Newspaper Page Text
Wmv SUNDAY EDITION MARCH 12, 1893. PARTE PACE8 13 TO 84. raill display on ll on il ay a choir-- assortment of Plnin atti Ulirou 0 in the* "COULEURS DE TRIOMPHE," MONTENOTTE. PIEDMONT, LODI. CASTIGLIONE, ROVEREDO, AND ARCOLA. Al**o n -pedal lot of this season's im poi la I ion of FANCY VELVETS formerly **_.."JO and &3.-.0 per parti, reduced to And a lint* collection of Black Silks and Satins, including all weat ci In PLAIN AND FANCY DESIGNS. 18th Street, li)th Street and Sixth Avenue. CAPRlVrfl FOES EXULT, j EEJOlCiN.i OVEB THE CHECK TO THE ARMY BILL .HE G3V: I'.NM! NT DEIEB3_1XED TO PVSI1 IT lo A TOTE-DIYISIOXS AM IXG THE MF.AS vr.'.'s EXEMIES-iir.r.MiNV and TIIK VATICAX- PERSONAL. Berlin, Marah ll.-once moro the opponents ol the Army bill are jubilant. They declare that il.c- (.>>v smtnent tastalned ;i ?eeM*ro defeat yeaterday when the OBaaflBlttee ..t Twenty eight rejected Us raacntlal cls'.:ses. '1 11- organs ol Cinncll tt foo l*prlvl ri ip ul that the n-ult ..f the e_nialttee*t action will ho -i i...~ii'lve one. mid Ibal lt leaves the role <>f the Lill unsetti-d. They add that oreo If s niajoriiy <>f tho committee finally refasen to roapronilse the Govern merit will aol cease the straggle oatt: ll challenges s rote st n pteaary titting ol tii<- Rrlchataf. u-*-he whit ci/ur*.' Ihe Ooveminenl may." rays Ihe ?? lid tlnralge z-itiine." lu a gleeta! article oo jrestetdsj '?* occurrence-. "Chaneell r roo Capilvl Ins only Ute al ternatlve uf the dl--*>laih,u of thc Reichstag or rt t_r> mem ir.-in o__CO.a A V lUTICAla GAME a* l.l.rri*. Both the r-nfidcnc.- la otha lal circle* la Ihe eventual acceptance of tin- M'l rn-.d thc certainty nf lt- defral expressed by th*- opponent* .1 the neast-ra are parts Bf a rame of bluff am either -ll-*. Thc -truth i- tbe Government ls reaMtlng mora Bad a.? how difficult h will be t,-? obtain any lora ot the hill w<tet_ bavins, and h aanoeueilng f'.r time during which li hl'P"*- t'a |*ke II'lvS'l'l'." .af til- ill --c ll-I"'ll*. Ill l!.c Centre party ta. BB CM* :i l-BBll ir.ajniity. Thc |>_IS-B-_tB** iilsn Bra] Ihetr poaltlon I*. rendered taaexai- I.y the dltlstoa-a within lb. party. Led hy Herr Hinze, a tall tncciln. ol the Fretslniilge memieri .f tba Reichstag waa ii* ld on Wed e lay, and after a brated tatercbang. of tiews, which lotted throe hour*, the-r-' aral an Bgrrainent tint the prirtv ny -nih would eontlnae to rcj.-ci the tioTero ment's demand-, Iravli g each BBeaber tu tall tw Ms tiKiividuai conviction. Despite denials, it l*. obii-ui that a right nnd left wing exist, and t.i. BM li Ucl > i.? wanker, tlu- ia._r;.v nt u critic*] mom. ;.t. Ai prout Ot thl* statement the fact cnn b-; cit.-d that ll-rr Rickert iras not Moonal ut yeatetdajr'a araetlni of the COttl-lttee. AWA1TIM. THF. ls-.IT. Ol' TIIF. JESUIT DEBATE. Mtnii.r cainditidiis preTai] in the Centre party. Cfair.t von Ii-ili-r-Ui-ni, Ihe lender of tlc parly, wbo ls favnmble t* the Army bill, trna al.?nt fr-nn the meeting. While maintaining a Buribee spp Stance .1 unity, tin- patt| is fa?t dlvMIng In'.i itv., faction*' Uie DaaraeiaHe and tli" (.uh.he Federal?tbe latter BMstly raaapilslng Prussian nristocrat. who arc ready to Brahe raasBBo* cause erith the l n-*i.m Con scrvntive**. Pot the i-i Ut* taenbera ol the C-ntre s?nit Ike Issn-, ul ti,a- debate rn Hm Jrauli .orstkm In the Reichstag. This delate was Hxcd la tala pince on Marah IS. Throng! Ihe stratefj a,( it -i Bent vin. Lcretxrar, who acted in unison with the Chancellor ta delay the dlsctu lan, the notion In re Bard ls Iha Petan "1 the Jesuits tu GerdTany ha* been Thc tine i- ii"' jrt-l opportune tar H? Ooverr.rn'-nt to dechtre li** Intenttoas In this Blatter. STIU. KEG .JlA'IlM. WITH Till. POPE. The nep.rti?tlai>is willi tho Valle m. thongtl ainii-t hapeiaaa, .-at,ii prow ed. General ron I.""*, who ua sppointed the sjM**-i:il envoy "I Eaperi r William ta, convey ta, tra j,,,,.. Hts Majesty'* congratulnUoni .. the eeeafltafl i.f the i-'.pi-i opal Jubilee, has returned with a I-apnl decoration, bm If hi*, nbudofl bal any political and la ti. tv Ihe ra-nit ihowi ba I- a complete failure a-, a diplomat. Conni Dallestrein ha1* lieen Isfl with nominally ire-'- bcHob, the Pope, in the interviews wbkh t*>..K pian- between himself, Car B-tiil Rampilla atrd Gonetal von Lae, declining to In terf.-re with the eonrse oi the Centra leader, whstev"i that might he, Conni von Ballestn*a, n ls said, i ?Bently offering to the Chancellor Hie support of the Biembcr** ai t:." Centre in exchange f * tho readaila rion of tlie .ta-**nit-. Through '.his tangle ol party MB-BBBfaai tabby Intrifoes, the Amy bili may onia-rt"; tafe, but not |0f many day*.. RECTO! aflLWARDT'H PERSOXAXi SPEECH, Herr Ahlw.