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UEW-YORK VIEWS OF MONEY. g?.\*ATOR HISCOCK'S DISCUSSION OF THE FINANCIAL SITUATION. hfas -??*-*? ss mt 11 ii 11.a ||ii^'r m ii**- in?, ii*. ? - ? ?? . ""?**^ tow,, ]? ?lV sine, wph railroads projected that .jj"}1* bc built, they ure fur atom inicte-H-d In multi i. fn. tb. ?Wi. rn.,... ar. Pi-iter-Will Hie Senator allow me! *}r* llheoeh-Yes. Muf,r- r*. ITcr- That In Ibe reason why we nre OPPORng ^pRatment. Bm ?hem .,-..-.nie: rn liisriMK Tlie reason w liv they oppo. ?Bf not bond Heir rallri-ads tn nub lt ls teal (li e\Iend ii . -j. mst Uiey tuny nm bring nearer the market* tea. . " "' u*> magntttei-at State! I tbal !?? ? Otu*.\ ' bea-d U.e Senator ? lime -I:*.-.* apeak fibni 2,T'1 of 'be past, winn women wrnngfal lbs ?*"" their rhlldis'ii, and men with their wagons f their ftirms. Dors If be der*. In niv he il '..beir.nrk.Lx lbs grain ________* ?"etnrii lo those tlnv J-wpnent. thc people ot kl I rsli "1 x,Ta l"""l"?' "i mm Mate du not. l'!i.*v wan! ?mb rn *' 9*n* "?i,T' anf1 """?' w"11' " bull! Bl .......Err* poilble expense and carrying Hie SOisllesI r no sitiount of ii.xe.1 eharfea. American enter Br_____ A-ncilcan pcgiess tire in fuvnr ol lbs bot* Cf hu-i. ****** Hn<1 ,1"* ""lng lt In Hie d.'ve'npuictil Sew l.t..*** r"a '-,,s ?*< """?*' emphatically tin- of Hu ' X,,U}r* 'I'm of Hie oki. Arne-ieu -sM,nt' ,f u *>*r* n,,t f-" ""> value ol So~' "'' ^lilllie*., a va!'-,.- given lo (bent bv tb" lu hmx4mm**Ltf New-York bankers, the fields rf Knn*-_? wools _"* I" lbeia*-t banes! were loaded wlihgr ta woold s * **""" nnt-ri.ken prulries. and Hie Stun aacK __*vt been * Territory and not represented *R*a um lour. 6UII thc Beiiator telta us that be JEST OFHIS SPEECH ON TUE IRRRJU]* AMEND? MENT-A DEMAND FOT, NONPARTISAN Lr-.isr.ATio.N- von. the prune WRLFARC. (BT TFHT.IU.II TO Till: trihixk 1 ajWbtaftoa, Pe*. ___.-0_m >f tbe n,o,t totereottng future- of the recent debate In the senate over the nsMateaeal to the Bandry Civil Appro? priation tall. Riving the Beeratary of the Treasary ^cf |s li-ne five year three per cent bonds under tue set of MW, wai ibe vigorous and Spirited speech mate R Bapaart sf Hie smeadmeat by Senator Hlseoek, ,, t.e r.p*'-entlltlve of the ojilnlcn of hi- s',,',. cn ?naflkcRtl -jaestteas. Mr. Htaeoeh sdvomted the prcpo-ed'c'iansc In the law as sensible and benetlclal, in* setated oul wttb force and clearness ihut New Vrg_ a:i<i tee Bast could not possibly have greater int.."c-t ?! f'":iIt'1 ,han ,f!0 **l* nn(1 West in main. tilnln. the POWOI of public credll. T|K. speech throughout was admirably sound and effective, and lt I, isprodaced below praettmlly in full for the benefit ff The Tvi'ici! ?'- readers, Mr. Htaeoeh on tabing the fust bm- Wday sfteraoaa tate: Mr. Htacoch-Rr. PreeMeat, lt la always interest In-;, abm i laanetsl qaeattoa is np. t() hen- tiie fhirg*'* ?"';i BW ti' "1" -flatest New-York men and ?w-Verk capita!. We are told here today that this r-easure originated with them, and ls Intended for the'.r financial heaeflt. I Imagine th** distinguished .Histor who reported this amendment to Ihe Senate j, prepared lo -tate In his place that lt -Ans inver to him bv any human being, but that lt ls the result of his own reflection upon the linancial ?Huatlon which confronts us. lt bas been proclaimed ??ere ibat New-York wants this legislation io provide I karil ter Ita kanidal dreotatton. Thom who saahe this -bSte **no*'' ,",u' of banking, little of the pirns el bank'rs. and little of the securities which they would riaptey BB the basis for ibelr circulation. A t_k hom IR circulation upon a live-year aeoarltyl fte teaks cf Kew-Yarh anxious for thi-. taftatattoo ns abash foi their circulation, when. In my lodgment, If _j| legi-laUon shall be enacted Into law not a dollar af bonded indebtediie-s win tv emoted against the I'nlte-rt .'ates under lt I Yet tho mfadoas tamba *,f Pm-Yerk, we are told, are clamoring fm- this lepls inion i* a t'3^* {or ehaateRoa s tere rear-' basis oa tiree per cent or l",s. These bonds ate te g" to Hie girlie* and be _old lo the highest blddet. the lowest bidder N tar a- the rate per cent ls concerned. Mr. ttawsrt* Rill Hie senator allow nie! Mr. Btamrt- Ob. ye*i. Mr. stewart?If that be so, I presume the Senator will vote for an amendment which I shall propose lo this effect: -Ths! Ihe bonds authorised tn he Issued under ihe pifivMnns of Itel act shall not he receivable Bs security fer the Issuance of national bank security." mt -nu test the ojaestten. Mr. Btaeoeh? I can see a v. ry good objection lo that proposition. Have w,- reached tho pol n' where we -ball deny toa sadonsl lfmd any am lo which lt can be pol I 1st-scrimiimtr n sBains! om own seanrttles to be in |uli<*4 In! When you limit tbs us,* ol a bond yon depreciate the value of the security. 1 am opposed tc writing tip'in the face of a bond of the Dotted Bb tm ut special n*e to which it can be pal or fur which lt ctn be ased. lt goes to the smrhota ol ihe world, ind lt should be ii-.-d as securl'v for any purpose lo which Ihe holder proposes to devote lt. Mr. stewart' i understood the Senetor to my that ender no drenaMtancee would tbe bends lm sn need. Mr. Hlscock-And I believe that under no cilium itsnee will they be used a, th*- basis for the rlrenls* lion of teak-. Fifty million getters rosy be tasned steer thi. preposition, and we are lo lie lold that tbe tanks of tbe etty of New York sm clamoring for IS0.000.OOO more of RattOB-l hoads a, a tall _ "i their drculai lui' I advise ibe Senators who have snth in Iden that yean ega ihe Rational banking -.