i pei '? ? t Jungle, thc dark gr.-, ii ol the orange, koa pandanus and ohla lo a. nu,ri.-d contra ; io thc bright sUver leal la Iud. LARGEST tPPLE OBI BABB IB Tri!'. WORLD. In the niel ?:i Iricl between Hana and Kalku duling July and August ti", m.,-: v. luUful and larges! apple orchards tn ;:.?? worhl . in be .-??:.. Tbe '?'?..? !? i<: Koolan, bs t!." district i. called, contain*, a forest .?; ni*:,,' ...ii apple ire . i uuitl - lu number, : i from the . i far up ibe mountain Ud<. i vary Irom forty tu Bfty :? I i*i hell *. and i:. ? . ? i..: i??? -i . ec i, from July lo S pb mber, .ii" loaded alt li fruit, some white, bul nu ll) red. A per >n Mondine In ll ? ml Isl ol this orchard can look around him tor mBi -, bp the mountain* and ^SSSLv *^^'>^ DATF PH.if WIATT QT" I'.EVS HOSPITAL (.nOEXBS, these lr.innn?" tranche! I* a revelation to a foreigner. S?I "traveller " tree" l* another curio Ily. lt gel -. shy *;:"???. In barren parla of iu- Island . n m.' di ?; n ?? trotn rtraarns, :.: i i- called a ?? lrav< lb r." :: ???* i ? MiCii h.',,- fa ,.! tv .'a:: ....;? ! t:. ?? hold-; BbOUl fl I|!isr1 Sf para water, it oatehca Ute moLsture a! rainfalls and reWIn* it f .r a long 'inc . or until on ither -'.".n-.r come, ?long. Tu..- krranehca ara soft, Ukc all tropical vegets Baa, and by la Hiing i katfc Into tie- ts.*.- of any of t_rm a rafreshlng <u.nk esp be obtslncd. a thirsty tr_r.J!?-r 1- fte.pirntlv Ind.-Med to tl." tree : ?! .. ?UV.:. - .. || li i... .? Ifl U v. , fat >!,-'.HU. 'i-i i. laUou io lbs Bswatri glvea ualvrrsal vari ly lowar! Ihe i a, n id Hie only ll Ing In view " .'I he oi.- va : -- ? *? ?? ol .-?: le tn* . Illi-nilli r?*d * i ? ? sud i : tiing fruit, ihe bran I I in-- i . ih.. gn nnd "ni;. .?. iiop of Ulla extensive ? planted in tie- si lli'.rv watte, would lill u Pei 100 learners. The orchard streich * oivr a ri i,I.- to ten mlle* wMe, by iwent; mll< long. The frail : delicloui for ll le u ??. and will appen both Ihlr i .-. . ' i ngi., I ? i ? I I.;' the I rouble lo make < immen l .1 u ? ol I U lieu ripe Un-' lill liol k< |. ff I lill ll ll we. :,, hill ll,, y make ? i -? 11- ? i: r li i'i mid Jam, und ihe luck ol ii lilli*! ' uti ip:. ? i.* uu utal, , burrel -ali ^ ^X-"* f '- -----^^kK' ,.? - fK_M'f!-S-_. ^^^Cam^^^^^iWti^^^^,^,J^.^v'Kr^r:- - Ll ',^ '??>-c--t__..-t4*.-is_r.^-1v*:^^."--v*/.__-..:-^" ^--.*.u "-- '--.^-:__ " -- V "S \ --; ?-T^-? 'S'.-.t~. .j .. *^-"?-jr**?--? ^^^K?_L ""*' - ~ -_^ _ " - <-> DIAMOND UK ID. to!'5 Bora. There sre - 11 p les of How. ring phinls 0n ?"'" I hu,!*. .,:,.i me unusually largo proportion of ?"?lera* ,,.? vascular cryptogram .Ol Ibe HU p i i sr* J..'i.'ni only ...i Ihe i land . I ? ; i ? ?g. Mn* kv "ty i-lmt - |, large, and some ol zr*..- gnicrn ut o Uer n*glonB grow i" an Im bA| * rite lu Hawaii. There I- .1 dock thal o. a ' ? ? ? lh? bright sf 1 sly lert, ' ? *** Is-iin- iiu, average .-I/..-. .. plantain (pliantago) ""?wm* _ -u.ii -i_ 1,,: before bran bing mWR% -fi /!??" cnovxDs or a lyuVATE house. O^nlrm wp", , s._.u ,wrtV(. *,.,., h...., ..,?? four Inches 1 * '? ?;.a piBsia not rsaaata from Hm eoma?oa ct-_fc* '" U*l tr*, bushy shrub-. "' ?? ?-vriiixc IB Pl < TMiri.i:. Ot^Wrfki ** fe*tur,*s ot Honolulu ur.- 1- thc Bea nuning honolu-."' * H**'id" resort about lour miles from ? f auid i are p rnrltli I ann-i illy t . mn to thc tn md I and tut. " THE '. IKI.'.N OP 1 There ls a B| ot In llawi ll . alb <: '* 1 he Carden <.f Ed< n, and ii lei- ic, a ni i upi roprlulely i Died. ! ? . ce I on lin n nluiitailon i Janu i Hails,;:. I,, ar Hoi -lulu. .. ?? . ? mUful . arden i- ' ult un tis! near Ihe i lg l< nine ;u one > nd ol the plants lion. Here thi* Northern apple gros rip, by the sldi of lin-dale palm and Uti un ny orange Roses whose came and i.n i ii arc I. gu n. : .. coi ii, bio som, un I thal bloom no diminutive, ... .;.i.i .1 tl......i bul abundant :.- ii a roars during June in Sew Bi g*and. Thc numl ? i ? I du!.:, ai v uriel lea ..; Bowers al i lapalal aa, Ihe name of Mi. Das stt'a beautiful home, cumiol !*? ks, than ?.*? 0 . nor caq Hw varielles of frull Ires be less ll in .'.<? ''H.- peculiar feature ol I'lapolakua I* Hie en* lire ai., in.- .{ - pi iii.-, m stream, ol water. ? louds, rain and den- in ;? 11 tue season* furnish crops, dowers uii i tics iii;ii their i.e. .ni supply. AN' IMMENSE si ;.\.'*. PLANTATION*. "Fifty mil..- from raia. In tin- north ra part t" Maul Uland, i- thc plantation oi tn.- Huwallai Com ni . Company?oi.e of thc Im t t sugar es:atei lu tht woihi. Ur. J. Mid! Smith mya. On ibe tai dv lath i ut eonnecllug Baal and Weal Nani and cn a plain which wai farnerlj arid ?! -.ii where pot a t; Bcai '? i ? i i.i',.:.- of gm ton can now I.- abos green pa gardens, av. nm * or ir es, and 12 0 aj sores of gt ow! ? sag-reaae, <>n this extensive pi.ii.a I ?n I a su i n,ni capable ol nuinufnctniliig ISO lons ?