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THE LONDON STAGE. SLR AUGUSTUS HARRIS AND MR. HENRY IRVING-" HYPATIA" AT THI HAVMARKLT -MR. GEORG K ALEXANDER1 - MISS ELIZABETH ROBINS. London, February -8. If ever the London playgoer i.* teniptiil to laka a Burvcy of the actual condition ol the London stage, lie must say to himself: Some other tnno would be more favorable. Vet, to wait for thal ether time would be like waiting tor the Thama* to run it_elf dry; hoping to cross dryshod Iron. Westminster to I._i_-ln-th. The condition of tlie stage ia, in truth, much better than it WM twenty years ugo, lietter flinn it. was ten years ago, and very far short of what it misrlit Ik*; to adopt tho h:e*knoy*?d view. The bead way to ?juline it ia to judge it by it* liest. Perhaps the average- is no higher now than twenty years ugo; or not mucli higher Til? b<*st is very much better than the old beat, Drury Iaane is, perhaps^ at its lowest: mnb-r tlie prosperous reign of Sir t_aga*tea Hani*. Thal enterprise g manager jiaugi-s tbe depth's of tb* public taste with p.*itt*ot aeearacy: tin* hoi.Tirs he leaves to athen. Tl*.- Paatomlam aeaeon i* not yet over: it in not iiuite certain tli it. Hil? der Sir Augustus Harris's rulj-, it ever is over. Thora who know what un EagUah Peate* mime is like may MSOoa* they know it te like at Drury Lone in its present form. They do not take eoeouat of the Influence of flu* Musi'* Hall. Sir Augustus Harris's latent triumph is to make the stn-v* ut Drury Lane a platform foi* tbe cijlebntio** of tin- Trana den and the Tivoli ?for Mr. Dan Leno and Mr. Herbert Oump bell, for Little Heb and Miss Mari.* Lloyd. This great man, who. in addition to Drury Iaane. con? trols th** Empire, which calls itself :i theatre and te simply a music ball, lately took over tlie Palara; which also is now a music, hull and called a theatre, lie proclaimed ti the pul.lie that he was goin? to elevate it ns he lind ele? vated Drury Lune and invent Garden. He lias elevated it downward, ami provided certainly one of the mo-t popular entertainments i'i Lon? don, and certainly oin- nf tlie lanai relined. Is lt not tin* ba__Broa of a manager to lind out what the public wants, and supplv if. Is nut political iv-onoiny as potent on flu* uta ge pg in tbe market? And yet there nre puhlics and pnb'.cs. Much depends on tbe kind of pul.'.ic, you choose to cater for. I suppo-** no Iaondon theatre dining tbe lae*t ten yean bas been, on the whole, a* prosperous as tim Lyceum. Mr. Irving, like Sll Augustus Harris, is a manager, lb- bas to ira-abe bis tljeatre pay. He 1ms to on-i l?-r tire taste of the public; or of a public. Vet tin* epnlrrat between the two methods of managing is com? plete. it might lie possiMe, if it vtvro not a little in? vidious, to classify the theatres of London, or even to jrroup most of timm into two claaBra Tlie Lyceum, 0*ith Mr. Irving as mann.T, would stand at the bead of one oin-**. Drury Lane, with Sir Augustus Harris as manager, would stand at tbe head of the other. In flu- lir-f cia** would Ik* found tbe St. .lani.'s's Mr. George Alexander; tbe Haymarket andee Mr. Beerbohm Tree: tin* 1,'arriek under Mr John Hare: and for the moment, tlie Avenue with Mr. and Mrs. Kendal. That is a short list, bm is therm in truth any other to be added0 in tin second class an* to h.* found, not all tin* rest but the majority of the rent: theatres of molmlramit like the Ad(*-rphi, of comedy like the Criterion at the present moment where Mr Henry Arthur Jeana bolds sway with a comedy which is all farce; or tin- Strand when " Niolio All Smile*" te in its eleventh month of Talgai gre* praity. Thc rest may, for the present, ?jo un? earned. Such a play as " Hypatia"* at tlie Haymarket may liei said to he on tlie Winier line. It is baldly a play at all, Imf a strim*; of seen.