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INCIDENTS IN HARLEM. TIIK Y. M. C. A. ANNIVERSARY AND THE CHAlUTi BALL Tbe ?irentv f.ft'i aaalvoraary al the Harlem branch ef the Yoong Msa*a Chrtsitan Association of New York (i'y. which mi- i ??:>: tn the butldtng of tba asso? ciation. No. :. w.--t CHia-bondrcd-and-lwent) nfth-st., Mondav .vening, broagbl anny people ti tlie building who had rover been ibers bsBwa ..n.i abo were greatly surprised at tbs astral ol the aror_ done by this nr tat'lrstlin. The ocea?tm uas taken lo In-p.-ct the bulbin.,c Irani iha splendidly equipped gymnaslutn, swimming bath .?'!!<! dcesdnf-roora* In tba basement to tho larg.- rall and meeBag rooms In th- goora above. T.'ie linn report of the ?secretary of the Bain, inri m. Eran): c. Banister, Bhowed that lt was tapMlr InershMag In BMmhelsblp, and that ll wai . m stsntly irrMng la extend Its scope ->l usefulness, Tlie niemhet-hlp now is considerably aver a thousand, which ls an Increase of twa hundred over that of the ic?r belora Nev departments ure continually ticing sd-><l. sud lt is expected thal Ibo year ISSI- nil! wit. ness the most rup!'! *? 111 e- In thc history of the asso? ciation, lb* f.e of entrance nnd membership ts thts assorts Hon I* P10 * year, whlrfa Includes the us- of the fviiTiiasium nilli a locker far clothing, thc u*? of the pastors, th.- reading ro m willi it* many Piss of pupers, the Binary .*.i.d manf chT privlfegei eon neeted uith tbs association. An pntanalpmen! wa j\\on op Mo day evening in tbe hall of the BAiOctatlon in Which ihe wink of lbs association for ihe year !-.??_ waa ontUned. The ott cers of :hl? branch ure William ll, -age, chairman; Joeial- Lombard, viic<ij*:i mun; James P. OaUagber, recui-ln;; stcretaiy; Charles E. Hope, treasurer, and Frank v,. Banister, secretary. The Bamber of the committee of management, and of the advisory board sre: J^hn ll. Allen, Jared ?-. Babcock, Arthur L. Bar roll, OawaM ti. Boyle, .lames ?;. li. Barnett, Alfred V. cunob, wini un iv cstBns, T. Andrew Hay. Albert T. ll .li. John s. Hurler. .lane* A. c. Johnson, Frank UtOsBsId, Adelbert 8. Xlrkols, charles e. Patterson, James Phyfo, Richard I.. I'ui-dy, Blsha O. Safe-raw, John B. simpson. Winiam ?*. M. sii:.?r, Anthony laaytfc, Jolm A. Taekaberry, Oirr* Taylor, Wllll.iai ]'. Chler. Larlaa C. Warner, William carter. Prank A. Ferr!*, baring C. Cai lord. William Hills, Alexander 1*. Ketcbum. Charl ri P. Pelias. The Entertainment Committee nf Alexander Hamil lou Po_t, No. le*-'. G. A. E.. lilli give aa entertain? ment in Arthur Hall. No. WA} Leuoxave., near One hundred nnd-tiv'-nty-scventh st., Tuesday evening, ot rt o'closit. Tho entertainment Mill consist af a d?scrlp ilvo raadUag hy mat Cswandsr P. s. Bartram ...?? compsiil*d with KW UtastraUom of rare obj.--- and B.cne, In Hie old World, which have b***n selected iv Urn during bl, recent ti ur through England. Ireland. Francs, 0 Bf BIBB*, Austria. Haly, Turkey. SwltXCriaDd and Holland. In the Interval! of ti.l* exhibition the Alexander Hamilton Post nice Club will .-lng asvceal selections, besides which a number of soprano and pian) solos will be given by peepla engaged for thut purpose, Afterward there will be dancing and refreshments. The prloe of ticket* will Ns Jil each, including lint checks. Tho tu Eels mav be procured from the Enter tainmejit QaaaildllBO, which comprise, thc foUowlag: Abraham Ulara, J. W. connolly. William R. Willis, George Kraemer and Albert E. Scott. Another eutertalnm-nt will be given In this bull on B'odiiCs-day evening, under the au*T>!ecs of the Ariel Tetnls Club, for the benellt of the Lenox Avenue t'nlon Chnnh (Madplee). The ci.tertninment will consist of a far. e. entitled 'Who ls Who? or All In ii Fog." The well-known operetta, "Trial by Jury,-1 will al-o be presented. Between these plays a number of luti-cal und literary Kambora will be plfen by well ln:own performers. The Ariel Tennis Club ls com? posed of young men living In the anrthsrn part of Neiv .Vorli. ( Th* lirst rsgalar "stag-' and "smoker ? of tho In? dependence Club, wa* held on ,c:i:unlay evening, Jan? uary 2e, Jn the han laoBBS club rooms of tills young rinb. a: Nj. a:;7 Leaox-ave. Ia tho ahaaaee of tho presldenr .1 o!iii ll, McNeill, the lirst vice-president, de? livered th* od.ii'-ss of WaleOBBO. The programme coti Bls'ed ot a banjo solo by ?? Dick" Han.'.'ton ; recitations. "Bingen on tlie Rhine" and flhaheapfari'e "Seven Ag***." by Wilban. T. H. Kiels.-li; popular song* by Arthur illvermiin. selections from "Rabin Hood"' by the Black lin.tier-' quart" t, a BBOnolOgnO hy J. S. Logan, violin pola bv Loni* Altmnn and ji plano solo by Howard Hunt, At tbe close of the programme re freshmen1.- Were served. An enti-rtii'.iiment hrs given on Thursday evening. In the Sunday school rooms, at gt. Andrew's Church, Flfth-nve. und One huiidr-d-niid-twenly seventh st., for the b-n-tit of ht. Andrew's Ititirmaiy. Tills is the ?second and lust Stttoi taliiinent given by the, Men's Aux? iliary of St. Andrew's Church for charity, and, like the one preceding lt, was a great laccess; both u* un entertainment ami PaaactsOy. Th* thief attraeUon ..f the pi (.gramme Waa .S. M. r-padln, who gave o::n <>f bia Interesting chul.t-tulks. He waa aaststed by Hurry Peckham, who aliased Ihe audience with whistling imitations and humorous recitation*. The- P> rrv Brothels also ndded to the interest of the programme with their musical special Me.. An "apron rale" ls being prepared by the Thought? ful Circle of King, Daughters, connected with th* Mount Morris Baptist Chun h. tn Fifth -uv*., near ? ?n. hundred and twenty -ev-nth-st. The salo will be held In the parlors of tba church, on Tuesday, from :t fe 8 snd from -, t- ld p. m., the proceeds of which will be liS'-d by the eli - lo for charttjibVs work. The Ladles' commute,! of thia ebareh are al*o making prepera tlon* for an "aranga tea.'' to bi- gil en in the parl t of the church on February 14. Harlem C<ini:cll N<., 211 ls making preparatlnns to celebrate lt- f! ft ti aanhrersary with appi'Oprlata cere? monies. The celebration will be h'-M In the Central Opera House on February 13. and lt will consist of an entertainment, dancing and a dinner. The Lenox Athloili Club gave a stag part}** :it 1' club -hume on Wedaeaday evening, at which then- was an enj' yabfe pragraaaiM, 'lhere nero representative from the followliig atbletle '-lu!'