Newspaper Page Text
ToOKING AT PRIZE DOGS. fm ,UD..Y CBOWDS IX THE I51G GABDEX. gi g.BE visiTorts. ? tutut <>f the Peach Bbow wen mach **\ -wfcW| He mow Ol -U'-tlriv Drlgbl !? gan fall "td mort mon than miserable yesterday, trartag '!? * r,?^cs-iiie H.inionl"" dinner of the previous * ''"iiid t-'"' "''" '?"' "'':''!"'*'- rllN f''ling was "21-1 tn a ni"-' agreeable meaner. The Inclemency l*"' ,,..,:!:, r bad 00 vi-ii-h* effect on the attendance. i**m ,.:.,-. would gave been n taBlng-off if lt bsd __ mo Washington'! Birthday. Thoasaads <t per* ** ,,.r., at llbertj lo vi-ii ihe show who, bul for v. ,:.i?i ii ?! b v ? bad Ibe opp rtunlty, and *A g\oo\ penal! the dora lo katei-fen wita their **^LftTrl-x2o stteadaaee srss aaaaaally large la the ^Loon, and in the evening Ihe ttardea wa.- pretty ? Tl!'-.' K'S A CROWD " ?*, Banded. N" i**'':i expects ? pct euougb of .w il <?? i vi-it. TbOH who go i,nee po rat V three Ibnei if they can, and the same tares gr to be "-'C'l ii ibe ables .ind boan on consecutive euilfi^ IV irlihl-m of ihe Judging rings, or squares, h. mtvi*!. A' the n*\i show ;i change will probably lr adc The dtuat_on of the rings ls each that ^ly ? a:naii number <?' people nn soe what 1- going nt-*.**. nan*** -hey ascend lo ihe anna seats or iy,,. ?."! ? thej are rather too far away. Hi. Jud?'- ir ver tolled harder, nnd Heir diligence h Bt *v ippredatad, bal Hey wen unable lo sc* lOytt-b 111 Hie work laid out at Hie sppdntcd time. tabled y llSVC theta bands full. Their iiaris I..-*'- ;i: ??-?il - ute Jen'" .-l ?-, which wai t,< t> fip-.'."i - i m:ittcr of coane, but as a general gag tb? un- giving chUro satisfaction. Ii. *t_i?.-:r - - * tbal Ml-* ninan Kassel] offered fkBO for a tiny Japanese spnatd made ide little glass SERB i1 or.i"h.:i:i style occagled hy the diminutive owtur. cf white sid yellow bair, a centra ol s.trac Ba. The mah then lazied during Hie day and ninia*. su soStrete was tbe acknowledged king of the ti/m, before wi in all bent the knee, lue pata] i etteri received condderable st* ItBUmi fruin numbers of wen Known sporting nun. lom* of whom wt ?? dlspoaed t-* be highly critical. la their claise* ow is regBrded by many a .rlrl.r.t In .ju-t.iiv. Tte .iliM' ni fox .-md wire-haired terriers |? one BBS O'lEple ? -'. mani One doge of this highest class Maglsgisi - a large lot ..f these fussy littb* IfUows I.* i" l.ld bj auction *,n Friday. August l___*Hit ht* wme ,,i the ll lies | lenten in ibe .how. Jil BMBtfli mt he. n-nosed wolf-bounds *; > not ra a payoute of Tnn wohem. Stat x . sttendon thet deaerve These Bout *"v*' ?s attained the popularltj in America which lt was -.-__..; -. . . tm. En rr i res foi Jap i ? -?? spaniel, Toot* "*? ind* - er ? lass, to the gratlflca* ?mu of inr ibo i_sndi ol sdmta* rs. i to the (.ard.'ii In the ?rason, _i.d Profes or Hampton was ,.'.ii_.*l lo -r' -' ? ' dogs I li .-,'!'.- ment. 1 he HHS of the clown ?b... niii-d the amphitheatre with Pyesa la-i. . dr< ,.,i tvm Hie din "f Ihe tarling l.i". ?; ?? monkey, who belongi t.. this troupe, mn givei tn ,.\: bltlon ol bareback riding. aaa n"ur l.-li_ ll*, precious life, for be i-ll off and IB Hie i a ,d upon big). Hi* pitiful uri** *m. .. in) .', n io ti," <i .oi-. _ ahs Patten ! ? taken advantage of bv a brpr nutt ? .le j-.- ,|>le. t. . st InJBSjse bring everal I - -r-.i-.r than "ii the Bra! tay. Beat. .?? dresses prevailed, but sot one u: i , v., , s nw ed anv.dgns ol wrortng etawtlse, whl. , Would. Indi*ed, hove been out ??! tbs W*Mi._ in '.... . ted .. . made by Ihe dos rs gea. ?'? - ? ve.".-: Mr. .imi Ml-. John II. mk, ah. u:. |uii bach 'rom thdr wedding trip, ari. bivi* wearing a ?..-? rm.- of black ?! lb pud ?Jv?t ind _ 11. . imt: Ml Eleanor Dtier. i;t dark tf"*n kedfsN ? .*i trimmed with ot.-r: Mr. mid Mrs. {?? '?. Treat :. Ml l.ivr. .Yank kUnnlcutt. C-irles p.te,. ,. i ,.r .,,,, jura. Mm-. ?.. wallum jrim, Xl** Marie I-i -Montague, Mr.i Mr-. E. ta Mom,. ... jr., Mi - Grace H"\t. James W. Gerard, {? Vi. Oiinri. j: .-.h. and Mr-. Kli-ha Dyer. Jr.. Jon*. Atexandi -. Mn. Henry lanin. Sty rrerlerl, ll, .Mer, Mrs. Walter Mivdum, In dark F"*"--l_th; Ml*, in durk blue; Mr. snd Mrs. ??tart <>.ten... ... v.. lian,,., Carlisle Norwood, Mr. ?? Mrs. i_, Il Holli ter, Mia. Pani Tackerman, Miss "? A.r. t,nd Mr* L'XDKR DI I'l Hf LU I.S. Vim v. Rspal-0. Mt i? iiir.-ili Eugene i-oeei-', McLeod Cam .i**- Mi** mid Mr*. Eugene pogert, M. b**'*. < im ?2* ar. ,*,i?i Mr.. .lulu. A. Logun. Jr., Mr. and Mr "J's niiiv.,-, ,,, |;,(.i,?i: |-,-;,,,i, Wuk. '.<-,.i_e \\ irk VnJ?* Ml>- ???>??"" L. I..-ni.-i.!.11. Harry smltn. <? bili 'ur: iIlv- May I'.lnl. ..Hound Knoedler, Ml ???*<'?rev, Melville C. Ha*. Ml. and Mrs. Ile Lam ? * ""'?* Jan ??'"- H, Yarana-, Mr. snd Mrs. Bobed Beds lotter In a brown plnld cloth gown snd bat ' ag, Henry I. Barbey, ii <?? Bar Bdwsrd Davis, Enc Dolngf'".. J****-. T. F. vomhl RA. io,! Mr rrwi i. ' :"ul Mrs. I_!wi'i'* Ilavl-. Mle 1'H1"-"".' lT***le Bron*.,:,, .1. j..,. T.ll.-r. Mrs. VV. lt. O-piod. ?i** Bsmllion. Mba lcil-v Hamllt'-ii. william Harri ?fi* md Mr*. Wltbr-.i. '.. l.-r:..-!* .be inner lu k(-~.vVHV,'t tut fur: .1. Dunbar Miss Aunt k, fw!?n' Mr" '?"?'' 'Mi**' Moi-gifi I'..iiiiw*'I1. Z*mayn, i,.r. ,??, Ml... vnienUne Mon. the btter in K?2. velvet end m?lr: Mr. ami Mrs. Edward Moore S??"*". J. Ht. Ml Wright, B. T. Wil-on. C. C. Bald iJ^xii J* w- App]et-.n, .1. ltoi?-"velt Hoosevelt. 1 . bh_ d Kf"i*il<!s. I mil lev Wliithr'tp. Mr. nnd Mrs. ll? rowdln Mr. end Mt**. Harris (vdt. ?". A. ST _??Te,i T- 'I- Howiiid, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. Korbay *? Us M* Winthrop. tmoiie the swarded were ths follow-lnt,: . AMEBICAM I'OXHOl'Mis ff T^.',.^' Br. ll T. Thnrber'i fbariMi. lrt?'f'* Parami Ullr-t. Or L' ?I___!_T?ta-i lu. 11. T. Thurber'* Femur: _lh_?^!i."" Mo-l-st (.irl; third, Edwin J ""?? o' Bria, c(nr. _.. KN'iLlbll FOXIIOUNB-* t*m-Aittt, Bjotnot Uunt'i bpeclmen; S-ceod, MltcbeU r.nte: iscsad. Vf. XX. T. Thurber* econJ. A Ilecker'i Dog Show Awards. Messrs. Tiffany & Co. su2 pest that money prizes awarded at the Dog Show may be con? verted into appropriate souve? nirs selected from their large assortment of silver prize cups, dog collars, etc., always in stock. Dog collars, harness and lead? ers made to order. Tiffany & Co. Union Square, New York. Van'!n;':'S De??*' l"^>- r_?_.?,r ,,??,, auVt ii ., it.**-rir-t Kai,,,>? Hnnt'a Daffodil- *o,nti,l Mii..h..M '' m't lo,-marv ; Ulird, Kruhcr ll Jitta IV fiv '' HARRIERS, ]' ---lir-i. Mitchell Harrlaon'a Vamaal Bltebos-Flrat Mitchel] Harrison'. Wdernne. EXGLISH RETRIEVERS te_ir.