>: Bugai a gay, Tills grvn! rbaiigu wa, b il bv st; r'ng Ihe rain gift >>i the dunda, wul li (..rage- bsd i. il- n on harrell rocka forty miles distant aad ran lo waste int,i t ." sa. Tbe work if tran feirtng ih- rd fall from Hi" moil::! :ln- lo ll" sugar plantation I- BUS >.f th" great.-i 1 .e. "s of ei'.iii. >?: I.-.' Ill t*,c PatlCC, Twenty-eight lanaels. 3*1 fsel.i I thrungli boIIJ rock, some of ih'-ru WO fer! ibroagb, had t o te Rat belara maei i.-'ii's wei, obtained Th water l< br ch: iBiangh pipes, sad they deliver l.rioo.000 cali f.-t ,,: water a gay. Tho OBaasercW Comp.ny o**.n. yean ago ? ....i I !*? found, i . . !?? i til .1 gower ..-.OOO sere, ?f ;3n(1 !n tnl, v-|,?v% -.?., .?--<, ^^ oi ihe tract ar* eonstanUy under cultivation. ana fragrant gowers rxerdse, ovei nil ?-:. , breaths per l.aiinv i,lr tris once c\i)-.**cd l.v Harli T??in In ap .bile Bddrcs, .Be? ll* !--.?.;:, froiV. iVlTul- in rafarrtng to iun_ii be said; PRINCESS VICTORIA RAU'LANI, '* No allen land In all ti." world b ia any _eep, itrong charm lor me l.ut thal one; no other land could *. longingly and be*.-! chingi) haunt me, sleeping snd waking, through hall ? lifetime, a, thal on ;.. doue Olb r tu:.-, ll tvs :: ., bul ll Bbl lc, . "li. T * I ise. Lui it remains th" sain-. Por nv IU I limy A HAWAII PALM TREE. ? irs .ire always Mowing, Ita nmmt-r ?'- gai I | In the Sim, Ihe |!!_ nj ii. slllf.M-al i- in nu >..:. I cnn ??? ll ' mi i . :? ,i i cai,; . ii |< g| lng -.. i* ..;? -. li plumy palm .1 01 113 :?- lue shore, lt* r. m..*.- sn:.. .1 ..i. 1 .? elim in : I ? au f< ? I te- pin*. 1 . Ibe plash "* ,' lu . ? 'ri! lill Hies th breath 1 1 tl ..-.??? . iu_i p, ,-, ... ,1 1, cniy yi si .1-"..'' ARMY Soil s OP INTI RI W. lr h now ?? Maj rr KU] ih W. !.' ' rd. V nastcr, ri.'t"i Mali Army." ! di iwlng il e a< ll ? ?< Hie .-??n. it ? 1 ? un .ii--.' on Mil li ry A Itali In recoi ;al n of pal ma lier *i the from '?*? nly-flve lo P.? - paid a p i-1 ? ? t-> the I'C' iktct 1 thc ab lily ly 1 ' , i .1 *ji ?. tide i ? 1 don "' Mr. li?: ," a full fledged ; 1 .missler In the Armj lo nil in ? ol the iw . existing 1 1. ??, 1. . .iii 1 I ? ? '? - u ? -1 dui. M , i, li ? v Ul |. .1 .'.. ?! io \: mi .in*... hut Phi ma *? ? ii ilfm : ii u .1 !*? eniircl without 1 dufb . le: lng M ? Mir ' ter', lerk tu Mi s'b-dgc of | lei will aervii him wi li in i.i ? rn 11 * ? 1 nether vi r-' utting fro .\*.-i tani Parma -.<?:? 1 '. 1- of tho 1 1 of l natl* Mill ir> ? ? , . ? - , 1 ? ' nf UO pel et Di In III ? dill lal p." ?!. I "I i'i.rps, it I <! President will vacancy until the 1 I ] ? ii ie irs .I.-., I., ;i i 1 .-i p. 1 ma k duclng I ? -.-.:. only ? few s ii - -1- was i.-"i , ? 1 ti Ini eil la 1 I" ? I : 1 ? . 1 I'l I Lilt lilli" I i ill , ? : 11 ? ll! In a . I . . . ... il ?? .- of ". : . . . I . 11. .. 1.1 ? f ". I ? ? , il," Ai 11.1 Hi bi lu r-i'.i.. ' ' 1 pp from 11," Hu if Hie An I I* iii rll.t ? . 1 :..! ? md f>r feel lt I* Uti] ' ;? ihl ? ,1 . .. 1 ? . . . . . : d .u.: i 'I I.-.-;' : - .1 I down, h ? 1 1. ,| in th ? : . i ? . . 111*. ' Un one 1 i ? r".l I v thc |g, 11 ? Mill! rout' -:i ,'-.<:, in 1 ub lilllie : ?. Ihe bill 1 im.-.-d lin lon. ll p ? 1 .'.. i :',,,' lil e. 1 I twentV'on I'M.-* o.- Infsntr . ? 1. 1 . . lom In cbcIi regiment ol srtill ry in-r a!" ti I ??? .I:*' ' i. . . ll tl ??'. le Ul . I I I : Ul . '? '? ll ' 'I i'll . In ul ? , 1 tot ?! .! l.iii 1,1 t L1.1 lil ml If Un I.i! .. lhere sill I- 1 dd<d lo 1 Mu 1 . . ? i . 1.... , Henani. "i ? 1 lleljol .11 , Ittl-Ill) Ililli ' p ... . !. ?* ?.'?? I"l..,',.'l' ??! In-il Ikui I be 1 1 , and Iht* second I.nilen Im 1 i 1.1 th- in 1 in id lr , 1 |kii ul foin 1 olmu K loni |l< ut, I .,: ' ? , ?? ? ini" lil >l th 'U' lian - ;,i..| ; 11 I llru'i 11.uit-; iii! I mi 1 r thirty . nm ? .ipiaii . ?? .1 .11 ni .1 lill" I, ll j.,, ' |l|i lill ! ? ? ',, .j. I Ul . ... ll 1 d of 01 n ".. '.?'. , lin ? lo Hie hill Un ;.;..:.: I . ? ..1 -o .ie ii Inly loiui-cti'l vii ill 1 1 l?r< ni. nt ni 1 ?? ? : 1 n??! :. 1,11'" I'll* I . ...ri: Vi :. li mi . IV MU Inri ' u 1 in Pl' I 1 cuni ? ' I sud a r> ll 1 . i. u li I,.. M lie .-. -i.i mg .-: on indi 'i mid a, "? ii b year In ? p Iii nee 1 - di ip f. r 1 nu dei . lon ll might I 1 In ipi li w.mid 1 re-t ?Uh , . ... ? dil! ce be I weeli Hie ll md Ile- .' ' Bl len to one Ibu! tbe ll .'. II. NI ;.?;.:' incl I ? lon a r on ! .1.1-.:. , . of .. lon ? iii d tut ult*, ll it hu .iel ?"? . rilled l.i lb :.u : ,.1 .n "I all ? irtl 1 ic pellll. . r?-.d I, ;. 1 iid 11 pi litton pn ed lu th' 1 1 ?'? 1 rea.I ire dm lo hi tunnel laius ss a msli 1 ... lin retired t of Hu Ai . The '-iiiu.. H.- t:..ul.'- ' wi re lu ,? 1 .. ' 1 with a (iii "?? ?? from hi. wife, mid :. . |i ii.-: ,11 ?? : Iii ', . ',. ..f t te U" I I" nwt M ,, , ;, i 1.iv. er* in An .1 and * si .., - 1. . , rsl s 'll-JI lon. Ile ?. ? i tent l resignation to Wa-li : gi 1 . He ii-!b :??