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FOR A NEW COMMISSION. RAPID TRANSIT FLAKS DISCUSSED. aj0Ma***T1 aWOOBRTED TO THE FARCCII IR JILL-A FINANCIAL IDEA HY WHICH TnE CITY WILL OWN THE CXDERGROCND ROin. lac Rapid Transit Oasaaalllss of Hie I*eal Estate t%t'ihtiSf bfld ' RRRBotm *N*R***mj, nt which Aflsesably. ?jun IMrnuhiir aral present. Tiie outcome of tho ?n-ct-K iD^'.'t*"6 J) Hxed purposu on the part of ro?i estate nidi. Bl iTi.-t. R) BCrssvciB In Hip rflOrl to i?ure more permanent than Um Wcvotcd tricks- Thr uiMleraTniind 1*1.. hus iiixiueMionably taken BBBISBrtSR of Mils eoiTtnltt'e, a*, noll as the mya ides that Cte city should have u Bang In tbs _-*?**-'?."? f,r ,!ie nm* *** eventually acquire moot* BBRflflfl?IR A ms.1fsi-i;y nf the Committee of Twenty-fire at t*n*l?** flflSUI-SJ's meeting. H. V. Harnett preside.!. Iteseoretarr. B. E. Romaine, \t.-i** there. Some nf the -_,-rs present were Thurles Duels, Henry R. I'.eckin;iii. r_ri? E gchnyks*, L. J. rn Ila nan, Eran's R. Houghton ,____ J. I.. IMrHh. Tbe conference was taken part In I m neirtT oil who wot* seated around the bonrd. ?'_ a result of a dellhcrntlon lasting in,.re than two v.^. Mr. l'ar._ii)>!u c<,!iscnt<*<1 to oller In the AflBesably j-f-idcrt Mil. 1<> hs pratt! nlly a su?>siitute fur thar ,Btroduced hy him la-t Munday, but which should rtj-aln SSBM new features, while preserving many j tue "BBfl-Bai r>t IRS own bill, ns wdl as the Rapid ?siain a-t of MM. p. 1* p"liro",'<1' imong other things, that a new com ?dj-lon shall be appointed, which shall formulate new mmm, or al their option adept the plans of the retiring mmtMRMRm, on the basis of Via?SJ the tor aaBaTBSRsa and operation shall be offered nt public ?action hit ?r,!d '" tm* MghSBt bidder. In ease, how -re- I?I effort lo sell the fninchl-.* 1s BBS?NSBBfnl, ti?n _? -t*Y t--itt tie nuihoii/.ed and empowered lo __rofeed SR? :?'?" wnsfltrnctlofl nf a rapM trsasH road _B ?i-r-irtlanre willi ihe plans laid down bv the new '?nia-K-lon. lbs wer!* in bo earrie*] on as a municipal wt--*>rl*e St tbs expense of the public The amended bill ssiil prohibit Hie use of nny -rreet* 0.__?r than tho-e bow n-t-d bv ths Mannattaa rom ?s?-.v. lvliig Le1'.s?-eii Till-.*! ind SlXtb avo. south of Qas>sBii4*lan<l twenty sIxtB -t. A financial pngraaMM twv cuvrving on the worli iras ?tics*'ted at Hie confereure, which i- legarded by lome a- le.v.i y-.-scsed af attractive features. In the Ba*! g?as. li ls proposag to organize a coii-tructuta Maafsag, with -hkb tte Rapid Transit ComaalssloB Ibsll he suil:wl/..d lo eontraet for tha construction ind BfSSStlaB of the n.nd fir any period to be agreed upon, mot toe*,, eel 190 years; that the my shall !*'? ;e to the construction company a \xo\- cent bonds In a BM .-'.inii lent Ib over ti." coat af Hie mad. and -ag company, from tte nie of thesa bon?i, guaranteed bv the n:y. "-HI Unw I"' enabled to secure the neces ury flspRal for the <ioaipletlaa of tin- ant**rsBtje, The ron-lrur'l'.ii company Hms building an 1 op***?! ir.j; the ro.d will, however, be re'-uiit-d lt. gag lo the rtti bbb*??J ?"? par tent apon tbs c.*! "f .i.t-u-uc tlon, and, of -oana, whatever the company makes a-t above thc ?? per cent paid to thc iininiripaltty srin be it. pratt in thc aperal rn ot xhe, nnd. Thc rite of liiirrc-t aa tte bunds guaranteed by the city being o per cent, and Hm BBfloaat to be paid 'by tbs operating inn.p.n.y being :> pr cent, thc difleren.-e of. per csa! ss,il ba aseg a* a sinking fund for thc ultimate taRrrSBsnl of all the bond- and eilect final ownership of ih? road by tho city Itself. TM* plan, lt "a thought, will meet with favor and -j-ni-e the sulis.'riptii.:i nf the n'scssarv funds with? out delny or BSB?irrasainant as the work ls curried lors-srd. The thcry i., that ihe credit of lbs etti lying so much greater than that of nov pt?stble cinstnictlon company. Hie ni ,nev ,-an easily be raise! it a per cent, aid sritb Hie guaraatas of .'. i>'r etoi la return lbs etty is amply protected ag;il!i-*t loss In tbe transaction. Of curse if a eon st ruc Hon coni pflnv or syndicate should ernie forward and offer more Uiin tbe minimum rate of .*. per emt, which li to be the uris.-t rate, the city will be Itel much better off: and li ls thought bv some of the friends Of tb? J)";an liiat the profits ,>f opera!IRmi ar,; lil.elv ti bo Bach, even wl'h a minimum fare of ."? cents, that -p-uu-ts win ba irtUlng t.. make tte annual payment tn Ite city even hinter than D p.-r cent en the cost of consti-TKlkin. A eoaapntattOB has httn mttr, if ls said, which Indicate that the kinking /and thus acjulred would retire nil Ihc bonds ssiihin thirty-five yrnrs. If the mad fll?_M cost s?.>O,0O(>, 000 there would be a minimum inciiie for the city frr.m Its opera lion of at lea-t if-:,r,O0,0rK). lt "BBS propOn*. to exfinpt the cimpnny from reneral Lixiitlii unti', aft.-r lt h;is lK*en Iti operulion one lear. Thi* paint has not 1.n tally eaoVBBirg, Mr. ISrquliar Inlet,,1* i,, cm Lr nilli Ihe ContlOlRr tad the pre.-ldeni "l tte Tax Dspaunnenl t-etorr r*Ri*nlng to Albany, if tM* leatnrc la nol iippos***) by ib4?ai h* ??,ll probably Ins.-rt In his bill a pi..v|s|..n making this guaiiiiite.'. Tte kgifllatiriJ .ommltt'-e of the Beal Estate Exehang. r.aphi Trauisll Oommltta*. ssiii hold a s> .-inn lo-mlrrow snd foriiiulate ame?dmenta to ite Farqabar bill In ac ccrdance srllb the plan- *,.t (orth. lt ls **a*o**4M4*d by tl.e ...iiinutiee ti les! public a->atlnM'Bl "n lae que-* tlon ol dty ownership by the tiri niall m ol p litton*, aecompanled by :,n explanation ..f lbs gen*?riil Shel III 11 Ul plan snggestedi, in case lhere |s i<.,> atronu epp.'s:ii,.n I., tn.' plan ol immediate i*onstrnctioa uni lp ol a road by ile- city. IT MIST KNI> IN CORRUPTIJN. TEERR BHOU-Q RE No C0MBIRATI0S RKTWE" N TIMMANY IN!) ANY SYslI.M OF UlPIIi TRAXS1T. At ihe fr-t rag?