OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, February 27, 1893, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1893-02-27/ed-1/seq-2/

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New-York for definite Information, and was Informed
inn Hi., cloning ol iii" mm.., u temporary, bec?ase nf
differences between certain parties In Interest, lt
?ea- ad.l.-d thai a- noon a- these differences an- ad
led "r a r.-organisatlon of Un- company had thc
v. rk will )-? resumed.'1
li may !..- added t at the Committee on Way- and
M. an- last week agreed t.. report a Mil to repeal the
provision Imposing a duly on tin. bm Hie prospect
ll ' I' i'ii laen,, a law before lin- expiration "f tbe
LIM Congress I- extr. noli -Mm.
kHOCLD Bl I ST in i.i -1 ii ii wi rn THAT PORT
Wsafaington. im-. Sd (Opeclal).- if the oHt.lon ex*
1 .--ii hy some of the beat authorities bc sound, Ihal
f..r none y.-ur- t.. .-..m.* at least American manufactur
ci- mu-t d.-pend noon foreign countries i r their sup
j'iy ".' Un, it I- a alrong argunenl In support of the
i.ii'ii;''.!' plea ??? I'nlted States Cononl tVKdman, of
Nagapore, lu behalf "f ti..- ntabhshment of dtoecl
,-, trade between Un- I'nlled s-rite- nnd Hi" Straits se!
(lenient--, il.* ii,,., immd Uni the lola] lin output "f
ih.- world f"r Hi." year 1801 waa 57,55] tons, "f which
: fi..i.;i tons iv.i,. pftodueed in thal ..?loni and exported
from ?ngapat*. wbHe th.- lota! outpnl "f Dutch India,
wlnse tia bearing Islands are srltbin a few bonn' -tenn
nf Singapore, amounted io I2,10fl ten-, leaving only
ii,.i--i t ma fur the red of tin- world. Accoedtag lo
Hm r.*|N?rt of ihe Bureau of -tml-tirs fur th.* yen- ended
June 90, 1801, the total Imports of tin Into tim 1 "tilt.-*!
RI h.-, unmated t" nearly 40,000,000 pounda, of which
inure Uni one half (*J2,000.000 In round flgnrnl were
Credited ia Hi,- Brlttoh But Indi.-, and 8,402,000
pounds to Hu* Netherton)*, lt I- well known, bow
ever, ihat, Including Hie Indirect Importations Ima tin*
East Indi.--, the t<,tai is largely in excess of Ibeae
in a recenl re poi t mi ?? American Trade in .-in.: ip '?..-."
Which uUl on 1..* published by Ihe elate Department,
Consol Wildman rtltccatn the opinion thal " tin-re _*.
nu opening fir a t;:--ila- American Importing and
experting linn In Ihe Mini!- settlements."
?*ln round numb i.-.'' lu* Mille*, ""tba direct tra.!"
nf tiie Straits settlements "Uh the rnlt.il Stain 1
?MyOOOyOOO yearly, of which the exports amount
to 110,000,000 iiu.I tin- im]. ui- tu ffS.000,000. This
great in.ci.* i- conducted solely by English ami German
firms. Then i- mt on.* American linn cu American
commission broker here. li would soem a wry
simple matter f.r sui k un American timi a- I huve
suggested to open business almost with the assurance/
of luuuliliij,' Hil- RlStOOO.OOO a year trade. lu Hm
tir-t place, tin* kalanoa of iiu-!,' i- nil agaluol Ihe
I'nlted Mutes in tin* pi-..]ii.nian of om* t0 -ix. Tii
Mouid -....ii be i arrected by an American Brm. Thc
Bngttok and Uerman merchants tube the P10.000.000
received from th'* I'nRed Mates and buy clothlni
loads, machinery, provisions, etc., In Germany and
Great Britain, which they sell to tbe lix; ,<s'U lu
hai'iiaiii- of this colon*/."
Consul Wildman submits a table of direct exports
timi Imports io and from the I'nlted states doling Ihe
ipiaiici* ended December 31, 1801, and adds: "There
U a large Indirect tonk* with Ihe I'nlled States thal
|aaathrough London, Germany and Hong Kong, which
ls uer,---.niiy credited t-.i ila.-- )*.rt-. that is In
tended ultimately for the lulled Mate-. < if course
thi- would be t" a certain extent stopped bj aa
Am-rbai house shipping direct. The Indirect Import
tra.!.* i- al-o v. ry dull. Aa hour's Inspection of
the -lock.* el the leading retail stores la singapore
Mould tatton mora American goods than nra shown In
liv.- yean af Blue B*aoh returns. This trude would
naturally be controlled ky an American nun buying
The chief nilli -le of import from the I'nlled States,
according to Um table, was petroleum, tue vsln.
of which for tli- .-iiaii.-r amounted to ?133,545
The chief arlie bs of export lo Ihe I'nited Statis dur
lng ihe nne quarter were! Tin, ?1,183,250: wi?
lone, 9103,04*-*' pepper, 9113*325; gambler, rW0,4**a;
and copal, R4S.108.
Consul Wildman submits tout* Interesting com?
parisons of tin* trade between the I'nlted States um!
ibe Mruii- sf-ttl'-timii!-, iin.l tli.it between Ihe I'nlted
rtste- irni .-. nain other countries, aa follows: -1
lind ihat Ihe iniie ol the Straits settlements that
paased through Ibis consulate mu- equal In value t.
our trad.* wiib Austria-Hungary, Prussia, il nil and
(aunt.. Domingo, or with Nova .-nilla, New-Brunswick
nini Prince Edward island together; thal lt u..
tivb-e u- large ns our tnde with Portugal "r Den
mark, or ivlih Hi-lti-di Columbia, Newfoundland ami
Labrador together, that lt was ten uni'- a- large
ii- our trude ulth Turkey In Europe, and eighteen
?.Inn.*- as large as mir trade with <.i--.-..-: thal lt wai
'larger than Hint ultli any counter In -south America
save lira/il and Venezuela, Bini Urger than mir en
lire trad.- arlin Africa."
Il- mid-: "How manv American (rms there ari
In the many countries i have named 1 would md dan
to compute, ti<.t mentioning over WO consols ami
inorc ii.un a i ./.. n legations, all "f whom ur" doles
their i>">t t" push im* commercial Interests. Tb.
few flgur.-s iimi taits Which I have (riven I trust Will
tanny some Kin of Hi.- vast tnde of n.i- small
) colony and act as an incentive to American cnn
petition." _^_
p -.:> rOR iiu: AKMV.
Wii-itiiJ'en. Peb. 3d (Special).' The imp.* of Sec?
retary Trucy thai Ihe senate would amend tue Naval
Appropriatloa Hil a- it tefl ii.i* Hon--, and maim
tultnMe provision lor the naval p-view, lia- beeb
realised. Th" Senate lia- Inserted nu Item of P800.
00?> fur this phrpooe. Chairman Herbert ha- already
wild tiiat If ihe .--nate in-erw*;i a wa sons bis appro?
priation lu Hu* bill there -would bc- nf. obj oct lon Ul lt
in ihe ll-us". It caa be asaumed. therefore, Ihat
tl'e review will Inhe place In accordance **ith Ibe
pnauaaune agreed upon. Beprenntative Herberl
bas ut n " Han lavored the Mea ol having n gnat
naval demonstration, but he 1- quoted as nytng that
in view ci u,e ii,iv creating tie* Columbian Exposition,
and Hm (act tlint in pursuance of that lu"*.' manv
Invitailofs to participate ked been accepted bj for
elga count*****"* it would not do to Jjeopardlie the
sucre*** of the nndertaklng. li I- not generaB)
knoTni, but it ls ne*rerthelen a fact, thal Ihe law
abbi Mr. Herbert refwred io is inand.it..ry. n
??Tiio PreoMenl ls hereby authorised and directed
to lui'! u laval review In New-York Harbor In Anti,
Irma, ami lo extend te loreign nations an Invitation
to si'Ml ship* of nar t" Join ti..* United States Navy
' in rendezvous at Hampton Koa;!- and proceed then e
io said r-vbiv."
In a sense ii la unfortunate thal ii"- review .auld
not lie pu-,ipii,i.i one v tr, for li would then i**
peaolbls i" exhibit Ibe Indiana and ti"' Ms i u
lolls, new bsttie-shlps, us well as Ibe high speed
cruisers *Tl4nm_a and Minneapolis, In company with
tie blgheat types ol for- Ign built veMiels ol tbaae
two cia? *.-.. lt l- not expert. I Ihal Ihe review Mill
be n mere display. On the contrary, ll win Include
a series af manoeuvres ?.f great tactical value, from
?hbi'ii Brack prof.?iiiiuii Instruction and InformaUon
Can he obtained. Tha Navy Dc part men I !- now con
?Mering Ihe prognmne for tl:- review a Icli Admiral
Gberardl ass submitted, and detailed olden relating
thereto ai.- looked ter lu the near futon .