-: Harlem, Nev York, st. George, and tbs Young Men's Christian As? sociation, a-iid fr..:n Hie Amiry Social ciuh. The Altar c.uiid of >;. Edward the Martyr*! Church gnve au entertainment :_id a " pink ten*' on Wednesday evening ba th? Sunday -school r^oms of tbe ehnrch In One hundred and ninth st.. near Ftfth-ave., for the purpose of Increasing the building fund of the Church. The guild ls eoatpoaed of H.* Mading women af tbe church, ami aboat WOO waa cleared. The Sunday bci .s.l uas decorated In h.-.-ping ii Uh tke Htle of Ike entertainment. A programs*! wns given In which the fnlioivin. BPpanrrdl Mi*s Williams, violinist; Mr. Williams, planl-t*. Mr. Cfeather, In whistling sp.-. I siiMcs; Mi*s purdy, soprano; Mr. Branch, pianist: CaMrtdgs c. Ai.K"y. plain*;: lilas Sehaonnaaher and Mr. W:it*.,n. h. tablaaaa; Mr. and Ml-s BerHeff, in a dialogue nnd Mi.- Qmbnitt, violinist. Those baring charge of tim affuir Were Mrs. Loni-a K. Schaefer*, Mr*. .*.niuel .1. Bveretl mid Mrs, R. L. Luck!. A aral?aUeaded BMOtlng ut the member! of Ute lyeiK.x Pr.-.-l.y: linn Church nus held In the nev build? ing of tlie ehnrch in Omi bandied imd.lhlitj nlnth-at., near Bgbth in e.. to BMke anangemeats for aecurina a pastor tar tbs congregation, r.'n- Rea, Er. F. H. Marling neted as ni<Klerator, and thc E.-v. Hrvie K. Dougla-, th.- present pastor ol tbs Presbyterian church at Wuthir.s. n. v.. waa unaiilmoiiilj sleeted pasl Mr. DomjUis han aapphed the pulpit of the Lenox presbyterian Chard. t"i* two laadaya. and has given (real satisluctlon, and the m.-mhers or tba congregaOon are anxious to aecare lum. The Young Liidi'-s' lllnle Class Association of thc Ila. len Pre.|b) tehan Church la BBBl-tag eXUUUlVC prcp an?'lons fae un .-nt -rtaininent in Madtaon Hali In <'tie hundred-and iiie;ty-tlfih st. and Madison ava, for Friday ?Veiilug In aid of thc Mannar tan ville Mission, which wa? cutabilsiicd under tba auspices af the Harlen l*rcsby teran Church Thc title "f tba eatertalnmi ni will be -The Temple ol lame,'' and lt ls promised thal lt win be one ol Ihe ni-st luteresUng ajiit bbBiuc <,f the i-nUrtainnieiits glvin this meat n. Mrs. E. .-*. Piiiilip* uni impersonate the i..shies ,,f Fain.-. arhUe a number of young women in approariaM Presses uni rsyresent the aaplrnaU lor lame. Many of Um wi li kiioii a woascn .-: htalor)* will be Impenmnaita-t. There arin be is trained chorus, Instrnmenlal music and i tull orche-tru. Tin- Etna Dramatic Circle win give its third annual iiuii'taliim--rit and i.-n-pti'm to -murroa evening at H?s-.eii: Turn Hail In > me huiilit-.l and -iwi-niy lourth at., twett Tblrd-ave., when it will pies.-nt "Hlcborj PSraa." * two-act cumeoy drums, under the dlrectkrn of WUD-soi Erins. At the cio-e of the programme lhere ?Brill Lc daming. A ">l. Nuici.Uiic's Ketti.- I irani" will be glTM Itt th*- parlors of Uta llolv Trliilty Chun li. Lenox-avr. and One hundred attd-tweat] -con.I st.. on Ei-bru.iry iii. fr-in .. io P and from - to IO p. lu. bf tue m. Andrew's Circle of Kings Daughters. A in i-lml pro gramme will be given at - o?> o'clock bv Mallison Randolph, urgaiii-t at bt. Andrsw's Episcopal ci ti!... He will be esslsted ly Mi-s A. Boxall and Mr. Aadrrley. vlollnl-t. Extensive* BTV being nindi- |OT Um Harlem Charity ball which win h.- given en Apr.l ia. In the Harlem i ip. ra House hull. The price ?! the tickets lies been phased at *.".. while the hosea wUl be suctioned off on February in _t BleraUe's lu One-hundred und twenty sixth -t. -ear Lenox ave. The ball ls given for the ben.-ilt of tin- noa sef taila ii churl Uss af Harlem. Ainot-g the BHtraaeaaaa un- Mi--.. T'l.n.H- ll. Nevrman. .Mi^. Lucian C. Warner, Mr.. Charles W. Dayton. Mr-. Andrew J. While, Mrs. J. i>. Plait. Mi>. John Day, Mr*. Tboaaas w. Robinson, Mra. Leander il. crail. Mrs. John CBratenasa, Mrs. Isaac Mills. -Irs. .1. .Mien Apgar, Mrs. John Allen, Mrs. William A. Martin. Mr*. Francis W. Leggett, Mrs. Charles C. Tvler. Mrs. Thomas F. OUroy, Mia. Baadolpl: li. Martlne. Mrs. William A. flbl I Platt Mrs. Vernon M. Davis. Mrs. A-.hhcl P. Fitch. Mrs. Donald McLean. Mrs. ClKirles Plaep. Mrs. J. W. Arthur, Mrs. LeRoy W. Hubbard. Mr-. .!.?.n McLaughlin. Mrs. .lani.- McLaughlin, Mrs. Millern McLean, Mis. E. W. ? :t. .Mrs George v.o<*i Jowett, Mr-.. Joaeph Keane. ^ - J.-siali barnhard, Mrs. James L. Miner. Mr*. liver W. Hitchcock. Mn. I>. L. Baton. Mr-. Francis i.. Lloyd, Mrs. John lioaittnian, Mrs. John A. Bason, Mrs. i.. w. Wallace, Mrs. Arthur -.unwell. Mrs Georgi' : i;. Holtby. Mra. Ueorge ll. Van !>? Water, Mr?. i Jobi, -Iitipson and .Mi*. Huller Iv SllUrk. Tba ( no Literary Society gave s social entertain in. vt on Monday evening at tbe "-.m.- o| Miss Marie i.nUii, No. .",<;t l*aik av.-., which was largely at lended. An Interesting programme waa given hy t!..' f.ll" nlng . Mi-. Limn. I,!:..ii. Ml-- Luksch, Mr.. . Friedenbers, Mr*. Si. ?.oar. Hiss Dunne. Among those 1 present were Mr-. E. M. I uUer. Mr-. A. U. Humphrey, Mi*-. .!. A. Full .11. Miss "I L. i.tb!.*. Mrs. Allen 1 sunns Nie. Mr-. Thoma, M. Adam. Miss J. Ballard. Mi - Irving, Mrs. Jolm W. Key. Miss Angel. Mr*. A. C. Haller, Mr.*. V.. .-.. Phillip*, Mrs. Bay mond, Mr.. William Mci:,..,. Mi... (hm. lull. Mra. Tollman, Mra. VV. A. Hungerford and Mrs. James irate. The IVawanda Bowling 'inn gavs B Bueeessfnl Panie i.-i Monday evening at Ellcr-il '- In line-hun? dred snd twenty-slxlh-st. Iieoi Lenox ave. Some of Uroso prevent were Miss Fuller. Ml*- A. Wright, Ml** Ferris. A. H. F...g?rt. Frank M. Bedell, Jessie m. smith. Miss Ketchum. Miss Grace Wells, Miss lieu,, Mi*, Robertson, Mi-s Briags, Ml** Ada May Smlih, R. II. Bomrt L.iiis H. Freedman. G. H. Hilo*. Mis Martin-. Mlsa J. Ii. Bbakeley. Ml.s E. Ulskelev, Miss i .1. I. Miss Baker. Mi-. Williamson. Ml-* taint, ; MSB HIUs. G. C. Jove*. M. E. Rose, (icrg.