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THE NEW8 OF EUROPE. TUBES. POLITICAL ANI) OTHERWISE Of TH.'. OPENING OF PARLIAMENT. P MSAMi YRMAV-U. IOLA. *.r..ll CTIOS' HY liir. i'-"* ? ?-HINCH Al '.DI MY-" Till: I'U.L MALI. "Qa? ? '? aKjxrTl "-THE LAUREATESHIP. _pv c'RIK to niR ii I?t?0,1 MP-"' HW '-??, '"?' 7ri'.t.n? ?--r.r'a'ii*n. Loc-I'in. W* **""* fr""': f'''rti""*w'rin'-- aMBl fljaJS y til'" Unionists of the B'javc.l which Mr. ??mir!s"s iu the nu me of thc line.-n If IjVe Kile s* Iii*! anions; tl,*' proposes! lor l^uo leglslition, the oth.-i prepeoale me '\\apm enough t' satisfy, la some deine, th.* , ac'tioi!.s of .Mr Glarfatoae. hetero_i?neous Kh''4i thinks t: af its own pct raesaure Mr Glatlatoac ha? llo li-ilit matt*.*!- to rrr.'' *M voritV IA! fO kat! pi.-ee.I.-' JJ*ei h<- eaald iksIv the Sewesetie programme in a meosa-ra * t;,0 'ihione lo transforn nil ihe ei ide \\\\m id thal prssjrsBBa?e -.n'o statutes would .'. ,* sseiU al a leaerutidn Ta preaeni .*?. many .(hera fi* T':" <" iitiv a* Parliamentary poa* **m*Mt is a lest <>- political dexterity el wi.i- h apXyt Parliamentary Hand may be proud. He ,"j .., (get, don" it wilbla the compass of one #p'v -in.rtc-t Queen's Speeehoa on iworH, Tx real pio.t-.m'ne of thc Ministry remains ?_jt I! sra*. They im*' ? Parliament ait.-r i*i\ -.-{iii ol waponaible power. They must expeet ggtjevery let Ihov hive performed during that iflTjDd to Ik* challeeged. Brea tuen- 1 ireign Zjm*t *t which alone Um country Iti* heartily \wp*tek\ !"s ' 'i: ' '" ,,"> i''*"" ul Mi. Tho (andait of his irlonilohip to the ,,,v-innient to whi< li tm place Was o?et-?d to him . ?- tirst expression ui i kastlle notion on p.inda aI1(i ao4*th*?i tm Key pt. Ph.- ?omen*** Tvjtcruv ci Ihe Hoaee will If challenged, support ?j, ss;*c um! pan .et ic 'in'! o-Jurageous policy af ?to Ministry en both the-,- point**. The iinc- of ??_,,?_ ou 'leinestie imiicr ti" Indicated, in mn iu Lard Salnbaiy'i ead Mr. Balfour'! ?w?h-.*s. Potti leaders rappovt Mr. Gladstone* n a matt'-r of eiiartesy t<> assume that the aets 11 xta ftrrip Minister ar" the ada of the Prhse Minisu*-?in BM dealings with "Egypt and Uganda. jotli a<era_rlly omp-m* what hu Uen done la Ireland i ,ni Balisbury's Ironclad eulosry upon Mr. John Mg- m ririkes the keynote. Nobody befivre Mr. s.J.ri.-v had Ihoaahl of politically cant-nrni* tho ______M ia Ireland who sympathise with eri__. M. Mlsir't Isaguage la th.**** ol Commene nm pwaWM identical. Public opinion, he declared, MsaesI HWsten el beiag prepared to bay politi ?aliupp*'Tt bj i*woaaiaeBdiaf the exteosloc ol th* mnl ek-Mocy to criminals. " Noverthel.-s." -raid Mr 1-lfotir. "? W1'l ** r"nt"nt if ,,", 7,rt,n" iMNlsry declares that the release of -tan and dlaa makes aa peri af a ge_eral ? heaae ol amti'-stv ta th" dynamiters." Ile did not have to mt tm Mr. Asqaith'g turn in debate to e mc*. Mr i,i?(is:ei:" gave him thc les'ied aesoraaee; an uHBlinml assurance, said thal expert praeti* iMH i? phrases The understood lt a , pledge? it was accepted, at any late, a* ar, BSSUr matt that there li no present Intention to release Im more iiynimiteis. 'I h.- lore- un 1 aigniflcance of mch a declaration go far beyond the bi re question of laralasj loon thoae taai-cjesous ruffians tn society. Tiny brini us al to the -rn ?.* nonofpndiahilitie** In connection with the ya***** of the Heme Rule lull, vvhatcv.-r it may b-?. That, after all. i- the vital bsae, and may a* well bo tat-_a*4*4 al cate. Mr. ll ha mJ hal said that be will a"eept as Basssssi *.f Hosae Rule u_Bi-*i50_ipanied by a MHB) -aa-peity. ll there t>* any definite tneaii "ag in Mr. Gladstone's words, Mr. Rediaond will not *R\ bis leaeral ami*4rsty. H<- will has", tr.eiftore, to iseide within no v.-ry 1 sag period whether he will carry his nine votes over t<> the ?assay, .Mr. (.lad-forie han given nntiec *.f the In tmltiPtion ol the Hom*- \\n\e bill fog BCSt M Ti? dly. Tiie-** i<; ao proepect that the denote "ii the Address will thou hs*ro h.-*'u concluded. Imt no douht exists that the hill wlU be hrou*fht in it tim rarlleat ruoment penaitted by the forms el the House. What course eeeatl will tom toko it* a "Matter ot conjecture. Sir William Hu-court has alrea ly eiv-,, notice ol ii hill to iiViish piara] roting, what is knowa as thc 0D**!?* mraanir Mr. Fowler has ebal *e I of a re^isitrriti'ii bill l"r England ami Wales, anti **'ii" l.eors;e Trevelyan ol a registration bill for ' Scotbti.1. Now these ar<? BWOIiirei which, whst* ' ever happes to linnie Ijilc, the Ministers nican I to pas'*. Taken (together, they are tMMnpnte. to ts? worth many tlii.u>;inis <il \uf.-s to the Glad- j itonian pnrtv. Tnt* will, therefore, ho likely I to lake nr.. i-*'.-n ?<* of ilio***- preliininai-v Welsh ; md aVoteh diaeatablishmcnt hills, which are sops to one seotiori af Mr. Ghvdatone's supporters, and I of the lahor bilN. arhleh are mx\i* lo another ie-tion. ITie Oweedore ease i-tnnd<( apart from thal of tbe release*! dynamiters, though both of thom ?"ive an i.Ttimav connection with the pell ti eaI Bewsitiea af tho Ministry. Mr. .fohn Morley his m-> his defence. His Ik-si friends were <lis t"e-a>-_ by the weoJ-Tif'Ss* af it. ("lemciicy, h<* cried, ii one af the arts ()f .ovcrnment. If is, an I S-Jo of practicaT po'..tics: and the whole case for the of the QweedBWI murderers is siimmc I ah in that apothe.m* and in the tay t . it. which Mr. IflTltJ omifteii and I have added. If there bsd bisen no politics in it, nobody would hare thought of releusinjj. thi-ss* Ben. The jodee who tried them was known to be for keeping th tm in prison, and therefore was not con.-tilted. I^>rd Herne];-.;., vt,., arag consulted bp .Mr. Morley about the re'caiv, approved it and has done his best lo Mfr it in the House of l_M_s. It comes fo this, (bet there w.-re legal doubts on certain points; and tint the state of the country was such a*, to maire it safe to tara Ihes.' men loose, ('nine had di "Dini..;,?e|. y(.v< |,.,, it h;)s ,?_,,? p(ljnt< | oui ,m__ tore noss- that the abb and flow of agrarian and political crime in Ireland deja-iuls jn a raeosure m the svi?h.s of thc politieal alika of the present bovrrniacnt. lt in f.,r the inter.-st ol both thal ?**??? sh.cid c,-:i.s,. f,,r tlu- time, and they cense. ?^th aria-*i of ti; ? his1.. Nationaltsta had kilned In demar.din.' aa amtiesty. Public oplaion m Bofland "?sdea pan] amnesty tapo-dble. Gweed r- svas ifisM to Mi O'Briea and Mr. I?, dmond as an l-staim..,.,. They hare apuraed it. They are ? to have the men concerned ia the muuler of *^tri?t Inspector Martin at liberty, as they arc Ram '" '**** ,'1{i,n ""^ CaM-n at Uberty; but ~*T wen iiadacataasj thal lllaisteri <l? not in* ? at Daly ami the res! fr-, u:.d, thoucli they *^'")nie Kgan with proceasioiiM and crown him *?h flower-, they do noi admit ilia! Mr. Morley ? ^f. A.._ iith has really taken the hist Itep uW>rd MltlefyiBg the Natimialist demand for ?wae-ty. ''ardly 1^*? unfortunate is Mr. Morley's experi ''** in hi* controversy about aupplyinj* polu-o ''?'cetion io ofticc-rs of the lasv who havo to asa* "?t opera.jong \yy Qiftht. His refusal made no J^st:r-whrn it was announced. There was a coi *?**?$?. and Mr. Morley told big critjes, Cd apel ^nderflon and "'The Timca," thut they knew "?thing ab5ut the matter." But one of the otli ?