-irdt made bia list speech In the Retch! t?g dring the dtocussloa ..I tile \tar budget. || ur,, entirely a psrsenal tpooch, bating no relsUon what evi-r tn tho flatter before the House. The Chao BtHtt, Heat Aklwaidt said, had railed him a libeller. lie maintain, d tl at ba bad only l-Mlh-d s paHfoUc duty in raven-tag Ihe brails al those who Intrusted the srraann-iit i.f the Geraran forces to Hebrews, Ile repeated amid cf ill I lu _; stlenra Us sccasatlons against the (lovcriimcnt for laking thc defective Lara* rile*. X . -II1S1IUK.S PAXD TO THE I'I' Durlnp the bbbbc debate Herr Biehler ashed whether the hudpc- included th* Mini paid io newspapers for snpportliic the Army bill, i hain, lu.r rofl Caprlvl lii-lpi.-ilitly denied thnt a .iifi-.ii''imlng had been .-.a. upended. FjR A CHAMBEa Oh" AORICCLTURE. Th* lat. -1 derriopaaent In th* agni-tn qneitta* u the Braernasent's praporal to establish a chnabra ef rariciiitur.-. A bin it-Hi be latradaeed tn Ihe Landtag erwtl*| ^ucil a chamher, which -will be legiilated bv (iov.Tiuiieiit (.Jlicial-.. li.a. Ayiaiian laders eye the project nskiiiic*.. KKPEEOI WIl.l.ltMrs Vl.-IT TO DOME. The visit of the Kmpcror and BapfiBB I* Honu IB the Iwenly-flflh aimil irs'.ry of the BMIT-Bge "I -**? HiiinlHTt and Qneeh Mu-.]..rita, whkh viii **nr on April _?_-, wa-, airainii ihrongh Coiini Lana* -D itar.un Aahnssadw lo tie-many. On tba w*j ?eKome the Baperar v>Hi |0 lo Pw aden, nnd the Kin1. ?f Saxony will accompany bia to the italian capital h-it lntera-.i- tin- diplomatic world 1* not the Km PTor'. reception -t Ih* Quirinal, but what will ocelli ?t the Vatican, overtures f.r an tnta-rvlcw betweel -he Rmparor end Ihe I'ope hive niii with u cob '?"pons.- fr..m Cardtaal Baapalla, I'ontitic ai ?Boratarj *t Utaie, to u?. .ffact the P*pB cannot nDbm m tee Emperor William, but If IHl Mnje-ly d.-lr,. ?to eotifvr on psallhal -iibj.-cts, tin- ^ipe would pnfei te ramam-ii-at*. wiih bim tiin.ngh Wo (ardlii'il la* W-Btf. (anilnal Kopp. I'litiic Arcbllshop of Hr.* hq. has vainly tried to iB-tainil the Tope to re ransMer his French policy, and lt ls utati-d thai, a B _r*-?; .?*,.[. to ihls. be aikcd for the dlsnii *al o ?--r-lliial k_mpolla and the appoint nun! of -.'.int"" Osllml*r*rtl, or lome *__*f prelule favoring Hie Mpl Alliance, as Vh\ih\ Sccrelarv In hts stead. The l'op ?si entirely deaf to Cardinal Kopp's arguments, an" oe* ec,ii*iiv. fl>ttt i? me neranaslona of other* win eappoaedly high InOaeaee. There ls no dana Ins ha wui al-o pay as inti,- attanttaa ta Mmprew wllltameS Inflmnci, *o tb.* of ibo Kmin-ror B tae Vatican win b,. aerety eerrasradaL Oa -ha ra aBskm Kmpera.r Wliii.-iiii will t.ti-*ertc tin- raine ia "?Mtlea thst characierln-d bis visit la Hu- ?__? li 1M*. He will go to the Vatican from tba- 8_WI home of the Prussian Minister la the Holy fs-c an wll have a short audience of courtesy with Leo Am CIVIL MARRI AUK IX HXXOAUV. TU Kalturknapf In Hungary li exciting "t-on han, ta view ol the tact that the policy < tin- Catholic bishops In Hungary aims at the desirae liam of ilia* Triple Alliance. The debatca I hi.* weeh in tba- Huagsnaa Di.t have fully developed what iiiiiiiinii- ihe proteMi of Ihe hi-li >|.s against the liovcrnmcnt'i. project lo h-gallae dill man-laze. Lin.mi memben ol Hie Diet mamented upon th ? Pope', alliance witta Franc?, where civil nuurlatr* hate long bran recognised. They declare ihat If Au-it-i.-i Hungary would Imve the Triple Alliance mid abandon Inly the Vatican wonM n.,.,... trying ia. ex du- the Beople againal the Government. The Hun ga lian liberal-, exprrsi cr.mid.-nee (hal Ihe people with whom th,- Triple Alliance I- Intenselj popuar a- an assurance again*! Ru??la w.u' tin- Gov ernmenl againM the Clericals. QERMAX COMMiatlIOXER-1 TO THF. WORLD'S FAIR. Dr. Hans Virchow, Coamiiiary of ih* Graman M- db al Department, tun ?= iii- ci in the Xoith Germ in Lloyd -t.ain.r I.alin for Rew*Y?li. on thc way t i ("blciigo. Iielnbold von Raerle, secretary of Ihe Art Mis-Jon, salli.I will, hui. Herr lin. .-li. ..f th.* Im nerlai Commission, will -tar: f..r CUIragn ,.n March J'!- I'i..*-. i- \Vr,.i7i?,|,i nrM| Ti..f.-.-,..r FnihL-r, Edacatlon C-am'.sidoneri, wl'l accompany him. MlM-ili; OX i VACATION. Mia Phelps, Mn. I. C. Phelps nnd ber iaughtei '..v.* rani, to Pails, where they win stay ? fortnight. ?They will return to Berlin In Hine to Minuter Phelps cn blt return to Itali <Tv. Mr. Th.Iii who ba- bera sb-ent from hli poat for tw , ,??ut|,R ,?, -ni. nave, li now iu Roora, ULSTER UNIONISTS MEAS CIVIL WAR. IX EFFORT TO OBTAIX AIl.Ms STOPPED nv Till'. 0 IVERXMEXT London. March ii.- p*ets hare come to ||Kht which -bow both that ii,- dater iiii.,..I ti .rr m earnest In th. r threati ..f civil war .