GOSSIP IX THE CLUB WOULD. WORKING POB GOOD CITY GOVERNMENT. SOME 01'KlCHtS OF POPULAR one.an;z\t:ons THK. HARVAlUVB BCILD1XO H*M) VARIOUS NO IT.-.. a tn,.ivemor.th in- saflced te innsforui tbs City ere Pica In Ibe brains vi u f.-w public* fjuli frntii :i mpnai ritfc -?ranees, t ilrsaf ,,[ r... ri ab I- tl..- diver." of city from Ka Into a solid reality, with a rom* ell -appointed clubhouse In Kl ft li ave, and d numerous membership. Tbs central ?ri'ii'lP1'* mew ttC" Rteie p..ntic? fhll it refarai a* lbs oaly amfRoi ot s'.'iulng C(>"'t niiinl.lpi.l government that -?flrseUcsMe bi i effective. A largs number ol nen _h0 t?i,"i.-'eii i" th" leading slabs looked on lbs w-cject wi':, favor, and a romldrrable membership v?as Lftflj Mill; np Ti is l- Increasing iteadlly. a seers -, n?,!,. si aew ::.!!'.?- are .-Milled to the Hat ut each sr aor.tilr ni a^i. continue at a 6<-*o-l I?tt. tiiiK of tbe committee, and the applies james c. CAJvrnn. Tte rino started -with the Idea that tbe purification ?f city fesrsramrnt was not an affair of a few monihs. In Sm last election lt took no part, recognizing the fart tbat Kfetlsaal is-m-s wer,- paramount. Mme ip" lr.i-S'iiatlon of Mayor Gilroy lt bas, believer, held two nestings io denounce his appoint incut of Mannell and Kora to office Most of it> work, however, has 1.n preliminary. A great niirnlei of eo_sa.ltt**a nml tail. committec- bas been appointed. Bach of these im tome special field of Inquiry and watchfulness. Tte Committee mi LsgiSlatlon has sui.-coininlttec- mi Man Jwt billot, ton.-titiiUonal cnventlon, Civil Bet vice re? form, primary elections and separate elections. Tbs committee sa femaldpal government has ubmii ninety members, wat form ten subcommittee., reek one of ? hied bas charge of some di-partment of the city gov eminent. That these sab-oommltlees tboald be of o-.e. the limbers ol tie-in must know soaiethlng .>f the worKii..- ol tor branch al the municipality ol n..di tfesy take special cegi-lxance. Tbe present lime ;, then-fore largely oas Ol study and research. When UmlUirity Willi the various eley departments ba- been icjulred oems praetleal rssnlts may bs expected. ar. C. GULLIVER. Th- preslieat ol tbs City t lob li Jam,- r. curter. a 1 awx? r whose iblllty i- 1.cnlsed the Isud over sad who -find- smoni ihi leaden ul the bar of the tseatry. He 1- a nallve ..f Massachusetts, having ben burn in Lancaster In 1--7. a ft* r ? com >? In tin- lieji,> Academy il Minehan*!, Mass., bc entered Harvard i t-Hece in the >l-- ol 18_0. He won i>ii.' ?I.- risdon in Latin snd lot essay,. Ile wsi il*o gi-.,'luai'd from th- Harvard Las UrbooL and in ls8.'? bli Alma Mater conferred on him tin- degree A Doctor of Laws, ll" bm delivered leveral tamoai i.il '- ', i legal subjects, Including Um! before tim stale Bar Association of Virginia lu !--(? on "The r.-ovln'-"- "f lbs Written and Hw "Unwritten haw," and that h. larc th.* American Bar Assoclallon In imsi on ??Thc !<:.?;:! and the Arina! in Law.-' Mr. parter la ? P'-*._c .peaker of Ililli rank. niP.TOW B. wi;t.KS Be-M..-, being president of the 1'itv flub, Mr. Colter ?Hong, to the Century, Inion League, t nlver-liy, ?hi Town, Metropolitan and Alpha Delta Phi clans A 1-edlng ,jurlt In tbe establishing of Ott City dob *?? W. c. Qniieer, w_g ic asm one of lbs trusts ss tr* the cfealrssaa of its executive Committee. Hs J* Mangi ts tin., cmnmlttee on LeghfatloB. Ur, Gt-inr.r l, deeply latarsstsd In the object! which thc nib i, .?,.)(i?j; i0 acoornpiish and baa devote- mach *?? ind labor for Its advancement. He ls a lawyer. ****% t*cn a fiicinbcr of the firm Of Alexander Ac me\\ for Mts Issi ten years. Mr. OulMver ls a Yule ?**? -feriag ben grartiiated In 1--70, aud was elsss ?Br. lin Btodled law at ColamMa. Of bas cvi-r **? brrterr-ted in athletics at Yale, having rowed In J tlett race*, and ?u-, ons sf lbs committee wlip-h ****** th?- lyautsshun that has Just been opened _ m, Ouiiver ls a member of the Hafen, < rntnry, ^?l?enlty. Kiding, rnlver-'v Athletic. Lswysrs' and t*-rtch*ster (v.u-.try clubs and of the Yale Alumni *t**ttiton. He was chairman of th* committee of ? City Club witch presented tbs icon bing report tSHSl the ieanneli md Koch appolntmcnti. h*rt?w s. Weeks ls not y_t a third of a century Cd. ?Jj* 'hers bu ilrea-iy been an uncommon demand for "? Mrvfoe, oy c-uVjl tn<1 0.bM. orgAnliotlom. He ti Jfijj* prominent In tie affaln of the New-York ?""-Mic Club, of which be wai Kita fSS-Usat In Itali JJ*** In j few and li now vlce-prsildent. He ls 5 fh4lrlnan of,t? House Committee and is serving bli oHM term on lt* Committee on Athletics. Mr. weeki ?M been vice-president of th* Democratic Club for two 2J2 "* al*? belong! to the Manhattan and Aloha **?? Pa) clubs, and to the Rsr Association. las Som of Veteran., have also paid Mr. Weeks rreat 2*' H* wtm a charter member of Lifuve'te Camp 1SS *"* m*> " 1,r"n'n:i:i' *? rare felen ,,'.,1 P. ' .'" "*?' "* ,n "^ ls ?