Newspaper Page Text
rn ^^M'-m imnmr* w?f^S5_E^ yoi-I.II.NM?,902. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY _?, I80&?TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS. fjSDEB STARS AND STRIPES. URIBW-TOBK NOW PROUDLY BEAKS THIS NATION'S ENSIGN. jy-ciDF.N'T H.r.IU^'X HAN IP THK COLOBS pRoMixiun p-soruc tarr part ir im PKRSSIVR c-.1.1. mox irs. ?Th. weather yesterday WSS thant as in.iuspi .ousa.c?uil(l well he,1 matine*- for so noteworthy, ceremony as that whick took plane at half t ; o'olti- li ^n tho Sock ol tho famous, ocean fLr th. City of New-York la thc harbor oil ; *. fluttery. l*ut an AtMffkau flag Sever bcl'oro ^t a In*'/" with H nuifii eagerness to get into tlYf service as the symbol of a prout triunibh in UEBush patriotic achievement, as thnt which as '?n_ed to ,llC ,nast,ical1 of ,l10 1>iR ?*<?whip tin? ter the gafcliag band ot Benjamin Harrison, Pleat* jmt of the Unite I States. Nor *ii*i th** colors hana -odestly ami coyly and limply when they roaohcil aeir pl**0*' at ,,,? s,irnmit ?f the mail. They ^med thetnselvee Inspired by tho occasion, ami -it-i a pracofu- finite., as if waving a salute to tie pev'P*'' below, smoothed out tho wrinkle! that ?^ aeenmulated in the* procc.-s of uplifting, md .tomlin, straight nit in tin- wind proceeded yith tho STttri w*>rk in haul of emphasising ami ?ijicluatin_* an epoch in Iho history of tho Nation, md of seeentuating tho long restrained ri.hts of tilt Nation to an honored place upon thc teas. Thrfi.T'O mow iiii'l shvt storm which hail pre nile_ a1! nifhl long thawed si:_rns of abatement jhortlj* after (lawn ycstcnlay. Thc New-Yorh jud bern lying at h.-r pier on tho North River front, and it was Captain .Jamison's Intent] :i to **_rt at . o'clock t<> take a position oil the Batter*,'- Thc thickness o_f thc weather, how ?vcr, causoil him to wait until the fog cleared, ,nd it "SI not until 10:48 o'clock that tho ?few-York anchored between thc nattery anti Governor's Island. The Naval Reserve, ct,n wiing of a hattalioa of thirty men under ("om B_a_*r J. W. Mi'lor, bnt under the Immediate dir-ciion of Adjutant and Lieutenant Georgs Ed? ward Kent, touk :ip their posiTions on the ship :is wards and patrolniou. A battalion of the Ponn plvinia Naval Reserve,conaistingal twenty-live nen under Lie rtenant-Conunander Wright, arrived H aide. Io the Lieutenant*, iovernor of Pennsyl vania, in the absence of Governor Pattison, who UP) unahle tc come. Commander Miller directed lieutenant Forshaw and a suitable punrd to re eeive the President. T.ioutenant Qreette spas ap? pointed a special aide to tho Pr?'si<lt*nt, Lieu? tenant William Rut'.-r Duncan as ai.lo to the Secretary of tho Navy, and Lieutenant Stayton in attie to Governor Flower. Mis Excellency failed, however, to attend, assigning tty presMire r,f important official du tics. Clement A Griscom, pro-Mot of the Arafrifan Steamship Linc, was un lor ihe caro of Paymaster Agar. An ofAeial insi-eetion was Hide of the Ncw-V'.i*. wjth a view to making a report In writing within t**n days as to the po, _i_ility of fin'.:', her out for tori_-do service an*l irith ordnance, snd for determining hot capacity for the use of naval signals. Tbe aieanihoai Howard Tarroll, he !on_in!. to the Starin Line, had be*-n engaged to convey tho Invited _u.*is to the New-York at her phire of anchorage in the harbor. She was stationed at Pier IS, North River, from which pine.* she moved for the B?!.?ry sh* irtlj afier 1 .' o'clock. N i i ii** ?*-_.-. admitted to th** boat except on special card of invitation. Upward of SOO rcr-'.rs, dos) 't ? the -isiijr*ea,i'' weather, availed th>n:?eiY,*s of th. opportnmly to 1-e pre.-ent. ? >ne of the first m treen the pier was the v.-noraldo J*,hu S. T. Swaniihan, ot Brooklyn. Anion*; others on the awmiioat were ex Senator Warner Miller, May >r Gilif.v. M-fayOf (iran!, John H. Starin, ("*>llec tor Hcndrlaaa, CsmeHut N. Bli.-**, Andrew (ar _e-if't (,i,vernor Weris, ex-Governor Georgs A j Halsey. t.-irr*-t A. 11'*>>art and John Kean, jr, of N_.v-.Jer?/-\ : Mayor Wansrr, ol i-i-cy City; Gen? na) Horace Porter, George F Baker, Henry W. Canner. Ifni "rr Sewell, George Rutledge Git-son, lebert <? r rter, .- ? John M Ft.r qnhar, of Ruffalo; <i."i..' Wi1_->n, -ecretaiv "I the ChamhTT of i ..limier ?. ; K p Skinner, Henry W. Booksiavcr, John tl. Mooie, Congressman W. Bourke Cockran, Bernard Bijrlin, Walter U T. Jones, i one:.?man .I. .I. Mden, \\\ \\. T. Hu-'*-. Vernon H. P.. Brown, I:. .1. Cort-w, Murat Hal Bus\ A. A. Raven. Surveyor 1. ?.*,-. John W. Dil! asrth, Dr. Jenkins, health officer: <.*-t,:_e Mall, of HolliieA: Hol!in.--.v,,rth. Wilmington, In].: L. V.. Bosz, a_.-tit of th- Hanil.i.r.-Aiii.-ric;,'! Line; .1. V. 8 fxldie. M-r-retarv ot the NVw-Yorh Vacht Club; '?. ATaylor, sfleat of the Fall River Line; Herold and Oswald Stoderson, George II. Daniels, John D. Crimmins, Ambrose Snow, Ferdinand P Earle, Aaron Vanderlilt, Judge Henry L. Gildersieeve, Stephen W. Cmey, O. I. Geer, R M. Galloway, e\ Con_res-nian MeAdoo, of New-Jersey; William J. Frevr, !',,r**e!iu, O'Reilly, .J-n.-ra! rh-iil"-* Il T. hollis, Henry E. Abbey, I'.. H. Van Emhurgh, ex Collc-ct-.r Joel lt. F.rhardt, Edward Burwind, ?"?R-R-ontr Tiiiv. \v F. J. Hurst, Frank ll GarJ. B*T. Deputy CoHecton Conch nnd Dunn. Naval Officer Theodore lt. Willi., Inspectors of Steain ?^ip* T. H. Rarr.-tt and Samuel I. F.iir-hild Two special trains h-ft Phfladelphia, on- ar Itt* sad th*- r.thcr at o:rto o'clock, containing ****** aka Penn-yivinia Railroad Company and h-ited jrueqts nf the, Internaiion;il Navigation Company. Arnon? those on board ware President C*.r,r_e R. R.,!?.rt-, Vice-Pwsident Frank md General Manager < harlen K. Pugh, ol the MaajtvaaiaRailroad Company: Henry d. W.-Nh. Amos R. Lillie. Robert <' Ogden. William H. H"tlpv. H. ii. Houston, O.-or-.'" Wood, e\-Jnlte Edwin If. Paxsi.n. Judge William*., of the Suprome Onn of P-nn-ylvania :*** |fle_U-H Ar,i<d I, of m Ihiiadelpiiia Court of Common P1*m-: Samuel ^".nimaki-r. George C. Thoma*. John Uah I. Ed *?> S. Smi?h, William F. Hannv. Colonel Mark ? Muckie, ( barlee ll Cramp, ex-Minister Ch-irlea Eoorv Smith. James Elven >n. ot "The Inquirer," 111(1 t. M'l.aru-lilin. of "Tiro Tin..-**" A -elejration was on tho way ?