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WHAT IS READING'S DEBT1 A CALL ron AN I.AI.I.Y STATEMENT. ?tHBOWNEN8U1FOV READING .TOCK -NDOPTBB j M.WI NOLAND KOAH 1v* DOUBT. Inter.-: In lbs position ol tbe Pblladilphls sad I Reu_in_ Railroad sra ni-ai-nit-d i ' 'I" netwttb* I staadlng tbe boll lay. \t th.-Windor IU r! snd other ! place* Brhere itoek Un ? i and Will BU < ' men ga!h*-r in time* *.' exeliem.'ii there were l.irge <r..w,L thmasbottl the day d:_.i_*aing the -tuniloa.'l* light bsa rei !?. ? !'..'.!i upon lb Important (idea? tion of Un Bil oal Boam lal roiidltlo:i of tbe Rending, lt mav be -iii'.-! nilli eui lii'-'ii.e. '.>'??'? cf ti :it what- I ever in:i\ ie- !'.?? tandem*. ,* rt-c-nt occurrences, tbe j late ot tli" Reading and Ibe New York snd New England i... noi ve* been posltlvei. determined, it ls probable (bal Un altaation mas bi il rer i'i a lei ' Well-informed men do not believe thnt Ci- owner- i sblii *.; Hi dins bal lound a Anal re t n_*plare. Then j I X-JUDGE I'vX-cN were b.nvv parrbssrs *'l the stock f..r London sc coun* ot. tbe lever- d i lue t,f Ibo Keek, bul !b"_e are aadersto-d t*t hs mslnli speculative, n;,.i based oa tbe Iden Uki! nfter tie- gieul drop In value* ii recover. USS due to the covering ol -li"!",-*, or Ilin. Hie resnl! of thc collspae vuil.i be i beneflclsl Iraaafer "T cn tml. It I. not ii:ob:r |.\ bowever, that snr Important railway or Baandal In!areal Kould commll lt-, li to tbe ewnersblp *.f tbe propel ty nnlll Hie condition i?f itrt lasnees wu better nr-derstuod. i pon tin ? ar sctcr and extent ol tiie lasolvencv wUl depend .he attitude of espllallst** Inward tbe .ompanv. Tbs significant report Irom Philadelphia, puli'l-bed In vc - terday's Tribune, tba! Drexel A Co., ol Philadelphia, bad once more come to Ibo rescue of lite property, could not be confirmed here, lt ls l"ii'-vetl lo be true, mid lu tbat ca." tbe chanced conditions ot the Eastern railroad lltustlsto say lead to a liir il (ettie* ment that will bring the R> iniin;: Int harmon. Kith _he Fenns*.Ivimiii Rsllroad. The opposition ol tbe mad i,> the cnl comtdnstlon Blade a vear ugo led fur s time to ;i I ii k *t! eo pper i tlon between the B-oasyhrsnls nu! ihe Drexal M rgnn Interests. Hut Ihe rmi me between l'r -lb .it M Leod or tbe Bsadlng maosgemen! and tb banking power thal sapaorted tbe original policy ol ti Reading, due to tb*' former's extension of aggn salon ll lo N- av Ei _ b.nd terri-uiv. I lally < ;i r-in bu' Ol im r sis <tf th" Perm-\ Kania and tbe Drexel Morgan people. Tie pennsylvania'-. New-Englsnd oonnecllon 1- the New York, New-Haven snd Har! ord mid Hi rolsianci lo Reading'.- campaign In Pennsylvanli tenltory Pa* noi urally brought Ibe Pennsylvania Railroad Into bur* BBSay with .1. I'i* i p. lil M i-:t* i i iii- di leuce nf New | Haven Interests ag In- Ibe McLeod ta mr - :," ?? T'.io treat mllroiid sad banfcl lg powei ii', ll -ved. will i?e in harmony In an* line ot policy tom l i"g thc Hitor shaping ol Reading ? pol lc j. As records the (ate ol the New-York and New* England r,tr'(l. tbe question Kill be Influenced In Ita determination by the developmentB ss to the sctusl relation, ol tbs Reeding pool ":? syndicate t.i tlie New-England road, if Hu- pool's holding- "I New. England slink are purely private*. **"i sre weM protected, iimi if they me ;,- large :?? bsi been ns* serted by Mr. McLeod, tbe coantng election may ramil tn thc om Reading party securing dominance. If As Readtng C mpany Itself hr'- bought tic control, then tbe solatioa ol tbe problem of the future ot New-York and New-Eng'and ?rlH hinge largely un the gaol sstttssseat "i Readlng'i guan .-. Then- b, n possibility tbs! the Readlng'i Influen ? In New-York sad New-En. lind la f-.mplicatcl nit*. tLe private boMlagi "' ''?'' Mcleod pool, winch woull introduce BBOthw confosing lector. Ths sttostion has received addltlonul tetsrest from tbe uiirertainiiv ,.f the atilt-ide- t,f Charles E*amOOS :uid lil- iii the New-England, m Indicated la fiie Tn!,ni," yestei i.v. lt is not yet decided by Mr. Pnr-ons whether li** will attempt n contest fur control with th<> McLeod-Doston sud Mbius faction. Mr. Persons bas .pent nil hil time for aboui s yeer la eadea*/or_Bg i? improve the conditicn of th** property. He hes sad bard odds io conteud against In thc Ogpost.loa of the Nev.-Hnv. n and lu tie tatorforoaco ot thc Reading people, it i* known t)iat bo bus wearied of tlie labor-. Inposed Bp ra him, and he may dei ide that to attempt a farther Oontroversy ls n "game sot WOttb tile can*!!'-.'' !*hould Br. Parsons dedds to retire, the situation w mM be sliuplltied by the i-.arrowlng down nf the -Oates! be? tween the Morgaa-New-Harefl interests snd a com Mnatlon 'hrit bus teen ttseredUed i,v Ihe Ignomlnoos failure of its attempt to saatali Rmdtei in tin- over smMtiour, plans of Mr. McLeod. Conservative men, do not hesttats t_ say that tbe oatcotoe, even u de- | laved, will lie the surrender ol ths New-England road lg Morgan-New-lUvcn Interests <a*l ot tu** lladsoa j River. There are many Kelt-informed bonbon Kbo believe tbat Mr. McLeod will pot long remain one of the receivers of Btu Beading road. His sri sites st pro*. ent, while the actuul tacts us regards the condition ol Reeding's iiifiiir.. sm la process ol in in)-' Bseertalned, may be considered <-_ aoosssarj Bl t" warrant bl* ro teiitiou for a tim-* among tbs reeelvcw. But the op? position to lils holding a place in the direction ff ibe company's utfalrs. which bc b;i*. certainly brea pertly lusu'uniunul la lavolvlag lo their present tangle, les suffered pt) abtitcni*-!!'. li ls more than proimbls that bis myroBBRtatloas to bom of tiie receat leaden ol money to ih*- Heading Oompaay may _ervc a* ths bails for a lnovement to Beean bi* retireinciit. lt hi pertain that fun-is we:-.