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COMING TO PLE Al) HERCAUSE TUB PRINCESS KAKLAM **.VII_S YOU NEW* YORK. SHE WILL APPEAL TO MR. CLT-VI'LAXD-TIIE QUF.LX'h COLT__E NOT APPROVED BY HER RIECK. London, Feb. m.?The Pilaueag Ralalanl, heiress to the tliron** nf Hawaii, sailed to tiny lor New-York on Hie sicainer Teutonic. The Maeaaa ls nrcura panied b> Theophilu.-i Davies, lu. xvlfe mid daughter, and by Mis* W ha ri off. Mr. Davie* consented t" p'*r mit tb** i'nited Preaa cm respondent to have an lut'-r riove wit li tne Prificc-.s Ht lils litnne, called Sundown, He>ketli Hark. .onthport, where slit* lias been living. Mr. Dnvir-s is the principal Ritttah aieicbam con noctnd xvitii the Hawaiian islands trade, lie received tho correspondent, and ebgertj Baked for !hc latest news from America. He said ttiat lie Imd lr;id no reply to his recent request to tba cinuBtBstoaera of Li** Provisional Government of Hawaii to delay Hie negotiations until he could Pring tho Prlaceas Killalan! to Hie I'nited Males to plead fr lur righto. He teared, he .aid, that the commissioners arete hurry? ing to complete thc deal lief -re lier arrival, lie xvns oonfldent that If Americans could see Hie Princess, ?who was a simple CbriaUan girl, lier throne xvould be save*!. Mr. Davie, said that he knew Mr. Thurt-ton and the other commissioners Intimately. He had lived In Hawaii himself for years. He and his wife were friends of Ihe parents nf Knltilant, and when Mr. Thurston sent her to England they consented to be? come her guardians. The Princess spent her hoi! days at Sundown ai one ot the lamil**, and tva* treated HU* a daughter. The Princess Kalulanl Is tall and slender, and with a mure thoughtful, di Rilli ate air than might be ex? pected In a sclvool-glrl. Sire 1* a brunette, with tin eyes of a gazelle, and features that suggest just a suspicion of Kanaka origin, she xvns aomewhat ner vou . xvlien Interviewed, she -aid that she had nothing to add Io Ihe appeal which she had addm-ed to Ihe American people, and she expressed her 1 hunks that her appeal hud been forwarded lo Hie American news papers. She had, she said, no tataila plans, but would be guided, by hw guardian, Mr. Davies. She proposed to .spend two days In New-York, and then ta visit Boston, where she xvould remain until after the inauguration of President Cleveland. Then she would go to Washington and would probably moho a personal appeal to Mr. Cleveland. The ITlncess added that she bsd no friends In America except the friends of Mr. Davies. She timidly expressed a hope that she might gain the sympathy of the American people. ?* I cannot sue," she continue... In a modest, he?l tating tone, "why 1 should be luminnrily deprlx*ed of recognized legal rights, for no fault of mine, nnd with? out being even noiiiieil tb appenr in defence of my right*. I a*k only that right of appearance which American law g,ve_ to everybody before he or sb- 1- de prlved of a right. I know absolutely; nothing about this affair, except what has been in ihe newspapers. No notification hu* been received hy me regarding lt." '* What do you think (>f President HorriaOR'a rue-sage urging annexatlonl" asked Hie eenespoadent. '*! prefer not lo express an opinion on the subject," replied the Princess. ** Would you accept a pension or other compensa tlon s_ould Haxvail bo annexed!'' asked the corre tpondent. -As to that, also, I prefer to ?ay nothing." was the reply. Di answer to other question-*, the Princes. said that abe was entirely nppo-.-d to the policy of the Queen, eepeclally In regard lo the bills which the Qaeen I report d to have signed, nnd which gave rise to Offence. The Maeaaa said that .he did not want Haxvail to be under a protectorate of any sort. sh. wished it to be Independent. -She believes that America and Hawaii should tte xvarni friends. She had never _e?_. an English official, and did not believe thnt England xvould lnter.eiv ta Hawaiian affair-. When asked if sh.* would return to England after her prcscii; visit to America, th** Princess answered : "Yes, if I am . uccessful. I 6hall be of age next year, and then I shall curry out my original lntentinn, lor which Ihe Hawaiian Legislature voted -4,0O*?. W-leh was lo vi-lt Queen Victoria, then to visit the President of Uk* United Mates, and then to proceed to Hawaii and u.s.unie the position lo xvhich 1 am en titled." The Princess .aid that she fnvored the proposition made bv Mr. Davies to the Provisional Government of Hawaii, that a Regency should be appointed f"i three years, with R. Ii. Dole. Hie head nf thc Pw visional Government, as IT.-sidciit. th'- Princess to bc Crowned Queen of Hawaii at the termination of th, Regency. Here the ITim-ess excused bereeR on th. ground'of hurry In pocking for tho Journey to, a. As she arose she said In a pathetic tone, and x-lth sudden spirP : " I want to do all I run for my people, and to bc an hone-t and true leader to them. 1 .-imply xxunt to do mv duty to beloved Hawaii." The Wine*., shook hand, warmly with the cor? respondent, and thanked him ter the'sympathy shown with her canoe, nnd naked him to convey her thanh to the American press for the hearing given h'-r. Th* I*iince?s and her Mends were then photographed In n group in tho conservatory. The party started on the noon train to-dav. aRghted at Bootle mid drove te the steamship dock, where thej boarded the Teutonic Although Hie name of (ht Print.-** was nu the passenger ll-t, her identity wai unknown al Southport and elsewhere. IFF SAYS THK WILD STORY IS UNTRUE. R. C. MACFARLANE PUTS XO CREDENCE IN K. J D. KIMBERLY'S TALE. E. C. Macfarlane, of Honolulu, who ls at the Victoria Hotel, says lhat the story ns lold by a marr at St. Paul, xxho gives his name as K. J. D. Kimberly, of Honolulu, ls romance pure nnd simple. The Ult ls to the effect that Om malia ard Englishmen on tin Islands tried to drive away American guards, and four of the IU imam were killed, lt was alao said by Mr. Kimberly that the attacking party hm*, ben tinned nt Ma Herman and Kngllsh (on-ulat*-. According to the thrilling story five Americans had also been killed in a street light. " i feel certain that theta 1- a. t lae iRghttat fonnda Ron for sucli a yarn," said Mr. Macfarlane yesterday. "ll the first place. Hie (ierinan Consul, H. F. (Had**. ia one of thc strongest supportei-s of the CTovMoual Government. He l.s as strongly opposed to tho Queen as Mr. Thurston or any of the otl:*-r commissioners. He ls Hie junior partner of the firm of Hnckfeld .x Co., sugar planters, xvho employ a considerable num? ber of the German population. It Is not likely that anybody opposed ta Hie Bluet -donal Govegaaaeat would furnish arms fur Ike purjio... of dlsHnMiig bl own interests, and lt ls a!,..nrd to say t.'ut Glad, took a hand In _ tl-ring up a row as told by Mr. Kimberly. "The report about H.e English and Germans at tacking the palace must bo untrue, thc palate ls empty. She kilt kant thal left Honolulu for :-au Francisco was the Monowai, and Minlste; Meena Bent wold on that boat that ail Was quiet at Hawaii." Mr. Macfarlane says Hint the feeling In Washington has changed in his favor, and he feels Certain, he lays, that Hie, Hawaiian treaty xviii tint be ratllied at Ihe present BeeBtoa of ('mgr'.