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HAS TAMMANY FACED A BO UT 1 nfRJlNQ TIIK PASSAGE tr IBE SENATE QUARANTINE LILL. TIIH ItAJXiKV R_\-0- I*, IHAT REXATOR -R.RR1R ii i*. " .DJOl'RXl D THE si Ttl: T." hit tt;- n__ H D TO hi N \'i IR HILL. [nv ni i i.r. sin in : ni raiai m. ) flasklai "ii, 1- '??? d.?Have Ike Tii.umunj :..;-.>? nt .,.,... tu i ullina s-s changed fronl tm ike Qauninilne bill, or bars Ike* coueocittl a deep acb4_ae to pi-e vcn't say oaaranllne legislation whatever bv this ___"?**) li their own statements nn- to he occepli. -aid Ikctr ls ii, na ii l" suspect that Uley are n >: ,,___._,, I- ( ."I l.l"!, bv Si serai, at least, ,,f tJi-- Tam ?__.,._? coi -i-'-mii'-i: Tammany i-- nol only tu withdraw ___,,, _, jei-itl -a t' ' ??'? bill Which !>:..*.?(! tb- .-.-lui!.-. I,.; u _i.\intis iha| Ike bms_?re should be* him -i fara a H0U H pia livable. .--villi' cf th.-111. it 1. ira!'-:-; '.. 1 fr-ioi ladl.putable anthortty, kare be*'B ta Rep."*-?*nia tlvc i;n: i. nf tiie Committee on Inter* ate and fttttR i C*j__m?ree, \sh. has .:..*.?_-? ?.i ibe -rabject, i I m-g. _ lum tn male an elfcsrl t'i pa*- Un- Senate bill - ?tl, iii- still on ii-" Speaker's table?on Monday, uudei __ napei?lon <'f Ihe nile*. Down to ibis afternoon no ,,-,;;..-.; bud l "'Tl lil?lc for '?.V'vT.libTI I -I- that pur* poa* vin!.- of t!i- Tammany I'-piesiinutlv,'*; profess to !e?-l d:--..ti-ti'-d because Reimtor Harris, a. tiny ex maa it- "haa adjourned Ike sobject" In th- Bennie ?nd tbt-r tkerel n are -111x11111. tbat tke House il?Jl mtm anion by passing .]_,. .-.,*i]-,t ? bill, either with ot without aili-:'I'i:'nt. Am.'ir.' iii- prMlslO?1 of Ike leasle bill i* on- which canie* an Bpyro**r?ittoB nf ;: ,-*?""?' :?? enable the Beci-stary ..f th" Treasurr to c.irry aut tl'-e otber jirwisl m. of the prop rahed at. and Ihmman-" mea item profess to be wHIIbr to apro t ? 1 ?". U ii'"-s.irv to pi-erent Hi" <?: all legislation. I'll" of tiiein today tuggest*7*d lhal tb,. - : at" bili might be i*as-.-d without smendmenl dud mal to tb- it. .ui. 1.1, vs 1... ..mia wait tem duya before .:;>:?:? ''I'ti." it tn aes w:..-t!it-r Cangrtm would pa-- d lill whick did md carry the appropriatloii. Ur added: -lt is eery il ar t" me thu tin. Congn - mn:"' saTaaaj t" ks lespflj-idbls It th- failure to enact ga ad?'lem and proper quart?illne lasv.'' s,i i.ii- a* -senator Harris is concerned, be dori bo! apj.-ur t" iv subject 1,. ju-t criticism bv am TUmmany in-niber ol th- lloase nf Heprt*?eniatives>, on Febrn -arj 1 li" n.'ivvi ika! tb- bin paseed ky tke Hoaae bo flSB*Me-*-s- bm was obliged to v: -Ni to iii- Apia. |idB!?lOS ' -..::" -.-. iv .las h.- would bas'" Ml.-l apiin alu! ttl" bul wonk) probably have i"-'-:i pa*>**tl l' >i.-. lia;-, 1* bad i- ?' receives! a telegram from * Jli.l, ss.'" s- - here v?-.i.".*d.iv and sum****,herc ? ?:?*.? 1.. da*-. a*!.i' 1 bim not b, tall up t .,? Quarantine lil) until Mons?i.r. .Mr. Hill ssiil be jir.-ei ' on Monda* tn mal;" bi. ni"'ht i"r Die . ?:>'! leintioii of the Shermnn Silver Mut ne Repeal Mil. and if th:'.' motion lath. Mr. liam, ssiii endeavor to aecure action ut once on the ?ajana.?? r~*ee_ai*e. CHANCED OF THE ANTI-OPTION LILL. IT I*. R-TORT-O IN Vin". HOUSE-FRISKS- Or TIIK MEABVRK DESI-OXDE-T. \\'a=Ul nm on. Eek, 4 tsp -.lui..?a leporl wis rnrrent ts1- kseaoaa taut Chairman Hatch win attempl to tale tin- opponent, of the Antl-oi'T'iT bill by s.uprl ? on Monday by ottering a motion to suspend the rales and setid lt to a cammltt.-e of confer, ore, in this relation lt was ssoerted thal all tke friends ol ih* bul nnd hera told sjaietly ta ba .iii hand Monday SMsalag to aid in carrying out tao programme. Chair mm Hatch and 01 ber memhsrs of ike Coaaailttes on Agriculture d.T.ieii that sm-!i a acketae waa afoot, and ispeuKyr <Tl*]' Said thi*, afternoon that no request Hud leen made to him by C_Blr_?B Hutch or mir c;|*:n:'er for t'-.-iTtoti in order thai lu- Blight more tn BMfSBd t'i'- rub-s for the BVipOSS above in? dicated. Mr. haugh, of indi ana, wii-i ls a m-niber of tke 06.Trr.inee .,*i Agi?alt?rc, said t" a "Tribune corre tpotident that lix* anderstsnding union'.* memhen Of tSe committee ls that BB .Tort Skat] be made to lus-e tfi? House consider the Semite aiiK't.dments In lommlttei* of the Whole. If thai .-.fort SB?I fBU, th*re will lie a resort to .onie other method, irl'-nd cf the mu ssho wera asked to-diy lot an ezpi-rsalon Pt opinion lu leennl to tts ps-ftspectl t*mk r.itiu-r 1 gioomy v>it of the situation, ns a ntl"', and soms ? .' Dem franislv mid that the defeat ol ike measure teem ed to be "Heritable, rim bill wai reported from tie Cen?ilttce on Agriculture to day and placed OB tie ctieriur. rn two appropriation hill-; pas.sf_>. Washington, Feb. 4.?Th- 1 louse in Committee ,-'. tb* \v ole esasMsrsdl tka DtBksnatlc and Consalar Appropriation bill- There was nv genoa] deba'e and lb- Mil was r.-ad fur a'li't.dtiif.T'-. Mr. llerinatiti iiTp-1 an aaa*****?IBent ubolb-hln-j tie position of Consul ?.merni ut 11 < s n< lulu. H.- mud" this amendment, h.- said, Ifl rle? of the fact that In a k?Ort time lb-re would l.c no necessity for ti Consul General at Honolulu. Hating emphasised Ikla feeling ke wlt'.dresr the fl?)<*nd)j??iL Tao Military Aefl??By Appropriation bil] was 'hen Consider**!. Ihero was no opposition made to the kill, -sjlra.was passed ?jrltkoal dlr)? m. l'ubllr B-llRIBI BTBS V^r-t 7Tspi-)irt<<l to enable t;,,. to pay tribute to the lats 3. W. K-ndall. nf Kentucky. After **ea_u*_a" bv M4>_sm. Met?-eary, I'avn'.-r. Curuth. Itutin. C.. W. stone, of penna?lvanla: McKinney end Bmltb, of Illinois: Wi?.ver and Wilson, of Kentuclrr; and Belknap, the lions... at 3:55, "Tt ni resr7"0t to the me/nsw*y of the deceesed, udjuum.-d. NOMINATF.O RY TIIK I*RF.*-II)F.NT. Washington, F h. 4- Tbs I're*l!ent today Beni to the *s.-nato th.- nomlnatiofl of Patrick -I. Hart, of Min BBSS?i, to be post chaplain : Decals I. Kirby, foi nv riv ran'ain rtrtth In?airy, to be eapta_1 of Infantry : Flnl ".leutv-nants Alfred <". .**harp, '22(1 Infantry, mid Ol-orge II. Ron.'., 17th Infantry, to be capuUns; Becond 1?rutenanta Jame* iv Faler. 1 Tt ii Infantry, and Qtriarge J. (iixtfrey, 12th Infantry, tj bv first lieutenants. A BILI, FOR A NATIONAL INIVFRslTY. Was?tirfon. Fe?, 4.?7-tiiator IaTOOtar today Intro? duced a hill to esta! lilli n Natlouil li lv?T?itv In the lilstrict of Coiuniiiia, to ke 1MB Bectai?? and non partlsnn, und fer Its malntennnt - oae-ka?1 Ike Bel yen ce**ds of the 7-nl-s of th" public lands, a* tl.'