- obtained from some cn Bswattaa haahen oa a showmg Ima. the sMaagemeui that the sadden ooufe "ti ol Insolvency dori noi teem to Justify, lt is far fnun unlikely tbat tu pi iteel their own Inteies'-, these me:,, if tiny ar*- satisfied tba! Ibe) were deceived by Mr. McLeod, will bc strenuous lu efforts lo depose Um from bis poul Hog as om* ol tho receiver-. (?nly one opinion wrts expn ssed among men ?f financial atfnli-s yasterday ai to Ibe imperative Deed of au early stnta'tnent trout Hie receivers is t*t the obligation, ol the Insolvent railroad, lt Ls admitted that a complete exhibit amy be Impossible a! thi stage, but I' ls urged that a pmllmlnarj nr psrtlsl statement ls in Ju.tlce ,in,- t-> creditors and kIocs* holder.. Tb,* fl;i.-uin_ Indebtednem, In ihe Bb?ence t,r Information ls varloiislv estlniii!'-<!. but con? servative men t'lluk thai lt umv runge from fe,<??-?. OOO to 08,000,000. I'i thia must be Included al.I ?1300.000, representing the half year'i rental nearly due under the leam ol thc Lehigh Valley. A large part *.f ihe t"t:il smonnt i* bellevtd to be secured i>v Cial on hand. Men Interested in the eaa] trade ss* thal Ibeoe n aeU are gotKi. In view of tbe ectlve demand for coil caui'd tv the Ben-re weather and Ihe epproach of Mar* h. when usually them I- B bug.- buviiu *.f sim hs by whoiessiens and oth.r middlemen. Tie- extent ot tbs obbKiitioiis to private operators along the line 'f Hie Reading syst__i may not be estimated. And the entire",, unknown factor la bow far Hie fund- <.r securities ot the company mav have brno diverted lo sustain the speculation* In tbe New Rngland .-.tates .li? lli car-vine out any legitimate railroad pturchaae lu that dir'-rtlon. RECEIVERS NAMED FOR PART OE THIS STATE. Utica, N. V? Feb. 22.-In tbe case of (hemal C. Platt against the Iluludelphla and Rending Railroad Company Jndg,* <-?\e, in ihe I ni!, d gmtec I'lstrht Coon, to.iriv appstnt-j Archibald A. MeLeod, Ed? ward M. Taxon :tnd BJMshO !'. VXRAmt ns recelvir- of }>.* 1to,.l,l.a1"1,p'.''.:* "ll(l Rp?'|l"g Railroad (ompinv and the Philadelphia roal aud Iron Comps ny tor thc Northern District of thc slate. MR. M'I.EOD'S RISE IN I.I. E. Duluth. Minn.. Feb. 22.-Twenty year- BfOAiaM bsld McLeod, late pr***!dent of the trading system, was a re-ldeiit ,,f Diilutb. Old residents hen tell of McLeod 1 nuning a "pop" factory, driving bl* own cart snd making Ms own deliver!,-. After going ont Of that business hs became SSS_aOOSSi with ('.-oreo B. Sarccnt, n real estate nnd flnnndal ag, ni. Next McLeod was located nt st. 1-nul, where he represented C^T"*"*^""" -^"^*?** _ * ? A Slruiulil Tip t<i ill suffering fmm fouty raeu_nat__m, too nindi ii<li|?<i*%-* iissu<*. anhoalth.v flash, conatipa-t-ion, IndiKcstion, and aJl diseases ol !h*> stuamdi i> In uso tho genu? ine Carlsbad Hpntdel salt--. Thov have wv r failcJ. Lisncr & Mendelsou Co., Agents, N. Y. the Interests of Autln Corbin. III- railroad success WM due primarily to Corbin, who poohed " Mac" forward. Ile was next st Leadville, where be sold sat a silver ??ind" to advantage. He then went Bsa! and waa manager ol I -mall road rm,liing -ontb from Ithaca. Later ho was placed in tbe active msnsgemen! ol Ike Readli g. WILL UJi: PRICE OF COAL COME DOWN? wu it DEALER. ray tarot*, rr EFF1 CTS or thi. READING COLLAPSE. Whether H: ? 'nddeii eollspse of Heading will ge* s.rojr Hie Reading real ??combine" .-md (hereby lower tl..- unreasonably high price "i coal i- a question tbat I* eanstog considerable comment and ipecnlallon. There j* ., strong bi Ung Hutt Ibe price of toni will decline rapidly within a Week or two. The large wholesale anthracite coal dealer, snd ibtppen wen .eileen! yesterday when asked If ther did not believe Ilia! thc coil,ip-*- of Reading would cause a marl.**! decline in th,- prices of coal. I.. A. Powelson, a--i-' an: sales Bgenl of Hit- Lekigk Valley and Wllhesbarn c.ii Company, was seen in bli office in tin- Central Building by a Tribune reporter. Ile was Based if be cor.-iilei.-il a decline In the present prices of coal likely a- a result ol Hu* Reading collapse. Mr. Pow? elson .-ard: '* I think there will be a drop lu th price* ol ."al shod, lt Kill not. however, be dm* ti l,i" troubles of the Reading. Tills ls shoal Hie tillie H.- -Pring jules are flXCd. If then are 003 changes in prices Hey will colin- In tin* regular courae of bu-:!!'--. I do not see how Hie pi,cent trouble! of Hie road cnn atf.-ct the price of coal.'' Henry w. Peacock, of Peale, Peacock 4 Kerr, of th" Bloomington Mining Company, ?n.?t that there would probably i"- a redaction in price- soon, bul lt would be tiie regular redaction fm* th'* April trade, Mr. Peacock laid that be thought Heading was in a bettor position than ever to maintain tin- prices ol coal. -iiiiiuel Thaxter, of stickney. Conyngham A co.. No. 1 Broadway, said that he believed a redaction lu prices wa. inevitable a- a result "f th.* Reading '"* lapse, lhere would, be sail, be thc regular Msreh reduction .'.nd an additional Inevitable reduction ow lng to th" present trouble. Edwin li. Mead, president and tiessanr "f ihe Pennsylvania Coal Company, was -ure that coal prices would be maintained. "'1111' supply of cool i low," ?__i-1 h.-. "In the hands of Hie producer, ami notably io in the bund-, of consumers." WU,!. Mil PARSOXS RETIRE? A BELIEF IHAT READING WILL CONTROL THE KEW-YORR ASH NEW-ENGLAND ELECTION. ciiiirle- I'm-o". yesterday declined lo mi Kbether or noi he bad decided t" give un mobing anv route*! fm- thc presidency ol the Nea ^<>.'k snd Noa Bng'and Railroad I umpsn. hi I ie nnnnsl clet Hi n on March 11. The belief li growing, _ov*ovcr. Ibal be will n*tlre, i id leave tbe Mends ol Mr. McLeod t" lake the ms ns ce men! of Hit* road Mr. Par-o*i.*s fri",e's in Hie binni el directors are tor tbe mos! pori si rettcenl ;i- be i . though some ol Iben* have expressed i Lellel tim! Mr. I'm-or,s wu- seriously muslin me. n be bsd nm al ready made up in- mind. Ihe advlHabill.T ol reHrtng. Several ot ibem my Ibal Uiey will foUow bim tr,.:;i tbe boort. one ,r the directors, speaking of Ibe situation rc lerday, said: "tM cotuse, uoboJj km >??