^^n:i,e?::i; v;1:::'.. ?**???- ****** ?***? ENGLISH BETTERS. '"u.i." '/;'.\!"\ I''1,' " H_l?l* K" Maghsa* Kennda' k ," ' ' ''' Myers's I't-luu Donni ._m,te__,gRu5_i?n.Ip: '.',;' ''"' i:"-' "??? *? Puppy ilsa* for dog. 'ir-'. Bron* Vallee Kennell' set-ond, ll in. Pope's CrlUe) third. Henry Pope'i 1'upijy ci.- f,,r'Wick --lir-t. Ioho Brett*. Mild I. !v i" _ ','; minium II. Brush*! In-!'!,, Que,,: ? li:"!. I fillip Hn.y, jr. > I ,,u, j ,?, r, ,,\"',v: ':'"' f"i . <1* -- Kirai. Roarcron Renaela* !i t JJ -"'J' ' ',''"?? s' "' ? u.Isd.tone; ihlrl, r. I?.. i.evv i- . rs,iiii i , novice daaa b.r dtchca?Flrat, ciisib-s I.. Wright's *-^*W*r\uuWAtiya JK.At.OfST. Demilo lon ? sseead, Jo|?,'- Maid Marlon; third, v\. n. \\ eiu*j i leopstra, Field tr..-.: rlaas for ti,_?# which have '..-rn pieced ut public held trial*-pi... m,,. Kider Kennel-,' Antonio; ' e.. 0. Damon'! The Corsair; thud, w. D. wi.*. Camtrlana, IRISH BETTERS. Challenge ,ias_ for dosi?Fira. beatlaste Kenneitf Tim. _econd. Oak ?.rove Keiini.* Kiele Challeage .-ia.* foi Mtehei liri Oak Orove K Norna, ."'"nd. "ah Orove Kennell' i- - Kar-fleU *'j-eri .ia** for il"-* ! ll ;. W. X. Vv,,.,.:..i.,,-. D?l*. of Mldar": *.e- ? ,i,d i',,-.* n-ni Sharplcaa'i Blarney, jr . : ! Seminole Kenn.'!-' Montauk, Jr.; b.'irti,. V,. w Walker*! Klldiite Duquesne "i*r, riana foi bitches Kira! W ll. Reaielt'i Que.-,, Vic; second, Charles I. Thompson's l.t. laird Vi I.. Washington'* it'll" of Kildare, fourth, va\ Urove Ki Ti,.* Marchi ?!.? -- i' ii * .- .-* !..r <!,-- I':r-*. !.. \V. linnie.'* Clonmel; second, I.. W. liane*', li.ii:>*!-.. lund, bum t KenneU' Ostler .1"*'. Huppy ?',:,-.* 1"! blt 1-t. lt. A. Van Zaodt'i Alanna-: second. Redstone Kennels' Datsr R-d*toni Novice dam for dogs 1 lr_t ?*>'. 1. Wuah! u>:i'a Uuko nf Killare. ?erond, l'o wn send Sharple*.'* Blaney, Jr.; tiiirt. E. w. Walker's Kildare Duquesne. Novice class for b *.? le - lr-'. >v . H. Boaaell'i Ouf-ii Vic: .eeeod, UT. L w a-iiutciou'-. Belle of Klidai John I*. DllOO'i Ui Iv l.i... 1-ieid trial rlaaa (.for '!"-- and bttehei that, have placed al public Beal trail-,-1 ,r-t, Illirie. T. Thouin. koli'. Rot kn<i?j Dandy. '."inn.N SETTERS. Challenge rlssi foi <:o-- I ,r-t In S. (I Dtaen'i Ivan. i : ? - '. I,. i'ii Uo lt. Cha im : ? ' ?' B- G. Dlxon'i Duch* - ol Wavei ? ii- - B. J!."--...- Heather i.. linen . mi foi dog* Kimi Noyes lr. ? ? R u vi B lola) th* Ke-ii":-' Ar*-hlbald : i;,.-, in .nt Kemi, -' It" fourth. Inwood Keniu ?' I ounl Nollie. * .|_-:i cia*-* foi bitch-li*'. Hr ri *. DI von'* Kath? erine; second lt: h. '.. Dixon'* Jin,' -- le I Janies i: I-.. ?-?',,, - Venue; fourth, Jam - ir !: ? _?!!-.- BlSUtliOllt. Puppy ela** !,, doff*?First .1 i.n V'.' '? Burns ii '! I.lwm H. Motna's Kre.rii.ont; thi I l 1.. Mather1! Roscoe. I'uppy i;,*, lur bit'h'?lil -t, Edwin ll. M".'i.-'s CONSOLA I ION. il,lid. Smith Ar.-hl. thin, Fairmont; second. H. P. Ludtaw'i Jun,'! Brother*' Keno ""t. *.:,.. foi doss i',rt. Iolanthe Rennel bald; _eeond John W. Oiuhaa-'i Robert Bum I',,,., inonl K< I,".!-' ll"riuni,,iit. jt. N'ovlce .in-- t"l I. i'-b. - lir-t. Hr. N. *.. Ii ? * Katherine second Kdwin II. Morrla'a Batanoot; tiiiid, Jan,--- H Biol "",'- Psyche. Held trial claim [for dogs and bitches ti,st t,n- e ),. ,??, placed nt iinv public fleld trial I *lrat, No*.* nillliitr**s Ranger B.; ?ee_nd Inwood Kennels'' Conni Noble; til u. jan,,-. B. BIcAsom'i Beaumont. i OUR I r_*-l*aMI.LV C-sitaags ela-- tor dogs ii:-t, Ancient mid M <!? rn Vi,,i,i : Kennels' Paaelnatlon second, Blank locker K'iiti'1-" Itrintl.iii l!"l laekot. CiiHilni"" >ln** for hit-in ? lir-t .vtr.i-iii and Mnd-rn <rt.:.i,i,' K.iinic Troul - ??? iccond, C. T. Backet's Nev I. naen cia-* t ix- dosi (black Ii:.* Kwlas Mountain Kenn*I*' M drty --"."I W. <i McCnllaah's Prince; tiilrd. H. I*. Field's Brant! : x Jet; fourUi, l"_la_*r v j;,-ni edy's K ln| Bivi a jr. (?)_?!! rhiM foi bitches ti.'.-i. I: ? I-'ii-t. tneb-nl n"! Modern sc-ini": Kennel-' Realization; M-eond, Biooki B (;? .n's i', ? ? tlntil Swlai Mountain I*. .l's Ml-* Waggles: f urth Swiss Mountain Rennel'l Mi** .'hip. Open elaas tord-gs (other colors) I it-t A. <'? Wiime'd Ing'a Rollo: -. *... .1 H. S. * P. M. Oowans'* Rrdfellnw; tli!r-l Atilii; rind M"d rn Spaniel KenneU' Hr.-st Scott. Open ci.'-- i"i 'ai'ie- trfiv ".i color rc-i, W. Mussett's Cherry l'.lo*?_ni: .m Bnm rochei Rea* ne!** Lrruit'i.i ! Bed Riding H"'>i- Utltt Ancient a;?l Mo*!..ii Kpanpl Kennel.' Mary Qiie<"i of S.--M' Puppy 'ia? Pira! Indent and Modem S"iiii<i Ken? nell. I'.cill/riil.'ii ? second. Ilrr.'.ii- and OieOO'l T-MJ tlilnl. Palm -r -nut Kenned] - idi. Nevi'-,, .ia... for 'I"-'* nu*!'iie- "mv variety exren. t,,v -prttile' Ml three prl/> - went to .atc d'".', a* In oiippv daaa, I 'hallen?" dasi f'.r da7*-l'il*t, Illinois nenncis' ll-,,|?, ,,.|.i! Whee til Kennels' I'aililin'l r. tiiHiieme ,!a*- f.. bitch ? I ii-t wi. ctiv Kennels' Salem ? second Illinois Kennels* (.raven lance. Open rlaaa for dogs fforty.flve pounds and over). PH t. Ranch k, ni" i-' L'.i'Mri ??? mt iiii'" Kennels' St__i p-v thlr.i Iolanthe Kennels' Ruatlc Hoverelgn. ' On. n ela** f.ii- I'fe!,,-* ifertv poim'i. Bad over liri ??? k vi'-tin Ito ? -? et'iiti P. E. Cox's Magpie; third. Dr Hrivi! 1. Halgnt'a Ml? Vein. (l|)"i tia** fm dogs Hinder fortville imiiiii'I-i- Flr?t, Illinois Kennel.' Kine I. .,-1 : seeend. Heiruel.-il l*ir,i,' W.,1 lliinuitnti: third Charl''* A. .1. Kn,mr- llithe-i. Open eli*, for Mt.iics Miiii.-r forty pound ll?Fl rH, ('"ell I pwnch'i Lana; ireead, A. B. Oraves'i Adlscosstn Olpmtj; I thlri John tt. Miittliowk'* Ii. riv Ucl.*. Puitpv ,ia.- tut din.'*?fi rsi. Ifllni'l* Kei in I*' Ar.onmit ; I ?seead Raneh Keoneia' siitn .lim. , Puppy t-l-iH* for Ml.'h*"?-PIr*t Urienta KenneU* Pspa'l Pet- P-veond, Orlenia Kennels' Bmpresa ot Orient.. Morlee elis* for d,.-?s- Kir*t. Itltadi K.nne_' Ar?_-:atit; Andrew j. Ilat/h'- B**_*_e S't.ll N'ovlce clsr*s for liltehcs .Pleat. Orienta Rsna*?ta' Fm press of Orlenta; BSeead, lUnch Kennels' Hop Toad. I't'I.I, Tf* I tit IK RS. . hallen.'' *ia?s for dsgs FtTBt, Jobs M..or**li" td ir.'s,, Msnsreb: seeaad. Tabby ttmmh Kenn ria"< -ir..-. ? hsllengc da** for lil. li-*--Kir-t. iirbt.v Hook KemteU' M.,.'._ iel Vsnev: second, li.,*. *., Dole's Attn- tl"'. (,?ii rlaaa for doe* (thirty poonds and .,v.r Mt Mr* liaei.h N. Ilenrv's TOBI I MarqulB! *'?'-,?.* ! rank F. noleT-iuIly the Ure it; third, lieu er Keim**!