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ARMY BILL NOT MENTIONED. I SIGNIFICANT S!1.1:N<:i; ABOUT IT AT AN OFFICIAL DINS'' K IN B-KL1N. EJIFEROI. WILLIAM FEE-EX, RAt-ll LANGUAGE ' of ins (; ii.s PREVIOUSLY \ i'.i ni R rr.I UN''- Bl'.TWi I V GERMANY and ti*p**n v u.s si r. rterlln, Feb. 4.?Aa official ultim r irafl civ. ? on ItBI Si BJ I'V'Tllll.' I.V ('"Tilt SI", K'llelibm/. president Bf the Priissii,:, Coanrll of Hlnlsters, il srblrb Em peror William. Dr. Mlu,ml. IVii?*-lan Mlnlstei ol H ns'ire. and atker MiiiHtn* sver.- --resent. Tbe dlaarr wu* (iistlm-nl lied bv Ihe entice kflpp-*i*ssloii i?l all reference to tbe Arms bill, 'i lie 1'mp.Tor remained uBtil l o'clock iii Ibe raarnlHi, lalklBi skoal Pmsslsa flarni reforms. Ibe exten-l u oi '?"" r_B?l system snd Boris! refs*"****. Mis Majesti ssa. spirits, bin ii,,t a ssord t-beaprd bim Ib -ef.-renre to tho sli nail SBBjart cf Ihs Anaj bill. Probablr ks Ond, op-Kitiino ,i pori <l (-' lileaoa. Tke Re* bal n* CammltU'o on Hm Arm*. MU had sdlonrued wit bom Rate, In -arger la BHats I'Miiierr vob Msllsahn, lecretirv ai tue Imperial l\***-asury, lian lo prepsre a financial ?.?at.?mont. This itatement Ike opponen ? ot Um "BajBTsare srr awaiting wlih ragrr rspertatloa, tu Iks Baps of liiirHnj- In lt tartkei argument, lo fllipport lIl'Tr i-e-1*tai a o to Ike bill. Aasijwr real i-i lbs reticence al i> observed !n B-sHal iii lo- is ?:." recsal b-li; rose spts*ckea mad. I.y leading tion.'inls wh<> bsd beea Brdsre-d lo speak oat j en tho aeeessii*) ol t-Utary r< form*. These generals, j tn th"ir MlklMt-SllS BB***_flI)4*S t" tlMir orders, ss.nt kex.Dd their liislm. Hoik and beat Hie ivar drum ta a vliil-nf inaiilier. Th. lei'ins bs UMBI III their speeehes would have baSB Justifiable onlv bed Eun*pe ben on ihe eve of ii gpaaral . onfllci. Tell, like i In*, wlii!" Hie Emperor ss .is irjrlBI '." aaa ililli i Rina's through ik* Csarewltek. <*as n,,i whit Hie GariTBBMBt ie**"**-, Uianrelloi vc Caprlvl must now regret the wi lid ra wal pt the order that commanding ollie, rs keep riser ol politic- sad political auesiions. Eal, waaterei mas be ike rffarl ol these iillerancs outside of t"er_-iiy, their ii'.tluonce in tho Ketclisiag will be small. The pet-B?<?iiinry pBHill have rnnpen" UMSBSelrss either for or agsln. tke BBB??**>**. Tke fate al ihe bill rest, wnh "ie Centre party. An aalaipeachaUe * entri?t suiliorlty Bedarra Hist a niajontv si lae Prussian Oetitristi 1)111 roto foi (Jae Ml will, slight amendments, while ike South fterm.iii merni.ers of Ihat partv will conti".no la appose the wliole mensart. Tl;e Gos i-runietit sslll thus obtain tlis small majority ot eleven. GE.VERW. VON" I IO'S MISSION TO ROME. Though the mission nf ii<*neral von Lea, wks hus been appointed by Emperor William to BettfrBtalati ike Pope upon his episcopal .nuilee, is e.?ftf-lf deui?-d to be In any way politi'.l. it Ians lindon bled ly a hear log on thu attitude Of the Centrist-, who compile tho Catholic partv in Germany, losvnrd the bill. The Prussian Centrists are pleased with Iks Emperor, BBJbB?BB of General von Leo for Iks ~B?B?PB, as bs ls the only Pru-simi t*e,n*ral wini belong, to tho Catholic Church. The Gen-van Catholics expect him to Influence Vatican circles again** tko Popes policy Of favoring Their BSpiratiODI are so high that they will try to Ins.* a Cardilla', of Gennun Bitlonalliy made thc next Pope. A ..ROUTH OE COXCORU WITH RUMIA. Concurrent lndictiilons point distinctly la a yrnwth Sf concord with I"u.*,ia, arising from tito recant visit of tbe Csarswltch ls BerHn. Oflu*??i al tke l*oi-eifo Office here state that a commercial cenreBatso wita Russia is BBW a eertalntv. Tho reappointment Ol a financial BBB*- ": _*-_? In licrllu marks an important Stage in the resumption ol tha financial , anton Ikal prevailed up to the time when th*; Government <:iu-od the Reiclisbauli lo refuse ?lvalue* <?n Riuslan loans. Till*, prohibition will soon be withdrawn. ??T,m*iinni cations are being exchanged with the Russian Finance Minister in regard to artificial operations In paper roubles ou the German boure*. These will be-tko. bet, or regulated io the advantage of genuine romroflrclal transactions. Fbirtker, since tho Csarewltcb'a reluxa te st- P"!orsbiirg,-tl;e Czar is crediItSd with Instructing Genera) Gmirlio. tBe Governor of Warsaw, wbo aral re oe fitly tM?moned to St. Petersburg, to suspend tb<* sxecuiion a| tao plans for nibbing troop*; along the German frontier. The Ci? his sent a telegram to the colonel of UM Westpuallaii Baas bib, of WRltm rrSj?asa! 'a. Czarewltca is honorary colonel, saying: '?' I am lilh.l wltii BBBttmeats of sincere gratitude toward EmpTor William for bis gracious attentions to BM, which I warmly appreciate.*' Rt MO RS OF IMPERIAL CONFERENCE'. The members ot Emperor William's Immedlata strile make inii.h of tlie.L. symptom, of reaewed Built?. Hence rumor* are current of a meeline al Uie Czar. Emperor William ard Emperor Francis Joseph. Rumor alio hs* lt that the Csarswttek will revisit the -flilin Ceuit in the cotiri.- of tko tmrtxlixg summfljr, and tint a confet-?nce is being arrang*. ks* tween tiie Ckar aad Emperor william. Notwitkstand lng nil these runion of pacific, intentions, alilsk kars certainly **?_?_?*. 1' tiie Russlaa BBsrspapeis ol pro-?ench opinions tal? special Bs*aart*sQ now to recur to expresjioni of hostlUty to Gerncnv. Foi Instairxe. the "Novostl" declures tfcat war la an no solute necessity, and that tbe monarchs will prove powerless bo avert lt. Germany, lt Aa""*, ls going keadlong towards events compared lo wl-Jch lbs war Of 1BT0 will be tis child'! play THE I'ING OE ftVKXBMMVRB kV%*MOSTE*h. Tfis ting of Wurtemburg liss lett. I"e-.ln, having "MSB oflendcd by an Incident that occirred at tke opera. Emperor William made the King of saxons precede him sshen kasiaa] 'he royal box, -\biw, without gtslng the Kine of V.urtemburg an*, option, ka* psssed out before tue latter. THE _A-NUI _Uir.T.l.\Ti THE BERLIN FIE?MIX. Tbs Enipeior is |aettt_i| lue alurm system on the Berlin tire brigade. Accompanied by Pi Ince iUnry ol Prussia and tho Grand I>u_e of llesaa, he glv,* alarm.* when they are I .st expected, and Then rlo.t-|v watches tho BSBBlts. Hie other day hm inipiov)-,ed s drill for the entire -aJvagj i*as*pB, and th" rirotnor. at the central depot In tke HlstHlillBIIS. nnd, alter reiiBW tng the lone, singled out and pruls.d -a'veraJ of tho men. IH.'" GERMAN* VIEW OF THE HAWAIIAN AFFAIR Thc Hawaiian <|uejtion ls not exciting greal lntere-it here, lt I* iindfr.