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GARRISON, THE JOCKEY HIS SUCCESSFUL < UU-.R IX THE SADDLE 1 kl*_.Y TRA 1X1 KG ENDER TIIE MARTINGALE SY-T. N r'K-.NAl, CHARA TERIST1CS F. ii. liiirrl-vii. Dc fan,..n- Jockey, ls :i trtjqaenter Of the uptown h..tels .'lld ..ife-. ss h.-i.- turf?rt*fl linet to eosapare notes and discuss the racing outlook ol Um yal. Garrlaoa tool? exret-dlngly prosperous. He la alssns- turronuAei bj a number nf bia friends. (?arrlsnii is tweiity**l*l s .!. H.- ssh^ bern In Ne-.s-iins i h. Conn., where bs lemalBed mit ll lie wm t?D sears i.hl. .*-*_ li- ssa. ec t ti. ii BChOO] lear Jttiighii?t'.u, Iii thu stale. There ..? remained three f V.. H. GARRISOM. y?*ars. In that l-BC he uriiu'red Whal cdiir.iHon he "?jjaBSflJSBB. JIN Bex! iipp*-annice WU In ff. C. Pilly'- school for Joekevs. wheie he bec*me familiar with the mar llng-ile system of e'Tcn'loii. r.eeivititf niiiriy IBSBBBI from Vi. c. Daly, who got even with the boys if stir of lils bones were beaten in n raes throuch a boy's at-yadlty. Duly'- Btethod iras ta tahs all hli boys oul to lha trm lt BBd e_***_lfl to them where eui how lha B_StB?I wai niiide. nnd then jive each loy ii liberal application Bl tb* limit BgBle, so thal he svoiiM not, forget the lesson. Ender this system of tuition (riirii-iiT thrived. Jfe whs i small, puny loolilnc Iud. int in lil- ra*" appel*-?aces were de Ceptive, as he wus a wiry little chap with sinews of tteel and thc* . onrac.- of ii fox-tenler. He. Waa n tiul.'k d'* a fl:i-h l.-'l!' . W. C. Dals- rn*Uiinnie*a his Wvs. and bs Osrrtet?I was such nn active little fellow he was eaRed "Jack i?*i_p->*r." Ope (Jay at the Brichtoti Beach 'ruck Ihily's Llgun wa- posted ai a starter, bm ld- Joehey did not uppeur ut the so.le-. There was BOt ?Bte to SeapfS ?n.,t"ier Sjehey, -n Daly ca!d. '"L't .lad: Snapper ride him." i'll- lo wwii ol Daly's -table did Bot kn ss Gai*r_s*a*i riphi ?mr. ha! "_M to the clerk of the scnles that "John f.mpp'r" was to ride liBBa? G_rt_asa explained matters, but tho nu me "Snapper" ls HUely to silk to him during th*. r< nialnder of h:s life. Liana won the race, Garrison rld-if* u Mah that -wtoatebed the Rrigbton Bearh raeecoer*. Fi-oin Ihat dsry Ms career a- ? iBBCf?"stal jackey bTati. Ila w n main- raees tor 1'aly. and beanie a favorite Bi Ihs Rriihtoa Beach tsBBtlngent. ll. <). Uer*?rd, fine of the great plojDgeri of the turf, won thou-ni.ds nf dollnr-4 betting on banes that had C.rris'.n on their ha rta .tan.- Rows wai *e**tect?*d by Mr. Bernard to triiin hi- stable hail a li m the (llpslaii.. stables. was the era, k of tb" Btnbk's. and tha brilliant vl<*ic,riea won by him under Oairistrn's vigorous rfdltit* made the Jockey popular With the b'-tt'r das-, of toA**pot%\ Hamum, who wns known w thu Iron horsB, "*'ic tho favorite of BrightOB Hench. With GanteOO -ti old Bai__B'*B l.iul; ih" pilli- were almosl Invincible. In lfc*"> <?arri-ti trent to Le.Muriell, Ky., to rid" tor W. s. tense, win, uti Bsd the telb-mne stable*. lt was an uni-ortTtiiite eaa-Bgemenl foi Oarrteon, who vhs rejajaStd by Mr. Bailie, a monia nfter the ra* In.' t.'ii-..ii began. 4;nrri*on returned to ile Baal In Rate for the sheepshead Pps spring Bawling, aili bei.Mii bis car-er In the Ea-t I.y *siiiliing oe AJrinora with 60 to 1 against li-r riiaiic**.. Ht soon regained his pflipularltv by hi- riding;, nnd won a lnrjre number arl BBSSB, HU) rjUS-tS riiice then has l.'-en __rhed bv nm)iv brilliant exhibitions if Jockey-Up, m. that ),< ls coiialfliaaTSd the Rttt IB tf,e li-t of American "oektty at the present time. He has lmd his .share of trouble on the turf. At times his nulli.' has been associated with tari t.anduls. Ha wns suspend-d fur some months in IB. i for suspicions riding on Judge Morrow, Nothing bas l.e.-n prove*! aealnst him. Ill- riding li-' tet i wns wtri'imly brimin.!. III- grout tTil-li in Montana In Ho* suburban will lona; ix- i*emembfl*red by m**e> coen, a- by hi- auparioritr ns a Jockey he defeated Xlfljor Dom., and Lamplighter, both ot whom ahouhl hairs b'-at.-n bim .-a*iis. The racea won iv bim ->n Tanunsay and Yorks*?le B-Ut- were popolar vb tor! Bo Ihat tile attendance at tin' iruili- slioss.-.l ii per ?eptliile taemas when h was generally known lhal Uar: I*dBi was io ride s publi- favorite. i.vrrlson rides for Harcas Dftiy this year. Me I gays that hs vs in duly ride acleeted mouata tlijs ae?son i and does hot Intend to rid. below ll j i^mis. ile weighed iso poondl on I?njrsda} *itb las ordinary Clothes on, so I?at he has dBi] twenty-dve pounds t.. refltuc- to pei tn his weight, liarriKin nae married lu is-**i. ne ha.s two danghters. The Ju.-i*<?>?' nosist friend- sav that bis srcfllest runlt i- bis opi?inn of lib osvn Importance. It ls ihat trull that has made liim ii tweet** in hi* <??linp. Tha srriter knows fr..m ezperi.-are mm Uarrlaona at: ut lon i- t.> excel in anything he underiali?***. If he ott an M.-u Ihat lu? can rt.. certain ti.lugs, he trie-, bis beal lo rt.. them without anvil -riv heine present. If his attempt* j.!e;is, Min. h>- tra] repeat Ibem Iti public ? imii-on ls a speculator >:> sven a-' a Jockey, ile has talieti an *? .asl*.uni "" fiver" In V'^ll Street, lind luis ma? >? severn IhSfliiand dellar^ Ile .-tarts lor liorida Weun. -dav wini hi* family. The i .tv _m?o1 **ooni kei-petv will re.'obe. m* (?arrlsoo and Marcu Mayer, friend, have Blade Rfc a barden to Ihem thc lauri three weeks, having w m Bfteen out <,f eighteen beta on Ihe winter racing. The pict?re 1 of tiie Jockey civen her. ssitii te noni a photograph bv Falk, and is the only photograph ol him ever taken ui this etty. TEE AMERICAS SPANIEL CUT R'S BERTI KO. XotlrcB 1?ce been Issued fur tho iilit.'inl meeting Bnd dinner of the ft milk an gannie] (Tub. one of tim Olri.v-t and Baal BB nra of t!:*- ls<ti!..i clo?t In t. is country. The BMetjBg trill be held ut Hm Mat?st-l "?Anare QudajB on the ufti-rn.?in of the sr cong rinv of the Mg *Ooc a?OW, at ;> o'clock. In Ihe evening the tMrd B?BOBl dinner ef tie (lui, will be Klvcn nt the Hotel BarthtMI. TweBty-t_lrd*?t. and Broadway, Bt 8 O'lllxU. All frldlds of the spillllel bived ..' do-rs uro Invited to he prvaeBt hii*I tickets CUB !?? pr-H?ure*l from the shall?BIB of lha ciiinniitiee. ,\. tllnfon WHmii-lBg, nt i.i- nm.". \,,. ica R**i*adway. ITV spiitibl club and l's members baVe oller. .1 Bia teen special pri/.s to he rompeted tor l.v e?hiblton of spaniels at the eajaaJng dog ahow, The n-t Includes tbe club's silv.-r cup. trained Bl 9100, for the best cocker sponlel. Ami rt Baa bred, to be won four lime* lie'ore beeo!n!i:,* thc 1'n.perty of any one iii'TiiIm.t; ii allver cup. valued nt ?10. for tb" best Brid ipanlel bitch, to be wen four *_??; n trot,,'.v. valued nt >H-.',, for tile h. st MckflSr stud dog, flhOWII svith t*sn of hil Bet. to be sv.ui f..ur times: *rTO Irj CBflfa fer tim 1,-f bra. t- Bl ( oi k-rs In OPCD .Ta*-.-. B10 il rush for Ile te'st Ueniiei of not teas than four clan.ber spaniel*: t**> in rash for the l>e*.t clamber -rpantel, ting ,r bltoli; mo iii rash f,,r tl- !,. t black rocker bitch In open (lasses: a silver cnn, vulm-d ut .