- W. i Campbell. C. J. Campbell. F. P. Clark nnd A. J. i Mcclintock. Those having charge "f Ihe affair con , ,l*t.-d ..f Miss C. E. T:ii". C. Boeaer. Morion W. !., .ni,- J 1). Hlnsele,. Ml*, ll. W, Martin. Mi**i .!. L. 1 Spellman, T. e. Clason, E. E. MeOrotty. H. W. Knobe ? I.,.-'!. Georas Gnrdner, c. B. Gilbert George Campbell, ] George Muller, John F. Norse. Charles Schultz, 8. ; Tailor, ll. ll. M.ellmnn and A. I; .gurt. A ROVE TUE HARLEM RIFER. DlSCfSglXO THE BOULEVABB BCttl-ME?t-OCIAEi . AFFAIRS. The public heiring which Commissioner Hetntl held In regard tn his Boulevard project al hw ..rhee on Tuesday morning did not develop any opposition by uptown re-ldent* lo his pinn. Letters approving the scbeins were rend from John (lattin, Georgs B, Coe, William E. Dodge. (,cor;e A. Baker and other well-known ctllrens. Fordham Morrl* nus the first speaker hi the meeting .-md elroagly Bdvorated tbe ! making of tbs Boolevard. Ex Ju.lg- RrnoBl Hall, Chancellor MacCrarkcn nnd Willism Cauldwell were amor? the ntii-r apeaken advocaUng ihe pian. r>r. UarCraeken said thal he wn.s inter-r..ii in tbe Bonle v.nrd project on account of bis connel Hon willi (he I'nleerslty of the City of Ne iv York, which has pur ? based ii lnrge tract of land ,-il.ove Ihe Harloin River. I'.esides those who spoke, a lurge of dtlsetlS were) represented ns being earnestly In favor of tbe project, as on* likely to Increii*,, the value nf pi-op orly above tbe Ilnrlern Elver, and to make the large Bptowa park more ttaafttl to resident- of nil pur!* af the city. Commissioner Helntz hus continued bbl Mines! effort--, on behalf of his scheme Iii spite of the apparent Indifference or opposition of tho city authorities. Tlie condition of the Mott Haven Omni, a mixture of s?wer and waterway, hus te".ii considered by the Hoard of Health, aad protests against its Pithy eon dillon were intule at ii recent meeting bv butdnese rnen wtio hare their yards ..r ofli.-e., fronting the cana!. Most of the citizens who have no bttatnesa Interests connected with the canal aro In favor of filling lt up. The owners of place* fronting the canal believe, how? ever, thal lt can bO cleaned out nnd kept in u fair rendition of cleanliness l.y proper efforts on tlie p?(rt of the Health Board- Their ls ii considerable n in of c.innl boat* and s*,iall ve--e|s nhieii u*- ihe cane], but as the growth of the etty ls mulling ihe region ubout lt more thifklv populated, lt will un doubtedly be a constantly greater menace to Um health pf Um resident*. There aro sickening odors arl-lng from th*, canal a6 lt at present, exists, as lt ls purdy u-ed Instead of the -eWers which have been built near li. Its present condition eaUSSa much uneaslne.-s t,, those having residence, or business place, not far from tho canal. The Suburban Club members used their new and n'tni'tlve clnhhouse on Tuesday night for n musical nnd literary entertainment for the benefit of th* elah. Then- were plano solos by Ml*s Constance M. Porter. soprano sMc* by Mis, Annie F. Levens and Mrs. M. A. Baheoch; recitations by Professor Throckmorton and srune Instrumental inu.-lc. There nus a large at tendance of the members of this growing club and a considerable, sum nus secur.d for the club fund. A. F. SchwaaneclM baa resigned tho secretaryship of the f-chnorer Chili, and John Osborn, Jr., has token lil* place temporarily. The Tremont Club was hnnds'iinely d*r..roted at the but entertainment held for the nmu*enicn*. of the club member*. James g. Burnett, the InuaortsC, was the principal entertainer, tiinl there were song- and recitations liv others. In the andlenoa were most of tin- well-known residents af Tremont, who take an Interest In the affairs of Ibe club. The fair he'd Ly the Ladles' Auxiliary of thc Young Men's Christian Cnion afforded BP opportunity f..r a namber of young ladies to show their business talent, and they aneroadoi In selling at large prices a considerable number of fancy and asefnl articles. Among Ibe indies who were Interested In the nllnlr BBd] who aided in its success WON Mrs. Ira (.. Lune, tba president ol tho aapoelattoo; Mr*. Lawson, Mn, Parks, Mr*, Giana, Miss Irene Wright, Miss Sarah M. I Io'.!,dav. Miss Ida tiold.-n, Maa Helen Love, Mi Lawson, Miss Halsy Aleoke, Ml-s iievo* and the Mi-*.* Lynch. Tin fair was held on Tuesday an1 Wednesday at the ro!ims of tho Christian Cnion, No. Mt* Willis ave. A reception which wu* especially remarkable bo. .. i ? the on>' in ah aaa honor lt was held had ju,j attained ber ninety eighth birthday, brought together a large number of the friends of Mr*. Mary Woods Bt her heme, No. l.'gll BOStOB-ave. The elderly Indy Waa Mrs. Marv Moore, the motlier of Mrs. Woods. t-hc ls In spite of her years tn comfort-l-le health and ei pressed great pleasure ut feeing -<> i*r,*c a number of her friends. The house iv,* prettUy decorated and taara were marde and refreshments. Among the guests were Hr. and Mrs. Willard I'm ker, Dr. and Mr*. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. George Young, Hr. and Mr*. Milbank, Dr. Holmes, vr. and Mrs. ll. Long. Mi. and Mr*. E. J). Clark, Mr. and Mrs, Collin-Jlrown, ih- Lev. and .Mrs. Rlch-nl Woodbridge, Mr. a-.d Mrs. ft. Willis, Judge and Mr . Kriw-.l Hull. Mr. und Mr*. Wlllliuu ll. Chase, ot I,mm,Min: Mr. and Mrs. WIIIImiii Hong. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ogden, Mr. and Mr*, ('.hull? Hu.I, Mr. sud Mrs. Albeit Hall, Mr-. Langdam Kitcha!!!, Mr. and _r-. c. li. Hatch, the Re*. Ii. B. Tvl-r, Mr. and Mrs. Wiilt'-r Brown, Mr. und Mrs. d. . ?. t'nderhlll, Mr. and Mrs. Allendorf, Mrs. Colin Brown, Mr. .?..,?! ins. A. Roth, Mr. and Mr*. Daniel Wi**.-. Mr. and Mr S. C. Thompson, Mr*. T. H. Wakeman, of Fulton County, and William D. Woodi, ibe anniversary meelina >>f the George (ids Assn . tallou lu*t wc-!, waa attended ie i only by Ibe mem hers, but by their friends, nh" rifler lh<- hlislnes, meet lng wa- over danced through tbe evening hour-. Thc vining p. connected nilli the Exempt Firemen'i Sons' fife .