-t.-nd ihat Ike IinjK'iTal Foa*-tgB I ? flu ?? will be willing la .support an American prates lorate over Hassall, on condilli n tba' Gorumny receive* si,nie compn*atlon in samoa The pi?UPI iltaatlefl In Saojoa cannot ks long toltrniod, and it ls tho opinion of the Foreign office thnt tke Hawaiian affair otters | good opportunity io obtain a now and permanent arran a*-men t la isajBN to Bkaaoa. GKOWlN'i (jNTENT OF THE ALSATIANS. A remarhablo S*SB*fl*flM ..ccurred lu Hit- Alsatian Diet, at (strasburg, ofl Thutx.slay, wli.n De.puty Petri, fornierly a i/ppi-nen; of tho GtrflMB BrflBM, do c lax ed, amid approving exclamations from many of hi. colleagues, Ihat Iks Hmo of tli-- an' M.orman or proti *t jerry was past. -We Lave mude our peate with Ike Bow Bfin of things," he iaM. Ile demand.-d, how? ever, that Hi*- Reicksland be raised ta Ike raak sf sfl BUtOBomous German state. ' MINISTER FUELER, ntl ENDS PLEASED. The appointment of William Walter Phelps to a Judgeship in New Jersey *y_ .unsed prent BBttsfBctlO a rn on tr the host of fljetaaaal friends which the Auieri Can Minister ba*, made boro. A duo called tko WaaUaftOSJl Club composed of Americans and i.triusn Ameri. an*, living lu l.'-rlii. bas lust been formed here. TUT WEI.i: AT THE PF.RLIN THEVTRES. Tlio theair??s nert active during Iht- wast*. The Royal produced Wilhelm Mayer's '" Krie.n'.Dd*)," which proved a failure. 1n spite of a strong rluuue. The "Jeue Theatre made aji utter failure with ??'/win.-nde 04rl**Bltell.', the author of which I* unknown. Pan) Llndsr's -Der Komodlanl." at Uie berlin Theatre, showed Ludwlc Rarnav at his best, and wa? witnessed ky enthuslas'ic houses. The French cemiiuiiics ,*ing Ins opera ut the Apollo and flt Kruil's have met with f-Jr sucreflfl. At the Court Theatre In Melnlngen n nsw drama. "Uss MarkeDfest," by Wldmann. of Rem. fess made a croat hit. FOR A FRENCH CABLE TO AtTRTRAUA. Pflrii. Feb. S.-Tiie Jdlnlntry. at a council held In tke Elysee lo-day, approved the proposition ta lay a eable from the Freuch colony of New Caledonia to Aastrulia. THE VIKING SHIP LAlNCHEI) Cbriitlanla. Fe!. 4.-The Vlkli g ship. Intended for the Chicago W.uld's Fair, was Uunebed to-day amid grest eiitlnislasiii. Admiral Karen, commander of tke Norwegian Navy, and many other naval officer** wore present, as well as a multitude of other apectator*. Tbe sun shone 1-rlahtly. ibo sea was calm, and the Viking skip rode boldly Into Ihe wave* at Stnde Fie ni. TUB KING OF QUE-CS ON HIS WAY TO ZANTE. Athens. Feb. 4.-The King ?nd Queen of Greece BBd Duke Coiiitan'iii. of Sparta have slurred for Zac te, to witness tn* dan.age done by the earthquakes and to do what they eau for the relief of ihe au.i-ring people. vest"i*dav tbe akmiks have been f.wr. and th*' resulting da.n.ig-> has diminished !n pr-ipor- ? lion. Tho los* of pro-.ertv caused bv the calami'v ls I estimated al B.Ottt.tJw drachma*. THE ACCIDENT i" TUT. SI! VIA BER <VI.I.\:)i :: RUR8T IX IflOOCEAX, \NI> SHE PIT hm k T i SOl'Tli ".MPTOX. london, r.b. 4-The Hsmbiirg-Amerlrsn Ur.e sioi mer Baevla, Ci ptain Daaar. Irom Hamburg Jam-nr 83, for Ness voil;, wi.I.T. wis nported ye?lerdai > palling bach fm i*.iu'ln.inptoii ssitii bel Biseklnery disabled, arrived nt that pail 'oda\. lind tb" fads ,,f the ac,i-i, nt were Bsedf known. On -nndav la-t. when ti," steamer was in lalltsHte 4B44. lengltndi 2?.4fl, ti,., high-pressure rjrlndef karsl. A kcav* west erl j galt was prevailing Bl Ike lime. The si.Hiiioi' stopped si .e. sud (bc engineers labored foi twenty righi launs (,, iepalr lbs darner*. Th y au reeded In doing tkls sufficiently ror lbs -Beria lo atari on bel n turn. Tke mai bini rs i ol apsed again is the steamet ssa* nearing Southampton, nnd lugs bad lo be sent onl lo low her to ihe Bock. The tineen c-jrrles twenty-one .loon passengers nnd l*rti Uermari emlgrantfl. The pe**aeng*ers sp.*ak highly "fl Uie skill Bnd success with which Ike s,--,| ssa. navl gated after the accident. None ol Hw pu rngs bee i a:i '??"?' lo lan I. i . huerta tonk u aontberlji roar*, ai mnd Ike l-l' of Wright, aa In bei disabled eondillnn ii wa* mil Ihonglil safe in attempt lu ivarli routhomptoii thi mgli tia- Nilen*, which ls um. h (he sborii-r passage. TT.o 1 il UK I'M lino st Ml niel I niblin. I ap' iii' McKay, from N**w-York Jnniuir* ?0, i- esp cleo lu airlvr bi Liverpool loniori.'ss. Mi'.-. |. hei lu-*-' vnyuge ? a-t ssaril -Itiio her breakdown Iii and anal.c. ments a iv bei;;.; uiade si Liverpool lo ss. -b, uno lui o?leers. ??? *> ? 1. HU SALISBURY HM A KS i ' MER! HANTS OFFOB-XO TARIKF1 AND favoring coloxial ' X , 1 \sj IX. Lo?don, Fefc. 4.* Lord salisbury opened ttl" liver poo! electric rails* jv lo das The weather ssas cleat atid crlrp. und the sun .shone bil gb! ly. I.oid salisbury Urst visited the gsneratlag station ami started ike engines. Accompanied bj th*' Esr] Ol l.uthom and l.ord K'Tvin. t?s Mayor of Uverpooi, and ike dlreciors uf tic- railroad. Lord fteUsbnrj entered ? nain und passed along Ibe toe. Tho nain r..n imoothly si ihe rate of twenty-two miles ,xu henr. dowds ol specta* lora, i'i*.!!.;.*! ii'o renie, and occasionally ekes red. Afterward, at the liverpool Tostii Hall, in replying to aa addi.... hom ike chamber ,,r i iminii tc. Lard Salisbury referred t? the Increased difficulties wlik which Uk* IM?sk BMrcBBBt had to contend In Ike Sra| Of fni-?|i_,ii competition. l.ord BaUsbnrjr said ll.ut a lariff on > orn wns absolutely outside of the dreams ol anv pollticlaii. He questioned hoih ike -norallt) and expe?leacy ol tiie uso of tariffs sa s wsapon again*! other BalioBs, ..nd BMatJoasd in lI'Mt-ration ol m* aijpimeiit the Ilsoul wars batwasa Fruin ?? and Italy and Franco nnd BWltSetlBUd as producing dlaastei io all concerned. LsaMfl-sBstary defended ike coloclsl extension al English rule. Th.- whole ssorid. ke -aid, s?;is benefited bl Hrilish eolonl/.atUuu. .*. should olber uaUona ubi itu the ..nonie* th.v might not use tln-tu in the kains ?.'onerous manner aa ihe, bul in,gin fence I hem arutiud with a wall of brass BfBlml English coininerce. W0BEMEX BUS DOIIW EY A TE J IX. V IT' OV Till M DHU.. ONE DY1.N." AND iXOTBER 1sXEI0U.LT lNii"Hi.u. Ryracase, n. Y.. Fsa. 4.-a lambie casualty oe curred at aban 7 40 o'clock tills morning, near lire Mate Panphtase at the foot . I Bnierson sve. A < entail Hudson passenger train, eastbound, ran down _] mon. Three wer, l,l!l--d BMtlishl ai.d Hu-.