-._.,. for Ibe beat ks*?rs of eochor "r**nnlc_ other th-rn black; *?"< In caii'j for the best blink co.ker blt. h In puppy class. /.V MEMORY OF BA HAYES ASH MR HLA1SE I'hcu'e. Tah. ?'. (SJpedal).?Al ihe Fnioii _*_a*ne <iuh tonight sOiVlces 'Tere bOM ll: li: BKWJ of ev rYesMeot RutIi<*rfoi*d )!. Hayes .-.nd .lames <;. Rlalne. The prrijrramnie WBS CJMTtfd cut In tht dining roOBI of the club The lurj-'e room w.i- t.i-t-'fiilly dfl*ei*a*aled with tbe --tars and strpes. latstr*?Ingle 1 ssith < mbl-:iU of monrtiiie. Mr. I'uve- va- mi bniorarv m.tnbr of thc iieoii Lsagns ? lue, ami as-rer tolled io vlsll the Club when lu this etty. ArprepriTte siMresaes were made by well known merni .rs <.f the elah. The pms er BBBdB |,v the Kev. Dr. F. A. Noble, and music wis furnished by the I'lvnioiith Church qnaiiel Addres-e- ss r delivered by Reojamlu Inf. rsv,,nh the I>v. Flank M. Bristol, George E. Adams and Leroy I). Thoa as. TCE QM FELl/tlYS AID ASSOClAYItXt. r.ivton. Olio. Pcb. t.-Seeiet'ii; J, -,- McKlnneV. of r ?? edd iT-iiesvs Ai.) AaBortattoB .'ms casspleted Ma rec,,.-.', of BSJadBess for the year Just ended; nd Jiiflted and paid h2o a<*ident iiollcles. RSB.TBO, .ind nine'y two di it los <?-. sfi':,.:o>: vna\. UtMJM for thc year. PbHoIis WtRR wrlttiu for 3.470 new uktu !i*ts l*rg"*t?*flUng nn exposed rlsli of 80,117,000. The aaanrtotton has 13.734* member* in America. Eng land. Germans and A?Itralte. Th" grand total of deaths paid lu the nine yean '?! lt- existence li 8007.012. - ?' HOME HEWS. S'fTNV-TOKK i ITV. A (Vms of am vni'.'s is to be recruited from Ihe beal s... ,,1 locte'tlci te Ihe L'nited Blain for the iTorid's Fair Oongres-, lo he held under Ihe mi M.I -a- Music Teachers' National ABSoclatlon ibis -uTitni-r in Chicago, Louis Lombard, director ol Ibe i ii. .* ( of Music ami chairman of the .?v. muse committee, .ame tn {few-York v.'.nias t. help arrange ihe preliminary details. A meeting of th- ogle ts ol Ihe BsBflxrtetloii v. 1 1 take i bice In B eta was Hall to BJOITOW morning. The export, ol apples from tbll port thia "s*BSon lo I'.-;.mary 1 vv. re '..7],-.'..i barrels, BgalBfll 1 150,701 barrels las! year for ibe name lime, s. marta tateresl has been taken in ta.- extr-trt b topic, th- weather, by those who ern ? tbe Bridge, thai thermometers with intel a! !???:-1 lour tee! long bave b cn put In the place of the small ones which have heretofore been on the Bridge lowen. " Drcfl S,,..t Rasca" te the fllgn dlap used bv a Br...'id .? trunk <!? Bier. The rib Regimen! Glee (lub bsa i.a reiirganlied, mid lt- f..rtv m-uib-r- are being trained at th'- urinorv on Tbaraday evenings by (nari.-* il. Hoyt, the dl rector. i'lie committee on plani ?f tb* new Municipal liutld lng Commission will meet ,-it ihe Mayor's offic ? ob Tuesday al l p. m., to receive the rein rt af Ibe ad? visory committee *.f architects, One hundred and seventy--, rea dty Ile?ibm were I-ii.-* by the Mayor's M-rshal la-t w.ek, and 1331 collected in fees. At the Eden H?iee the Gypsy Band ls playing pop alar airs ateosl exclusively, selecled from th.- lat. at favorite moslc. There win t..- conceits today, and the I'rit'.i'e.-s Dolgofouky will be in-ird In vii Un solos, (iulbui and Greville give __ _.?.?m1 exhibition ol thong] i l-aa*?ng, The annual dint .t of the Tilnltv College Alumni As-o(l;iUon svin be given al Ihe Hotel de Logerol on Tuesday evening, February 7. at half-pas! " o'clock, ./peedic- w,u be mud" by Bishop Patter, Austen (.. Fog, William lt. Hornblower, Btewsrl 1.. Woodford and others. For Rel?la and Infarmailon ap-.iv t-? R i ari Thorije, No. .',(1 Wall St. Thc gonroll collection of Beyal Vienna porcelain*., said to be the finest collection In Europe, und the kera?,1c ort colleciion ot u. Gi?wbaaa d sons, Ro. 1M. FIftb-iive, this dty, will be on exhibition nt Ihe FUth Avenue Auctl-xi Kooms, So. 2'A8 Fifth ave, to morrow, and will be sold on Tuesday and following days. The Gross bu um OoUeCtlOB wu- made f,,r ex? hibition at tb" World's Fair, but will not be sun thrre, owing to a curtailment of space allotted to the llrm. FREE EXERT OE MERCHANDISE. TOT" NOKTII AMERICA!! KA VIC ATI OS COMPANYS EFFORT TO BBIXG FtU-GHI FROM S.VN' FRANCISCO. San Francisco. Feb. A.?The refusal of the r*nrlflc Mall Btenmshlp Company to accept through Irelgbl [rom tb?S (Uv to New York, by way of the Isthmus >f I'aiiania, owing to it- difficulties with th" Panama, hui led the officers of the North American Navigation Company to lake meaaurt-i fer beginning iperatlons at once. The new company hu- no iteami r ref to ply between tills city BBd I'.it.iimn. A letter aaa addressed la-t Bight to Timothy ??. Phelp . ?nil.-, mr of tin- Fort, by William I.. I.erry, president A th.- "forth American "tatigatloa Company, asking rbetber mercbandiae of Ameilcim production would .r Would lint be entitled to free entry ilt Ness I'nrk if shipped In foreign bottoms from Baa Francisco o I'm nama, theme transported to Colon, and there run-ferred to Amerieaa ships, being SBBSBquenUy ?Birled to New-York and there offered aa "American aerchandlse returned after having been exyotteR ?rubout having been advanced Iii value or Improved n condition." special Deputy Collector B. Jerome wus Baked ?esterday abaut the app'llcuflon recently made by ti." ? orin American Navigation Company to the Treasury "Mtpartment for permi.-.ion t., u'-e loreign vffsels be wwn thi- port and Panania during the time retjulred 0 bring A in erlcan BtMBlshtpa from Kew-Yort t" Ban ?'rand-xo hy whv Of Caps Horn. Mr. Jerome r** -neil to a niling of t)..- Treasury Department in Tine, In Ihe ii:*-'' ol Dunham, Carrigan d Hayden, ron-dealers, ol this dty, who -lipped good- ol Am.-ri an manufacture from New-York to Antwerp In orelgu bottoms. At Antwerp Ihe merchandise waa intended and put OB board other foreign ship* atul ent to ->nii Franci-co, where lt wsi entered. The .'Ing Secretary ol tho Trsjasury made a ruling in lint caas und Issued an order nuder Which the uerchmirtlsc wus *eij?jd, mid procedlnc- for Its f,,r dtur" are now pending la Ihe ITdt?-d state- Dtetric I ..uri here. Mr. Jerome, In -pea ki nc of this ruling, said: "The ct lng Secretary dwelt upon the fad that Ihe rood rere transported the whole dlstaBce from New York a san Francisco In foreign bottoms, and we who re laminar with Ihe entire rorr.-potidci,, <? In the BBS have no doubt that had the Continuity ol Ihe oyaga from one Amerieaa port lo un..ther been .roken at Antw.-rp by reshipment of tl.e i-.".<i- In in imeriran vi.I. there would hav- been no trouble rbatever In gaining free entry to tbis port." When Ihe \l.-tss expret?ed by Mr. Jerome were lld before MesMtr*. leny and Locke, of il- North imerican Company, Ihey determined la addre - a ?u.r to Collector Fhelps at one. nnd declared thal 1 be sustained lbs opinion ol bli deputy Ihe rom? any woliid benin operations Immediately. THE CASINO STOCKHOLDERS. I RF.p-iT.T FROM A. C. LABS-- ON FI VINCI A I. AFFA1RK. A meeting *>f u eommlttee >.f the atoihhg?lira of Ihe "iisino wai held ye-t.niiiv afternoon to es*4*s_d4*t the Itei-estl of the stockholder*). About 1,000 of Ihe ,-ki shares vs,t.