The Anny Appropriation MM, as dually agreed
up n in conference, contains s clause which provlles
that In time i.f peace m> recrull -lil be enlisted
who i- mer it.ir.y y an 'H. nnd Uni no private
shall be re-enlisted who has served ten year* or more,
or Mim i, -uer thirty -live yean old, except -mb a*
have already senrcd as enlisted men for twenty yean
or more. Thi; chinas I- strongly favored by Senator
Ftoctor, who had ll Introduced whtie the bill waa
uud-r c 'ii-lderatlon In the Senate. No feature of
Hi.- bm bas ai sued so much opposition as this one,
and mani . flu ?- and enltoted mea have gone to no
Utile '???'lille io secure U- rejection. The prop dtlon
l-a Muli'ni ti"! iittun from extoling iou and custom, and
th..-.* who oppose It urge Ihat Injurious results wlU
foll iv Ita eiiiuliiiilit. It I- -aid that -mil a bm M-ut.ll
reurjve one nf the chief Inliiri-mciit* to nen I I enttsl
?xcept for temporary nrrtee; and thal the Army
would imt therefore contain veteran am- c the
privater*. (?n the other band. Rennin Proetoi mya
that sups rims shun- timi jo per coal of tin ea
ll'.tii three are non-connlaBloned nssVirs. among
Whc ni an- found the moat Intelligent Soldiers ; ami
that If a -oldiei luis not reached the rion nomnlarlonrd
ranh by tho end of bis MOOOd enMatrneni the fnc! la
good pri*,f Hun he I- mat a desirable man nn1 gbouM
not h.- retohnd in Hm sorvtee. Chairman outhwalte
Of the House Ci.iiiinlitee on .lillltnry All.ilrs concurs lu
the views ol Senator Proesor, air! in a recont oem
miinlci.tlun on Hie subject said that he believed Ihe
heat interests of the service ic-niii bc conserved by
ado11 ms th.* prnpoaed rhona*.
The bill also contain* n proMdnn Increasing tba pay
Of first seii-e.i.ts from t*22 lo ?*??-".. and that ofVr-rilnfs
1*1.*'. '" *1^ H "?nth. lo walch amounts may be
sdded existing money allowances for continuous serv
Ss. !";"l'"r I'roiior*. ..rljilmil proposition was to
nrSTniiN $$} 1):?' "' nx ,cr*"'"'ll;,s *''t,) aaS of
S. H. <iiin.th and William Abbott, of No. MM K.ast
Mneiy-sev.-Mii -t... hotk oataroC won he;d in tomtit
*"f..r irini by .iu-iPc Burke, in th- Harlem Phttn Ohm
y.-:**rdiiy, on a charge of burglary, committed satur
day Hight. Mr-. Bert hs F.rll.ii, of No, ^4 Ka-t Uno*
hundred iimi fourth -st., appeared in rouri lo Monitfy
girt In money, a rlnc, .lnili mid oilier property found
in the possession of the prisoner*,, Mhlch Mere taken
fr-.in her Innis.- nft/*r an entrance Iud been made by
burglars, lilts piivmers made u confo*slon.
li! *i M
?s IN Till. lill si NT LlW PROPi SED UV
ni rm -i:\i\Tivi un r.
Wii-hiii-jtuii. Fob. 20. Th.- measage "f PreoCdenl
Harrison on Canadian retetloni ba- bad a respoti ? n
a iii thtroduced in 'h.- Hoon ynterday bv Repre
sentatlve lint. The meaaare i- vohmdnOTa, revising
ind smendlng Ihe ln?-s establishing Interr-turn ami
re_ttl rn- Mith h.* I'l.iiini.-- of 1 "iitl-ii North America
and Hie Republic of Mexico, and earrie mn .he sag
gestlons pr- posed bv ihe Presldenl In bi- menage io
remedy the present Inequalities.
Section l requires i .errbandlse rarrled from one
p"ii of Hi.- fnii.-d sine- t", another port therein.
Ihrough Canada, to i.e in Moled or dosed can m the
iii-tniv i.f two regular toapecton of customs t > ?
train, and tn be examined by the customs otha
Un* jstrt of deatlnation. ibe Prcsidenl -av- these
Keeled ..-irs mnv engaged In Hil- en rmous traine while
in foreign territory an m*t adequately protected, and
that -u, i, ran ur.- lum- delivered directly to n." owner
or eonslgi. wit bon! the supervision "f a revenue nf
beer. Milich, lu* -av-, ls Inconsistent ulth lbs -ably
of (he revenue,
seclinn 3 pTOVtdn fur Hie 1nm.it Pi bond nf oil
going merchandise frogi Canada Ihrough put.- nf the
I'nlled Stain for <-\pori, which I- omitted from tbe
jir.sent im, which only provides im- Incoming Iransll
lu bi.ind.
Beetle"* :*. provides that im i-.-'lau'ii-.". the product ol
a eonttgnons Ihrrtgn conntry and none other, arriving
andre consular seal, shall he closed or sealed i>y ihe
customs oncers al Ibo iii-i port "f arrival In thc
I'nlted States, and then be accompanhd by two In*
specton i<> lin- pori ol destination and there daly
examined and delivered, such merchandise dull be
valued for duties aa originating In Canada. The Iv-I
dent -ay- the consular seal practice not onto, equalises
canadian ports arith .ur.' own us ports of entry, but
muli.-* thom favored, and auhjeeta iin-ir brade io 1. -.
detention than l- requlnd al I'nlted States seaports.
This bas tended lo divert our Chinese and Japanese
Hallie from our own porte to Vancouver. 11 ul.-o ex
peace tho revenue to frauds committed by pon nab.
yond jurisdiction or punishment.
Section i requires the montieats oe bills ol biding
of all can noarinj Ihe brain to lire sw b Information
or facto a- may be prescribed by Ihe Interstate Com
mecca commission tending to reveal violations of tb.
lntentats Oommerco ai t.
Section o requires every foreign rood doing ba Inc
u.r* u thc border la hm.* a Reen s w permit fro i
Interstate Commerce Commission, for which it shsll
make formal appUcatton, wttk a stipulation Hui ll wlU
obey the latentata Commerce act and the revenue
hm- a- if Ibe Iralhc were witftln Ibo I nlted SUtca,
which lien-- ns) I"- suspended by the intents**
I'ommerce Commission upon a arllful vtolallon ol
ihal oct. rpon such suspension Ihe rommlsdon shall
notify thu bceretary ol tha Treasury, wImi will direct
Llie customs officers t., prevent Ihc further p
of the cur- while tin- license remain- suspended.
section fl sutbortses Ihe Secretary <?! the Tren uri
to make regulations touching tht* traine to protit-i
th.* rivi inn* ami prevenl preference rn foreign j. ri
mid the Interstate Commerce * ommtsi-lon io make
i. juiiiti .ti- to -..un* e.|uallty between common car
ri.-r- Miiliin and beyond the Cnit.-d States.
?section 7 authorises tho President, on thirty day
notice, to suspend any portion of Ihe Interstate i om
m. re.? hm' thal pince* al disadvantage a dom?**tle In
competition with s f-reign commoi rarrler In e*iual
, ..mp. ti il m. and Jn order to s.-i un- equality "f r
strtctlve ruh.s upon foreign mid domestic companlc
st. rani. I'.!.. SC fgpee_11.--A bod tte broke "in
1.. .im- in the factory "f the Mlnnesots Bboe I omp nj
Properly Swnrd by the ll. company, i-i Kuhl. ? 4
Stock, manufacturers of rigors, aad by WUltom
ibrfiu" r- h (">.. manufacturers "f machinery, was de
strayed, entailing s total lo-- ol *Jin.""'. on which
there l- s total insurance of gj-joo.ooo rwo firemen
Mer.- badly Injured, and one will probably die. I ?
gre l- suppooed t" have originated "rom ?ponianeo*i
combustion. A number ol Bremen were carrying a
line ?,f hose to iii- ISp story, by May ol tbe Bra ? - sp.
\vi,.!i they reached Ihe Hint story the Barn* I I I
..ut oT the second-story -window-, preventing Ihe Bra
mea fr..rn dree ending without poardng Ihrough Ihe
sheet of tire. Realtolng their drmger, all rxcepl twa
managed to esuipe Ihrough lbs games lo Ihe pave
inuit below, lieut" nani I. lix O'NeUI and <?. ll. OH
ham, a pipe-man, remnitiwi al their past <?! duty snd
fastened Ihe bose. Roth fell lu Uie pavemeiu ? ???
making their way down the red ut fli raye. O'N III
ivlll jiioi.ai ly die.
