Newspaper Page Text
LAKE TCHAD. A FHEXrilMAX S DESERT JOURNEY. From The London TIBBS I. Cnmiiiai'dniit Montetl lu* aiado a Joaraei roaiar ? hie imd lD.erea.lng alike from .1 geographical and political point of view, it la Bow nmI.- than tu i yea since ho toft M-n" almost Inimedlal.'Ii sltei t signing nf tho Auxlo-Fr. neb Agreement nt Augui 1MB, ay which ide Say-Ba ri iwa i,:i>- was agreed *.n roughly delinin. tbe spneroa .,f InSuence <>! <..?? lirttulii and France |n Ibe ( . ltira] Soudan. About tl sam.- Rom Montetl len _t. Louts other es pei Unii-. art th Laka Tchad a* theil soul, were -? ul o tty lbs Frencii goven>ment. Lieutenant Mlzon, who dttf. rei,.-es willi thc Royal Riger Company gal ed bl a .sninewh,it nm nv killi,? nototlet) In this ?<.urilrv few niuntii. sgo, w.-.s in command ot one expedltli vhkh was designed to reach ihe toke bj way "i n Benn.-; annHicr expedition, vt ilck had thc s..m,' o Joel In view, \t.-i. ui,(!ir ibe leudenhlp ol the ii"! testate m. I'snl t ramp. i. Lieutenant Mlson, ai evei Oin- kltOWB, lound ll Impossible lt, lent, hillie Illili nnd riband,min- the original object ol his expedltiu lorraed Ma tao* In another dlrecilon and mule for ll Banska River, where he effected r. Junction with I de Brogan, and claims by the tnatlrs made en run tn have effectually cut ntf the German colon) Ol ll Cameroons from i sponsion inward the interior. '1 the -ad tote <<i the Crampel expedition, tli- mardi of its lander and of nm-t nf hi. < lt aaaeoeiaary to refer. i?f tb* various expedlttoi wiii,-ii wes* s.nt out to reach lake Tchad thal i ('oiiiiii.iiid.'int Montetl bas been successful, sr the French ettie, r's undoubtedly brilliant acMev.mei win Bowker,; rc rive mon generous recognition tlin In Hil* POOOtry, where tli*- lilli,.uliie- and dancers t trav.-l in the heart of Africa an know i. and apprec ated. a special eorrespondent of -La Fotttlque coioniale, who met Comiuaiidanl Montell on Ihe edge <>! tb dort, bas fnrwarded to lits Journal the iii-i detalle accniint ol Hi" expedition which bas reached Knropi ( uniiiiiindaiit Montetl, accompanied by only one Bart ).0r.:i OOBVpsillon -AdJUtSlll I lad -I,!** - !? I! St, l.oills o i',:,,l*-r '.'. ISM), nnd on December '.rt' ol the sam veer reached Srgou, on the l pp.-r Riger, the furtbet ;i which the I"; hart then succeeded i c-tn bli-h I ii;* (heir authority. I'roni >rznn he at roc out for Ray, scrosa il"- gnat band nf the Niger, U April 21 Wagadugu, Ibe extreme )"i:it attained b: Captain Bulger nnd Dr. l.rosat, wns rea.lied. Hi r. ooptloo wss f.-ir from cordial. At Uro Gnelajlo, town of 8,000 Inhabitants, Ibrnblma, ? powerful chic whose father had befriended Barth, pave the mi?im a better welcome, though iii- couusellon wen by ti nu-iiii- friendly to Hu- white men. x- ibruhlmn I su/ei-.iin ol ii torge number nf petty chiefs, the trent; mid*- with Mn to, in Commandant Montell'i view of iapiital laportance; and it waa due lo the |.1 wll of thia obi'f Iho tni--i >n on lt- arrival si Ssy oi Aneu-t 10 idv-t vsith n cordial reception, and thal in dtttn ulty waa found In obtaining th" signature *. th" local chi.-f ta tks ssusl treat) ol friendship wit! Prance. Bay ls nt one end of tho lino which under Ihi Anni'. French ngreemen! already nferred to la Hu tamndary between the respective ipheres of Influenct of th** two countries, li was coiitemplated by tin agreement lhal thc actual delimitation of the houndnn .litiuld !?? miltie by commlsslonen appointed for Ibu paipoae. tail up tn tke presenl moment ao dellmltntloi luis been attempted, lt was, Commandant Montell ;i* i-ort-. port of bi- Instructions from Hu* French Gov emnient io ascertain us far n* i".- Ible what wi uld i? n T.? ti- boundary line under the aareement. nnd ns dtnibt Ike Information whick l"' ka* been able t" ob Ililli Will lie Ol Hu* STt-ate-t Xiillle |0 the l'l'elicll (lox err.meiit. At the same time lt must lu* pointed n:it that the whole of tho mute followed by the expedition after leaving wy until Lake Tchad wai reached Iles well m the south ol the Bav-Barrawa line, nod then tara win.In the sphere reserved t" (.reit From mv. Montell made fer Argungn, the capital ..I Rabbi, his route lying through on extremely dangerou* country. Fort ti nat el v the powerful "Berkl" *tf Rabbi xv:is In n saodt?rut.-iv amiable mood, n* he had recently captiir.-d :i larg* village, un*! allowed ibe mission to enter Artanga, a strong forttSed town with a pnpnln linn eattinnted by Commandant Montetl al 20.000. Uv dint of ninth flrmii.-- Ihe SerM wns Induced to t-l'.-ii a tatter granting tl e rl_ht of free passage through kia country to Frenchmen. A treaty tneSerkl nfu od lo sign, but this refii-ril proved "f nae t" the expedl aaa at Bokoto, where tli.-v arrived on Ike 1Mb of October. Tho Berk! of KakN nnd ike Salton of Snkntii wore st war, and new. nf the difficulties that hud arisen between tho s,rkl and Commandant Montell karina roached tbe Salton, the latter gave the French expedition .ni enthusiastic reception. Tho empln of Pnknin ls l,v the agreement nf 1000 expnssly reen: nl/ed liv France aa within the sphere nt InSuence ut (irt'iit Britain. The Royal Niger Company have acquired and exerctaed rlchts of trading In the Sultan's dnniinlons. nnd nave now f"r some yean poid tn the Bolton the sni-ldv agreed on by the company's agent. Mr. Joseph Thomson, nt the Hmo tko ire.iiv was signed. All ibis wns. no doubt, known to Com* mondam Montell, lmt lt dora not seem t,, have pre? vented him from milking with tl.Sultan the srim troatv which hud bees rig ned by tbe other Sultan* on nix- route." What thal treaty maj be we ru-* not mid. l'tit lt c!tn hardly be relied upi,n Iv thc French Government, whatever Hs nature may he. ns In unv xv nv nindi, vine the International agreement of ]**on.'and that the Sultan signed the treatv ** nf bl? own frc* trill," ns Commandant Montell I.