- -sflp**-*sented. Au.nug the *-1<" 1. alders i-epresjentod were Franhlla Edabb, A. E. Band, lenry Clews, J, B. (lews, F. i>. Tappan, c. E. (wincey, Walter Bathei-ford, C. II. Blair, Percy K. Ung, m. V. Grace, ll. C. Holton, li. S. Jaffray, i. Vf. Baton, J. Townsend Burden, Rober! L. Cutting, r.. Vi. I). Searls, Jr.. E. C. stiitit*IB, Henry limden I. DowellI and .1. Louis Schaefer. Henry (bs* pre Med. A. C. Lassen nport.-d that at Ihe September lilma! meeting Albeit ArotlSOB as l!*:i-u.-r and tudoiph Arotison us Bia?ager reported the following ? u account*; (lue: A. Annr-on, ""23.77306; B. Aron .ii. ,-ii:i.".".:,; l.lncoln 314.30230; general .?count. 3308,58488. In January the -?-foment Bled uh th.- .s.iretnry of state ahoired thc toon due a. iiotison as 33,57080 and to R. ArOBSOfl ns "rc. ul lt wu- said thal these rintel were paid ntl irom tb* rotits of "The Fencing Master."' At (he -ame lime here wa- ovr 338,000 Ol unpaid laxes, running ir foin- years, and many other obligations vsetc <>-it landing. The course ol the Aronaoni in paying their wu elates under Ihe etrcamstanrefl ssh- much ritlrtied. An auditing I'liuiiiiiti- consisting of J. B. less-, j. i.. schaefer, )'.. C, stanton, H. ii. McDowell mi <'. M. Blair vsa- appointed. A commltte., sling of Henry Clew*. C. e. Quincey and I'-ny R. Axyi was iip]Kiiiiti-<i io soli-it proxla di the B< .1 BBusl meeting in September, One <>f Mr. I_s*en'< barge** i*. thal Radolph Aronflon lins been able lo pori net profits, ol which he gets hall In addition , bill 36,000 v.lars . bv falling IO pav BXBs*s_H*S vs hld; oould bave been paid before profit* were .minted. rh.- rbarge <.t Hr. Lasaen ss.-re empbatlc-illy denied v Albert Aronson la-t night. He declared thui mil) small part ol ihe loan ol bte brother and hlmi-elf nd b.'.-n paid, iiml thal ti > undue preference never ther debt- h.el bea given them. Ite a!-" -nhl thu! i. ? ipei -e- Iud b-en Iel) iiiipn 11 till ..fte,- ,-.- limul ie -.? rofite which -houid have been paid before. A " SMOKER" AT THE CATHO'.IC CLUB. Tiie Cathoite (Tub ss-i. crowded laat Bight, irhes a ?fa lilli; -one. rf s- i* j.sen. Sen.- nf |_M pie Br BS -re C. V. I .rne-. pr?i-b , t ,.f the .Tub J.,l,n s. .Nulls, .in*.-1,ii tik.i-.i: "tkomai j. t elton, Fran la ns ra, 1*. J M'NiTty. ?f the CsUtolte < lu' of Fitt* irg; I).-ii,..mi. Phillp i. Cavanagh, T?*sbbs F. ...h-i. .b.-pii M,,sii i and Prajth l>? ti. Ti,, catertala r* ?,--? ggi ai.ipi,', plaalat; Mfltrr hen-vi.. inutrl'-lHli ? \\ iii hm. Joe. I,.,Iv. h'm.O' i-t ; If. S'hi*::ili\, tenor; (hires iii-ben Bmlth, t- n..r. and :?'.-- Il ThMcltii.-.rt .h.,-. Th-v sser. well ap aud-1. sr HUES HEATH IX RMOADWAT. ?e..iai p. rs .n* sshn wer- In Bl Bad a ay, between Prince ,1 ll n.-t-ii st-... a fess BriUBBM t-efnre o i>. tn. y aterda] ss a , ab air '.. r full heaSlsag bte ???:.' |_g t;,, pax., ?nt. Ria -kuli ssa- ,tu-h-d ptti li- i'l. Installtl] kiel. polteeajaa <f Mm Bfaadway squad steppe! toe bnrai mil . "!( lt. With the .ut. and the b-Ty cf the drivel U. tte dneesg. pall ot station. i.a-t Bight the body wb* i ",tl-1 aa thal ..f M.'ha.T Neilin, fnt'^-ih,. j , ,, | (i hal !ls.-1 ssith bte ssif .ni ihr.hillie!i at ga), 141 ? st Taiaiy elgfctB aS. Bfltaa sm. latmarif a iM.iter ni .< Fifth Asenuc llol.i, bat a few year* ac, he bvnizht I-.!? and cab and had a aland In Well sth-t. m. cud. ?,ld last night tliat tie waa a -oU_, atealy n.ou. I " WORKING .OK TIIK M. A. C CREDITORS BECOMING MORE LENIENT. THEY AGREE TO BCB8 Kl MI". 870.000 TO Titi (,tvi: vvn i: rCXD. T:.e band*oaw aome af th- Minhattan .thi tl* Hob, 1 Maillfloa-as--, va- ? Birded yean -i.s ' ' ? ' "',l!'r* sb bad a ? ' ind ie I iok on aouU bard jr ? *> t,. Bad I,, a, nra?ii?.?on in th. bandi el i i reivei ., uk f|U|_ ,,,,] ntasbers Arnot wtoarri te "rr?ip di cut-ins* the eltual on, tarp tiing i iel ?nlfl "? " -?? ?a '? ?' ? ' . ? . sasln? af ti- I* elah. Th. " irei ncr- member i in ihe gymnasium, bl".Hard roein* ..a I pu h.r- than has.- I. ... -at '-? - I?* - ": ,: dub ss.... made i>.? >.. Andrew F - -Ii an, I ?? :? lied I member* and all seemed roofldenl lhal Um rink would | oat of t- On m. lal dlffli nltl i. " Ul th t*\ ? ?h- .lal. ar- ie."- ru .11 Ti-.' emoothly " -aid Mr. I i ? dna. ran si I ' "" ? '" *atkl i| v ? .I aaat?lUon la b lenient, uni. in fact, the ailfllra ol th club SW be; nain tn, look i,. s om ? n ..?? Iii ? re VV. . un- and nih r nfficCTfl af the dob al-o tale i i...; rful s lea af iii- eltual an, At I |. en: licet,:!,:.- of the Club rn '??:..' - ?Bd i natl - a.ppolnted t-. avaev roi "BBfl '..'"" ace th- -r .l.t..r-. J. II. Y. Ami..i.i ssa- Appointed .Iinji me?, ?vi iv M. .M.iii.i- -? i ins. Ml Mell.-'-, look i iis-iy mt.i?t In the s*ork sad eatiibllfltu t in Bfflei In th- club, and invitisi th- rrsaUtora to i >B - terward and ic 1 tl.-.i - nt ss-,.-. He brought over half I ? rein*" lo ala suv ,.f thinking, and be eras still il thia work sshm ti-.- -?manilla h td a aa*s*?ag and decided io let Uni fredi tors' .?.,. ol the rase ree" fm fl "lille ?ad lo deveta th. un,- -f the cn.m.,Mee t.atag Ihi i.-suv 8300,000 guarantee fond. Mr. Maxwell objected lo Ulla pla ind -*'.-.Mi-l.-rt an other in Th i it- nth-t.. n-ar littii .i - ? . s here be raaUnw I to f**-e thc creditor-.. Friction r?-iit-l. and it looked for n time a- if there woaM b? "note trouble, *Vben - a ye* t' rlay. Mr. Mathew* .-nld: "Our committee ss | t, ...1 . meeting tm Mejriday with t:,- .1 th >??'?- flnd -arana co-amit?m and ino odker* of Un rlub swi i.rnbal.l meet bb Tueaday, There ar" bbw torty*"hri - n na. ? cai nan Bat, Iron trhlch ssc ahall irtecl th- Bew Board of ....s mora of Um rlub. A peUttoa bas bi a itgned by slit* |, member! Bl th* liab ..-..I:.- Uu ? airi t., a,, tba re river lo i* ep the rofl?una) ?nd ethel department*! r the rlub opea tu ihe raeml .- The receiver, you Snow, ha- io be L'.s.ineii l.s- tli" aider of Ihe rourl r-nid n'.sv nu,(..mts t, 8183.000, ind Um? ri ditor* nan -1-1,11]'.i their willtognes- io lurnlsb ''- n themeelvefl. Sa lhere need be ba further worry on that ??ibjei t. The ? ' ? ' it a forced aato of thi iniihi.a.? would de theta little good. u.J they show a d, paalUflo at, la-t, to -ae-p-rat-, with u*." THK POPLL.U. NEW COMMODORE. SOMETHIXO AMCT E. 0. MORO AX, Of TOE KEW TORR VA, ITT ' LUB. Commodore KdvsTu i>. Morgan, who -pr:. - elected (.. Tirreed nhrldge T. lorry :i^ the senior officer of Ihi Sow-York Vacht tiui, eli ibundivv evening, is om EDWIX 'i *-i ? ::-. vv. f the tno-t popular ynchl i n In Xew-York. il * ul-o ii member rd i ?? Atliuitte, Ka '-rn, ', lost nnd Corinthian Vacbl < lu' svera in ht.*, hi* f,. sv. t ba iiul Mon 1- lng lb Dru Ula, . fty-two fool sloop from t;.- Iii i rds li I.s.. own- ihe .ii.\?lb, and 1 I team v... bis. li: tel* ' ' g ls lo i i the def* n. - of i ie Am. iii.' i ap, whli i will i iced b.r neal tell by I."rd Dunraven' Valkyrie ommodore Mor* el - id a* ortered ..