* ? ? lion "I. ld P-UI ni a. ibe ground * u 1 ? ? ?? ni nfl thc 1 cur f lu- ii', ri 1 ?? . ?? : 1 ? ? md by ria ??iii if Ids 11.1111) *? received In thal er .Ire l.e wu*, ut ll ll lu I:..' and 1 o".' !> Incapacitated Irom 1 irtWlig his own li '? ?;. c. ' A iii i:. ? pa -1 ,| t .- Ho isc p Idli " tl .11 arbon a : 11 a? . 1 .,, 1 1 1 , 1,, mon nf p Iradi 1* :<t any ?ullin np iii shall 1, ,1 be filled, an 1 Iha ? il Kaitj 0 m.ile such appointments termlnali with ti"- ap* ?rora! of tbe bill. General schofield recently I of beac p"'t tra-:.: r ii :? ... who held these privilege, ,? pei ona! ?.:.'? p i!-i...! I ii fl ur nee, lt had .'t 1..??? an easy 01 pleaianl lash lo i'..v'v.r any Haoy of them also had Invi ited 1 bia 1 : Ital al tarp . ? era t. ? rel ira 1.1.tit I to co ? . . . timi 1 ? loss Ibdr basin* -. bul their proPti nad been targa vd i.r. .:..'!? tlc beep 1 Mr Hal is.: became President. On March 1, l-_'J tlitri* ,,, 1 . --. . ? Du, traders, a 11 th tb ii ? 1 ow n irj lg; seven ol Hie -- hava been Informed thal Ihelr . . will be n vol i ?* al 1 date fixed so lo hen: I oppori 11 uv o close out their b udna - *?? ttioul eiion- lo*, Four "I Ut* olher 1- ..:?? ai posts * ll :,. i,, bc abandoned, ard lin pnrpi -<i law would tr-t il of the "t'i": ll. '" 1 end -. hotleM and mai J "th.-r ifUrers ii- well .'* Hu lisve recognised Hie ystein a? u p niSelou, one, snd whalever usefutaes, 1 ,ie: had li 1.1. oulIB "d, a d ll, sboll?bmenl will e for thc i!.'.':??-'. ol ie Army ..i.' tor ii"- good Bf IM 1' '"in _ Tie rcii,i.*l"ii Bf lbs unexpired sentence- ut C lionel I...;. . 1:. romp! ci li t' ? Prc Iden! BBB BM! Mic lao*! i ?.?.?: arno g ri' my tdlren ol Um Army ., Cat I--' les day . allhoui 1 Binny agree v.nh Bet rai Mi..rife*. 1 thal lbs full lenience should have .en 1 lionel Compton ?a- ihsrgel willi tttpeMe nrgtt t la aol bub king a Bart of !_> Beare mund which tc*>!c port in a riot snd assault upon th* Jail of Walla Walla, resulting In the lynching of a prisoner of iha cnn aatbsntlei who had killed a soldier, ll-* waa tnci ay court martial and sentenced lo three yar-, of lUsprnaton, and Acting gecratan i f \\sr ?.:ar:t recommended * n. .?'..-.. ti on ".f tbe punish ': ":' to '...- var A veir m.* taken off, and now ?? '*"'? "' "la. month! he I- restored lo duty ? :?? ? r g ? \um. hi, n glim ni tba 4th Cavalry, io the Bio tiranda Many oAcers regarded : - igalmt Colonel < .mpv n aa an ii ] .-t accusation, and to thu dav there li a difference of ? n- io the culpability .f thia oft-.,.!, whose icrvi i up ta thai tims had i en without blemli_. NATIONAL GUARD AFFAIRS. THE "HARLEM COMPs-NVS" RECORD-GEN'. ERAL 2CU1ES. company b, or th?- Hst Begfunent. known Uso m !.'.?? Har! a. Company, win celebrate tba =t\'h anni reraary ol Bi rcorgnnltiUon on Thuraday evening b| gii'u..; a -Mag- m its n.ruii.*, one tun.dr. .ind twenty-PUb afc, iu.n Seventteave. Besldci all memben and ' \ n," n,i,. r- al tba company, uer" hava peen invited Um oflsi ra Of I l.t. a namber of nieini.. rs ol in- <.|.i OuarS ai.d UawUHou Post, the commandant ?.f which, a. m. L'nderhlU, '.va* torraerly capislp nf Company B. The compaay like mest ku bsd Ita ups tut downs, but li now exceedingly proa perons. Company li -hared (he prominence sf tha Tl t Regiment before Ihe war, and made a credli bte record al tb. Boat, but shared the fata of n.any like organltatlani Puring the period of reaction (rom ruliUnry a i.uiv Paring Ihe ?evenOea. Tbs membership roll muli there were only six or .-ci ii name, fen, When tba compaay wai reorganlted, it wai intended 'o mala- lt strictly a Harlem company. On t'ebruary -. 1--7. t iv. niy t. ve men uer.- DI tut et ed In. A. Sf. Belhnap ii is elected captain. P. P. Tilden wai cho*n Prat Ifenti nant, and ern.ton ii. Smith, second Heutsn ant. me company Immediately became prominent, not only as a military, bat as a social organisation, ind nt t r.i ;<sl b lal ge iieint'i'i hip, li,i liding may - men from ihe 7th Beglment. Boomi at Ba. IS West one hundred and iwi nu pfth-sl uer., occupied * ?* i oul two years, when tbe reen.* now ased arei blamed, A tu* a n Biter Ihe removal Pi tr red all the pr pert] ".' tho eui.puny, including a co U] ? iii-.., punch bowl, ta,- gut oi tiie Richmond Howttaeri r Virginia, abom Company n entertained la i-u". .nd th" bronte trophy, "Joan of Aro," the properti af ti..- Pint Brigade, al that tims held iv theeompsny. Ih- ap:,rim- ir. a re imnMdlatcly refurnished. They ronslst .,f two large rooms, a Millard and <iur. parlor furn] bcd In oali ami provided with plano, hilliard tablas, etc. i ? company begnn to wear the dre- anlform re? cently adopte 1 l.v Ike regimen! a'oat Ihr." v ar. aga, and lakes mach pride in being the pl.ter In Ihe movement. Every Bicmber i- i mr. roan, sid nine ai" ii'i-j ibootrra. Tha comp my bold, Ihe Zsbilslde Tr p..