***, wstne-,';.?MTESrLJr.*. >""-??'-"- o' fi- laienu thine forth brlllUntir u. ,,., ^V^fl_!L__,,^,,_i ?? ?^5*b2?,!SIJi ,s:_2; a vernie, ^T,w "* C00,,eoo?' ?? """' 'ht of prfh, |? ,h, ,? , , ??rae on Thm-day w.f . F;,,t ,,?.fM' ,,*j. J w_l__l-''M^*'22 W. TRAVERS JEROME. Wiman Travers Jerome bas ben tbe secretary of the Nim-tei-nih Century chu, a|mo*-t rrom lt, fnunda Oea, haring bees an ultimate friend of Court la nd i Palmer, Ita Bra) president. Ile |. a member ol the I'nion Clab and ,,f tba cit, ,-??,,, ,?..I)f, ,M1 ,Uu Importani committees * ti,,- latter organization, times on legislation and afllllated clans. r'osrle,*.nr.i ls one of hi- mott prominent characteristic! \ eas,, t li:, t Involves the ,, .di,.,, engages hi- whole soul. His attacks on Uie force rn ibe trial ol Becker und Fina for es tort lon wee." cife.-lve in Bsrunng u,e acgaltlal or one ..r Hw defendant*, Becker. In the more recent trial Ot Charle, W (iarrtner sir. Jerome aRaln mad- a vlgoroas Ugh! Sgalnst tho polite testimony, but ihi- time ho had less success. I -J 1 'vf-^^S'll ,.* mimM t chemistry wbleb be acquired t* tonlshed the ictcnttst, who tc.titled. Mr. Jerome*! dlspoattlon la almost boylab In cheri hiern, aad he li ii friend Whom a lar-*-- circle are prood to pease a. Ni. 450 Flfth-ave. I, perhaps not bo well known a building a- th.- clubhouse ol tbs Union League, Just air.,-- tim street, although the members of the It-pub iii-n club, whose borne i- st No. r.'?. plsyfully Mer ti Hw lilt; structure as the annes to Ibelr establlsli meat. There ts, -.f m.ir--.', ao rivuliv between the txv, orgsnlsatlons, nany men belongiog t' both, and ??ach ii a towel "f strength to the Republican porty The RepaUlean Club bai since i--- occupied Uh finner house <_* Richard Clark, an nhl fa hi .in-1 Kew York mansion. Tim Bttlngi reflect the uplrlt ol i rich niau of taste 'Hie carpel of the drawing room was woven especially for thc apartment, ind all thc woodwork nml him i'i n k's ure of the Hnest, A tingle i hand'll. r cost Beeerol thou fend dollars. The Rep-bltean < lob thus started In willi many ?f the treasures of tia- Clarie bomestCSd, and it ha. added to these furniture whick I- worthy ol Hie -rn soundings. Tbs feeling has been that the bssl wai i imne too po si. A cosier and handsomer dining-room than that nf the club (Oild not bc Imagined. The chair* and tables were made to order and ure the best that could be secured. All the book-cs-e-, meka, table., chairs, etc. in Ike Ubrsry nnd the furniture i of the rafe were made expressly for the club. These articles have laen ixiught from tims I > lime, an.i thc nt* ulm; ?,f the im. '? li never ???inltt"d. The club prides Itsell on Ita (restaurant. All those who live hi the hons,-, and nol a few others, brrakfart there regulariy, nnd at dinner time the tii!,ic- are nlxv iv , r ,wiled. The OOoUng and servite ure excellent, and modetate prices ai" charged. Dr. .!. Clark Thomas I- chairman ol Ibo lion e committee, and l- most Industrious In looking after Ibe detail, nf ibo dub's i..t'm.ai i.iiair-. Ile viii- tin- bouse iiailx or oftener. John B. Smith, tbe new pr Iden! of the club, mid (iilmr leading membra make it a point to dins iii'-re wttb more or ksw frequency. ai tin: Sleeting of the club on Ins! Monday Robert P. Pta lei, -npciliit.-liileul ur the C-n-u-, spoke lim-l rntertstnlngly on Ihe eeneus, snd tbe poUtlral lessoni tu be drawn trott ?'? The comailtloe oa National allali- |,re.-.-lite,I a r'j,< il In btVOT Ol the iiliiieXlillnll of llhwall on wMeb b greal deo! ol pun. had been spent Thc .resolution mu Bdopted, snd so was one ntt-red i,x tim committee on ? itv sad Btate aflUtn condemning Ihs paster ballot. To-awrrow Dight the club "I" '.ave un sntertafmuent whick la called ? '?syuipo-luiii'' lo (OW eal it- real nature. Thc announcement that tim 7th Regimen! Veteran club h..d Mewed 'bric houses at, tim southeast Cornel "f I Iff ?? -lith -f and Fifth-are. lOr a Iikw el abbotts* bsa bee* "f esst serries In itlmelatlni Interest In Ihs orgaalsatlon. A eoaiequent growth in inanbership ls certain, fur las sits ls not to t,c sufpas-cd la Fifth ave Thc club's slSCtlOn of oltlcert. will tale place to-morrow* swaning. There seem, nn doubt about the re election of Colonel Lochs W. Winchester as president, and Major ll W. T. Mall at vice president. Edward Vf. Cniides has won tbe prizes offered by Major Mall In both the p-jol an bllliard tournaments That In the pool comet -is a silver mounted melt containing four cut-glass bottl<_ and In tue other, a hand-som* silver pitcher. fhe compeuton for the Mall trophies for ability at wi.tst ind cu- hre are HUI la progress. Edmund HondrlaBl bas given a big *ilver loving cup as a pr;te :n a second pool tournament The Patna Club announces that it lu meeting it gTierry'-i or. Maid IO ex .senator Warner Sl'.il-r and Braun! Wiman will lead the dlscuisslon or. "Ornate! America, and Our Matteno ta lt" Ai tli" ??!??