- . , t froi II- rr. otr- io lake i<;.i I In Iht Dial racts In Hi set he yacht l- nos being built. KATiN'i N v.N.v.,1 I'.s DISAGREE OVER il.KM*. It begiaa to teok _- .f ?? I ..: bs n- i, b?:s* at sb fltlng rt?jnplv?s, Joseph i bo ?., .- .. 4 ii r 1. 1 hi.-' 11 11.11 Mia?-lian and I. IV alum au) Un .-,-j - ? t um -..-. tn, and 1 1 > 1 I. i 1 ni 'rt-i-.,s- xr, ul'.n*- a ""Ke, bul rill lUt .ncr --.. Mr ! 1 - . ,,i ie en m.:. t tt-t it aceept the Bi ia Bg 1* a bankrupt rlab, ind h- lal ? 1- fr,-inls ut lionosrhufl wera 11M ansloaa t- race. .V[. '.liloi. la-* 11 |bt ' - . 1 ttl lg r->'.s "Xii ankiupt . IM, baa ? '.J ? *"l i".s- opinion (i.i - _". | sar?that and m.- r on*^ i. .\- teen r>?Ij ala ? i> ru.b 1 If sc.-h !? -s ind i..'.-'. arranfe ss.-fl the eath-r rterk ai hi John'*. All Um wind 1 n li al ?' Baa. ir . ateh nan ? bualn -1, ? ubi r - ni .m.. flee here abo knewa bow to d lei-lie rs 11 aaa.:, or put Mi 11 - fad la ai - her 11?i's band*, Maa ss,n ss-u.t IniMne*. ..-..j p,.- , >, di?nlag. 1 do i"'. -ut- i' ? .Uno*, any fam.-r ror. ipondentfl with foo. 1 ne.*' -.. Bte caator af youl BaMaej -'.-' AN ICE-TACHT RACE AT RED BAXK. IVd Hunk. S. A.. Lb. 4 (Special). An ni-va.'.' e< .sa- -.:. d love lo-say fer tt? rlia_cng? peanaat* la ie aecead tut ihttt -u---- There s-.,.. ,,-,ii ,,-,.. art'-r In lt.- cte? (.'Barbs- Bnrd'a gip, ? late-? mei i..,at. in UH ?- and rtesa Um ruti ? ? ab :' ' baa : -r - 0*t Tte i- and Charles Aile ? lr. *. Fd xt There aaa ? fr**? 1 tote, 1 irtleislarly aa t 1 Baal .and, aad Um Oe! There lift- -1 and ip-ia aro',i.t av*i_ in-*- TIT- teat her th* ra--, 1.1.1 the I ainu M. ss.n, 1 1 sn, 2?r. Bbs (Sited Hw ten-mik* rouraa and Um lp aalled ibree tUnea os-: Um two-and-a-half-n-il-i raul l'.ini. 28e. All Uie levis Wept) reefed. Tie I In., M cl Kip ss.p- -ali-(I by U-lr os.... r*. VV lilla i, ll. .-,:,.IU, dSteg th- uitei ot tn- ie". 11.. re. ih.- skating races arlu b- held h.r.' on 0?tey, ITT.mary la, and lim IlkaUllg ? '.nm,itt. -, ,,f tl,. orth Bhre-at?ary Ice ITaeht Club began lo-day t ais- arrangemeati for the contait . --o ? .NTltlls FOR THE V.U.I. HARVARD I.ll.vv uv, 1 Kew.Hav*., Cona., Fear. 4 (Sp,-, i..i,._,\. u. j,,.,,. ,;.u.'n of Um Vai- bach atblette i-am. tr.^jiv forvraided S.r-t.irs- ( ,.n.l*h, ?( the Hunt?I AUlleti, s -,,, at'011 - foilowlng nari-* of Um Yal- r-i-.' enUUs - 1.1 u , -t Kiivoui Vab -llersani rete' mee Bamuel B. -?? Franck, S. Le**d*, '. M. Laughlte, R. 1. si?: 1 uti 1 (.. v Ranford. The rae*- wBI take ptare Krbniar- 11 Um BUBOBI sslnl*r n.c lim.' ,,f t'. II. A. \. The o'h-i ah- t..i- that BieeUag a- teraaid**4 S.-day n" '-.s ari BBVlee, N. I^eds; 4*)-\aril BB?_CBp, O, M. |_u*_h. i, tl I.. A adel*?n, 1.. js. iij'i'U. \ Oi?1 ont o 1: if.nd, putting ih- .-hot, Vf. Illowa, 'jj, n.i, . .... ll. ii am. ll. EAGER TO RACK AT THK RORY TRACK. ( bli a !., Feb. 4. Arron bi datluna for t. mea now racing ut Oattcnburg srern <*nga-*._ al Holy :-. Ire io.ii.s-. Tn. already crowded ila . . 1 isac '"inn- item atoucester, liattcaburg and Eau 1 CHBIBT1 Xl l.ihE 11 mt rBOPLB MEET. Under Ih- j.-?! I Bey ol Um Roi*. Dr. II. T. MrKa meeting <.f the . I.rletlan 1 n lea, . >,, ,, ? ,,f .\ ia le ld la?I Bight 1: ii,.' .*... ins', 1. ai^'uii ., Ko. ii. ct 1 wenl v. ninth- st. 'J'h- -?.'.;,. t . i,il--| iii , n-.I,, 1. " -<"tii i -Hon Inilasor in IL j; Jt 1, 1,, j_| niTit 11 ii. penB, , 1 and oti- ,? 0 ., 1 lui restlaa ad i - - : Vt nu. iii apoki af Um I 1- - lu a- romplUh.-d bs bi g peopli In n lesion ? a 1. 1 .1 aald te il na. h 1,, ghi 1* irroBipll i.-d If j viv; people .'..miii renilzfl the ui ic -nain - , r Uk - UiaU w. ARRESTED EOE HIGHWAY ROBBERT Oenrtx winn 11, ,,,!.?, tweaty-o-i yean bM ssa r.-t .1 sci. Hay in I -,.l .Nos \,tn. ,?, _, ,,,.,,',_.? '?f ghway robbery, commiued in gue-., 1'ountr two 11- h.d h. :? -a-roated 1- f r- 1 ul nu cn*t,,iiy. Ile waa pta< id la sha, - .inty latbertUea. ABJOX CABS1YAL IX H0X01: OE TOLLY. The Arlen Beclety bad Ih third ?faote1 feattial" af ? -cii-on BM 11 |b| and I- s- mt bx US '" ""? '"'!"'- twa, Tin- tehes rrorki I at the eapenai ?f rioue well-kaowa aaimbeia si ?.rdy eajeryed, and ? aoagfl ahteh wert written tot Om artair ari* nn aally gaad. li. Keen r-g ri and R. w- h ... 1.1 S* v M Ik ' a:..,. ,, _____| ?,, ,,, ,;.,. u,tr,, )|( ?.urj] '?"? *":'-' '' '? - aha cali,'m..-d 1 it-1:.r- rsaa - Bflflred a- .-al. rialn.-r* vs.r- A. J Rall*, Dr. M. DcMhrre V. Blppel, C. li., l,h Ut-r Jo-.-.h VV.,h. 1. || ,.,.,. r a. Roekar, C. Bplttstert, l.. iiuih-sohl. KmtX Abu tnt Il.-s-iiiann. Th- ?? ,,-Un- ut Uu. eaaafldtBM of ?rrju.'-r lilla ls Juill! ll. 1'auiic*. HE JUMPED FIVE sunnis TO His DEATH i. H*. I. vi????; tu v, ii. v MANUFACTURER, KILLED Ht MSI i.r IT |fj SUWObED, BECAUSE OF if 41X1 *"S I ROUBLEB A fr I-',t.'ni -node of mickle wis adopted yeaterday by John Vf. Laotert-acb, Importer nnd inanufactnrt'r nf wlltew ware, al N'o. l-l Oiamberi? *(.. who Jumped from tte DfUi-story wliutou al Ihs k""4*t*d?*-Bt. end of the bo Idi .. la hli tell to ti"' flldewnlk bs waa killed in tanti**. There were witt'.--.--, of his mad leap to death, and Ibe -nh id. cnuaed much excite meni in the street. I.aut. i ,;.,-!, occupied t! ?" third. fviliTh nnd liflb noon of H.- building. Ile hud been In Ihe willow ware ba.neas lhere for sis years un bte own n ? count, it. sivii-iv be h."! !""-'i te pnrtneralilp with nther Importer al Xo. BO < luimbers st. Ile rame to rountr) from Hermans nbonl forty yea:-* ago, and had been nn Im-mrier for thirty years. Ile waa i.:is t.s. years cid and hud a wife nnd four . Il !r. a | IV il . ni Xo. PU VVelastef ::v-.. .i-f- V ('il-. !n!n.- [mn*ie* wen *.i>l to hnve cansed lite nle!de, ll! -al , hil I laen :' ll rgC "" BS-Sl. llUt be I ll.I mel o fn ni er nf I..--- bv Ibe failure ..r Items in the s. ' with ssl,..ia be denll l.iit Iv in- hud b.-ii iv rv..n* atul m. I-erl,ely mi Account of Ihe repenhd failure-*. Hi- I.....M... |.-r. Walter Dobcrenls, .-.-(hi s.-i.nti'v be teind ,t io I?uteri*?-h on Friday a -.?-.... ? bk ii li. c. .-.1 ii.,.: ii,- rn * n - only n pri ai of a fess i,nn,ii-ii dollars In Ihe iHtslness for lani s. : r pttet Ihe lossea bad I" i n il-ilrc'-'t. Lallb r i.a ii was looking over Inc totement again yeater? day morning and ?? med t.> be d-pr- -d. li amok*, a rlgar nt Ihe time, an unnxunl i i*in*_ for bim ,,, do. Ile Kl Ik d tl t'v.r of Illa "thee In Hie ihlrd-atorj ol Ibe te Idlng rn ;i r.-il--- manner, and bad lilli** tn say tn bte ? rajLv -, Dobcrenls wenl in iii- innh ni ll a. rn-, and when ii" retained be indi ii i ?? i ankb ok lo Lau t ri a h. i li. lo *el over ii i,,r annie time. Al ll :;n v. ia. I.aiiierb.n h wenl np to the ti ft li .Ifliry nf the building, ate-re none of lite employe* happened to I-' nt Ibe time, and opened a window iii the Reade t. end. John J. I'ntr.m. nu Inaps-Ctor .n the Department of Btn***t Cli-unlng, happened to |.e paaalng on the north side ol the Ireet, mid aaw I... i: t --I ! ai I, t-p ,.ill on Ihe VSili'luss -111 nial look doss li a ii he wa pre| ni lng lo Jump. ? i... I-. 