Newspaper Page Text
between the plenipotentiaries of the ITilted S*_t?*s nnd th.- Kl: Lil un of Hassall, ssith Hie eO**rOBp*?SaVIBCB b< tween tb. isvo ..overnno-nts relating ti. the n.-irotln tlons. gena!or Morgau M_iequenily stated _*.-?it under the present , lr. nni-talice. thc lest of this treaty v.ouM i-f nt Int4*re*)1 t ? ?':," Bona te, ai'.'I lie stunted ll plac-d before ibem fm the simple p'.rpo-c 0l r.Ding all the informlatioa po-.-lblt. TIIE ll A WA HA X DISPATCHES. Si.( Ki.TAI'V Fuviik KECOUKI-ES 'lill-' PHI*. vis;- nu. ?i vi;i;nmj nt. MINT-TI I'. STKVI.N** **SIL> TH IT U.I. Ml'I/'M IT1C l.lE.KBU NTAIIIT.s HAD PROMPTLY DOJCE PO I'l'IvS THIS INT LtTH. I.Mil.IND' Waahingto?_ Feb 4.->Secretary F?*arter, "f the Stale Departiiient, maits public. to-*Iay ihe fuM text of the gjiapateh announcing th.- Hawaiian revolution reeeheil by him Hom Minister Slovens ?.ii tl.*- ".'nth ot January by lek-graph from Ban Fraaeiseo. and the anawer ho sen* to the Mlaiater The following is tue text of the dispatch. L'nl:.-.l 'lyr. laSfBtfl?I, BaflJStBtB, Jan uar flt*. IdttA. ?nd telegraphpd from San PiaBllflBO, Janna)** L'1*, l,, the Hoi foin, IV. Ywht**, IVa-bilittO', II. C.. Inputs In Ilasvun j,, tin la-t *? sv dav-, base n'isej ] r%l IH ls . An i-ni'T- 01*a**UtIf).* .,f *li?- H.iv-.i.ia'i it.ol,a, nv and th* SMabtlflBiacni of a PrnvlfllMal le.scrnin.i.t In the j int*>t>'?M nt o.i isiio> people ,,f th*-* *r|t_bb| Um t*rt-.f,if nt a flBBglfl lim. In. less' (iov.-i nm. nt i? ijt fall peS'''.s-Io:i ut U.e aa! ,",i* pu.:i.j.t I \ ie.-, ^'n:*' 1 by . ail tbs BlplflflBaik i*ep7-?-Btatlvi * thc loai "boo af wha_ lt, la -a*?-aa***? ar.* .,f high ebaraeter, ce >,f svhr.n, -"-signed Us eagre a* bm of tte Biprem* Conti JaBges lo assomc ti:.' pla. <?. I'.il! il.sj_'"h.'s bv tin- mail leasins? Honolulu to? day bv *|.o, Lil sti-an."!, gTEV-KS, fatted suite. MlaMs . The oiiK' a_nounoe*_enl cont?ined in Miniater BtoVflJBB. dispatch that tho r.'prot?i'iit;Uiv:> ol all foreign govcrnnnints 'had i*r4*ogniB4*d the Fr..- ; "r_B?anI Oov*'iTiuii?nt of Hawaii was evidently as ', much of ii siupii*.' to the toninussioii'-rs mw liTe ns n wa* toni!.- general public, as it may "-j*operl"r hg coiistrneii to include ihe reprg_tnt?tive ol U|*t*at Hrit-iim. I he oommlBBlonrn say th.-y left Hono lulu at 9:15 o'clock in the morning <>? the day ; vi tluir departure, and up to litt.-cii minnie*, bo* fata thiit time they had not beard of the action of (ireat Britain. ??p**eaent*ntiv4*, although they '. had lieeji in ooiuniiinie.ition With the eve. ut nv council lieforr their* They gay it is probable that the British .Mini? ter had met thc United States Minist r on the nioiniiiR in q'sieation, iiml hail communicated ver? bally to him the inionn-jtim that he hail just before inf"rm.'.i the olin ia)* of the Bow OoTernment of his reeognitlan, or that be Intt'iided dour; so. whic. ga**e to Mt. Stevens th.* grounds for thr* state* m?nt foiitaine.1 in hi** dispatch. This is thc only way in which th.* UBWllsBJ HIM IB can account for tin* matter. The reply of S?-cretan* Foster is. now gives foi the lirst time. lt is a-* follows . Di pail mi Bl of M:ite, Was?lagton, Ian. SB, IB?3. John I.. Bterens. i'nlted states Minister. Ho-Sl-U, eaio Osauaaaaaat Maro lalaad Navy Yard, ism i nunjs.?(.. cai. Your dlsp.iicli, Irtegtaphed frjm San FrantlB. > nti'imiiicins* i>v>iiittOB and establishment of ? pr. \i-i,>n,n goveranaeni aaa re eel veg to-gay. Your coarse In reoa gnlslag nn inieppnW de facto n-vc-rn mem appears to have 1'ecn dDcrect mid In a4*cord ame si ith Ihe facts. The rub' of thi- r.overnment his unlf.rnily been to I**** Ogataa and eater into ri ? la_aai ssith anr actual ii-.,vern merit In full posses*aOB ' of BflTtflC?ve power with the assen) ol the people. You j will c-ntlnne lo r" ' sn!/'- the m-sv <; >s'eniii,e::t under j ?ueh eond?lons, ll ts tra*t"d thal the chang'), b-- | sides rtsa-gactlng to lha tranquillity and weifn-- "i | ? HawaUaa If-lntid*. will i_a*l t> draw closer the In- |< timate tic*- of aflslty and eommoa Intt-roata winch ??> e n-piciuousiy and Bec-snarlag link them to ihe rotted Mau"*. You mil heep ia con-Tint, rxnamaalcBUoB vlih the comuiaidei of Ihe .alted states naval tatt* at Honolulu, with a view to arlin;* If ned be fm the piotectlon -,f tin- |ntei*r**tfl and property of Ameri? can either- mid aldin-: in the prcseirattan ol goa] order tinder ii> chanted condition reported. JOHN M. FOgTER. Secretary Footer alga g?"*e s_1 for publientl tn a (statement ilcfciislin. th.- lawling of United State*, marines ut Honolulu as follows: DM landing of foreign troops <,n the Hav*allan Islands In connection With .Isl! glttmbant ? * li's ? ikea place on several ocfl-BlBoas, <>n lae annoanct-ni'nt ol l ! Hie election of Kalahaaa by lae Hawaiian I.'?stative A??Mably on ftbraary IS, 1374, rtoteis look rto-nersion of tue loiiriho!!-a aa. other imbi* building. In Hono? lulu nml hagan lo sack I heal At Hu* regtieal of ih" Kiiirr-elect and tin* .Minister tor Forel?*i AltaIrs. Mr. i;i?!i*p. tn?>ps Were landed from Ihe I'nlted ?atei vi ss. is in _:,,rt and took poss*aston ni the rourtbouse mid me gtouniU snrroandlnf the sane, 'lae --realer pan of the mob dl*p.rsed. tut lome s.-r-- aricstcd by | ihe gajpaty s_rr|g, aashted hy .nited states aftteen ! mid men. on the nvht of Iht 1-tT son..- two or throe -feats were gtschargeg at ihe Amerlcati guard, wiiich thc guard reinr;,ed ailhoat any diini-iT ? bring done. The ratted state, troops icin.ilii.ii on lhart lill the SOtfe, marly eight .lay*, aid ss.iv ulthdrawn upon notice from Ihe Minister for Foreign Aa?Irs thal their passant, oe tko** ss.,- i,<, longer seeded. Aa nrni<-d lone wa. BlflO 1 ind*, from He Hr|i|>-li naval vc*-el ptesant, but old not reach the Court hanns grounds until some liim- after Hw I'nlted ' Mates forces had taken pos^-s-lon of tbe pince. The I'nlted States Minister .."ted that he was "conlirtent ! In Hie belief that no *e(_ue-i was urt0naHy tnafl" bi the native nnthoruies for the a-slsta ace ol th-- ",n-;i|sii armed loree."' The taTtf?sh tromps wre ssithdrasin at tb-* Mine time a* the An .rican. On July ;*!), 1 ?