-? len, is a mean, nf pr viding rt.eula.ion for Ibe peo yb of the initc-a states, wa., abandoned, and lhere li not now In New-York a financier or ii Beaker ,<> wild ts to tosh te Ibo perpetuation of tia! curri ?:_ v. I grant ihey believe In lt. I believe lu lt, and he? lga teat there never was a better clrciilaiion plven tiihepcple ol ihi- conni ry than the National bank dfcditton; bat I recognize the tee. that Ibe bondi ?B tomming due. end i have welcomed rilver < ir raailon and sliver cnlnn*;e, alway, to be maintained dollar tor dollar ol the present r.itin af cotna ge with fold. 1 have Wdeomed lt as the clrcnl: ting iiosiluiu if tbls country. No, Mr. riiridint. thew sttempts to dlseredtt IbU tniendment by charge, nf ii- kind orv nagging great usosttm, and, mu* h ii- I admire Ibe dil ttogatabed senH*or from Colorado (Mr. TeH-T), l must : lay that on Uris paHici.lar OCCasloB !?*? lu- ""' risen , to the Leight which be u-u-tUv ocenpi' -. There I** ' this to N- ...lid ls rsspict ol Hr*- New-York cora- ; nsrctal Interest?Wall street, ll yon please Ibat ihi-y ir. in tarot nf bones! ninney and Hoy ar" In fuv.,r | Cf the best rn,,.':'y u-.-*l bv any r.-nliii uikiii Wi tah !L> tun .-!i:ne-. Th.-y have never been .?.-'"?< ted, mir ever will be, either ol repndtatlon or ol say Bt.esnpt to debaie Hr.- cola of the nain. I have und.-..-tooti In Ihe coarse of Ihta dl**ens-ilon that lt ha, b"f*:i i ksrtjsd that N* w Y rk iu*ii d p ? _ Ameritan Mcaritles. Rew-Yorh nen nuirkct all ol our A-kcrlran keeartttes. Oatalde <>: those placed In the markets of the -""lld by New*Yorh sgent-i, none go abroad; and yet woora told ibal tb" mea who are sdllng the.- "tii.-l'l,- ar.- sttemptlmj "? depreilale lr_*-m al Ihe taSM Hine: Rho belleirea Itt Tb*' tgents who BtS-het them rem ll lee knew v ie n thc market abroad L, a. the for them, when tke demand i ?mot, snd vi..!: 'h.i sn i dmg In ?? loreign mar l.i; tiu-v know when American - uck ?'" dull in IL.' sachanges of Europe and atl.ct Ihe Irnde .n lim market, ?,f tbe rnlt.-d Mates. Re nuder.'? ?"','?' them, an*! 1 believe lt, thal v.euic nos ir. ? tlnat'lil cri-ls whlil, i, haying tbe effect -d retnrnlns pm -?? Bsritiea ts n and eml irranlng the -.' "*l"' Mr. P-e-tdent w are a d.btor ns.ton. -K weare, abeosl bon nd leas aa I* nor wenllh, ailll we sim to borrow s. tai the imiirovemeiite wiiu-ii ar. b.ins n. 'I ? within i ur I ??? domain. I" "'" b-nato.', own state nnd In ? hei -'a'.-, i.*?! ?" Biuili in New-York nr lu New Rngland, bn! In Ihe inr wog aad in Hi- .-nu;!,, iii.--, art ii..\!"n Hi Inn "% n_m"v tn u.v lop theil r sourcea and hnlM np tbeir nllruiid-. I - -, Lu" bc who i. in tarin Ol ? P-Iw-.v. the elteci ,f Mi,i.b l lo ti. pi.'ci'- the price Bf Ainern in ,.-. i rill?, the effeel "! which I- '" I-'1 vim th* active -rle .,i American securltl***. In mj 1-dgnient i- ,, lug ai rr ?' -?? I* "'I' v. I."! ""?* nd ma-York or New-Kngland m Penneyivsnla or uhlo, tat toward the far \vesl snd the bontb. Their -- rorttie. air upon lia* murfccl : and i" I* ib'-lr sen *!iich are W-ltii -> to be old. They are lu lbs banda if new-York ag* il for isle. I win hoi BBderiak-i to -av Ibal thew mav imf le Rae Individual outside ol Ne? Yorb wlm baa cha wet el jn'mpii ti, f ,[ ., I,,,.,! j,], n ni- Bnropcan niarh<i*. hat I do undertake to aa) tiwi Hwre are few m.*n ?"iy from the Atlantic . t who have Ilse rhorsict**! ted tiie lr,rn,, lal iepu!,il,u:i vvl'itb Will float In "ll ?i_II?.h, a lieiiih. ni- .-. (ierman markH bb Ami'rtcan -*eurKv; vet , ... , ?, whi rei- abroad no well IboogUt of are herc inv. i-h*-1 Bgainst, nnd we i C 'old iliat ikey have tnii-pire-l i-r Ihe pallry um vnleh mlr'it i,<- l-u.-l nud.-r Hil** tall a- th.- t..-. ??( Jaf.klng clnnlatloji. und thal Hie i-'r.-at tser,tilor .rom "Wo iMr. Shermaui bas bsiooie tbeir moullipbta* lu ?avw-iey of .|,|, m.lisilie. The Sena!,,i from .Vilorado has entered lt:'- Ibe ?bni-v!,,,, ,,f ,;?. ,.a?.,.. m],i, h ld to the hil- defeat ?Ute Republican party, um! he ha. uart) hi lhal ?Bat a wandin: agu inst thia legislation. I foll lo _ lt- I recognise thc Incl tbal we ar*- delea! d. Jg In nu- j _o not recognise tb*' fad la *?? i splrll '! Ilscontcnl which promoted that de ?jt Sine i hav,. b.en active In buslnesa there gR In. been a peibKl of lime when all ela ? gb tte lowes! tn Hie !i|-lie-t, vu re more pin-p' iou*. *** tapp er. and e'l'nvlllg rbore of the n.<e,-i!i , 5 ItiXiirie- nf L.i.. tiiMit they were In the year ol 2 Lord i___. i sometimes think inst that whick 5_b mir defeal wa- bees nae lae people '.eic a-illv J SHh the -ii.mtloti and Hint there vi. . no dmtii P*tUt to be ennnKed In, as tb'-y believed, to inalu -m th,... rundlt t i ..'-Wire n.iin. richi lure and now, lo impm** upon I? t-enat-ir fruin ( olorado. an*l ii|_m Ike Benator ?m Klori da (Mr. Pasco), who l se** la occupying, .i "JW h,ar me, and other Sei'iilors In lids Chamber. J** they Me mere larpelv interested In maluulnlng *???!ue ?f America.uri:i,s tlntri 1: their Stales ""?Hi-lr ix*mle me more hrgrlv Interested in th?t Pfn than'those ! .|e'ak for. I SW UP-O mv righi fw-Har^ fr?m Kansas (Mr. Poller). Ill* state and 2?P"or>!?. wt,,, atT. demanding money for Ita develop 7BES, with their mortgage- m the marketa lu In inv state, . UH, Ihey ure 1 eharnt-ter Of American _ecu.-ltie_ dian arc HODCMAN'S OVERSHOES ??resent < old* ami i*nII? .. RltOAIlWAY. i or. ...nnd atreet, Adj. Illili Ave, llolcl. '" ?ba! I favor thia nim- .-men. tm* ,!"' ?nW,c ' * my juill*.?, ,,,?. .' ,'!'-. "?'- amendment i f 'Wfc deb?. -,V . 't;;''!''1,1!'' :"' -ncreoaa _f i "' * ii,., brongbt be, ,,;:1' j:,. ,' ;;?'- .""? framed ., "L"???