-md Drum corp. gnthcred wi Hi their rela Hus un.! friends -it Bb!I nc', Casino on Mondny nlghi nnd rtijoyed dancing until a Mle hour. Manhattan i on nell, ivhlcii hu* among li* members n number of well-known uptown residents, held tt-anim. 1 reception .n Wednesday evening al Rbltng's Casino. A ball of iho Young M.n's -oclitl Club ,.f We*| Farms na* h. ld on Thursday evening al Crbacb's Hall, GATHERED A ROUT BROOKLYN. J. Edward Addblts, president of tue Brooklyn Gas company, baa aecnred a majority of the stock of the Metropolitan Gas Company In his effort to obtain a continuing Interest in nil the gus companies al the city. Mrs. Jenni.- Wright, of No. 171 Fridges!., is sick? ing*l divorce, On ti... ground of cruelty, from Richard Wright, who i* employed by in.- city Work. Department at PBS a week. Tbe defendant denlc crud treatment ol his wife, but deelarea timi abe baa a ehlld ol whom be I* aol tbe hither. He aaya Ililli oil one occasion when he ll-'ltel his wife he foiitKi a man In the room with her and ihe Poor locked, She said Unit the mun was aa Insurance agent, and lbs! the spring lock i napped by accident, ... thal ber husband could not euler. A n...!i..n for a temporary receiver for the World Qa operaUva pira laaaranes Company in the suit began by the Attorney Ueaeral of th.- stale to dis soho the company, whoas office is si Xo, 86 Broad aay, on Ibe ground of Insolvency, nus de nleii yesterday, as th.-r.- mis aw appearance on !>?? half of the Attaraey-Gfeaeral la the Bapreme court. A sub 'commute'- of thc Civil S. rvlce Comml* lon re parted adversary yeaterday apon the request ol tbe elm Service lb firm Aasacbatloa to Uaasfer a1 om 900 po lilons from ficbePala A, In w..lch competHlv.- exam inaiions ara not reqalred, t.. Behedala ii, when- eaam Inaiioi.- Bra pinaaary t>> appstatmsat. Mast ol Ihe p.situ.ris ure ot ii cntld: ntial nature The wife of patrick Ready, the well known limier, whom lie married on January -J.",, ni Mourin-, "Orange ( or.nty. H. Y., wai Ml-s Katie Cn-gMii. daughter of ;, veli t" do farmer. Mr. Ready becalm- BOqaattttSd With her two yean ugo. while apendlag a raraUoa in Monroe. lb- U lift,-six year-, old and wa- BBppOMed lo be confirmed In bachelorhood. H,. nnd bl* brid, have returned from their wedding trip tu the gSttth and will live nt No. 4:n! ('Union st. Mr*, raihertm M. Hurt, nile af Andrew ll. Hurt. of Ra. 180 Clinton st., waa taken Ul nml fifed m :( reception at the Height* Young Ladle-' BeUdnary, al Ma, SS E iiiscii ,-., on l*rldny ntgnt. -.he was f .riv -.?ii ii yeats old und ber hiLslund ls a stockbroker, -lie hud been troubled with heart disease for sonic Umc. OUR BIG SISTER CITY. AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. Supervisors Make Answer?Activity Among tlie Clubs?Republicans Discuss Plans?Various Items of General Interest. QUIET AT THE NAVY YAKI). "I1IF. DYNAMITE CKUISER VESUVIUS. reminded ol sr continuing b ii a i Isitor Bl DOXOBfi ABB M? FOB AMEIUCAS OFFICEBB x Ti's a.\;i . OMMI M's. A visitor to the Navy Yard lu working hours three or four month* aga Bligh! I ire bi some place of In. ? -:mt 'ol!, ol tl"' labor, bustle and noise of a large rtlj : in.-! ii. nigh! h.* reminded ol 'h" refebrntea Sleep; Hollow, not nv am nseml4afl >? iu appearance "i natural -urn.mining*, hut ny Ihe general spirt! ihat -.eui. manifested. He would not Imagine, mm ti..- , ondition ..f affairs there ii, >t there a i* niciii on ri..- I'o inc Coast, or th"..' was anything la v.i,nh ih.- Government looh much miorest. Tbere is no work done lhere of nuicli Importance or im -re ', .oily the regular roaUne and even this ha* lagged iii Interest and qannttty. Perhaps Ibe wort on tin. nen cruiser and the reconstrocUon ot the old monitors, and also Hie Hork on ii"* cruiser ? ni rsgo mig!.t I..- taken ns exceptions to mi. statement, hut tills has I.i en going on so long and ls of -ll.:, a Bharacter, thai it i- practically "he icffaiir matine in.- f.r.'- or mea bas been much reduced, ann ihe morning null* Hon: Waahlngton do BO| tiring ninny fetters, s... tl,.- Navy lard 1* liing in u soil of comatose condition, nilling lor narra weather i" and, Mteawber-Uko, foi* "rranethlng to turn ap." i:,.. Destroyer, tor Bring Bnb-marlns torpedoea, t* I sttil lu E"' Naiy Yard, nml sin- (notably wfll !"? I there tor Bboul a ur uh and perbspi ino months longer before abe starts fm Newport. gome delay i,a* bern caused by the fart that th* torpedo-nets, to ne te ted jrbeu tho vessel g...- t.. ready, and, be.-dd. ti.' the naval 11 i unil al-o M l* iel ? ? num. ?i '? I f..r th ?,. , . ind the prim lp'." seri lc being fur under I'.. are di- . which ur. Newport, ? harbor :?' Newport is worst than tha Kosr*Vorh baibor. wiicn tba Breather is favorable, and srerythlng else ll reade, the v.--e| fe to l.e lal.en to Newport !'? test some ti.ts which ara Intended to pr .te. t vessels from attachs nv -"ni.m.nine torpedoes. said that net* after tho lofelgn pattern alter aa American pattern ure to be testefi, and that ??ti ibo reaatta of ii"* teal win depend the sefecUon hy the Jfavy Department at a type "f nel !?? be used ie. the veaseh <?f the United States Bary, l s. elga v.--els hu-.- been supplied with theaa nets, but vessel! ?.f !'"? home Navy have never received them. if the mm rerenUy Introduced In Ibe gens!*, pr' viding for enlisted men In the Navy the privilege td perrbaatng dlschargea from the isrvlee ? ,i few, ii win no don;,!, tend lo lei ber of desertions. The sun:.- law has *..ldlers of the Army for SOW of an honorable way ont "f tl nlsN-d to th"-* who desire t> quit lt, many have pr* fcn-*i the purchase lyatem to the disgrace ..f deaertlon and the risk attending lt. The pries af dfe, M rrguhited by the coat >>f enUsltng, Iransportl : tn.tning a re. mit, with deduction*. Bceordlng '.? tin am..un! of service I." hu- nh'.eli given, sod ti:.