-V aiirdf fruin year to ye?r, ls b"t aside. THC M*OA_RAHA- CLAIM ATT'F.AR^ AGAHf. Washlngion, Feb. 4.-The MeGarrakan nu. which recently "ailed u> pau uvt Ike President's velo, LK Eonqtio's ghoat. Will not ilovrn. It svas r> port.-d to in- **cn:ito Bgalu today, kal amended .. a to meet the objection, ral?ed in tke veto message. Flirter the present bill Ih- claim F"<"- I* Ike Court of Claims, with that body ?Illili'* iipvn li simply as a court of InqiiliT. Its Undines will not le a Judgment, but ij,ore lu th- nature of a recommendation. After thc court bas paBsed upon the legullty or McUarrahaii's etslm, Ue viii be compelled to come back to Congress and inalie a 1.klit for an approprlutlon. ARMY OmCa-Rfl A- MILITIA IXSTBCCTOR8. Wi-hTi'.-oi', Feb. il.?Tke Nci'ei.'iry of War I sauted la tke House to-tfay ? letter from tke Ms ar Osaflsral commaadih)| the Army on th anbjecl of ihe d*tall of oflu er. ol tli- Army for prolonged service "vita th*- mulila of tbe .-"veral States, end sugg ?ts tuat If tbl-, poii.-y ls puiMi.-.l to ie h an extent a. Uie Bsaeral mlbtary lalere la seem ?" rc?|ulre it should hav- the muk linn o.' law. To this .-nd a drafl of a b'.ll is i a lo "l. whick authorise Ih ? Beer lory or \v.n upon ike spplkatloa ol Ike Ooiernor ol nny Slate t-. detail aa nilli-cr nf Ihe Army for duty as instructor and laapsctor ol militia ni t:-at Slate, lora pcrlo.1 no t', .*.(.i-.i four yeera. Thi officer au detailed 1- au Ibmixed t" ai '-'"l't a co ti wi sion in tb- m-llHu fcarces or that Stat-. _ REPORTED MURDERR AT FINK RIDGE. Tfasklngtoa, r.b. 1. *,,;,.. .,-y n,.' i--1 day r < Ired ii,-- Mk.wini: t-legram from iBspiM-ior Dlsm-y, al Fin. Rfctfa A.'-'i v, mmii Utkota: -lt i* n'port. 1 by a thal three while nun s*ej-<- murdered and w.e mortally isvimibii at tl- beef contractor' camp, ?bout twenty-elghl mlle* irom tin- agency "ii "'is reseiv.-. Captain Lr ssh is Bulking ellon, t" r-.iyi-.r.y 'Se murdeis'i., wke ur- enppeeed 10 ii" lrhtUno?. No further troukle l- antlrlisstext. All Ike Indians nboui Ike Bfaney mid Ikc-se sst:., have rume from Hie place R?na tia- i-ruiic \sa* coBimltted con*?si in ti- act.1 TIIK. *?MNl?t'?* LIGHTHOl'SE LILL PA****ED. Wasldngton, Feb. 4.- J Tie tMBBlkni Lighthouse bill MMfaaaed Mm senate today roaialaed set 'wai aa-end RtSRts piovl'liiis' I',:- 1,"ss li"i,:i... v.-*. The Item BPi>r<._,.-i,'i!,s. B4_:ioo ree ? fog -denni al Tib'u-is loin! a**Jht, 1-k- D.'Tari", N. 's . ? ? .'. i". --m ?? TIIF. I'I;f.si1)F.NTs ORDER SA** ED K ???' Vt'tishlur on. Feb. 4.-Th" <ir'?-i" "f Ike F'-IleM *'"**? ???? .?. .? ,,.,,, ??me o_,_,.) i,__,_a_s ,,,. ^icmtuii'S ".sheii the ?? 'xl.* ?"Ive*!, v.hiri, ??t .,,llv S'?>_.i>.-<1 (lie consideration of ?U Claiini lor rcfuiid, -,ul al-o lae payuiciit of claims INVEFTIGATIKG TH! WHISKEY TRUST. A WITatBflfl RATA THAT Tin: IXCREAS1 I.N PRK ? Of WRlREEt Was a "GRAB.' Ws-htagton, Feb, 4.-*Tha ter. itlgntlofl Into the VTbi*key Tiitsl w..s u-.-m today by th- lub-cota iiiltt".- of the lion-" Jadsrlary Committee with the examination af Jama Rf. reaaejr, of llamlltoa c.unix. Old). Mr, Veasey im* keen a ii-B-relllnt mle m-u ?noe 1B7B, and kr*aeqtimnt4*d with tbs detalln of Ike liquor bus:li.---. He esplaJned Hu- difference btrtween soys, Bptrll md '.Ai'., wine . The 1)1 HUIng and Cat Uo Feeding Company bad ta ubi arter al Peoria, ill. He d!d i.nt kl is- Ibe p.acl uumbcr ol -stab lUkmeB? it emlyaced, kui when foramd la 18*13 li Included eighty inc Anns. lt. "-ruluced aloohil, spl'-it. and high vin-.. Th- oompaoy had a system or rebate re-rllflratai by which lt sold its goods. Persons boMlnff Ikeae 'ertiliralos are aDOWfd ." reba - of about 7 cents rx -_]_sa ' ii sytrlts, and from i- to ii .ant. ? gallen on alcohol. The rebate ls piid aaly la case Arms deal entirely ssitii Um company. Tiie - t-ertUlcate* rre distributed by agtBti snd are Bayside In Peoria. The companj goods are generally I ra h t Hie coiint.rv, and ifs o' le] i ? ntcd ole half of this bu?lu?s In this country. Tha price i<: whUkey bul lnei*eased c.". rm- t. cali'-n xs ken a " .innnilly of these certlBcale were mt. There waa in. tMcaakrn fr thia Ince ase; ??lt waa a pah." There had been no Inert?se in the cost ?vf prod ac i lon or in wag. ,; .md torn, from which their product ls made, wu. rlu-ap.*- than lt hui lieen for years. There was ie- scarcity ,,. ibe loch r inctcuae in tbe COii*.:impUiii. ll.- und-rstood (hal there had keen a rhangc in th.rn pan v's method i.r doing business lt: Hu- last thirty dav*, probably lu anticipation il in vest ipi Hun. ;;.?? change, be . i. was regarding the rebati nnd voucher rstcm. Mr. Vessey 'sin lu- further examined -'n Monday. ? -? TO RRGI- TIIF. lyVESTIGATIOR TO-MORROW. Washington, Feh, 4.?Tke I-bbb-m lusa- tlgBtioa ??? lob a tills morning, bm "asl belore ike hour -et .'or tin- inquiry a teiegram was i-eceived rrom Mr. Colne, wno ssa-. M-ereuwy ?>r tke Ainerlrafl end or t!i*- Panama enterprise, stating ilia; li- could not reach the city n:,Ml :; ""? ?: '?? '??' ? "? moon, lt ssa- then Rot l_ d to i.e ? t a* -:30 o'clock, bat afterward Ike t.ling ssa- pnatponcd nntll Mi Dday morning. A deputy ?M-i-L-i-iiiit a- inni* ha* I.--' ii seni '?'< Hrooklyn aith sub? poenas fm two Importanl ultne. THE NirAH.v.l'A BXPENDITCREB. Washington, Feh. a.- In bimwer lo a ?male r* -vi i Hon .**'Tii"'i" i?lernmB lo-*?ly "ml?Bitted a report Irom Ibe Foreign Relations Commtll.bowing thal Ike expenditures ..f Ike "Gramgnfl Ginni Company up lo january i lam, Including ??..'?? i.i". capital Hork, were ?*-*-,-_'-.?. nnd ll.spendltures Ince December ij, l-.ll), XS- )?" r/2,01-.Mi A BOCTIIERN (Jl'ARANTlNE i;i'.'"MMl'M)KI). Washington, l.t..*:.- s.n.. i>r Call, from ihe Oom* mitt.a Immlgrallon, to-day made a n*nori to the tM-miifl ' ii t.lamination made during ibe kolldayi I,. ,,... j, i || |*(,n ...-sinnal ."i.iiii. li? tli 't Inv- ligated Hie quarantine aystem between Ih* West Indies and IbTlcla. Iii" i ?-;.. rt at ate* tbat is cr-nt danger of Hie ir 'r. tnt -H. n ol fever Into thi t'nlled Btates Irom these Wanda bj Un:..: .mum and -som mette and recommends n h**eral flpproprlBl. to muliitaln a Ihorough quaranilue sjstetn in rlorias nnrt ;;,',' South Atlantic sm; - i:ki* rRicrioNs om oceas BILLS OF LAD1XG, tA'ashlng* h. Feb. 1-- Th* s'urie todav pasfli- Ike iiart.