* t?. in, ic, i ls 'I'1"1""'" "":? power I n great public ince,-iv fi,', ii',. "ev,','..i!,'i"' lhere l- j re or mont ile* will approve lt. i-- ui .. Vr fr?m r"'"*"l" told we are the - I"' .1. uni ibe hravj : j.pie rind the most itriotl people Bimi the face ol Ihe earth. 1 lu iv.,- Vi,,- Ai,"',":"1 I" "I'1" Imve always l.,, lu Vow . '. ViV ,:"'v Wi""'rt :""' P?ym? tor it. Now. what la n,i, pro|. egUbfTlon! The Ken* fm... Colorado has ?l,..eIi!..d. ao well lhal li ls TxZ""y J"!' m# ".' *1" "? "'" ??'"'" rtrnggle that . H.-,,,, between hts naUon ami other nations rn blain the gold ol Hie world. Rngland, Uerm.nv, ranee, Relgtnm, Austria and Un.-la ore In tbe mar '.."_. ..*,''' V'M- '"'r B*A, and under Hie powers ?hie*- Ihi lr governments nave they can buy ti .-md it. ['hey can talie n away frmn us. Their ower ls unlimited noon lhal uueation. Other .rough the au! eera tte power ot the house nt Hie ead ol tbe government or br their conni ellon wiiu .me prent Ananrinl in-'itutl.ui thee have th. power > acquire I'. What does the distinguished senator mn Ohio propo->e to do t,v i.i- amendment ' ii* i ,;,<,-,*, io ve.t this Government wi'b power t., bald nr r:,,i(!. As I understood one of the Senators who bus spoken ??re to-day?1 bops I mlaundemtond bim- the line ol i* Bimi men. wu, ibal a ""Iver hails I* Inevitable, and hut be welcomed lt. Mr. President, thal I* not tb* "iitlm.-nt *.f Wall-t.. 1 grant. It ls net Ibe .tl i*nl of Hu' debtor etas1 nf tbs people I have Ihe onor lo r> nr.nt In pat their debt** and oblleatlons i a clipped eiirreney. I. lt the obied nf this con est against the amendment *?> tare' ibis (.w-mmcnl ? ? -in-.-r i -i i-. io make -; 'oo.ono.onn nt gold ti im? n.'M'v * ls thal Ihe purpose md ll*.-'Inl'-ntlon! ls for Iha. rea soe it i- ,--'-'.-d t Tba moment thal i 1- hoarded, ?-v. ii before lt I. ut n pi.lum, lt he. io a.- practical.1 ?? eommndltr, t'ghtei - the mei ? ?nd "iii rvln-*!' in" - to the bod ness Inters* li f t'.e country. II. re I- ?? rr.-it straggle between **nr pennie ard lm? of other n i'i ,n iii.1.-- to hold our gold. Mr. *,',..di...i>. there l- a moiwiary e?nl renee, adjoum.-d ind tn ti""! aenln. Its work will h? .i"'," for it ll he Atnerl :<ti r ,n ???.?-. -hunt*! r.-fn-" proper legi-latlan ?,- ' ree na tn , sllvi-r l>a-l-: nnthini: w-uld rennin ,, h. don" hr lt. I believed the* idlnnrm-d '? mee! n vi iv: Ihey *.i not gn on In ihetr m!-i.,n. I nv,' - >n -M-i' ? 'li neb! 'bu' If Ihe Rtiropo-in nation* j, Cl lhal WI -'cn',| -,. lo a (diver 1'i-J, Ihey would ,,111! In- and force from ni our _._<l reserves. n"d - "ve he 'i'i,--'' i 'u hal wsy. The amenrtmeni | ;. ,, ur?i the Seere'arv ot ibe Trcn.ury ??-.'."! power t" n< ? ? i. one-thin. - ii should h ? ii ni partisan I*. l-la'i >*i. 1 th mght ?' .1; "!? 1 In ??. tl ? -? ?? ti . ? ont |nt '| v i . ml 1 | ive Ihe !i'-vt A.l:iilti'-'i.'t|. n ld ?.??1.-.'" with -lil- ipi* ill ;. Th "i'* lb ic li. slr. I 1 i ,,.* Mons t" lhal - li 'il "' l '"l ? '? tatteve ?>??,? I am a good li. ???'! "? !c imi i? to any legtdatlon, VCI |l il ..If."* '?? ,. IO ,?,'?'?1" !'"? XX ? ' '.''ll' ll'-'' ? Iii n lo ;ieci''ti'?li-'i -vlei' v.- all <:? -ir* Me- maintenance .<- ? , iw,, 'metals on ii parity, I swdd not for? bear io vote for i' snd wv H. \v,.,, iel* np '- i rtsndnrd ri bl- p-itrteiUm brest.--1 Ike lt--!!.-' i mi ?? i'.v may i_- fi red Into i hide nu "ii ,,.,, .11 n. ll 'i ' ??!?',?:?? We Will nut give them Ihi 1- _i-l:U> n : thal laram** ther mav I.rubina d ' ? -,, . , ? ?,. v, *, ii . iv 'Mt ? ni Ihe incoming Peeretan nf the Treasary. willi (hi* powvi ??, meet, with the rredli of a great nation liehlnd him, for-lgn powers over thi* slrnsgle for * ll. ! hare n> -vmpn'ht al'h lb men who would hall or h, Kate In <b ii- nnvlhlng. In iccomnllaldnB any net. In <?? ti-u*:i-. '">:? anv ic.'i ii*i n which might pros'" !,. -I,, ti. ir, I ;., Hi ? c ni Irv. i- ? ni- H ml ri I I ? Is-nil n. '.' \ D Iha! porty tbs! ni!,? and n hi ; " ve them from a poll i i eni'.rirra--*!!'!,'. | waa leter* sled In tin . ' ' " ''" 'v ' - * .,?,..? f,,,' i I ,', r 'In :.- li" lill" I "l ?'" ""? "I"'' ' " ' upon mountain, on lh* del nf th _ 11 fi ?m I ' , mint rr. with a - ????_ h.c effo.i-ifronl o? willi th i ,,, , , ?! ,. ?? ii*teri. lm;. - ?' i f?i u lo ni-I-ii -1 H,e >',,.,;!,!. ta ,C ri. Ill '? -"L! ul" ' ''"? ' ' understand thal ' di i.-u.-',??' *?nnt'*r **>..o tn\r \ ,11 these fr"' .I ? ?* > ws i!> favor ol .. .. foi i di ? ill Ut fm wlr.ii h , . ... .. ,,|., m. 1 f.*r .ui' am In .av u <-f -illl | imraiiiig. i '-1 "-?? '' ? -: ??' ,??"? ,\.',?'?' ;;?";, j ,?, .r ,, ... , .. ? ? I .. :, !.. 1. I I' Hut ttl* lr I mei I i- am-'! will ?:. ? I" ? rbi h*?ld mi I ld i-, -"iv" . -.?'?"..' i-i- ? ??"? will I-- mad** In li" direr, lon ,,. _,aln''"lnl a Ht li '"? , ? . Mr. iu. i'i- ? alien thi '"""'ic ' h .,...? it,|, .?...?? , :?? ??-*" I I-f 'i .lt I !"? 'lent I ' I ?,t will n-il '?? ri *n-c 'I-d 1 . rici under !'. V'" ire not advb -I -'? ' li ?'"?'' ??? ; :" , *"'.*.'*? 1'';,,v, lt I. i -len ? al M.. itaitagnlah'd ... .Mt',' fi"' i led if "'"" the pn I I ?" whleh h ' ,,, ,., |es noon ii : ??* Ita ' I i"'" .'-*-'. law Rant ot he inte'i nn*l?i '.*: *' I!.I'l* "' "* ''?'?"". I wieild p- - I, ?nd :-.ivc tbe altemillve In lh- Int.Itt A Imleta *..,'!. t? ??? i, ?..t. iv " "'? H B*er .i-v nf II . tr*-??u.-' *?!'. ? '? nower granted bv ih?* smeno m, . , -|;,..,! Hu i- ;..,ti ll mtv i- upon bim. TO IMPROVE HIE ll nuri: n tREET. v, iMBI NATION MAY Ul i ?,: V ', T ? i:: ?'':. *vTf. !? '*.!. ' - Ti?. hide and lenlber men ere lo tsbe rnncerted Dri|i :, lo Improve I. r the lesthei mer ket T wy *?? ll noi ? |u t wlmt ihe mea ur*- lo !,. adopt -! aili I"*, but ihey declare thal there bsa iee., no profll in their bu Ine* I sevei il -. -r-. snd .,.,,,. ,-, ij.