*? conoerned brought a suit ajainst th*- inspector 2* ? ohst*icnco to Mr. Morler'a orders, refused JJ Protection. The full court of the Queen's ~**eJ> .n Ireland baa unanimomily decided that ***? Morley was wrong; tbat Lo is bound to pro ?? theae ofheors, and that he may be criminally ' _v*<i*Ut*<J for wit,Jholding that protection to Ind th? Sheriflt" are '???Wy entitled. This. J ?ment \m to ^ app_.ai0,_ against, and may bl etrulad. bm the fact that live of the host lawyers "ireland hav?; pronounced Mr Morleys aol *6*>1 gives a easer look to his ratrmr arropan* ??"TUon of hit own infallibility. dtssa.h'8* t,lU" t^,irt<*fn amendments to the All? in ti * }k'* Ptf*rm*Rm\. The nu mtier of Bpeech<*s but ri-that ** *?m:ui" "?r,lu^, '?'?'P"t;,tion' a.. _yh< that the debate will last through dieti * __! ln,? ,h" weol< t*MRfi*RE. Pto ?M t ^_.r<"pccti',2 the fut- of the (ioveriiment au kino lU,k a,v flyi,,s 1,,0|;K T,"'v nr" "' ? ,nd ot varyuig dc-frct* of arorlhlessne*-. Address baa thrown little ii,),, .... .J JJ? ?a_B?,__l_r^\,W ?*l ^ ,ta "'"''-?- '?" life To, ? x.|,0"'ts ,- ' COnBi*J?M? ***od of e ortlieMnnstiy,.,,,,! t?,.|.. p,.,1):il,;)tv ^ the Home l-i U. inn. whotover may be ?, ,, . viraons will be read a aeeoud ,??, lhl '.., mau- is .V(S(,| upon ,hoae ? x.ieniely political view, of politics which sometircea prevail M v.'. ?'?">ter. The House is fall of new members on both sides, nol_,. of u.li0rj w?01 (!,.ir |ern ... l.Trliitneritjiry life unnaturally abridged lie Irish think :t desirable that th. principle of Home Rule should i>c affirmed, as it would be by a aeeoad rcsdiug The Unionists as I explained last week, are in rm burry to turn thi- Minis!ry out. The Ministry it.-eit is in no hurry to be turned out If the details ol the Home Rule bill are very bad from anybody*! point of view, they may i.e amended In committee. Tor these, ami oth.-r simpler reasons, tin* expectation "t the nu men! is favorable to the continue, existence of the 'Hailstone Ministry till al b*asi midsummer, Were anything ta Inp,.... lo Mr. Gladstone, the s***o|heta would take a dinVrent view altogether. In point ol spectacular interest, the opening ol the se*-*-:.,!! j* not brilliant Lord Salisbury in the lionet* ..I l.nn"s. am] Mr Gladatone and Mr. Ralfoor in the House ol Commons wire all good; no one of them was <mite al Its best. Th?*re wa'*.. Indeed, hm the Oladstonioo aide ol the !li.u-s*.* some true'* of depression, whi-h their leader failed to remove. Confusion might e\ press ibis condition ol things more aa urntely than depression. Eaeh of the little coterie! ol which the Gladstonian party is. ns p whol.-, .-..m posed perceived that there ls t i be .. scramble tor legislative chances. The whole se non maj .* u s- ramble, Sol ody wants to give way. The lunatics who think disestablishment the lii-t ol Imperial questions are confront***! by fanatics wini retard ;i:i tMgbt-houni day i.s an essential modification ol the prcseni astronomical system. The lanai:'.s of local optio*! are not more eon vineed than the fanatica <if vaccination. The agricultural laborer is already beginning t.. womb? whether he has been permanently shovi ! aside ia favor ol the artisao. Hodge'a present champion i>, in fact, as be has long boen, Mr. Jeane Collings; and it ls the Cnionist*), not tho Glad* ston ans, who seem most eager to press his claims. Mr. Joseph Arch ls n> longer an au? thority; he is hardly an Influence. It la none oth.-r than Mr. Chamberlain him oM. who-tc voice has m.,st weight .ci social questions in all their variety Certain it la, mor. over, that while Mr Glad* Btorje continues to lea- the party und thc House, social queltiona will be kepi as iur as be can keep them in the background, The Radicals ch,fe under his conservative control, bu! they due not break away. Whatever others may attempt, lie has put his heirt and soul Into Home Rill**, ni I To Home Rule, so long a- he le ds, everything else will have lo give way. Vou has.- heard many a rumor these hist two or three weeks abuiii hi* l;iiliii--r health. I advise nobody to pul his tra-* iu any of them, lt j* nol al all certain thal Mr. Gladatone ls noi Immortal. lt rs nol certain that he i*. nol younger and stronger than he waa seven years ago winn he entereil upon i task similar to that which he has tiow to wrestle with, ll.- waa though! to have shown signs ol fatigue, situe people sold exhaustion, dui in. Iii* apeech in reply to Mr. Balfour on I'ln-sdiy. ll, would nol be the hr.*' great leader to have sh ?wn at a critical moment and for a purpose signs of a we-tkness he did not feel, ll*- ls in truth, to use tl..- expression "l on- of Ins ino** ili>vnt<*il friends, In tremendous 1 rm, and no attention n<?il !.. pud ta a lon-casl of 'h.s.i-t'i based ou -? pre ? ni iline-s ..f Mr. Glod?*t( - ?? 'Hie Saunderson scene *_iowa once more t!.\ treme aenaitivene-*a ol the Irish Home Rulers t vjoh-ut language when used by other p p ? ( ..1.mel Saunderson had the bad taste to descrihe Father McFadthm, of HweednTe fame, as a n.ur licr'.iis ruffian, 'ih'- plirase is?indi like a rem ininccnee >.f this lien priest's iliat tha! an at? tempt to arrest him would I-- '-oil 'wed by lie... Isla?*!, as it was. StlH, 8 priest is a priest, aud tho Rous of Commons ls th.- House ot Commons. Under pentle prc-sure from lao Speaker, lr cn Mr. Gla.l Btone, and Inun Mr. Balfour tl" Colonel con t-eded what h.* bad rein***"! to tho demand* ol sm .i patterns ol pol itel. a- Mr. Healy- Tliere was a roar "I laughter whim lie said Le wouVl draw the words "murderous ruffian" and ubstii ito for them "excited politician.'' lt, howi*ver, th. t. :ii.- are synonymous] a- v-..-ii bs Intercl an cable Father McFadden is alis.I...1 at Cv exp mae oi hia champions in the House. 'Ihc Panania trial still drags Its slew length alon-'. Tlc ic have been more spcecl*4*s, and thal i; all. When thc last. M. Waldeck Roueseau's lor M. Eiffel'] wai, liiu-hcl. ihe court annoum l teat they WOUM tah- another ".'-eh to d 'liv. r tl ?? jud_:u*mt. Meantime the Parisian public la en Icrtainrd by ires!, scandals In the preta and fresh acenei In th*- Chamber. Tbe mus! Important aoeusation is M. Rocbefort's agaim.1 M < lemen cca'i. M. Rocbefor! mys thal Dr, Hers told him thal h.- had given M. Clemenceau 3,300,000 francs, nnd thal somebody el-c told him a similar atory. This hearsay evIdeBce would nol go for much elsewhere, but anv goa?ip is good eno th for fn excited nnd credulous public. M. " le* raeaeeaa denies the story which M. Rochefnii now ..flers to prove. Il pia-..-il, it would not prove much. M Cassiignae?it is odd how often Ii is name and M. Clemenceau's occur togetlier?ls again Ihe author of a disturbance in tbe Chamber, ll" has ixv-ii attacking the credit ol the State iav inj.s banks and ..1 thc Stat.- itself. Ha colls Prance a robb*"/ Stat.- and tells depositors thal they could not gel th'ir money ii there enrae a crisis M Ribol sai'l that he wield not stand such attaeka on th.- Republic, and be brough! m and eanjed ;i lull to punish them. His nm* lollly v. a.s hut one short ol 200, il pretty eon I tieure b.r ii Ministry alleged to he noribund. Not I.-** credits-hie to Fm' eh - sod sen-.- is the trip!*- rejection of M. /ola i.y th.- French Academy, He offered himsell as ;i candidate for each of three vacant chairs, and obtained lour vole- tm tli"' Amt ballot, tlun two lor cv li of the other seats. .