- ve! ,u-t where (be stock of tbe road I-. and it will not be k .own Hil after tbe I rr nsf er book- are closed, i! it I IbeU 1" albie lo tell definitely, bul 1 believe ihe Reading In tares! ha- tn* major)tv and ran control Ibe ilcctlm. They have :. 11 along said tbal t nv bad ibe stock, and I know no reason lo donut lt. if Ibet bad lt si si! tbe. maul have ll vet. for lhere la nu ?l*n I hs I I have disposed ol anv nuantltv ol n during thc pauli*. IVople connected With tl.e New-I'oiglaiid mad ii ainu,-i nnai'lnioui lu ihelr i-x|*r-_.l?n ol b*-'l ?' I New-Haven i- lu no danger ol gelling bold *t! t roa i WRKCEEll I1-) A BROSES RAIL. ONE LUE LOST .*.**?? TWENTY-TWO PEOPLE IN J CHED ON 'JUE KORT WAYNE ROAD .ort Wave.", Ind., l-l'. *-"-? M 1 "', Io. k | i- after noon passenger train No. 20, bound i?*1 on H llttsburg, Iti Wayne snd Chicago Rsllrosd, ks* wrecked turo miles caa! ol Columbia rlty, the awl ii. ni being caused by tx broken rall. The i"t imotlvt mid baggage nnd mall cara pia ed over sll right, bat ti," smoking car and Brat rom i tall tl ?? inn k, turned over sod weal down on -mbankmenl Oft wu feet high. un.- passenger wai kUh-i, ead iwenly*two i>- ipi' were Injured. The list ol kilke* and mos) scvenlj Injured I-. Bl follows : RILLED. I'ARIMORE, J. Vf., ll, : "... Ind. INJURED. BELL, ?'. w., Iielgb. 'oiii'c-toi: badly lajrn I JOHNSTON, C. H.. Van Wert. Okie; tots! KELSO, John, v rn wet. Ohio; fatally In,..r-d. NETZEKnAP.UER.J_ba, Vat Wert Onto; badlr Injured hit i.i'..-"N, J. \. ini:i clerk, Warsaw; tech I ? lure I. 1 .1 ,.11 JsSMB A . No. tfl lifth-i-V-., (.h.-uso: 1 | .rn I i i :. hurt. Hr. WHITE, L<'i-e, lad.; head hurt. y i''.\-'., J, W . M. i> . i"it wad' . leg broken. A special train Kith Superintendent Charles D. Law ni,*! ii corps of physicians aad three eoocbe* W,.,. ...||t ttl tb" S<. lie Of IllC W-CClt, and sll the Injured people wen brought lo Ibis mty, SECRETARY .1. W. I OS TE R'S RETIREMENT. IT TAKE! EFFECT TO-DAY-HE WILL BAIL ? ' BATCRDAY FOB THE BEHRING BEA ARBITRATION. Washington, Feb. 23. Beeretery John W, Foster Kill n tire to-moirow from Presldenl HnrH on's Cabinet sui from Ibe Admin! trallon "i Foreign Affatts, for the parpose of sssamlng the eeUve nmnsgeroenl "f the .a-" lor the Catted States before tbe Internal io tribunal, which ls lo assemble In Perls, France, lo ami row, to srMtrste tbe Behring Bra dlspate between the i'iii!,*i Blairs and Great Britain. Tba meeting ul thc tribunal to-morrow will be parri) informal, bow ever, an a: iiuigeiiiet.l having been nade thal Hie c.,-. ?ball bc formally presented Bl ;t meeting lo be held March 23. Secretary Foster will start ti. monow afternoon tor >.'? w York, whence lo* will sail un Saturday oa ti' New-York fm- Southampton, going then to Paris. He will be accompanied irom New-York by (senator Morgan, one ol Un arUtmt-irs; M* - wa. Hubhan T. Miiltb and Francis .lone*, attscbes; Mrs. J. Vf, Poster, Ml-,, Cochran, daughter of Senator i othrt ll; Mb. Hal find, gaaghler Of Major E. W. Halford, and Mi.-, Will, iaagbter of Genenl Williams. Jadge Blodgett, ti.r Hie Amertcsn counsel. Kill aim mil from Nea "lurk ttolarday on the Normandle. Major e. Vf, Hal ford, ttl the i_iy rorps or the Anny, has been detailed to duty a- disbursing officer of the American del* Lution, and Kill -'nu for Flirts Immediately sltei r, Inauguration ol Mr. Ctereli nd. A OR EAT OUT TO THE RED CROSS. DR. Josi i'll OARDXEB I.; ins rr v LARGE TRA! i ol LAND TOR BEADQDARTBR8. WssMngton, Feb. __.?!* Joseph Oardmr. ot Bid ford. Ind., has ndvl-ed Ml-s C|:ira liar!on, president of the American National Red Cross, lhal be hu deeded to lhal n.s.,1 iailon. "as i thank Sffmlai to humanltv." for tin* parpose af making it tin* headaaorten ol the a-im iailon, ii trail of land. 7-_ acre., or more thin ono square mil*-, lu extent, la Ihe Mae gras, region on th" Kentucky border of ladtsaa. Ile modestly say- of his gif:: ??Though not Improved lo ibe stsad in of excellence lhal I could wt li for vour .sake, yet lt lins upon lt i tillage, i pn_t__gcs. barns, tenaul bon-, s, ?r. i.ard-, forests, lm hiding groves of sager maple, c.uuriies of ll,,, famous BedfoN oolitic slime. a besatlfal river frontage of one mile, sad sprir,r.' ,,f excellent water. \ iimhu lim* ol railway ps ll. and three . ii?*r Ham of railway are nea. li, makio! it easily accessible lor shipping purposes I to nil paris of ih,- country." Mis* Hinton, a-: pre.Iden! or Ihe BSSOrtstlOO, has accepted ti,*' niiignliic-iii donation, Joass ROFRIRRt ARKITRRSART DAT. Ihiltimore. leh. SS-The Jol ns Hopkins Culvers tv lotbiv et'i-iiriited it- sevea.oentb snahrermrr. The | ITU.te,.., family, Invite, potato (ipilndlng Hu* Hov j mam si MsryUad mid Mayor .,f BoHlamnl and sta* , dean manhed in prarM_lga from the university t*. Ihe Peabody Instltato Han, when the oxsrrtsm were I h. hi St ll o'clock. Ali address was delivered b\ I l'l.-hleni .la,,,,- B. Angeli, ol H,e t'nlviisliv of Mkbl gan. so a subject pertaining to bi.b r sdaratloa. Ile j was followed i.v PrasMenl OHman m medtoal edam j *i"ii. The degree of Doctor of PaUoeopbl wa* eon tared on two eandMaleo-Daalri A. Mn.?, s*soclate professor ol ?natbemattoa In lbs I nlv-r-liv .if th, . ,. ? l\ sa.* "** u,,:,''na?- Oeargs O. touter. ?AOJUX-BTPO SHAKES RY AS EARTIKjlAEE San Francisco, Feb. i__.-An en rt lum ak- shock waa felt ai Sacramento and levsrsl nh,,',... :,, _.,*?,.,. County lust Bight No serious damage' Va.' done; lm-ongi, sleeping eon fnr Montreal and Ottawa ttEmStnnZ"9 U,Hral uud *?***"* SMBLmMtwl Spring Humors QntniO-TUMORS, Mood hasssrs, skis bssMrs, l^ fr-ilp biiiC'r*, with b ?? of bair, ni"! r v?ry other humor, whether barntnir, bleedlag| icily, emited, pimply or blcieay, wbrtber ilmpio, errofnloni, ir octedltary. from lofaacy io age, am in* apBedil), f,< nasa, at ly, asd eeo comically cure-J Ly thutgrt-a'.ot of ail Il.vvd I. .mer eui ti, ita (Qticura Resolvent A FEIN nnd blood purifier of toeomparsl'?