*'.?(). an attempt was made bj shim! IOO half caste natives lo oveiihrosv the t'overamcnl J and depose the King. Thc InSiurecttBB was sup jiressed by the Government u lt lunn fort-tgB SM, 'iud ; order iras rcsicred on the same dav. Men fioai iii.- : i'nlted Slates Meatner Adams, the onii naval vessel tn isirt, were, Uoucver, landed by permllslOB to pro i te l lu .s aud properly i! nei-.-s-ars. TO BE TRIED FOR THE TM EFT Or JEWELS. Mrs. < allicriiic .Ionian, of No. SS ll'n*t.liii*ton I'la.-. appeared as complainant In ibe Jefferson Market relive (cut yesterday t-ornlng agatesl ?eorge Morrl', alias Qeorfs >niiib, alias Bryan, bb '\ convict, whom she rharged with stealing UT,;/)*) vs.,nh ol Jewelry. Marris was arresi.d oil lrlilay by Detetlives D'llrk-n an*! Mci'aule.v. Mr*. Jordan Mud Morris to do some chores about her bon-., a week ag,, be Ot aa p. penre.1. -iud the usvelry wilt with bim. mihi,' of the stolen properly *sa* rt overed In Moi-il-'s room*, ht No. il**) Ka-t T*letitvtlfh-.*t. Morris ssa.s le bl in 7>j,D'H) bull for trial. FOR THE ST DAilDS BOPIETT DI XX ER A m.-eiiiig ol il,- dinner committee of the Bl. David'saWlety sm* held las! tight al Ihe Metropolitan Hotel. KJlla H. Ho''*!ts. chalrmaB af the conimit t.e. pr-siflicii. lt was i*e*4-l*rt*d thal Ihedlnaer nhonld 1^' held on Wednesday eVBBlng, Mi,nb 1. and Ihat, In inTord-vc win. tl,*- pr., ..1'iit esiiil.ll-iieii two yean ugo, women should '?? allowed lo enjoy ihe bast and thc remark* ol Ihe postprandial oral?n. 'li." speaker-* will be ii.. bled upon ut another meeting, which will be b.-ii! In about I wo week*, im Haltons viii br Beat t" tbe presidents of all sister societies, ulld judged fr. tn last vein'* fl*M*CeflSful celebration of bt. David's Day, thev will b? incepted. BROOK LYX REVrilLlCAXS *TV BEOR. AY IZATIOX. At the i, ,|ct of aoversl BiBmbiii ot the nanam bb r' of Un" Rlagl ?''""? HapMBHeaB i."libral (.oniiiTlU'.-, a n.ecting ot t.h'- BMBtMSI ff B*M (-tier ii Co)n i.ilfe who fflvui.-d I?argana?SllBa ssas l.eid last Bight at thc UrooKlin Republican Club, No. 140 PlflWIgflal BB. Horflce li. l)r>'s..r p-saaMsB, BBd RshBH A Slioiker ssa? xwtxemry. Th-re wo. a uBsabaaufl sMUrasat li f?sor cf ie"rrsnl7?tifin of the ne-xihli'-au _v.:iti-? In Kings CeaBty. Soar ? ut thoae ajieakli.g tn fas or of lt wen li* n.-niiin K Blair, CJiBile* B. Merlon, J. Cawsy, iSBN lohnson. Aufliat Koehjet. Mr. Randn'.l. Mr. IValiier, RnutM*n IV. VnflerhllJ. ft. IV Quinn atti Mi. Morean. of th- Fitih M'arsl. It was decido'l tm li*ve a MS*fBlfltSS flppoln'.et wit!* fitl! poss er. to li?e th* aub:e.'t before the ti*fl*B*_? Comm:?fte at ita nexi n.<-e*.n-; Tile (oiuwing nett ap po rtri! Jca-eph Benj_niu, CharlBl B. P.' P Blair. Jans J**_?-.. Franklin W. iVoodruS. MsiasS ?. Drtia_ and Rt- A. -_a.r_e>. FR0M1SEXT ARRIVALS AT TEC HOTELS BRUNbWICK-J. Kublcy Aaht-ri. of Trsillnptt. D. C BCCK'Nc-HAMs- 1'rofcsaai 0 C. Marali. Of N*** Hsveo rirTH-AVL.Sri'.-i'liser _, Spau'.-i.p. As.;*'. Bot Seetotarr of ti** [NOB?rr. ?nd f-tat* S?nBtor? I iga ll. DerBT. tt W ?BBBflSBB and li I. n.-.aiOson )HiFK NAN-l.l-MiUiit(.overil?r win,au. V fBaUBfla. ol ll'.rlaio de Claparde. Sw.*. Mlnl.t.-t al Wat?B> linton. .Vi'.MAMul asTJaBtui Hail lt Hill, Sf Aib-.iiy. WlMiSOR-i.os.-ino' RsawsU 1'. fa**war, and t(,|,-t -*! Jfltrcs J. MgSa, ol bs ia BBS, r//?" FIRE HY DR AST TUB HOED If Kl:ig>l?n, N. Y.. Keb. 4. The menharta rmd prop crt v-ow_ns ut BBiiuiTtl< s. on th.- 11 nd son. twelv,. mil. * north nf Iieie, BTS Ifl Crcat fi.r !<-st n Irs break ont In the town. There ls a conflict between ta. llonid of Vllt-igc Directors and thc niter company, and as ii it THE BEST COUCH-CURE and anodyne expectorant, AYER'S Cherry Pectoral soothes the inflamed membrane and induces sleep. Prompt to Act sure to cure. l.'S';!t !!.<? SVil'fr (,,n,p:ll!V lliis plugged lip .ill th.- tiri? hydrant! ?Bee ihe building of ins water works, ihe ase of ti.e bydranli bas been in dlapale, Tiie pries charged hy Ihe loiiipiint- for their Bee, Ihe village lioiirii says, i- . xtortlonate. step* are being io org?nlae ;i sew watei rompany, Many ol tin- ettlseiis threaten that should un em-Tgeney arlu- they .vould forcibly tap itic* main, and u ?? the natei. .1 D Efl', CASE IS THE CITY'S MORTALITY RECORD OP DISEASES FOI! Till: WEEK?FOUR MvlV CA8-S1 Ol' TVl'IIt'S. 'is pim* f, vcr mcreased in th" elly last weak. Ft rty> five ness- patleats were taken to the wards on Non li Pre* ber t-ian:!, and >t.\teui of the psHsata died. Thc record for the previous week wa* thirty li'-sc cases mid elpin deaths. Twa homsllW BWfl uer? billen to Hie fever wai?I on the island yestd?IT, Michael Mcilerawtt, nh,) wild lie ssas twsnty-elghl years old. applied foi lodgings In tli<- boase at No. 100 I'nrlt How, and au Inspector there saw Hint he wns nigerias from the f.vcr. John ("ullahflti, forty-one years old, ss hr. Iiml t.e*?n a Jodcer nt No. '.) Mull,.! ry .... went to th'- ofiicc of the (vm ads*? men ol Oiarttlei and I'er r.i Hon. nt Third-are. and Eleven th-at., nnd w.-is de. talaed there until the smlmlsneti of ta* Health De* partment could bc .sent to remove him. Tito other cases flfere ai-., muooortrtt yesterday. They uer.- Mmae o' Ml bael Leonard, ol SC?. MO Third nvc. nnd Henry Talbot, ol No. IO IV11-*:. Only one death among the typhus patients on North Brother Island wns reported "rnteraay, .la'me, gmlUl, rTio wns sent from the hospital aa 'lai-a'** island on laausry '.'7, died early in the morn in-:. Hs wns hiriy-flvc yearsoMand tutti lived at No. 4 Rlviagion-st. i hnrlotte Clayton, a ratoreg woman, tlilr:i--!lve rears oM, w?* found -acfe with smaOpoa in ber home it No. ii-.) west Twenty-riath-st.. nml was s?bi rn Norib Bi?iher Ifltaad There waa ao Bicrease ol small aoa in the ciiy iu*i week. Diphtheria and scarlet ever cern'toned lo spread in ihs elly, however; f"r:> me death- were rsuaeel by diphtheria atone. Follow nz is the record i-i oontagtous gl***B? * In the illy 11 a i-i ii (_*; tsvo wc>'k>: F bruarv I. JflBUirv IX. <":..?.. Dettbfl. las-- U'-aths rvph'is f-ver ..