-r bill relail - '" ' ;| ''? 1"':'' -'? siter aamndlag it oe* materially lo i lt r lt- const**, tl n. As paajsei ly H ? *. ...,;,. a i, made unlawful t i Inaerl In ti.- Mil ..: Uidliii o!."'"' s.-s.-.aas kind of a clause reherlng It from liability for dun.:-" ml lng Irom nefhgence ... UUui-tf ln ,.r.ip. r loading or dittrery ol men kms_se com mitt*, to i's chnHW. or Ul release Ike rrssel ob .. , ? t ,,f nol teing i-eaworthy. Hie Mil ol Udtng nr v l-i,.,t i nd to SPpiJ ?0 IH" Stock, anl Bli) P I r ' ::;!",?,,.hi ot liding i i- ii??'?:"-' i ,,!i ia punlahable by a Rue ol aol Bases ifcau .--?." HE WA.NTS THE C'iNSI LS PO SEAL THE CARR. WasMngton, Feb- ?* mmttRty (hoi'.-s ******** n-uucst*d thc bs cretan- of fct-'c to pnottRtt lulled ^teitaRMHIrvwed. The Burnrto. ,nd RXmpmRnV S?n1i_M?? < :tA>'A. who saw .he cnn erith "raw*, )u*.t as it reached bli li,,., was too di -p tor BUSINESS IN THE SENATE. - Lim.!: TI"!" Bl rWEES MESSRS. BUTLER AND "ARIUS HOUSE RILLS PARSED. v. blnglon, Feb. -i.-in ihs Senate today cn mo fl n '" Mr. sherman the President's message ol thurs? day last *?__* distributed to cm.mitt?... Thc Senate proreeded lo th.' con-deration of House bills en Hie calendar. An 'nt* rruptlon lo tke conaldi ratio;, of lion ie I 111 "ti tke calendar ( curred wkea Mr, Baller asked bas- to present some morning bmdneas, and wh n Mr Harris objected, as be bad already done lo "Har Senators under like circumstances, a sharp dialogue I""!; place between the two tutors, and Ike result was Hui ssl,en the ralendar was resumed Mr. lintier objected tn each ca ? a* it came up. After tbat r :: . ai been followed up in bait a dozen cases Mr. Flail appeal<*d t i the tsvo Senators io rome her, settle their dlfkculiy and let btuiness goon. Finally Mr, BuCcr (while contending thal he was t: ' courteoaMy treated by Mr. Harris) withdrew the objection! ssh,, li !." had already amde, and business 'Ul. Among ihe House kills passed was tb- one pro vldlng ii- sundry llgkthouses and other aids to navi? gation, ssita many amendments, on whick a cat ton nea a ? a ked. a conference repos-l on the bill ronrernlifg testi? mony in criminal cases nuder the interstate Com> ni.-ii- lass- ssas *.;-. .-:.;.-<| and ult?d to, ': ie mumed consideration of House bill to ratify nnd confirm na agreement with the Cberol. ? ttl ol Indian' or ibu in.'.ian Territory ami ap propriatlng fc*,5.>.'?,7_8 lo carry ll out. The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs bad reported a substitute for Hie I louse bill, und mai v imendm.T I- ss.-i.- flei i i" Hil* ni stltute. X ?? s. niite -; mute ssa. am-ud.-il and a.T""T to and lb ? bill \*as par *... Me.uurial i'r." --liv.- in memnnr nf Mr. Oamble, of Pom i I: il ot i: Mr. Ford, ol Ml. ilgan, and Mr. si i i. lioTs", ut south Carolina, lat- member ol the House ni KejiresentH Ive-i were begun ut -1 i*. m.. and after ei logie* on "i-"li ol t ie <l.-.i<! Kepre enlatlves the cu toniari ri *? utloua a*er ugreed lo, and the Senate ad? journed. SILVER IN THE SENATE ANO THE BOUSE QUIET WOr.K 001 NC ON IN ROTH RRAXCI1ES? PREPARING TO .MIT'. MR, RILL- MOTIOH. Washington, Feb. 4.?<}Blrl int -rrstemstlc work on tli- silver ii::.- lion ls in pi-iv;-,-*. in ihe Senate, as Ihe r>'-ult of Mr. lilli's Boiler lhal be woald -all tip tin? bin io ivp":il iii- Sherman art on Mot day at-xt. Under iii- ni!-, of the Senate the motion io luke Bp Ike MM I. nut debatable, and what ls .ion- br tke friends Bnd opponent! "f the UH mus! neces arily l*> .'n-coni* pr.-ii.ii ls a per unal cnn vasa. There i a alRerence of opinion nt***?lg Ihe opponents of rep**al as to whal ta tli" b iter policy, bul the ma] Bity -f Ibem appear to in* in rarer if roting down tke motion to ' ;" up tbe UH. Mr. Teller ls confident that Mr. Hill's motion xs iii ti" defeated, Bnd thinks the majority Bgall -t lilli) xxiii ii- in tb" n.-li.-bb'.rlioxt of ii The ads rn at", of a repeal continued to-day, In the Hons-, to circulate their petitions In meer of a closure amendment lo tb- rule for <? ai Ideratlon of Vudrew t'ute UH. Ml Hie Democrat* from New York except Mr. Cummings have signed. Tbe number of Bigiiaturi's obtained thu* far fall- considerably short ol a majority of the Dei.rm* of tli" Hoi?e. CANADIAN CATTLE TO BE QUARANTINED. IK or.D':R BRUER KV RECRETART r.i'SK ON AC? COUNT OK DAXCER FRwM I'l-U'RO I'M I'M NT \. \Vn*!.infri<.n. Feb. 4.?Secretary Rash I a dav leaned sb order reciting thal under the sd ot Af;gu*t 30, 1800, the De*pert*nen! of Agricultun" "-r-qidrcs nil rattle Imported Int i the Cnlted States rrom (-rent Britain (Hid t'i- contlnenl f Y. :r-]-", to be keld in o.uar* antlne s jv-ri d of ninny days, and i: baa recently bean declared by tb*- Bath-Titles ?t Oteal Hri?ta that cattle Imported into England from ike Dominion of Canada bare b-en affected W))(k eon taglOUB pleuro pt).-11111 ?la, nnd hnve rommanl-JafJ-d it lo British nitUe, Bad lhal Ibis disease eXl't-; In the said Dominion of Canada. Il is therefore ?*_ r .1 tba! all catt'," tn i*- ImpotrteiJ from the DosBink? of Canalla Into the Cnlted States arv hereby made to the i"?fulatfcin-.of tbe- Mt partmeni of Agrt**_rture of Octohet 13, lift?, snd the exception*, eaatalnad In the third aod sURh irfaia Hans of -aid date u* app?cable t" Lan.-..linn catt lo ure t.ereby rtarlt*sltd. and cattle laaported ffoni Caaaaja ar- subject lo the same c?adltiona and reijulren* n' aa if Ibey were lii.p?rt-.i into th? Calle. Mates from Greet Britain -r t'.i" .?? ntin-nt of __repe. lt i* further csMered that all neat .attie Imported from Hw Dominion of Canad, must !.?? enter <! al lbs -mri of Buff no, N. Y.. which I hereby designated as a quarantine station, and as much "f Regulatlis l af the regalatlons ol tl." Dcpartmenl of Agrlrul rare nt october I3,1*>do, aa names utb-r pori a ol tts ulons the Canadian border 'aa iiuarantine staUo?i i-r .-.ttl- I. bei ' ? i u p* vt'-d. States |n ca>*a-_a p-r-..nain- i., aral can t-oatalniag merrkaadlse d?tin.?i f,,r t.,.. cmted sutea nnd whica is transported and**- the coasuku seal syntem. In bi* nea bb* -., . i>ngre?, ,,., ..,,.. nrAecl Ike other day Prealdent Ilmi-n, quoted b rn .. i tier bs- vir. i a ry J. Vf. Foster boob thia particular point, 1:. -id tint it xs.i- rn,_,,,*.rb.,- ior tu. ,.rn,-ii. with b bi v ? rk, ME BLOUNT UONOIlED IN THK HOUSE. AN EXTRAORDINARY 1X1 1D1 ST IN vi SI; ?.