Newspaper Page Text
rapidly In the country. Iho charlotte EH-cnle K-llroud ls snowed ap. There ls about one foot ol snow on the level now. Troy, Kel-,, i-i.?A great many of H:e collar nnd Bhftri mar.tifiictnrles etaord at noon, to allow meir em? ployes who live Iti suburban paris of the eltv ta reach their bernes. Halls!,,!), N. Y.. Feb. 23.?A Acree northeast mow. steam set iu hereat IOo'rtoehlast sight, and Ht"-now cniiiiuii.s to fill la-day althaal ora-aMtoa. Tbs naow 1* fully a foot dei*p mi the level :u,d I- very light. There has been no Wind yet lo form heavy drills. Trains on Hie, -teleware nnd Hudson Rattld-d ure niaMng fair time tata morning. Tort .lerv s. Feb. 'ii. This is the worst Washing? ton's llitLdtv lu- fae memory of Ihe olde-t Inliabl tSnl in this section. BOOW began telling ut B o'clock BMl evening and continued all night, and at 10 0*clod this morning it met -tired shoat liftcen luche, on iho Jevcl. ard was Still snowing hard. A SHOW _H?l0 m*ar Krtdy lui, blocked tlie Delaware division cf the bte Railroad nt a point fifty -tear mile- wast of this place. _!?<? slide ls alma BOO Int long nnd fifteen feet deep, lt will delay traftir nearly all day. (in thc eastern, division the snow is drilled, bnt not as badly, and traine are BTTiVtag here from nv BRM tr m sag ' * '*? hours late. Ths Monti? cello and SiiinitiltvHIe railroad-, tire blocked, no iralns having arrived hero from these places since Monday. Knglneer Sandford Clausen, of tbs Monticello I'.iiil road, had nne of bis eyes p::t out While trying to force li, eaglno through s i/.g di-ut yesterday. The snow carried away tbs cb q| his engine, and a .pinter pierced one of lil, eyes. He ls being cared for ul the Hunt Hospital in this plate. Thc annual 4)!h!lci of Uki Millr-ilik Valley Historical Socie'y. which ur,, Iq bo held today, WM postponed bOCSUM Of the B.orm. Boston, Feb. *_?_.?Nine Inches Of soft, heavy snow fe.l herc last night. The mercury stand . at 30. The shaw turned to steel si RUBI a, m., with wind nceth* 4a>t and stilt. Them is n"w more mow In BostOO streeta lhaa st Hm ume of the '-<-> bltaisrd. The steam reads arc working on lor great dtteeulty. Many trains are cancelled and all others arc Irregular. Tho join masted schooner Glenwood went ssbore on Hard? ing- Ledge at 'A :_0 a. st. Tlie crew were saved, and are ai Ihe ttfesavlaf station. Rockville, Conn.. Peb, _~_.-Thc most severe gale and BaawsloiBl sin*** the UltUld nf ISM raged through out Toitand (onnty last night and to-day. Behoois am rinsed, mills an* n.iiy partly -Baaing, hartness li almeo! entirely suspended, and ths roads In Tolland and RBtegtoa are ImpasBsbte. l'ortland. M-.. Peb. 29/?The storm 1* lii'-reasing in severity. A heavy northeast gale is blowing and it Ls get wing colder. Bevca Inches <>f mow have i Wet ly fallen, and lt ls still snowing hail. All trains are hours behind Hine, and el alric car travel ta greatly trnpoied. Xothlng like Uiis .simm has ben seen lure Hus winter. Naili-k, Maaa., Peb. St.?Ths oMest inhabitants state that iiiurc snow bsa fallen het-j this season than in SRI winter fur Hie last twenty years. The electric roads im ve beea unai ie t" connect with boatb Prssn lnghain or ( ochltuate, nnd there ure fully three feet of gnow on thc ground on Un average. Drifts ranging from Uv,- tn seven feet bl _ei**ht have blocked travel to Saith Nariel, und Wellcley. Wires are down te several pisces. Ycrgennes. vt.. Feb. 22.-*inee B a. m. a bhssard bas prevailed here, thc wind Wowing fmm the north. The roads are btoeksd and bu-ine,s is generally BUS* pended. The drifts in Ihe streets are from four to I.Inc fe"t deep. I inningham, Conn., Feb. __.?A heavy snowstorm prevailed hero today. A strong north wind ls blowing. Trains on the Nuugntnci. r_ad ure Rtnlled in Ibo big drifts ii few miles south of thia place. Rrattteboro, vi., Peb. gt.?Aaother sevem storm prevailed here to-day. Krom twelve to flit cen Inches -<tf mon fell up to l o'cl'_ k. Tho wind ls blowing ' furiously. Hep nts from all over tbs county indicate that (he .-torin is the heaviest in recent yeai*. The highway, aro Mocked and stages and some of the railroad trains haw beep. dtS-OntteOed Three feet of .-now have fallen within a week. Wo cs,i kit, R. I., Keb. BS.-To-day's storm lia:* sealu thrown Iblnes Into confuitou, particularly on the N.-w '.mk mid Ncw-Fnglaiid Bat-Toad's broach between Woonsocket and Newton Highlands, Mass. Travel bsa Leen almost at a standstill all day. Thc Hist wc*.bonni Rate arrived hero seven hours late. On Hie consolidated Kcud Ibo tanina were but (.lightly delayed. Lowell, Mu-s., Feb. M.?Fifteen Inches of snow fell herc i.p tn aeon. Daslaess i- tied up. Electric ear men worked nil nluht lo keep tb* iracks open, bul ut 6 o'clock Hiis un,.nmg gave np the eflnrt. tat, wert "lltrail ulong the variom routes sad horeee pulled Hum te the Btsdtoas. The storm will be more dl? oslrnu, than tbe March billiard of four years ago. A nnrtkrsit wind prevails. Dover, R. H., Keb. _*_._-The storm here today has UStS i.rri!,le. A bleb wind has picvnlled and eleven inches of snow fell since 8 o'clock this norning. The electric mott between here and -omer,worth bas len Mocked, and ll lins lieen impossible in get lt open. All trains have double-headers ar.d even then are ovet an hour lau-, a iuonplsu|b fr.,m Fortland pot s*urk nen sad had to be shovelled out. The mail on tbe bi-ige width tefl BtraRord and Rorthwood, yesterday inoinlng, got here st ll o'clock ihis nioinlng. Tbe ktag" will not -tart back to-dny. scranton, Feb. SS.?-The smalls of snow which envelop* Northeastern Pimi-ylvatiln nsessnrea thirty Inches tai the level, siitecn Inches being added to the fan by e ntafm which began last evening. KaUroads everywhere er.- blocked, and no train, have pa.