-f _s!s*tln| of Hie Republican or gsnir.T'ion al tte XXUM Asaeaihly Dtstiiet, beU. on Jsnn.iry -J?, at No. 103 West '?TgMy-sccond-st., the fMl^wIng resolutions were unanimously aBOpteS; Eb?TiSS, lt a pl I transit ls an lndl-pcn-iible BjSfl??JSlty to tile latiifort af th.- cHi/Ciis if .Ness-York ref?Ung "resi nnd n ;t', of Central Lark, nnd to Hie develop ?ent and gr,.sst:i of tte rlty <>r Rew-Yurk; and Rherrai, The lab rlag ela-)*a*si and enipl.yes pen er, Tv ire absotutaly Rapt ml.-nt ou uipld transit foi' ?Mer and (leaper lif.ui.*; and Ebenaa, RapM transit ls a gnastloa which ShaaM b* sfl'i'. and d-alt \slih bv our <lti/.'-iis, Irrcpe, tlv, of party, and ls issi marti j a Ban-part?arn ga?*stlon; and W.'ierer,., Tho Huron1-.- of r:ipl<l transit fafllllie.. Hiss *', li.ailc.iaat.-, |s being d,-lnye*l and baupered bj the had,-is nt T.uii'i.alis Hall; Resslreg, Ry tte RepatReaa orgaalaatlon of the XXllbi iliuBitly Di-ulct, lb?t it is lnjiirlom lo Ihe li.It.*'- og tiie div ..I Ne-s Yorb anil sui,v T'-ive i.f Rmi rights ef tte p'-opi.>, tint pr ifi?Inna 1 i-oliUciai) havo ibo pow.r to dictate la abai saaaaar I Brita st. r>i)irt ? im11-1?_, aRoo?1 Un bimigiit about, and the terms '?? ii which it nii.y be attained. 1-c-olved, That Ibis organization pieRfrs li.-lf t. 1'ipp irt lor iis-einl'lviiiiiii aid .il.1erin.iii al tte next ?l".T n men nh., will act and vote for Imror-dlatc in c^.si-si i?.i_jid truiisii farlllUa-a iiiitraiiim. U'-il 1/y wi-ci?iai Ii,nt political ? in -. Iseso'v.-l. That nny loiiil'luaiii.n between Tauimaiiv Hill ai.u in,, kuirportj-r* ol any particular ay-?cai ,,f '?i"l transit I. dangerous to tho l.?i interests of o ?Vi fliiU il.u-t, ii., -wihuHy . nd in corruption. 4 ski w:t MEETISO OE I ATES -MAM MEM. rbh;aga, Keb. t.~A l.leting sslilca ssas Intend.. lob.' sc, iel was held iii t'.c Victoria Hotel gratel* ?ag tv ibe Mai afootum. Paper Ceiapaay, af Mern York ami -sr-*-*r*i**>BtaU*raB af tte mills aot members Of Wi (un,j,nny, Tte .Maliulicliiri rs' 1'apCl IT.Ill is-y i*. ii ini-t ciiiiiacing a nuinb'-r *.f Ite larger lanniauturing com .Mis. Wartier Miller, Judge Tuller Isa and Mr. ITagenateRer, Of New-York, were tJic "stsliiit.irs i.f the siTicm ?. Tlio trust colitivl-, BhOUt <%oiuds ,.i tbs production of print?lg paper ate STJ>.li ? Iii-ny ol lue large dallies. Iii flaks'. Signs of Mk You don't have to look twice to detect them?bright eyes, bright color, bright smiles, bright in every ac? tion. Scott's .-ES-f ' EMt? only when h-t-i I fl yeak tissue ? ? ' ' js replaced by the healthy kind. Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil effects cure by building up sound flesh. It ls agreeable to taste and fwy of assimilation. 1 -*mw^**?n*fl?4a >..-_, y.r. au_**u>_ifl_. rU eiceed Mg capacity, and lt ls con.pelled to contract "villi mills not In the combine to enable lt to fill Its orders. This fact led the directors of the trust at a recular meeting held In New-Yorh tsvo week* ago to consider incn.,iires for the extension of ite tni.t Rte the absorption of afldltloiinl Brills not already anger Hs ronlrol. Tfje capital nek was Increase, and overtures made to outside mills and a -e,ret meeting called in Chicago; Hie mills which lt ls de..|-ed ta Bring Into the combine heine Invited to attend. A number of wholesale paper deniers txprtttett lt a* heir belief that the object of Ibe trust wai ultimately to freeze out Rm small concerns by offering them Inducements to Join tte trust. THE REPUTED REYNOLDS PAINTING ITS OIVNF.R NOT i'l NM I.I SR, IHT IN COM IURTABLE CIRCVStRTAXCEg. A description of a portrait of Colonel Hugh Duneln Forbe*-, Mippo.i-d to have bee;i palBteg bv slr Joshua Reynolds, was pubHsheg in Tiie Tribune on la-t -in dav. The plrture ls the property of Mis- .Inila Feld man, of No. 73 West One-Iuindr.-d and tir>t ..t., u _>?**)? .Ski _, *.?__y-**S>. Tun por.Tr.AiT or co_onei descendant of Hie Forbes family. The account of Hie painting true, but the financial condition of the owner way. misrepresented. %\m |j );,,t penniless, but in contfortable dircuBislancea, and lbs expressions about her ii.eding charity were uncalled for. She also srlihea lt salg thal sin* did aot Uso in s te?e* ni'-nt boase, t.ut la a Beal lat. Rte earns her living a*, a visiting "tweeness. Her brother, Fennels Keldnuili. hu, !'It:i empl.'ved hv the Wagner Palace ('.ir Cnnipan.' for tsvo years, aaa sings In the i hun li uf the Heavenly Rest. blie und lie live together. WO SAFE TUE (ITT HALL 1VII I"'rr.!'.ir) INTEREST IN SAMUEL CO-OVER Bt'GOERTIOX. The preposition, of ex I'.'irk t'.>mml--ioner S-m-mei Conover, " in The Tribune yssterilay, thnt the taxpayers af th.- city obtnin un Injuaclloo restraining the Mayor aad Ite etty aathoritlei icm learinf down the beautiful and convenient (Hy Hall which fa*es the l-arl; .sui-roiiudlng it. nnd Irani pr.Needing with Ite cree: ion of an enormous and costly s_airfare ju Hs place, has anus,si widespread attention ants?lg all .hisses of taxpayer* nnd citl-.cns. ?_),.. in? terest taken |a tl..' propoMtinni to te..t the *_*_-. of iii" Btatate fur mi. u ent-rgenctes -he-ara hos*- Intenss* la the feeling of opfMtetlofl io iRe Tannmny arbnne which would i-albltassly destroy a puhgc building af such inhltectura] -ymmetrv ate beaaty a* areli as >v well HM.-.1 to th,- mea for which lt was ere,Tel aa ta tte present City Hall, and pat In lt. plate a vast, '.incongruous p_j,.f __j _U1 unKnown co-t lo the elly. An officer Of Hie Jjiw Depart?M.! of the city, speaking In thc absence of t\-e. COrporaM .n Counsel, stitt jest.i-dav that there was no question of the righi *,f Bay taxp.'ivcr to begin such an netlon to re-t-nin (s'te n.-w Manlrlpal Rnlldlng Uomnit*?lou from going on with Hs plans. It ssas __ mH of this character and tarried un under tata lass- that William Zle^lrr began ngalnst Mayor Chapin and the etty officials of lirookhn. to prevent them from rmi' nun mating tte purchase of tte Long Island tsTatev w ..?