\t hi* previous trial be had ten. M. Thureau Daugin, who amjeeeds .M. Camille Rouaaet, is :i respeetablo Royalist liistcinan. The Vicomte Henri dc Bonder, sslia succ-eds M. Xavier lllarmier, is a leopectahlu writer ..I tragedies In ".er**-'. The word respecta? ble is not, perhaps, a very high eulogy tis ap? plied to men ..! letters. Nobody would think of applying it t*> M Zola, nor need it is* doubted that his rejection by the AjMdetny is ii tribute to morality and decency in liter iture Anio,m the incidents ot the opening political "ontcst must lu- recJ_.oii.-J the appearance of - Tho Westminoter Gasette." This is the old "Pall Milli Gasette" ie deemed, i*f*ge_erated, dlsen* thralled and resuscitiited, under its old manage nient iind n new name. In its obi form 'Ihe ral! Mall Gazette" had been a Radical Liberal pajier, njore or loss (iladstoi lan, ai cording to c.r cu instances. Its proprietor, himsell a Liberal, thought tit to sell it, and Bearishired it no part of his htibiiiOS to i.iquirc what political BBB his sucie-sor Btighl mean to mukc of it. His theory of journalism waa a purely commercial theory. Ihe new owner t.-rned it into an organ of ev ,ul istic Toryisai. The eteA resigned. A reearraetlea was rt*olved on. and has ri -w txen acconipli.shed. Hence, i erhaps. thc livid hue ot the levrnied body : or, perhaps, it is riefclled over with Hie pale "nst ol thought, a pale sea-green in lonuipe, it BaSy 'c. to Green Kim or to the memory of Robespierre, Ci- aasavgreen leeor ruptibie. its radiealaaa is aol yet n.alt> the radicalism "I Robeepkeie, bul lather Ihat ..( .'ir QoorgS Newer-., who st.rt.-.l OUI in journalism with a periodical known as " Titbits" Between these tsvo there is no avowed rivalry. Tue BOW FSll Mall is tin- .,',.1 Pall Mall, writ aSTgf ;.n I printed targe, lt would ii- legible if it srere printed on srhlte capel, -md it srould be ie.i.;..!.|e, if ;t were h*gih|s*. It would he nmrc reola!.!" ti ll if k-fW *W 1('* to r,'a>1, **? ***Kmm "' the siae af the paper "mt, rise lo ;. doubt whether the sam,. ?ui!i ?f intellectual force bee not ben spr.-ad thinner over more pages It* editor, Mi E. "ft Cooke, has given bis me.-ure beloit now. lie was BBCocasor to Mr. Stead, who ht .t preasent occupied with spooks and ghost stories, the ia*, refuge of l.-imati rr.-lii 1 ity and the lina] test of infallibility. Mr Cooks is aa apt pupil ia the Mhooi of the new Journalism, lacking, perhapi, lomeol the refinements of thc old But he knowi the meaning of Hie word Bews ind he knows Pow to I.,.:..ii,, such new- as ti.-rc may ie left over Irom thc morning. He has energy, vivacity, eye-, and i gift ol guessing what bis public Altogether the professisn are glad to aea bin at work again: and the public, In? cluding .Mr. Gladstone, laud Rosebery ami oth.-r high peBona.cs, have given ii (oiTial and deserved Welcome 'ii the tii'.V "" West minster li.iiCt'e." Everything is tbe subject of questions In the House ol Commons, and Mr. Gladstone was asked "a Thursday about toe laureateship. He has i .-levi j, muk- of budding ambition* bj hil answer. Nobody ha* been recomi?ended to Il.-r Majesty, and nobody will be just yet Thia an* .?'Mie.-rii.-iit has provoked the remark thal Ten nyson ought never to have acj-eptod a pest In? volving official duties. Ti,.- critic forgets thal at leaf one poet laureate accepted Cns dig? nity on the express condlti >n and on Sir Kohert I eel's pledge thal be should be asked lo write Bothlng. Tennyson, I believe, made no sueh stipulation; bm would anybody wish his lan* reata rori ?* unwritten: <;. \v **. THE WEEK IS SOCIETY. Fortonate]} f..r those otha Intend to lake -flivantago of all tie- gnycttt. i>| ihe n .1 len .las - the lani ss.-.;, has '.. one ol comporaUve renl awl quiet, ssnii utile eli*** Iban dinners and luncheons, Tbe iiqc thing which rail?*a Jual a ripple of excllenK-nl ssa- Ibe marriage of Miss .Mills- WI.i,lon t,, .l.iin ll. Dasi-, ssiil. li took place ai at; carly li .ar on v, .lu- vinv morning. Though Hil ali. ;.'.-iii ?? nh. \;..? i.ii. tbe wedding,Inn measore, lound so. v's nu.'.!-. p;n- ii to receive ihs news. Outside ol ti.-- Immediate family circle onlv hall a dosen friends were lnfora**-d when tbe rereoiony would lake place, nml these only by Ibe lir-t mail ol W< dm ?- -I bj . lin - ssa- "Ir. Dnvi ?"* third ninn-ini*.'. Iii- lir-t sslf.' died within t! tr*' v. -ar of hei nm med life. The Mr*. Davis died half a dozen teen sgo In i'ir . Ibe vs siding of Ur. Dav-"- onl) i hlld, Ml - Flora Dasi*, lo Lord Ti renee jil:,il."o al. -.ri'iil -vii of Iii" Mir.lul? of Duffer!n and Ava, tn.iv lake place In Se. "; m.oii after Easter. Tiie only dan, .? ,.r not.- in ti,., troth _V;|S g\ttn i.s- Mrs, Frederic ll. Bells on int*?Ur nlgbt, following tinner pun-* at tbe boa ea er Mrs. -'? Frederic Kernochan, Mit. tlcnjamln Brswater, Mrs. I. r.u..t Cowdln, Mr*, winiam l;. Diastaore and Mrs. j. Phillp -alu!.. About lights peraooa were pre*cal, .un ang thein -.v.-iai yoong married people, bul Ibe rosebud element pn-vallod. Tin- collUon ssa* led i.v Ah-*?.nder v. Redden, v :,..-.- partner sra. Mn. Ku v ll lloodley, jr.. Mr-. Betts'i daughter. Mrs. w. storr Wella gave a luncheon on Timi' las morning io Bboul Ihli-.y women, ssl., ??.;.- waled al half a ,i o-.x -nuill tallie*., each table being decked ssitii -niin.: flower**, and for each guesi there ssa a greal hunch ol fragrant rloM . The c.. nu amaeked of spring, luscious fresh -h-iwI.t:i'S being en i willi oiler delicacies, Among Ihe gue*ta irere Mr*, i . ll. I'iiidsviu. Mt-. Tor''* l.-i ii. Mr . .lam-. Harri Mr . I;lingi* ! . -,ili.. Mrs. rf .phle Furnl -. Ml* ? Adi lina M "ter, Mr . ll. \ i- lor Newe mb, Mr . Fredi ric Nell on, and Mi -. Laa n ni p Kip. i': I hui | ' Ihe palm fur il." u .ullin, ni iii .* far i I i ? ; ter. VI . .. il Ml i. J. K ll I) I si ??? n- Uki ? I ei. i'l al ; Ihe i-nicri Un men I ;..r ibo club, ind in I ? Ml . J rk '.* Wax \Yorl_~ ah* li i.-s Iud . ? . i. I Ila r- -.-. ci.- i ....... i ?? -,. .,, li ni s-i' even ' lund ie ide fcriile lininaKli?thai ul i lu rb - IMi-h n . Mi . .i .rle*'.I a . li tor Imper-* natur In M - -a- in Hale, ol i ?? : n, who i r noked uiu< li rn rrl "?i: . .i ni. s' a -i- rt!* s-.-.r ? \ .vi:.-.- How land and Mrs, laramun, wini v.-- An.I nppi ipi. iit.Ts, i. id iii. ir . ? ? ? in. gre il '..." ul ile- t in handling, movli ? a d il ting piln -I not a little of iii- applause, a. did bIao Ihelr songs and tin rcriiaili ' ll d'. <'nrmeni Ila ss ... imp i ? i. ii oll -i d -.1 ???- lilt lira i iiluml'la c-.u.-- ? .iv.(i tali | In their draim ? ? il ;.. ?? M i rell, ss.., I, i ino vi, j.i.i. ?? in ss ,i> amii.In : -i Ii li re i kl, A j mg a ? ra I -. ( -t;, tn a le a I.n -i- It inn -i. I'auden . II. J i ' ie-- ss..- .i ni rimler, M.--, Killie Landy a ||v< ls l.ltt'o I'ii li-p, aid Mb* I'm i vi.. l!.e Ililli lamb tann. Au ama g group dlsplayel ? rah :- ..'il an I . t i . ("ii I." I luml - a. mar. i- : hs .. Inirjr Imorelit p , rd oil . ? I, Mis . I l/.al i. ., . I i,. Ji , : ,., . .i I il . i . Lillie I?rd Fnutill il llj provoked mirth, bs did -i ? ? nain - Ml hal' lind . , .1 Ihe ? Sll v Se ? - ...,,;, ll Uti . I lill - M '?-, | ;,:?:.'- ol tl*, *(??!. u'l. !, ,|.,.rs. Blore ll.a ti a paaalns meutlon Mir.