( ties et the .-natl.ern Society, on March g, eimile* A. Pr shea will prol-ably be naide grssldent and Georgs Gorian nattie, sseretary. Tba chief eente-t wfll be between ilcih i niton and Charica K. Gropfe for the place "f treasurer. Unod Garernmenl Club A, an alli!lated orgnM/iilo-, of thc ? liv Ohlb, has bsei .Incorporated It lind a membervhlp of 100, bm fernel over loo ,,f thee to borne of the other -ood (.ioverntuenl ilul_. All '?'.:-*'* '??? ? - ?htbli ' Heady growth. Ctol h brid a meeting at Lyceum Hall, In IVesi Marti nlntb*st., on Tuesdsy evening, ibm wss well bi tcaded and ti... orgsnlsen ol 'Inn !?'. itsemsed phmi for taeii work on thc ssmc night il Ro. ur. Few Blxteemb-it. K..,h .nu, arawa lu membcrshta fros a given part ol the elly. Tbe chibbouse committee of tbs Hsrvsrd dub I now considering tbs cbotce ,.f ..;, architect i. i it n"w borne, which I- ls bc eroded on a thirty _***!-_ lot in Weat port} lounb-si , asxi thc Berkeley Lyceum Joseph ll. c. ,.,te suggested bi thc Harvard dlanet rn i ii lay m.-at tl al the facade of tim iv, .-.- ol '.. ii Harvard'a mother, tn Stratford-on-Avon, 11 rcpt '"';''- He bas lent fur a photograph nf t.-.- h.-;..ii, " f '? iiin.-. There li a doubt, however, a- ;,. wbetbei un' idea i-. fesilble, il ii li imf. a bouse wtth .. ml,,i,|., Iscade, such ii. i- -.,;, on some "I the old building! Ill tie- (,, liege yard ai ( Hil,I,lld.C. Wilt b? hllllt Nene ,,f ti,.- eommlttes i- st Uberty m -av nh, ;ii..o.- :;.,? subscription "f B-O.OOO, which, with th. ?M.ooo r.i. raised, Min enable tm- elah to iprnri ??rli'1'.'.'Ul UH Ihe -ile :,;,t| hill--. IU,1', MO.OOO III be un-, d mi mortgage, In accordance with a reso? lution passed b\ ih" ,i,;h. Thai karel a dcflrlt ,,i about 00,000. Thi- assy h.. raised hy tubscriptlom -?i taken from '.'.-? reg tiwi randi ol the club, or it., ?nima,t nf ii,,, mortgage maj lu* Increased t,, 040,001 l'T v"'"- ll.uv.,:.I ae'ii mc Justly proud ? ?: 11,, "r'lH- "( 0-4,000 xx a.n ii,,.),- ,h.I, ha., ,v, elve.l. Th, alumni nf Harvard in Hil, < 11% nre , aiy nm .? numerom .,- those ,,f Tale, taking tim representation "I each ll.Mltiilinii I,, |be 1 BlVPI.lt; Club a- a tali indkotlon. i'm- sclUrvemcnta nf ibe small-i body ?'?''? therefore most creditable. Vals mea, however, arc giving a great desi io Ibelr university through Ibe alumni hind, and also subscribed geuerously lot ii," new gymnasium. n 1- 1,.u known ii,.,t 11,en- is another elm, rn ti,, ?'"ii'i whick, ulm t'e (.roller, i- ?.? up ,? nfmb '*' lovers nf ,,'.1 and rare books, Brat edition, ami um binding*. In Loudon lhere 1. n,,. otu Vol imi Hub, wl i,!| I" rtmllar In charade , bm i- m h., 1 onlj . *?i'b'tyi .-.- 11 i.m-.i.x 1,,,. occasional dinners and hst l:" clubhouse. The fun," ol ie Grolter tia, tpn-sf io th.- boob m 'i-lri nf London ;niii several Bngh-hmri ?nv ti.-ii I-.-I.I, nt members rn li. Am,mg tm-.? 1, th, Rori e.* -carborough. H. ? governors ol tbs Mell rpi ima ciui. met ot r_e_day, transacted tome routine business and elected ?1 few new membei . Thc mit weather ha- dc lay..I Hie work mi Ibe new clubbisisc. -fl.ablution ni pi. lures wi;, -, was open, d ai Hm hut,.-, ciuti la-t nigh! Mill continue to-mon ?w, when xx,mnn presenting ..ni, xxiii be idmltted 1 ?ec it fri in i tu c. ji m. in. ie xxiii fee ,?,,.(,? ant 1. ireshmrnts. 'ii,,. Bri committee consists ,,1 Edward Meian. II. tt'. Rall ger i.i."I ' . Many 1-,: .,. m.nm ume ia M..n.i m.. Colonial i lui, xxiii have .ni .ut ex Mbl I lon. The -".!?? object ol the opposition t,. .1 tjorgeani . iain-- re-election :i- a e,,\ eiiim- nf Ila- Man i lub ls .-iilil iu be :i .ic .r.- (or a change in tbe imo commlttro. ile |- .hallinan nf t'i- anil a f xx ,i ii,., members think il.ii fan lu,- Pen unable :?> civ- bi mill li Hine a- he might I', lbs dillie Of tie- ni.,, ,? on .."mint "f bia social, buslncs ami , Mn ml atTalrs, Tiler. I, no covert attack on Frederic R, Coudl-rt, the president, in tim ticket on which Mr. I'ram'i iiaine doe, aol appesr. line <>! ibe candidates mi lt who i- nut rm Incumbent Mould surely favor Mr. L'oudert'i re-election ..n.i tbe other wouM prob-bl* do s... Even ir tim tlcbel were Bnceessfal, tbe board Would I'" COmpOacd nf llllrll*CII of Ce III;.. || olen '.xl., form it BOW. An Rngll-ib .lui. custom, iiiiimix-. timi followed bv certain proprietarj .lui.