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1\mn5cmcni8. A CA IT MY OP MI'SIC-8? Th* BIseR Crock. AMBEI'.*' THEATRE-H :15-Trr_!i**n. lii.uri' THEATRE I BB?A Beeta-R Fid. BROADWAY TH r.ATRI-'.-:-?Ninety Day*.; Ml'SIC HALL?10 a. m. until 10 p. m. Tite Base Relier?. CARINO -oil.', -lencine Ma.ter. COU* Mist's TURA THE?S -Tho New Smith. DALY'S i 111... li'.E-ll-Lenten MUBBSI 1 HA TusRHl Night. 1 Pl N Vl'.-I.E-The World In Wax. EMPIRE 'i'MEaTRE-8 l_-lhe oirl I l.'tt B.hlnd Me. P1PTR AVENUE ART ?iALLl.I'.ll'.*-_-D_y and Eveotag Fiee l.Milbilion. i.Altin % THEATRE?S-The MonniPbnnk*. i,KAMI on:.l.t. IIOITBE g The Pian,ond Hre_.--.rr. IIAltl'.i*. v-N .-* THEATRE-B-MuUlgaa ounr*-*1 Ball. HA1U.I.M OPERA HOUSE-* :1*-Ole?ioas. HERRMANN'S THEATRE-S l.'.-lii ml ditz. HOY'rs MAR-ROE SQUARE TIlE.\TI'.lv-_ 30-A Trio -i CMaatesm. RORTER ft HI M/S ?-Vaudeville. LENOX LYCM M_-Conceit. LYCRI M THEATRE I ll ISMrimai ihlWfl MADISON SQVARE t.ARDi.N-D a. in. to 10 p. m.-D"? bli. t*.. Ml sit HAI.L-L* :?.-( oti'.it. PAtiMEIl*8 JIII.AlT.K-_ :20-L.dy Wln-:crm're*i Fan. -.TANDAHH THEATRE* 8 15-1'iie Spoitsman. STAR Till Air,i:-yi5-uii pn,t>_tou. TONY PASTOR'S THEATRE?S-Vaudeville*. I7R10N SQUARE THEAii'.i: --_ :1_?Pw Revenue Only. UTI. STREET rilEATRE?**?'Tbs Mantoga spectre. -Jillie*: lo _\i._t_i'ti3ciii-iUc l's rs. lim. i-,_. tol A*_ll_eil__:.t_ .ll 5_j lietel* . Si "> Auniinn eire.-iU . ..12 i Insuucton. ? 8-4 An. in.. s.,i,. j;,.,i ILegol Natiees. s .'? Esuti* ... _ f, I.) i and Hm nd .li 1 P-nkcr. ft Rrokers. ll r_* m.,-:.ages v Deaths. 7 0 Rosine*- Chances ri .', M i-c 1 ai:"* "i- .ll S-u Ito-u,.*.* N.,t! e- .. li lj..|ls.c||ineo'_S ... .. B I Dividend Noire- li 2'Mull-al Ins'.rumcnta 8 .'? lu".-,-!, i-i,j. . li Sl.Xen Publications.... ? a tum -i situations '',?,-*,; Hteaniois.ll '.a w.u.t J . . 7*8 ,'*,,,?,',,1.. ll 2 Exrursicu. S 11 Res I Estate . s .', Flusiiclal .ll I Ital!toad* .1! Ai FlPBOrtal I lt ellon- ll S.peilal Not:.,',. . 7 ti Fleam a| Meetlngs..ll l Skuambo ts .ll 2 Pm *-i I. '.? ?'* Teaeher* . x ) Hors-.. *, ti.'iii.'..- ii 2 Winter Resorts. . . II - - *; Ca Tis Ces :? -1 W Ik Wiviitcl. !? 5. ti CllOillfQS _\*0tlCC8. I.oi.L Top Desks And Office FcftNlTORE. i.nni Variety d style ana Price. 'J'. Xi. Mellew, No. ll I I-"it n--t.. N. Y. ? I'RiiH nj. It-Ud- jo mah. Subscribers, Bingil l year. Cmus. Hmo*. 1 nie. copy. psiiT. 7 dny_ ? week... ?!?> t>0 __ on ._ *i0 Ol 0<> . l?iiiy. ?ith..iit Sunday. seo ((hi ?_? oo 90 _<i_. *?'"dav ninnie. g 1*0 100 00 _ ?*. ct?. WeeklT Iril.uire . 100 . Beti ten,1.Weekiv Tribune.... '-' 00 . Set*. Jil,,;,- Montait-.. 2011 .25 ctn. I',,- jr-e prepaid nv The Trfbaos except a* hereinafter state J. CITY POSTA.1E.?Tbs la***- ..quires 'hi" a 1 cent me-tag. etai'ip in- sfiv. f. every rmuy ot liie naiiv. gundar. ,.r Semi-weekly Trlbuae, malled for locsl debvery ls ROW'Terh lit*, 'lins |)o.tae(? rnu-t lie naid by sub s r bel Hider* are b'tt.-r .er. ci bv buying their Tr Icine froai .-? newsdealer. FOI'.KH.V PDRTAOE.-Te all foteien count-v. (except 'stiadtt nun kl ea Ire . :i rents o ropy "" The Sunday T-l*'".,*; 2 .em- a , .-.j., v- ?n Dslly Semi-weekly arid weekly. Titi* p>aus. mn.t i*c mM by_lubserloer. BEM I TTA N' ls. -Kendi bv l'_*t_l Order. rVpre*., Orri er. ChO'k, Draft, or l.cristcrcd Letter, C*.st, on !'_*t.v! Raia, if sent pi an umvflVverod letter, srUI ho at Um (.t-ner'- i'*k. BACK NrMRF-R*.?Poe B-i-k N'uir.tVr* nf the Daily and Rando* paper*, inor_ Hun u moth ,,'d. an ex'.ru price ls charred ea aeeaaa. d the cost of ?t,,rii?c. _%ti?3_trrk Dmli) Sritanr. FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2S, iso:?. TWELVE PAGES. Till: SEW* THIS M0RN1XQ. Foreign.?.a dow Cabinet ams f?*rm.*tl In Perta gal, witli Sontag I.i>??*ir_ _s runic Minister uni Mini-t--r of Foreign AUairs. : ",?? Tlie I'i ij:'*.-.--. Kaiulaiii of Hawaii Bailed from Liverpool fat thin country SOI t'uo Teutonic. _r^ TIM Pag-ia tucntavy alsation f?*r tlie north, rn division of Moatli was won by Mr. Cil'in-v, tlie atili-Par bellite eiii),|i(i;.te; Mr. Whitely, Conservative, was <*i.*eit>,i la Stoekaort ta BBgaaul 1/mi* J. Jen* ataaa, sra Hilton Borfcar, of tlie failed lm of *?. H.irk.*r A Co., coiiniiittcl Bakide in aa English railway cullin*,.'.-= ('ran*.', societies in the north af Ir--luii. 1 were >aiti to be prepaiiag for forolbk n'sistiinc.' la Il"tii'* Pule. (tin_i,-s*.?Doth Hunses la s**ssion. ??.-- S.-nat*^: \V;i*liiiii:tou'rt fnr?'well address was read; the Sun? dry Civil Appropriation lull was passed. -___^_ Haass: 11m sU-nlgM sesstaa Bdjanraod at s a*. I*"*!- a. ni. : a! tho Wiilnestlay's .-w-ssinn tlie Iiuliait Ai?prti|iri:i!ioti bfll -TRA paawd; Mr. llsit**li H. call tip the Anti-Option MIL D' in.--tie? President -*?'*?< I I ftovehuid sananatMt. tll" eo!lr|iitli<U <if lll? t':ilu!l**t bj* lin" SC-leCtioii of Hilary a. Halbert, of Aiaiiama. i*?r Seeretary of tlie >ay, ami ICtebard Oin*",', al Massacliu?(.'tt.s, f'r _-t(i-B-iJ Clfl-fisl ?' "rr- 'J he rtulroails iu tho Midill" ami N*'vv-i".ii>laiid States WON badly grip* pied ?'.',' tin* sn,,v..t "im. sssi1.. Tho three raring bills wm* pa*-**'ii ly ihe Kew-Joisejr Sonata; it is Bl Booted, tiovertior Worts will veto tlu'iu. r - Ono life aaa l".t ami twenty-two people WUtt injiH-Kl in a wreck on tho Fort Wayne l.ail io:nl, in Indian... irria The twenty-wvenfli an liuul i-iieanipnu'i.t txt the Depart'neut of N-'W V_rk. ti. A. H.. was held at Syracuse. __-^-_= In a collision sn Ibo Pennsylvania Railroad, la Phila? delphia, fun jip'.'.'.' w**r*' killed and twenty in Jatad. t,1 ir. A strike MB U'^un in ChK-ai?o 1)^ the switch Undera in the yards of the CUdSfffl and Westert! indiana FM-t OoBSrSjaajr. t'ity and Bnbarbaa. I.ea_daal Harrison r.xn np the Stars and Miip**_. on the New-Vurlt. _-_?-~ The "Southern Society had its annual dinner. ---: Thc Banna! benah show* of the Westminster Ken* ?al Clu'i w;?