-?? \ -. ??-, Bl SSION, Washington, Feb. 4. (SpecUl).?"To-day'i pm ? ol the Ho i" of Repr. tentatives w< re m irked by n unusual and extraot-dli irs-, lr uni annm-i-dented, In cid. bt-an Itnid' nt xs bb li ssa. as nm * pe ',.| ,. || y,:i. plcn*anl lo ihe Biember ssl,., was most decpl* Intc-i ' '": Chairman Rlount, of the Commit te* on Fori'lgn i, ssiii retire from ("ongi-rea al Ihe expiration of IT- present term, aftei twenty years' uninterrupted service a- a member .-f the liv-. When h< I entered u at the ase ol ;". v r* Jam i li ; wa - nerring his third i ni last ti rm a ? Rp i then nix othei Speaker* Kerr. Kania!;. Ki fer, C? lisle, Reed ond Crisp bas- pn-sidcd ovii Ihe lion e of Re] I'.-.:.;.ills v.. Af th" I ,-.-.ii- , i Iii, . lera Mr ii' nut ssa* appointed u member of the r tiiitie.' i'i Appropriations, and he ks ever sin ?? I ?? a member ol leading and Importanl t.mltteea and chairman ol aerrral of them. Ile baa won a high repTiati"ii ii- a legislator of Indefatigable Industry uni sturdy Integrity, ii reputation which i* as <!? tervcd li? lt I- honorable. In view nf Mr. mount's -arly retirement from Con? gress several ol Ike older members quietly Agrees! ii lake mis-.mta.-,- of Iks flrst opportunity t" i*-iify tlieir a ppr ' la'i ai ol bis (liarie i'r and ->?[?.: --, iilid ibu .'iji rtunlty culm- ii dav when be .ulled up thi Consular and Diplomatic Approp. urion UH. a.. soon a the bin bad been read Judge Holman, who ? i- a rnlleepie Of Mr. Bl on nt on ihe Appropriations com mitt ec al lbs xuvtii Coogre . i ? Bad In a brief bal teeling and appraprlste Mpeech i.-*hH.-<i i.i- erv: . - or the Georgia statesman, dwell apon u* virtaas and bade bim <.od-pei.i for Ike*future. Judge Holman sst followed by Mr. I' nf Mi -oin. ssh. cfit-, d Congress with Mr. Rio?il twenty years ago; bs Mr. llltt, ssi,,, ha aerved ball aa hmg, and 1 one of Mi Rlount'a .?iiib-.i.-iii-. on Ike Committee on l \"aii-; by Mr. ?'?:*'?? ll. wfco bas been In legl ttl* horne - inii.ii longer Ihnn th.rgtaa and who e\ p-esaed lil-; surprise (kat "so young a man slio'T i voluntarily rcUnqnlsk bi- sear |__ Qm House,"' and is j"je**rs. springer sad MrCreary. Beery spacrii **?? ii.artih applauded by mt motet ou both sti?, of Un House. lir.-iH" tlve of pu rt y. Mr, Bimini sit ss nu ll- bead bowed while the tiie el eloquence mid eulogy serged around kim. ts lit appian*.- <i i.i away after Mr. MrCreary bad rnwludrd iii- OeftcKlan arose aad In's fess- carne t sentences es, p..-?d j,|s -rratltude ami appreciation for the i rai buimr xsiikii-Jud been bestowed unon bini, ll, ite to ta- memory ol -samuel -peaker*- u!.<? i a I tt4*uersd !ii" i Ot). 1)1 1"! Ml. hloillit, "If ambit] ii. in Hr. - presencs 1 xxl 1*1-1 fess- minute.* tla-re ha. b IMS ind paid a glowing (rib l.Tilidall Blld to tJie ?? I.' fl di ilred fun.". bear) ssa-- Bred Billi lo -av thal In Ike ss I len a chapter lu Hie history ol tim. Hoi-'- tbat brm.:, to me and mv wif" and children al hoBie ad ir, mv frienda who have followed me a ense of li ii.,- iinence which xsiii nutlasl and KBtweifh sui office In ibe |tfl ol tbe State or Federal lloverm n 'Applall-e.! .\s Mr. rbiiint rook ht*, -eat ba was warmly snd earnest!] applauded. Fol! A SATIOXAL HOARD OF HEALTH, trashlng*) n, Feb. ?!.- Representative Lodge pr, lented resadntlonfl in tbe iinu.e t.. dar from tb c-.-iii'!l!oi. of Hie Ma arl et! Medical so btv. dc sluring 'lint it ls sdrls-aWe thal s reatral Nstlot Board .f liealtk ka established, with ali ?,,.,-,..-. cor.tral over legislation, lhal ll la highly Import fiat a *y?tetn oi Nu'luna I quarantine ke created sum snd requesting Ct?s*re*. io create a Xa"iOnal sanltarj authority which shall be Independent of the Arm Sarj vr Marine ii ifpltal .-'tx.. ?-. 21EETING s A XI) I. A TRE TA 1 XML VTS. a *i?..-iii flervtee in ron?* Hon sith thc Dei*ai_ae?I i i inr' h Music -I iii" '? Bflral Theological Seminary el bc held th si. Agnea Chap I, We?t Xuiety.Bre-sS . nes Ctl'unb'is-av.-., -n ike evealnt of Febrasry '.? \ ra -biiniM Bveamag ss:'.i bs flung by -w Agnes's cbn.t tn an *dlr*.? efl a ii li BUflte eil] bl given by Ul.* Ibu ll-nry Ota-jT. iii' T* Bj*_u- Asse**lattea af Rstklehaa Cor inand'rv. Mvui.t Vernon, b*- Isaeed IBvltatlos? )?> sn rn ?? i <r.t fi le- riven in a- . a < ???.- an Thui?li ??V inn? ie s:. star-?all )'. Wlldb-r, i:. t i-isn -s'i.1 vf I,,- chelcs r- Itali?ia, is ra triu ?. i. vocal j." -n ?? ? ntiii i n-i. -. ?rt ? i'i,. Ih-ia k . .,. \ allon ss ;,i Bus . ? ? I und -s?:j?] ? r al < lark -. N'o. ii IV. >i 'J ??. .,? .uiird-at., u a - i no. vening. Profei . Ito* lei Iflhi a add * 'ii "Turning l'olnta ia tii-* a ITS ll V. . ? un Ma Den ld, ot ihe Ordei el H ottlsh I . * ell i as.- -. . un erl sn i i Ul st I'i i ? t :i. . it ti," is rain --t t - binary IS. (J ? .ul I -'. a t .ti i loi lbs Mlet ' ri bera sad I* . ... ..ri. the.i ' ont ti ai i . ? i r j . av i,a.*. i flk-e tl lb a N l Innullor enrert, under Uie Hr tl.f Pe mi ii R Hun phries, ?.n l i.'Uy evealBg Beni, bi xvt:.: t Hell, Meant Vernen. Tiie RBlckrrtmckri R??...?? ^.* lub will have lt -Beering at Sn. S?2 Wes! Pori t. lal on Wedneada* ,"?., .. next. iii- Rev. Hr .lan-* M Ring ssiil *r?i'h thia m ti-. ? ' Barra vf ii..- Bavtoar, On**-lm< I at??*!* iifiit Mad, J .". li,, Lincoln I'nlon '.r Hm Mat* xv.r.i ? :t bald lu lilli IBl I'" flpUiaJI lo MM ... ? s. ? i .i. - ll thi ' ' i ' il Open Hull.*. .*- vs ..?" atti .-t , la a: TTi't'Ias". Tb ?i.i;.. "f ari?itrenn-nta i- cuwpoeed -t .law* a. V?b Da L. J HaeanlBger, ll a. K' bier, <* salim \. i ? I il. i. Van VslkeakarBh, IVHlijm Wright Bad pete- n b : Th- .-.???.- i laf-emsl Baa o ><i thu Empta I -? s.lll I... | . i in IT., ei Sfl-IWI ' Hall Nu 3 ITuui. - , I in In. .'lits evening next. A BOARDER HELD TOE STEAL!XQ lEXYEIJtY. .1. hu mis. ui M ?? i'm u,ii.," s*. a. piai ed under a b.-i'i td a-,000 in tli" Tomb. Police I on yester-sy tauru m.', ou s charge of stealing Jewfliry valued at R1.100. ('li Jul nar-, 7 BS applied f-r I?TU? St a boii'lin..' Ina:--, No. 30 \W,I -ixryUtli t. I-p' by Mr*. o'sullivan, and soon pined the conadeoce of bis landlady. F very I bing went smoothly with Ike Bea "x.-arder until tl"- 'oB<J*a*ing Ratal?ly, UH) waa i.-n late In coming down le tweak? i. "tra. o'SulRvan knocked at bl* d.