A -Ti'.Hi Iii:!'. <'N A PRRRVBOAT.
a hr.* broke out In Hie ptlnthottse >.f the ferryboat
w.-t Brooklyn il nm. 1 ? j. lost i Ight, and i snsed sboul
if.'.tsi damage before lt mi- pal out, The bool h'd
not been running linea B p. m.. bul wa* moored lo
her slip with uo one bul .1 deckhand wi board, ; -
tomi runs from Thirty ninth--!., UronUyn, t" While
hall-St., New York. SbC I- owned lu Ihe Soul : Hrook
lui l". rrv Companv. li I- beltovcc I it the Bra nos
sturt, rt by Hi" upsetting ol a lamp lu ihe pUothou***.
Tin* annual sieetiri,; of ti?* Executive c nmltlee oi
the Manhattan Tennis Association was held "'1 satur
.lav evening, al tbe lin-.-i'- of J. Pf. White, No. IS I
W.-i Dgbty-flrsl it. .Mired n. BunneR, id the Fifth
Avenue iUni, Club, j.r.*fl"l.-d nii'il bl- aui-c. sor was
elected, when J. W. White, ol Ihe Ariel I*en il Hu
look the chair. After tbe dissolution of Ih outgo] .
rommlttoo, tho! fm the new var was formed and
??leii.-d the following officers for the coming yew
I. \Y. White, Arni Tennis tab, pre*Idenl : Howard r.
Thurber, l/cnox Tennis Club, vb 0 pr.-bb nt; Alan IV
Kenyon, Fifth Avenue Tennis Club, mc erny B d tren
The se. ond annual meeting of the Knickcrborher
T.imls flub will be held ni Ibe home ol Mr-. Jnmes
M. Iji Coate, No. :;-i? Mon au*., rm Tue*-daj evening,
March 7. A new boord of ofltecn-i for the . suing
your Mil be elected and pions srnnged tot next
season. Thc outgoing boord of ofhrera '?- 1 ropos?d
nf Arthur r.- liih-y, preaMcnt; Henry Hall, vice
president, John P. Cole, socretary, and Alfred li
Cia rt, Ireasurer.
The memben of Ibo S3d Regiment "iii hold s
lennis 1.iMiiu-nt, open only lo memben id ihe regl
ineni. at the armory, Clermont-uvc., nenr Myrtle-ave.,
Hrooklyn, on ilue satuidnj afternoons during March.
The ti'lilil- Mill tub. pine In ".li ll"' I b ill Milli the
nnnua] athletic gafbos of tho regiment on Saturday,
April l.
The I'nlled Slates National Lawn Tennis A socls
tum has again lids year granbd Cn-f' saree*, ive
nilli- ni March for tournaments In ll.mia. Hurl UK
Ha* week beginning March ll the lropl.nl rliamiHon
- iji uill*!" connsted b.r il st. Augustine,; on **? 1:4,-, i,
?ji thc annual open tournameni al Tamnn Ray ?IM
begin, iihih* Hint ni Magnolia springs will take plum
the following week. A numli'-r "I lin- el pori N..rihorn
players nil (io t" FloHjts lor tbe e 1 mu nn incuts t in
veer, and try lo take tue tropical championship from
C. A. ..rl.'i-t.-iid. a ramon* old-time Rngli u player,
who w? thal nil.- lu-t year.
The i.nii-.-r- and roeiuben el the yv stninstri g.1
Club entertained tha Judon and prominent doa bneders
aad owners at their seventeenth annual bench shots alta
?1 "Beg Show Pigeon Rhe 1." as ii ms announced, at
their er.-uni- aiai rlubhousn st llsbyion, Lona Island, an
Swurday. lt 1- Intend. 1 t- give sarO bb rate-lain men 1
each nar .rn ii din 'Hr-r the rloae if t!.?? ir annual teach
? linn-. Thal nf Baturda] c. te -., -1... -r-.i thal lhere ls
inti* doubt that this |,ra-ar m. will be ian.1 1 ant,
President .1. ... K. lour ?irh ?-.- laalslaace al several
other tin-lull r- ..f ti,.- club mid iv. 11.kn..'Mi "wlnr-shot*,"
. a', itilned the rial.-- ruesll, nini ul Me- end ol UM .1 1 . -
*I*irt all Kiumed la Ute etty ih, b special Irwin, sa ti,.
bud goos dann, it ?u? n,,- naaolmoua rardtet ol ali
preaeat that Um ?? rr;. 1 r had ben a sucreso.
Ki.ur kntebn n.i ?i,ut, tl.".t il..in belog swa a.
Blahes f r "iit'o and tin- eatroots rees, sod Um fourth 1 r
a I*..:.l top, offered bj ti," club, Amens the .teston -
?en* -iii-aii of Um hen in-."-.ai "abate" In Ru.mnv. and
th. matches wen hoadleop sore lu Un tm-t swe.>p
Mahn, which ??- nt, three Undi neh, ftfteen rn
pan. T. H. llurnhsin. r. w. Doton sud Charin Eley
th*! at eight bird- loch und divided the stokes. W.
j I'.iith. Hurd and Ii. D. Poola each hilled seven straight.
In the bo 1.nd natch, which ?as a sweepstakes nt, seven
birds seeh, then* mitt aim Mem ntries, pi..ii|, poly
I jr., non nm prise, with a nan af stele u straight birds.
I yv. i*. iir.ii-Jiris aad M. i' Money livid, i ti,- -.td and
I third prin-s, a* they <*.? ti Ulled fsTtoeu i>itd?. .1. .1
1 Homier scored twelve and lt,* Forest Muni..., eight
' Thc third *MC.-|.*tak>s. Jt 111.- hil 1- .h. had *.*?. lit W
.ii.ii'"*u.m*. aiKi proved the ii(.*?si of tv- day. After (he
l.l.ilh round i.niv f?ur ruin lenalnod bi Hie RSM. C. W.
l-niim dnppsd sot after kflRag ihirtcen sad i<" Pares!
Mantes mi**..d hi* eighteenth bird. 1111111111.' third prim
ulth a -row af -en uti-ti lillh-d. H. Ji,. \.\ IJrOMl sud
Pisdeilth Hosp Hod at stghteee hird- ,.? 1,. ood divided
(1r?t and BWBOd prln-*. In Un- hm cut.-i ?t th.- div.
(or tho clnh** geM cup. 0. W. Dulan OOO lbs tn.|ihy MltJi
s Stan .* BlXtSSO *.trs.lKht l.lrdh. I. ii. DeOMT killel
lift*--ii -trjtulit, sn.) Charin Eley kill.-j n Ive.
mailes the tour of the KefOtOUO St.ite in broiul day?
light. Tbe Mild mountain Boonery viewed (rom thia
Train la peculiarly attractive. Thc train ton-ran Kew
York at 0 :l>0 a. m. ;
A Fin de nice to *tmol*c
i- that famish, i by um up-te-dato eir*sr.
iit.-*-the .na Denten*. Photograph in
m< h packigs.
rm: TREATY silmn.lt BE RATIFIED now.
? ni.. I.. Carter, one of tho Hnwnllan Oomml
daners, aha wu In Ibis <ity yeotetrday, mys Uni be
hope* thai tl ?? Hawaiian affair will neerea ome
-.in of dcflnll.i ld. ran n during Ike pe-nt
\"im!iii-*ii,ii..ii -". thal Di- people ?.f Hawaii Mill
-o.iii learn whal omltton Ihe L'nited States I- going
lo tale iii the mailer.
?? y\'e hope thai Ibe Senate -Alli lake ap tbe matter
before ll adjourn*, because the -.ter the affair to
ettled Hi" better il Will be for Bil enc.?rn."!," ali
Mr. Carter, when seen ol Ihe Eferetl House yesterday.
>?We have presented Ihe Imo slute of offolre i"
. i nlled Stoles ftovernment, :'ni Ih re i- no mn
for ii, in. Tbe Cnlted States representative, -nho
i. looking cul for Ihe Interests ol bl- country, np
proves ibe step which the l*ro*.1*lonol llovommenl
bas inion, and lids Oovernmenl knows Ihe true
t-ondltlon of things from him. Th" I'nlted Stales
ii rernmeni dbl ned learn from the Cammi *slimeiM
alane tin- real state o( affaire in Hawaii. Mtatoter
stevens ha- informed the Stole Itepartmenl of "hat
;,as happened there, and Ibis Hovernmenl to-daj
hm,ii- Ju-t ;.- much al.-ul Hie rei otullon, and Mimi
.li pince then a- ll ever will, Cona.ijuentiy then
i ,,, occasion f..r delay, ami if I "? treaty were
,aili.d to-morrow th.- prop r step would be taken.