*.. ). IB An s np!,,ni fes-r. 10 I li 5 Icarlei f. v.r . in: ii i.'.i ia si. ,-;?.. Ju ii lt ? Diphtheria .113 41 '.is -- s.x,xtll\m\ . Ai u I Total.isi t*h arr .'.7 Despite He- Increased fatality of ramtagtoas Bli uses, the tnortnlltv In lae .itv la-t neeta was ?ghtly lower than In th" prevlou. wenl;. Al 'lie itircuu of Vital glattstles RStt dcatha mete reporied, (.iii,.! rub tor the wash ending Fe?mary SR. i'm u BOnU i.iiiscd MO dcnibs, oi' :>.i> \em than li. thc ,1'csToiis weeli. Th" appended tttotR, prepared by >r. It. s. Tracy, <>r the Health Departmeat, ihowi lu- denilis from various eausisj in !:.?? city danni; wo weeks: Cana* of d-aii). etc. F.-b, I. ?itasious d'fleaaaa . BB .,; ? in::!? t*al .1,,!??.*?* . IT I.-, Heart disci*.-. .',1 in Hdnev d s-u-e. ? D Ai lal* lal frier . l i-fshio-i'ilB?l menlntiu* . 1 ?< ll .,,; 1 IIB cO'lCTi.... '.I a I'roup . Ti 11 ' lr,,n BIM*. . 12 :?".) t 'oasumn'.ion _ _.03 Bl ':: viv him. ! IO ITO J I "101" le-. '* a ? I ] si; otber caBam.--7a RORI Total. .'Si nu ?iaub bi dei *.??-?. 1*2 ?T. Il'lln* Bl V .,:? aid "SCI. I'S im 1 .,"., In iv ' Itlona. 1 '7 IBS -"-'hs In t'ii"n,"iit. V_'7 ,',J7 MRS W ll ITS EY S 1 OXDtTlOX PETTIf XL. Tliere was a cn.dnal change for the worse In itrs. iVilibim C. \Vaitiiev, IKi..** yesterday. Fails In in- div lt via. annoiiiic'-il bv Ict phi ? b um . Dr, lanie, IV McLane nnd Dr, 4'.inrl.-^ M< Iturri"v. thu: ler coiidiHTti Was more SerlOUl thiin Il Hi's on 'rldnv. I)r. M, I.iinc. when "fl*". SI his I?ms*, Mt). .1 iVesI ThlrlJ'? I.'.'h ,'.. said lhal Mis. IVhltnes- ssa* u-a'liiillv rinking, and lhal be and Dr. M* llurn.-v weira ?xtremeiv anxious aboal i,-r. -Mr-. Whitney," *ald le, -j, WOT** than -he was ve.trdiv. sl>e 1, loslnu" itrengtb and ls just one day trtohtt than -lie was <s|erdnv. elie auber., no piln and rest* <|ii!*t:*-." Dr. McI'.nrtK'i when aeon nt his house. No. 2* I'est Thirty aevenlavat., las! eventag said that Mrs. ITPneVs rOUdltlOB ssa- (lille.,!. ||?. pr UTI ally the same riatBtaenl mule u- in. Mtl_ue. Hr. 1, Lum -ass Nra, Whitney a?wi bobs* m.d Hr. Mc au .ailed at *, ?,'clock in Ihi a!t"!iin>n. Ti:e Whitney Itome, st Xi. 2 Weal Flfti-fleranlh'Sl., tts |(.*pt as (julet as p ss 1 (,|,.;iv. At Mra. fbltney's l.ed*ldc were bet bashaw*, her sister Mn. Ilngliam. of ov-innd, Ohio; her hrother, Olivet ll \ivne. bri IWB sons, lier.rv I', and William C., Jr. nd her ,id-*t daughter, Pauline. Mt.. Whltney'i oungesl daughter, D*irothy Payne, li -1 the borne <>t iola!:*-.'. There were amny mesttagei el inquiry cit at Ito bouse y.-'crd.-.v by friends .,r ihe family, ,1r 4 l.vehn,<| : -.iran I h. U 'ion 1.1,1'ssc ,| a,,'l ll,. ninilv of (oineiins VanB**rMll, ss),.. Ure directly opp . Ita the Whllnej 1, mic, made frequent Inquiries, leshtea Ihe annie)-?gu iu*-..<????. wbI by fi lends in he etty bwny were reeelv?-d tresa all perti "' Ihe ,,' All th.- members ,r tie- family realise tiait Its. Whltney'i t?ancei ol recover- art slender, bul h.y imp' that *' nie uaeapesTteg igange amy 1 ?? .t.>i.* Hood's Cures Marvellous but True )eaf and Blind, Caused by the Crip and an Abscess Mr e. M. E. XYilton Syraoi?d. N. V "I er* yta:t I hid I?MaMt_?, ind ;it*. Dt:i.-C' ir sv,. ukin s..:a u>t (tfp YAtttt p!,y.icisi*i ia.* tv&sary ss?. lOBhst?i. An atsacea-- gathered in mv ttt tnt ducmrgi. tram 'tu- ian 1 *??? very ill lor ix -rsthl I BKBSM Dent nod nlso Blind- I loll .; Biy .ns'.-. Made My Will, mt |.:t-)"1 Ifl, <>?tn Bat I tSo'iihi I W atilt Irv lo'.T's BariapariUa. Whea 1 had lAk-n t'sr, t, ?-.- 1 '-an ta leeavci ny and haaitog. Thc ibsctfla, rt - t (I- tvir::-iff ll sscts. I,ra,^d Bgj ir.y flB)_aeUI( IS). itiind ana 1 rrsdaally gsui-d iiieagth ?nd liealth 1 Hood's ?' Cures ?B 1 ? ? ***??? nnil linn watt. i;- Ptf 0*11 ss ,r.s, .vd at nd I" fll? aWatol*?." Mrs M |; I1T|>ii\ ;n 1 ippia. Banal mu, ase, M v Hood* PHI* cure Conltipation bv Na*?Hag Uiv pS||S. lilli; a.-. un ot the a.iu.ciiUr.v emil. THE CATHOLIC DISPUTE. FATHEB DH. L.V TALKS -BOUT IT. HF. SAYS THAT TIIK ilIIRtH WILL BE BINK KITH) ny THE COMTXtAtTMMMY. The r.v. Thomai I. Dncey, inc rc tor of bl lci Roman catholic Church, wai mitti hy a Mimas re p.ater yeateraay ami Biked to give lu- opinion a t:> -rhr.i would be. the resull al lae CathoU'i _mtro versy, ard to say whethei m- thought H would burt "r ben?Ilt the Int-rc-ts of the Roman I?t-t-t Church in rountry. li*re i, -stat he -aid -1 ifcMild ie mo.t pleased lo irani y?ur regBeal nml rive a reties*, of whal mathe ps apia rall Hie BgltetsOn going on in the ?tot-iollc I burch. Nany Cathotlea ihoagiitlessly fear that thia agltattoo mav do evil. 1 I Iii ul. great good WUBl come of H. It ls cully ain:,-inn to gad iwople who proina to be pood catii'.lies provlnc hy theil word* nnd conduct lhal they are auM*e man followon iii')" Dog's fol lOWerS. for scnr*. th* IBBM ila..* of people have profess-*- thal they leonid like io sic the BCCtesl* BSlleal affalis Bf Ibe American Catholic Church ad? ministered more in tostptni wiig. canonical forms. Mom when tl,.- Ibis- Ree ims rc o-.-iii/H tb" prnsvili ard dig Olly of tb" Church In the rotted Male*, and has .et nj) a supreme tribunal for a nu,re Ju-t sdmlBtstratiOO, these v.-rv people lift their voiics against ihe Holy .-."- action and the merciful "mdrions of the Apo, lotte Delegate. They cry om, -iv, do not si.-mt atesae rule here, but home rill".' And si hen u branch. ?,, i(, lp ali, ol tin- Vatican's authority and Hip Pn*pagBDda'a power ls -ct np in thesi? Cults. Mutes n,cs,. -BlflgaMed Catholics?toy and cleric-are p*-t**rlaia_na io the irt-rM hon little icspcct they hsve tor the Divine nathorlly of the Church. I isiTioinc lutli iill mv heart ihe in Hon of Leo XIII through Ms Aportotle Dele? gate, Archbishop Satolli. Thc men who praia of scandal Isecauae justice i- done are the enemies of tlc lit.erty of our Institutions Bl well as Hie enemies of the lb,ly .-sees benellen! Iv exercised authority. I iking all Information glees through th'' press of Hie mi., of ih,- Holy .**,?,? through it- ri*pinsentotlve, Monsignor Satolli, Hill do riskI and not evil. To day one of the moat pi muli.cut number, of th.