-f ,-. nbfftlntely neeesssry. A number ,,r meeting Liv- heeii held, tbe las! one on - '-ii '? v and lt I pi .ml ed thal Hie detnll of the scheme will I,,- worked ont sad an BBBOuBionKnl made In :i few 4 ri,,, esuse of tta.hsrrsssmenl li given si ovcrrrrducllon. I.;- t yew lemaomry ?*-'-* r a as ob? tained i.v closing Hie principal tannerte for iwo I, |a prob???? ice that some ort "f i prminenl cnmblnaiion will be formed which bsll < out ml ll - wipph nnd regnl ne prices. W, K. Rajer. of tbs linn of Praser. Msjor A Oo Ro. PS < im-t . waa Been yesterdty afiernoon. "it' I- true," bo we nie makins snango mrnts to regntate Ibe sapply snd Improve tiie mar? ket, tait whether we -ball tallow ita* pian "? Issi vern- or BfloBt BOW liifd-mes I .i-n int antlion/.t'd lo Bay. The Immediate etfeel nf I ie ihntdown last >e.n vv;:- ii sHgbl rtao ol prieee, tell they mon WI bael sgsln, and un to two nmnthi sgo were lower than ,.v,, ' since it hoe been known tn tue trade tbal ibe ni-e-cnt muvemcnl wa* on loot, pilcei liave advanced ,i La-t i cenl n pound, and lhere baa been some i lief. I. IBM nnt b-'li silttu bul. how.Vii, Ii, put I thc bu nu-- on i' paying bal,.'' i in - Kraaer said: *M\ own bun dot*i no tanning, < and Kui- 'I'lcniiv we are Bot In Ihe deal. We deal i? ,.. u- Lld,, and have lo -end them to ni Lei, to be i i.n? ,| j* i, true tiiHt many of Hie lann**rie* have los* inn'iv recently, ond ihe lemporarj sdvsnce ol a cent ii pmiiiii int year did no. alfoid much i-.-iisf. "n*. ol lue in lu. ipnl dim-uiitaa 1*. lu ihe scmciiy ot hemlock | ul u blcli ls u-fd Iii tanrlng. Maine bas been c'ieai'ed nf lt- lieinliu lt, and tilde, i- Otllv a ,uni,iv leii in N'-.v Vork snd Pennsylvsnta, nut mom ihan enough '<> Isa! twentj five ream. The tanners ninv b* iibinniii- !*. pot eonirol nf the bemloch tanda, viii.ii wniiht v,x\c lb-tn SB almost ah-obite control of tbe tandns - " _ ? . ._,_ ,, I ii i sdew, of Fsyerweather A l.-idevv. sr,id bli dim' ROOM nut g?> lulu auy m.heme f"r cloding Hie tanneries. __._^._____________________.?_______. FLINT'S FINE FURNITURE Suits Al! Tasles. Be jut- to yssr-Hves. buying furniture consult rom tasia a* noll -s your pMbeteSSh. Von tan aflurd ta do both If you buy St our MSfOS. We've HM ii"*'- bmaMfOl wo-d?, the handvon-.'. t carv Inus. thu richest roMrin.'s. Hie BMSt .i-t'ful 0"..-i'.*u. tee will imd BBSMtetaa t? ?"^ r?" ahoteaai uuy hx your tJ?tc. w*e -'ii _t asm alli Isiiiib* prtess. r_ h -decs a pinn ly mali.-d rn Beak, tsab ot the ejeaiity, Ibm ot tel Bries. Ste if you can ilford to buy Btaewbem. Our prices suit, all pur-.s ?HIV Ol' THE MAI-EK.'' GEO. 0. FLINT CO., 104, 106 AND 108 WEST 14TH ST MRS. BE8ANT8 VISIT. SHE TALKS ABOUT HEB WOBI REBE. BEOSOPBICAIi TF.ACHIM'S, SHE THINKS, BBS BEABIXO (. OD FRUIT IN AMERICA. Mr.. Annie Detsnt will mil for Earope on Bat. teay. .-he ha. completed thc work of ker third I*!! to this country, snd leaves a greatly sagmeoted -t oi persons] sdmb-en i nd student! of Hr,- ,, f theosophy, which abe thai been teaching, in sn In -mew yesterday with s reportei *f rhe Trtbane ibe ave s eomprehenrive remme of ila* results ot ber pres al trip ami ibe growth mid present ttatns of thc heoaophicsl Society In tbs PsHted Btstes. "Mv lii-t Introduction to tbs pepi' r America," lie inM, -wa, in April, 1801, when I delivered aa ddr.-s in flOStoo. I remslned ber.- a!t*,:it n meath. returned s*pUn la the sntuam i?f the .-ame yost for harried visit, >t:iy-n_r only two days, in November f but year I made my third trip scrose the oic-in t tbs bu tare tniir which I sm now completing. undertook thi* rtstt on the Invitation ol w. q. udgc, the Lead ol mir sm i* ty lu America, and have rctnred neaiiy every niprht thai i hove been hem. -inned my tom practically In Ihe West, Including M ibo termer eittra rn ter ns ban Francisco, end nene,, coming Psst to New-York and Hoapm. With wo exceptloni I bare ipohen only in ibe ptacei ta ? i,bli ibe Boctety has sn ergsnlied representation. 'l-l* was the detinue purpose of my present Risdon, estgned to Inspire possibly a livelier laterrsl n the vartoas tesacbes sad to swahen renewed ind perhaps mmewhat ieepm teejotrtm ln'o tbs ortety's pbtteaopby. -You ssh f,r an explanation of the metety'i :ovt riinit'iit. and lt amy be well te Interrupt the ontiimliv of tiie tt.pic her., wiib a brief resume of is history, ii wm founded pobllcly in i-t.. by nlniil Btes*, nhntl. Mme. II. p. Rtavntlhy and ?v. y. .indi:*, nf thia .i.v. it wa- purposely started lem te tho United Btstes, a< we believe that ta America we ran bops fnr the treat.-! oltlnute devel iptnent, The wal beadqnnrtera nf tie society, bow* ?vcr, ere i*, indta, where colonel Otaott, who has been u-e-itieiii from Ibe begtnnlnp, live,. Tbs loeletj has our *ei :i,,!i. si tee present Haw, wiled afln Ihe Kiuie. (*t tiie ronatri-s, those nf India, Europa, America and Australia. The group ol Masters lu rhibet constitute Ihe actual lountalnbead, bm they uko llitle peri In lbs prank il coneac! t,f Hie loclety'a iBslrs. ir.,iii them :ii-,? emanated vvhat might !_? frilled the public organisation, allhongh Ihey ti ,nt ipp'-ar in tbal public organisation. The roBatltull wi . ssmewhst niter Ihe plan ol thal "i ibe United .tates, each section bring Independenl ol the other, i, 1 ea*ii slate in ihi, country, bal under ibe norn na] Inrtsdletlon of ibe president snd lbs actual linn emin ii, when s mun of la-t resort i. need rut, if h mini! ii composed of Ibe iee reta i lei i f the lectlona -nd tli- president. Pack arrtloa In lom (and that ,f America amy be taken sa sn lltastmttoa) i- nub, ap ol s variety of branches located lu tbs vari,,:, cutes. "Many new branch., have bern -.tarted her.