*-r lo tell bim that breekfasl ssa walting. Kl tl v walked <b?'"ti stairs with Mr U'r-Hlvafl und xsiien paBfltng ..-r room asked per lon io step In lo Da bis necktie before hei n.l.rur. >'.'? * <*i? .-:.t 'i and continued on ber wa? lo tb- dining room, lilly (ailed to follow her, ai I .'.I,,-,, m. . tr ulllvan returned In b?-r room, lill. . bit lt, laking tb" j'-'se'rs shit Jilin. Imit ol Ike property has ben recoreied. XEW-TOEE ALUMXAE MEET. Tb- annnsl social m**el|ng of the W**w*Yor!i br vf t ?? .\-s.. I iil-ii ??! Collegial*' Alumnae va held at No. BS Rivington***, ye.t. i-day aRenmon. i gani?ition numbers aboui 2?0 n-u !? i- . M * Ailee William pr Wed. The following ii*acers srer** tlectid Ul . \|? . Dil -ni'.r- (VB :'?). pr id. ii' ; Kl Al ? Williams iini". iv or*aiil, ? l .-p-" bl ir : Ml-,'-tl. K.i'biir:' ll... (\ a tar), secret tr* Ml C, li. l*otwln (Wellesley), tn ismiw; Miss J. L. While I head iSyram - driver ns). Ml - Emily J. Smith ii.nn Mawr), Ml ? Rlb-beth lul.-i- (Cornell Cnlvi-rsliy), Ml-. Adi le Marie bhnw (Smith), execatlve commltt-.'. \iiiouk' Ihlise pr.'-eiit ve;-.- Mi - lt") l'ln . Mr-. Xertl), Ml., Dean. Ml ? ? in liv ?.iiahr. Ml Mel ra . 'I- *. (,. ... lr. 1.. Ml-. Dalli*U. Ml - Hamlin, MM. Ili-leU Hi ciel, ltai lu and Mts- Dentnn. MEETIXQ OE THE MATHEMATICAL ROTIETT. A rneeting of Um Ness fork Malkemaitcal Bo* let j xvi* bibi al liamlltnn Hull, folumhia College, y,witt day afieiiioon. Pt f. * oi Thoma * ('rab', ?*r Johns Hop 1,1ns ITiiv.r-lty, l.dtnii'.l". read a lill '"in il I " ". entitled, ".-.-ne ?r iii" LVvetopmenta li lb*1 -! r .,r Ordinary Differential ??-nation i "Uv. i i-7s aud 1803." sev-'a', ii- xv iv. tn' .-r-. Were -b. el. Amollg those pr' -nt ss-r- |*rofi -or H. !:. lin- ol Prli e. t n : I'r. if. s.i, r Louis liiiin iii. nr.I"bii* llooMii- lui* ? rs. v (i.-urjie W. Hill. iT-'f.-.ors .'. K. Rx and J. ll. Van Amilnge, .') ""luniMa College: l-rofe.a-ir l> \ Mu? nn, oi th.- I'nlveralf* of ibe cit* <: Jfew-Vork, and |.Mlt"l::il)l C. H. \sllle',\, ol W. st P a I .1/M/r AXE MATT IXTELUOESCF. Wasklngton Peb, i. r-r-t Ueuleaaal J. r.-i-ourt Bawyer, Wk A'tiibry. xsiii report In person i- Ike ' Uovernor of Wa blngtoa. Bl Olympia, for lemporarj ? nut.-.- n* lnstrti'rtoc of the Na;:?.i,:.I Guard -f Hot , st:.;-. Final In ni'neut Armand I. I.: -!--i". 14th Infantry, is rellesed from farther duty with Ihe Txu Infantry, and will pnteed lo Vanra-arer Uarracks, I Waaklagtea, and ni'.in for duty xsitl. hi. C?mpony. I n." 1'in-s ol .-ii - ii* ? a-nmted Captain Janka I. Powell, a--i l'l si;,.-, .li. ami I ir- * l.l. Bl ??: 8?1 J. IB ll , iv.,.- .......... r... . .1. Hey ter, Corps ol RngliM*iTS, are elle?ded f-r one III'.Iv a. liijiiain William ff, Duagkerty, SM lafaatry, hat lag lH-eii fotin.1 Incipii.Itvt-d f-r active -,rx ice, ni account of dls.ill'.liy ImTd-iit la lb- a rx be, |. r-ttr-d j v. !:?* ul- rank of major. Capiuln J*j_j ll. _utou. ' rot' ( A'. STILL Bl i ROMOLA AM'N.i TM". , ::! _ .'il. I ,_ ORIOIXAL WATER COLORS 1" '1!!.. AMI.;iH' \N WATKR.fl.OLOI! > " li ! l K RX lliniTIOX AT ITU'. AC A!-KUy .| IU>|.,N. .ali! ?Till.IT a-il ITU AVK.NTT' \ i.M I-M' N. IHI.. A'BKK "M.v. i; , ; Ni- ..iin I- ,>_ -, A. jg, ro i I 1". M AM I ROM 7 :r> TO in :?. M. ?'"iitiv tum r-ir d t, !>? cavalry nrm. l- assigned > tl- in Cavalry, Trotm R, \x- ABU n, tiaus eired. r;.- leave "f ni'.me on aurgeon'i cent fi ?"? ??' dtaaWIlt) granted liecond-UcAiieiiani Artuur ?'?'? Vales, otb Inlaotry, i- . ,; adcd vm- aionth oe ittrgeeo'i oertu;. Bte ol dlsol Illly, T'i,- leave "f i!"-ni" granted First l.lcuteuani Frank I' Avery, "i Infantry, i- .-\t. oded om n . nih, Rlislrn A. I*. Nibil. I; I,, dull OH t'i" <?:.-' Mirv. y. \--i Inni feturgeoil !(. li. t. tl." li.iii.lui: -nip [libini.nd ' l - **???" ?? I"!- !:?- .vrrls..; al Min .1 - With tl" i ..tb an reta -it in,- ii,, w rid'* la i- on hoar-l. ?lu VU s;,ii irvin >,;,i |||,. (or Cjidht, ti., nu- for Im ' mi.-a State*!, Th lias nrrlved at Bain -???'??'-?" i-bc is cruising in ii.isu.'ii water* ;.. -i ireciuiilflinary nu ?:.:? ii. ca>e of revolutionary rouble. M. n ni: msec, ali: a ic sun nu: FORGERY, uv. Ii: Nil.I) TUP. CllAROR, RCX WAS ORLIGED '1 I C1VR RONDA IN .::: Q r m Ills Ap *" IRANI ! \ T'si.k \\ _*] ,, ,1, a, ,-*,-, . r Muir!..- Wvriiv-i'. for'y tin ? .? fenn Old, BB lin wrter, living al Na. US Baal ?Uxly-tbird-st., and a irpbew of isi-!,,,- Wermser, the banker, ssa arraigned n lk?' .1. tr.-:--',!, Market Police Lour! yestenfoj tn rn 't ? He was ar.ponied by ;.. - counael, ex-Judge lotuibii-'. Chark**, K. Rycroft, a merchant, ol No. Ol mnklln st., charged Wormer ulih ritrglug Ihe In I ?' "in. nt to ii rbech fur Bill* HT, drassn .,:, i;,,- Inion 'iiiai-i- Rank and made payakle lo Rycroft. Mr. ?si rofl s.,i(_ |__al las! November, while be was !n Sttrope, Mr. Wonnser ralk-d at ike store ol Ludwig Iirotkers, in West FourtrenHi i., and told the mem s*i of ibe Brm Iks! Mr. Ryrrofl bul -.,,, m..,, (,, r.. ?Ts-" paymenl br Nome gooda which Hw lia I re ?i-"ii. Ilernlrard .1. Ludwig bul 1 en drawn a rkeck :? .-.".'?* ?'.T np..11 tb" I'nlon s,| I.,,-,. Haul., where tb" .un kept Hs account, lt bad 1.n made payable to i.'.ioft. Mr. Vs..rm ? r ind said lhal tbls bank ?l"-'.l and bal iisio d ir ii- rouM have t',.. rheck ?ashed. Then, iii Ihe pr. "ii" ot iii- bookkeeper, naries All-iii.eyer, he had Indorsed Ike name "i Ri tr fl on tb- check. Tbe money had bette, poid to iVortii-,-:-. Ti:, cn,plain,in: alleged tba! be received . j j 11' of Hi ? 11111: 1 ?>. Wurt?ser denied thal he ssas guilty nf Ike rkarg**. le -a\. 1 i.-i he 1- a partner of Rycroft, and win t ciit ii,.- 1 :-? io tin .lui. nu aofl?flel se?ssoded un ?xanitiuitlon x-t,i<-I| wat e! down,fer Taesday n-xt. lattice Hoi-'aii placed Worm-??!?? under BOeDDO bail, am! Us i'..mi :,T*.i, Friday Blfkl iv I dor Wotmser ss.,. .pi rovi ii i-idor Worm* r, af I. R H. Wonnser, ike Wall st- t ''.iiik-rs, al No. IT Wall Btrret, In 'peaking "f the ni", said ye Xtrtmy: *? Tke young man la tuyn* phew. 1 do not Ina.*- anything ai-ont tn., natter, bat 1 don'l a-ll"S,. In- |. guilty. Plie 1 il? illus':.ii' ?'* d?'i't I".ii 1 oul. If li" ahould have .?"< Into anv trouble 'i'i ara nt ed "KMit, t'00 or fttOO, !i ? could have come to his iiinT"- and been helped <ait of ans- '..crape' xsiid .ut having tu I- mi to the |org.