- I e Government Indemnifies itaell f.r ii* pecuniary losses. Tba pmciia-e..,; <iis, ilaire By lem Bfeo av.1.1* to ...tent tbs demoralisation produced bj desertions, snd ii mses awsy Ihe M-ase ">f Uopefess confinement In lae Berrica for a long tem, ami .ii the i*xp i ?? the Qovarnment for the keeping of a pr! na will no doubt be mi'tiv desertion, aew law, partly be, -n wi in any condition of life eannol ne will nol pa) money for a fifsehaifB, and prefer t" mn the risk of ern t nnd paalshmenl f.r desertion, and partly ls anse no di-fiuirre fe allowed antU after Ibe fir*t >??. Barvfeo; but the system has worked wen In tbe tr and no doubt will rene.v.- to greal extent the demor attaaUon prodaeed by desertions. A meeUng of Ihe members if tba ronnel! of tbe gOI lety Ot Naval Ac Mle I - Bl ?! M 11*1 " 1 n*4l " I h.-ld ar Na 12 Wes! Thirty Bra! ? *. . 1 lesday. when a permanent organfeatfen nu. rflected, a ." lUtuUon and by laws adopted, and Ihe fol! mit -' ? lei '? d nfl ? President. Clement A. Ortacom, president ot the I iter nut Ional Nail-' iii" n Company; vlei presidents, I ? fiore rn?? ?l..!e P. Wilson, Chief of the Burran ol ? struct!"!! of tbe Navy. Charles ll. < ramp, ? ; I .v Bona; Commodore George W. Melville, < I', of Hu Bnreaa of Engbieertng ?.f tbe Nun . Georg ? turd, Irving M. Scott, of sm Prancfeco; Francis A. Waik.-r, presMi nt of Un " ? ott Institute Technology; william II. Webb, of Nea "i rk erretary, Naval Coast rac tor Waahlngton E. Capps, ol the executive committee, Naval Con i rac tor i ... i ]i..ii|e-. Commodore Charies H. Loring, ll. T, i ex-Naval Constrnctor Lewla Nixon, and Harringt.i Pntnaaa. The objeel of the ns ocfetlon ls t promo!< th-- art of shipbuilding and co ? I ti enat-eerlng In all it* branches, both commrrrlal ai I iiavnl. It mil correspond In Us wort lo I ?? In ? Miutiofi .f Naval Architects in England, n.i bow bsa a liielii!>ei>lilp of sboUl 1"". tn'irv of Wbom ni" ofllcen of tin- Construction sad Engineer i rp ot th* Navy The detaebment ol Captain Rdwaid P. Meeker, the gee! maine oflfeer ..f ihe n atti Atfentlr * ron, for dutv at iii" Portsaxmth Savj Yaid aft.-r li. restoratto- t. daly bUowlag the setting saide "f the sentence af i i .un aiartlal bi Beerctari Thi y, wa, tint ii snip.I*.? i.i him or to other officers. Jil place ?.:, the ( bas Isken bj Captain W. E. .spicer, ii ho received his .ml.:, of detachment from Ibe marine barracks on Friday. Captain >!"'?'?.;? ? mads <??-..mi ttealenant of marines on .lune _4, i- ..;.. bal served in thc Navy Beveral yean before thal A| the beginning >.f n," Civil War be ?.. mode secretary to Admiral GoMslsirough, and wa that ofgcer'a I rt al tli" di embarking of Burnside', command -<t Nea Berne, N. C, Jn?l before the dis embarking commenced a lan.ling force of ISO slier,, . irrylng small attn! nnd howitzers, wai seal ot tote. Mreher ace mpanted the i >mmand, wld**h looi u[i b p'*ii!":i well ha. I. of the beach, and wbB* holding ihl. post ihe command arsi sttscked hy i!i> enemy in ferae force, Tlie enemy wen reallj pn , Ing f.,ri a .1 Ui cherh the fending of ldc' fortes, inn were brought to a sudden itop l.v the howltaer battery of ike sailors. Tbe commander ol the naval force signalled tot rrinrorcemenis, arri wai ordered to hold lr* posi to lbs fes) man. When Ban Ide' ir-op. reached the post which the atlor held ?.. well, "nh* dir.... of them were found sire, sad *i sine Meeker was one of these. He ams commended to Ihe Navy Depart men! for his bravery, and an i sn missioned a second lieutenant Bom tint day, ii, commanded a battalion of marines In the attach on Minn's and Polly Islands, s. c., fe inna, and na* a| tbe rapture of Port Wagner, alter which be wa, promoted to be Brat Net-tenant. Ji" was breveied ?*i captain on January li, i-t., for gallant and meritorious eondnci al the capture of For! Fisher, bat was sol promoted lo thal glade anti] a vacancy occurred i n November 17. l 77. Ptolli wing ih.. lied inn in i aptaln Meekrr'i ra ?. the Navy Department y. lerdaj i ined an order ra] rotated to discipline Paymaster John Clyde HulUvaa for a Violation of one ,,f ih,. vp., i n, im, , . i-iti.i-i',g ihe arti of hi- Government or hfe raperlor "flier. Paymaster Sullivan, whoa altachis! i. ... Mohican, In the Parlfle in Ort ber fest, wa report.--] io tl", stoic Department by the United bluies t at Victoria for public ntteraneea in connection with th.- Behring s.-n conirovsrsy, When the m.,bb an lea. i,ci BeatUe several of Ihe newspaper ron In hied linenl.-v.* of Paymaster sullivan on the operation! ol the reese! ii, Behring gea and on the Behring c.-., question generally, la all "f these laterview* h. wai represented aa hartag shown no sympath) wUh th* eoatenttons raised bj the United Mates. The remark* tba! nara COOSlderel paillcuhulv offensive iver.- published |? -The Seattle IV-t In'el'i -. ?. ,r. - a. folloll.; ?? \\e t.aveli't the SbodOV ..J ., rlgtH 1" declare Behriag Bea a cloned nea, and we shall be knocked oul entirely by ih?- International Commission. I have read rveryUtlng I coaM get my hands on upon ti*- 'iihje. t, nnd ,im Baaaethlng of a lawyer aa weU a* i sailor, and i belove Stelae's coateatlon ls ali wrong, mid ike Called states win kare to pay doable f..r th- warfe iv hav.. i.i, geing h ii..- Behring gea." 'I lie Vlei.ulan and I* iBttfiltta paper* < Opted l';,i Uastei BaBtvaa'fl latervtawa wit*, latsnaa MttsfBrUoa, uini made gieat Capital out of them. Tafe added lo thc feattag already fede-wlged lu th- Btate ami Navy De* partaaeata, aad rhyajaaur Pamatta na* Ballad apaa for an exp!:.natl.>n i f hi* ut!..,nn.-.. and it wa* proved that ha mada tha Matomenii a* pittiliihad. lt l* only a f.ii wenba un. ihat bc appBed t.. ba fietactad from the .Mohican, and to he md-red to I lin receiving >hlp Vermont Ht the New-York Niivt Yard at thi, BtttUon, Mit the Department concluded that h.- abOBM ls- pun Islied for his Indiscreet utUraiKC*, and ti__ omcri-j b|m ii.\piratl "ii weenier -n- Would I-a more -ll. "Ul" war wei I*" - tori ??.:.. ..i.i-1 ? i'"'! the other purpose ls io deiermini Vie'. I;.,'.-I.'.',",, .;,i,|l I,.- ,'M.ic'lli. ?'(""" ,'"'".'; ,,, ;, ...,.?t.l III I,..-,,Il- gilli CCl-l- I'"* ,","''."> ron,nu. ting n *?.-I vessel sus appn.iirtatcd upon ll.