-, in London, of Bdvertl-lug im- members, bas I" u ba, I'XcHcd imn ii t en.m. m. There i- mi advertl noa i" m. publl ind in London In i weeklj psper, aihiie..,d I,, n, mtiers of Psrila . tbern to j"ln a certain pi ipriclarj dub. While lhere I- a gen .ml feeling "ii the pail nf member, "f lb,' b-tier Nexx York club In fa,.f retaining and al?o of secur? ing eligible member* when any vacancies occur, which i- I, ,i often lt. Hie I'nlmi League, I'nlon, Calumet, Ki li:,. :i".. ie : Biid "tie: "f t'"- ''. '*. r known i lob , . a decided l'l'Jcii' ?? ag I ' ie ?'!? . ol "h. ii m.- itnv i.m- m, J,,lt, il,. , . Tbs annual election ot tim Calumet Club win i , Mm, h ii. 1l? , lui, l.a . i..,, :.,i| 1* i limit ut nm .-mil mex im :i tong walting ll-'. Tim Quaint ( i.i' bad .? last monthly dinner nt Hw Cn!,III,M.i Ri ll aral,' "-, 'I ll I ? *? I Ighl I i ?*. 'Ih" iluh enteitalnrd bs Ha guest rea memben "f lbs w Innlsook ? tub ol Ibe ' il kill M suitaln*, whli b i mi, . med Ibe ii,emI..-, i of the Quaint < i al Hs i I.lubhouse nt the fool of Sltdi No in ibe Catskills in-1 Decoration Day. rhe members .f iii.. Wlnnlaook ? lub wno were Ott v . I. Sharp and i-harl**i R. ii*, l.t. Biid tong, by James Rlrcrson, jc !, \. Barmtonl snd Bf. 8. Rodie. The banquet of tbe Megsntk Flak and Game Clab, tin- sixth ai.iniui oas m tim bistort il ita dub, which xx a, held ii' 'I.-* 11 ? ? tr 1111 ? 11 Houas "ii Tuesday night, wai Ihe irs! thst Ihs club bas held in Rsa York, ns the majority oflti memben ar" Bostonians. Th" ban anet ws, siteaded by shoal 183 awmbsti, and He? lyn wa tastefuBy decorated wtth bunting and Bablag emt.I rn . frederick U Gtlbsrt, chairman "f ibe com nm.f Arrangements, in tbe absence "f Ibe pr -id-nt. Dr. H.bOT Itlshop, <>f Boston, presided. Speeches were mad" by Mr. Gilbert. Robert it. Roosevelt, Judge Vfar vu lllgley, Andrew W. Glee on, Rug a? G, Blachford, in. F. h. .slur.i- and William K. McClure, Tbs ipeeche "i Me. ws. Rooserell snd iiii-'iev dwelt apon be subjecl ?f tbe relstlon ol preteetlee cain- t lub- t<> 'ule-ll-V, nail bofb -penile!-- malt,'alBed that Un- gSSM lah whlrh ure pow being organised all through tbe . mi . are tin- nw i rgectlve agenta in protecting no! mly lbs n-'i snd -nine, but the Ion-si*, bi m.ii. iii tlcgiiiitlc ipili oxxii- ii knit" preserve of _.",o square mi... ii, Northern Haine and Southern Quebec, im ,na ii,,l lim.:.-?? i- situated "ii Molder Lake, Ju-i iver the Canadian l-order, bul it lia, thirteen auxiliary liter.d through lt- pi.-' ix... Tl ?? i lui. i , irly ?. :n !?'*! il- limit "f -WO members. Its Initiation i now Otoo, bm nu.- i- -'".n t" be ral*cd. iiiiip tbe .m.xi; leland dub will l-l il tors cu- spring. The , are ll. K. Howland. I'n -i xl .? president; Fr.dorl. k S. I'lllll'V, il I ali* lee I mm i '? erv Indi' sll in ?ave a lari-'" number "f ,,e nt officers "f the r|ul li-iiti N. K. Fairbank.,, flaker, t i-'-a- m-'-r. and *N' IPI- 'I'll" KV'''Mve ( nlllllllllee |, rolllplisot nt ||. ? Howland, L. H. Lawson, Cornelius ti. BU , Fred .?rick Raker ind Latham A. Fish, Am.mg the .i ,.,.. of t ie duli :.r-. John c Barron, ff. Ilnvard Cul Ung Ogden Bnd Robert .-let, R. !.. Ogden, lair mind Rog rx nu I John v Me wa ri. vim ii amusement bs, lieen caused In the i ul.mlal bili bl a letter publl Ind from f"ur -m Hi I rillleli "I i,,. \y,..| side.npliilnliid ihut mi iv a .hlnrtoo'* lltrtb lay the Club tl'*', ii fesg willi th'- ->r,] ' ol Ile- .Mm- 11 -an Bag, bul wltb lin' red m - nf W. ti.-uru'.' in the -nmii-i- where the -tars should :it>i"Mi\ Tiles*' rlUsen-t nani i" ktww the meanliig nf ibis emblem. >" far ia ?, he ?, ,-i'air,e.| the Bag I- an old fashioned one. ...n He ii.r- orran ged in somewhs! ol i rni*? shape, il ihen ss i.?'? ? i" ol '? .rp", nnd Ihe onb solan-lion of Ihe anger "f ti." complaining ? Itl/ciis is bal they had "blood bi Ibelr eye- and didn't see oldie Not wit h landing Hie Inclement weather of Wrdm lay Mft.il.n, i iji-re ".. a large attendance al thc ,i",,i?i xx,, my meeting nf Ihe Knickerbocker Bowling lal, ni the rem I- bnlldllig In We I I ort I Lr I I. "There wort two prizes competed for, one i sis nd ,f colors given bv Ihe club, mid a handsome lamp, he elf nf Mr-. Frederic .1 De Pey st er. Only tbose , ntei iniit - who sui i n ded In miling over one hundred loinls were allowed In draw for the prtxes. There rep- ihirlv oin- xilm made ri -??ure of 100 p dills and iver mid Mis, .1 A. Williamson wai .ncc--fal lu Ihe Irawlng. Tbs club will imld li- third meeting en \.-tli.i--.iov afternoon next ?li... \..lum- dos il'.'.-, ur organisation* of perioni nterested In t:." breeding of particular kind- nt .in,*-, uld their in mut I meeting! In connection with thi Dof ?,,xr, which closed un i riday. on th- inccesilvs days .I Issi we..]; :t maj a. I i" generally bnosrn that bore are upward-* of "'ic hundred nf the-.* clo bl In the astern part of Hii- L'nfted States alniie. Th<- tt'e-t i.ii;,ter Kennel Club bel- !t< annunl dinner at Del - ,:, Wednesdsy evening, nnd later In the ?,?