*epi*-_***ntlnt the *l?l"iil,1ii^ i, t reot at Bath, Mc but at Sanity ?s*,C-_in.f the train wa* delayed by th- stormi, md, flrnjr,, th**y would Im* unable to roach her", *"* Maine men t. l.-.rai.!. d their conaratulations '-Ibe com pa nv and th'-ir re.rots at being unable !*Vt?nd the c. r.-molli. *. T'i<f.o acoeptlna the iT^tion fiom that place w.-io (hali"- E. and IJ^M Hyde. Arthui Bewail, fialen C. M'se*, ^?a R iian-.-.mi, J. R. Andrews, F. B. Taney Wt Wskefleld. 'Vpas*a.'*' of th*' Howard Carroll down the "r**" from Pier No. 4:t was in flu- face of a fierce ""M m.l a driving -now squall, and tho eon* *^l thiimplii* of blocks of ice against tho pad JjRh-ds was like th., sound of booming cannon. "?-My huddled within th" cabin*, not even vJ*nt?iriri2 up,,,, ,!,.,.*- until the steamboat came **?n^i_. of Ty|r, *s>w.York, wliich r**n'.-d al anchor "- l^r st-.n toward ihe Battery. Near the Re*-Jer*ey ^oro ]:iV t|?. ,.ni'v,..- Chlca*T>. ll'T *hite S[,x?t 0|,]y l!itlllv Vjs-|,|f. th- si.ts w falling snow. She had steamed from the Navy ma. where she waa almost frown to har berth. *nd had taken her position in tlc* str-.nn to fire ?? salli tn when tho President shonld rai*o m fla:* on t|?. New-York. Thria wan little miniatiou in tl,,. ,i.,.r visible from the deck of J* American Line stoamor. The cmi-Tant hunt, Jhoraas A. Fletcher, which had just landed thc * *T?1 Reserve, tuioked off to pormit the pasnen tnt on the Carroll to hoard the ship. In the jw.noe the Sim Sloan floated lazily, a_* she had *mt avigned to brinn the Pr.silent and his j?ny from the Jersey ( jty shan and was wait ' ' **>* hour to conic when she should go "Pod her iniasiU. The cuard of the Naval lit C'dntlnur- ss Sec sad Pago. DEATH fAODE ON IcY HAILS. POUB PEOPLE KILLED IN A COLLISION IN PHILADELPHIA. rm: washirgtos express on the perrstl YAMA CRASHES INTO AM ACCOMMODATION -Till*. BXOIXRR8 COULD NOT .STOI* THE PRESIDER!"! TRAIN DELATED. Philadelphia, Feb. tS.-Hienorthbound Southern W| r.*.? cn the Ponnsylv-ma Railroad, from Wash BgtoO foi New-York, crashed imo the Morton. jenn-, accommodation train, rrom the central ? vision of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and l..'Ut.moro road, at South-st. station, in this city it lu:.,-, o'clock this morning. Three cai.s of tho accommodation train were wrecked'and four ** plc we,-o killed. Fifteen others wore injured lone dangeroualy. J ol lowing arc the names of he killed abd injured: THE KILLED. R1HTEER, E. E.. ol Merila. Penn. M1XT7.KK. Mr*.. E. L . of Media. 1'enn. rU-EVES, Ml.., Marla lt., of Media, Tenn. tVALKEK, t!,e Rev. ..mes. of I.eniii, Penn. THE I NJ CUED. IRMOVR, A. H., of Media. -RMOUR, Mary *.., ?f Mert-m. IIAINKS, Georgs W., of Media, Penn. HILLBORX, Ml** Rachel, of Kwarf.hrnoro. III NTKl'V. .1. n. ,,- siiartliinore. E ARCHER, Mi-, Kate. ,,f Mort,,n. LEWIS, Mi-s Line M. MM'l.l'.Mi th, Mrs. W. H., of Mortoru McvLi.i r, iniiois, of i'Hfton Height*. PURCHASE, II. VV., of Lansdowne. jERVAX, limn-, a _.-hool-b,.-, his rc-ld-nce unknown I' 'EN KU, nergo. .YALI. BR, Mr-. James, wife of the Rev. James Walker who lian killed. iVIZI'.MAN, th" Rey. Jacvh. of Clifton R. If-ht... '.amt, mi-s Qsasrlevs, of Swsitt-Bors, Pena. Hi- President was on a special train follow nc the express. His train was delayed about mil an hour ami then went on tn N.nv-York. The aeoommodation train wis crossing a switch o pull into South-st. station. All the cars but the SOI "no had cross*-*! when th* e\pr<*,? came rushing Iowa ih<* track and struck the local passenger ?ar that was upon the switch full in tho nu I Ile. Ihe oypr.'ss was matl- up entirely of heavy 'ullman* and ihe light piss-ni-or car was burled iffy fe.*t hom the track, broken ami .nia*-het| >y the terrible force of the blow. Th- tracks of tho Central Division and the nam lin.* cross at this point, the trains un the tinner running into tho Thirty-second and Chest mt-st station, and tho*-.' on tho Vitt.-r running nto Broad-st, station. The accommodation bad he right of way, tho express beiag blockod, but ?win- to the slippery condition of th.* tracks the ?nciiic-. r of tho ex pres. iras nuable to eontro] his rain. Ihe express train escaped injury and the en_i le-r Immediately stepped his train. IV eraali if iho trains and th" screams and shriek* nf th.. -nJortaaata people pinned down beneath tho Token timlvers ni the wrecked car sp**o,lily at racted an <*\cjted crowd tn the stem*. The I'wenty-first Distnot l'nlico Station is but a lew ooaree from iho p!a*-e wi or.* the ned loni oeeuired. md a .*-*|iiad ol nfli*-.*r.. v-er.- ? ..,n on the scene rio* vvnrk of extricating the Injured passengers rae s"on seeomplished. Tho hurt wore hurri.*,! to ho University Hospital, two Mocks swsy, anl heir injiiii.-s attended V>. ?No one on tho cypress was injured, and th* ?nsrino was dnma.ed s" -lightly lhal it pt ,???)*?, ?I Natr-York with the train half an hour aftci .ard, when tho tracks had been (deaned. The lilied and injured were eaotaed to thc thu I cai if tin* a?couim vlation, am1 tin-* was oomple/telj ?.recked. Thc Ray, T.-'mes Waiker, otu* <f thc victim* "f h?* d:sa*ior, was th" rector "i Calvary Protestor*! .piseopal Church, at Rockdale, Delaware County, v. r Lrnni Station, nlier*". he had lived t 1 ?' losco y?ar? I!.* was fin.*,-Pm- years old, an' ,v,i~ will ami favorably known by thc clergymen ,f th.* * li ,'?-.'. Mr. Walker and his wife acr.n .i*-*l ;i **<*at in th*- entre of the pa wenger " ?ach in tho side wher.* tin- coiiisiou occurred, with Mi IrVglkcr occupying 'lc* seal next tn the window, md when ih<* crash emu- la* wss Instant I* kill I ?y ,*i silver (rom the side of the car, whi li struck ? im in the stomach, dtscmbowcUin*' hi u. Mri Walker was thrown from hu seat hy th.* collision ii tl dashed nya-nsl th" rails > f the seal on Ihe ?pposi'o sid" nf the uar, and t> -i*iv.*.i ,1 severe ???alp wound, if was a'so s?at*-*i al the I'niversit. Hospital, whither she was removed, that sh** hs i ibo sustained internal injuries. Edwsrd i. Mintier, ji , arho was Instantly killed, was about forty-live Mars old, and wa? lbo trust nricr of the Real Estate Investment Uompany, "f this c i t \. Thc deotli ?f Mr. Mini rei ? outright, his head being actually severed from In** body. Mrs. Mintser, who wa- sitiin l y his .sill*- iii the car. was also InstantB kllkxi, ,1'id her head _-.v-*r?