- vs. i - ? Injured. One died at tho koflBttal, snotker ls dying, and ii llili\l I. .seri.iisly hurt. Tho l.i!l**l uro John Ryun, Patrick Dayle, oi Xo. n>7 R'all-st.; John Maroiu-y. of No. BOB Bt*hB*/ler-sl., and Michael J. oVifmeii. el No. i**j Eurelia *t. The Inlnred are .Mi. Tao] Malones, ol' No. im: I.ak-', ic* as .... fiNVinSfl or s, i i|?n. intiired Bbou! ti,- hip*. .luine-, llntcblMOO, of Emerson ave., fatally Injured. HatoMasaa s*ri? taken to bis home, ami O'Connell whs sent to >t. Jeeeph'a Hoapital. "examination showed that Mwraaey'i sknll sra, broken on lbs top and Ryan'i on the len aide. Doyle'i skull was shattered all over. O'Cannell'fl deal?I O'curred bi BB reacked Ike kospltsl. His sknll Lad k*efl fiactnred jn-t over tho right o?r. 'Hie mell Brers all employed us sootl"ti hand, on Qm Balkira.*1. lii'-v were walking on the track, going to S point Bear Bks Soi* Ask Works ta inuit- ioom repairs aa the track, lt was extremely cold and the ""ind and snow MasrlBR furiously from over Ike lake. Fore?tan Maronev savs tint half a ninnie before thev ttetf ma down he turned around t. se* if a train wa. coming. Int saw non*. **oon sftsrward he heard an engine boll, end looking around, -a-"' the passenger train baarlBg down on Ibem. ll- yelled io tia' nibil, who wore ju,; ahead of him and )uni|*i*d from Hm truck, and a* he rial io "ie syllnajei hoi of the enrliie ?t| ak liim |b Um .in-- la ;i mi ind UM oller BMB were flying Ikroagk the air lu nil directions. Maronoy flaya Ike train did not stop, and Bs t.inks the eaglBeer and _nea?in did not ste Hie m.-n on ike track. 'Ihe train Wal rBBnlBg about thirty tivp uiiies an kaur. This "slakes si len-' tea P' n ma sst,', hare beea Billed bs train* near Ike -.tate Pasapkoaas IB i'? la*! live or nix Tours At t)_t point nil trains arr ran St T*.ll speed, and there ls u long bend 111 the rou .1. A THAIN DISPATCHER KU I.ED, i'll ca, N Y., Feb. 4-Alslsti,iit TTSlB DHputcher lenders, of tiie Central, a rtSldsat "f Albany, was Ulllt-d at scliuil.-r Junction, four miles east of Ikl city, ky Uie Baaplrs stats express Shortly after l a. Bl. U.-dav. There wu-i u freight bini lifldo url I,nii'ler.. was halplBg to .lear lt oal. ll" fltepped bach ward oa Hm westbound passenger track Jn*t snead of Hie Empire, und ssas Instantly kiiieo. THEOWX DOWN AN EMBANKMENT vining. Minn.. r*b. 4.- The westbound passenger train on live Northern Pacliie with 'h<- exception of Iks engine wu. thrown froni k?I tunk B Qasrtfl r iif a mile east i.f vining station at noon to-day bv a broken rall. "Baree cars rolled ilosvn p (ugh em bankment and were completely overturned. Tke train wus m-ar tko s'atlon and was running slowly. "Farra were few pa4.*ern;er* aa board. The iin rolled twenty feat away from tke trai k and tke aei Hon mon wer*- the most BerlBaslr kart. Thc people Injured are Tosten Olson, badly bur! in ihe ckest; Andrew Olson, cul ob Iks ii>nd mid iinronsflo'is; Andrew __tl*"n, Railroad Commissioner, from E'akpatOBJ, Mp bndBed; Iir. Marv Pr:.tte. Fergus Falls. Injured about bend md should.t-. iir. Emanuel, Of Milior. nil on bead, but rendered valuul.l*- assisi un..- Rf, M. tVatklns. Rt. Pani, land cal: iTodvibu Cummings, employe, eui mi Mp; s. Hanson, st. Paul. cut on hand gettlne out. Other passeagers were Injured, but aol s.-rlon-ly. FOE A IVOR! irs TRRPRMAXCE COXaSESS Chicago, Feb- 4 (s-pcrinli.-.l. N. '?teams', of New Yml;. ei rotary of tho National Toinporinie B*"S?4*ty, is nosv tn the * ii v making .Bal arranivwinanti for the World's Temperance Congress to convene In Chicano <jni-iii-r Hw week beginning June *>. nader tho susplce* of the w.i'id's r*ongi*ess Auxiliary, la sa??tiling ins report to A*si lan! secretary Young, Mr. blooms Hive, every as.uraine thal tho C4*ng1?S ss ill be the larges! of Iks kind ever held. Ile sine- that papers have bei n SOllelted from IOBM "I Hie mo-l anim ut writ era in Ike world. These iwparfl win embrace the Bclenilflc, i-ellgioufl, social, poUiical, laadlcal, leglala tiv.n.i economic fls|*'<tn ol Ibe qu?*stloa, together with hours of work, . ott*'** hlWseB, Hie alli:.nie, total nb.iln.iiie and other phases of the drink t}iMS_on. Kepi.entatls-es liss e been iBVltCd frviu ev irv grsat lemperinio orgBBluUlan on th" ?.Tobe. Tbe Depart ment of State of the National OorsrUBMSlI Ban boon reduested ta send out a series ,-f questions plat Inn te the temperance cause and Its extent and prajRfess IB nil Aiiierlca*i CoasalB, and I! has .Tussrlully re sjK>nded to the request. Daleystes kars also been Itivlied from every church ..Til temperance society. DR GRAVES LIKELY TO RECCES BAIL. Denver, Col.. Feb. 4.-Dr. T. Tkstrker Orarss arrived In Denver from Iks I 'anyon (liv Penitential* at 8 o'clock this morning. lBBtto| the train at a small station outside the city limit* uni arielag to the Juli. A dav for Ins RB- 'nil ha. not iel been set. The Konnral belief 1* that bull lu a largs) sum will ba aJlovreO. amt that the pl*?BOOT will nave no trouble lu securing lt. AIRS CI.EVEL.tXD AT TBE I'KE LESTES HALL. Lakewood. Feb. 4 (.-pedali.-Manacer -terry pu? pa rd sae of the nio.t bappv iBttdeals of Iks sss sob si th" Lakewood Hats) In fie pro lenten ball Which was ?jlsiTi ibis even!lag. 'll." most pleu.ln^ feature of Ike affuir. ai*art from Ike BSBS?SSBS BBHlBBTS and voting ?roSaSB In beautiful eostUBMB, was the music bv the Koinattv Band, atul tho Riis-dan court arshlflUa. Mrs. <Teveland. lucompanll<si bs Mi-s. A. Hle.fkiSI Until.* nn.1 Mrs. .laiiifv; Mus* ti. of Al!.nv, aad W. I.. Wilson, of \V.*st \lrglnin. and E. .1. Lennon, of 1" ila de.pliU, were among the prominent -people Ri th" bull ?BSSaV whlcli was iBCsratSd In while und K)U. Danc? ing seas disrontlnu.d nt ll 'IS' and supi*'r was BSBVBaL \mong ll.oso present were Mr. sui Mra. E. c. Mof fet. Mr. and Mn. Oenrgc Ranon French. J. Arden llarrlinan. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Ilsa.., J. C. I'vUnai, Mr. and Mrs. F. k. rVadletoa, mi** La Mastatoe, Mra. Ai.-ii*ms >. n,Tl, rrerior I., r.f'r.. Mr*, .h.Un* ."stl'n. V'.'.'-mi".- ?.. Han, ItUSMetl Maronan!, .Io n lil" 1 cwt. Jr.- Mi and Mn*. .1. J. -i clair, Vis* BlnrMlr. Mr- ithlnclande- Wai lo. Mr. snd Mrs, Irvin Be**":. Mr*. \V. 4 . I'm."". M:s* lU-nrdlrt. Mr. Bttd Mrs li lovett. Mi. ant Mi*, v. li. Jennings, J)e Forest Manies nun Mr. aili Mrs .\,. Ti. U. los. ul Nev-Vork. ST. ITEL'S BOS PI TA I. TO BUILD AT ONCE, iii:, PLAS*. : MR. wye: PROVIDE FOE ? ll s M,-'isii'. STRl'i 1 URE. "IT..?* ero and for ti,- i i ss Bl, luke's llo-pltal on th" Morningside plateaa Brill ot broken tomorrow, mi .