- canfnl lo explain. Socs not In nnv w.-iv affect the question. At Kano, hi- next slopping place. M. Montell wns oMIped lo renmln iwo months, owing to the difficulty, he experienced In negotiating som*' drafts on Yola. which the Millan h:id given him In payment fnr coeds sold. At Kano many dlflcnlttes were raised ns to his entering Doma, kat :,t length n sturt wns made nt the end nf February of this year, mid .,n March 3 the expedition entered liornu. From this moment tho p-eiste.f dl'Ticiiltle. wu.xp, il,?!'?."*!. mid lt will t_> this part ol ll- Journey which win undoubtedly furnish tke must Interesting details when Ihe story nf Hie expedition comes to lie told. From the b-n-e oat line which ls sll tli_ Information 0* v-1 avullsMe lt appears th:it the expedition passed through Rarstn. Ilorsar! and Killian, snd st each nf these pince- the? wan suli.'fcted in u *.,,rt of quarantine nnd not ol lowed to continue H,**lr lourney until permission had 1,,-cn obtained fmm the Kh.lkh of Knka. When Ruka was at lenct'i reached Hi*' popnlntlon turned ont t., receive ihe strangen nnd avoided an escort Into tl,. town whit h Commandanl Montell estimates at 50.000 prr-nns. On the l*2t)i 'if April the sheikh Mala tn Adam received Hie French traveller In State, and l-eR-f-ed ir I m in con-ddcr himself nt home in Bornu. romni.'tndant Montell presented hl< credentials, and so fur did outrace tc the Republican aentlments *,f l i natlve land ns t,. describe himself ns accredited hy "Kine" Carnot nnd the -VI. Lt" Etienne?a tl.-erip tlon wbleh In- Justifies on the ground that ne other xvould have boen IntellldM" tn the Sheikh. A pr** ont o' a eopy In Arabic of "Thousand and tine Nights" premix Mensed the Sheikh. F?nr months were -pent nt Kuku, hot nt pre-cut nothins la known as to Ile result of Commnndnnt Montell'i lons stay at the capital. No mention i* made in the necessarily brief account ai vet available of anv treatv having been mad. with Hm Sheikh, tart bs to ibl* Information will n*, dmittt be ni...aiued. and In nnv even! n traveller ol Commandant Munt.liv experience nnd attainments cannot hov,- spenl some months en the shores of Lake Tchad with',ut having learned mach fool will be nf Interest nnd value to geographical science. Op Au gmt l**> the 'curlier scrosi the desert was began, and nft*T manx- difficulties end hardshlna has nnw- been esfely end.-d bv Hie arrival of Commandant Montell and Ms companions ni Tripoli. THE LEBANON HOSPITAL DEDICATED. HART PEOPLa*. ntl si.NT at TIIF CEREMONIES TCRTCRSD a Y A ft E11R oo v. The dedication ceromnnles ol Lebanon Hospital, nt VoMckoatar-ave. and Oae-kundred-and Bftleth-st., wre field yesterday nflernoon. The OpeMng prayer said by the Kev. Dr. l'lillip Kieta; the opening ad dre*s wns delivered by Ilanlol P. Hsys' the prrsl dent's address hy Jonas Well; th** ..riiiloii by Hr. .nmnel Lloyd: the dedication sermon liv the Riv, Pr. Bernard Pia, kaia ii Addresses were Binda by the Kev. Hr. Robsft OoRyer, Regbtor Ferdinand Levy, Jossph .ind Jud(*e Ern*-t Hall. Tlie cln-lng praver was sahl by Ike Rev, Dr. Drack man. Immediately after the opening exorcises bad been finished a fair fnr thc benefit of (lie hoapltal was opei.-d in the hoapltal bulMlng. The full- will bo continued for Hie re.t of this week. Tks fa wpltol ls to br usu leetoitaa, sal patloats xviii bo admitted free. it win bs npported by rabscrlptloa. Tke officers ar** Jonas Wen. president: M. Peabody, rica preartdenl: S. .i.-irmuk.w-ky. treasarrr, ami Dr. Ralph Waldo, secretary. Oro. Bama*! Uoy i. William S. (iotthell. Rolph Waldo, Will,urn i i,wen und t.. Lleber mann are on the Medical board. Among the BMny prcaeot aron LoMa Houseworth, M. iViibnriv. Ignots p.uskowtta, Lea Hunter, A. Rltl meister, .lullii-. Lipnirmii. M. ?'. Ltektenberg, Na!lian llutktiff. (J. Hyman, Ignati Brbults, Philip Freund, X. L. Nathan, Mr.. a. R. Hall, Mw. Ernes) Hall, Willi.*,m A. Marnie. M. *.. Hles.i. >t. I:,h*Iuii. F.dwnd M..JJ r J. s. Cktrralho, Mn. Fannie Hnch. J. ii. s,td:r .x Stern, Mrs. K_lph Waldo and Mc. Edward Reusch. A Bin SYSMC.XTE ISCREASES ITS CAPITAL. lt wm announced yo-terdnv Ilmt tkecapt'Ol nf th*- BOW tractinn syndlosta Imd brea lot rea ard ta SS.000,000 Fermanct.t S__een will be elected In n few days. The Newark Electrt*- Ugkl and Power Company hst rstlScd the agreenient with tks BJ.aS.0BtS fur n linn-fer of lis interest* io b" lnergtsl imo tho xyodlcstc'i system. The plant of the company will be ii-,sl t? inppl] motlxe power for the ,.,r-. All Ure local anl -tn I railroad companies have if,,, sksorked bv the -vu ?.l<-_'.,|-th^I:,i.",P N^":,:k :'"" >,,ulU ,,|*,ll^-?" :|""-' ? MasMtks the syndicate wm offer ai high ns BO.O00, ooo for the property, CHtRHSR PORcelaixs at AUCTION, A sale nt auction of i eolleetlea of satlqa* dilneso porcelains in bm. snd v. lu:,., tanning ;, p?rl "f the Of.llectlon of Hann, M. ron Piai.dt. |ha German \m kBSBBdsr nt Pekin. CMao, was h.