-si'd over the JeRent-n I -ra neb of the Delaware md Hudson tir.ivi.iy Railroad to Honesdale this week, owing t., .Sunday night's bHssard, mid Hie pis-nt -tnnu adds further io Ihe blockede. Fun o." danger from drifts nu the Pocono Mountains are intiing the Delaware, Lackawauua and Western Bslhrasd per pb* on their guard. This afternoon re? lief iralns, with hundred- of section hands, shop employee and mine workmen, were held ready to bo sen! out to asaist in rai-lng anv blockade that may arise. They will bo amp!*.- provtatoaed so sa to rvuev_ passenger- on anv tra.ns that nuiy be smiled. The deep un aw kai forced Idleness nt tVery Hillie In lids section of the anthracliu regions. The stern changed into a terrine norSrester, and tb*- wind ls hurllni: Ike snow Into ma,-Ive drlfl, evervwhere.. No trains have come from New-York today, and thc block-da oa ail t:.,- roads ssoms almn-t t'lnplete. .An unknown wimtin attempting to cross tbe Delaware and Hudson track nt Oj) pliant this morn? ing failed to sec or hear an approaching engine bp reason of Hie -now.tonn, and mot ran d rwn and hiUtsl. S1IIPW!*.!.' K!.U SAILORS FROM VERA CRVR Ai,I,,nu* the pseeeagera m the Meaatei Rtagam, which loaabad Bria pttrt Issi Taesdsy Bight, wari four mea tum, thc Rerwegtaa bark Vtikesaaim, whtek sailed treaa Rag laud for Mlsiatltlan. .Mevi?, in La !_?t. On January l'.l. when 100 miles off thc Real aa coast. Hie bark . ic ounn-i-ed s heavy ira!" wbtah !-i?>d fa twe day-, gae araa drives cn a hH Beal Miaatlttaa. 'J he wave da?hd over her. and she ir.lej with water tlir.iti'.-h several Hail*. The erew got BBbeee la the bark'* icu,. Baton toe hall of the merni went to ptoeea wreehers sav,j the taavaa and ridging. Part <>f tea r.e.- riUpped fteai athel jmrt, four vt them were lakes by the Kisgam at Vira Cns. Tie OM ri Inri, nf _ii_ tun, limden, and un, owned by B. Olenoii, of Bysgaer, Noi nay. Ole Xlcl.eii was her captain, ihe was built ta ISSI At Havana tlie N'lagari received as a passenger Captain Eaitker. of tho Dutch Laik J. P. a.. whick waa wrecked at Cape 6>an Aiitorln. tuna, on Jiimuiy 5. Tte Rtagam en ounteed roi?-i aresihei nette or Cape Rsttcrsa. RARORB MAUI'. A ROU IN A BIXAMRR. Two bSSgSa anl a su-amer made tln-ir Brat BSpeetmee in tiio Upper Bay early yOBtetdsy incrnrncr us "knack iNout"' comedian* and BO* Ikey arc laid up for tepalrs. The bargee Morrtasm and R. R. \v. No. . were lylag nir Liberty Island. PMSBSi hp MM I ". they diaggBd Heir li I "rs and drlffd u'nut tlc Bllttah steamer Am Hy, kapektai a sol in le-r stern anl taeaktaB isverel plates, Thc _..g Mutual lowed sway ste R ortaUMI, and thc R, M. Tl inn.Ins got the other bbr^r. out of the* u<lV. The iteamer Was Uien towed to her pier In Biooklyn, where abc will unload h'-r cargo of sugar. 'Die esptotB of tim ancny ai nr*t retuaed as-i-.toticc. The n.ate waa traaij injuied while ti\n.-.- the abates. OOtOmUB TO .-iT<?P AT (TTY IsI.AND. Tho Mas_H Msry R. HcHon, Captete Davis, from Mim_riai_a for New-York, wa* rimpallrt t*-i lay up at Cliy I?lau_*_i.*t itiKht on account of lee and hlgU wliul. Captain I)av1? reports tint outside of Execution Itorks he aavr aa Inward bound mvr of UgM barge... Some of them parUd their haw?era and went adrift. At dark Vb*-* was a action of a bsr.e tow anchored or fa_t In Ibe Ice juit cavt of Sand* point, whtah may be the tow Moaned u?. lah NOUMAXDIF.'S itoruit TOTAOR. With her bridge covered with |SB U N'ormandle reached her pier yest-rd.y 0?_ Our lehind time. She had been bureted and _,*.cl by the _torma, but had nvoived lltCf dssasge, Tteomjhom hei* voyage the winds wi>r?> neteMC and thc lem wera high. In tie* lil.lits of r,.?.??. ari- IS sud 1. there wer_ violent atorms Hom Hie vv,__. -otitbtvcit On F.brusry 1'0 sud 21 she waa in a hurrl* cat.,-, ana tiie i.lth seas rolled over her deck* anl awept awar everythU!. movable, and damaged tli. surbovd lifeboat. There ms no proniMialiiig _i ih-* deck lhat dav. In fact, during the e?tir voyage i!u. ,,_.?,.?. Um ne:-* on. too gUd to 0tS? Setow. Among Hone To combat fin te in I e. tu nil Ha Tarma, uetlilng caa r. - Btoee BuKeatid a Wine, toole and nutrlllve. prepared f"lm amonens titi cotoa. T0 be hst ot tho uriu.ipaJ dfugglste. USE POND'S EXTBACT FOR OVER-TIRED, WEAK, OR SORE EYES. "It SC'S like ma.l'- la ophthalmia. I Hilo lt so math (or mis eyoa."?Rev. M. jamison. AVOID Bt*RBTITt*TR_t. UeoBlne made only by l'oud'a I'.strait. Co., 70 UfUi-ave., New-York. on loard were Lim..nant I'.muiy, I". S. N., who bas returned from a rsnretaf i**t lu Loudon. He ba, been lntrusuJ by Ute liieelon M tee Wsrid'i Pell with lb ? wini; of the department of naval ai'hit ? lure, un Ibo vcol wm thc Indy of l.l-.-u: nalit Lii,oij's c!iild, who died In London. THE WIND BLEW THEM INTO THK QUARRY. two MER, A ROUSE AND A WAOOX FAL!. INTO A PIT-OTR1'K DAMAGE PORE. Cenlral New Jersey country road- ore blockaded bv snow, ranging In diplli from four ta eight Irat, and travel is almost enthvlj in.pended. The tortoni wind which svrept over the Wstclrang Roantaln yesterday wrenched oh* the ruol of Hi" te-uae owned and oecupl <! by .leiitiia w.'igiici-, :i 'tench larmer. While driving from Bahway to Plainfield, Aaron It**ow.i became stalled in inowdrlfta, and wes hsdlr froxeti before he sneeeeded In making h's way t" s neighboring house. The tws Coddiugton brothers, tannera Bl Ronni Horeb, wen* driving aleng the brink <tf a quarry, when toe gal.- picked np their vehicle and threw lt ti the le t tom of the pit. iii* v wire badly eui nnd braised bt tin* fall, but (heir injuries ure not Bertoas. Robert M. clark, of Chapel Hill. Bomeraet County, wsi over come by the cnhl nn the mountain near Washington* ville, ile revived sufficiently to moke ids wnv ti Ihe Wa.shingionviiie chapel, into which be forced un en? trance nnd ol-ta ii c,1 shedir fur !!..*'. Tlie wind obtained suth a velocity on thc mountain tba) tarra hnu-s were badly shaken and windoo Bissit Bbitt* n?'. All Iralns on tbe Central Ballroad of New-Jersey sri delayed. *-?