*ry thai i- . i._rg-T. 1 ihlt lt 1? l all 'ia- ?'. j. .:.: ? . The ruting niau had [.?rt ike Brm and gune t<. another. 11- wm u r.'..d inni 1 gue * 1 v v didn't Hhs Hie l.I -." Neither td- arrested man tar bl* fitl.-r l- known a Wall BtreeL POLITICAL onus ASD ESDS. DIsTRiCT OROANIZATION IS HUDSON COCNTV. 1 mon "f fn- i-i \ - ml ly DI irict Re. ?ml ll vi 1 . ami td ? In Hn I nt < n inty, N. .'.. ss 1 :',.. te 1 '": 1 ?fifi la-" eve] In : by t'i- rh*tl ttl ol lln'se fl.'-.?:-? IT" Lien- (1 ul.- ll. Il . f .rd ; vl"|>r.-*l lent, Rdward I'. "Un tn: ? ?. 0. C. Vf. Ung: '?retvsurer, C. lt. lt ??*?-. Itayonne bis twenty-five .nd iii" nv.- Hreenvtlle preclnn ol Jersey 1 "i> i'i ol Hi.mmlttee. The I-t A* ? ?nilv DMrict is noe repre ented In Ihe .-tat- I.---1 itnre bs 4 Republican who na* elect**d by nearly ' ri'v. Sltbough a !?? morrell.! Leglalalure rerrynianderefl ti." district to renie 11 majorit* ul it l'.-t ." ' f 11 Iiml 1 arly. ThU dMrlrt 1 a '1 nan* rear '??? n ul Iki t< w . a< 1 i*?>ful iud '?'-!??' live ..'.,' in tba io BTATR I I''. I.nit n*TVR <?. .Mill riT.1-*. t ?: etU be 1 me**HiiR of the Executive ('ommlttee of the i;.-; ".: 1 . in Malo League, al lue I lol el K- nm ?;-. In Mi- ? itv vf All my, on F braal . IU, al I p. m. ? ; 1- :.av" b ? ?. ul*. li ii :.. tin one :???'??; t ss; !i". of the ma ; ti". ..f the rommlttee. The meeting is called for IhS pu]''' af ,?i i-ilif a full att''.'buna- of deb ?tea (ii.iu New-York Ktate il fkc National Convention ki be held at Loni ellie, In Mux next; tn mah* arrangi 111 cent lou ..f Hie state League lo bo b"!il Iq Ctifl a In t!." ,y; l 1- III i - iintn."-. atul t . i nfl -Id-r other and furl her mail in ?! Itupartuiiee, aud ss.ii'.b require a full nttendauce of ta-- committee. Voting i.M:rn'T*rr.\i.i.v FOR senators. 1.h.-'n. Neb., r.b. I.-The /.tnt assembly of lha Nebraska l.?. intur.- met imlay :.: n -ii for Hm pur ,.r Liv ul' ig : 11 a Cnlted M?t?*s R< nat ir. 1 a In dependents al Iheir rancii la*t nigtii nt,-hum.-a Judge Vf, -V Allen for Un-en* ns th<>lr candidate. The bal lot resulted a- f*. Allen ii.:'.-. '?:,-. rtiur*tun ll.,, ill ? Royd 'I'.-ni. , ii', x; eton, :i . n ?'. - uv lo a 1 Boil ?-. ' ? I '? D'.::.' voled foi Allen Hal ls ?ftcr ' using lb- ' ol >i a n ntl tu t" ad 1 ..111. ssa* ca rr led h.. u soi.. ,.? mi to 'i.. Ike Kepub li un ami i" ? i'. : ? ral leting y. .. Hi lens, Mot t.. 1 ? ? ?? t. finlay" vote on **enator -11 der*. -I. ? Iai '-? 1 ? ? Dixon, IO, A Pl BITIVE DENI \i. l ROM MR. HARRITV. nt. iv,ni. Minn.. Feb. t. A lelegram from Mason ' I'y. Iowa, t> --'H..- IH -Tatch," ays: -Tb'- repoh ? ", || |0| I ? lt,* ..... ta V. illlalll I". Ililli .'V s^ii. io a, rep) a pla? 1 1 Mr. Cleveland' Cabinet 1 in be .?t al r '. To.bu * '"tn 1 MctVmlogus received Ike foll-ssin..- letter from him: "I wUl not bold a av -Tosttlori under Ihc liteomlng .tdmlnUtratlon. My vt* dolli at Harri burg and my ->rofe*-lonal and l-il.*lll--s "i.i"'..'' men! ll'T " "':' ? ':;:,:'' ! * li would be a irreat nil iiib> for me in think or accepting : n\ 1 ed. ral -ii" ??' ' A RKP1 I.I.I 'AN I LCI! VT ROKLYN, I. I. .\ |,. iiuai ? ;,i 1;. p.i.ii. :.n club tn- been orgaiilt*. ,1 1: hu. L I., to 1 " sn ?"-:: 1 'a- l.oalvn Repub LlCoa Cub. A :i rv "lit In Cling til- Ml'IWtng "tb'.-rs B-ara rle* ted : I D' Idem, Dr. J< seph ll. Ihiger! i sb,. president, Wallace Thurston; ajcretary, Ur. P. l>. las.; p..'viii. r. sxillii'ii VVIItee. lt I- pro|70?ed ta ,i,i, 1 1-, I,,. .. rmi' inn un*''' 1 monib, bm Ike roon if lb.- , bib ss Tl be p 11. ? ? ? UKI.I. <. \ll". i:i:il Ul.I''\N- I'.N.'.'V TIIF.MSKLVB8. ?I'!,,, h. a (,at" Republican Club held a reunion .rn'I amuker al i!- rooms, Vu, l,l?0 Flrst-ave., hist 'Vening. There was music iv an i-rchi-ira; songs ,,; ,, r|| ,||i v 1,) ibe iii mtier* an I !? Ighl of-l 11 1 1,,-ri'.: m mi.- i's rc d. rick ! : ' her. The principal -i" ai..-:?. si-"-.- Herman Vf. Thurn, John dunner and Mi wa rd T. Kelly. T ? . tb. -1 - ?f (he club are ,,.,,,--.. narlo, pn-sldent; .'. ? , Hluber, ilce-pre nb nt; _?_ ," ia:, ni., it.. t. .....I. nnd - brodie, accn-uirj'. .1 NARROW ESCAPE 1 ron DEATH ll) EIRE An ns. : !"? ai. d dove ?el til" li-t eV.-nlng lo thc _bre< -t"iy frame building al Ko. 7:.', Oe Kalb-ave., brooklyn, and ran *d a damage ol aj-,.'*UO. The but ld lng was oerupled bj Tanquerry >x Ci., pliotoprnph-rs. ll. <;. Green, twent] iwo years old, a clerk employ.d l,s I'.-- linn, who ssa. n. (be building when Ibe Hr -lart-d. lrl-d to pill out tli- Ma/.", and during Iii. t ,.- ceUlng I-H. hu... I In; bim to 1 ie Roo . While Oreen lying uncoil elias several people -rho wen* pm Im ni ihe smoke and ru iel Into tb- ' pl,.. 1.. s tonnd ur en on ike n. or and 1 arri <i to a ii. li.Tiii.irin'-' sion, sst-i- un uni! ul ace .nrit-on Btt..1 i" hi* Inju I. , ll- ssa round b. be , ?uttering rrom roncu.*i?lon ??< tn- brain. \;, alarm of | Ure ss ms -.nt III, and Hie Ki'eiuen v,,:l,,.| ;,,, i,,);ir 1 tore lu- Hani' were wi g 1 led. 4|iI.-. l-l v I pi om ml. naay ressed - 1 ?? eblrh merely retleva ssiib.i'it epit-ot-ig dlflcase. The -eot-uat ulta itertlng undi'I:.'-- whick sack BBlUeliva ajfatd, i.-t aaly rnham * arr, bel senea la imniiaalin ike felly ... ire* when Ul01 I 1 ai x 1 ' I 1" '?' ' - 1 Ulla 1* tl.B< et, oa I?a ' ? - *?'"'? '<? b li tl ???- ia . 1- ,.r rbilta m. 1 fevei ind tribe*?? 1 Uni . . un the othet el 1 ntl. : ur, ru edle* la mil ai ??- ... thia tj pi. v.- Bltt-i -. '* n, teij I,-,. :,?,i ?f u. - iv.-I XX I.-flOI '.' 1' . a: . oi, |?,v, |j , ,, d-a 1 -?? tl- ir I "Ll ii;... 1 il,,. .1 ,- an. They ' ?n :.. I . Il ner, .iii..!.-,ii by ti- ardli-ery ie. 1 .ii* 1- 11 lu*?ted . iei'. bm .I.*. Ttl bb?A .'"'i ?! 11 !'-??!.'a -- kldasy iseipaBial. | lin in rs..ii-ii. -. and d lulity. Hy the MJa?M tb"y ' ?re cured is hen u.*iij MRwdklS fall. ' LOUIS P. LEFT AEEESTED. tim: i .".!.*?: d'nt or TOE Mil". UNION niAr.r.ED with Mis.vri'r.oi'iiiATiNr. eio.tti ot. 1__li i'. larry, wt?as operations a* president nf the Life it.imi. ike Kattaaal DiasRl Dattsty rftnd the **tate Mutual Benefit Aasodatkma wera condemn., recently bs .xikt,a.-I BBjBmm, Deputy **upcrint>'iid< nt of lnsur ?nce, on tl.- itn Bgtk of whsae r-iM>rt Deputy Attar i.-x *,"ti"i-iil laird:net -"ino'l th- appointment of a receiver ;-r tke tins** rumps atm, xva* arreited yeates day by tb" onier uf Judge tatterson, ot the sui*reme I'onrt, .harped xvltb nil-.ipptoprl.Ttln,' *j<lf).141 *><".. The three corporations ar- life Insurance companies, run on th- Bssenement plan. lass is :i lawyer at No. 1-." Broadway. Ile seas .nt bis "nome. So. 2 F.a.