-md ul-., that ,!?. Govern r"'!" I" ''.ott* and vigilant ta pr. vent an outbreak. "The Bclfa-tl Xews-Lelti-r" says thu ,, Brm in ii-t.r recently ordered 100.000 Marum rifles from English Bsnufactunrs. The flannfactaren referred tbs order tO Hie lii-lU-l, (iov.rilfl.a iri f,,| OdviCO II- IO ttl,."lier If ihould be complied with. The Government'*, reply waa of such a natur., that tbe English flanufariuren replied ta the ti-t-r tirm Hat Ihey were not per mlt'ed to execate the order. Thl- i* consUered aa ihowlng that the Qoverninenl mean* lo rnforr* the ardra recently D-n-d thal no arms shall *ru admitted 10 ircliiid wriiout p'.nnl--lon finn Ibe Hui,lin Es '?a Uli\C. MR. AND MPS. URCOLM DINK WITH THU QUEEN. Lindon. Marah' ll.- -Itob.-rt T. Lue oin. ihe ftaarttnii Minister, nnd Mr-. Lim-. In, to-dnv, by apecbtl tarlta Hon, dined with Queen Victoria, AMERICA* Y.VIIT-- AT Till* BAHAMAS. Karana, H. V., March (*,.- The st<-:im yacht ('he nrrlv-d hen- cn March 'j. from Jacksonville, Iii., hov lng ea henri, as gaesta ol ll. M. Hanns, ibe owner, Willan C. Whitney, his daugli.r and twa, ions, ami M- brother-in-law, Colonel O. n. Tayne. Tbs steam yachl Mild Duck, with Professor Alexandra .\-.-i*-l/ and hl.s p.-ir-:> oa boord, i- Iii p ri. but will .ail t.. murroa ia( continue exptonitlon "( ilia- laka mn reef.. -__._.? _ i.< RD AND LADY ARRRDEEX TO VISIT AMERICA. Toronto, ont., March ii. a ilspotrh fu.m I. ndon -ays that the Bari snd Countesa >.f Alaerdei n bavi inlii-n ps tnge f-,r America on Ibe steamship Teutonic, wblel -ills from liv. rj,... j on April 10. Ji u Ibeii Intention I* go lir-' to Chicago, wh.*-re Lady Aberdeen |i-*lr. ?, to promote the -un-- ?i the Iri- lt i-xblhll st Ihe Wa.rld'- lau. Later th.-r will go to British ('"lumbla to .pend Ihe rammer on th. lr ranch, N< BUthoritatlve -ai ? ni'in - ar., fortheomli g regatdlng thu Kail ?,f Aberdeen*, appointment lo the <.,v> rn r i..-n *?-iil-I.ij. ni Ciiiiada. H I- mat I. li- v. .1 thnt Loni -t uili> will iailn',iiish bia daliel before autumn. LADY HOWARD DR WALDBX win- iikii (JASE London, Marah li.-'!..<? Jury rn Ibe Howard di Walden divorc* -uiu rendered ii verdict to-day 11... * Lady lilanebe llowari de Walden aas nol gullly a Infidelity, and Ihat I/.rd Ind.rbk Howard .la. Wahl i na.- gullly of erm itv. Judge Jeane granted a Indicia rparatlon to Lady Blanche from her husband, aw I Warded to her td.- custody a.f -on, Tha.iii a Evelyn. Loni Howard de Walden's -ult was di m1-s.*l. MME RANEE MAKES AS EXPLANATION Mn.c Motto L- Ranks sends a letter to Thc Tribaat ?.If. Mug an explanation of the d"iay In le-r readlni at the Madison .-'inure carder, rota tri Hall efl thi evening of March 1 and of her Mbsrajaent fallun lo nnd al all at Sherry's. A few dais before lin Uni leading, -h.- says, she f.-ll and sprained her ankh and wa- in no Condition ta appear al all. doing .-> undi i* protest and beeauae of the iBj-Meaee o ,-r mr.nager. (>li the Dight when she waa to rea it Sherry's B letter from her failed In reach he miiniigcr ll tim.*, so that he was not prepared lo pa' faar the i-ooni and the money could not ba- raised li H.*. stKirt tiara la be bad on th* evening of the en liTtalnaenl, and a-* the mnnager *| Ibe pince Iqslstei .ii laaedtate cash payaraat, th* audience had t I... ilsalsaed. Mr-. Ranks adds: -i will pasltivel repent mv selections Rna Mr RdWta Arnold n Widii'-silnv evening, March Ifi, nt B tfiO S/cteeR, nt Iii Berkeley Lycenflt, and win be asajslai hf Miss Luci I*.. Mawson, concert pianist, whit will render Mosstliow .ki', walu In I major. Kubliisieln'h -Ilarcarollc ,nd R*_PB -Hlgiiudon.' and HIM Nina Ilerlliil Hun jalircys. concert soprano, who will sing 'Le Cid.' b Massenet, and 'Channanl Otae**.' -ram 'te Emt .lu liii/ll.' by Fetietaa David, and all tickets pal r.,r Marah I. T or entire course will hold gasi s ihat evening, l wlai io aekn*wta-**e riatlpU fr.,: v li Wheeler, t-i.*-. Botani Randier, BAH', J. l ,',.',wi' BIO; J. H. Dnvto, rio; WlBtai . onrey. ESS', -"' ?? '- ? "?"'""' ?* Hr ll L Tavh.r. B10; Moses II. Mader, B3 -. i,?i,.-i i siihscripiion. fin; c. c. (...i.isi...roiigi. Bad be , ace BS' B L. -tehran, BIO; Straltafl * fit-**-. #i( ,,-..'-eli.,,,,,,!. B?. Mr. apeyer, Bi: tx. R Sentar HA- Mr .-I'L *!??: ?'"''? ?'? OWB. #1": RWH |'?e|', A Co.. Ki: MW. K. M. Kelt. -f."i ". Ott* AblBBSI ft- llelnhar.1 Utadrahwr. ??. V)r. (lark. Bb'. ' hurl /entgrnf Pl"", making ISlfl t.-isonnll.v. el _n ISnti ticket* PsM tf w11- l"' ma(1*' *'"* b> ' dret'iilg n" si Ibe Marrar "?> ***?" __ ? ? CHARGES AGAINST A MEMPHIS JUDGE Nirshvlll.-. Tenn.. NaN* 11 .-Impeachment pt .-ceding-, were Instituted tn the Hot.-- of l^p.v,.n ?ve* thl- morning against Judge J. J. DuboM*. of t Memphis criminal Curt. The refution of lB?? mern was mxmt on a aaraaaftal Eg* brJDjo Jtaet The charges ****** accuse JfldgS M-OM "f ?" S^-H^M^s^-^__S ji;;;:: ;as'. any "nfl-''''-'1"1 ****** ?* ","??"l a, imp.-t.chm.