*. csvailons ?or Ike roandatloni ol Iks kalMbifi ?*_ |H" began ..* once. Much blasting aili bs Beajesanry, hew ev. i. a. ii,. ": .un.i contain* .i ""reel ammiBt al rock. Ena- t i la.';:' p'...:.* f I Ibe li'? bal ding, wi" formally accepted on Monday last. Bereral BKtnths at-u bo ssa. rh n bi "ii ? a;. Mtc : abo bad priaanlad te the hospital lrust?*es Um uh.*: suitable ieslajB. bVjbbs TIT. NI.W RI*11 DINO. ?ltor.i'i"its and .IIB. allooa ss." ? mad' lr Ihs an Wits t at the Bti*-****stlo4i "f the board before Ihe plans were ii, , , pied. Tlio i'i of tl-.,- entire siiii'ture when i impl.-I will be aloin a-_t_^oo,Of)(i, exchislvs si Hm coat ol Ibe ground on which it win stand. The pl ms provide for len leparate building*. Tk ? Administration bnHdlng will be Hm central ttrartare. The pisi'ioii* "Til :.nnscted with ike raalB rtrsMdars by rorridors radistlng from Hi corners. The mu. of arrhlterfnr* ss iii reaerable most nearly Hu midern It'll. I. Renata ? ?. 'Un pas i lons, io i olding lo UM plan*. Will be moss n. d ssl li loufs Uko thoae oi tl.. l.u'.'Tu!' iii i 1' lace Tho administrative building ****i'.i end In i florae, sur monnied by ? lam on lupporllag a ball and trama. Th.- towei*. will has,- lieavv bat?S*S06S *>n the top of ss libh will bc placed siuall strip tuptu adorned with BI?SN .uni pl laster*, and CieWUSd with statue* of tho Four Evangelists. The dome of this building will re ' on an is (agonal drum and will ba mad" ol white brick. iio- pavilions, which s'ill fara south, toward the t'alhedrsl, will . ornum iii" ward, and tl.slr adjuncts. The waria *.*. 111 be -wac?rd onlv ky u.e open Bri?Irs from the administrative lull ling. Rac. ol Iks prtoi .iii,! watiis em contain twenty ind.. Tke "kappi win he iii a building north ?t lbs admlaistratlrs kaiH iBg, anl sviil I"- i "iii,??< ted arith lt on th" kto-ijisI fl.??r. ll win net I*- larg**- it win teat rjoo Bsopie. .aprga Masealtooh Miller, ike s***iMsbI of st. Luke's Hospital, -ubi ySStsrday Ulai noii'th/ii whatever hnd ben ink. ii lo close Bp Hut pail ol I i| and tliiiT.'fi.tli-st. WillCb nm'. lat weeli tue li i.pltal lot and tbe I ath'-dral groan*-. Ifl fact lt .Tfld ii..' bOBB oven ser.aaal) ? csjaridsrsd Mr. Miller saul thal Um i.n. lc iv be ns'st far tka koapllal ha>i bo! ba? n ?!?? 'd-d uji'ti. In n!l probability I light colOi'-d brick would i-e chosen, '.sith stone trimmings la karpina The foundation, however, woukl'ke nt granite, wklcS w.nli be pr?p?r**.| ss Ml- tn.- ..\i a* aiton? were going on. AU ibe buddinu* ssiii noi be creeled nt Um present tim". I'lie Iilllidlllg. Ij ," ll].ss. Iv,ss.'Soi, will ' .?-'. aboil -1,1700 'nio. .1 IA Mul > nun I .sri//). TIIE XEW-YORR T OIVE Wkt TO s LA ROE lit'BI.XF.S.S BLOCH HISTORY OF THI I'M' E. i N'S. York Hotel property, al Broadwa* and Waverley iT.o ,-. ba Im en dd, and will t.? a down IO make ssjv lu-v Hie i-r.'Toti of j Li.-llo--. blui ll, The pnrt-basers are Randolph iHiggeuhelmer, Ibe well known lawyer, ol Hie Brm ul Uuggenhelmer .s I'nter meyer, and Hmo llausen, Jr., ol t... Clan si Brew. lng Company. Tke ula wa? mads by Joseph Ro en fold, repi.Dtlng "ii" Nei Vork Ufa I_sbjs"Bos and Ti_il Compsay, ss Ira les tor tha sstatss of Jav, Moi <. u sad olhei The property which rhsages kenda l* keanded by Broadway, Waverle* Place, Merrer-*t. utni gfaih iTai -. rs- .p; tba lot! oo nplsd ky ll*_, I'lark - I Isgg, tv Ike northeast co uer ol M-r.-i I. a;.d IVasblngton Place, riw pries wi ibout ll._tM.0U0. Tke prsasnt 1. Will aspire on May 1. 1994, when ibe famous ? .i'i hotel bnlwfng will be i'en'nved snd lbs a ??... on a i.n'.u oma bu lue* bloch wUI ba began. The Saw*York in lu dav wbs ona sf Ike I sad lng hotels of Xew-Yort Dty. I! ?m muJe faassaii ii :. ?? and after 'i.e war a. ll waa a great favorite of BfOBBtaont southern pa-opls cemlag to tin* dry. Among Ita patton, wera Ja?sr u u.ivis. Bsarl] all of 1 'ie. CooffladtTSte generals and BtfcST t-iJUalljl pto Soi '. si a prvp.e. The hotel WU I lilt IB l-lo. a'.'! Bt IfcSl time the, lo'Tillon Of the kow" w.* looked up ti a* l.'lng Iti th* upt*..?n districi. Ih- bi t proprietor of the fa mon ? old boose w i J. H. Monet, ? rr ?? bmaa, who bad som" experience ,n t!,.. hotel brTi.ei- In ""rance The hausa proapcred nader kl man* gamea", and tka _-,o looms wera nearly always Bl?d. In i?_i Hiram Cranston bon ir.ii na! Ike Frencban?i's Interest, nnd lt ssa- under Ms a*Ma*ag?BMBt that lbs lion-0 beaaBM lan ? is as a ia Sort for p"'>ple from the south. Mi Cranstoa was proprietor ol 'h.. j>ia? e aa?I ait-r tris war. and during lha st-raggla belwsesi Ike North and Iks - tilth bs openly lympatklatal wltk Um loot kernels, Hiram Crae ton wa i mau af wsaltb .md u. I nance, .tri he ii,.i ia nu. v thing* In Hie I .ter. v If Ike S iiitheni cause that lo. was li. dan.r at BBS ti m.* . ' bein.- r..'"l a.- B - ut hern spy. Hi* wealth, However, it li ssM, Bared him. Tf.vrflt nieotlngs of sanborn tymputhi?*n were held In tho INMBS, and tuaiiv plot* were Biranged tkers wilk Iks intcution of Bttaa*sjting io dsfsai ' ??? plaas ol tba annie, of the North, pus hotel so<m bara bis kaowa ta aearlg everybody In ilia southern states, and ns pationagii lacs iii*) war been Bude up larval] ol Southern rlsltors. In ?ld'!.. ; ? JeB*?*SOn Dav.- anil hU faintls. tin* foHowing well known Siut'iei-ners have raglitmid at Um kooae: Uenersl Fits-Hugh L**-, Qeaaral Lawton. ol (..-TiTa ion.ri,i .\i,.i.i and ts lally, Bf Virginia, t u: i ? I Clinch, of havannah, <>a., Maj*r Bariven, Of io "i.ii: Henri?I il SBTi'fpird, -IigliliiiK 'I)"" John ?ton; '.in i.u Lee's bn-lly, Uenetal Alexaoder, of Ucorgla; .ion.iii Klaugbiev, al ike faaasas rlaaghtas Brigade, and msnj stber well-known C*_federalei 1'r.ini. iVeuile] sv.ded Hiram ? i.u.sion as pio prielor and prior lo tke llBM Wk* ii Hems ("rBBSton, nephew ol Hiram '.ran lon.'secured rjonlral of Hm boase, it was r_inaged lespccflrsly l.v j>, m. Brock w.i_. '. I. .ludM.ii nml i. M. Illl'lroth. Henry < iiii ion wai ii"1 o in o. .foi in tho betel kaslaesa us his uinle bad beea, for ono sear ago, la-; _>p lember, the botel ssa. pluc4d in Iks hand* *,r a r> .elver. k, j.. Rlnthrop, Iks iwdrer, la si ill in i bal se, Edward Quinn, ss ho wa- .a hallt-rrj in tin- hole) forty .even year* ago. 1* Imlay a rarver al the tiona-, and Joan Latsrflu, a nol her old employe, who wa* a walter when tie hoilae opened, ls Killi there xi- u walter. Ile remembers Jeffei?ni liasis hs said last evening. Iii tl..-.