Newspaper Page Text
Stern Bros. are now displaying in their Upholstery Dept's which have been greatly enlarged, complete assortment- of Choice Upholstery Fabrics, Lace Curtains, Cretonnes, Art Materials, Japanese and Domestic Rugs and direct special attention to an exceptionally tine line of Antique Shirvan Rugs. Also, Will Offer To-Morrow 100 Gold Emb'd ^ mm wm Japanese Silk *i\ ? *S Lambiequ.ns at VJ# __ \J former Price $11.50. Cmny Lace $ ^\ / mm Curtains at *aJw M %J Reduced from $5.75 a pair. 250 Pairs ^ Irish Point Lace 9 tZ *7 ral Cur-ains at *aJw tt \J Formerly $7.50 & $8.75 a Pair. 1*6 Pairs m ^ ?? w Louis XIV Lace 9f*Z / *\ Curtains at \J % A %J Fermer Price $8.75 a Pair. Window Shades and Furniture Slip Covers Made to order at Low Prices. Estimates furnished on Request* West 23d St A OAXO OF BURGLARS ARltAlGXED. THEY HAD R0I1BI.D FOSTOKFICES IN VARIOUS PARTS OF THE STATE. The member-, of tl.*? gang of burglars arrested by thc froll-e nt No. 13S High .st.. BrOOkl) n, on Frltl.i.v were ar? raigned before Police Justice Walsh jestei-day. Jo nph Dodd.-*, wii.) 1*. believed to be the lender, and who has teen employed as a nurse tn th,* Sailors' .nug Harbor, _. 1., and el.sevvh.-re, denied nny knowl* tdp.- if the erinn*.** h.ld to Us charge, although he occupies the best room In the house, letting out tlie others to thc other men aire.ti-d, and some *tolen musical instrument-, waa* toual in lt. jd- demanded examination, and was Kid until WlBlHiBflaj John f..-.lilian ai d J seph McCarthy, wlio confessed to the L.irchiiioiit I'ttstoflice, were turned over to thc Knited Stan-.-* authorities. Itu- other tlir--<- men plenrl ed not p.Hiy, ami wara remanded tor examination, (ne cf them, Martiri K.-nna-dy. ls a brotha-r of Will lam Kiiinedy, notv in juli for robbery, and a lett.-r from thc latter telling how hfc- la-other c<auld aid tilm In the effort to ssrays going to Slate prison tent found in Ma po-sesatoa, Ir. lilian uni McCarthy were brought to tills city and arraigned Baton Commissioner i-hlelds on tho cJ-iii'c of robbing the Larrhmont Posioflice. C. C. Jun., >. po-, to tike inspector in charge, believes that two dlffeient gangs ttl tmrVtm liave b?-en bn-aklog int-) HmmmWtmt in 1Mb Mate -Btdy. Dodds nnd lil* asso. elate* t online, their activity lo Long Island nnd Wsstohester County. T)u- other band roamed over the last of tho State. Nineteen robberies of postofhee*, have fetal rep'.rted lo Mr. Jami's since January 1. These offices var* at West Ch mi,rid fa. nnd Orcenwlch. A\'8*iilnj;t'in County; Irvington; Sliver ("reek, Chan tauqua County; Cedarhurst, L. I.; Elnora, Saratoga County; Ctntiul lark, L. 1.; Ciisilcton, Rensselaer County; Amltyvllle, L. I.; Aurora, Cayuga County; Tuckaln e. West*hs*l*r County ; Lodi, IbMO* County : AWcn Onrtrti Krtc county; Butti EMU, L. I.; Frii'int ?ship. Allcgaiiy County; Larchmunt; Weat Henson!, la'cHJi: rt i aunt] ; Tnimasharg, Tompkins County, and Ma,'.nt Ki-aii, Bestehester Coan ty. A lew month-* u.'ti, tin* poMw ran down still an ?tlier gang ol thieves who robb*, s number of po-*t ?flues throughout the >tat<-. ?? Tiddy" K.-lly, Who \wo or three years n-go up Innocent fnrin" youth. Was leader ol thes.. a rimlnal.**. 'I'D. y sn now serv? ing ter:i.s f.f liii|iriM.iuiia..,t, and he 1-* back at farming, BS Was sllsjaeiided lil his (ase. MR. MALBY ON THE LEGISLATURE Assemblyman Ci-orge II. Matty says that thc sooner the present Legislature adjourns the cleaner will be the record it will leave lae,.Ind. Mr. .Malby does not baw an exalted opinion of the present organization at Albany, and If any crcdlt.ille legislation ls p*BS0* lt will In- ru agreeable surprise to him. Mr. Mulht wos at the Fifth AraMM Hotel jesterday and will return to the Slate Cajiital today. When speaking to a n porter for The Tribune yesterday, he snld : "Thin- an- ah**! bills that have bar* Intro doced thai session, and they embrace about every? thing that a par**! cnn think of. There are bills