_?, at an exorbitant eos! to Ite dty. Tte sue eesi of this taxpayer of Rroohlyn Ib |*T?**renttng a tnonatnna waste of Hie money ,.f the people ought to te, in thc opinion of m.'itiv .Tti/.n, .-, ant?deni incentive for .onie public-spirited taxpayer in Slew* Vork to go Into curt as Mr. Ziegler did in Rroohlyn, with lbs nhl of a lnsvvcr of Ite zeal and ability nf William J. Gaynor, who appeared far tte plain tl it la the case alluded to, and .-et on foot ti pro.,cling i..r i.reventiii!* the exeeaRoB of ?inman** Hall's onl'i's for the demoliiion of Hie City Hall. Xlaamian*. would then be compelled to sh OW III OJ**, court what public !i.ce-*itv there la for the huge .-dltic.- sjrhlrh Hie or p* i, I/at I on propoM-a !.. spread ?>v.-r ' Itv Hall Park while n* greedy brnrbmen despoil the city treasury ol s sum inany tinns tte actual io*t of tte ungainly structure. A FRElc.llT BLOCKADE IS ISDIA.Y.i. Fort Winne, Ind., Feb. 4.-The JVnussTv.anlii sys? tem between Chicago and Cre.tllne. nhl... ls lied up i.y ii triegbl blockade and win res**t*ra aa balghi of anv dearriptiofl until tte blocteds ls "?toed. Yea> teidav iillein.on I'reigTt .Agent -laington l-sued the i"!i"ssing nottoe: ?? \ft?-r to-day (Mata**) tte Pitta burg. Fort Wayne nnd Chicago Raliway win not re? ceive freight Of BB* kind for shipment nt this point destined either w*-t or mat until further pAttatA.9 Th" reason for ls that Ite line betWeCfl Ciilcaci, mid ir. ..tllne I- blocted with loaded curs mid tho bio. kinle |a grossing wore ev.iv hour. At CrestUne ottt 2?00 loaded .virs asrall aio"*fl*a"#Bt. Al Limn. Yan Wert. Kori Whmi.-. ITviiioiiiIi and other p.lntf I! Is allix.-I as bad. Aflci BBtUIS?lg Bil lot?1 freights ssiil be :. itu i.i I. ?i until further notice and all the lon,motives af Ihs company will be pat IO ssork cleating up the MockadS. The blockade will Iii no wav interfere with Ibe running of passenger and express trains. All kinds of rumors are '.float. It ls said to be n blt*, bv the Pennsylvania Cotnpanv Bl orgnfii'.cd labor: that br Its leaving the men out of i-tliplivnient Ihey will seek Morl; el-esshere. mid ii,\v men can then b<* hired In Hu lr places w'o do not belong to any toter organlaallon, Another rumor ls that a Strike was pliinneil nnd tte companv took thi-, course to thwart lt. 1 '.'? soaipaay saya tte engineers are ...nt tn Plttsblira lo n*-1*t In relic) In,; tin- blockade on efl stern dlrlxtons. Til EY MET DEWY IV EATHER AT SLA. The steamship lUivnland, of Ite Ked Star Mn*'. which bere >.-inlay from Antwerp, reported that on .lannary -4, s,?" Bighted the Norwegian burk Velox, waler l'.gg.ii ami abandoned. Tte musts and surds of tte VelOB wera Intact, as were all brr sails, ss ll li Ihe exception of the gil. and mainsail. Tte Itbynland had -. teary weather daring ber royaga. rm january Sd she met with hurd sgaalls aad rough seas, mid .n January 87 raa toto a strong gale ncc.iiipanl-.l liv brief squall, of hurricane violence. These lasted for Oil?" .lavs, nu.I on .tanniny To thc steamship was hove 1 > f'-r ov.r Ilse boara. She Ihetl had pleasant weather for the rest of the voy? age The Herman steatnsblp Stuttgart, from liremen Jan? uary 80, r***nslgned to Oslrichs a co.. witto, srrtred vcslenliiv. also reported heavy weather. In Ite North s,.? and Channel she met will) strong winds and head seas and on Jaaaary 29 ran Into tte same Itonfl whi.h had t..s-ed tte Rhynland ubout. Neither iteaa?hip "rastalni- any damage. THE FRIST CLOTH MARKET. 1.11 Klv-r. Mass., Feb. 4 The cl'.U) mar? ket has iK-eti iictlve dWriag the MR. Ite bulk "f tbS li-adlag being ssagard t.. i-""** tor toUrery tttm Apul io .luis. Ihe prfes-B belUg on B basis of .'! l-R cents for '??IsO-ls. Ihe -siiles exceeded tte pr duction of tte w."k. The production Ml off during the week, owing In brenkdoiMis In maihinety. Th" di for spoil ha- not b"*"tt very prc-it. although ll la i.iicvcii her.- Ihat sriotm sra ant srsJl supplied. Manufacturers report ii go**, demand for thin fairies. maa sd lawsa being ns light as -"Oaths. BS yards ,,, ... pound. Much Bi this .Iii'- of trOORt ls- Shipped vonth ls be used sa lateees Btonts. and a torr niu.ntltv ls us., for .Ires- linings bat RatogB. etc It ls rumored thal a third Hargraves mill ls In contemplation. :.'id manufneturcrs are watching BOH building ..Derations In New H.slf'.rd nilli walous In "'''jt'o wcklv .loth statement ls BS follow.: Pro muuon. IRMTJO pntetm', Ralrrartos. XROAyoo ptoras. sU?K on hate. oAXrO pieces all B4_Cda"JIBlSBiMtj amt niece, of which '-.OOO were odds. 1,1,4s. MM spots and 2V..O00 futures; sold tor reek.y ?^!J^ryi?nA?,s: ssa ___*? i__rW^-5o*"ri^^ bm '>u^: pleceH: J1uMn^("ti^?_ t Basatsashsr, 1?.000 piece. sss' ~ss ELSuwrkct u * ?* Jrtce to * ie?u I** 64*64fc J.S.CONOVER&CO. 28 and 30 West 2,'M St. Open Fire-Places A tine* and largo assortment of Brass, bronze and Iron in new and e'ecant de? signs. Mantels ir ail woois, native and foreign, ?"?"om our civn spot Tal designs. Tile of eiory foreien make, in rich enamel colorings, gad Pattern** for Floors, Wails. Hearth*., Facings and Bathrooms. Our new factory, with extensive facilities, en? ables us to produce the -ne-t cia-.* of work at greatO" reduced cost. Foundry and Factory, 626, 528 and 530 West 25th St. MUSICAL COMM EXT. Henri Mnrte;iu nnd W*tM*t"l "TaBBlttenseT1 "viii hs the principal feature, nt the Dnrnms. li concert In tl i Muric Hal] (o-:iight. Marteau mu play VleustesapB's fifth concerto fnr violin. with orelie.'r.i, ? Ahendlled," by Bchumann, and Rrah__*i ?? rupari*, her Tans." Mme. Kronold-Koert will Rag BB arlu from HL'Africalne," and tiie a-Tti**Ttra Will piny linldmarh's ".s-aUiintnla overtuie, and * -Inutile for String nr. hestra, Reethoeen'i Polonaise mid Ooanod'i cradle tn***. This will lake up the first part, and In the se aad IBS prin? cipal nu'ni.ers fram "Thanbaesjser" wai he given, with ihe foRowlag inst: RHaheth, Mm*-. Kraaatd -Kat rt; Tann laeuser, R. c. T*rwas; Wolfram. Antonio Gatesst. Landi-rave, Briessaa F. IBMbasil; WIIIL-tm DennlBOB, Chas. H. clarke. .las. A. Metcalf and 'Tiarles R, Hawley win sing the parts of Walter, grhriehsr, Iiilen.lf and nelninar. The semi Wagnerian 1,111 at the Music. Hall will be met l.v a whale W.icnerlan Mil of colossal dlasfhrions nt Ihe Lenox ".scum Rill evening. Acaln Ibe .er? rie*, of ov,r a iln-"n .Inp.