-? I'F.KIl. H'S POSIT-ON OP A I.I'.MI'.KK SCHOONER. Cbatbam, Maaa., Feb. SS.?Tbe terrible -anthea.! gale, with snow jind rain, of this morning -hided te westerly th_s afternoon. An unknown three-mssted schooner, lumber laden, wa- discovered by tbe Bte patrol dose under Chatham har at 7 a. m., d slowly toward the bar, over which fleece breakera win* maning. Distress signsta were Hying in the rigging, snd ssstaisnee wsi badly needed, tail no bool could live to gel to her, ss she was beyond the outer bar, and no line could !.<? shot to such s dl-tsncc, Both thc Chatham ami Monomey life saving CTCWN _.?.,? al tho scene, bal her deatrnctlon seemed Inevitable, as the gale wss lerrltic and the sea fearfully rough. The crew took to the rigging Anally, showing thal the v-s-el was lining with waler, and tbe seal were running all over her. Ju.,' a* she wi-s almost on Ibo bar there caine fl iuii lu tbe gTie: then soon ll came M ?**?. lng fr.mi the westward, causing ibe st to swing around oR*sbore Ju-i in :i'ue to escape going to on the bar. Bbc ema si anchor si sum-'t. Tbs wind was blowing a burricane Irom the norih w,st, and li w.i- growing cid f.i-t. The crew came out of thc riffing, manned tbe pump*, ami are trying i,. i,. ., me *,-???, tree, lier ni si name i- ?? VMllu.m. and lt'is- thought Hut lt may be the William Flint, ol Wnld-lmm, Me. BTRRXT ( l.FANF.r.S HARD AT RORR. Oeesmlsi-Oner Brennan's mea were al work rt diiv ami Issi nlghl removing ibe fre_b snowtall fr?im Broadwsy, Plfth-ave. and the more tmporlanl I boron ii far***, including tbs ferry ttiveta Mr. Ba noan rmltn-d soother wall yesterday In ibe ahspe <>: .1 bolletln, In which he re|m eatcd himself sa tbe victim -.f mot* dispensations ol misfortune than an. pr*d.r he ever bad in the Street-Cleaning Department. Ev>n lime tills winter v,h*n be thought he was gettli _ best of the elements, down cnn'- thc* sn.nv again, nnd ?nade work for twice the men ii- could emptor. Ill mulei fur street coUecitons wi- pim I .il-, abut again yesterday, owing to the masses of Ice Boating down the river. Ooly Ibr.I tb*, ntnetrvii dumps were supplied with SCOW . snd but seven dumper. Wen- able to gt t OUl tO -e.I. .Nu actual attempt wu- made jresterday lo i Meet the aabes and gari-age through ito* div. ti'" ??" being .-ill at norh on ito Know ptl-*s. lb*. Comml* doner said tbal be was Jet.rmlued io k.-. p tl*-- rnmn lugs cb-ar thi, time, and lo have tbe nullera cl.-_u,>! ont ui'd culverts open te carry oul t.i'.- aii*eh and salt A RAROR POI 'ND.J'.s IN* THR BOUND. Thc He.* Line barge Itellel, bi charge of captain stephen Douglass, ahleh bai boen lying Bl anchor In fold spring llsrbor, L I., Bounder.d In ??' gale on Sunday m.*,it sad tlc- cr.-w barely e raped m'.tii I rir live.-. Not only was there a high wind snd a driving wind storm, bul tbe crew declared Hud tie!. waa thnnder and lightning ai weil. Tlie iapuin and crew alter Intense Bullering for many boura li i lld nnd exp..-un- wree Anally rx cued by iii* crew >>f the togbont R. .*? Packer. Tbe barge I! iffi mi broken away Irom n tow of three tang ? lt uri I tor Providence, lt. I. A nell oner Iles high and dr. un i ....p. r's Mutt. Her name ls unknown. BOMS MAIl.s MANY HOt'ttS LATE. The mall service wai mach hampered yesterday by ih** dei-iy to trains. The mall ft lite South oi *i the Pennsylvania road, due lure ai 7 no a. m., dhi i"i arrive amil 1 ?27 p. m. The Montreal mall over th. New-York Central, which should have gol here Bt '. a. M., was two hnurs and lim!', live minutes leland time. The in-ill from the West over the Peniiiylvanla rojid, missed connection st Pittsburg, snd wai righi hours tale in getting here. its icheduled lime of arrival was 7 :.VJ a. m. Tin* pouches ban Pian rlseo and chicago and Intermediate pointe over the .N.-vv York Central reached thia city st aboal -i p. m. Instead of st ll:-.- a. m. Thc llutfalo mill ovei t ie -.?mi" line, due n \i;:;.-, a. m., wai delayed until lh< mid ile nf tin- sfternoon, Samuel ii. Bowne, mperlntendent *>f Ihe ?? Postofltee Delivery, was on du . from 7 s. m. until 4 p. h., (imi had hi* regular torre on band until 1 o'clock, although linir the nun were *upp, , ti i., g,.\ a holiday. Tl.atra clerka, kowever, ...t tbe inaH in tirsi cuss shape. ? _. __ MANY PERSONS HURT ?'N TIIF. SIDEWALKS. Ry oid,r of Superintendent Byrnes, the police were ot Uv.* ye-tenlay In Hying to compel bOU eholderx lo keep the .(reel gutten clear of slash, One policeman was seen In Houston -t. urging a Chinaman I" dear the sidewalk ta front of bl*- laundry. The Chlnrman dbl not seem to under-lund whal wes wanted until the policeman fairly dragged bim out on t:," -bi. walk iiiiil mir.I.- motions to Indicate tbal thc _lu?h mu I lu* removed. A number ol persons rr.- burt iv falling on Hi- dippery walka during the day. Emanuel Wsgner, iwentj one yean old, of .\?.. 513 ?sst Ninth lt., fell on tbe sidewalk in rion I ni No, lui Worth rt., snd the pninf of sn umbrella which In* carried entered his left eve. An amhnlanrc penn who examined Ihe yoong man before la kn io Hie Chamber, Street llotplts] raid the umbri bi pnlnt hud entered th" eye shoot three .nebea. Th wi,und la dangerous. John Byan, Bfij -ls years old, Ml In fanni of Ll. home, No. Bl Divisional., and broke bl, righi lei He -.ia* removed lo Bellevue lloaplial. Norah Crowley, t biri J niue rears old, fell down Ibe '!<?]? at her, No. ?_',?_ K.,-t One-hundred and twentieth ,t., mni !:<?!? -kuli was (nettired, She v. - reafoved te u.e Harlem HospitaL snr. is the SAME OLD biiacramazor, Rm i? it ol tic ghat kaauxoa * Sh :- ihe til li laliad f.-i-r v I >...-,?.. and *lie Bevel leta a div pas* li I without i..c t lug an aeeMea.. wiiat ste ii"-*:. ju,t noa li i good calamity ar..?tcr. Me- ru,* late bsrgea, ilk * ap : gi and lecher.* in ber |m-!dl>- ah els, breaka bel radder, and is sonii-tjiiK-- witiimit a bmw. Sba wa* tied ap a. Uta lidtpv nni,-!' j.i.-r yesterday snmlag. Tbe mipioyea of the lanalgtatteB Bairns win. arsawd ie tt t B'-Ua lilia*) ?wt in her rakia bs bnnr ur aa ? alttos toi bet t- Marl, but twit a nove did she make, lb r crew bsd -truck be. tame they h-id int received their Jamar*, uteri-*, 'ldc ates_Ua Busily ealleeted a erew, eeariatlag ol a Brandi. navlan Immigrant, ari old *-ii|,.r, an 1 ii reapta , f -tv ,1 tx - and the Bhackaamaee ns Med sst m h<r daily eeeseb f"r diiBT'-i md edvcaisre. ? - ? DAMAOI HY WIND IN TEXAS. JurkHonvllle, Tex.. Feb. ?