- tie- third el Mi D Fores) nial Mi-* I attender*! i -?? i'll >n arith uni lc, when Mi- Mand Powell and Iran- Rommel played violin un i ph nu ; Mra. J .1 in un vs ith iitiiali ..? t -i Mi -. I". Cooper Hewitt'* - I BBd Juli; i.ei.-i* pairly on Mirndaj night, uli-n :i f. ss ol h.. ir iii-iel* were as?<-d In fm .upper and a lltlte dan i...v n ba I- >n tot idi I to Iwv- ibe "living ie".v.' In -i ul ol Ute Society ol Ilecoratlve Arl on taster Monda] In tesd ol Hw da) I it< r. ., iir*t announced, la. pictures will be abowa In ii..- Madlaon "-.ilia.. Asaembli R?*om?, and In a tew weeks tte?cts and bosci -.sill be on sate at tbe boa i al Mra. I.ii hard Irvin and Mrs. F. R. Jones, For ' -?? week |.. rome lhere alli '..- .. ^--..ii deal lo lake .j. Dc lime of -. tety. T^bkmtob Big i Mr-. ??lo.ino and Mi*- .-..-pani oil] give a dance, ssiii.'i i* .a..- ai ui for!unatl. i it ?III rlash wllh Ibe 11 Ihc subscription rutlUona si Vela* .ni ..'-. On Tue* *l tv h.,at io . Hali's and Mr*. Bsrady'.i daming (I,.--.- s-ill fii?t. .ati-s bu Wednesday Mi*. J. IVrpon! Morgan will . li i -i dance aud Ibe Kntekert-orkei Uowllns Cl Ti trill hold lt * Brat Bte ll lg. 1 .- ?b aorMng Im Weill on I l*ui i ij nlghl will be lb ? la I ,,,-, a,'Ts ball, and on FrWaj tu- Nlbi-eb subscription concert, owing lu Ihe Ular * ol Mm. ft. l". Whitney, - ,,l ;, gtvan lu '.. ? ti mae Bl Mrs. vn "- V P Stokes, There will i. r not her af the Adan , na mt r ? om n on uni is afternum). Dinn.i.-, will I.f (re.,.i-nt ur. urreiiitte, snd, Indi**., iiiv.i.iii 'ii- lor weeks aii.-ni bi* b-iiiK aenl mn. no ibal ii rema self-deiila! will nol be altogether prat ed during Lent. Tbere ssiil be daming lvaj Into As!i w.-iue lay. <ei MevTe nlghl ol next ss...;, t ?? la*i hui) .,: iii-- l airfoil;,- v. mi I..- jim",! al D.-im ind -vi Ihe following night, whlrli retebralea Hie Feat*I oi i. Wii-min an i i.i- Mar li i.r.i-, I hi1 la i ul Tucado) dann will be beal -ii Mens'-, oben "avon _,. v Hi -- ol ll ? double feasl sslll l,- .li-.tiTI.irel i - lu.Illina. Tli" pinion- ol the Nur -iv and ? Mal's Hospital will Le glad i" Kiioss ihai ibe I twiity Uall of JaBuarj :i, k'.v-ii III Bid "I Ibal lufllllutloa, rn '-1 ?:'M.'/"i|. Tin- ball vslili li ia i" I"- given bj ibe < i.icm.a -..:.ii in Madlaofl s,,iia!-v ..ii Kialla..' even ln? ii-M 1- eapet-lr-l lo bc a tlnam-tel and -???< i-'l ?uc cent. Ih- bo nea nv In Ibu bands, among otbera, of .iiiiai.-.-, u. Waterbury, Frank ?*. Wllberaoe, William Jiis, ll. lin:lg C-liTiTi-, la-p'nurd st.-ss.ul ali'l -loliu I. lillllUili, nu I ll.- Hoer (olllillill-e I* ..,|iip..-.-<l ol Kii-im Dv.r, jr.. James Arden llaiiiinaii. ll. Archie Iii-, il' lil. ... .eilli.ell.l, U j-lnult 1?- Ko', ell, i.-.a Marie Bnd sv. rll Inirtou VVhlti-Uouse. Mr, T-iiU. ssii,, has .uni' ...n,;" "f Ibe Birange m.-m.-*. belicia ilia I lour things bid *_icnilal lo iiiuKp a large ball -m. .-lui. a.s (ar as thtme ssiio attend are c'.nc iii-sl .. i;..o<l floor, I "iii inil-i . fl l.''"..l ?Up p.-r uni a temi?rtabli smoMng-room, ano lo tm* p.rf.-, tlon ol iii.,.- [our r***|ul?lt"s be i- devoting i'll bia envrgtea. Ibo musk vs ni ba toj-tebed by Lu Uer ami i .i. *. iii.iuri, -.eli willi a lull band. Tin tjupper ssiii I- berYcd by McUrath, and for iu-' Brsi iiine in the history of larg- balla ssni be j la earte. Everything else cnn poaslbly I"- slui.e to nuke Uie bali a -lui*-ss ls in [be bands ot ats?I ol tx ti. rici.i e. ss ii.,*,- tboroiigU interest and co -opel allon, ms-*- b> < ii mecured. i.v. anti M.-. J. Moatfoil -x.Tii.-y gav*a i?septloo at - ... .- ye-?er_*.y sfismoon lu honor ol CBptsln una Mi . wluneld si-it tsthtey. LoniUfa areas-tra played duj;iir the boura oj tha rc4**pUon B?as t tbs yoanger gue*'j ui*iui?-(i in di.u. inB'. RaCaivlng vsitn Mr^. Bf?ley uni har gas>?ta ol a?nor ss?-r. Mra.?ter ii .... -.; (van - -'ii-'-'- Miss ?lite bcktey, Mr*. U-.null I ul- I'i ii. ?>', Mr*.' i?B I-- C. fft ribing?<b, Ml- Iteate j, ..un vi.*- Kimi. Ilrowu, .'.li- -lie.ileii. Mia ?.ucuvu Davies, MUa lin* ie- Vs. - -rsclt. Ml-- Uni' .ii. Mlas Leila Wirthi'i*-a-*oon, Mi-.* laaMla Watts. Mi-* ~.!u .-'.-r..i(l Miss l'< ..ri twitter. Among Ihe guests In? vited it,.- j ..i whom nert pre am, .s.-r- "-tr. and Mra. ioho < vv.-t,-iv-r. Mi and Mn*. Fre-lerlc R. Coodert, V, and M.s. (Tii.T- io:,!.il, S|i. ?,,| Ml- W. I?41 'li.i.n Ililli. Mr. .uni Mi . I i.a.l-* VV (Ililli.i. Mr. ia,' i.t. h. aud Mrs stephi . I' N'.-.-ii. "Tr. and Mrs. leen Marl-, Mr. and Mis. Richard Irvin, Mr. aad Mr \ Vf 1'olgate. .Iuds- lan-ti. Daniel Appleton. Ml* M, Mllfller, Mi-. Clarence I", il. Vf, lt.*.?vii s.Tiuvl-i. Mr Bud Mra. Uea-ua i.-in-f gfoon. Mr un*\ Mr*. Samuel sloan. MU* Marv l.lvTiiL'--o:i Harri on Mr. and Mr- 4ii-t.iv ll. schwatv *li nml Mra. John A. -**'? ?lari, M. ?nd N Wb**etei II '_., , ;.!--,in Ml ali.I Ml*!. I'lilllp -alli*. Ml -lui Mes. Ti. ,u,a- f .-''.a- Mr. and Mr* Kllhn Root. Mi-- Anna I .vi- i--i..n. Mrs. ? lMie-*i"i. ' karl s |.",_ ,.,,,, \ .i moor, Mi. ai,il Mi*. K. i . l:-neill,r. Mr. and Mi fl. l..uo\ Uelknap, Mr, bbs* Mr-, wu: am .\a as, I lr. Judge i .1 Mn Rina, n cowing. Ki li ? lowdln, Mrs. rlettnet. Mr. .md Mrs ii Watson Hilder, if. ..--..i bona, .\. Rlerstadt, M.-- Amy Baker. Pro I.--or an. Mr*. \. p. Bickmore, M's Appleton Obi*. i? , , ,M';. La__J?.re form-re. Mr and Mrs. Jn.eph li i ie, te. Mr. and Nts. (-atman Johnson. Miss John ? . Mi Jofferson DbvI*, Ml-* Wli nie Dav! . Mr. sad ,'? V" 'rt_M'1.1,rown- A. Newbold Morris, Mr. and luAr. vi:l",!,l"1 '.',?"?< -?'?'; Mr. -el Mr*. Willi:,,,, R. I o.ic.- m.. and Mrs. Wll.aia Allen Ratter. Mr. and Mrs. I..!a..n.,1 P. Randolph. Mi snd Mis. . harlin in. - -vcn >I:;. A,"'"M Rh-hard, Mi*. Frederic .....Itl.c... William ll. appleton. l'n..'.-so,- and Mr*. , *.,- ""."". M' ""l Mi"' RaXtm ll. Wale* and Mr. and Mi . Edgerton Vft bb. r' '?''??'- snd Mi Rp bard I ute i * rave a recenilon .' ,'?"??" :?"? "ii si their l -:.-. N... -i- onirai lok west, to City f-hflmberlaln rraln ari m- bride, ss ti,. Bare Just leiurned Irom Ihelr ?*.aldin' trip. An eiflbornle luncheon Ban Aerved b) Clark. Arnon.' . ,,-,"*" * ,v,';' M'"' v ' ? Hettner. Mr. and Mm. ??: P. e. heeler, Mrs. Jeff, r ra Dim*. Mlsi Winn te Davis Jo ce and Mr*. Aur*u*tus Van Wyck, Mr nnd Mr*! ' ...I.-- II. (urti*. Mt .-ml Mrs. Richard ll. darke, Ml*- ( Inr:;.-. ,\. R. Chisholm. M.-* Ora ham Atehbishon l. rrigonMr. un,! Mr* Henri ?:.?,. Mr and Mrs. s Won.. Tone. Colonel and Mr*. Vf. I. I ? holm, Isaac T. Rmlih, Mr. ami Mr- fame* Burdam, -Mr. and Mt- James Qulntard. Judre and Mn O'lior man. Mr. and Mrs. *.. ?". r. DhJi| ii,.. Mi--- p. 'e." ter. Dr. and Mr- J, H. Dew. Jud pe ii i Mr-, Mr-. Nlche-la* De I", s-t.r. Mr. and Mrs Fer* \t"~'i",' i?' l.""s' *!".'.r" m lv**i l><- **A Mrs. Henry M. Field, Mr. ami Mi-. I* D Outeger The wrddlns af Min Lillian Kerr, daughter of Mrs Hamilton ll. Kerr, lo Percival Kutme on Tue dav la-t ? 's a brllllanl a fra lr. it -ran attended br a hrg* ??iin fa amii.-n.e. m. Rartbolom ar's I'bnrcb *llll .ore li* -eva Ith ,f ( hrtatmas it?a. Thejirirt. rnaid* were fa pink gown*. \ reception f,11.,.v.? i at SO. -li U.-t Filly.*|xlh?|., the |, .,.| |i,. bride'* monier, ami ?*as attended by Intimate friends onlv "f i" th families, -j he house ssa- hnndsomi is decornted palm* and pink rose-;. Lander f.i.i.i li.