-..t will be bl'i-rlv foiight. nnOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS ASSIGN. ?Samuel and Wlllb.n,1 J WIM* c.. posing the fir of winiam Wiaen a, Bern, nhataaM -aaplsra ta . No 2? ->i->utU WUllam-at.. mud- BB assign-Be tatmmmj ta Sabtad V. Burne. The t?.in-_s w i______-Bed almut thirty yean ago by WlBam WRra HL-at thri-e year* sgo. Since that Ume^bla soi ?"? ??W on Us BK-BBBB.' -amuel. the M-nl JSttaTtS -Sn ta poor health tor some time, FURNITURE R. J.HOMER&Co. ll IIMTIRE MAKERS AMI IM I'd UTE lt*., 61-65 West 23d Street (Adjoining Kalin .Muse* 8 PHI NO IHIK'1. Ont this season aurpaaara nn.vtiniic ever before Berat ia tb** Pond* tm, 'ino. Si\ floors Ulled with the lat**-t prodnetionfl of hotne and for.-r/n markets, comprising Pnraitni* of cv-ry dvnp Hob from nedina to iine*t ernie* Sp.*cinl ..yliiiiit of WHITE RNAMELLCD FIRM. TITRE, consisting of Dedrooaa Miites, Chiffonierea, Table-, Ikiolica-aa-s, Wardrobes, ,Vc.-the correct toing for Siuntni-r fnrnlahiag. ENGLISH BRASS mid IIMN ltF.DSTKADS (plain, oinain.-iital and i-nani"ll.-d), our direct im? portation. Inexpensive and Exclusive NOVELTIES from tho London, Paris, Vienna nn.', hom.* mnrkot* All price* aarbli on a -..nilli iinilli baals mid In iain ill li. Ill la. _R. J. Horner *&. Co. JOHN BYRNES KINK OFFER WILL DIVE fl 5,004 lu TIIK HUSH FI'Mi 111". DEPLOREfl Till". iMUi'i'! P.F.XCE OP Till. IRISH mi*. I" io tut. i ai-:.. The following letter es] lain Itself: IT. Th,.ire Adit! r.rnriat, 1'' - i| ri- N.i'..,...,: Pl fatlOB I'f "ll a Mv i' ii. ia ai I sm * .il iy in n i ,.f af in . fr..iii La ri'. n , i onflnnln ? a hal fen tere had ol a hl< i. an ever th n ? fl. - ol lb. II. ". Ri i.,??. nd bibBi ny hcarl mi. in dl-appoliiUn.-ni over i ,? ??.?i ,h 'I '*? ol I ?-? ? .1 I ulB 'i tic In-1, ia..- in *,. t., Ireland'! tat.- In Ita prc_ent ?U| ? .Tori lr I' i'i'- are making i"r Uki "I abai yoe n.i 1 BBd ellar An ,i jr.- have ben l"l l.a ballet a '.,,, fa ..?ntu, c. br, n th- alu. sad lipllBtlttS t lrl-ii Me I ' "..rid .<*.? cum | . f '...i. ir a..i.i. Hoi .. I;.,: wo. '.i a ?? ???* t-I ? ?:-'. a and fcrttlon tn I | in. Ipi - ? ?I Irish Ubcrty, whlrh Intelligent and pal Icu. i e.. ii ji?.? .hawing in their i-pp-il "( I relaid now, ... would tal ...i ii. cl i na qui .* r and lilah N . limul -nliil n ? t ,, at IrSal a j. a . .' . a-,-..!- |.ci.ral, :f cl Of lippott nt. tlc ii,.a, ul.,, .ir- Waging Uv- l.a' : Hint n t.. i-.i Ireland freedom, *'??! HUI te i | ? r. ? ? ? i ai .a BBB a .a .' I ? | I - 1 I ? I.. al fla- Blight' ia... ti,.,! c., ....-i, rratartei af si I |i bjugaiien bb* ll il rn '!? Bcd si I d- tested ??? 11 ? ? I i ' \' rv ? '!?? t (.. ? \-:r..-.,.-.. ? pirti nni Sup-, th. ll'i .Incl ,.f tl. I ri Int- !? -.1 nit -]!:?* I. |f lion. und. r phrieeuttoa ..i"l sdveae rondlUooi Utsi i:. ? high i ?tiara t-n-ti l ..f tc ra ?? alt natale*! itel |?.' Ill Ar., rr...),, rn v. hap] in. ?*? and power t" i UlB I ,' ? th which thrsngh 1.iMoa, wiri and raterred Ira idatlas '?di:. Ires al psti ?????? . ei rv las i aad r Roi's sun I *ad neat ta 'hr...,! led na th* -..1 ,,t un, ric :. ? ii idrace ot 'h. irlih i* ? , , ,r ia and ip ll ? M liberty 1 I aa aawilltag t., allen it. ).i ev MUtadi : nd n ??' i ? inp * ..' , ar ? * m.- ii ra! l . t!..t lion. T'. tuan that thc n..i.:.. Huh irny f I ral --... t ira ..-.rt whs ai' tarrtScng ?n of pn ..ui wtttom omt ni raaafs ta Ht*, aad onMt-w fer aU .: inceneal i ii Bled ?- I '? i. i. irshsaraalagi a i whs I oal U K ' ' IB! I J.I'l IU . ? ll lr, h. ? tit tv tr lalla . Ightag ..... battle, -j., tattle al ; ItaioasHty, t'if tattle ninth tr nu; wtu give t Irita til'.'J everywhea tha. rig..- ia \ ,-.?,,! pride, in ? ? ?'.-1 won, ? dui try r *. -.. i ??. | Bsd fi a Bee and. Comp M n, anny praame. (?? baa * ? ...1 in l ? -.rt labor, aft'-t . * ' .-'. f ? ? ? ? :',j.' ..( Hom K v- ial I a ?in. wt Brrogattoa lo our<elva pride sa i ?:?? i Iri I laherltaare r -* ,r 1 Oben wtth i i .1 re*r* 1 a.i ? fla . al ? ' ? ? i a',.I .'l|.|'.rt nu- |.|.*a|..* -| | , I .. I 1 ? - irngtag then t. ita reals I 1 llbe.ty, ti li a ihama. a a-naniBleiii , -? ?. I iiiu a I. ni- h t Hi ? 1 hark ftf evert na 1 |s Hil- free . ..'intr v. .111 a .lr ?,. .,'. i- --I lr.. . Meal la bl* li la ?> -i.. ??? 'prl-. an tha saalverar t sr Pautrt, faa I .f Ihli braid laud ?? Ihe "i1" -. SI the I -.1 lid, wll ? ? i'.. ii ion :?? i>. br ti ik.-d the 1 1 -'..? . of I ? u 1 I- end dignity 1 i'd I* nows t Dm exiled ne \\,.i ll .,r it, |ri?hm**s aa Um ... |_|Ofl tia** ll ? * -11 fl V a.t l.e lilli Url |.l..l|.|ll Ia'. .1 ,---.... 1 I I th | .. ..?. . ...ri iud gn .al ? li! ..f ll,. ? nigel i at . ti. iii .. i tl,., ini 'Uti e. I Billi d ; a- . \i,. i -..ri-, .*...|,i |n . mr |.ar.aii ,.?;-. .ma'I ? noble e? i-ptlon, rotiridering \ i-t anmta-rl Arnon1 ti, ... nebl exeeptl-ai I ulah in Bole righi I ie, ali teep : cai nil. liberty-lovlni "I ? ? . ? I, ?? -? ? t?. - ami |..i i p., tdelphla, eter faiiliful when IHiefty*. .