1;:" . arran liouted. Lauterbai li appnn nllj did ucl b' .'r him. i I rm _lrivei - lo ik< d np liora thu sireel .:?:(! a bm Imiiled at him, bul lan- 'rb-..i li - ..oil.-I IllBI ell on the vv uni.." -Ill ai.d ll,.li jan.j,-d .har ef lb.- hal Idi UR. 1,,,'ie r. ht/., ss iv. i| k ssa- al o vin loss al tin- Reade-Bt. 'Ttd Di the third floor, Ind beard Hie shouting and he looked out in lime employer' kodj sln-ol down li Ibe -id.ssniT Hom th- tilth story. Hi. man's leg* were broken ..nd i:.- -J*nll was fr. . lured. Curran and Hu. ..ii.'!' nen ran io H.- pla*"* ssl,ck- ito- bod) :.iv, and ?h * -ns at .Tic- that th* man had been kilted. An ambulance, however, was railed from Ihe I'bninbei -ii-'t l los j.: ? al. An ambulance .nrgenu lookid at the leds and refused t.. lak. I* *..iv. Hull. ni-;i gol a !? rhei and ra riled the bud) ;., ti.. Leon?rd-st. (?? v.- J, Braskner, al Xo. ?'" FranhUi I . Jei j lily, vs I,,, *r.d he bad been employed bj I?uterbach, gul a permli rom Deputy I'ot-Uei U'ltera mal blrrd an updcrtal : lo rcnxiVe the body to Lauteri?rh'*. ? ne . li. . ! ? ? ito.,i le* I" ? T t "' hus, viii, li v.i-r. ssoiib fulls Ile ed tbat I iu ter bai h had '-. t moues i.v speculating In Wall Hlit-et. I ai lei .. In ., bj failure of i rmi In tl - Wei t. Brui kn**i auld, did ? ? , "tefl tin t ii*i..-*- - ri* .-is, l_utciive ' ? t. [out man, ssith dark ? om l.l-mo. and full .las beard, ll- sr,,. u ,_ule| und r< .s.-u inni and liiiltned to t. dliturbed bj irltle I.rc. l.i'-r -,,ld he ll mg ? I nut* rten i hm I i : lime .. in ? ? I - "ii In go. at ; : T ? uti I ridaj night win n in ..... a party ;.t bis house lu '??: ? | ' If) in honor of I ? ?: mght. r'? biri WEST SIDERS BA I E A DIS SEE. THE I 'l.i'M vi. CLt'B EX1 'TAIN'S A CI Tl-I".XS1 tss ii : vi iox. Men f fie Col lal flub poid a pr'ltT t to n of tie* Went End A ?ii*.. i' ? lb-* ninth mnlver irv nf 'ii I Ung ? ' ?? a lt Nearlj 300 '?'? ' ? ;? ' ' tts- ..f h ? dining .1 : ' died !" 173. i : . ? ? !-? . ? 1 ..' ... ? . lub, VA', u : Vf. e i| the .1".. li ra ce tn. Rev. Dr. .c.- iv. Milter. Mr. i , declared that th? Wefll opie "'-"I" oppo .-i ii i the npproarhe* of the Xi.rth RD r bridge, ll.- ss,nd Were applaud, d. wi re : Ei ?- >n itor W irner ?lilli ? ' fanal"; \ n, on "Out i - , - . minis iti*-r I'aill Daua. < ? l*ai | nell) ; '. nm, on " Ih- Xi s Vork ami .Nc* n H iin on " 0 ip i ii,:. If; John f. i man, on I he .'. ? it End A j i ? : : . - Wi-kniore, on I.., M , rum of sn- .i.ii Histor* ' .-ian Xl liiite, on rhe t'Dy Impn i'i 'o' ?' eiy," . i.d John I- X. Hun', no ?? Our i 1',11.,'b hcte-ol . Lui lu M. Manion or! final I tb kti i of "I - dlnn< r, ' and I- ?ii 1 ,i -dgai I. labored hard ! for lt. i. ? prc , m _n< | ai land, June-* ,v. |..-, xlr.g y. "?? ' . i. '. U ird, ll i . Ken,..m.. r. ii, ii lon, .1 ll Ul.l.t. < . X, I.,-S.. . 'I I,, ol,'.. I h|,l,,|, Hiit.ii.Iler, .1. I . Dillon. JoM-ph .1. Kin. i. i . vi i i *- er. C. i \;. rble, ii- ... i , ,-.- i l- Will . IV. I,cs I. ;-, i.. ... |; ., i.v, ?,,| ' |(,.?,?.,, I.I ii. r, Vf. M. V. Honman, C. it. Ja.pie*, Henry li At. n, . Ju - pl I. -i ii ii, lin lt. s. ii. |* i , i,.; , |,-' Hast i i. Hot ond. vv ii. u, j ,..,,, ',,,,',_._.,; A. ii'.:v. il. i. Kilburn, J. hi-r**eani rmm i n li "I* I'- I- * ? -1 li i - I 'in i John 'i.i hive' pol re Ju iii ? C, N. inim..r, ?*. w. bonni' nnd W ll' Illlllie. NEWS FROM NEW-JERSEY. KN "LEWOOD. The Englewood police rorce I* BO** mounted at nl"'it for more efficient performance of patrol duty. a number "f robberli'a which have oa*imrred In Kn--. ?Aood (lurim; the la-t thr." months have be.-n In? vestigated ly (i.-t,-i-tives. ssiih tbs result of tradag them to ii profesaloBsl burglar by tb- name of Mitchell, Who wu, nrre-tcd ;it his home lu N,w York City sfl*versl days np'. Mitchell <'niif.----d bnvlng "i.mtnitted the I?UeWOOd r..'..'? ri--. among others, and aei-eral of the atolen articles bave boon recovered. r.tibl.-ruble Interest I- felt in Englewood In Ihe n-w pinn- of the Pullsades Railroad Company. The company lins mode .1 i mtrocl with th- North Hudson County Railway Company, ssl.iib owns the lars. elevator iii Weebnwken. nnd hu- innis* alrrndy laid nearly a- far norlb a- th" I'- i.'" County Um*, liv v.. terms nf thi* contract, tie- r:.!i*.<!.- Comi-nny'.-, nmong other ndvnntnptv. terminal fticlllttea .ir. a fulls- equipped train service. It I- i.r-d ,. I,-,ib! I,- io:-.I illnil . Ih rn!.-,il - ii- fm- n tlplne. o|.-lt.- Vfl,iik?r?. thu- opening np ? wide nnd ittrnellve --, st-.n ..f country. The pre-Iden I "f ihe company I.urge **. iv. pre-ldeiil of the American Eli :.,ti--. Hain, of Xew-Yorh City. NF. WA UK 'n-i- I nun h di nil*, act lon among ih- employe in the i:ii...u Ump factory in Hni-rison. ever the r< ..-i.i rd ii, -non in wei.-.-, iii M-vernl ..r the depart? ments. Th" i'l'i-- blowers, who r-ornc time .?*.' "? tc .? from fis i i fl - a w< i k, uj th y can only ? iirn fa now. They decided, i few das- ago, I --'i !; *s n petition to Superintendent Irani, ll. I p.. i. asking that the former ra-** be r.- t.i.'I. The peti? tion wa* drawn up and aigned by seven f Hie men ?m a committee, mid ? ?? ii thean ??- 'r* nn >rdfl*T for Ihe dbcharge if every mun ??? h > - nam- appeared i,i: the paper. 'Ih- men -av the t-oai b- I* due i" the hiring of :? number of Poll ii Hebrews*, wli.. ss iU foi lit tie or nothing. HOU ?XE John Kulla.'.-;, v. of Xo, mi i h...mi:, bi -t.. on Frtdaj ,. . .s| Hie a-i'.-i ,,' lila tte,',-ii-r Annie, for atrlklu*. him. she was re!< ua-d .ci ball. She told K.ile. McD a. u'.-'i that he b id ,:.-.-, t.i her father --rapTi: tbe phosphorous fr?m a lol .f matches Into a cup nf'.- which be s< ?>- preparing for lier mother. She knocked Hie cup fr rn I bund and thal wa? the onli I,los .I.-. ? ,. i. bini. Tiie Ure rder told bet t i brln h.-t -.l-t-r- and I'i'.Ti'T' :.;?! make Ihc iicresaary nlai : vit-. ned lie ss ..hi pm h.-r father under arrest, I I'h-s d'.l -i. yc*terdav, uni Zo! r was sent f Ihe , aiuty Jail In d faull r ball. .n'I.S!'."i CITY. (rn Haliday In*: dahl tetters were stolen 'rom thi |,o-t'.iii- e In Ji racy i Hy. Thev wi ? addi.1 Io ? ? rond National l-nnk, and nil contained ch?*k*. One of the i h. -I.- ss - found In Montgomery-at. and glvi ii in ihe polk -. bm tl ? bu!kori faa did not then know of lae theft, on Moml-iy two of Ihe letter were found In the bul the i.thei -'\ are till i ng. ii.- post ni authorities ure Investigating the affair. m -,r Wanser v?*?ii??rdav anpolnted B*ie cer Wi*art, lils private ??: ? rv, lo !?? At tonie) !?? pla. .- of Roi erl -. Ilii.l-l.-ib. Edward Grllien. cl-ri; of Hie Hudson Clrcnll C-ntrt ?ti Tbursdny received flin),. tTrnng'i ii, ? liollan ' al .N-v Vork, hi* hare of i. ..'?? left by an nulli b Un died In Italy s.?nie Mme ago. A. i' Lakey ? i- ;m -.-? t. -t at Taylor's Hotel early s- - cid c. morning hr sherill - i mon, i h irged by W. ll. Al.!-- .s Co.. of Mn-, ti Lent'. Nen *,???, with obtain - ? ?? fl ' ?