*' D'anmirf ***im rla__. for bltche, (thlrtv pounds and overi-Plr.t .... ,T i,.? n-,u*H Vesner Rell : ivccond. (istle Point K nels' Fits- thlrdTr F- MitcbjEMogd*_a^e. K Open clmt%.foi dogs (urder thirty poundij-FU-t. D. I. Omx'"lxr !*';r?"1"!l"' .""d. T. S. r.-llin _ Sur font ; UIM -? "? i ? i burch * (.ruin open ria*, roi bitches loader thirty Bosadsi Tim ,":":i \ -symond*'! mrrottt, Frank F. Imle'i j. ""! u"i"!*! : third, i siUe Poto. K. mo l*.' I t,?! :i*'v^!a " .'.'*'? 'l"?" ? V'."!-'** MnmaU; Bstoad, looa \ Symond. - Prince tittil} Pr r,_''i" fn_. ?K,r*' I00?. v Kynotah'i MermaM; second. crana I. Ji I, . ?.,, *.*, n... SMOOTH FOR TERRIERS. nti.M.1? ?:i,7.f'"I'!"---!?i-t Rlemion Kenaeis' Bles-tsa ii, 'i?,,;",'"',,'' k, s),? ifiji.. *?.ir-i*- Warren UyaauTi "'" '? -1"'!" ... rhiyei . Illllsldi Pitcher. l lippy rlSM for hitches Klrst, i? | w Ratberfaid'i Warren Regina; .... ?;,rl Blendon Kennel*' ri., -. , Vindex; third, John li thar, -. Illll.lrJ. v-r-nr, w-,,"-n -V.:''1"-;- '"r '' -*, ,! !! L ? u R?<U?erferd*B : ' ' ''I' Top; -, oud BbmloB Kennels' Blemtoe Stickle ; ii,,h. 1. t w. Kuti,. , urd's Warren hit,,,,, :Novice dasi for Miche. Kl rsl L. t w. Ituti.erfurd'i Warren poroth; .nd Plems_- Ket.:-* ju., .Sin Mndcx; third, Jahn 1.. Thayer'* Hillside .sor-na. WIRE-HAIRED FOR ii BRIERS, 1 ftaaa for bitches First, Murry W. Bmlth'a Si-f-r JJjtJem; second, Iolanthe Kennels''jeal Frost third Hempsfoad 1 arm's Suffolk Teasel ' IRISH TERRIERS. Challengei eloss r?r dogs-First, Wdtei J. ComUBck-i Boxer l\ lo, a _ Kymonds'i Jsck Brigg*. DuumiirJ.*6 ***** '"' '''"'"?''irM' W;,lt,'r ?'? Comstock1* op n . la-- f,.r d". ? lir-t Iolanthe Keane!.' Jaekanaoes * -e?, .?!. W_lt-r I. i,..,..!,,, I,'. Merle t.ratly; tlilrd. Too., | ?sy.I- . \ alb v it'.v <t, Open ,i-i.* fr l.ll.he*?telrst, Mltclie** . Harri*oa'l i ?ii.ii'-ii! ; .,-,.,<i. iolanthe Kennels' rn..rv La-.-, ihlrd v\ . I.. Merran - liunmurrr ll. Punpj rlaas Fir*. Waiter J comstock1, un Roaor; second JohHiUie Kennels' 11*1 l*.i,l,?n; third, Wulvr J. t onatoi k'. Maggie linc. I'.I.M iv \\r>. rt \ TERRIERS. i >.nii.ii_. rlSM for dogs-Ft-St, Roch-ll* Kennels' nm,,mil. ld Sullen : second, 'loon .. syrr.o-i N's Prince Re? lent. I ha licit se rbUM fer bitch"'- I.i-t li mk P. Pole's Queen III; second. Rochelle Kennel*' Meersbiooh Milden. Open class for dags First. Rochelle Kennels' Monarch. Open .la*-, f. r hitches lir-t. Toon . Symonds*? t.v,,.. '",'?;.nd \. \v. Smith's Louie; third; Rochell** Ken? nels lt,., hell* Majestic. Pappy ,'-,.? iir-t, Rochelle Kenna'a1 Roekelto Otam. lewin I. lUNMnvr TERRI! I'.r. Dees I crt. H-nther Kennet*' Kln_ o' the Heather second, Heather Rennell' Amphion; thirl, Heitivr Km ie ls* Laddie. Kit. h,s ii,.- Heather Kennels' Ainsley Daisy: atc ond, IL aller K niel- Heath) r Peggy II. BEDLIXOTOX TERRIERS. Obdtaose etas* foi dosi and bitch,** Klrst, William 1! I'."-- .'- fhrlMma* Carol; Martin A. il. Thel b - i.-ti Vive. Opeo 'Ire. foi il,,7. lir-t. ThoBiai Pearsall'! Tr I Open elaes ter blt. he* i ,-t Har ls I! P-lld*'* Parilla second, M tren \. ll. Thelh re's Mi non-tu ; Ihlrd, Will tam II. Russell's .wei I Orchid. BCOTTIMI Tl BRIERS. Challenge rlasi :??? doa ami bitches Tirst. Wanklt Rennel*' Kllror; s. *ond. roon .- Svniond?'s K lister. Opeo class for logs* li-,!. Wandle Kennels' KU-re . , -r. . .., > C. . .... J I . * ._. , : i. i'""!i t nj innnds'* 1 r Rliiidunai ihi'd loon t- Symo idi ' I. ll. Smith's Barnaby Lit I- ?'. rs r Buger ; miiif. Open class f,,r hitches?Firs) Wankle Kennel rf au; Wangle KenneU' Wankle Dbi ,. BK VI. i 1.Kill J R - Challeage riaea for dogs?First, ' llffod A. Milan's si Stafford; *erond. Woodbury Kennel*' l...\? i. Challenge class fr Int ? h.- -lir-t. iliUnri A. Minn' : I. li s |l ,1 ?? . I !l:e lie-in-. ti; en das* f,,r il".'- lir*;. C K'ii ;t : - ,,!!,! Wri *? ?silllillel II ll '- Sir 1 hull 1 11 ? 1 , ,-- f.,i nit 'he* i*.r-t Hen psiead Fa - W1.. of Fortune; secoml, c. ll. Smith's Islay; duri. H. K. t anet'* I nd,. "? Measle. Wilvil TERRIERS. ri at, i"isnttai Ken ? -' . ? i on I, Mr*, i . c. i.., . . 1 , :. 1 . r ; 1 li l Hom ll-llarn any K I'linels' Mi phlsto Dick. CORK HU IRK i KR 111 HRS. 1 ip. i, rlass fo ,!??- i:-i. Krrdlnand Sean's Y nag Ted -" ' 'I -I ti ph ii - Prim ? I ? d, . e d na d fe . ? , ?-. fo- MtChoi ! 11-t. .I,,- ph Bell'l Jody; neconl Joseph It'll'. Queenlt . third, :.. Wiiiri 11. '?' TOY Tl BRIERS I t'ndt r 7 pounds ell" r Ul ii, v ? I 1 r ?.-??? - III. and isn T. rn* h .. ?? -' I.,ir tiMie - ,,ii,i Morrl* lb ?-.-? lilia's Noble. t .. il, lloUl*. lill.'* .1-1" . PUGS. Challeage ri is* foi d.c. 1 :-.t Hr M 11 1 III. le; secollt, I l.cha t I'US K*ni,*:-' I.icier-. ? il , 1 , .., c- ' .1-* '," dogs li.-i Berni nc, I. Kt -ni. HIxli - ' WI - * iu..i-t?k* Waddle*, II tn.. 1. .1 ai - 11 1. ?? 1 ntl. Open ? las* for bitch"*) First ! ? . I a * Pus K* ni ? I*' rra Hi nharl -1 'I K. -ha* 1 Pug Kennels' Mah*, ;. , , ,. ,,..,....-. , .., 1 . . * Hi rs Ui. 1 Janies ll 1* len's ._?*! I... .* hist pi n,'\ e_*-Flr*l 1 n ta I .'? Midge! /? 1 ?. , t i* ?!.!>??. .1 ' : - KIN'. < ll vKli Si Kl'ARI! LB Challenge i s*i tai de ? and bitches-] * Mi* Ferdinand ?** nn's I*, xx t Open ss ? M Ferdinand Ke-n's Kins "f Mi- Charl -rs; -.: Mrs. 1 " dliiand Yankee Roy; Hurl. Mr*. J Biombach's \> ? \v. in, rt Open rla? for tit. he, ' ? ? " ?? ?. W l.'i y's - , ni, *!?? I :!.!!?*,1 I Benn's Lad] >!? I/-". 1:1.1 Mil IM HPAN11 I.-* ,,;.., ria*, foi dogs riret Mri v \v. Lucys F.xetei : , : ?? 1 Young Duke; thid t. Mai ri il :>. I:-* vu- Anni Bernstein's Mut ll .'.-..-. PRIX.'E CHARLES ARD le I'.v SPANIELS. Dogs Klrst, ! D. Work's V I *?'? lan, I'l, . |. '- h" ? 1 ? i tiie Fib I, a -t. In - lt il 1 i' BU in : ? -.v m I- j -'- J? Bj Lind * nd, Mr-, lc!: snd - nn'? Bdl. JAPAN! -t. BPANI1 f_S. foi dog- and bitch** !'!'?? 1 rank P . - *. I'.N1 Open (isa ? 1 '*f. Mi- I ni ? . .,.i,| mi ? - rflp. Vnie. Todo: Ihlrd M r- 1 , rdln.ud "- - ? t, - : i -t Mr. li ni ' ??' l- ? ' ' '""' ' Mr, Kn inii- ll I Mr-!. ?.1 ? , I'npi t *-? 1 ? ? Unand .cnn'- Pi ' I. - I ? r ' ? . ?.' 1.' ",'h I ITALIAN '.ii Vil'.t'M' Chalh" ^_ -,,,!?? I ? ... el; I ? - ???? Il ? , ' I ? I ' . 1 i! :i ?? - - :: ron . ? r, , : t Chi ' - ?*.: r li Hoyt's 1 ? ?! 1 "1 ii l. ? ? ' I '. *- ',-: MKETTINO OF TIIE AMERICA** KINM'.I, < !.' Il il,.' animal 1; ? ??' ?.f Ul ABterleaa Rennel 1 lab was held v. -'? ? 11. aft. ?' ?? w *? M >?: - - - |?i ?* '?',''1 :- '' . .? August ' i 1 ?"' -.a* H , ? \". : ron. , . 11 wsi di Wed ?? ..'!?? ' li"-' I to 1 ? I the B ?