-iv, heailef] By -gj____ ja h sslll be enlisted, and Mr. Sel.ll and hi* will |aj. t'rpr. t some of the admired e.xrcpt.* from tin lyric dramas. The pi.cramme sslll IteglB with "Fine Faust Overture" aad fraguMati from -Trhtan und Isolde" win form an Instrumental middle number. Te real of the prtigraniaM ?ri ii employ tattam, with the h.Tp of a chorus of waaasB . votoea Hie first sceae of the sec.,ml -,ct of "Tiie Flying Dllt-limair faplBnlng sons aad hallndi will l,e auiie; bI.o Ihe qulalel '.-. m -Di" Mristerstager," lbs manann and septet from ??," and Ihe Wa?>*yrtor scene from the third BC) of "Die Wiilkuere." To Mr. SeMI'fl p'.iiti..' fl.c.iinpaniment Miss Juch -viii ling Washer's graqp ?f nv.- sins*. Of coarse, standtog-i**-oai win be at a premium. The 'veek hecun under *urh hrllll.-int rlr.ini-tan.-s will i.e rn ii of blgh-chuis we hernial music rta Thats day evening the IKsston Symphony* Hill elvo its fourth conceit In rhlrkcrinz Hall, "ind en Friday Bfterno rn and SataMay s**enlag Ihe Phil hnrnu.nllc 8t~riet)r"l fourth concert ss iii lahe place in tin- Haste Hali, The ptag-raaiaiB af th's c .nert embraces a new symphtsay by attoahatt RaMnstrin's icena and air " V. <lun.|iie vpr"'i Madame I'ur-rh Madli. Hie prelude to " I.oh.Tij*! m." i-.n.eMo fl vioii.n.iiio in A minor, Balal Narai (Mr. ItoHauiB . and th- pr. lade and finale of ?? 1'ar.lfnl.- The ItaatiMI orche., ira'- pr-agraaaaie 1* ns f illosvs: overture. ?? Flytog Duteb BUB.* Wnctier ; Bl e mos a Bim! of tiie c moorta f r \ lol,.ti ceiin. n... ;;, Dnvidoii (Alwin ""e**rt~**grri; Byaaphony Ro. 4 f I tn Man "i. Mendelssohn ; " Mephlsto Walu,'' 1.1 /t prelude, ?? Ria Heillerslnger," RTagBer. The third roarer! of the Qaartol ls set rlnivn at Chlrhertog Hall on Baturday afternoon. The illlef feature Bf the prOgTB??M I* U.e ness- "(lari?*! Quintet," by Brahms, besides whleb Dvoraks r|uaiie! in k atajor, op, M>, mid Beethoven's la Q major. <.p. 1", \-.III bc plas..!._ Mr. Ilunket Gi-7-ene, the "rtiung English baaa* rn gaged by Hr. M'.r.-i- Reno irhUe in Rurep* la-t sumiii.r, sail.*1 from Uverpool on Fete-nary I, bb Ibe tSermantc, and ssiii make bli tn-' appearance In Ibl* .' ..ii Felmiary IT, bi Husk Hall, to t?nni-rtion **iit ti..' vtoUnlflt, Henri Mart.-m. Bnd Ibe Symphony ?*:?.-lu-tra, Walter Pamroscb, rt iduetor, ll il- ron ceri Hr, Greens vs ll I slue selrrilons Rom Wai music iir.iTi.i-, Germsa Lieder, RngllsU snd Iri h bel lad*. Mr. i.iecnc ha- bc**, engaged lo sing "rtib Ihe .-vm;.'' ny Ori-estra ia Ibl -Tis. Iloat.m, Phlladriphla and M'asMagton, ulth Ihe Apollo flub, of (ht* igu, and in "rai.?na i*onc4*-iN In ibe ptiiaiirai rilli, ol Canada and Ihe West. He U only iwentj leven and a native Ol lr> land. FOB several se nv pa I BS bal is.en |i.itstaal demand for thc beat ros*-re1i In Lan dux,, and ia* rang ssim, treal ince sw at the Royal Italian Opera ni ('oVeni Harden, and at Va-- lV?***c-**ili*i I. ilval, ss.'icrc be made hi- debnl IB oratorio las! BUttunn, on February 87 n eaneert ""_1 !<?? pUen in tl Madison s'l'iar- I otie.-rt Hall tflir lb* l-.Tietlt of All ..f iii.- mot deserving ol Nen Vorh's rbarlltes. U I l-l!! A-s.e i.lTo'l. The KlH'.ipflHI I bonis, "f Hie Arion baling Bot \>T tra-artod ol it* phi la nlhrople ssiii King undi-T t'n- dlrenlon ol Mr. Van der htucken and Ihe kolo pettnrmet ""Ul I- Madam' I ir- 'i Madl. Miss l.e.mor.i ron oXoaeh and Kdsvard \. KoclliaT, tenor. Thi rowmiltie" bavtog Ihe?rstroeel in rbarge. trom srhleh l".\e* and scats may be rn .ni.T are Mn*. ''. M. Ravmood, No. SO Fifth ?vc: Mr-. I r.ii. ,T. I* Vf. Donner, Sa. VI ll'.-t Thirty seventh -t., ?"nd Mrs, Mst lk iliimmcr, Ro. ill Bast Maty eighth t. _____ RtWS In Met. M. bal received j Liter ai . In: thal .lilies Mass-net has nearly the "-vniidionle nour sTolon" **"hl. h lie ls com|h.sinis for him.Hfred Omenfeto Im. decided In lake up Ids i-e-4d.ii. ?? Iii sienna. ... A benefit rimeaarl Jule. lass, cornet, sslll t-ike pla. of Husk nd* evening. at th.- Academy RURRTS AT THE onto BOCIRTT HISSER That th.- dinner af the ohio 9ntt*tj, i" he aa leliruary 1- ni Delmonico*b, sslll be BB nflalr svhlcii avery Biember ssiii bc buxIo-m to attend ta todtcaird hy the sn.-.te -fni ssork of thc coiiiiiiiti.e. RveryiWng Hms tar ha. beea ei.-'oiirii-ni.'- Asaong lbs ipeab frs will le- iT.scriior William .McKinley. Jr.. geaatM t'ulvln S. lillee. Secretary John tx . Nol.le. Tonnie-. niau Micia.-l D. llarter and Fredflrtc Taylor. <'..ion-; William I-. Btrong sslll bs ton.tina'ter. Invitation*. lins.- laren sent to the pi.-sjdelits of the societies of -t. J'alii.', >t. Andr."", Rt "i'-orpe, Holland, Hew Ruglsad, Sontl.-rn. Rt. Mell..iris and Ohio, of -hteagn. The am iv.Tsar] '.f the adadsflgab of ohio to state hovil ls leliruary 19, lui as thal dine fulls on sun day Hil* fear, IRS dinner was set for hntiirdus', thc gag brfore. Applications for tleketfl urn ulread', rt-BChlag I..Tinder ll. inill, Ihe treasurer, In a Btoattj. strcam. i.en.ral Henry V. Hiirnctt ls chairman of (he cointnllt.e a'.d lin.r Les s.,|cl.irv. The other ineml.ei's ar.- fl.cii. lal Wager .s'.sasii-. liettsrsl riintu.'is Kwlng Henalor liricr, ' olonel william L. Hrnwn, A nd re? J. < lose. A. D. Juilllard, H. A., D. ll. Hal's, 11. ?... ItonaiBBB and U. Rf. Taylor. tXlVIRSITY E.TTEXSIO.Y I.Y SEIY I.OSDOX. tfen-Uoat ?. Oflma., Pl?.,. 4 |B*--*-tal>. Tba coi?n,iue. i|.p..!i.t.ii *..n.e tm.-i-. tv 1 "'I-'' Ihayer, sf ti.o BW-trrii-i 1 ont, to d'(.milli- Hi'- tin!..