_?.'.-A BtOTBi struck this place shorty after midnight last nlghl. The dwelling of Jnrnes A. Campbell wa, lorn fruin l!s found Minns and wrecked. Mr. Campbell and hi, fumilv wire sleeping .-it (he Hm.*, but were mit Injured. Cblmneyi outbuildings and fences were destroyed. it'll Rad la Smoke, but that ls nn lea,on uhr you'll not en Joy your etgB-Sjte. Ile mr. lt's tho right brind. IMt the Old Dominion. ,\ phst0> graphic autprlsc wl'h cadi package. UNDER STARS AND BTRIPES, Coullnurd Ham Pira. I'.isc. serve slowly paced the ileck **f iii** New-York, tim str.*i".'ti. of tim wind being a. timm so gieat ss gi iinst to miry lhasa o!T iimir f et. Steadily the sn cv mun* dawn, while tin- passen ci* from il'" Carroll made their way ta the deck ol the big steamship. There was no loitering ot promenading, bnt nil hastened tlirou-.-ii the entrance, to saek the wm I'Tt of tlc cabins and taloona. Her" a loncheon was spread, nnd there wa* a gen-ra] gravitition toward thc tables neatly spread with tempting food. I* became known <*n board tba Now-York linn an sc.Ident at Philadelphis had deLil*.*.! the President's ir.iin. and tbat he would probably be an lour and a Itali" bte In arriving. Bat ibero were ample opportnnlties fur pleasantly pa?*lug tho time. While many regrets were eapr.I that tbe day had proved so unfavorable In point of weather for the out-of-door ceremonies, tiaro was ? disposition i" make the bcgl of thc situa? tion. The snnonncement was early made, also, that the proposed (ri:* down the bar, aol to i a rmi return nins! he abandoned both on sccounl of the finlay of the President^! nnd the rough weather. There was a um* disappoint noni :tt the receipt of tlii., news, yet the nsreemcnl wa* gen.ral that Jittl.* in the way of plea.ure was possible under aitch circumstance*. The trip would necessarily have bean s slow one, ewing in the great masses of tee ip tlie hay ni;.l tho strain inc n the _.**atner_ propeller blades conee* quenl upon thuiupioji bei way Ihraugli among them. J.S.CONOVER&CO. 'JS and 30 Wost 23d .St. Open Fire-Places A Bim and targa *****i*&Jn\\*ffi Ulonga and bon in now and B-CfROT -io signs. Mantels in all woods, mtivo and foreign, f*om our own Bpecthl designs Tile Of every tovtiBB make in rich nl'iMigs. nml I'Mttoin-f'T H""r>, Wall*. Hearths, Facing! ami BathtooiR* n,,,- non- factory, arith extensive ^Ntija.-JJ allies ns to produce tho linest ctau of work at greatly reduced coat I' J*"-1 *?m*mmTft 226, 523 and 530 West S5th St. ,,r nsrfae srchlteeture to Ibe AmCTlcan ?jggg runrln... i?,-n?, '. inch sa lb** :,r" "'V " .'n'^ ^,. sith !!?? civilisation of this age. ""''\ ^,,,',1 ?. ,,? ,,,.? this cclebrall?.n Inanftum es, a spl "? .?;.._ T,:.-':..:,;,,-;;,-;:,,::-;!:^""^.;,:;tfgR *;-..., ;!?:;.;;::':!"?.!,.! Si _-_?*? ^^?a?K ^-_V.?__fAiS--_riiwa? _.^^isa'__-a_--S?5US .*-_**r^fe3K_^Sr. ._"*^P;_. ? ;^? ____________? Tin: KEXt PORR. Thc time was pained under eaaer In chatting ami nerrymakiug, while the Nani Reserve nu*n ..a. in; tim deck lia I i ? bend them* *l. ?- nearly H.,',bl- wii.'M the r"!'irn beat required th?*m to walk against tho wind. About half-paid l o'clock the - mw stopped falling, though tbe Blonds .'Ul huns nver tbe antere. A few iiiiiiut-t ta'fore '.' o'clock Hm* Sam Sl":ui ?.?.us i .-ii moving from Ihe Jersey shore, Tlc-n hustle iiii'l ceil i-i ii r'i m< 'I Ihrouj l.'.'.t the ship, while s number ,,i tu., wii-ii hail hs-en dsrtina uround tlc* 'uj *te:in;,.r in a meaningless sort ??' way l"--:i:i inrir-:*i: i*-f-.\.-:i ibo stern ni C. ami tin* Buttery, Hurried onion were given by tlie commanders ?'f the Naval Re_?*r*.e and - i I alter squad marched alt where t;>* * -i-? ??? were tn ink*- phce ' .tnmodora Henry Krhen, Lieutenant i 'onim indi r ll infoi I and Lieut. Frank <? N. rion, reprew min. * ? l.i N. VJ Yuri, were lm it"'l bj t, A_..*i.t Wright ol Um American Lim.1, liberty and enlightened progrr - (prolonged spptaui Aa anon a* Mr. Cockran had linished speaking, President Harrison, who abo stood with Ins lit-r,,| covered while ho *<pi>k-", said ! Mr. Cockran mid f.eiiih-m. n : it gtevi me nlraiurc In c ii- initnat.' here liiday, hy ii" act ol Hf Ung lill H.,:. Icf-l-lnltOli t. u il. I, | _iv my L.-nri*. up |."it. I have !"!t ns rt lit laen incl :i I'i' 1'b nt Hie ll..rilli, .ill .li Ml,!: . Vi rv Suer!, .ii lum' fi" I vi lm ?Mimili., Into Ihe landing ??! ihe fulled Mut.- li, Hm nicrrh-ni marine nf the anrld. I believed that io bad rraehed an epoch In cir development where H,e Brest v.nru ??! Internal development! wai ??? fur ri-n tint vv.- might Uc.-i if ul ly Ink*' up the v.'tk nf .rerinc mir fair hara li the rarryiViR trude ot the vv..ri-!. iAppUu_e.i We bf th.- Bas lu 'Liv ni. hip?a in... eal :?? > lm* n ol a* hi tei Um', ? ii" 'ft' i" -i ntl" ti "', anj wa. I hat event li Inti ' crest bi im- i- In Hu ' ? ? lhal ' i -?'!>!- the I) pe snd Iht pr><ftir ?; ??' n.r'ir- iitheri tn nre lo ibui thia flag. \:,;,i u_e.i I ,!? , i* rei eniirelj appropriate '? i l'r, -ni. ni of Hie I I Itt I .-? .ie, .!,,.nhl ? \mi ni an Bas I \pi>' \ .- "I un attendant, one of the officers ol ihe phip, handed tim president a r..'f_-. to whl li wa* attache-:] i.rilk Bag. In fact, Mr. Harrison r i Sik __5^ -^ ___Jfe^ '?"* </?>?*~ _-___? __? ! r^SmmW^V \____^^" lin: PftP_.tnr.NT itAlsr.s Tin: ki.\ii. wlm wa-- iu di.a e nf details, to tiik" t:t* pcfi' ns near when thc President -I,"iii stand \ rope -, i- -i|.;i'ii"i ,ic:n-. the siiip from one .-;?."? to ile* other, t" k?***p back tin- crowd, and alon. tlu_ ;.t Intervals awe -*intum. ,1 ruardi "i Ihe Naval l.'i-s-i ve. At .'.,'' o'clock the Sam Sloan sras mailc fasl to iho New-York, f'leinenl a lithe tm, <<?? i ,|>'-! n! tbe A no 11- i'i I..,-. .-,'-,,Mi "I thc I *i ??-: c ? it .ni -, the i plni k Th . .-.i-i ? :??! , ,'..? I !,, til'* ,??<?.nt nf lin- Naval Ke.vrvii ml Hu* nicin I ,-is nf tim I'l- ?