-? ." "1- fnen tl. f, <-11 nnd fall I'.:: lo ni-, oti'it lort'-iii. There ul ol!-:- in-:-! inf - lair, and lt I - T I thai hs stealing amoniii t-. l_),OH>, h ? aa* i mmltted lu defaull of I ELIZABETH. The trial of th" iwo Kalians, chartes Majteo mri ?:!..i Durubbo, 'or : ? murder of Pairie*" Scilly. wm anded v.'-ter*?iy. shortly Biter .'curt convened Judge Van -v. |..-| began 1:1* charge t > th- Jury. The jurs- retired, and liortly ofter u*d .im-t ssith :. verdl.T of murder In the net ?- A .; -.-:? -?? ii,- Jude.' Immediate!* pn>i d - ? ?? re. Durubbo, who Bred the | I shot, w ?? I ?-. ? ? eui! y- .r* i:, pri .ii, bi -i l't ins- , to ten s. .u . 0 THER s. ? B V i: V>. 1 .V 7 0 WNS. Los ; lsr_\XD. RCRfTl vi:-* i: >n i:\n.i: -.vt) RT.vnojts. Thi v.-. br '1;- Into the i. .111 i bind Railroad dey. , ut Ben Ctlfl friday night ami e. ired ? i nsldernhle um ..f money, a njuantlty of ticket ind nrBe cloth? ing. The .1. pots al I.", list v liles- ind Mon Hi id ?v.i ? nlflo ei'terr.i by burglar**-, and al both pla. - -h" thieve* rartlrd ..ff small ?ubh of rnonej aad jil the ticket i. The general store of .t i'i ??? ll. Ltidlam, nt nyntee Ra). was broken Inl ? un Ki lay plphl. r bnrg gained nn entrance bj r*niov| .- __ |Hjne of glass from a -r ir fl I,al.-ss . ? ? | ,,|,,,, m( ,,! , . .;_.-,- ,,- ,< fl fess- p.* li. ; hills.-* ss-,- -.?,,,:?..! A foi, iiiirilt* , i Ihe hon-- ol Itrurge A. -[??'.?. ivt vv i.tfl'IT.. I ' -ll-S - Hill! th-- lill--* ? fir,' III.' lill the --nu ? -Till"! that l-l .:-? llltn the mill ! . lol -I. i- i? lan Ile id ii -i i. ii ii t \;,n >y. rh. i.- n : .lii'i.l I! ill rond will . Ber a ri -?? int f -:? i all... _ 1 ' Vii l-l \M> < ITV. Tw) eight tea* I er* of Loni; fa'atxl Uti ssh.) were iisjieiul.'-d by tho Sanford Hoard of Ediii illon un i'm las hist a.-re pr. ia lu Ibi Ihlni V ard pi lb , . . i \. .,. , da.s ii, .rn I nu r?r t ii-- e\a na tte* I. aird lind ..-?-'. ? -ii '- - foi Mes ..ii, uii 111 riv a. tea. h-r-. Tile examination was ro I {-v,.| superintendent -heklon J. I .rile-*, **<?.i Com ml ? in r -i H. rte li's . ? .1 i*riin ipi i ...,. ,.,.. _f ssa i not < "'" ta ted, mid vviii be i ontlw <s.i on Mond i). -? ??*. \YESTCHES1 ii: ( Ol'STY. MOfNT YEttXDX, Patilrk Leary, who wa ir ? M I ' ? ii i 'in ronnei tion with th ? envteg in of the cmbinkment on th. it? ~~ >Vw.Vor.i. Ne-v-Havei, .,n, ?*? ^Jj ?* nrternoon and th'- burying of gr. Italia.* ??!** svn- amlned >.-?,.,.._,. -fl: v .,'"'" "n<W lt, pnse that Leary wa, r?p^^^*MsBB.ii thai fed. ' m ? ?a? tit. UABINE INTjULU&BKCjX mXIATCnE ALHAlfAC -uti'I-* 7 n:-*.'??.-, I- mo.n,N, m m *-?_?____ "I"ll sv.ii-... j,, j,, V mM0'ns?t?H A.M Sandy Hook\. lal a_ ia,a___... l'..Vl-.--a:,dy Honk UiOi'Uov. I -l:?,a j, ".jg| JJ * ??? o 40 7 a c o j; ijins s tea me es. TO-DAY. Ve**el. I en,. ,. Mml 1.Rt. CMlX '-I '-'8 iln?. Kui po.Landon, Jan is .v^11***)! ?clued,m.Itotterts?, .tan in .'.;??)""tai I"?ihemla. .lian,ber;;, .lau Xl...ii,, s An*> I. : r . Mai- ian 'iii.. '"?,-, *a b"A??r Tri TUiid.I!ei muda, Ki b 2 . '''icJoirn, MUXDAY IRRRCART ? ts Ti.Liverpool, Jan i.i ric... ...........Uer. oal.'Ja., "7.".V.V..\7.VWaJ^ TCBSDAY, lTv.rnr.vl""." 7. M: r ago."mi .i.u, 21 vlsi.Part in, "a .^I*H ? A*_ -S ' nil- .Liverpool, .) a 98 . ?_____. __. V ii ucla.t ismayra, K.-l. 1. -Wann -,_? .Ilasvii... Feb 2 . ""v'V'.'ll _;_ .-> * *? wah OU moist; STEAMERS, MOaTOAT, KEBRCART 8. Vessel. Mne. For. c!o-?* V"**d u . .>> M.annih. , **?*? lioquol , Clyde, Jack.-ouvl.le. . ,X?'Dni . 3 OOP Tl ESOAY, KERRCART 7. Ir"e- n,pm?"'. ???"smiocfla. \\t;i.m:s[,\v, r; BRUART s. Tento.lo. \v;,ne si;i , Uverpa i . **m Khvinland, H>'d sun, Antis ni. "iii'* ___ .u'*?a RBIPPINO SE IFS. I'OP.T OF REW'TOBK, SATURDAY, rivB. 4 189l ARRIVED. Stearoer M'i--n-.,,t dir . I.s..:,-, London. Janturr ia ., 111, with iel- io tl.,. Atlantic Ti_5_2S Arrived ar the I ai at Villi p Bi, 'nt" port (.?. ..;' r: ~' r* :' '"" 1; '?"?'?? I'--' ii Jainavv--, sith n..>- uv 1 pa-M-n-.- * . M,a,- ?? c? ?,"7,., ? the liar at 7 am. Arru-a,, -? ai -1 Rhyulaud ll-l;* . Wryer, Antwerp loom rr ix ?villi ind,- um ..1.iver, to 11. t-rriot iori j i Nallian,.,*^ Arrived as *h- Bai at j IO a ni. ?>*??* ta, Slean.ei a na Marla Port , Mindra*, ')r>.rt,i j_?_. :.-, 1 .1*1 .a 17. CaSli IO St Michaela 2.1 OA ttommtrU I asa. 25, I?-/, lu ..un ind*' aid l***?cin|.-r? to H_V i,.-s.r v Bruna. Arrived at th- Bar ai 12 30 r, - ?? er I'atlaina 1 Sp , Hs. , lins ana, ete aioi Kj . md -I.?:* h. -I U 1'ou.i.- v . ... Arrt-r-sTatS! Ubi ?? i io |. m. M r,# i Ban Marcos, Bui ibu*, ciiv-icn. -____, t? r ii Mallory fcCo. ra ?* .-?i.n.1 (i.eral Wlntv-v, B?rac, Il-'.n |-al..'T City of Kitrbliurt*. ll t>t* ? I-all River Mp Baring Brother*, Murphy, It-u-tarda*, to snow 4 eh flu rin-*. linn I'-v s.iv . Ant?and. ns dov*, suth k?m gum and tia*. 11 Arno d, Cte ? v 1 p. **""? snr..Iv Hook, 10 j. tu. Wind, iiorthsre-t; rr.ocl-rj-. inc. 7. ; '-'st. * CLEA RED. Bteanter City of Alexandria, liol nan. Havana and IfaaL an i> nt ?.lan * V. Misti i < 0. Steamer .. is ecl.-f. , V, , K ' I and Xewr_a \, ara ubi Dominion Steam hip Co. ' ? - III , Abb "- I! ' -:<: I'lalB | Bj, -.'.-..:,?: Tallalia *????. '*kin.- Savannah?It L Want./ Steamer Ms-atezuma llrj, i'.-s;--, taindon?*fev-Tiai -hli.bini Co st inter h 'ttlsh Prince I'.: , Dobson, Havana and v-n 1 nil vs u Mi 11 .**-< ".nc :? Kin-'-. Crofli B . CarpeBter, Mat?iras-J n IT bille* I: ( ... ?-?.aiicr Bowden, AndT'on, Jack*oni Ila vv n Oa*Sm Steen -r 14 K Hlm'i r,. Colen sn, Boat UK Jjop^), - - , . Mud un. Ki?blc, Xew-Oi ina-J -?ph ll g*v :i.:m. r Richmond, Rte!??aa, W *t r-h.t, V1-04 Domlnloii 6_ ti- - ;> ' - Ste_ner Mlnlater Mavbi-h (Oer), SchltihlH, Dovers , .-' 1. Il-v * 1 - Cflrmsrthenahire 'li: . 1 lu' .vdrn. Sln-rpori, Ilona Ison-.? ? re?Kdward )'?? rv _ 1 -?? hm fanni Ingran., Will Intton, XC tnt o-txtu. - I sv ]? ii.,.,. v . ,, Su-amer Kong 1 ode Nor-, i'ederaen, 1'ivain-W 0 '?' si amer v W Brut.*), Post r llaitln r -11 r r-*t*r. SI 1 1 *-.'' r '? . . Voil ? ! 11, I'- " "? Z ' ll Vfet v -Rf f-rt1*. rv. a '. I- 1. ? ni " vv j him. - S ?'? ' in 1 !'? Rob rt.*, l: a ifort, S C l< dir 11 lti-01. Old D nlnlon Coaeh, "fearpen Vtsaj vd llcbl.l.illd- . ? -I I. v ., v. , .. - ? , .:-?.. 1 1 alien?1 ni Si-ma? ,V t> Munson. s'i-ani 1 .\ueccfl, n.-k Ker vv 1 an! (?flivciija C1 Ma s . .. - r btu" Ocr), II r, B l*--r**re*^M"a*la "i *..,. s vir.rn. Breai rs Mflflfldam, Rott-rdai .via B nlogae; r'rtr;*, Ms ? rj.I. v bat?lu I?Hie, Iturdr-iuv *:? Nai itaad-r; .'?: ?:?, I",- ::...',. li 1- ira ' I '?? " Coy* Val ? ? 1 ... Havre; Rrlt!**i l*rla-e, LI'Nm; Hu. N-ss -* ? ; : i .1 . ? ?' ? r, 11 -:? : *. te: si - -? Xi fl 1" '-ni-; s mil tia 11 1 ci I Mexican 1 ? *." ;s a -'.via.: N'neee* kev \v. -t .1 I Ri raton: Talla. .?-.<> savannah 1 '.1 lion nb*. N arporl N???* a:.< (ill* liidotte, No.'" .... ! \ ;- " V - - ,,iui. vv. .r Va ? I'-.s'-te. vs tua md ? m-n Rowden Jacksonville I.-.v ? .. **<uS| ?tier. Ri , ? , . Ma-. i-ai. for 1 W - 1 R sd. ror.i-f, ir.-.-ii. UH * lins*". I! 1. 1. . RI TVRXED. gi imer Pe*?lan Prtare, arhleh flailed v-?'