-.i Hie and Sherry aerved. Then.ssl-, married couple fl il! make ri -outti-rii inn. Mra. Aro it-.,...ri Rriiti.1. Dr. K. I., Macnm*- Hil? lel. Mrs. prance. Rr) ml darr ami Rreiitorl lui tel liarr lias- removed Inim Ibetr Weal F.ndave. bonne lo il.rir ness home, V'l. 2'jfl Madlson-ave.. formerly owned by ff. Rourke Ca-kran. < ..' -?,-1 li. R. Rrtelnl, C. S. A.. nial Mi ? Wittel Stuart ,!i xx'An-i. nt 1 e r il, vu I., arrived yeaterday and -vs 111 .perd ite> winier vsitii Ibem. a pteasanl receplfan was siren by Mm. Rober! L. Malford, v i-t.-.i i, i. daughter. Mi- Maj Mill ford, at their home, Nv 111 South Se* md fl vc, Mount \ er:. o': Friday csv.Tri'.'. tin mani pre elli were Mr, and Mn. Joneph S. Wood. Mr-, III. i- ami Ml*. Mav Flaker, Dr. an.I Mr*. v(. -. p,,..... *|r. an.I Mr . L. V.. ?I.m.?;?!??!?. Mr. and >ii-.. Arthur Williams, Mr . James l.-vv. Mi-- Fauns (.rani-riv Levy. Will lam s. < :...'!. l.l. mu, ??:,. -ti. it m. and Mis. Herman lidster. Mrs. L. T. Devue, Mi-*, i ;,.iri-- i. v-t.-im*. Mr. and Mr-. N. Hrlgbam Hall, Ihe .Ml-s<*, Leila and (arri' l.,..kss.i. Mrs. Herrick. Mi. .ml vii*, i lu.iee Vf. Francis pave a large re reptten yesterda* -fern.i al their hom-, So, -ll We-t -jeveiilrlhb-d it. MU8IC. TUC OPERA IfrEfTION Tbs failure of Mr. l.'amni' r-t. In's (-penile venture leocbes m. new I.i nd u enllrel] ollhoBt sis lillie:iili.e lu n <..,., i ?f ,i,? .,!-. a,,,, v lather er not lt I- posalHe to (Ive "few-York s permnmiil opera. lu view of Ihe width and depth al Ibe chasm which yawns bettieen Mr. Hammer-.teln'i pra-aii--* and prolentatloni and i.i* achievement it I- becoming si a,mi a ft-r *?:,??.ti Blore dlilcBll te lake Mm s-riou.-ly. T> r. ral nine of Ms altcTcncM ons wonM Iblnk thal ii- bod expected -m..*. to rollo, senllmenl even ir li bad lo do vtobnee to ti.-iditnm and com nun. -"i e. Thal i m.t Ibe nil* ol ll"- affairs of i I world. Success, to be won, mu-t be di erv?*d Ta" IT"' of op.-in iu Ile- sa inni ular I- worthless i n rm n nb ira. Hon. It I* nol novel nnd ll . nn nol lie mud" Into a ss'iim of fashion. H i' were p. |1 le t-. make .i j. .puter - tod" >.f lt. ll srould be b pity to ii.. *,,. Fieri* la nothing so ... i!.s ? r-ive of good url Bl 'li- t-m!-t. v lo go sslhl ov.r flume pustdng mai.:, lindon ?f lr. i bree r* sall ? foltoii liicvltabl* aft, i tallon ii:., place ot Intelligent affection, lasie la? ni! it.-d anil .in luragemetll la ss lt lid ra sst from that . ? sane and :??'*i tnt pure. Tills moral < aild p, int .t i--i". i- th .n bj din ri ntl nltenll in lo Ite" i'i...--- ? ? ? r.iiii i.-ss-i.i .nil li.* a-sumed In Sen \ irk, : -- n and Phil idi Ipi a. t id r nor ii i . ondliloiu i . Ind lenee ol so mari dion an ? . li .... not ': ld. ' ' ni .'s. -. hew ver, li i ? nlmo m.. ui n| I .," Runing Ihe rn- lil nf lil* lull ?.in mu ? il ? ul ure. lt i <'? I- ill :" pr '--: " aller .,, n* |,, i.'ii i ie pl iin irnlh mid yei uni ? em in do In | . , ne,, i , Mr, Padi rei -m. i,, the . s ? -i ? ly .-s.-rs tiling Hail 1." does ss ll ,?;,;?. ir . by Ih Impb I. i ' ol tin- pop il nats- . : ! .'.tir-e. ,.: i.,, iruih on,hi to be i..hi. iii i?n*gramra< ? al- ii ,. ni in nme ol ?? ox Ibe p i-,rv, and Ibl - i ?? ploys ? III: ? mir*- di vo l >u io ? ,.|. I-. lr" I ? baili Ul : - rVfl-lj IU? up, r ? ne ? h.I .'" ai .1 bis ?? ? nil .11'. and pro lom ,ii, p ctlral heart and mind. Tbl ls Ihe credl tte ot bia a...un.i. and a large nae ii . . ipili i ii mu I b* lhu ,,' ? mu- kn ia lo b Ut ? fol ?? ' i te aad ,,ii. , i;.ii ..f ,-i li i ?? portion ol hi audlen*.- . Rai Ii : ? first | tl ; - ??'?. I'''1 o' " ..... mich penn) pb ? di I n .1 lo ll fal hims, lr :" Ihe ,..,, ubir lo* ?? lor mertlrti Inn pinter. Thi fact, sad p., di is a!-. Iii [tnlll rtlon '?< t tbe "lu .ta syropi ti,.," ssl'!, iinnan on" -f Ihe Phi-pin i U Bre ihe only ,1 i.i il i- (efl ur - o Mr -ll ? il 1' " in- S, "heh .,, alifa rn p:.i;.i'."i :n lb ia"' ?- hl?t( is of mu i' -?> ur a- popul ur lol resl la i bb wb* d. If ii rad I."Ti po* l-l" I ? develop an English opern crate wbleh wimld har secoiKed inch B-srttjnrmnci'i Mi iiaiuiii"r'-t,i:, gave wllh enihsstesm n ?,i.i have I?n ac anpltehed snd nothing i> aaian.-nt -vould has- grown aol ol lb ra. Th ve ls no vinos es tin cly inlier, ni In the n " ol the Bogil - , ague. lt i- only beean*- sri believe lha! ll:. Baa* ol ihnt IwigBe oughl lo prevsll lo aa Engli.h peaking rouBiry that ss. have advocated lt. Whal ls mei.--< ntlil. and per ha pa a coodltlon pr-, d. ni io Ute iiitie'iu'th'u -I ihe venui_lar, I- a (fab.p-rallc ol'k-al:l/a.l..ll of UlS blgfJlsSfcl t'.i"". li --i'i, nu be -rur.-.l fer New Yoi* ll ought lo be Rone, BO "BBller whetaer Ihe tel pt -- be Italian, Ft-eoch oi U4*i*rmiB. Toe real operatlr problem li net one ?f language, bal i I system and ?I, , ipili. , iTati-ltlou from -mii an orpiiliatlon bi waa BUlBtelaed tot righi var- ls Ihe MeiropoBlan Opera Hoose Company loo i? rmat.-nt in Illation mak? in,; ll-.- el H.- VA TA ll lill .-a I-" I i I'-ifeiniii" " ' i practical pt-poallh.ind ss.,* fer thal i-a-ui en couraged hv Ibis Journal. In Mw oolBre ol Ihln-pi m.- i mt..1 Mai-* mu-t fallow th-' esampte ..r France, Uermon-t Bod Rbi te, BBd e*?tal*ll?h ? nallooal opera ohlfl-b, lils- oar diwioa, sholl a ??? tbe vernacular. From li-rmaii opera i" spi-ra In KngH?b th- atep li teaslbte; irom Itellaa open, di pemt< al un comp< lhal ai' not lu ... i .uni"'' ss Uk Ihe dram iib loste d ih.. American p opie nnd Ihe iu-vth time, Ihe itep ls ia.n.v-il.1". IToei.--- Iii tbe ari- Hfr; fltSg linll.,11 BH-aB doatb. Mn l* lo A n..-; i. ii mu-t - ns fur an Weal in which tl"" Impute*** snd Icrilngs ol the Amerii .ii p. ..pi can nnd e*pi*e**l.*n. open on (,.em u, ih,.-, ,sk,- ii.t ie... nil;, ni'-.u opera sang fa I, erin, n OT I'S ??? ruiat.-i. v- ill build a road lo that ,:? ,| italian op:i*a sslll open a cha tn belween ll and ?.ur p. ? at progii i- ai Uvllli i. These Ibloga hiv- ail been <ald beft?ra In IbH loan 'I. bul, wc I' Int, tl I will boat n polltlo . Tbs _ rm ib i ride of lbs "i*-" ' wi oagh ab > t > be urged, i,o' maj h.- pa--?.i by fer Ute bw-b-bi vv.ih thc Ingle remark tba! tbe sj lem and discipline prevstont la liermaB operatic iivgBBlsailmia ara .- entlsl lo perm*. none) becauae thej are guarantors of ecooumy In thc linn, id iuliiiini*iiiiii"ii and activity te th" SCH i n.i. i.i.i i- mus ap;... lated by Mr. Abbey, li il convtctlona can do Bim m> pood becaaae the Mea "f ;i p-Miiaii'i.t i -:ai'ii-i:iii. nt cannot enter Into bte eon -li!i-l,.Uni . II Ui** M H'M "Utan i lera HOUrS sh nhl bo rebuilt sad tarned over to bim nmi'T- s les s, i li proposed, >'??-* Vork ?ni roven lo tbs sid regime ;:iui opera "viii be gives now areli, bbjob badly, then Indifferently Butti an an**?"table soaaon ^'-?' Uss i nicrpri-e Hs <1 -atti t.lo-.'.. Maii.i^'"i"s ,,[ pabttc 1?1080 inel,' ila md laid to Iii" pu:,:., fer phllaiitlilopl: .,;? art telle rv-mflooa. Ta?ry are aol cobos raN wttb ti.e aa s mu em. ut of a SOaa?lliplty In .ult ti-*. The lower tho popular lasts the mor- sasUy lt ls SBa??Kl, Thev ars as riily tu pruir.ut" VBlgBlttV as retlncment. und vsill pay un ??antsf fruin Uu' cafe*, ehaatania oi the champ- B**sass a* terfs aa aosorailum as one Brom La scala, tae Royal Optra ol Vienna or lbs S'atloBal Academy of France, so tbs puUk vsiu but niaUo Usa vt-nti;.-- profitable. TLis ls not saul |_g __ ipllil ol flSsJ_laa.BC, Sjttatr \"'itli Mr. AbLi.," or tbs proniot"-** of tb- plan to relulld lbs aptfa bou.