-t Eighty-third st., . riduy evening by Deputy Bherifl Prrgaaoa. Hs had mads preparations t > uti for Europe on the Etruria yesterday, l'l- naam xvttn thal of his ails ss.T" ob Um pB**s**ug*/r list and his trunks hui beea to iii" vtaatt, InvefttlgBted Ike aftHirs of tb'- three <-om panles, beglflnlng October 3, I-'.)".', ll- ra>ported thal sp to March ?;?">. IB?t, wfcefl Levy obtained control, tke nrtaiv- of iiii tue .a mp aili-- were fairly pi?"perons. BlBCe that Hate Levy had us-d the funds of the several eompBBles as ir ikey ware als bstb yetmmwl property, Bad iii- "kttlag" af ekecks bad brea s reatare of Bli management la ci.ti?ipi-nco of which tli- tbr.ompanles wera insolv-nt. Fraud aral al leged When the otnylalnt wus tu-st misfedk but for the purpoaes ol th- suit this charge waa wlthdiawa, and .linlg.- llarn-tt David McClure, r-celver, aa tke sui, gruiind of lasoiv-ncy, on Jaauary IS. Iks BBfleta of the Life Inion B)*ers placid ut RtnflMSRt and tke RabUltlcs st -rT'J.e:,*). Levj r-tlr-d "rom Ike pre.Idem y of Ike Life I'nlon tm Dec ?mts r .7 last, lind tleorf-i Dunlap ssas el-ct.*J ta Ike Olkce. When. Mr. M: clure toaBJ chalga Bf tue affair.* ol the three : .Tapani, s lie found thut OB tie' 'lay of bis l"Sla*nut!o:i as pri alda St Bf the ljfe I'nlon i.evv hud diawa u rkeck Far 919,141 RR tm tke re* tttte fund of th.- Companv, aud lind deposited lt lu a bani, tv ni. peiMiiu.i Mr. .Md Im- demanded iii- retain of Ike money and l.-vv promlaed lo i*ny lt baili. Il- said Hint he hud drawn tl,.. inon-V l? m. -t ...uing outes, which b- admitted were net ehargea on the reserve mnd. Tke -Hare or Levy lo return Uv money ocraaluned the application for ids nm'?t. Frederick A. Wluaiis, s-netary of th- cotn|>uny Wkea l.-vv wa- pj--ldeni. mad- ali iirhdasit In which be said timi Levy bad dlr-n-d I.ltu io draw the ckeck lo rash. In explanation or the not?" referred to. Mr. Willans suv* Unit thr dlr.-ctor- of Ihe Life Cul?i resolved lu April. I-Dl. to bus the l-jt-t ?t of nie Fl ode CU? I.y ? In-maui.- Association for B40.000, -id t-ansfljUda si lt willi Hi- 1.1 fe Colon. To pruville lor puym-jt th> [Ate futon I-sued Botes BggreaaHflg *-f.,i>i?) and sgreed to asaurne a note b.r RAMO, b.sld by tin* l.t.tml Hank. The sum "f -M1,0*..> xvi.*: rkXoni BB Ihe tl.les and paid to Mr. flid-*rhtll, president nf the Flour (Ity Asaoelatlon. with notes for tv4.000. b-for.* tli- iv.ii-.'iildfltlon < 7'ild bs erf"Ct?d. th- in.surnu-e de* nnrlnienl nindi- an examination ol the uiTairs- of fae i i ur i itv Association -niit.-ii remsited In t/T,* appoint melli ..f a receiver rar the concern. Die notes. Mr. v,'.nail* ,-avs. Were 'uuisidcrevi by the otXeert *jf Ihc !.'> I'nlon tn be Invalid. There lias n-vet- been 'mut ian." ??i_tis*h to nar them. In de?Uti of iOxT.OOO ball. Levy ssas ?-onunltt.?l I Ludlow -triet Jail. II- refused td See reporters a inuit" a statement. BF. Din BUSINESh UNDER TWO NAMES. WAS tut: urti;)!;: xvuo KILLED 1*IM8__F IX . III. \i..) WILLI IM OR WILLIAM IL MILT-nV* william Mcllroy, the Kew-Vark kalkler wfca earn* milted la L'Meago twa weeks asa, ranted <>u bn-lln-s ill thi* .Tty under txvo BSBBSS?William and William H.-end aosae of his tredltora, it 1* -eld. sra anxious t,, know kow Ikey Mtiind. When Re came here trom 1 Uraga right years ago b_ aasss was william xi. l!r,.v, and he wai know tl by that name while :t member <a* the lina Ol BeiieSjlCt, Mcllroy ?v fowler. which di olved In ivbruiiry. IB0S. After he Wt Hm! Brm he u?-'d tke name sf Winiam II. Mdii-.y. ll gave as his rea .on for nuikOig t lie duipg- that there were other winiam McHroys In Ike city, kal tke ' Range to Wlllliim If, did not lo alter the case, ii* tli.r- I. another william H. Mcllroy In Hie rlty dlrertory. Ob February IR, leoi. Mcllroy tonk title to ihe property*Ka. -470 _*?M_r?*. In Ate linnie of willi.itt) Mi l'l roy, nnd on Janunry IR, ISMS, eleven das. before lils miiclde. ho tt-ansfej-rrd lt under tliat name tn Henry W, Reaedtett f-r a raaatstaratton of to.OOO, mXtXReX tn 11 mort gi ge of dlC.lXX). Mr. Benedict bud been px*, j-urner and kuexr his name. Mr. Meltroy next beraioe the oxvner of the property No. Ill Macdougal st., nnder the nnnie of William Mcllroy, it was conveyed tn Mm throng!) foreclosure by Augustus II. Vsgsderpool ea. Marji SI, IUDS, for 1 comdderatlon of RB,000, subject lo .1 mortRage ol RBS.&OO. lie sri?aged tke building :i* ,ti apartment hon-'-, and ob Jaaaary t), let):!, he pla. ? .1 BB additional B*S*rtgSgB on lt ta Russell ll. Chipman or MtojOOO, payable la cold tm demand auder the name of winiam Mcllroy. ? Ti ike sam- day be wiso a demand mortgage t<? Mr. t 'hiptuan us trust-e on property nt tin- oort keast corner of 1 in-linn.Ir.-J-and s-lxtcentJi ht. apd Madison ave. for,W7,000 lu fsM under th- nam- of William If. till boy. He took title to (Ms piopirty .miler the linne of William ll. Mcllroy on" April 2a, li3'.'".', the " 11-aJ. :-,itlou Letti? *i).J,<-?J subject lo u inortfage *if B40.000, nn<: bs ip.t.o balhttBg loon of si from Julius 1.ipm.m. rrom *n hom he bought, tho propert* under Ike bbjbs <.r wiuiam il. Melbay. On July 11, I itt*, he made s nert gs is under the name of winiam li. Mrllraj *.n tali Braksity for :7.'.""o t., tb- Cltfatens' Bavtnp Bank und u bu-dthg loan mort?ufl of .j;,..|i; u. JaMas l.tpman. Tue building waa only partly np when hs* took lt, after a lore, lusiire. nnd be lln!-,tie<t lt gs ii -flis_i-s oi-y apart meBt-kouae. Anotker operation was th-' AUBgBOfl -i|iiar" Hotel, al Ike corner of HI. eek. r-st. and Abln< 1I1.11 >,.||.,r,._ 11,. |-oagkt Hie properly iijid-r fore cloaure and finished Iks bafldlng. He carried on this operation in IhS lunn- of Wllllnm ll. Mdlrov. but did 1 gel lille to tn- prop-nv from Jerome Huck, tue referee, until January ?'.. IBB., wfcen Ike un? iv ord... it wa* suij-.t <?> .1 prier 1.igage ..r #.".7, 1.". wabli svas under I.losiiie -.xt Ike Um- of the put'hn--. Ii- mortgaged it on the -mn'- say t<? l? ss nd lr.uv fjr ,'l'O.tan), in Julius l.tpman for iST.'oo. ami on the next das io th- Chicago I.uinier Company for 7j)y.-,,OO0, iill undT the name of Wllllum H. Mcllroy. 