**i!.ir f-f . Maa 1 ll red tu put ba. k tef rei -? w* ll"*1* .1- ... >f ? . ? h.r rna. hlaen -B '?* \... ?- .| e. - ni Agate t ..his-. ?HE M"V1 MKXTM OK BTK.AMERS- KOREfOXTOMTA, ,-,t..,-.- N, Iii . Rolie '.-. f'-'a N' 'W-TflTk -fan ua"*" i 11 nd al l.s ip "I Ki Lilian 3 .____ - n ,1 ..: rr ia asl ted tom r.iverrojl ,,; N'.u \ ,11. un *. ,? 1 |.,.:,..,, it Marshall from V. is-Tiorlc Januiry - tar n ?- .-? ? arrived 11 ll ll K ' 1 ?rj ?') hi .,? ; m ninn Br -!?'vs aa, aall -I ttm Swans? 1 r Sen -Yon I - brii?rv 1 -.-. ,-, ? M um ' - ??- * ll- lek, a If ll .ra..'ir| - \ r-Yorh 1 ? I ian I. *; an r ll.iii '.ia III Bretni flOBl M.-iIit'-rtlfl-SS ort. lui ' I ? .- ?' .?-:'? iry 1 - ? di m ra Br . r airhe, --. d fi 1 Slagflflflll ... Sen \ ?? k Ki bi aaa s 8 : aap - ol 1 hlna I Bl Till tt fr-r. liorg [, .,:;?<! from v-.i,,,baum f,.r Vancouver KflbnBry8. Ijoroi'i ini> _nrriiic*co. I LA .V UK At V ' " ? 1 I.AMHlAt.' k CO -- i I.a.Mhiai v. CO. I |*?n, |72 4 VN ,, ll lilli IA [.WAT lUlUO-l *>1\ A.M. *>1_T ST. Bin'I,'C HAMS Ul li i " vcilliS. LANDAU**, omni ni's ito, KA WA TB, ,K I (Jill AS. ; ,s:.11;? T.i.ih. VIS-A Vis. bl'IDbi i lin- s ,e *8_ WA'.TNT.I TEM. l'l I.VI...'.N'S, t Altin. m s v inters, in.mi' v\ y. ins. fm it ? \ si-uki r.s. bit tv rio Villis. Btw i.n n. mes. Qt'AU |"V ul Till Bl ST IN All. M/.KS VN :> WT H.HT**. AND < ni,vi:-, I IK I'.SIN I I Xii AND t kimmist,, i r*;;.Mix<) i iii: i. v i;..i -i stock oi ii NT-.ui n VEHICLE** IN Till Willi,)T. A CRITICAL INsI'l i TION ".'OLICITBP. ( OMI'I.I ll SUCK AIIOVR *>'! VI.I.S Isla a.Nfi ll A NU VT l.i.W PRICKS. A.-VAN TARBELL a KEAR-ET. IBB, IK l.v-T I8TH-ST. ; u-3 i-.-ft. i.;. ito i;v-1 i-.TM-sr. h. Knl.l. A NTT Ut V. Ililli' '.il V.M- ; ll lOI i.HAMS; (ii SALON I'll V Sh' UHOI i.HAN'- Ui'.Ul '.HAMS. RROl'OltAMS JN ALL TH* LATEST DIIMOXB B"E*iV AXf) SICCUS' li ll A SO: LA ROES! ST. ii I- AND \ Ai". I l.ll i.\ KEW. YORK; LOW rmi i-v A l-o laAXDAUS. ..MM lt!"*-rS i orri; no i< sways. mvhait.iiTs, h. : A.ei.N Rt> i< AW AV.--. I.i'.s'i*. MAIL i OACREB, ll i'A ***.._.*>,, r.|' I'...',; s VV V VS KIT Vivi/* '"VII NI IH NV I.C. I**, wai,, in rill -. PHAETONS, l"VERY STYLE OK LT ORT OR HEAVY CARRI vii",. A.-**.".,-, N HORSES, aili) .': H el - . li? t . -.ll , - lui; ol-o taro Iai -? ?? Norman ma i, arel irk I I - " ;.11. I. t f r ?:. i tn t farmer; il-xi fain ii h?r ? '? -i ki et. i-. *|," ,-r i ? ats. I'lll -I Ul I I "Ml'AN VB -".. ..-? 1. a: ' -? - lpn "t A (.I.N I LIM AN .'.III dian*.-** of hi h "'Sn . ol -, .: '. mi . ?-I) i an i - vu..i ivoie-ii to tandem, ????:? l ? | aral- tie m. I.NI'.i: ll'TORK, A VI i:\ atjllah i-iu ba- kimi tor 1. ls lo ride di .Ms- p. : reel ali.sri. ..r lou bl*! ; s -ui.. -oniot : |.*0|? rtl of gentle, nan. QI*ll K SALK, lr :. ilBlce. V III tl. I.*--- , ..|( | , sj I, lil-, fl .-rf,-, t li.-a *a . -addle -.-? Idlnfl kind for mis in ii ie -r .1-n?? fi tri ronna aud ,.i.icl. M CST III Vi.I/: I ul,.rn- OHim UKI s , |1 s lil, \| N-, ? I'.,,,,- _,,|n,." elli -a. tito- t'i Uilid value Hrst-cla** ? \t ii-"ai -cn s aa (I ii ss. -1 ,.*t xinin i vu. i irneaa - loi| i ri ?! aide .(Mle roi,.-, s - . ail lu prime older. Ut? ily al IT.sat Si .' :.- lu vv, .? | ni, .? HORSEMEN if S".i om - :? a . -,..? Ill rill I. cr a|-llBI *? :r .k"- BO ? . r . ? I...c. lc |. or lol. atand Bl ol bow ? ?? . IT I ., I tee -I ,, ,. v-r . ? '? I n ? .ls v ,, ,,v. - irfenetn nf I lo-- treal ?? on ,-,- in* -i. ("?? BROK vsv -* sr A VIN ,i vu id < i . -; ' -vi idt-nl RAC I Nfl I vi vite ia., il i.. - dolli*/ nd - i r -1! at am ..T-r. URTI' HUI!' .'. , ll l-l i v - .1. I . tYAJfTEI). e'rie,'?!*? i- ipi to nenrt or Pirri.'- raira.'- aid aerneai eflInJcctie.; an*-*' a.sorli.ear In lnnr.-n, s-r, mci, r t?- pilce*. kant fur Bach rxtrasaract .rlres lo- han.-** and .ania'.-*: --.tat-. laked 181'.'. Adlrcaa J. li. Ul HUH. t.r li.gtun, M. J. I CT iin leal Estate/or 0alc A I'l SlRABLE foin .ton It iwn*l - r.lenee .:..-? I, |c-r | order, I"-' Wt -I i,-ii .ll -i ?!??iou, i"i -* i. i, l < Ox.T.0, c. l( ? " " terms ? ri 7 e. .-IV ."?!", .(. V lilli". i? IN-.. Atty*., a , Wa A ( evil ..I.T alii.i si. Tl..Ht. elev < .-? , ll ---I I.- (lt. VV . -t -. I . i, , ?? ...- a;,. . i.M. NOBLE I li vv -i ,..;l. M. .vs iiiT'.U'. I i N IT V - biota "?: re*) rompl. td. <1. uvit. i dsrellln-r, 7 " vv -r CIT, -I , _;, md . i it*' tuturi - -?> r ii - Ui qui I, u'A Ml', I 1)37 I'rofl. pe l-ave., , Hy Hui -.1. IH ) l lis -I,on: I r_a-ln.' Un -. I.n "? '- |..-,,.-. in ,-i. I. :,:,J ,-T -I -i . I,.-tvs.-, ii .' ol' I n, lei* a vd Vn.-I. i ia ai uv ? . tel j .uni,.- Manhattan Square -.ns nleiit IO . . ,? ?! *:.,i," i rron li* I- TA l-1 nidi ? m. all il ?? lut"?t Int] '. .sen.. nt,-, t. un* lo -'..I. - o;?n t -. u.-l' tia I I OR s tLE , -.inls Dil nc ,. i.':-it li .'_??? i. 'loni BUI lo ,-\,niau tie in ; tis- ol tiie Li- t Bulli haflldaoii -t ta... ?lol ? Billi l-.e. na '.' luci*.'* Ill ll i,ouh -nt.- ..r v un Hui :i -' . i. ns. .-I, i. v |* nnil stuyvesant, us. ? ni ii Ton pains r.i: . . II roon;. , ali ai.. I ru un: i ivetneiit - -p ?. 1 d pinn bini . up ii lln-njare. ; eleetrle t. Il* don't pureba* ci-, u hen. until you hasr *a_*a*d s.iii opinion on tl..-, hon-.-. ? ?I- ii everj day, vs M -jOWl os. lin ,,n 1 ? " I- '-, or ai'jils ut, HOI Mo - I **"",V*. A. ll MIN A UV, R al I .tat* I "i ill -Issn nb- - Inn ,-"?t I'., . N. J., neal il- |?>t : I" l^i ci ut i?sll IjI alec In ivv.tliT [uviiern-. ! .. 1). fl, n|W> l.s, vax ii -I Iway Ifl to - p. m. I'm'". BALE IN l|OIIOKES'~ N .1 l, lol . un vi .rn- -? :>.??- o i JelTera ii ? . SJ lota oa Ja. :,-?:,,-i.. i,i |,,i- nn Mi m.."--: . all .a, DUi -t. ; -i.l.'o.i.'.l tai te ri al te* all i.-.els t a Improvement-. Apply to MORRISON', mt \,?-,?-, -i t New-Vcrkflly Mt lil". VV lt III.. 51 I! V S li .Tl I WI.- Med ii'ii-l.'.i! ll. -', Fm ii.. lion*. decoration* aol ?-v | ??>- '1 |.Ino,line.'. M Illl.ll 1 \ ? ,,I - - ,.' IS?0. BELLAMY v WI N V.N-. r, ti ,ili ase ~>t Vl.l.stiN" A VI . A'lll ST J, i....t Kin Hi'-' Ito lo I st lt*..c. to rn,. .1- I . I..1 rilli, BELLAMY v WIN v.N-. .;V.i ..tia ave. NT.All STRUAN I", aleI ". Ti -I LS .ll" I ** llo'i-e rebuilt siit'iin 2 years; j.-: iff. i-i! I ,r rale at h ? Ha:. ' . -t - !?? ic.-iit-, BELLAMY v win av-, .i.v.i 5th ase. Ni.i: invv i sr i om. r i.-i...\ Hill. tiooT eiH.. in,, other ? n nor*, lea* un n**j three .n f,...t lion--- in lift;--, '.tli and Ulh a.--. I ,iv. -I i,n?I .".th lie., I'lliin ? r" l'.\t.'li-i..ii. v.'" ce" seve|*?l Upia-r .". Il? ise. [?li for |.rsni.- ic H.....?-; ".th-'iv-e. -ci- .'.' 'I ?Nf?il hons, io reti.odiT, -xi.o. BELLAMY ft WIN AN.-, OAS .Ul usc v'lltCilgO. WOV.i.D's fatli VISITORS.?Bar ontoe illili i lilia.ii boan . l?- .til... anauna-a?ad; near UnlvrsUj an.! renowned *i i ai I'laisan. .'?; .-", fool m. ne aouHi froat; ll .- - onatl mi' 1 ii ,..i- ir. ri.pi.".- i en I. ti.r ??. ?'....ii , owner ?ni areaii) -arne d joining: transportation un.'veiled : electric, ai.I", -lum -Ts at..1: fi (TO", bair cash; r nt Fair .ea-nii *'-'.Bfljfl): rerflrenrea I \ . hanged. -I E. O PRIDMORE ar. Ititi., t ind o-sn-r I'll l.a Kfllle-fll . Chi.