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AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. HE THREW HIMSELF ON A SABRE AND DIED. Victor Thoururd, a Franck mechanic, living with lils wife and mother at N?. BRO Leaford a.., committ.-d suicide yeatertaj BMralag by forcing tin* point of a sabre through his heart. IW xvay In which Thomar. took bis life repaired considerable nerve, ile placed ibe hilt of the weapon on tin- and, holding the sharp potnr over lils heart. dclih.ralely threw him? self upon lt. Death fellowed alaieet Insiantly. Tlie s-uiclde had been suffering from a depression of spirits for several necks, owing t*i his failure io obtain em ploymeni. After eating lil- keieikfaal lie walked Into another room, closed tl.*- door and took kia life. Mrs. Thourarrt and her mother -were startled by n heavy fall, and going t*. Oi" door found lt locked. They broke the door open .ind found Thourard dead on the floor. Til. body hiv partly on Ita ride, with thc pointed end of ihe sabre slicking from hi* bock. Holli wife nnd motlier Mated from fright, and xx h. n Ihey recovered sufficiently a-slstaiic<* wns summon, d and Dr. D. C. Halton called lt.. Thc physician, xvli-h all his main force, j,ulled ihe weapon Ii-.nn t!.'* body. The sabre was an otd-faahloned one and had bo. n In Thourard's family for years. THE FRESHMAN PRESIDENT KIDNAPPED. The differences between tlie sophomores nnd fre.-h men of the Polytechnic Institute, dace lt became a lull-fledged college led to thc kidnapping of ihe president ot tbe fretshmun tins... N. T. Hoers. Ir., so as to prevent bis attendance ut the class dinner on Tuesday evening. A- l.e left his home, at New-York avo. and Prospect Pince, to go to the dinner, a doaea sophomores grabbed him. mid alter bandaging bis eyes look him lo an elevated station, on the way they permitted him to send a bundle of menus nnd a note to his classmate-,, who wire awaiting bim at ihe dinner. He wa- thea taken tn Ea-t N-w York mid afterward to south Brooklyn on the elevated roads. Finally he wa- released near Preened I'nrk and haatened io tiie dinner, arriving at lae tl fi li ooaree and performing kia Ont les bs toastaaaater. VETERAN-* ELECT OFFICERS. The Veteran Volontoer A-socintlon of Ihe K'-d Regimen! held Its annual meeting yestenlay noon In tbe City Hall. Colonel Levfe R. Stogman pre? sided. An addi i'*- waa Bude by Ueneral Henri W. slocum. The ele. ll. n of officers requite.! In ihe choice of Colonel Lewis ll. >*tegtnan. president ; John R. Elliott and C. il. Rlnleclt, vice president.; J. Yan .-t-onhiirg, secretary, \V. R. Hewlett, treas? urer. A dinner was eaten ty thc member! of the command yesterday afternoon at Wilson'.-. ) IIW PASTOR POI A PRESBYTERIAN* CHURCH. The Second Presbyterian Church," nt (linton and Remsen sta., bas coiled the Rev. Dr. lohn Fox, of Allcghnny, Penn., to lt- pulpit, xvhich has been vacant nearly two years. In tbe -pring o,' 1 af'l the Rev. Dr. HietlJ ?'? Van Pyke, who hud boon pastor ol the church for nearly forty ytars, re? signed lo accept ii professorship In t'nlon Theological Seminary, rind tln-rt a few weeks later. The church lins considered a large number of candi? dates aad one or two pi-ovl<l,innl calls have been declined by nilnl.-t.-rs sought by Ihe church, lt is understood lhat 1),*. lox will accept. Ills salary ?sill be _**,.000 a year. Dr. Foi !? about fortv years old and was educated nt Lafayette College nnd Princeton Theological demtnary. He p.-eache<i first In a mission Church In Ballimore for five years sjid has been pastor of his pro*.'in church In Allegheny for eleven years The cull extended to bim ls unanimous. DIED FROM HAVING A TOOTH PILLED. Otlo Ereler, forty eight yenni old, dl-d on Tuesday at his home. No. IRS Noblest., from lockjaw and blood polsonlnir. superinduced by the extraction of a tooth ten davs a_o. Mr. F.rol.r hod had trouble xvlth ihe tooth, often having it tilled, and wns advised by the d*-niir-t to have lt extracted. He consented to thia and his deaih result,*!. GATHERED ABOUT THE TOWN. Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll will deliver his le lure on Abraham I Inf elli In Hie Columbi- Theatre on Sun? day evening. The Rev. Dr. S. Gifford Nelson, who has accepted a call lo ih*' Baptist Church of Mount Holly, N. J., will .reach his farewell sermon In lilnltv Baptist Church on Mindny. The Rev. Dr. Robert C. 1 hillock will be Installed thi.* evening In the park C,.11 crega.Ional Chnrcu. to Which be was recently Ci.lkd. Mr*. Lillie Noe has begun a suit to recover rifihts In the estate of her hii-iotnd. William Noe. against him and hi.- mother. Mis. Ann Louise Noe. She xv.:.-, married li: 1--7, and three year.- ago her buaband began to drink to execos. Ill* mot lui- encouraged him In till- against de elli ri- of the wife, and .-"'iii'il entire control of him. so tbat In 1-<*1 he .'.impelled hi- xvifc to sl_n papen eooretiag the property ..1 her haabaad io hi- aether and relenalag h-r richi* ol dower. **he now se,-k- to set these papen atrtde. XEtVS FROM SEW-JERSEY. NEWARK. The Grand Jury now In scs.sB>n at Newark -will in vfxstlgate the char gea In connection with Hie arrest of Wolf Adeistcin, ,,f No. ion Prince st., i,,i obtaining money under take repreoratatlona. AdeMeln wns ar? rested upon the complaint of Herman Davld-on, (?f Moiris-ave., and gotecaea Kentaer, *>f Harelay and .layton ,-:*. Adel-tejn 1. connected wltk 11 number of l-ogus bKice, u\ Free MaaoM in Chicago, Row-York and in Rework lie koa itaecocded In grtUng twt-lily pei-..,,:,- tn poy tilm #10 as liiltlrulon fees Into the .NT-W-Yolk ImV^r. DoVldBOa vvas ."linong those Who tried U> get into Ihe Jodpt- and reMlsM lK*aUse pl the cluss of men who l>cloiigtd to tke lodge. AdeUteta then tit upon a scheme of Innnlng a German lodge in >Vuiuk. He collected RS and *?lo apiece from a number of persons, uniting whoa, xvas Davidson. After l>uvi_,.on had paid hi- Boney ke saw through Hie scheme nnd demanded it bark. Adolstein refused to return the money, mid Davidson had him arrested. Adi'i-teiii nos also posed aa a rabbi, and Imposed oa Ignorant people by performing BMiitage ceremonies. Ile lia* also organized another iwiadle, calli-d "The New Colony.