- legal prof<n.lon in ti-.i* etty, a -**artleman of highest bo*lal distinction mid -merni MheJarship, a itriel Kpls iopiihin, caine to ni" sad sail: ?? How B*agnlfi<*eutly yea* Church i* set lng, The Kop-1, "hronp'i this gentlemsn, Arcbblshop s?*o||| is bf-akln:* BOWS the tyrrb :, of ]ii-ejn(1|<.- against your religion, mid in a short time there will be BOtMng '" prevent protestants from laying: "if wc ssn:.i oil truth wc "rill lind il ni I Ml Church, which 1? ihosring 70 much grande ar." ' ?'H.. <|ii"ted th" s-oiil* of **t. August las and said: ?Hie I'i*--*. is -ari>vlBg I . Hie Amerleafl MshoM sad prie*t. that il.ey cnn i.e nen Bad exercise the liberties ...- true nett tt tine priests, llereaOfars ino etorgy men of cir church have ..eineil :., fear to np-n their Biouths a:i<l express itv opinion on m pul ll* ga< -'ion tbat Might ronnlri with the stews nnd irMtrary Judgment of MshOpa. Protestant! .an no longer my thai Chili?lc ptb--- or Catholic loyala*, si i Popsrh?ten sm sf their righi "o exerrl*** free ipeech ?Tih. honesty a:ui reverence, lor the Pope's repiasmts tv.- bas ?ci ibe AmericBn Catholic cltlseo ind pA-t Tie .sample thal lae truth ihall maha thom frei! thai hey m.* th- reasonable creature. <,r the r-asamal*"-.' .oil. ss: . only exact! ti rco?oni*>le s-ni..-. V ai gea 'lemon ere told lo _By is ihe bead of your Church and til* representative ia Hil* roontr* lhal In all e*a-mila! Tun,* nulty : a i- ?? illy; lhal In nil doubtful mal .;. v ai ran eierci. bins, but in :?11 things i >'i ibooM v\-r'i-c rhartiy. The words of tu. Augustine ire brought home lo rou nil bios! forcefully through ;l*e set* "' li" Xiii and An hhtehop s-uoiii. ??I have leen greatly pleased allb Hie ilgolfieg ?,eil*e of Tl,.- I rll.ii'i- ll -e tn* to lias-- rasrogBlSed hal sicit moral principle* wen il st ike Bud bat pened ll* column* "reel* and generou-J) toa "?roper ,i. -"ii*..!|,,ii of uir't H baa railed iii Catholic nm* roversy, I regretted lu see in to??l'i Tnt.mi" a tatemenl thal was ;i lillie bil p**r?onsl, foi In IWs I roven*) s>,. mn ? keep kif bl f tb* gr**ai prim lp:-. it K>i|e, '|.,.l is ? ie ll ll "ii",!' I i The T,|',utc ??p-:ii. ?f Tammanr Hall's loyalii in lb*- Holy See inn la Illunie- Hui Ihe Catholic nan," hen- In Ness V.,rk ind Tammau* Hall ai" nynonvm*?ii terms, lt is me ti,', political unlrersii* aaa wo*a4torfu] rgantiailon Bnd nc** n ?i aiioss ii* s-ahjecta io have ns opinion lhal ronavis with Iti i.,.--.?.. it t- i i< hal for sen . unfortufl :'-.v, mun) psi?>i havi .ats-.i !,. grag ibe ' atholl, nara, into aft?latiian nit li bis .nv.u,ir.i but, ll?ink '? si, herc are Innumei Me i atholl. - t ho, ? lille lb. i ,i -,_? i.i/? ihelr righi lo \ ??? .,- Ihrll j a' nt and i.iimr direct, have ala ii d- is" ed and bIwst* will i.-sji-? the effort' Biade io -m'r,., th-" < atti'.li. name brough Tb ni ma ni Hull Tsmaianj ba din enough ii til ? Bin .*i "f .%?"? Va i. i'll! lO?sj nd oar ell leos are mitering enough b. renihlng li lalo Ihelr bm-.* Brlthoul having ihe ..?.mtv "f ".'Ml'- .l",!.iii."i lo md laugh! hy lu- Catbolli < .,ti, .. , I,,,,,i..i i s i .,? h u the ? iib "li nil:,-, either In Ih" per*on if Ihe lp<-*ln|i< _?' ral i tbe ("atholl laity, placed In ;.,,:,::?! eo'.umni ?*r i '?iranian*,', nu .r. ,,is !,i-,...'. and rov*-i*-d '.s|Ti Tam iniiiv iii'iil. I shall :-? gt ".- ? ? -? I '" I ''?? Mb me t 11 ssiil i onllnn. pi-rteci i alb. Di h nor fr?*ni ring rewided :i* In an. nay ifllli! i rH . ibl de ip r.iiir.ii,: r.rganlmtloa. rummon* Hail, 'j'c p , i.n greatly le-lp ti..- church In carrying oui ihe p ,li.-v tow Inaugurated for home rule ii. :rx< r*>urch in m. .,?? 'oiled m..!.-. li I; j can ful io lu'.ii-ii Iruthf ill. ll (acts bearing bdob Ju "i" and -antallty, it n is -aries-, a. I l.-ll??*.?? lt I*, lo Kl ii- fl Brea! *.;.r, a iftht agalosi . orrnii' sn*! viju-i Bdmlnlstratlna In litlt'h and "Ute. I do BO! f-< 1 thnt st tindal -rill ,e {riven i.v Cii* roane. '?'If it ic*i- b- (hu -? ii "lal. roneth, bm nut be o thal assn Ibrougl wboai ? a vi..:. nwnet'j.' IVoplr rifle alghl ol 'hi- advt e of the Holy kcrip uren, "ihe, egaid i.' effecl and aeglrri Iii mu***. '? t- Cbrtal hi.ii'. '? c.. raw ? ??:"! speaks men-lfulli ..; thc ??( eu. Turn OB your sean Hghl el ihe pr.-- el ile ou a i ry from ihe Allamb ta the I'.i.tric ..jsi aa . 'ad injii*'!- ?. ind ihe pp -. ssiii centln'le a be arbai Noasigiior Soiolll .-. i ilread d" lan I ll i Brent. If not the ut'1*.!*.-' laeim ..f . ur pnigresa and ?ll /, in 'i il ? .'ll Mr' nts lear ls md th, ? sil t ? | uai'S gone, ' ." arrolla Infli I I on .,theta, !,,it it, .\ , ;, ol ? it i, "'.' "- and tii"!i ?"Hi I father in,'.", ss;,, naked ssi.s lie thought Kal bet ail' li ssa* nc.*!..r-a: !?, Ihe lpA?totl4 Dele ?ate In phic. ul lu I;....:..., ?h?i tint aln-aBi i.. pp,-inti i. lie nato . ?Hr. Rooke) ss,,- -Irnflv ronilnf hen- a* a temjerurs ...-?I.nv io ii," del*?ite iii .,;.|,..m'ii."!,! ss.,, nm ,' .ma in 'm. When Hi- ib'T-ion sras made In pet namnth- establish In 'he 1'iilM Mole Ihe Apmliilli icl.-_.Ti'|oii. lt en* decided bl lite I.Ul, an nd th.- l*ropagundn, lo give Mi-nslgnnr al ll: n Blllll* per-ine1|e. I ather - ,.:!,. 'i Ml '.ll se. I-..ii; Iii Ihe ITopa."il,il:i oi' A|,|e||.aii "??I and '.".ice liv Val mi and tlu- l-nipaganda di m. il ihai lil* appolntm-iu a. permitm-tii s<"*r--_r* and iiilHnr to M<>ii-i.n.'i- m "Iii sm ucl be e*nm?'ntly ,Mi\f." Uh.-, -i.l-ied If le ili-.u/'il lhere s. it. nnv tintl. In ho .tslement Unit Monsignor O'Connell hag beeti nn!.!..s| by il," Pope, le -..Ul ? ? I To not I,, ti. | ? :i s-.or.l of lt. If |*s anoHi-r ion- .-''it ont by :i go -ipi "bi woman in spile, i hllih He -'"rv I. i.I.u of athole cloth for ? arhleh m will aol accompli*..' IISIIOF WIGGEU MW BE I ALLEDTO Komi: ITIII". KI T.T.I. f.X r,I.T!lt\-s PROM IV 17T1H SCION Till* Ii: (T INT s. jn TALK. Father I'lll.*.!!, of -t Marv"* Churrb, In Itnvnini", ?fumed 'rom Washington yesterday s**srnlng ni f :nn ?clock, and Hi-hop Wlgeer arrived ?i **"t(m Hull ?om th" sam- place ,it BtfJO ji ni They bad both scb io the Catholic Cnlvi-rslty, la nn**ver to a -inn ions to i.ppcfir belara Archbishop galala*. Father Ilk-en auld lhal lt wi- a poilltve fae! 