* -, rerrlei < lah a ? American Kenn. In Ihe am,'.ni 1 lei Udfl whit h f I o? ed th "M '? ted. 1 "' v sra A'.e't-t I! president Tbe.1 11 Til '? vlre-presldeat sad A. P. V red en burgh, set reta ry , : ires er. The f , fobs vere admltO ', |0 I ' ' !'.' "i'i" I Club, Des M " try sud Pei Sforh Asaoehtlon, si. j.,, n- Ken,: flub, City d lb* Straits Rennel Club, ? ?, ie, . |" inlti ? . Pet Stack sa I Rem* 1 Assai |. Don, Ohio 1 , :?: < b Oreal Dam 1 lab sf Amt lt 1 an 1 ' I DOll Iv. Me 1 ( I'll,. SPANIEL li-'Ml MI'MI'.i r.> MEI r IND DIRE tmerlei Spaniel Club wai ?i,l ni Madison Kqui ?? fiaiden resforday nft-r,,.,.!, . 'it-,11 Wllmeidlng presided, vrt.-r tie- reading sod adoptl.-i "f report! frosi * ? president, iee rr tory sad r. rill nf win. I. wsw highly favorable, the annual -lection of "!!" ti t'"_ ptaee. i h.- reeuH et the balta. ass *'.ecttefl of A. ' linton Wiliii'nllii'.'. 1 Tri vv ,r 1 M. Old un, I" I', w. KItchel, Rowland I' Re?bey sad ,\\\, r I. I,,-1, r ri- 11,, ..f tl,. \, nUTC e..11111,lt'.,-". loiter A, ' luit.ei Wllmerdlas was ehaaea asesMsat, Row? land P. Ken-!,' v secretary, and Edward M. Oldham tr.-a.. ?fer. Thia I- Mr. Wumirdin-;'- fourth aaeecaalre yeal :i. head d the dub. j? ti, e.cin ? t:,e membe - ,.f ti* rlub held Ibeir an. imni dinner at the Hotel Bartholdi, lu a id '!'" ntv thlrd-st. Presdeoi Wita rllus acted ?? toaatamater, and al.n it tt*eiityil\e ..tier members were present, S',, rei 1.,r -pe,, h. s wen nu'!', bo. ii" nmny t...t?t? propussB ,., informally responded t-, bj Umm preaoat. COXOBEERRAX B'FBEAET'R IS.IIRY SUOMV, Washington, P?l . SSS. :? srss learned on Innatry nt hi, ie,i.i this Bfternoon thal t'ongrrasmaa Me (i.iiiv, of Kentucky, irbo. nfl. r bl* InterrsUng talk on the monetary conference yesterdsv, fell on the lee snd brahe bb Brm, l .ill rlgbl lo-day. Only one nf 11 -lunn hmies wu. fractured snd be ls sble to he up rind iiroiind. -*> (/// Psis elli r state OPFICRBS, Albany, Feb. ?-'_. The <:.l Psi .bund Ar-_-_rtat-_i* t,f the*- held Hs annual banquei !,? i evening nnd eleeled tl,. .? liffll .r . lie, blent. Wllllillll M. Will!'. 1 tics; vi.-.* jir.-iti.iii-, Frank Rice, f'snaodalgua; Or. Cyrtu s. Menill. Albapvl ?'? lm H. Peek. Tia.: _ec*re Isry, Harry i* Uroose, t'tlca; treasnrer, Reweas-bs Clevdsnd, Albany; eommtttae <.n PhllUp Spencer Memorial Chapter House, lo be built ni Union OoHege by Ibe fraternity Bl targe, Kajar J. ". Woadwaid, Albany; Phillp Keck, Johnstown; Kenneth Clarh, Detrdt; ll. P. Crease, Utica; Frank Cooper, Bebeneo Indy, a eongratatatory *iispiii*ii ins sent to J. . terilng Morton, ot Rebrssha, na bia netaetloo to i Cabinet portfolio, ll aros derided lo bars the '""vt l,.'.iii|U't ni Utica t.n P-bruarj Bl, IBM. AS ADMOXITIOX TD YALE STFItESTS. From The Rear-Haven Rewa. lu tn- speech al iii" Yale a bund banquet lu Boston, I'rnf. II. Vf. I iiiiiini nail' r. whotesotne reference to ,1 regrettable truth when be -.-ii.l tint tbe cdor_ r/ y;,'.. uni :.n dlsrfTMCid by tl.tuturi ul n rertds luiiniiily stadenl eiemenl on (he occasions wheo lbs lootball lennis nf Yale mid Harvard bad jr_*ne i*t Rear. *, ork .-1*1*1 Princeton lo pta). We sic (-'hui tba! till, reference wai mode, and ns Iicik* tbal tbe deecrved eondennatloa fr un ibepretw iinri public nf Ihe whole country ?iiieh followed ii,, behavior Of COilege ne n :ifi.*r Hi,* Inst fi?iHinll cuni** In New? i'.ik hu* lacaleated a Ics-.mi thnt aw not ooan be fortB-tten. .... .... v.i u.e esoM* lim** ore think it sraicely fair t*' iir-'ii'* that beesase *.f thal bebsder nn the jmrt of ",. -indent, who ir.- i,v no mean* lepienatative of Ibe cill.-C"- to watch i!i'*v belting there should be no more i!i'e!-'..iie_iiii. e. iH-.i- iii'i Yale nr 11.11 vard _h".ui"l engage outatde <tf Rew-Engtsad. vv,- deem ll possible I" <--.tal.ll'-li *u> li it nmr:il ms ,inline within the prreh-di *.f Ysta thal h.-r youth? ful -on. when ikey io al-roa., au eeodad them aelve* uttb entire profataty. ar ir say si them do not do t!d* their fellow- will sn condemn and ostra? cize them tbal their offences win mut !_? npt to be I asea tad ll I* surely unjust ls visit the n_L-de u.ai_i_rs ol the tow upon toe many. . PHE INDIAN HILL DEBATED. suspicious ii hms _jtou_a_ viqobocs dis* '? USSIOX. its lg Tu*-, gcnOOIi APPROPNATIORg MADS TO PAT BIO CLAIMS. Inr tiin.Kvin Tn thi. Tantras.] Wsshtagtou, lt*, _:_ (Special . -The Bebata on the nitiiin Approprtattaa tin in ibe Hoase ol Represen* alive, to-day roi Interesting snd d Itsses rather H. iv. Tho bin eoatalaa i number olprovtatoos vhleh nany members ol ibe Hon-,, regarded n. exceedingly ibjeetion.ible, ni to -iv sii-ph ion., aid these item. rrovoked s tartak dtaeasstae. According ta the report ?f th** committee?a doctuneat which, on it- fnee, bow* em-, nml inexeuaobie caretassnesa In peepsrs ?"ii Ibe bm rsrrles ,-i total of r.7..",':....v,i, whteh i nss.OOO less than th.- sppcop. tatton for the earrent Iseal >, sltbougb, aecr.rdlag to the eommlttee'i Oport, -Hi.* bill is ri lamil eBMUOt larger Ihan lor a-t year." According to the rep.trt th" amoont rcommended tor th" support of inessa Behool* is ,_.t M.'....t). ?which Ls ?137^.80 less Hum lust year.'' v- ii Slatter of fact lt I- f**_08,tll_ i>,-- than tad's ipproprtatioa. Every Item on .account of Indian MhOOts, with two >r Hire,- exceptions, lr- been reduced below the np rroprtaHon lor tin- current flscal year, nnd the lots] ?eduction n.low tin- estlmatri waoonti io shoat -.ino,. mn. iiii- Bmounl correspond, rattier dosdy srtth h" tntiil of three li, m. f301,1 lil. for Hie pavinenl of inUqusicd Indian claims, no ratlmatco for which were *n'.,n!ii. d I,', the Department of tbe Interior, and no recommendation* f,,r whtah tue found in iii,- annual ?'?port of tho >,, ieinry ,,f ;[?. interior or CommhadoBer if Indian Affair . Aecordlu. to the statement or Mr, Boekwell in Hie debate to-day, ti!,--.. Rems were never wnstdered by the full I'ommtttee on Indian Attniis. ''li" ol Hiern I- foi th" payment ol 9558,32.) on nc i*n!iii! of irreari of Interest on the sum of gOdO.ltid ?f the truai lund. ol iii- Chickasaw Indians, These iri'-ti- .,r Interest ;.-apposed to cover tin- period Hi- \.ir l-i.t i,, i -.,.i. j-,,:* years the Chit kusawi iii,--,ti iiieir rtaltn for tau si Rinds, which they clslm Iud ben Improperly Btabarsed by tl* ,titi'iii of Hm i.ovenim.iii, ;iii,| leVeia] V'-nr BgB liiti_iv. appr,, i'n.i',-,1 the arooanl ol xiv rlslms? Tbs ' "iiuiiHt, .? on I nd bia Ai',,ir. now recommends Ihol in,'i-e il,.ii double Hie nm,mut of i;,.