--, and Mal a coin nils ion xviii be *-<-m to Hawaii lo make a full report ol the condition of things la-fore iinal action ls taken.. SENATOB HI8COCK Oil HAWAII. HE DOESN'T THINK THI- SENATE WILL VOTE OX TIIE QUESTION' THIS SESSION. tienotor Frank IlLscock, who xvns nt the Fifth Av, nu Hotel vestd-ay, said he did not believe tho Senate wotUd take a vote tills session on the Hawaiian mott U.U. "The time now ls too short before the close of the session,'' _aid the Senator, "ant as the nuttier has to be d.-i.iiUd, the (jiie-tlon will hardly rc a eh a vol". No fault, however, can be found xvlth thc treaty, ll lao gem, iiuU if lt I- satisfactory to Hie Hawaiian coin missioners, lt certainly should meet with Hie approvai of Hie American people, lhere I*, no r?-a-ou why the mutter should be delny*., und there has not b<*'*n any undue ha-sto In the mutter. We understand the exact condiilon of Uilngs on the Islands, and ii* there xvas BO occasion tor delay the treaty was not drawn up too soon. Tlie sooner the matter ls settled tue better h will be for all concerned, but us lt takes tim** to debate an Important ijuestlon similar to the Hawaiian matter, und as there ls not sufficient time for that debate, tin- Hawaiian.-, will i,.,ve to I. content to walt. 1* the inaner (ould be .settled before March 1, of course the t irnmkslouers would be better satiated, but 1 am afiaid lhat iu_ people ot the Island Will hare to wail. "A of othmtm Democrats, ?,,_ j Bight ..j.,, say a law H.-publican,, who hold promtneoi public posithns, have cried out agaiu-t annexation, but the un on ts bend to take pine, a protectorate wouxl be doing things by halve*. ?nd thc only real Solution to Hie altair ls annexation.*' A CALL ON THE MMIDMHI ft>R INFORM ATKIN. Washington, Feb. 2-.'.-ltepr.sentative Springer, of Illinois, Introduced to .ny lu Ms lions,. _ resolution that the Pr* -..dent of the Culled stales ha requested to furnish tile Hou.-e with any Information he mtiy have showing the amount of the pnstal savings bank deposit* and tho debt ?f Hawaii, the rate of Interest Mey may bear, when they trill be due and payable I and wluit was the milRot value of Hie tr-ondid, debt of Mal (iovernmcnt prior to thc aataMlabkMRI of the Provisional Government ; ,-iUo any informatl,Mi In show Ing tbe aniiiinl of -.iic-ir annually produced In Hawaii, and Hie amount of money which will be required 10 ?mv the bounty apes Hawaiian -agar in case of an? nexation, and the probable amount of other obligations which Hus Government viii Incur as a nerena ry con? sequence ol such annexailon. STILL DEBATING THE TREATY. SENATOE MORGAN'S SPEECH. NO PROGRESS TOWARD A VOTE?APPROPRIATION' RILES FR! SSI NC. FOR CON'SI DERATION?MR. TBVRRTOR ox kaiit.ant*s interview. [nv Tr.LKGnArii to tiik tkiii. nt..] Wa-htngtcn, Feh. J-.'.-The **enate sp"nt the grenier part or thi* eftemooa in aecret session Ustentng 10 n speech bv Mr. Morgan in favor of Un ratification of Hie Il.-iwallan In atv. Til** Alabama Senator ls to start to-morrow, w,th Secretary Footer, tor Karts, to ba pr?-ent at the lesstons of ti,- Retiring .-"a Board of Arbllratlon, nnd before leaving Washington was anxious to impress upon the Senate his Vlexv of Hie importance of an Immediate ra tillea, lon of the treaty rf annexation. Tie speech xvas an admirably .boronga and exhaustive one, every pha-^ of tin- schema of annexation bvinp dealt with. Mr. Mor.'an spoke for two honrs wlthoul Interrup? tion, and an additional hall hour was taken by him In answering inquiries from other SenatOBJ aleut Hu* effects of the treaty. No pi Og real vvas made, however, toward a limitation of debate on the treat) or toward securing a voto. Tlie friends of ratlflcatton see that the only chance of reaching a vote lies in in-i-tlng on executive sessions each day, and it may lie that hy peratBtanre and tetermlnatloo their may force nie opposition to drop their filibustering tad lei and con? sent to a fie,- expression of thc Senate's judgment about tlie treaty. To urge Hie continued eonstdera* tlon of the convention will, of cour-e. delay nnd em? barrass the appropriation bills, nnd it will become a question, in a lew days. Bl to windi side can better afford to risk the failure of the annual appro? priations?the friends or enemies of thc treaty. The Sundry Civil 1,111 was sent to conference to? day, lint there r*ir*aln yet lo be considered the Dtplo matlc and Consular. Naval. Fanslon, Agriculture. Military Academy, Legislative, Executive and Ju? dicial. Indian and (..nen.1 Pellclcncy bills. Only eight days nre left of Hie session, so (hal Hie crush for precedence wIR ba extraordinary, and the treaty can lie kept under rons,tl ?ration only bv a surprising dis? play of disinterestedness and a* coinmodatlun on the part of the managers of Hie appropriation *_ ills. Secretary Foster transmitted today t*, the Com millee- on Foreign RehtUena the formal proposition made to him by Paul Reamonn, the uguit of the ex Queen. Mr. Neumann's proposition ls that the ex Queen he restored to power, or, if Hil* ls Impracticable or Inadvisable and annexation of tire Islands ts neces? sary, that tin* ex Queen receive a pension enmmen suratn with her dignity and tokara. No particular amount of money ls suggested by Mr. Reamonn, but it wu-i learned today that he declared he xvould not be ?attsted with mts Hum a rear. Mr. Thurston, the cliulrman of thc Hawaiian Com mission, commented this evening on the Bena of Princess Kaltilunl's sailing for this country as follows: "The announcement that Kalala'1. ex-heir apparent to the Hawaiian Ihrone, has left England to (onie to Washington to claim her tlirone, opens a new phase of the Hawaiian question. The situation, to say th* lenst, ls peculiar, in the lirst place th" e.vlsiiti_ Hawaiian Oovernment. with President Dole nt lt* head, ls in full po-ses-.i,,n, and has been olli lally r" ogni/ed by all Hie nations of Uk* xvorld. The monarch} baa been abolished. Queen Liliuokalani and nil othen claiming title or consideration uniter the defunct monarchy have n_ more legal rights than have th. various other ex-klngs, queens, print e', prlnce.-si-s and collateral claimants to thrones, nf which thara 1 a libera] supply scattered au over Ma globe. Thi not appear to bc* appreciated hy LtHaokalanl and lier niece Kalulanl. The former has sent her torney to Washington to make a claim to be restored to her throne, although the attorney has made 1. secret of the fact .Lat his expectations gre limited t 1 a certain amount of coln and that !.'