< coiitimted. ?ai?i The Soius of the Hevalatioa had their annual dinner, ns ?" Will? iam M. Mas asnlaiaed the canec af tho traabka nf the l:ra_il Hal] Steamship t'onipaiiy. rr ? Dis a_t**rs and siilT<rin4' at sea were reported as the result of the u*\e of Sunday last, i s brayton Ives Banda a ffgfMri reply to Edwin H. Abbott, t.f the Wisconsin Central Jlailroad. mssa Wash? ington's lVirthduy was celebrated hy various or gantBattana in different wa.vs TTie W* nther?IbSaaaal for to-day: Fnirniostof the day: aland*, at Bight, perbapa; _sodeiatlng aaaalbly. Teat-peratara yaaMrday i Highest, 83 degrees; iowest, '."i decrees; avenge, i'i 3-9. Tho widrspr. od sturm yosDitJiiy (ansel much delay to tnivol ami nnah imoiivt niiiico thrni^hotit ? lan.*' scctitm of tho counlry. The most MiK'tis result from it was a railway cil lisiun at |*Mli_flphts bctaMSn an .xjucss ainl u liStl train, which roMiltod in the d*atli of four sarsSBM and tho injury of a much Lnrger lniiiilior. Tho BTP-SRSt-tTR of tho collision i* tbat ihe cnj_iiiecr of thc expjes*. saw Ihe* danger signal, but (ming to thc icy condition of the tiselv's was nnalilo ls stop in time. Tho ob? vious infeionce fran this is that ho wai riui ninj. nt ! *o prat s|K*ed when approachm*.' tho crt-asinj;. How somo Democrats do love drover Cleve? land ! The Assemblymen of Domocnvti. faith wero thrown into a panic yostei-day by the in troduoticn of a set of rescrlntions conj-iatulatinp; thc l'rc-iidont-elect upon his coining inaiiRiii'.'i tion, and incidentally praising him for Sfpoiat* inp M(ssrs. Lamont and Hissell fr> places in the Cabinet. Mr. Otto Kempner. the recalcitrant Tammany man, was tho projector of this in noeont-soi'tnnij* lirebrand into tho Tammany camp. The result can easily bc imagined. Whether Mr. Cleveland or Mr. Kempner re? ceived tho worse snub is an open question. A handsome gift has been made to the Ked tress Association, of which Miss Clan Barton I is the president, by Dr. Joseph Gardner, of \ Bedford. Ind. It consists of a tract of improve! land containing 7***:_ acres, situated on the southern border of Indiana. The intention is that, this property shall l.e made tho head? quarters of the Red Crotv*. for which purpos-o it has many advantage*, including a river frontage of one mile and excellent railway facilities. It is an eminently worthy society which !):?. Gardner has chosen u the object of bia generosity. The Democrats in tho Assembly bsd an sc* eeaa of reason and Rood >"n**e yest, rday, and, in view of the sturdy light made by the Be publioana on Tuesday against the Peraonal Registration lull, called a halt in their plan (f puahing the Kill through regvdleaa of rules and the demands of lair play. Tlie measure has now goiio over until next Wcilne-tlay, when, it is BtipnlRted, ihe Republican* are io have a full opportunity for discussion. This is ;! triumph worth fighting for. The course of tho majority on Tuesday waa disgraceful, and it is not Burprising that the bad effect >>' such sbamaloaaly partiaan tnctica bu been pt _? ceived by the men vin run th" Legislature. Tho niiiioriiy has rights which cannot, bo safely oven iden by brute fore. Mr. Cleveland has given tho cnuritry another sm*])! iso. Tba completed Cabinet li*t wsa sent tnt from tho ** lilt lo White House" at Lake* wutul last evening. As was expected, Con? gressman Herbert, of Alabama, gets the Navy portfolio; but ihe Attorney ?Generalship goes to Mr. Richard Olney, of Boston. Mr. Olney'a name had been scareely mentioned in connec? tion with a Cabinet place, and his appointment will cause mire wonder than that ol' -Mr. lb ko Smith, for the latter was allowed to loom grad nally Into the sunlight of publicity. The s I c tion ol' .Mr. Herbert fm- Secretary of Ihe Navy is a conspicuously cxc-lli nt one. Mr. Herb rt's course as chairman ol' tiie Committee on Naval Affairs is a guarantee thai his policy sa ihe bead of iho Department will be libera] and enlightened. __m_____m__m_mmtm A SIGNAL nu: A HEW POLICY. President Harrison celebrated a patriotic holiday by raising the Anni i* an Hag over the New-York. While th" oeremoniea were de? layed by an unfortunate railway secident, the change of colors waa witnessed by a brilliant assemblage and was honored by a naval saint" front the Chit ago. The occa-a ll mai keil. a* al! Americans who love their Hag "ill hup", tho turning-point ot' the fortuna of the merchant marine. Dining recent years the United state has been raving its pennies in ucaii mail con tracts and flinging away its millions in freight? age to foreign shipowners. The raising of the flag over the New-York is ihe signal for a wiser and more patriotic policy. lt is now commonly sdmitted that ihe con? ditions are favorable for a general revival of the Nation's shipping interests. The dovelop meni of iitin and steel manufactures has been one of tho chief marvels of ihe recent indus* tris! progress of tho United States, lt ha* '!" privod English shipbuilders of that marked superiority in the construction of iron ships which they Required when the tonnage of the seas censed to !?<* largely constructed of lim? ber. The building of the new Navy ha* in? volved an enlargement of the plan' snd sn improvement of ih<* mechanical pr cesses in shipyards, lt ha* aNo reduced, a* Chairman Herbert has sdmitted in his last Naval report, at l<-.a*t 89 per cent the cost of a --hip of war. Wiih this Democratic expert testimony <*n record, what enemy of American shipping will now ventura to assert that the different ? in lirst cost between a bome-buili snd a foreign* huilt ship is ao great tbal competition is im* practicable? The building <>f the Navy bas cheapened tho tonnage coal of shipbuilding, and supplied the plant and equipment i-.|ni-it.