-, ng Its annual meeting In the presi room of the Msdl sn 6qusrs Osrasn Bf, I. Buchsnsn, Chief of tbe igrtrult'irul Derarrment of tin- World', Fair, addressed he cl ali. and told Its members of tbs preparations for :,* >rreat Dog Ihow which ls to _?? held at Chicago t the World', Fair. Members of the various wild low] |b00tln| elah, Ittutad "ti Cnssapsoks Hiv and Albemarle. Pamllco nd Carrttach sounds, have been Interested In I erent bunk "f a tie"' 'ir.nnliatlon ca'led tue Al'* narie nnd Pimlico Crulslns ind Munfliig Association. rhlcb bal been M-nt tr almo.t every ot,e interested , sponlng malters, tm- booh or p-o.p'-ctii* dc alls a rehems bv which a number of club men propose , ,. ilse i .. thoonet through th* North csrollni ound, fm the purpose nf shoottni ind ishlng. portimen who b? icqualnted wl'b rhe lo. ailty ami ho ;.i" fiui.lliar wllh tim stringent laws of Nuitl, ?arolliui rt lally- io shooting there by non-resident* ai thai the scheme I- impm'i cat l". oaring to the ,. r thal n BM H'"' bi Impoaed br the Btate laws i, my |N-r-i"i shootinc i-i,iii a b'ni or hotter* wbfe . nol ., re?dent ot iCorttl inri linn tt': en a mir. da, ? ni u' tn" .hooting clubs which bo.di rra' eriale i North Carolina, he become, ? reiidcnt of th" itste a fur a- shooting orel lbs preserve- lo xt.'ilcli the Ititi ti" Joins holds title, but .|>nrtsnicn BU l*al Iiii doc* not apply to a dub which has Its qunrlei. ? n bi,aril a vi?el Ht.d i nnstantlv move, li- mild* i ; ?WO. Last f.mtier a party of Philadelphia sport, i wbo went ttl turritack m.und in a naphtha launch I and .hot from lac isms were arrested, tskeo lo Cur i''1*' '? I ' m* .'lou- and beartly lined. AMONG WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS. Tim rbalrmaa of the Woman's I.f ague sxecuttvs committee, Mrs Bernard Mccauley, or. a* shs i leiter known, Mr, Rachel McAuley, i- busy Just now nilli sabscriptlens f..r thc BOOtfe shake-pcare me isRton, Which ll now on exhlbllloii In Tiffany'-- win dow. The I ionic medallion sean the familiar features of Rdwln Booth, and. according to Joseph Jefferson, i- Har mott Wonderful liken,-- la brents work son lu a ion;,* time. lt was made ly Theodore Bau on sn order fmni Mr.. McAuley, who paid ?'.<*?) for ii. Intending to presenfrf to tbe Players' Clab ls men,orv of ber husband Bnd bi a token ol respect lo Mr. Booth, lt ls bom proposed that lubaeripttoaa to u.e amonnl or il .ooo shall i>c given fey members of tie- Players' club te parchsso thc medalBoa, and Iha pic, ,e(!s turned Into the Actor,' lund tr-a-nry, Mckell fm th" -ame being ti each. Mr-. McAuley lui- thus fur received aeariy *500 toward thc object. Thc regular basinesi nie.-iiug of ihe Professional Woman's League viii be brid to-morrow afternoon, al v. I.,, h it ls boped then- sill br a fall iittfialai.ee. Tim orders fm gown, tu th- dressmaking department bavc Increased ? i rapidly lhal three more ssalstants bsve been rngsged, Mos! si lbs memben ut tbs league and n,any .mi.pi,- professionals .m ci posed ls patronise this put sf lbs club liberal!]. ii,.- ruth Avenue Riding club 1- quirt st preseat, presumably on account ol Lent, ieversl high-Jump? ing contests :.re planned, however, for Baster week, and meanwhile ibe attendance keeps ap to Its regular stsndard. Miss Mabel Metcalf ha- been winning laurels ii- usual this winter In Ike -hip" of two silver cups, and oiler, who have distinguished themselves ai" Mi- i .m. Mi-- Pomeroy, Miss (irenic, Mb* Badu? Ile.' t and Mi-* lu |tort|_e. a complimentary entertainment wai given by the Junior Endeavor d.ly last evening bi college Hall. Nu. ti I'uivcndty Radding Big bim. h.-. ol i-..-> * a",d palms linnie ibe rooms attractive, and several ex i elie.ii n i hattons nnd musical selections were given. The topic fm- discussion al the Dum.-He (lab on Wed IK -day aexl will he -The Cir, nilibili and Disease Rebiilni in i'." "ii *?'""' h a in ,-i Interesting ie, inn- i a'.n .p.,*.-,!. Memben and Walton are cordially In? vited in roi.ver with b.ibie- m- young children, a ih" ilub ti' imbi nilly provides tova fur ibelr amuse? ment and a committee lo look aller Ibelr wan'-, so that Hm mother* e..ii derive complete enjoyment (rom th" lecture ult hon I Interruption. The Annex ciu'. bas cosey rooms ..t Ro, 72 Mad* l-uii'.. and on li.md.ix evening t. room? were brilliantly lighted ind effectively decorated by th older mein lier, l i Welcome a bruth.-r i lub, com po ? d of middle-aged men, wbo have been meeting and bavins lull, and bs tui.--_i.ndei tbe title ol the but? termilk ? lub. I he Alliance "Employ men! Bureau 1- one of Ihe most a, .foi lira nelie, ol Ihe Working (.ni-' club. Ii - he,d.pi.iri.i^ ai" al So, iii w.-t Thirty-cighth-*t? ini.!.