- Thc scheaae Ls lor yoong m.-ti and girls, to pav him "*1 a wei., and whoa Ih.y get mar? ried be xvii] pay thea. *-iOO. PATERSON. Paul Ridker, a young man living In Ge*tyave., dl*d jroaterday after hrtag aneoi scion* two weeha. Two wi-ili- ago Better WO! found at the foot of Ihe stair XV.ty Of the Bri lil win Holt**' III M.aigli! -t, k*pt hv Mis. Coiiseiy.-a. lie was Intoxicated when found and bad B bad wound at (he !,:i*<- of the skull. Ile said hu bid fallen down Un- si.ui-vv.iv. I jion fri's removal to hi* home in- iniMi'-dint'Iv became unconscious. .-i.iii- of his friend! tiiinK Relker mut death by foul piny- ,_^_, OTHER SUHV RB AS TOWNS. LONG ISLAND. PEARSALL**.- Hoi .ri 'nan N. Parrall, nineteen years old, station ag. nt at Pearsall-, ls a prtaoner Bl Ike Leog island .'Hy poRce Btatkm ehorged wttk Ih*. theil of a package from tiie rallmid ataUoa at Pear .*?..,:-, whkb contained POM lu eosb. tin Tuesday af ton,oun Parrall -tnt ;i telegram to th,* raUr*-ad of!...- ut I. nu 1-lini.t t'iiy stalin"; lhal a package aaalalaiiBj *r"-_o had brea stolen Iraa hi* ofllce at Pearsall*. Ik* -a'd h.- believe.; burglar., had Into the pian- <t mufi th*- night. A nilli- md deter liv.-, James -ru-vi.. was ai mi,,- detailed .11 Ihe ease sud" a thorough luvratlgatlon. il*- queatloned young Karmi! closely :.n*l hr lin.illy brake doora und c nu.-,, -i tl.,- in- -iden Hi" package him? self. Ttte pt Doner wu. married turee month- ago 10 n Mi- Oil -en. tf Bayside. IB- i- sold lo have taxlsht-l lirnney frc.ix on lui rind nm he.illiy lulu debt. This h.- aayi i- Ibe reoaaa in- appropriated th,- package <? attaining ifj:.o. BABYLON.-a meeting of ihe Babylon Beard of 11 !)!!_. wa- held last night In|ti. lice if thc eaaea .,f acarlet lever at UadenhnrsL ll. illili OMeer Legen reported ox-i- s, v t-i't* 1! ve *-i ,s ot tafeet-ooa dtneaeea, m...ny acarlet fever, betag in Lindeiii.ui -t uie Iii -u arvefea, om ,,f ikh. imm bec tel. ..ave prov.-d 1,.|;,|. 'j |l(. |{?ar,i ?f |)(.,,|,|, iKxid, _ t? ,-rd i- .he pul,lie Behool and Sanday stlii^i! (li,s.*d. JAMAlt ,\.--< onstiihle lii-iijamln .\si,|,v, nf TbBBBI|IB. yesterday r.ilded another gang of boise thieves and arre-ted throe .'doted men. %nm xvere held on sus plclon of being l111plD-ut.1l In the stealing of a hone from the stable of John Gravel. n farmer. ?f Flushliifi This make- no l.-_ than six norna thieves that bare Leen arrested wf.thin the I:..| three week* In and about Jamaica, and tb.- aathorttlea belb-ve thal titer** ls yu organiied gang now operating m the i?xvns of Long island. LONG ISLAND (TTY.-Hie (jnivn* ro-miy Board of supervisor- held a sp.(lnl meeting a! M__ar*a Hotel. Hunters Itiint. yesterday morning. Ui luke action re? garding tl.e typhus ouibrci-k in 1. mK islami Lits .un A resolutidli was p_*.se?i a-klnc t|y Town Board ?f Jania lea to rec-lv-* tlK> count v prisoners In the town hull at that plac, and lo provide an office for Ui" f-heriff until Hie Jail tnuirnnilh- is lirtext. Dr J Xl Bnrry. thc jail physician, ni*! ihe Su*_*rv-ors sud in? formed Ihem thnt n?? new .-.x-,*. had )*een found In the jail. Two of the five jsitlents, he said, were in n critical condition. Richard Dawn, a baker In t_rmlngr_Ue. has *???,>? RI for a week, and yesienlay afternron, hLs arlie and Iftcen-year-old daughter drove the wagon. Last night when the conveyance neared the Be thpage brickyard, tho xvngon was overturned In n snowdrift, and Mrs. Dam* and her daughter were thrown nut. TRI _irl became fasieri'd under the UMBU nnd was pinioned in the snowdrift. Her mother wa. unable tn help lier, and went to a hon.**? a quarter ol a milo distant, for a aai et ance. When she returned to Um scene of the accident, she found the girl dead. A severe wound was over the child's eve and she was badly Injured about the Breast. STATEN ISLAND. WEST NEW -BRIGHTON.- Ihe three-story store bouse. own>*1 l>y lovvdln.* Brothers, on Richmond T.-rraee, West New Brighton, was burned lo Iho gr,,und. The two upper .lories xvere occupied by a number of doors and sashes and tho main floor contained .'SOO tons ol hoy, 'ihe lo-s amounted lo ?0,000. .V ESTCHESTER COUNTY. POBRS FERRY. George King and his daughter, Ella, left their home, in Dnbl-s Ferry, on Tue adey night, fer the Lyoenm, when Miss King wa* io' give a recitation at an entertainment. They had aol been pone from th. lr home more than liv,- minni's when Mba King suddenly fell back in her father's i,rnis un t "ii-chitis. ]|,> thought that she Imd tainted, but upon hoking in her face he. lound his daughter dead. Hit had died from heart disease. HOME NEWS. WHAT IS GOING OH TODAY Dog Show, Madison Square Garden. American Opera Company snit. Auction .ale of trottliiz hor-es. Tattersalls, in a. m. Anthracite Coal Agent*' meeting, Central Railroad ol New-Jersey Building, 10 a. Bl. Executive Committee, of Lawn Tennis A-so elation. Hoffman House, 8 p. m. beaman will case, before Refoice Ward. No. 50 Wall it., 3 P m. AldTmen's Cnmmitlee on Ferries, City Hall, 1 p.m. Campaoy n, 47th Regtaeat, ".sw.;' Armory, evening. Lincoln Pioneer Corps, reception and drill, Tumniaiij Hall, evening. HIV Kat, Club reception, Berkeley Lyceum, evening. Twilight Club dinner. Hotel M. Deni*, eveninr.