_\mnscmcnis. At'ATir.MY OK Ml'SIC- -9?The HlacR Crook. AMBER*! Tlir.ATKi:-8 l.'i-Tyrolean. AM Killi AN KINK ART sod 1-71Y-lena Exhibition. 1U.!.)I" Till ATI'.I". - :." A Society Fad. BP.OVDWAY THIATIU'.-S-XInety Dayl. C_JUt?01R Ml sIC HALL-10 s. m. until 10 p. m. Tlie Xiurv iVullc.y. Casino B:l_?tnadap Manta. 001.1'Mil l's Till.A i RE I Tl,e New Saith. DALY'S Tl illlATni.-ll. Linton Mrttlii" . 1", T.v. Uti Night. FDl-.N MOSER Th* World In Wax. CM. HU; TH!.ATRi:-8 15 Ihe Olrl I I.eft Behind Mt Finn avkxi k aiit oiLIi-iRll-. Ray snd Eveutag F,ec Rsaibltiaa. ilPTH a vim r. ritriTRR S ll lataltoili Ruedaan and Ls Lm uudieru. OAROi n TltriTR t Tbr Mianlibaabi .RAMi OPERA H'H'SF-8- ihe DlMMed HretLk-r. HAlXI'.AN's '.Ml-ATUR *> -Mnllig.ui OuatdB* BUR. ?ARLRM "IT.P.a HOUSE -fl l.'i-Clo'lai.a. HI.KKMa.W s THEATRE-*! I'.-tri nd PrRa. HOY-Sj MADISON SQUARE THEaTUE-s 30-A Trii tO (M.MlOtVII. IMPUUAI, MUSIC ll!IX Conner!, ROSTER a Bt * L'S fl Vaudertlte. LTCEtTri TUCaTEE-8 ilb-Aaaerieaae Abroad. Madison SQOAKE QARDEX?S a. BS. ta 10 p. m.-D-i hi,ow. MARMOR ?QOARE CARDER 0ORCERT IIALL-. Banjo Concert. Palm Kies rilK.viT.E-_ .O-Kady Winicr-n"..'* Fan. MMfAARR 'jiikait.k-s.i_- fba flpattenaa. b*_P ! "' A1 u -" "'? I'robat ' TlOltT PASTOR s -.-.-.Vaudeville. UNION SQUAKE TMEATUE-fl US?Pta Renaue Onlv, 14TH STREET THEATR] -4 ih- Marriege Bpeetn ^__g .i Jnb.x io -Abtifrliscmcnie. _?-_*. lift. Ta.-. Co;. Amuxement- .n ,-o Instrnctlous. . .. . l-n Aiuiuui.i-einenis .....w 3 Legal Nonces.. . 2 Bankers and Brokers! 1 4 Lost and Found ... 8 xi Business Chances.... 0 .*> Mairlagi-a v Dc,th-. ,' U Business -.haiii-e*.... ll _ Mlsicllsneiuis .12 8-0 Bust,io*. Xutit-r*. 0 | ti media,.coin '.) ."> DiMitetid Notices ...n 4 Now Publications. 8 1 Dr ssinaking . U 5 Ocean Meanies.10 ti li.ni -ti, situation* Proposals . 8 i Warned. o tia item h-tate. m 3 i Exciir_i.,?B .ll . iiailroads . s D-d lilian.ial .ll SA Miles hv Aut-tJoii. . .11 .". For Hale.. V. ;, -,,.., i.,; Routes. 7 U Help Wanted.II ..steamboats . . 0 llorac* eit-1 Carriage* u 4 Teachers . ??* 'i Hones and Carriages! l 4 I Winter Resorts. w 4 Hotel! ... Tl .", Work Want' 1. '.* _*u Bueinros ^'oiiccti. Keep'a Dress Shirte to Mc__iure : C for $0. None better st soy price. OOO ar.d blt Broadway, New-Ysrk, and 82. Cliesuiut-at.. Philadelphia. _ TiUBLNL TEAMS TO MAIL SURSCRIRERS, bingle 1 vear. 0 mos. I nio*. 1 mo. copy. Psllv. 7 days a week.. BIO 00 WOO ti.'.O Bl-.' . Dully, without Sunday. . 8 Oo 4 00 1! 00 00 Ben. Bania. _>ib_ne.. son loo 00 .... tnt. Weesir Tribune. 100 . ? cte fc.mi.Weehljr Tribune.... 2 00 . f cw. Tribune Aiontlilv. 2 ot) .28'.ts. t'..-u.o prepaid by The Tribune except nt hereinafter stated. CITY POSTAJH.-The law requlr** that s 1 cent no-ttpe ?tam. be nlhxed to erny ,t>pv of Tho Dally, Sunday. er .-tenl-Wc, kly Tribune", ...aile! for local delivery in New-York t'ltv. This pesta ce must l>e patti bf snb s-rlb.r. F.eaders are betta! served by buying their Tribune from ri nc* *'!o?W PO HF I ON POSTAGE.?To sll fnrelcn connt-'es fe-jropt ? snada and Me\l?o,. 3 cents a -opy on The Huntley Trllnuie; 1 tents a copy on Dailv Semi.Weekly and WeeSlv. This postage must Ive l-ifd by subscriber. REMITl'ANi:!?>._Kerall bv l'o-tal Order. Fxpnsh Order. Check, Draft, or Realnete. Letter. Ca?i, on I'ostai Note. If sent In au iniaflMBllia letter, will b! ot the RACK RVMRERS.?Tat Ra*k Remben of the Daily and Snndsv papers, more than a wed* old. an extra price ls charged, on accottnt cf thc cost of storace. OFFlcrs OP THF. TR1RURE.-Mata ofliee of The Tribune, IM .\','i.'sat,--t.. New-York. Main uptown .fflc-e. 1.21- Broad.iav. Address all correspond, nee simply "The Tribune." RoW-TotR. BRANf ll OFFICER. Main branch ofliee, 1.212 Rieadway. tipper corner 3Kst-st. 2",4 8t!i-av"., s. e. cor. of CUd-st. 119 Oli-avo . corner 12th-?t. 192 ( oltinibti?-sve.. nesr Wes. C8th-st. 100 West 42!--t . i;**ar rm,-a ve. '20 West 14th-st.. near .".th-ave. ' 257 Wes. tit -st.., between 7th and 8th aves, Itt 4th-?ve., corner lith-st. 1.8,48 Adare., between Tnth and 77th ats 1.323 Sd-a ve., between 7.",:h and 70th sts. l.PiM 31 ase , near i*lst--t. 1,708 lst-ave.. near UOth-st. TOO 8.1-Sve., corner 47ih-st. 5*,t Mare., aw Bast a.thst. .2 Avenue A. between Ttd and 4th sta. 17 (anal-st. and 157 DItIsIoo-sV 140 Chn-.h-st., lietwi-en Wirr.-n snd Chambers sts. 00 l.iberty-.t.. nen Ilrondwnv. 32"i Blee,-ker-st. near Cbrl'topiv-r-st. 1.S0 F^ist 47th-at., crner 3d-ave. 2., Fast 42d-st.. near M?fll*r>n-*vc. g.0.11 Mara, between 112th and 113th sts. ?eV^^tnrkDmla Zxilxxm FOUNDED BT HORACE GREELEY FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 1*0... TWELVE PAGES. TUE SEWS THIS MORNING. Foreign.?Mr. As lilith pr*-*-?rited in til? lions.* of Common.-) a YWlsh Dtoeatabllnhaeeiit bill, wbloh pae-ttl its Iir.t reu.iing; ;. BMrtlon to rej*'':t il w:i_ lost. 3i*i to 'iti. ?i?? The Behiina Sen (otn inisxioti of Arbiiratitin held a lonna! m"< tinj* ia Paris and adjourned until Match _'i. -sss A motion Bnpported by <*x-Pr.