- for tho economical c instruction of a nev. merchant licet. Moreover, the marvellous expansion of Ihe Nation's foreign commerce btu supplied a vol? ume of freighting and passenger business which encourages vigorous competition. Dur? ing the las! fiscal your thal commerce amount* -1 to 81,857,679,603, with freighting charges largely exceeding 8200,000,000, Thal is a business of enormous proportions, of wbicb American shipowners now have a beggar!, share, li is not from lack of business that the I'nited States pays thi-. tribute i * foreigp ship? owners. It is from lat lc of enterprise and ship*, and from an unintelligible neglect of shipping intereata. There ia a freighting busi? ness of extraordinary magnitude awaiting a commercial marine nnder the American flag. Tho gieat, markets opened abroad fur farra products and manufactures, the remarkable in? crease of tho Import trade by the enlargement of tba free ichedules and the favorable effecti of the negotiation of Reciprocity treaties offer a rms. favorable opportunity for the real na? tion of the. merchant fleet. Bot it must, ik4 be forgotten that while the Ant eost of an iron ship has leen greatly re? duced, and while lhere is an immense freight big business inviting American oompotition, the high seas swann with foreign ships manned by ebeap labor and to a largo degree protected by Bubsldiea snd bounties and by insurance discriminations and Lloyds' ratings. It is di* difference in tho operating expenses and in? surance of an Ameiican in comparison with an English ship that has told in ne heavily sgRinsl our matine than the difference In th" first cost of tonnage. In order to overcome tliis disad vantage and to efl set the bounties and sub? sidies of nraritime Europe the, American Gov? ernment must adopt the English policy of litt? oral compensation for mail service. The con* version of tbe Inman into tbe American line is the direct, result of ih" passage of tho Ocean Mail Subsidy set and of subsequent legislation authorizing tbe registry of two foreign-built ships, lt. denotes s reversion to timi system of enlightened adf-intereM by which England, when free trade in fi fighting was proclaimed on tho high seas, expended 8250,000,000 iu mail subventions during a single generation and created B merchant marine, an RUXiliarj navy and a c unin* rciiil empire. THE JERSEY GAMHLIXQ RILLS. During tbe campaign last fall Tun Tribfre charged that a large* fund had been raised by tbe Democratic managers iii New-Jersey for campaign use in that .State from the racetrack proptietors, the condition of the infamous bar? gain being the passage of laws by the Legis? lature now In Bession ut Trenton to legalise winier racing and belting, and to break down many of the provision! of btw that now render gambling crimes unsafe. Thia deal was en* lored int_) only a few weeks before the close of the eampeign. It relieved thi* Democratic National Committee of the necessity of spend? ing much money in Nrw-.bisey. lt, helped to cany that State for Cleveland and Wei ts. and tho fruition of it is now developing in the New Jersey Legislature, with all the attending cir? cumstances iiMial in such transac? tions. The rating crowd have put font arri gi eal, demands, but only in strict BCeofdsacs with lin* promises mad-* to them when t.hev furnished tho sidney to dec; tbs Demociatie party's can? didates. They reqoiro the passage of titree separate bills, tho c, niliined effect of which is t*) confer upon the county authorities in (adi I county tho right ti permit racing within their jurisdiction and belting on tho tracks every day in Ihe tear, lo cnalde the poolrooms to do bU_J" ness in connection with ihe tracks snd to re? duce the numbai snd degree of offences under ihe gambling clauses of the penal statute-. In a word, these hills legalise all tbat i* ii"-: degrading and shameful in ihe long li*t qi racetrack abuses. They aro absolutely inde? fensible. They have none "f the conditions which serve lo Justify the Ives Pool bill in tho minds of many respectable and intelligent mon. They do nf reduce gambling or regulate it. They do no: prated th" impecunious and speen* lative. They make it lawful !<> ii"t in tile worst forms of garni.ling, and they make lin* turf a nu an* whereby the vilest gang* of pro? fessional raftla.k "crooks.' may impudently carry on their schemes to plunder tlc* foolish public. These bills have passed both houses a! Tren? ton, lint noi wiih'.ut a full exposure of their character ami motive. Tho Demociatie man? agers have ki pt their bargain like honorable knave*. Having received thc price of the State's betrayal, they have gallantly redeemed ile ii- contract nm Ihey still have Governor Wrns to handle, There 1* little doubt that tho lacing gang received whit! iii good faith th"., regarded as his approval nf the deal before Hey paid ovei* their money. Hut tlie public "iii he Blow t" b. li.-v. that he was actually consulted, ami before tl"' idea *?f bis complicity in tho shameful compact can be tolerated he must act on the hills offered for his signature. If h.* allows them to become law, he will sign hiiiisr*]f a party lo oil" of thc vilest bargains thai ever disgraced mn* politics. POLITICAL " i.REES OOODS.n Persona tvho have conversed with Demo? cratic statesmen at Washington latelj on cur? rent politi al topics, a-, for instance, the Cab? inet appointments, distribution of patronage under the new Administratl in, silver and tarin' legislation, cte have found thom unusual*. rein "in and guarded in the expression of opin? ions about Mr. Cleveland or his policy, lt i perfeetly veil known at Washington that, pri? vately and muong themselves, Democratic Sen arms and mernie i* ?,i' Congress express their discontent and disgust at ih** general situa? tion "i'h great freedom and profane ger rulity, Most nf them, however, ate shy of committing themselves in interviews for pub? lication, and when approached on ih" subject i.nly smile a sickly smile, or iu the desperation of their distress turn some melancholy {oki. themselves. They ai" not exactly kicking, but the. sra by no nc an* H.rful. They _e**m a disappointed rather than a victorious party. They sra in the condition af bewilderment in which Judge c bb, of Alabama, tinting the bus session having, as tho Hon. "Tom" Watson alleged, more corn on than nanni, made him? self immortal by the Inquiry, " Where was I a*'.'" The. do noi mem to kn tv where thc.. wi ra si before tbe election, n< r arhat they gol by cairying it. A certain shame facednesi of maimer gives them the appearance of having been np to something 'f which Ihey sra noi I aiiictilarly pr,,ml and having g I caught at it. i aught at if. not %t -it.