*! lent'.. [t ?! !>', AlII'Mll tllt'i' Were Secretary ol tlie Treasury * iiarlo* i' -ti: .* eretary *.t f r N i*. y ll myaniin r 'li iej : - f.n ni War Stephen ll Kikitit.: I' .-tina,ter i.'.-ii e: I John Wanamaker; S.-orot.'irj ni A-ir. ilturc Jei.'ii.iali Hus!.: Senatt r V. sslib . '?.. \\ ll .1 ford ami Mr Tibhotts, th ? Pre I loni .tomi replier. As tia* I'leaidcnt stepped upnn the dock of tiie had luirdlj Untidied tim Inst sentence of his sd dresa with tim pirni'leant words: "I de m it itu ??iiiii.-!,-, appropriate function Hm! tbe President ni tin* I nlted m.ii*-, should lilt thc American lh::,' wicii lm mired th.* nip.* and gave il three rn- i,mi vi orena pulls, which ***i.I tn my thnl hi, heart was In what lu* had jost uttered and wliSI Im w;,. doing, uii'I then the Stars anti Stripe were floating and quivering triumphantly i inc -till ni a greal oceang..; iteamer. With tim shouts "t ib*- peopVi mi hoard iii" ni ?:?!- ,,; boonilup connon li un tho Chii iso ami liovrrnor's I-i,ml were heard, mingled with tl ? -lull, lill Whistle* nf thu-,, hillier in mysterious tilga which bad been skipping n:,.in,I over iii" !? '? watt rs 'I h.* ceremonj rn - noa -?: l"l. lt I , I | u-tc I '? nc t- * mi'-. \li t.i i-c,rn rv' ut.-I tim I'l'-rLrit an'! hi-, party t, ihe drawing room of lp, wlrnn* tim 1 *l. - j.Ici11 li:|t| lllllellfoll nml j.'iT\,*ii ;i limited nuuii-i ul visitors, it was %,^'i _=*_* ?! ?i _?__* Vj Ott ?]3 -7\ V Tin: sum. "ii* rii:i: N'O. l. New- Ynii-, tbe band from the limn!.lyu Navy Yard played "Hall Colombia.1 Thrungli tbe apace thal bad bein cleared President Qriecom ra. Barfed Mr. Harrison aft, follow.** '. Ihe Immedi* ate Members ol the Executive .-.?. Tbe wind was Mourin, liereely, and Ihe Pyealdenl pulled lite hat closely down upon hi*, head, rho ordinary formalities doe aa Important occasion were itiin gctlicr im...**:,.linallie, ami with an exhibition "f good Bsnm W, Donrke Cockran Badi no preten? sion nf removing his hat a* he advaaoed io maka tim opening sddresa Htanding noir the i..*.i ihiii, hut partly facing the duster of nen beyond tho ropes, ho s-ii.l : Rj i'."i"i : | have been asked by Ita* oflteem of tbe company ?_in.,. h.. r-'i ,|itv vu* enjoj t,, open Ihe iti-?mni.i-s ol lim day. thc e ceremonies on -t nf replacing a i..r. len Bug bv the Bag "f "in- countn ai Hm maatbmd .,r iii- triumph ..f Hi" _i.i|ihui_i.-r*s _rt. lt ls ii magnlflceni occasion, sod ii marka _ piHcefui eonquest?a conquest of cf-rlllsatloa which we eclchnile when *"? annes (UL, .plcndld Bfectasea , remarket! that ins manner, always dignified wa- unusually grave. He shook hands with thoo, presented tu hun. but talked Int..*. Among tho**.* in the roon wyre Vf. liourke Cockran, ..Isyor Milroy, the uenilwrs ol tim Cabinet, several of tho visitors from Philadelphia, and about seventi*. ll vi other:'. ih.* tenta for tho return trip to Washington lining scheduled to leave Jersey City at l o'clock, no "'imral reception was undertaken, .t .; i:, ?.'dock ih** l'l'-snii'in i,-it the drawing-room ami ilc'-oiid.-l the Muirs ti. tim point ill which lie should leave Hm ship. 11?. crowds ware a_ stiiii'li.l ia the saloons aad upon his sppo-ranco linn* wa*, hm I inj.'. He raised his Int two er ihr.*' linns in returning ih** salutation, Sev? eral sboU'B of " Speech." " Speech,'1 weie lu ar I, hut hu sn wiy retire I ond crossing tho ;.'nii_pl ti'h t" iht* Kara Sloan, dlsap* I . are I in thc ca! r.x. I lu* boa. pr miiitlv moved oil toward tlie Jersey sitora, uni ino guests ai once begafl tn make their way to the Howard Carroll for the return to pier 43, which was reached shortly Iteloi-e B O'clock. I.ut*-r the New-York re? turned up the river urn! resinned lier berth, but this time under the Caa ot thc United States of America. GREETING THK lMlKSIDKNT'S PASTY, ,iw ir OILROT ARO oTi.i-P.s nvklcoxid: ffR m-ti vic wi ku visitor-*. The BBcerteinty of fteryboat travel and the'blind inp snowMtorm which iel la nt tbs tims teed for tho arrival ot tbe Presldenttal party at tho ********* Bsllrosd Bt-tlon, In Jersey City, prevented any eon -Ideiablc crowd of people from gathering to get a I-.., ,,,- ?*,,. dlattegoUbed men from trashlngton. ne ,??..,. however, tbal it was lb'* nB-Hy train vvhici, wai in the wreck mar PMUdolpbte, teaiai to sw.-:i the rim of the intliertog somewhat. new who irrlved on ths Sari section had to wait until .erv -j ..-clock before tho train contalatog tho President and bi- party palkd Into tt..* station, lt having hen delayed by Ibo neddent te tho Rate in fronl Ti-..- membem of Hw reception eommRteo, wi., had bec, WBlltag simo ll o', lock, wer*' on band. Headed by May,a* tlllrey Bad Commander -Miller. of tbe Naval Iteaervo, they greeted the President os he came down the car step-, followed by the members of hi* party. Tba detail of policemen k**pt OW crowd of specla trrs back, and the p.oc.-.-imi of guesta .ataklj formed aral iimvcd down tbe platform. The I'rcident led the wey, with Mayor Oltroy on oas -bb* and Oom mander Miller on the other. They passed around th.- wait n.' ronni, nn tba platform leading to the ferry !,,;,* snd t . ? eosrered p'or north of the ferry .-Up*, where the Laura M. Warta waa walting for Mtsm. The guwti win. caine on the curlier fain fell In bellin*!. Within ten niinut"s after lb" President's -P'_l tiin arrived st ths station all the gassts mtss tv boerd Ibe steamboat, snd u waa on ita way lo fte N'ew York, wliich was lying In millstream only ii sii,.:-, distance below tho Pennsylvania RoUroad wharf. Bp tbe tho-,* who returned from Jersey City on tin* ferryboat had srrlved on the Row-Yori Rda, the booming of the run- on tbe Odesgo, and tbs screaming of the whtattoa of the craft In tho river announced thal tbe President bad psrfsrmod the Finishing tniiclies lu naturalising one of tho Beean I ret minds. II un, aleut il:!.", when Hu* Sim Sloan returned te ii,. Adams (.spross pier with l"re_ldenl Harri on sad bl, pm tv. lm- tinln drew ..ut, of the station al 1:10 o'clock, and in the car with the President were .