- original claims i"* pata mi nc "uni of arrears or Interest. Another li.-tu ds for srrrars d Intered on i portion cf th" iio. inw orphan lund iimi BSBOants lo PJOJMO, tbe pim, Ipa) !?lng only Bl >,000. \ third Item for V1S.SSH i. for Hi.- transportation and subdatence of ('re.-k H.', who removed themsdves from AtabasM i" indi in Territory more Him hall a century sgo. Mr. Itodrwil] geUvered i rigorous -i*. In op* position I-, iii, ,? Items, .ucl rhalrmsn Ped defended the Pblrk 1.1 uiih c|iiiii v Igor, asserting Unit 'I ? I Im :-r .' len ; i on nil foots ? 1th Hint f ir Ure principal, which Vi- paid by un SCI ??! Congress several yean ago. .'ir. Ped al ?? bowed He I ? i'.>niii!i--ioii. r oi Indian Affairs hud i.-amended the payment of ibe claim in response i.. i tetter (rom nun ,n h.-.,i-i lo i lull which be bad offered cn the subject. \ .*l deal '.f Mr. Rockwell's sp erk wai devoted I" UK 'J' ' -i li"!!..Imi ll" . ll" took tl" timi ucl. ;,'?? lllloll i!,| !?? devoti i i ? pi ic ,? | .nil.,!"' ihe liiiii ii imo,.i-i 1." I' lowed up'.ii attempt* lo .ivili'e Ihe lid h.. !.\ Ilea: - el" bnardiu .,, 'i ll lilli ,. si hu il remol ? i-.'in ihe imin,ii ronni ry. lie for-tlticd u: po?ltlon itlon* Irom i:,-- Imi r.-|i it ot the ?up<*rlnieiid**iii ? ?f I- "li.r. -? .... mid I I ., letter Willi he l,.i 1 RJ . iv. ,i (rom rapt I ? ut Ihe Arm]. who hui ic ,,!, n,in n, indian \i:m ni lim* Kid..* v Mr. Rockwell did not c ito ptain of th.- amount of in.'iiev iippruprlnt-d loy Indian mIi.hiI*. hut rontended nm! li cid ie more ii:..i,'.ii,iv used. Hi. remark) ? ul]- l .ir.'ii-".! '..ii.*.n! H'.'.l. -r. of .|t**.l?*lppl. viii,, |*a brm I'li-v*. ii, Hu efhmrj nf higher .dm i Hon a* i li" * . I Ibm rlvlllsil un, nnd s ie, poke wini . i.-iit energ) In nippon d ii.rn pulley, III!.. " \NN H R] MU I HE TRUSTS. M^MBF-RS i,j-thi ii"! -i jTDlflARl COMMITTEE lill M. XO I' ii i: vi. LAP. t vN WAH. Washington, Feb. 28 ->pectal|.?There I- rsedlent reason to bellera Ibal lb** Investlgstlon of the tub "erl ,,f (rust by Ihe Judlt tary ' ommlttae d ll ? ii .ii ? of !:? ? ? ,'... i om im ed in,>-i >.r the mrmberi ol lhal . immittee who have given th* !!,,"?? , ,:.'ii attention thai och rombtnaHoni can n t !?,. r> ?.i".| bj any sri ol Congresi framed under sled to 1 ' bod] hv Ihe PonMltu Ibm, lo regulate rommerre betoreen tl.veral statee. H i- understood tin! this conclusion will be id lortb : ? parttal report on Ibe Investigation ot gie Uhl key iru-t which -sill bs nbmltted lo the House ? week, li li :ii-" nnderstood that ' ,? meniben .nt. , i.iu'iiiit.... which i "min. I-*! iii- hrvestlgn il, ii i, ,ve , ud t a Judlt i tl di ? l-i'.n- nv lng i d tb ?' th- r.-"li- will 1. embodied in ll ?? rap ' to ? ii' use. Among the-* ,:,. i i .,, i ,, ,? ! v ? In di Judge Jet I on, iioa \ ? iii.of ibe Supreme '"int. which I regardid ,, imp ,,: mt :?? ? 0 - ll ll dleab - Ibal i o pr"-" titlon under Hie .-'?> Anll-Trusi law san be mci lull] i ?' l.? r Utan alli i Tribune , p.?!,.*.. nt ,,ii this subject ii member ol the Judi , Inv ' ? mmlttee mid : ? The difficult] i- sod ll I* one which mosl prove f,*.ii i,, ihe shem,i,ii btw aad sll shnltar legislation li that the incl- <io noi engage In Intarata.e commerce. i . ,i! ihdr products st Ihe place of production, ni,,l when Ihe ,!'!" I" fin'- articles of Interstate rommerre they hare eessed t" I"* oarned or controlled by a tru-t. For exsmple, ? member ol n," Whiskey Tra i in Illinois amy ?ells hundred barrels of whiskey, v i i, h may Immediately In* shipped lo Ncw-V-rk ?,,. , ih, i Male wlthiHi! ai y .I tallon nf the ,? in |nw. I "" -"ii** t> admit ll, bul In nn npiiilr.n , m, wat in whl. li n,i t- und nt, ier lil,, com bl na I lons can bc reactad by a Federal itatote." \T ITV HOVER THE ? A NA I. '.'I KSTIOy. cvNv.'V tnol.lHHK*, RUBATI'-*. (Mi PRESIDF.NT i: \ t * 1 -? *- IH V i. STHERF-TAIIATORTTOLI*, Washington, Feh 22. -As tli" remill of eoire spondence Isdween Secretary ??? '?'?'? Foster .rn I sii .lulim 1';.!.,iee!,,te. tin- British Mini ter, il HOW ni-iler in connell lum b??en Issued by the Canadian ( i ii ii i> -ii i i ?-.-ii I .tin-: tin* lolls ol the Dominion canals for the season ol 1893- The eil" t ..! this new order ls t'" sboltah tlie rdmto on loll* and tb.* regulation agatnd tr-tna-ahlpped goods, there? by removing all the dinerimlnntions *>f which the I io vern men t ol tim I'nited Stale* bus so long complained. In sceordaaee with thia diplomatio arrangeinenl tin* Prealdenl bu.* issued the follow? ing proclamation revoking tho tolls levied on Canadian vesa-ls Bad cargoes In tho s.uili Ste Hark l 'anal i lu ibe |*n deni "f ti- ralb I State* "f America, A Prortama.lon: Wheres . ii1* my prnctamaUon ol August IB, 1009, mni in pursuance "i tbs authority conferred sa me l,v :,n ar| "f t'ongres spproved Joly SO, taos, en Hil | ?? \ti arl io enforce Hie reciprocal commercial relation* between Ihe i nlted Slate* snd Canada, and f,,r other parpn ?-.' l directed, "lbs! from snd Biter s,.ptemiter I, l ?'-. until flutter notice, s t"ll ot ._,, ,.,.?,. per loii be levied, colleet-d end paid on nil fr-i t.i of whatever kind or description ps (brough Ihe Bt. Mir-.' 1 ii1- cmiil in imn-it to :niv nort ni Ihe Horniiii'iii of Panada, whether carried In ve* .-I- nf the i nlted Wales or ot otter nsUons," sud to tiiiit extenl thereby suspended from and after Hld dnt.- Ihe right <-f free ps sge through Mid -*;. Mary's i-.,n c.,I,-,: or sn) nnd Bil cargoes or portion! ol ear* ?tea j,, nan ll to Canadian ports; nnd Whereon, The above order wns is-msi in ronsequenee ,,; i .? impodtion by the Oovernmenl ot the Dominion ,,f canada "f ? BIscrimlnaUnB loll, whereby unjust nnd unreri-"ililli!" bardens were placed, in dotation ol Article 87 ot Ibe Treaty 'f Washington, upon the rarrylng ol pa seafers ami cargoes through tbe Wel? land ' Hill lu mad! t" nerta d the L'dted Btstes, us |S fully Sd forth lu thS siiJ proibiin.itloii ; nnd wiiep-.i-. l.i im order In eoandl dated February 13. I?0*3, Ibe i.ov. rn rr C"iier..l of the Doadnlon Ol Cnn.iii hV dlrerted thal -lu- ths itasofl "f 1803 the canal tells for the pontage ol tba foUowiag tomi products: wheat, Indtau rorn, pesa, barley, rv,-, eats, laxaeed nnd buckwheat, fer poa sag. Beatward through the Wrt* land Canal, be xxj _en_a pee ton; aad fer poasage w,-.i mud Ibrougb tbe ?-'? Uuwrenoe Canal only to rents per ton: payment mt lbs --uld loll of io rents per los lor ptfiirg- tbroagb the Wdtand Canal to entltb tbess .,,.i. lil lr-.