*. a bronae piece ralltled "Kalute to Caesar," won in cempetltBm bj teams "f len Irom enck eon.. psi v. lt ni,., bolds ii... Colonel' Cup, for h ivtng Ihe grsatrat pen ???*. :? of marksmen la-t i.-ir. Th -.-rle of Informal drill aird dui."* had tack winter u I..-- Harlem Opera House I among the prominent octal affairs iti Harlem, Tl.apany has Ibe bmx! ilium iiiiiiU.-r f m. h. and alway, bas several narnia on the rsi-.,. || . i:,.. pr -mu nilli i are ("ai.tala Clinton ll. Smith, Fii * Lieutenant "Thoma W I mp ?un uni Lieutenant Willam I. listen. I . .:.?....' Timpson 'a* |u*l sent In li re .-..ulon. if lt i- j .p.-: Ll. Henani Itasca wUl aadoubtcdly ba lei ?"! i a - i.i iii ant. m fifo- -vf,? ? CS Mri ? i.i * "--'- '"i-i, ."-i-'-_*?'->'-* - 1^ ' ?0 ?A, , I UM ll* I. I \ I ? V 11 In (linton I1, dei th i ? .ora* rij :i member 'i :? ||..g :.i nt. ii- en.i-'. >i In Cob * . ? rm ie'.. ?'. i--1. li- ass ried d ie und i .. ipa ? I. "Isl .:? ?. un-.u. .. i: : . IO, it oo aller Us re organli i I a. Al oul i. I,??.., he ' ? ? le led Pi * lleutenai t. wk li ,,ii, in,ic i Mired :.. accept Ihe poa! ol ad .ii I--... nn t:i" rettrcraant ol captain Bel : op h v I el ??! < sptsln, He ba b* a for aba il uni fen y. i ronr.i ed with li l"arh Board ami is . ' ; ' ' .-.lilli., nil - |B ' I'l ide ; , |.,.. lng appointment, ol n m-< >> ubi I l Bed fflci-r ' A ergeants, Corporal ll. II. Iii'. P. D. : ibrook and B. !" Cary I as rorporals, Privates B. ll itli-r, ( ii ri- l'.. Taller and ? il am C. inskell. ?Il match between loarra from tVimpany lt ? ? i ni] D will be l-l I :u th- armory :, ;, ii. rhe ro .. o ike ld ska Ung rink u*hl i Uta : i i; .-., ,. ? i n . i irtly " lng lor an Bruns r . || i e-v biilldnw I In Ike pro-* ni '.. islructlmi .: l.i f.. ul i full i li tl al ibo regtmental :.,.-, oa :. >, lcd thal Un1 tuen be all med b laka tbetr untforn li their homes. The uniforms ? ? i. entlj been rile ? i .armory, In response , oi dei .. ? ' ' -"'c ??? ? ? al Bia .i o! i.i" men ?ive been rbllged i> -11111 In wei or damp clothing Dd !...*.i- !? I.""- ll pi I i ':- Tte Slate law ra ii- i:?- m.! i.r ? si d r inlpmenl- te kepi -* h.. armory, bul ll lin I ?'*:. found Impraeilcable (?? amply ?i h Ihe las st pn ent. ll I, exp rle.1 thal ...i. ..: il.-- nea l.uil.l. ig will be pu bed rapidly. Tit* modi' . i ro'-t or .ii * filch niu be i bu ed v. r ii e main ? mrni ??.':.--?? *rrnorj kn - l.i mip ? lcd, und "h. ? *? ho h .*??.??? lcd ll *U Ihsl i... id p at! factory. Il I liv, reef high and h ? ? i i,, sd. Al uve i un - ;* ?? hoi I ng n lrumpi'1, and , ,? itu , ld .i ildli r In ll - ni I -"' r I '" ?'' ' eglrn. iii uland, nt order. Ib-Jow H.e '.Lld. irnsrtcred , - i ,*..'.., ?,-? md the i Ibe mono, *-l*i.. Bri, el pro loci ." ll ?UI 1- cu* i grui !?? a u ? .led In Th- Tu!.?in- las! we. lt. the 71 ' through Um < ouricsy i f Col mel ' "orge ,, i .. ..tu ,| tic n ?? of tbs -Hi Rc ri im ni . | i on friday a id -aturday sven n ts during :, ,,,,,i April. Member ot lit, rcgl a ni ii; uniform may prartl-e at " IO p. m. each ding ? , th- fouowln : -- li mi... ii and l). Pebruary U and -*?? Man lt l-l ' "?' antes A. C and K, Pebruarj ll, March i I -inpaniri P, U, ll and I, Pl hm.,i* 17. M n h 1". p-ll |. i,.,. v i.? ipetltor i for Ihe I ibrlskle rophy. i??? leam ol ten men each, will be held '.*i pul 7, i . .. ?' ul. i li iva making lbs ncc ? sty ' . ._ ,',,,;?, ,. rtiUcd i". arlll re elvo thc Armory ,u, ;,. 'j -. , u _?? will ne under Um charge of Clip ,a r.d ".in .".* kt, In i? dor ?i ride practice, who Ul i b I a ? ? . ? ? > <'? " Pg , tuning < i ? mary B, the Third Ballal on, . .rn ?Ung of r...i|..:.. A. ll and I, mil -ln'.i riiursday i-tc.i.1 "i i ih.vening , nanm., ni ? ? umltlec of ' . mpany ?.. ot I, , i, \. M. 1.1.i>.'i i ? ? hairman, tu* uiriinci ,. .,, I;..,., . i| dann io be ..-.-ii rn ii." veb rans ,".,., , ,?, pc, ry ,.? I'ebruan ' This will ba Um . ..... i i,i ihe ..cup.:.! ls iou Lent. ime hu ?'-."! and Hvo oul "f uno liundi ii ... l la ,.,,,,?. ',.( i mpany K have quahtt d lor the Armory l's I .i'lr-c. i, ui. .!< ?? '.ui'iie.! Bl Hi" i|iiorieriy meeting I thc ? Mrni - ol the "tb Beglnu nt. b< hi In Jul un: v. in iih.< ?? i, . ..?,. isblci "ii the wall, ol ile new building at ,.' N.--.1 i and Pul*.bi u, . (hs t? ,,i ti,,' old .hasespeare tavern wbrre U.e reg! ? ?nt waa lu-' organUeJ. Dla tablet will bc ilmltar , th ?<" ii.-u-il lu lb Sous ul Hw Uevoluit'n on - , rli Hies In eitj. The Veteran ( lub lin* ,i!-.> In h.uid th" revision of ,,. ii-t ol Hi" 7 ir, .'.'.ii Dead. A <_-??.;lar letter tl reen lent o.;t early repliei are renaeatt- to .. m.s N.i it. i e i::iri Regiment pfive a ? Hag at the armorv . r-. th.- entertainment consisting principally exert Isca, Including boxing and fencing ... r..rr:*'ci lu charge wera C i. I., icli i i lard * Linell, T. e. Dunn and .f. -.. n'Oalr Dr Henry, regtawnla] Burgeon, fca- >.r!eied j prize He- Ambubuice I 'i':1- Tha compeUtton i. lo [lend "n'-; Hie end of Um -???.