'bat ibo di. ate between himself and Bishop 'Vizier ?"*?*" S| homas"l church hud tuen di'ldcl adver*.'iv lo Hie Ishop, mid BOt, iis the liishop SBBOBBced a work po. in favor of Limvrir It i* i-ald 'Int Ibe Hl-a.p st?s guilty of lon, sntl thal Hil* caused hi- auiiiii.rin* ta Withing sn, nnd n i? n'.so tsM that ehsrges win be msd? r.tlri't th* Bishop fi-.r ai.inst fr*-,T*rri'*nt of Frith*! itsri. forrr,<*r:v fltetetsnl I" t'sHicr Killeen and sf the ame Hm* pi'tor ?i S'. Th..-ii?'*. \r. sr-ndlns htrs t.? BS Uolated back sr iiod- parl?h at _t***ril An fftsrt wlil be rr.flle to hiv* Ffl'r.^r Ecsn reealled and lsd* psator of lt Thon'gs's || u als < rumored thsr Bggaf ivtgg?r srlll be ?!iT,ir,o'?d te R'.rn* to uplAin i th* Holy Fittir bli applier.* dlireiprc for tue itlega'A BUhop Wiggm -*"?i teen ov * Trlhum reporter it etcn HUI ^ollegi- lan ?ee:-,lng. He denied thst bs id ir,? latehtlBa of re?:-n'r.g ir. c'r.iequ*r.ce of the .Mon of Monsignor es'olil in th" easa of Father Kil? ler. Bgalnsl h.m lb r?fT?-d *,, di? ubi tie f^.eitioa i nev ssas, ?r.d wc.ld r.?e r,n e.\ of or rn.metit r,r. Tils rouise In the' HOctSIOlCUR BATOLLi BBTTLEd CAJE isjflBJcSbora, SC. J., lr\, t (Special), After an It.ler vtw with tha Kev. ii Treacy, Monrigmw uotlt deetgei ti.-- ,,?P ()f ____, ,)r, Ml.r lbf RlV Plltrt( v i Treacy, in ali,- and h/:,^- nt.hop CFarreii. ; ? ?? IONS1GNOP. BATOLU TO VlntT THK DU. k-I> Washlngtan, Feh, ?.- Moi,.,2,,0r natou baa iteefred ram I srginal K.n.poiiu ix* l'upul atoeaBN-t e?ubn*:, ?", thc pcrmanciit AflstsUl Delcgaiion ia tba I'liltcu Try Them AH, Every Tom, J Dick and Harry's Buckwheat. THEN TRY a -, i ?tates. A- so,,,, ns sprl-ic otiens the "IMl Me raie win -tiin on un eslonded t-mr over 'ht* i tui-.i 1 biate*.. H.- wm visit the hl*bop? and their dioceses. in order io b-icoms more familiar v*nii 'he lbiu-cb ni thu country._ CARDINAL GIBBONS BLAMED. A LETTER 'io Til! ARC1IIMSI10P5 WHICH IS ALLEGED TO SHOW CONSFIUACY. ASKIM'- Tiir.M WHETHER Oat N'T His ni PORI OT TH-tat COXPERE-CE BHOULD Bl BARDED To TIIK POPE IT ll lg M.N'T MX IV.' EKS BITES Till; COXFEBEXCE, ANO REACHED ROM*, ll ri r. Mon. MTOI.M's IPP IIXTMEKT. (Tilciiro. Keb. 4.-When Ih" new. sra* nMeg .nm Rome that MoB-ifair "?it'll! bad toea appomted per mnn^nt .Ip.'oll ? PalegatS IO Ibe Roman Catholic i nmnh of America, nearly all ti"- friends ,,r Ana J bishop i arrtgaa. "f Ne-* Vorh, regal?sd i? a. in Hie ' Balun 'f n re'ni,.- i i the Archbishop. Du ihe oilier hand t'.? followers ,.f ArchMsho-a Ireland, cf .-t. I'm!, ii.'i.'.'i tint Ihe api" ii."incn' carried irtiU lt i an iud 'i -em.^t cf ihc tatter's Bltltade In church I mat'*:- it tbli countr-r, Th- prc of th" country. ! !? uij cl-rlcnl nnd ieeu!ar, wus HI1.-1 ?i*h lbs oplalons j .-.nd seatJaaeBta of prir?ts -yi.i tayatea a* to the effscl Monsignor Ehtolli'i sppotnimeas a sild save on ni* srarrtog facttons ht ihe Oharcb. rhs i ?st-Bs-ii af opinion (emt**! (? the belief thal, n ,sv that an Ap" i'll. Delegate bad i.; placed in lhl< couBlrjr, ihe IT'T.ariTs' ssa, i'd las BK>rf , .ii-.rsa'is e :n BCllOB Slid Iii Ha ao i?I bc ? lied :.nd unli I. The rc-.-ni aril le In Th- ii.I, ign -.umtoi Po ' hosiM. i, :-i s? iii' ii Archbishop' 'orrlasn a*aa bi '.sci of < n-|>.in s .-i'.i mi-i'-iTi - 'll tat IOU .; facts, rinsed further III feeling, i." friends ol Archbishop Ire? land -Sii.' j over Ihe alb ;><i rsponnra of ia !l:ni.imi ti. i i pirns ai.'i diipHritp ,n in- pori ol Archbishop forrtmn, rho friends of Ihe latlei de riared thal thearilrle ssh- ix\sr and mall i i* Dnder Ihe cuni,s.i and Admonition of .upi matli ; Ibe warring ete'nwBU mir-'tr ai III have I ibdued, bul foi Hu fall twins un i, adsarea-ed t,> ev?*r> .ir.-h li-U'i* ui Ibe it ?!.<I -i ?'<-. sin, i, I,,- round Its way In'.. Ibe ban i el . reporter: | . ??! nu',-. rs*?M -n ? . > a I',- Ka a i , ||| . -i i:, ?.,. ? ? ? -. t i i ,,i m. h.m. M 'bu li i,'i b-iji a i ? mar,i I iq ..' th* Ith ?.' ' ll ' '-I I.'-" V I" "ll Ul Ml r io HU ll r tu lt- ,' Uh. , ? In '" Bl I'r "?' ? in ssiii. ii i ..?? f. ia the ... .,'u'c ns ,f th.iferenee of 'le .'. 7 ' ', o; . f V ? \ ,|k I lt '. ? t'. t ' a i ? Bl ' f a pct v.' ? s, ..-?..;, j.. . ptut i ? -. ,:,,-.. ml s 1- '.a* iv reach i Rob . ai?i n, in nn i able, rue !" , I. O' 'si ll ',, , i. ? ,,' I!..- r -..-Ttl action ,,' Dim ibl Faihei ippnlnll ? ?. ? I> : pte, th" lettei oushl to )?? | r. *? nt a! Io H.. lt I ? ll -Tit iheld. I "*..' I ? tr- ?)- li ol i ' I lo V'.n. ,.', ? I! '.ei i.i ' ' .lapt) or , ? . .- : .bu von ! ik mt (hi ?., tx >1"H ? 1 III, ol *o*ir tirari ? , (. -al -li, r . jami.* i .ii:"l.\ ii. ul Blunts. 'Hil* letter rr ea teni .a n ns it Inn anni i li . [SViiis, j in an i','.i'i.-s arith ?: ? 1'tilted Prc ?* tepr 'ntatlve I vi 'ingul pet ' ., ?t he ,"!'?!. in s ' ? ,? ? is ? irtiTi". II ? .- .. I* Indb a*" ., i "T ii . :? -. o' th" Xi iM, i ' bar icier : ? Archlepiflcopal conference ss:,. held in Nen lort "t: Noi'nil.. !? 1',. I., i rear s>hortl!. al'e! : ? ? :i Irli t"i Rome, lt ii,.- aa me lime, and pi "?',neills on th*, -am.- -i, ,-,i-?,-. lr. 1,1,1-I, p Ire ind 'ii- i,'.'ToiiU*. raf ile ( Hli iB> I Ti.v. r Itv, vt ii'iishit,?!?:,. ??? letter te Rome, atatlna thu* every bod) In ?!!? coi-i,tis- would -s-l, 'io -i'll delight the *|'p iBl He ll! Of HT ApO' loll' di le Vile. ? it. ,nnnll ? Ibe rep. ri ol Ibe ? tinten nee i. latlve to I.,., . ;,; * !? on of ihe Anhblshop* sri Hi regard lo the appfl li ?" lent of such drl I i rn I net ni ? ? vd- ni lt* ehalrman, < irdln il i.lbb a ?-?? irfBcCal duty H sv... in eommunl<*ate lt tn Ihe Pops*. Nm nulli .liiiiiinrv i. i lbs above |e|ier .tates, * .ni" *i\ sse,),, :.|!?r the ??fling, ?.*:.* ibal liifonpslloo forssaiii.-d to Rome In ii," care ..f Dr. < -'* ..> ?il and svith Hm instructions noi i . aef.vcr it io th-- Holr Fathei nnitl he ind i-ecrired advlcei from i -ii'dina! GIbl i.n*. In Ihe meaatlme a e>tapaich comes from Rome, from Dr. O'Connell himself, announcing that .ii ti-; _-:i<>: sal ott I bad nTrived in.' ippotntm*>at ot | eriioiiicn' .ipo-ovi h. c.'