-, * s-ful adventure*rs o Uh full 'locket*-?theie would hav !"? n some -ni* faction iii imt a- dupis wi,., Imi tried ? ? foo. oilier 'leople, had got fooled tl" in - ll i ? and wi !?? e ming oul empty handed. Tl,.*... gentlemen, tl"1 Democratic leaden lune been engaged in a political " green g i-' gnni". This ?.?.im.- i. always played by "ii" -* f of swindlers upon am it ber. Men who nani t ..I money dishonestly, Imf don't know how an* lured Hv men win, ai*., wont i * get mots ? dishonestly, hut do know* h.nv. into a trap win!'" Ihey pill up good money for tbe purchase - f wenhN-s counterfeits, which iii*-*, ara chral cl .nu of. Hoing lie-in-- L--* engaged in a dishorn -i transaction, the. have tn* remi ly against the cunninger rascals who have cheated ile-m. They consequently, n* a rule, mal. ? nu complaint, l>"t |*ockel their losses, and iwall it. their discomfiture with what grace they may. Th.* "green go*_|s" swindler offers for a cei tain aai'iunt of the Govi rnment's genuine pr iii Ises t" pay a much larg, r amount of counter f it promisi. to pay .* i weil executed a* c. [as* detection. Tho viotinj, .quail* dishonest lm! I"*s cunning?though ho think. himself unoommordy Btnart?advaooea his hon ral money, and with goat mystery and seoreoj is furnished a package supposed !?? contain tho "green goods," <r rounterfcH stuff, Afcassf. diatance he opens les package and finds?noth* ing hut brown paper. If, iu Ins Indignation :h being swindled be looks for a remedy be suddenly linds that there is none; ihat thc law affords lcm ii ? satisfaction, ami thal if be makes public hi* misfortune be will only be laughed at for hating been himself duped in an enterprise in which In*, undertook to dupe tither people, lt is a CRSC of lin* biter bitten, and all he can do i* t ' keep still and conceal both his mortification and hi* loss, The chicago Convention was in spirit and purpose a "green goods" enterprise, Its lures, in iho form of counterfoil promises, advertised io I,,* so like the genuine ni appearance a* i , peas anywhere undetected, were pul ont iu ??very direction. Democratic politicians knoa ing them lo he bOgUS itlV.r-.ted in th.-m : .1 I \anced largo sums of ni uu-v lo toke them up and pul them in cimilatl -a ii"t t i i," re doomed, hut to victimize a confiding public. They elected Mr. Clevohtnd. Since thal transaction was consummated they have I.n gradually opening tin ir ( ii ,<*t hags ami |,\ degrees examining the "green goods" upon which they were expecting to do a profitable business for four yens at thc public ogponsc. They don't find even Iho grot ii goods, li's mostly brown paper. So far nothing thal has tl" semblance oven of "green goods" except Car li*le?a manifestly genuine one dellar bill. Ami they sro estopped from kicking. The;, know the gun" or though! the. .Ii.l. and Instead of fouling other people have themselves been fooled. That's why they BK nit talking ninth iii public. And that's why among themaeli * ihey anil it a ""' Smith Cahill.'), and Iho whole business a "hom- pocus" performance. NOT A CONSPIRACY. The assertion of Chicago papers that thora is a conspiracy in New-York t.. Injure the Columbian Esposition i* probably meant ._ be taken only at a huge discount. And yet il doubtless does seem h-ss ridiculous there than it does heie. Chicago is certainly in a rather sensitive, oandition just now, inn thal is nit unnatural. Communities anti individuals en? gaged in enormous undertakings of a novel character rarely fail to feel tho pressure, an.I frequently respond to it, in a nit, altogether hoc,,ming manner. Chicago, it is true, set aliinit the task of .tenting a World's Fair under a folio im? pression, ;,?d |,;,s never got entirely rid of H. Tiie belief prevailed thew that New-York was deeply ehsgrined and dissppointed. That was an No such state of mimi predominated here. It. was, to be sure, Bomewhnl bewilder ing ami perhaps mortifying to tut lite claims and offers of tho nwtrqpolis bo easily anti ?]<* ci*i\e!y rejected hy Congress, hut then was noi anv general feeling of profound n gret thal tin* honor which bad been spelled foi had been j awarded t/i another applicant, nor of hostility j to t,.io sm ("s-riii c impetitor. la toot tbeis bad been nothing like n universal sentiment behind our application, Snd as time wont on a sense of relief nt our oscspe from sn onerous, however honorable, burden grew stronger rather than weaker. The attempt to make political capital for a subsequent campaign out <*f tho business by h hiing certain petty leadors responsible for what wa- called "the loss of tho Fair" was a failure. There is no leas rn to suppose that a hundred v sos trew gained or lost in thal way. Il is true thaf for a Cine there was a good deal of not very brilliant jesting in New-York news? papers at Hie alleged expense of Cbieego, and thora was some sharp ami Justifiable criticism of the way ia which tin* col ass] undertaking was initiated. Hut dui ing the last year the admirable character of the work dom* in prepa? ration for tho Fair has been cordially snd