11- nio rAx\n levers! chattel mortgagea te four firms for finnis!.Iii||s. und on Juliuarv 7 tn the 1 hlciRo Lum* i.i- Company for r**."i,000 on tbe Bxtures, all in the name of William ll. Mcllroy. "n Janaarr lu he iraiiafem. tbts praperty andes the name of William H. M. ll my to James .Thompson, for a cOBalRerat?rn of RSOO. Two dills later he a-slitned 11 chattel ninrf rage ,.r Brt.OtX) to Henry ff. H-n.dlct In tka name of William Mcllroy, and a tem days later assicn.-it another mortgage tn the Chlcaao Lumber Company under Ike mime of William Mcllroy. All th"... d.pda were fl'iil befure noiai-s, rom-tnii , us Wl'l iain and at Ottlen BS Mllliam ll. .1 HISSER TO tGXATS BOBKOWTTS. The dlr-, tors of the MeckinlCS nm! Trad-rs* Hank save :i dinner al Ike HoM savoy last alghl la Ihelr pr--iii-ui, Ignats Iloskowtts. Bes?las Mr. Boafcowlts llieie ss. I" pr.*.nt la op.ld BSBkOWllB, A. Filedlut d"l, 1 .mr!-* straus*, lt. Hull nd.r. Leo illklfliingsr. Meyer Foster, 1. F. luiliiinn. T. K. Trlgier, rngi"_n Dmrsrln, Winiam ll. Kelly, I. I. F.lii-l-ln, Sai-.uel ( olin. Charles Haili.*, r. I. 11. si iio.'iiiiof. J, N. Hayward, A, J, DHten* lu.ef-r. K. MandetL Henri l{..t!is.iiild, <;.-. r^-e Mater, J. I'. O'lirten, David O'Brien, lt. w. WHliamii, Iiasac -ti-t'.-l. c. Dents, h. ,\. L. sanger, Jaka ?.. Ftagae, Antonio Rauln***, I. forties Lawrence, I, llambtirgtir, Leopnid Mill, r, Solomon lliimbnrK-r, F. A. Straus, Lloiii'l r. Btraua, D. Nuakaum, Henry Newmaa, K. w. lti.M.iiiin-1:ile, J. 1. Herta, John BtltTi-n, Hennaa .M-n ib Ison, Flss,?nl 1 ri nan. Henry Hice, Jude.' P. ll. Dujrro. fl.u-tuv Kobi.-. Nathaniel Myer.. l"bomai J. 11*111--. J. Miali, I. Mach, ll. F. Klu-t-lu. D. Op? penheimer, ff. If. Riley, J. D. Crlmmltia, Charles v Daly, V. Bsltes and David Uchtcn?t*_i. TO SELL THE STOCK 11F THE HOOK TRI'ST. Judge I'a! 1-1 son \.4t-rday signed ord-rs grantlog pernilsalon lo fairies ff, Oolild to sell th" l*mks In ib.. .T.M'k ?f the i'nlted States Book Oompany and Ike - as d" nut Nutlonal pwbllaklng cornpuil".. Pfla*m"Bfltoa tu ll lb- books lu -dock In Hie ?u*,e of th- titb-r com puales ins.>h.-*t wini these lu the recent ?Hare Iks lins "lub.11, and Kinplre pal)?Shlng com -nj.-iva* i.Txun the day b*f. This action was t ken with the c uisetit of the attachmefll rr dltms, un Ibe -riiuixi thai *ir- ?""iii*I, sis receiver, could nf i.r stu, k lo better advantage than could tb- Sb-iHT. v clans*' ssas in-ert.-d in the order, boerev-a*, which makes tl.-- salea subj feen. Lt to lb..- B-eriuVa lien fur bis THE IMIIRIA AT OlEESSTftlVS. Vernon ll. Itrown a Oo. received a dkaaitck yester? day Bnmmnclng ike safe nrrival of th- (teamshlp I'mbrta al Qneenitown. The fmbiia l-ft h.-r oa Thursday, January ?0, b")i*lng lind temporary reyalri mad- to ber broken -.haft, and aithiiiijh Ihe royags ssa* iliad- liiul-r i.'luc-d spsai, uc*"onipli.luHl the trip i-i - u'uvs. 14 hours and -?"? inlnute.s. .-he will go on ihe dryoork at once rm- lepetia. r//r. *; ri di rom cub CELKMMATRS. WeeltlBgt n, Pefc. 4. Ike (Jrldlron flub cel-!.:ale.i Its rigklk aiinive.sirv to-nlgkl ssitii a dinner at the Ar RngtOB, at xvhbTi more IBSB l*a?I cov-rs w-r- laid. A.i, iu- ib,i-e pr.-.ent were AaaoCBBSS Juslbe Broara, Iks Baw. Dr. rtuafla, **M*noht xytawy BB*dJpss?ar Kr.-sl, Senators Osrtlflle, .handler ami Gorman, nnd many other pruiulnent mea from al! parts of Uie _j_it_?. consolidated: C. C. Shayne's Manufactured Stock Removed from Prince Street to 42d Street. I bare removed my entire wholesale stock of manufactured Furs from 103 Prince-st. to 124 West 42d-st. Xo manufactured goods will be sold at Prince-st. after this date. The con? solidation of the two stocks makes one of the largest stocks of Tins in any one building in America. In addition to the building, Xo. 12. West 42d-8t., which 1 purchased live years ugo, I have secured No. 126 adjoining, which will he altered ami connected with my present store. When the alterations shall have been completed the store will he 50 feet front, 100 feet deep and live stories high. No. 124 will he used for retail, and No. 126 tor wholesale. The designing and manufacturing will he done on the upper floors. I desire to reduce this large stock prior to the alterations in March, and to effect sales I have marked my en? tire stock down to the lowest possihle prices. The goods as now marked must bring the prices or I will store them away until next season, for the reason that I am offering them at cost and owing to the recent advance in skins they cannot he duplicated. The goods have heen strictly graded. Sealskin. SEALSKIN NEWMARKETS, 54 inches long, reduced to .?37">. oti inches long, reduced to $42.3. 58 inches long, reduced to ??47~>. SK A I.S KIN 8ACQUES, 32, 34, 96 and 38 inches long, marked down to $_o0, $27."), 1300, $325, for AA grade, superior extra quality. For A grade, extra quality, $25 a garment less, Hudson's Hay otter, $50 a garment more than AA grade Sealskin. SEALSKIN REEFER**, AA grade, superior extra quality, 28, 30 and 32 inches long, $2-4J\ $275 nod ?300. A grade, extra quality, $25 a garment less. Hudson's Hay otter, $50 a gar? ment more than AA grade of sealskin* _MP"A few odd sizes of sealskin gar? ments, which formerly sold at $2.*>0, $300 and $350. Your choice for ?1.10. These are last season's styles, hut are splendid value. ?Sealskin Military Capes, in all sizes and lengths, at from 15 to 25 per cent less than the same goods eau be pur? chased for next seasou. Mink. MINK CAPES, all sizes, MINK. MILITARY CAIM-S, MINK YOKE CHUT LAU Capes, Mink, Empire Capes, all sizes and lengths, at ex? tremely low prices tor most desirable goods. Sable. Hudson's Bay Sable, Persian Lamb, Alaska Sable, Cray Kriinmer and all leading fashionable furs made up in the latest style by skilled workmen, all offered at prices which will pay intend? ing purchasers to buy now instead of waiting another season. Muffs. MuiTs of all kinds of fur, boas, seal? skin caps, gloves, gentlemen's fur lined overcoats, sleigh robes, rugs and mats, prices all marked way down. Such an opportunity to purchase strictly reliable goods, with the linn name in as a guarantee of reliability, may never occur again. Sale will commence on Monday morning, Fel> ruary ll, at 124 West 42d-st., and con? tinue anti! Mareil, at which time altera? tions will commence on the buildiug. C. C. SHAYNE, Manufacturing Furrier.