*. New-York City Union of Order of King's Da .ghteri and Sons, Pi oed way Tabernacle, 3:30 p. m. Columbia College Dramatic Club entertainment, Man? hattan Athletic Club, 8 p. m. The Drawing Room reception, Bherry's, 8 p. m. NEW-TORK CITY. The Naval Academy practice ship Bancroft r.ow ni Ellr.aLeth.por!, will come (o the Navy Yard on Tuesday next, lo receive her final fittings and be put commission. Paymaster Jonathan G. B.irtow. of the monitor Mlantonomoh. hus been rut on sick leave, and vealer day went to his home In Main.* foi treatment. The public schools, which were ebbed .c-tcidav, will be open agnln lo-dnv. Mrs. Ellen Hennessy, of No. 421 West Fifty slxth st.. yeaterday asked the police to search for her daugh? ter, Nellie Bums, fifteen years old, xvho dfeappeand on sunday. The girl ran away once l>, Tor ? and ap? plied to the Society for the Prevention of Crii'ltv to Children for protection. She bad a stepfather ead h. r home life was not happy, lt xvas sahl. George Everett, twenty-three years old, wis found Ul with smallpox In his home, a*. No. ;,()7 East Flftv Cfth st., yeaterday, nnd was removed! lo tlie koapltal on North Brother Mond. Thc inspectors at the Bureau of Contagion! Diieaiei said yesterdav that th.-r. had tuen no of tvphui fe-ver la thc etty since PrRU) evening. Gue case o' the fever In the Workhouse on Blackwell'! Uland wa* reported, the sufferer being VAUiir.m Hayes, twenty. seven years old, THE FIRE RECORD. FAMILIES MADE HOMELESg IN BROOKLYN. A row of two story and basement dwelling-. Nos IOU to 114 Linden-.t., Brooklyn. E. D., wa- d. moved by fire at an early hour yesterday morning. F.lghi families, comprising thirty five persons, xvi" made homeless by Hie flamer,, while several of th. occupants narrowly encaged death (Tom suffocation. The*Ure was first discovered in thc basement ol No Dirt. The building wa- occupied hf i.u-tave Hoick, willi hi* wife, an infant and three sons. Hoick own*-d the building. / It was a few minutes after 4 o'clock when Mrs, Hob k was awakened by ihe coughing of the lnf.itit She found the room rapidly filling with smok**, and aroused her husband, who, after assisting her and th, baby to the street, rushed bruk Into the Burulu; house and awoke his three sons, who were on th. second floor. Tiny wire almost suffocated whei draic.-d ont by their father. The family wen cobb. pelted to flee in rti-lr night clothes. Virile thc ii,,irk family were making th. lr eacapa a similar scene mot being enacted in KO. 10-, where Samuel Ebel HxkI With his wife and three children. Mr. Ebel vi., aroused by a small terrier, Who Jumped apon hi bed and tugged at the bed covering.. Mr. Ebel aroti*. d bis wife, and they hurriedly edoght up I few article*, and wltk th'-lr three children rr. ii I. ihe s'.ect. Ebel then remembered bis nriaht-ora,aol obtaining a revolver he tired a Bamber of shots ir ihe air, a- h>- shout'-d "Plrel" '.id- arooaed the ea tire neighborhood, and the tenant! la the other build lugs escaped. F*'W of the families bad IHIV ilisiiriin* *? on theil property, and s,,nie arc left entirely doslllul*-, I fosses of each famllv ar- from g-00 lo gi .OOO. Tb. losses on the buildings ls tl,000 ca. h. THIRTEEN HOUSES BURRED IN IT.ATI'.r.-ll. A fire, whick occupied tim attention *.f nil *.f the Flatbusii Are companies till lix* early hours ,.f I pill lill J morning, broke mn nt 1 n. m. and destroyed a row of thirteen hanan in Temple Coori and .-.-.ley st., Windsor Terrace, The tenants were obliged lo flee from their bomen in ih*-lr nigh! robee, and wen sheltered by neighbors. The origin of tba !ii<> la no! known. The damage to tbe booses and I"- al furniture 1- estimated at over gRO.O-U, Whick I poi Rally In.tired. The properly I* owned by Thomas Robbins, ol .br-' y titv. A week ag*, lour bouse Id the Mime row were destroyed by gre. -? ? BE SAYS RE IS A RELATIVE OF A T. STEWART A man who says be |s n nlatlve of ihe fete A. T. ?towart ls among the typhus "suspects" in one ol the tents on the Bellevue Hospital granada. Ita wa removed to tba hoapltal from a lodging boase In Third ave., near Eleventh ??., cn Tii"-diy nulli, ap pnrently suffering from pneumonia, but woe pl ic *'l In Ihe lent becaoee Ihe l riging bouse waa said ti lave been Inofected, Ile vnvs he ls James Steuart twenty-all years old, nnd a lahore". Ill- fe ther, h. s.'ivs. xvas n ur*! coarin lo A. T. Stewart. Hie mil ll.maire merchant. The sick moil al-*, laid he bal an aunt, Mtv. Ellen Hartland, living in Hie d'y. HE LIVED MOSTHS XVITH A BROSES SI'ISE. Calvin A. Booth, thirty four yean aid, ol * "w "burg, died yest.rday nt the Bellevue, Hospita] Three months ago lie fell down a well, ftucturln ids spine near tba base A*i operation was poi formed which it-Hexed tin- man's suffering*, em for a lim*, hop*-.- were entertained ol his ul Inuit recovery. TBBOSGB IS THE EIOBTR BEDIM EXT ARMORY The spacious and .sta.-iy looms ot tiie nth Regimen Amory probably inver eontaloed *o many people n- met piewM lan evening tn witness Ike annual review, preen totten nf marksmen*! badges and parade of the men i Colonel S'nu's cnnimami. Every seat lu tba gallerle wa- tni.cii, bnndioda ol -.>*:s,,ns loolnd aver the Baller aea..*. from the coirldnrs lelilnd, and tmie was a tole fi ince nf spectators completely around iii- cd!... nf th drill floor. 'Flic asea did feMee to RM largo ciowd which had tom la see nnd :i| plaud tli'in. Pint IkeN IM a |4>View I, Mayor llllroy. after which the inrn :.-n., n'- brui-.-"- wei preaanaad ta .hos., ono area Bsem at Creed moot in-t -un mer. Following this there wa, an exhibition sklrmli drill, and ike eeremeoari ended wltk a reglmeattl pond. When the military eXOrriae! weie flnl--hed.,li,r* wi began. Visitors were present fr im nearly every mllltar ing-ihUatlnii In tlie city. OM of the plea-ante.t feature* nf thc evening ?n tli ' preaanlatfea to Oalaael t?