- n. wheo ta- prl.. I III I- BWardts] fo: c-n-ral STCClli C I t company I l? lo have a dinner . . Pebruary 13 Company i> ls pi:.uni:.: lor an entertainment to be vi . In March. Holier u. li,-I.-, bas recently h-en appidnted senior ol Ike r 11? r Brigade signal Corps, Instead o, harte* ll Super, :.- ka been snnvunred Mr. ll.-ii*:1 i, laen r..r Ihree year Ireasiurer of Um corps, r:.* re eptlon ol lb Bnval battalion will take place l Pebruary IB, ?t Hardman Hull. PUth-avs, ind -.iv eniti-t. iv ut I neut naval afheent wlU ba present ni peak aa naval ?abjecr?. Th* '"iii'l Hat talion of tb* 14th Regimen! wUl live r>" :--*i. guard menni snd nr.ii al ike irn ui on !>i. lerv in Colonel ?..?on.. Iv Scott, ..f thc .-u. Beg) ??nt, ulii lie the re-'fearing often Bsw-Ycrk Central, seal route la I fevetand, Detroit, i!'.*i_o. ( .i.i'iliiiall. it. Loull and all jiotlil-, WiiL . l! Tl .1 FROM BENCH AND BAR. GATHERED FROM LAWYERS AND AMONG. Tilt: COUBTfl Judse Nathaniel r-hlnman, though h.- ha* frei'tently Bal In the Circuit ('? nu. In New-York, baa only re erntly become constantly associated with th>- writ -.f tks ti.!' -I .tates Couria acM ir. tkli city, h.* ipp r.'.nient a, an additional Circuit Judg" under the Evarti aol met with hearty approval among mom her, of tl,,- tar In this city, and kia work Itt the td -'a!** (Hurt Of Appeals bus '-sillied |ha ?i* do:n of the appMgUni at ? o' ., ttV^ j OJj\ IC DOE BATtlANIE-i SH I I'M AV. Judge -iiipnuin waa a graduate of Yule Collegs In tim class nf 1 -i-i. ami u prong nant al ail cb.-- re uni..r.s. His sturdy Ilpili" and uncivil feature*, lighted with a genial .-.mile, aro often ie li In anil at.o it Alumni ll..11 at th" nieettti". >f Vale graduate*, and h.s Wit Bad good li'ininr Blah* 1.1m socially popular. Ills career on the hench has covered twenty vars; hs hms appointed la 1st:; as tbs United Mites District .indi.'" for Connecticut, and ratslnad that pssltlon anti! appotnted to Um hench of Um Ctreatt court, ll" juts tali n pan in deciding BMst nf tba esssi which have b-.n Brgasd before Hie Imp > tribunal of wkfeh h.. i.s a member. Ha asa glvan a number of IntcrosUag dselatoRa In pat.-nt cases. One of his m.?-t, Important recent opinions "as that tn Lbs cu lom. w|| arising oat of the Importation of BWSSt* e.i.-ii c?xolata hy gob-Blag*, gtcUarerck _ Co. There i- a paragraph tn tha Costoms act fixing the duty on "chocolate (other than ebMOlata coafscUoa cry and chocolate eoaiBMrclaUy known us sweetened chocolate), 3 cents per pjund." Tba laaportera tried io show tho Intention of the legislators iiu* that tbs partnthesla ihaaM end after the word ?? "i/.s ti m. r-," and that tweet snag chocolats ahoold ba suhj.ct to a duty of only ii rania a pound. Maure ben of ihe pan tara ace oommltteea af th"- Beasts and Hob '? of BepresentaUvoa on the customs act had ofli. lally -aid tliat lUCh was th" 1 tlt<-ti!lull of l>Oth committees, and it appeared that lareetened chocolate waa Bot otherwUa ipectgcally aenUoaod as .subject to duly. .Iud?" Shipman, Iii the prevailing opinion, holding ilia! iii" parenthesis must remain In the act ..nd .sine:, n.ii chocolate ba considered dnUatda under *oine utlier paragraph, said: '-Are, then, tho declara? tions of tho BMmbera af lbs committee sufficient io (hans.- ti.* manliest meaning of a itatuta a.s lt pa.s*ed iii" le.i-iiitii" t.*iv mid received the approval of the President, snd lo construe lt In accordance ulraVi Ihe Intention of tin- committee! 1 think that such a judicial constructlou of a ktatats Is akin to Judicial ] legislation, which, as Congresa has refund lo act upon the subject, lt li well to avoid." Judge Wsl l.u". In a dissenting opinion, considered th* paran* thesis a. simply punctttaUon, which could bs dis regarded, and li.e statute construed as intend.- hf ['?ingres*. Judge Shtpman'i liigaencs in the court ii.i* i.ii conservative, and he la regarded a- ans of ll. ni,, r careful and painstaking of judicial officers. M.uiv complaints have rc cully b-en made nf the conduct cit "?( rneya In annoying bustaesa nien bv means of forms intended for th* eatleetton af debts, am capable alao of ssc far blackmail and oppression. There arv, lt teems, pol s few nwa-fcors of the bar ? . are willing, for th" -ai", ot tho fees to ko ab tal ned, to enter Into eon ip rules to oppress or rulp bu Ines, houses. The ac) of such attoraeya are not n.'ot to the close supervision which they should receive from the liar A--., l.itlon, and If the lawyers ir,- skilful enough t'> evade His criminal Ii'.v* there !,, he bo pani hmenl fo:* them. In England, md perfcap in aome puts ..r tbjs country, thara ls ? rloser suncrvlilon of the conduct of membari oe tba i ir. and any charges of the misuse of rands or of tho ,.,.;,re*.I"i: of <ll'-n!