. md it.,- *ome ?**,. ?..! before lit* report of ihe Vcw-Yort confi-renre ram. in his hands f .r .Lils'.. s io !'??? li"!v Father TL" luferenee li epnar ailj ri-at lhal Hie Infor m,tion in regard to the apposlltoa .,f u.e American I,I.T,-na hv ssa- p.irpo'clv xa,;t'ill?-1?I ill Order tO .'sc ibe minority lime i" !''pi''*i'i!i t, th.- l'..p' lhal Ihe sentiment sv.i. enilreljr in favor "I 'he appointment nt Mon iiuior r-?lulll irnfiii^i a rabi* '> Ihe Catholic iniver itv nt Washington. \ >w ibal ito fi, t in- hean a?cornpii-h"ii Ibe I'stlcsa reaialntog lu lg| rance of th,, (nae aisle of Cardinal Ulbboi? anaoiinrea tiie m.- i.-|..,it in- ni I.,-1 reached lt""", and *.*.i-!,.? h to irv's- if li ss..nil in- arocth while. In lb* opinion .rf hi. brother ArchMsh p . lo kt iii* llotliie*s koon of ihe tine .. nMuieiii of ih.- h.-!:..-'" fn regard la Ihe vpn liniment of iiii lp .-voiic in ;. .'.ie li.,,- p t lhal -m.. I. .iron.tis of rniuplrari! Mart ms wont*, HM 'najori'l Ol Ito Archbishop-. \'l!l ll,-i.i oil th" !?!.' lng pn ruted lo m< llollues-i, .vu nt this Ifle das. ?I laiiese the liol* i.'ir ssiii he aiirprised when I.- nmg* ta" i-| inni sslll doubt ink. s ene ineas'iie. io r-liM l.v Hi people ssh, have ml*. r.pic ,ii7?il lu him the artair* of iii,- I'hiirrb In lit" I Blted -lille llll'l ssiil III I I ell .'IT" fl'.lill ll '.I "", 1 fo.- wltliholdlni: Ho- r-p"M of He- Anhli'lii- upai con fer.ii." until tin- Apustollfl! Delegate hint I,.-,.,, np. p dm ed." tilt rilR< DILI) rBESIDES at rni: dixxeb The lu-i iiion'hiv dun.,?? ..r ih- j;, fo, ?, nab, al Which tit" newly elected pre l<I. nt. lhnr|ea S. Pall clil.i, ptes|,i..,i. ara* beM la?t night E. KT-rv Anger ann. the outgoing pri-sMetit, Inti?laced Mr. i*alrchlld m.d rongrnlula'*. thc club on th" early "runion ot son,,, of th,, prliuiplea |,,r vshicii lt had len tl.'ht mu*, a- slnwii tn the i.ii .ie.tion. Mr Falrch.M Mild lilli! I.e hiid .-is.iiiiicl Ihe nfl!''.. ||. |i|--|ilent of Hip i iii. jfi.-r great bt-sltatlon, because be could mit -re pl. ssaiv rlrni I . laking til" Ollli-e, w.'iiU private ii* svoilu be llliely ;,, Interfere With Hip woTS li" ss.,-aid proUiUv be < *_I.**I upon j.-, perform Illili" Hm dub bad already done mu. h xi'-i. be laM thal Uiere s.n. n *t.-ni \,.t '., i?- acconiplUlied iv li. Henry 8 VT.on, Heiirv Hrorfe, Rgwanl l). iir,ssii, of the li?]a(?i t'luh. of i'oicflgo; i olonei Mourn.' aii'l Wallace M. I'arlnnd ah,, imihe A TIRED WOMAN, just ns much bs a sick and ailing one, needs Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip? tion. That builds up, strcngtheni. and in? vigorates toe entire female lyster** It regulate* and pro? motes ali tho proper functions of womau bood, improvea diges? tion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melsncholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep," irnd restores health and strength It'a a powerful restorative tonie ami sooth? ing nervine, nindi especially for woman's need*, and the only g-unrautml remedy for wonifln* wenUnesae* nnd ailment* In nil "female complaints "ami irregularities, if it ever fails to iK-nctlt or cure, you bil ve your money back. A fjrent mani" mexlieino*i "rr.|iev:->" Cv tarrh in tbe Head, Tha' menus timi it _ driven from rho head into the thr<?at nn.i lungs. Hu), by its nilld, (soothing, ritmnsiiu BM htiiling properties. Dr Snge'* 1'ntarrli Remedy perfectly and permanently cure*. t LAUXCll OE THE RAM RATA3D1N. ADMIR.lIa AMMKX UNAI1LE TO UK PRIHKT jTAM-D BY MISS b-_ET. Rath, .Me.. Feb. 4.-To*day was B r-'ls 1?y ????<? ?ea-wrt .nv, Um secsjsjag being the launching of me isvHi-sri'-sv, ,n iinot plated. hnrlKir-dMenc** ram Kata lull n, built f.oni ihe de-gn or Hear Admiral Ammen. IT. s. JJ. i.arpe (roi*<U till"! ihe street*, at an early I our. There sv?s ?ot a clond In the 'ky and tho river iras bi dear Ol ire .is on the Fourth of .Inly. Thc committee on the binn, hit)'* of the Kntnhdln BBd sent out over 7*00 munitions and bud prepared IB entertain upward of n thous.ind people Bl the bnmiuet In th* ipadoas Atomas- mu rvealng. Auout tbe firit to arrivs ssas Assistant .-secretary of HM Navy James R. t-oi.y mid nis daagbter, wha min""' IhotressH; genalor Eugene lisle nnd Benator WM*" ?*? *?*? These, ...a,unpinned hy Arthur *?*-*?. R***** ?? ?J ercnteg'i train and were Um saeelal guest- of <i-n-l'?l Hyde. At the head of hm ram, smsas treal ama cant*, into the air :,t .pille BB BBgle. <? pMtlttR WU construct.. tor lae -pe.bil guests. The ipeetators BRed all puris of the sni.i. Rasloesfl hartog toea Mispend-d. s gnni iioss.l hud uiilh. red. A bund played lhrOUgh*OUl the reremoatos, nnd alttomgh lhere was a Bracing air bo on- thought of being bbc infortBi-e. Dnntlng sms profuse. ,\ line of jury smuts rah nded from stem t? -tern of the rum and on thi- wera even desert pl lon of itres-sers. All thr principal I iwcra ''mu (Wjectlon-i of tie worti wer.. Utowlse gav srHh the red. whltoani blue. tm th- front or the principal ofhV. drnp'Sl In gags, were large pictures of f*4*na-?l Hide, af Hie Rath Iron Works, mid of A'luilril Ammen, tv hov romblned piu.k nnd ahtll made ttic day pssslhlo. "the lasa-ah* lag sins (biased for the arrival of tho afternoon train arhleh bore th" sip,-, lui gust**-. The Maine .crts lature rame in s body. "Den.m" *>? V. White, <?f Kew-York, waa present. Adtnlrnl Ammen had ex P .nd to bc present, bal irrole lhal a Bite Illness m*ma li linpriubiit io *t.irt. The (rumps, luiigrea.-m-iu Net -son Dingley and C. A. Boatelle ...nt regret*. A "iH,d many people woi.d-red how Ml?-s Buley sm* lo nike tb" rum, up In UM air. tea feet above her bend. Rut upon the buoy pla etd n asaaH davit. such a- boats are suspended from, nnd rove through li was a rope gayly g<*t-snted, a-i-Mnellag by a deli eats siting ,i bOttlS nf cluiinpaigne. TbU bottle WRi held Iii s Im-bet Bf rai, wliHe mid blue ribbon, with .trciiiiT- iipp'Titbd. At 3:13 P- Bl. t on?tnKtor linns Com pvc BOllce that nil was ready. Tue bund .trucis up and th.- ihiilrmalI appeared, leading Miss BOley, ?Bal toltowed bi ii pi* Itv rattans of ladle;* and genll" ,,,.