-)'-'" "f toe pssputl si I'. 11 ?ippell ts Co., ca.i'.d iv Ihc RtTW.Varh, Rs-.Kbvsb and lluit-'ud I?III Sd C4S_*Jfl_y ia!.ms it* IMeka al'.iif siliarf aisgperty and tsssd BUlag a atrip H <T.:.|>|-U's land, aaa beea la a**?d?1 Rill week at the tsarlhaBssi. Hauy aitiie?es nttt STSBilBsd. hut bs dsrialsa has yet been iBBfliinrfd A Bill ABU Bl I* on to t to est.-il.II-h a t'nlsrr.ltr F.xten don I'.nti- In Oil. city ami it ls "BSStJag **itli math asor that lt- sinai ss ls a-siir-d. ThS Btsl tamtM "f .?.Tines -lill li.' fla flSCafl*" ff, and will b>' li.Tlser>_ bs iaii.u.T W. Dike, 1..rn s|,mid,ii:,' BSCTCtSlg if HM Natioia! llVflt* ? Ri f ,1111 ly ??-?ii.'. At the annual a*ats**?ag ri the Xesvl.riiiden North', a iBRlW-d (T.iiipaiiy this week. Itfl?71*1 Cfltl ssas l**? le. ted .psident and ti.asiir.r and J. .v. BBBlaaUd *a*.rc_is. This st-.-k liiund Ma-tcr 1 inri" ll. Waie paid ott th 11 alBBajfl "' T'e'ii'i' ..11 th- Olid Kell....*' HflaM at r.~usie?, nut across Hie Thames River. Tte* home U non chip iv ree ttom debt. Smi fal ile ie baa ticrn little gain in the wflUT In I_k. Conoinoc, fioin sshl.h titi- city dflllVSS Us ?u|.|ils- '?'? ra. ??peeled that Burial Um wtotct a tnst-riai cain arsaM ,- SUI Hi"' "fl?Stall fer Jaii'iarv ssa. less I le ? .If of Um BVSIUgS fall fer Ikfl la t r?nrte. n "rears for thai iienlh. TBS lake i. nore t'.iat. tsvo Irct laSBtl than it iras 1 tea at this tin..-, nnd unless ricid BC-MBSflsy i ,ra, it is feared mat th. ie will l?* a water fomli . cvt sun,niel. _ Cheerful While ?in.??l.i-*s 114 Dominion l*agBrSSSSfl. Rvaa-r nu" that u*'* th fm, Pholo^rajih. In ra-ii |_ckaf.'. THE CITY 8TAGE. WHAT WILL BE BEEX AT THE THEATRES THIS WEEK. The return of A. M. rainier's rompanv to the home theatre tomorrow eVCBlBg sslll be generally wei . -'d by ihe.'itr? goer.. It lia- ma.le a long journey since lt last saw Palmer's Theatre, ar.d lt begin* its home .-eason late The play selected for the opening lt "Lady Windermere', Kan," which has alreadv been Played and received with much favor In Huston. To morrow evening Mme. Kleon,,r,i Duse williwin the third week and last but one of her rBISf~S*lBI at tbe Fifth Avenue Theatre, she will be teefl In tw.i new characters, CessriBe, In "La Femme de Claude," and ( yprlcnne. in BsiRaa'i " Dlvorcon-." Ihe formei play will Bs plaved on Munday evenlnc, while " Dlvon-ons"* will be elven as an extra performain . on Tuesday evening. "K.dorn" will be the bill for Wednesday ev. nlng. " I'ern.inde" on Krlday and ??('flinn:.'" <.n totardsy. The performance of to-morrow night nt Dalv's Theutre will be the last of "The forders"' for this season. On Taesday night Mr. Daly will revive "The Taming of the shrew," which he expects to keep on the stage for only two wee kn, after which BS Will give an elaborate production of "Twelfth Night," which has never before been given In this theatre. All the songs of the play will Ik* ii .ed. William II. Crana feels happy over the msnner In which Matthews and Jeaaop'S play "On Probation" has been received Bl Hie Star Theatre nnd also o\. r Ihe personal IBCCCII bs has BChleved a- Hie Chicago IBlH?I?Ire, Jonathan sll-t..e. The play has succeeded In attract?lg large audiences to the star, and, what ls In sending them nwny flatlsReg and happv. Last week BashllgM photographs were tak-n Bf all ihe scenes In Hie play. Tiie gowns worn by Ihs women of Rm company are band.ome and the stage settings are In good ta-te. The lii-t act set, ..bossing thc breakfast room of the Inlversal Hotel In Pails, ls an artistic piece of ssork, while the land*ca|.e *et*fl througli the windows of the hotel lu sss li /..ri a nd lu th.- second and third acts is highly pteturesap?7. Miss Hlana Oak* Haynes will pay New-York an? other short visit this w.ek, playing nt the Harlem Opera House. Ht repertory will be ns follows: Monday, "As Yon I.Ike ll": Tuesday. '"The Hunch back"; Wednesday, "The Lady of Lyons'"; Thursday, " Ingomar" : Krlday, '? Home and Juliet"; tot?rda y matinee, "Tha Lady of Lvnti."; Saturday night, ??Ingomar." K. II. sotii.rii will return to town nest Week and will appear at the Harlem Opera House Iii ??Captain I.eliarbl.Tlr." 11,1- play, ns everybody re? members, bad n ni'.*t ?cecilla! run at the Lyceum Theatre nt the beginning of the llflaon Mr. sotheni ssiii not be seen again in New-Yorh un he retaras to the Lyceum next SUBIBier. Afi-r mani delays, William l.llletle's spectacle 'Nlnelv Has.'' ssiii be produced, BBleas som.I bing (arther g "-S ss long at the Rt*os4way Tubbits t" awrrow night. Tbe produ. Mon bas, no doabt, been a large und.-rt.-i.ilag. AnioTg lae wtt\ known people In Hie rata] ar.- Ryrofl D'.ngia*-, I"r.*d Sydney, R, J. Danstan and Ml*. .Ign-* Miller and Ml*. Kate Denln Wilson, fl.s ld'a,, there are a large I, ai!.-! and other flaper* num-Taii?, Bumbertug in oil over ?Jto people. Abra ham Lincoln'* b.r; idas, sundas, 1.-!,roary IS, "vs, 111 l? shs iv-.i ai th- Broadway Theatre, where Cotoori Robert ??? J'l^-'is.'ll sslll deliver ala new ]e. ture OB ' St illu-iriou. Btatesflsan. Tiie Man.' roaipany win renuiln tn Herr? mann's Tba rr.* tor Ibree weeba more, nnd perhaps I langer, snd ll l- Ita Intenttos to play Birthing but ??Friend Frit-." Tills play bas i.n the bmb! p.pu 1 ir of Iht -.-re, els.", (Pv this COmpBBy, and lins re .??ir, <i uni vera?I rommendatlon. Ti- simplicity tai purity of Rb liney and characters "sage lt especially .Tanning to pet?mi ss';,,, .ir- lind of tte .slag' In lftg?*S and Mag- * Ulalu-. HI - I.'Ulan Hus*.-ll nnd hT opera cnmn-inv In "The Monii'.-bank*- a' Ibe i.ard.-n Theatre enter upon the tlft'.i we-k of ills n!'r:u'1se Ivrle ntnRm ttoA to murro sv night. OB the evening sf Motidav. Kebruarv 13, the tooth peifhct?ibm by th- i.iiiian Ku*-eii i.p.ra Com? pany, under Ihe direction of T. II. Krcnch. will o. ur. it will be re'ebrated by the dlsiribultoa ol valentines, consisting of satla boxes of t..iiib"n*, Bttunted with v, . ,,f r *??