* p'iri'7 and cnrniivo pow. r Aai '???'.!. iii*fl Ipeelfle of wortd*wldi celebrity. Kntlrrl -? ?>ital?:? . e.,f > laaocsat, aad pabtabl , KC i? dall) more creal caret of skin, lealp, sod blood humsri thin n:i other sklB aad blood remedlei before ibe bobbe. Hale grenier than Ihe,-J lalee of all other Hood unii ikia ismmsM. Fold everywhere. Trice, <_!. roTTEfl Dm gao Casaicst OoaroasTiox, Bon m. SwUtmd tm "Hon- io Can Ppt ? ? H.-c...rt, Elood liumore, Humors, Be lip Humors.*' STATE 0. A. H. ENCAMPMENT. LARGE GATHERING OF VI li'.i.W.-* AT 5YHA crsr.. COMM.NDEB POOLE'S REPORT-A Pl*BLIC RECF.P* 1 ION IN THE EVEXINO. .-vr.i'-u e. N. Y.. Feh. 22. There were shoal 1.300 ('.rand Army men In Hie city thia morning. Al IO o'clock lhere vin- i li,ai pm.nh- from ti.,- bead* t|-i.'i!er. io nie Alhambra, where tbe twent* eveu.h r encampment, Departmenl of New-York, i !,,|tig held, M ni! 1.000 Veteran* Kerr In ii11? . ? ??? rortod by ihi I ' Separate Company, X. ?>? *?-. N. ?? Tiny marched under dltH.nIUe_, lor ? sorere mow* .1, ni _ , ra i, ,. Al fte murnini*; -?--i..n :ii .be Alliambra oul) i"1 buatnt aaa trai s< I Bl. De* I art nu ul 1 u un ind. r 1. L. Pn ,1 ? di I vcr d hi - nd* Brest. a mmmary ol s bleb foll The 1 ol ' "?' . ' 1 - tn p "-I M ii-1 r ? la our , mem nu ll ml ? 1 Si, HW I vt.,, ii :_|, v. have lo?t in \ irl en wars daring Hw ? ? 1 ?? 11 - ? I ,.' t', - ! , I he -ti by death Ut 1 tove bi es Balm In ,;'' 1 ' .:.,.? ., .,. ni .i '?? '? otu 1. iklns 001 ' -""J Hit il Di ? ml -. I-'1-*. 11 -3 ' 1 lulu -1 um ' ? 1 1' den .i;i, -ii! 1.1- ? *. 11'., 1 ii: re r.;t\ ? be n bi ?? mil 'I ind 1 ? i-' 1 - . :. 1,1 ?.;.'?, etti ? 1 ? ! ? ? .1 ,--?, lt. I*cr, r ;., ? Teal fol t- hi lld' '1 I'.,- r rhatler* tl . . nt of mjr adi Hon in ? .Jr. , i, lundi drpo*lP I tor i x> ' ; OM, i ,i ? ?,- ted ta om rredl. In -?? a ?- bonk* sud lr i |l|| mt :??-? :, (.,: ll I . -. ? - , .. I. i* iri ? I li- d ti ?!,_.* 21, There en !i? In. bow all I ' ? ? ,.v,r *.? .. ? i ? ? ind I p ad.-ni !"?? ' Of d" ? . : ... . I- ,- Ml ! ' Uta! - ? eal Many Un - md- ?( !'?? ?? ? o ni ? t.! ? member* ,,( tlc ?.?.,n I At.i y of tt, R ,|iub lilllie ll.,,',-ti.,I- ,- ? Woinan'i Itellel * otp*. Tat -no. ' of pee i. corni ,?..?!,..?.. il., ?, ir tram I , 'i rj!'V ti bil ? i'i ! i . m.t . ? . . ? ? . i ?!,. Pl lll>lo|l ll | .1!!:. ai. . ted .Ult-* and I i,,' ? - , ., ' . . ft ? i..e. drawl !?. i a n ndt - I ? lb d : ?? (ira d '. I ait lu ra Ins ni.y for lin I ? Hp,.'; ||| lil, ? ell:. 'I I mklllg ' , ,,j i.ritil and it ? '.i. ,, ? I 11.|- . v. I, '. . | ?? . : ? . t "I. ? WAITISfl FOR TBE COI'RI / \ KASAAS. R] Pl ni ll \v- -ND DI N ? ll \T- 'i-i! MT1 ' '? P ii a Kool xEit i un - *. v T I- ka, Kan.. Ieb. 22.-11 lc'..: .1 I, We: b, I bil O falhel ? ? i-ouii el for thi Dun non I lou e. m Id-rai n nf Cu '?-,??' ? . . ( ...itt i:,i- morning. 1 bc rapori 1 Popull ' . iceklnc to -:? la) Ibe rna., amil Iht 1 adjourn Ihe 1 bul ll 1 Ihe PopoH 1 ? deny. They dei lore tba! 1 1 latun will 11 1 tin* full nfl) <!r'.\-. whl. h kW tarry ll until thc .Hi of March. 'I!',- Repul Hi an Bpparenily ' sri* no frat for Ito t'-uit . 1. ,ai,i ih ? court '!? * We the 1 Bot Ibe) an ir"i .nfldenl ol acre > r dii Ide ll * que ll i, ol J mi 1 db Hon. - ? mon; ? I the 1 "in I ol lbs > ouni 1) bat ?? held mil . I bit Ive i>"<:i- lo be de facto Republican*! in-*- :l Intl** appreli<*n rn- b.r the result ' f nie . .1 r 11 "V |i. ie!" .-. Thc Senal .1 .|iie-iiou l- sb ail sell, d, 1 1 i* n. v....-: ? ntr, ol Ali iii m, -? ? ral sl.ornt 1 foi I ? Ml unii Pw !:.'? Balla tv In Kau ia, sill be dei lare : Ibe nominee ol I ie Republii iii i .1 .-*? nal< 1, \ moy Ihe Rt i'lti'ii ens in ?:.- dei Ided 1 twa Democralli m abet ??! ti,.- Honme who refu ?! 1,, rote f..r Marlin snd who bava s-BUsted Kith Ih Itepubl.1 1.1: * Hw . indld ite. Mi r . .1 and Chambers, for lbs Democrat . idSratltted to iii K< imi ll. .-ms Hie toltowlit I propn lin: ??in compliance Kith yow reine 1, vt,-, the Demo eratic m mi--: - t( Ihe I lou*. ,f Reprt entally* ul mit tint natue of p. ii. Waggener tat ihe poaiii.r li,H..I Btat* .'? ., anil hope Ibal ll - Rt pilbil tsns ol Ibo Bennie and llou ? will co-operate willi 11 il, bli eb.: ion.'' 'Iii. re win be im among Republican*, sni will receive rlghly-lKo votes, Khlch lbs Repabirtcana claim b s quorum, ai Ihi - of t . ?? 1*0?1 Uk postmsaten orrie doctored vacant, I , total Vole of tile to ;: - lal Ul ?? |IV), The blend of Jadar Martin sre makin*! ? tr. iiieiiti'c: eil,ni io prevent the *?!>?? I n ?.r i bciintor. HI-. *?!-'? lien* li lu Hw bandi ul Dr. - I. N.e|\ and J. ll. Chapman, abo .... :'"i will ? *-i. lu gel the lt' in ,t rr,H.- slate Central Coniml'ti ? x. .:,??, io lake ai Hon. I he i ludrmai nt Hi._imltf_c. t\. < -. Jone , i al pn ni in t -lahoma. MICHIQAH I'll'i RLICA.XA DIM.. \ LAROE GATHFRIXt! I.I*IIN-- TO -IT., i'll l.S Bl Ul 1.1. K VOW N ??!'! VI*. Ei__. Detroit, Feb. 22 i.-|.i-. The Michigan 1 . Ibe ott ll-publl in >,,. anl all ? 1 of Hi ? hi He, ht 11 11 eighth annual banquet to-night, ni which DOO sal down. Tim enllrrles sud boxe? of llw Mg sndltortum ncr crowded, -cnator lllsgtn . ol Delaware; 1;a ? ll .. Hon, of The Nea Von ! rlbanc; Ibe Ri v. Hov. i;ii Hull., hi. if We-imiiii ler Pre bytertan Charch, N'cO Ycrk: ..merni Vt. II. DU on, ol ohio; Ktepto-n A. bongin- ,.i ' 'nc",., m.ti .iain. , p. Darke, if Penn lylvnnls, vere Ihe apeahen of Ihi evening. L'pon the pb! form Cele tieneml Alger, (loreroor John 1 Rich, .-"ii.lim mi..' hi'iiii.-, Colonel John Alklnaon, .in.!;:*' Phillp P. Vr.iitiie anl oilier distinguished Mi. hi fun Ri pubtii nus. The RepubBmn Btste Convention today bim,gin b " crowd "f Republicans lo the city, and made Hie ? ,1 im ihe mos) notable In point of numbera sBic ihe iu *i banquet eight yean ago, wh-..wral Jo| . A. Logan Bred Hw ih-i gnu of the dab's camp tor Republicanism lu Michigan. Tho *i.hes thal created the most enthusiasm utts those ot Senator Higgins nmi Mr. Han. .;ickir*n!i people living on Hie bord.