-iiii<'r*? t'nspi and Piuiini for lb** investigation of tl,** banh i^'-;i*? iieis to Hawaii fal delayed till tho treaty is acted on. =_3= Tho Gate City Hank af Atlanta, Un., eloeed its dour.-: Redariae*adefalcation la$70,000. lin* iv-aujii" Merennlile Company af St. Paul, a liy ?jaada concern, Balled arith ItabUitiea af ^100,000. City and Suburban.?Charles FsiBBRg re*i'.'ii:*d from th** pit'-itieii'-v af Near-York and Mew-Eng bud. ??--:- Final awanls uiadf at the 'at!\ Interfered arith tiafli-r in th** bay. I.nins Hatch and Arthur Lear. died. - s Stock- i!'-cliii*'*l almost from tl,** apea iug, ami last prices were generally the krwest Hi' tlio day. Tb** liquidation hus not been oom plated. M'tii'-.v *ui call ruled a! ."< j?*r ??ont The Weather.-Foi-'*-.st i,,r ta day! ( loudinesa, ptrv-ibly willi a 1 ic li t ahatm early nt the day; cleariii's' l?y "r before noon ; cooler at bight. Tem? perature yesterday: Highest. *'Hi d.'jtre.'s; lowest, 24; average, 81 l-s. Yestertlay's art ion In tho Senate regR-dittf ainlias-ndtirs marks adt.itltfl gain, since with? out a s_Rgj-fl nhjecti lil .in Bin.iiiilm.ail wus mnde to tho Cods11lar and Diplomatic dill providing that any Amtti.-an minister abroad shall be raised, to the rani, of B-tthnaaador uh.-in vt-r the ooiuitry lo which he is accredited announces its intention of *****wl?ng an ainl.assa.loi to Waah iuglon. The J lons,* ought lo lintl it BBS* to a<--cpt tins amoiidmcii!, especially as not a dollar of additional expense is involved. Tho prestijjo of the I'nited Stal.-s has suffered in foreiffli capitals fr,in the exlstiRfl RlffRRgRRMBt, Another lirst-class jtidicial apjiointinent has been matle dy |*i*flsldRDt Hainson, wh:> .vestor day nt>minat**h a pron* inent citizen, he has never deon a canditlnto fer office, and. so far ttXBB seeking this Jiidj-e ship, ho had indorsed another man for tho place. The Sixth Circuit emdiaces Kentucky. MicliiRan, Ohio and Toliness, e. Tho testimony given \esterdav in the Brorrk \gn Fire Depauinent mve?tigaiu7n dy a f.rincr tutnider of tho department la extremely infcer Bsting and valnadlo as throwing light npon the degree to which political influence has pene? trated the seivice aider tho adminisliation of Commissioner tonis, or eonrse this witness's te-tiin<>ny will need corroboration, bul ii may do said that it confirms in a striking uay tlie popular belief respecting tonis anti his meth? ods. If liieni"!! tell the whole truth, tli. .V will le- in danger of discipline in one fora or an Other. A certain giiaianloo ought t ' de -.'lien ihem thnt they will not de made t<> sillier for any diselostifes they may fnrnlah. Cannot tho Investigating oomaisslon arrange this? ? ? ? ? Ir is a satisfaction to record that a pans of Sicilian dandits have met their desertd and lhal tho Italian Government is proceeding again*, these raacala with courage and spirit. Eleven brigandB were sentenced yesterday to liena! servitude for life. They aro all BDcfa ROtori BU desperado's thai tho utmost precautions were po eena Rrj i<> keep them safely during the tiial. Tho crime which they committed was a most atrocious one. and lhey richly deserve tho punishment meted out. t > them. It will strike terror to the benita cf other bligRRdfl who in? fest tho region where th, sn miscreants have done their rillanous work. The Republicans in the Assembly arc in a hopeless minority, nevertheless they have a most imp. nani duty to perform. Thal their leaden realize this was shown at the caucus hedi on Wednesday evening, when il was de* cidetl to give every dill a careful inspection and. of comae, io put forth every effort to de? feat unworthy measures. The majority will dear a good deal of watching. One thing strongly urged at the caucus waa thal all the Republicans should be in their seat, eery day during the remainder of ihe session. Thia is of ihe utmost importance, and it is to de hoped that every ilepudlican will act upon the sug? gestion. ___________________ MR. < I Et'EI ASH'S CABINET. Mr. Cleveland has announced his Cabinet. six of the eight Departments have Becta as? signed to men who. if they are not simply personal friends of Mr. Cleveland, are certainly not representative members of his party, and of tho six none except Messrs. (.Ire-ham and Lam ni have had the smallest experience in handling great public affairs, or have occupied any place of National distinction. From the Democratic point of view, as expressed in the Chicago platform declaring for Free Trade lune ami simple, Mr. Carlisle's selection for tlie Treasury is to de commended. Ile has been known hitherto only as a legislator. Ile has never hedi executive ofliee i ither in his State or under a Federal commission. But his distinguished Abilities are beyond question. Gentle, fair and moderate as his disposition i-, he does not lack firmness. He is a Democrat through and through, a stout partisan, judicial and sincere in temperament, incorruptible in character. If he develops the poBsessiun of executive ability he ought to make an Ideal manager of our linancial affairs ace rd ing I > the principles t > which