-?u ? .ai., a., I r 'ii. ig tin ? at., urul Iv troll f..r Bm Ii i? ipoaae - ra al in-.' Mc Keir* princely action rn tlc. rrlaU bat kammel Whea ar"i ni Um board nf plenty, mirth ?".i pride, if IB li.-hua.n lu Amati, rt ulna i|*ii|.. tal UUl baal lol ??? I agandlumcol sod glortflcaUeu na peat ..mi peraaoi i.ut...i.ui pride lo I.-.nnd- svlctei leaeatry Iha bbM i.i.'.t guard "f Ireland", j>>ir.-*i loree, rarampyd sroaa Iha i.jt.u.i ol ll..a.- Rule Inland. "Vsllej Core*'' sw lind IniplraUoB fur lr|ih*Aneriraa arl! laadaUa rai a ?peet, ta ll weleane t.. it. dr. aban li- ju ?nd eas . .,,,... ,? i i i,'. ui ii, peaceful Batista dan a,vr tlmv arel |.. if .ali Bil part, lu til un.-i|< l.jttl>- Which til inila, mad "t petri an la baartea, aaaMed and aleen, a: compelled ta. nrage hr Iretaod** nf- I LBal r. nfl. r n .ar-ful avlen of th.* fli-'d, pledged h. tl..-.- tr.i'- nml Bahia nen In _M Beat "f ll lilah Mi od lu Ani'ilea IhS iie..-.-aiy iiaciiia. tn ci,,1.1 | ,,1,11,1 t.a *ii-t:iln Mr. (Jlad-ta. In hi. gr-rit .Tf.rl lu h. behalf. ' believed 1 wei hatlfli I i.i nalline Ihe em ?arl pledging aupport. ii.'- yea hi f?*t Hiing ??aj tn .-. ,-ih . ilira- in- ' --Hi . ii ii,an'!- al "f thal ph I*1 ii,a- Null..lui patty In th' ltr.ti-h I'.iilinti.cnt |g -a ri keeatag ii- part <.f Un .onpml by aar.loa kag atandsm uni lirri. BMppart of Ir.-iini'- llil.r.?.'... ii..- au,'. ni MSMd "a- B 1*0,000 a paltry ?uin fnr tin* iHaitsla-t In rre a- in ra, r.nil.aim ItaBg. lt .Imnld hate tal a a,lilia,n, iiiid had ara ? Ihtisaiidtli pan a.r ti,- ptMa .at patrioUan ai parade, aetahly la li'-ctinii anpalga-. ?*!'( ii... Irkdi tel. i. ii" lui. und tr-a naUeaalltj a aaita tiiluc. n.c.ans to BBS ani tic hate i-n,om?t,. lrciaad tu try fur ? ".uld not lie a ememaom. I wtah i" i-k nie I ri -ii in Baw rica, partkalariy ti rich and pewertal IrUB irairirra riesaal n. Kew-Ta befon nev -lt down ta, the taattVB l?>?rd a,n Mar.h IT. Ihey h.ii't- tin-v a', ti.irthy of the tahertlaaw rid eenmrlei aai hia.'si sad acrtdce have isatalltsi io tai .ai.-* ium- Ihey Un righi to taraba ra f. Bril ii nod*! aaan m -elf pride arblli they Igeen tai appeal I Bsta in enaMlahto*. bi fud. Un baaaer which win, -rntiil.cllt drai* Un f'*Ht" an c-sla.ll 1 II., Ih'V leal II,, lr ,.-iM.a-il.i.ity f"r the a,..nhl BSlritaa In n- Ul v?rk ns-aw, m aerate U.atryl Today -key Mo it,., nay. practically lapp-rttaa th-* Itay and Oaage i BM il:., ri Ui 1 ri -lt ?< j ton omv I < .lalint da, ll, and 1 ria nut fa''1 ijaunt! t". Un mau ol iri-h blood abs bbb, bm es* nar iic ii'-i*1 sraaaliBtsa mat ?iii mmu Un ga nhUa * .1 le Itdaad'a ealL 1 um i."I a Heh nea, tal a- au An., in aa who Bet ?ra f.'.* ra Irish "ii. "' talblanal <.f Un pbdgi i ra i? bradra Pta Iriah-Aanrtra, l atti aairtbata any *? ?eraswry, Iran one d..iiur n rae tatt el th. ata ainoiiiit. a k-ep faith arllh ita Irita Ber*eralBUvn i u jlnl.iin the irish can*-. 1 mina, th- san thu-, taral i ta n..1 ariah to aragaa t" nyaeU anv -p... lal prim air a p>dit, tallevtag thal lu Ih' pr- ?ni -irn'.-.ic th>- 8pp* tuniiy io aid ih raff ta ia ani la everj erne <>t Irtah I lao illili- lOtagalflag thal ihh.. can aftol. tv. ta vaalta| r,..|K,l,.a* laa Ireland'* "lil nOW. 1 Would ?* llbll-ll . 1 ai hana, aa iiiirilag io aasnat, hut ts patriots .pir fm thi- man "ho di Vide* "hat he h.a- ll only a Ca,Ki sbsnM b raUllei la a pia"-" ra th.t i*.ii cjuai in cns and honor ta' tha- man ?hu glte* ihoii-atidv Who I* t willi li'ian'd BBB I- agalia*t ker. The hour fur apat .nil dual pSBtttM ll pmt. Only ?i|| nun de .up;.'rt lo th.- raute of Home Kule. 1,'t u. .'?- "hi nlitaln*. tn-a-.ifi or A. Ann ri-an* BB ?hin kana Hil*, f'.r le the ttttnl a niau nf Irl*h hlwid or bu i. unirue a Ireland it thl* lime, ju.t a mu. h I. he hep the iras standarl a* an Amer.can cltiien. Loyalty i.. I land of his birth or parentage (jill. ken. tal blond a ? pirlt of Am. man haiti, . n.|.ha*.uliu' manly nppBII hi. m..(h-r. In hone.t, tru-, An,-rn an ilt.ien.hlp. ,-ia.i i? taltai talga ban-r. A|i*a?l and -upi'li' aluin io nen tn do Un ir duty i* ir mountain ul. and I think we -li,aili know who A un ri, a among the i*tlrl,it. who d;- f..r Ir-land in il ti,hi aaSBBtgaS) and ? lc a-. Irl-h nationality for pim and Bastasa end*, will camtlnue tn turn a d-.if -ar her cry for help. Uul November th- politlcil ar MCiued to bc compotcd ex. lu.ltily of Irlih-An.erh l*-rio_t, dally dying tor a-oarrlsnd. Knough af tt HIGGINS _ SEITER FINE CHINA. ART POTTERY. RICH CUT GLASS. A Word About DINNER WARE. li ia i,iih Brnaba pt meara lani ne rab >nur atwn* (lou in Hil. Ileimi-liiieul. Ilie .nmili ol tillich lin* been truly pheniiniciiul. Wa- ill!- sl.aaWlll.' .r'.Mllt '.'O'I '1 ! fl .T? -lit" ht.vlt** of Dinmr Seta :it pries ranging inanv of which cm he puraharad In tax Quantity deaired and matched at any lime. (owlcd No. iitli.'ly modeled. Decoration delicate hod tasty, Hold .-''l.