-,,. t;,>s proceeded t.. the launehtag .stu.d. r.'ie Hyde Paris Light UBBWls Bred s mlute. A inuli bub, mounted on the "tort* nf the vessel __esponBBB. Then te.,, voile)i ni ire toltowed bom Ito U?bt guards* lt ssas *,,!ne lin!" lime trelors Hie adinonltory er.B*l vu* heart, but Mi*. Botay stood .ulm ani gnceiui, ?railing. Mr. Ibu.-, om, In a mot Uti!" spec* h. pru ?rated her wllh ? pair of s:iscr ton?*;, ono, a. lae ?>?** ?*l began IO moie down HM weill gre .-*.*1 ways, sile nieiiie.: torward and snapped Ibe ainag. lhere wa. a cheer a* t'n- vi." begun to ".rickie down the bom, U;.d ;i wortman pr* .tit..I her wini tue lemnlti- of the bottle a* a souvenir. The vessel slid gracefully and en.llv Into the wat-r. The band played -Hui foluin Mn mid ito rammony ssas ettaea. I'., night nt the bnnque! lhere sven; s**s*e.*be*i "I ,.itor Hal". Mr. -jobv and ntiris I ti "BOTH raina bioiisiit 1.400 people and Ihe afteimoo.1 trains 1.200. lt is climated Hint 'i.tsiO people MW Ina launching. ______ SELECTIONS FROM THE MAIL A REASOXADLR ixn RT. To th* K tl 11 O r of The T r 1 b u ii e. Biri The Tribune ha- often (rittclsed the results i| ]. .mi pr., cl nc. and m:iiniiilu"d Ihat. a.* court, are the rrratlofl ol the pop!", thej ihould be subject to Ito wiu ' t tic people, ll would follow from hu* Ihat, when ll ii'-aris appears lo Ihe |t-dgmeul ,.f tb'- majority ihai ito umn have erred, Ito majority ihould i ? r,., i ih.- conrts. Then* i- .. Urang -Trt-cedcBi for this pallion. Abraham Unwin us"i t-. -av lha! eamriii .,, u,.|| ;,. ,-ona iiiiiions were mail- by and should he d bj the ;? opl ?. ;? ss ,- proved al Ito trl-l of rarlyle llanl* thal to vs... .i ss. ul,ie. person md lhal la -'li thto wbi pi "S.ii. Maybe the ss .-ld would be better foi Bli jviti,. bul If to Ls t ' be hilled to ih< ult to kilted ac .' ?? io lass. If liss has filled i , ci.nvlM lim l.t legal | .? . pub li oplul in should correel lha rolstBhi nf ii ? lass, rhere ai- malts ml takes bi legal history. c. .,,'in:.!' ihe i: om ra* i" Verinoiit. sevsut.i years i..-, . win re two men were, upon drcamBtanttol ertaeac*', lined lo defllh for the murder of B BUB nhs was alive al iii- 'in!- ol the irtal. II ne are tu -".> bj Ihe law Ib Ito Harris ease ure iii. ga by Hie opinion of our Coori nf Appeuls. That "pinion, be it --td with .ill due rsapeet, ranno! eoa* ... ia mini, mind th it lhere I- mu a n*es?*?abl ? dimbl if ito gnlll ../ ihe arcu*cd. ll may well be said lhal Harris ?,i* convicted out f Ihe Imagination ,: i;,. , iii. t pr.'in i. '?n the evidence n* given a . t -m. I'I", in, phire h i ,ii o; ?., rldeu! ls Ju-t ,. plausible as a I beor hal Ito accused us-ughi tap tuba lilied according lo .1 propel pt-mriptton. ox m , ted ito mn!eila mid .ub*lltuied morpluiie. ibis latter thi > s. s<. i.i, ii i- the i. umtali.f thc c .nvlctlun, |? entertaining ond ssa- p.. sen I ed. .hose ssh, know ito genius nf the fi ni te man who ' ri ? ? t tat f..r iin- people .un iindeialand how Hm jury waa be ,vii.i...| . lt.* scull, l. ll ls liol Bell, l.?ssres,-r. f r ,.. ?,, lill . ? i, other i" ll I!" tl"' pride of prosecutor. ?,. |,.*c dills t, Ito pul,lb obi.- Hiern, to Hi. I'S lent .,' pr. s .'I ;i ii.* uni nsi convict. to Bet as roui-cl io: ia pri* 'nee . -? _j| ii h. . I of u* lhal In tl;** bfate ol .??"' Vork a aiaii B<*-ii*cd 'f a rutdlal crime ian he lain, no! having been proven guilty toyoisd a rca7onalili l,, . It app.a,* thal il mos' be -? uni"-. ?.,.,! of ii,,, pn-**, > tx lng pul.Iii "I'iii! ii, can prev N" SS Univ, I rk. r.b. -i. l-' ll'.IM- K ll. l 'Hll'1'F.NHF..V AR IPPB.IL FROM OREBCR FOB AID. Io tbe Rd I t i) r of The Tri ha B e. *'r: i ii? destructive rerlbguabe wbleh gevastaled the b>.iiiflful Mind of /nu- brought de-nlaUon BBd min '.i-'.ini.s ,.f people, svt, have beau raaaeref ,,,!.? and destitute bs iii" sppalllug iiisiisi":' T*? noni*/ aevere wealher rendem the i>'<itt'ti >.f lerera Hill more pitiable. I.:.- undersigned received lo-day a .nine dispatch fr cu Mr. B. Dragaumi., Minister sf Foreign Aitiir**, ii i r,,ag bim i" sniiiit sopiniiirv rontribuFons fro? ..? . .sim r,'-.i i pal,ll . li la earnestly hopej tl,, t :b * appeal sslll med ssph a lieir'v KspoBSe fnuu ihe pe ,;>'? ul ibis Tapp, land, i'munbun ui* ssiii ne gratefully r,* ilvd al the ion.ulaf" i. en ern I "( ItrtSCe, 11 ."> l*eatrl-Bl., and lOiniptlv a. Isi...ssl" iv.,i ihrougb Ihe public prim-. ;. k* thu ill to drawn to the urder ??! Ihe unleralgned, |) t*. HOTA.-HI. c m-'il i General nf . .,..? .-, No, 11". I'.'irlsi, Kew Vork, le!.. 4, !-?..;. TUE WEATHER E EEO El. I...II" TT'MITT' I .-i'1'.r. OX Tilt: TOAST. UT lint?IB, l b, I, Th n i SI IiilTi Inr an I i WI i?- .i.'i ? a**. 'I th" M.*.i *l|.|il tl"' pru .'ii" toiUB i t st nonh ..r i.y- Delano, Th ? baraoieter -*-?Uni - 19h ',, il," iiortil >,I ll,' ''a ucl Mel,tal,a. bal i! Inls ,:i ii rapidly tram Um Mis-i si ma ?e?t**BrJ over Mm tacky Moan'.un., tic neal?" tau being os.'i ?, m, \', ll ? ;i i? from l" to o a -iv. raider in ti.* ,tn'". on tic .it ami. i*o?4 ind fi?r. lu t" :to ?'grastM I"- M.--'...[.; I Vii.', iv., nail lui Ui" ni, ri inn,' railtlBI'iH ai,": ''I >l vr?s belan "io lu ? ,ii' ma t ao si a'i.-i ni,,.i siv i except al Morl?era !,.. !:s Mountain -ii.ti,i... .ii",.- i >, -al *i?wa ar*, r i, n,"l. sn,, i, al*,, icp'iit.'l front IV a. bin flog mi'l ii ? ,ii ,a,i i.iiii from ti." i'i ll ' "!*? i el I ss,'..iii i rll| ,",i ,,,!" In tl.n .ITant ? I ".?! alli I.e."!' Iiiii" r (lon, l.o* ,1 li tis,ni: t"iii| ? li* I" an I ill, i.v.sliu T.iudiii s . i, Monda.. iVaieiT gi'iM-rall* lui.' ss aili i <siii |.r \-%ii i, ?ne rem7-iI vallai on Siiiidn piobabi] n-Howed by ?,al sn ms |n ta, \i.r!li> ? ri. FORECAST I*?1C To DAV. i .r Matriel ?f i .,|.nilei. Itirrtaad, Virginia, Delaware, -J, i.i'v Kasteiu l'.-im.s Isania and _l*07>ra Ness I ark, a,, iso,il* .lilftln_; tu "asl. fltoWly Hatog teaiiierit'ir". .ar.i Monda] ? i'.i si. *i. in Kew. York. il".tem Penatylvaa ?. Dino ml liliana fair wanner; winds slufll,.^ to aflul?elat. For .\"ss.|TikUiii| ful; ivei|li,*r ; imrtji slilltlnc to east tinda, .iis'iit Hoc in temperature bv Meinas BMiraiag. TRI BU KG LOCal. 