*d from her body, 'lhcir teii \ ?-;iI old S(?n CSCap-Nl Il ?,ii ll rt Mi-s Maria P. Reeves, of Media, iii" fourth victim, was "oken out of the wreck alive, nnd placed tenderly in au ambulance connected with ti.* liiivi-i-itv Hospital, but s]i?* 'Ji**! before reaching that institution. A number of prominent persons wert pas senders on !he express train, among them ton pressmen Dingley, Robinson ami HaHyiap, ex-A_* sistant PostmastcT-General Franl; Hatton, Senat-i Washburn, Major John II. Canon snd I il Painter, well-known Washington cnri??spond4->nts All rendered what aid thoy could tc the Injured passengers. Mrs. Mintter's head, severed from ber body, was left <>n tin roadway. Iii** vcr*, siehi of if frightened people away. Congres* man Be) knap tenderly picked ii up _'.n'l pViced it hy the body. Congresanuyi R bin-on. nf Medin, said ii was miraculous tim! so man) persons nn ibo seeomodatlou escaped elive, con? sidering iii** force with which th** train- came : ,_.*th**r. dential p t'.ontiai pany wns .......v, ?. ??".'?? ?*"-?* ??" . ',iitl" way below the sin-ne nf the arrack, ind K then went on to New-York. HOW TIIF. ACCIDENT WAS CAUSED. WHAT SOME OP THOSE ON TIIL TRAIN SAY THE LOCAL * IT IX TWO. An Oflklal of I If -erirtl.*, viii,, '.vis nn J.rtu r<1 nf thc tlr*i seetloa ot tbs President's train, t-Hs ths foUewtog story *,f Ihe trip: ?? ii is not uaasaa] for Pi-stdsal Harrison to risa it (1 o'clock in Hu* mornliu.'. Ile lia* Seas thal frc <iiic:iHv wlien off on his baattng expedition*., tm! lt was saar-Ml for Ho* lS-Re niinihcr of pp.mlneni men vvim aatbers-l "I 'I*0 WnsliltiKion stattoa of the P?-nn -viv Kalima*, yesterday tiiiiniim.'. ThV party which came from Wellington BM rando up largely of meriiliers Of th'* HoasS "' llopiwiitfitlvo*. Tie-v lind riot found lt hard to gather St tbs railway Ws-loi! at ibm boar, bowe-*-*., -ttbaagt it waa sausaal for then H. ix* up and Sresse. as eaHy. The Hoase wai aader caTi of nu* members, aad tba -*sra_aat*at-*arms hs4 beM ihcm in ih?- ebamber 'in*i**r kwl pM k.'.v. Hssraver, mi agreamral was amSs aiH.ut an hinir i..*f,ire the nata stattei which dU-olved tho mmmtDmx sad aaaMed ninny of the mi-mhers lo reach the station, lircd. sleepy, unshaven omi .'iun<_rv. Jus! In lime lo l^nrd Hie trnln. *? ti>'* Hart *aat wai aaa _snanls- by Ma}** R.vv-,,nA_ fmti ni* private lesretaiyi (hailee Pastsr, lasts tan of tbe* Treasury; John Wanamaker. Postmaster (icaernl; (iencnil Mk, -Vcreiary of Agrtculltire; BsCNtmy KI lilns gai Diaja-BM P. Tracy, Secrclar, of Hie Navy. Mnnnc Hie olhers who marie up the party were sena 10r w ii. Raaaaara, BspeeeeataRvm, *?r tautA CSrsRaa; 111Maiai of Pennsylvania: liucliaimn, Sf Ne**-Jei?y ; limilelle and Dinglry. of Milln*: Alvy A Adi*e sx-rond A-als!nnl Set-reinn* af StateJ Jnm*-s K. Holey U-tBtaa. Secretcry "f Ihe Navy ; Captain K Umlv JiidK'' Advo*a*e(.eneial of Hie RSVP j (.en end I-atrlieter, Qusrterm__t*r-ti-nersl of the Pijlted Sis. -ump; *?* 5K **tw Ammmux Poet ni:i-:,T<?-n,.rr,i and Bdltor af "The Washington I*,.:"; Mnj'ir lahn Canon aai Edward 0*Brl_n, Commissioner of Navigation. "Tbs parly was sn larK,. two trains of Ililimnn drawtog*roow eoacbei -_-er,. ap. Th? President and the raembers of 1,1. Cabin-, were on Ibe s**cond section, wUch followed ihe iir-t lection ifter sn In? terval of gfteen minuit,. Breaktsat mon acned on the train. TinI-.- ma m,thing event fol in tbe trip until the Bra! Beetloo reached tb* Bool fa i, rta! lon in PMIadetplds A mil- ?r _, frwoa Ibis station Ibe engine had been changed, ami a* Hi*- fail ,,i mum ??'n't ley tmeka ii m delayed Ibe train, ari attempt i-as Bade tn timk,' un Ihe lost tun |,v -Ming Bioaad Hie div. Th,- train aral gains Bl a!-.ul thirlv live mlle- an hour wben li reached Hi,- south.'. Hon. ai mis point Hi,' local pa unger nain .' Westchester and Redla had ju-t poUed out on tbe track diagonally crossing ti," main track, anti bad hi If crossed lt when the expn-M train daatied Into Um lmal at full speed. Th'* shuck rn Hie cxpr.-s traill wa hardly noticeable. Roane Wis Injnr-d on rm- min, not t car left the track, anti the lix ..mmlv ?? wa- hut Utile .-tethered, bat iii- I.,, al (min was acinally cut la two. <>n one -id,- ,,f tbs main Iraeh wu- Hi" loroaioUre nf the lora] trnln; nu the other a?de wa- Hu* rear coach with its forward imck thrown ii. tin- mil-. Tb adddle coach, Riled 'tltii pasaeogers, w.i- tamed up -hi" diiwn. I'lu'eiii-rih it were a stare nf people. Many were bljured, and a! le.-i-i f,.nr Ulled. It wa, a imrriiile sight, .'ind Hie moana ann .creams nf agon] w.-ru beartrendlng. a crowd quickly gathered armind thc terrible wreck, ti.ip*-e_i train wa* emptied, and willing banda -i.'liv relieved ih- mi fcrlng a* f-.r a, posRUe. I h.-r. were some ?.l lb< vlcllms (n whom tl.-al'i Lid * - * i,.- In-t.mtlv ami lu most horrible fenn. ** A* j, u-uii in an aretdent of Hil- kind, iii. i.i.i_ie l- diviii.-ti. Th,- engine r on !!:.? rxpreiu trail i- f i-i 1,1 -ny vt h.lh.r nr not lie via. !n Linne. Tin* Moe] signalman slowed thal i.i- danger .Ignal vc, hm -.t this partleular pint tlc- main Um* i- in tb, form of a lune, ain: neither tba train !!":? '!? signal could 1?- distils tly -.en. Hie station Inteivei ? between Hi" blocks, Bud iii ? local train ? i In part Ul I lien. Tiie ines] train, however, ii ni Just pulled out. lt wm nu 'miler fui' ipecd, and tbe wi;. waa charged with starting Hu- local train wit hon doubt I, io be blamed. Tue accident, ia -.ul in ii results, east a gloom over the whole pin*.. Rsa; "f Hi-e m ihe lir.-i lectlou returned to RaaMcgtou from Plillailel]ili|.i. ??Tlie Ullin faining iii,. Iv. -Ul. nt stopped di sts nee fr- ni Hi.- wreck, bul ia:..- pulled np lu tb -pu. The I'l-i-'Li.-iit saw tic horrflrle" whl li lind i_*e!i done, a-<i i' ilr-t wai Inclined to - in Washington, bul the national impirta.r ' ,?? , ci:i-i"ii. Hie large numiier ol people ;, - milled In Nea X"< rU ami inc extensive itrninzcmoni compelled him 1 . fi.Hov Ll- ., Igltuil p m. "f > ,ii Ll,.nv wi,ni via, il,,H.- stier .il- arrival ' I'lie i, tin whir : , ni Mil Hi" 'i:.-ci arrived In Jeno' ' i'v an" li ur I.