- .lass "tipping" was lbs rale, be Bays, and Ike t'onli-derato p-vstdent often dis iiibn',.,,1 00 cent nie' i-s ainoiig I;''.- boys. l COXCEET FOB CATT A'S FAMILY Bstweea I.OBO ai Kl 4 ooo petaoBf ?u*seadad ti,.neeri at UM Ti U RIB'S** III Am,'.rv last ev. nlnp glsan for tho bei.' nt nf tin- r.niii v ?f ti," lal" I waaf?assn, U. a. CappB. Tb-- 1'ljtfurni, iiia|?'d ssTth AmeiTiin fla k's ssas lu the ? a.t end of the AfcSBt it aeseral li'indi'd rii's, and Um mbbI "i Um ti-ur ssa* left in* tor praaaaaed. leg. Th" 7tU Eeoiiiaiit Lu,il, dlr. 'ted |,v ||. I, ^alo? liini... plas, il a ni.lui. I nf .'T'a't|nn?. Inbidli*g th* "Sar iiuii.iu Msreb," Brr*?ged bj tappa, ah Um performti who j-* '?! snlaiit-'i'.i IV, -v'V"". Uley WOtt Ml*. Linda B.Ma, Mi-- Anna Burch and Ml*e Ult*? Diamant, kflpnsea; Ml a Ailee M-i tf**lli'k. eon'rall.; An? tonin Ofllaasl, baritvii" ihiniu* Maaaotfl Bad Di < aw Martin, baa*; Natl,nu Franki., vkillulat; Walt* i Rssjflia, rertietl.t,; M I'lPa .jin poaolfl; Vlni ont Fflti'lll, harp; Aifi-d I., Pearasll, wwaieal kaaa fiat, and jame. s. Hur Imnmrl.t The io t piBtaaa- arsis os-i STCni) Mr s.,1,,,,,,,,,, j, .,, |<tf,. , h,,ry.. _,( ii,,. -Ui !?,._.,..._ lt?*d f"i BM |.r--"i,t ,o-I ssiil dil? ?? t. lt on the inp I* ?FashtSBlee, okkh tb* irghaast la t<> bbUh to attend th,, t_*?garaUfla i et*eas-ardaa. A JUDQMEXT AMAIRRT HEMAX CLARE Jiidj;iii.Tit for foivif, Wai vest.iday .-nter.'d Bfjalast I "satan Uara, um roatraettflr, la larai al Kaaa, |>,el. .V < .... balli.ors. IBfl ,,[ ;_ mn** lp the BOpeitor Court. They -a.ii ikal Mr. i lark Bursts thn-e - piivii.Ti's.' Bates] Aprfl IU, April IR and May li;, lPtm, whereby bs was t., receive on l).-<"iniior :n. IT'D), two iou al t*MM)UU each <d IWibbm kssals of lha Atchison. Topcha and bania Wa R-U_rs-id Usaspaay, at o*).'. s, mid noU*00U Mi -omi. Kutisus sud "Tlraai Hiillway SWSSJR BMrtfl*ajja ts.nds al M, Hie bonds were "put" to i;,ui on Uaosfaksr ti. i*.:m. but ko wfasal la tmtept lksa*i sad Um bonds were bsMI at linell.>n mi .launais T. I BRI, ,?.,,(, pffam the "pul pflflos. Hm )*ttiae dicldtd iui tkera wm tn.,*-..s VICHY ST. rORRE, I'.i'.l.iXF.P. 8F1UXO. TUC wat',P. FROM TIIK REIOXRR RFRIXO BC INT. lill: COLDEST OF ALL TBR RFRIMOR ATI VF HY [FRAX4 r, , RE-A1KR MORT ITS MINTI.A!.- j IZIN'l PROPERTIES. AS. A (OIUHNTi TO THR I I'XAXtMOl'R OPINION or Tin: BOCTORR F1UCT1B* j IN.; AT Vii UV ONLY COLD Watt: HS Oi'UHT TO , UK EXPORTED." ??) imp. CARR nv :,<) QV IRT itOTTf.F-. BOi'i m. rix a A co bole M.i.N r->. 43 BRO A DST. StEW-YORK. due the linn, arhleh, ssith latercsl *? 11 Boats, mute up tho uino'iui nt ino ju,i.ment. TO l'l.PICA'IL A( lil PCH. Gt'NKR'ISITi "I- PR PAXTON? PKOPI.E a mw EDIFICE i RECTF.D io:: TIIR1R BRA KC U 'i ni; ? Mil ni TIIE RLV. Il I LOREX! A few (rear* iga ti," Wea! rresbyteriaa ch'iireh, of whi'ii Dr. John i.'. Panton is pastor, **t Balda Um rhapel, shiel i' bad aided '? t manj soar, as an Ind.'poiidoii: .1,.: ia. and Dr. JaBM* ll. li'vidb"., ss ho bad developed lt from a rnlsdon int.. a chapel'Bud then lalo a ckurcb, aaa i.i*-.'bi' paslM of it.. Faith la. st,vt,elan iTnm-T. t n-b r lh?- leadership tii-*t of Dr. llas-llng* and 'ben <?'. Dr. I'bston. the West fl bur.Ti lind b. o.i fni'n-d to vsorl; for mi* .l-.ri-. mid lt iiH.k np ii new entorpris" on Ibe iVesI Ride turtber UptoWB, starlin.. In a UtUe kali In T-n'h ave. Till. mi'-Joli Wai loinl'ioted bj Seminar] itudeBtl for a wfclle, one o' ibem being Ike Rev, Daniel F. Loren/, ss1.,., upon id. gradasilon "nm ininti Seminary, iis-uui'd entire eharj-y ol th" ss. ri,, ir bl rh '.si- I ram ferred abonl ' ti il lime I ? i building in IM* Ixtb-st., ii'.; iar from ni- Boalevard - :""-,? mas hs* rms werh lhal the WTed ' burch ' .- i*i*7*ried :-. Il i noss building ni a ..s' .. ??.. ....??! i. .ind the brain li . hill** ti formed. kfMWfl a- llir!.; l?flpel be* >BK*S Mi" ("iiurcii nf the si.H.d dhephcrJ, nnd lt- dedlcatiofl uni talir place to fljeSiaW, Mi I (.eui bop-si lo ha it Di r ira .? H Hastings*, ?i," toim.-r pa*ini .' it,-- ss.... i nt p:, ,. , -vj. ino-n.H.*. and I" lol ?! ll Paxton, ib< pre nt pasitw vf tto- rbarcb, to-morrow evening, ring te the ill heai'li Of bulb Ol ' ? ??? ' real TT* Dr. l?. J, M< Millan viii! j ia ibe place of Di Ila?ttl igi, and lt Ol rgi Ak ,\? lei h. ' ? place : Dr. i'a\' It I* expected ina' in rheeaoTa ,. i ,..,.,. ?. Brooh lyn, "viii pi?a',T 'i. sri*?lag; Di B. i; Rossiter, oa TharaaJay eveninr; Dr. John Hali, neal Bania* evening, md l?i .1 ll llofl-e.. Ur F. II. Mallina; and 1):. i . A. liroitP- en Buhflaqaaai evening*, Ur. I ttl gu** aupplylag tka palpi! on sd. 1'rofe *,**_,_? Fraarii hi-jtrtx. Dr. WillioB Mella Malta, of th" i entral 'Tint-., and Dr. Ilsadley, of I * ? . < trek, *?U1 toke par: In Ihe dflt?i 4'orv ?"i facad, war., CHURI H OF TIIK i.uul) SHEPHERD. ?be Bickltacte ai th- new building are J. c. c*ij ? 1*0, Th.- bull lin- I. ?tMklim' mid uafque, built of reeam-prssMd Uriel, and i-im "iiin irlmmlufB, svith isrossTi-iou.. baas, nnd wu] neal ab-ur tod people, it is handsomely Bnlshed iii bard wood und the laterite dei oration nnd fUrniahlBgi bare bren levied b) the sr. lute* ts with Ike greatest rare and taste. ihe building aseuglefl Ihree lots, being T',\ii*i f,-,-t. The fa'-nde ls of ii *pe. bil biir-bruW. Illmmed vvltb u ii-uni .olored larra Batta. Tin- style is n classical Roman ?*-mie, rka*raetarlsUc of manv old Italian ehai-ekra, but whlcti I., now tn tills country. Th,, p.-. BR?lily Bi tbe du ls Ul broad BUSfleS al bandi' nie ililli bitch rellev d lc Ike rb Uv on: nu. ntod WtadOWB and Boar BpsBlags. in mach ai?riteetnra] wurk Ike mir mw openings which cut up Ike aseade rary ikeraughly Restroy tka ?.?.eel af beauty mal repo*. wblrh had bet-n aoughi. The liit.-rior of tke building ls lui,' and che, ifni Ul .Tinmotor, ii ss ai in ami pb-u-ailt rh lino*. "TT rolOriOg basing beea sda*s-red io in both Ihe balldtng mid it fiitiiisiiin-r*. Begtaalag ss 11 h daepes Xemet nt Nm base, tue.,. Bghten np, eadtag ssitii ? ,i>-*i<-.??. .roam color for u." e.-ullin. The palptl ? nd "I Ike rina?a I. curb bed with ;i Bl*?Bed irli.s. window of opaWeenl Kiuss, m sis?alral Resign, trbUe ? tine argan con IrlkBles to Hm efeet ol lha! ead of the rharch. mi the other .id- of ike sudilorium n large parlor '-pern into li u' pl na ia rr. lacreaslag lt. rapacity if d***li?1. I'.esld ? Ibis Hie;., uro nui'i"t ?.l* -nnilav Kl li nd Cllfll roon s and two Int;,'" bulls na Ma, main i.'al ib.. in'nit .liss d ,.:i-tni'i,t The church mi -.