? ir (ne I, .nv j. H.," ratified win Ihe comm .--ion
er*, i-ic for h proi ?? terate "' be was a k. d.
?-N,,, ne m..ubi nm. We mly hm- authority lo
ash f"r annexation."
? What m.uid your neil -tcp i'o if tb'- treaty wen
nol ratified 1"
?? yv,- .-'ililli! return home. The result of ..ur vi-it
I,,.,., would I-- told before i .<? Provisional llovern
m.-iit. mid iiiiat would i-* done Hion. of coane, i roi
n a say. Then should nol be any ohjeetlons tram
?rm -'atc- on sccount "r the bounty, os the ireatj
, j,,..tull) say* ihal th" rommerelal relations ihall
continue us they are now until Congrcs has
v i p provided. Anyhow, our sugar comes Ri free, lt
would ti"' i"* more free if Hawaii wen par' or tbe
liilu-il States. We regard Ihe bounty ss only u
temporary thing, nnd wo do nol expect thal sugar
planters will be subsidised much I'njcr by this Gov?
Mr. Carter, In speaking aboul Ibe reports shout
leprosy on tlie Islands lld : ?* The disease exists then
on em* "f the gr h*> All lepers ar.* -.rn t.> Ibe Island
of Motel- il, ii tere they ure wi ll i ind for li
Then are b! ?ul I.ooO ... ni topi ? Hawaii, and
the number i- nptdl) ?! ?????< g. Phe di wal nol
. *,. :? ic. lt I- nol ' mtegous, and I am nol afraid
lo ii*it Ihe Island where thc vi. Hm- aro . ar.sl f..r"
I , ? pn ni et tlie di*. ." .i bj i siter!,
i u ',.,: i ie i".i ? n inetil ha long gua ?
niraln*t. The l-l- lined tn ihe Chin. ?<*. who
? th- ili-i-a ? ' i-i . nnd lo i t" w n.i*tv? i,
lhere i- ti" dangei ol Hie di eas. -j.r. adina '
fdr. Carter ntui n< d to w t evening
HE I- '-rr -' !> Tfl yvM\i':""V y\T> RIVES
HI - RI IS iv-,
i e ll lian i nn xatl. ' ' ?
i.f lite - n ile i ' ?'!' ? ? nu
ah ml Ihnl I - Hoi Ivttlgr. ?. ??! .-?? Uh Itel ola,
rn the fifth \ I ???? liol. I -.. '. rda).
The --n itor Ia* be. ? i ? ? I ol
th.- i*i-. ?'? * policy I regard lo thi* . rei
lon.-rs landed, ind
has I.ti fm. most . '
ii. think ha . . ? ? m-i r. . ...
? if then ii? i' . ? i"
..f t..,.,.? islands then mtol i ii' rn . ?? I I
t.,.- i nlled ?toi ?' r. I
-".?niter. "There ls n heavy debi foi m
in the grst pto c. and i roval family tn provMe
?..-.- ?? war uHh
'un .- \\ ,,i \\ ii u -.ii.i in? j. ,-a ? i i i: uri iv..- "i
Europe. Then w.- rerialnly ought lo view with
m. .t:i Ute a. irutoliloti ni n lol ol < I lue ?? Open
and <it!i'-r und> irablfl people, I regard He* whole
.......... na, . I.. ? ,- i i. .... ,...-. ! iii, 1 ..I unit
a . ..ti pii ii i at. had and
'lie ' r- l nri-nii if* .. u? , lia
I Uii-i.'i pi"\..!..l f"i !- In Hi'
nf "he I ,, m.. bul H i Inlei il-i i Icly
illd up im- ii pa i Inda try hen I think the p. -pi
nf 11.1 . ? inti me t.. -.??> ih.--e thins ?> Hm)
h.- and I I-ii. lhere ls no ach sentiment f..r
annexation m the annexation rhamptons rlalm."
? ?
lil. wini- y . MMIFNOX TO VISIT nAWAU ?
MR. DAVH - iNfi Till PRIJK i Sk,
Wa i.i-m..'!, Feh -''. Pani Reamonn, thc envoy of
Qt. liliuokalani lo Wa Idugto-i, tuan expressed
li- ci.ntid.-nt conviction thal Hm* Irenly "f annexation
made with ile* rommtoslonerB nf ihe Provisional Hov
.rum.-ni >.f Hawaii was pmrlleally defeated, ll" mid
thal the Senate w.aaM be ashid this week lo appoint
a niiniiil >|on t" it-It Ihe |?l:iiid- und Investigate th
condition of iitfiih lhere. If Ibis were done, be
lid, th. -iiiii.- and tlie country would learn Ihe ron
dillons under which p...ph- of lliwall aould unsnl
mundy support :i movement for ike annexaRon of Ike
Islnnds, if it were Mien determined thal (kal was Ihe
desi thing fur both countries. The present treaty,
Mr. Neui linn -,ui, ;mv" ii,e people ?! Hawaii prac
Heatly nothing ami die offer ot the Uland* rame
(rom a bod) of uuri who had notIdng lo give. Ile
a?, ried thal the Queen bsd nm hean de|..d, bul
had imtiii retired t" her private re (dence in ardei
to avoid a I'liiiiiti with tbe I'nlted lute* troops.
Ile a erted thal Mini lei Stevens had li en rompelled
io ini-" ile- I'nlled Slates gag nwr thc (iovemmenl
bunding-* In Honolulu t"> proteel the I'l-e.i .Ional Ho*
. iimi" nt fran H- own pun. ins. Haling --t ii.il bed
ii,, protectorate, hofrever, Mr. Neumann -nhl Min t.-i
stevens -ii.ubi bii\e been amply supported bj ihe
....v.iiiiii. ii. I'ii iiiiallv, h.- boped lite protectorate
would b>- maintained until the future ronna or ike
islands mm sett ted.
Mr, .Wuimi.ilil'l/iil the m lion nf Mr. Junie-, In
tarting lo Ike I ulled states with Princess Kalalanl,
and ul-" M- i ported proposition la Mini ter Lincoln,
in I."inion, tn a.pt i United stale- protectorate over
the Island* wltk th.* Pitnr. ihe throne, wttk s
rc-renrj f..r ii,r.- years. ? yyhv for three nar," he
iii-l. "'lb- Princess Will be ol a gi in Xl i-tr unil
If -he I- ever ?| uri lill d tn reign, ll cell! I, ? then. Mr
Hail-, in ti-il. I bcHcVn, wlthoul a'U hurlly. Th* friend*
"I th-- Princes* lu Honiliilu epposed Hie prole**! of
bringing ber lo thi- ronni ry, but -he seem if. have
been Marted off In-fore letter* fr..m Hie Island could
reach her. I do nm hefleve rh.- official of the
1 nit il -laic- will I," Inclined te receive willi s hlndlv
spirit th.- Intermeddling al lld* l.tverpool morrhant."
aa ?
Cliteago, Peb, 'Ji: wipe*toll. w. .-. irilde, one of
Ihe Hawaiian Commissioners, toft iiere fur goa Fran
rtoro las! night. I., a. Thur.ton returns rn trash
Ingtnn, when li- viii remain unlit lbs new Admlnte
Intlon tokes Rnsl sri ion on Ibe mailer of annexation,
sod .i. Marsden ntl! start bu- Hamil to-morrow,
Mt. Marsden isM lo daj i
"if Ihe Democrat* fofl lo lake s**eed] nell n t nv
aid annexing Hm llawolton Marni-, ii um i?. n?.
las) chance ii,.- I'nlled Stain ard] ever have te get
'i" a. ri.jinnd |s playing ;i -unrt dtplaoMlle pete,
She knows ih.) ti. niter ,. pmte-1 would precltJitate
annexation at once, bul England .tend read* "act
;;?.''',;"".';!:?'> ''V'.1"'-,, ffsr**hlps am .,., the war.
ii.. ,,M'N"'.,'i U'.""' ""?'?? ''?? K"*T"-1' represen
tome on the Islands, rinds occasion lo rall traoim
i'ii h','..i /"a ,r','"" wi" ""V,T '"' tatami** Hi.m
'!.?? l.t..-ii ii ri.,u. |, rai*-.! over ihe Monda.1 /
Captain Cnn and hi- detecUvn (mealed twenty
ons Chinamen, who wen* playtng puiMf nf No. US
liayrird -i., i,,s| nifrijt. Ab sim b, alleged to bo Un
proprietor of tm* |-i;,,... T,.? gollan m eook and
n.irtiaijht pnrha ?f .ards wera taken lo the station
muse a- eiidem-e Bgsinsl tin* apeenlntive Mongolians.
teJSSL ';'i' '.''"' l0 OtttMt vU New-York Central,
ihrough sleeping twi< .'**?
lill.-, \\>.: i< at PHILADELPHIA -sin: is
Till. LARGEST yvyll VI--I.I. I.Viii BUILT
!-""t|l THE I'Mii.i) BTATEB WAVY.