he. perhaps more than any other of his party, has succeeded in committing tbe c nin? ny. The choice of Mr. Herbert fr the Navy Department is niuo to be praised without qnal ification. No man in the country nnderstandi iho business of tbe Department better than he. excepting, of course, the Secretary who will andee uay for him, Bul his succession is an assurance thal there will be no change in iho enlightened policies which have given us alread. so powerful a Heel of warships, and have rendered our shipyards and gun foundries so thoroughly competent to make the Navy what ii sh ul*l dc. There ought to be n<* partisan sides of ihe questions involved in re? building iii" Navy, and so far as he is ron eerned there have been none. Ho baa petri* otic,illy and most effectively suatnined Presi? dent Harris n and Ueneral Tracy in tli ? spit n ilid work ihey have dune, and in continuing it he may count on the same heany and g*-ii i rous spirit of helpfulness from Republicans that has so highly distinguished him. The principles of selection thal have led Mr. Cleveland to muk*' Mr. Hoke Smith Secre? tary of ih** Interior are inexplicable. The Interior Department is bj far the most difli culi. tn manage of all tho branches i f the Executive office. lt contains the Pension Bureau, the Indian Bureau, the Land Ofllce, the Patent Ofllce, the census Bureau and i ho*t of other diatincl divisions of government. Its affairs relate nu -tl,* i > Ihe West, and deal wiih surreys, irrigation, land lau., railroad granta, Territorial administration and Indian affairs. To pick up an unknown person from a far Southern Slate, who has never had to do with the public -eivite anywhere, who can? not know even the neiicilly anything ab wt thc raaf interests of the Interior Department, and to set him doun in such an ofllce is an au? dacious and iinjiistitiai'le proceeding. It is a cruel reflection on Ihe eminent Democrats who in Congress nnd In other branch*** of the sei? vice have so fully Qualified themselves for this peculiar trust, and it is naturally received by them with derision and irritation. Almost a bad is the appoiotmenl of Mr. Bissell to be Poatmaster-General. Mr. Ili-sdl stands for nothing in policies cr affairs, ami is known only as a person in whose society Mr. Cleve? land spent his bachelor days in Buffal'. In ita demands upon experience, knowledge of the country and if politics and npon high-, liss ability the Pt si ollie- is second only t > the In teri'!? Department and the Tietteury. It should have gone to a l-omociat of the first type, known and respected throughout th*- country. If ih.-ie waa room iu the Cabinet for thc appointment of one who uns in an especial degree the President's friend, ii was < \ bauated when Ihe War Departmenl was as signed to Mr. Lam nt. !!*? |_;ss,ss.'s, jf not uiu!< iilit tl qualifications foi a Cabinet office, something, at least, so like ihem thal n** ob? jection will be mada t i hi- choice. He iho American flag was the $8,000, 000 of capital invested In these ships. With these vera ls aimil t f the Registry law work was provided lor American shipyards, a trans atlaniie. line was brough! limier the Hag and I powerful auxiliary navy was created, If is ? characteristic attitude which Demo? cratic partisans have taken respecting shipping interests. When constructive legislation is re? quired in view of the systematic protection dy maritime Europe of its merchant fleets dy boun? ties, liberal mail payments ami naval subven? tions, these objectors an- strenuous in opposing ii. "All that is necessary/1 they say, "in oi-.ier io rc-; re American shipping is ihe re? peal of ihe antiquated Registry statutes." They point to ihe Hag OV? the New-York as a proof of what will happen all along the coast if the law de repealed. They tl i no! pause to con? sider whether ile* Inman Line would have given up tho British sndvention if tho Ocean Mail mi had not been passed, nor whether it is not an advantage t<> the country to have a Hoot of splendid merchant ship- bulli at the Cramps' yards, They do not explain why the Braxil Line did not suet.ed when it chartered a fleet of foreign-built slops or why it was compelled to fall bark upon th" Subsidy fyi as a la-t resort. Their only cry is " Free ships"; .and the logic of lhat Cly is this : ihe only uay in which Ihe commercial mai ni" cm de restored is through the encouragement <>f foreign shipbuilding ami the destruction of the American shipyards or their f i:, navigation lawn .. system of indirect pr lection by bounties, mail subsidies, naval subventions and Insurance ratings. In thai way il catablished the su? premacy of i's merchant Beet with the aid of iho Alabama raids and tie' .ubstituti *n "f Iron for timbi r. Under ide same condition! of free trade in ocean freighting the American H.