-, ii,- suiM-rlntendeocr nt Miss Buchanan. The purl. ol tl i- ." operative l*nw ii i- to i nd eniploy rael.' lur any elah memben who ar- oat "I WOTl I'l. Interested In ihe bureau are nlso requested to Inform ibe uii-erintcndenl retired bastneM mau, His grsndtsther, lbs Ber. fleury B, Btlmsoa, waa fur more thea half u century a mtBtster In Windham, (.reen,. County, H. V. I'nifi?ur Lewis A. Slim-,m. al ibe Fnlvendty Medical BCboel and of the New York Hospital; Principal John Ward Btlmsoa, of the lesli tate ol Arti-t Artlsani la Wast Twenty third ,t? ene) Frederich J. Btlmson, ol the law firm <.f Stimson .v Wllllaiii-. lu the Hrvani BuBdlng, et* lil- biulhers. Iheid..re Weston and Dr, ll. P. I.oomi-, of ttl"- t III versify M..il.al Behool, mc ii- brothen-ln-tsw, snd a ildrd -J-t-r ls Mis- M. A. Stimson, lbs secretary el the Young Wonjan. Christian As orlattou. Dr. w. tt'. Atterbury, of lim debbafh Commtttee, i- aa uinie. ami Dr, Anson P. Allerbury, ol Ibe Park I'le.iiyteii hi Church, a cousin. Mn. Btlmson i- i daughter "f Prcsldenl Bartlett, "f Dartmouth College Dr, BUasaon was born on rieptember St, i-t.. and was lu the dryguod, business win, Morton, Urlnnell J Co. in this city before going Into the ministry, lb* wa, graduated Iron Yale College lu 1883, Then be studied f?>r a var in I td"ti Seminary, bom plc! Ing hi ,,,ai-,- al Andover la 1888. In May "f tim followlnft \".,r he was ordained, baring already supplied the Plymouth Congn'gatlonal pulpit al Minneapolis for some nm.-. M.- remained la thal church tm URO, when he accepted a rall lo Ihe Colon Church ?; Worcester, Mass, Ile bas been In hi- present pastor? ale, Ihe Pilgrim Congregational chm, h ot st. Louis for six and i half yeer . i'i;:- . linn ii i >Trong and harmonious, and kai slwayi been one ni inc mos! devoted, uuit'-d and hardes! working church' ? "f Ihe denomination In the West. Far a anmber of yean Dr. Ktlmson bas been the recording secretary ,.f tbe American Board ,.f Foreign Missions. Tue year book of Hie Broadway Tabernacle, Ju-i Issued, -i,..ivs ti,,- congregation to be lu a prosperou ,.Utlon, notwithstanding the resignation of thc pastor. Dr. William M. Taylor, after twenty var.- ol faithful service. Thc member.hip al the beginning of Iii" year was 1,148. Til" pew rental- last fear wera ii.-arly 130,000. Thc trustees are Coraellui n, BBss, president; caleb B Ki,??val-, secretary, Jud y? Fisher, treasurer; Cbsrin 8. smith, Mathew c. d norden ard James ll. Dunham. The deacon, ar. William ll Thom.un. Austin Abbott, John ll. Wssh burn, Henry C. Houcuton, Henry W. Hubbard. Augustus '?avh.nt. ( i.arle- WhUteniore and Lucien C. Warner: clerk, Williams Ives Washburn; treasurer. Irving R. fisher, -iind-y-school superintendent. Kich srd A Dorman ; member, of the lommittee for 1888 ?oliver 0. Howard, hraatottl K. Wiley and Kdward ll. FM.er. Dr. Taylor ls pastor emeritus with a salary of 81.000 and J. Winthrop Plainer, of the senior class of f'nlon Seminary, ls pastoral assistant. BER CHATTER CAUSED A RCS O.V THE BASKS Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 2o.?A woman who culled at Pas office of U.e lows Mutual Building and Lorin Association late on Wednesday afternoon to get cr,sh for 818 of stock na.*- tr.ft.rmed lh.it the association and the burk.- had dosed feostnest for tl,,- dav. MM [.?ut thc lmpr?"-lnii Ihat HM ii --'Kbit bm nnd the OermnB Trust and hartog. Punk, nrm-s tha wav. lind fsUod, uni sjie.-ul this ri port among ber aetghbora, The run on ttoth fesstttatlOM b*'i;iin on Thursday In a mild way, .?md yesterdaj became a panto. The Uroeton pince 8100.00. c.sh in tbs bank rester" lay moriilnj! and (mid elf ib-pe-linr* a. fast as they ?ame. Tbs u--<. Inibni i.Mui.d ihlrix days' imlii* from th- itsckbelden (lisping p, nlthdrnw, Tbe bai h md sflsortotton have no buriassi retaUoaa wbaterer, ind l*oth are Bl mid. YA CH TS MEN B VS Y NO W. THEY FIND PLENTY T<> TALK ABOUT AND PLENTY TO DO Al experted, the I, appen I nz* of li't welt have beer of mir.- than usual ImportaaCO lo those latonetad tr the coming International yacht races next summer. Th* much talked "f Carrell bust wai laanraeB: ? special meeline, oi iba Rew-York Yachl Ctoh was held rumor* were circulated regarding th'" possible bulldius of other ci.p defenders, iunl sOothrr rts-ig.iuUon wan ct PTAIN* CHARLES P. W.n.. received frum the Ametica'i Cup Committee of tho New-York Yacht club. Tbe rtecl ol this bows fess bc n /"iitiv to iiii!..i-e the already larc' Interest lu tin- coming ru.-. Ueneral pain..*- restgnattou from lbs cup Committee has positively settled beyond doubt the fin i ;iiai ac or in- son will build a rap defender, and the kucensfu! launching "f thc Ravaboa and tbe permission given lo lt- owner by tbe New-York Yacht Club tu cm,!,-t (or tho Royal Ylctorls International i.ii'.d cup a- lures other international races ne.