- stott I mad" my flt * vi it sud nan we have ,,n,. |h near!) all tbe targe cities ol Ihe country, ond li msnj nf (he small i- "? - . 'iii. Initial arid fundamental requirement f , mombo; Mp iii ii;,' . ;.av i- -luipi, ibis: "ne mas) rec mil,-, ami scbnowlrdga th- snlveraal brotherhood *,f num. whl,.ut regard to sex, a rial llgtoua I elL f or anv other defining rest ration. Von may be a devon! followei .,f .mi- religion nr l,>-1-1 other pei--,.nni optntaas, bat li you subscribe io tenet I have last -tn'.'d. yea caa be .tdnuit.-.i bi a t .,-,,-' phi-t. uno nf the i,,,-'.,- princlpli ?: uar at k'liiil'.ntiiii ma!,*-* i lear tile ki- li fit lld- Lt'lind". We a-''t Hint th, ISOpbj present Hi" ute! principles sad bearii ..f nil so railed irMrAou. Tbej ai" itll lill!!"!',I al,?mt Mi" -ame lib ,- ce. Vc have lum av..iv Mc v.nun; .,;,.! lr.'a Iii le li-, -.ii, 1 I.iii- lng ll.!- In a p!i ' !? ... vi. have :l Lani. ;,: tit* Bril ' .1',' ' Bl i ihe I ? pi,v. "So simple .i primal trw i. not '?? % tu ? r Isl ? tbe lee! :i)*i.>f eur i.-ii. f-. hm n itnrsllj aron i following, *o. pt li 1 % Marting Irom ruriu I ',- . :? fi"in a gi nalne ... li* tu ???:. di i pei ir I te .. I,iii.-. In my BdOl*e lo oar rariotn bran. ?? there lia been ? salfotmlj L,r.-" st tendance and I have learned slierward tbal a timr- in * I .? 1 I baa been one ntsult. T. meet the many question last have thereby ..risen, t ima!" P, Wrig I. tin* London swmber. "f ibe aoctety, mn "ti ? irlp covering praeileally the ptacei thai i ? m. o j- i ha i-'i'ti i" mal *? ? lear bbj p rplexl i tbal the local branchea maj have m.*., and ? ai i lm I*, t-i |ue tl at thal mat ? .- . . n "in nil 'hi- country Ihe Wi i fumtatai 'he moa. fertile fl ld for lh- adv. ol ' ;?-.?? i i :.'? iv v.,ii;, Ban i rem i? ? i ? U.e bi and eathn bi tl* folbiwli .-. The i opb if ?h Wi l ? , -.... in re ? ?? ? m rt . |l lill .Itel t" !!"" rle III I- ll.ll . Ill 'III- I nf ,. Ul -,. I speak ,.f ll ? -'i i r. ? ? I 'i. ??*.??* . I,lc.I.: ??. !,.,Uei.i. ., lal ri ?' ? f Ihe * I Iel} I ? ?;, erm d. Iii" :?'?'!" lhere I lien* I _* in tho growl li ? f 'I, ??? nj.h . ?? j have I."- n impr e*l du lng tel ' . ' ,i,,. |n._,..-t )..,. |, , .? ,. Hiking in mir 'flail and Iht ? |,n . : ,. iel c. nit lided uni ., , ., |e,iiie ??!?.-. ? I. i a * ? r . de ii i bio adjunct m our bBerti ?? iw.h. nd ? uni I, .!, |,|\ .l|,pie ..I'"'I. ll ls lilli Hat Vc !'<". Ut tts inn ,? ,,f the is ? lal , Bur we u* makli - d will ,,,"t|ini* lo :.iil,e fi_" |.i"/'e ? lu t'?? Hulled Stile I .- it, opie In '1,1- ' nullir ii ?? ' Li ar- ';" I rip I,,!- t >? ::.lil r> . ?-|i* ?? >i i nt mir *!???! er- and mm'- a*l 1,-nfhlll. . I li- di c. , ! lol ? ll IU rai'i" I- dall. Inei-ea-lng. ll has noa rea<-hed n rat bet claim: al" output. lt I- B ',U''-'.I lo Which -e. tb,n ,,f ib" -oi i. tv I- ol pn eui Uss lamer, Ihe European or Ibe American. Kn i ol Iii* e la ? greatll * a: number- th" .Her-. Th" English book pod pi;*-i ate '?? 'i'"-' wldele read and lt *? great* -i weight I ? ? have a wv .ri iv. ,. ai u," preM'iit time rn i ie ' nlied -' ile Ile) : ling ni' pei .I lm| ? ? ' ' ' \ ari' '. I have lu, I nccv lui. lill ! ch anl i.iul" maui rhuroiliis acipisliit'iuii-s. lt will i... ., sit - lin. i j.'-, ire to " ?? ' ? meei lh.*m ? i i, a ',. \.h ii Hui! rn I*. I"? 1 can not *i* Bnlt* iv -?,.. ,\ project i- a. ip ???ni lu nlir-yonce io have th,- Tli.| btciil s-m *-i\ repieseiited at I - J'o of Religion* whick I- '" b* i"ld lu ? lil.-".*', during -eptiab.i- iii this year, if- tim. be i?-Hded on. I have agreed lo mme over again al thal time bi one , f Hie '-'? I"". '- I"" I'l'- "'ii."iv 'lld ll nd li ? Hie Hon ire -. In thal evenl l wonld probably ? ?nilnue nu |p>. way ol -m li nelsen lo India, whens, duilm? nevi Winter, I exp"*! 1" deliver I ?'1 "f addresses. If ve an ii"1 |-< |.niel St Ihe .' I .-hall th li . ,, ,ii,., tiv i<> india from Engtaad." IS llnXiiR OP BX PBBBIDERT RATER InoHanspolta, Feb. 23.* The Indians Commandery | ,,f ti?- Loyal Legion held i memorial meeting In boam of th** tale rs President lin'. * - -. In Plymouth Churrb. Ibis #itv. this iifteriniiiii. The llev. Dr. Hayn,- rem! ri nielimilal pup'r prepared Iv I clune! Marr, of, nba I- ci.'iiiiicii tn ii ,? i,v -.,'?? The Rev. l'r. Lucas read ? by Mr . Starr. ledge Martindale, a fri. nd *.f Ihe el PreaMeBt, spoke, BBd brief a'bll'' ?'- 'V'-re min!" I.v ni!,er-. Columbus, Ohio, Feb. *.'-.- Uovernoe McKinley wns un able today to heep bta sppolntmenl to ipeakattbe ea eril**-I held at Ike Wita Wesleysn i'nl\*ially, st Dels* wine, |n mesmry of ex Prerideol Hore . TM eau ed o rhsnge of programme lo mhaellsneons .peaking. vit'i Ihe exception ol Ibe pert Bxed b.r IVoft.r Mit ale, win,-.- address on tbe life ol tta es I'le-blent _u- lin- feature ol the *i iy. THE COXS IA TliiT IEOIRIATVBR. Hartford, Cobb, Peb. 83.?At tbe morning session of the House them wss I ll-iltt stteadsnee ot ssem hers, many being detained by Ibo .-turin. Among shs ine-i-ure- Introdaced wem tbe foUowlng: i'm ?riding for police matron* In every rlty ol 20,000 papa tettea; spproprtatlng ?.-*_?> f"r a memorial tablet at Gettysburg; preventing las am of blgbwsys and public grounds In the state by telegraph and telephone companies without legtatetlvs setloa; spproprtatlng UH-.MK) fur building an BddlttoO IO lbs t iniicctlctll Industrial tehest fnr Clrls at HMdletown. Al th* morning srssloa of the Beasts bin* sad resotuilom were introdaced granting Slate Beeasea rn peddlers to old volanteer -?i_br_ and mllon without charge: Imposing ii sentenee of froai two mootes lo ons year Iii winh'i'.u.e at irani ln!.nr np,,l tramp-, culnlllOll di in,*, brawlers and fortune Miers. At tb*' afternoon sesatoa the Itaaue pat over tl"1 discus-ion of Hie .