? ls authorised tn his principal to waive all her claims, what.-vcr the) may be, upon such a baale, "There now appears upon the fl-ld n new claimant who lalRg about 'my throne,* etc. Tins new op;, ,- ? ni if tho 'devin? right of kings' does not seem to np predate that h.-r claim I. bused upon the fiction that the Hawaiian monarchy _iin exlata and that, if it did exist, the rightful occupant of tlio throne 1 .1111 the Queen. Me propOBOd let only to Ignore the fact that tlie cxi-Hng, recognised, responsible (iovernmcnt of Hawaii la one lu whick she his ao part, hut also to ignore Hie feet thru the ea Queen, if any one. ls the rightful claimant lo the throne. -!,.' coolly n-sUnie.S that th"* lillie*! Stiles did not mean what lt said when if recognized ihe existing Hawaiian Hoveriiuicnt; nnd farther a tun ? tu put the ex-Queen io one side and place the Hawaiian nowa on her own head, whether or no. Tin: propo i'loii la xx manlf'st absurdity. It would require Hint Hi" I'nited Stat.-* r-hould not only withdraw Irom tin position it has already taken, but that, haring done io, lt should overton the e.xJs'lng Hawaiian Government, r -lore Hi.- native monarchy, remove the Queen and pince Kalulant upon Hje throne. ??it ls Interesting to ronsltrr arho it 1- that asks 'he American people, to do all this. She bl Ihe daughter of an Rngkshman; educated in Rngland; a ward under ihe personal coutrol of Theophllai ll. Devlea, nn Rngilihaioa, who for yean ha* teen the leading gptrtt of the anti-American faction in Hone lulu, bitterly boallia ev-.-n to tho proposition to allow ?ho I'nited -.laic., u Blla for a Naval station al Hat il With Kaiulaiil on ta. throne this English (action wouid have the control *,f the Government with a. lhat that mean-. M.. Davie, ls alli adv the iii.*, li? nt Honolulu of the Canadian Padoa Railway, witch ii bow ma:,ing arrangement ti nm a Ho? of subsidized '..liner, t,, Australia, hv way of llono lulu, to be Immediately followed bj a telegraph cable. Ann tiigli*ii control of Hu- Government and un "a-llv corruptible 1. tf-kiiui-c. lt will be un easy m.ii r 10 throw 'I.-- .ii' I'll", now p_|d by Hawaii to Mle i-"-a., -leam lines anti Hie subsidy now- offered t" an American cable Into tin- hands of their Canadian nibs; .-11,1 wini iii,- additional ability to offer the sugar planter! cheap labor Irom india, it would i, .,iii a few yean l,efor_ ihe whole trend of Island -ejiilmcnt und association would be away from Ibe 1 ulled siat.-s ami toward England. It ls well to con sid.r that not only the Canadian, but Hie New Zea? land and Australian governments have protested to their borne Government against die proposed ennexa Hon of Hawaii. At He present moment lt ls English policy to remain quiescent; lt certainly ha. been a most diplomatic move, If the o_Ji*_l was io prevenl annexation, for nothing would have so milted Amerl ??nn sentiment xut England's open opposition : bul lhere Is no guarantee that sin li will continue to be Eng anti- policy, r.tid If th*- I'nited States neglects thc present nnnortunity to aeqnlre I In wall unopposed, 11 cannot, willi any grace or consistency, object to Eng Land's interfering '" protect tbe biterests of ber sub .its iii Hawaii after they -hall hav.* developed under Mr. Davl.'-s's nnd Ratulanl'i fostering ian* io -ucl, :i degree ns to give England Hie moral right so to do." MR. NF.EMANN WANTS A PROTECTORATE. Washington, Feii. a.--si 1 gretalv .1. \v. Footer sent 'oday to Hie ehatrmaij of Committee on Foreign Relations for the Information of Hie Senate (lie state meat which Paul Neumann left at the department yeaterday. anti accompanied lt xvith a teport <if tin interview beM with the Secretary. From ihe latte. it appeals Hint Hie object of Mr. Neumann's vhlt t.i R'aaUagtoa is io iee are thc restoration of Queen Liliuokalani to the throne under an American pro tectomte. lie docs not advise lor rc.(oration under any other circumstances, if Hie Coagrcaa of the Culled -tates shall not deem a protectorate feasible he xvould then laver annexation, xvlth a liberal allow ince lor tile Queen and I'l-ilio-s Ka in la ii I, lint he -.trungly objects to tin* continuance of tho present Provisional Government in power. PIIOMISEST JLBRIVAIA AT TIIE HOTELS. FIFTH AVENCE-Clilcf Justin: Melville Vf. FulH-r, (,f tho i'nited Stutts Snpicine Coull: Senator SabolOU Xl. Vance, of Raith Caranna; Faints de Manage. Spaalib Minister lt Washington j cvt'overiwr Oliver Anice, of Massaclinn Us; Frank Hatton. t,f \V.i-!il'i.-t.,n. J). C.. and State Senators John H. Derby and E. II. Osborne. HOFFMAN- Liciiteiirin'-iii.v, tnor William F. Sheehan. ,,f ltnnaio. Hdi.i-.xNn iriii.L' .x!. Beott, ol Ran noaelaeo. METROPOLE SStAt ?Banters Edmead O'Connor. Joseph Mullln, c. s. Vim (-Order, J.,iin E. SmlUi, Thoraoa Hut, leg and XV. P. 111,1 id-m. MCRRAT niT.Ti Reaahw C. ll. Par-on*. nf Roi iic-t.-t. KT. IAMBS J oii'-T'-s-iiiaii J. llcniphill, of South Cart.lliri. VICTORIA?Con gieaaaaa Human stump, *,f Maiylaad. OFFICERS HAYE THEIR A SSC AL HISSER. Tlie ofli.-ers of the "1st Regiment -..'.??e their thirl an? nual WaahlagBM'a Rlrthday dinner laal avaalag la li>? - ?etd Savoy, Fifty-ninth-1. and IMftli :,\... Catted F. V. Ol BBB! pr.-.ided. About him sat Bhsnt forty OBS er* and euc tr., amaag wham arera cu pu in I. .lone* CsaaU, Uso* tenant J. R, Ci.ilcl.li_r. I-!etlt.-njiit(".,l(,iie| Jan,,, a. Iii, 111 s.n. Captain P. S. Tilden, t sptaln L. Fi auk Hariy, Cuptalu Frank Koah and Adjutant W. xi. j;,- . Tlie -peaker., wen- Captain W. L. Fish, ot tho 17th Ueglment. Second Brigade; Colonel Conklln. of Uv Veterans' Organlialhui of tho 71st Itoirlmeul; captain Au? gust u? T. is sud Captain CUntou ll. On..ia. IN TUE FIELD Ol- POLITICS. THK REVOLT AT ALBANY. SITXATOr.S AND ASSEXIIII-YMIN DISCUSS THE glTCATIOR. Stale Senators nnd Assemblymen coming to this (itv from Albany for the perpOM of attending the funeral of Senator Edward p. Hagan today began lo arrive lad evening and a number of ihem were seen In Hie corridors of the hotels. The nain topic of dl-Tii-lon wu. th" revolt In the l.ogllrit-irc against the Democratic State machine and ':s prob? able conaeejaeneea. The tacts that the -Rand aiete by the Cleveland senators had found active becking in I_._a MeLaogbffn'i cm ire Ringa county contingent. Hint th.- Tammany drieanffon Had Bled out of the machine camp announcing the de-iermtnatloa to nwnlt exptlril Instructions from Hlg Chief Croker, ami that the Democmttc reprenentatlvea from Albany, \V".th"s'"r, Queens, Clinton nnd other counties xvere In known gympathy Wltk the pinn to defeat the measures altering (Itv charters to serve the tynin niiai purpuseg win, ii actuate the ama lu control of the Democratic party in this state, were regarded generally aa placing tba Snapper lenders in de p.*rat.