-ld al toe American Art t.allcrlcs. No. o Twenty third.-t.. yesterday afternoon. A number of -?tvo!e , i;,.,.,,,,, .??, dealers attend*, th- sal... Two Seep plaques, with BawUvirn blossom* In white, were soid f,,r -"isl * targe attgjm botUe, flnel, rtocomt, . ?, ,r p? * ni,u vine designs In deep blue. brouKht *|.-,.-'. ? ?-... TBE UX DEED I LT. SOCIETY MEETS. Tbe fiKlerhlll Society, composed of descendants of Captain John Inderlilll. who was bun. in Raglan* 1_'?7. nnd caine to thu eoaatry with Ooveraa. Winthrop, held Its third meeting ;,t the Friends' Most lng House, in Ruthirf'.id Pine, yoshiis| BflanKMB. Thirty members of the InderhUl fnmily fr-.m Now' York sod Brooklyn wore Bfasaat The society yestsr fas decldod to appoint u commltteo of three to nora Imito ii president at the next meeting. It was al decided to erect a monument to the memory of Ca tain CaderklU nt Oyster Fay. on Hie 300th am Von nv nf his birth. In I HOT. Dr Hans I nderhill. of Brooklyn, presided nt I meeting yesterday, A LECTURE BY JOSEPH JEFFERSON. TO TALK OF TUFT DRAMA FOP. THE KIN'Pr.l G IRTEM ASSOCIATIOM. The annottncemenl ha* already been made nnd now repented that Joseph JeReraon xviii d*'Hvor Mi di course an tke drama at Ike Carnegie Mask Hall, I Wedin -tiny evening of next wooli, for tho beoeSI i the New-York Kl: U -rc:ir;.-ii AlMM Lill* li. Mr. ,l"ltc .-on will be lntrodiced bf (ail Scliuxz. lt will be tl JOSEPH JEFFERSON. actor's first appearance In thia Mt* as g lecturer, nm lhere will doobUess ka s mtatltnde of people soxloo te hear bram his oura Him Ike views <>n tke Inetltntloi of the drams of mi* who bsi hera for ss ama* temn one of Ita most able and popular lapporters and ex ponents. The lecture gives ihe ripest re.-uits of bli study of the art of which be la is gmt I master. Ii addition ta tko lecture, lt ls expected that he wll r.iiii Hie graveyard scene from "Haartet" and kia owi verses on tho Shakespeare I noon controversy. Not univ ls tho lecture sure tn be i mo.t sgreeaMe imtl profltsMe one tn the bearer, but tke object fur whick it li given li most excellent .-md worthy of rapport. TROUBLES OE THE RR A/IL MAIL COMPANY william M. IVIES EXPLAINS now IME nxvx CIAL TROUBLES ORIGINATED. William M. Ix'lns. pre-ldent of the United States nnd Braal Mad Bteaaishlp Company, said yesterday ut bh nfficos In Ibe **lill* Building, aiken asked Bbool Ike ilifliciiltic- lending to the Hiing on Tuesday of llb ls mi the company's vesaeLi bj Solomon s.iv'e-: ?? lt ls true tli'il tbe affatn of th.- cemnnnv nre In a aertooa condition. lt hu- been talina monev fur a number nf v-.-i.r-. it was in view- of Urti toot Ikal, a year ago. more or loss, ihe board of tllroclnrs asked nie to tuke Hie preeMeni y mid mnk" an ClkSUBttve exsmlnatloo <tf its affilra, and s<-.* wka. weald be reaatolte tn pul lt on a paving baals. Tkti l did. beth here and in Brazil. "It wns soon discovered thal Ike difficulty wa. due, in th** first Instance, to th" Intense eoatpetliloo of the economical English cargoboat. lt 1- too l<mg n story ta tell here in detail. 1 h** old admlnl-trn tltui iiii*I tried ta nn et ihi, difficulty by eSecllng ecMomles whiiii woaM put ike compeoy more aeaily ea a level with the Englishmen. For this porpoae they hint pal Into tbe ileamahlps steam generaUngand fuel -nvinc BMcklaery, which, however. w-..rk.-d badly mid re.ulled In tosses nf Bearii P2O0.000 t.. the tum puny; -inri lt was found neres>sry, when Ihe executive officers were changed, ta entirely undo thi* work. "It was about the time nf Mr. J .nm -ber's retlre ment, wh**u Hie company hid slready suffered heavy losses, that tho competition became more Intense than ever. Th*- company tktn began arina rkartered Ena ll-ii shina, und aconlred oomplete coi tool of tho trade. Bx* thi- lime, however. Brail toa *-.x bsage bad reached il. lowest point. Hnrd tinie- cnn,- ii, Brazil. Our passenger receipts fell off twollJrtl-. mid our roa-t wtoe (.eight bustneai fell off even mm... Tie- decline in BrssUtoa exchange reduced our Brazilian mail puv ta soeaewkat leas than one-half its par value. Tkea came Ike severe season*, of yellow fev-r and the block? ade of Hie Rnudlton |-orta, sn tksl on my arrival t: ere last .inn" I found tbal Hie eompany'i agents, wi b mt the eompany'i knowledge aird In vtatotloa of th-lr contracts, bad actually pr,bi bi high ai S13 i too i" discharge goods, r,,r which Ibo eompoov had only got fd -Ju gross freight p'-r toa fnr a 8,000-mtle travel. The agents nt Rio BsntOS also been derelict lu t:,,-lr duty in ether respects. Tkey bsd sRowed itesmen to be detained twenty, thirty aad fort* devi nt a Ume. nnd had, through their breeches of contract mA'.i the company mid Heir Incompetence and neglect and ihe conditions <>f ti,.- Binxttlan por:-. ceased losaei ag gngailng bo! kai tksn f2_o.C00. -lt was uni lung utter thia the t boll -ra scare in tl..- Fulled (Rates compelled Ike Brazilian Govern nient to eatabRafa a quarantine agalnil vessels coming from New-York, and ibe result aros that in s number ol .