* !.,!? the r-mnd - ? rt.m I mm ? ?? Iho.ii I't'.-iril remained als,ul Hie platform md i* in-' >.f ile Malton until iii- li-i ? :n Into Hi" !?'_ ';? I M ? I !*???'.? li , v. ? i- n Ihe trrii'i -I'M Hill Ihe (h.eli -ci- rt lie.ivjr nile lo lllt'l irain. When the rmt*li earn* tune of i . more -\ i li it,le people bet rm e nervou . nnd on* ??? ?? ? onu > fstnted. Alimiig Hi.,-" whn wall '1 In IL" ?'? ?-, ' Ul waa Asaislanl svcrelarj J nu ll. - Nav. Ile t"t'l ri Iril'iii.. r. |,.T,t. r lhal .? m tu,, h>*t!e t-ll.en nil' Ol t.,.- v ' l'.\ Pim! \- IMsnl Pu ??-. ler-o.i vii -alii that h.- uri- In IV know thst ti ? i" bsd i** ? ? -ri. ii iln ?? pp 'i snd i* I* i,"i nut t.t ( car. ii : i :be h..,... l ul ii san n*' i h.svj nm Kenator william I). ..n-hlitirh, *i Mil Congressman John J. Ilemi lill, ni **-i?uth f'ai corroborated wini had !>? ?? n void by ( ni ri gers. F Ti: KILLED in .COI LISP'S". \ MI-i Mi! RSTAXPtXfi "!' i'!*.*?! ::- |_ I \ [ u. 1 r. vu.,: -vi. i vn , i:< sting, P" n . Pi !? es \ - !? I, ni vi* ania - hujTklll \. ii ? i . i I I ? i* \Ills and Spring City lsst n'ghl . ? ply I ',>rtv f'"l ? ? Into ' tut on* and a i s'l miles sn ? ? ' - ? Weller John Donal* ami Walter ' moa-f, employed bj 1 tx ompaay -ti Sprlti City, wi engine ,,-i theil tray bonn lo *> ?? M -ile. and Denni ? ?? re billed. The fin n rh.- Bagman, Dsvl . ol Hie ihlfilm ? live ni I.ti; w :n.-, wer* -rt* . i-. i MC'oid <li-<! ? bile I ? ll .: I ill n In Ju I i ,.ii, uer, englm er of il ? ...!K burl. I'?< ac ld n ull ol . under isndlni ol o der . 0 rn -I ' K MIA !' .I' ItEll IN A ' 'l.l.l -! ''*'? Osaaha, N h., 1 ? b. Si! \ x "Tho h un I Int oin, t*. - : "I weR in a <??>!ii*i'.:i on Ihe I ' ? dab mil. - ?? i-i of lbs . Itj --it ni earij h >,r Hil monilti i hs m. -i wei ? ri lin t :? He ' a.fl ., ti ;, nf an . set boon ! ninth train a m. et a \v(-T, mn l r.xir.i ni ll ivt i ??'. i train an li din f at thi d*>] ot, bul tlie t ngl lh ? i ira railed lo i ead In o.i l ' . and, '??uria a cniii-i' ti. ihe emai cer i?f tb i- i ti ? .,!- engine, i >i then !? ip : off. i ':? ? i x er hnocl Inp the pllol nfl I -t,.k train, wblrli lmmeillat**l) st! Ined f ,;,- ii. running backward with -ir ? rna i mi tb ??i.ii.c A !!?!!.? ai I ? li ill ?'? ' " He : ? train ran Into Hie niiton rf th.- -t , _ train. killing eicli.n heall "f ealll" Slid 'ir, hlnfl the * ,1 and iv * ar*. There wi re ? Igl ???'. I ?? ? i In ?'?? , ;, ,, , l.;.i i ? , helleved !n I." fal ill) lilli I. reven wert brough! to tire rlty and their Injurt* Lres-rd. AXOTREA TBIAl CF Tin: CASS ARD. nalthnore, Peb. 23 ISpe-toli. rhe i-? .-. nam** peculiar s 'ap" 1 steamer ll";. 'I ' r ard, whl h, Ih Invi ni'.r a--* ri*, i- i" bn _- nil record In travel, made another irini trip lo-daj a ilch wai mor* -ritlvfaettiry than th- Bm om ame monti ago. Til 1 r tn the riv.;- .md bay prevente lal i "f , ?? I. bu: the new engine- Bttd COf__*? VS-VC .ar' worked Well ?nd t i" bull len and "fi" r i "f the comp mj i ,. |;I ,-, |, \u i ,? !. ml oal ? and lng* in th" ' aluti. Ihe n*iti l" 'Mn-' ' rafi ? ?" ; ? ? ! ' '' After ii ii "'i nm on tb" river In !?? i t'e- ma fhe steamer -tarted down lbs hoy. bul ?'????? rnm|_'ll , , pm back "tn ..'?<?"" '' of Hie northt eal ale. I ii englm - ni" of pei illnr pattern*. In an rn I , eamsblp tl"* " "*?'"" ;|" i,;:' ' ' "'l :"' ' ' ,"'i' ; !'!' f..rm sn lhat Ibe. prop lh r Imf! maj Ik* sorb i le lilied Jil IL.11 fl.1 I " bl !' I 'I I ??' I' ? ' ' 'I' ,.,. In the fri,-rut! lin- pill ? i,'*' 1 ?- I' ' i :!nd i-.v mi ans ol an Inlrlcal ? ens ? : ml the main vii.'!,i ol xiv I I ? binn ? nr ? noa onl eight Inches above ll " i*1'- ,':" ! ".' '' \,.. ,.| made il net irj io plan :' ? ' ? ' ' ;'- '"'' si poaalble. _ m_ ////; ul'EIHToli Ti"> '..'.".'. POS TBE BOBBEE lola Kan*, I ? I '-'-'? v' ' "'''"' '? ''' iromli .rlT1,.,l nun ri. I"1" il"- wslllng-i. ri Hu ? I,. depot Man I ir -? np lo Hie i i kel 11 lidos h* -ina-li.ii in ii"- -'I' -''''I ordered |h< up . il?ir i i ap bli banda. The op?rat?_r lamped for bl revolver nnd shot the n..m I i the !?' ad .1" ' :?'??"." lb ir. I dr pped i" the Boor ami Ihe op rs ? r went ont lo * ill :,. i-iaiice. while ii" wai Bba**nl ile- wounded msi . rawli-d out of tb. depot Into a corni eld nearby, when |?- wa- fOURd Hi'., limning um!! lil) Wounded ali'l a . lah ii t" the county Jail. SESATOR HRH E PATE BIS OHIO TAXES I.ima, *'!il". Peb. S3. The Boasewhal celebrated ' case of Allen ' minty again -I genstar I ch In B. BHe wa- .culed yeal niay. Tin- lille ol lae mil Mn 'Edward lh,lm n. tren,in, i. against Cabin S, Kil" far ai7,O0d omttted laxes snd penal) Tba de feniiant wtthdrew iii- demnrrer and likd an answei witii a it-iiti*-!- ol i*i'.-mi-ii, which wai accepted ani th.- .ri-.- dtamlsi <i AR ATLAST) CABBIRB A DEPACLTEB. Atlanta, Chu, Peb. S3, rim dlreetori .f tbe Oal City Nnlloiial lamil la-t nljllit rilin i.m.d tbal Al slstanl ti-iii'-r Lewis Bedwtne wai i CehmRer. N ?a." .it ls g'V'li. Th" c:i| Ital of Hie I- dOClSlvd In |,e mump ilrc'l. The jiii,|'le int it.*- :? .1 will gi" mi particular-. Badsftoe waa In th** bank andi Hi? ll sing hour, bul baa not boca Been slues. Ile ha* i,.en ii proadnent _odal lenin-, and stood high i, bO-ln-SI ilrcle*. _ EX state TRRARURRRS Wast to set::.E. Miidlson. \\'|s? l'e'i. *J-J. In tbs 11-.dav a hill aai introduced peimlillng si-Stats Trciaii'.-r m settle Judgim-nt- Sbtslnad ngain*l H,etn by tim Slate on psiSSSld of Ihe amtiiiiit Of ln'ere-1 on pubU** flllid, l-cceived hy I helli, tOgStlMr ".vMIl !1 lier eelll In? terest tbsrean from Maa gsasasda ifcoaM have barn I turned over to Ihe s_atc Treasury. A pwerfil lobb) 'ls here In Hie Interests of the Mil. Attorn.-)- tieu (crsl O'Connor ls opporlng thc measure. THE CABINET COMPLETED. MR f'LKVi.RANI) ANNOUNCES HIS FINAL SELECTIONS, Ul L ART \. RRRRRRT, OP ALABAMA, FOR SIT IU' TART OP THK RAVT, \Mi RICHARO OLRXT, OF MASSACHt*t_-B-TS, POB ATTORHBT (ii; MT*. VI, Ukewood, N. J., Ken. '.'.*.-Mr. Cleveland an* nounced this .?vening that Ii" had oompleted In., Cabinet by the selection "f Richard Diner, of .biston, r..r Attorney-General, and Hilary A, Herbert, ..f Afc-hama, (? r Secretary of the Kavy. 