In? telligently recognised by the press cf this city and by all who have had the chance io ex? amine it. anti at the present moment wo do not believe that a single citizen of Now-York is openly or secretly cherishing a hope that tho result ol' this luig and arduous labor will bo less iliiiii magnificent. Our Chicago br; Huon fail, we think, to make a pieper allowance for th" fae! that, a public enterprise of great magnitude never ena bo carried to completion without giving rise to misunderstandings which ii would lie desirablo io avoid, snd cawing complaints some of which at hast are honestly believed to he just by those who make them. Such an undertaking necessarily develops a great deal of friction and involves ii"! a few mistakes which aro , ,'?' "dingly grievous lo those who sillier hy Hu m. Ami complaints are much stirer of pub? licity than eulogies. They ai * inevitable, anti ii j* wi-" fm- th.,se at whom they ero direct? ed t" bear them philosophically, as part of a -aeiiliee which ha* been voluntarily accepted. On the other hand, a disposition to pick flaws in tho huge and complicated lalo ic "f an In? ternational Expoaition ought not to lu- unduly indulged. Eagerness to find fault i* not only discourteous hut unpatriotic, when the credit of ihe country is involved. Criticism which aims at improvement is legitimate aid may be valuable, bul carping il'""* a greol deal mot'1 hann than god. lt is frequently mg* ? -td. fn- example, ihat our Western breth? ren sre making elaborate preparations ta ex* i.-it the las* dollar of iu tits \\ ih" Ex? position rsn be made to yie'd. Very likely Iii'' pt'ciuiiaiy ju-, spei-is ara kept pretty steadi.j in view. Tiny generally ore. We do not inp I. that ii th*- Koli wera ta I"- held hera in New-York self-sacrifice would be the tn *' ros ipicuous feature "f tbe lime. Hui neither d'* wo suppose thai Chicago is going t ? be a den .if thieves on and after May I, We confi? dently believe that there u-ilLbe mora hos? pitality than rapacity there, i 1*1/1 thal mosl "f the discomforts and disappointments which may have to be endured villi I"* dwi t.. tho conditions whi'h the execution *f every such projci t inn.* ju ? duce. 77.) 1 AM I I I I Tibs. Iii tin* *-. tnt.* un Tuesday Senator Hale, of Maine, called attention 1 * the fad thal under the prevailing system of "general pair*.*' be? tween members "T opposite partio-i it i* impossible lo gel a voting quorum in the S li? sle, though many mora than en ugh io mn ?' a quorum are in and about the Cupit il. lh* -cl n had I"' "tu'* a common practice .or Si ',rds wh,. are paired 1 n gem ral politii il .|,I.-.ii.,ii - iii dei lim- to .'?!?? on any proposition i\hate, er, even tb ugh n Involves no question ? I a politii il 11 itu". This abuse *>f the _ys 1. m ul pairs has reached a polnl where it in? terferes seriously with tho transact j a of busi* ii---. ami is especially felt al Ihe presenl time, .then only a fow days remain of th** se_*i n ami the frequent taUura of a quorum retards husiiit **. --natur Hale's remedy for this is there li" a general understanding among Senator- that the general pan* between mem? ber, of opposite parties apply only to tho Luge [io!i; issues, and that mi all ordinary quos* lions 0very Senatoi present shill v, i . wbetbor 'toired or ii"t. Frem the point of view of -.?iiatms ,,'i the tl-ur. responding t.? tho roll rail and vainly wrestling against the absurdi? ties <>f custom, system, tradition, usage and lived mles i 1 transact bnslnes**, tho propooitj 'ii of Mr. Hale .simus t?? afford au adequate rora* t'ly. Hm as it bringa und. r discussion tli" whole system of paning and the principle in? voked, we venture a suggestion of wider ap? plication. Tho practice of pail ing is purely mathemat? ical?thu arithmetical process of cancellation hy which au equation may he reduced ti* its lowest terms through tho elimination of op* posits factors. It is evidently a good thing. Why 11 t extend It? That is. why not am* nd the mles sii thaf tbe paired members shall count iu constituting a quorum, and then let permanent palra be announced by which sn equal number "f members fr*?m each party shall lt" cancelled tor a whole st..inn or a wholo Senatorial tenn';' Uv this process a con* lidcrable number of members of both Houses would be I*'ft at liberty t<? attend to their pri? vate business affaira at lu bm as many <?f them d 1 now?without any blame attaching to thom for neglecting tho Intercats of their constitu? ent-*. It would al*" temi ttl the dispatoh of business by removing from tho floor?particu? larly "f the House of Representatives-?a ?<>n rfdcrnblc number of persons who in tho exist? ing condition 1 f affairs only go wandering about in an aimles. way. obstructing tho aisles and passages'and making unnecessary con? fusion, lt arould simplify tho business of legis? lation, and few of them would h" missed. The political equation would remain unchanged, only reduced to Its lowest terms. lt may be said that n more direct way to reach this result w< uld bo to reduce representa? tion, but n 1 enlightened constituency now en? joying the high privilege of hiing represented nt, \\ ii-hiiiglon by Sn. si al 1 -man of superior gifts selected by it* mosl enterprising and suc? cessful saloonkeepers will ever listen to tbal proposition. No, the helier, indeed the only practical, remedy for the existing e\ils of ob lentoeiim snd pairing and the Increasing bulki? ness of legislative bodies is Io legalize t|,(. sys? tem of cancellation end establish the practice of peinianent. pairing, liven then there, would romain the possibility of business being ob? structed indefinitely by some statesman with loose month iintl large lung power who might refuse to !