-a.e. our steamers hud ta gu 1,000 adles oat ol their way tn quarantine. In Ike ni'-an lime, ;i otttt contract hud been entered Into with ike United States tlovernmenl for tke Argentine mid Brazilian aervlcr, nltbOUgh we have BO. yet received ;,iiv pax in, nt -. thc s-rvlco not being felly estaMlsbed. I had beea able io iee ure room m>_nti< niinii- in our contract with Ibe Brastlton Government, ot inch s character aa to bc of great advantage t<? us- under normal conditions. -Ev. r Mace my return to New-York, nt ike begin nlng of Hie year, i haw been making every > Port lo -live th.- company. We were shun of fund, anti are Mill sn. 'IMI-. l<- primarily din- tn uni- tosses' but secondarily tn in.- fact that one *>f our .-Mpv wai toM up for ricki months. .*imi Anally reoalred repoln in tl.e iiinoiiiii of st,mo RS0.O0O. Annih.-r nf mir -hips ls bow told 11j* in .New p,,i i Neus for repairs necessary tn fit Iht for th,- performance ol our mall contract with the United States Government, wMcfa win com some SS3.000, <>f oar remaining iteamera. mi,' was libeibd in HrnzU and detained lhere for nearly a month. Tin- result 1? that three nf ..ur -hips cam*- lnt'? port together yesterday, and another of ih.-ni I., laid ap In th'- van! undergoing tepttln, io thnt the entire iiimnchil tautness nf ibe company baa beea disturbed and disorganised thrungli the ir? regularity nf receipts, mid fur I beac reaaooi we have lint been nble tn meet i urn nt bill-. - I nm -till In bo] pi H Hie flirt! ,11, Ml. I'xpenslv lhal we mav be able to lave t company. Hm it can univ be dope by r Investment of from S1.00-.000 i,, bj, , be ii*, il in Hi" purfh.-i-e ol a Beet of In mit! economical fnlglil I,nuts, in suppl, pei .'ititi mail "I men! onr mon expenslv v j*-e. In nnv event. Hi*' Investment here ls io larg tba! I mn certain Ibe bualnesa will be continued i Mime form, and under a proper mid equltabl ? niiziiiioii iii case ihe present company caooot Ie kepi i'll'''-" _?_ WILLIAM C. HR ITS EY OFF FOR TIIE WEST I SHI ES. Fa-i ii-.-i.tiv William ?'? Whitney left Ike Jersey City station ol the Pennsylvania Railroad by the '?::;*> ii. m. train fnr Jacks tiiville. Fla., where le? win Join ll. M. Hanna, a wealthy dttieo of Cleve? land, "hi", "ii boori the yacht Oomsnche, owned nv Mr. Hanna. Mr. Whitney meets In a special cor, and goe* directly to hi* OeatlaattoB. With Mr. Whitney were kb -ni* Psynesnd Harry. Ms daughter pnalii '? ami his bro.ker la-law, Cotoaol "liver ii. Payae. Tin* Paynes mid Hannaa gr* w up togetker la Qevo* I., nd. The party expects ta geocfa JoeksonvIRe Hil* morning; and to-morrow tkey win Mart <m their prospective eratoe among ih.* West India Islands. \n--nii will be ibo iir*t port touched at, after trhlch tln* Comanche win head fur Antigua, Guadeloupe, Barbuda, and other Uland- Havana will pnibanlv :,o visited on tue return trip. The sxSecretory will ta absent Irom Niw York fi im six |o elgfcl weeks. HAFtillTERS OF THE AMERICAS BEVOIUTIOS. Washington, F?'li. --.-The Second Continental Con :res- ?f the NsUonol Society of Daagkten ol tho Xiiieiitnn Bcvnlutlnn met here at ll o'clock Ihls iii,ruing In Hu* Church of "ur Petite.. A Inr*.'** How We (.row Old. The thread Hut bind* u* to life I* mt,*t frequently wv ?red ero Hie nicrltiian of lifo ls reached In tte; BSM of per? ons who neglect obvious mean* to renew tailing strength. ,'Ig..r, no lei.* tho source of happiness than the rondltlon it Jong life, can be created ond psSpSBBBSM where it doe* lot exist. Tliou'aiid* who have c.xp'Tlenced or aro coftil int-lnvluding niiny physician* of emln_n<e_?f the rf r ts cf BOVUBUtft .Stomach Bitter*, bear testimony i0 lt* londrous ttUeOey a- a creator of strength In feeble cori Mr.:,un*, and debilitated and shattered systems. A teady performance of the liodlly function*, renewed ?p|ie ite. n,*h and nmi.Uv tepees allen- th" c_> of thi, thor Bgfa and standard leiiovaiu. DBS nn lota! toni" Bjaaw ented to be akin to or resemble it In effects In lu place. nu,and the genuine, which ls an acknowledged remedy ur Instgcstlon, mal.ns. nervousness, constipation, liver nd Alimtj complaints and iheuuianam "A thing of beauly ls a joy forever,' A Home without Fircplurca ls like I man ??)<?-*?<'-.c?*_lc->-? and MM* *?Irlilly. Thc slove Ir not sociable noi .lor* Hie strain radiator rIow will liospitalit). In family ..flails what is srntimciita is also practical. Il om. vii? liappinrs* tm a practical matter, and Hie home i? the shrine ot .4 Fireplati is lliecentico- thc home rirclr, warm* hearts and hands alike. Theicloii bay seasonable Huns.*. tor thc fireside W. H. Jackson & Co., UNION SQUARE, .r.r. Blend woy). Fine Hood Maillol, nnd Chlmney-plece No*ellle?. wreath In memory nf Mrs. Itenjmnin H;irrl*nti. wh( St tho time of her death w;_s proldent-peiiernl Ol t!u society, r.-ted upon the pmldent'i vacanl chair Tho <hiinh waa weil lltad with women when Mn VVIliliim I), (abell, tke vice pr. .Idelit ceneral. called Iks Congress tn order, and introduced Mn. Tcniil -. Kamila, Ike chaplain-general, wko oRered prayer The vi.e pr* sid. nt K'neiiil deHvored aa address ai welcome, to which Mrs. Joanna WUbonr, State refenl nf Rhode Island, responded. Mn. WUbour slso pre Moated tn t:,e society u silver ssoantod gavel x\.n :? fruin wood taken from Ike Ui-lil--ti -hip Onspee. Tta report of Hie vtae-preatdenl itrongly urged tbe er* ibm nt the Rational capital "f " bofldlng tor tkt society. The npnil ol Kn. II. V. BOytOta vi,,?]>:, -I dent-general In charge ? I orzanlxntton of chapter . showed that lue society li"ivv luis fl total iii. iii!.