'ni** complete i shim I is u follows: WALTER Q. OREHHAM. of Indiana. ?soiSttij of State. \ ?IttllN' i.. I AHUM..:, of Ketti, kv, Se, i. farr nf th" Tr , -ir*-. pant I I, g. LAMONT, _f v. ii-Yo-k. BseretBry of War HILARY A. UERBERT, of -Mal,:,,na, got r-t a ry of th" Navy. Hore SMITH, .f Oeorsta, Be-r-tary of the interior. -I. STERUXR MORTOR, ?f Rebtaska, se ,,-tarj* 0f A_ri,-nlluie, \M!.-"\ s. BISSEU. of New.York. r_-lBia__fii Oas ?ral. RlCRARD OLRET, of _.Bis_c_a_ot__, A.torney.f.en ral. I In- selection of Hilary a. Herbert for the Navy lisa been expected fer several days; but Mr. OJncy'a nani.- had not been mentioned In connection With the Cabinet, and his t-electlon I* i surprise to i-very itn ly. particularly to the friend! ul George A. lenka. Hilary A. ll. 11> rt hat bean in Congram foi nany years, and has acted a* chairman of the V.l'.al I nl!l!.itte* ,,| gllC !l"ll-'. He 1* t 111 'll 11 Igll I.V i miill ii ?:*'i tlc work thal !. i- i.n done i war I placing the I'nited St,tts Savy on ? proper foot ina.'I his knowledge of the present cnn Uti-,a of th" v>-,_.'|. under construction and which liave '????ii planned makes him ri most desirable man for the head of Hie Department. Hi* selection i* also practically a pro notion 1.1 ? i tri I < ] lillie. |S One nf tho l-'atling pru*' fitn n*-r- "f iii-- Massachusetts bar, ll-- has nov.-r held any pol lt icu! offl.i ;.a prominent in political matters, hui i- known ss one "f tho leading lawyers mil substantial citizens of l'*.. ton. Iii- -!"'?fon gives ti Sew England ? rep**e iii.itiv.* iii th.- Cabinet, and thal "i Mr. Herbert lives three pim * t-i the Sontli. Mr. i I- 'lal I* callen to-day wen* Daniel S Lanni: i an , Mi- Lamm t. who arrived tr**m Sew ', -ii, ,! .: ,3(i ii in . and l"!t here nt ?'- o' ? e un I i it!,.a* 1.11 Km and ' iptain P. J. Cunning du. ol W'ishiiigton. Esther I..r'.in la sn ex clia;:lain In rho Ai my, au*I Captain Cunningham - ., p|n, ? ;l| l!," Wai De| cl .milt. Iii- I was, nu , - nd, p ire . a patriotic to the 1 , ,, ? . - [ton - Hirth lay. Mr. I li'vel i-.-l romaine I at h tine all day. H'.i-I ,1 1 ? ?: "' ' "?''?? ?'' '' rd I a n I.I In 1 -"?-? H" lm* ni 1'"-' ' ''" lb, . ? ? mi pr* m Hov, : wan "i lo pp" ni I"} '"' . . ? ? ..' th, ? lor A't'Tue*. Hen . ral ' ' -h. "I (OUItve. If KU.Iv SI ,*, i, a the v ii ney occurred In ',!,.. ?.* . .l.'-t .. .1 thi I ' Heil -i il* -. Mi ,|, r, .ted in Ni b leland, bul Ihi ., m. iv,ii. w. Puller. Mr. cine* lt, | .| |i " ? i>. mo* ralle parly. ? \ n ? H.- i- general ? l Maine, Ihi ' i. ,?.! . i . uh' ltira-. Burlli glen an: ?ul-. li, ? ? p. ri ? ?? it Lnnrenn IU*. - '' . ',' 'lilllie. Abs.. n !-; i ? Alt i and tl ' ll f ? 1,-tnlr*. ll* ? lt. li, I ?? Ihe WS.*. Hi ? raptatn Bnd sftt i itel of Ihe .th Ali ? !.*. nt- Ile ? ? - ?? if " i: '.i'i. --. In ISM. .. ,. ' ? v; i-.ornery I I."2. and In I-"1*, he rici lo Coner* li led III I-'-. : : ? ! - ,.!!-". Mr. ll-: : al,I" merni ? :? ul Ibe ll . :. . ? u| (hi* ' n'i. ? Mi: ' l.i:' RI .Ml \SD HIE Kl Ll PJI ' 'NFERRSI E i 53. :: i* ? . ? :? irj. ni K ntii. '?. . a !ii. r lb. i- ot the Intern ii ??ti il M i ul recently at I-ike*a'ool , i ? r . r wl.nt ha i ,. n ri.? i-i lb* - '.' r in -. Mr. M rcarj. 'nd la-I lil ? w ail I . , , ? ii,|i on Maj ;:?' lt idj irnnn ni II l b i a ? .' ill iii ? n , ? ?! |t : ?' , ",i ? ike i" -ai. :. thal Mr. leveland lu d any dx< I p lb ,. ii nllm ni los ard I ie l-l t ,< mi i m. . n :, '., 1 M i: "i: i i rn teri n* ?? r nd beat .. ,-. . i, . : . ? ? i ,.? ri -.: ni ?' ? ? ., d* n Inlet ? ' la ir ?? i ? ? ?? ling *.f Ut ,. ? ti. Rr. Mi Creorj ibl I ? ft - -* ad lo Snd ,:, ., w,i: liifcrm.-d a- lo what bal laki-n place al ru. i V . ? ?. v : ??! i In i ac: U I mn attar Mi lld .Mic Hui" from ?, .i- pu n : maii-r- ht s wild lake up Ihe nut-jci-i , i . .. \ i ont* i*ui ?? ami wo .1' Rive li ct: ? f il md carn* i-railtu. MR. IIEltl l'.l: i - PITRE-M I'OH THE POST. v.. ? ,. i eb. a i i-i-l li. !? tri ti*:.- ol Repii la Ive ll' i ?! ? ri I inud lo itaj a lt li peal ? Mr. ' :? ??" ',' offered iii ,,i-.i,.\ |p oi ii,,- Navjr io Hie able and popular II ,. .. lb* ll ?;. ?? C n millee oil Naval \ll.ui* nitre i ir le dmibl thal Mr. Herbert "ill prompt P ... ? .Ho, li Indeed he ti i noi alrea-lj informed Mr, * ? > Um i ol iii wlllliipnr . lo do * ? , tm ? ii i ' i i . S v ?? sill I,. ..-I m tn . a llorl'c-i ,,i ih.* li. id ?: Ibe c. pnr au nt. Purina ?, \ |< ?? ii, ino ii' " Mr. Merl ? ri baa -icc. n a ,.,111,, lc ,:,;,',? tn brina Hie Sa vj io a fo'llnt, mon in I..- i>i.i_ with tli-- >i_ lin nnJ Iraportnnci! ..f the irj. Du in. Ti ? ibu hi lia been Chairman ol Ihe ll :,i *? i ?n-iiii: ,- cn N'aval Altair- li- baa gone Demo rall ? i nllengui. In efforl ? lo ? ,! a, ir, ,'. ., I'M ni- ri ;. il..- pi r-mm I f ' ll nina < i'- :. ? lui - al? > .-\ ii ll ult) alifa iii" court I Hon and im.-ii i ' . mini ? .a- iilf) lng. Bi. re ir i nd i: : . . ..: r ? i per ion ti and I tri : . in ..:. mal ? ? i ai.iii lo the ...i , i ? dar. un- romi! Ihai lil - i.i ii I 'i in . :. c i,, ri i , i i i'i' ally, and ha - ucted %\I'11 ,i tr.i kn* a "i ! ii . la Ive lo tba I"- I uteri -i ,.| i he i ?? i iii . . ? iy I i.i: mid :? Mr. Herts rt', ad ? nu ra! ?? ? pi ' i-i fe- '??' ? | i ill ? ?tlnue. , rbi: li ? f ir??? '*?>'?! recoil Mr. I!??? :.*-i i' ? eal ? |, fence o| Ihe prVM-lll Naval policy In ni- < ? ii ic i''. i- .a ii li ? - ? lit i fear win, Mr. iii,| nan, .. n ;. ? I ? ?.. -.ii -.ii.,,i In :, ive Hie battle Inn li; i . ??' ,i : "i- , ii ,.:i. ,,[ Ibu Neal AppTu i I-.II. >:.. Il"i-!t. ii I'L-ri-h i ,"- Iv au I ',,, c, full* li ?? i> " " . nml in in : I1"..-, ure l irgelj jue tb ? lona and lb lirooklvn. r *..? ri-1-. t .-! ? il n ,f w.iich wc r.a l-. aaarJed. 7,7//."/: .*.'.' )XD DARBEE MASOXS il LET. rte a. R, \.. Peb. a. Tbe _erent_ Banna] sesdon .. I!,.- Grand I omditory ot -rottlah Rite Masons <?r . . i:iiu -.,,!?'. degree, ol Rew* York Wats, waa beM ,,i today, ufflceri v.-'re elected :. * folio wa: A, 1. i-nv i- . Bn >lu a. grand commander-in-chief; Vf, v. r.riL.-.,<?!.. Binghamton, Brat Ueuteaani grand com . al!.Iel : I ll. ri' * H. I li'lKlVV, ll, 'CV., pl, ?-,?,,|||| Hoil anant pal I commander; Prank T. Watson, Ctlaton, rand minute; of late and Brand ,'nti.r: Henry I.. i.-.iiti.