-lis'it eoatested ? leetteH cas-a, M u.e mfcadar as a special seder fnr lo-day, io March ?_. Th.* resolution permittteg the Kew-Yorh, Bern Haven sad Hartford Etellioad t" laeream Ita noel lo BI0O,O0O,000 wa- taken Irom Ihe table on motion ,.f Mi. Km kwell, of w- t Hartford, obaliman of tte Committee on Bsllraad Mr. liiiii-in.ide. of Wsriilngton, moved to laois w'lk-ii wss i-aiibd, 7d te a. disclosing no qaorwm r.mi ibe iHuiM- st" *4i ndjourned lo to-morrow morning A WARAHARRB MBRAl PRETESTED. Tim preseatettoa t>r tbs Wsnasmher gold medal foi th., mut sWllul cleik In the Beeood PtvtstaO e the Railway MaB tervtae to,k piece yesterday ii Ibe ro-toflice Bathiing. Tbe wtaaer of lbs coates wns Harry P. swift, n. C. Jsehnoa, naerlateaien of the dlvhtoa. made Hie f*ttnial -pee. h of presents Hon. to which Slr hvlft SBSBSmded. V. I. Uradby the asslsliir.t superlnt.-tiii'-iit "f Ibe dlvtstaai C. Il I.yins, bapectatondent <>f Mail* ls Broohtya; Chis (lerk E. ll. McKee mid E. r*. tclvllle Btes ni.ub nddr?--.'S. Swlfl's avenige In bl* cit,e , xamliiatbu waa "jrt.B4 per cent, and lt w.-i* prunnunced the be, cxamlnallon in Hie history of lb*, servleo. De Roven's First Waltz Sf i The first independent set of by Mr. ltz. waltzes Reginald ever written le Koven com *c_ fi Vii N. gr-> W/AA ->. K poser of "Robin Hood," will shortly be published in The Ladies' Home Journal and will prove, it is believed, the most popular piece of dance music of the season. Under the title of the "Magnolia Blossoms" Waltzes They will inaugurate the Journal's notable musical series, to which the foremost composers of America and Europe will contribute. Send One Dollar for One Year to The Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia ETCH I SOS AND OTUE II WORKS. TBS PRINTS AND DRAWINGS OP EVERT VAN Ml Mil N Tn iblal nf v.,-, Mayden i- ta tblnh ol I'-'ni'dv in,.! i.,u\e. ami rj*, .pall Bi III* yonngH iit'i-i I lo ,? i.. uoner or taler, il lil- two famous I" de.r- in tb. stl "f depleting animal nature. EaCb . nf l||,?. !';r.e ip. a I..-I IN l,|e l|l!ll-elf kllOWII Uir ii.-ii ,ne B-cdlum m,,t,< i,au ibrn.igli any i.b.. I-1. ? lois i >.i. brati >l .-.- .1 painter, B irye nv i sculptor .-md Vni M.vibli i- Minuit!,; Celebrity a - tn etc hst bul tl,.* ni. have ss i roraavm p...-.? llie i!l-!ltn t|,"i nf li,vin-.- gtren artistic eMne-inn lo tbe nsUve * barn, tar ol wild _ea*t_ rna! I heirs I- ? p'nulue distinction and b>I ? mere f rmallly ot ria***! i" allon ' ..;?:? ll III Ibe lim.neil mi- tal.,., ii,,, c t>. . impart i k a ll i ? : ,-r prod u i i,\ ? .?n .in noted nam** \? Heir BeM, vUli tbal ol Rom lamile u am ng i.,?? i !? -in ii ir sith lhal nf Bril rn i i.t.-ii-b. And in Ibe cxpbin illon ?' -'!'?? iii .. v ? ij i- t and bIm tbe nanon whj lt i- i> ?lble lo _i -i|> '.vila ,ut Bi-snudng ti.-m i i ta* .il! ,'|i, illy sn it ol illlid (is 11lon, n,a., ' ni M lyd, n rn*- iii- llii-'i! -Ins! bj anim il . and ? -pe. lally lor ?in- tamil..m. i.i ke.ii under landing "f the bralti ol ii ' ;? . d '.rli ?:? d* ulm ii 0| tn*' un !???' i lim 'i pu', 'ti ' ii.a. ?',. i ii.i- i - their j' ii.' ". rn ni .bi ill. of -fork ntan.ldp .i. *.?!?,*. r_dtra. .ilit rem ??- Otmx i ll ! i . Vii Mayden and I.arv.* I- greater in iiulii_ Hie three * I apt i*. *?1 in exhibition al Ibe Keppel gallery ul Hi rk of Van M ijrdeB, ii i- not ul'., ide Intention ni grouping them on the ? ' ? nd ihei ,ii i ii separating Van *:.-.! ? ? y sr I lo I ?i -.? . I ??? neill ? be their tat* r". Iii | ? r . Ii, I ,n urli-t <tf Shllltj a- <**.ll ? .a ,' i v. i nf in ? at "I rapid I"' > *|>'i xn. '? al Me d' ll I- rtUlM .1 a |,.,,','? I I ?*. (l-V. I" I"" ll !'..i.-i.b'.:, alli :.. I. nu ?'? riv GI BB .??.ii r, pure nilli i ;.|.-. i. ,i, n ini-ruU i- si n merv palntt r ,,r Hum , ? n n>* re m ulptor. bul be i rn v.. ri . |, :,. iiiiant bi Mr tn-' el i|ii:i|lile_ s Ul*!. c. ? In .-!? :,'??! lie a nie. Ile i ann,,I BBd d'" lint ? r. . . ...c. , , , | hl| ,\,K v-v tTli .-, onomj >,f line mid gt' . bl Um I ? -? imp ot l.i- -- li l?n! '.v rt.'V.-r tn i:il|i cati .n ol tb.- needle ..:.?! .,i ? ???! i nml ? I ? -. i, li i,\ -I Un,*.. .im, ??: bj tb" bru-ii and iii" imlplur'i lools, I ' Bb b aui , ! Ill.I! II nu- ri tl >? -I'-nliiV ile llldl - 1 . ' ? I. || I 'nc* i ?. and ,|\ t.-r water . ,,|,c. -. li,- ro!|,*cll..Il in all lu depart* m. ills remarkable tilts. .'an Hoyden :u'!i.. hts mode) ni Ban ? indi d bis, with Ihe fervor ol r>: i ii alow I, Bnd a bet ber in bis pent ll ... n:," ,. *.-. -wild Hull ,,f iii,* Human I'jti paglia": hi pen lindie*, lil," N .. -J-,, -A l.i,ri \i*., king a ' ? - : ii- a i li drawinrM. Ill ?? Xo. 2 *.. I rr li' l.i'ie. n a I* IBIS ll I Bil i'\" : hil i ?:? III ?in*'!' ,,,] ra. l.t.. N . I. ? \ ii-. ?? Ab nil t,, spring.'' nr lil- i "iii' b led I ipnrt ni In hi it,ul; a full bu,.. i ?-:.'" ,.f structure and uncommon , ipm lu fur IniHi atlng lt. .*>, Hoi i I ... th* rilli" i prorlnee ni -.:..? "anlmnller.*' I- Bneljt rend.-red by bim ta _everal ptatea, ol whlrli N... -T A Ibm Al tacking a Buffalo": So. li.,. - fsri. riger* Ptnylng": Sn. Itt, *'('<-lin...I Ol lavin' >.,.. -I. ll bt RS tween liull-." .'imi .