-I ilia! Ihe Vesuvius should prove a anci . and tvecretan lian ?}? Ihst the Apartment fe pre i.c.-d t., order a -c.,,,.! ship of Hie Vesuvius type Wednesday decided to r-is.rt. ns nu amendment tn Ihe Navsl Appropriation hill, genator Hale's ill! lu jnereii - th.- rm. I ? t-.t ... ns lo provide for en., bsttl. Mp, two armored rossi drtenee ?? (?v. lin ni^, snd *l2ht lerp.*!" Isssts, nnd f_tt10,000 , . . .i... n-i.- h.... .- ,*,...i,,.... s.* .Iii experiment*. Tie House Commltti . tome of it, i.ber*,, ar- no! so fsvorablj i!!-tx.*--d. int Mr. Herbert seem* lo be Blore liberal Ihsn some ol bl coll' mic- snd favors a battleship at least. NEWS PROM HIE ARMORIES. I.E.VIEWS AND l>r.IEI.s-Tl GIVE AN kHHTJKJi DINNER. ? I - ri --i Hairy W. Michell will review- the third l>affull ii of lite 23d Regiment, con.i*ting af Cam? pari l?- c, D and I, under Captata Frederick L-HoBnea, on February ll. A preparatory drill wu* mid bx th. battalion oa i it Maj night. The *..?.....I bsltslloa of th* 13th Iteriment. con . Companies i). e. ll and I. comnmndsd by Major George '.. i ... nan, will han- an BShlbtllOfl <!riil early la March. Governoi Flower and his .stu:f ulii be Invited I., alli ' Company ll, 13th Regiment, h looking for two ll"'! lensni . snd i iptsln John r. Jennings lia* appointed ? - of Corporal, Morrison and Bros u, io *.|eet i itee. i ..'i i in lt '-ll : .1. a t lestre party rn th* Crlte t n i...r on February ll. Rx-Sergeani Thomas llav den, of Compaay I. wi,., fe noa blind, will :ip;--..r hs ll! audi '? lr. I .. j -.. .. < u ; ri battalion of tbe 13th Begtment under Capt*I . larle, ll. I.umtali, ??.ill have a review snd drill "ii 1 ? ru .v 1".. Captain Lu comb has adopted I new rule in Tom ; bi | IC to set ur-- atti ndam ?? ?t dr;i:. and gel rel "f men who do hot li mi regularly, lt ls that any mein ber who I* absent consecuUvely thr*j Umei from 'ir ll |. liable to be dropped .nm tbe i .mpiuv Bfltboul noll. ?. . ? isi.iiti:.i .Inn..I ol tbe,, ll ..f ..i!i..r- of rhe 171 . Ri .'".? * * mil be held Bl t ie Cl lon 1 eagne Club ? ii February ll. Adjutant (i*m nil Porter. Erl--, .il r ; Mi i --c. lt K r-Ueiu ral U< Grath, Assistant .III irdlns. '?? ne al J. V. Mew role. Un lirst '?.. I ol iii., ri-glnii'iil. and Caplaln t..:i St. John, Ihe |,i. lo.iil ? the \ vienna1 I . i.i bm, sn i : o |5 the lui ed gu. si -. loloiul Fud) ii.i. Itivlii-d Adjutant General Porter to fi i. lt e.- ur ... i ? * ruary -l. ~:i ?? .-? inn! ' E. Holmberg, ut Company li, 14th tl , .1 , lcd nr-t Ii.ii!.naiii of Ute . . lill I 'I" 'I ll el e' | ..'. ll i. iou ii lin ular concerning the I'l I! ni ' I'adei i ..ri ,, < ommi nd.tig lt t i lb" parenl ; men, nml promising thal special care silt l?e taken '1 t i ,? ? ri.sit have good ... l I. .," le I and milli iv lr I ' g ri lid n ,?*.. ba ? nged Its headquarter nights !.. Fri lay. A review ul Ihe Eu,. Begtment and lb* presents linn ol m .!;, - icu badge, U-ok* 11... ? ou Iriaav even Ina li i' ? rave ii morj. General Mc Leer led tbe review, ii- 1 led ll bl* - ti, tr. Conni.ii durr Erlieti and other il-u.-r* iront Ih" Navy Vant sere pr- eil fie ie were S!0"i marl amen who ip u 1 il .'i c. lvi i medals, rhe priae-wtnnsn were .-rs- nt I.I. I .ii tist.H'k. Coin pan > I. and Prtvaie. ... .1. stifle, Compaii] Ki u. i. Crane, Companj A, .n.i I., r. Barrett, ? ompany 1. ORABAM Kt X l> Ai E\E\lS<i LECTUEER. Ti.pealna ssctare I*! '!"? coarse of the Augustus '.r.iii.mi free - : .!: i .lining lectures for tte- season .-( ISU2-B3 will be given under the auspices ..f the lirooklyn In tlfnte nt Arts and "Sciences In tbe \ -?? ? iii on Hall la liond it., near Fallon ? .. Uri., evening. Mn..- Ihe .'. Utate 1 ?-! lt* I.uleling iu SYashlBgton i. i.i Ure tw.. year, ago, lt na been crippled in lia r>-..ur. ?-, being compelled to real otlces, lecture rooms, Ubi i le bi I department room, wherever available; coi i*uucnily, during UM last Uro winters, ' ??? ira lee* have i. obliged i" pay both tba real of the i., tu:', han and the lecturers, and have walled anti] the lu'..i for Ihe wppori of Ihe lectures ihould l.e -ni!., li ni i.. ii.- - the large csp ines. I he ti ti ? Invited f..r Hie pre eal sea mn tie- fete Bi *?? Dr. Phillip. Br "oh . ia bop of Massachusetts; IU hop Spalding, ..f 11im..i . a nd Ihe Bev. Dr, I. ll. Mn. cut lo deliver h. lure* in the present course, nie lii-i ?? I. dur. * will I.. L'.i.n by llUhop S|i:,hiing. Hie io ii I--nu" nil' be I'l iii" Ed. Dr, vin ? lit. No one ha . iel I,. .e. iii'e.i in the pl ne of the fete lilslioti I.i ?,,:, .. I ... |;. \. Dr. Chilli"* li. Hail, ol ll .ii h-tnlly, will pre Ide this evening, and a im"') namber <>i representative ilUzcns mil bu pn _ To TAX STREET B.XILMOAD UOEPOEATIOXa Aller a cinrcrenre wBh tbe heads ..r ii,,- city de penmen,', rc ti-rday, Mayor Hood] am.? l Um! the Corporail-n Connell would prepare a MO providing ? taxation ol the sire: railroad corpornUona >.f ihe citi. ii uh those In existence and prospecUve ones, and io d. lin., th" scllon lo be taken by tba city In :i a granting of tatara franchise*. Before the Mayor conferred with the loads pf da part men I* privately they all listened to the rtewi snai '.. Bheannan, ihe sing!,- Tax advocate, lavoring Ute Farquhar bill now berore tba Legislature, whh I. gives m.. autaoriUea la rltiee and coon th power to decide whether they will tux real ea .1- personal property together, ..r each atone. Il" i.i.ii.-.1 that ih.- experience ..f tax rollectora ihowed the unwisdom of efforts fe tai personal property and its u?*h ? ? ike groat majority of cttlaens would wear io a greal aianj lies to -jive ? few bnndreda of .i Ifei . lt wai Impossible to compel any ons fe pnj i p-:'"'iil tai. a tier.- were *.? many facilities fer .?lading ll. Mr. Siicurinin *ald that BomettmCB he mill ii personal lax and someUmes he did not, and i-.i'.-u he dui ii hos .a gratuity lo ibe city and I." cause it lim..* gave .-? man a lillie personal Pie ll* i" '" lt. ll" also argued in regard t . H.- pai imi.l of laxes thal iii th.- end they wen- all I ubi bj personal property Invested in real estate, ah real i late men favored the atsdltl.r Hie personal i.