-. Al th- I.s.. nm Theatre "Aa?-ricans Atoaad1" ls In Hi third Biontli, Bnd toll of promt*? of a ctMitlnuance ,f Bttn Ure fir..-, lt li to be pb.s.d In Perta at the Vaudeville Theatre In _**Ki_-er. lt will b* known la-re bv th-- Hi!- ss 1.Ti 1/uulnfl gave ta the original -anion rendon ol lt, " Lea Rb bes.*1 j. M. lull's' ip ia i. in.pie ' ompany to nvrrosv even? ing beglni ta- la-I three weeba of Ila run Bl Ihe Carino. . ", Tbui lav evening Ihe 1 ."! T p. e vs ill oe. mr. "ii February S3 -The F**n Ina Mauatcr'' will be aung for Ihe Issi Hine in Rew-Yorb thi* season. Mr. HUI will tabs ll.minns- to Pfctladelphto for three ?reeks, and Ihenre to Buffalo, Brooklyn, st. Louis, cia* . lo?HI, < leveland nnd ' blt sg ?? The nesv F.mptre Theatre hi* been admired since lt s.a. opened by aa mans- people ..- Ila capacity multi? plied bj Ihe number of petto-manera. ?? Hie '.in I Left Behind Hv" bai proved ""eneraUy pleasing, and tn of ihe nd- are greeted Always sst:h rona?* af applause. ?D.r Vog.lliaen.11cr" has begun the third month .,/ ti? sn,,... fui run at Ihe Amberg Theatre and Mr. ronrled ha* deckled Bo! to mik- ans rhangri f >r the PTt* iii. Thc h.,u-e. are crowded nightly. The let? ting of Hie op.ra I* e\, .-lb ni and Ibe caul I- a strong Thi Bflleth pcrforinaiii e will tahe pit.n February 13, and Mr. Conti*. Intend, lo furnish a hand...m.- souvenir. The rebearsalfl of "Das Boan tag-lnd" ar" -nil going on, bal lhere I* ao dat.- aol for its pi od ur lion. The Conritsd-Fereacay Opera Con* pans- will remain for onlv four we',, longer. Th" revival "f tl"- '?Mulligan liiianl-" series of plays nt Harrigan'-; Tbeatr.m- la base been a ?ensthlS plan on the part of Mr. Harrigan and Kr. llnnlev, but Huts far lt aol seem I" be much of a s.ri.s, aa "Tba Mulligan Uuarda' Hall" ls the only play thnt bai beea given or ****** Rhely tobe. BUR, neither Ihe Bctoe Bur Ibe manager cares much how long the pn-s.-nt attrarltoa roi-, and they ian ssult 'i.r Ihe aral with -Treal paltonce. "" has ivnewed Its popalarily si Ihs Cnlon gqaare Theatre and Will be coii'liniod for two week, mote, -t hums'' bs Ihe cariala raiser i- al*.i s pop ular part af tba programme Mi.** May Hobson. M!*s i.race Header am, Ml-s Henrietta L'l*Oflt_SB BBd Hie others of Ihe ca-! who base plas loii-lv SS..11 New lurk rt-patattoas ur- BsslatalalBg Ibem to the .alis faciloii of ibem ,-lv.s and Ihelr audience.. Mr. and Mr-. Rober! L. runing. Jr.. Ihc latter slao known Bfl Ml-s Minni" sellgmaii, willi their ...mpatis. will piav "My Olhchil Wife" at the standard Theatre for. w.ek longer. Mr. Catt lag ha- gone Ihrongh a p.??l deal Blare his tlr*t BpBflB*r*-acs Bl I pro? fessional iicior Ifl New lurk, bal apparently he has nailed bl Hag to the mast mid Intends to llglit uliilerlt. Tony Paator'fl programme for th'* week provides for the continued appearance of MU". PBi|*MI>ette, .1. Vf. Kelly and Ml*. Hontib' Tlmrnloii. the In! ap searaaes la Rew '"Tk la four vars af Mi*s Annie i)akl.y, Hiitfab. mn's "Little snr.- shot"; tbs retain of graig and VoXtm, Jam.- P. H?y, the ?? Kimi" Km peron sf Mu-ic," Hertha Waring and tin- Darnum Rrothers snd ihe retara af Drawee, the juggler, i.e lldCS il sj*.., | i| eng.'lgelllellt of tho RVBItSCfl, .1 coi.Iv -k.i. h team, 'ibis ls tba Irst appears-ea of the Rvanses since their return from Rurope. ?A Klug if Tin.e." ii plav b] William ILisvor! !i. sslll bo prent.>i iM* ss,, i; :,t I.-,. Orana Opera House. Mr. ItoWOTtb ssiil himself app. ar In it and svlll be a--l-ted bv Jobfl Woodward. QastaVBI Lovick, u minni niiil dell. Henry llsnscombe, Joeeph Valder, Lillie Kt h'-l Mach. Ml*. Lilian Daly. HISS Anna Leliiiont mid Ml-s Mas Thompson. Tlure I- ii .t mach Incident Iii Ihs course of "The Kia* k -N-tflV Bt the Acmleiiiy of Music, but lt still goes on prosperously. The French dallier, base .om,- ness- goss iis and that I* th.- biston of tha Week. The benet! lo be liven to Jules Levy -will take place Bt the Academy of Heall this .vening, ami many ss.ii i, noss ii mnsletons have roluntevred their service*. The lolli.sslng will appear: RI*?CS Marie Tempest. Marlon Maiioln, Minnie -digman Cutting, Gerti?1le Hay Mein. UlRan U-Bson. Lottie nilson. Lonnie Tl,.nilton. Ada I.eWT, mid ?tain Orr ce. Jun Ma.vii, J. W. K. Uv. Ham l-'isher. Willi;,m Daly. VI.Tor HiiriTs. Lobli lan De lie-rasa. Fred Ruflllaa. J., ie Wlllliims. Signor Tagllapi'lra. H. Marius and M. Mlehvleaa. There ss iii ai-., be bb additional lort* et liftv steers sdded to Mr. Levy'i argafltatton, | BWhtOg lu all ,-i band of over 100 plc... ????bu la," will be played at the Fourteenth sir-<t 1 i.eaiie by j. k. Hurray mid hi* company f.?r >ne week longer. There bare ben __...,t honaca f r tho la-t w.ek and the play i.:is evidently bet. much .' N.vt ssc i, Mr-. Janies hrosui potter and Kyrie iMi.-sv win be wea Bl this theatre in aa adaptattoa sf Dwaaaa"! "Fraaciltou.* They lase been phiving it In Philadelphia under the title of -A Wife's Fatty.' but h.a.. they aW call || -a Harrtagr I -p.itre.- The plav has beea known here bv n differ ?nt name .stiu. but tiaras tares ss in aaawer tge present purl.....' At the Madison s.iuare Theatre "A 'Irlp to Caf?S* town"' continues to gfB*W*0Md audience, mid souvenirs ire already In preparation for the 5(S)th coii.ecutlv,- I performance it thi- theatre. ssTi.h will I* celebrated j HI Krld-iT. MaW-i 10. m.king the tent-h souvenir which ass J-*_ preicated since ?? A Trip to Chlnau-wa" waa j BEST-CO fr w Fine Dress Suits For Boys and Youths, Evening Dresses, For Misses and Children. Correct styles, (or all ages from 4 to 18 year?, at the lowest prices. Special attention is called to the OASortment of Fancy Suits for small children, suitable for Dancing School, Parties, Etc. 60 and 62 West 23d Street. Ilrst produced. Julian Mitchell has been en rsRed for Beat BeBSOn as Mace B~Ba?kfSr of the Malbon t-ijuare Theatre. The performance of ?? A Society Fad"1 at the Itljou Theatre to morrow Bight sslll be tin* seventy-fifth Of Its run at that ?Mse. Numerous changes sslll b*. made In honor of Hie orcn-iun. Ml*s Amelia QlOVer sslll have u nesv Haine a lld there will he, flew special? ties l.v Mis. I.villa Y.'lillians Titus. Miss Kate I art. Mi*. .Nellie Parker. Miss bthel ormond. Luke -"c*-?l craft. ?