- p:--n_" t _!l Ile* -I. Laurent" (?juris" : rel R*b_r?__, I bsve reeetved ssttsfoetory sssaraneos iimi thi- order refoh-a, la-tag lbs season of iago, me ill- nilli-.* privi*i"'is sboVa referred to. mid se nares to iitir.eti. ol rr.* ratted Nates squahty with Hritisi mhjeeta oa regaidi the ass of vuid eanals; Now, therefore, 1. ll. ii Ju lulu HarflSOa, President of the liiii. ,1 stn*.-. . f A merles, by virtu.- of ths said set of Congress, approved July BS, ISB% do aereby de ibir*' aa*i prortalm thal from sad uft-r Hu date heieaf, and until further nollie, the pmvl.l, :i-, ,,f m*, .;,|,| pris luiiiritliiii *i( August I-. l*:i*J. nre isjependsd In IS far :is they ill red Ihat ii loll of _ ) cen;, pst tun be levied, BOUsetSd mid pnld nu all frelglt sf whntever Vlnd <tr des, rlptl in passing througb the st. Mary's Falls Csnal Lu ti-au.-it to any port of t.c Dominion of 'umida, whether carried In vessels of the United -trite, or of oilier natl SSS, ll te-tlmony whereof 1 hereunto set my :!iand and nir-ed the seal of ll:,* I'nited -tates to be affixed. Done nt the city of WsshlagtOB this twenty-tlrst lay of lehru.iry, l-'.?:;, lind of the Independence of Ihe I'nited buries of America, tl'-- 117th. BENJAMIN HARRISON. ly rile President : ji'HN Vf. VOBTRSU Beerotary of state. MU. BATCH'S WEAK DKMOXSTRATION. HE VAINLY OI'I.H-I'-S TUP. rO-TOKFlCE AND INDI .N HILL-, IN FAVOR OP TIIF, ANTI-OPTION RILL. WasbtBglea, Keb. 89 iSperinli.-Clinlrn'.aa Hatch's lemoostiatloos in favor of the Auti-op il n bill were neither so Imposing nor powerful ns he lind prepared everybody to expect; Indeed, they were so weah ns to **rovoke a sii-plfjoii In th>> minds of Mose nf Hie opponents of the measure that his force.-, ssvs become tlinrnuplily de? moralized, nnd that they ?re no lopper to be fear*"!, i bslrman Hatch's lir-t attach orsa upsn the Madders* Hon of tbe I'o-infiice Appropriation bill, and be was ii- ft i'd by a vote of 111 to Og, Ills second and last BemsndrstlOB mot ofdad tbs consideration of Hie Indian Mil, and be WSS wor-ted by a vote of IRS to T.i. Ile had the gund sens.* to refrain from any at teinpt to BUbuster, sad the gpeaher r?'wnrded him by Inv,t,np him lo jire-lde over the C'oninilttee of the Whole during tin* eensldiratloa of the iudinn bill. lids ladtatton created a good deni of merriment In the Hoase, ami Cdond lintcli hesitated shoat accepting it. Ile went forwsrd to tim Bpeakw'i desk and ashed to Im- excused bum the duty, bat changed bl* mind after ex-Repiesentattve --*. \'. White, who hsppened to be lb miling near by, sdVtaM him ** to go in. mid heap Cooli Ol lire 00 his enemies* bends.'' cr i nurse Chairman Hatch mis st a dlasdvaataf m oppodng Hie consideration of appropriation bills it ibis -Inge of tile _e-s|oll. mid bc Undoubtedly redlxed the fort; nnd yet from tall time forward lhere win bo bat Utile lime during which appropriation hill* will ii"t occupy the attention ol the Hon"*. Tbe great sundry civil bill, carrying about IMO, 000,000, will com.- brui, from tl"- -cnatc tn morrow bearing many amendments, Including tue provision sutboddng th" Issue ol :; par cenl bonds, and lt ls expected Unit Hm motton to non-concur in Hu*-' amend monta win provoke n bitter struggle. Ii was Intimated io,lay that H.'- committee on ApproprtaUons might hold ile MU until Monday,and tin n move non-concurrence under suspendon of the mi.-, rh.* opponents t.f th, bond provtaioa, how ever, rblm ti have enough men pledged to prevent .nil :n Hon. and it was reporicd today that tli'y bid n written agreement dgned Itv !<-) memb.-rs of the lld?. i iiey sra receiving much encouragement and ijrmpathy from the members of the Bimetallic League, which I- now holding tesstoos In Waddogtoo. Miiny of ihe opponents ..f ti" bond pr-ovtalon ar.- itao rapport en of Ibe Ann optbU. bill, and Chairman lloteh mn) t: aa be able lo lorin an aUtance wbtah win prove io be extremely tormMabta. On the whole, inter? esting developments mav be expected before the end of Hie wei'.. ? - ?. ?, BEAUTIES of Till; HOUSE RILES. ORE-FIFTH OP Tin. MEMBERS CAUSE AN ALL Mi.ur BESStOR nv PILIBtTRTERIRO. Wssbtogton, K.-b. 2_ pspectall.?The besuttas of the estating ."le of nile, of the lloljse of Kepi-'S'lltll'lve. were again exemplified yesterday nnd tan. night at tl.spen ? of more ihnu a nicml**r* of thal l.-i*., who it from n o'clock yesterday morning until .' ..',io.h nu- morning, vainly trying to sbtstn action upon ii btu which I- favored bv at least _**?** Bftbl t*f Hi.*' llou-e !i*fore .. o'cloch lust night ihe t-uorum bsd vanished, and the next eleven boan -pen! In a vniii effort to lind sad restore it. Dorins nU 'hst 'un.- l-s* than a dooen of the absent legislator* were found and before the t-ar ol iii" House by the Ber_asntat>ArBM. That oflu-er attributed hi- want of sacoem to tbs iHppery condl timi of He- streeta, hm Mr. Buchanan, of Row-Jersey, WM of Hi- opinion thal "the .*ipp"r!ties-i of ah-ent members" had a g'**t deni lo do with it. Thnt set lon Wsa not hid mi the r.enaie iimcndjjicnts to tbe tar coupler tin before Hie qaorum vanished yesterday afternoon wai aritoUy doe to the absurd i-'.l". of the Hons.*, which enable one mm of the mem? ber, preeeat at any rifting to Mock sll boatnsm. before Ihe House adjourned thi.. morning an sndfiT standing wai reached, sgn "sbly to which th? sp-uker on Mondsy nexl win r.--ni/..- a motion to napsad the rules and coocnr in the denote smendments t*> the i ar couphr hill. That motion If male will undoubt e'lly p.-.v.ill. a- the legtalatlon I- fSVOred I.v in*?re than two-thirds of Hie membership of the House. On a motion to suspend tbs nil's only one dilatory motion t nu !"? Interpol ? tl. MONEY FOB THE NAVAL DISPLAY. CHAIRMAR IH i:!*.i:'.r thinks IT WILL BR GIVEN - iiii- QUESTION ul-' -TRISDIOTIOR. Wssblngton, feb, *-"- (Speds.).?There lins been soflM criticism or the House Committee so Ravsl AiTalrs on of ,i- failure t" Insert In the snnual appro illili ion bill an Item to pay Ihe expeaoes "f th" na val review li April. This bill, lt may be remembered, wi- passed by th* House under ? inspenston of the rule., which cm off all opportunitT to oder amend* mem-. In regard to Ihe failure to Include sn appro? priation for tbe naval review, Chairman Herbert, of the Naval Committee said lo a Tri..uti- correspondent i "The reason why we did noi put that Hem In tin? bin wai thal the committee bsd no Jurisdiction of the matter. That parl *>f iii'- Prestdent'i meaaage which related to ih- World*. Colombian Rxpodtton?and wbtah li-luib.s iii- naval review?was referred to tho Committee on Appropriations. A special est linnie for tbe -nine object wai subsequently referred to the ume committee, and therefore the Naval Committee could imt tull- Cognisance Ot Ihe lUbJeet. 