-c tT.duLibtcdly. il we arc lo have apara la Xtw-Yorb in a s( dW adtaiiiato lu tbs ileB_.ll?I Bf til** ABMrhfisa BStrop ills, tba Brst step ir.u-t bc lo provide lt ssTtli a flt homo, lt i*. ii -Billyini; tlcn timi so ninnv of the alockbokteii of Ibe Metropollts_ Open ii-.u-o t'umpan) sre Milling lo r-oattaue t.'eir publte-kpirited efforts in befeiU -I the miulc-loiina etemeni ..t our "I. is. *Thej h.s. ,!.r'v'd ss.-ll ut u,,. |,:,||..|, ,,f ih- (otiimiiniiv heretofore, and will add lo tl- i*bll gatton if th-v open Hie waj io the rchabHltntten ..f ira nd upera now. Hui when ihey have achieved their tlrst object li ssiii be a m-t deplorable thing if th.v .lo not cooboll Ibetr own Inter*-?a nnd Ibe ln Icrest, f ..rt in Aneri..., l.v laking up ii consideration ot some plan (?? ihe pi-rmaneni r-.mbU*.bme;ii nf opera In tbe t ulled male . r . one pinn sw have i.f. rr.-.! n**H|Uenlly lil iii- ( .u-e ,f tl.. I.,,, its ii.oiitlis. li la lhal whl-b r?i- a pun co operntlun Imtss... i, N.-ss york a iel I?ree .,; fottr of the hi.r ri km oi tba ...ic.-rs. This plan baa lound a? ardent champion lu um- ot IBs sse.,111,' aad publi -pillie. ?Ottos ?f (Inejnnatl. and. we txre convinced, needs ' ' ly io he -luttoratod mid presented properly tu bo pat lota effect. ^ THK SYMPHONY B0C1ETY. I rniiiinii' aeeoni sympbooy m i> major, th** RBpw riasatnei.t and ibe theme and variMiena from BBS** tboven'i xTtet, ana an excerpt Hom "'Tristan ima i-ei.t".''.at tor colaert portana!tace by Mr. iValter l*?mi*o*cb, were ttl- orcbestral number- of thc eon erl el Hm BympBony society walch took place lasl nlghl t:: tue Mmde Hall. TBe ema* were Fl j-:: . Andante -pi.nto and Pokmatee, played by Kngenla i':.-t. llano, aad ls o mtrvemcBtfl ir tn ? concerto In I) minor for rtO??ee_0 I.y Lalo, played by Anton HekklBg, of Ihe or,!,.-tia Thc schema wa* Inter? esting, and the perfort?ince presided enjoyment ..f :i t-.u.'!. ordiTV Mr Darnr-i !i read the sympbooy sith am ni te. t lympathy for Its chaste beaailes, ;ind the t, rr heit rn ssa*, responsive to bia s-Hhs*-.. Mtes Castol lau., j ond a great many admirers In Ibe aiattence, snd In (iii-eipiiiicc won a reran. To dtecass tbe qtutsttefl abether or not it was ae*4*rved mi-it bs aaproflt* able, aha I- accepted ob the one hand a- n prodigy nml rriUeteed tm lbs atber as aa im inatiir" art lat. Two or three vein will lix ber status sud history caa wait tm they iiav.- nm their e<*arBe. (iii au entirely iUr7er**nl plane ssa* the plav lie-' >f Mr. Itekklng, an artist ol flnlabid teebe*4)ue, true feel? ing ami ?-"at elegance ot conception aad eaecatlo Hi- compoBillon which bs played ssa- iinim. hues - 1 and appealed a itrongly lo Ute taste af the rausteal contingent la Ihe midi.tue thal lt a*-es*ed a pity tie ssiii.;.ii*'-it., eras n t played Instead "f only tbe middle movement (an Interm***?ol and the Bnale. lt 1- iu -tnuT: contrast to the maj.ult. of vi lim ell., (nm .Ties on tin- curr, nt Itel. Wbleh Bim more at the exploitation of ?~ technical -ulll af tba performer than at genuine musical effect, its melodies are um oiivetiiioiiiil and (he oivbe?.rs accompaniment i< ti marvel of Ingenious writing, tull ol unique color ulm h charm In tbemselvea yet seers to -ct off the solo lustrument. OBITUABY. FRANK R. SMITH. Frank R. biaita, a iravetNog rommissloa sisal for m..Ti.ini.,u -j..ciiiiiti.--. of Nc r, Dey-st., tin- city, died oil.l. n!\ ot j.m un. una on TTmi-'laJ' -s-.ulnc. at Hr- Hs?sUton Hotel, Hapertfltowa, Md. Mr. BmrUi started on a i.u-in-.-- tour ihroagb tbs tkmth sod West .ii...ut a np), expecttog io l?* none fur two inoii'bs, H.- ss,,- taken ni laddanlj with eo**a~Mtl4>o oj ti.e inni;- nt Haajertstown on Weiinealay. J. H. Daley, tbe dead mair- boohheeper, and ids brother, Oliver ,-liiltli, ssith ssh.en hs lived St Port Wn-hliiK ton, received tote gras?i on Thorsday Bight anaoaaetng Mr. Smith's death, ami they both tefl the dty af bbcs for Maryland. The burial took place yesterday in th- Family plot nt RaMmslre. Mr. -mith ssa, boru lu liaKintore forty-thrc.*< Attn, and .-ix-nt BKflll of his ?-.-illy life there. About t-n years ago be came to (few York, and states tli.-n luis been eefsped in bs_Inese us a cot*?Bteabm mtew mun. Ile was uninnriT.-d. He w* n Ma-on of the thirtv .seiond diajree, and was s awmbir af the Doone Lodge, No. Tin, F. and A. M., ol Kew.York; *>f Ibo Itrooklyn Lodge, N'o. ad, Order of Tomi, aad tbs Kt-tm-t Ti mpli of Hrool.lyu. liAHDN NOI.TIIi:ofrnf.. I.oiid'ii, I", li. 4.?Slr Waller fl li aries .linne- linen Nortlih.iiT-ne 1- dead. Ile waa born oe Jane ?'? I"'1' ll,- mu i.'.did bli grandfather a* second borons! in IB*?J and ssa, mlfled lo the pct'i-tlge iu 1--1. MEIERS CRUSHED HY CALLI SO SLATE. < iii.Tiui.ti. Feb. i.-A dispatch to aa evealag news poper from /.lintier, ohio, .-av-: * * I-':i lilli*, .slate lu ihe Princess cool mine crashed four men lo-day. George IVaxel la dead and the others ure lu a critical , o.Hlllioll. "A.Imii ail.'" Ti,.* > -,;?? i | ?t rte tl y Hrst-claai rlgarette, tl. imei point ar with ihe better etas* fll -mole-is, and ha* iii- larg.*ai demand nf aay cigarette in New-Yerk. Ceo* aumera n-||| Bad quality bal no pkturea, Tho "Admiral" i- m.t ct?itrotted by a tru-t -nd it wa. nol i,. ..i||,i.....i hy 'iii-. A loud f r Vat rx i.tiiv?I ndahy'fl "Rex" Ria*? .: i: . a drink fur UM itekl.i Cudal))"'a "Ki \'< Uland 1 lind Reef. 11 .noli nl? T bair noatrums h**- been got up to.npfltfl ?i li'.. ? ,i ,: 1".- int lt a?111 sta?ila kiona th I . -? ramo?i pf rarfltiuu lui preserving and b*uutifsii.|_; U.< hair. MA Ell I Eli. OODVtXS? itiiiP.Ar.n-ci. Wedn *,;,.*?, Fetruary l?t. te -. [la rt"? thur.Ti. llronklsti. le thc Kev. I. ll. ivis.a Anne* Mas. (laugh?I (< B?BS M. Hibbard, to David Rb?sd - liodwte. Ki nv: k 'in: -*>i. Tueadar, Jani?i-v list IB!?, at st. I; i .,,, v,v -. - . hv- h. Ml fl*..a ave and utle-t bj de? li, -s. Pr ..- ,-r a?l-t d liv |J." Il-s. .Jan.? I., .llaass. il. Lilian, danu ht el ..t Mt-, Hamilton H. Kerr, ti Mr. ttl mal Kut.ii-. all ot Mflw-York tts Notleea of BMrr?dps nm-t bo Indorsed with full nii'iii' ai.u ad lrt_i. DIED. AITI.ETOX On Wedn adi* Febraaiy lat, st India?ipeRfl, lad . ii"!-i Mars, daughter ol .i.,n.--. aMl-wa Appleton. xt-- ,1 IT s. ai a. IVlats.* mid fri.-nd. iir ? iiisit-i i.. attend the 'iineral aeril > on -malls alterooon, ut 2 O'dSek, ol IVA bl. Jo,i - I'la. -. Uruokljn. BROWN Ob I loir-kly mo-mae, l-'.-i.rntiry Sd, at hu lat*. i-i,..,-., Sooth ural"ge, N. I, .is/im a. Hi<?>?? n. la Ott -.'I , - .? ol li ?* ase, Fumr-l -entre* alli lu- kelti in tl..- Flral I'i- Church, South Orange, oo Bunda} afternoon, let.rua'y , ai -' o'elsck. ITt ? lt du Fritter nlBht, Febraar- ad, 1808, ot pneumonia, ? bia late i.-ri. uki l?J ll.-ss. *?-!.. lii-oKlwi. S. V.. io. VVIRlani Kohls Husi.. tt., la las O-Jtb y-ar el hi* BgS. il -ot\i.e** Mnn.iar evening, Fcbrusry c;h, ut a o'rloek M. -Ill,-ll. Ma-. . paixT-i pl-n-e ,-opv. CIII.V, -a .t kia li.e. Ornate, S. A.. Friday mo 11 nv. r kuli' AA ut heart f.illiir.'. Ml. hie I CltBi, lu hil Tim sea 1. Funeral servteflfl at hi* late mldeaee, liv) Park ava-,, '-imii** Febniary &_1, tl ?' 80 p bi. Tr.iln |eav(*< toot i-t tt'Cfll Ja I .al I .;. rind i hati.l ie*?at, I to p. m. sia Wao-hiins R. lt., ter Llewellyn -MUon, where .0 ria.