* linn" Daly, .1. c. .Mirna and william Cameron. ?? the .-.'iin, of Life," which ha. been moving about the tossn ior some little nine, aili net as far as the Columbus Theatre this ire k, and th.- bridge Bksds of m. ii sslll h.- WtineaflCd by all Who care to verify Hie t.-ilmouy of th' show tolls. The Wilson family, of London, who perform 'hi- teat, ure said, nnd d ubt lesa sviin truth, to I- the only athletes, wno have ever done ls. Th.- programme now teing presented nt Ko.ter _ Rlal'a i* an entertaining one, and the attendance con? tinue. e\( lieut, Tomoriiw nlcht Mlle. Violette, the lien i. Hinger, will Introduce some new ..unj-s; Halinelll, the i, iii.iiTloiilst, sslll add some new f.'iitiires In In* ac) ind .inni--, Thornton sslll present a nw monologue, oiherwlse th.- pruiiianuue ssiii remain unchanged until th.- evening ..f IV_ruanr Kt, when H. R. Value's on*** bcI operetta, ??Thc I'eliear-iil." will he seen for tha lirst Uni'' In Anierlcn. On Hie sam** evening Detour and D.T'iliiioiit, operatic duettlsts, and the ?'Four Km p.-ror-."' eccentric musician*, will make their tlr.t np |,.araii. e. The "Quadrille Kin di .-Ileela" daners close tinTr engagement nt this tinu-a- on Saturday evealng. A IWU ele 'lita dani preparation: lt will i? Denni!':. Mr. Rial sails ol the pp*. I'he reappci MUs.C ||;,ll lo cuiitl.-d "<"' ls In p.-rf Tined by Mis. Dorothy l r hurope about the middle ni month In search ,.f attractions for the min. summer .ea.on. Mlle. ""Idette will i.e one of the principal feat?i?t of the programs*** at the < metti to night trance of MU... Fougere nt the Imperial i-ninrrow evenlBf ssiii he the Important ? *r rum-nee of the week st Ihat hattie. AatJiher favorite at the place i, mi., Lot Re un-on, who will remain. She has aeveral new ...hrs that are i.e.".ni Inc a. i*.pular as h.-r old oil-s. Mlle. Fmtrere \slll al*o have nesv songs and wRl urreracs?e new costumes lately received from Inri-. Hddis these there will te a lone programme, including william Jerome, to ?el rid of nn unpleasant subject first ; sherman and .Morrlssi y, burlesque trapete performers; the popular dancer :md high kicker, Fleurette; Mason nnd Ral? ston, mi*. Ida If.-srefl, i serio-comic vocalist: the Nu j-ly ~, | sketch t. nm; .lean I?VtsB and his trained donkey, I'.nrron and Knr'.t. Ifl eecentlic s.ncs". Kolitn, Ihe Janene?? Juggler; the Kawakaml*, Japanesa nth letes; Magee iind I.aneley. sketch artists; Frank Hil ton. n contortionist, and Jarrett, the wl-nrd. The usual concert svtll be given t" night, lasting until mid Ills-lit. Mr.. Vf. I. Henderson, the wife of the well-known newspaper man nnd Blt nor, has returned to the since, from v.! ilili she find been nhsent Race h?r mnrrlape. Mr-. Henderson has r-ventered her profession in n m'slest s\av. hs a member of A. M. Palmer's stock rompanv, and ls playing one of the minor part*, In "Lady Winder mere's ran." I'n siituriliiv eveutflg Thomas T. Hnvden. wh> ls t'llnd. srlll play the part of the Chevalier de ."audra**, in -The irv,*, Orphans." el the criterion Theatre, rpv.klvn. Hie otlur part, heine pim-ed by IV. It. VerBam. 'Morrl* .1. Sbllln-t. Albert Men foy. i.regi*ry Hatti, ii. s. Btohum, Harrv a. Hanr<m, .rim Mccormack. Dr. S. .1. Mackey. .1. Eduard Quinn. Mis. stella Fltnorc. Mr*. \|l,ert M.n'ov. Miss Mnhfl rt. ?mit'.. Miss Marv Furl v. Ml-s Edith Elwood. Mt*s. Hnr-lej. Stnkum. Ml.. Dorothy Dearborn, Mis. Amy L. smith and Ml*, i.iit.'iu Elwood. TEANSA Ti.AXTir TEA TELLERS. Fivr. p.irsrxoER sir am-*mrs *ur, top. I i ROPE-PRO MI REXT PEOPLE OR **0\Rn. Four ocean steamships besides the Fairst Olsmnrck. of the "iamburg-Amerlcan line, which was bonni for Genoa n;id the ctiTit willi its beary tut of Bteamre ?eekerfl, tailed fr.?i:i New York jester lav. H*ef were th" Binnia, of the Cunard Rae; La Oase*7)gne, af the Ftcnch line; the Fnlda. ef the North Herman Lloyd j company, nnd the MaafldatU, of the Netherlands I Am.'rican line. Among tbs passengers un the F.trurin were Arthur Rtoeh_arn, C. A. C. Stael?sara, wuiium i Coleburn, Johnson Rrtgham, Called states consul of ', ,ll\ la Chape*-; Mrs. R*-t-c"-**otat rutting. F. Rroch | holst Cutting, William, Mr. uni Mrs. J. 1. Fellows, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Harper, ll. IV. Harri I niau. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Hunter, I". T. Lawrence. | Mr. BBd Mrs. Maurlee McMlcketi. Robert Miller, g. D. Phelps, Mr. nnd Mt-*. Allan IV. Held, Alexander J. I Kei.l. Cnlted states Consul flt Dublin: Mrs. H. E. Ttsdale, Risa Tlsdale, C. J. I'lmann, T. W. Whltt?ker and Thomas ||, R'rtght. In the cabin of the Illida lhere were Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Anner-ley, Henry Asey. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Haugh, Miss linnell. Allen A. tttOWB, P. M. Ilurhnnan. Caesar.' Barta, Mr*. Frames Barry, Mr. and Mrs. charles K. Cobb, Richard llardlag Darts, Mr. and Mr*. Richard D. rlflcher, the Rev. Dr. Heary M. Mehi, Dr. II". A. Graham and ss if,-, the I'.ev. H. E. tioddurd. Mr. Btld Mr-. K. R. Hedges. Dr. ll. I*. Hall. Mr. und Mn. Vincent 1'. Kin., tli- Rev. ll. M. I.cldy. the Mew, Joseph Phillp, the Bar. Edward ?;. it.-td, the Kev. R. ii. Mah Bad -si;,*, Ltoetenanl ii. n. Watkins, i . - a.; Miss Fannie Hayes sad Rutherford p, Hayee, The cabin ll-l of I.n OaflCOgne lncliiilcd II. A. Alex? ander, M. 1). Aub. Mr. and Mr*. Alplii.n-.- Arguter, Hie i;.s. "i". F. Audei. Mr. and Mrs. p, ||, Renedlrt, Julius de ltiirruei. Professor H..met aad wife, the Rev, John *"li.