-i in foreign trade ha* declined because its wei fan* ami prosperity bare not been promoted nor n.s resources dovelopcd bj tho sine Eng lish policy of enlightened self-interest. With th** Inman Lino txmverted into an A_aerican enterprise dy ihe operation <>f ihe Ocean M.ii! act, there i- a belated application of the p ilicy whit h baa been employed dy every European maritime Power, STILL DISGRACING THEMSELVES. The disgraceful course which tbe Populist leaden in Kansas are -fill pursuing -hows in a clear lielit tho ital quality of linn ulm have deon obtruding themselves as superior t . most ,f their fellow citi/.en--more patriotic, more hone.t. mare enlighl ned, m re unselfish. These pomona bnve pretended lo I.*' borrihnd by th* greed and venality and tyranny nf the old parties, and profoundly sensible <>f the misery which they have inflicted on the gnu mass if the people. Ii ia impossibl. tn exaggoi it. th" vehemence with which their alleged beliefs ind policies have been emin lated. The plat? form which 'ley adopted in N'ational Conven? tion a' Omaha la*i July is a marvellous of rescue and resuscitation, the blessed agency for restoring th*- rule of equal rights ?imi privileges and bringing duck prosperity uni honor, This is what the new party was proclaimed lo d" li-t summer. Turning from the counter reit to the genuine article, wt u has been c\ iiidit'-d iu Kansas this ninter, the contra**! is -.-cn to de sufficiently \ivid. In Omaha thc Populists were eager to crush unlawful powei ind i > pul t. nih. h ai 'i and ju-lii o ia control. lu Topeka Ihej hate been determined to steal i Legislature, and having l-cgun the execution tf a plot I*, thal end thoy have been willing i i ?airy it out ami gel thc ii nit- ?f jt |,\ pillage ind murder. Tins i* not sunnis.' I,nt fact se it mil acknowledged by all. lt will be nm m teied whenever a Populist spok<-S_aan declares hal the country is rushing to destruction and tilers lo -ave it. i lilith TO NEW-JERSEY GAMBLERS. Governor Wens of New-Jersey has vetoed he mischievous racetrack l.i ll- which had I, en assed d\ the Senate and A?a**mbjy in pmsu* ince of a cm nipt Dem eratic bargain. Thr I'mitrM-'. da* already made tbe facts public oncoming the conspiracy between the man iv i- of tin' Democratic campaign in Nen leis, \ last year and the representatives or he winter racetracks, lt is evident thal Now ferney ls now- afflicted with the worst Legis* atnie in h.-r history. No legislative majority \iih any . nscicnec or setf-respeel would have untented tu ajfve over the State so completely o the w ust clans of gamblers as the Demo ratio majority in both Houses ai Trenton roted to do. Hut what better could be ex meted from a Legislature ia which "Gloooes er*1 Thompson, founder, owner and -Mnage. d the vilest cesspool in tho State, is six COR* pieoous ami Influential a figure, ami in which rh. ni|isni's racetrack start r is ti,,. Speaker d ih*- Assembly? lill the uaio wiih (Hoiicsi is nni Guttenburgs, t > en* Mirage aad diffuse ti,,, worst -*.ut of gambling ni the iin.-t extenaive Beale all over .\, *? elsey, and to salution by the protection 0| ho lau tho Irneing of host, of unwary dupes by gangs of swindlers. Tho Ives Pool aet in this State is a modest and harmless measure in comparison with the outrageous dills which Governor Werta has vetoed. This act permits dotting only on regularly recognized racetracks oh regular racedays between May 18 ami Octo? ber 18, and does not all w any association to ian. with dening for nene !han thirty days in a year. The New-Jersey bills proposed to per? mit any Association to irca arith betting <>n every day In Um year, except sundays, and aimed to promote winter racing with all Ita abuses. The.-,- dills al-<> sought to protect gambling on races ai any ami all tine's in all paits of tho state by lightening the penalties against bookmaking. The result of such legis? lation as thi-* would be to set np a Gloucester or a Guttenburg in every county in the state, to make pi of om ional gamblers a favored and protected elass bi New-Jersey, and to lill all the towns and cities from th'* Hudson River to Came May with temptations to vicious in dulgiiie. i i dishonorty and fraud. No honor? able person can flame an apology for such dills as these. STORMY WEATHER FOR DEMOCRATS. Mr. Cleveland's troubles thicken, (ino can? not help deling a profound sympathy for tho man who has andr Hakea to manage ihe Dem* oeratie party upon its return to power after thirty two yens of exclusion from the respon labilities of government. Prom March, 1888, io Mm di. 1888, Mr. Cleveland and his friends could hold ofliee, lint could not mike laws. Now full responsibility i* placed upon them, ami diey begin i i quarrel at once, Even in iho present Hon.e. more than two Lhirds Dem* oeratie, the coming President can get nothing done that be wants, ami the prospect is that it will force up..it him an extra BCSSi >n which he is especially anxious io avoid. Mr. Carlisle excites ih" alarm and strath of Demociatie manufacturers dy calling on unpractical theorists of the Reform Club io make a tariff for dim. On the silver question a so-called compromise was concocted at a .