1 may add thal Ibe -un.- course was pursued si the hist leedsn of i ongress iu regard g., de- appropristloa fur this par* !? ,-. rhe ii- ii wi- then Inserted lo Ihe Naval Ap* proprlstbin bill by the Senate and accepted by the House, l presume th* mme course wlU .- tM. * ? .-uni tin House Com ml l tee, i fed mus, will oifer rn, objection. I certainly _haU nd <b? so. for though l sm personally opposed lo Ibe naval review, tbe *."v crnment bai Issued Invitations to foreign nations und the -am- have been accepted, snd I consider that the faith ol tin- uov"ruinen! i* pledged to carry out the programme, li i_ no longer n matter for argument und lhere I- no doubt that nie necessary appropriation will bo iii-do.'' .?K.NAT* >R GHANDI.Kies IMMIGRATION RIPORT. Washington, Feb. 88. Bsoator Chandtar, from Um Committee on Imadgratloo, today lubodtted lo tbs .-mile s report on his nu estsbUsblng sddltlonal regutatlons conrerulng Immigration lu the ('tilted States, und to Increase by three th- number of e\ duded tin... of alb ii.. The llr*t rtass ur- Hu Hill.-rale, over twelve years of nee, nnd |n speaklup ,,f these, the report mys that In view of the ntarmlni change which ls laking pince in the character of Itu migrants thal ore swarming into the i'nited Btstes, th* measure t- not a bnrub one. A-reo parsons, however, r,re permitted lo come in .nm! Join their tamlttaa. Th** -.c uni .in-s ur. tho ? ? c--. n- p.irllally ur wholly ills shied irom manual tabor. They arr to be made Um subject of ipectal Inquiry, snd proof toad be prodaeed thal they win not become ? puMto charge. Tin ihin! i hi.s an- perfun* belonging to Mddlea whirl favor or Justify unlawful destruction of projperty ut i,r.. Ufc APPROPRIATION RILLS PA-8 THI STOATS. Washington, Keb. ii.?Today's session of the Sen ats wu- th r a I tl nf Geom Wo Iiln.t rn'i f.irew. ii addrem. TMa custom was latrodnced tivr year- Sgo, throii.-h ;i reaotuttou offend by Mr. Hour, Today (under ii Uh- moduli.itft ntl hg Mr. lb ai ii Was nail by fellator Minni, rson, of Nebraska, Pr sb deni pro tem. Tbe Sundry Civil Appropriation hill wns then ta'.Oii np, and ail Hie smendment. made ka committee ol ihe Whole (-,ine .,f which bud been reserved lasi night) were speed lo, Th ? bill was then pesose. The cobferance repod *>ii ths Army AppraprCatteti Mil (which hud been p:e-cnttd la.i weeki wa* carol up niiil sgreed to, after a dJlcassioa as to the raul. which the next chief of the Blgiml ItatVlee ls to bili! Tbs i "Th renee Oonuntttce lim s'raeh sui ths Beast omsndmeni nunn Ibo ranh ai tiiut sf tteataaaat , o'.,mci Instead ol bri ga Her general. m.* .,;i-,thu* and nipii'iiiiii),- Approprtatloa bill was then taken up. but lu, nelioii wus taken. TWO nw PtMUDR RESERVATIONS. Wsshlngton, Fob. 93.?Twa sddMoaal keast r-rser vattam will li.- mud- by President Harrison befor lils term expires. < 'ne of these will Include the terr! tory within which Ile-, Motin! Tacoma, or Mount Ranier ii- Hie people nf Seattle InMst upon cullins lt. 1 comprises TOO upsan mlle*. The Other ls a tract twenty-four miles stpiare, ,*,7( square miles In all, bl Southern I'tah. which Include lie most wonderful ni:d striking failures of the .-nnyot of Hu* Colnriido Uiver. The toii'sts In ihl.s tract an said to lie the tine,t and most valuable now left li tho public domain, nnd are almost absolutely virgin Thc scenic attractions of the reservation, with thi marble walla ol tbe canyon rising to a height of 11,00. feet In places, are said to surpass In grandeur and beauty those of any other place on earth. THE FIRST ALL-NIC. IIT SESSION. URN TO r.Xl'l'NV.K THE PROCEEDlNtlS FROM TIIE RBCORO, Wasblnglnn, Fel>. 'J'-.?The Ineidents of 'be night se*.lon were similar to those which oecur on every such oecii-lon. Humorous r-parte- wns prevalent, but ts-ca.tonally a harsh word, uttered elth-r In tentlonnlly or unlnk*:i.H ?nally, would stir up strife among th- members. Tudor the gul*e of rpiestlons of personal privilege a number .>f member- availed themselves of the opportunity to state their views on the Car Coupler bill, and acrimonious colloquies were not lnfret|iient. Hut, taken as a whole, the se.sion gave rl.e to no continuous bad feeling, and as th- hours passed away the members iteeume lusa aggressive and more rieepy. Tue floor of the chamber was strewn with papers. Members l.utigi-d In th-lr rl_!r*. lav on the sofas ar gathered In the cloakrooms to i Uat and tSUURt. To? ward Hie *? wee -mn' li"tirs" Mr. Allen mud" one Bf bli' barn t rlstlesly kaoMRnaa spot ch"- m.-iiniy directed toward th- occupant of the chair. Mr. Halley, of Texas. It wa.* appreciated br the members who wers In attendance, for lt was in his "nest vein, but at t':e *nm- time lt exclt.s. some resentment. In fact the re? sentment was so strong that subsequently Mr. Oslo ni ive-t that lt be SXpaaged from the record. Bul objection wa.s made. Then Mr. Crain ask., unanimous consent that all the proceedings of Hie night relating to tho excuses be expunged from the record. To this Mr. Tracy objected: bnt there was a general feeling Hist the proceedings of th?* dav were not creditable to the RstKnsI Moase of Repr.s utailves. The advocates of the Car-Coupler bill showed ii stern determination la pass the iiie:isiin\ nnd their opponents were erjualtp determined Sgdoo. lt. enactment. Flmilly. at 0 :'M o'clocb. th- lloiivo j,-Hfurn"<1. Thew ans I private agreement Hint Mr. Wise should b- recognised on Monday lo suspend the mles and pa-- ths bill. OPPOSITION 10 HEN ER AL FINLEY. Washington, Feb. __.?Tnere ha* been -onie com? ment upon Hie fact that the BsnsBt should promptly eon Arm Hie nomination sf ths agent and secretary of Ihe (iillhui Arbitration Board on the part of this noni ams ld and omit to taite action upon the n..minniion of OsBHal John V L. Finley, of Mary? land, who waa nsmrd hy the President a* the srbitiator. It ls saserted, however, that the nomina? tion will be confirmed lu lbs end. Hie op >ititi-U io General Finley is -aid to bo the outgrowth of affairs lu Maryland. rushed in roi cn the jersey sexate THE KAI I Ni, HI I.IS 1"vSS!;I> WITHOIT DEUATB A VITO EXPECTED I'KOM COT* RRROR WERTS. Trenton. N. .T.. fob. *.*_ (?-ti.'ci.ili.