Wn-iiliiutmi, li-li.'j.l (-p-ciiili. t tiu-iiil Inerc-t wfll
attend tin* launching ol the Indiana, the Uni grant
h.. d'in battteahlp t-. be butti btr the Arncricnn Xuvy,
now uii.br crone of ronstrurtlon al th.* shipbiilldlnR
imrlis ".f (ramp ,'. (ions, Philadelphia. It "ns Iii
ti i ii. ii (., luina ii this ship one day hud mouth, but
the accumulation "f Ice in tin- Delaunn inver mode
a posti.in-iii ne mm ry. A- ihe condition of thc
nd. i- i.r -p. .lal Importance lu ih.* launching "f a
vessel, particularly one "f such dimensions ns this
i".'jin'i ui battleship l-. h.- postponement lim! io be
until tin* latter part ol February. it trill therefore
tali" place on Tm-dui, February SR.
The Indiana I- known ami d'-sctlbed in Hi- contract
between Ihe Nan 1). pm tumut and tli- budden n
Coaat bine battleship No. l, and until th- baptismal
the Hame line oater lb" f-tcrn of the ofter smnll
l.tsit. There ure two barbettes eorreapondlog with
ihcae on ibo port or .i|i|*islie slile of the vespeL
Tin* 5-inch pun- will lie mounted In sponoans ond will
have a protection of 4inch armor plate- and tin
usual steel sblekto. The npM-flring pun will bc
iiii>iiiiii*i in the hurricane or top deck of ibo soper
?.tracture. There wUl etoo bo seven sbove-water mr
ii"ii.i iiii.---tim forward, two on each -lie. and on*aft.
The lupines arc of the twin screw, veiilcnl, triple
expansion, direct-acting, Inverted cylinder type, placed
In ivni.-r Hl'IiI .auiipnrtmem.-. Tli-n* ure four double
ended main hollers, having u total heating surface of
17,4*00 square feet, ond two ilngle-ended nuxUtory
hollers, ulth ,-i loinl in-iitinc surface of 1,137 s<iuare
feet Tb- ship I- liit-id-d tu cruise nuder forced
du.min or mn.mil draught, and bu- given large heating
surface for this reason. The prnpeUors ure of man
j.ni.-e brunet" rim sd Just aide bimi"- Ry placing
the engines nnd tin ir auxiliaries In *eprarate miter
tight cmpiirliiu nt- In ense of incident to one -um ><|
ihe -ii|i nnd dlsnt'lng tim engine. Ihe other engine
may he operated, nnd the vi ?- ?I rim nb.nc nt more
Hum half speed, ruder Ihe contract the vessel la
required lo moke un nverage speed ,.f Pf teen knots
on nn offt.-ini trial of f.uir consecutive hoon al sen.
Illili the rilillltli.ll lb.lt -holli.! She e\.(1 Ibis vp.1
tin- contractors will recrlv. n premium of .+:*..,,no.
r..r ench quarter "f a knol in excen, mid should ihe
fail to attain Hi- -p.-.d then n penalty of n like
iimonnt for .-in li qanrter <f a knot -lm ls deficient
will be exacted.
All m< di ru upplhinces for offensive mid defensive
ptirpo-.s have I,, en arranged for, such as torp-dii de?
fence nets, scorch lights, etc. 'lhere yyill bc a
> ?
- ?fe*fea='
-*??,'-*-*- jS'-T^ .*?? -. -*" ^
i hJia ii is 111.1 i ',r*i nB-i? i-n ' *r***1 "* ij**"_
. gC ?j?*r:.< ?- _-?-?**, '... :-i--*- . - -
mi'. iM'i \na.
nm Mith the Indbtpensable botlle of rhampagnc h
performed by Ibo young woman selected tn perform
thu iinpiii-iiini .Inly when thc tbip slides to th" bcsvim
Of N.-ilium*, abe th.* ship-will nm be lawfully "
Utled lo beor ibe Burne af ihe llirualer Slate. Tho
appropriation bin far ihe oMlntenatirc of the Navy,
approved Jun. 30, 1800, authorised Ihe construction
et nu-.*.* tengotng n?u-! lin- battleships, lo b- lu un
their pans .,r domestic manufacture, ond Ibes-i three
ships l.t.- nholiv of domeati. design nnd of material
obtained fnun and ni.-iiiufm rni* .1 In this country.
rm* contrarts f,.r the construction of thc hull and
machinery of these three big wanblps were swarrhd
In Nm-, mb. r. i-i"' Nos. i ami J. ur the indiana and
Ms i. hi- im. h. william cn.mp J r-ons, phil nb I pb In .
ami No. :;. ..! the oregon, lo the I idon Iron Works,
san ir..!;.I.... Th- law ol authorisation provided
iii.it one ol th" three battleships mould be
bulli oo thc Pacific cm*t, and I peciflcallons
dum a far IM prospi-ctlve btllblers Sere In two
? ii - one for th-ir ...n-tin' Hon according In plans
rd by th- Nih Repartment, and the other ar
rordlng t"> plans .f Ibe builders, ihej lien.j required
to ohm i-i- the general I1--' ld. sll
Tba lads were opened un iielober I, i-'". and ll
na- lound thal Cranip .1 Sons uar- the iain -' bbld rs,
? ?'. red '.i build "i.f Hu* bntll "'ii;.- - ? edlng
tn the D. purina tit's phi.,0 '?'. mri ti* . of
them for r ? :-nj' ' ".r on ol I.-m. u ina their own
pi.ni . for gci*>.*o.ooo, und tu.i for pd.oio.ono I
rm,.ii ir.m yy.uk- af han frand orere tho low. ?
of tn.- i trifle <-a i bidder . and offered lo build mo
of ih.. i ipa mi H.. H*p. rtment's pl ii foi ? I 210
i??i. .-mil t- . ..f them for i?'?. i'?*?." ?" The resuli
was Ihat Nos. 1 snd S were nwardi*d te ' ramp t
ind Nt., a ti th- i hh.u Iron tt'orl l '"* Bret
I. ? I pl it. nf the In. . laid May 7. 1*01, a '
ne was i I ???. iii 20 foll In di
? ? . . ? ll >n dirt
tl nor did
i ...*??
. . , ? : ? ......
point <>l ' itib
?hl| . ? ' ? ' I : '
; * ?? , ? rd In ?he I
If not lu 1 world
I.ii.i.'nil .!? . ? ? I of ap
pr..|il:.'". , f r : r a vessel ol
..I -1 -, 1.1,,- i ol . . if. I but alter
i mode in ' , iii-.- a
i el Of th. folios lng dina : , i, i uti on 1 .:i I
line, .; i - ?? et . (tr. m i p adi '-? ? ? ? i I fed
I, .i feel ? :;;.? rpi. In lons, I'?.-??? i. hon*
p,,ic.-r. D.OOii speed pr i."ir. I.* k'-.'-, armament
in Inch and e|| lin? rides P.wr
twenty d-p ind ? .*,'i four
der npld dring g foti ? HI ,;? y.
i ' ? loci din: h.r hull,
ma. him Uti nt, with sll her armor
1.1. ii r. to |, phi ..; a d - a ur d mus' be < ampi t .i nnd
rf;,-li lOI il, iii.-ii t" ti.. I'nlted -'.' .r I Sfol*
i; ir.ti :. ..* Ihn i yean I '? Of Ih.n
traci In ms ? f .'.. - ? impleto Ihe i ni
within the tims mentioned deductl ? ??'..? made
from thc contrari price of lbs v. ?! for nu*h and
? i -ri -'.iii during tba . iitlmiiim a ..f -ii.-h delhi I lh<
rate ..f -ri", j- r da) f .r the liri tiri*.* months, ?*!'?"
per da) tor tba econd Hum monti , ond KOO per day
aftei th- end ol .-ix Bfrnths' provided ihal urh dela)
-hall Ml lu'.. ...ti the (atilt ,,r \\.r Naw l?--f..r? n "it,
.?r fran anv rtrihe of workmen, cr other ci-cmn r.m, ,>
b. i nm! the .a.nilli . f til.- contractors.