-,., erv pn_ter, -*?'rotaiv Tracy, fsecretary I-'.lklns. ?*,?, retury Wntiamaker, (Seneral \V. ll. Kewell, tbe \-.i-i.uit mi i-et-irv of the Navy, J. I!. Holey, Russ ell Uh .11. Killah Halford and Washburn. When Ihe ti lin departed thc Naval Reserves left tho .tatton. COMMISSIONER O'BRIEN'S PRIDE. RE SEER MORE GLORT FOR THE AKERICAR MER I II WT M M'l NC rammlaaloner Edward C. 0?B-ten, of tbe Bureau of N.ivi.iilb.n, viii, im- In nttendOBCe upon Hi*! eire ninnie, on i'm New-York yesterday, mid last night nial : ii'-v we;-,. f? him an Inspiring object te mon "f iii,, pstriolh Impnlses which were now al work re. l.ulldlng ihe merchant marine of <hl. eoantry. "The hol_tin_ of our Bag over the .few-York." -aid Hie rom missioner, "iKiy., homui.'" to that rule Of public P ? 1 \ r .a ? I"..' Hi-' Amt r c m si p wi I h Hie fund r nf our Hov* rame ni istaUUbcd ai an oppression Of their pu tri* ?H .-.'ililli favor of the Ind p. ndence of Amcrlraa i'm .hip wa* bi the beginning sad ever has i.ii re "_'i/,<i ea a iymh l of American nation iinv. .fd ss ..neb it ls Biting tbal ll shall be i"-th phi-ictllv and hy ownership entirely American. I'nder the Inspirations of tbli policy oar maritime ? - - wire f,ir many years ih> at atabssmt of ihe w. ral. As Urns I"- "I UoweV-r, tbs rn g pm Itllltlm of Internal dorelopmont in Hits eoaatry pi*-in!ei Bttraetlana ii eapltal and eaterprtae so nile ii Bri iii.- than were at!?> de I un ci* Hie I sriUUb n ? of .ni ui P'-r: -,.i . wipetlUoo In tba foreign trade ? were forced tn ree a ? the lnt**inational carry inn" upon t , to other nations. Wat tim art of ihlpbulldlng, with all I'- re'ated Industries, not only ubi survived, bul made great advances. . ir domestli carrying incl" the largest uni most remunerative ol any nation on th. |iobe baa (rom i- I'.iiii:.-.- I.ii ron lind te Atnr.iiii . and Hm remit bas been thal In l-'int of architectural dl*ign, ipeed, ieaworthteo*a and gin ml ? *?? ere no vessels afloat whick sarpam oar mid i'.iiii \.--1, ao onipl"..*il uI.hik our ip, a our Like-, lui,, .,,mils nnd rivers. In thal supreme tesl >.f eXcellcncj In naval areal* bulldlnB we have f'*r nearly halt s roi ld. Mi-' al_dom ol ..ur i eriev r nt.ce iii e full which Ibu le'. us durina di Un i tot .-, -I ? >. tin-.\in r cr;-rn in tho flt tetonmce ul an Vinci cnn m. eli.,nt tuiirlii" 1, vin,ia uni uiul em report nf tb ? linn. Hilary a. He'''!, nf Alabama, in m. ra psi I ?? .. , airman nf nimlti.n \.i\;i! ai! ,.' tao Ne i mil doune ? ?f l!"|,i. .-I'ativ,-. in referring tn Hi., law of \u--'i,i :;. i --.'.. nnd iitbsequent ;n i*. wal li require ill our modem wa* v..--i- thal I !?? bulli lu n.e 1 ? tu) . mid nf An.- i-i ii mal rial, Chalrarui ll"i I-: l that 'Ilia ri ina-, m -ni wa, .severe. ne plot ? I li to Lav.' been a se, i v. iv v. .-. i pm afloat under ibo tew of August II, l --c.. and kUhticqiieiit acts, ba !???> ii L'.ni" n .-iib* throughout, uud there la not one "f 'ii.-m Hui) all! noi compare lav, n.Uv with U.e i-i v.... i, .f like tip- ,, r. ii.,,, mr. ,t lu otter ri ? during t!i- Slime tim,-. lt may ROW DO ri'* I' a .cried thal -tome, Bl lesst, >?! oar American shipyards, . iii lurn ont an unarm..ret! \>-,<l of the highest lip. nf . \. . II. lice ;i- i|ll|ikl\' US lilli I"' *l"!ie I.i iii" .Ll*-! -hip-/urdM ol Rurope.' .Mr. Herbert i-t', Ibe climax of ll- tni.tit.- \n our American uri' ni'- p.ii. v by .1.-t larina that sim-., its year i--t. -i'm pile* .,f Die mulei-;.il, entering Into lbs rompo-lilon nf n modern iblp has been reduced tullv nm-i alf. nnd the i rb ?? of ;i completed -hip, excludion armor, lina rome down !I3 per cent.' I i* li-t word* are j,rim.'.1 lu Italics In (be "H., i,l report, nppt.rcnth f"r th" pur'".-" >.f c.\. pr.,-Hil' u.e p.-ni,,in- pride nf Hm cL.iirmnii lu Hie "f vii'iiiiin enterprise, which embrace all th*uh' ludiii. ii. li .lu nie vin!, a contribute toward tlie construction ol a ship. Tbe law (hut tun... ihe Sea *t "rk auder our Baa nd mit* foreign bulli ihlp under itwrply defined conditions wbkh pay hiilllrl.e nf Oltr lime h'Umr.'il Ililli! lille pnllev, re? quiring ic m?|.*j mi admitted si..,n t?. aleam* -..ii.- ,?.?ipui le ,,f a ipeed of twenty knots sn hour; lhal Ihi'J hall tie a! tim Hu.f their adnilsshm lU'tunllj employed In commerce between the I'nited -ia!.- imd a foreign country; that they -hali l.f a I on nug*' noi le-, than'ii tuna; thal no. les, than '?'ii l-l- ..-Miiin nf their shore of capital shall be owned Iv, of Um I iii.'tl Mates: that their >>?i er shall Mud Hi'iii-ilv* t., build sn equal amount ?il nggregnte tonnage In the t'nlled Mts te.; thal Hie ihlp* -,. ;, neil in tlie American lag *hrll not eugngi* hi our t.nsiMive or domestic ira.te, and that H.y may ni nny lime be taken nml u,.*i ly tho imt.*i Miii.c t,.,v.inT<ni a. armed cruisers or a* iraneporti for war ni_rpo_c_ upon payment to their owners nt their 'fair actual value.'11 SOME FACTS ABOUT THE BIG SHIP. ORE OP THE QUERXS OP TUC ATliARTIO l-'M'.r.T BWIBT, l*i. Wi Hit"!, and BTATRLT. Tbe Rea Ynrk, formerly Ibe Dritish steamer Clfy of N.\*. "icrk, was bulli nt Glasgow in l-.'H by I, 'c Thomson. Nie i, .".-j:, feel long. Her berna ls 113 reel mid her depth nr bold I-' fret. Sm* bas a i.-.-i-irv .,r m.,t*ti urns, Her engtnea liave a bone power nf I-,n ii. Bbs bas two aeta of ryllnden of ilxty Inches. Her wi>rklng prt*__ure st iteam la IM p..nml-. lu -j.i. nppolnlmenl ami furnishing :"' ! .f Ibe queens nf lbs Atlantic Reel nf imrili.un vessels. The (few-York was one of Hm hi-i passenger steamers lo use Iho doable a row. The si-ens nre t Derated by ,. purni.- engines, which are placed In different purls ol the veaael. Mi.mid .f them pt oul ?,i order lbs New-York can make good ,|a.d with n ningle icrew, Ihe engines which operate the m-rew* are Indepindeiit, and the sbuli, real upnn solid tads of sic, I. (laing tn the large number of ii-r alr-ttght coin pm Um in, il would i> .pille n u, innnv leaks tu rink Hie Sew 'mik. The radder ol Ibe Ken Vork ls ??normou , tmu tide hu a surface of'__-u iquan* feet. Thc itei'ring .'