* in which little 1* done, much is said, ami scope is found for Mr. Alma Tadenia's very beautiful Notumea an 1 scenery, and for Mr. Beerbohm Tree's very vigor* ous and adventurous nettag. '' -I rwaarkabte that an artist of Mr. Alma Tbdma'fl rank -loni t he designirw dfefBM and ""sets" upon tin- stag*. But Mr. Tadi*inii is an artist, umi art i* to him * tiring to bs loved and practised for its nw n rake. If he can interest people in what be earea for, he Ls content, nnd it would never oc-ur to him that the stair" is not ns much tbe linnie of true art as the ].^s.-r canvas on which lie nore commonly works. " Hypatia" in liis band* is a lesson in archaeology and a leeson in beaaty. Mr. Tn**? does what lu* can with one of those character-studies in which hi- delights. His Issachar the Jew i* uti extraordinary performance, the work of a ripe actor, of very varied and often admirable paract*. Hut lt would lie bard to maintain tliat Mr. Stuart Ogilvie'" version of Klngsley'a powerful novel is itself powerful from a dramatic point of riew, or that the pi.-ce is quit* wliat the Haymarket pub lie has a right to expect, Mi-s .luliii Kelton, who seems to have found a home at this theatre, has not yet mad* up ber mind to turn aside from thc essentially ful.*-* im-thods in which she has been taught, and to give hersa-'af a fair chance hy reverting to what is natural and sinci-i -. In "liberty Hall," on tin- ether band, at tin St. James's Theatre, Mr. Alexander bee pi fairly within the traditions which have become par: of the gi.ol will of this holme etnce he baa been nmnagi-r ol if. "Liberty Hall" is ii comedy of domestic manners, nanstrueted on familiar ani somewhat flunsy lines. Mr. P.. C. Carraa lins done work of this sort beter*, and seems con? tent to do it over again. Hi* is neither bette* nor ivers*'. It is Ida mission to provide Mr. Alexander and his well-trained company with a aort of scaflolditur. It is in this case, pg w,fh Mr Irving in Tennyson's " Braked,M the actor, rather than the author, who does the real, solid, en duririj work. It i- Mr. Alexaiidef win, is lin architect of this pretty fabric, us it is preeeateil to the judicious public of the .*t. Jame*. Theatre. In his linn hands the somewhat Btv certain outline beeeaara fixed; the proportion* ar.' rattled; the color is laid on: the building be comes a modest temple of art; modest lint real Whether Mr. Carton meant his piece to i:n|ir. the public as a one-part pb-o.- tn.iv lie doubted, ror is it quite that. It is only u on.-part piece in this sense, that without Mr. Alexander as Mr. Owen it would collapse. Mr Right,ii ta useful and interesting in his study of the Btrug* gllng tmdesman with sentiments of kiudlinOBi for orphan *irls. Tlie orphaned girls, Xii*. Mar? ion Terry and Miss Meade Millett, are plca* lng specimens of their kind, a'nl there is | ahopboy who hms merit, anil a female emile and general servant who takes notsessi m ol tin- stace Whenever she feel* like it. Hut nor,- of al! tiiene, nor all of them together, would pul life enoiitrh into the piece to keep it sweat Mira Marion Terry's orphan jrirl is Intrinsically so slight a part that ii spectator who nw her for the first time in it would never guess how admirable and varied are the resources of her art. Blanche Chilworth is no more a great part than is Rosanioni* in " Ih-ckct," but of each col orlces character euch sister makes enough to jus? tify her