\t sessoa. n now sppean from Hi" details given out regarding the Rsrsboe, which wss Isunched in private al Ibe li.'ii?? -n.i:;-' yards In Bristol Issi saturday, that many btlae rumen bsve teen Industriously cl reals ted about this boat. It wai announced that -.he would bo laiuuhed on Monday, and Hurt ceremony look piara nu dalnrday; ll wai aid thal ihi would be named the Typhoon, whBe a dltereni name wsi given to ber al int eiui-taiiin.: mai many nf her dimension* were ai-, greatly misrepresented, lt has now been declared positively lhal .-h.- i- M feel "a Hw load-water line and ISO feet ocr al: *-'.*: feel beam and IS foi 7 inch'- draught, in mulei -he I- an improved Wasp, with rather mei'- displacement lu proportion to her Rsa and !??-, depth m ked. dbe has th.- .-ame long ..v..,lum.' bi ti:-* llerreshoffi' ISmou- IB-footer, while ber bow i- sllghUy ibarper. Tim Raraboe's keel t iibuiit Ci feel long, with ber -t..-i ?centreboard set well forward. Thi.-. by thc way, mn not bc mtsed by hydraulic power ai his been previously announced, but with the aid of a common winch. Whip- the retail nf tim special i.tin;; nf ta- Rear. York Ysrbl "lab. win, h wsi held la-t Munday, ha. proved highly tat! factory to yachtsmen in groan! and member, nf t.lub in psrtlcular, an Interesting sitaatloo mai i'lm Bboul through 'in- race hr the Royal Victoria *i I Hub's 'tip. lt ha- ben kn..wu fur tome 'lui" I ital RnglUfa yachtsmen wm,hi Uki- to , I," iii.- Ametica'i ? np owing tu their oppu -iti.'ii in Un- nen geed ??,' -1::. ind tim race for thc other International rap Blay ir!v.- them an exrellenl opportunity lo io -. . should Hi" cnn,.ii boa) be defeated lu her "'iii' -t (.r ii.i- trophy, sud tin- Yslhyrie b, Mirrensful, tin- i|uesUon "f supremacy for ihe year alli ..f course be settled, bs lt would if lh? x ,? v - were rictorioui lu both ra. es i imi a iu. reed lu defestlng Ibe ever, sven th' ugh Lord Dunrav u i Amctlra'i < up, Hw exi ase mix be foreign cousins Cut Cm Valkyrie wsi nut lbs fa-t.-' ?English boat. American yachtsmen would bt bound lo lindie another attempt tn win tbe Royal Victoria's gold cup and the Kngtlshmen mlgbl ny tu (dace macs Importance on that than nn ile Ameriea'a trophy. lt i- im' min.ii.ii ihai in preparing fm- rack au Important coates! a- 'hat anticipated neal fall many ?lae rumor, should be rftvutated. To bullit i dozen i, at-, ta defend the America'! Cup would be utterly r.'uii-h. and vt at different time- reports bare i.n i:i,I,-.d t'i.it a,-,riv thin number were building ot n.re al...'if In be built. The liri'.'Il boat hu.- I.ll [ililli, heil, tl,.- twa Rew-York -yuille.ile bOStl al" In oune ol ronafrocUon al Ibe Herresho-fs1 yards, white lawley i- reported to barn begun work on the Paine up defender. Another syndicate In Boston l- -aid tn be r_ruggllng to get enough n.y together '<> build a tlfth kean while it waa bud week reported Hint a third lyndlcste had been formed lu thi- city wblcb wi aid il-1 build from plan- by a. cary smith, \ prominent Kew-York yachtsman recently said lo the writer that ..- knew of tliiee other i-j footer, bein"; planned wi.lei, .\olllil -ail lu the trial ime, ne\l September, Tlic Blest reports recrtred say tba! tin* Booton syndicate . .lin in th.- -aim- position, baring made Utile prog ess. Mr. smith ha- denied that In- ha- received an .:dcr fe.- an HS-footer rn- timi in- rouid design one ii Uni" lui thc raming season If lu" did get such an rder, whih r Hire ? alis'.m., i niiim,nb.le ha- ns American Should thc N l\ liane, bOW> beaten fur thc raised by our P. ii, referred t-. by the et materialised in any :,,|,t I biin, mi Which in- was employed fm- two rason*, ll" came in thia country ?.ta nu Clara and ailed mi her In many rena in American wa ten. a. ailing master <>f "ie Slions, Ihe Minerva, the oweenc nd th". Wa-p. Captain Barr also added greatly tu bis epui.ith.ii a- a skilful handler ul ih,- Hiter. Ile I- dow uperintendlng tm. work "f rigging the Naval. at Inst, .,,.,! wm M|| willi her when abe -lari.- fur bilda lie In April, witii such a skilful man nt her ? ?hu. ile Naval. fresh from the yard, ut (. nf he mn-i successful yacht builder, in ila- world, should iv,- a good account of herself neal summer. That the designer and owner of the Volunteer does ,t lear open competition in hi, attempt tu lecan h.. fastest sj foot yacht tin- year I- proved by the tatcmenl whick reeenlly caine ir. m Boston thal tbs 'sine cupdefender will be built openly aa were Ihs ,.luni.ti'. Puritan and MayBower. So much secrecy ns maintained by tba it- re-iiui*. while building tba aiisill Ih'iiI thal ll !- lint -Urprislng thal Ina- munn ions iii-i'i' (.'hen Incorrectly before her launching, 'fee -lusl In which tin- Na va hoe waa constructed was lu-nlv guarded bv sentries, Ihe windows were painted, nd nil attempt- ol outsiders lo ww iii.? hull were pre* .1,1.,i. lt i-. boweeer, loo tate now for any ult.