* straits. Lieutenant (.nvornnr Hieehfin WM "ne of the first !o nrrive. When se. ii at tin* ll ttfaian House last evening he politely declined to talk about the sub? ject uppermost in everybody*! mind. ?I have n.Hiing whatever to say abont Albany ra'Tal B," Mr. Sheehan declared in a positive way, " nnd lt will be us' less to ask me any questions.'' In re r.inl tt, Hie vacancy In the Senate causial bv the death of Mr. Hagan In* .s:i!*l that Hi" ..overnor would probably Issue his xvrlt for a new election without iinneces-ary delay, ??This is my hapreinion," he said, "nltliough I have nu positive kn iwledge on tb" gubJecL11 The date of tlie deetloa mut be not )??,. than twenty nor mere than forty days after the time of Issuing tin* Governor'! proclamation. No partisan legislation cm be pat through until the vacant v i iili.-d. F Ilea Commissioner Martin smd yeaterday lhal tin* election tor Mt. Hagan'! guceeeaov mus! he beM la bia old Senate District, the IXth, which I made up of the dd With. XVIII, XXth anti XX I Id Assembly Districts. Afi-r the funeral today Ihe Lieutenant (..vernor will go to Lakewood where lils family ls Raying, and will rennin until Monday. '? Will yon ace Mr. Cleveland while you ore at Lakewood!" Mr. Sheehan xvas aakat, **I can't say nilly," wrus tile reply. "I think Mr. Cleveland is entitled to nome peace nnd ij il.*t Ju-t BOW." Banaler Derby, who wns at the Fifth Avenue Hotel l:i*-t cv,'tiing, sahl tha*. lt wu. dltlit ult to fcc* how* the Democratic, lenders could avoid a spilt that would lu ing serious couaeejaoacea lo snapper control. The tevoR again-t the citv charter amendment bili* was M sining und wcll-d. Undid that even after fteimtor Hagan's vacancy wu* iliitat, wjiku nm*-t neceaaarily lake Dillly days ut the tlmmt, they could not b* pealed. Rumen continued te ciow in number jiu! s'r-i gtb v"-ieidav th:,i Lieutenant Governor Sheehan, Richard Croker and tienator-elecl Edward Murphv. lr.. wore iMicklna tie lr luggrii.*!* prepara.orv to ii change of baae. There I- a strong l*npre*_lot' that thev have fought their last buttle under Senator HUI. Mr. Sheehan' viii to Lakewood I bli week, lt l- bdlevod, alli have -oin.!,',lug |? do with til" t.-rin. to !?? made Wltk Mr Cleveland. Ii wan said lan evening Mr. * rober mid Mr. Sheehan --.nhl talk th" atelier ov.-r before Hie latter uppears lu the presence of thc President elect. TIIF. F.I.F.iTIONS IX PENNSYLVANIA. Pittsburg, Feb. '."J.-The Ister returns on ye. terday'. cliy .-lection show that Judge p.. rnnrd Mc Ronna Demi was elected Mayor by 1.100 plurality: H. I Gourlay (lad. Dem.), Controller, hy aboal 8.S0R ma Jority, nnd *Mae_M Dennlatoa (Rep.) Treasurer, bv probably l,SO0 nujoriiy. I"..- lait.-r waa tba onlv candidate *,n the RepubUcea ti, k*; ele.tcd. in Allegheny City, Mayor william xi Ronned. iltcp.) was re-.l* i id by ni,out 8,000 majority. Lending, Pcb. 88.?Tba election bera yeaterday le suited in u victory h-r tii? RepubRcars, that part] electing Its entire tb U**t. William F. Hboaaman (Rep.) ls eleetiai Mayor over A. [I. D.irlitigton (Dem by from 800 to SOO majority. John M. Revtolette (Rep.) 1* fjty lr-.i-'uT and Walter R, Roch (H.p.) tontroihr. Tho Republican City A ? I nv.* BlSO I.ii "lei-ted. Lanoaater, Feb. 88.?At tbe mantctpal election h.>, v terday tta Democrata ki t control of tin- Common Connell, bul retained a majority ol one in the s. p,, The Republican! win have a majority on (dal ballot and win, therefore, control th" election of Cltj Treasurer, Street Comm. loner, Superintendent '?: Wilt, r Works slid ' hlef ..! t , ! lr- Department. I.radford. Feb. --'. The election here \.--t- i Hiv r. rolled in ii v li :,,rv for lt* publli sn lt. X I Ki j-.' wa ? i- led R iyoi bj . rn ijortty *-f I**. A xf. i.. ,,i, .H. m.I l ? I" '"l lily Tressurer ai d \. D .-In-ill (Rep.J ls elected (omptrolbt. York, l ? ic ?-'-* '.. Vt. - I. io - . Republican candi date (or Mayor, vt . lea-ted yx t< rday by l" rn . i ?.. Issi Mayor's eic Hon gave s Democratic ni ijorttj of I-T-. Ti,i. I* thc lir-t time i lu Republli ina bavi carried the mt In twelve years. 'li:.- re-t of the Democratic Hebel kai been elected. THE WY"MINi. BENATORSIUP FIGHT. ' beyenne, Vf*0, Feb. 96. Another nrr.- t baa bee. to-day. Renato. Leopold Rania has ..v.,.ru ..;; a warrant Bgalnat Umlaa Sloane, a chambermaid el th int. i- ? ii-i':iti iiot.-l, charging h-r with perjury, ii" wmaii testified lu tba Dodge-Cerr-tl Hbd i um fettet tiny, ntid implicated Rabis in un unenviable manner AH evidence has beea tnii*-n in Hie -nit brought bv Attorney Jonei agali tl Bdlt-tr John P. Carrdl on Ibe i uni'. !? of criminal libel. The BttOrueyi will ar.'i. ibe casa totfiorrow. _ RESULTS OF TUBBDAVR TOWS MEETHCGR. Coriiatid, Feb. *_*.'.-The lated return., walch trott delayed by Hm -tomi, ibow that the Soper <>f Cortland County will Bland tea Republican! und live Democrata, tb.a aa la t year*! board. Tbt town aaeettng In C'liiainiviiie v.a* continued t,? dav. Tn** rota is large, Indkaiteaa i_.iiit to the ?i..n of Badth, Ihe RepubHeea candidate. Tie Do-Ucenaa Bxdaa Oommlsslooer waa elected by MO majority only. Jamestown, Feb. 88. Tha eleetlea "f Snpuilsor and lunn olin .-rs t'M.k plat., throagboel Chatauqua cnn ly, win, tli- exreptloo el iaatetlnwa and Hun kirk, yeaterday. 'iii" re aM ha* aol vet beea full) learned, bat lt ls a Ranted I???? aeat Board *,f gaper visors will itond ni..,ut iweirv f ,ur Republican! t' Ive Democrata. There were bitter fighta la bmbj ?own- on tin- rxclae queatlon, and th** rosull general! b. fl* bu Hi ells''. Watertown, Pcb. 88, Ai i re ult of yeaterday'i town ii.tings the Jefferson County Hoard of super visor, will contain elahteen ItepubUran* and righi Democrat*, a ne| Demorratlc h,*- of two. Tin |ieiii'? rai* gained one lu Hie country yesterday, bm lost three lu the cliy bid fall. REPUELICAlt* KOM1NATIORS IN MICHIGAN. Detroit, Feb. a.- Th.e delegate! lo the Republteai stat*- ConventlOB were dow la araemhRng In Hm monia Hall tin-* morning, and ll was 10:43 o'clocl When Secretary Kates of iii" .tate C'.ntr.-il Commute* rapped for order, He uM lu- was glad to be ab. io congratulate the Republicans of Michigan <>n havtni since tbe lad convention arreated Ibe contrul ol n iii.ors from tip- Democrata. .indi*.- Victor ll Lane nf Adrian, xva. mad" temporary chairman and Vf. A ii-loll temporary lecretary, After Judge Lena ha inn-,lined ibe committee! tbe convention took a re | rem until 1:30 o'clock. After Ibe committee! had reported, when the convention reassembled Ibis after noon, Juitice Hooker was nominated i i inundate fur Supreme Court Justlee. Em- Regent ot the university, Frank Vt, Fletcher, of Alpena, wai Barned. HOLDING MR. JOIIXSOR REBPORSIRUL r.Lsmarck, N. D., Feb, 13.?The following telegram, dgned by tba Republican member. of the Rertb Dakota i., ci-lalure, bas been sent to tin- Republican iroiu Ibnl State! isi< mai- k, N. H., February *.'?