-.i! is operated by hsdrnulh power. Tlie New Yi-rk's record for the eastern trip bi-pms the Atlnnlle la Bve day* nineteen boura and flftv -?veli n.inn;. . li, i- lab i lilp, tbs City nf Purta ui-,".i-.c| nil others Iq making tba went word t" ri*" ;u live days fourteen hours and twent, four minute*. Tbe New \nrU lt owned by tbe International Ravtaa* linn Company, mid Bhoul imi per rein ni tin* ,(,,< i< holders live lu riiihi.leliiLia. lu Um Heckler Um Rew York I, tillered sa billilli- from Philadelphia, PEEASAST TO THE TASTE, pica ant in the taking, pleas? ant in their ui-Huii- out un* rlvulod in their results. That fairly describes Dr. Pierce'a 1'lenka nt 1 '?Hots. In every disorder of tho liver, titoniach and bowel., they give a lattina cure. For Biliou_nc.s, Jaundice, Indigestion, Constipation, Dit Izinens, Hour f-tomseh, and "Sick or Lilious Hesdaehes, they aro tho HdRaaal renietly. They're tiny, ingar - coated granules, scarcely karger than muidart I se.-ii_?a compound of roflned and concentTatixl vegetable extracts. PW up in t-vilctl viuls, alwaya fresh and rc linble; a conveuient vestcpookot remedy They're fuaranssatf to give aatiifaction, in every case, or your money jg returned. Atom ttnerlmentlng with Catorrh in the Henri is dangerous. Serious troubles result rrtuii itu being driven to the threw* and bini's. Hr. Kii-.o'h catarrh, bv ita mild, soothinc, rleanaing, and healing pn inert iee completely and i?ermaneiitly ev rr* the very wornt ca_ie_. Ita proprietors ofter IA0O r__ ward for any iucitrablo chm* WOriEN Full of Pains Aches snd weaknesses*;,,, fe CCTICCSA S5jg W? the tot .?d 0A'; instantaneous p_in.__liBJ strengthening plajt-.. ,? Oas MjmTtFu J* aching sides end bec? hip, kidney and uterine pains, strains tn. weaknesses, rheumatic, sciatic, sharp and nerf ous pains, coughs, colds and chest p-j..' Odorous with balsam, spice and pine, it j! the sweetest as well as surest, safest and best plaster in thc world. Price: 15c; _--,|i.oo. A( all druggists 01 te std. Porraa Da_o ano Chem. Con.. Bostos. ^^* BRAYTON IVES SPEAKS^ EDWIN H. ABBOTT PLAINLY ANSWER A DITXrit AnRUHN'MKNT OF TIIE rRr.-JIO-Q-s-j THK WISCONSIN CRSTRAIk A loller wss Issued last night by Ilraytin h. president of Hie western National Dank _nd a ^_* ber of the Northern Pacific Railroad Cos.|eayt|5 holders' Committee of Investigstton. it ox tu ply to tbe severe criticism of the committee'! port made by President Abbott, of tli. Wisc^ Central Railroad Company. Mr. Ivst'i soinera u_ follows: New-York, Fehrmr- jj 1M, Bdwta H. Abbott, sa?., President WUcocii. tenim Coaiitsnj*. Dear Slr: Vou will not bo satpetasl te heir ?_,, ? ham NOd With crest lnterc-t your "open letter" v> v. ita'n*. the pr.-iden. *tf the Northra racine Rii__j 1 SsasjBSJjr, While you du not mention my rum* VH, r*'f> rern-e to ni" 1* SMRstSksbto. Voa chirje at ma bstag tli" author sf thc report of th,- -1..-kiioldera' toa. mitt*-., with "ssrisafoo of Impertaat farts,*? *;.>, ,^_ tortiou of truth." witli nspsaalhlllty for '*a vli'iom .n, 1 tem of seesoattegN and with VSriOU oth?r tim. is j ste r warla, lt yemt rtmrgm are t.-u., 1 am aimm hud a man as the rc*x,rt ha* teOWS rou tu be. jv. pi,.?llliity ls s, appalling ti nc- that 1 proi....* anairKag your letter without delay. In attributing to me thc soi' au?hor.hip of th* rep*, sud alladin-,' no frequently to inc* a, "ho," you lo ia. justice loth to BVSaR and to my fsllaa BBBBSWI sf ai committee a..' ls ihown by th* following MstoaSBl bj Ot cbalnasa, -which wa* pabtlriMd ysiteiday. >n. ci?ve nays: "Thc report of the Investigating Committee i, ut ti. ? math ut anv .inp'.e sMaber. bit leanaaasi nw tum. .'i* .,pinion of Hie coinniltfeo laiwhleh Mr. Rn.eri, Um advisory coi:ns*l, fully tensors. BlMf ititemiat ti a loibte and prt.iiu of tiie wis,narin Central, a* wen ti m tiialn lino ind all the branches, aral r'-i'di. 1 frog, (t, treseaiw and sadlias of th* Rertesm Ps rite comput and thc committee, bu* the document* to .usuln lu cu. eteabum. AMsaRm i* esflsd bi tes tn. tint mp. aumh ?ssas no reply to ste isirtr* of lbs WSSM which r?4?? tt xiv petsssal re.'.utioin nf the, WiscotisTn .eural ininm Wlte the Northern Pastel rail" I confess that os our taVBBIteSttm went on. and u tk| svtdeaee of the magdetag sf peeia if aad yotir sttr_*at?i Bssiaptled with aluo,t teemd-Ms rapidity. 1 wm led tm, gu ?? ? gail! at times with a elgar which would not kivi I mi *? "iiily In a re|x.rt. Mindful of th|* leaq tit 00, I rtrort, a* did tho other*, to suppress undio tasting, and to tin. ? at.* a* temperate hmtuapo as thc clr-un .'an,*s would Sill W. A- a result, tea ISpSH I- the SBISMBl us prods*. Uso if Mm v.hoi" essassstee, oed sBpmtcd te an ttiiwrt cnn.*-!. !'.>. ry pig" tu* NVfBed MIBgSl -SBM t*T 111 ?f BS, and no effort wan --)?i-,d t?, make our work i|>*_a mademta and BaparUsI a.* it wm -oeadeBdem; bits In diltlctilt .1 *ay "Stop Thl.f:" la an unim;?*A|_i?| mri'iii'-r. and no matt* r h>w lt I* dam fie Uil-.f li alsoa n'.r* |a te- Ul- .it!*H-d. A, ls the ??vliio'r* system of icounttng." the fault, If fault there be. rest* with th.- ond auditor ?f the IflllbSIB PSCldl I'-'iiipriay, of v* hi* h fas ar* a dlreevr. We did net gea. a mi s "f BgSMa ind th* n arian.*, the* to suit oui*"lve-. but we the .'-tem-iit* furaUhet Iv tessa official*. V' r !!ed th. ni to our i*.ti*f,e liol. Itt |.r!nted Hem. PoaMtaei you >'an, and will, t f I* r* iirratige tb'*,-. Items sn a- to -crt your vi" s*. but yoe manet deny the fu.t the teem resqldsf (ron thi nriaeeasla daliel app ir, j, reported ky sar ssnmnte, in til" _.'ti"'-i bataaee mast >.f lam .10. is:2, . -dot _t which I meslmd Ibl auditor, a: d *'ill hold. Firth*!, m'.re. I am omlldeiit Hint bSSSSl iiivi-t:gat...u will coDflna Um Bgams flvea, lot Romes. iv?\t?*r mid Harker ar* sRcisU In Wbasa IBS! Bl bj -*"1 ability I have the hlgh<.*S .,.'i!!il-ti-**. If the Reethem PBClB* Cempasj had !.? a ?arvid with equal nml ead bmsaip kg ?" tl,r,v' nteil duty lt Mri* t.i protect Kn Int. ie,t.