<oige i). geatt al a taR-leng. i,.,tiraii si himself hy the Aaasriatlaa ,,f Mnster Plamber of the eltv of New-York. Colonel (Sett Im a lieu,brr I that assoclstl.on. Tiie ptllUN wa. on -iklklllBB In ll. drill hall Blfel the presentation Iud kain made, RFTll'S HIRLE BRCTTATIOR. From Tile Boston Globe. Ruth M-ls u dear littb- girl who lives on R_ st. In Roxbury. she can na] xvry akely and be mother ls anxious Hint nt rm carly a-,- sh,. a_a. be rame feaalRar with tbe Bible; bo *j*_t wben rii v.a.s obliged to leave home to be g me fly,, month she told Ruth she would bring lier home n mull I she wonjil say a Bible verse every nlghl kofora sh went l" bed. Mamma cam** home nt the end of Hie five un,nt!,. Bcfor- presenting the muff she said : ?* How about the Bible renee, I.*uth T" "I said one every ldght, innmmn." "That's innmmu's nh* girl! You must fei learned a good ninny In five nu,nt hs, drnr.* " Wliy, I always said the very same one ? 'The sante one all Ibis Hine! Winn one wa tba!I" "Jesus wept." said Ruth. It wasn't lust xvhn mother expected, but Ruth got tha muff. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. THE WEATHER TIIF. WORST FEATURE, VARIOUS ORGAXIRATIORS Td I ADVANTAGE OF TIIE HOLIDAY. Thc late George Washington had Ihe reputation of being a level-headed citizen who knew a good thing when he bow it. bm he baa certainly andenotncd mat reputation by aelectlng yesterday bi b birthday. Il li doubtful whether In ali di- xvi* (ched winter i more outrageously disagreeable day could hnve been se!.'.iel fer aa anniversary of any kind. With snow and rain overhead, and ant rn and filth nnd'rfu', nnd a blnster lng Wind everywhere, lhere tva- lill).-. OpportonRy for ui.-diiiiti,,,-! on the virtues of ibe Father ol ill- C -nntry, for tn- rittien'i v. ic Inattention ww ben! oa discover Ing I pine- vt li.r lie could plate lil- loot Without being engulfed above ihe ankle. lhere wns .me consolation I lt was a fine day OB xv hi. ii t., remain fe tbe bob**., und tim holiday gave an opportunity to enj ?>? pleasure, ol linnie. Mo*' people tilt! -pend Un- day thus, bul then WM a number of social nnd other atTalrs which called ama. ont ol doon. The American ling was belated on Hie American ihlp Kew York amid much ceremony. The Southern So? ciety had li. seventh annual dinner ai Ihe Madison suniue Garden assembly room. The Society of th. (int lliliatl and the -on. of Hie Rev,.lulim had cele bntlona ai Delmonico'!, and then wen many other entertainment-!, lings w.t.- dlipfeyed boa. nil th* public building*! and liol.l-. Tiie society "f ih" Clnctnnatl nlehrated the day by giving a dinner la the alternooa at De_monlco"a. ai?mi thrty-flve atemben *>f ihe society sui doma al the table. The HUOklll wen Admiral. Braille and Bhlnd and General Frederick J. De Pejrater, .lame. M. Varnnm, FeBa Varley and N. c. Smith. Among those present were Oornettua Van Benaaelner, R. Percj A. i'-u, william Ogden Min- and John Schuyler. Lei ters <>f regr.t wen read tram I'l-e-id'-iii Harrison, Governor Flower, Mayor Gilroy und General Howard. a reception wa- beM yesterday morning by thc pupil- of the Werklngman's Behool, Ra i";> West Hfiyfi.iir.ii -.. Memben oj the Society b.r eh,ld Cullur, , ol Ile I'nited Relief WOl-S, and Other BSSO rlatbiiis were present. The artroom, the Batumi .elene* and thc modelling elana**, attracted mac_ attention, Tin- looa exhlbt.too of pointing! held fe the bnlMlng of ibe American Kine An* Society wai well attended during thc day, over 1,000 ticket! Ol miine lon Inv lng i.":i -lil- A petition I. being st im <-* I ai the es bibil loo asking Congress ta pam a few tiering works ol ari on ike tree lat. The memben of the Fast side Cttfeeaa' Republican Club commemoroiod ibo aantvemry by a "stag' entertainment, given fe ike rooms of the club, N .. 1.541 Vvenue x. al t" oYlirh p. m. A. L. Mason, president ol til" club, wal In Ihe ri Ur, and Phillp Dublin acted as master ni eeiemonles, Tbe bau w.i. ia lefully .lc- ruled willi ling, and a picture ,f Washington diaped lu ihe .-t.u nml Btrtnea, nero pled n prominent place on t;,.- wall. Late In Ihe ex-mlni Ihe Firs! President was seen, Isl seven! ol the club declared) to smile al Ibe ; ? nf the performers, nnd r .timi' i dJa-Jfl expr. of gratification at tbe many rnmp.lm. titfii** rn made about bim bv Ibe oin! ir of the evening, Michael spellman. The entettnlnmeni was the il -i <?'? bratlon or Washing! ,'- birthday by Ihe dub, and the ? \ " " -* a i "' ?? *f i iijovni. ni f i- nil pr. Tin- m.'.'i'.ei- ,'f Hie who bad Ihe -eh brat inn in rharpn were Hamilton Urtdse, s, ?? *i ;"--?',. .i.-.j.ii Stringer. Nathan Held, Lou!* K:,1i-iIit. i nb- Dranl. Mfr. ri Mlgey. Robert .'. Kaln.lrk, Aug um Eng.-I, Knmu.'l Arh-td and Adolph Relman, I ? nf!: ? r- ut the rlub, nil "f whom were pn Mil an i- I m. \ !.. xj |.,,n ? \- , pre id,nt. Frai b G, Bulli; s.-i-t.-inrv. Loni* ll. I.uld: financial secntary, ?,I, Miller: ??_?-,rit -.: -inn*, j". **t.-lribrcfh>-r. The Wi.-!,in.",,11 Republican Club, ?f Wc. Heights, rel.-brnl.-d the dst bj rm entertainment .ind reception In Washington Hill, "ie hnndred-and sixti sevenths!, and TVnth-ave. Man) memb n ?l'!i Ibelr friends were pr- '"it. -Fm evenlns opened i tl musical ?? x r i ?-. after w!*ti i lhere wi lupper Dai Ing followed ihe snpi>er Hid wmt kepi up lo a L.t. h'liir. General il Rerwln, tr ''!??? I : General I>. F. Burke,,- R. Terwtlllaer, ll. lt. Wll*mn. D. F. Rabone. T. F. O'Rrlen and James A. ix,wi were among tbosi present lt. R. Wilson. E. .'