it will be noticed i\ reference t,. the cul timi the
i-- -i i- cul ii > fi r I'"!, mobing a powerful ram bow,
at,,I going an;.\ with egcnslve bon awves, on sccounl
?f Ibe ..,-1 r lu.-- .. obtained, ut thc -niue time
greatly addlog to Ihe manoeuvring power. The res
hi im. ii double bottom, which I divided into i rreal
lnnnv water-tight romrortmenta by nenns of longltud
Ilia] und iran vi' ? buthbeods. A middle-line bulk
head, neil stiffened hdritontally snd rerticslh between
the tua engine riH m. mid the lire rom. on ? ich -ldc,
odds greol dr igth lo the re -l. it will ol n be nh
erred timi the vessel to ah.by without will power, a*
.-ni modern arur hlp< are, and t! ut she has only one
uiii-t. n mi that cb ii bl if i ni. -tu 11 and roll nc -. bs seen
on Hi- older vessels. H.: one np-nnd-down -n.-k i
rulled ii mlli'iirv um t. because li 1s (ur military pur
pones ord] : Hui i , Hs use I for an ob erver atofl nnd
f' r tnoontlng gunn to uo? on thc -am- principle ihal lae
sbnrp.ii.i.r* ?cre employed In Hw Civil War. The
tun ga Bert ra or platform* seen on tim masts will I*
ullllr-d fol li.ntlng the Cnt'iluR guns lo rain g.I
?1/ i lld shot down upon on enemy' deck I . Iii "if
tl,.- people snd i" do a- mach hav <? smong Ihe anns'
Th.* Indiana wlfl require 2,00*] lons ol niche! Heel
armor te make In-r a fulli pmtected ship. i)f ltd*
Ola lons alli le fr Hie rater-line belt, which I
tu be riahtei-n Inch***, thick, and t" eatend n,r.*" feet
above .-uni faur a: I a half f-i lielow Hie waler line.
The iiu uni iii-:ii..r will reqidre SHU lons, ihe bar
betta nil tons iimi 'li- hui-.-rn .'.--* t ti. Rising
from ih- mp "f ile- waterline belts, al -tb end, sre
linn.>r.*l redoubts nf 17 lm h plates, extending nini
Ibe .In <i"iii thr*-.l a hall feet, giving an
armored fr- board .f fifteen f"*.*t twa In he*. These
redoubt), mn pnceel the turning p ir "f ihe lorre ts
and all operation* of loading. Porward aol aft ol
Ihe armor bell there ire h-aw nnd er-wot er protective
dei ii-;, i ping ai ni- *ih like s lurtto bub io four aad
a nail f.-eI heb w Ibo water. There I- abm mi armorel
.bail of tun ;iiid lln-e .|iiiii Hr lindi sled plate.. Coal
bankers ure worked ovn ihe belt derk, and belts nf
Cellule e. Hie ll ?lief BXClUdlng lilli t .-rt'll. !:r- Mull,.-!
on Un* dopes of thc iirnii.r derk between Ibe two
liull .
lin- 1:1 Imi. gnns wll ba mounted In pair aa
ih- .-nie ll; e. inlier poi.a ll.rn ..f Hie il eel turrel*
one forward uml the other all ol Hie superstructure,
a shown In Hm cul in nie of 17 Huh steel plates,
sr.-rhlng Insole s raised -m.-I barbelt**, armored sith
17 lii.b -te.-i plates. The - liull rides uni be in ni.I
lu p.ilr-, In seri barbettes, made nf I ol nc li steel
pillie., tart har prntarlid with steel shield* -u in-he
ibb lt. snd eniir-li raveling Hie gula*, tine i.r these
barbettes I- dunn on the superstructure at iii- base
??I Hu* forward smokeptpe, and another I- shown mi
pinn ami griping, with
Hu* usual lulls Tnko
I?r Pisreoi I'lensant
relicts, ntnl tlicre's noth?
ing of tho kimi. You
re^iilut.i tim il.me accord?
ing lo your nee. b, one
"mle Pella!
\^M little relict for a gentlo
w laxative or corrective,
W| Hire*, for a cathartic -
Ifl hut lt's .ill |e|-fi--tli i>a.-y
?B ami natural Arel tho
^|p help that conies in this
rray, In tit it.
Thean tiny, sugar-.*i-ibsl granules aro tho
iiii'illust in SIM) uml tho aa_em tu takn. They
absolutolr and |*ennatieiitlv run' CotttlpU
lion, Inili^ei'iim. Hick Headache, Bilious
H. sn bi-he, Ilir.ziuoss, lilli .ii. Attacks, uml
all derangements nf tbe liver, stomach and
For the worst enses of chronic Catarrh, for
Cabin lial HeAiluehe, imfinirc.1 taste, smell,
nr hearing, an'l nil tho troubln thnt willow
('atarrh, lucre's nothing sn prompt tn relievo
and sn certain to cure. ?n Dr. Sui*-'* Cut.irrli
Remedy. Its prciprieb irs offer (kW reward
for any casa of Cat?rrh which they cannot
thorough Inslnllnllon of clccfrtral mnchinery mr limn?
ing Ihe ve* e|, working the guns und the search llguu.
and npplvinu electric motors for < il.-r purposes.
The quarters for nflcera and crew liave received
p.i ml af. i H.,n. For ile* roptnln lhere I* mis large
< iii.ln and Iwo staterooms, so timi should the vessel
io b- used a- a flagship Hm admiral tuny have ample
accommodation, For Ihe wardroom oilier* there ure
Kixteen staterooms, und the junior ofltecn wRl have
n large rabin -imilnr to th- wardroom menroom,
nitii orcomniodnllons for Ibose oho h nv be ordered
1,. the vessel, The sccommodnHons for Ihe crew "f
tai enlisted ne t. nnd the marine await! of thirty-six
nu ii uni I**, ipno equlvatenl to i(),? cubit)
f..,.i fur each, There ure also Ihe uauol offtcen for
the captain, executive officers, navigator, surgeon,
. :.i- f engineer and paj Blaster.
I :;n i; LOUSISBURT and- j. \v.
VP. IO**l in TAMI.
y spertol service for ih" discussion of k Christian
I'atriotl tn' WM held nt de Madison A'cnue Moth
? -ll r Rplscnpal charil la .t evening nt - O'clock
Ci- Rev. Dr. P.ndfn MK'hcsney, (he pastor of tin
church, upi uni tim meeting with a prayer and Intra
duced 'in- Rev. Hr. M. !>. .'. Crawford, the prestden!
f tin* Church Extension Society; Warnn Miller, I'.
.'. Lounsbnry, en-Oovernor "f ConnecUcot, and
John w. Vrooman, neb. "f whom addressed de rmi
i "i.
Tin- Rev. Pf. Cr.'uvf.ird mid in par! : "Henry
'.?"iii- !:i- ititi!.", of the 'un....noil1 Increment nf
I know ti-, ressnn why Hits should nol spply
I. other ]t -? --i".n-. yv." ure born With principles,
? ?- .*it.<i ta1.:.-. ? i' .ti-.- ail "Unearned.' None
?H.- -.. much 'unearned' a- ll. npectolly In Anertco.
I refer ropeetally lo Ihe llvn ul 'he brave men and
. ? ? > Re vol ut to and of a rntel < hu War."
Referring i" I..* Roman Catholics ?.f Ibis ..-ountry,
l?r. Crawford mid tint uVy const ll ul.d aboul one
dxth "f t: ?? pupulalloi They nnd, bowi \?r. I ????'.
.p.u' :i!ii i? ? :i ceporate fr..tn oi ari i ri-il.iii chur hen.
.Inulug lie -aid: "We need them. We rn ed
?? ru** i lo h: i" th m. We could
deal !? tn r with Ihe liquor mi;?M. (1, Hm gamblRig
ii,,- : nd j" t mps lbs sim hil n ll "
War: -r Mlll-r -iii In part: "A Moiton I- blessed
? i-i li - history ... mai ?. ***< al ms! patriotic
,'? r N'.. r< uni ry, to n .-i.-rt a Ufa ns m.* boen
? al of our*, tits laid >-o ninny linn who have elven
th.tr time, their efforts, Hair everything io publl.
-? rib'.-, i,ut ir I- il this H'm- 'j.t 'Ci it amy be
rolled Christian Futrtottem ccron t.. ibo front, ii ?
,-v >-f t:." govern men! .alls upon private
.tii/-n- jn-i a* much :>- ever. r..- -iii obtoh
. \i-t in society do n.>t nura themselves. Society
.'!,.' ... i retain t" !?? affet led by evil In?
fluence* a- vier cnrrupllon and de4*ell rame Int"
Rum.- Whnl I- th- dlffereucd in aneitonhia "if
th,, i .m. ti men. tu urm-rt cohorts "f Roman soldier1
irani Inlying offices ai Hie ba I lol box to-da) "''
p. . . i.un:,'.my mil'. ? ? neal address upon the
:im.- general lines. .1. IV. Vio?mnn n nde the closing
r. marl ? pt-clnH) th. Inflnei ... ..f tn..