-. Complete a t of 127 piece* only $34. leo lt. or nriie lor lull ieacrlptlas SFECIAIi. Tull c-it Strawberry Diamond and Fan ill GLAS* WA'll.i: DOTI I.KS, |uart .-;/.?. $2.50 cacti; va ue $5 The Latest Fad. GREEN CHINA. Large Importation just rec??ive*J, which will I* pla bm ! t.a show. ( dor, "" Appl ? tireen." New timi'.'- in DINNER SETS, "TOILET SETS ?.l..\>sW.\i:i:, Bte., suitable foi town his- a, country : >ttage, at 50 t-1 c :.t i* -* than elsewhen Mi,, ni pta e' ri nth b M i ? ? ,r.... tv l-a-.lil!,' ? ? ? I .''> - I a,ra ...i tree ls .-ii- ?' I ? HIGGINS dc SEITER Importer* umi Retailers of Fine (lilian, Arl I'n,lilt. Koli lill I.In**, 50 and 52 W. 22d Street M.\r. ? .11 \ v.. . And 170 Hellene \n-utie. Vi-tiport. lt. I. WKIIIUM. film i -?l'l.( I ll TV. . 'i * ? !??'.? .c...' In pr tal ? ,., . ihe ii.-iat elm ir*' s .?-... ? i . i-. ... I; . JT -I.'1 I" Ul - 'I .,' ! ri ,; .. 1 ??? * : I rc :? .! l.t. 11.. | |i Iga I . . ,' ;, -'Ht itlvi r hi. f,, : ,t- meant whai t ?aW it wet I fi I ? ?: : . . : ia a In ?'.?? ? li ellon ? an ;?- . . mat ni ii-nthi ..f th f i bu ii i; . ... \ i bad ala iden ?: Ita i. la. |h ll. | ll .. 1 -"pl '.ri. Tho pM i' - l: |dl I ..a \- ri, a .- i. - . I i ? - '? f' i .-. i * r i .- hr hi. alrj when her ll aaa Ihr saned rroudtng bim, and thu p ...?:'* help, rta ii.. vi ..-t ma a. through few, '.. an a- , ??? ?? Bl thal ifi,... Iri*hmen ind laiaeni I i pi let t.atlmi. the pr -ni 1.1,fr: , iii relation t- ti renae arhieh i- pa-i ? aili amainlnr the l"l?ler urang.-men in meir attempt .tamp oul ii.:-..i.!'* i.f.. wi will * I , our Binerli uini * tn. r, th. mema. !?? -?? If lanai f.. a - a, - . ? -.- f i a i ., ii, tl,I. ,. na ... I!,. |i .1 lr ?:. ti ..f ..:.,.. -. -., , I irj Ii und Irish ii'i-.a ? .ulii , ii ianno( dl'fca lac . n-'" Vim ea* I. -lr. ur- idedged t.a i proud Bilaalon in IB ..a*. *t I !., atlafy th 11004a .pirti ,,f in trlah f 'in i I, -I, nhill,nd Iii- l.a'l-.i- land lu-.' t" hi., ail'.,at ll , -: tri . 11.11 l" - c tl.-' "a p.M..I." "I J ll il!u-tl,,,'|. ;.,ii-ii,. wrlttea ii. pemeful line, ai ?- i ;* ... napi mid prospero-* Irelsnd Bad I '?' r-rtiln the-a ?H! P.und iii thia ? ..'inn i a f.ilh' I' i.t ii ii ii.I- r ,,f tue ii, ii ii mil ii,.orn|-ay n.- in Un- BOT* t. Ita a BlBrerrl*. t.ur friend, .IN'., in K.M.. i nihilli. iiuii. Kew-Terb, March B IBM. This statement BeciHapBOlra Ibe lett ??: l am ranpelled tn rabaribe t., the truth contained Ihl- fe lins' let* I "f Major Byrne rial . iii .... na l?.fi aa t,, ii.ak" nf lt thin tu vlf lt to th.nitre If t professed friaMi el I'.iiin.i iii thr- ceuntrj "ill I. 1,1- .~ i ! a - ri UI n ataeriptteu, Lit*- nu.nani. .il .1 can iiulckly ami I IBllj - n-'l. ll I- ct n-iil n,.i tn I en-lift of h.- lelah rac th.t ,i f, ii nen -houri hare bssi He' ahele budden, .md i hopi :,.i i:,- koaoi ,,f 1 ra,,* practical Bfoof be Ri te a Maj i linne l c.llmaln af trlah*Aa_**ra Bndat in Landon wh a pledgl iiu-ir rapper! ?*?* ceirecl. 'J ii...Mas AOOIB i.m mi.i. TO SELL THE STE ART REAL ESTATE. Under tin- dire.tion of the executors of the of Mary stuart, widow of Robert I,, stuart, a isle * luaicr nnd v tluable laprored property in llfth-av ?hst Mt.nt} -third -t.. Read*-*!., Chambera-at a Urreawb-h-at wtll min- place ai tin- Wea Vorh i: Belate Babstenm, Ra in Broadway, ai ij p. m. on Ihii.-dat neat. One .af iln- pieces of pr .riv lo I..- .-..Ll I- Ihe Hire. -I.,it snd m.iii-ant p brawnriena dwelling, alt li two et ny i* ens un, at I if ava', anal -l\l\ a llfllth -I. ilia' pl a. p ny al .Na... I '; riiai IS. ii:h ate., coaprbdng a f ur-tory brui itoae balhtlng, one itorj brteh uni Rame building, li ?atory brown lone Irani -inM ? and a une-storj bul m.', i- baaed i 1 ll rter Drotben bi P-O.U00 a v, ir. lir-t linn ,,f ll'" hii-e ctpliin.r on Ma, 1. with I ia.nattai- a.f tue yean each, m a rental equal ti per rant on ihe tula- of land .uni lapruveaents. i Iniee agrees io pal laxes, b? ? intents ami wa rates, sad io mik.- nil naraaarr repair*. Ten ba luK-* on Reade, c bamber* nnd Greenwich m-. ar.- lea ,i mi,-, ni a' prim laliL'iiiL' fl'? .tn rrll.ii'.n lo BUMXM tear. Koa, 1-s anal IUD (ii.inl" r ?-t. are teased May 1. IS9T, ai .?*?..imo u fa*-. Th.- other pieces properly am baaai ut gani rentals. Ten per n of the purchase inoiia y ol lin- v.irlnil- premise, will reajlllrisl lo h.- IO thc a \allllaar, la|l th"- lill V -nie, at th-- oih. .? of I).- rm.-i ,i Weeba, No. Will nm -t. MEETING OF 1SAXMAXCE CLERKS. The twenty Hi-I annual meeting of the In-urat clerks- Matual beneft AarataWeu ,.f tba eily of Ri Va.rli was lii'hl ya-l.nlay In Ibe r""in- i.f the Ni York Beard of Pin tndrawrlters. lleraaB M.nt pra-i.i'.i and ( h-drVa r. ADau vaa aentarr. ? acretary'a ani traasarer's reports th .***?.