>" paired. In that casu it would l>e necessary?and it could probably I"* d.with vmy little difflcuity-to pass ;'i constitutional amendment establishing a permanent pair for him imd giving hun indefinite leave of ab? sence. The tlOUblS With Congress is putty much tho same as thai described by the thoughtful citizen of au Interior town, who ri marked : " There Rle about 500 dog* in this town and IBO could do all the business." ^^"""^^^*^^^** TUE DEFECTIVE dress sin: it H.-miis that a Kansas City -gewspaper, boom* -that v:i_iieiy described as "mir Ssaart Air*, eon. temporary,*1 hits made hume _<irf of a more or lom f<_>ii-.h remark eoooerniai the alleged itm i.llity nf many men in that Iowa to dispose, oat ir faetorily to tbeaaselves, *.f their hinds tvlUlo wearing a fulbdieaa salt, This we Bather from "Tbs Kansas City Pulliidiinn." which lays it_ own cont, os it wore, and SSSSBsUa BSSSalt ainu battery upon its esteemed contemporary. After lirst denying the chars-re that Kaasss I ity men when " wearing fall dress" hn<l themselves ??with a largo stock ol hands in their possession which ihey don't knew what tq ?!" with," "Th') Palladium" malo** a half a lm issi" fi of its troth, hut adds that they know "what to do with them ic* w-ii aa men anywhere." Thou it boldly opens an interesting Inquiry hy asking -what in thunder a Bctf-reopeeting umbi is going to di with his nacSla anyhow when logged ""t in. evening iln-ss :"' After iii!, dons not the slightly violent inquiry of "Tli" Palladium" rennin that romnion hat f;ir from fattening nourishment known ns food for :? What can even a man who isn't ?eif-rcapeetlng do with his hands while Immure'] in a diem snit? " Let 'em hung, of course," j will iv tho reply of tho Quick and penetrating I reader, and, no doubt, that i-* the best thing he r;m tlo; hut it occurs to us Hint it shouTd not he sn. The dress suit is doffctix-o; it is be? hind the age; it does not meet tho requirements of civilized man. The man who can wear a dr.*s. suit and l"t his hands hang anti swing about without experiencing a "?en-re of discomfort shows an instance of atavism. Man originally, of eour-tC, let his hands dangle and whip ahoiit hint ia every passing wind, [fe also af" hie food mw nnd lived in n. cave willi dark tooma, and per? haps a family in the next cave willi children. In Ciis primitive condition of life man had hut little tn do, so li-* did not fiiil it difficult t<> look after his banda, even if he hud no place to jut Hiern, lint i's he advanced he bed oth.r thin';-* to take up his attention B__d thoughts, and relief from the constant strata of attending to his hands became Imperative. A place where his benda could repose in comfort while his active mind continued to wr.*stle with Important problems was reen to h.* a noeesoity. The result was the Invention of the trousers pocket, the natural home of tho haman mascu? line hands. Woman, ii"! having any freights' thoughts like man, and consequently being free tn look lifter her bands, baa navet developed any pockets for them. One of tin* Hoist difficult pP.Homs which thc s'l'-ntist has to encounter is why man, after having through I'***"-"' "fears "f erolntl n devel? oped ;i satisfactory pocket for hi* hands, should deliberately 'jive it up in tho drem suit. Tor ih" trousers "f th*' drem .'iit, not always, of '".*..-, hit in a majority of ri*..*, wo think, t iking tin* country :i-> a whole, BP. entirely want in!- in pockets, or tiie p tfkets are rudimentary, <?r lh.",- sro placed in such :i position that it i* hnr !>-r Work to knap. Ci'* hands i.'' them thin it i- tn attend to them outside, "f fours.' Ihe nen who puts on a dr.-- -nit every evening Bl 8 ,ii lock becomes in time BCSSBteUMd to this unnatural condition in a measure, snd eveo ap? pears trjtlitfl xxl h.* eri.,' while his hands nre loosely swaying at his sides. Hut even in lo rasa it i* I ii ."iv th" nppearanee of ease, aui hi* fhtiurht. fr*"|ii*i'itlv revert tn his former peck.'f.**l state. Mut in the ca***- "I the HMM vvhn w.-rir** lu* dress *.-iit utily half a dosen or a dojen times n year the positive misery Invotred iu suddenly lia' ing a pail "f orphan hands tilt i pori l.iin 1* si won -onsldersbl-* aird ii ? .nth if is intense, It is hick of trousers |,.'-'-e!s i,,r bis hands which makes a man for* ? ,i tli,- :.I things he was going to ss. in hi* iiff.i-liii!!"r sp- -.'ch *. bs thinks of them easily enough the n**vt day when be ran gel rid of lu* hands. It is tba mental strain ol getting alon.' without trousers poekets whieb ently hriii'_* ;i tiiin home from an enter (miine rt in ;i i.? I .-? ? * i ? 1 ? t loll, wiii-ii hi ? vvii.* tuolisbly si rlbes t" drink, when perhaps be hasn't had but Ave or -ix km I* ol wine, willi :i little brandy and a miscellaneous Liqueur ur two. Statistles ihow lim! only one young mao In a thousand ean ..mfully propose marriage in a dress snit, tbe difficulty being solely tin* iiiunu'it of attention which his* demand, lt i- hard, ol course, tor a woman to understand tin* tiling, never herself having f*'lt Ibo need fi a suitable retreat f*>r h**r hands; bat womeo ure going to discover when they eome to vote, and t,, innes distant islands, not to mention lean? ing to ploy |HtU.-r, that ih.-v will hiive to have -:,,r.i-.* foeilitlea fnr then- hands, or bs left ii: tho political r:i'*e. Mi-. I_*n-?? r**-*o*-*ilsed this, ami had not tb-* rumored approach of crinoline caused h>-r to withdraw, she would have gone Into the Senate with little outside velvet pock* ??is for ber banda hanging ip'tn bet waist by a end. If our Kansas City contemporaries erm work n reform In the tire? sun aa regards pockets, it will i?" the proudest Journalistie feat of the year. ______________________*? Tin- Pr-oldenl*. 1 New-York yesterday en an most congenial to lu* feeling! Throughout his t.