*-r-lii|i ol 'j.71*-*.. Reports of il," other general onie.:- were read, niter xv inch ike congress sdjournod until to morrow. -? SUOri.*) OR SHOE LU SOT WOHRR PREACH .' Tiie twenty-ninth annas] meetlog nf the Row-York Association of the church nf Ike Raw Jrmsslem (Swendenborgtan) wai held yesterdsv bi tke Hoase of Worship "f lh" Orange society, and th re wai ri llv.|\ Sta u-.iuii ov.-r tke question of altawtng women i" preach. The nealon v\a- coRed ta order kt tao Rev, s. **. Sevvm-d. nf -N.-w Yuri., lue iiddr-s- waa delivered by Ike Rev, J. C. Acnr, ol Hrooklyn. Ike election remited n* tattowsi Pre iM Ina Mlnls'er. the Rev. S, S. Seward; secretary, John Filmer. Tb nf Hie dav tl.eli t unit up OVBI Iks ro-uliit|,m offi red af He* la-t annuli meeting, a* tallowa! 'Resolved, the bonni ot Streeton be satkarlaed t.. employ women ai mts*4onaile*j, leockers, vtsRors, nr Iee other piirpn ? - ai Ikey may think d"" Tke majority report ol Ike con n.l't-.- favored tbe adopt I ?? of the rrsolattaa. on the sroand that ta Ike eetaM - nient of thc New rimreli. Be* r.liiilniis ur*- t itaMlshed In He (linn'' r* ut lu the attitude tnwnrd each Other nf men sad womel., nnd thal Ihe doon wen- ope I l to women on every sid,*. Tiie minority report look tbe ground that Ike re i h.'Inn should not be adopted beean-, li wsi sdmitted thal the action wai expert menial only, aad lhal tke horeb eaghl sot ta com alt Itself tu mi . gp- rim. m. A hat ti;- ns-|,.n foSowed over ti,** question, a motion thal thu reporti and Ibe Pe nf id to Gie General Convention of Ihe Church wss lost, and the consideration ol t ? .|iie-il..ii wu- ii'ljour.1 '?. ri ipcctnl met'tl -' of I .c-i" i.t'inti, to i.e ii-ld lu the House ot Wonklp In Thlitv II fl ti lt. ntl Mareil SS. MASTER PAIXTEEA HAYE A BECEPTIOX. The Muster r.ulnters nnd Decorators1 Asaodatloil Urckiy ii *i*>id Hi* tr annual dinner nnd reception Tuesday evening* al Wilma's. Hie dinner ws tei.d'-d by guests from Philadelphia, Rewark, J.-?? < itv snd Sew-York, Among Ut ?? preaenl wen Mr. BBd Mi-. F. A. F.i!ll:i_.-r. Mr. mid Mr*. .I'.l.n I ? P. F. His. k. nf Philadelphia; Mr. md Mr-. A. - Ilarbler, of Jersey .Hy; Walter Reta, Ml-- M. C. i ipeland, Mr. and Mn. Frank WHHama, Mr. and Mi-. .1. F. Conley, Iliiiry Kehrl, of Rewark; Mi ai : Mrs. WIRlam M.elev. Mr. .md Mrs. fkotaei Rlrhsrds, Mr. and Mn. Frnncta Rlchardi, li. V. Thom] a*i*t daughter, Mr, ai 'i Mrs, W, W, Reavlns, Mr, ond Mr-. T. C. Raine, I. A. BScOrkS, I', i . Hi Mr. and Mr-, (naries Baton, John Chisholm, Mr. ai,,! Mn. Thomas william*. Georgs ll. Win linn!.* Marshall, W. c. Flaker, ll. B, Smith, Mr. .md Mn. ll. T. ..owning, 0. Po -ti", lit. l*rof J. H. Kelly, of l'r, i li I Winiam ll. v. of firooklyn. After Ihe .lliiie-r short t" ? .' m. I. made, rmi dancing * t enjoyed until a lc- ? r. IT WILL SHT 1ST ERE ERE XVITH THE Ti IT The <', Ung of ll ? Maakattaa Athletic club! win not Interfen with <???? performance ol ll liin'i-i c.ile..- Dramatlt Club to bc given h i thea tn of Hie Mauhattsn Athletic Club thia evening This will be Ike las! perforBMnce >.f the rlufa li "li:e Wooden Spoon" and "A Press Reheat si . snd ll i- for Ibe benedl nf tke CklMreRa1 City li" pllal nf St. .!? lm'- '? ill'!. Ticket*, amy be obtained a! tka Hulld ofTl*.-. Ro '?"! i Itt ive., or at the ii,'-ai.-e oa tka sigh! of He- per: un.., ii, e. -? ? . . EXMISITIOS iiF ART hooka. The fifth nnnii.-il exhibiting al nit bnolii In tbe llt.r.nrv of Hie Yoting Men'* Hn-Hiii A- -".lit bm wss given yesterday sftrrnoen lu Atsoclatlon Hall, Twenty-thlrd*at. and Foortk-ave, Pier.* waa i btrgs numb, r of rtsiton in tks Uhsary sll ike afternoon. Tke exhibition xvas as complete ind Interesting in ever, way ns those given lu former yean. THE roj.M M X H.gins \?i.i.,,e LXtxn fJiiblicaiions. xv with a Mar, ii Bamber M anuaual lill,ellie ? HAWAII .XN'lt llt'H I IT! HI. SEA IsiVVI P. i .-i-i. a. i. ;.iiiiii,, it.-it, ni ,,i ii,,- Sm\tl Wai Col Ieee Xi '??!?.n. rv N.x Xl a i ill. KTOKY ul* V ? .tl.ii-.sxf, ih 'lint i l.iii*-i l.iinl.rt, former!' Mini ,,f >??&?> |*Biiaini hla and lb rild " a Ni.w i *. m:vi i. r.i i \ i, BRA FOB 'lin. iniiii, .-si vi KU. -Morse W.* ,,f th.- jjr.ti-ii Economh a --,, i itlon. lill. Pl Iil.H SCHOOL SYSTEM ,'?l Pilli,AI.1.1.Pill v Hr. J. -*l Rh e. AMI ku an WINTER RESORTS Hr. Allan .xi,-lani. Hamilton. nil. COOT ol Ml.vii: ash THE PROFITS or MI NIN i.. Jamel D. ilium". AN Att'EAL ro RETIRE '.??Vl.p.x.xii'NT PAPER M. Itrulil. Other llnn'lj 'nt'tl li - <*n ill ww- -i.ini- .,,, rents a Cmmr, \AU Ni;i.l) UOOKS.-i?RATT, ir.:, lill, ,v, 1 im- in,, non ;a motley r llccUon). i... then or iniiii .Mil nnv book" yoi*, want, ratalojiues free. lt, ;ii_let_ i ,i ??,, |, .: ,,,,!t f?r ....-?. ,,r ,t,?n|,^ THE HUMAN HAIBi Whv it Fslla Off 1 linns (,r.,c and tl,,' Remedy. ftv IT"f. Il A I'.I.I *,' PARK KR. A. M. I.'i.Nu b CO., LOIS Areh Ht., Phlfai |*a "Kverj ari -?.ld reed thia HUI. booh " Alhena.un.. Jtisirnriion. For Young Ladies?City. HUARDIN*'. AMI JMV SI IU. ,?(, lillias NO. 807 a.ll-AV'F.. Rev. Dr. and Mr.*. CHA.-,. H. IARDRM, Prln-lpxl? Fur Yoong Idtdlea City. NEW-TORS III B1NESS I Ol. 1.l.i.I.. l.'Tiihst. N. V _ Ail j,;.' Ural branch*-.: dav or evening, tall or ad. lr- i I.ITMKM- ( . i,aIm.s. Moui.t I.|?,ri* Hank II'P. Van* inst, ifmmmmnt i__7?. b. E. eui. ul Wo*. In, I iw and 71-tat. Principal, Maw. van .norman'. For Boys nnd Vounx Men?City.' BooKKr.Kj'i.M., Heaegiayky. typawftOag, 4e., thor ouxhly, dav tr cv mus. Miuailitin luinUhed ?Ju,.l__,___l_i* tr* in,-in *. i_oi.