*. natters would hsv* Ix-eri now In a very different .-ondit.on. In sriy BM rm had fcvea nmritlt. la which to c?,ri"*t their errors. Ind ?? v.ei a.r no*, only a digester, but 1 rcident ot a leaned -v.t in. it w.i* yans d-itv t.i are tba. Mks seeNSSi ww pr-'p Tiy kept. Vetir -t iton'vnt. ticrcfut", that the r* pelt 1 d' ll ? ? t la ??-Imply untrue'* BppltSI at to U?S loiiiiiilt. e. but to your own oil: HI An ti. um -ti- -* whi.ii v..'i Lu- ..n ibe ssntesi of tho vv:-,*, n-iii Central lue 4. 1 most mil pm mu nt.oi 10 a few teeta which amy ba af (alena. t? uh paRb ?'?_? You nay that * Wa o:h r ril'.rtaa .,,lng out of bt. Pill or sornlee; into Pb binge bow UH Rsnb, w.-t or Sank. w*?t. ear.-is nearly a. inr-.? an amount." Tli*a yoa d-O Uic eamlii'.'i of the .N ir'.hwc. ru Un-*st. 1'au!, RaC-MBb I.urliti-t.ii and Quin, v, Uv I!?k 1-linJ. Um Onishl, sal I th" Chi. ugo and Alton. Anl sew UM i?'rt:n--nt qmeUn srtom: What i_*-"ii.,* of teem maraaiai -srstspstBR Wisconsin 7 Th* other r...i u Baned hy vol pay illvld'-t!'!- (with em exc'iitioni n..t cnlr on tlit-lr pref?rf_l. !.ut on th. lr cumin rn Staeka Tlcir steeka '. r'ls lively v,ry h;-.h priv'*. and their koadl ar- -oufht bf inve.ter.. Bat iTtaremts Ceatral mcsHU 1 us not i?t??* :.,i n, Bwrtgagg !??..'- .' Bo, a:thou:h U_T iiave Hv peeiecttaa st tba KaiUwrs Psrite i'i*-: it* ?*?? lened llBek I* o'T-r*>d a: M wlUi.ut a b.d. itn inroai 1. ntl* rutisre about :iO, -.tin!.- it. saasaaa *_j'_ h-? S t? in.nnl vn'.'ie. What 1* thc , v| I ii._tt.., 1 cf thli U__P_-RH ..tate nf affair* 1 Rea will not give it, and Uieitiut I inn t iio so. Tbe reason 1* that thc aamtegS ??! t., -tay Inter*.! ml dividend, cn th- bonds and .to. it* of roaJ* b'ilU br y.tur*elf au 1 a..*..i lat n and leased t" 'ii* Wi?,oii?Iii t'ential Mad at meesmm advance* asea HmR orinimi eo?t. eui after un,,mer y,ui have (BatMMd ie w r.uJi (" th- old ml irigtml one, ati.l always aa tern.* wlil.-h Umt fivorsbll ui tba tommr, hat Blmatroaa is Um latter, i,( elite RB aram a "traesar," amt so u teppma that abte the -finer glows anti son.logs Increase, while cnxjietlng road* ttVAUt then- Msebbshlsm with dividend*, wiii'.o th" m*ASBRB t '-arni tru?t.", bsssSH rich and bulli beautiful bon**, ihe Batters ?f the atoks an! basAl 0, UM WlgHSSR ceulKl rtMid gm no prout,. If thi, rind Iud kSN BMBBBSl ?? Untie with windi viiti kara . .-n p.. . t iv it will *bsw_n e;-oriiio'is .arnlngs of which 10a sj)?a:-., and would have ,11 it* *,.-urines iiis.ii tim same level And. SB -*?* oUl* liam, if vour Byatsm <*f ssammmem wrns ?" ta ARR* dii**ed into Ute RSettwestern or AUm road*, th'-b ?w<u wotill ?_ii be on th" ssa dlltemd 1, > v!, 1. '. t. While yen ,-,, Hlned v,cir t.i,tr,* tl .1 SBSt* "-"?'?JJ which rsmpsmRvoly taw weis mtwaawd ,"'"' ?'UJ? were sm >?( goat int. r ?._ to tin- sabin. Bat -dm ^* eaptaiede greai taBaaeeatfaeatal road, aid h-'-raa to vt"** 11* life out like au ectapaa. ikea x'v tRmmUms mt ekaaBod. it kw wm k_m*e__m bs. inly ";i u*mt***R Bttgaitada Bf Mm prspsity, tm* keeaaae of BmmmmB of law- and -gelt} taV-lved. "v-t-n. ' _- P* ir* tt^* me io retem fem *emptte_mtary mrw . -i"i eaiefi'-y * pso karn sssd iii" lan to pro_K< jroorielf tad c**~5 in all ansesasta Csatml noM rs, 1 kelleri BmtytrtjAm failed you in rei feting th" dettlll af th- K-rikWk Wm mpkam. other attie |aw*-_ta asslsC-d m tte tatuAVm th"V had no latefas. rSSBp. la their pr afc** WBl 'tH'.^) veil- if und vour feilow-tru-t.-*-* UM BMktaB of ** ,; url* *M* m<*> \ w.i, ,.f vital iniportiince. I b. IL ve that th l.-jfriivl your interest and yot:r tour*e lu UM uati't stitutlng a Mal d?f.'if. 1 am not pilBBISd. Iiowcvcr. *.t -iv "'?''? ,h' !_. pa situ Hi of UM coull- -Imuld h" hiv .ked. " t0* ^ the gthm tli-.ler* ?f Iks N'ortlierii I'a Hi wlRSteW "J ,t,i khold r- ibal you ar- dl*po-*?d t ? mott ***^Luu 1 -v fer t li Mr lu;, t -t,. i'i p' icci I' ** JT dlitarinnm. lint, if you propo. BaiwerlBg'R" .']i( t-l?ni* by calling name, it von taluk joli mm. Iiluiidi-r st." kh.i.ltlers anl Ikea ul u* ? I an *)* m\ punity. lt iiriy Ih- n-i-cs-ary t. t"J. li von ? .. *TJ'|_nii t? ??i.iw vim that you ait* 1 .it lu lou.n ww* v leoUmeat. iBievtisi1*11* l eonaeated to s*rv.' a* a member of th. '''., ^ tia conritilttce :,t thc |ern?uul r ,|tie,' .,' Mr- ?'?" thalriian of your board. Having doa ni) *'? " iclenUouiir and ini.-hig -aUj ?peat wc.-ks lu travel sal 1 ic t quietly to abu-e. -itiier .. director. It ls not the fault <*f thc v*jii;n"''7 -||g 1,aw I. acting without holiest) and liiU-HUC*"*'rf4 a) lather their misfortune thnt they llntl tinTi-l*"** ' lVt/u make MiMIe tue lad, and Incur the chaine "**[',,. vmt a* jour-. Tn.* reefat kaaknipSvy of tka 'bten*.&| siiows tim daager of givin*.- iou i"ii''i'.l")"er.*?'i_ ol M-.l'l UtUSt^S&jt 1 liane ot dim-tor**, even vv Heit then nelf-litU-icst. Hui when thut eletlien; ,'r-e?tiniai ! t?, ell ?-?? P"U If Um act* *-f )"iu--:f a'!J "W"'1"^.1., B".t*rtim with th,* WiscniMii v.iitrii am! Northern wjw .r.'rt.*" ,,in ba defended In law and --"tait/, itu ?""%?,aa*.?? amt ?Uli-ertor" munt have new Ullii.tu.ti-- > rf g,? Uiv-rt rrtnelam ky .ullin- ast-aries f.* th.ime y,, piopeity under your clmrg". Thc gl_jel ?' JJ m?n greater ara the o|U*,rtiinltt.*n for pbindi r, ad- ?"-* P""** ^,-:.1"^ nec-sarv pi* I" r Hieguatd* Vollowliic your t-Numple I shrill . without ton'lilting you- As f .r tftir pr*'*> ,,,4 n0| t*. the ronni,Ut*'**, mr r ?u? . f< snd we shall not ft cl gr.-r.llv -''??,'!:.l,' ._*:fc hiill not wad to th ,1 not ft.'l griuv -"-''.-..t, irSra']"laa. saw th.- *t "'k Uat you ked ??*'? llt suv >xpe t it. a fa-t which I* creditable _> tm lt 1 ind known wbal yu ? dolls , ?. 5fi of _* If 1 Ind known wdb< .iou .... -*"?"?,? on- ot u? have own.d hut little. lastaSd Bf centli. ""? ?" ^jti-v-e. lat gent .t.kholder*. In fact all of rear mRT ? . j0Uf aald mt i.ra.-t!,*a!lr when they esw mtmm* ^ work il-vlng ek-SO-d* dice MM^ v.arn. and -titrtcd UM .?io|'.ov oil Ike i"'i? l" prov pa rmi tl Votir*. SS', UlUYTON i