-rm "f office he has shown th ? g****nt**sl possible. Utterest In tho restoration of the nation's chipping inter,'.ts. In messages and public speeches1, in season and out "I se,ison, be bas been the eloquent advocate "f tba American commercial marins. l*robnb.y no other public question of his term luis occupied a larger share of his attention and interest. Ile was the moot delighted sad appreciative spectator of the ceremony of raising tbe American Hag over th" New-V-rk. Mr. Pat Sheedy, pugilist, has dons hu*, '-est to render the answer to the question, "What fat a gentleman?" more perplexing than ever. Mc Sheedy is report'-.I as remarking that bia profeo* si.mal brother Corbett is "a perfect geatieauui but crooked." The Banal men of nuflalo?-eat) their name is legion?an ol the opinion thal the proposed trolley will prove cheeper than either horse or steam power. So "The Buffalo Express" reporta It is to be hoped Hun the trolley system will have :i fair trial at BU early day. If it meets the inst expectations if cannot be utilized too soon. Tli" caaali need all the help that can be given them at thus stage of their history. Judge Jackson wis confirmed on Saturdav, a* :i nutter of course. There was not even the formality of s vote In the Senate, li would hiive iieeii passing strange If members ot bia own pany bad voted against him simply beeaase be waa nominated by a Republican. Mr. Harriaoa violated nb precedent m making the nomlnatlou when he did; iii fact, he followed numerous precedents, om*, at least, of which waa eat ih Uahed in 1801, when President ll dams. Ova weeks before Hu* close of his term, nominated John Marshall as Chief Juatiee. The Domination of Judge Jaekoon was in overy way praiseworthy, ami it iis-n confirmed without a single objection. ???> ? A friendly jury lu W.iles which tried n horse thief brought in the verdict, "Ws Bad that tbs Ullin who stole the horse xvas not guilty." "The Buffalo Cesamereial" la reminded of thia story by the acquittal af Duggan, who wag indicted for altering Mime af th?> Buffalo election returns lt is evident that a Large number ut the reputable oltiaena "f that city agna with "Tho Contine. dal." Mayor Gilroy is Mag R0 time in his prepara tiuiis ta get rid of the City Hall, and if the peo? ple of New-York want to stop him they munt Imitate bia alacrity. Judge Gresham declaim thai hs will have nothing to <i<> with office seekera itt this time, of Course it is wis., imd proper for bim ta keep out, i-f the IC-amble, but why shouldn't bs commend s lew Populists to Mr. CJeveknd's f*vor_b_e conaideratiofl f The Municipal Unii,linn r__RIRl_BSO||-M are _oi,i_ ahead with their plans for scenting a now cti* !1,H 7l ft ?? "f I.!<> MM just M tho,,.,, thara had hoe,, no emphatic expramlon of nul.ll.v ^?"""?"tM, favor of l-avi,'. the vene,.hi,. ,;,,?,? """"!? ""'? P*rtlal plana have been arranged for a^ilding ahoat 850 by ;i:,n ho.. ?, ii,,(Mi ,*?,?. , tiona, ??d ahogt ISO re.... i? heiRT,t. A bu.i lu. sf that BhM amy bonsedad te meet tbs demands of the city Beyaad quostloa tho ono site for it. if it is to b. In the ruTT* 1 Park, is not that where the City HallV.IL*** the silo Of the Court House, the l?i____> Tweed's rasoajity. and tho land adjoini-Tv* building in which the Tweed Ri"? rank _u ? ooo can he spared, lt, has nothing to ' lt to popular approval, whit* the City H ,ni<Bd delight to the eye and mind of every ssa S * sees it. Some taxpayer ou^ht to brlag tk- o*** tion into court at once. ***? lt ls "Tho Springfield ]_-puhl'can*? wjj. . joys the distinction of bein, the ffio,t tfd* appreciative of all the admirers of Hold* s i*k It explains that " Hoke stand* !0r the South*^ Smith for the North, and Hoke Smith J^ 9 retinite<| country." If Smith lias sot tho _ monts to pr'?ve this no one els* ne?t1 -xtr-wi**' (ret the Presidential nomination (,f the -w eratic National Convention of '?.,.. it wuj^^ Hoke by acclamation. ' * W m rn A bill providlag for ii reformatory for ju-rm]* is now pendine iu the Legislature of Xortil -W liru. The fae! that the penitentiary uf tu State contains 'HiO convicts under taaatf i> of age ami fifty-eight under bfteea puhttt SSS ought to be sufficient to secure tho pn_M " iniaiiimoin vT aw _-,. -. passage of the measure ny a ???Tintara __i? On.- cannot think without horror of Um Maa mt up with tough oki n__ Om* cannot, think withotii .. ,,,;., otli'iiders being shut up With to:i_ii oi*J pjwj hirds. _ PER SOX A L. Mr. Mort to, vii', hm ;-?<?:! selected is-Vtretaria Agriculture under tb. new Ail mini-t rn timi, b_?i_v i-,i ',,1 l>, III,- I:,,lv vv I,), I. ll,,\C lils .If., ul... . ...c., ,..- ,,,,-.., .... ,,< .* ........... -?,,,,,,,.,, UX-DW, *_ ?agog lo tin- linly 'vim I- now hts \vlf_ v.u,.n .h. _ fourteen yi-urs ..f np- and ii,- *, _?.; i*.., .* not linnn -d nu ive years toter. ** JohR K. Kassell's declination of a Ciblnn p?_. :i,u, before !:?? sailed fer Europe, -tnt m pM\\r\ Hutt "Tiie Booton <?!**;._'?' doe_ not beUns t_?t _, cnn be iiei-ii.'iil*'-, tu ih.r: ".',? his mrnA. [\\ ij?1_ nail n physician's ord* r w.i-e -ly, n .,., ^ Ji*** fut Bot BceepltRg HM in nor ^m i|!iurlers w Illili !:?? lin- OCCOgled so iii.iny yaSBA .^ Hi" Prince toll ta keep up l;K eamtam ,,1 gola., nually to tbe watering-place, u v.mii. u* a L loss to tbe ii'il I* BBd li'iit-l proprietors ot nil tn ii, tboossnds "f per-ons ure iMc,,. ?_,,?, . _ t Mum film's pr.?nee. II- iv III spend s-w-ru'e lu Letpstg os io* x\i? >? io Kb__Ln**-B mt mut, * rriiK-e Bl ? ma.-cli bas ieeMsd to pay Us usim ?_ tn Ktaalngen next mininer, snd Ins enp*?<i .^. .|'"-s winch I:.- lin- occupied s"i many ypnr... -u^y ustoni gt goiu4 -^ Sftt lw\, r-S Tbs .scli.'ine <tf ih.* CMcsgo <-iiil<ir.*n to par ?*,(. p'-iiuy subserlptlmis fur Hu* ? i-i lion of a ?f?tat to linns Christian Andersen mutes ???|:,,. fmRta chi'i.iilcle 'I', l,_i'r.|,li'' t, ur.-, Hi,, lam* Mrs upon SI juvenile sdmlrers of lbs itory-teOer m __ clunk) ORT. "* BSwari Kv oreti Hali* will deliver tho .o-lcatcn ii'Mr*-.