*- sstn i.n lu \<ailing. ll i"i'"i"- pl' Di'l.>'.'X- At brr late f*. t-i ?<* Kflwteirf. .N Y.. Feb. rt-ari N vi,na H.. wkt-tn I,: the late Henry nv. DoU. In thc Tilth s,-iir ..f h?r ie* ServU-ea a' lafl house, Mim?la**, Fehi?iry t'.th, at IO ao ?. m. t?an?f*e* will mi*rl trflin-. l.WINi.? At th* Inlsa-riiv el V.iRlnli. on ll|il'?d.v, Keb I?iry -Jd. af nppnill, Iti-. In tlxr -J|?t v-nr of hl? nar, Alexander Larey, aalj -..n of Kr Winiam A. Rwiag. v ada are msited io Attend tr. funeral .ervlee* at tii? rerictei. ef hi* father. 184 Wem *Mh*flt., on Buoday ?ftcrnoon, al balf-paal -I o'clock. rT.i.i.'ivv-. mi,:,'*i.|v ,?i Raturday, February Ith, Mas bia k, ' : ,f I.oiil* A. IVIlOW*. 1 il a. rvlc. * MonOay, J o'clock, at lat- realdence, Mid* 1-..11, S. 1. Iiit.riu. nt at coBVeBleBce of fiiinilv. l'l'? -.iaot ,\ -Maid-nis-. on 1 His. February M, at h-r e. reaidenee, gos M.>ntEon*e.v.?i., Jrr*e_r * nv. sara fearing, fl Ife ol ll.ehard C 1 ? laenden. Funeral cai Monday, s*ebruar.v Ota, -.t '.' o'clock p. m., from Nain' Mail*-* Chu: rh, Jor-ey ins. Raitt more iwpei- pie i*fl pj F1MIIKR l-'.-i.nun v g. li'.'-T. Bl bl* -cadence, Biog Sine, N. V . Kr.'.'" JaCK-KMI li*ll?'l. Ul the OStll 1 , 1,1- H.'.-. Funernl aervleea In -das-. Tih in.t., a* ll o'.-loeli. Bl lill r - . ? rum ( luiri h, Sing Slag, mi ii-?! train jeal na N'etr-York 0 SS a. m. IIKIIKICK "ii ivT.e,. Febiuary 8, al ii!- ?Ifl readdeaee, JIU \ flare Jam.'* IT derick Herrtrk, in lu. 4Jd s... , ,-r lu?rt '?inure, Inllossiuii typhoid fever. i al -ervin at ibe rcaldcneo il a p, m. Monday, Feb? ruary n. Bu lal al X. J. RI NOF.I'FOKD Hairs llnagniford, M D., Friday. Feb. roary :t. I"'-':i al th. i.-dv-. ul hla alsler, Mis, Ed waid w ..mi,, N'o. in i:a*.t **jti,-.t.. N. v.. In the 3i)th s-ir ot hi* ase. Funeral .-rsi??? - will i.e held on Sunday. February atn. at. .-; Andrew') f'hui b, Riamfo I, I ann . af s 80 p. m. ITT I Ll,I. Un Friday, Mail' i ., relict af Thoma* 1". Funeral Mowla* al in to ? m fi?? 1,308 Deaa-dt., li',.oui'. h. Min iii,i.i,-oi. reheoaty Rt, ot Aahe-nlie, S. C., te Ubi c.Ttli s-.ii ol bia aili . la renee tireen, -ii of th- lat. John iVroughton Mit* hell, nf thi- i liv. Relative* inn! in-nd- ur- , - -1 >.-. -1 f ul! v invited to att.aid the funeral ?,.r,i.,.. ;,i io ?. m. ob Mondav, Februan nth, ki Um ["horeb of tin- Incarnation, Mad-ou-osc. and "lath. >.t., N'ew.Yorlt Cits. Ii 1.1 mi at jt I?kowood, X .1. i hm lest?*, .** C., "?peri plea?i espy. SNOW?Al ti.alo_ae? ..r h-r aon4a-te?r, H.nry P. Ka-* i. Ea al Orange. Rear-Jet?ir, on Frifljir, Febtraary ot, fathcrlne I... ivlte of the lat- lieorgfl \V. *>nuw, u, the Tat', year -t her oise. Funeral prli st*. rWEFDT-Ofl Kridnv February ad, wi nam u. Tandi. In Um .i.'.th vea* of bte flge. I uncial Mrvlcea ,t ni* lon realdence, sci West ii8th-*t, .., bundar, February otb, ai 1:80 p. m. Int ra ont at Danbury. Conn., Monday, "?"ebruaiy Cth, ll s. m. WELIAS0 atemsrri?r, M. J.. Februars- 3d, Ano* Aubuj ta. ss ife of F. V. Welling;. Funeral aervteei -t Kflldenre, Saaday, 3 p. m. BurMI st Warwick. .V. Y. Mondav. Mrvlcea at s. B. Van .saiiti". re-adtnc* on flirlsa.1 of tula 1<itv inar n~t nf *Jliamber?-.t. at 9 a. m. Frii nd* ae lnsitej furtiier n.t. I Sprtiol Notices. A.- THE _Jaj_JUC_JI AK1 GALLERIES, A. \*w.York. ANNOUNCEMENT. IN" l'l'.K.l'.VKATlON. 4A TA I.r ..I E A.NU 1.XH11UTMN" OF TIIF. 111I.1,ECT10M |>F HM i-;xri.[,M-;\'('Y, DARON M Von BRANDT, Ul*. IMPERIAL ( MAiiMY.s BMBAaWA DOR AT IT KIN. CHINA. ttAKK ANTIQUE ORIENTAL PORCE' LA I NIH, KN A MELS, BRONZES, CURIOS, -ve. kpptl '' ?'? ll ' MaS o-'..-?- >s ll rr. els- prompt BtenHlflO amiJUCAB .viii a?..-(.? iii'!*>.*?'. MsBHSa V. RMI ?"isl-SB.1 _S*li-s>i. *?<j"ais. Special Notices. A.- Fiflh ..venae Arl l.ullrrles, :?.?() Sth Av., i...(ir 34tli st. PAIN TI NOS BY SEYMOUR J. GUY, N. A., AND A urn lilt PA KI ON. N. A? to bu ?<;id by auction, TFi:>DAY AND WF.DNF.sDAY EVENINGS. Vi b. 7 ui.d 8, at S B'ctecfc. "l'.nplc wini know ttn- palatine* nf Atthar PflrtoB, If. A., o'Iv limn hi*, .ontrlbtitl'fls to the A, adi my exbl. bItl.Kie isill di'tusii on vl.illni: tho Fifth Avrnii" (iflllrrlcfl that he baa pr.par d a sniprlso, bv th." variety arxxl leants- of lil- teBa?tapaa, and Uie atyle that p. evade* almost ev.rsthln_[ la?OO. "Tt.- ,luuu- in ii larjc 'Clou ?f Day* are fine, standing out str n? and line ab,.s- hill und forest and lake s't. rv .a,. I... i, | ranna?,' BBd 'Bsa * rna. han and I?eh As.-' gra targe, lery .or-ruiiy iialnBwI. and. indeod, beautiful lands, :i|>. s, ni Arhleh tho uti., .-phil lc -rte. ts ol .**. ..iliiiid ar- told umoinmonlv well; but tiny ?re n t s.? good a* ABBNtesa teadflt?ps* of a fiver, tass seif-cunfltiosia B-BkS, ii- '..ray N.e. ml. r ' ss,tli it- splendid ClStld ma?- ami I,m.-. i.n,' ttopt ul the ihi.'- from left Ifl light. ?a A r.i-ak .ii tin- .'lo.i,|.,- arti, lu. sall-s xi.w b-low. and li-,!.- ,f ss I,,ie a,:,) __,,|,_ el.I- la til- kart Iii th'* *Ui'. Lovers .f intnial beauty beautifully painted should note Tm-,loy uiel WflflB?ad av is. iilnii*, 1-Tbtuaiy 7 and tl, I.: tie date .f the -ai . ? iii, ihc aaaaa aecoataa MgS?bbb Hume pteflsfl and ian?t acapcfl ls S,-jin.,ur J. liny, M. A., will l?> ?ld. Mr. 'es - Bgarei tis toa *reR kaoflra tv, ne.d rv.jpn.daM?I ii,.", i.nt Mr. liny hat his Uttlfl fu u.-. all tha sam-. III* lanU*. ap-s afford tin-. Sur-lv th. artiflt ssh., -Kline landscape ... thaia_Bgly n- he doc tn 'lla.-v Mi K- i.n. leiiikiM.: t.' BOgM to -limy li,ur* la, tliat line. Alioth.a matter I- i har -no. ?Ti. namely, tliat Mr. Guy moat b- t etc sag ui'i-t In black and whlta. I bte ii: a ism- |a i v ? . true and Uue."?>'. _. , - - ROriTiT BOMl KVII.l J , AmtaHie-r. 0RTO1KH ,v (fl., i*a*a_Bfets. A.? By lilt* Ki ll li Ascnue Auction Kooma. 288 in- iii a i:. WM. H. ROSMA., AI'CTIOXEEIU ON TfEHDAY, FEBRUARY ITS, and :j wi ni, hvvs Al" I IM IV If, EACH KAY. THE ZOUROPF COLLECTION OF UOY/VL VIENNA I*ORCELAIN8 (Out-flgBla. ,i ia i- uk Finest la bYhtop I and tiik wuiii.': OP MESSRS. Ii. i.ll'i* v ROStil COCLECTIOS Of CERAMIC ART. Removed lion, tli-ir shoivriiom*. .47 ITITI! AVF.Nl I"., X-SV-TORX. Note.-Th.. BSrefffllag .-miva ?? i, utah ls- >le-,?ra. Grflfl?, bamn's Bapcrb Collection f.on, their Dt?'*de:i <rillerv, authorised for Rah!blttea at Rm World". Fair, but, osviog to the iurt.illni.-ii-, nf lha -p. oilalnallv allott -rt them, thev base d. .id d to fnrcn . ?.nihillag and TO DI*-1'*J_S OP Till. I UI.I.IT TTON AT AITlluN, ta Uley Bl gisin-,' up theil bu-ln.'-s In Atner:i.ii. A. *?hihucI F. Avery, Jr. AVES. AlVr Q_I___a-_ai u'o8 Pt?h Avenue. OIL PAINTINGS BY jettel, th-sali.r of thc L chm of Honor. AUi thales paintings hy Foreign and AB?l?S? Artiat_ Near Kth-tt. b. V. AYJLKY, it. I unUi'i'*1* -i'llna. Thia ."an,mi. sr.-ter f-eiug now ioy fl moat el?borate I? tabbil reatared te a.. it* fern er e-*****4jth Bad ck eel leoe?, U.e great mineral >*at.'r drii.uTni* public n.ight bc -ern-, tho pa.t, -???<..a tt -?? n -a-ii.rrsTii.' lu a?-fl the. ?int ?? tb lu ..-ti ..??alli..'? fountain Try Hie Crown I.n sender -Milla. M..*t r-fn -hins; and Iniig ral?lg! Best cure for heal, acbe "nd drpreaai*?. bold cs erv*?"'"*. l*n*roflice Xoliee. (ShSBld Im. r-a1 daily by all Interested, as enan?