-at To*) people mid lin- Bunda) sci.I rooms iis ina nv. While " W. -I fl 'lltlri tl o|e,l,.d tho lO-SV blllhllll". >he Biwigregatlflm w?ir**?notus al the rbapri contributed tin. >r.:,*M)t) pipe organ, built by lleorgi* ri. Hutchings, ..f Huston. An orj'.in ronceri ssin be held on February 17. svith Ihe fiillowkig per.,,ns on Ihe programme: Mme. ( ari Als.,., rontntllo; Rrll "ii 1. nu*l.ll, bus.. I'rof,.-ora P. A. s_hn**ckrf und I.oul* Iterge, i-rgaiilst-); Herr lui llerleben, linllnlst, ami Mia* Marion Mort, lu recitations and Imper*.nation*. SENATORS P.NTEETAINED AT IlINNEB. I.IMTKN INT SOVERXOR SHIT MIN TIM. HIT ST OF KOROR*- BOVF.RXOR PLOWER PRERRNT. Lieutenant '? vernor sheehan, ns pfeildml of tho New York ?oniit", and Hie BM mb flea of Ike R?Mts. otitertumed nt .iiiincr bis! sri*alag bv Be Balor winiam L. Brown, a! 'he Mar,kattaB < lak. Thirty tWS <flt down al Ike tubb'., aronui which -irlsnd* of vmiiui mid pink- bad saes biibbrbs*,, Uersmar Itwsv'll I*. Flower svns prrseat, Sad .at directly op IKislfe Hi- boat Lb uti-nanl liosornoT RbeebSfl s?it at the host's right hand, und Senator F.rwlti ... tho rhair to ih? left. The others pre..tit wore BeBBton Floyd .loins, Mci urtv, Ahearn. Rossal*, McMuhoit. rnnlni Hlnnliltt, Mci lelliind, Hlc'iuttlson, Blandgnol. Oflkorni. Derby, I'arU.-r. DrjaalR?BM, RBMrsaa, Mullln, 7'mlth. ?)'! 'nullor. Nichol* and \'un <? >ni"r, Mayor Oilray, laa\fi Challis ii. rrusi, PrasMea <>f Um PbUcb Baart lanes J, Martin Dommtssloniw of Bdarattan Rokeii Marlay, David H. ollber;, secretary of |ka MBBkattBB < Inp; I'liains Donallag, Ciel oi the M-nata, ?ud Ckaries lt. Da Freest, Clerk sf Iks .\****?* A numher of Invltad *rtiesi* win, were Biwkla ls be. present srut litt.-rs nf recrei. anioiift IBO?I belIn,' Senator. Aspluill. NJgeafcall, nod speaker *-ul j.-r, lt ,f Hie Assembly, sins lalo Iii , li" political ,,u, salag b.fore speech Rahing bern. No political qaesttnni Ind nilled Hi- diners tocetlnr nod tboto seemed to i.- h feettngtnal IkedlBnef ss., i i,i'.i, : i il.-- pupils.- of ibHTii; lum ii ti, n,.. president flf Ike Seirile, who paid Irlbii ?? la the i.o-i. la ell s Miii.ii.--. ?.!a duo the SBtkerieg of 111* osrlnl... FOR NATIONAL QUARANTINE. THK ACADEMY OP MUD- IHE WASTS IT. . MEMORIAL ON Till-'. SUBJ- T TO RE IWft TO DONORE*.. if b Rational system sf Bjaarantlne is not e? labll-Ved, lt will not bo through luck af start upon Ike p.irt af the New-Yoi U Aeniemv of M.'dlclno. Tka National nnaranUne committee of tfcal srfsiiktallaa met ia-t uipht in ike rommU.'ee raaai of the Academy, No. 17 Wost Forty third st., und after u, short dis cussioti pa-.,, d s memorial io Uwgraas lu which the eataUlshment at .noe of "n ramplete quarantlns system, wit lion t reserve, under National control. paianioi'iii ia oil local system., mid ns comprehensive lu lt. soup,, nml pawer as constitutional limitation* aili permlL" wa? strongly urged. Thal Hm New-Yerk memkers of th- medical professio 1 sre n -t Bkmr in their anxiety lo secure this legtslutU-n upon Ike pur? "f nongress i* amply proved by Hm telegrama wklefc kave i.ii received by Dr. '!'? 6. Thomos. presldenl ..f ihe New-York leciety'a "4-__mlitee of twenty nne ' Iii llii las! isvo dsys ii'sc.iM'i'os have bea io., iv.! irom tho'ii In H-llsdHpbla, Boston, lieltltnore and Ublrago, all a**arlag Ike kearllc I ru opera tlon lu thia mivement. iTcdtlnga have b. held In each "f Ihe other titles, und tin- seiill'iiont lu the profession o| oneil lins boon ...mid to bo pl most unanimous in favor nf ;i National quaranllae system. A despatch fram t'klrazo svas re. ive", las' nigh! atated ihat u: s larg" meeting of -"?? profes-ilon li'ld ibero yetinlas. u commit tee Iud be**fl appoint*-** io go io ("tasking. to appear Belan* rongn*ss io ure" ti,.- pam-age of lome i.sure 't?. carry "in tli-." plans. \t Hie meeting Inst Big bl serentB*. of the twenty .me meuibers of tho romartttee sire p;.nt- Ur. P. ti. Ihoinii* and Dr. H. Il- Dori.V Beted ii. se,:, in-.. T'n,' oilier, presoin vv.-re Ur. I". IL Brown, Dr. C. L. Dani), Dr. .1. H. Gti"dB4*r, Dr. A. Jacoby, Dr. K- n. jBiieway, Dr. lesurence Johnson, Dr. c. i. I.e-, Dr. Daniel Lewis, Di. T. M. Prndden, Dr. D. H. m. J. Rons-, Dr. \. ll. Bmllk, Dr. -r-ih-n Miiiib. Dr. D. vY"b,ter, Dr. *?. o. Vanderpoel ....; Dr. IV. T. Lush. Th" pi-i-sMeBI and seeretary Were iiutlio.'L.vl i ? aiipol'it ,i special cuininllt"!' io i-o io Washington '" plead th" cans**, in ro-ofMrailon ?.villi lin- ooijitnirie... flinn Hie ?th i- i-ltle*, before Ucngrses. AH iii)" pus i i lu.i i,i-i. t sianlil.'d i li' tr Wtfling?SSS to Ko to Hie i.pll ll on i-iu li a coin millee. lt ,va< Hi- Impf'-sioti iililunj" Hi'Tll la*I night timi m.. Harris Quarantine um, willoh ls now pei din.' ii, i Mgi-eSH, would be passe'', on Monday. and svhlle Bane Bl loom wmill rxpregt an opililin i.pou ia.- m-'iTis o, the bili, ii was Bpi*drani tiint lt ?lld not njeei eailrely tii*i ide,is. Thu was proved bv Hu ir flulhnrlslug Hie iippoiiit'ion! of u committee io ?.. to Washington at this lue da-., when lt ls n.,t iiiieiided ihai say!bing ikstl he done bfl-fbse Monda-. Dr. Darky, Dr. btepken antIlk and Dr. tfebster coin ,,.),-d iv .ob i oinml'iee which irea up ami. pi.-sei.iel las! -it*-i*i it." msBBsrlal which i* ia be s*nt to < taft***. it was i"id i.v Or. Darky, ami attar a skori illacusslou waa paaned BMnlBT?asl). and roptes aeietmi to be -..?nt to itrildrni Hanisoa ind to" meml*Brt ol ton gr*-. I ul- l< tiie moinorlal : Bepresantlng the Raw.TerS Academy of MedlekM and nd"i lu .ii*? i KMlea *<?? save ;. <|i'i ated ot yeui loner "ie ked] ** fl'i'' bcarlag _ Um Btsnei of the awakliaksMat ai - NaUaRal BtiaraatlBe. Ife spprieiati <t-e ail?mt noi Mfltataed ittent.en walsh *'ou bare gn*eajte ihi* ureMem, ow lmmfla_Be sad wtoe astatiaa of whit. i< sf .sn ii \ .rai uaperfllacs ie the peraaoal ind cob*?elcial in? terco. ..1 jil th" .*itate* vshlsh thi* Csagmsa reptile?tl IVs reeUra tn* raapsaslkUtty ?f ptetectlai th.i eona* ir. f' ja la-ayeaBlag nleadty, ie fa: a- tin. i aa let toot is jil. .. legifllflUeo nets ssiioiiy with yon. and that tue nrgeacy and weight ?.f that i-spuii.ibiiu* lunnot eaaiiy li" over atiu?t d Wa ......s ti,at ti,., time I* bi .af lu Wbleh til" Tent ? u- ll M .'. ti" take.:, and Unit lt le 'fl-poT?Ot St tllfl* late aa* i.,.t to all tu tu- dist ailti-. whteh beset legistBttes tatton Rffl do in,t IhlBB lt li-'e..arv ta ri?Ml?) to sv.ur heaorable hedy ii detail lha sirs ?sala which base iii t. ?sm .ons.rtaea Bl UM IsnpSttBli'" of A "iSflpSS?SBSirS Sk 0?lal qua: .ann.