-mall meeting a' Mr. Carlisle's house which displeases everybody. Th*' fie,* silver men will fight it to the death, because it would stop purchases of silver en? tirely f' r sixteen months, thc time required to coin bullion on hand, ."sound money men op? pose ii because it would add enormously to the load "f useless coin in the Treasury, and would provide for indefinite issues of silver c**rtiii catea. A malo-.hilt bo palpable seems likely io git little rapport, though it* origin i- rap* I.d to Indicate that Mr. Cleveland insti gatcd it. Jlemorratfl wle. believe in their tariff platform aie griming every day more distrustful of Mr. Cleveland and In- closest advisers. Colonel Watterson, o_ "Tin- Louisville Courier-Jour? nal," ciics out for the immediate npro ting of every .e.tj.-.. nf protect j.'ti in the tariff. Hut 'Tlie Cincinnati Enquirer," the foremost l>ein ocratio journal of Ohio, haring vary ch so re* lationa to viv powerful interests, declares .:* follows: Ul .!,, * ' '*? rill lr _ '!! I ll r lip. :, ll ?? I ort,' rv wi,lr , amid nii'.iiiiirii" Um par.] r. pomlM- i-r thrm. Mr. i I- \. ii,!, i minti srcui -, run til.- | l.,iip!i*lirii.- nf destruct! n t!ir"iip!i anv ni ..-ir in ii.iifn, tiiMM- lndo*triM, bat vouM mourner, '" '? r .,'.''. . l.l.i.V-- t!,--lr I" !:? B< Mit e. Then th" mme Journal talks ,,f the "!>*? morney -f Mr. Cleveland's ichool." Th" ri ft between t!i" two Democratic factions i- crow? ing deeper and aider every day, ami threatens t.. become a rupture when tin* tariff theorists tend ia th. ir lull i > a Democratic House, Aft. r all tlc exertions of thc representativ. * of Wall Street interests and Mr. Cleveland, th" 11.mot i.itir House baa thus far refused to do anything a'.I liver purchases, and it is threatened that tbe three-per-ceirt-bond au? thorization -hall be defeated b_ filibustering if ne "-s.n. The filibusters are already trying lo iti ingle tin- Anti-Option dill, ami their example will de followed I*.* ide fr.liver men. With only a fen days remaining of the present Congress, and several Important ap? propriation dills m danger, it 1 >"ks as if Mr. Cleveland might be compelled io .all an extra session immediately after March I. though he has been thoroughly aware iha! ii -would em? barrass him exceedingly. His fenn ,(f official resp risibility has p ,t yet begun, and yet his troubles anti difficulties are already lerioui enough t > account d r many sleepless nights. Tl,., w..i*t ,,f it f,,r him ts that they all come from the dishonest professions <*j the dang, r ;;* tendenci. s . f his own party. AT THE. HEAD nf HU COLUMN, lt is confidently believed thi! Tlie Weekly Trii> iin.? h;.s f,,r .-*,in,* tun,' past enjoyed the lar-rnrt bona lille circulation, paid up for one year, anions BCtUal sill:*, rd'Ts, nf any weekly in fin* I nm-1 stat.-- is.in,i ft,,!,, ti,,. ,,*??.,. ,,f % daUy, Thrre nt', m. ihuii t, several exeeHeol weeklies of a lit erarjf rharaefer which hate enormous cirrulitlons 'Hi.:n'' nit referred t". 'Iht atatemeni includes .imply tin* political and secular weeklies lamed from tl." ofllce ni -ladies. Whiic n* lifil ? eonaei|iienee tn tin* general r* ider, tli,* * ii.-nl .ii.,n ol a paper is nf th.- deepest Im? portance to advertiser**. Tin- auceesa nf The vV<--k!\ Trillin:.* ls .In.* f,. c..-,.-ral fri.-fs. lt js :, -perLally prepared newspaper of treal merit. If romes elose in the heit of tin* tusss if the Au .-rn .iii people, has tit'Vi't siii.'lif ie deceive them, aui lien never betrnyetl ih.-ir int.-.,*.-tts li*, contents are lull of both en tertainment ;,;,,| instruction, its apeelal .11 ? i",i- ,,t tin* int* r?"sts of l ii ion vi-t.-i m.-. nnd "i tha real riuestlons ..f tin* Tariff ami .'nance in lan* rilled every *.ii" ian understand, .oul its ailllnsnew to I"! Hu* oilier side I* ? heard in its col? man**, have endeared it ft. th" people; ami tts s-.ir ..... .-|,.'?-iai!\ during the last tu,, ream, ha- I, ,.n ihciitiini'iia1. Vii lllustmtiofl of its fairness may ,\ :cpiii'iii-ta authorities, mi that Important tupi,-, Mr. linn- laking the sound money sui.. During tin- I'li-hi'leiif lal ca iii pa ly ii th,, . jr iila ion "f Tli" WeeRlj 'I ultu,ie tai. np f? 300,000 a ?.e.-h. All ,,! ll," ,-amp.lirra aubarrlptlofM expire,I .h.utly aller ll.lection, and lin* circulation ol lin- Weekly rribune, by actual conni ni tin* amil na lists, January 18, 1803, wa.- as follows: tew-Vork -, in,.-, linn,a, s a J. ??; ..lu vs:,. ??Miana* Lill ll -mil *li::. lt. III. __.M'-0 14,2*1 _ .17 J li'. Mil :i ?67 I 14*2 nilli.-, tl. tit . LU*** ?hii. . 17411-1 ttl mr. . *'. I'll Hires . 7 7*.*.l ..*??, . l?? ??-?.-? iii.ti .< ima Il.lil.aii .. ? ? Rerettn I trill Wt,.niiin.. W .1*1,rn I,,ii ni-io. t ?f Columbi. Virginia w. .t vi inila SorOt i.in,lin i . Ko Oi < eli, ,i . I'.rn lilli '2.x l-l 1.447 f?,27H I..-,.-,'.' .tl. c.:.; KS VI-,-melli ,1,1-1*!,ri )!/,? a I i" ul.i . .Iril'rillill Mi-i-.i . ,-,;;.'? l."iil-1.ii a . ^7 1 K'tiH" _V . _ 47K ''?*???- . I. 17 0 ? .'? vrk:iii-:iM . . . ;???,? ? '?"?" Ti iuimm .? . i |77 i 721 Ml* '.nil. '.,"'?'?; California . . _.. || 190 Mn. Kl. Cl i.e. i aaaSa . i'la J ' I'-rt'lKll . |.11 , s , Total .l7?TlH I . link,.lu. iiiitn, TVrrltory. lilli,. I..iltur,a. tem \|-,|,-.. li Willi Blight lliietiiathiirs, i-ni-cl Itv .?