galore to regulate every kind of taxation, but the two that will westra the niost favorable considers Hon, lu my "opinion, nre the Farquhar bill and thc Colima*-ia.n bill, lillis to regulate ruting have also been introduced, how many I could nut say. one has been passed which does not permit horses to be entered In a race under ns.itnned names. Not many Mila have la-en passed sn Uir, but they ure conting from the committees now, and more work will be done In the way ol passing bills In tbe near future, lt the Legislature adjourn* by April 1 not B.uch harm will bs done. Km If the session lasts longer 1 tin not know what ths result will be." Mr. Bulby says that, lu his oj-Jnlon, tlie Republl cana and DoflBOeratS tn the legislature, who have brains enough to think for themselves, are In favor Of Hawaiian annexation. Regarding the work expected Of the next Congress Mr. Mnlhy -aid : "lt ls not the i,|irni,,;, of the Democratic "Senators and Assemblymen that tlie McKinley lan* will be repeale-. Thcv think that some of Its provisions w_U bc module*.? THE PASS1XG SEASOX AT HALT'S. Hr. Daly luis compiled the ucusl mihi marr of the ?rason at lils theatre. It ls the twenty-fourth of his aranagement In New York, and the fourteenth of tbe present theatre. It began on October 3 and will end fta April 8. Mac the beginning of the season "Lit tte Miss Mllilon" has been acted twelve lime*, "Dal Lan and Sense" twenty-nine Umes, "A Test Case" twenty-two times, "The Hunchback" twentyfive Umes, "As You Like It" sixteen times, 'The Belle's Strata pus" aa* "iThe Knave" seventeen times. -'The School Mr ff caudal" eight times, " The Foresters" seventeen ffB?, awl "The Taming of the Shrew" sixteen Umes. ?Xwatfia atf-fte" wlil ail the rest of th* season. Ths ItTU ot Mr, fia-7'8 c.iupsju will fceffa ?? Mffrl Stern Bros. will exhibit to-morrow Additional Exclusive Spring Styles ol Ladies' Costumes From their Own Work Roomi in all the newest fabrics; and among which are the following Special Attractions Nove ty Crepon* an J Cords with the latest shape silk-'ined skirts ., $45.00 Real value $;a.oo. wa:sts to be made to order, withou: extr.i charge. A'so a choice collection of Ready Made Suits Of Fancy and Diagonal Cheviots, Tweeds, Changeable Serges, Crep.>ns, etc., inc'-ding one iot .,$.4.75 Real va'ue $33 oo. West 23 d St Bay, April IO. and continue for eiglit weeks. Thc tlmc and places of the tour will ba these: April IO, for two weeks, Boston; April -ii. tar tem week--. Philadelphia; May a*, fur one week. Washington: Mav lo, for three weeks, Chicago. MEETINGS ASH ENTERTAINMENTS. Th* annual meaning of the Hrooklyn llama bal Circle, which !? a branch of ti)" Nntioual BtttlMf, of ?Mefe tl.' Bar. Di* Blwai* Everett Bala li prasMrat, and ihs late Bishop Phillip* Rmok* WM vi, ?-|,r, ,i'i.'* sill Uki place at llietoriral Hall. Hi.-oklyn, '"? Wad-BSd-J tte* lng, March Ka. The iildr-st will bt delivered hy Dr Hale, <,n "K.diieiUon in India." wltli Intro-luttory re? marks hy tmt Rev Hr. Lyman Abbott. The annual d!ntia*r al ih" Callers win b# riven at the BaM d.| Monte, No. 300 Columbus ave. on Tuesday even lag. March ll. A public meeting of Hom* Rule tnt Irelind advo'-aU* will be held ot thc (V'lumbu. Theatre, on Sunday evening. Malt* IB Mayor f*ilroy *>* 111 prraldi. John K. nts. gerald, of MoMon. tr.ll Ive the speaker. The N.vv.Vork Camera (Ititi wlli have an exhibition ol paintings, work of the member* of the rlub, st So. 31t Hfth-ive., t>e*itiniiig tu-morrow ind continuing through tin week. The eeremonlc. stta-tidlu. th" lO.Hd anulveraarv af th' Foriytli Bttmt Methsdlsl Epi.'opol Church will be flnilW to-night by the huming e. tlie mortiag". Th. Rev. Dr. J. M. Puckley trill preich. A musical eiitert.Lnnient und.