-i!. ii ...i.imi. txmnjt secretary I Boorga r. ?.iii. ..rooklyn, grout treasurer; P. ... Jones, llornellsvllie, rand um ter ol ceremonies; J. Harris Dalston, in-,*,!, .mi. grand captain ol lbs guard; J. P. Alida, Rorwleb, .. mi !i"--i!-ill,r: i.">. I i. Sol n I,, utica Brand Hu- thirty-third degree wai conferred on , v, r..l et aUdati.,. PBOBIRJTIOXIRTR "-' ITPO COU XT!ER MEET. The iv, .ii itioni-t. ,,f Ro-r.Tsrft tnt Klags cunt!, limed li-t nl-lit at tin- ?eltinil,..i. Xe. i> ]?:,?? y,, ,,. ,.,,.,,. t 1," Nu',l-l ll X'.n-J -ri* Um .t l'r,,ii.|a,i,i | ,? ,f tba ,;?', r.ti .a*. TH"'*' weri SOO people .u th mi,', lie bi luisa ..f tba PiahlMSsa imr-:-.- aai Mriouily di ,,--., 1 m !',,? .,.,?,?!?- Bt tie' e,enli,_. William 'I' irVsrlwtU, thc Msistary, aatad sa ipaatamatsr. wiiiini, leiiiii':'.*- it. ii,"-"-!. TbOSiBM linn,.. M,.. n ;, I';.t Lard. A. Halt. Jana- H. Laird, tba Kev. Ur. P. Hamlin au*! Ismsi R, Rsans) wsib Bm igaakats, A f'-iv ?f tiro*,' j.rt*'-iit nata Mr. Jmn.e- H. Iai|rd Mr.. A. Mijur, Mr*, .loini Bang, Mr-. J, ,\. Wllsaa, ,..?!_" BL Scott, Hom-e Wm. r*. the Kev. Dm. L. A. WUtoa, J. A. IS. WU'on and ll. (i. Mejcri, Judge ?tomas Drew .tet.nn, Dr. C. E. Latlmer and Dr. \V. I. Draper._ CHICAGO ROADS TIED UP. THE SWITCHMEN'S STRIKE BEGUN. ?KW TRAINS IfOVXRO IN" THC. BRU! VDSR YARDS ?Bf RUSHTON' BROtRRRRg MAT JOIN* TIIF. STKIh'I'T.S OMesga, Feb. ss.-All Hie switch-lenders smptoped i tba yards of tbs Chicago sad -fe-tara l__Raaa :*-it company .truck at _ o'clock tbti sveatai for ciler pay. RO trains are moving in or on! of Polk Street lop-tt, and raid traffic on Hie I.oui-vllie. New-Al' any nd Chicago, Wabash, CUrafO nnd Eastern I lin'i.s. 'hlcago and F.rle, (.mud Trunk and Santa Fe roan* . .lui pal. City policemen are now on guard duty t Mk .street Depot and adjoining yards. Retween OO and 900 men are out b*'<a * they were r.fu*ed. s they -ay. an Increase In wages from Uti and Hoi 0 ta mid i'ii. Police Inspector Koch says he anticipates no rouble anissa other Hain employes try to throw in* switches. Ihe railroad off-Rota my ihe striker.' daces win be filled in s few days. General Rsnager Thomas, of iho Chicago am Weat rn Indiana, and a committee <f the switchmen lers mid n * "iii- n nee lids ufternoon and a compromise grcement Waa reached. Tim iwltcb tender-, how* v.*r, declined to accept Um report of Hie committee nd *iult wcrk without warning. The strike occurred t n tiine Of day when suburban nattie I?, heaviest nd many Of th. living out of town were unable ? reach home to-night. Tbe places of tho switch .?miers sm bring (Wed hy other employes of tho oed, mai a *'*w tralm were moved daring Hie even ??g. There i- no Indication of tba itrl-e spreading ,. other rcadi or to other departments of the Chicago ral Western Indiana, it la expected tbat trains HU Le running si saual In a day oe two. Tin' switchmen's Mutual Aid Association made a I.'maud on tim general mans ger of the Atfhlson, ropeks .ind santa Pe Hallway, at TOpepa, f'?r :xn acres a Of 23 iht cent in their wages, all over lu* line frbtn Uhlesgo to Lm Angeles, and tbs nailing of certain minor ehangra In the rule-; and .?gul.iii' ii-. The d.-tnand was accompanied with tho hiern nf striking if lt was sot compttsd with. 'iii- action of Hi.* switchmen was n surprise to all oneerned, a.* I' wm not thought that any demand innhl h* run.le before Horeb 1. A few days ago .rand Raster Wilson *-ent mit a circular sathorlslng be switchmen 00 al] r,.ads to make % demand mr an mrei-e of SS per cen*, and a change In the rules ml regntatlona on or soon after March 1. The Chicago scale li BS BO and ii 70 s day for day a* ii and ?*?- .0 and *?- '."* fnr night men, the day eon* Istlng of t'n hour-. The general sunagen of sll ?Hwayi entering Chicago ncr the tra.Ls of tho west rn Indiana Or Bell Doe, held n nieciing to-day to rrange a pian of action In caee tbe iwttrhmen went ;, strike. Nn action waa taken aad the meeting djonrned until to morrow. The Burlington people are io) ->? apprehensive about their switchmen bi Ihey are i.t their engineers. A committee of engineers leis rr ?! here from Iowa t> ronroli with other employe* burlington, and stan with the management ot ii" l'.ci f,.r ri," purpn.f demanding tbe ia me rule, overnlng lime and pay ai prevail arith conductor* nd brakemen. Tl.mmlttee bas noi as vt called ipon tl.Reen ol the road, and until the -tallai of he engineers have been pr."*.-med Geoeral Mansger !? niii declines to eipresi sn opinion on the matter. QOFEESOE M'KISLEY ASSIGSS. ir. turns SLL ms PROPRRTT ovf.r for the BERRI I r OP RIB CREDITORS. Cleveland, Peb. SS.?Governor MeRtele? haa been In a- rlty al the w. ??? endeavoring to hring about i?onie itjii-t'in ni of ' i- tangled air.ilrs. To-dav Hie f,,!Io'.v Dg pian was decided upon. Tbe Governor baa made in ab '!n'e and unquallded as-ignmtut "f his prapsitr ii Hermon li. Kobtast, of ??Th" Chicago Inter Ocean"; Myron T. Herrick, of Cleveland, nnd .ludge f)av, of i anton, "Ll,. The property i- turned fiver without preference f'-r t'e e.|ua| beftefll of his N editors. Mr-. McKinley mi , ,,.,ddefahts property of her own, .vltlcli Bbc hu cl! Slang de-lr**! I,, turn ovt r to lie ed lo paying the not* - that Coveraor RcRtnley must licet. Her 'ri'nds have urged h.-r to retain sn nieves! in Ibe prog?r.y, bat ike has iteadfaatly .:ii-. tl i.i llstei 'nany srgumenL snd to-day executed i tied to M. A. ll-inna... of thia rlty, putting all her n-uperty in bia h.,nd,, ll.- I- t., do with it whatever ie thinks beat toward seining u] ti.bttgattoni lu? nn"! in th- Walker Indorsements. Cpon being ,.:.,-ti if bo had anything to my, th** Governor replied ., tl.rv . i ? re I- Utile (..r me bi --av aboal this anfortunste iir.iir. i did wiint i multi ta Itel. ,i frli-nd who had .. fri-ii'ieti me. Tbe resat I I- km.wu. I had aa In* eresl In out at tbe enterprises Mr. Walker wa, carry* us-. The amoonl ot mv lndo>ementi 1- li excesa of ins il.ini. I dreamed of, There I- but one Hiing for nc lo Un Lid-" i- lan 'in. laing I WOUld do?fl.I l-l* unlooked fn.- burden bi best i can. i have tiiis lay placed In the bunda of these well-known gentle nen sll the property I own nr have an interest in. I ri- mil be IiimiIIii hut to pay mv .Mas. What re* laii i ball execute my n**lea fur and p.iv them as 'al a- 1 call." _ .. ClOAEBTTE BIBI ESUS HER LIFE. Maggie Dall "i. a pretty in-h girl, yesterday ie. life with a dose of carbolic acid. Three yean ago he became acquainted with Jeremiah Hurley, Mag? ie, wim-e moth r bad .li"! while ihe was a baby, then lv>*I wii'i her grandmother In a room al Ro. rill East rhlrl) dxth it. Hurley, lt I- .