0RSKRVAT1UNB. ROORB: Heruiug. I -J a 4 .1 *i 7 s V lil l; ! '_' * 4 NlRht. 7 SS IO ll f-T' t" ?i"1 r '* I"'1 ?,' rr i *i?i .Tiii "?' ', ',.i', ?' ls I 1 ..' I ? , , Im. ,; '-) I'. ^.I.^'.JJ "i ' . .....* j" r l?'.<,JI: i..,L.I-..',7VT,[l-^.l'jg. liii .l^il )|j)|uLli'i'.4.' ? Mi? l_-iii-_!j_--^-g 30'6 H lb LlrVif"' I-f I iUI'j I , : . ya &"? : ?, Vi * pfc ? i J iiJ;,j hftw . PTTl. ' .1. I" Lil ??Kl I ! I .a .PVrnWvltq** n*ir taob 31.0 30.0 in _i> a-j-nm a .onuououa white line anona Ui? :.?..'.- in pflsasurs, a* kagjostsa by Tbe Tilhuae-a ac.f csuiuii.ii bsittauiiar. Ihe I token linc r pisM<*BIS Ihe tv-m rt.- aa atosrV?I kl l's); ll", i'lifl -a j. Tnbune Ogke, Feb 5. 1 a. m.-The -overrent in tho Bisssftei ls spwarg. Cisar ana fair sveatbrr pi*\?ll-4l e.i idav. ih.- iMupssatura ntifH balwajaa ll and Ai esr'.'., th" xt<.tr*r,. , 17*?i lieut;- 171 lewSl than SB tho BlU'pSfllBlBB das viii and 20 inn.'i than o.i Fr May. I.'leai or l-oi snails... willi >T"lit iTiaiiLc.i In l^aaiMI tar", n.*s bc ra pee tesl n. tud neal thu city tod*). ?. l/i.s-l.S'i run I "SJ (ll TAI.II OHMA g roi KS. sui tram .sm. I ?'??h. ( laug, Vcsterdsy. Today. _ "Te?tcj*as-*, To-u-y. I Mon, ,, is, i I". I". Oihli . . *, s toll i" i I a:, l i". Fstafll . Bile i "i, -? I. IB 7*as: He . ....Ti.i lil ' "> "se ia Si s*(1i, m. Cfll A: IT. -'l-l ?00 L'flMMBl "?n Polfll T,t) .7.1 I'tili ."lid i i airy., uo AH Yellaa jaik.t lats R Ms.ii?is. .7'. eu iRolca-u .. .. Icalcaa .Loo iou .10 I Bl I 141 I..:, I ;t.', I.i:, ll. 1 Mi l Bl .!?-. I (X) . I.-. .-.'.) .70 ..fl ?i bl R.H, MaCYJ (TU AVB.. 1.1TM i_ .._.._ I STU AIR., 13TH TO UTU sr. Special offepiiif/8 in all rtppapf. wents this week, a feta ofwfl(?a tee itemize below: Ribbons. "-FMARKAW.-" FOI'. O.X AI.ITV ARR nFPRr*... INO TUB iTLLLW WORTH lit IIA**- SE? MI DH \ w' kV'U LO* g. 2. 3 AND 4 INCH AM. SIT.K M0TR1 RUMOR, DESIRABLE COLOUR, I*v. nut VkLtlR Mk XAIT I. Rivi I Tl FIT. EFFECTS TWO-TOEED DOURLE-PACED SATIN RIRRORg, Ihe. I'lll YAKI), IVnUTHDoi-j^ Linens. 3-4 RLTvA.'HI.D NAI'KINS. tXXtt Inc,., rxrr ir,,. ll.gR M. Oajaa Itt. CROCHET SPREADS, lars" and ***-_ * manp. 9'?-sun.l4 G.M11 CREAM DAMASK at. **'*? 8-1C RLRACIIED DAMASR Ta l.v *? tu-riis. H's'CK TOWELS, o\iro. heavy, at. 8-10 FRIXOED BET., **ith Faacy ::,'i-cI**ip.. Continuation of oap sale of our Down Co m fortnhles at $2,4$, Price elsewlwci'. $0,1)0. Muslin Underwear RAXD-EMRR01DERED CHEMISE. .n. a% -st, .wt, HAXD-EMRROIDERED RIGRT-QOWRg, fsl.0*., 7,1.Ml. ?l.-tB,, L.ADIF.S' liOIVNS. g.),.. 79c. S9r., st*. DRAWERS, I nil.ioi.:, ,n| Jlufil.. .... 3| WAITRESS APROXS, Laws, Ibm mat A Xncu Itt, HAXD-EMBROIDERED DRAWERS. ttv., j***, HOl'SE DRESSES of I'cr ab. " 9^ BLACR TAFFETA SILK bKlRTS. 1 , li kel riitlb;. g.j.4! '.' pu ked riffle . sj.yi 3 p abed ruff!.--. SASS c it a N <. i; a D I. R T i I" I" i; r a >u,k SKIRTS . 1*44, *?.4B. "b.7 I. W.ajj Men's Neckwear. SCO DOZEX EKOTS. POUR-IX-HAXOB and PCFPg, THAT WERE FROM 4t< Ba Mc, ROW AT . Hli'. rici COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HIGHER (HUH HOODS AT PROPORTIONATELY LOW PRICM, Shoes. IMMENSE BALE OF CIIILDRI VB AND MISSES' BPRIXO-HEEL Rt'TTOM SHOES, ASSORTED LOTS, 1 IRM ERL Y *!.44 AND Bl '.tii ALL AT ttl, i.a.iii.s- fire kid. r.t rr sr u; itu ki? tti*. I'M HER LACE lt*?mi, BOLO EVERYWHERE ELSE AT IBM ' PAIR; OUR PRICE . .. tlJT ;d) PAIRS LADIES' FIXE RID RL'TTOX HOOTS, TIPPED AM) IOMMOX bEXBE, EVERY PAIR i.: ai; \MT.r.i.. I.U Black Dress Goods. THE BEST VALUES EVER OFFERED IX THR ITll.l.nSt IM. LIRI S ni-' i,i."l? THREE RPM III.** IX HENRIETTAS 100 PIECES ld IXCHES WIDE, ItEoI'LlR SI :'.'. QUALITY OUR PRK I. F-R 1 His KALB PER YARD ?***? loo I'I FOES, ii iv. in s hid:., i: gt .73 O' ALIT1 : ntl; PRU l. I .-it TRIS BALE *UU mo PIECES, IB I NC II rs nil':, i;!". g_00 Ql'ALITV; 'itu PRUE rm: 'lllls si l.l". . Mal THREE SPECIALS IV BLACK I A-ll ME RES. n PIECES AT Rte.; VALUE FOR f's, a) PIECES AT Mi . VALUE FOR is-"* IO CHAT'S Al' Tl.., VALUE Von . NaCl Cloaks, Suits and Furs. - vu I -.<? tt, I a ?". tSflflaflafl IPR OPPPRIXii OP IMPARTED NOVELTIES IN sl'KlNii WRAPS ll? KITs AND l"S Ti'Mi.* at' TIIE PRICES WE HUT. M IRRED PH I'M ll is ci'.!' ITI ,f> .IE EVER ,\ KEASIXn DI MAM) I"l'. rur.sF. HAR. MINTS. ARD I" AVOID DI-APPOlVr Ml NT HI". RF! iiMMI.M) Vol' To MARE in EARLY BELECTlOX I'HH Ls RAXOE I c.. ill .. *?f?.!l? io SltflM .NTH.l BTOCE nc i Hil.DKI.V*. ORETI ii F.XS IN ALI. KTVI.E**, .HAT WF.r.t: ST??, IRM AM) St?IO, BBDl'CKn Tn ggwagl.Rg.4M S'S' ggwagl.Rg.4M Ml ?jj*-iv HAVY AND RI. ACS CHEVIOT ll 1,1*1 r i lnTIl NEWMARKETS, WITH i um*, iii r.i; tr'aa. W-BB AXD llt.SB; HEDI CED TO . ?il. LATEST IXXOVATIOR TIIE ' IH T 1 in i.i - ind . I.CMlll.l" VELI i'll eil';.*-, in am DESIRED SHADE il LR I*INl7-.ltED. VELVET TRIMMED ht i'll ALAhHA *i::i,i, mt mini* and -ht. liol hf i.'iii.i'N. i ii int.i: sui.i; bILR Ll NI.NO, VALVE t-itvi't). " ,1 -sit l.l NT N... I Al.I I fl IQ. DO ... 00 LADIES' AND llls*.|;*>' IAN'. V SCOTCH mimd WOOL, ii rn mii.i rna inti TH REE-PIE i: l/AP-S WATTE At RAI l? AM) 1 AN ll.AI I WI I'J ll-J IO, xii lt, ui: .'.'. BtO.fW; HE DC' t'l) To.. SH.-IB ?' lA.\D.**i)Mi'. CHEVIOT Bt'ITS, REXOALIXR TRIMMED ? ? I**1 LOTH rslTTs | n ALL COLORS, PRIMMED HUH RRAID . 1J-HJ 1 IX l.ll IA Ni I MEROE DRE***iES IM" T.i' ic CLOTH ' ni IH'T SI ITS, WITH CANTY BILR WAIST 1J" '.LACK EXHL1SH BEROB SPITS, TRIMMED WITH TIM". FAXCY lilt UD to-tl ILK K CHEVIOT sills, REXOALIXR TRIMMED. **"??* ALS.) A I'lN'i: A > I'M I.M ol' BTYLE8 ia IEXR1ETTA AND I'ASHMERE SUITS, FOR HOURS' M. WEAR, PRICER RAXOIXO 1 ROM *U.W "' YARD Carpets. IS CONNECTION WITH OCR Hl?*. [Ai Hoar, r?;ln Rf?-ag-l INC'RAIN* OTTOS' C*HAIN . MON . LL WOOL. ???? r>iR carpet. st*, it*. Bte. c-s Bedding. A LARGE VARIETY OF IMPORTER AND ]?XAMELCD BEDS at *__X.THEM__V IX1W PRIORS, ll LL BIRI'. WITH HKlsS TRIM M1N,iS . ii*n9monmwft '2 ii** ? lill. COT REDS PROM \~* " ..'^j IATTRESSES TO FIT COTS l*?" *'? ,?? PERSIAX COUCHES; YA LEE URI*.. ?*? MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER Al Ml""'w roTICE EATER PILLOWS, EACH. . ai tY ?4.' , BB*, s ????' IMAMS, PUXOWR, DOLSIERS. Rs. __g__J