\pira h ns ainl n icwals. The Weekly Tribune is hold- | tg ihi* great business; ami at the rate at arbleh , lillis ure earning in there is every prospect of u irctili.iim ot 1'.o',ii'iii or '.'On,non before many TUstR*, ---- couii>*^-<'ii of p.iiti nu. hana dds aub- ' scriptions for one year. Whatever rlSWI other may have as to the general future of the weeklj an nipa pt i. Tba Tribune sees no proof that UM day of the weekly is past. Tliere is an immense lield for B good paper, and 'Ute Trihnne leads it* emiten,pi>r:iries in oecupyblg if. 'Ih" poopV who take The Weekly Tribune arc, In th" main, the reading class, tbe most intelli gent tuen, with their families, among thc I inn? ers, mechanics ami villagers nf the United States; hut they also Include many thousands of (he r**si tl.'iits nf Jari_o cities, who are d>*alers in agrieul tura! products, and must have the superb mar? ket report* of this paper (these reports being BOB sitlcr.'il official by dairymen and others), tot regu lar BBS iu Hie purchase ami sale of thc goods they handle. Theta Bra many casi's on record in which a single well-prepared ami well-displayed adver? tisement in The Weekly Tribune brought so much business to th** advertiser that be was actually compelled to withdraw his advertising because h.* contd not attend to the orders which th.i vertislng brought .Lim. of eonrss every adver? tiser cannot expect a response like that; but the (Bel remalna, all thc same, that The Weeklj Trih? nne is undoubtedly not only the best political weekly in tho United States, tho most accurate, trustworthy and Instructive, but the one in which it wi'tl pay th" hona-lide advertiser the best to announce bis offers in thc public. Every Issue i read by nearly it million people. The retirement nf Secretary Foster from thc St.it,* Department in order to take part in thc Behring Sea arbitration leave*, a temporary vacancy which will be filled by the Assistant Secretary. Th., terni of th** outgoing Secretary has been short, but h" hus succeeded admirably in conducting many complex diplomatic IflU Still I IIS All members of the service have felt tin* impress nf his Ugh Intelligence and forco of character. Few Secretaries of State have left the Depart? ment with a bettor record for industry, courage, comprehensive ?'r.'isp of great questions of inter? nal ional law and uneiring discernment of the forces of American opinion. A good many cili/ens of this town misfit with advantage io theraaesves .'.ntl their neighbors en tn thc dog snow and l"am manners from well-bred Trays and Hovers. Som** of thc Senators at Albany think that be fon nnv further appropriation for World's F: ir purnojM is mad" the State I 'minni?inners should give a detailed account of their c\p*>nditure-i np to the present, and of the way in which the unspent part of last year's appropriation is to be laid out. Th" cotnmlsaioners, however) n**ert that it will h.* B_)Wim to (list-lose, their fill 1. plans at this time, lest other States Hhotild t.-U.** advantage of theta lo our hurt; and their r-tntement of thc case asama to have sound reason in if. Hence tia* demand for a bili nf parttculars dues not appear in he in order just bow, although th.* details of tire commissioners' work might with propriety, jierhap., be laid before a legisla? tive committee. lbs legislature in considering the World's Fair sppropriation M-OUld display a liberal spirit. The i?'Opl.. of the St.it,> will sup? port it in such a policy, for thc important" nf maintaining th" dignity iud prestige <>f New* Y'.rk nt tli" World's Fair is universally rc<> ognised. It i- rumored that Governor Flower has reached th.- oonrlosion that ch-irter tinkering'?for D**mo 'Titi- ravenue only - has gone about far enough. Considering tbat in lu* annual message nf lui year li" i un- . if strmi^' fur home rule, and made a vigorous prnt?-*t against charter tinkering, thew i. tio rc.isnii why the report should not be correct. "Th" New-York Tonr-s" remarks thal American ?Upbuilding is "hampered by toxin! th" materials n ti--" if it will refresh it* memory by re '.?rna. to tie* McKinley aol it will Bud that all materials n- lulred for th" construction and re? pair of merchant ships for tbs foreign trade can ').> Imported duty free. It also declares: "ff tassels ar., largely built abroad af lir-f flier.' alli I'" repairs f , lie n,adf Hamil is an advocate of annexation. It_ niv opponenta, indeed, are that snu.ll and .picer lique nf Ftritannixed Democrata Hut is the oming Pieaident tn bc one of these. Is he to ?come their lei let? 'lin. members *.f th" Demecwtio ring in Jersey 'itv overreached themarives when they aeeured h*> passage ?f a law axtending tbs term ol th.* iayor from two yearn tn ttve. 'lids waa done in in* interesj nf Allan I,. McDermott, wi.\p<*ct..