-aid, l- the frillier ,,f , i- ta ? , il*!r. n. ll" .-.."ii tlr.d "f the woman and liter th" death of her only protector, lett ln-r to her ia a resouri"-. Occasionally the obtained employment a< a nurse .iii vi ii ii ilin, r.-nt Sew* York families, and aimiii ten liontlli ag". Ju-' after the lilrtb of her child, lm accompanied ;i young married couple to Knit'*'. ?i\ vice',,, a..i ibe returned to Kew-York, and fur a lim* worked in Dukes' clgsrette factory. A week I.-,, her baby became rick with pneumonia, and sue m.I to give up her place* Hurley, who kept the Iquor Blore nu tho ground floor of tim houso where sho ul once lived, ivfu ed to help Imr, and' she was 'orced lo port with her baby, which la now ni bellevue Hospital. Yesterdaj the went tu Hurley's nore snd nail,- an appeal ti iii- mercy. He repelled her with Ul-e,. sin- l.-fi the place, bul later she returned to thc . .ci Iii hurley's pie..ti.-.., drank a bottle of nrbolli* io hi. lu twenty minuit, she aaa dead. '//_. lil ULEY BUCK'S MOTHER lil BXED Tn HEATH i. i.-ii-igtnn, R. .!.. Peb. SS.?Julia Van Wagoner, eighty years old, wai seriously burned t" night at her -,,ii', house, ami died imo hourn afterward In terribie igtuny. li l- mpposed thal Mrs. Van Wagoner, after lighting ih.- lamp, bad accidentally pulled ii from the until piece, winn thc oil leaking from Ihe lamp ignited h.r clothing. The house was .Ightly damaged by the iii-.*. Mrs. Van Wag.r was tb. mother of Mi-. Dudley lank, wife or Um well-known iiro-kiyu mn .i-ei' iuul mu-lclah. PEESIDEXT ELIOT VXABIE TO VERIFY IT. Bo lon, Peb. SS (Special..?Al tl"- Harvard alumni dinner In Waablugton hut night tbe itatemen. aaa ma,I,- thal a wealthy New England r.'iir.*i merchanl had left iii.-- cnn-.-.tate, valord at betweea __. nii..i"ii ant .fi.iiixi.KiHi. to Harvard ('..liege. Thta itatesaenl waa referred to President BM by s reporter to ntg i sud be mid thai tm dui sot know anything about lt- i,f -ourse he could not my that it was not nu.', und h" earneatly wtahed lt might be true, but he waa not alu" ta verify tba report. BOT IXDORRBD BE HIS COMBADBB. Camden, Peb. 39.?Tbe me thai a of the Union Vet* can Legion of thia pla-e aro lin,dvd lu strife. rhe trouble was caused by th.* action of Captain M-Gratb, tin* president **f tin- Legion, writing a lol? ler to a Philadelphia newspaper indenten President elect Cleveland's poattloo in tbe peaatoa smiter. Joim Dowe, one of tke leading Qepablleaa stessbew of tbs i..ginn. La- aent a ?-? .tn um nit-it t i.m io the Legion in .'.inch hs mps ic win return beaeeforth la take part in any of ths affairs of tba OtgBBlmUoa on acc.unit ,f Captain McGrath- adieu, which he says reflects n Hi" veterans of tho late war. It ls BXpSCtad that i aaaber of thc members of the Legion win resign n Bceonnt of Captain McGrath i setkma lu support. lng nistdrnl cleveland. -?? .1 TOURS RROKER KILLS HIMSELF. Henry Young, lw.*nty-llve yean <ld. of No. lit) S<co:id avt'.. Nev,.irk, died fest rday from mil Inflicted w ur, is In the throat. Ile cut his throat a few days ago. A phv,|cl;in jierformed tho operation of tracheotomy, md after the patient's death lt became necessary to tell the c.muv t'hv-itclan. 1" IMP wll> the story of Hie -michie became known. Mr. *ioung was a broker and belonged to the New-York block Exchange, WEATHER AT ITS WORST. -.FIRITS OF THE STOKM HOLD HIGH REVEL. TL'CBOAT CAPTAINS REAP A HARVEST-. ERRT TRATRL DRLATRD ny ICE. Thc prudent man item while it ls yet night and girds himself with s chest protOCtOr, B mackintosh and a linen du,t.*r. ll.* carri,., a block ol lc* na hts head, a fan lu lils p*ieket, a pair of snow-shoe, ort lil- Lack, an umbrella !n Ll, hand nial a pair of overshoes nn lils feet. Tlun Hie weather laughs ths prudence of that man to scorn and turns bis wl>dom io chattering fooRshncas. Hain. snow, bau, sun* shine, cl tinline,s and then a cold wave t.-ll the story of the weather for ihe last thirty-six hours. Yester? day there were flurries of snow which fluttered through ths air like eider down; then the sunshine glinted over the housetops and bathe, the ol tv la yellow Ugh!, and Inst of all a blast from the lusty lungs of tho northwest wind swept over th** island and spread chill and di,comfort. Tho streets were Inundated with slush, and sluggish rivers of water anti mud crept along the strcet-tar Hacks. Tho cro-slngs were slough, and th.* gutters w-.i" narrow pools. Rather soanhma afforded but -light protection from the Ice-cold slush which cum? bered the carib. SfeOes as light as fairy boots aud goloshes and arctics sa heavy a* ssnybOBts were alike unable to re-sist tho Influx of the tl Ml Thoy Oms unseaworthy craft, which shipped great quanti* Uss of btlge water at every step. There wei. ex? panses of what was apparently firm nnd solid snow in the street-. No sooner d'd unwary pedestrians try to nuiko their stay across them than ibero waa ii swish of slush, and the sbOOtOfB Sf the adventurous ons sank below iii** water-Una. Ths street-ear csa* panics cleared Ihelr truck, and left S channel In which the water collected and was SP-Mhod high la au- by tim hoofs of thc prancing steeds which draw the equipages sf Uh lowly over tbs iron mils. fTlie .stage couches on fifth live, mad" rapkl s>-mi ... i a .1 "nni trips. There WM con-lderable USU latta faction willi tbs rule which provides that children of tonier age be c-arile*- for half fare. To guard agaln-t future loss full fare was collected fur sll Infants In arms WbOOS parents Wtabsd to ride as far as Seventy stotbst. The elevate! railroad trains were running tinder Ibelr usual headway. The men who pose ns clean? ers of the streets sauntered aimlessly a'tout lo'ili Ing at Hie semi-fluid mass that could be neither shovelled nor swept, and woaiotwf what the people of New-York were going to do shoat it. Ibe com? pound of snow and Water .seemed to have been pre? pared from a special recipe. As slu.