-?.*. i::,i,,?t. fir, y. fTNlVF.lusi i y ORAMMAR SCHOOL, it Weat OCWi-at V ah departments, m.irdins pupil, if, <*ivd. minti k. PMRtgs, a. M n*. c. RandTlrSaoa. pu. o. For Both Se*.ea? City. rHF. RXftLITZ SCHOOL OR LANOCAORB, Madiaaa bonan (rm. __tii-*i. xn-t n'way). liri" ki in tjio principal American una ir;uiuii.An cltiei iCW Um. begtsa now. Musical Instruction. <J ' .M.NJ',ri,;s.1 ,.,.",>,' OS Tin: MCTROPpLITAN I OL . I.I.Ol. Ol MUSIC-OlMUl Jaly l*t. IM'*:*. noirdin eomroodattona. All al. mia.. . or nc r ,?l,r ?taltd. DadlCT Ilu.-k Pr-.t; Alb rt Roa< faraon- V, ' r VI. Addreaa ll vv iiRP.FNK. Se,'lrci 19 nnd '.*! F.j.t Htli *L. New-Vork N*" Y For Young Ladieo-Countrr |i'.adfori? ACAOEMT, t For the hlcher iBbbsUbs of young women. Apply vt M.*s Mia i*. aI.I.I'.N. J'.r.idfotd. Mba HHE CAMHltllu.l; xi,.: s ,](l.,, ,,,,; y,,i Nl; Lk-S'^snllV*--*!. ?* "-"toa- Qul'ot of Cambrldfe. omfort*i of Hon,,*, hinall nutnbei-i. Mr. ARTI!LR .ilI.MAN n tho Blr-ctor. Mise.iinncous a IX'HANH AI, DRAWlXO. MI'.'HXNfr.S XIININ,; * ? HP?* ??NO. ARl'TilMFTI. ETC ' f-Ug-^ggLg* ,">'n? ??*-ta?t leei of skas from work. XVr'_*'foj dF |,-|-,Cr,f?"L. ******* __ "*"* "*t "'"?*? ".._ r r'*l-r. I i rt ular, ev Ins all nartli-ular. ta ia Comiponden.e School of SeabMlei. taranti".. IV Jnbi.R-Uon Boys nn'I Young Mm?Country BOR-iI-.N KiVVN (X J.) MILITARY INSTITUTE. REV*. T. H. LANDON, PRINCIPAL. _CAPT. T. D LANDON, COMMANDANT. C' AN VAN V AUI.XIX. I susan. Conn.-Heme for ' toea boya. Three Maslen Csllege se bu*iiies*. IU v ard boya specialty. For particulars, address the Ret (J* HM WOOD st HOOL Fi-R inn's, at Mit-,rd. Toni -? I'ai'nt- wini ar- unfortunate lil tic BwaageaMnt Heir /' * ?i:i d" areli t., p.oflt hv th* advaatagei off' bl '. .1 ... h',?! ; m.- M-hool I* in se-*:on durliii: tho en: yaar. ?_ FR AX IC M. HOWE, supt r,** REEHOLD 11x j i:. freehold, K. I.; cstii y< t'cllei'e preparation a,', bu*luek.. hlyh sch ? ll'l tl.-sl, il ,o,ir-_?. (Vl.W-P.O' HI I.l.l. vin.i i ARV ACADEMY, ll XIII. CAaTLK Nl.'.v.i: ,111,1.1.1.. N. Y. FRANK s. ROBERT*., Prim !pal ?V* EWTON ,N. i , [nil lute, sen f, a|ev. I*"?t Sch is for liny.. Pest ?anltarv aptMlnHMAtB. ."-team h everjwh.-re. Msrnn-tieatoa *? In,minn tank. .1. Wll-on,A For Both Scxes-Countrr. Jji astma.n in, _o_.I__-U.., Poughkeepete. N ^(ipen al, the year. Tborou.'h taatrtteUon in Boo..Ke'-p:: liaiikinc. Ct.u,ii, i ia! Law, Patimanship, Curre-ponden Arithmetic, kc. TeMgnphy, htenottrapay, TypewrlUaf,, j1, ii? ne., ii.'ii supplied with competent a-sl-'ant-on ah not., e. Ko har a for kltu-ittans furnished .send far oat'i' .f.aciicra. A'.T.Ni'V l*i til ci'iA tu MM, pmfe-s'irs, teach. Severneaan, etc., lu al! d-partm-nr* of .lamina, c iulan ",r j.-'""! achools rei ,,,.u,,.?,,,sm tn puOBto. MiRIJ LOY Kl EKE, Book Building. ISO FlfUs-ave . ,-nr. _Oth AMERICAN ANT) FOREIGN TEACHERS' A* H..Nt Su pul I e. pr,,f. ?--. ,is, Teach r-. Cuter* ..overlies* vc. to Colic.... Behool* and Fart,Mle* Annlr to MRS. M. .1. vttfN'ti lt I.TitN 23 inion Sn narc. I Hi..-,* ami PHYSICAL CULTURE. j flt aa and prl vate Inatruetlon. Mr* MARTIN', Hot'l in-,? k hoi st, 101 '.'.'-i ._tli--t.. Hew- York .Clt**^ IVJ Y. ED CATION AL P.t'REAl*. SI Int Oth-" iv. N v i-.i. i? i- and positions furnished. Bebo ii on '.'?? ndi 'i. H S iv 1.1.1.' un. Maa .ger. Till: I ISK I.e.'.r-' Ar- I.'!-- Rew-V-ST II ?t ' iso, Ic* Aic hs. ('-.: .' po-lUoni RI li. F CROCK! Il N v. Manaaer, Tn Bth-ava. (1.1th W.NTF.D vti i.v i. n*i.-tnaii Tiwcher viirvevlnc. I.?'?:?- T*-a*-h , Enell-h hnnrhes teael rhine '"ii,t!!,r; ', rn,an rm ve rn ea*, American rnverne Mi-- DONOVAN'S Teacher*' Bureau, SO Easl IX)inter ...sorta. LAKEWOOD, KRtV-JRRSRY. LAUREL HOUSE LAUREL-IN-THE-PINES op: n DBUEMDI R TO jr ni;. Accorr.nrodatlon* f li Mina hiindr<*l fUeeBt. lion tn: POKTRR, ttaaerul Maaaaer. LAKEWOODi IV. J. "The Lakewood,' THIRD URAMO*. ORE-THIRD OP A MU.I I RI LOSER (.LASS I'l a: /a- FILLED WITH TROI'K vi. PLANTS .Mt si nv l ni ROM v\ v Han d. _ Kit! I* RTI REV xf, ;,._. HOTEL TRA YMORE ail * v. it < nv, itt. .1.. _ tV. \V. I'ICEKN __ CO. THE GHALFONTE. ATl.t.lM .lit?ON ||||: III At ll. ?all ? Ital ?; Ila. ?? Kt. valor, nau l*arioi MODERN AM! I" *M 1*1.1 I I Bead tot 1 ??: ii oki I a : ir? "The Chalfont-. THE HOTEL WINDSOR, ATLANTt. ( IT.. N. J. 10. II KKAMIN, TeliaSani n_. Cable ,d,i-*.. ? xv,.-.," '.. vv a ; RR* < Sc l'r.p* All. till. .Iii. .V J. HADDON HALL I.KKIi- A LIPPI*. OTT. rm; I'ENXhurst, i-vn ? li i.i .??.:? m ul ndi I. ". '?* J i.s Hour. HOTEL HOFFMAN. ATI.AN III CITY. I'i ? Bierj r- -p- t. ll i. t l: . First ,.* h J. W. ( ALLAWAY. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. HOTEL BRIGHTONr (.pi ?* i ii roi >n oe. im.*, eau, P. V.. HI 'l-l., X A -Uv. .* N.*?-Yon Ci y via I' ? ? ita rou I SEASIDE HOUSE, - ' ' ?\l l? ? ll 1. V J. In hou. .- ( M.- Rt .\*?. ai* wu , ,,v "0"?'' "''TNEY. io '?? , "I, n " "'' "*a "' *?? v * ive Opes '?? *' ' Fl READ. 'I'lli. IUV1N..TON, AT LAN III CIT. NJ i ki.'.i-, Ns i i uki jtiti i ,'",' ','?' ,"' '???? .moklBB i",, d f..r all pu I .r t ._. . to ? ry i . - ? ? . ' ,_ I HA Mill Ks l ||..|'.s '. ~" nu: ini'iix Oceas ead ut i . ib ... .\ 11. vs 11, , ,TV N j _ I vv. LEHMAN fc CO ,? ,. Till Kl.Moy ?