* ulien Hie li"-vv building of Kio M !__. moils Library i_ formally opened. ^^ Tb_ asarsrs nf Barns tosh Bdvaatap sf Itt a. iinnty of UM son nf ev lieiniei c-i-iii i? j?n_ _jj largs -'nus of iiK.ri.-v" at hl_!i nii'i nf Interest mho, ii tbs kaewlrdga *tf iii* bithsr. When (ht bi Ibe full extent ol tin. Iso. Although Verdi li- s d'* ta te ? mirquli, ht ulr.-iKly BOJOI'S B S'"**l immy oilier honors. Ho a a (..mni.miler of Ibe Legion cl llaasr, a momba Ol I " Ai mli'lill.- th--, I.e.iiiv .\r.t ha, Hi. (rnB> ( m s if ih,* ltusslati Order of *t. iTntiilssi; U | li rand t?flic.*r nf the Order ol t'?. Crows *4 Italy, .?,.?.,.,.* the tinier nf Uwnsol and tho Amtitfi Urges ol 1 rm:.. .l">Nep!i. ?MHHM^MM?H_. the tala oi tue dat. Thangi Hu* e aslag AdmloUtrsttQa is yet rsBSggfl to _.iy ? .'iilii-y,.!-!"-, tbs lit* if.I.-.? Bboal H?ko .smtu, lniv-iy th,- oatpat "f On- loksamRb, baa _ir._<_. om cum.* vni.."i snd Mten-dve. Aod ll boom hrisss dry* sodas! -!" il-l *i ? i'i" ??'. stake a rolli-rtloa sf Hn-'tiu, be wilina not I,.- troubled bj any laek ol uiaioruii, so i ii- they .ii'-. r-.i.' John?What, _t'.3 itsdytng, Rettlsl TUe. ?lv ? vi.ii :,.iitl I.-.-.,ii- in lerirn, I lear. Neill. Ve*, imi.- Joan, ifcey sro bssd tt* lum, bat ti,.ii. yon know, tbey ar? awfully assy :o RRRRm** llluslnll miU-ript, A ttOTS in a QesrSjS haSSlM dbsjlayi tho Mowing tltixx: ?? Axe>baadles, uik, is-u.s and skuas.' Tho Unman I'S rod OT SralflT I'lirtrnr-Broimett'l nm nus I..** ii running o little too !"ii9'. I iiunk. .luiii'i- Psrtoer tines- we'll bnvt to Mt nfttT him. Brownetl never lettie* except wbea MasBnM up.? lludlanspoHs ?' vrasl. Tlie nl'l bud !?tvv.eii rain and AM mn_t ba ended. At a reseal leltglwi gstSerlsg in Londoa, vv. s. Caine, M. v., utuAo on addreai sa tetiip.'r_nci, v.!.iie w. i.. a:."-i acted si pi--siiiii:- sdMsr. ,\ i. i unii- A,iii 'I it.--Kiora -Why atet Mn. Vi 'nester InsarlalJ. wear wblte t!,l* scisinl Dora Ob, bodn'i you keerd Ihsi le-r --.i.noo v_.*s wa* broken I And nMte, J si know, I* lbs uu-tirola. i :??!? (or i kins, fi'ogue. Bayi "Tlie Chrlatlafl InqoJ-er": "Minti m*rlt U a siodestly lii'ltieu i'l rountrj panaasgn that those mia ? aler b^otsry degt.- rannol perretve lt till - ****? i- coUed to s prominent ct.j chnreh. tixen tiwi recognlss lils wortb si once. Tl_ tatt mat ol Dr. Howard Oroaby ao doab, i- worthj ol bonor, but bi inip'ii inv.' stayed lo flwn-ylvsnto all hu- IR. pt0-*, nmi n.-v.-r received a SoetorsM la dlvl_-tr. l>* bs prc:ic!iiti Ms lir-t lenasa ll BSMM ?*-? -H Kmirth Aveone Cbarch, Intoyetti Cotlegi ru_h-d ta ^iv,* tbs iagrss. a rte., ttroag rhorek i- oft,*s n espttsl baekgraaag for a eleigyasu ia _*. _-? a advantage.-1 The rec nlln_ .'itn-v! never strl_.-s a bnlint-8 ?0 hts b *tks by w!ia! i* ssM of a BUB tn hu grir-* i-'.v.rv bow soQastataaes we most ims the py** to '-il' BS MSMtblBj WO dliin*i know aUsit cup .-liv I'-. ona Unable with tko world i* that thor., ir* toe ninny rburch member- mid not enrag-l t'hrtstlatii. lt' pr bably .!"?* the devg mero _"'^1 !o put ? loni fae* on a Cli.lstlaii Hum lt d..*. t) burn don a i ?<ur. li. There sm ama wfco would !,?? wiliiai* to go on a nu-si n i"t ellina win let th"!r wive, curry In ts tin* atove-wooa. _. one nf tbs limes whet* a man begtes to cry sat si*- tbat all men arc i. t honest ls SkMi ne fUR tho wrong hat, ^ Winn all penpls are wilting t" I'o.sira* m *_? ns they tl.Ink tbeir netghbora ought to be, t.e Mm f.niiiiitu win mw.-(Ram's Hon. A ( uv in in tho Bihar day ttHiK out a ll-**"* lor a lag Bassos Christopher CetasMsa. Atti tm lleease eterk suda ike traanetlea bMertssIIJ complin bf aoaMeflag tin* Ucsass l.-m*-'. cn BR F.xo u-lve Itali. BnaaiigM TssBst 9* the near future) Herr, it.utli*!. fer L.trutin., slr.^w Vim ni-e Hie UllVemor Of thc ? l-l.rlt'-. Bl* >'"< Mj*. Territorial tiovernor nf Hawaii?I am. sir. R*ra can I tin f..r ymi I mtta I'.ualm - iii,.- x iiiii,'.--1 notice one of ymir !_?__? ls -!iii.Miil* I il,.- I.. ?. Il iou a d.,v\n limit fu.t_--** fur lt. sir.- (CMcsgo Tribune, "Well, Chiirlle,*' said tl,, niir-e tko other dar to ? nine y. ar old lt.,.Inn Isiy, "yos/M BB i""-'10 noV' ji.a've Just had a little nephew.' - ls thal so ?"* ..dd (harlie with a Mii*o air. "**'* I MPPOSB I'll have tn gtvo tko little l_'?ar a "g-SM laterestlag, hat leaMtlve. ?'?Whsl un lutero*"1^ animal:'' excialmeil FWeddy. apprO-Chln* l*S*?ow Ihe orang-outang. ?? l wondah, ask Jove, ll l*1*"^ ..miIv wei ii'd I., him " ^._ ai thia point r. " vcr*, ii .empted l'v ii mm fi. in Hie cniC'it .-luiliUi. *o full ,i| aonnl-h. ^"^'Ju, Sudden, de-|ieinle, llll|MV ? I ll,-||i!e ralfe. Hint -MJS menagerie waa (brown Into a Hate nf v i.iloat ?* , nient, and tho keener hastily uahen-d the _r____| lnin tke iipiiiitiieitt when ike iiuiin.iiie* nni ?*""" Min Ivs w.-re mi exlill'liloii.?(CMesgO Tribune Siin I'ranclsco boasis of liavini* lv\a **iady .IP*** rt il'ht rs." A Oom Slicker.-Oh, w.ll, now. I Ihlnk ViooM ls a very fair fellow ns txtv a* SS SMS. , _?-_ Miss sn,Mux That's Just the trouble; BJ U,;TW Roes at sll.?(Soatoa Oonrier. flUI Wll.L UK IIEAJ1I) TROR* ProsB Tin- BaltlMSts Aaosricaa. Tho Democrats will have the -enatf. but tMjS win bs enough EtepubU-ooi ihete to bimi the f-m riSSIngS lulen sting and valuable lo all con-roo*. IT HAS Ci.MI'AMON.S IN MISERY. I'rnni The Milwaukee BSSSSBf Wlscon-in. if tho Readlag Rsflissd C__Bnaar '*- rw,">' ".""Wt up" lt will lu lu tits'it coin'Miiiy with Uietbaa-u *-? isjor iM-mdo it lias seeosocg with ll* ciail-d dosi DON'T HI*. IN A lllltltY. MU. MAUTIX. i'rnni Tin* Haitfasi OsBsant, Tfca I'rnni Tho Ila rt ford Cotirant. Tli.* Populist lions*' of Kansas ls wiped out by ?? ile.M'.i, ol Judge llt.eti. nf Hie Ptstltst ClOft J-g Inn that lt had m* lesal itandlng, ho P??"*S_5 viillil,.ie_ nil that H luis ilnno, im-liidlng IU eletU-B of John Mnitiu as Hulled HUtea Senator.