-i- are greatly concerned ai lo the destiny of Canada, and ibereion bena tor lllgslna'a remnrk*i niton ihe inbject oi snncxstlon Kera rheered bmrtlly. Mr. lion li rm nhl tim.- favorite ol Mlchlcnn Rcnub Benni, mid hil . I.mri' I. il-llt -p.irkle of vvii r,i,,l , ,,, _nin was Karmi} received, lt *va- a bte hour when me bal ipest b kbi Bobbed. SEVENTY-SEVEN 1 '"" mt i*. ,1, \,?r, oi.., (Hui han bsd ny sge 1 ? 1,, v., 1 ?'. kai. tvv.aiv nm i.v me us- ?| B**lft'i BoeciOe. Mi tea. and i* ? i? my knee w.u. ;, raaalafl tore f.r tm, ye_r-. ii'.ii i.i.v-r. ,.?,, nM it ,,,?|.j ,,,, .uno K.. ! taktaa i'i'"ra imoii boulei .-. B. s. Ibers ie ams sari em ny Hmm, sud I have a ,?.? |,.;,*,. ?,, ||JB. V?i, rf-fhl t? ih sn mgcrei know ?i ymir mommttml iiaiedj. IU\ 1-. SUE]..-,. PslSMT, Komia.* Citv. _. S. h. I- a uo.ubHiil res-egy espBCbllr fir cid ??,,. plc. lt _uil_, sp the gases! h.alta. T.-.,Us- M u... blo-d 11.-1.1"I f SWIFT M'Ldllt CO., ttl.nun, iiu. DEMOCRATS CALL A HALT. TUE REPUBLICANS SHOWED IOO MUCH FIGHT. .< n -.". ON THE PERSONAL REGISTBATIOM KILL wa- HUI.' FORE DEFERRED FOR \ WEEK. [nr ygueoRAra to rae raiacvg.] Albany, Feb. ?--? Further consMemtlOB "I Ihe Pw tonal !;,_! ti.iil.n '..ill wrr- postponed in H.'* A ?"_. Ihi, morning until BOXl a'edneeday. It ori.inally was ll.c intention of l.i" Democnts to put Ho* b:ll ,.,,., li today, b'.? wli.ii the scs-h,:i opened this mcrnlns they found the RepnbUcans were pre* pared lo day bera for .-.ny length of Hmo to proven! K p - sge. .ml I" Bghl -very Hub of tint way. In . ,. ,,,., ,,,;?. -.ere Ken -"me thing* lu the Journal Which kouW tove m.,ic! attention, snd considerable tin,,- voil,! h.r.e been spent on ihem. in ike neal place ti.- dav - calendar. Khl-b wai mado up by the rieck, wai peculbrly conMrocted. Billi that have ,,. , ?., ,|. . order t-r -.????uni reading tor nearly a week wera lett off, bul Hie Prraonul Rcgtatratlon LUl, which cut to iceond rending bs! night, was pul on. The Ides of Ihta was to prevent ii'- Republican.) from talking the sessloo lo dmth on the bllb ou ,.,,,11,1 reading, lin* bim whick won lefl Bbeod ol ti?- in-,,n ii Registration sci wen Inslgalflrsnl amendments t> the il ii end Game taw, and ll wai not supposed lhal ihen waald be mu ii dlscasrioa u,* them. The Republicans, however, started In on on enUrely ne* pian. Mr. Ainsworth instated an baring the Journal read through, and Kblls tho clorh Kai droning over n.i-. Speeher Buber lenl Um Mr. Molby nml neel bim t > atop Hie Bghl for the dav. The Re? publican h.-l'ier consented lo do so arith lh" nader ? i,, dins lhal H"' bili i_* made a ipeetal order I t leM Wein,' .1. iv . nml fiat lhere ihntlld I"* 'i|. i: ;, iou, ii"., and ir-!;- iii-'" "I h. l!r- speaker wu*. ,..,-,,? io ;,; ie.. I,, ii 11, Iii, reading >?< the Journal ti,,-.i v.n slopped, r.-.l Ho- ibu: e atoned in on the "i lue day. _ BUSINESS D IXE IN THE SENATE. M.INY IMFORTANT BILLS REPORTED FROM COM* ?; , ::.; th i *. : rt \v i. I.wv 4MENDI i' Albany, Peb. _?_ ?-!? ital i ie Btate Senate did iud have ?' qutnim today, and i inm-gnenilj bt!..- to I ?j ne beyond n ? dring a I iw t o i ultl -? re l or i : bul inn.- ol nc* ? were of dunorlan.**. Tbe Committee on Finance rcpoitid favorebl) Sena! r Mi ( I rii pet tiding for ll i* pur i I ?? of i. ?? i i v.,.He plaina, in Kblcb Ibe Prevliu i 'l pro* iiine I Hm . ?? "i Indcp :, ' The Judlt iarj ' miuit: e hand i In fr *rs hie r< purl - . I ' bill ev in: I pbj .lt lan , ?? ii, toll I ir .1 imago lor pu i n il : tal fi" Ev i ,* Ri v i-i n i.i-.*? theil not n p al .pe* tal I nfl -, Mr..- villa ti ? .Itu ited rn Iwo or mci !"? ukin i i1! pruvMIn I ti t dei In N ? ^ "il; * Ity ms > be app dutc I : \ ? . . ! n -il. t In -., hit i il'V live, and -? Bl . McCarty'* Mil pi.,.n!:ii_ b.r . -, i omit' i ? - ,'? i a m.' t.i Cul ni i ? ported favorably I il I- rn itlng v. . i n ,1 appropi grund lon I 1 " ?. I. ?? i -iniiiit.i i iib ? .. porii 'i ' ? ? Senator Ahearn'* bill prut tl ng for the I b-r ftcbool boost I;. Nea York; Senator Plunk,u"i bil] ? I i-t ; rial :,.- ? ? ni fur a n a vlng for tbe *i.'i > I olli a ii '-In cum of tri. and f In i.-i mon lo Ila mi len lo be -?-? iblWi ? l tu limns bu:.. I. nee on Kalina I rep IL ai runnel fl I I favorably tx ? ir i ... . M . lor MrM ? i rt d .. "t a Mil approprl * llb ii "lum, ? | i" ? ? : i nie bullit ' * ? l , I ii;.. r li,ti-.: .. ? .1 .i .in ire ??!!? Bl id I : -i .,i rnrpor ? . ? I-. ...:! .t. ral ?? irth io per i il ? hull. - ' : ? '? I ri Ita ls ay I iw bj permitting ie !i i.ill- j ie pr<>p>-rt) ? ii i more, lt '? old, i" i . ? rall * a> upon i ? The - ile j -I A- . in!.!*, n. I Hot - bill ? taw I | prov eli Ddlllg polll li : di bli ?' ' ??..-! ms of ??? r itlon tb'In.' !?:. '. ? !', i | be mad f lto> Superitei r*.*ptrt ? mi tb.* net premium !..i-i. ? t md rd .-I ? " iib ii in lil l.i f .-ii,:,', ii . , nu ,1 \ -nii.iv man Hurl ? '* bin !? ? Hie capitol mid i ar lil' . WU.I. N"I INDORSE CI-EVE1 AND :?!'!' HU \- . MBLYMI \ !. RI I i'-i: TO li! IR RI - 'I.i"1 IONS cl i 0MM1 S HM I \ RI v*. UN ? . I ?' . ?_'.? -|e,, I,- \ ri.',, to ge . intp Con reid Ibe ax morie- ,,f t ? ?? be. ?: ? :: tn i la the mini- ol I-,,-,. ?? ? ll . ? rabi]. for Ibe) refuaed ' i allow \ (illa Kempner la preeeni ., -? t of ilulatlng Ibe P".pl ? of ih" State on ? : mira I lon "f I. rover * !? v eland u_ I'.' di it of I i I States. The r li .:? tx i Boa : wi,. ... n !? ?' I. al Hm ' ' ! *-? il Mle l ? r . it rat!, adm ni l i ' ol ll, ir -iv i.iover (levi , i ? ?! 'c. ,. i . MtaveaeoB , au i. H ".e r U li" li- >ld ' ? ? i . i elicit .,f Pill HI tt". ?,- ami .ll -.i m.- r ? it, i |, it ri* "-a : l their pi lona :? -t a tx i Wini I.. The Piet I. nt, !? t, hi- ;,!,'.,, -I*,, , | i,|. .