-V-sctrihivmntl Parker's three ra-ing bills, elvin- io tb- managers of Hu* winter Hacks mor- prtvtteges Hian they tresmed of Baklag ta yean gan* by and sanctioning b.,uliti shlng nini i.l-eiling. bat providing no fee to be paid Hi the counties tn which tlie timi.* are, paswd the Beasts nt 1 o'clock lo-day. file three hills were put through In IBM than lifteen minutes and without debate. A qaartST Bf Sh hour before the bills wore tahOO up mir lt was Rd believer that thef could he passed. Half ii seor*' Of lobbCl-ts srere men Utting shoat the Beaate Chamber, and ??nilly Thompson, tho "Oaks of Obmeester," him? self appeured several times among the members rund each time with an anxious fie.-. The rare tnicU men were two votes short, and though they were exerting themsdves to the utmost, they were suable to pet the seeded support. While the lobbyists were at work on the floor Of the Senate und In th*- lobbies S-nnfor ?*tok*_, of cumberland, ottered ii resolution that the senate accord ii public bearing on the bills in the Senate ('bamber on Tuesday. Senator Stokes was aware of the difficulty that th- rating men were In, and h- quoted the State constitution to show that the representatives of the peoplo Wera lound lo listen IO the expression of their constituents' opinion oa matters affecting the public Interests. Tho resolu? tion was Sectored out sf order l,v PteaMsat Adralu. When the bills wor- dually taken up for action lt wns known tba* Thompson mid lil. friends had meeeeded In lh>ir efforts to get more votes, senator Mokes then made another effort to g.t n public heel lng bj moving that tho bills be recommitted for .hat purpose, lie sailed for Hie yeas aid nay* ea his moiton, and lt was defeated. In vot? ing against this motion Senator Berrett, ". Essex, said he was against the bills and lu teiid-d to vote against thei'i, but he wu* also against all kinds of delay. Senator Mar-h, of I'nlon, thought the hearing th mid bs grnnt.d and so did beuton Shins, of Mercer, and Rogers, of camden. The latter said that Hie dl-.gra. -ful proceeding was Intensllied by the fact that lt was \v.i?hlngTon's Birthday. The lir-t of (he three bills was then read s second time. Tho OjnrntfOB of suspending Ihe rules BS thut the bill could hs taken up at once on gas] passage BOW anse, and the roll Was nenin ra Rfd. The senators voting to saspead the rules and sh iva tho 1,111 nlong were Adltsttt, r.ark-r. Harrctt, Hutt her, Cornish. Haiv, Inala., HlaebclUfc, Hoffman, K'.-v*!. Marlin. M. Mickle. Hitler, Perkins, Terbium and Winton. Tb.- lill was next put to a vote and passed :>s follows: Yeas?Adrala, Butcher, cornish, haly. Brahe, HlnchcRge, HoCmoa, Martin, McMkkle, Miller, peri,ins :in,i ferhane?lt. Nays? l'nrker. Hairett. Keys, Marsh, Rogers, -kirai, Smith, Stokes and Winton B. Tho two other rating bill- WOTS BaSBSi by the same, not u word sf debute occurring on them. senator Hoffman la the only Republican who voled fT tho hill*. Il" hull- from the Atlantic, and lui s.-at l- being come.led i,y the Democratic candtdata who run again, t him la-t November. The Drome tat v.uing against the bili- were M*s-r-. Barher, Barrett. K*y., Narah snd Winton. ii.ivenior Werta I- expected to reta the bill* tt> morrow or the next day. The iportltig tii.-n lu tim legislature were anxious that he sitould send hts reta message in to.lav. and ii i- reported that they urged him to do ao, but that In* got iiiiltv uni bit the .-stato lintis"'. It wt* an ult.'tupi IO loree him Into action. Th- purpose i.. If the vows cnn be held, to pam iho bill* ov.r the -taverner's head. The Hoase win sit I" morrow, and the Senate will come buck ou Friday to llnl-h up the great rai-truck Job. RAILROAD IXTERESTS. RATH RAISED BT OHIO RIVER ROADS. Chicago, Feb. ii.?A d-ctslon was given to-day by th- nibltrafors chosen to settle Hie question of pas? senger rates lu Hie territory of UH ChtsagB and ohio River ASBOriattoa. The arbitrators were A. F. Walker, tieorg.' IL Ulam hurd and l\ C. Donald, and their dei.lon ls drawn up In the form of au agree? ment which all tbe Interested mada bad previously pledged them-.Ives to accept and abide hf during His remainder of the pre-cut y-ar. lt makes no refer? ence to tl..* rasia! troubles, but slmpiv provides rules for the regulation of future bu.!ne-s and the pres? ervation nf harmony. .The rites are itxed un a higher basis Hum was expected. Theos are Chicago to cincinnati, uulimlt.-d, gg ?o: limited. US. Chicago tO Louisville, unllinlt.-d, i.,?; llmif-d, UR', chicago to Indianapolis unlimit.d *f_ _0; limited, pi. From Chicago to Dayton the r_t<* |., advanced to ?7 50 aud to Columbi.* 1*. BABB, Ail the old are re? stored on mileage ilck-ts anti -p.-ciiil rat-s for parties of len or more. In fact, the srhttrators have put t,.i-l* iii eSmH prior to ?!__ 1 ST, il.t laniig that they s;lw . lov. hail-. Provision ls ii-.-] of Hckete ll mud ls re.|uir>'d to the commissioner of tho ,i I. i.*l* inpllon*. The ;u llllllol* Road ts a *.. ihe anaectattoa a l.efore The lldvullC-d .? Hatch 7. all rate* hack to " out break of the i no reaooa for a. mnde lu th- agra found on the [nail. .. plat eil *!*J.COO ttl 111- , BBSOCtatlOa to be nppi fart that th'* I'l I. re- ll party to 'lie ngn-n.' strength lt tii'i noi i rates are to b'*> OOM ' INDIANA RAH.HOADS On A STAY. Indianapolis, l-l.. BsV-ThS railroad tax BBSS was nguiu before the supreme ('our! of Indiana >o.terdiy. Counsel for the railroad cn syaatas appeared beftire the eourt tuid asked tor a slay of proceedings umU the cass Kiiild hs SBJftsi to the Siiprenie Court of tbs lulled States and there passed iiimhi. The slur was ii salad, and with it a writ of error. Ia effect Hi- gnat of the stay of proceeding ls to prevent Hie eollectlon of taxes due?#1,000,OOO a year und more?until a final decl.lon. SHORT ROITE. CHK AHO Tt) ST. LOl'lS. Danville, HI,, Feb. CiL?Arrangements were pen, feeted Inst night at Ro-svllle by which the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad ls to build a connecting line from Rossville to siddi, in this county, giving that road an almost direct line from Chicago to St. Louis, surveyors begun driving grade stakes this morning. AN INTERNATIONAL ROAD BEOl'N. San Antonio, Texas, Feb. '_*_.-Tbe Portland, BRM and Monterey Railroad Company, which proposes IO build a ralli-ond trout Portland, Texas, to Monterey, Mexico, lias begun the work of grading. The Una when completed will .shorten the distance betwteen, Eastern points and tbe dty of Mexico folly ROO r"~