*. To linn. M. R. .lo'iii-ni, RTaahlagtan, D. C. Deal sir: Retwltbitaadlag reui imaiaace to ibo can irary, tho Raaalarial canted hera la egparitlaa i. Mi Chary i* now Baan wat in the dartlm of a DetaacraRt Beaater The RepabUma party of North Rakaia mid a tho N'slion hold you personally r_*poti*||,lo for thia reaull RHODI ISLAND PI'Ollir.ITIONISTS. Providence, ir. i.. I*,!,. 82.?Thc Prolill,lt|,,nl-t mei in -tai,. Convention nu* mornlnn .i. m. winiam araa elected ebalrmaa and J. n. Tadd, Beeretary. im.- d de gate, .1. W. PauR, if Baal Provtdraee, In dl-gii-l asked to have his nann- taken from tile roi! ai,ti bia redgnatlon ai a aiember af the stale central c tiiiuitt,r* accepted, ililli of which wei-,, enanlmoudj done, a iiint f. ii tu eui!, ?iv iug Hie usual readatlona was adapted, fha foll .wing were made the M M, taeea of iii" coattail a for state '.flier*: o>veraar, Henty R. Metcalf, of Pawtucket; Ueateaeat-GovenMr, .1. i,lillian Larkin, of Hopkintw; Secretary of State P"_"1 J', *;'"''1' "f Wo..,,-.. I,.-! : ti. u.-ial Treasurer; li, e. iii-im.*. of Ninth King-i.?wn; Attorney-General James A. WUllama. ol Prorldenee. THE BPARIBR Ml SISTER ARRIVES HERE Signor Emilio de Murunga. Spanl-h Minster la il,.- Cull.d HatOB, wns one ,,f the passengers on th. French steamer i.h Normaiiiil*. which unlxvd at Hil port yesterday tuts ||uvic. NEW CABINET IN PORTUGAL. SAMES OF THK MINISTERS MADE KNOWN. bENHori KlBEIRO TIIE. PRE.MIER-TO AVN'OCNCE THEIR PROGRAMME IR THE CORTES TODAY. Liebelt, F?*i>. lt.?Seobec Ribeiro, who was suin ?Donrd by tli*"- Kins to form a Ministry aller the resignation of tli*> Ferreira. Cabinet, luis guOOOSdod in Iii** undertaking, tod tho ROW Ministry is an? nounced ;is follow!: REEBOK RIREIRO, PdnM Mini. t?r ond Minister ot For elgn Adair*. SENHtli; RRARCO, Mlnl-ter of the Infltor COLONEL 1'IN'TO, Minister or Wai. RER1IOR AREVEOO, Minuter of Justice. BENHOR I rsi'HINI, Mlnl-t-r d Finance. CAPTA1R PERREIRA Du A.MARAL, Minister of Ma* rlne and tlie t'olenl' *. SENiioii machado, Mlalater of Public Wada. 'Iii" Cabinet xviii hold h. meeting to-night and determine tbeir programme, whioh xviLl bo aub? ineti to thc Cortes to-morrow. VACANCIES IN PARLIAMENT FILLED. AN ANTI-FAUN'!.LUTE PICTORT IN RORTH MEATH -L. J. JE.NNIN.'S'S Si! t EBSOR CHOSEN, Loudon, Feb. S3.?Tbe election to ill! Bot vacancy for the northern division nf Meath In tho Ileane of Common!, canard by ihe anaaattai al Micheal Davitt, niiti I'iirt'elllt*', Who In the Inst gen,-ral el. cifon defeated Pinta Mahony, F.irn.'1-lte, Ly u majority af 40:t voles, wns held >e**.erduy. Th?; nilli Parndlltea nominated Mr. Gibney ns their cnn ditl.'iie, while Mr. Mahon! again stood In the Pax neliite Interest The antl-PomeUltea won the day Mr. i.ii.ii.v receiving 3,03_ votes agalnat "LEIA cast lor Mr. Mahony Ai the Parliamentary election !n stockport to-day io ii,i Hie -ii itu vacant bv the death of Louli I. .leiiiilng-, coii ervntlve, Mr. 'omervnttve, re? ceived _,:*.'l rote! and Mnjor .s!iar[i linnie, Liberal, 4,700. _ _ MR. OLAD-ROM. PP A IS HS THE SPEECHES. London, Feb. S3.?In speaking willi h friend nbout the Heme Rale debate in tba Hon." Mr. Olodatoae remarked the high pl nu of most of the speeches mid tba exceptional abaence of peraonallflai and bitter? ness. ll<* said he had never heard aa eqarJly nm mentou.s qnaatlea dlacaaard with suth a luck of acri? mony. PKEDicmra civil war in ireland. ?IRAN'.E. IOCIETIER PREPARIXO IOU PORCIRLE RI RIRTARCR TH ROME RULE. London, lib. 83. It ls rep ried fr mi !i?lfn*t thnt Hie OriniKe .,?iei|.s in the North of Ireland are pro pirini* for forcible reddanea toa Home Rule ParlU meat, should ono be established. It ls tel: g urrang d that nil Hie J rt - li opponents of Hom... Rule tdmll witlidrnxe their dep.-n.lfs irom Hie p**-*! ofli,, aavlnp bnaki, sr.d aurebase urtu* to aa uv-d !n ci e physical force -hould become Bereeaery to prevent the amirtswi af in-h nome Raia tn dater. Inoutriaa nee already bring Blade alth .1 view io rentroctl for a mpply of '.he late-t Improved weapons, and un Onage dub nt liungiunon lins reerived an ? .Her from a Rtrmfalgbam iBCtOry of l,*_n* Marti,I rifle* bctteaaaet I* running very hlci union,; the Royaliata, nnd away <>f them doclaia 'hu'. In the "rent of tba enactment of the Homa Bala bill, civil _-ur win Inevitably - n* av Pmyen agatnat the Home Rule bill are b'lng of? fered In nil the Protestant churches of tho Diocese of Down, lu lister. b"lf._.t, Fell. -jj.-At Hie r**,|iie-t of the !e_dlng I'tilotilst mer.:,lints mid ratepayers of this elly. Sir Daniel Dixon, Ibe Lord Mayor, hu* summoned a meeting of tba leading ettlteoi "f Rel foil to consider Hie question *.f Home Rule. Tba mealing aili _-? add on Tuesday next, toronto, 'oi' . I-'!.. 'J-.'.- The Toronto braneh of tile 111-ti National League ha* indorsed Mr. lilma tone' Home Hula bill. _ _I PERRY FI. PRESIDENT of TIIF SENATE. R0R3RATED RY THE. REPCRUCAR I'M'LITES TO si . CEED M LE ROPER Pirie, Peb. 83. Tbe Republican members of the -? its ni"t today to select t:,.-ir candldata for tba -??list** lY.-sld. ii v left va,..nt by th* l-i-fltgnuttOa of M. I- Royer. M. Perry waa chosen, ll* received etgtvty voti R *?:--. Bfty three rot. -. M I a] ? I.-.'-ii'. "Vii voti , M. Jules Milloo, cv,, \s ENGLISH RANKER COMMITS SUICIDE. HII.T.'N DARKER, WHOBE PI KM RAILED ORDER Bl -l-l. IOCS ' ir*, FM8TAKC1 B, ! RDS HIS ll PR xviril A BULLI T, landon, T'.v ts, 11>i*.>n Rarfcer, of the prln rigel m. -n'" r of the Brm of tl, Barker ??? <'<>. late ol N.. .2 Muk Ian-, which tailed "ii lama S3, but, committed *t.i. id.* to-day la a railway carriage near I' rhe tailor* icrcated much excitement, being ? mihi of 034150,000. It affected a had of thrifty persona throughout tv? country, wno arete In lured l ? '!? po-'.' r11??:?.-v iwt.b tha llrrii by the CXCep i lonni ly blgb rate of Intereat offered, Ibe average rat i.n.nii .-.I being 7 per cent. The offli l Receiver in Ernie ip. -.iiii'-d on Investigation (beti whick led i" tba arr. il ol lUltoa and Bf. Barker, abo wera the prlnripd membeta of tbe Brm nnd riaponalMo for it. management. They wera accused "f freed, nnd i ci wry und. nook i tlon. Hilton Earlier lia- bora mni !i depreoaed since tbn 'alli!.* of the Brm, aad thia deprei lon wai greatly Incn-aied by the erred. Ile appenred to consider thal ?lie au!!,"iii!"- Were dealing hu-hiv willi bim, mid ilwayi rial!.l thal bli Intentloni ked hera hon.-st, ind t .at in- w.i. i-npiv unfortunate, The suicide nag "Viil.'iMv premeditated. Ile bad provided MmseU with a rev*-Iver I"!- Iii,,:.' I',.- train, ? ilul pul lt to hi? llend, fa owing oul in one ol iu. pocketi wai found n telegram, nddresaed In the mtn-ial lt.. ..ive, Buying: "Come Biid fetch }"iir victim." ATTACKING PREMIER GIOUTTI. v RTATEM1 vt nv IX i'l*.' xiii it CRIRPI CATJBEB A i IUR1 IC I'l RATE IR THR ITtLIAN i ii I MEER *.i' ni pi rn s Rom**, Feb. '.".'?lu un Interviet. xvith n "Faa iiiiri" reporter recently ex-PremW Crisp! criii ?i/.