\. The elevated railroads ihould not he exempted because Ihe Cmrl of Appel* had decided thal ihey owned icu! .-i.i". and tdi ih.- real ealatr ..f -ti-.-i rallruad corporal mi* -hon!.! be taxed, and franchise* sold lo t!i" highes! I.hiller.. The elly null,..-Hie. did not declare themselves on the Farquhar bill. irs ERM. oe mrs. FLIMLET. Tbe funeral of Mra. I "karlotte PUraley, who *h?.t h.r buatand and then Ulled herself In tile third Bal nt No, ii- Flatb ush nv... on Thursday, will take pine., at noon to-day and Ihe |,mini will |,c In tireen Wood. Mr*. Elim!.-, had I. uk accounts for nearly 15,000 andee two mums, which sh., hore ut different inn..i. romley I* sim living ut the Methodist ipi... pal Hospital, bat h's r.very I* not hoped for. At th.- Coroner's o__ee li baa bara derided that tbs hiter foi.nd In Pllmh-y's pocket ul tbs lime h.- ama -hot wa* Written Iv lil-, nfc. and that fee r.e.'lied it al N... i.*i ^iind-st., wbera be was itaytiig. li ls nuder.i.m-iI ihai il... eau.,, of thc .pi.niel between him and his wife was h.r refusal lo l"i him lin mlle h.-r in mci. wMell ska *avcd for ber children by a former husband. IMPORTING RETAILERS, Fulton St., opposite DeKalb Ayc, B R 0 0 K LY N. er Any ?lave Dry 4*oi),l? ever lien Siold na l.ow ma wa will Oller Hiern Through ont our Hgmrlra Tn ?wr rm Wi nnd not uniter nny rirriiiw-mneci will they be olli nil ns low ri sew lu* re. O ( Il A NN I A Ii S II II! T SA L E. It i* scarcely n.mary ?* ' ''" n",ro *'"'" n"*Mt'''n tlie luet thu! flu*) sit" is tn take place, but ive think it. only fair ro mir customers to stat.- thur, notwithstanding the increased cast <>f malarial, thean Shirts ar.- better snd cheaper than any yat nulli in this country?a broad atete-aeut, but ono Binplv supported ly mir pri'.-s. -'*.'. dozen Mena Unlaundered Shirts, 38 ets. each. 120 down M'-n's- Unlaundered Shirt*., .".*i ets. each. ::. il ./en Mon'* Uhlsundered Shirrs. Tn et*, each. tt riosen revs* Unlaundered Shirt*. '..'; eta eaoh. 20 il. zen Boys' Unlaundered Shirts, ?!'? eta. oaon. :n dozon Mona plain Night shirt*, 'in ?*in. each. 55 Boson Mona plain Nijfht Shirts, :.?i etg euell. :,.-. doxen M.-n's plain Shirts, > '.t ''ts. each. 20 'h./eu Men's Twill Night Shirt.-. 59 ets. each. 32 donen Boys' plum Mah! Shit ts, :v.t eta each. :t*-! dozen BOVS' plain! shirts. 1!< cte. i-u.'ll. 711 il,zea Mens Fancy Trinimeil Night Shirts-. 4!? ets. each. :,o dmoB Men's Fancy Trimmed Ni.iht Shirt*. :,'.i ctn. each. :.o dozen Mon's Fancy Trimmed Nielit Shirt*. BB ctn. each. 40 dozen Mon's Trimmed Nulli Shirr-:. 7H ct9. each. ,'i0 doMQ B 'V*' Fancy Trimmed Ni--hr Shirts, 30 ci*, each. 20 dozen Oofs' Faney Trimmed Night Shir;., .".9 ets. caril. CLO A KS At Prices Represent iny the Ear yest Loss ever incurred by this Department, And solely lii-cans.. we propOfiS to sell every Winter garment we have, if prim will do it. The price* quoted ar- only about one-half or otie ?iiiarti-r ol those of tlie earlier reason. Eur-frimmed (torments. Black Ustrschttn Boa Coram, Reefer Cohtg and Walking Coats: Lot l at $.".."ii each. Lol '.' at $7 I. .f ii Bl $1 0,.ttCll. Alan -iv lots oi Fur-Trimmed Garments of very Bne quality: Lot l at $15.50 each. Lot .' ut tl 3 00 each. Lot :i at S-20.00 inch. Lot 4 at 822.50 eu'li. Lot .", af S.*7..'i" .uMi. Lot fi af $32.50 each. Coats and Jackets. Tni! ir-rni'Ie Bok, Reefer; Watteau aad Walking fonts and Jackets, ..ur entire mock in liv,, lots? the eil,,i' est ma le : Lt i at $| " "?? each. l...t j ur sifi "" each. Lot .'? nt $20..adi. Lot 4 nt $25..ii' h. i l.of .*. nf Si".ach. Sanm claas of (roi ils |n colors: l.of 1 nf $0 '.ach. I.or 2 at $1 I '." each. Lot :i nt Si 7 ".'' each. Lot I ut $19.50 ea, h. Lol ". nt $24 .'." earl:. Triple Cape Coats. Lot 1 af $13.75 each. Lot '.' af ?! i 7". en.-h. i/.r :; al 123.75 eu.h. Lol 4 al $-.".i.7.". each. Ladies' Loni/ Oucrcoats, in four assortments, ar $10.50. $24.50, $29.50 and * :*.' 50. ll.e..- L'lirnients nm rt"iv v.ry stylish, and Mere made especially for late uniter trad.-. WASH EA HlilCS. Ail short Lengths and Remnants of every description ot Wash Fabrics will is- found ? ?ti s|H-.i:ii tal I -. rear ol main Boor, at tho fol? lowing* extraordinary reductions: 12 l-*.' T.. 15 ct, *-''i"-is at .". rt*. l'. io 20 et. j..I, at 7 ets. -.'" f? ?'.?' ct. g.I* nt lu eta. 35 tu '50 ct. c.,...I* at 15 Cts, 50 f" 7.". ct. ? sods St 20 cfs. ? ?tr ? ? r reductions, also in Wash Fabrics, ac; Fine quality French Mouaseline d'In le, IS rta p.r jard; reduced from *.'.'. .-ts. lin.- quality Printed Lawna, 18 eta p<*r yard; rc. I nee, I fr. un *.'.'. cfs. lin.' quality Polka Spot Scotch Zephyrs, in .?hoi..- lolor-, *.'."i its. per yard: reduce I from :**_.?(*. .".'of.-h Zephyr Cr.-pon. in plain colors, 20 cts. per yni'.I: rel ticed from 38 ct* Scotch Zephyr*, in lac- etTi'i-ts, ._ cfs. per .lard; reduced from I1* et.*. LADIES' SHOPS. One-Ouarter to One-halfof Keyte tar Prii'es. IBO pair* nf Ladlee' line Shoes, odd pair*, re?lu'*ed tu one-quarter and un.-hali of reuular prices. A bo, about lu pair* of Men's Slippers, at name rat..*. NE W SP li I XO S IL KS. Two Values thut hare never been Approachcil, and will not lie Repeated. -'?.i yards Taffeta Silk, new effects in nmiuv and hairline stripes?imported this aeaaon tu r.* ?sJI nt -'. ii-, pet yaru-our puce for this lot BU cts. per rani. 1.000 innis Satin Damaase, new effects in seeded and Boral design* in all the tint*, $1.25 p. r yard. DRESS GOODS. Very Sped ul Values. 16-Inch all-wool Vigourraus stripes, in hand* som" mixtures, ii.'- ets. per yard, instead of $1.26. A varied assortment "l nen- styles in all-wool American Dress ll*ooUs, at CS cts. per yard. (i Ii EA T li E DI C Tl O NS lu Laces, Kmbroideries and Ha nd keech iefs. Mla.k .silk Bourdon Loxa, *.".) tu !is eta, per yard *. srera 40 ct*, io .*>.'.un. Lia. i; Point '!?? Ireland I.:...-*, rsnoy and net f..p*. $1,35 to -*?"..'.ii per jiud; were $2.50 t,* $; mi. Novelty laces, black, cream, colored, tw?