*i hurt ym r.'ci|its ti have beet) Bldjf77lft; expenses of ni ?melin lit. I1J0O: death b.ii.fll. paid. -fll.iHHl. i net assets of tin* Mart-Han, which ure laid an reserve fund, B|F*-UtB |B*,MB. A ri-solulton tnt sut,uiltla*d l.v a ni.-rut a-r graff-B io admit to msrabenblp in tin- a-eatatbai oil persons Ihnn ln-tirati' - men, mid n eomatttee of I was Bpp-tatad to ciMi-Jder the proposition and Nf at tho next monthly meeting. The annual election will -ike place next Satuit afternoon, when four dlrecton will be chosen. HE AR N SM. it, J* AMI 3d WIST FOI RTE-VTH MTRBET. Last Week's Sales EVIIIKM F. THAT Extra Values IR Seasonable Goods BRIM. BhMXE*!*. Dress Goods While berrina up repmntlnn for large aaaertmenla. ne dn nol Innae .Ight of Ihe prime factor -VAI.I F.f Tlicretore, willi larger nnd more varied choler af -.mellie, nnd **iiiple* than ever, we proml.e un.ur pu-.ii hie tallie. In ( orilnieile* lleiianlinea Whipcord, (helot* Dlnlonal. (hollie. He rgUB Tailor (Imbi Mebalra I'Ballincrea llenrlnin* (ilorloan* mid other Plnln ami Inner ?p?i? I'lnld*. **irlpe*. .Mlxiurc*. li..In Irldeaernl, Illumlaaled or ainale lomat. Bte In vita* Innpea-tlin of rh* rOLU>WIira SI'F.ilAf. OFF1.1UNGS for thl* week :? All Won! Ararat*-* aud Whip lord.* -tilpa*, and llgtire*.19 ii* Pine English CheeB Balt-Bgi all wool?lb yuri* tlin?enttti 85.19 at. Va ry hue .silk ti- i*h Mihaia lila eb and aloa.19 ct* Pine Ft n.h CtalB-B-aU neM Flt. Blrlpa anil lint*.19 ct* all treal targa ell colors sta V-?etlaa beUtagi.49 cte Pined Al; Wael Henrietta* m fully .',() ihaiai Ulta titi dark.48 et* l'lnhe-id ', Ilr.'k'n Plalda aad strii.-*.89 en a 1 Wa.f.i Tnii..r CleUa-M Inch n"?- Bpriag ahadei .63 ci* li p rte* Bordered Halltagi neat Brixton?ipriM weight.Tt cts All 1'aliin,inatcd MtBMIOt and Ptaicy BowtlKe essa wide.Tl ct* line Fr-'n-Ti Henrietta* -nw Barih?hew ipetag shade*.7" ct.? Me' he\|,.t? ind * lat..-.i (pring eelorings M inch.96 ct* Plas Irtdeaeenl suiting* BaaatMul cola tintin.*?M inch.Bl 24 rew nr.AfK r.ivins licuie.. stripe*, n-n.-ade*. Cord* ?*id Crepe effea-t*, _nd lg ,* a-...ria ? n?.i af Ott l-adliit; eUple fabric? AT TUE M'J.-iT POPVLAR OF PRICRS. New Dress Trimmings. What ii lt that wi hus not I ht /.'lite.. Black Mik 'Zouave*, Ma-Cl /. u.ivcl. . ld Bead zouatei, Bia. k BUB Brae, . ?' i tm Etsaa, Bli .* BUB Bodices, i". ii flees, pearl and OoM Bail asa, let I rn.f.- -?_? ta. 18 Ineha, Iii.-. I I'mp Fringe*, Mik Hr p;e?, null Jd (ilmp* and nanda. si*ig-ea tta-a neaiettaa, > . snd Tlaast l*.???nienter;ei, Pei -nn Band Trimming! a ...lit Hand TrlmrrlnC*.. S Ik Maa Trimming., I-. --na M...* Trlu,ningi, I a.i.v Tin-.-l Olmpa, Ribbon Trlmnilne*. at. v to I.M to 8 49 to '..40 IO I 98 ti 0 96 to P9 to 1 98 to 3.39 to ,40 to Ato to .49 to ,20 to .29 to Jg to .49 to .49 io .:9 to .49 to .7 to .42 lo 010.00 ooo 8 00 1000 1000 iooo ooo TOO IS 00 10.'Kl 2 00 T 00 4 00 2>>0 1 00 3.00 3 oo 300 1.00 1.00 1.00 All *hr*dc* to match new Dre*.* (.oodi. Four Exceptional Volar* In Kid Gloves. HCBta 1 ind 2 cia*.), TBM and lieut na? were Bl 00, 49 cent* I/idle-' .Vhnok, lil .had.*", 7*j cont laitse- T*lioa,k, ill shadi-., 08 ceats Ladle*' 7-hi-aik, extra nullity, Si.80 Ladies' Cloaks and Dresses. io quickly clo*,* balenee if --'APRS, J Ai KF.TS ANTI NF.WM AHKOT3. niedluni ind heavy weight, prtaetpally small *iie^ we hate marked s. \-ti d .liar garawa, B2 00 Tetwtnlliir carmen**, .,.(,() Fifteen dolla (rrirni'-nl*. mme Twenty tallar Rarnvnti, a. -^ Balabla for wear for next two months! sp*,iii value* la N?w Velvet Cipe*. Bptelal tau. * In New Cloth Cape. -i'in raiara in New cioih Bnaaa*. Bpeclsl ralina in New -Uk Wiiit*. Special tiiiuei lu Now Wrapper!. NnVClUftl m Misses' and Girls' Dresses. and In Lillie Children's Short Coats. At Attractive Frtcei. Special Offerings of Infants' Outfits. lo. ty*th rr pico*.09.97; mira SlO.OO a. follow* r 4 Righi Mp*. ?_ Hay Bllpl, 1 Hrc*, 1 Tri Bin ri skirt, 2 lialn Skirt*. ?j i laaael skim, i mu. bi I skirt, _ Uni rmi-, 3 lcunii'i Hand*, 3 Cambric .shirt,, IS payara, 0 i.i. cir limned Dib., 1 Knit -.-,_.?, j Peera -, ?a tte., 47 eta., 85 rt*.. 05 lila., 44 rta., 19 cn., UH 't*., 8 cu., ll cu., Bl. 00 Ol Bi 6'.i 70 130 M 88 57 33 79 ts 87 S3 ll pice*. ?097 -ai'.: ttith Chrbl-Btai R.nbe and Skirt, B12.98 jjann' with rblbaeala* Kobe, -skirt, aird Cloak and Cap.~.16.98 INFANT**' WHITE MIIORT IO ATS, Ilmk'-t Cloth and Bedford Cord, plain ur Ure-lrimmed Collar, I.'l'.l .e-..09.WJ)!) Cai* to match.39 cenu to Bl.00 NEW CHINA WI I.M SHOUT (OATH, medium weight, .Uk embroider., .ilk bnidine, or deep laeea, Bi 9H.B0.98.a7.98 lal- and HsM to Match..40 cent* to B8.00 i ;,i* ni rale of Lamps' Colored Skins, All wool, flannel, and ullor cloth*, ptakei, brilded. or rlhtKiii-trlnim-'d ruffle*, 01.49, were *_.S0; ?29. wera BI.O. This Week's Offerings WIM. KEEP The Ball a Rolling WITH The Best Values POMilBl.E TO FIND. Wash Dress Fabrics. risBi Manna Bpnalnl orrerta*o ncludlna not ellie, aol before shews sad whlrh caa ie dupllrnlFil. i amber One 17 el Mlaek Satin Strip* (irenidinei? ilth colored figure, ilaaaly rena'nibllng pure ?HB culling ai el 50 and ii tju. tumber Two I'4 I.J reola linet Kren-h Lawn. .IS lna*he. mia leautifut CM* Fleur de l,i?, Hms. Bas, I.lne and nest trip.