-tl Hi., preeenl diplomatio policy of tbe Govern? ment, iiiul especially comment lng upon tba i?r<-*"tit Premiere attitude toward tba bank Mandala, -aid tliat ni l**n, vvlit'ii Minister of Finance, Signor i.iolitti told lum thal Ibo Bank af Rome waa **oii.lin ted ill, c'lly. Thbi interview waa made the lexi to-day la the I bamber "i ;i bitter attach boob Premier Giolitti. The Government xvas Interpellated aa to the truth of tbe statement u* to it--* knowledge ??f the frauds before tl* expoatire, but Signor tiiolitti,. univ .vaeive replies intended to .-ut .hort the debute, Seven,! lii.'iiiii, r. of the riQ^odtinn, taking for granted tha eorrectncaa of Signor Criapi'g riatemente, eompered them xvith Premier Glolltti's repeated amertiona u slmrt time age that iii" Government had brea Ignorant of tuc liri uk irregularity in (|Ueetion. Both <;i ililli and Criepi spoke amid much confusion. _ ?. ?._ A HI! II ISM STEAMER 1 (1ST. London, I'.!.. SS.?The British ateamer Coanan, !i7;i ton-, xviiicii .lilied from Homburg on January SS for purls on the wt i oust of Africa, struck tho Patyah Bock; Bear tba a-outfa of tba simm River, lu I.lbi ria, nnd was s(, bailly damaged .in* -mik. Th" crew mid pniaingiai bava uli been ::, i unlit t ,1 for. COMMIBBIORBRB HINT. Willi lord DIFFF.Rl.V. Parla, Fob. 'JJ. Lord Dufferin, tba Hriilsh Am bi ador, eatertalned al (limier this evening Ihe llelirln? Seri Comiiil sinners nial the lawyers connected arith the ai bin inion proceeding-, Jurilee Harlan, of Ibe I'nited Mal.- Supreme Coart, and tba Hex*. Mr. Harlan, al New-York, xvere present. MINING F.N.'INF.KK.S IN BEMIOM IN MONTREAL. Montreal. Feb. 'ii. The convention of ile Am**rl can institute of Mining Rngli.i*. eer%lae_i in leaden to-day. Presldenl John Rerkenheed, of i'i,ii.iii,lphi:i, pii'siiiid. Tba annual report nf the if a irer, sim?iii" o large nirptua, was rend aad pa ed wini min ii favorable eommeat. Tin- s.*cr.* tarj reported thal Bearii st..-,i(M,*.i Bad 1.a bbb scribed io t,.* applied io ibe Coiumhiuii OonveaUon final, Md tbal nearly 04,000 of thal iiinoiint hus beea paid to the committee having charge nf tbe affairs of the Joint engineering Interests at Chicago. The clec'.ion of ofiicei- win occur to-morrow. AN F.Ni.I.lsil VIEW tiF TIIF, slLVEK QUISTIOR. Leedea, tab. 'j.'!.?" The Btaaiaial" in a Maier on tlie silver i|t|'fi In tin- Dotted stales Hil* in. rn Itt i. compai-e* Preatdenl llanl-on's attltade krtik thal of Nero ROdBng while Kome burned, and WgBMtl Iron Icillv that tho Ameilciins must be proud of their Chief Mnulstnite. "Anything tno/e l:op,*b*s-t thun his 1'iaiiiuiy io paap lae dtuaHoa." eoatPinei **The MUiiilard," "cannot bc conceived, lt BaOBBI that there must be a severe shock in America liefore the people will show themselves wiser lhat their rulers and stop tba creation of sllx-er certificate- mn seine radi tl a_ B-Ohey of full value." REPORTS OF AN INDIAN MASSACRE. AN ERTIRM RURTIRO PARTT KILLED TO AVENGE AN INSULT TO A GIRL. Vancouver. IJ. C.. Feb. '^...-Stanley Smith, who arrived here from Cellnfo-ilo a few days ago. brings word that rumors ure In clrctilotlpn In that district of a terrible Indian massacre that took place n few weeba nco on Sorrow Island. Some itlvcrs Inlet Indians xvent there lo hunt otter, and on the island wera some of tho Klfhsfala. tribe, further north, nlso bunting. The story ls that *i Rivers Inlet mnn molested a Kltkat.ilu.-5 girl, lier tribe avenged the insult by hilling the a Reader, a oeaeral Bght aa. Med, mid Hie Rivers Inlet men were vaaojuldied. All were killed willi Ihe exception of three chiefs, who xvere spared because of their raak. These chiefs were imprisoned In a hui. The vlclorious Indians held u pow wow, and lt was decided that if Ihe Rivers Inlil <hlifs were allowed to return their tribesmen would nveng*- themselves, so lt xvas decided to act un the maxim, "dead men tell no tales." They were therefore shot to death. The story was told to Smith by some Indians, and h.- also heard lt meniloned by sever.l of the crew of Uie steamer c.H|UltaJam, which had Just returned from a hobing cruise la the locollly. Sorrow Is'aiid is di.innt Hom any trading ports, M lt ls probable that the news of the massacre will not dei onie generally known for seven-,! weeks. The indian agent at Alert luy hus been Informed of tba matter, und lie la making nn investigation. JUBILEE PRESENTS FOR THE POPE. OVER 7,000,000 MUROM ALREADY KECE1VED CORORATUIjATIOXI FltOM I'RESIDENT CARNOT. Rome, Feb. 2*..?As thc Hope is still I uttering- from a cold, Um reception of the ptlgrtBia from Hungary, L'raguay nnd the Argentine, wbleh was to have toben place today, was postponed indefinitely. Tho Pope, however, received Comte de Hehaloe, French Am ba -ador al tbe Vatican, who praaented a leti.T of con* gratalattoa and two Bevrva va*es from Praddanl car? not. The letler was countersigned hy M. Devalle, PTeach Minister of loreign Affairs, nnd expressed the Prerident'l best wishes for Hie health and long life of the I'opc In replying to Com'e de Behetae'a oral congratulations, the Hope spoke of his sincere desire for the, prosperity of France and the continuance of the present cordial relations between the Republic and th.* Vutldin. The catholic noblemen of Rome gave a magnificent violet rope to Pope I/'o, In wliich lt was CIBBtted that he would celebrate his Jubilee ?egg. The Pope de? clined te wear the rope, us he believed tho! on such a solemn occasion he should wear only white. Ills decision baa given each offence la the noblemen who present,.1 il... cope that ho liss promised to wear lt nt a special BBBBi on St. Joseph's Day. Puts, Peb. BR.?-The Jubilee presents of money al? ready received bv the Pop.* amount lo 7,000,000 francs. The Auditen Emperor, ,Au-trl*ui AlCbdabre, the Archbishop of Plague slid the Primate of Hungary gave 100,000 franca each. The Plahapi of Aaatria Hunfary -iit 2.0,000; thc nobility af Boboaala, :.*'. 000; Mexican CUthollca, 100,000; Boatb Aawricon CathoUt *, iiSO.000. Several ofltrtali al tbe Vatleaa have tiecn arrested for (Hiving s,,pi urkets of Bdmlsdon to bl Peter*! en the ,,.. ri-ion of tlie celebration of mam br the pope. Th,- ticket- were IBM la direct defiance of order, that idmtikton should be free. QUESTIONED RV M. FRANQU"EVILLF_. TXVO MORF, l'XNAMA CORTRAOTORR EXAMINED? CHAKI.i.S HE LEv-HI'S'S FL'KTIIEK EX AMINlTI'iN POBTPOMED. Paris, Feb. BS.?M. PraaqaevtUe, examining magis? trate in ihe Paaaa_a aaae, queattenod M. Perilla and aa il iee Paoama eoe tree ter today concerning the sum. reedvod by them from the Canal Company, the , eel of t'._ w,,rk donn by them and the manner In which they got their contracts, as well ns concerning their relations to M. Art,m. Buhaoaaontly he visited Hie Procureur-Oenerd and lenferred wttb him for half an boor. It ls reported Hat nn important decidion as to priming the Investigation was made. While M. FraiMiuevllle was with the Proetirour Gen? eral, charles d*- Leeaeya, who was ceauritted to tha \- lara en Primary 7 hy the Judicial (humber for baring t>rt!