*t""t e (tr, _ .1 Kent ,.,,?,,,->.. h r_? ' ? "*i iccii,!:,;;,',': "M '/' w;;";" C V"' M v^- N - ;li: -EDIN , .. ,-? **t " "" " "? l""". '" ""ll imbi - nc. c. 1 u UjI 'Hil" Ml I.l.l H prop. W ',NH'"W ^,N Wmslatj N.-v*..1. P-.-_. He,t.d hr ?? Meaii i<_, ti,,., en,,,, \V, - i . . . ,| ,,,,;a. ,,?,/. .''- ' f "' ' ? '? " -;- 'ili">. N'ujIle. MARCOS HOTEL NOW OREN. PBelB. ._. ? '?' " Heel . Ui r . .-. r. . , ... rt., VV I , ,,? ,/i;aN ...,.r 1 '?' ''?? INT* Ii.l MKI.IKK. IIOTK1. II.TAMONT. I.ITWV pi.t.K. BALTIMORE, A !,,l_,',',"t..' " '.'?':?' ! ' I"",". handaomeat bon I avoid. \ "' ' ""* ? I,,,., ?,,,',,, r? I!?,__, ESS*-;: .7 ' :? ? ;?? ???*'<.?? -"-i- ... _?___: "\ in ,,. ii , '-",- A ","w,'' '? ?'""?* --IN PARLOR un |ti| ul lim m ov-rlookllts I ? 'III of l_i iii, ora sad Cbaaap-aka Hoy. s-d f.u ,|,.-,,p,,.,.?,,;. ,n,? ' I . WARNER &TOR? Ptm\/t HOT SPRINGS, ARK. HOTEL EASTMAN. I Ik- I'lllalinl I*..,ii.,* ot' Hie* **>oii||| aui apea i- Foi .-.m bLAMi.N .aaaor. ZBta isJt l.vt-r i las *. ai,,.,., .nd daUshUul lor pleaaure-Mak ws A,L.,i..?._ac!oi,* f?t ?ne Uieuaiud people. line,. lT__i_Ultea_kU'' WVl*- ******** OrchC-5. rii___ TIIE HOI KI'RINOM ol tRRANUAO aro world r?. """'O'1' .-'"I eur_ fo rhcumatlein, suutT nrnirBtaiT 'au ? , dr ., , i,.."dui . ai,a-' "aanifM, i..,,. on- it, I,..;,.! Ul M 1.,,'n... Iheaes v.* the Iiob v!- - n i sd to Roi h|,rlns* lor I?!e? ad HUI 'Ie t ll,.I S|>::i(,. ? r ,., MKMiv n. un.i.tx. Maaaaar. INN. -_ ttri.N All, i li.; VI AR. ',^"";,;.^^;II:,"J;:1, ,',!',!;:?.??.nU? -mrm*** enn. .Nall:"" Mumy, -,M lac Laka, Ptaaklta Ca N Y HYGEIA HOTEL, ( POINT COMFORT, V t.. !?'*..-v div vtiirld'lau.d. Ii.l* B?|,M rr4":t ? ?n,11N aaaed i. hcMtofulnesa and general attraetleo. lt |, tba '"'' """??' ' r |, ?.,.! .,',,!. |K,,,,!,. ..,,,,, ,., BetUo-t "'i-:-i' R-a, Rloctric aad Hoi Bea baths the iattei Hebroted fur then eMetency la RlunRaaRa tro bio. la- ncloan vsrsaOaa. Maa!. .,,- tao u. .. Artillory "?licl Hand. J Nervt,u-?., tad Inaonala *j_*.di j and in n.0.*t ca?ea ?ru aneatly rellev-id. ' Scad foi ?!, - HpHve p apSM __ _ _ ?'? >'? PIKE, Miumitrr. Virginia Beach, Va.~~ Tin: PMIRIfRMei anni-; OPENS Jan. i. A roml,!niit|,.n nf arBBS "ti"! pin,, for*.tn _____ ,, ._ tpectally healthful Wlnte Ke-oM ixtUa Ho* tv, lr ,'??? ve* is ,, i.., iron, (farfol* i*a*.i-vujr m,4. Rbsmm dacttlag gnuadi ai upper end M CurritaeB ....d. Attret. .*.. e CRITTEROER. PrasetoMi bi,-, ,i!id imo u.iiiiiii at'.io ur _.|.-,ai n v (Rasa ii) ' rHE HOBKIRK INN, L'AMDRR, -. fc mum9 m !:.n;,,;\' r^^*h..r_,"^r___-__ Tte&?&**U^ . Y. cy. Teran m-d.ral*. ci re? tari. * ""'" _'?' W. ELDREOOE, Prupi HOTEL ST. ELMO, ?.hi:fn c.ivf. SPMIROR, fla. rhirn,m_ir teeatad on th** BA /akas Rirn, ^ ?,?? utli nf .1 icassnviil"?. .Send fur circiilnr. E N lt"111" E.Ptoyft. J. L. SCOTT, M.v,.B*r. ?Hi; LOR1LLARD VII.i.a .. ,, . ST, vitiivriNE, FLA. 1 or nartlrulan ippli t*i Ml-S J. V. HEEHAHRER A hon*, MatiBscra. l/ilL.N IN ROPPALO STOP AT Till' "~?-' i *i in i.m:i:. N1AOA1U FALL., forty mluutei Bira/, \ I j Zo let Sox Unsincssf-nrnoecs. Co f rt tor 13 n?mess ftarjioiti "THE .METROPOLITAN," Thc Home Office Building of tlie Metropolitan Life [nsuranee Company, corner of Madison-ave. and 23d-st., will be ready lor occupancy May 1st. There are offices for renl on the Otb, 7th, 8th, Oth and loth floors, which may be inspected now on application t<> the iintler.igned. They are all exceptionally well lighted and ventilated. The building ii absolutely fireproof and is provided with the hest known and latest devised appliances to promote the health, comfort and convenience of tenants. HORACE s. ELY. 64 Cedar Street A few Desirable Offices in SMITH BUILDING, 13, 15, 17 CORTLANDT ST.; also a fine loft at NO. 85 LIBERTY ST. APPLY AT ROOM . _ SMITH SI ILIUM-. H I URTI.AMIT -T. Ural tfstatC Thf .Mutual Lit? liiMiiaiice Company. RH II.KD A. M.(I KIM. Fri**l*l<-ttt. mnUc- Initu* on Ni v. . . ?rU ( il > iiml llrooUl.ll Hrill Raiate a. rarrea. irlihaM e ha rae Bnt eiMuatoo* l lilli*. \|i|il* lo xx. \t. RICHARD!--. CmmmttaUmr, ( nun.rn,,'- itiiil,Iiiij. S'J Nti--iin Si. I liotclc HOTEL BRISTOL. t,iil AVK xvii I2D ST.. REW-TORJS. AMF.RII AR FLAN A Fa:mi I. Y ll"::.I. OF THE ll Ki REST ORDER POR PEltMANI NT AND TRANSIENT OCUSTS. i. H. EARLE fc CO Pro* ?'???Lt*. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Killi-*-.'!'. IND IR.IM. PLACE, KR.V? YORK. dur III,tri. Rob. ?l I "lon -"Hillrr. A Hotel o' Kona I *i ii lili*hr.l lt,*|,nl,iilon. *>. Uh n ( u.,* ol Soled I ?? rllrii, r. .tiirliiiin I'l.i... -.rn i il, i: cn * in nit m im m i.i i ?*r?. (Trciiroiana. CRUISES 1 ' TUE West Indies. Tho North Ailiinii. ??i,*iiiiiilii|i ( iini|i:'ii<'? ju,-liri Ililli* .ii.iii ? ll tit lort fi h' r THIRD CRUISE an Nataraar. tint, hil.- al Havana. Kiacatoo, ..lm 11 ul <i ii .-. (.mi,lui, io or. **t. Kin* ll, t iiinil.i. .x te* towt et A|'|'.\ Bl ? Bl '? *-' THOS. COOK A. SON, .'111 (XII I. iii HHO.OXX XX. NKXX XOItlv. ?BOSTON, i ll ll *.'?" I'll ll. VIH l.i'HI \, ETC , .**"! I. I* ISSI N',1 IL .X'.i XI'S itliicic uno _Uii6i.n. Instraments. AN A SM 1 lt, I.Xl IT N 1* OS SECOND-HAND '.HAND. t'|,;_,.t .mi sq na - I'B-i"* o( cir maka la perfect ton dltioji nu,I filly BB irniti-l ; ;il?,i _ BUIDb*. ?f Ifi'otld-liaud Plano* uf tither iirn????"''nt n ?:,,?.?, ?r mtv low i>rt*ra_. W.I. li NA BR A CO.. IIS .lill \,i-.. linn .lilli -:.. N.n-Xork. EMERSON PIANOS. \BVP.RTISF.MENTS AND r*. ll-" Ul I* I ion-. 