* are quickly pron ? if clients are quickly brougbl before tba tribunal. .', .ins-!" court In England wll] frc iiieutly :u ons UiUng hen- a dozen or iwcnty > wes il :ii.- rharge* hrou-iit by tie* lui" .'"I'-'v against . ii m :- Pinn are Impo-icd: soHi'ltoi-s ru. suspended di .I fr-in Hi.- roll, or Imprisonment may follow ? ni,, i ". h. ih" . r min. ii court. Many lour ;e: on In 'til- rountry who aro defrauded or :, |..i iv their attorney, ran Hid no adcipuiie -.-ii.-*., and the condition of Um profession in public esteem I* lowered, "Tin- St ?'?? Yorfc Law Journal" ls added to the long i t nf rimller publications opposing a farther turtle Inti ol rnptial punishment, lt -..cms to h.. beyond loubi ii u a ne. cg i.i ii i ? rs. nt least, thara is a eonllaaed ?fowUl o'' s i:tini":il lu favor of thc als'liiion of th. lea tn penalty, Beveral of tba better toewn fecal .?r.o.u :,i* have recently h-d articles attaeklng tho .uv* providing n-r punlsbmeat by death. '*Tiie tfew .'ort law Journal" points our that lor warden tn [.ind hy intoxication <u- pa lion no penalty operates . a preventive, and that In long premadltated cns..*, e. ii :i. those i-i poison, Ihe murderers us aa ll J rely a tip ir rleverness la escape detection. Tbs peaaBy le. nut off ri .-titer l!:',.. the nateulatioaa of any ttmwt ( murderers. Congressman Curtis ul Urti state, in ?iv...aim-' the abolition of the death penalty nader Im United -tat"* fews, ?howi thal in Michigan, Bhortr .land. Wi ronsln nnd Minn.., where the death penalty - no! lp Plc ted, Um number Tn murders kai -teadiir .?creased, ll mar be questioned whether there i*. lu- -mm. opinion on 'his subject In the ci mni'inlly at srge, bul among lawyers He-re ?.m, n. imv.- barn n in. re.:-..Hy Strong s. ullin 1.1 ai,'h.. t th.- form Of nu..-'.uncut. Tl ? recent meeUng ol Ute llllnota Slate Har A--o laibm waa chi..riv remariusbla f..r two sddresiea ky lib riv buyers, la artilcb lhere iva* a marked differ !ic.. i-i sentiment, Ly nun Trumbull, thc president f in.- a.*.*lau.m. in i.i- annual address criticise!] ol gea and lawyers Ipr their lack af progress. Ile ?ii.-il thal Iq brunches of science, kn medicine and .i".v. and everywhere except in law there hal ??en great progress wilbla a hundred years, while ie- -. lettes of furl-prudence I a ! Hood still. Therc l, a universal (oliowing >.f precedents aad little i'.ginni thinking. Ile quoted lbs "Rufe lu shelley's bb i lance ol ibe rtrength of aa aaUqualed octrine, and lamented tba! lawyers and Judges were isplred ?" liuie with tba -pirit of -p-rogress, and wera ? ubscrtienl to forms, prec.'denl and authorities, ii- eminent member of the bar who ipoke at in- nuning In spriugdeld waa John Deon eaton, who .i f;- .i number ol icir- on thc bench In Illino! ::"i who I- now over eighty yean old. Ha gave a .. tu.f legal i nu lu ?? a he kn a lt Bfty Pvc or xi) years igo, aad bis alori* , tull of wll ind plei nt i ' ..ll'*.-ti.-ii, showed that In many respects at :.-t lhere had !. rn a gr it adi i pile of l':. m.i "t i: rn the cu ii.uii.i "f lau yew. Judge I al in - ld thal by ia. c.. !, iancUoni i by court and lawyei . muck ot e i.ii." ii- ;,; i formality I rmerlj rcquhred wai liain.iie'i. There had ilsa i ? ? >n great changes In :?? law ..r "viden .-, so that now a person uh. has p..lary Interest in ibe ct ni of b trial I- aol et ii.' .i entirely debarred from appearing as a nit . : i d a . rlmtnul i nos nlloWed to li rtlfy In bl ? 'lin- admission ol women to Hi-' bar wu* ... n :?::???! i ' .? .1 -*-p Iii advance, Judge Cs ton i"i.-..l mi Iha id Circuit riding dam with Lincoln, ??? Judge Hreese und Judge Voting. Both al ." nirctlng ul lb* BssoclaUon .uni the dinner which 1 lowed u. bo was full .( Interesting reminiscence* . ? uly .: i* - nt Ibe ! ar lu Illinois. Ill* hope I view .1 Hi" a lvalue In |*gal nu thod, im* iu con asl '?. thal '' Jodge Trumbull, bul ih" rritlclam* of io iatter on the weight ol precedents and the lack of ?ulina! thinking among lawyers dsservea -erinn*, nt -Th" Columbia Law times," nnder Its present n: igamcat, li or.e of the most readable of the legal erl diesis, itv.d th* current number ls full of bright aragrapba. Paul K Am-*, one of th.- rsaodsra of ie BMgasias, glv-s some good advice to young p ni Honer- In theil relation, with Ibetr client*, rho li "i adds iu- word ol eondemnaUon tu tbs an s-tunate bill offered la the Legislature, providing ,r ti. sdmlnlon u practice a. attorneys of oM mn. .?rs ol th" Legialature, without aa) csamlnaUon **. , tbelr Itaoas. I* -!.-i.r,ii recent criminal dsctatoai ara InterasUng. i a Tessa eaao tha vardfet wa* In uranga! ?? Wo i I.... rind ti.*- ddradaiii*, >>i Um theltt, and ,..-.- in- panlabaienl ai sis yean in lbs *Pa_ltsnuire.* .iiiiil. ti .1 Ibougbl iiiu li" Hight escape i iii- gronad thal ti"* poor .pelling awda Um v-idi t iiiiieiiigii.le, inn iii,. Tubs _apiaaM Court hm ma uicd il.. conviction. Hie same court luis J i. -, * J., ihd ii... rase vf a mau accused of nianing i boran hick I."