(| ,. mai;" bimaell Mayor last year. Tin* result, oarever, was tn make Mr. Waneer Mayer fnr tba ?ngthened term, greatly io tba disgust of tho ???I,' prats. Tiicy ar*> now th'sirmis nf reducing be term to two yean sgaln, though, of cniir.se, ny law now- passed would imf affect tbe RepuUi nu incumbent Mayor Wansee has faur years tore to M-iv", and ibu nu that tim" ih" respects* I.* elem.'nt in Jersey City shun ld become sn areli it',.ii.-1 with good government that it ought to *? ini|_is*.ili|c lor tl.e Corrupt rang to get tba upper ami again. -?. .. -_ Fishermen who Bah with n"ts In the fredi at.-ts nf thi.s Sin.* will I... Interested in pm "cling* which an- ai out to k* instit uta] iti Mitch.-ss County, "lh.* Iii: Imui Republican" i" crts thai State Game and Fish Protector Ken .-.iv is after s number uf Dutehras Bsbermen Ito took tish with a net last December In the .appinger Creek. His purpose ia to proeeed -ailis' Hiern to recover from each a flue of $100. " has already made several arrests. - I'l,.* New Yuh- Bviming Post" apaaka <>f Uie 'i-.i-fiy law as "Republican legislation." Thnt * rather good for au Infallible Journal. Tbe anal Democratie epithet applied to tin* navigation iws is "antiquated," and it ought tn have am.-I our neb li'mr to look back a bus diatanee t I:,,- Independent.ra. Tin- patriotic leglsla >rs who lui air up ih** commercial mann*' a i entnry ,t> hy establishing dlseriminnllng Imposts and mnage duet were not willing to hare au amort in buy a foreign slop and th<-n enjoy them rivileges. Tiley protected the shipbuilder by miling the conditions nf registry nd that tin* ercbanl Beet ahould be American from stem te ern. *vi clearly was the duty of protecting ie shipyards recognised that thin statute wi? tt repealed when the Hags wa.aaallsed and ea trade in freighting proclaimed between IBIS nd 1850. Tho K'epiibliean party lias dona a nod deal fur tbe country, bnt it was ant Ireetly responsible for the work ur tbs earliest merican Administrations. At ih" recent banquet of the Rochester Cham* ?r ni Commeree, John Crerar, Q. CL, af Hamilton, ulai in. responded to th*, toast, "Our Interna mial Tiad" Relations." In the cout.v of las I'eeh Mr. Crerar, while conceding timi some unii,uno Canadians an now living |n the United ?it's, sud that 50 per cenl ol the number are favor of annexation, earnestly contended thal a, tic.illy speaking, there was m> ., ntimant of ni m.it in i miali, it will etrilte thc average na, wc uk" it, that in nan Mr. Crerar la oor i-f ic his Mew- this IO pn cent? 200,000 penplc utit have uucoiumonly little iailiienco muons j "?-??? . those whom they hare left at home and wit it ta presumed they ?till have rel-tlp^ PERSONAL. Ti.,, laagbter of ...mes Russell i^-.,, m I d"'""< **\ "?? i.rs nome,,, c.S'*2' **nm* I* sold. Elmwood wns left ,n ,"',.*' ***-. bk urns? h *io( k,8a,,y ^-^te^Sajg Baaea P. Anthony declares that she ... . to remain an old inala* by n.)i|cln_ ? .V ' llirotiirl. ,i \\,?- V?,.x....a _ ? " BB thfOngh a Ncw-KnglaiKl grave yum . JT **l BSBBtaaffy recurring Inscription, "g-c-J J! '? ?? "rv Bf A?, relict of the lat,, Z--*. _,? *? ?*? there tonk a to.-ntal Ironclad oath to r_w', "'** tai ui.miirrl.Ml n.tli-r than have li.r ^.fT"""1 *???? tortature g,.n..raUo?a simply _'s %?;, *^g Among thc rataaMe present! sent to th. ??__. memory of his golden Jubilee were those of th/Z* Qovanasant Among them are two m.JLT* raadalabra of gilded bronze, with high lii.TslT"* vases. Thee will he placed |n the Vutlcaa a1 Church or .St. Joachim, which I^o xiii aZ? *** his patron saint ihe Government "ntt_?,l* porcelain vttm from the Sevrei fnrtorv r *B) K'bvre de Behafne presented ti,., gifts m hu JgJK S.-< irately and Mrs. Klklns and Secretary .jt* Rash will remain in Washington until s,lmnur Vo? tary Ttaey will eventually come to New-York tn.!! with Mrs. wumirdin., but it U not yet '-*-?Fl how soon ibis removal mill be effected. Xiic__? tu ry of state. Major John AV. Foster and his ?.? Mart for Earope without waiting fe,\i.j\** I'rompily after Ilia! date Secretarv Noble'au2 *? old Lome In St. bonis, Secretary .hariet t*ti ** back to Foatorla.Ohio, and Attorney, i.n__T.*f__N resumes bis old life in indianapolis. Postm,,...^11* er.,1 and Mrs. Wanamaker and lamilv ?m i? '* Mureil 8 for . |c|.-?u-ly nip ?, ,,,?.,.""' Jg" U throagb Florida, Mexico and California. i__ *___ return Ka.st nome time In June Ikey ?____*_** iibroad. ' '"?' SI S. Thc sculptor, n. II. Park, who reproduce! u^ Kaban, santana ia silver for tha Maataaa au-n at lb" World's Fair, ls to execute a statue of p,l Marquette, th.* early explorer of the rorer ___ region, which Wisconsin means to send t0 __Te____ at WaaMngton. He also baa u commUUm uk ?___ of President Harrison. a *** TUE TALK OF TUE DAY. It ls enid that a Frenchman lins succeeded ta pelting B very (rood quality of .ilk ttUU uplderi. U twenty -even days ha obtain,si tnor? than 4.f)00 rtrtt of sine from a . i*'? lea *.f apMar found in hmmRmm But th.-n* ls no commercial value In the e_perln*o_ owlm? to the fact that when a number of spider-, _-. tSfrtfcer they cannot be prevent-d from catln| ,-,C| otli*-r up. Mrs. MsaaovBio?Theyewrichm art people who doa. know who their grandparent! mero. Mis. RochoU?OB, yes, they do, but they hope di ono el_o docs.