- Die BOMBS?lly al avetem and prirtMe s*; would ba flsidi"'! by j. KatlBBBl t??"WBtlflsS; U.e li'-.- uni Vatted .???~'i*.-''\ bott in ll??ld li"'., audi in material, wbleh would be available; Iks poss.- <>f rapM ? , .-."athvi .f f..r ??? *<t j pata! "f tTreut- :i' I* ..ti bj lofsetloui dlBsa-fl) Um see'dartce of e/ldaspread avp*e ',. i, lon sad paali arhleh a RsMSBal atfsstalMiat*sa mb-M '?vol ; Um full mai dlfvt I*?"a?tai of rOBBUlai asalatiti'O in i i i.. prenilM ut tn'' raaileaal i e-opei ?lea tho via ?<? ? un tom of res'.oiislMUty In a UflglS idu.lul.tratlv* body ttie *4|'iab:o dl.t-lbj'bui if Hi" ex|"iiam flt a profeUve BRaBSR lu flrbSfle iv-ueUt, all pelts "f tho Nallou nliuM the ty xi.u.a. >t silh.?trou. loud', t. in a';t?ontv ana. the . ip tv *s;un uf netty local pflillfiji au I pecuniar*' auibltiofcia ,.,,, ,?:?.,. ii nv p?l?Md I'.'.-t ? -. "f fi" public *s..V ?1.em ?r** hints of 'onie of Uis nYim ni.inifeit BgraatBfSS win. h a full Rstlsaal coiitol of qnarantlae aiami Co pMBlM \v,s <oiiis? bi pan, then, gaatiamw, u^i *sitii srga. mont*. f?r ?r? feei ti..*. BlrSBd] UM MhJStt La* revised Yu'ir ?*?_??d Btteetlsa la a.l Ita -any b-ariii.!* We do nut eeme st, thu ?te o?v tu Bigs S?HUa, lot thu w,- Know it to liv yeai *|x,sui duty to anaags; but we do feel .iroiigly |Bat '? eSpSlt?MM svith sarrinK: ansi vaHeuely Bwaaged Ieee! guBiBaUee -sMWiahaMate in Hie far- uf a thi"..! tod ? pl'l'-iiii.- ,,f BS?Ak .tiel'.ij and ijrph . fever li onlv t? reert dlmsmr. We ikerefete cvni- to you a. meuioal mea a.inp'r :., >-<pre*. |Bfl '-> etpr"*i* ni.'.' earnestly. 0'n CS)nvTitb.u thflt. wiu'ev-r f.,rni your legtaUflve action may bsbbbm, -. am "i.e .ia vi bs Um nata Bl Uh?wu *'? oatt ot a gmpleM guamatl e syetem, Blthaut im*sr*rs, bb_ii Natl .h.; cuiitio,, jinan,, tut to all le*?I .vsi.n,. tnt * soiiipreh.u.Iso lu Ita aaaga and possei a- ...Hititut?M .: I. alla?eas fl III peimR. RTa b?-::ese tiui -?. and so ?ois. .vm ikreal ;.i*d Mgsetag ba bmssi Mireiy asert.ij, it'e ?ps^?j, teu?Mrelal inter??i* ahieia-d. Bad Ibe right, of Individ iai* BaSmtBUMd der lag the aSniinlai.ratJes of tho** pifltfltUrS ?f*n.-!e* Wfclek flrO evoked tnt He C4BB flo a **?: MAURY D1XCRBA Sl'F. TUE CARI MO. I.eou i.d.oiari Cstksilse Jug tb sad LyaPa RirIbbsb .sv begee an a'-'i.*. in Um coen of CeaHnoB i1:.;.* . ?a ser SB.290 itu-a-rt from Ike KSW-Tsrh Coaeert Coin puns for alleged bimth ot (eesvaet. I?oa ""splat*-* i. a bsllet-BMMi and rea~peasn*, und Um tem of Ike laml y are ? lyu I*. ll,; ?u.s? thal bs nj-l" an agiraBBIafll wltT Uie N'.s. .V?r:. .on., rt . ..mpaiiv lo lon,l.l, Ballal mo.lo f?r a full o: hesfii, ai.a lo nup-iIntend UM balb't prodll lieu* st 'bs Cbshm, with the ether BKabera of the Runlly a daaceri Me s,_,. ta i.Iva a* pavmem tea tke I rvlces ot til S'j'.o ?. weak fiom Beptoaibei i lt*:..*. ?,, May I, ISB3 in, Oete* r a he *va., f-ifrmed that i. . - ?. i ssoubl no lonv I.- r Tul'-d. Albeit ai ni*.,i, .aid ia*) alfhl Mia'. iii? aatraet '*.tii tko Raplno*a< had Ike usual 'lui., providing thal eltkei juity aUght end ll i.v u'.siii.' ti.ia.'. r?,. -reek*' notin-. The Rflplfl?*as lui I.aj men issn eeeks' notice and they bai tn n d's.-na -vi beeauflfl ti." ballete irerfl bb ieesBki t,? be Klss'u, alni llioio ssj. no ('lither n,o fur them. ?- *> -. BC ABLET FEVER f.V l BOARDIXO st HOOL Morristown, r-b. d.?i-cartel fever bus bi*i*?ra nut lu Ike lii-anlltij- si no,,I ol ML. Ilr.min. on *>oulb*flt., lids .liv. There were about 100 pupils in attfl-nd morning ll--- 1 ri, i.(li lt dos. .1. I i .tu ar- noss- Ul Ui?i" thi r Becker sv.;it i,, (he Kbool und .u.-iod ".' l/7/i DEtX'IXO Prom Tho Mam iiosvi Times. Madame de I'jfalvy Borudon, deerrUdog bee trav. i. in Meal ern Mherla, aays lhal for a part of the war ue uni mi inisiiiii.i iiiosi- irom town io tos-i, wnii hor.o, hired from the t'ossacks. They were line boise, and travelled ssitii frli;litlul*v. tieuernlly ihov wore unsreustomed ta be driven logether. miiy id,. ii.iibib- on- the most docile bbs bariu-*.M. b*.fure th,, tune for starling. The nlben were nm brouglii mil until the it:Tv..r wa* ou bi. u-at. When Ihe nionagor ot the Tallon pro: outr vi Ihe Word " liatof" iv nh the carriage bounded forward. The hoi?-a tore mulls ? rn for llfloen ur tsv.uls mliiuto.. and ji Wio lnual io '.-ll Whether thev or tbe .iris or had the mastery. Un the plain ii svas a magulRc-ni drive. When the hors.-*, weer weil -ctarted the driver let ihe rein-; bang loose, and they l;,-pt up it line pace. 1 ho drivel hud Hiern ssi-ii in hand, and lhere wan no .bmp-r; he calmer! mid c inii-d 'hem ss-1 it wonderful .1.111. Honor to the lin-ilan coachBieti. onlv once vere sro in meat P"rll. We had Just lett u station near the olver. The road ssas n.iir the precipitous river trnnii. oar horse, marted St a mod pace, and the driver enid not cai them, rhos galloaad slralgbl towan] a "sreclplce Hint a turn in the road branch! iu*t ahead ol n* I Iboiiirbt we los'. |g. ie l Jbiivv Mond on Ike ca: rtn;*e lops. r"S-.|s..| lu band, read* lo .hoot Ike muddle horse, boping thal If he f.u d?ad tka .nh-rs svouid bait, soine Cossaeks vs ho sasv tho dunder rushed to u* about lng, ?? Don't ure." un* of them giaiped the bridle of Um middle kSTBT, and liv uti almost super? human eftori slopped him. It was time. We could leak dosrn lulu tho ab, i, Tltr LEAFLETS IVFRE TOFVLAM. Krom The Manafcestsr Hbms, There le ii story of un officer in command nf a troopship who, bavteg emla-seed s some* hat B*ja< llond l.ntii of religious belief him.nlf. ssh, active In disiiibiiiinu Itraets .riling forth tkeae views among his men. To bl. estreme ?.?riitltlriitb.n I bene leaflets were received with Ibankfulne**), ami even a.hed for. **<> great indfii ssa. in,, 'run" bb I?ese ipi ila! paMI cations that Um amateur nja|*sloBsry'? stock wu. soon exhausted, and hs hud tfl fal! badi upon a, cojlectlnli af b**s exciting religious Htersture, "These inict* are not eqaal lo ike old mms," remarked the olRr<*r, as In- d".lt them out tn the ser?eitnl. "1 darcSiiv the mon timi the difference.? " v.-s, sir, laaVed, tfcey <i.>." ssa. Hie prompt roots " Then* mvoi svas such' ct*A papas* for pipe ilafcta a- Ike ll'*t lot mild" ; them other*. ain't ta lu- named svith then." CF.SERil. MILES SELIA TISH THE SITE OF A FORT. Little Itoel;, Ark., Feb. t.-t; RBlaSBj A. Mlle* arrived Ihi* mcrtilni' to -s.-lei t n -.lin near this elly uuoii which io I-??*?? a uiilliiirv pout. One thousand RIDLEYS' GRAND STREET, N. Y. .tock Taking Over, REMNANTS IN EVERY DEPT* MUST GO! RBMHAKT8 OF ]ress Ggo^, .Serps, Caslinieres and Plaids, FOUR LOTS I.e**. limn Hull loim. r ].i-jr?