! lumped n.v. his Held end nus kepi there. :- court Hld Ital a* tin ic na- aa l rand nie ut I.,t lbs ai itt-- ...' ih.- tailing, there na- no larceny. Tba Pit.lilt.- Court in wi*..m.iii baa rat-raid th. u-itt of .i jury, becaana alter the Juror* had rsttng Uley asked the Judge -.rough their foreman whether In case of a verdict ot guilty they might depend upon the clemency of tbe court, and had received word from tho Judge that they Co so. The court held that this was an Improper inducement for the Jury to convict. borne of me mo-t carefully argued opinions ta a criminal case which have recently appeared are those of th.- Judges of UM -supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia, lu the cam* of tue l'eel "Splint Cos I Com? pany, "luca was BsnsieMd of violating laws pro? viding for the Welshing and nie.-u-urlng of coal at tho mir.. * before screening, and ueohllililng employe? from Issuing scrip not redeemable In money In pay meat of wag.-*. The majority of th* Judges upheld I'.' loiistit'iitiuiMliiy of tlie two laws which wera Violated. Trie judge* who wore In the minority rendered long and able opinion* which, with the prevailing opinion af Judge Luca*, form a valuable coa trtbaUon lo tr..- discussion of "store order?' legislation, and tba rights ol the Legislature' to interfere, with i>i.-lm -s pursuit-. -? i. IMPORTATIONS OE BANANAS. LA.T YEAR IMF. CNITED -TATES CONSCMEO 12,80.,no Bcxcua OK THE TBOn It'AL EUC IT. Plgtire* compiled by BM banana Importer* of Ut, ellp sho.r that theie were bioincht to the United Mate* tnim Central Amines sud the We.t Indi"'.* In 180J the rc*psc?. able total of ]'.*.8.'-3>,.I9 bunche* of I.anana*, worth au ? .;-. .1 number or d...I.,:- lu lrtOl the total importation cf bananas amounted to lO.fiS'l.ilO bunches, showing tho lacieasa in me year just dosed to bo RARHAS4 bunch*,. The Importers tay mat m.-*.- ggaisa are highly *atis. factory, ai showing tho ttaaly growth and importance of the trad", when tho Injurlou, effect of thc cholera sear' nf inst, year ls taken int.. consideration. Formerly [kia city wa* the (fefel banana port of the United Stat's, but the gaagiaphlaal BgvBMaoaa mfeyad by xew-oriesna .11 Hs BBanSSB Ut the lamina countries bis told heavily in tts fsi.-r. snd noir lt head* the list of (reporting cit!** vi un S,48P,gOI kiaiikn. iiiuie Bsw-Taatt uk", seeonO pla..- with a total Importation of 3.715.i*.--? bunche*. Ut the aieim.-r, MgBfad in the banana trad'! wholly or In part, forty-*i.x come to this port, tiieuty-four gu to Nen-.orleans, sevn tn Philadelphia, four to Raith;,ors, three M Huton, two to Mobile, one to "Savannah and on* to Montreal. Tho leadlug importer, of this city ara UNf.OADINO A n.lVAXA STEAMER. Bsarga H. Blebsrdaaa, 11. oumois 1 co.. j. H. Ben 4 Co., Mauea a.- Cb., (Teasels A Cs., hapbawill Fruit Caa* patty, li.'ine/. it lVar.sall, HsttgarBM Hr..,. and >'. Cu nco. The felfewlBg table shows the receipt* at this snd otiier port* fer IBM; us iv?il a., tho countries from which this eily drew lt* supplv: RECEIPTS AT NEW-YORK. It'ineh*,. Port, Elmon."."...'._ 5-'., VcT Inn al'a .1.0.'.", 87* Ra rsc.a .I,000,ii0? Asnlimall . 411,801 ulbara . .v.*(.us) llaoduraa . lox,flTT Han-* . 3:',f'00 Hmm . :c.',0'"0 Bluett-Id* . 2:1,498 Total....."..-...7.3.715.PM Total rn 1801.3.507,TKO IMPORTATIONS AT ALE POUTS. ISP'.' IK'.lt. Increa.0. New.nrleana . 4,4-3,-Sl :(.73.,3il 717410 N-vi York . 3.715 0-5 g.**8t.7-0 147.857 liiiindcipliia . 1 flu 328 1 "iu _:t*i 7U0.O04 B-ron . 1. Hi" 510 1.710.105 130.514 llaltlmnra . __5.077 OOO.OPg IS,,0f ?.Hannah . !'" '*' I 73.-OII 111).791 Miil.lle . 150.000 l-O^Mg ?-'0.000 Montmsl . 30.019 . 30.Ola Owlv-slon . 3,000 '.??J.'il'i ?. Tampa . 45 OOO *. ff -til .U3.5.01'.) 1(7.80.240 SjggfJM ?He re-.-*?Calveston, 8'J,.'>15 : Tamja. 43,000. MOST RE A L'S WINTER CARS IV AL. xF.w-yoiUvEr.s to 00 there to exjoy HAEM WINTER "PORTS. Tbe -nninil winter carnival at Montreal will begin tomorrow nnd will la*t out the week. The sports will he held lintier ti." au-plces of the Montreal Amateur Athletic A-soclailon and under til"' patror.acs of lbs Governor OeaeraL A large puny of New Yorkers who will attend the carnival wll .start on tha Contra! Vermont Bill road this aroa tig. ihe original Idea of tho winter carnival, a* suggested i-omo lours aga hy a ni.-ml.'-r of tba Montreal Club, was Brack simpler than Hie colossal proportions to which li tabaiqneaHy SttslBSd. It was not the wi-b of tha daba who were Its mainstay that baa carnival ba u*ed a* a -.rand spectacle to draw a crowd and fill yawalag n.ifer*. bal rather that allan gara sho..ld be welcomed ai gue-ls to Join In uiul enjoy for a season Montreal'.