-r ta." au-plce* of the T. Kala Society of the Church of the Divine Paternity, for the benefit of the Prc-*- Air Fund, will be held it Car? negie Clumber Mull'- Hall, on Wednesday evening. Rii?sell 6tuigl? will give a lecture on "Shortcoming." In the Mg hall at Cooper Knlon, on Tuesday SVBBlBf. Thl. will tie the beginning of tlie fourth course ?f th" Colunibll College lea lure*, in ro.a,|>e allon with the I ?0|..j l'ni'-n, on "Ms*SIB 4llhlBSHlaill at Hone and Abroad " An lllustrata-d lecture on "Life, AtraetBlW ind Kx ploratlon. Among the A rib. at the Euphrates Villey," bt the Rev. Professor John P. Peter*, director of Uie Ctn versify of the pemiavitanla Exi* dillon to Rabi ionia 18*8*01. will be giv-n ot Association Hall, '):,e*hundr'il ss* I a ral j Bfih st. n,*r W-k-eve., mwmettw nealBB The lecture ls for Um benellt at the Pariah Aid -Belli. Bl St. Michael'. Church, to aid la furiil.liirn the church. At the monthly meeting of the Ka*t fslde Sunday-*., hool Knlon In the Allen .Street Biral*rjr*JllBB ','hurcli, to-morrow night, Mrc Lu"y (S. Hambridge will give an addrea, or, "Tbe Children." The second anniversary exercise* of the New-York Newsdealers and BtSt'saerS' Protective ind Renevolenl iBSIflBlllBI will t*e held at Xo. .07 W*-*t Thlity-fourth-it.. on Wednesday night. THE VAUDEVILLE CLUB EXPERIMENT. ITS FIR^T SEASON A FINANCIAL BUCCBM?PLVNf* Kf.ft NEXT TEAR. Mciheri of (lu* Vaudeville dui, W|l| lo morrow re? ceive circulars In wi,li li the llnnm-lnl condition of the club will Ih- described iii detail mid a few wordi will Im- salli aboal the future of tlaa- BTgaalaaOoB. The best piece of news will be thal there will be a surplu- lu the treasury when the season ls rlosed on next Saturday Bight. Kl,ls fae! ls .apea-lnllv gintlfylng because nearly 914,000 was K|i.-nl In titting up the (lubroonis In the MetTOpOlttaa ('pera lions.* and la the piircliiiso of dishes, glassware, linen, etc., ?Llch do no! h*** to be replace* each year. Al the same time, the present leaiO. wa.; only of ti ii weeks. Next rear the pei furn:;.net _ will begl* In Noven.ber. probably, tun! last about twenty wacks. Tin- receipts from dara were lu the aefghbarbood of |B7,000; Ihat ls, about Hu nun paid i**:,i) tail:. The performances have U-a-n given nt an average cost of I--J.0O0 a week, so f-O.CMKl was spent on these. The profits from the restnumiit and the Income from Ihe boxes paid for rent, lighting, eb-. Thus the surplu*. ls **-,'l,0<Kl or thereabouts. T|,? i,r?lii frfim food, drinks and elga rn was ciicour.'.plngly large. As Hie corns are open only In the ,-v., steaks, (hops and Wel.h rabbits arc chiefly mtv rsl, and there ls not the loss incident to dub rasla..rant service. The club hnd ta lix the date for the last perform? ance so curly on nccniiit of the change In the opera house affairs. The directors could not iiepotlnta- for a longer IsSJM ol the rooms because lt bm not yet been decided whether Mr. Ahlicy or Colonel Mapl. son shall manage the opera. When thnt point ls settled, the club will talk abo*, where to go next season. Of i nurse there would be a prent advantage in Mate tinning in the opera house, for the ..nen*., ol hiting up a new pince would thus be saved. It ls possible that u house will be built esp.-clally for the club by capitalists to whom * fair niuri. of their money would tte guaranteed. There was also talk of kelping up t*l(. performances after this week In some other building, llnrdmnn Hall and several other places were sugpeated, bul the plan wns nnt considered advantageous. The kW nf merely liming a few rooms In which supper could lie served to BBMthsBB was advanced and also rejected, for about all th'- men In the Vaudeville also belong lo ol her club*, lt had lieen sugg. Med dial th* entertainments lie given In Newport in tbe summer, but (hst would bi* unfair to the members who spend the hot months else when-. The directors nre now satisfied that with the present membership the club can be successfully run. They think thnt this fact will lead many perxi-ns to Join lt In tbe fall 4 CHASCE TO HELP SICK CHILDRES. Tbe doable quartet of tbe Yale Club, Miss Car penter, elocutionist, and the Ttpaldl Mandolin Club will give an entertainment at the Berkeley Lyceum nett Tuesdsy Braning st a :15 o'clock, for the benefit tl Um tout CJUl_x?