-(Ilanp. r's. bazar. Ac-onllng to "The Hartford Times," there ar( MUM old men In Hartford, llubl'iird Hollister _ now- nearly elplity-elght years oki. yet he taker ran of the hones, barn and stable as effectively a5 eY?r Dr. David Crnry, 1.1 Seyms.t., ls aov in his gg_n elphth year, yet bo Pms oat With the Fox-Hunter-i ? 'lui) ot t'li-loiiully and bags a f"x or two on Tileott Mountain. ]>.-.-,.,.ri NorgBa hVUAt, ls,5 Maln-nt, li also eifrlity-i-'pht, atid he -till drives about, more or L-s. There art* In the town a number of other old people of ttg-ty-elgbt nr atong lhere who ke*p to. Mably lively for tliat aga. Mrs. Kaflhantca ItttampaaatlyV-1 see ye are uUnF In w-iisiiii;' agata, stn. ItePraodee. Mrs, M.-Pi..udee (whose husband ha. los* a pa*1n| jobi- Bare it's only ta amuse th.- _M_i_n. They wmits th" windi,s cover**! with -ttniii. so they oas nake ptetarea nrritH-n tn-Tli.* l..-!_ r." lt 1- furr.l-li-d free ol emt ri!,tl BOM are Bold. Dont irv I" carry all jrour relltrinn in yinr hea? ll ls lu,rd tO fas! :*l BOBBI _lth B-OBH wi o never innke nil t.-ik*--. li ttl.es n root a llfniden,<* is often wiiat others cull mennne- . The devil s'lonts bard at th?'?* 9Rf wnoMal have t>> Butka mi ninth aolae ia .__.._.? (Bam'i Horn. lt i? -md that tnosf ,.f tli.* gaeal 'ereii:-* o-ikl planted in thia eoaatry are to be bani la tba Hate of Deja**rare. a awgatlrenl Bpanial mk, elttht feel tn aiaaieter al th.* bust*, was rs-entry .ut do*? near Geotfetowa lu thal Wate. a -tt*k tl 'imt-er was aqaared (tom it ilxty fc-t long and two feet ?qaare. m.net -l dt.Ti't s.e how you caa narry -x tuan lila the rount, who i- marrylns iron ur.ly for jr ar aaoay. Marie Ile does nut pul ir in thal traf. M -ay. ii*- i. marrying ny noney only lot m-.-tli.-ia* (ion banner. A Dakota imper say I- ? little disagreeable, bai:ati:i crop. that fhou.Tli the dr.-p r.9W lt I.- a Hood thing for tn ??Here. btv*. HtOp thal dgbttag.*1 -We ain't tlpluii-'. mister; we're pinyin; Doma cr.it*.-' . -Whafi do yea mean, then, by ?.r:.t.,mc earn other, and pulling h-ur aad kkktng eack oiiwra shins '" , ,,,? ? He is a Clerrlaad Peaaociat and I'm inr HUI.* -iT. mis Btntngs. Tka MtM-taats Ulatorleal Bodety in* j'i-t i-*n**-l a interne entitled - The Mhalialppl giver aai Itt scuk?." lu thia talana t_<- BtttSMte naree ol tba river ls **?? riiirct to !"? in a pnriiiiiiv inclosed basts -aaSaBBai many p"uds. lymg -bacdy aoatk sf tata Itasn, ** Blatant from l's bead aboal tkrea mil*-*. 1'"'' i'1 P"*" Ural iiti.i popular parpone. tketasara, I**'**' UmtBg ronttnua n t..- kaoara ns tha aaaace al tta mmiESt Tke Wale al Mlnmaota kss se; apart As wgha it-*** Lake Itasca a* a -state BBtk, Th.* hrta Daka Muxiinlllriii. father of Hf EirxPtett ot Austria, ass one <>r il,.- nosi ilmple aad anana ,.f (men. One day, as he was iravel_as rn ?" train betwreo bia connity residence nml "*">nn*' *f fell Into convenatlon with a banker from n-Upn. -Are von going to Vienna '" :i*'.,"*l tks tan** ^^ - Yet i to see my daughter, bte tab Just ee** marri.si.' - Ali :'? said tbe Duke'. ?? nine lue rt.-t! also. Was ii a good match"' ?? Bieellent: And thal ot tuts issg ?? Nat bad cit lier." , ... ? ?M\ daughter marri.-*! the banker ..out-.l.miax ? Min.. the Emperor of Austrta."--(l__*'isr-i i***' just been mti? er P i:\riiY Till-', hawaiian' ISBATf Kr..nt Tb.* New York Min (Dem.). II,mle ni Ila.! sovereignty III nilli"-! '-i'i.. 'Tr?mt. ?l.-tull. li .sectus Incredible that ant >.?!:;_*>* ""? has al litai-t tbe welfare mi.I pragma, ot if"' ,n!*? UtatCfl cnn fail t*> r.s.od lils Vote In favor ol --? arming tin Hawaiian treats. tilVK HIM A PAIR < HAN. I". 0B_ITIBB-K I'rom The >|uitigti.-ld IHbm. u The dUporittoa to poke fun at ll-lt ? _nU|.-*g be restrained. Mr. Bnllk l* a ver> *?i'-**?S____ and If li-.* a* well by the Interior l>''P?r',,^| ns be br,, .le,,,* by Ililli- -If he will 1"' BS SUmU Cabinet officer. POBORTI-ia PABntAJtSHlP. rrom The linltimore Ant tt IBB. We retail Hie illstlllplU-tlCil Illunie service ni rn*- sn.II?*SW?! Kentucky, and it was proof of the rael tfcat Pttm^ .hip lui. its limitations, over which 1! ls mm step when tba nciM-lon is B worthy SSW. HAWAII N >T >?> VERN BRM HI* Prom The Knox vi iio Jannel. ta -Honolulu is nearer io WaaMagtoa ttaaAJJg la," cn- the linn, i.rp- ll. Hales, e.X f.-ai'ii **''"* to Samoa, il ran also be reached from ^'ba? in a sfnrter ttnaa tkaa OaUtorata comm uutm ? "^ easss Ualted states tenttary. -?.? ? - PUBLIC BYMFAT1IY WITH M'KINIEV. From Th" BsaBN Advertiser. Ills bntiestv l! llliillsputed. Til-' BaHtj rdisagree wlt'i bin lu mailer- ... l'''r-;.I':'1,iei l.nve reasn.l tn be .,,0.1.1. Ill bis l>r*'S.?l ?J"H5 h.. ls tin* oblaet nt nut migiuitgiiitf svmpnl.. **"?* his worth and his nilsfoitun** merit. lMKHKsiTINt;. DI T N?'T I'lI'i'I'TA***".' From ThS Dd mil Ti I,nine. Iloriaoatal Bill Horrt_on snd Issac Ittsev liny irs anderstood to be Biting out expctllil.ni ?lJ"!?r5 which Matu Jud go On_h.tiu icprisciit-, unu-as ?? liidlanu. \