-, may Oe. ni at any tim"., Lett ;- lu ? " _.i iv.niitrl.s need not tn' ipeelally ad? di- ---d f-r il;-; li hv a-.v pilli' liter t 'l.tin'i, cm -pt svlien il ir. (teelifld t? ?nd dupiaat-- of ??kl'-fl and minim ii ijJI docutneuu, letters not specially tddi-esfltto beteg ??ui by th- ta-i.-t re-?ela as..Han!-. i i.ivikii mau* tor the watk fladlna February ll will rloflo ii la all caaeas1 flt tn.-- oflbea aa t Itesrs: MONUAV-.U '3 p. Bl. ter Be Ult, I'm-rto Cnrt-i und ? .nat. mate, per I. fl. Stillwell, t, Dum ,\. ss-un-an*. as i 80 p. m. Foi Kio .ia el b and I.i Plata Countries via Rin Janeiro, per s i, Balerno frefli Daitlfl ? -? ll 1-DAY-At 7 a. in. for London, I- uti,.-.*. BfltglflB*, Nether**? da, Switzerland, Italy, Hpala, Portugal, Austria. Turkey, tieri?wy, Denium k. swed-n. Rora ly and R?*_te_ pei a. a. Trove, sm bout?a?ptoa and Bi-Mfl (letters fur -tl,, i pa. l- af i?*ro|fl mu-t le dlr .nd "Ber Tia." ,. *t 1 p. m. laupploi?IBtary 1 80 p. tn :<< IVindwaid Island*. )?! - -. Muriel liefer* for i .renal*. niBUted and TobaOB must he dir- t.-d "ncr Muriel" at Tl p. lu. for HUM? id', p-r r -. ji iii ian. Irom N -r-Or^eaaa. WEDNESDAY - At H a. i... lor I'aia 1,1- Mannos, p-r ?. s. lla.ll; at ti :4'l ii. ni. i sappi ins Ut?"y 10 a. nvi lor Kurope is* a *? Teuteflle, via QiieeBfl?sm; al 9 SO ?. in. foi ii.'iei.nn dir...,i. p-r i. a, Rhyntead, lia Aut worp (lettere inu.t, !*? dir-.t-d -'j^-r i?yuland"); at 1 p. m. for Cuba, pera a, mi..-, si. Havana. ITirn-sliAY .vt 1 iv m. .upplemttiUry 1 -IO B. m.) f..r BeiBBfldfl, p. r - -? Inai'laii: at 1 p. In. , * ippa-ni-ii'a-/ I SO i>. m i. ? ipo Has ti, St. Donn sgo and Turi*.- I*land. ;-. -. * FRIDAY?At e..10 a. in lo I'io2-e*o, pr s. i. l'liiama, ttetters f..r otker i?rta -f Mei leo must be diivrstted ""par [?anama" . al IO a. ni. ?upjplen*Mitarjr ll a. ra.) f..r iwi. trui America (except Coota Rica) amt ,s.,ii*n Fa??c po.t*. per <*. *. *fewport, s'?. ( olnn .tart?ara for 'j.iatar.aU inu.t b^ d.r.,ted "pet Ncss|*.rt.'") SAl'l'ltDAY-At A a lu. for Frame, Sss ll/erl.ind, Italy, tjj-iii, Portugal and Turkey, p-r -. a. 1? Ur. tu .me, sta. liflvte letters for ..the:- \an* of Europe must be dirc.t.*4 "i.r La l?i"tfl|tii-"?: at, 10 a. m. i*u|Hri**n?ntary 11.30 t. m.) for i-'aiiope. pei a. -. Bertie, si*. QusMMtawn; at ll a. Bi. for i ampecae, Chlfluaa, iat*is,',i ond Yucttan. per - - Ort?itai letlera for Cut?, Tautpico and i'uiimm dltert and oth.r Mexican states, \ia Vera '.'rn/ inu.t be tUrectsd "uer ' 'ritalin"! : at ll a. ni. for llastl, Cfl?aBBS and (, per -. ?-. PUBS Wlllliim II. 1-ttcrs fur oth.-r Venezuela pol? and for Cut?-BB, Trinidad. Hrlttsh and Dutch t.ulaua n.uat he directed "Bfll Frisia WU.lam II.' ii at ll o. tn. (supplementary 11 TIO a. mi for Fort BBB l.-Iund mil Jamai-a. la-r -. - Adi toodle k il-tters for .ladiiel ami An\i'asc. inu.t, bc directed "j*r Adlrondie'k". ; flt II :30 a. ni. for N.'flierlands dtrn-t, lier ?. I, spiarndflui, \1a Ili.t'.'i?un ihttera must !>? dlr-, t.-d ""p-'r S|i_irndam") ; at ll m. for Scotland direct, per I. s. D-vonia. Vat flillfl. ?OW Tetter- imi?_l .? diu't.'d --|^r Dev,,ma", i at 12 tu. fur (iretiada, T'rluiiTad and TobSge, |>er ?. a. Ali.*. BU*fDAY?Al 'A j., n. foi ' o-ta i'.h i, vi* Lin.on. pet a. ?. Foxhall, from afew*Oii*_ia i flt i** :*tt p, m. for s?t. i . ? M,i|ii.-ain, p.'i- itetBier, Ii*.ui Hi. l Mall- foi China BOd iflPSB P tl I. "? t lillis (from Mn FrauclSCOJ Clo**) lier' dui* up to F*hiu?rv '!*th. at il :4n p. m. Mall* for Ute Hawaiian l*land*. per -.. a. lu-insli? flora -*-an Fronelflrfl) close here d.ufv up ls Februfliy T'th. at rt T'n p. m. Mall* for th" fcsxlety leland*, per ahlp (.alii*.- (froBi San FrtBclses), el-s,? hom dalis up ti February '221. ut rtTIO i-. m. Mails hr Auatralte, N'ew-Zoaaind, I!.- ii an lui and Samoan i-i..ii,i-. pei -. -. Monowai tr?b Bsa PiOBCteea . .To--v herc dalli up lo Februfliy *?1th, Bt t< An a, m. mr bb an I val it *few-Yotk at i. a. I*?uria with Rnalah mnii- f ?? VU.trfllK . Malls lor (lima an.! jTsBSB V_ Y'sncn-ivcr ..p.-. ialiv addles- (1 onlv rtese ar this ntin-p daily at li ixl p. m. Mails for N-vsMilmiland, hs- rmi to lin1 Ita*.. kiiiI timm ? bv st. ana i. . :o?f |t tin- i Bice dally Bl I* BB I. in Mail- for Miquelon, l.s rall to I'i-Ioii. and thwe^ Iv -tem . cl. -- Bl tt.i- ..(Tic- tally al ri A'I P. _. Mails Im rubia, br rall t?. Tamp*, I'la., ami thenrs bv ateame . -.nilli'.', Tim -'tass mil MtuvJav- . .lo..- at thb ofilen dills- at 2:80 a. bi. Mails f,,r Mexico, ever. I ad, nu!?- ants illr iddr-ftscd for by steamer, , li.-,, al Ibis ml.tally at il n. m. Trans.Par I Br I?11s are totnaiAoi tn San Francis,.. dai!y and tin- arhedule ..f rloslne I* arraaired oa the |.r--*utnptlo-i ..( th.r iiniiit-ri'ipt-l overland to -?an I ran-l-. o. Mull- (rom Ihc F?at inislm; .m lime at -in.. Fl?iclflcflj on thu dr. ,f ta!ling .[ st.ii.;-1 aie dlsflotci?d Biases tn* -.ii- da] . ? lt-ti-t-1 cd mall eloa. . tl 0 p bi. prevtoua dar. l-',*.'-a Hupntementarv Mall- ni- opened nu the p'.or* of tho I?fllah. French mil *?- tin;.ti *t.*im. i* at the hour of rloalnfl of Suppl nteiitary Mflila at the l*o*kntMeo. svhleh v ii, alu open until wlfhlu Ten Minutes cf the 1.rot (.11. r -teamer. ( (HtNivi.irs VAX COTT. I'ue?-alar, 'ottoffiee \. -s-York, N. Y'. Feb. .1. IBBB. UcltqiouB Xouccb. AM. sitii.s' CHI'RCIt, Madlao*l ive and CflUVat-. Holy C.i, mi IO a. rn lbs. .-..sMl KI. H. BISHOP preach*'.* ot ll a. m. and I Til) p. m. A TttlBRTK TO 1'IIII.MPS nR(K)KS, Us- in RYLANCE, Ht, Mark's .Tiur.h. l.'d-?ve. and iritli al . Sundas, ll a. m. 8 B. nv th- feiirth Oman Ila. .ital liv William lalssarl Mull,can I?alflted by Mlsa Evelrn str*ct dolln; Mc*. *;>*.rit smith, voctliat; mi v om. talla. Clil'.IST CHI IU 'II, Ibulevard and We>t 71st-?t., Dr. J. S. 8HIPMAK. Rec**-r.-Benrkss at ll a. m. and kl p. m. .unday-sclioul at In a. m. CHL'RCII Ol' TIIF. MF.SSIAH. comer of 8l0i-at. aid r_rk-flse -s.-rsi, cs nt li a. m. Fieaeblaa by Rev. U'JU-RT COIXYER. Subject, "lim Divine Reeerve.* DIBC1P1??I Ol' CHUI-.T, S'.tli-st., n-ar flth-flvs. tha Rev. H. Ii TY-Eft. li. lt., i'aator. freichlutf buiKlay murnini; end SVSBlBg. MADISON AVEMCE RI.FOKMF.D <nL"HCn. cor. ut "7th-st.-Dr. KlTTP.r.DOF. will pnsnh rn .ruing and .i-x-'.rxt EvenlOK Sfl?lsct, "John Bm.)en and Pligilai'B l'loj.-eu." Mra. -..'.UAH A. I;I".YN_s , S_iCBk<_| at Knl-T-erbccker Cot.sersatory, 44 W(_t lflt.T-.t , ll _ g_ and ? p. PX _^_______________ FIVE PPUrTI HOL'SE OF INDUSTRY. 154 Worth. et , WILLIAM P. BARR ARO, Super! ii?nflent.-Servlcs of aontr every Sunday at - -80 p. m. The aervlco U ai. mast n holly by thu children ot t?e lt.ablution. PubliS invited. HOLY TRINITY CHIRCH. Hiriem. Lflnox-avfl. aad 1'J^d-at ?Mornlne prayer. Holy < c-.munion and S?r?oa at ll R**ia<a*slfl at 4 p. m. Evelina prflv-r a-id se*. mon at 7 4-V The Re, tor. Rev. Dr. DRlDfi.MA.V. ssiil preach at both Mrs Ice.. \t:\V YORK CIU'RCH OF CHRIST (S, lennon, ?. EaaS 4fiti. si --.iiu.i ,c -rsi-,-, li I"., Sundas .s.hw.l |-nni*d(at*-iy after Mc.-tii." T'u.-iljs-. s p. ?. Rt?Hm.' room. LBM llieaiissis Roon? o|mu daily iron. IO to 4. Slr*. LAC RA LATHROP, rowtor. si'IUITI'AT.lsM. -ai. .phi Rall. .'.:d..t? and Rroad. way. -nml is 8 o'rloek, "(Iheflte aili Ap;*tli,ii?" ; a p> iv. "Spiritual Power*." j'-sts att?-r byth Uttur-s. J. W. IT.IT.TIIvK, M.dlum. FIRbTT BOCIETT Or SIMRITIAMsTS, Cameajla Music Hall. .',71 h -i and 7th av. . - Moinlnji 11. e sen I ita* B. Mr* CLARA ll HANKS IMS-S8 -tcrnoou k p. Ph, ?' L.vperlcuce.''