_.'s miA -Society ?_ ths Brick CARD. ANNOUNCE TIIF. OPENING of THIS SKA SON'S IMPORTATION tn' PARIS NOVELTIES IN HIGH-CLASS LACES AND DRESS TRIM* MINGS, SUITABLE YOB COSTUME8 ANO M1I. LINERY, ALL EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. ALSO PARIS AND BERLIN COSTUMES, CAPES, JACKETS ANT) MANTLES, IN EXQUISITE DE* SIGNS. ABOVE WILL BE FOUND TO BB THE CHOICE-IT ANli MOST COMPLETE IN THE CITY. Sixth Ave. and 23d Street. OvDtnotva SILK andLW0OL FABRICS, A rm uro -Ullage, ARMURE GLACE, VR1MI, * I <OI MK, Crislal and UoiijriiUnc. obrri:, n,4*?nir? A>I? HI-ACE *I|I\TI HF.K. White Veiouline and Cristal ion wp.uniMJ OBWBB, LICHT COLORINGS for llouae itml F.ienlna Wear. _Btoa_\vaii do \yi& 6\. Pre,tayt.-rlnn Church. Ilehetl may be obtained si the Berkeley Lyceum. THE CAPE COLONIES' EKRIPIT. The -fforts IMRT cr it wile PF. an IBTBRt-tTIBil cni. LKCn-'V 0P f-'ITKlTTl ABIMA-B Cape calories ol .Africa sro miking crest f.,r a good repreaeotattra it I'ii- World', Fair, and a* tl.air location and surroundings field many novel nnd itrarge IhlagB, their exhibits tit Chimp- wiri. *** doutt, prove mo-t Intere.tlng. Bot the bast IrH-f ting will be u elle, tum of siufTei ai,lu als snd hird*. The .kins arrived last we.-k and now ba lng prepared f.,r BIOMOttng. Ba lane beasts are represented, ns ti,.. <** ls to shaw a.i.iy those anlinnls whick have he** mud* ant*], Tlie na.,t giaaiip ca i,*|-t, a.f two > ld ti.trlil.t- i,nd four young ones. Tr.?- rotU tr Mrd** nr- Bra! P-4ea*aa objecii. They are shoal ns lara* as n rhlehra sad look mini, ns one of tt'.-'' f.nls would look af'.r a hatti In hot wuter, Ihs two old o-triche. are re iiuirki, Mr larg**, their thigh* bt-tng si Mg :ar. nn-l as those iaf a BWa Tiree group* ol H.- ?? [at ailed" -heep ar'- shawn, two /rou,.- osaststtag ol mmlt and li stall and lu* third ol mule and fen-.nla- mid v.,ung. Ihe tills af tins.' ri: Innis ure ISiaBllsHw. Wilgi,lng from two lo four poi.lids eat h. A fal* of t ,.-s.* s!.. a p wer. Import. <1 br tho A grit uK ural Drp*rl_raal nontbl .go. and ali-.loll g well In tti'>\Va*t A remark *Me animal shown i* tb- Caps goat. Thia l.? exurtiv Uki t'i? gris' American tnlmiil. except in me. The African ls fora trot big:, and a a rn ? pnadtnglj huge In other dinon h.n*. An rfu rpi tonally tine Angora goni is in the raUoellon. Another Bsndsoa?s anhnal ls a -mall piselli. Then ,in> Io be ai.ori- than lr.o birds in one group. wont.ivs PAIR OFFICIAL* COMB T(? W.owfi. Clibngo, Mania ll.-Colonel .lohn M (Sanm-ls, of Kentucky, chief of ths Hortkaltars Departaaenl of the World's Pair, iinil Major luiijaiulii C, Truman. of OalU-tnla, aha araaples s nhordlnats placa in ihe sanie department, i,ad a blondie, rneonater at Jack*-*! Park vfsicrday. Recently several (Hy papa-r* published ai ...lillis of III .freitag bi i ween Mr. Baaaaela and Haperlatendeat Thorpe, I. charge -f the n<iwer show at the Fair, tn Which, lt I sahl, the Utter was far-rand. Mr. Baaiasli Biked Malar if he had encouraged ti.e pnMlmli-n, nberaapo* the latter struck Mr. -.-mu.I-. ti., retaliated win. a paper weight on Maj"! Traman's lu ad. ii,.- tw* w-n separated lu lime to preveut liaiilicr dan, ,g. . WORK. OF ART M'.I.K.i'IKI) HY THE JURY. Chicago, March lt.-Th- work ol the National .turv of s..|e,"Hon 1,11. i.e..n Bntshed. The Bamber >.f Aaaerl ian work, of ari BOCeptSd by the locil Jurie, lu ihe Baster* Stales and lu Barope ls considerably wert 1,000. < f Ihe 007 works i., the Jury In chicago, oniv td* wore accepted. A hug.* propurtloa nf these an- by lara! srttsts. a isl of the dUrercnl ' I, ? - la aa l-tlowt: - iilpiiir.* wbnritted, 47: selected, 97; oil palm tog* si,biniii.-ti. ii',:j: selected, 7:i; water-colors Mb hillie*. 177. ..I..,-,.,,. ,,. ,,-,?,. ????!,?.,, \? ? ?*. ot. -. ; p.a.i.K sui,min, i|, nm; electra, .Vi; a,-, |,| Iratiiral drawing! -il,mit,-i, _a, ' " 'Pl.e . Cuitnerit OOme hei A I'.KKKAK OT IXFORMATIOB. rommlttec appointed by the Chamber al entertain dtotlnfatol-sd tontgaen who il.