>.*i public functionaries, was taken to tho Palace "f Justice for further examination, lils wife mri him ferr and they Chatted f"r twenty minuted wMle nvrittng M. Frn!i,|'iovll]o's return. In conse i|'i'tl,-e ,,r M. Fr.'l!lt|i|evllle*s ContiiiUed absence the ex nmlnntioii was eventually p,-si [mju.s*i and M. de Ligar na waa taken bo* t. to prison. M. Eiffel baa been til for the Inst three day!. To . ts ben cumin**d to bia b**l. ANDRIEUX NOT TO PUBLISH THE NAMES. THE PUBLIC R.ARRBD A(.\I.\>T SPURIOUS LISTS ?ABS X\C XX I ST P Rt 'CI, X M kl I., EB B D ZED. Par!*, Fob. 'ii.?M. Auditens. In a newspaper In? terview, denice tbat ha parpeera pubRahtng the Hst el the hm bribed Hepatic , and warns the public that many of the lists mentioned by other! recently are ipurioua. Tl,,* police have Betaed eeveral large parcels of revolutionary proclamation! Imported ty local An? ani.Its from London. Qt EENSt.AND FLOODS HAVE Sl'HSIDF.D. Mdbourne, l.t.. S3, rite Hoods in Queen-land have lubelded i.iui teicgraptiic eommaalcatlea throughout i." country Uu_ Been resumed. TR AI SS ON TUE CEN LEAL DELAYED. I ll I'illT TRAPPIO BETWEER III.HE AND ALBANY BUBPERDED TROUOLE ON THE HARLEM ROAD. The storm of Tin day Bight ami yeaterday interfered greatly arith Bright and paaaeeger lei lice "f the New York Central ami lludaon River Railroad. The i i affered little xv.-st of Albany, Between Albany llld New-York, and especially BOtttb of Poughkeepsie. i'e ira :ka were covered alth snow uui gleet (hal neate lt ti", e.-arv to stop the freight service and hampered i-i tonger .ervlce leribaaly. With tbeir eadoamry ac i'vhv. however, the divuion auperlateadonta set to work tattling agntari the storm, and they incceeded us .veil ar c. Hld BO experted miler the trying clrciim itancee. Bouthbonnd .rains wera from ono hour to Iv hours lute. The South We-tern l.liuiled, due at be (irand Central Btatloo al o o'cloek p, m.. xva_ Ix hours and twenty minute* late The South "bork Limited, due at 7 ::u> a'cloeh p. m., was three toura late. Even the Albany Express, due at li :-.'i) ?'clock p. tn., xva. one hour late' Trains oa tho HOW York, New Haven und Hartford Hoad were de? flem one to four hour*-. The Huston Ex ircss, due al 10 O'Clock p. m., xvns four hours late. Hell a doaen snow plows were kept busy all day ou Lo Hud-oil Uiver Mridoa of the New York Centra.. Ihe condition i_railualiy improved lad Bight, rho storm ob tba upper portion of the Harlem tiver Railroad aaa annually aevere. I_e train. ..IW-eell New Yolll .".Ut! I'll W ! 111 l_T WHS Hot il.lTl.rcil .vitii to a marked degree, but north ol Pawllag lu tha ,-iciiiiiy of Waasale and Doaton Coiners Hie snow rea reported to be over .ix feet deep. Tbe tr itu vhleh f.-ft Chatham nt an carly hour yeaterday awni? ng i_iss. d through white Platni leven hours bte. ?our engine! were used t? force a way thrungli the u-t accumulating snowdrifts in columbia County. xii the available loree nf laboring men ai the com* 'any's call have been sent from Willie Plains mid it ber [Mints North to open the road. Snow pi iugas inti half a do/en engine were ulso .ont. RUDDER DEATH OF A FROMISEST KAXSAX. Chicago, Peb. BB.?A dispatch fruin Topeka, says: * Leland .!. Webb, one of the most prominent attorneys n the >iale, anti formerly .irand Commander of the Kallona! Smis of Veterans, wns found dead 111 hts ?llice last night. He wns a conilrnitsl Beet of cocuine uni ll ls not known whether he ?It.-cl fr/nn UR overdose ir whether he took his iHsf potion with suicidal In? tent. He hud twice been Insane from the usc of this Irng and hud tried to kill himself. H*x wns released linn the lanae asylum only two months ago, where ta had been sent ut his uwn re.ticst lu hopes of ?Sooting a care." -m ?? THE IVY CITY TRACK TO OPES SATURDAY. Washington. Feb. 22.-President (.unley, of the Ivy Uv i lull, to-day said that the tlrst mooting of Hie lull would begin Batarday next, unless the weather hoiild happen to lie unusually ft -vere. Men gre now il work BB the tiaek, and buildings and many lin troveiilellts are being made. Mr. (.unley si.pi theta gould be pbiitv of noises here, mut Hint gilda wot ttl ,<? limited to twelve or llfteen Ile Ilma ghi Hie aces would continue for not los tlmn ninety dav*. '. VletOt miss, of New York, will be MetlUll of tip* hil., and Mr. Pelftis, formerly aeerdaiy, will be mud.* IB associate judge. Thia I, nut on mioitnl of anv ' llssallsfactlon with Mr. Petina, but simply beean-." of j ?tr. Pel!iis*s Hain,ugh exp. In the stand, and .. au.,. Mr. Saw, us .secretnry. would IIBBII a gr.iit | iiimher al desirable entries. Among thc -RaMaa which have slgnuied an Intention o partldpato Lu tba meelina. Mr. Pettu- slated this : t lover Stable, i0-' j*' J.* ?ock, j; T-' ..' *' "-"t"*8' ?': P- Brodie, m-V' D''???>tl?_,, C. Desmond. :;; J. (asev -,? n iY V * p- Rmtmt ,7* nings. Li; p. b. Ifcri'l iift^'-irra llutchlns Stable. 5 ' ** J' ***** 8* >.__6f| SELECTIONS FROM THE MAH, THEY WANT CORERS TO BE PHYSIC,... To the Editor of The Tri bu. ^ Mr: The committee, on legislation 0f 1 ^ society of the Stat,* 0f Rew-York have rh Mm^ a bill ls before the Ugtebbua wS_lTTHtN the Coroner's office In ihe bouda of th_ _T t0 ?*? fcsslon. Thoy have no bedtatloa In sav ?? __' *> hlch they represent la w_mhT_. ** *t society Will.., .,?,, ?-pre.seni ls Warmly In "" this principle, lt ls undoubtedly t_>i|?v_ * ?* physli Ians and surgeons of this stat.. ,*,,,,,. ** % ot coroners, .so far as ascerlalnlng uie '? , iv*n disease or Injury causing death ls concern!? * *? ho In their hands, and that thus the best __! S^ ihe coniniiinlty will be promoted. W|tli0l., ,*Mt**< any pnrtlculsr bill lu all Its detofla which on mM present time be before the Legislature .a. " *** fliell x-iin-anti-d In urging the Legislature ^mmi?-U law /which wm, i? the Sate of RewTySk toW*% .-state o| Maaaac-maetu, make the oin, ? _,;.__*to tl* to be lilied only by a -ompetent^-^l__???_5 committee al*o believe, tfmt a i-_5Ht__ 5 ..LO.- to f-J.HOO In the country und sm* i * *e-U service*5 P!"U lD 0,'d?r ,0 I"'CUre ^-SST-aS The cooperation of the press of til, st.,. , ty requested lu favor of toll principle ^le*??im D. H. *T. .it.H.v gQ-g. DANIEL I.EWls K(>06*. D. V. (.). LEARY, New-York, Feb. 32, 1603. ^Comnatt^ ?? *? . , THOSE TER NIP CF.RTI FIXATES To the Editor of Thc Tribune. ' Slr: What has been done about tho*. ___? tiiic.ites xx.'.ich the Uovern-aeat was askm toP_*,s aa turnips! Turnips wera BO coats a bufhei^.TJ now they are only IS, aud If they w.rt. is,u#4 Jr* must) be a heavy loss. I protest against tho cer.Uc-tol ever being paid. As the Govenuaeat has ?dmn,^ and noted on the principle of P'irc!w?_g .?"* product of a baatoeaa, i could wa _7_2i^J* why the turnips might not ?,.? bought too iti?