**> '?'.,." '?"- ?,, .at .171... tt tt sa ? * ' *** at ofir, *i SS / *.at Tilt; a <? lound lloor. URj (>||fft Remnants of Gibbons. Md. yds., nil leugtlia, wldtba, salmi __ lualitiea OM-;, km th THEIR WI.if t'l-otiml Floor, lilli ??rri|0,.. Fi, BARGAIN VELVETS AND PLUSHES. LOT 1-.-..nilli YDS. H-IXCH FIXI talXtu iAKIOIS UOieOI-J il'.-, yat. .. ' 3 ?**Tt-3,.? YDS. HMM ll VELVET iukui ?M.'.HS. JJ \I.F pttlCK * 5JJ I.lound IT,>?r. 7lU neriMtJ Remnants Flannels, IM. .ad .mii'-,-,:;,,,,,,,, .?, ? ^ Rd Hoot ? emu* eIeitl#rt LOT l-l,oo., VM ni TIM, ;iti,| ILLtttM rLAXXELR, DE.HU.ABI_: IOIjOES wu Pvr l-RNs, FBOM 81* to 35c yd. LOT aL-kEMNA-Ti-J PLAID NAIWiok )OTTED SWISS, INDIA I.IM.v, L0JS5 "IQ! i: AND PLAtN XAIXSflOK Ipr, v,H, 1^ LOT.1.-KK INAXTS IF TAMUOPBED uS "?'>i: BASH il'llTAIN*. XOTTISr.lMJi 5S IOMIE LIXEN. WITH JAM V OPEN |;'V'P*-' IND F4XC. FlUtKED MADBAS. li to*, vi,le I |s-r vat-I ldc LOT J.-KKMNAM LOTS Of TOWELS ll BKISII, BATH, LIXEX, HIVK WAI 1IKE* >AMA**K, WITH FAX! Y BORDERS lEACIIilfa. Remnants of 4MNT.H I. Vt K FLOUXCIXO, BLACK \ND CREAM CHANTILLY, KP.iXISII i.i'IPI'RT (KIMI l'<-IM'. ORIENTAL ANT) Y.\L_nC : TENNKS-1 TO 4 .'ARD LENGTHS, AT 20c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 yd. Remnants of BUok atul < reata Ju--.* mtfiBf, ___u*ct I-njths, frooi 5C to 20c Each. SsflflBad Bom, 3d >e<rl?. I.O'l' RX? S.00OYDS. SHEETING, SHIKDM ami PILLOW CASE MUSLIN, all wMthi and 'l?alltkR . ie. tu ssa yi. LOT ?.-'Mno YDS. CALICOS, all lolorsand PRttBTRR. . .4 l-'^c, BJB. BBS] 8C. fi E. RIDLEY & SONS 319 ll 321 Brana SI. 1.1. am-* are demanded bv tbe Government for the p p. .SC. A RIC DEAL IX STBEET RAILROABE H.rOKTKI) RAL. Ol" .iTT'<*r Y (ITV MSES Tu TBR XKW-JERRITT Tit uti on COMPART Tiie New"steamy Tra.iioii ( SBapaBf I* a_ea_Btaa*_| tar tu.- pavrkase >.f tke .lersev city sad -tr-pra street k'alll?id. It ssa-i i-ejuirii-d It ItrttJ i ity a**etestaf tint Ike sals aad i.i -sade. PresMeai < naries B. ili'irst -in. of the .!? t'*es liv and Berfea Katlroad. s*_1 kt did aol kaow ni til,, ole. He Sad r-Mvi-d otlcis frdm tin- X'-ss-.ti-i-M'\- it-v ibm Compsay i i Ids read, ami ll wa. j>o--ibl?' (kal ihe RcsekkoUeri had rsa lk*M la s..|i. a iiiiji.tTiy of Ike Hock of the 'rev uty ? ?I i: rfra Railroad ts owoed by ike penn-siva?a ll' rompaBy. lMvi.ini. Ba**eiinteodenl .la sf lim I'l'tin-iyiv.iiiiii, said kc had n**tlil r, lo tay iitoot the leported sale, a.* lt had D??' I lie ire Ihe .'turd ..I Directors, r.e Ifew-Jersey Tractloa Com-mb* i- ? *vinii**a <*i.ii af Jaka D. Climmlus, ol N'esr-Y rk; B. M. -?iiul:-\, ot Newark aad Jet-fey illy; ike m-tropelitia Trac'tkm CoiB**any, *>! Xear-Ynrk; Tke PhttaRS!p; lrntU'ii L'ompaay, Elkins at WMeaer, if "Cew-Yark, mid tue riniiiisvii iiiii""ii Electric ( mps ny. IkJ >i.;nilv Bas bought Ihe .itv inr an Immei**** "Iv ttl" power idsbi "ti tke t%*a*ntt Uiver, idjoinlng tli" -.seri*! af ike Newark ki., m. i.i.'.iiiiic ti.tnperiy, ?Dlrh it U said ia '.sin >>r COB! roi. iVhell Ike ness power eai?i ni ? Mas") i'i" ' i.iu|?uv ssiii ims-,. umner -ir*1il*nt to operair i?si talles ?>f a*r-**H ra ll wa jr. Hu- Jersey CWT BBd i-er;"ii Rallntad l'ompaay owns iD the inr.<*t i'ji- Hi.. Iii Jersey 1 Hy, e.\..-_.t Hie ? .i-.-v.?-'. and 'til ?suiniliU .is.-, lin-., ssiii, a ar. : ..? jirnjnTty if IBS North County i; i mnpany. I' ma -'S electtte newer plaal f?y which the M.iiitcomeri it. I'-bs la "peri.ti'l. ima isv.nis ms.- ..- iklrtj nilles ol rallwsyB whick I uv" terml?iii al tke C<*rtlatMM H. fftrry -tnfl?? Adit RET THE IMPERIAL MUSIC BALL wii'tb.T (leerrs t. Kraea, rae awaei if ihe laipfl)?I M'isi- iu!, |a ie ulalu pa-?.-. a f tfcil BnlhUnf.sf islieili.-r Tel sslll base t., .m it i p ,, U_l M eh*Uti M BSflB an base a peritaq "f ll is a q'i.-1'.ii fhn* elli ttwkaBBj te bin'iL'ln, inn f,.r a:is\ in the - a I ?' '"nu. 0 t kt Hu.,. lu bi. roai-dalnl M- M'tiii-n aeji tbat la lrnii he -altered lon -.i-e-ife-*>uti t. .. Ima al RR ground Rear ef Xe Sd West Tv ac..mina..t. alt-Q .? ..i? ? ii Rubsequeetty Kiaus Sited ila p-esalaes, fit ,? ted i" tsvu- .'.i'smi ii b.:': .vi aad the us,, iiiij,. i ni one* tx tht |i-:r|w.*'- .1? btillilas his isaM lia I on Sos ember j lu.t a formei p t tam ssa. BSaasI hs- Judes I?rh bain far leek "f pi ?. -li - ?. sid Ml) ' ? ii.-r i it ssj. tHed u.ain bs- Jodee and a ssry ?Mh Hie sjiii,- .-.--UT. In Uie |>r.-eal (i.tii ii lb IT.iirt, nf I'i'iiiiui.a ITea. Mind.-, a.*.*. t-> lins- l.l" u ? - slim nf tli> psSMBBtm and IO De aa s ed In POtn Ot- -??I fi.; the brm of ul'dit v.-ir* . THE JEBSltY city rosTOirn K BC BX EM. Pitt>" cut la tbe Balling _>-*4l?arel "f the pea*. ,,'ii.v. ii leese- I Ity ?l ":B0 a lark lae flvealBB- Mstl Cterhfl 'tinier Uflii.iaee, paab tnt Heit aha oatt **? Hortins the We.teeii mail. Blade M BBBB'lt?B*Bl AS |.u6 .mt tli> Bas) ..nd ll).')) turied lt) BB BBMBl? OhOk flkaf aajva Raeli ie rarrysaB obi Hm mui. sf s?ssa tb, r* smi* -t.ii a ten. and ss-hl-Ti waa all ?a*ed. Th! Bro ate lt* mv aim | til- flrall te every ft'"' m she kalli lui!, but ?ll th* effeeU at ihe vaNoua i. .s.rnnsent -SaVtS \.,'iv iimiiid Tb" only pm-*ariy Besdra-red s.s. tue fnrnlt'ir" al John II. KlSSB, th" "Batt ir, ssho*e rssSBI ORR on tbe f"urtb ili.<*i The tire isl* caused bs un us-iheated st.-a'a-l'T*" Uibl alaiaii ssa. turned <n I. 'fut.- Ike laBB*a ?*?'Jj tlng'il.livd Tue dana.!-.' la UM h-allJfcaR la ShSSl *).*>?* IS THE HVOOhl.YS TBRAYRRR. Tin special ular attn), ti. n. " Tli" Ba! ? * _ IkB *"?*?" win bs premated at lim laataasbts rfceati-e, Bess Wy* ti.i.. a-aak, with the Mini- tssaplstesjem Bttb ?Msk ? lei*, been plv-li In Tb re svlll he several bullets, under Uk- dlr.^tlon -f Uwri-OS M'(Trt>". <"?* will be many line ?? eui. pirti**** At Iks Anipiibui raratre u week's e*m**pmm*i ? in- -Tampaay prmatlBR ?lime .leans:'' ism ***?* iiu.iii.w Btrt-aksf. Th.' etxil and Ptttmtf will be ">s _me ns tit the aajavtsas I'l'.'slm'i"H Bl IR? ijj* ? llr.i.'l.lsu. In Ht.' *"-'*l BU" William I'. RaasBk, <?""*? D. rii.iplln, Roi mm. Laara ? BRrt. J,'MI,W liolilibivulte and Miiiltili .Sirb'hi::nd. tlOrC-D RA-M TO WASltlWT-'N VIA r_N-' fcY-VAJflA itAIl.ltott). The I'e, nsrlMinlti It.illr.itMi C-pimmar "'l',*';.JS eiinloa tb -eta fr..... New York to ?''-."'" .-.!,?" SM, 5d iinsl Uh. sulld te niurn .mill _?*? "ZLm rate of #*< for mund (rip Mr b*Be? "1! tl "**ZS ixxe I- Bttead the lntiug-iiitloii of IVeMd.m e.*-*-* Tl.-U.tV will la- sold Iron* nther jroluU ?U a*-? f** Bt rate of iw.i tents y*'i Ull? " mk