-lr way )<? m.. World's |'.,lr n ,. esis'llihe*. a Iiii.'.i. ,,f adrtee ami tntoiarailna. Tbn u-, ?he coartray ol Willi.* w.m .rf ._-.?. Ihe committee win hara moms In the sew Waldorf lintel n is Ih" li"'*i.ibi. ..coll.,', Informal,,,, ?;?.,, ?, ,?. .,?, .1 VETERANS WIDow .v/./r ASn DESTITUTE Agent Kan,,,,,, g* Mr ,,,..,.,.????,.,,., Braid, ton dais ag,, ibal . vx?,?..,n ann her inti., daaghtra wrae living ,? . ?,..,,,??. JJ ' '"'"" '" ""? "'"' "I N'. Mi l lUteeath rt. Ho nailed the ?i-?, i-l v-r-old ,n,,d. in.'la.nngi,., , ^ ?j ? CteCtB Of ? Bhtoograi hip. ThB ...ailsa- W?s III, |,y n... woman sdaiigi,.,.,-. r.i,.*. yosrs old. Barned Bsgjrl., ama toiB, ???.r ?,.rs?n ? ,,,? ,??.,. ,."JJ *>? of ber f,?.? ,im1 1)(1(lv wn$ .ml broke he,- hln. Tv*., no,'. I1(,? sh,. .,tt..m?t,^T lo walk lo .h.. ivn*,,,,, ..??.?? |M |,|M#tUt J JjJJ" appll.alh.i, for | pension, as her hatband Pntri.k !';,ll;?,, " "/'.r* Jhe totara, brarerar. had ,??' healed properly, and BBB fell and dislocated ||?. |,|p Amnt Denbert set fra bb imbalance sud had the moi bet?rom,,*.,,, ,? lllP N>w v Haapttol n?. child was taken to th- s.,.i..,v roam.-. Ye-tar*?. .i.v AMMMICAM woy is arhested IS MEX ito. F.I Paso, Te.xa*. March ll.-Tb-re I* Just now some excitement In this tnw ? nv,-r te nrrest yesterday of the wife of Hr. J,,hn ( rlttenden tiuleruood of IKawlltie (Kee,,, Ky., by tl.e Mexican Bttt-MtltJea of .fusrez. Mrs. CB4BB*to*d nrtlved yeiterdav morning from the City of Mexico and ar.-,. In.metllatelv put under (-.laird by order of thc Mayor. Colonel Mki1Iii.-i Mrs. t'nderwood I* Ignorant of o?. cUnt*u again* lier, and as no one else knows nn Inquiry ls f*|*g tm to learn Bm !***** for her detention. Dr. J. C. KnderwiKid for several years bas been living bj Mexico. H.- ls s neoh.-a of John j_ (Ym<>n<1^ ? * raj of the consul to ilUngow under President Lincoln. He la s physician ut Pachucs. about flftr miles from the Uly ot Mexico, ,M;n,lt*' ?twu nrtT 'Millett. Successors toAXStewwit &Co. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES; week commencing MONDAY, 13th inst Spring Silks. Thc most beautiful display ever seen in this country. Ombre Taffeta, Ombre Duchesse, Gros de Lon dres, Czarines. BOURETTES in every gorgeous color. GREAT BARGAIN in 10,000 yds. Habutai (w;8ffto) 7 c cia., 1 OO. ?I'O value Ab Popular Dress Fabrics. The entire stock of a well known CHEVIOT MILL (in all good medium shades), ORclB. ?I Owl per yd., former value 50 cts. (These are rare bargains.) Complete line of Foreign Novelties. spring Capes & Wraps Upholstery Dept especially made for high sleeves, all qualities and colors, rai ging from 4. lo 10-D each. An exquisite assortment of latest imported Black Lace and Bengaline Jetted CAPES. SPECIAL SALE 2,000 Beautiful Silk Umbrellas, Mounted in Silver or Natural Sticks, best Twilled Silk?best foreign and domestic makers? 26 and 28 inch. 2.", 3.Ta. 4/*. 5."\ _ K I a -?a | Oa red atced fr em 4.??, 5.a*, ir% 8.40, 10.,fl. Ruffled Edge MUSLIN CURTAINS, plain and figured, O 80 **? per pr. nnd ap. Brussels, Tambour, Cluny, Irish Point and Notting? ham Lace Curtains in great variety at lowest rates. SUk-faced TAPESTRIES at redncefl pricet House Furnishing. New Importations? Exquisite WEDGEWOOD, jun opened (in jugs, vases and pitchers). Pedestals and Jardinieres from best English makers, and the finest assortment of Kitchen Goodj in the country. BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES THE "ABISTO" CORSET, sold only by us?euaranteed to flt, to wear and to beautify the flpa. BROADWAY, 4TH AVENUE, 9TH AND 10TH STREETS. IS THE FIELD OF SPORTS. TIIK NO FIGHT MAY HF. IN "fiTTFAI.O. Fluffslii, March ll (Special..-Ville** thc authorlttei Interfere, t:,? forly-tt-MltclieU fight t* likely tn take piara In Imffaln. At s nieetlnc of tni-inbi*n ot the BafBb Athla-tlc flub and other* Interested In (.ports, tiri, -afternoon, lt wi* decided to oHm ni hlfrh na *7.