-.;.. . Una a,i,..,,.? ,i',e. , vco' men, e. <>*?? ? .i /?., ? .,( b'ew. Turk I-. , ? la tx ? . rn ? bailly, aaawly, Ooloo* i In;,..I B J.icm f ,r ?*?? ot.oy el W.n a-, I W.I-,,a BS, i .- i lol I'" i..,.,-'? i t. at ml; " be it Read -1 . f ti," B nab coneorj, Hut ike Ogb ita Mali "! N>* ',...,.. vii,ri. espreaaiag Ita tineen foi ie i iring lu -i i, ni and ir - -,,rr,,*v fi i Ibe ..- i, ici.en. nt vv 1, ii h' -ni!.' ci dorins !.?? lena "f outee, bercb) eongrittilatci the peopb 't|*tn ti,, reaump -,"ii oi , tl : ? i r. I. iii., j,ol', tu,,| i ii,,, pun *? I-,- and f i bandi ??! Drover Cleveland, with , , Ito int Cabinet to .,--!m ala . lb aived, That we rejoice in the knowledge thal Preal. cl.uni Will bSVI UM hillmen!.,11. -i||,|oit. of tho t)eiiio.reto in Congi -, uni thal ut iii" Heaata tw<? ! r ;.I j! i v. (rom .."r ->' >M Will ? ..-..;? i .t r ? - .-nh iiii.i ,ii carrying aol tho pHoclpta which triumphed w ck arly .,:. til" i.i -ic Mr, Kcmpm. made two attempts lo gt i bb rot un Hom before the House, Dis iir-i Ume thc clerh waa ordered lo read them for the InformaUon ul lite mem i Bal when he gol down to Ibo mention ol Mr. dev*, land'*, ii.ine hi. v,,i,e couldn't I**.* beard. The inline. -,,-:!, ,1 i,< ulick in ni- throat. Mr. O'connor, if Brooklyn, objectid lo the (arther reading ol ita rt_d.Hons, and itv; went back to Mr. Cleveland's friend. Again he mads sn Bttempt lo gol Ihem ba ii" the Hoase. Thia Urns i Tammany Hull bub, Daniel P. .M.ulm, objected, Mr, Kempner mile a light for lt, however. Ile moved thal Ihe derk be Instructed la read th.-m. The Bpeaher declared that iio' motion ares not In order. Mr. Kempner laen ip pealed rrom the Speaker'! derision, and Mr. Qulgtcy, Ibe alleged I'-in.,i i::!ic leader, moved la tabb the .lutloin. ihi-. un. lion.*, ami ||?. rr ,,imi,,i,, -rent again arni back to the Cleveland rcpre-cntatlve lu tin* v Mr. bheppard, of Vale- c..univ, sent lu a lui to. ?. lhal ss il I be read altb Interi-sl by all ol Hm i :i imus in Hu- stile. ll exempts lh ? KO Uanda oil , llll!V.ll<"t fill'Uls lllilll lU.MIlloli. UR. LISCItl.S CORRECTED. lh,nu Tbe Chicago NsB. .li dge Btodgett Irlli of un occas! >n whefl he wss doKii al Sprtngtleld mal Altrabam Lincoln appeared before Ihe Supreme Court Iii a ess. lu which the pd ni al i -H.- vc ii certain lien upon a piece ul proper) *, Mr. Lincoln's client owned ibe property. Thu preaia* lng Judge wu* noted us bring someKhat Mantle. lu the 11.ure of Mr. Lincdn*a ramarhs be batt uo* easton lo speak pf ihe Ilea referred to and Invariably pronounced lt "leen." tong and Bat, aa Ihe word I, iis,.i iii common conversation. This effected Ibe Judge. ? i.i- eil, Mr. Lincoln," be gently remonstrated. "Very Kell," mid Ibe future Pre,id..nt of the United stat.-*, hardly heeding ihe Interruption. Prottj mon -ll,di* Abe" Wai ll ,,l up !? Hie exigent les of III. eas.', and. forgetting all al.t il,.* Judge, admonition, coma mu with another "leen," ss .lose tn ibe vernacular bi ever. ? 1.1- on, Mr. Lincoln," the Court nguiu took OO* c*a?!oa lo observe, ??As vol, plea,.," was Lincoln's somewhat Settled rejolner. ??Not a* I piesse," crime from tbe beach. "Tint ls Ibe prnniim tatton favored by BTebater and by Woree. I.r. li so i,blain, al Weal minster Hall anti nlsu at mir own Supit-ine Cont, al Washington." During t!:h exordium on the amenities of legal proi'.iin. Iatl"n Lincoln hsd recover'si lils proverbial good biitnor. and, ns a twinkle appeared In bis eye, bs hoKed lo Ibe (unii and remarked: "Certainly, nmr honor, certata-V. I only darin t,. say nm if my ? ii,?ut had known there KSS ii ilon' on bis farm for M long a time I'm ? ure be would not have stayed lhere even long enough to bring Hil* suit and I should not hors Ihe Bkasan of iip-icai-lug before honora? ble court." Q#WiSES^_g5 __/*____-_. _JISICKZ-? >'(Tl nat design, require great consideration. (TVe eye-witness ls better Pan tin hearsays. little and often fills the purse. ?TVligence is the mistress of succew. Qeserve success and you shall command lt. Bise not to-day what to-morrcw my want. (Spare superfluities to provide necessaries. Truth never fear, a rigid examination." But thc wisest of all Is-USE GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER and thereby save Time, Strenj-th and Money. ___r__MADE ONLY BY N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Chicago, St. Louii, NOW York, Philsdelphia, Boston, Montreal. STU A Y NOTES UK UK A ND THERE iii" native Ws.hl*igtonlans are sol enthastasHc bettors, bul tbe department*, ore overfowlng with men to whom ipecntall >. b :i second nalun. lt ta the army ,,f clerks Ihol _up|*orts "adng In tho Matriel of Columbia. When Here i. u. ndog and the poolroomi are closed, there are places np tho river where Hu* gambling appetite may be mil fled. Boat* run from i.eorgetown acrosi thc river to the Virginia iliore. where, hair a milo Bbovo the Potomac Hrldgr, are dtuated !',:"? neal cottage*, lupplled arith going yt or lu u id I* ur oul iinniob1 ted Bew-York'i two mosl popubti -nev. are lh? Horse show and th" Itog --hov. il.-' Iinckne* hus bc line li." acknowledged Ung 'f Ihe ll rae Show, nnd the ,-i.ul,-, f,,r Un* Dog Show, tor Ibo cxlill'ltbui Ihol open* on .'"brui!!v Si, -'ii'*.' thal the W. Bernard i* !?- miverelgn. H iii" BL Hernani keep on Increasing in tintara be will be ;.. hi: ai the hackney and ronv !," drlv.-n b, harm -. Ile i- lacking, however, rn J on,- quality?be I- aol a high ifepper. *??? ? lae Mon "i i'' rib ?'? bl - rans In life to nu ;,,, Ident. When be st irti i *:" lu bis lawn lo pr-.n'i-" i iw i.aili i' ! g 't . ni ll w.i- on Ihe vci -?? ol iiluivailou. Ile de, Med ?', go i" Tx md ?' up wit i the country, p u kt I bl nii'i!'. heked ii- ofllce d or and -tepped imo the -.I, wiiete he lound lilmacll bee lo tai ? ult,i r, countryman, wh.. wu- looking st the si -mv, -tr.ui_.