> tniie.l. I'a.'heiiiir nnd headed etTei'fs. reduced to half price and less. Fancy and net t- p Irish Point Laces, cream and l>iei:e, in tu 59 er*. |. -v lani: iv. re 1'.) tu Pg ct*.. Fancy I otion Torchon and Medicis, various widths, -". 1" 19 sta Embroideries. While lind colored Embroideries, (Betty de ?_'iis mid neut pn*terna ."? tu 50 ctn per yard. ?I.', indi SI. ii ?in ?.-*. .'tn eta. to $1.50 1st yard? nlf-iii-iee liii.l I. *. half-price and li*** Handkerchief's. Ts'idies' handmade Initial 1 lin.lker.'hlefs?every thread linen?12 1-2 eta. men. Iluiid-einliruiil. red unit Sivis* llatidki'rcliief*, white timi color.-!, ?.'.'? tu Pg cts.; were 4S et*, tu $2 00, Kmliri.iilei.-d Chilton and Silk Handkerchief-, ?-'.'i to vs ctn.; WOTS .Mi cts. to $2.00. Ladies' and men's all Linen Handkerchiefs, 1-2 to 1 l-l mell linn-, i'i |?| to 50 cts. ladies9 waists At Half of Wholesale Price*. 100 dozen Ladies' Waists, in Saline I_.n_?_, Menin? Cloth aril Flannelette, striped and -lin?8 dots, plain Mack navy, li_tl llftg jg* with .casca...., jabot front, plait, and pffl all sizes-choice of the entire lot at CS each. '? DU. gg dozen Flannel Waists, navy. cardin-d Kt- _. etc., some with tucked yoke hack anI *?____ and jabot down front, Boase Kumian 1102 in black arid navy. Si. li each "-ou-sr*, ll donn imported Nonpareil Cloth Waist. s,r,,,e,i^e,le,,*. assorted ol.,,-, S3U Jjfc Also 88 doz,* tag Percale Waists, |n -.inW' lavender, light blue, etc., double Ml JB abo 2? doaan with cascade front, plea "d __& and c-iTs. ns eta. each: regains fffEaft V?" Silk Waists, whatever is left from E.J* .isl attie of lust week, t<? be c& ??.**? tt.M ni $1.88 each; regular ?prices,0'Jig Mrltff, g8 Black Saline Shirts, with dren floria. Van Dyke embroidery. $1.89 *a*a P ","*< :.n Black tetine Shirts, with deep erahroid?_i Bonnee, fl.99 each. '?""roweMi A few illiiek Satin Rhadamaa and roinr*, -.?. Skirt*, st $4.88 ca.-h. Instead of $r.*io SUk CORSETS. Specials To-Morrow. LADIES9 GLOVES. US cts. instead of $1.80. Ladies' .-hatton Pique Suede .Jlores, *-h? heavy, for early spring wear, in fans, mode*. *_3 grays, 88 cts, regular price $i.j". ? FLANNELS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS, DOMESTICS. Tho following pri?v*s for then Ci,0.i, ?.rs**,'' f themselvea Sorely they bare Borer be*a At. prottohed lx'toro anywhere. Flannels. All ("hort lengths of white, colored snd *t> broid'-red Flannels p?duccd to one-half of regulw pries, and a Cow French Flannels r.shiced. tntt lo tn 2", ct*. Printed Cotton CaehemireR, entirely new, beautiful defiifBS, chintz rolorinn too pieced fit l" elf. per rard, Instead of 20 cts, look aa thouj*h they uiifjlu is> ararth ot) cw, per yard. White Goods. Short length* of Plaid Lawn*, NatnaaskB, Ifr ?lia Linen.-, black a'd white Faneiea and dotted Swiss, at oni'-half of regular prices. Printed India Dimity, 17 ets., hart-fid Of o'1 Cts., IO- pieces in cholf* new deafens; also 150 pi.^s :it 12 1-2 ct*.., la* stead ol 1 7 et*, per yard. inn pioern checked Nainsook, mull .finish, 12 1-'*! ct*. i)?'r yard, Inates I of 17 ers. 100 pieces fine Cheeked NslOSOOk, Si Cfs. pit yard, in*-t.-;irl of l *.' 1-: eta 50 proee* white and black Plaid Lawns, ll et*, p.-r inrd. Instead of IS ets. r.n pieces Mack and white liotted Swiss at half of regular prices. Domestics?Half Price. ^hort lenetlis of bleached and tinhlevheg Mii-lin arel white rarnbries, from 1 to 8 each, at half "f r'-tulnr pric*'-*. Sheets, I'llluw Cases and Holster Case*, slightly soiled, at very low prim's. Linens. HflO dozen fine hemtitehed and fringed Huck Towels, ?'.". ets, each. Instead of SS eta 72-inch Cream Table Damask, '.'.? <*rs. per yard. :i-4 Irish Linea Napkins, $3.M per mm, in* stead of $3.50. Odd lot of fine Satin Damask Table Cloths, j to 2 l-J yards wide, and from S to .1 yards lom*, also 5-8 and ;f-4 Napkins to match, at ii per cent reduction. lilankets, etc. Odd lots of Blankets, Qnilts and Comfortables, at reduction, of from 'Ju to 4" per L'-nt. LININGS, For Monday Only. Fancy [Vreslliiea, black back, lo cts. per yard, reduced from '.'.'? rt*. CARPETS. Special Reductions. Tapestry Carpets gg cts. per yard, rediioai from 7.'i eta, Ingrains, bi.t qmlity, 85 cfs. per yard; form? erly 7:. ct*. _ BOYS9 KNEE PANTS, Huff Price and Less. All wool Scotch Cheviot Kine rant,, neal patterns. 4 t" 15 yean,, reduced fruin $1.28 to .",11 1 ts. each. Also, all wool Knee Hunts, choice styles, 4 to 18 yean, reduced trum ?i.:(> to *>*.# ct.*. OPTICAL GOODS. Head These Prices. Solid Kohl Eye cli-ses, with best Crown -lam lenses, $1.49, with case; regular price, $-1.00, Solid mid S[.tacos, with heit Crown uto*"* lenseM, $1.49, with (?;.-*'?; regular price, $M? I'eriacopio ConVe-x tVbbles, $1.00 enn. Distance and Beading -Hasses combiiied, solid ni. kel franni*. !??. eta.; regular pru**', Sci'' . Grenulne Skeleton Lye Glasses, lunt MW with sark iios..pii-14-s, 29 cts.; regfilai price, 39 eta '. ._, Oenllttts1 prescription* Ulled, aud opttc_l worn promptly done, at lowest prices. Reductions in the Easement. A BfCCi-l lot of Hric-a-Hrac at a reduction ol one-third. A lot of Cups and Saucers at 20 per cen! discount. Princess Lump Shades, $1.75. l-l-incli Silk Lump Shades, all colon., $3.00. 1 DENNIN'S CERTAIN CURE For KheBfliatitt-i .ibu" kout I'ertnln, Mile atti Boar dr wlieiher Arnie, i*sb.Aest* or 1 bronte .__ is Tbs esra exSilblt* its bmM eursordinary KS^-S leBevmg in s feai .sys the Riifumatie pain* wuanj nawsd sad a?ontie.f for vo-ir-. sold by tra0Psa>>9 will l.o ??-nt bv express i.ald to sny sddres, st ti. tu v? bottle, or S7 SO !? r hulf(Joma. CHARLES MCMI9, The Pharmacist, Kirsl I'loee. eor. Curl-st.. BroeklT-. X. ?' Urooltlnn -Jbcatr'S. nOLUMBIA THLATIiK. \V?*tilneton and 'Hilary St*., ilrooklrn .?_-* I'lllVIX K BOWLES v i" ? . ???? ?,r0_f'i l Kd iv In Knowle., Hal.iel ProhrsBB mid Al. Ilsyusin.i TWO WI'I'.KS. To-morrow, HOBDAY, February 6. Direct from their BnprecedcBlad run st the Tliealre. I.I-llF.NT. TOMPKINS' (iis'.it specUieular prutlucilon of TIIK BABES IN THE W(H)t), An old story told In a new way, with * V_.ti.uil. snd sll the * erlgUula ot produftiaa. ? r