-.,(>oii If Bl CB I-I IJ to brine the mutch here under Hie ensptces ot the Athletic Club. The IlutT.itn Driving l'ark. Mitti Hie big fair building, la practically lcn-ed 'OT tho pwpOOO. Ii U entlrnutod thnt aa-nta fir 90,000 people ian bo srriinKixl In th*- fair building. A -vi,dlr.iti- Vii bO p*l BBB III Hil J orgsni-ed nett ?eek. It u the latcattaa of the sjrndlrata to give xn Bthlelle nrpli-nl nnd not a prize Ight. If Me ne-... Mr) siraagementi cnn ba made Iben will ta.- bnjUng, are.tli'iK .ind h.x-aj Btber Mada cf athletic -.port*. OOHVOI and rrrxr.n noa with nf.w.tork Thi Na .-.Vork t*??iie!I Mm I* now neirlr made nu lat BBs Mada* BBBSM, Roost Connor md iv. a. Fuller .ruiiiiii contract, re. ta rda-. Thl* make, eleven men nuder e.ntrla-t to ihe club, ind Ult only plivpi* deal red l.v m. 'lui. t.ut not .ecu red. .re Hu?|a>. Kins and Ki-1!t. Jehu M. WBld, the manurer. I*, well plc?.*'4 with Ih. |_fMHp wim Whleb l-l* ha. Neared hi* player., and la*t nii'tit bo ul*icri|.hed to th? m?n thit ho expected Miein !.i ta. aj.tjr M MatCb 29* The Ind id of the New.Turk ilub I. now complete, wllh Csaaai at, (lr*.! baie, \V?ri .1 nerond, Fuller .hort .top .nd either Keeler ar Darli on third baas. Th* l.* thin 'ompl.ta-. i.itti Ta num. Il'irke, Lyon*. Pitt* ard MeQaaM. The club Bssds BM more rata her. which rasaasf Kelly will nil. .ni t>?n pilcher*. Ru*le .nd Kinu. Tbtra tmf ba *omc trasbls la wearta* r.u>i? hal King telegraphed ye?trrdsv thal he would report eorlv Hilt *?e?* to tatii utir tho ?:tu?t|f.i, wllh tlie local BMBSf-BMBA. Tba iaal fir ("onnor ba* t-eerj und-r wit for more limn two month*, but the 1''lphii dub demanded inch ? prl M for hl? reles?-e that lt wai f ired that he could nd hit I Brand Final''- lt wa. a?rccd that N*. w.York ?ho'aid receive phbiIibIibi i.* m.ite lena* witt, Coaara, pro. rtdtag Ot- Quilter i l-y laim wa* sllewsd to n**oti?f. "Ith Boyle, H.* e.vlier, and Murrell, the pluher. lon. nor ?a? telegraphed fur. and he net Ward la*t evening The leran HA red ware aerepOMo, and bc put hi* name tia a cnniri't. Ward d:d not relish th- Ides of allowlni "Hot le lo jo, tint he .aid that th.- local puhlle demanded Connor, ind he had to gel him. lulia-r. rsasldertag th.- con.inion. Issi season, did re* iiiarkalal.. worli. Tlie una crinlntv regai-dln. *e.-nnd and third ti?*e? .nd the -mor nark nf d'Rourke In left field midi- Fuller not onlv cuter hi. omi position, but bt*t him MWrylag around thSM pa'Sitlims aa well. .lAMF.S Til III. III.I.Il IN WORi BBTBE. Wereeeter, March ii.-Tic ITia Tog-Md tatsraallegiais "irli'K ni.eti. laa ha- h.-ld a.u the Worce.ter mil In Mav Th.. resalt a.f thi* nail vote seal out by PiesMnt J. Il I'., .-kilian gtVBS Won-. ?t r ii majority "f one. Amher?t Ila.itd'.iii, Plana, Wllll-imi aad Waara eater I'ailj tachnlc ir-'ltnt ? vated IM War i?tcr, and liarlinnulh. rnlveraltt af Vermont. Trinity and WfaMeyaa for ?prlagSsM. I.ASKHI'. ami BROWALTBR MATCHED. KuKi'ino, Ind., M.nh ll. Thc r.imou* rfceBI nn-fr* b_aaaa*l Lasfcer, cBasiplM nf Eaglaad, md Jackson \v Bkawaller, ehaaaplaa of a.rlea. Brill i>l?v a mitch of lan uanna, (draw, noe e(?intlni;i lu Mil* elly, begtaafaig Min). UO. Thc, play for a pur.'- of ?K'.OOO and the champlain .hip of ABWlits. ARGCMEST IN TUE ARDSLEY LAND SUIT. .Iildp.* Djiiinan, at While I'lilns yest.Tdnv, hcird argURienta in ibe ea.f Drexel, Koran* *i Ob. against tba. Ardsley bund Crmpan*/ ta foreclose a bmmIibi-* mi tbe property. P. I. UtOtao* appeared f'T the bank iiir* firm aini charles -alnara for lae certtflente hold era, Frank s. tdarinaler, one el tbe certtScnte imirt <-is, was Bira in court. if* wanted Ibe court ta gnat hu nppiicaiion tn hava. his eerttt-eate take priority over the Bsortgapsa His erailflrate nils for WlftOO, rbi- mort-.a iri- h.-ld lu Drexel, M.irain .t Co. 1* for 1800,000, mid the nnii.iuit held bf ewtlteata holders I* 040,000. Mr. .