-r." the larmer naked, "kb. you tell ni" II thar's a feller 1 l ? ? res named Morgan, J din N -i ? n ? i ial ls mv nome, -h." Mr, Morgun replied, pana lng In '.i c. ? \ir you bi er burri. young mau "* ?? lin jual "it to i v "Tei , eh? (uni Te_a? wall a dav or two" ! ? ' I kill I'T ? you'd il ' Hi" J'.i*." I h pi p ' ' ..' i .'?? Inn a t ii-.- al 1 " wai _u_" .i'::i t...,?!,, v onti.* I tw v ? r to tai n back and beor wh" Hi- farmer had '. *iiy. Il I ti I met bing t> i ??. ?? uvi land. i Haik li up mid won I I the S. dor, In tx i on ? ?!*."' and fr 'in i il d i?? I ? Ibb never known what lt wa* li wani n dollar." Howling ls mae it tt ii nal le diveral ??? f r \ ung women, no*.. Ibo) Ihe Knlrkerb cker Howl* .- i lui, tm. groa ? : Hut lt ls no! ball w , liar rn I ll li in re like -pH.tins rall**. \ .| ir I >w|er , lui tl.ev | ir.- apt t ? buve ? ll om . rc. I la I- ii uttb one .Med iii tildi galt. \ *? i ?? ii, ni m i.i ?? a edi '.? remark ! *? Wornt u j tunk, i ? e ? ,. .i . opera or ri p'.av?noi women i m the I age, bnt lu the ":!:?.,.'.- The women ol cik iini nd become enlliii*ti*itl_ over Ihe Eng ? ,-.i Bl Ham ? ? i would liol ,". lld i _ i*- failure. _ \n enterprl lng ll - " il mel ig man, who i In the I* ng ne n bs of t ie ? ? m herc a nun ? in ii,'. ?? lil ? lol es clean.-d, | I I . I ? ? i . rt- in i:.-.- tc ? ? - - lt done. l',,1 !.i foi :?,??' i ii .I].;.- liing In even* way that , n.< wi ll wan liol thought ol 1" fun . np. t' r sn l ddlvi i Hie ? I bee the tn io wu. -mi li.- ab l rn lille ll ? balk Ina I. hi: ?? pul In bl irou er-. Mr Huts, in the ealing r i m of Hu *? i 1 k, Stew I!,... md Hartford Railroad, .it t ??? lirand tVutral -; I*. t. u a story . I - Kui Lovlngoods sre not dead. A cou trym-in - Iked In tbe in i i-i a sly iiiiini"!- s?kcd ll * icre waa a bar? room Uand) when a leHow i ld -? * i drink. Mr. Hi i polult d i" Ihe . door thal shut oul c.- vb -.v ??: ibe ba i* from !he dlnli g rom i farniei h'iih ached ciiuilnndy ;i"i i" ?, ? ??! nv.-r to nee it evei ytnln :. i : - ,-. I hen, npn in nt ly sall ned, lie -ti,,pd dow ii aud t-Tawb I under! Illa look ? i -uri'ii" and iii .-i-t when be -nw n man pu-?b ihe d.N.r open eui w.iliv In ls !"Y' *.d Hie power I writer tu de_rrtt_-. Il rooka ss ll - lim" fat. pb ll and lita si <? late t i ile- Iv v Pity racing ? nterptl.rn- nn bunine i " Tb* resurvey ol i ?? ground will limitably ahou tbal thc ;,. ? lieu n; iii ihe d Ut rici i an be evaded by J building a new betting ring oe xiv o|.p dtc s'de ol lbs tine;., whlcl l- bdleved lo I- without the r -tin I-d limits, wi, n ihe poolroom- were ttoned In \\ a Ulngton three yian ago the proprietors moved oin io iii,, mlle limit and opened books on Ibe races at (.ottrnburg and such Westen tracks si were then running In roadhou-a-s, Inrroom and stores. There were Bve or iii ol them In a dune's throw, and all dhiri Univ In.' bu lie- .. t nie Ure of -t reel ens ran ti within ii i|iian.r of a tull- ol ii.- nm one, and on rainy daya, when there wa- no nu inc at lc. *i'v. mailling dl*tanee wu t aver ? ??', '... I i di ? I ii v..:, r..".." a- ti.- -pe, lal r* * r- cell**.!, all eng -r -to jon tl, i l.,i.- titer ll Week ii Moll I ii rv liiiik j wan pul mi Ibe road, Hom f. Hovel oth?rs, Hil before ? Ibe .ni cf . month ' ii Hi? ci'.. In Wa-iu**.inn - .mei ii lie employed lr, the tran fer bu lii.-ss, tarrying |t ? ng*is ,t l ? cent* a be.ul. When ra n bad nothing bettor <u- worse tudu ihej would ??, .'adi other: "Let's po nut lo Iii.* humula y." and th" Invtttitlmi v.,- always understood ti a \l-l; to Ute i' ???liciiii.. lu the conMructlon ol iii- electric 'rn- thal I- ta run fr ni Mew-York lo Philadelphia In ball an hour, Hr. Hate* tax back ta the flr_l print Ipb In ? ir buUdln.- i i iii. country. The cms on the old _oiitb Carolina Rall rieul. Which bsd I -flied-ile nf twelve 11,11, s nu boru-. Vere p..lilted rlt tl.I,!, to le.-ell Til.- I' ' I Sill ]|, ?" of the ai;, u mal'.*-- one laugh to think ii it. Mr. Lat.--, car. Which I. eXpccled i.v bimi to go 1 U mil*-, au boar, will be arrow lui ped lu front. i>r. Korain Oreen ami In every way ? lovable old lentil-niiin. I'v-n the ntranger who called on bim lu bli busiest boura wu. siwa] i eomfortsble lu bia pres? ence. _ Th.* Minnesota Lcgi?t_.tnre I- lo br roogratulsted. Tin* i'll,e.-. iii Wale- baa decided Bgalnsi crlndlne. if Richard Ona) White wen alive be woald have something lo ny sboui the rentovsl ol Ibe city Hail. Ile thought ll Ibo mosl perfectly proportlon.d, th,* most subtle and t!"' um-1 beauUful building in ihe eli. and never wearied ol li- praise . V Getting Thin is often equivalent to getting ill. If loss of flesh can bc arrested and dis? ease baffled thc "weak spots" in the system are eradicated. Scott's Emulsion is an absolute corrective of " weak spots." It is a builder of worn out failing tissue?nature's food that stops waste and creates healthy flesh. Wrtw York. Hold by dru?lltU _T_rr?hrr,,. ALLCOCK'S-?" PLASTERS have stood the test of public approval f r n-ontinj^ yeera, anl sro tbe adtaowlcdgod itandatd .f (.'xciii?ne_ Las ti" -OUC-Uttaa or expb itloa lad, you i?, a lit . **** STORM AND STRESS AT SKI I'i: STBITTEN SI AMIS l.K'H'.lir IO fm\\ IMS C. 1'. GERRY IH.tXDi M.:. -j,.\\_, 10a HELP I'Mii.: DI , Pot ( ri*.-hv,* years Captain ti pben OssHa, a the ld-.riai: t 1 . ',".. t . m. -ai.. * ;: ?,.,,_ |2 lie i ??-. r ? *.i tm ni I ,. ? {mi ? in* li wnthid hi- ve -?: cn .unday hi mn ie*, l i.i,ii iiij.l lil. crew t. i:,,-i tbeir Bros fe ? l?*jk yawl I ? i -??.-.,!, r Hayai lotto, 'A tn dnlon i ? ir*-, brough! lia, nod ic- c *.-.,. .?. i'i' ll I'i lldS ! '?.,!'.. ii' ' I,;..', W(..? !,, 4 ..Hobie pllgid. iii'.-, were weak . .c:-, .d. m. their Hugera snd roi were trotlbtttes. T_. t.'-ot-.i in t 1*. ( -. rj v , -,. || by :, ts - ':*'.i\. .-?!.'i ai i p. rr. .he attempted w put ia r.t Hereford I,,!'-. ux u t pi May. .-li- f"ind no refuge, there fioru ihe lilah wind sud the Ilavj eta*, -c -.*'., . '. j.- !. i- get'.- rum Hooded <M cahill v.,Hi fwei Wtttej I . ? | ,,.i|. , ,u? dragged ic anchor* .,-?,: .