**.. I__, "Two rigen Fight ur,- SBMBB Ihe lie 1. lu lil* mai. trutli to nature is periHtn.illj ellciilng od miration ami un a nu... u. two ..f i ?? pities Ju-i mentioned remind n in esses v.ii'i,- a technical coniddemiton li a leveler tesl I bs n Ibe production ran stand Take 'iib*-! Ha IOS, lbs iuvhIiv nr Ko. lia, Ibe ? indi ol Iwo tiger engaged in ;i bliaatjr cont-*.!, ami the nr, v nb in e nf vv.;i!,, mriwlv Illus -iio'ilti i*_ obvloui it ii tyro, Tho Ires irani, in Ibe Bril ol Ibe ?? bows no familiarity with ibe rapt.inn ol nlrb a lUbataBce by organic line*, nor la lhere any deft neus sr lu ter er In Ibe treatment al tbe confusion nf warriors In Ibe background. Bal ii lu ii iii! lit defect! have been admitted, 'ld* very KNOWLEDGE Brings cm rori and improvement ami tends to semaaal imJora_M_ mmts ".inly used. Tho many, who live belter than otbors. ami enjoy life more, with lo*, expenditure, hy more prompily oxSAuMUB Ibe world* bmd producta to the needs ,,f pbv-ical being, will stt.t_t Hie vain,- tu health af the pure Iniuni laxative principle-! embraced in Hm laamdf, Syrup ol Fi_*. Its aseolteaas IB due te NB presr-nMnc: in the !urm most peenptabta BBd pleas-uti. to the tosto the nMr.'-iliitii' and trulv benoAetel pr_p.*rt.n_i of i p,-rr?-:t laxative; efleetaally eleamdng Hie *ys f.*m, it_*-*-tl_a_ Balda, headaohes anti fercrs. and permanently curt nt: coiistipatlon. lt has given Ut nf action to million, and met arith Iho mo -jroval of thc Bsadteal prefiantaa brm? it sets un tim KMntya, Ural ami IV*wel_ witbnut weak .?iiinc thom, sad it is perfectly free from every -bJ-Uiluaah-. Myrup of Ftes is fur salo by all dmsc-sta In ..Oe and fl bottles, but lt ut manufactured by ?be California Fis Hfrap* Ca. only, whose name ra printed on every pastaf* alan the nain.'. Syrup ? f Furs, and '?fin': well informed, you will no* kBBBfl any substitute if offered. late contains te tbe Bra and truth With which the rmi onset nf lin* two burses In tl. foreground ls n'1'i'l. one nf ibe boldest strobes of art In tbe Bill*, H..ii. nml ilsallBriy In ibe study of feline n?inn whtah we have named with lt, bli" faithfulness a Hie uni.. ,,f ute moment .interbateaoes tbe nude a--;i_i-. In 'lie iketcblBg of the paw, and el,'-where, i ls rarprlidBg enough Ibal Nun Mujrdso simiild eg IMt p.i?i_e. H!<e these Bl lr-|!le|l!lV bs lu* due-. tr ? .ile i- nf ih, pia1.- iliow i im working wl.h lie i nt, ,t delicacy ami preelsten. Then ai" mv ,.,! portraits, Nos. iii. iii. i'>- sad 106, winch ...Ve thal lie call ll-e tlie ne.sile willi SlSSOSt per arl .11-* i-.-il n snd poise. Vfe meet with estel BC el of lu- .ame -lilli in a number nf Maali gean piece* such i. Nu.. Itt, ll'? ami 13d, in pistes HU" Nu. M, "A loman fart," which I, a delightful picture of nullan ?wintry life, and lu ii hsadfu- ot plat*-* wherein I- lin.* |s bitten rai b<*r deeper and conveys iu ides *tf .raster energy, but in ?.bbb iii,* qualities ol preetetoa and bu,.uv ai,* ,tiii pammouol plates <*f wbtah Bo. IT'. -univ nf ii !": Nu. l-l. -Lurette." a pm rail ...' n dui.-: No. DI, -Tli,' Head nf ii Lion." and Sn. 123, -a Young Monkey." mtv be Boa_ed. After (dates in,.* t h.--- it piovokei regret ami ulm"-' Inri tallon '?? ii' I Vn. 147. "Lioness ami fib-,'' B really powerful -ituiv. dtaflgured I.v lin**.. In tb- ba'lt .1-..Hird nf taBdSCape Which :.t*" nerveless am! luex li. -iv. VSB MujfdeB bas ranged over a wide debi ii: bl. i in... .? nf subject I. ll** In. etebad Hie Ibm In ... number -f ptoiea?one of tb,in. at least, No. loo. 'King d 'bs Desert," ?< Impressive s wort* -f un a* lt. Hil.- demand, it tn be -he has etcbed tiper*. psalters, doge, boraes, pats, moiiHcvs and the oxen ? if the Csmpegna: the Bwtel soldier appears Iii about s tb... ii nf ids designs; te bsa portrayed Hie Homsn peasant again nnd apia; bo bu* dine ssas, puiie*. nf women, -nine decorative emifc. and upon Ihe or ls _,,i n- br lia- etched himael.. Once be bas pu Hind himself in i pendrawlng wbtah I* a mira? lie ,.; iii'si.'iiiiur :iuil dranghtimanshlp in 1Mb form ..f ut Throustont all Url* be Lu* miiliitiiliied ri ? ;, manner timi J, fluent nnd -ufltctontly HiilBiullSllve. I bougb nit e.|ic.|allv attractive: a K.uer.1 f--ii"--- im truth uni settarle efleci, which bc in.ur,l lim right 'villi-.* mid sdminbta light ;.,.! tn,!-, and 'ir-t ami la-i ?* marvellously scute iimnc i lat lon ot Hw maller set before bim tube drawn up.,.i the copper. Hie exhibition of lils work ls lu remain "i*-n until Marali _". It na**-* foils to ii.Ku.-: iintl -imbin- of etching would do well t/? VI ll ll. _ THE HENRY M JOHNSTON COLLECTION. 'Md- iv ri nib-,timi ..f modern pointings, ehtety French, ol whtah thew I- ootblag very eaerfetta to be -!ibi either In epprovsl or thc reverie. Kamberlng , v. mv f.uir plc!uren lt tills Ihe Fifth Avenue Art i.ali-rb- gracefnlt. : iii.?' pictures ure *tf saeb s sort tint li diffuse- sn agreeable Btmosphen, and lt will lu ali pinbiii.iiitv im,! with ci md fortune at tho aaa . .ale which is -ei down for Beal Tuesday evening nt i bickering Itali. Thew l- very litt'c te lt. bow ? v. r. to came " stir Binung eooBotssears. Mr. Jobs ilon ha- lu'pt well within thc bounds of thal section nf lb* pict uro buying public which n*ks that what ,-i ?? i work nf art may *u- amy not be, lt masl lie pleasing to look naen, and ii would be Impossible I,, tb nv to Ibe majority **f bli patallogl a considerable ? i.i ,:., Iv- vallie. Ml" *tm li Hallie, nf Hie collei tell tu' Hi,- day ai'* all represented, from Breton rind Hom ,i. ii lo Vail MarCke and Zeim, and by fnlr example*, Tbe faull rn be ft,und with ihe rotlectton If faull lhere be-I- tbal these exuinffl.