* vere bought thero must be Borne way nf i_1.1L!? of them found. a. -JtMK&SL* Rlverhead, L. I., Feb. 16, is__, w>lft m OOMOBUIll-Q LOIR} words, To the Editor of The Tribune, rlr: Probably Hie longest legitimate word ta tke English language (lt wns not lm luded among _. eight given In The Tilbune the other dey) u tm idibRibmeatartaalim.* tm* was u-,*i by s-r-Mi English, and Irish newspaper- nt the time of th* tu. establishment of the Irish Chareh, about 1,71, .gs ls .said to have found Its way Into the lieus. oKon, mo ns. There ls an old farce called "(rypioeonchol-jypto,, osfomata" which was revive, by Mr. Charles Collet ri London actor, some fifteen years ago, and wu ?. t-nsiv.'ly advertised In the London p,-"--, to the __ may ol the compositors and proofreaders. with regard to *bonorlfirubliitudinitv,a though nat given "in the l_*st dlcttonaries," lt will _? found ta an even more extended form. -Altli twenty-aereaRRaa in the lift li act "f Shakespeare's "Love's __b,.*s___.i Mew-York; Peb. ia, law. \ _^ TUB PRONFNfTATMN OF ? --ACRIFICE.' 1 To the Editor of Tho Tribune. Slr: Last night I marled a young lady In 1 pita speahlng contest for pronouncing merilee with wQ "a" at the end. Vfebeter -ays -Hz'' for both nota and verb; and In " Principles of Pronunciation," pin. graph SO, thai dtettouery .-.ivs, ~ l:_s tho sound 4 t in tlio words mailtBff. dee, wdBce ard dl_c<-n.' Rut -The Century Dteflonery," I lind this morning, marks sa cr! tic "Hs or li?." -ice and -uflit .*, i_j leaves only discern absolutely wltk Ibe -md of. un what ground 1* thi. change Budal Proctor, Vt., Pcb. i'i, 1800, L. A. BIBtlff. THE APPOINTMENT t'F .IITP'E ORMU& 1 To the Editor of Thc Tribune. Slr: Why do the DeBjocrati "rage and 1____n a vain tiing"! Why all this -wailing and g_uh_g ot teeth* 1 Mr. (Irv. kuri i- a trae Bourbah, aad ta ls simply inn- to the iblbboteth "f Dcmocney, ita "To the victors belong thc spoils." I do not sm wtiy the leaders of the pany lind fri ult with the ap. pdatawet of Judge, nrcsiiam. It 1* In perfect uo V 1 ord with the pur, -t postulate! of Deniotrscy. Mr, I cieviand knows thal the appoiataaeat as th..* waa * I *-r- or bis Cabinet of mch men as Judge .Madam ls m.-rely rewarding Hiern fer services NB-Boag. Tiiey know they could not ka ve elected their min wits* out the uld of di itt ?( ted -tr dlsappdBted, and now when Mr. Cleveland !, 'neatly and fearta__B_ puta tn.'ir doctrine Into practice they sit down on "hind leg- and howl.- lt wood be well li they would hom their peace long rnougk t? ponder lite Arabic proverb: -If I nm auster and thou art master, -who shall drive tbe :.--'"' or. -Th", who complain iiiat liranthnm steeple ?tand_ awn will not iel a -tralght.-r by lt." AN oi.DLINE *_ll,_. EBaabetb, N. J., Peb. 10, 1-03. A TKII'.FTE TO CHARLES F. CH ICKEIUNO. . To tlie Editor of Thc Tribune. -ir: I waa! to thanh yoe ter your editorial to-day on tba caae "f the late ? kariea E. CMriwriag, ir.*! I xvould ai.-o like to record my bumble but nay sin<:*? belief in Mr. Chlcheriug 11 a Christian a:id a pntle man. He xvas a friend te Ihe poer and the oppwri, nnd dui nianv kind acts win, a are Blt yet f'Tt-U by the varioei recipients thereof. Mr. Chi.k**ruil was a man wiiolly incapable ot a Biean acion a anv sort, and was generous nnd i.l.*h-nd"l-l '-? ? um:. KATE PEBCV DOCOUi -N'ow-York, Feb. 17, 1803. MEETINGS AND EXTERTAINMINTA A roncrt bv tho Royda Bo 1- t-.- Cberai anl ' *'- r ti" dvea Bl til" natliei i* eahjnerlaa Cbarrb on F*br_siy *jt, under the teaptrm Bf Hm Touag 1..?1 ??* BRR Om l?r. Alexi* a. Juiieii aili deRvei a-i BiaabaBd BdBI on ???iii.- Miateilaaea d ea Obelld ' xr"(t'tU Ueographlcd Society, at Chtekeriaa Hall ?n Priiaev ?>" A on,-rt vt.i. _ri\.-ri l.i-t 1 ? ' .?- BMBR Atr,*a Methodist Epteeepel Chutch, Re IIB BdUneet, tte ? 1 .ii nt of the Bandar araed library et tba 'cr-.' WR Berala i-", a-.-i-'-d by Ma-e, JeialBoi, Mi_? vi-urU Beete, Mi*s Eva Turner and Protoaaa. nedaRB WURR vontribut'Ni tiio BBteriaaaaeM et the iva-Rgi ejrm Kirxw rirct officrra The iHtceiitii annual BBtellnR of the Nw yelk BUM Cheee Aaaadatloa was bald at tha Renaaa SmuBt Temple. No. iit) East Fifteenth**.. **mttlAtt mon lng. The tetlawtag o_in*rs were Hertel: WmWBSt Howard .1. Regen, of Albaay, preddeut; A. i'",t'? Higgtas, P. <;. Jaoaarh and o. 11. vtee-prea-dente; P. Bobo, treasurer; A. ??? W's aeeietary; advteury <.imlttce. Hr. P. MBM.A** berg and W. Hlgt low. A cliauiploti-lilp and genera! (oin nani'ni open ri ? 10 a. m.. willi thirty-two ratriea. lh. contestant! were: ,4 Championship tournament, open onlv to "^r,,'l_S[ players of uuqmsiloned strenatb." tir-i pru- ^5 won bv Eugene Delmar, Mai annan rh****"????JS prise, gio, won by John _. liva". Ranhattaaam C'ub. Problem solving touman .-ii*, open '".-"'"LL ber.. E. (Hiv, Urooklvn Cir,-, (lu!* :r-*l. CI.W" Nueeiit. Cliy Cheea Hub. second. In the mum tournament a prtae of *.*_o wa* divided eqaaBI i>^**** Beltaer und Bonada. - 0 , A XFAY IRRtJATRE Sl'ccESSFCUY ST.lV>K> Harrisburg. Penn., Feh. '.'*_ fl"'' hil ??-Tfc* ' J sh.-ei mill plant of the Utaaee-Gro-1-an i"mi*"\i N.-vv York, was put In operation IhU ift-iaBBl J iniu-h trreaaaay, Thc bow plant 1. -ltaatedjp ttl Harrisburg, on a twelve ec re tract, nnd tnt pletisl within ten months. It will employ ttm^_ to ..(Mi men nnd lt ls said that In lime ***** paula agra work. ,,r Um Irm en Lung isund si nv red her.*. A ayectal nain brought the "tH'fri ?'^ eeaapaay bam New York, aad they erere rn'1' ?l^M work* by -'ix? nromlnenl cliu-n- of tlatthmt.^j hud h.* n Invited to ns l-l at the opening. Ll"|d yr Curdter, a daughter nf Vice Pr. ddenl < p"* ?;''', Jg brother Aagustui gulled the lew thal*! mj^ machinery lu motion and everythlaa Vl,l',v?.,ii-rii and perfectly. Th.* successful -tarting -'I '? "''?,?-!? followed by il lMinqtut. at which speech.'* * ' jj, bv M. W. M.AIarn.y in bcliulf of tho-Hy liUa u N'ichols for the company. _-? THE HOI.WAY AT THE THEATRES. Cenaateriag BM ?tither and tea aralklegW"^ thing else y*. rdnv wa* 1 -"I ''"''' '- '"'N(W(. _. Mettam wen* gtvca at nb.ut baR tt ";'J ^1jV, M wa.vs have afternoon performance*, wi U','',.,tld_-ioB iii- h .nd iv added a tea bmti t.? tin* 11 ' *m |n 1U ibearad Wi- aeaal legdileei aemm de ?"TJ, w,n roiutitnis with tfieit:,**. Baa.J ''?'*' ? ***** wrN crt.tvd.-d both and iveateg aaa ' "? ^ Beady SOmjSj. Fur unknown r.'?_..n* hl,,"n . w bs wivs to adv eau tba Ri ten" "f M""" "'"'__ ,?d tua fsiai to Babara. At Daly's Tkeetie, RjJ ?>"x'; *\ m R-oplrn th'* hon*.'* arri raagtaedy ?*?; ,, ;tk p,re 11, th" .-vein,.. 1 teige amtaj tom amgem Kc"i?".,,t. -nw "Th,* tilrl I Ult hehtoA >'' >>A. _a* I momm .ft'rvvard. te will,!. ****** \**i _.ra man's coin|_inv who p!?v tb.* ***** "' :irni- .)M invitoi. SMmtmj mm s*mem met* Cetm tye ,?* I .,r?u.C?'o.,*l ,i. M. smith. Maj"" W.I....-* ? *V tm i'X-1'rlaadi.Mienrral T. L Writ-"... of l""n'^ Mof,^, a-t.r* invited were Frank Mm Moats ^ Qtjttm Nohwi. THlllllll. W. BL Thon.pi-u md **m**