:.,.ni- mid the moi ier '.pnii tm- "..-ifar- ??: ., Ration.
lt orsa roported yeaterday Ihal n Secretary Charin
- Fairchild, who baa been Inion u os ooo of Mr. Cleve?
land's tme' ardent rsirrmul ami political friends in
Hil- Mate, :ni<1 "vin ha* be.rn a roaapteuous lender
'in 'if.* Hie Anti-mappers fri nt Hi- -'art of their Burro?
in en I Pi Mr. (loveland's behalf, had ranrelled hi- cn
gagement of room- at th." Arlliiftion Hotel in Waahtng
t.in during Hu* ewe mowles there thi- n.**ii, and had
iiifi.rm.*l iii- frienda Hint io* had decided rmi io attend
Hie Inaugurati m.
Mr, I'lii'-hii-l denied hims.if to rep. rten who raited
it m. bouoe, No. Ti-, dinton place, yesterday, on Hie
plea ti.iit fa- nus engaged, bm in reaponae to quntl i.
i-loil lim through ni.f lil- srrvanla Ibe geeretory
..f Hie Treasury In Mr. Cleveland's tlr-t Administration,
while sdmltling Ihal in* dbl not lui.-ml tn ga la Ward)
Ington, refused to assign any reasons tor bis determina?
tion not t> !??? pren ni si .Mr. Cleveland's second
Inauguration. Mr. Fairchild's voice mi- plainly audi
ii- !.. th- reporters who raited, and they heard the
iti.---.-u. - ii ii.-ii li- deuvered '" bis servant without
.?it,.!! md a. distinct]) ii/- she afterward repeated them.
ih- knowledge of Mr. Fairchild's purpoae nm t-.
ju to Washington t.. see Mt-. Cleveland Inaugurated
noll Saturday rivaled a stir among tin- politicians
yesterday. Following a- lt don William C. Whit
nay's departure on o yachting cruise which will
prevent hi- preaeneo lu Washington mit only ot Ibo
inauguration, int during al bawl ? month "f UV
u.-ii Administration's Incipient struggles In the saddle,
ii i,...mie th- subject "f m. linie rommenl. To many
mimi- lt nm brined th** ii' ll authenticated reports "f
th,, -t,,inn .ion u hhh Hie An:l -mippi is had nilli
Mr. Cleveland ni hui ''lim. (tolaldo), February i,
ih,. dui he m.uni up hi- sit tings in Nen York
in listen m i .un ?l ant advice, li I- km.nu that Mc
Fairchild and Mr. iitiendorfer, ulm with ex-Mayor
i.ii',', Va l.i Monroe and B. Rllery Anderson,
represented ih* Anti ?'napp, i- ai this bearing, oren
m. ntl* Incensed al Mr. Cleveland's retocttons ap
? ui Ho* motives of bis vtsiton. Ral
lt nu. Mr. Cleveland's sneering nRudons io ihe *******
rices m.il sacriflcn of li- original friends [bal slung
Mr. Fairchild iim.-t deeply. -I will Dover iee Mr.
Clove!;.ml :ikmIii " lie I- quoted ns billilli"; -alt tn a
friend shortly after Hie Interview.
What effect these thing* will have ilium tin- ev
peetathm* of the Antlhnappen tn secure Hie Ron's
shan of thc Federal s*k,Us i- jn-t now an interesting
? lu?ibm ulla then. Thor.* have been runton for
-??i'i ii dm- iii.-ii Mr. Ctovoiand was hesitating to
offend Tammany Hall by appointing tm, extreme par
ii-1 ni he syracuse movement, inc attitude of
Mr. Fairchild was benni of with pleasure at tim
i 1111111.-111 > clubs tost evening.
Topeka, Feb, ju. Th.* onll-fuslon Republleana nm!
Democrats sn nt sea over tin* sodden .md anexpected
u n ltira uni nf w. H. Waggener from n?. benaiorial
luce. lim pions were nil laid to elect WaggOBSf tn
morrow or Tuesdsy, bm ince be withdrew nithoul
nen ullin;: :i nord nf Warning, they "eel sore and do
not ranceel their feeling. Democrats nnd Repubit
cans charge thal Marlin hos BWda a deni with rc,ir."
?tentatives of the Could lniere*is to secure Woggenar'l
dlthdrawat. To-night u bonni bm oaea started for
Coioii.-i Rosstngtoo, a stglworl Dwoeerot, for geno.
lor. The li-pullb-nn leader* -ny they ,?? gm unit
or five PopUltoi yoirs for. bim. lin*, W|tll ,*,? ?,,,,,,
Republican strength, will elect him. Telegrams wen
.e.tiy-d ber- to-day from leading Democrats in
Washington and Hew York, soytng that Rowdngton
if be nels eighty-three vole-, Mill be anted.
Tb,, rop.iii-t- hava agreed to roapoet the supreme
i ouri decision, und mu march into ?cfroaantotlvo
The Mo,lr. n luvnl|,|
ii-** Mans sndtetoalhr, la l____ ai_ ? * ,
A ien.e.11 niii.t h.. ,,m m. ,i, ai -ola u ? "r l"v""*''"
SS af^kvS? JB?r_ SHS
Weak Painful
Back ache, si?**. ,<.?,
sharp, shooting p*^
and rheunutiim.cough.
colds, chest pains tai
palpitation relieved ia
I'lastm, the firit in4
only pain-killing p',^,
ter. It restores vital
tlertri, itv, ami hence ii
most powerful in tht
treatment of tiert<iM
pains, weakness, numbness ami paralysis.
Pricer ssc: fi?e,$i oo- At ?!1 dnmdSBSBSby^j
Fons* Dava and Chbu. Cosr.. I ....-os.
TBE Sippo-Iil) HUSBAND op rosaxx i _?-_,
I'YIXU AT ni'.I.I.KVIi". HOgPtTAt*,
A nuui was taken to tim stew-York Hospital lam
S.-itiirdav iii-*h. tn a dying condition. Ile wa* tiba
from a elgar al.ire at No. 9.33 sixth .n,.. -j*^,
.1. -(iii.es himself us Frederick Thompson, knmmm
years old. living at No. 113 We-t Tweotg-OlqffcM ^
a jirofes-bmal book ina her.
Thump.-.ni I- -ulferliig from n < lot of l-bsd Ag ?_
bruin ond chnsnle boori trouble. Hesayatbasan2
iron!,|e bas been caused by doopondency OTsssg io tis
fact that bl* wife, Booanns, was on Friday hint mb,
icm cl io liupri-onineiii tn tbe penttentlM| for ih
dnetlng a giri, a crime tv hld. Thompson 1- sm* ^
never earn milted. On Hotnrday alghi Thoamm w_
playing curds lu the -lor-, when he - ul 1-1 Iv Mi ff^J
1.1 chair In a stupor. Rvery one thougM wau
dying, and. Police Headquarters being laftewl u
ambulance rall sras ?nt out. Thompson I- Mtm
peeled to live. .u,.l lt ls not yet km,wu whether tte
-lorv shout lil- lilli '- luipil ?oiinient I-tni'h or DctiiT
The woman Thompson refen to n- hbt.vtttlim_h
bh Ki.-anna 1.<i(, Who wa- convicted of abhSE
llf'ieen nar dd liv Rorke, and mu.* .sentenced (J
Judge Marline to tba pi iiilijiiliiir) tortVOI*m0O_
ulm." m.'ina.-.
1 inatia, Feb. 2H.~M. V. Goonoo, pr-Went of tho
irl-li Notional Li ague, emphatically deaam that he
authorised tim address mid t'? bare attn i-u<*i itg
night t*y ohVera c.r the League, dhrectod rsjHM tts
(.lu.i.-time nomi.- ituto bin. Mr. tionneo rofl lom
. eivf-d .1 telegram from Treoanrer Lyman, a-,Mn? t-.i^
ir I... .1-,,..lil I,.In In u 1, li an -?*?*? ._. _ ...