-tii*.,ii srgued Hint the mort gag* p|Mn i<> tbe Ardsley Company waa t renewal of a BK-rtgage elvin t.<- Cyraa \v. PteM, ami hart prl setty arar the eertltoate holden. Ha said that thc i .'itlflcnii' healers had only :i rlirlil in the Interest nf th,- earnings of the company, and not of the mort gag*. Tin- lawyer repreranUag bbnlaoter held timi ll..- mongup- tins given vt lt hom the luinttiealK'* of thc leiilfluit.' holders hy T. M. nnrlilurd, the mn na ger for the (Ive tiustee* of the hiv The tract of uti.und of tin- Ardsley Land OMBPOA" cover* flfVi' nena, and wu* pnrchas.-rt for *?ri*J,700. .IiirlK-i Dyk took the papen, nnd allowed the attorneys five da\> |o put In briefs. He also sppstlited Henry Rob> inMin a rafaraa tn take teatlmoay in iti** tnse. A SCHOONER ASHORE AT SANDY HOOK. Near fhn Inner pert nf Sandy Hook the schoon-ir Hotter Drury went ashore yesterday murnini.'. When light*)- -he hart six feet of ttti*cr In her hold and lay on the beach broartslrte mi. Th.- crew refitted anslst mic-e ami reni.ilnirt 8* Ihe BMaeL Shu Mris laden with n.'iO.iiOi feet of lumber from SiiUlIa River, (ieorfl.-i. It will be necessary to remove hoi cnr.o bf?fnre sii/* can Be titkeii oft. She wu* hound for Fall River. Announcement.. Henri* A Dajokjl M. D.. 90 WEST WTHBT. Dliesaea of tht Nervoui STitem, ..enlto-Uiiniry Ornai, Impotency and Sterility. ltouri. 8 to 1, 6 to 8. rn Brat Hair '".rower and Dressing. Dr. Haya's Hair Ileit-rei youthful color ind beauty le irsy Bau*. Dm'i Mil um or limn. Druiguu. AOe. Pnii.i.irs- I>n;i STini.F. Cocoa unlike other ro-o*. or eh.I ale. I* no prepared that lt will not dlMurh dls.-itlou Helidon* flavor. E. St W.-Th* Tyroaga link out! alioald 1 pan with sac Yistas sr Mstsa* mUsr. le. * W, CARPETS. New Spring Style*. WILTON VELVETS. ?superior quilltlee, ilegSBt deelg-e. tor Fuion, Libraries. Dining and Reeen Bon Room*. Halli, Stain, io., Al abeal (aad lame etea Ieee) thoa tbe pries of oa ardlnary Bru..el.. ? SPECIAL FEATURE: CARPETS, with border* mada fi-o-m od* pierce et* every quality. In various iliei, lult able for iii kind, of rooms, AT REMNANT PRICK*. Brine Hie o' room* A NEW MAKE BRU.8EL8 (To introduce) At a Half Dellar Per Yard. UPHOLSTERY DEPT. Our importation! "'i..?i?t 0f sll tha new. eit deslgu* snd coloring! lo FURNITURE COVERINGS -_ DRAPERIES. ALSO I.A Cit. CHENILLE AND VF. IO IR Ct'RTA I NS In great variety. FURNITURE. hull* and o.m piece, (our own up* BoLterlng,, at l'oi'L'LAH FRICKS. 4 SIXTH AVE., UTII AND 14TII SST?-*. Tbe lEter-State Casualty Company OF NEW YORK. INTOHPOnATEl) FOI. TUB Pt ll POSE WW HUWla ACTINIi A l.KSF.HAL At CIDENT IMS-CHANCE III CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, - $225,000. At a meeting of the staackholder* of thl. compiny. held March 7, 1S03, the following Ofticer* arid DI rea ton m-r. elected: i;KOIII.F. E. HAMLIN. I'realdem. RKNJ.-t.MIN IV. FRANKLIN. Vice Trealdeot. I*. STL-HIT SOM KR VI I.LK, Secretary. IlllUX TO KS: u.'OT-e K. Hamlin, Wllllim ll. linn kine, lla-nrv Vt. Cami'.a. dcarc-a- \V. Quintard, John 1. Wat.-ihury, Almon nooda lu. Jaine* R. (Miiitlnc, Collin, llenjamln W. Franklin, Cornelius lioremu*, C. .-ituart somertllle, QasBSV fl. Lan.lug, William II. Ilornhlower,' Divld n. Powell. GENERAL OFFICES, 62 AND 64 WILLIAM ST. -s.V OFFICER'S SENTENCE MITIGATED. Ono of the Inst sets of Secretary Tracy, upon the eve of transferring th.- nd min 1st ra Mon nf the Navy Oepnrlmcnt lo Mr. Herbert, was to mttlgnte the nn explri-rt portion of the sentence of Pnsaert Asslstant Paymnster Harry B. **ulllvan. nnd to direct his res lorutlon to the active Hst of the Navy. Mr. sullivan was charged with advancing money to some of tho en? listed men while nttschc-rt ti* the training ship James* town nt New London, without authority of his com nuindlng nfltcer, -Commander C. F. Goodrich, and the discovery of Irrepularttlix In lil* accounts. The court martial sentenced him to dismissal from the Navy, and upon a review of the evidence and In view of bl* previous good record hs an officer of ihe Nsvy, the President, on December ?