-l.iil. Dr. F.dw.ird I". Daffy, William If, Fl-h.-r, the Right Rev. I., de t.oe.hiland. the Hoy. Mr. i.i-ati.iiu. th.- K.-v. Father neate. A. Ladenhaurg Mr. and Mrs. Loula P. La-try, Mlaa Levy, rteorge i-. southard. Dr. J- C. E. Tasar, W. H. White and A. "-?Hiker. nn iii- Maa adam lhere were, among other*. 0. J. D. Alder.. Mr. and Mr.. J. Benjamin Dimmick. Vf. C. Van |>u>cseld<irp, Fri-deiick C. itoltachalk, (Tilted,., t oii-ul ni si ni i cart; Dr. A. Hork, Dr. Relier! P. Manders. Professor M. Noordtoy, Hubert Hone and Ueorgn sattler. rHE "ASIA* FLO IT IX AlllOXS Hie, PA.EAXT An l'l.* cf the ...irk required la perfeel Um armin*.-. a_*a_ r..r tie' I,:..- pm pul m u, pe given in raaiaeeUau \.itu UM Allen *..?!. IV* I,,ll VIII NC I"t svlc'll ll H kllO?n tlll.t llnre la-t HepteBiber the sar,.,,, rommit?ssa have been <!'? algniBR ami ailgceatlnft th.- .Tiara'ter af the pageant tWt ai ii.nei'i-' UM ne.'-s.a'V d"t.l|s. All the ile, vii- IIB Ile -rot- >.f 'flee*? Keppler, ss hu, an well a* tie* ether ulMil? lers ,,f |hB Al?ll, BBS?I Uki UBI lalioi aud dflVOlB their Inn' f.v tl"- -,.' i-'ty. Any one CAB tod?I ff th.* sec'. Flint's Fine Furniture REPAYS THE BUYER. QUESTIONS ANSWERED: Doc* ll var m but unl'tle 'Bruit-net If you -raul saiur auiro-Madiags bssuMfal, if youd pies?i ysuastdi and deJlgbi other*, it paye. Doe* ii par m bay only urtl-suds taraRamt lt you'd buy to Rm test ads an ta ire. If you'd buy for to? il .r asa fla well as for to-day. lt pus*. Dora it |iny to buy ,.f gal manufacturer* If you'd bay . is'inai dsasgas, if you'd -ase tram io t.j ,',o _>er tsat, on whait you buy, it pays. ll i.nya to buy of u*. You get b.Niiity anl dura? bility ls fur.iltur.' at Uie bsu-t j>o**ib:o bbbB. III V OK TIIK MAKER. GEO. C. FLINT CO., 104,106 and 108 West 14th St. SHOES 10* Reduction Edwin C. Burt & Co. ofTor tor our work, rom ni en ci-ir Itfon* du), February tftli. a Reduction of io ou all purchases at their New Retail Shoe Store 70 and 7*2 Weat 33d St., U? Y. Thi*. iii no old stock. Fiery **hoe is rres>h and nesv, nnd includes our tull assortment of Ladies', .Tlen'a and Children's Shoes. The most complete line of Ladies' Fveniug -Uppers anal Oxfords In the city. EDWIN C. BURT & CO.'S KEW RETjUI, SHOE STORE, 70 and 7'. West .3d St.. \ew-York. Bet. .Ih and 0th Area. Ladies, You Can See Any Day Et The Singer Parlors The Different Varieties of Art Needle Work In Process of Manufacture On Singer Machines. The Singer Manufg. Co.. Cor. 16th St. and 3d Ave. ? _ ? 'i Wilbeln)?Gr_ef BROADWAY & 26th ST. China, Glass and Pottery continues lo win trlfl?ta, remove prejudice. thS u-<- ut TV, uni* I "il*, and iu '-s. rv was nain iii popular Iavoi. Win- ! II.*, au's.- lt I* ea?llv kept tJBBa. nfl* !*? welfrhU, la areli ventilated and affo'tl* the u*v?r SOLID COMPORT. Bewerfl "f fraudulent linlisilon*. <:?il os **rlie for Ofltfllonie. The STANDARD FOLDINO BED CO , 39 1 ith-sf., N Y. iBterts?aaarat by UM foil'.**, lue; dsBSlipMBa of one of the kotta *.'*?.* to ly* flflfld In Bt*?BBB Si|iiar<* Garden on Feb. rflarjr 10. Th" float If|*?*l '"Asia,"' and sslll have upoai lt ? line I'.s-t India temple. NISSaNcS* Pf a !><-?iitlfull_r tami inof. WI??I the temple will >)?? placed an lmmer?s a I sad ii ."iv nr ll'iildha. ss itu ii cioup _ llliidona pioatrstB I- :..r.' lt. In ria.rit if the t mpte ssll! be a second group ? ni I'l'indlna a arena?I, sslio ssiil be duneln!* the egg d*?CB la Hm' of t in toni*, ai.'t in the rear ol the templB islll l*> ii number cf female ?iiake <haimcrs captivating Tie leptllafl ssith their um.ic. 1'V.losvlni* the lion will be i palanquin esilltd bs native., lu which sslll be ? rajah, tit b al BB East Indian m.irri:ifc"' procc-lon. Fol. lawing tin. situ !>.' aaflflfl .I'.ijia!.' *? bearim; tlieir couutr**. nea in a |l_rir__? I 'I flt DI XX ER FOR F. 1IAR10S CRANFORD. k Marlon (riufrnil, lbs novelist, will be entSa*. d at dil.ner by Iks Lol"*. Club BB -saturday, l_s? ?uniy tl. Aatsag laes-s ss in. Bars accepted lnvita. ions to meet bim ure Hist,op Potter. General Horses ["arter, ex.iu.ip- Hearjr K. Howland. Richard H. ltiflHsrl. Bt <lair MeKrtsrajr, Munn Hai-teid, XW. H. UeElrnj". iic.rge I". |s.'s.;irrl, .'.x-Mlnlst.T lo China* Caul Dbm, ix.udj**s nsaMrga H. Vr.n Ubbbbb ami CiirU.* lixlssln. t*nu-~__, II. Lai.reB4*e ""111 preside, ul.ts who hare ie. s ii-.i;.-*i i.. att.-n'i the dlnnar ire Fran's" R. Mm Tn.iii. William D*_ri Hiw.lls, i:icnai_ ,\'at-<>n Gilder, a*I.uiiiifl liar, nco -f.-dinan, .-x Mayer \ .-. lli-ssltt aili Bdf_r Faweett. Ten i..*w ni.iiiT.Ts it ih,* elah *r?*i*s elected last ?cell <ti Kebni:try 2'o nit art exlil1 tllon .Tti*l fl "'Nit mlas plahl' .mu. riBliiiii.-i't will he i_.iv.-n. Tlis> Brat Bdles' .lay of tin- season .? .*et ior IBS) Monday folio**. * -* MAYOS QILBOt SAYS IT IS A SlYISDLE. Mayor Gilroy ha1* !>e n annoyed willi reports fr*l>m ?xe:** 6?-_?I Hint iii.* Il.jii'?i' -.liopt* of the .-Ry hsea -- ,>-*ii "svi.rK*<i" by canva-s.Ts roi- at"rMlsssaasts ta ,c taBSSBBI In a " |>r.>i:ranim<-"' of s ball to Ih* -riven i>" an srfBS?"??sa rala?I UM Thoma.*. V, Gilroy AaflO* lattaa. ?SS Mayor, in xpeaLlii.. of the artair yester lay. -.aid : -lt his come io my kii<)wl<_.-t> that cflftata lani's ar" u-lti}* mv n inie, bavin.* associated them* astirea lu au otptfXt*tlon and BasWaBed lt. Inr the pur K.-a* of Bli?lg them to procure a*lvci"ilseinenl?. I -1 obliged to put,ll'ls (I'li'.unre this as a nwindlliif i bnne. In my Judi*?ont, lt would !>*? a pood thing ?r any one appro'iclicd In thjs way. on an liuaiiihor /?,i u'-e ni my uniin. to hand the operator over ta he police. It tilMi .ejeiiis to nie Ihat MibscrtptloriB ?i,t 'Iih-I In thin manner by false -vpre-*-ntation, could roll l*e repudlntid and payment refused. No one noa, r can have, any wainnt for holding out any lndure nent depending upon Use use of my name. AlrottRf it i_3di/_'j)**. as to tiie laius ot any ?drerU4n_."