-aM firal <_ot.itt* Uhinir.. A COTTAOE and it'otiiKis mi- depot, neaw it water, *unila?ed on i. ..f Sew. Ilave-i .,r Lae,' Island llallroad. C M NiH'.LE, lit IVeal "Bth II. V r. V ni ll I'll-.IT, j I v vu., '?, tot sile real or esteban | ? >p ri ll nil- uti n ? Ism t> .olictlaii ol rent- .mir- ri ? ?***?? ta cn ul apart) ? ni hon -, ? ,, i., .,, . a' i "I i.-v loam ii. it.i.m ii . in -..' Rt-o-tdaay. wan ri l> Re- . -i.n.. on ll lid**r!? ur n .nb-m. Kew-Haven io.ds; ? B rkshlre-." and Sound. Foi ?ii-Iiii; cal_o_.uo. IT b. MILL**. 17 Ea-t a__?b (fun Heil. Cattle _o Let. v i-vi: IV ..'sv nin., j s. rs de?lrflbly fi m's hotel . ? ? i one "i ii, m.. -? . h..- , ??. not* ..ail . onunandng ? s er) " i bull fl I'll" if..-'. . j,,,, fj ., jvl,!, | - | li|i*nt. ss:' , '.,-h r. to ia.' and ,-? ito ?me, Apply at 111 Di?id ss a.s, Room I. ii"i -i - h. i.i. ? tn i.i-a-l mid . .1 .1 .if- ,. o' I. 1 '.! susi UIHI I HI i'.S, .-.a. Rn a tssas. I.i \ I Ni. I'iN. wi: 1 T *?_ -To H na-" furnUlied, i -ir al ave, and r**.irh-al tallon ,. |. rr- | llttl hoiiee, b*viut!f'il y I i,.,,:., v and dee . at-il : rent. ? i IO) up a dally i .1 jn-:- nilen t , vis ona is ll .t i" r v t. !.. tn :' B I 1" a. tn .md I and '. i>. iii. Immediate ? ?,,.-? .-.on ii required. nWNTil. IUom BO, T'.i i voa -?I'll ST . 1.141 I s-1". '!', let, iinfur. nial ? ,1 nea Sd a 1 - an I -"'ili-i eleiated , ;- ii- t iitti ? I. >u*e, beautifully arr m.-"I. r ? my and decorated rem **!.."-. ?i ? i tl ills f a in-.Inn to ai v- on ? ss thom , ' '. t - n :i an I l" a a . :uvl t -iii I ?'.| ne i.I n i- i- rjuired. nVVNTTl. I oom :," ::> i ? ?--flt. Chicago. FOR REST In Chicago i-lx months dar? in SS ,, I - I ..? im li. ill. eli iii.!.- I'ark, near tho lake; south front; . |'hi roon - .1 I ich d I ou* modern ron and furnl?hed ihroughoul ; pr - -inn i.-r iv ,i,iI, ,-. f -i n, .?- r-.|iin d. Vd dr-- C. ll. lill \ l.l.l V, i'. 0. Rm, 3,910, Nen-Ve k. _o _ct fer 13t!("inf'"sPnrpi*8C3 I'.I' ll.l'l \i.- .(ore*, i,.:t*, oftice- and -d il ,,* deal rabi., lo ii . - I nil'11 Hi RS, g_l Rio .leay. Fl."Ul.s Ki Ll I vv li ll ITiVV I.ll in mi? mi ", cm "l.l ivs i.i \l.rv IC ILOIXO, | ? \ mun,, io o ai -i'F \!ii. ii .i. : : : - bleb, fr,i.tias- 'Mi feet aa UM Rill KIRI. VS * IT H il ti i ?? on i.?ii, Ko*.- a.-I Winiam ?t*., WI Nli.iVS -. UM ern Biol -, SO on "i. li Hoer : it.,u 11 i, !T.,,.,i;> |#v THE CITT: Bl ILDIS'lJ Illili;,,I illl.v l-l iii rn,.. u ?', I I I MRI) EVERY MOHKliS' COXVEXIF.XCK, Kl I.ANI. \ Wi: iiixo .". Reeknan**!. Til LET.?Kor I.n-,res- , int. ,r dwell*. lng, lice lar?c .tone-front hi nae near s I) - 'I -T*i -(. Addreaa H. W. C.. Tri!. linn '"lice. TO LET six -.-- rv ? nrner i'. 121h -I... in-iir (.i.-eiiss nb. c. nb or ss Uh., it power; (tn.- Dahl st,.,,,,, eli-vator. I' |s.v V( V UK \\|s in ||r* oln.n . I l INT. |8 IT-IT N Vltli.-I" SI. ? i"i! hi ineni ; -- loo t, ii ...*.;.si .*_>. sat i . heap r.-nt. CLASS 'iSl Rmflflfl ij -1 I'V RK IT VCF. fn lie- Kl. saint Kt*) tlon : li ant -t..| -. !,a- ip. t.r a-d -? li . : ?j* bu i i*. IT.ass. y.u Broad ss BJ ? Brooklyn. i n it . i Rt? ? a i-t , beta ea 'ns Hall and Klatbnsh-ve., elegant g. -ioi- l.a-ciii. nt mid .uh-eetlar; tu,.- lerra. ?..?::. and hrlek front* slr'' ?!\ls"V es .?ail a.- tbrou'.'h to place; pa?-niter lill tl ht ' l-s-.l : ? -I. i n I" ll - I dil' i:-h" tr, li ii d . , iel* fin I hi thl*D*JgbflUl ; ... be li .1*- I for a tel ai oi s arva slaglj ? ? ' I -: '? . I" a. Ill I'r. il sn. Apiti'* a'. -.'"I Mon: i.n. -*i - "Till, IRANI" \. V. AI*. NA UV. lld I .laf'. ^ j) .ut mc ii ta lUiinico. W ANT!'!.. |? .. nt ia |. \- I HR v.N'.i:. NI ls ii .pie ss dui,lien. :i lil-t I flo ii of to..i- ar (is., pin maul -?.i I li Ittll. in :. d' -1 r.i I - tc Ijrfll ..r int?I and t 'thin nw minutes' ? ilk ,.: cither irovB-at., J- . *i Oraomt -r Bri k church ?t-.loni ul tn.' I. I. aud W. ll. lt. : po*> * sal.Icsird i.y April I lo 20. Addr"**, .-linc, tenn*, .11. l\, P. O. BOX "1,301, NLW-YUK_ CITY. for Bait. A LADY ssi-le. u aell a'd'r-hurtl, - f iii" i: i lui ot-ry ?"**. I vi maui:a--I.I>. Hov 102, Inhuae ipa ?- '. .-? : !'? .? ._ s nw;.--... . I ;*?. <; t; ..;,- -.,? ,, ;.- , .-, d l.rl.e, .-ri DOO; 'oil til -I ti". I '. . We t -?Ut. __. V Ml)*, si.- i, . tu se . fl '.M-xt'-au :-':!:'.- s-11 .-*. h. ld, si leBdM l_r.Ul si.., ei-o a Klnir (Till ?'. ,_>. l-l (&_?_______? ?IV SEED ?? Hoi li- Tn baal l OBIci I . IS li ? ?: ?:? __ " ll.'.I>. I TOR BALTS ">". ''t''i':iik?, ?*?*?___ chair* and outtlt*. ?.Icflihti ir?iha. ift sn r . a-.-, -:i ?.i-_ . a-. -. ii -;?? tn gain*, tieiore Inventvr) lakini iOT Mum* ?suy . "lie r srh--t. Tm.- a.- i.t 1 _, AT REOl'CRD r.'tl(T>-'dl*) ifl'S** hand wo?,<i and Iron ivor-sin* BBa*ala"i. ful v ?i:ar? t'-d; ptaehlmOrf bfln-fht ????*? chango*!. -F.Ui'.uE B, __DY 39s ntl i-on it. ____ A 1 IFS I i- v\ :_->ewlng ma." rilnflfl, ofw k nt* ie", icfi c.* .i - e. ? a A. em .-ftsii or . -edit : exebangfld. revted. as II VI'.-. IFS. 2 151 ..das,.. 118th-*t:__ 111..'.Isl' B.U'I'AIX ofl.-r :1. ita*m!|. ? nt iran I ui rli bl ptono ti-"' patcBta ti * i-*. -marali***., lu var* raj* or tirol. sr.MUlv, 1771 laxlnirtoii-flve., near lli'tn-t._. li I.mks,' ofNee lurnit'irv ca-h. oreel* SOO lt -..I" .' i id rt?.. i*-:-: tion-. rallinga, bought, .-v.haiiii-d - ** Weat 4 th-at., near Broad*"-*: ?"". ?'? root -If?p* tl- ___ I "ll ssl.!' V ri? - : an" I s<:" IM my ss.-m.,.-tai.I'.ii..t irroe.-ri buataefl* ...nut ,-f e-.i- In the lountrv. f-r rle *J.-fl ,,r -tock nut dxtur-i; baa ?>? ''.,I*',.,\\;J vs- ",.,| pi ni foi ll I ar-, rsi l. BEMM* ll VIII.I lel-'-i and Ai', ill "f. TI SALK, v iH:- -t'-'-- s*JB*J ?? ? od funilture trui k n a issi raia; ?'?_.? v?: in , r. ?" with n ns - and -t sh. kt "? deli* :c> w, ,t nath-at. _. ""for sal:- '.vei' .-ss. aoltlnej** .-allon- i.-s'Ts enrptled: ran bf deUverMfl Se* i ?:. wharf In iflrload lot* fl* ff J* n. I.: ssnr'li 17 in Enrol e. *?!*? MITI n.OVTTiTI FI. I li HER V CO- I"" "I ." ' ' ___ _ TOR BALE Mctai le-r-oratlng ""'al!1,'!? .ni die*, ness. ED." IN M-bTTaV' SON ,*- -ON "I! Sprue -: N.-.< . - i. s- I N..INI , 2 ii- r- ii-"!' '**? nji.t aell . aargala. MOVIXU V. 0. B**? 'vu -I. H. i'"\ ti' tunes ? - ': ,.:,., ...-,,. .ttaehraent*: 1*7 ,"-^'-' '$, linois Inlaid .a- t!-.-. -.. ??. """ t..r. ?:?-. K.? '? [te m '-??_--? SAFTS.-*"?r(*fl'n? In Bear and_*Jff_S hand .-.f ?*: larite .Heb b' ael-ct fcaflfl. J ce- 1 init'on |.r'c>'*: ?uf". p-pnlreo. ?? *" .,r.i"?--s 10*1 Broad wa*"._. TYi'Fwni: fi; ii.-'" "'""Tk_?' sui' tell o'- fOtmerg \.Hr ---Ti-Ki-witl'it'i! I's''c Baa "^. Conntrn flcul pointe .0 Vf* AI'il.FN 111 '".I AV'"";",;TU"'rt -Sevenl or -.-lr.', n-idcm- gj (rounds; *oa*e srlt* stablea a* '*Z?rRkM ,. I,,-i, i* +11'.' pei ">?""'? "*''"' III s-I.I.I.. II ... nd. ?'?'? N ' -- {joners ano iii ts tH-tntA tb,,:, nine IO"!'.*. ?>" *_??'*. r j*, J. iA;:'o,^AN,',,NTVr,N..1...'-;*^' /late <_o Cet. irnmisl)ci7. ?.?,.;-, ,40 VVF-l'-l-es'i^;1. JJ*l nit ilia.' J?o?? .r^aSftiflB ld,Ms and noss Iv furn*'' ,'"l?i__. te3 iiaouUilj. Ring MttileiA't beU. .