-i.0111.1 ie* iiiiiiiiii.*i iii 1 iiiiuiiii.-"-. .?ir. ijuiuiin itJtn
lt would be the giiiii'-t pr.-n iipiion for lbs L*-**-*
(0 denounce a bill \*.nic._ boili factions in inland Un
agreed i" support
< iiicig'i. Feb. ?_??! (Special).?Spoin, Oonmoy i.*4
I'anada ore protesting against the anVgnwol of waa
{?ir the < ' lambton Inn on thc lake shore lo the lmproval
portion of Jockoon Fork. Protests from t^e cimaie
stoners 'f thessj countries utera teni to th.* jjimiur
tieneral yeaterday, and tba laformatlon wrns ?rji-ea
?hat iip-at Rritaln would join the objectors. Tm a.
ration of Ihe I'oiumbton Inn I- -mi as te Iruerfen
with the rion toheward of ihe c. mpialnsnu. iiimi
tr 11* 1 * that, Ibe protestant* accepted ihe .-juice allots,
iii-ni under thc belief that no additional buiMiop
m.ult be reared on thc territory which ta* mem*/
leen set ashla lor im- ? ??lumbii.n Inn.
Tho seventeenth and lu-r ..f iii? letdl pop'ilsr
concerts of the season oas ghin tost ? v-nlng lu lit
I., nog I.icuiu Hall. j., ot tendon. ms t?
largest of the sequen. All the boies were D1!m1, soi
nlmn Ile* iiiu-!c Opened ai 3:13 o'clock -rnndlrg
room noa no longer available. Th-- pngMM
rras of nnii-iial Interest, lbs vocal ports l- j RM
extended und more ntunervosl) pwUctpated in. TU
? ir.j Ali I', riki". ' by Mm.-. Fur-" li M nil. WM |>>iv
lng, nnd the Egmont songs bj Mi-- 'neb men ,m?.':*
enjoyed. Roth Rogers non several Roms rvoaM
al tbe 1 !?-.f their solo pan- as ".'ll rn ai tao "ag?
ing of Ibo giumi duel from "Luhcogrio.' V.o
Judi otoo participated In the rVb-ils qaat*tsl ott
Mi-s Maurer, Mr. Towna and Mr, >ang*r. f\ uti
from **lioetterdaemmerung" sras gina by Mi*o
Pnbrto, Ml-- li. ri. lb- and Miss atria. Mr. .-wil
himself r..-Iv-.! thr? i".:.ll- ar the elsm "f His
? !-. nestral imri of the gaden sceae. Law si t Dsaia,
from ?? Tristan nnd Isolde," the smsa* hsvtnf hem
arranged by himself. The dower ghi nene frog
? iMi-ifal" was the rinsing plere, ind Mr. ""Ill r*
retved n nm-' g. m mu- parting mlatatton fwai tar
aadtenre, wi,lea gai- evidence of rinceri sp*"***m
Ron Of 11 moat successful .-il*- of rum rt.-.
Til- Kev. Joseph Urnf kos epened ? coMss** for tte
Cultivation of church iiiu-lc oircordlog 10 IhS HreforUB
ii!-".*!, and i's adaptation by Phlestrioa, in E??t
Forty third-t.. nosr St, Agnm's 'Jim:-, h. Father
Brat iv;. > r.ally professor if mcred tnu-lc at t?
Catholic I'nlverslty In Washington, snd am P*'
vb.ii-iv piihor of m. Henry's Church, Hay-mru, over
srblch Rlsbop Wlgger snd Father Killen are now
Reputing, it was on complalai of tbe latter tiist
Father Oral nos remewed bom St. Henry**, tec-iu-*
he .b-lln.il to cmillie hlin-elf to lbs (..*rmi.n Un
guage in ni- ministrations, ll- represents the Qm
niau method ol *lntdng Urcgurian i lanis. Ile "lil
train nnd tea, n chancel r hui ra, and bay 1 a-lrs s> ?'*fl
a- Individuate. The school I- under tile pcwiiloi
nf Archbishop Corrigan, nnd I- founded mi "he Hms
marked out \>r 1 annual Uibboos ai the Issi WEBBS
h tone, Mont. Feb. SO. liar.- 1- pool Barn ta
Ute Clark camp 1 i-nlght over lbs apparently sal ki ail
r.*i**.rr thst throe 'f tbe l>i\-n mea uti to-m-vrr?w
?rote for Mantle, Republican, 1 r veootor. Ibi P*>
ullst Matthews I- .il-. said t ? he prepand ls Wp
break Ibo deodlxk hy rotbtg for Mantle, with 'hs
full ni-p'iMii-im vote, tho four dcfectlma will he nfl
??but ti -iect Mm.h.". iii . Reputdtosar* hoosish
lune s.> .'ar refused I 1 v de f te Mm, sod as attempt t?
draw linn om this evening failed. If th*"# re'n?a
to cine into line to mmr .11. Man-:.- will hive nair
thirty-five votes, one Ator\ af n maJorttT. Tlnmsi
11. Carter arrived yesterday and 1- credited witit an
attempt io smug ihe Republican* t<> Mnwrif. tim
noe wed; Of ihe ..--ion i-.tii.iln-. and i! !" eiectte*
result*, .in,umr Rickards will name Senator >?*?
den's since--, rt.-. nc until IPS**,
- a> -
RREVOORT B, tlqotet mri hr UT I.-m ? K
('.muiii ?len r- la tho I'olUMbiaa l.\|i..-.lii.'i ULAEBB
Iui\ IU1n.11 IteaeU, Ipi?tai M.aM.r IB yin". OSd **
th c. ..in.i.in. ,.f pbwbb linn ni.ni: BaUt
s issn yv Mi!,!., af Rhode tolioa, and isaatarsVal
l'.'ttijr-ii, Bi "-.'ina Dskot 1.
A RICW PTORM IN' HM. >->!iilwT>T.
yva?hiiigii.ii, i*. 1,. ju- iii, lim,..:i. t.* aaa tollm la at
bnier Missteaipsi Velicy westward wet Ba e*"'**'1*
Rocky M-miiuiii dlalrlcta ai 1 tSans ht mbol s*
Northern Team, Heavy talus ste i.|*..it*d 'nw ats
Central ami Weat (lull roast-, aol - - *sr****<"
(nun Nebraska, 1 wa, South Rah I indi ?"?"?v '
barometer 1- high oa Ihe Atlante roast w* rss.r ?*<-?*-*?*
eonttuuea eeuoragy to the iii-m. 1 ? 1 i-t ?? im Vi?*"*,0'
lt 1- sllghtiy told. Um Atto-Uie .? 4 l,,llf c*'t,,("i
.lt li...tl. eui I .--mr;.: K.i. kv li, mr.ni! -ia'.w'** '
wanner throughout the central ?ill - *'?* ?**,, .,?
i.*.,iaii>. The Ullin I tl- ? at" tha" III- ll "' V .,
.. .a-* with iain lu Ul- South.*in stilt-- iii'l " 1," ,,11 .il?
illi.1 enan lu thc lah.- |-e->lona a il Xnr'JiwoH l':r1?* am,
dav atlc.id.'ii 1 v s c.'d ?:..- 1 ' V. thai -' U '", . ,4
.-a- Snnih- ti .'nh.1. tb. a t 1 probably 1:1 Nuitinr" " w
indian Tosrllsry,
DBT.ill.i'.n PORE) \-r FOB H'nvY
For Mew-England, wanner md lair pielSlR *_yS
Tuesday raoral'iff: ?c*tmiy wind*, ?iuiti"K *" **"
Munday light. N,w.
Fur Eootera New-Tork, Rtatera ''ll""r:v*n*'. j ,m
lerSS) ..nd H.'lsiiare. -Ilghtli BrflgB-ei Uti f-Ur d'irl"'1 ^
du ruin rn -iimi M..inlay BigM Ot fOSSdMTI
eiiif'inir ti easterly. . ,_. yyvil
i'm Western New-York, We-t n P^no?yl**_,*_j gmt
viirinin and Ohto, fair Monday torcoeaa. uss ?-?
Mitmlay nlghi | wsrmcr.
Itm I IIHl'lkSi Merateg! *?!?*_?
lillillntniliim I I (I t M ">2_
lu Mil**. di??r*m a u.,;
chamie* to pic-.u-o. sa laaicau-a by ra* Tris-?j_,
l-scuiUliiu bsrutneier. Xfcs broUsn Imj r-pr*?ca? -
pen lu ie ss observed st l**rry'? I'haiuiscy.
Tribune .mn.., Fe. fTTZ Bt^Om aaMBM W?
sailed rummy, win. rn <i* tatBBM bom ""^ a%
t? Momwrnm iv. ri... wilmot** rompri sm-" ^
ead M dime-*, the ssrorogs (RPS! Mag 1*?*J l' tttB^e
.,, ih ? Mlimgmdlsg di y tool)????'? *"ia *?'-l0*
S*l.r,'i,nd near Uti! cte te**** ?Sr4?^,"JflpM
fair w.-ather, fuUoiu-a by ilouciluv.s sua ia*? ?

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