. -i-Ohanehne. st nnd charis Shoemaker wen floor manaaers. The foitnwing memben were on the tln,,r committee. Thomas Moon William McGrath, '. ll I.I mm, Thomai i O'Brien .lames Wheatley, M. J. Serney, John Hart. lr.. J Loomis,?Thomas Reattv. ]r. and james A. hoard. The nit'.'i'ii ilin, i.'il reunion, dinner and el? ? ? of ..fhrer* ,,f th.- Veteran \ - ill ri nf the l t New York Mount**d Rides wi etd las. evening In ! ""liinv-i, UnII, :,t |,*il lt, end t .- l.e.rerv. 1 li? ll, iv offlren, . !?. t. o Were: Pp Went, Captain D, F. Cr., nt ti : vice-president, Lieutenant w I: ? "ikv -. cr.'arv. sei-gennl W, ll. Armstrong, and tn . ?*i'.'*-,i,t P. v *.!**(??. x album, ron (sining picture nf Hid men .-? the* sniwored "In war inti.." and the originals "f many Miers which Uley wrote h.'tue. t<.g,.*i,.r with ..O.r- Ml t ti. al material, ??. .shlldtlnn during the cvenlne. it I. Iii live volumes, and wa* compiled t.v Captain cronin, lt I*, the gift of Danie] Fsriih lr Thi are t.i *-.- -flven lo lbs Res Y-.rk 1.1 -t rb.,I .-., i-u i,, f, un i ]"?' .f the ree inti ol il nt as - * ? Th" Wn-'il' .".,:i lt.': ' v rlub held ll rum ni dinner In Hie evenlns, In honor nf Wa '.i i i i) tl .? Mei. ; Mian llnli I Ute. Il kin*, the pre kl. nt .?.' Ih. club.I di livered an nddr"--. Judg. N-th Dal I ? reap I d-d I ? I I he Da) ?. ? ? eld-rale." Colonel Rt. hard I i tn ?? The Genius til li""... i .? j ? .pp I ,| Government," Jnaepk ll'"',:. Jr. In ?? radlrlty, I :, ic x;. icrkman, lo - 1 he ?Tl.! ind - t.'ir ? '.nut rv. ?? |||,. toast . -The |'nlte-| St il America, Hie Model Reptiblle." -dur i nt.-r-. lb I- ?' tin- World.' bi i PatrloM nx and Inurnat I iiii ?,.r,. ,] , ana wei ed, The Miler pc .cm al tin- dinner wei* Juttr* x.m Brunt, Judge Uoher. \ Van ?v, ii, .i. M. !:..,,,. ... r, \. Homer, W. h. l*-t Tll.-"d"le Feet. I. .1. -filling*. I. I.. Feet. He*,.-. Hartman, .i rise ... iv ii.,?,*, . n ,*?. i* >|,,, Andrew B. Mercery snd w. 0. MrLauglilln. .Xl.1.1 I -;\<; A RR1GADE GP RGYS. The Bapti-t Roys' Brlu'.-ide met Bl lbs Central Rap pst Church, Forty .nd L, betweea Seventh aad Fig:, iii riv.s,. jreslerday it,i nlng under the suspire, ol Hie N.-w V.irk .Itv Ml--1. and etij.iv.-.l peeebeS Bod muste, f..ii..w.,i by a dinner, ai ii a. m. the Rev. Mr. I: s. MacArthur bosred bl* Inter**, in the movement bv manhtng al ike ii.-_irt ol tiie hov, (brough th.'- ila hy streeta. Tin-re were Bbont ii"' hov, pr* "ni :it ike dinner, which ara! served In Ibe mair pori "f tbe church, lt i only four weeki 'inf they !,,v* ni I', organise, and lhere ste alread) twelve rompanles composing lae Hr-i regiment >>f H.- brigade, and B ''ili'l r.g.m.-iil will fellow Bl an early dale, lt ls imped In lime t.> uniform Ihe boya, nll of w in,tn nr,- req.dred lo take i 'i ? temp, rai i ? pledge mid also a pledge t., abstain from Ihe use of t',trice, and profane langiuge. They are ni... r. .juli-.<i to alt-nd Ihe .-rn,'liv school witii which their company l- connected, nnd Ihe boys trill fmrnentt) attend public service ai the chnrcbe Iii .i body ai .....ii :i i hey g.-t 11 'ir uniforms. i Ii.-tI.c c. c.lbv, j.r.? .Lm ol ih- ? 'itv Mission, Sd dressed the boys lu the words: "Have .ira ge, mv boys, to say ii".'' The Rev, Dr. R, .-. MacArthur dwell on ibe meaning ol the two words "conrsge" and "cowardice," snd Illustrated the wonts by Incl dents In Ihe caner ot Washington. The Rev. Nnmuel Xlmnn drew l..r-.-lv on bl* experience, bnvtnd ? ntered ? lie I nil.d Vrvv when a b'>v *.f eleven, and haring spent seventeen vern- in tbe service, rover big the p.-ilod of tl, ? civil war. WHAT THEY I'l D IN l.ll'iiiKI.Y.-.'. Ti"- ''itv Hall In Br'..iiiiyu was decorated wltk Rag] and bunting yesterday, sad Bag* uren living iu many other parti ol the city. Tbe pnhll. nthees and private plan of bu in*- wen generally closed, and school rbUdron had a buRdoy. The weather Interfered sen , ,-h will Un- parade of veteran volunteer firemen. Instead ni i long march from Sonia Brooklyn lo Ihe Ea le n di trlrt the few memlmn ol the city organl Battons and ol ll.ut ,,r t ,.*.u volunteer mies wiii.ii were i?? i-i?? -< tii-'l aunhed -.11 thc _tewalli a few blocks near Ihe City HaB, and were revlewod by some (liv nth. iril-. The annus! hog-piesslng msteh In Ihe Twenty. sixth Wari, under Ihe an pices of the Gfenmon Rod nbd club, look pince yesterday afternoon nt Jardln's Hotel. Hngh McLnnablln and many other fi'-iiii.ciniic polltlcln.ii* wore present, There were lectures nnd churches ia 1 il her enter! sin men! evening. lu n numb. 1 ni I'l.EN TV GP VARIETY AT PBIXCETOX. Princeton, Feb. SS ..peria!).- Washington's Birth dav bas alway* been n llme-btmored holiday ai P.lncetoa. .xii basing mnsl -inp after thal day, and th" freshmen st, p into a new dignity and Importance. So th*- week prevtmu la Ihe SSd Ihe sophomores make the mosl if ibelr opportantUea, and Ihe mab men suffer aei-ordlngiy. This morning orange and black *:?-, 1, nm. c. wen Boating In all aorti ol In I accearibla places, and crowd! ..f sophomores maro scurrying aboot wi:, ropes and lodden irving to lear them down; walla, fences, poati and pavement! wen g'.ivous win, taranga and Mick or green, accord? ing fe Ihe cll-s ,,f Um ilili-'s. Tiie morning exerefen nen heM la h." gymnoataaL ?Than a bedlam ensned nek ns only 600 college kapi eaa innke. Placard! end bannon wen every* where. An aatnttlatod ipectator wonM have sopp ? 1 I11"' A".>*ng and iiiaklng a ,,,,|... were th,* principal ti cup-ill,,11- ,,f lae innnilng. |,,|| in, .b-iilulh lhere mets aoaaa oratlani delvend, and the eeHeg srehestn iricl tn m.-iiie ii-eif beard Um rael of Um Hmo. Tin* aralon and ihrJr iah|eeu wen ns follows: r. s. Monis, *....?,. ,f r2uMmonAs, ?ti,,* 1 moid .Minions-: lt. E. Boss, ".?:,. ot llRaots, "Ths Puritan of'our Wulla'; .;. u.'h. *oi. of Illinois. ??Washing...,, as a My,,,-*; ?. JRHttMfen, *!.:., ,,f indiana, ?ia _nd Boorga Vaahtagton." 