- ebarmtag winter .sport.", on the same foot? ing a- her iiivu citizens. Plenty of -pi.rt is promised. During th<* whole week tbs caritag mat. tn--, tee Hie M. A. A. A. trophy will l.e in pro?;re*s at the various cttf-Bg rinks. The prograaanM wlU bo ns follow-,: To-morrow at i.'AO p. m.. apealng of tho rarlc Toboggan (lu!.'- slide; 8 p. m., M.unreal Snowshoe (lull's rouceri, Windsor Hall: 8 p. m.. Illumination ot the Park TobaggBB Ctab'a .slide; akttUng ut th* U. A. A. A rink all du. Taeaday?Faacy dress carnival. Victoria Skating Rink; Juting ami Uboggaolug, Wadnaaday?3 p. m.. etibMaa' drive, headi-d bv the Montreal Tandem Club; ? p. m.. snow.hoers' torch? light procession; greworka oa the uv.umala: grand llumlnatlon at tba Park Toboggan Club's sl-de; un.on .ineeit snd bonner bop at the Athletic club house; ikatlnp and tol.org_uin*-r. 1 '..iir.ijiiv -:. p. m., carnival ball at Mm Windsor Hotel, under tbe patronage <.f the Oovern-sMlsnsraiB ino I.adv stanley ol l*restoti; bo.isiH.-i at M. A. a. A. rink. Friday?Champlonslilp becker itiac'.i at Victoria Bink. >.iiu:-<liiy- :: p. m.. iiniinal ra.'is af lbw Montreal Snowshoe Club; drive of Tandem Clab: 8 ji. m., annual Planer of Ihe Montreal Snowshoe Club; fancy iir-s* carnival; Banting and totogiactng, BIBDS IS CE STRAP PARK. m in to p.:: BEEB and learned there IS THE WINTER MONTHS, Wiii'sr I* the t.e?t time to tvsln the ?tudv of bilda. ii .-? I. in,) sn, a a variety as la confuse th* bC'.'Vincr. le .eu n.i'C ea*;|y wat-li 11n.vc11.v11t!>. from thc i - nc- sf fellaga. and ha ha* in<* anllrlpslfea of greater i,.m..cut, a* i."ii sp 'lo* gradaslly anitra ia MM ic,1.1. th re ara some kinda Ihal can be -ecu only ii tliis part ,.f Hi- c,,until fe ivuit,-r. Then If he WBBlg ;et a li*t af aaek -i.lea as rc.-nlarly appear In tha .".?ral months of tba year, sad become BBgnabMSg wita hem fe advaasB, by assaUaiag th* specimen:, in tba >a".ni 11i.-t..r>" htlSMUBI, Bud pr.I!' an luexpi usivs .k deserlblaa Ibeli bsbiM, aa awald more gafefely c. og i .? them. To nam- i?-.<i"I ? u b :?! ls .? Mid, bal tba . Kif wrd, a:.: ab-crved lbs ii.'". dlaUaetlvs fioy ip ar, 1.1.1 auly in sue, lana ami eoiotaiIsa, nut ia meir in ..ii- nil., .au even occasionally tale- a long imbin in Bew-Toth's mgnldceai Fart, MM study of :im-i j* i.. earnestly commended a- riving parpssa to his talks ai, i riic aahBaratfea of reatta"! al Barb Map that .? i iy ix- iiii tin- versa of a Plscavery, not wonlerful ?:l. ip. t,.,i . ei; nii'v new aii'l I ri t.-t ?? *ti ny. E'.cn in winier, vfeea Ihsy un.- not b-BB-BS, tou com MBly leal _ I..ul before yoa ss.-"' lt. sud (heir chiips ara nen tue BB taft t<. mile at.- Ma Ipasta? Thus ... hu ts thiaalfd *puri<j.v bas o pei ulla. tune, -ort but nil . ii nih lie ivrllcr hear* aili."*'- ? i. iv dav Ul dMpMBg an, of I..- Park, but. afton sill,sal seetag MM blip. ,,. Ia*l BM .mil >.I BSttCBS ly ."id -cathi r bas either drlian ...nv ..f it..... away, ar bsMi Ibesi extoaawly <i*iet. >"*? irma *hjr- i:'"' Ott srriMi ha* rarely paaaed timugh M lli.itinB Irom otie fe s,x >p ? . - ll i. s -nepi": but BlCS'wary rats, tiiat il you would iii bi-- i"i bmw ?o abets they bib. lu BrtaSM uibv BleSy ir-u'ient ever gi eras sad sthar trees ".u. .oai*., .uk. wluih . oolam, Uie a. ne of bMSBtB, and -artibbery sd seeds (bat absaad lo barriaa ard Beads; but on ? cold ai leu.i f.,; iii n. in reined bat BBaaspaMd spuis. Ther* , a no b of Showy . Bidlasl birds in tba Pars, and mer ,i..c mer !.< aihi'iaitci . at t:. noitiiwest torr., r of tba Han bc " Th,: B-bai MBMlsa the nriter found there aa i.o:r;riiou? %wt apyarentlv happy family to," Uiet. oaslsUag sf paasasks, pigawis, Iva squirrel,. E.-ijitsa |u:r. *. vh.ic-ti.ioati'd -isirroiv., eisr.liia:* sud ? rit! iio i.-.f. r aptaai *i M fsM iha least woMsaM af *n uie ss* tim'-Ay. Sha alsersbla RaglMb *iano?? are intoic-ant of imo t all olur -pcci.?. Lui a;i|s-jr!v cao'i^U lo tho srhUaibnara," < imo, rai galaaag tiie asaalaly raMMaa, sr e, ju.: aa sgasl cciiibaliiuic,, la Cc feBBf ion.u*U l__M > bc- pe^.c.-vic ai Mw) same corner the wr.ter ofion eoMco* ?hst has ot ofte.l ba_B nb*eri--d. li,. paco-). PVc.'un. on tre?*S. e.-ii-, b?B sn oraiMMMglrt mid lum tj.-y nev.r did so. . irsii.'s atlcn'.i.ii beiii^ . ai I'd to the fact, he wa* at Hrs! . llaod to deny that thc. arila piS'toos. t'lilc.'.adees, rs,-iii rraspers aad kfeatai, :.r>- ba-d'yaad ebcriiv pick c.- up a living, Blld BrbM a pla. - th<- Pur ii WWttt ls- for a ?uirr.-l hunt' Tics ISBN BBialBg BM linter .nun'ed ville elia*.li".' tl.roiij.-b the BS,BS, sivavln^ on slender ra i. ti...- lint th'eitiiiid te ir. a:< baasabk t?Vir wdsht. or isesacd Badsi Hm canopy of HMil o?n MU*, iatinf lunch ai. A gall ?"' ratler i? -i im'ii r.. !.? ?-. sersmbliMS oier !?? -ie. tr"ril>- in - .iii ..f linne, a hawk RlMtBB nols*'. ii ti. ihe brunch.-., and soinc s,in?-?h.t- -Sarulls ii:i:i.. high ..i.r. .a.I in the clear bl.a lO-ipivted Un. sto? mal.on- tor mst marnia-.