1'"!; THE NEW-YORK I RI IU N F. WILL III*. RE CEIVED xi' III IT tl* li ?xx \ OFFICE N'o, 1.2.2 I'Mad _nv. -.',1 "I,cr north of I . i rf v ;li-f -tc and Ainu;. I'IS EMU NTs at th. following llran.h Offlrea: l'.'.i .tl, ate. ; -. v ror. '.Md -t ; Xii lUh-axe.: 15" I' pt' .,,,? tonier Fo'irt,.,*!itii.-t. : 700 Third iv, corner Fortr-aevenih .t i n.-'i rtilrd-ave ii.<n s xtj Hr*: .-*. 1.708 : t-a.i Hui xv. -i I "t* -"? on i ?( i'i I oltinibiia-a.i ; (IB Llb-Kr -I ; BS Xt'iri" \ i.:i .t Third it. . '"'eeiith. *.*,: -?'?; X.'-t l_d-_l ll'.' i'i rrn-t . '?',. Thlrd-av. ; I KM riilrd-.i._ . OM Thlrd-nve.. 1_". Il2lli and lt3th *l Ai ti,- li xi-.i.i.M elli' I .. 180 ! aai Dna hundred. amt iw, ?-. tv -fifth -t -ii w,-' One-tiiiidicd.aiid-tt.enty nfs.!,- -i . and a ??> xv,-t Ono-liniidied-and-forty-llfUi^t., ii|i to H B. tn . lt h'B*llai "Hi. >< r..l". I, r.r :.',\ri. it ..:t i our) -i .".ii". l>" Kalb-avo.; l.ron n -fnrd-ave and Sm. IB Uroadaray. ap la i* j>. n. . a. reipiln- otAi ?? ratal V"ik, mi tn- SSd dal "i February, !-.':i ?,, i-.> ,,,:,? loon in William I*, iin.'iii. Aut-tloneer, the iiroperti aa [.ritii-.--. mentioned and deaeribed rn >,.,i Judviuvht a allowa nntlr danil arallel to Seventll Xvi'llUix fortj feet .'leven Inehea entre lin.- "f the bloek, thenea eaaterlv i..i,ii..i , '. ,ni,ilri*ilai,'l't,*-|,lt.||,;,,l -I.,, ?,,,...? ,,'..,.',,,,,.'.' ' ''.'?;,';'l.'';;,:^::'^,'J,'',:;,t?,'.'',,,.i,v?H,,' v-*&&* ?***?? d-teen feet t? lh. point or place ,.f x?- .i,,,' ,,. " ' ".' FREDERIC ll t "l jiiiir ,, ->.?.__, "sitat^H?***"**' i'l,UUiT- ***?r:'9l N?.?u. I. -le nli ni t_ -P-JOKD-lff, * Nos. 41,43,& 45 Broadway. ti ?>??. MO Bl i-t.ri .1 vi ;i i . ?><???. 'A, I mill li l|ori-i*>'t-ii-i'ct. avrit K-* In holli ol Hi,-,- building. TO I.KT I lorne .-elim- lor niora or -inrnac. I'H'U RAPID 1.1. I.V x i ".'!_* ix EACH IC ILDIM ELK. THI. I.II.HT- II.V .I XII.HT. Ml I.XTH . I ll W'l.l>. Apply ni eilliei building lo -I'KNI KU ALDRICH^ *. SIX-STORY IOTLDIN'.. rerir ???>? .?. nr**aw-i_> is. ind W. U'h Ma . t, iPt; aNt'it 2'1 roo ?n. fe?t: pewit ?- ?! IHI.AND . Will ITV*. .', Il- e__.a-.-li On ni:, iv nu xv and S._*t-ai - m ? i-. , mer, fnoi ill-' ,.:, D '.i.l't.iv: twn - - - .1. ROMAINE RROWN fc cc, ?".:* Weal __.!-?. ^nrtion 9al.3 of leal (Pstate. tUCO. R. HP: ill. In. iion??or, WILL BELL AT Al TION. At 12 o'clock no n at ihe Real I ????? l \ ir ar, ce aol AOt tr ti Room, .",'., t,, ,:", Liber) St Mi:ini:.-iD.41, Mnnli 0, l*??3, NO. 23 PARK ROW OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE. milln through to Theatre Alley. '-? r iverlne pl t Bbl : .xiii. \.i raab ... ." ;- mala -x yeera nt *H per l al option ?f | tiaaer. Siana and particular, .it aucl No. 9 n.xa Cut* Propcrin /or Gait. fNOWNTOWN BUILDING l a*.*l to ,.ne tenant ll lr coi-, paj ina li pei ? nt, for aa le Rl'LAND x -.HITING .*> n-ekman-.t. Uciil (Tomi. tUiiitt-i.. Wan ri.p on Madlaon-avi I tweea 31 -t and iM ita., ., . WHIPPLE x DERIIV, 8 Wert (f hiingo jJropt'rin Zo tel. ?j" REN l Privet- .?-.??. - I CHICAGO i'-.rlne tlie WORLDS FAIR ;?: d trooi thro. -? SR lentil* v li.. noe -i .ir.,1 -tr -t jrivate COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Only applli l i i-.,,...-,l,. ? ,-. prl vak) . i* ir,j Ulled ?ult .-it -'.i tor) rtferefltts, ?,ll M - : ' EDWIN I'. ..ETCHELL. 2 - H"MI INS! I'. VN' K RC1LDIN0, ( MK .(.C. III. f onntrn |_ro**.rtn .for Sole ono Zo Cit. . Country Place in Ihe Catskills, For Sale at a Bargain TO CLO*..: AR RWATE. .... i I.?mi. le ,iii.ii,t,t. ,,f lumber i- ? i the ground tot -ll" iml-li in niii.-l wood. Tli,' Mable, .,:i*iiia_. i, mi -I i, be ic--it it. Mun t,,,, .tori ? aaa baaeaMBo h. -t. |,|?'d .it ju -i li.tif Ita length, and ran ra ditji J8 ii-ii.i in either alie. Au expenditure o. from ... _ ? icu will mah. thia Hi- iin.-.t reaidence lu *" . inlty. I OH SALK. ??IDKI.K." TItbR bb Wa-oaa. lo. mci lr hOOWa na ". leriiionl." io r-oM-oca ol the tai- flinn,-. ii,,v lui../-ton. The place i..ii,|,l..-- abo it ?_.- I i I . aa I lin* a ther front rn ;iiimt on.*.ii_ir nil". I ,,r beautj of o-enery ? i? "-xxtxa paeo J- FOR Tl RMS APPLY TO T. I*. Il.tUKsON A CO., ii Liberty si., v v. _ FRI IT FARM and country tnt mi ll"_1*m. <*?e ol L the bandaomra. aHuitlona on ihe rn r: no ju re*. .Ul fin lt : lin.' beach .md anchorage- half mil.' from _t-*ani*> it 'I'" ii or depot: nameroaa One iprinai bieeSt. aa; ul >,.-? ni,. i*."...",t-n , ir.nt produeta taaetmmt ttm mmm i. un' Nu. V.irii: fully equipped: ?'*' '*' *?'_."??? inuit,',* ii- t*> Income. (Folio 0 521.1 Price, tKAmO. Moa "ni Mrtteolara Bilk PHILLIPS S wt Lia. Ibune Building. Olt Sxi-l-.-Hrl.-k Church, omni:.' R. J : tfm.tBA I ni al-a ve neal Han l-on-t. : . minute-' "'ilk iron* lion- modem hou?e. li iobbii; nil loipeaaoaoaaH Bop ixenletitea- lot I00X2B0; greo. horaalo: i?rt ao fy ie. Apply to owner, W La THOMPSON. 44 BtmtVmm. y. citv._._ I'RIXi* LAKE IIEAC'll. N. J For rent for the mtton. doalreble rurnlahed cottage*. Send f?r I atalotue. S. II. HI'CHAN'AX. Spring l-lke flea, h. N. J ttufumie-jed 'Apartment.. -Io 5*__ X' ll! Lull APARTMENT lle.rint .omer mAS\,tS lot; aouthern expoaara: reel reaoonabie. tm mm un heat, light, arrvlee, lea "aler, et.-.; OMIator mt lil. Applv at I nml etlanil llr,.i.l?;iy. .itn-avc. j nu -*t., or to E. A. 1 RI IKSIl VNK v CO.. 17_ Broadway L&OANT APARTMENT on Weat 72d-8t..~l- tetOt ami both, .team heat and elevator. M . J. ROMAONE RROWN A .0., *? iYHt SH**