11. m Rogers, the president of the senior rl.i-i. pre-dded. The annual Indoor Whiter games of the l'nlverslty Track Athletic Association and exhibition of the gvniiia-ilf team were held tills afternoon In the gymaasftm, which w.-i_ erowdrd to wittie** thc per- j fernance. The winners were as follows: Putting, the shut. Beveridge, ?*.*.t. flr-t. With nn nctunl put j i-f .'I.', feet g Inches; McCliiley, ".14, second. 35 f'**'t ?2 Indies. Rope climbing. Edmonds, w, Brat. I time. 13 3-5 sen,mt*: Rfeckmore, '!"'-, weona, lo l-a ...mids. Springboard Jump. Turner. -03, Bnt, with a jump of B f.-.-l C Indies: McCauley, "Al, second. Potato rice. Ottley, '''.'I. Brat; Hone, '05, second. High kirk, a. Ila between McCauley, '!?4, and M. ('ur mick. ''_.",, willi the dl-k at Hie bright of 8 f.-*-t , Inches. The mo-t exciting coolest! of the afternoon w,re th.- wrestling matches. McCauley, ".il, won Ihe heavyweight bout, and Poe, 'fbi, thc Unnl light? weight. _ __ IX BONOB of GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS. I TRIBUTE RT THE REV. JOHN \V. CHADWICK REPOSE THE RROOKLTR INSTITVTE. Tor mon* than Iffy yean lt has bee* the custom Ol the Brooklyn Institute lo have an -watton deliverer! m Washington's Birthday upon Hie lifo mid works of h. famous man whoa, name i, worthy io be mentioned with that of Washington. A year ago George william Ciii-Hs deliver-'l Hie oration lu memory of his friend, lames Russell Lowell. Last evening In .Xs min ibm Hall th" Kev. John Vf. Chadwick spoke of the sp.-aker "f Mst year. Genna! .lohn B. Woodward presided at. the, meeting, nnd Boated on the platform were Thnni__ o. Shearman, Rf. H. Ft*eemen, winiam Pons, John A. TRylor, E. M. Whnler, A.-n W. Tenney, R. P. S. Webst.-r, George H. -arv. James Cruikshank, R. R. Bowker and George U Mor*,-. a- a preface to the addreas A. E. Pslmer read a i?>rtloii of .lum. - Russell Low-cir-. epi-tie tn George william Cartis, 'lin* i;.-v. Mr. Chadwick wu- a personal friend of Mr. Curtis for ne-arly thirty venr., and hi* Oration presented th** testimony of a companion, as will as the Judgment 'if a scholar, upon the diameter and attainments of ..Wtrge William cuni-. Thc month* Hint hal passed since Hie deatk *.f Mr. Curtis, lie -nid, imd been auirked with th" grentesl enloglea apon bim ever _iv"i to one win, beM no public "_:???. but wini charmed and deOghlod al] with his voice and pen. ii* waa i",rn in Providence, and ;-.v,,l Hie rl.y because lt Was founded bv Roger Williams, win, gave t,, ii," wmid ike best phn*e he knew, ??-.ul llbo-ty." ile ipent f"ur v.iii-s fe Europe in early life, and -i,.r.-d hil mind vvith bb Inexbau tibia lund of hist'iiic-ii Bseoctotlon. Cultivated, brilliant snd witty, he. was tba object of much genuine ad? miration. lie dui not cease t.. be n Rterary ama when he bo? gan In- p litl'-iil writing*. Ill- (ftitinl thenM wai a ii!.-rx f,.r iii- b.-t aortety, nnd InteRlgenee, simplicity a-,<i parity wen hi* itandards. A- sm or.-.ior. he ams tin- Bloat pleasing, grsrlous, lorene snd mu leal "f those of mooren times, nnd In !n- later yean he became serious and Impnssive. III. vd c.* had n penetrating iweetness. Ile s*,oke frmii fd- own personal conviction straight tn bl* W few mea. He believed III tile ndv|,c ,,f -lr ll,lill. Kidney, - Wh**rever yon bear ol a good war, i'" t" it." .?md turinv were the good rattan, weak rmd strugllng. which I,,,,k,'d to lilm f"r encouragement nnd dbl nn. i.-.i; in vain. lie 'hr-w himself into the sntl .laverv movement with coursgc, vigor mid imccess, III- and grentesl war was against Ihe political doctrine, "Tn Ihe vtrtnrs belong Ihe -pd I. "f olhce." nnd he did while lighting for the chis, nf hone*I and ?' i ? dminlsti itlon. Ile loved the Republic in party, but lie feved ronntry mon than psrtj and , fern .1 ju iii '? most of sll. THE DAY IN WASHINGTON AND ALEXANDRIA. Waabtngton, Feb 22 1 be celebration ot WashJng ton'i Birthday ta Hie Capita] wa* greatly curtail-<l by tbe .w.-ri'v n'. ike weather. The Vetenn Firemen .md the "idest inhaMtanfe' Assoelatfen nnd other nrsanlintl..11- tum'*! not, headed by the hand al the :;-l rutted Btatn Anni. rv. in Washington's own t?.wn. the neighboring dtv of .feaandrfe, the relebnifen wai entirely ronflned t., the public schools, lt 1- bow ic- yean lines Ws Ingtnn announced in Alexandria bli intention lo pay the latrina "f a number of pepita In i fine school In Hist city, un n(Ter which be continued during his Hf,* bv .in annual pavm-mi, and f'*r which he mad.* iirov-l'Vin In hi* will. lt wai Iii memory "f * ia aandattoa Hist the *rh?,i exercise! look puce to-day. OBgERVAXCEN IR "THF.i; PLACES. Trent,.*-.. n. J.. Fd, 33 Wa king-inn'! Btribday ?m.- refebrated here br a parade ..f over 3,000 per -.?in, Incladlng the Uaerl sn Meehaales, the frtriotic Son-i of America, the Nan,mal Guard, G. A. lt., gcfei ?f Veteran!, Odd Fetfewi ind other locietfea and a larg" number "f pu'.lie tM-ho-t* rhtldrea. Pitt '-ir.*. Feb. 82 Tin* p.itriiHe -..rlet|e? of Aile -? tv it.univ nnd iheir gm-sts lo-day B.ttngty cele treated th. anniversary "f vv., btnetoa's Rtrtbdar. Al 1 .bi rn.1 ? .-,*i xi nu tinah* mow, ic**'.i m. a partfetpeted In a itrori parade and teat) nt thonsands thronged the tboroogbfarei atong which the parade passed. Tr," Peden] and 1 amt* ,,nn ??* wen rinsed sll day, si wera nls.i tbe banka and tunny fit Hie larger business houses. st, paul, Minn., Feb. SS. rh- amjority of the ? and nil th-* public ..flice-. wen ? "i I., dav in m. [ii'.rv ..f i.e.irg.. Washington's birth? day. Crlebmintis wen given by nearly every "r gantiaUan In Ihe rlty. incladlng Ihe G. a. li. sad i'i.- .? .ti. md Da uah ter ol tha American Revolution. Tlie *...*: .,' \.'