__ last, mitigated (ho sentence aa follows: --To be reduced in rank io that tits nome shall be placed al the foot of the Hat of paased aaslstnnt-psiymasters of the Navy, and to be sus? pended from muk ana. duty nn furlough pay for it period of three years, during which time he shall retain his place at Ole foot of the Hst of passed assistant-paymaster*." Secretary Tracy gave aa a reason for mitigating the sentence of Mr. sullivan that a mons careful roiflrW of the testimony embraced In the record ihowod that he was not guilty of ad? vancing money to his men authority of hil commanding officer, hence he felt Justified In relieving the accused from the severe "sentence, believing thst the reduction In numbers was quite aevere eiiouah for the acts of can-leanne**. ? In connection with li-* ease there was published a few days ugo lome aevere reflections upin Commander iioodrlcli and charging him Mth persecuting ? fellow* oftleer. The duly nf CnmmanoVr lioodrleh before ibe court waa si clear ai lt wai painful; he had univ t? furnlah the court wllh the evidences of Irregulsritles In the pay sccounta of the ship, and this wss done lmpsrUslly and faithfully. OtW officers B-lflU* CC SHAYNE, manufacture*, offer* Mverml nra In fur-lined and fur*trimmed .ilk. cloth and velvn menu for .pring wear. At?o decided barnlni la ikln, mink, sable and Pentan lamb costa, ann dp*,*.. 124 Weat 42d lt., near Broadway. Tl-TOUl^AlJI-ANAa 1893. NOW READY, GBEATEST AL2__ANA0 EYER ZMUB BT THS TRIBUNE. - ? SEO PA-SES-9S CEATS A COPI. Some of the most Taluable tablet ever printed by The Tribune AlmanM appear in this number. A map o. the World's Fair Grounds is pre? sented, in addition to full particulars about the Fair. All the usual statisti? cal and political features, and manj of special and great importance. Copies can be ordered through any newsdealer or news company, or pur? chased at the office of The Tribune. THE TRIBUNE. TRIBUNE PUBLICATIONa ALL IN PAMPHLET FOSM. ALMANAC. 1H93* A renlly .plendld number. Pier* Of iha great Almanac, on tba market. Ait patjaw New ready, 'ii ci-nl. a coo*. KNITTING ANO rBOC ll ET. New. WUB may pnae. devoted la hou.choid decoratlee aad faiBleaa, ?H eenie a copy. MILLIONAIRE*. A complete Hat af the 4.00 arila llanalre* ol' ike Called Slate*, and haw ike* amie (Bair money. Only I Ul ever compiled. Valuable lest-deeta. economists aud promoters of new*. OS cenlaacepy. lu -ralbi* cloih. Bl* NEW NAVY. - All the new wnr*hlp. described, wit* lllu.irniion*. and Inclndlng a Hat ar lbs eld aavy, armaments, etc. '-43 veals a copy. WAR -STORIES. Over 40 tale* of the Tl flt War. Bf Inion soldier*. Inspiring, thrilling and pathetic. Meet af them wrlttea lor Tribune cash prises, 'liceats. IJ ISSCP.'S.-Tlie beat af Roswell (J. Herr's senV In Tbe Weekly Trlbane an ihe Tart*, Klsanceaad Bili rles Sliter. *_ cents. VILLAGE IMPBOVEMENT.-Twe cbarmla*arftdee by B. li. Northrop, tke prime mover la ihl. work. New. York Illy mra wbo want to help keaatlfr their ssllve lowaa la Iks couatry should read I his. i essie a ceoy. NORTHFIELD, 1 SW.-Tko eaerrlses iBsra- If coals a copy. CIIACTAI'QI'A. lNW.-Profa.elr lIlBBiraied. ffco story of tko 'ii cents a copy. "OCR CIIAI'NC_.Y."-A Trlbane *rean*?. *B? regalar aakarriker ta Tko Trlbane caa sat ll ror BW reals. A dell. I*u* piece af rae. wrlttea by leaee m. Bromley ror tka Yale alumni. Prorasely Ulas-raieo bs* Beard aad _ SPEECHE*.-The best ol ihe aner-dlsoor oratory ?* last wluler la tkls elly. J- ceata. THE TRIBUNE that Commander r.oodrlch was alarsys eaweflteij' lenient snd courteous io the accused man. A SHIPWRECKED CREW BROUGHT TO POET. i>n the steamer Clenfuegos, wldch arrived be* yesterday. We* the crew of the Britts* bsr* vvwt nnimmond, which wsa wrecked on **"?ZJ*~.7 a ihosl on the Ult le Bshsina Banks. ??*?*? ^ Tho nlnetran seamen of the craw wera ******* " schooner Roberts sad Bussell. All tt* ttrwt aa. Us-raaaanU itara boys*.