-ra niis to be made In tbe plans for the two .New-York indi,nt,- Ima!- xx hiih the Herresboffs an- building. ni tieneral twine ned not fear that any ,f Hie etnlts ut Hie yachl whbh lie nml 111- son ai'e having ulii al Lawley's yard- will be stolen by rival (?signer*. lt If- cuii-ldei-ei extremely doubtful by Sase lo u i*o.siti"n to know best that any other Bb* .ini- besides iim-c alread/ nuder way xx'lll be built ul- lesson. _ Tim oltlccr, and iii'-mhers of the Atlantic Yacht lub arc nnicli Chagrined at lue recent attempt- sf ie biston island Trenail Company to secure Ibo -dip t Whitehall .-t.. Which ll DOW nssd for tbe ay Ridge tarry. Should these attempts provo nm i ?? n b leven Mow will be dealt i,, that flourishing rganizatton. Their eluhhouss and anebsrsga In iisiitlr ua.-dn are pracil. ally Inaccessible by any otbei tut,- than the ferry to Bay Itldge. During the yacht* lg scil-ou the club's .-team launch meets every boat Sm See Ynili and conveys tho members and their ?lends to the clubhouse. .Should this ferry bc t)_ii. Ohlesffe by Um fainou- * ll-rited' ot the rw York Cent ral.' *r? TU BE TENANTED BY BIRDS. POULTRY IN THI. OARDEK BCILDIXO. A LOXO LIST OP ENTRIES-some BP THE INTE1V ISTIN*. Eddy .t BtWB, Saratoga, N. Y.: Austen Barden, J. E. Haynes, Annandale, N. J.; Timothy TredweB, Issi WBllstoo, l.. I.; A. \. Parker, Jersey City; w. Ilsywood, Ruther? ford. N. a.: Torkara Poultry Yards, Hyde Park. L. I.; Mr-. H. Terry, 8. H. -chleBeHa, D. H. Myers, Bcthle. hein. N. Y.; T. a. Havemeyer, Norwalk, conn.: a. a. Hereoux, Henry T. Prtet -, Islip, L 1., mid MaaauMfe -Ide Farm. EANTAII. PIGEON AM) INDIAN* i.AMi: PUrA.KT, The fiiiililles nf |be amphitheatre have been greatly Improved and much better aceommodatlona bare l-cn provided, i',." restaurant, loo, luis been addi-d to th? exhibition part of th.- building. Among th,- many new features win t..- a monster I ar aha lei, whbh, it 1-. . tlmated. will botch -s088 tBM kens and ducklings during Hie Week, iel a liud-miie hmm am nnd Im-ln Iii- l.ea put lu place In tim centre of the ampul theatre. In the week -ex. ral - 1-t.-r a . ociathuis viii hold BBBBSl mellings. On Wed ii"-day th.- N.-w Ynrk -mts ?Poultry Asaoctatlon will m>-el, and Un- fnllowlng day the ri ii iiii:i 1 meeting of tin- Amerieaa CohnaMan \? Mclattoa will ls- I elli. Tie Amer!, an .l.icoblll Club will conn- logctber nu I-'rldny aftenssoa lo beni- tbs annual reperta, aad after ibo meeting a plgaea flying Contest between nice ill '.1 lue- .diger plgBOOS will be given. Tim following Bill lie the |udgCS of the e.\lilb|l!an ( 1'oiilirv- Newton Adan.-. lilia. N. Y.; I. II. Haig. win. Orange, N. J.; Henry s. Hull, shrewsbury. Ma--.: lt. (?? Ilutlii.'.. Fall Uiver. Ma--.: sharp Hut. t.rii. i,i. Windsor, Canada; Hr. W. A. Conklln, New* York (itv: Irvtng'Oocker, Seneca Kails. N. Y.: E. W, lim,,. Montgomery, N. Y.; .loin E. libbi. Heverly, V.I.; .!. li. Drey'list..lt. Beverly, N. .!.*, .limos Forsyth, Owego, N. .!.: Cbsries M. orlttinir, sTi-ltat Island. N. Y. : Imnrso W. Mltt-ln ll. Ii ri stol. Conn.; ,i. H. Nevins, Wainui st., Philadelphia : Ueorga l'urdua. East Orange, N. J.; P. H. Bc udder. Olen Head, L. I.) !?" I., sewell. Evanston, III.; <>. K. sharp, Lockport. N. Y.; Prancta T. Underbill, Oyster Hay. L. I., and Pb!lander Willinms. Tsanten, Mas-. Plgeons-J. E Abel. Hiilitniiue. Md.: E. J. Camp. bell Centredale, lt. I.j Joseph D. (-.av In. Malden, Mas-.; Qosraa E. Nee, Boc hester. N. Y., and willum J. stanton, New-York. MORE MOSEY FOR TBT ZASTE SUFFERERR. 1 D. N- Botassl, the Gretk Consul-Genenb arknowf. edges the receipt of the following addltlinal ontrl buttons for the Zante sufferers from th: earthquake! Cash and Cash, each 85; from Greeks In Baltimore, 817 JO; from Greeks In Wilmington, $1125: C. O. -tvlei-to. -JO: J. S. Abeefefets, Acker, Merr.ll *h Condlt, James W. Phyfe _ Co.. E. P. Freeman <_ Co, and Park -fc Tilford, each 8.3; William Scott's Sm di OS. and Elnienhorst ?_ Co.. each 810: pe-1 nair acknowledged. (K.iYn: total, 8C.:*2? 75. Of th's amr.urit _400 bas been remitted to Greece tliro-gu Brown Brothers cfc Co. ' w FOR A HISSER OF IXSURAXt'E MEX The annual dinner of the I.I fe Insurant e Association of New-York will be held at Delmonico'* on Tuesday evonlng. Invitation, have been sent to many of tho prominent insurance men In tlie State, most of whom have accepted. Some of tho-e who will respond to ina.t* are Colonel John A. McCall, of the Ncw-YorB Life Insurance Company : I. L. -tag-Brer, of Pintado!* pbla: the Eev. i.eorge D. Holst, of Bfoohlra; A, E, Dryden, of the Prudential 1.1'e lusuran-e Comrpony* and ex-Governor Thompson, of South Cirol-ia.