. ,i-;,l 11... xv. r. t, r. celebrate lo-nlght In con lune, ton wita the Woman. Relief Corps. The fe,"ne of Um daj obi Ibe celebration ,it tim -nt. Capitol, ail th.- Representatives and ?tb bring pn*-??-nt, Bj.hen were made bv Hil nu I", -fv. ic. tiber. Kngrrlnn and tithers. All ihe school w,r, cl" ci. Tile day wai mon g* n>T lh observed than ever before lu nt. Paul. HR. BRECRIRHIDOE AT THE DREXEL in-titi'TE piiTitTTT|"!;i, Pe_. SS. Tin- ai riversary <>f the Ll np*. of Wa-hi 11 t.-t "ii waa grnenfly obaerved ben to-day aa n fegal 1."lid iv. gperfel eseretaea wen beM at the Eniver -Itv "f I'.-nicv Ivrnilri mid tile Dr*-\c| Itistlttite. The principal feature in the Dnxel ThaHtntc wai sn addn-sa by emigre man Brecklnridge, ,,f Renfurky. PAtSTISOE AT THE CATROUC cir it. Thc esklbltiea "f a loan rolWUon et paintings eat ?? ! th- I (.m.- nf *!. ? ' iti, nc Club I" '? ,-i..i..|,| f.t.-rtlriv ifternoon sad Bini rh rtlon aaa esklfeted uudei tl,- ,| ? ,-t',,11 nf Joseph l* |fi Undi mid tl," , pt ri ibm, nt ?'.... -sin ii eon ol ,'f ii,..m's .1 1 "inn loka >. rt*Keele, loieph P. Daly, Jaka '. 0*Rriea, and Joseph Mulqueen. Tha polntln ? len! bj Andrew 1 Connlrk, 11 1,. Horton, '?? D. I riniinin*. j. j. Mitchell, Judge i..-, 1 ii p, inly, C. Vt. Rraaakaai sad athen had *aaay rein,lier*. .Xii.B the n'?nv w,itn"ii wini llteadfd thc exhibition ? r* Mr- 'li,,,;!,i- J. Colton, Mr*, j,,. |,ii /?. Owens, Hrs, Jaka " O'Reefe, Mr-. Aadrew J. Foaalck, Mi.. Jaka P. Rarma, Mi- Joseph 1*. Daly, Mr. Joseph I*. M ii,|in*'ii Mrs. 11 1. Horton, Miss .!..-> j.t.tu.- t'oRon, xn- ir. b r. "k Luther, Mrs. Mtephen OhRbln, Mi* Francis Travers, Mr-. William .1 Runt, Mr*. Morgan J. "Ti;.-11. Hn Joseph J. O'Donohue, Mi* Myles Tierney, Mrs, ThoaoM 1 D laay, Mr- Au as. n Daly, Mr- Jaka 1 es Miss Reel-nan, Mrs xv 11 t? i-iicmn Mrs xv g .Iraee, Mr- William J. i< Relly, Mri Dcorge McDermott, xi.- Jos I'll i* Mc 11 ii.iii. xir*. John s. M-Nultr, Mrs. I.,liu l: Minimi.', Mis. R, |(. Marttoa ami Mi,. Jnliu IV li'liv. MAR IN E I N _ E LLD. EN CE. IdlMA! I7RR ALMANAC, (fenris! t*. tt g. 1. .'. 10 \i.i- n ,,-.-n ai|Mooa'a age 7. ill..11 IVA 1 BR 1 ? ii v v XM Bandy Rook 0:4ii|Unv. Inland 1 1 . 11 - -11 Rate g:0B P.M. Shady Hook 1 Si.v. l-,. : 1 vi Heil Gale .1 _, V.\t OM I SC. STEAMERS. lu DAY. TesaeL From Line. B"!lvl- .Olssgos Feb ?',. Aiihit ??_*. .Lib"-. I- b :: .I'-rtu ti . V " .', I 1 li ld . N \ x 1 nbs N . .I*. * 'i I*, o . Feb ll .White si,,r N.midland . Anlweip, Feb ll . Red m* KUI* "f V l,:;i-!_l. '.I. -, ,.n, |'l*b ll.All;,,..ate W rm iii- in 11. fi, 11. m 1.j,,jj 1 ku. v v. 1 linn xr.v 54. turn*ta Victoria .Southampton, i*.?-, 17 ... Hamn-Amsr Britannic . Liverpool, Feh l_ vv Bite Bl ir BATU RDAY, FERRU .RT .J St indi! .Hamburg, 1 ri. 11 Ramb in, , Krii-i Wilhelm I lt."in.,. Iel, I.', Mandi-liner EUUila.Liverpool, j,n |n .luiiard 00Tool.SC BTEAMERS, TO-DAY. ..... _. Matta Vc.*.* X ci-o . lane. Fnr. clo*-. -ali* I'.lni"! ri. billi- An,cr., S.ililln, ii ,|,!.,ii. ll 00 am Cltr WaahlBKtoo, RY* Cuba,llavana. 1 Wpm LHOpn I r al Iud, '."li l" '' I'.c inntl.,. I ,, , ,, ,? :t oo jj m i itrsn, i: linn.i? s> iu, Raaaau, H c. i ;oa |, m _ .u" ]? ? BAI i RDAY, l I lilli titv ?_?-,, I., N'l.ruiindl,'. l'r Tran*. Iinv re . .. 1:00-01 g*00am vu- in -i ( uii.irl. I.I, .-rp-nl ?, :,,, , ,,, |-j ,,, ?, '??I ? (1 ."?. Neil,, vu r Rotterdam... io :. > a m 1:00pm Ho lt .n ., ll hoi '. i- -.m .Il ,i,| ? ,? ?> IM ln YoraBMI Nt V I lin M' |Kiit.- Iii":,,,, I (kl n in Alena Atlas, ll .wini |-..rf- ... || in. | ,?, .,?, ?hltadelphli WI) La ? itiaj tm, \ ii 00am 1 O' i> rn Ilnmi.v J rinnl i I Drenad-i v- I*.* n*" rn 2 t-t n in i i i, NVtt'iiii. Rio Jane ra, kcJS.'Otm 2 (Wpm sn ir risc se its. PORT OP NF.tV-Yr.RI. WC.I.N'ISIia v, lill S3 1S0.1 ARRIVER St-oner t"lil'_(-' .Itv (Rr), I-Itt. Rrl.tol Jnniiiiiy ill _??ii*'? Fehruarj 4. oith nni.. t,, .1 Arkell _ Ce. Arrhed ul th*- RBI Bl Us tn. .Steamer Flat i ,I_il, (iirlnl. Mediterranean port* with llld-e t., I'lnln- Iii,,tl,, r* t Co. ?feamn Alene (Rr), Scid* r? Ja,-nn*l Ft-bniary 8 -lux tMBUt -, i>_v*ui.i_ 13, Kn.".!.,i, lo, willi ind-r and HILTON, HUGHES & CO., 6uc.e--0M to A. T. Stewart li ?..->. TO-DAY: 60,000 Yards GENUINE FRENCH i Tl ?I llllJjlJ I at 4Qcts. per yard; Reduced from 70 cts. for this Special Sale. Lovelfi TEXTURE, beautiful PATTERNS, absolutely PURE floods, and nothing so cheap has been offered before. Broadway, 4th Avenue, Oth & 10th Sts. THE NEW SHAPES in THE KNOX HAT ARE \0%V Iti VIIV anti Tor ?salr al 191 .lill av., lintier Fifi lt Avenue Hotel, anti ?*Mv! Broadway (eor. Fulton wi.). Plew Vork; .110 Fulton ?-.., R rook lt ii: IOU State *t.,<liifa?o, and hy thc principal hatter*, in every city ol'the Inion. Stern Bros. are displaying grea'ly increased assortments of im-xirteJ & Domestic Parasols and direct special attention to their Co.ichintf Parasols with Empire Cases, in all 'he newest colorings and s lea mountings. West 23 d 5t. |,i..-iil*. r- tn Pim, I-"rtv,?.d i. to. Arrlvnl at the Raf at I 11 ni. Meamor Niagara, Hurler, Vera Croi February 7 Tu\|iain li, lampion il Campcche l.i l'r ";?:,'.-? 1,1 ll uv ana 17, willi inda and i-,i--. n_ i- i,, Janies 1. Wald ._ i e Airlv,.l iii tn. tl .-> I', p ni ,,f -.'l.t. hteaniei v-.a bU'vens, Matanza, I' bi ian t", Havan i I I**. Min, lin!-" and paaaenffers i.. Jaatea l. ward \ fa Arrlv.,1 nt, lh_ Mnr at, 1 Itu |> nt. *-??? nt r Nu" - Risk, i,ai\.-!.n Februanr IS, Rej Wes! I* vtitn mdse ami passengers t,, C ll Mall,nv \ > ., steamer Hudson Remote, Npw.Orleaas F.-brn.irv li. with n.i-. unii pasaensjer* t' .lt.- ph ll Beaman steamer Algonquin, I'l.itl .la. k? ii v, I ll.- F "bruni v H Chsrlrstoo '.v. wim intl-e and pasaeogera to \V 1' Civil* St Ce. >!? .in i-r Fltj "f Augusta, I'.ii.i'ii: me Savannah, Feb mart .n, Mr I Ui tn,!.' and paarengera t" ll I. xx-||k_r. Strom.r .'