-s atv fair and nothing nan-'-. Something inure thoald i_* offered, we think, rn a public provided with exhibitions und wira a. copiously as thal of Xcw-Yorh l* provtdid alt! them. Tbe mmethlBg i* slamat, bal noi quite, pw sented by Ur. Johnston in the case of Ibe largest of lu* three works by Corot, Ko. 14, "Tiger BeohlBg I'l-.-v," willi b bas not enif :i lluvcl subject but a breadth nf handling wiib-ii i* not typical ul Corot lu in- best known reta. --'lil lt ls not beautiful. It I. curious, principally. Tbe obs Britni ol wimni Mr. Johnston hi* bb altogether satlafylng example, i, I;'lilli. No. 4_, - I'i-.rul Doy*-, o.if hi* Km pile panel . ls a inri-'el-pl, i . ri clilc, ii lll'linpll nf irtlllie, r.ii Bbaolutcly _oul|e_a dmr de force, tail li I a ma lei|i'ece (e.! Ibe -ame. nile nf ||,e tiri ? C pieces of cubit* nnd bsBdHng tbal ever lefl Holdlnl'l wizard like hand. Two Amertrani have good, vary ?mal, pic.urea In Hil- rollerllon, Messrs. leonard in lu tua a and i.iiii-k'c Ibbcsi! there U a peamnl scene lc. Ludwig Kuan- that i- worthy bl, lndtt_.r__oa ind well-trained, if md eery Interesting, bru,li. the na mei .,f p. imi,". Carin. Jongklnd. Rico and Dondngn are _tttxed lo plctnres well done, st leest. and others init'ht lu- .-ii,.', cl I.ter.* li of anv service to the nader to rater to them lu any fumier detail. I. WP-rAl't.:-* LY MB. 0CHTMA_r. Abnve ibe exhibition of Mr. Johnston's ptatnras,ls Hu* mltery, thera I- tm view- a eottacttan ni Iwi nv (WO land,! ip.-s I.v Mr. Leonard OebtSBSB. I_ts* year Mr. Ocbtman had bb exkJbttton sf hi* work at th. -un.' phire ami tin* high que lily of bis talent was cor dtalty recognised lu the Tribune. It 1, tt pleusure t. retard that upon his second spf mi sate in an eg. hlbtiloo of hi* own he deS-Soaintra Hut he saa ha proved v.-ry decidedly. He I* a remalli* artist and oiii' si B BWdlteUve turn nf mimi, lie bas feellnc fm t.i" tenderer side nf astun, for tho peaceful love Ut...-* ,,f night, sad bli pictures are beautiful not onl, v .?? the beauty of truth te life and rb,, beauty of eater bm -virii the charm of poetnr. All ibe works lo Ita pi-.-eii' exhibition bw Bim*, fell and painted, and twi nr iii.un are brilliant, a moonlight keene called -ll,.m., ? it the N'uiph-." ami ii'e winter landscape. -.' frost* Mui-niti.'." which ls nns-ii.iv Uii even itrongei piece nf painting. I'he exhibition last* nulli Mardi -l A FISE I'HALASX HF ASH BARRELS. Employee of ihe lieffmss Mouse, the headquarter tar Tammany ustetesaieB," have bulli a monument l commemoration of what Street Ctaealag Oosssatasteae BraBBSa SSI failed tu do. Tue material of tb menu.rial i* humble and lowly, but lt ipeahS BS plulnl tin! purpose i f Hie pile that there ls Braded nu Lull or ? vin Bagttsh losrrtpttefl. Tbe monaaseal i* a row of gsrbags bamfo l Twenty fifth-,t. ut the rear eBtraam ol ths HaMms Hourn, ah Hi" -apply nf galvanised ir .n leeeptacta I id 1 (OB '-xi.Ited by th** i >n_ lilian te remove Hi a,Ins. mi B 1st "f old -agar ami l! mr barrels had bee iiiiii/ed also. Then oren Bfiy Bve st thom bartel secordteg to eoaat, bal oas m two may baas tem mi -cd. Bl -nm,* BtOOd OB t'*P "f Blhen and thc row were thi*-.- deep. Kvitlctitly the .stink of woode barrel- hud given oat _i*o. for bm wooden bait* tub had been utilized for S little overplus nf garling* Tbce rereptsetas wera all Blled. Tl-v stand nen i'..* t !iib him*,, of the .?outIn rn s s-lety. BS tim elation IB lt may sad BSlm tiri* f?ature of life lu Hi metrnpnll*. _ Travel to CtdeefO by the famous "Limited" of th New-Yolk QflBUaL .'. Ladies, You Can See Any Day AX The Singer Parlors The Different Varieties of Art Needle Work In Process of Manufacture On Singer Machines. The Singer Manufg. Co., Cor. 16th St. and 3d Ave. The Original and Genuine t (WORCESTERSHIRE) LEAWLRRINS SAUCE Imparts tbs most delicious taste sad EXTRACT ot aletter Jrom a MEDICAL GEN .LEMAN at XSd raa, to hts brother at IfOBdhTI-L May, i?i* ' "Tell LEA A PERRINS' that their sauce ls highly esteeuiw la India, sad ls lu my opl-ion, tbe most J Bieune, as veil 3 the mest vrhole sotne _su.e -_?. ls -sade." Beware of Imitations; see that you get Lea& Perriw. dignitare, ea -v-rr bottle of tbs Orlelail and aaaalae. JOU\ MINCA-Pa SOX*.. MTV -.IRK, LINEN GOODS. For nra thi for fy years wt ha rr gt***?. <i specialty of Linen dooils. nml lhere in no desira? ble linen article or fabric for the Kitchen, iHninn-Room, Jlrthanm. ur other household uxe irhiili may not le found iu RmmttfR TmUMut*. ?>"' *tork' james mccutcheon & co.* THE LINEN STORE. 64 West tM St. "S3 Wilbelrn&Qraief 'BROADWAY _ 26tb ST. -j China, Glass and Polterv _>JF*I1T__I Norikla. Habit < urea In Iv Dl'ltTM lo SOO*, a. K* ea/ 1.11 earea. Ul'IUlf I Dr. J. *--e_>bea_. Lebaaoa. IS. PRIVATE SALE OP lilli. VON DER HOYA COLLECTIOM Ot*' RARE AXD VALUABLE VIOLINS. Viii!..VS AND 'CELLOS, AT 81 .T.TH-AVE . SOW OPEN. NOW OP*M iioi:^.uk^ hemtauraxt. lunch and sample rooms, Till. I'KWTKK Mt'l.) NO. 9 PRANK PORT*8T., opp. WiiRLD BUILDING. P^THE BEST LAMP f?r home, ofli.-e. nore, _B* tory, hil* I, I.-_, i. church, tte. ?'Ito "Koche-Wr." Kver. I.nnip nurra med. Over in,..- 'i.i.,.-uni ,!>- ;.*!i. u, R.|_et trttni. Manufactured bm EDWARD MILLER _: CO.. 10 ic Xi: College Plac,, N. Y. EX JOY 1X0 THEIR A SSC AL ESTERTAISMEXT. The I. pilbil-in Club of tbe IXth Aisemblr Dl.tri.l save lu hi, entertainment and Mutha Wa.hinj.tiiB mppM a. tlie iiub'* rooim, No. 1 Abtn;.*tlo.i Squarr, Tu.__ay evciilt!'/. The I'lair wis (or menibcra of tho club only. After the BBrfpSI there w?? in li?'urinal dance, which wie thoruuchly .iij,,yo1 ly th..*,* lucent, anti which laated until well Into ihe The .-oti.mliiee In chars* ol thc entertalnm, nt wan ..imposed of C. A. PbBfBSBBs OT. II. Dc Shay, F. ti. Wilie, A. L. UaU tot S. B. Rm I BBSS*