-h lt should nave been mark*d Al. The rivers were blot ked willi Ice, and the ferryboat* could not get Into their slips without bin-Ling several times. It was a day *,f Inga'hering lor the tugboat captains. A fleet of tugs w.-nt down the bay on the lookout for vessels hemm**d In by lh*3 lee. In con,ltlerutlon of a f<*w hundred dollars the tugboat captains wera willing to play tlie part of good Samaritans at any time. Lighters and sarges ran aground or were lammed In by the Ice. Incoming Steamers could not get to their pion without the assistance of several tugs. The harbor was Uko a big punch bowl filled with pieces nf cracked ice. The k-e stretched about from s!i"M to shore In Hie East Uiver. Ali ferryboats were more or less delayed. Their slips were kept from niling up by thc work of Hie tugboats. All tho ferries abandoned schedule Hine, and tbs Snuth Brook? lyn and staten Island bunts could hardly make a trip lu an hour. The ferryboat Hudson city of the Pennsylvania Railroad left Its slip ai Jersey city last night be tween *i and 7 o'clock for D6-broS-_s-St with a large number of ps menes rs on board and stan a targa guan ttl v of mail and l ipi CB matter. When tl:.- I, st was near Desbroaaes-st. rte bloke her radder, and was obllg.-d to return IO ber -lip at Jersey t itv and un |,,;id hm eargo to tbs ferryboat cincinnati, running on th-r* Cort la nd t st. route. Ihe Hudson City did not return lo lier slip till 7 :_.<? o'i lot -k. Tbs Ice lu the river was so great that Hie company waa obliged to stop running l?out- t?> IMSbSUBSSS st. after the Hudson City ".et with her accident. Toe average, time ye_ lei.t.iY of a trip between Jersey City anti Rew-YorR wsa .ibout thirty Briant-*. Thc tugboat Grapeshot, which tim up st at Fourteenth-st., Hoboken, wm -'ink at :> o'clock yes. tm-day morning, tbe wedged lee show ber having cul a bnle through her hull. Then* was no on*' US board al tii> time bul the watchman, who eacapul in the dock aa tbe boa. went down. The am,,nut of damage cannot b" ssoertslned anttl tba beal 1. ralsed, which wlU be done sa -omi a, the w>nther permits. Around tbe Upper Hay Ihe wind blew at the rate of thlrtj lix mil'-- ;,n h..ur. and nt! (sandy Hook last night the gab* whistled elong st a 'ped ot tarty-tour miles. Ihe spirit* ol the itorm held s carnival down Che harbor last night, compared with which a night on the I'rocken vv.-i- a. unexciting aa a pink sm. fha weather officials 'ir.tti't Chat there will bc clear weather, followed by raia today. RAILROADS BADLY CRIPPLED. TRAINS DELATED OB ABANDONED BY REA_ >S OF THE STORM. vn.-..r,,:s IN RORTHRRR nt av vork nui*lFj> L'.vdkr TRRRR RR OF BROW-WOMB TUAN" THK GREAT HI.IZ/..RO ol' __38-Tnr. snow DRimxO BAI-LT. fnr tm F.f.RArn t<> tue trimst: ] Albany, Peb. 22.- After eighteen conUnaoas hour- ot sturm the mow stopped hUUnfcaboal ti o'tloeh to :.i.tat. the i>r-ci|iiiriti.'fi measuring Bfteen Inches. This i- nie greatest fail "f any ringle Morai rime Horeb, i-**>, ami, added to the liberal supply remaining from Hie last storm, bus pied t:..- streeta high ap .-md pmds tbe narrower one, Impassable. A -Hi! northwest wind of fifteen to twenty-six miles sa hour l- drtfttog tho mow badly, and in some streets the banka sm tea feet high. Train, tn m all direclbm.- are bom two to ten hours late, d.*,plte the fact thal they are mad.* up a, light bi poaatbte, and are drawn by two and three engines) cacti. Thn.e from the Ka-t are Hr.- Istest, the ?tom in tbal seeUon having bsen tbs heavtoat, Blas trie cars ran only within th" etty proper. Begntot trains on the Booton and Albon) sm sbsndaasd. To the iuipitas of m,i-t of the dtlseot, Oosspaay B, lodi Hattah,m. Captain G. Jam-. Greene, made a street parade thia afternoon, tl ls ? tlaae honored ens) us of the to parada on Waahtegtoa'S Birthday. Poughkeepsie, Peb. 29 iSportal). -Tbe heavtoat mow storm Race the Treat bil tm fd "f 1800 ta gan Issi evening and continued until -i o*otoeh tiri- sftemoon) leaving sixteen In.-he ,,u Hie level anil snow rt rifts ton feet deep. During th.; ssaenlag thno through ii-aln, bound -oinh on the Mew-York Central rind Heal."ii River Railroad were st.-ill-i north of CoM spilii.-. A wrecking tr.-il*. and l"t? tuen wen* seat Ir,,in here to ihovel thea, ont. They lay there sig hour*. During the day ten local trains were dis* continued, and slao the Buratogs train lesilog New York ai _ Mx) p. ill. * n HM I blind Illina ami Head? ing mad aa expresa train Ron. th** Weet was spams! Ul at BBS. Wallen, am! 00 the Rsw-YOSk and KsSUm cbuietta road tralai vere dteeoatlnasd early ks tho morning for ths day. On the Rewbarg, Dutch",, and Connecticut a train left RllleetOB tills morning, got ,i". ur a- line Plates and WM dt-cnilniied. Oa Hie We,t Bhon tlimugh trains nl-o bat! a hurd time of it. Country highways in every direction arc im paa al,!.'. On tho Harlem I'ullroad the mall irate villi-li left New-York ths. --Stalag got a, far .m HRlrrton, and being unable to get further returned to New V uk. Glens Phils, N. V., Keb. My?The streets of (Hens Kail- and of all thc villages in Burthen. New-Y.rk ar. bmtai th!. fe-! deep in snow. Tho i,i!"S nf snow that are In many of th" alioota BM tifto.m f,.-t high. This L, the heaviest .,t,,rm l:i year,. Rondotit. N". V., Keb. -2.-Tue snowstorm -which began here about 9 o'clock last night ls .? nf tito ui..,t severe .vcr renumbered. Al Catskill, Hudson and Beagerttea Bte StmsBl tire practically deserted ami thc mada leading to thu Mirrniindliig couutry are Imp!-,.!'.. 1". Kaili', ni hu, been til tenaptei on alt mUiaaia taealaf in Kingston. Trains are stalled on the t"l,ter and lieluwnro and Wa_.Hl Valley railroads. Ht* roi k tuts, of willed there are many on both of these roads being Ulled with snow to a depth of from eigtit to ten feet. On the latter rniid trains have Leen un.-il 1.* to go beyond Forest Ohm since saturday la-t, owing t,, the niling of a cut, and (he present storm has made things mnetti worse. Memorial services and other events arranged for the celebration nf V.'asl.lng'oti's Birthday have been postpsasd, owing io the lisna. Rochester, Feb. M. Bom b, gsa fulling here St ? o'clock last night aud continued to-day. street ear traffic ls Impeded. Advices from She railroads say that au trams are tate and that drifts am foimtef /