-oaten H.'nsri. XYlliiuugton, N .', 3 dara, willi n*t- t ? XV I* t'lttl ? .X t ., Mein,, r i.iimi, i,,tt". Walker, Norfolk end* Newport Hews tn Old 1.?.i s* Cit. Passed . nv 1*1 ii <l. i, ni ri *,nun Steam .taine, Williamson, Providence (,.- Rew.Tork. Meaner City of Fit.-l-.l,ti ?_. Ulbber, Fall River, for New-York. City .-I Brockton, Kl.kenon, Fall River for New.Tork. S. m. N -linn. Ila/artl. Providence rm Sow-Tot k. Steamer Flt! nf Lawence, li, >r, New-London for Rew. v. rk Steamer Metropolitan, (.cr. New-London for Ncw-Vork M.incr Hicliairl Peck, Puk, Nett Haven 1 ,r New. Tort. "-fanni City nf New-York, Wiir-i. Norwich f'*r Row. V? k. l-assed Fasti stem,", Herman Winter, New.Tork inr Boston Rand. it""'*. _ p rn xx uni weat ? ni* rlear. CR] I-:, nd-Wind strong, north weat j Clear. ( Ll ARRO. si,"if." w-rannk. Boas, Norfolk and nirhawnd Old Dominion bteam*hlp Co Strainer V.n ,,.-...?.- MeKe*. Charlesusi and Jackaon* viii" Willum 1> VXxte t Cn, Stearne- l'.l Bot, Maaon, Rew-Orleani .1 t Van Blekle. SA 11.KO. st.acer- !'""l"h!-iii I. fur Antwerp; Mn-c.ti,- th" i....I: I.l'/le Henderson, philadelphia: F.I .--..I Vow-Or. leans j rv * a. Norfolk ami RI.-lt ii io nd : N........ i,.,- .-;.. v.iiinali; Y.-tn.,** ??. Charlei'-on and .I.e k-nnv ill.*. 1 HIT MO. I'M I \ I '*, OF SI I AM 1.1',--. 1 "Ul ION PORTS, .steamer Bargermel,1 i>, paterson (Her), Rorger -ailed from linitmiintli for New-York l-'-t.i ni, rv. Steamer Devonia il'ri, narri-, from ?W-Vorh February ll fm- i.i.,*.?.,,?. .ur:'. ,1 >t Moville February ***? Steamer Maree-, tin , fate, sailed front Duuu.. fnr Rew. Vork Kebruary 22. '?';;".' Mlsala-lppl mr), tint'*, from tfew.Tork rearm. arv ii for I...n i..n. passed Uje Misrd February 22 Steamer American iDutrit v ,., tv from Se. rori. February IO roi I>?".?? r. passed Prawle Febmsn *??*? Mem,,i Hraanulam [Dutch!. Boujcr [mm N'w-YoYk fe marv ll for I'-oulogne and Rotterdam, paaaed the Murd 1 ? hruary '.".' Me.,l|?.r St Illili ft ,tieri, Wl.cry.-I. froni I'.a I timor.' Febr't ?JJ I vii^n w.York lor Ramibarg, DBsaad th. Lizard L..'ii';;:V";.:.;x;ur.'d^,;A:^,,',,''r' ***** *?<** fnr^v'u'verir'i'.'lr'ft? |3**> *** *** &***?* mttmnTZ IKEBh-'W5E21?_'"""? ~:"1'"1 "'"" ?* -t un r Morar (Br), ...uh.- Cl,Ina and Japan fur Rew.Tork, arrtvfd at .sue/. Fabraary sa Anii'iiinceineuta. CRAWFORD ?HOI RORER, 177 Ilrondway, 281 d?.. 8.17 do., I.1M do. 21'! Wo_? I2.-,th-it. .'-'I P*.Naa.a_, ) nrnnLi.? WI F'U tell- ,|.l ?"?IJR Hkni'.y A Dari RU M I) no WEST MiTH-ST. Diseases of the Nervous Svs.em, t.enito-Urtiisrv Oman* Impotency and (Sterility Hours, 8 Ut 1 i ul tl ***? &. W*-The Tyrona* link ouff should bo in with out 9r .No te ka ..Uar. jc * w. Ran O'NEILLS 6th Ave., 20lh to 21st St. Grocery Dept FIRST QUALITY TEAS 50c per pound. Sold elsewhere at 70c, H. O'NEILL A CO., 6th Ave., 20th to 21st St. Bargains in Lace Curtains. We place on Sale, this week, 250 pairs of Irish Point Curtain! that have been marked down to half price, as follows: rai FA IK. Mi.DO reduced to t.3.00 IO.OO * * 5.00 14.00 ?? ?' 7.00 18.00 * " 0.00 85.00 ?* ** 1..50 33.00 ** *? 17.50 This is a rare opportunity to secure really desirable goods at very low cost. J A Bf E S M C 0 R E E RY & CO., Broadway and 11th St. BARGAIN8 '..111 BB I'li'k' WIRTRB ui sra-m, ll F.neii-ili 'kihi Bim hera, !? Il B-le. I) Call l.t.??!. . PATKNT LBATHSB HiU'*ieri and I.a.e Baot!_ .ALF III TTON j] and I-aee li.*!,. ft slas .1 Ila. "' V <0>?.l{l>*? I.AITF.K* Ti$8at$5 ;$7at$5 ..Walli iis_$j "Bi)Rr& Packard V CORK FILLEDV "KORRECT SHAPE " KOOT Mil OP. PARK PLACE AND BROADWAY Tribune Almanac. 1893. NOW READY. GREATEST ALMANAC EVER ISSUED BY THE TRIBUNE. 3_io i?a?_?:*?_.i CB_rm .1 copy. Borne of the mosl valuable tables ever printed by The Tribune Almanac appear io tins Dumber. A man of th.- World's Fair Grounds i_ pre* seuted, in addition to full particular* about the Fair. All the usual statisti? cal and political features, and many of special and great importance. Copies can be ordered through say newsdealer or news company- or pur? chased at the office of The Tribune THE TRIBUNE 1 ? TRIBUNE PUBLICATIONa ALL IS PAMPHLET FORM. SUI AR AC. 1 RSa A iriillv A'llrttilid number. Fir* ol 1 hr iireul Almiinn,-* on Hui 350 PtBRB Now irmlv. RSBoola a emmy. KNITTIN.. AMI IIIIIIIIKT. New. WttAS ***** ymutm Aomatmi <>? li,,n?, ii..!.l .le.-urit.ioii und la?Me* ?H tauts n .-op*. _ .111.1 ION HUI'S. \ e<imiili.|f liMofihe t.0t1m*> lioimll-e* ol .lie I nile,I -Miite-i. mill how liter linnie ll* linnie*. Only li*. i**.*i-,-<ini|iiii*il. VtttmUUmttamaiSBB mmmmmmmmtn atti peoaaeieea o. aose ummtnoVUms *? cent.a oopy. in laalSle <-iu.ii, Si. RRW WW. All .ho new wnr?hlp? dc*, ribed. "?"???? lilli*,, nilton*., nml in. Iiiditi- a li*, ol the si- *u-v-*' ui iimiiiiiil*, el,-. - . .-eula ii ropy. ?roana, o?,*r unnid or the chu .var.ts I ninn BoM-Bia. Iimpii ina. .-.Hiing nml pn.hctl-*. Ne? ul lh?| Willi? lui Triliiini* cimh i>ii/e*. ?Jii-rala. BK. 1*???TK**. The hr*, ur Kn*well li. Ilorr's arri .lea in The Weekly Tribune on ihe Turill, Fluasceasa filler. J.i. em*.. _ VIM. VLF I.IFKOV FM KNT.-Two channin-nrll**lse h* ll. ... Kill-OOP. Ihe |iiiiiu* mover In .Iii* work. RB*" VurU .liv men wilt, want lo helli briiutiry Ibeir natl lunn* lu Hi. . on n i r*-In.ititi tin tl Ibis. 3 cell.* ? *-'0p. ? MIUTIII'IKU). WSa -The exercises lb. ra- 1* erm* n copy. < I1AITAI Qt'A. 1 tmBB. -WtUAmAt UlustnUed. *?*? ?lory ol' iho .ninon. - -1this u copy. ??OIK .HAIN. KY."-A Tribune prrnilant- VJ r.. ulur mSm rlbir to The Tribune emt RM ? ?? ^ rein-.. A ilrlicloti-. pmUUt ol lm*. ?**??? ?>* -?"* ..romley lor the Yule aluiimi. ftUAuttt* Wummmo Hem ,1 uuil (.ll,-on. RrWtURS TH be.t ol the -.l-.r-dlmi-r orator, last winier iu Ibis elly, 'li cauls. THE TRIBUNE* ..41.