-, ranted along tbs OMI bj the : il Ibe ilona. A: lt tn.- captain .- forestssl to ls mt swsy. In l'- fall ii cai ried -.* i -i li th* nula in '-t .,: I _mi * , ? evy nosl asl , n ce- de I. vi'i a . i:.- i wi,n.i -!hjq_ iii.- bflpl-sa vessel from stem to itera. lier t-x'a '-. ..? tove!td with m.:--'- -f tangled rigging. Then : :- In.' rapidly ii-'ii .-.,?? OTB -"?:. ri !,,t:l mtOtA. Tlie captain decided ' * ataindou lue ihlp aui ti mik? tor tin I .-? ' la'ri"!,i light: :;*. I ?- ;*.,, mile* , > tba I*-wi.i.i. 'in- yawl i" ? ors npallid by mean of -i * ouple ? . ? i . aavis, *ul is Irj I iii c.!: Um , If way te the lightship. 'I.? ptvvtiii -..?? yawl : ring -,__mj.*l tbe waa al : several tlsao ti.? bout ?? :. saves, and -h.- milt!.- slow prog|-e__. Jil '!'? ], 1.11,Cl !_.?_?** i'..k : Iii ;. tlr bandi j; I broasJM tin . run direct to I .?? HtitoMp ? 1 .* 1,1 tile Cfld >?f | inr cable. Her crea 1 n.i lin-w out Uara. Ilnally the ihlpsmched nam ."c -a'ckm board. They oren benumbed by nie cold and aim-.-t exhausted. Ibo * hi Dominion lins t-taaswr OttfOB. dotta came la sight b lew hoon later, sad III ll.l.t , ? etaw ilgnalled io the iteamer Hal .*.e lad d;? treased -nui'ii oa l cul, sad lb *kram>r promptly suswered ii." signals ami t'-'.k t...- sam ott. I..- crew o; tie Oeery compluta of IN r.-_lect of H." steamer City of Blrmlngbum ti give them _ abtance. 'iio* city ot fc'trndugham psssad oa Mat day, and, i ?? crew .-:?:. look no uotln ?*! their -I gnu I "f dtatn -. As is..- signal tm s red tibl** eloth, I* l. probable ilia! i; aa. not lera bj Un inw- ,,i ti,,* nu of Btrmlngham( u Hwy n_y. :.?? i.giana _*. Gcery aaa built st Norwalk. t*onn., in lodi, bbs urtu of 3)3 tons b.rdt'D, io. feet In length, *__ fe * beam sad )?> -10 f?t deep, Ibr value wai about .i.**'". BM ?***_? loaded with lumber. When last wen by hr etta i be was rapidly 1 n iklng i p. The Guysndotte pi* i."i up t'e ichoonn Dit-ld rrown befween the > Island light and th* Detaware ii. ilp, d lowed bi*r to this port* i.i" Daniel Hro*wn pi?i quarantine ii-terday niora lng dismantled ami dltapH-itid. IU*- .tacks hal bret twept clean by Hi.- , .--.-. Her f.irefop* uiii-t ami wen Lbe tnatabesm *?* broken "ir hort, the -? \e bb tai '.. :,:;*! alt .-all. were Ivlllg lu confudoB *>n till ,!??< k. and i:.e davit - round < apty, Itt* lifeboat in! been lorn aw av by !?.?? -torn. THE III MET ALLIC LEAGUE MEETS. Washington. Feb. SS.?Tbe Brat samul cnvcnti** of the Aner,'nu 1.1 it.eit.itile Lesg ,?' wa- esJkd tu SHS) th - morning by its arosUoat, to mt 1 ii a. J. ?_?_? About tliiy *h l -it- f,"in th.* Weston -'..ite. #t_b 1 :??,- it, Ueneral VVsrner dated th'- ami of mc hopi t,, h.* ti.- - curing of b-glstatlon f >:? th- has and un* limited cn,;i i,- ef diver. This ojs-Sttoa, ks BSA) wa* the uitisi important ''tie bow Mon ti,*' <J_*BOBhBB people ".? before the dvHUed world. Btu emi Weaver, wbo wes the candidate -f thi muWl party fur Piastdeat, m.ol" ;i ipeo h. Mr-. Lea-*.', ll Kai.-a., who then tile i?.?aventloll. Wis ft* fluently spptaadod. .--'re .ant that th" p'opie of the w, .1 li.1.1 ii; tba -rushing effects .,f WBhtsBtu tu scted h. ii'- r.s.. great poUttcal pc kw tor tho lal thirty von-. lin- 1.-.1-11111,11 the rompdred wnii the ? ut.11. putrlotlsin "I i. der.iii l>.i\.-.'' URUBB -*.t Wurt ill-0 li..tile all ;:ili . HIE ll IA HU R RI FORT. WW.MIN.. irp 1\ iii!. Mlr--.l-.-i I'I'I VALLEY. a'eabtagtoa, Psb. SS. Tbe bsroe let lt aaa-oH-t. H* .?a the N' ? r.e. .11.1 t,,.i- - pas ma tunie. win, heavy now etoag ?:,- ?*-'. i' mmVtm *m 1 ai..meter is n-ia.- laptdl) ebeWherc ea HM AtiiB-S Coses, witu iti.ii i:"itiiw, -_ iv winda ead ail **** I.-!,, i.ti'.v t.ur wratbci bas pretaibd In lUemri except ni Worth Dakota, where light .Bewsell BB** iii I.h.nm t,-r iiiiitiuii .* sigh "v.-i ihe ceatial ssloatb ,-rn pint, rei mglia. bul n iu* fat-Mi np_ly g'ff JJ ;t-t,in ttapi und lu the Ml-.euil!,.v. with mURRBS cloudlacoa -md wsibki * stherly winda. Bia ****** viii pretall en th,* Atlantic Oeaat from Sosta-_ *1*,1' Kllgblid -oulhwsrd, and abo i'l Ul" Southern >tl!,^i(^(, vu,1,,,r w..?i.:i. t., toiiUtetl* wind., en-: i *0<1_^K lippi* lAghi rata m .-110. j* ludicsUd bu tlw _?' gloui and uorthwe-.._ DI.!'VII.1 !? Illili SBt I''!*. T"1)AY. l'?: .V-vv-r.n-l.i, ,1. fair. |,:,.e,led hy tUOW tttSfAJD Ui,- ..I.*.'in roset; weiteily wtaOsi dlgbUy wtrxottTA .Uv evening, I',, 1,-Mn New.Vol!,, I.-.l. ia lN-iifi-jivanl*. .lei.--)- and D'livv,,: fail ; ivjim,:: iv.nd* .hlK*0* .,, iiiiwe-t,:iv; probably jum friday awndap I,, Mm v .." il ami \'iiL-!ni;i vviriii-r: f III *.IS_. .*__?* for We-| Vu.-.m.. u,-t,,.. Xew-York. VJ.7nV? w -viv an 11. nhl,.. Iiiiliiuiii, Lower ML-klmm and ' ""..V^m cresatng doudliien* during th, day, follow d i? "**>; *mm ux .-now-, ibu!-uay afternoon ur Bighti aa""1** nUBtflll L0LA1. OllSKItVATIl'N"! Hot BO: llorniag. " , '"*13^t*,/.n IIIIM.I s IO tt 11 B ? BB t St-BP xjrpn-"'"'___"? '.' .J'.LiLZ^r te~fl.S c t ? .?; ; [c i._i.~. i -?vr*;?! [:?,: ' i-i Rf- :i_k ,-*'.V-'-,'-;'-J. l_?*i-'i'_i- '. ";;'-??'!' -':'_?- I-tH-t--* ^""'* J9.J I'..:, l^i-S11-- ! - 'P^--^riJ-{7^;Fi7m t-A U,,,,^. .,., ...i...^*^:^'^ m t-iv^.'Y'-* '-^Cili-vO-U V^;vJ 20.0 \io rws, ... ..... ___'_?-.*. In tl.l* BlBgsaa a coiitinuoii trOUm -?L?2.s5 ciiaticci. in bsobbo-S, a* mii.-at.-a Uv iii" fJSmuOt rtco-dins -srotastsr. 1 ho broken itne lasaaa 1** ~ pvruiuie at observed a*. Perry'. Phainiacy. Tribune om,-,-. Feb. __. 1 a. m.-Snotr. ehincln.JB rain. pnvsHsd ve-t.-oluv tr.'.tiilnp. UBS) a JaMMJ 1 -iiin,. iHfei,, sosa, bal ala. haoh ?now ""'"*? ti,,, skit* cleared early h. BM sfleras-B and ism * Clew raptdlv clrlr. with BSTthWl *tcrlr ?"T_?____i ti,?i, inn..' va-, rrooi a:, t. S_ .l.-i"*' tr? " .' ,MS) bel,., is-s I.' thoa oatbe-anssjlldtof*hl **? year, uml 0*a liid r thnn ihi ' t'",1:'-',.. -r.lh_blv bl tsB lu Hisl .. ir Hil. .itv ("lo there will J2S BOd-ial wislbii most l tho lUy- cloudy at a*nl> ** ~, mudeistius -utisibiy.