*. In bia, lt .nd ,Min. ?t*'i. at .ame |iri< e. Navy Nan Muli.. .,.,i ...rt. Ban* lvr* ian. wita while rinse ind Hairline-?la-t ca.lau. ? I-., araiiy .1*.iii-. I ember Three 14 real* The linet f.lhehanM prndu "fl/ In ;hi* country?no finer, iiu- r. more etan cloth alli bo 'mind In thc a** SBpSarira forum Zephyrs-Si laches atidi*?fully a beedai -ni.- and atettagB-*** I'.a-n.arkai.l.. B/alM I Number Four 34 real* PWBCh Fmbraaid, rei (lingham*? in a large wristy ,,r r-jt ritoen in HaMsBNpS, rink. Blas, ran, (.ray, and Illa, k and Whit.*-r*al talun IR Namber Kite 1* rente HeanUtrini luvnnetti*-pinn md two tuned, uith contra*!iii.' tine* ind Ugun *. rich efTecU worih 8* Namber six ill I.'A cents Henrietta Serge*?wc) flnl.h In all the shad.*., fur bpi Ins.taine ii Namber Se ten 1'* I-i real* Fnncy French Ratecns-Blifk. Gobelin. Frown ind N?v.i Whit.', tini'd .nd Ma inned figure*-* .onie with Satin Stripe !nd limeade iriuuud--many worth .'.i?none le.* i_on ito. Namber Elah! IM ream Bll<-k ind White T-v .'?? I'nlka del* and Stripe?Hu.-st quality?.Uk flnl.h?-, legulir price li and 18 cenU. _wi,.t;y patfesB, bul .uiy n.a k snd \Y_iul Till* WEEK A Sale of Curtains. Lace, Midna, '.r-nt_ln? and bilk. At Lower Price* than e.usl quilltlee have yet been offered I A I. Ia NEW. Beit and lien dealym and coloral FLORKr-ITIIVE I.HK -C__a-?* " Heavy applique design*?hemMJtch border . "\ ti Wt Two-toned flo.a work-lattice, border \ ott lle.ii value 010 00 and Ml 00. mian pom 3. yard* Kng?full width-.treng me.B SM F.xtra wide bnrder-*rre.ll centre 4 98 4 yard* laing?H-av* rich d*algni 0 98 Msgnlflient de?ign*-evtr.i beaty wnr!t 0 95 Heal value $1 00 to f li 00. TAMIBOIR a. yai*n*-ieif and Messsa deign* 8 9rt Bouquet border-d' Uclied fleni-*' centres 6 9d 4 yard* long??rge |ral ami fern ale-tgii- 7 99 Very rich BlsW noah?elegant d*?tgn? ll 'Jd u-ai rataa li M t>. tis co. Ml OT! ll and M.B-.-WW&M D'Hihte thread-la *ulc 07 ca Triple thr-ail- extm wide ind finn 1 49 K.xtra wide-Heal lac* __BjSSB-*l styles 1 98 F.xtra long-tine lim**'1* rttatal C 49 Fuie.t Ba**?beautiful design* g Ob K-al \alu- fi Ot) to BO 00. PARC* tlBTAinfn scrim-twctoncd ?tripe? ind borders 08 cte lPiirjar nu ero*. stripe-fringed 1 tl* Snowflake?plain and t.n--, -tri].-* 2 9* Silk itrip- s?* ri -ni nnd Huted grmind* S 08 Ka-al vain.* fi 00 to ?9 00. -tllDRta WWmtWMMWW Cream and gold-deep dadn 1 *t BO Kxire srtaa?clara ur aeua-hed fl*iirei 1 9b K?w rllk nguied-all a.fh,r. S 98 Triple-tinted?fancy coloring* I 40 ? ll.-al value fi ii to **> 00. DA.i-AAK IIII.K Keven-ble-be.t .ailnr*?fringed fi om High art color*?cnntri.ting dado 8 98 *__u_ tini.h-Lo'it* XIV d-M.n* 098 Fluer to 19 98?worth nearly double. OP PORTIERE!* Chenille and .tock'* complete with all tb* noveltle.-plaln. all over tlgured or dadoed-High art, .haded, moire, llenalnNince, 1'amipadnur ind other ut d-Mgn.* ind effecU The lar.--t and fluent variety offered. TWO ilxty.nlne to TWF.NTY doi.srsa. Two .pedal value* worthy Inspectloa I AT BU NINETY.F.H.HT New Chenille Portiere, tn Empire effecu, al?o abell sad floral dado*? worth 10 00. AT KEVEN NINETY.EIfiHT Two toned Chenille p.>rti'-re.?exqulilto color con.h.nation.-. real value 01-00. Hash TIu-i.ltna No other hou?e equal, our a**ortmenn! If you want Sui**. Tambour, or Irish Point, white a* ecru, .potted or tlgured. clotte or o|r'ii, in any wida M 60 inche*. our famou* basemenu?-We'll guarantee to .ult both U-te and pan_*.'t. Saab M a si I as 12?. eenu to 59 Irish Polntl 37*y cent, to 1 00 TWO Sl-K.i IMT.X VAI/"F_S AUK Irl.h Point iaab Mu-llQ wide borter IBs French'd Mu.llni 10 .tyle. OH IN live* pi: ll'., thia weak we offer a new Invnlce of INCRA1N ART SQlABrs. Light and dark-Mile* not hltharto -bown at the following EXCEPTIONALLY Low PRICES. 2*1X8 tWI 3x1 *?0 ava ?9K iatb 8 Ob 3x._ *?*> 3x_ y OB All rcvcn.lblo?Hat ilv)m. 'iord--r?. Gentlemen's Dress Shirts, Three l.reat Special.. For nt .nd nnl?h tn- match th..*..- .hln. again*! asp ..dd In New*Vork at einalla* or higher price. Drci* Shirt-Nonpar- ll muilln-ful! 36 Inches long full alie ivrd*. ind t-revd-Ano linen ...tom, cuta and eollar band* . 87* Dre** .*>hlri*~Lilea No-npai?*l muriln-fiill 17 tncha long?extra full bm'v and MMraB -48R* Ana linea, ciifT. and > "Uar li.nrt* . *B* l)rc.a Shirt* of be.t t'llca mu-llti-b?>dle? cut e\ir* full on width ut n.u.lin dulilla- * itched aad telle* placket, .ieeve. and ba?B?3-plv linea -.--om -all Haw lined cud. ani collar Und.-bution aad eyelet holea band made?-blahed Iha-gtaat la bast aaanar ...............-w-m 9MB .