presence on tiie stage, and to charn. **ch ber separate publl*. If there lie any rial dramatic novelty to lie seen in London, it is, I suppose, Mr. Ibsen's "Tbe Master Builder"; the latest expression of Scandinavian Whether it be or Ih* not n work of high import, is a question on whi'h people may differ arnica lily. One enthusiast tell* us that not only is it of high import. not only higher than any other, but the rate word of true dramatic significance now to he lien ni. There is no space to enter into theft** deep matters, nor time to ask whether fhe other opinion?that it te work out of tin* lunatic asylum?be correct, or whether all the personage* of Mr. Ibsen either are or ought to be inmates of some extremely secluded retreat for those of unsound Intellects. To one who, with no special prapoaerasionu ond no very oMurate prejudices against what te oaoonal, sera " The Master Builder" for the lint time, the acting of it may well appear to be of moro import than tho piece. The Hilda Wan? gal of the piece is Miss Eliznlietli Robins; a lady known ln-fore now to th** London stuye. but imperfectly linownk and still, I think, imper fOOtly known. Assuredly, Miss Robins te not yet 8 linished and perfect actress. Assuredly, also, she lina in her the stutT ol an actress of te ordinary kind, and if she has still -omet liing to leam, is' already in fall poraraaion of thus.) Kilts ol naturn without which no learning and no stagecraft is of mash avail. I nm fur fr..;n amening lhal Mira H..hms is a novice; sh.- knows le-r art well, if aol oom* pletely. Sh.- is, in point of accomplishments, worthy ol a high place, and eapab,?> ?- taking it at aaec, nnd doe* tate it. But there i* rame Hun; ii.on* than that Tli-re i* teXUpcrB-Bent-til* dramatic temperament J the feeling of the tru. actn-s*. Slie hus Caught, from nome true source or other, a *pirk of th- racred tire. Sin- baa intensity; sincerity; conviction. Sin- is not onlv aflame with eagerness. Tut transmits some of this lieut tn tbe audience. She live*-: th.. |r,irt of how many aotn>**es. English or American, mn this h.- said'' Hut until it i< sail not nindi has Ins-!! Mlbl, ii'"'l it is tiecHiise thi* is felt to be true of Miss Robins tint She stirs her illl ilience. mid ex-?tte* e"th>isl:.s:iis. u"d exciti-* hopes to which no Immediate limit noi-d bi- *.t. -__-_-_-____________-_-- (i W' Al PAST Tn LOEB AS ANCIENT HOUSE. Tiir. VEXKftABU. LAXSITG uorsr. nTfft c.tvv. Vf KY TO Tilt*. Minni OF IMPP.-'Vl*MFA"'!". Albany, Marah 7 glpirtall.?One bv one t\.ii Inn-murks of tills ancient Dutch city ere test (ll-np prartng. Three prara nun the "steals Honse," ra* garded aa the oldest ratdce in Albany, bad to make nay for the march of Improvement: uaw tte "Lan? sing House" is io te torn doun. To ni-Vt of Ihe prenrnl generation this edifice ls known ns the " P'tu berton Moio-e." from tin- fad thut members of tbe IVmbertou family, father und sons, imve occupied lt for three-quarters of a century. Several times "f lute yean Mr. Howard Pemberton, flo* nrrranl owner, hn* endedvored to sell tbe old strnctura io th-' iii Kricnl Asaorlatlon, ont without aacress, Tlie '??stunt-. House'- mus bulli In HUI7, nnd gained considerable faini- as Lewis's Tavern, li stood on Hie corner of state mid rvnrl st-., and when erected Pearl ct. waa entered by a cale The ''Lnn-lcir Hons..*' ans i.uiit in i7i(i. ;,?d ii* exterior .ind nm?lie flinn* benm-i iimabi On Ibe Columbte-st. gable are tie- iron li? nns " 1710." and above llietu :iti etd tnshloned Iron crane. The doora ur., divided hnlf way of the length, and there ate many other feature, about iln* houae t.. le-ilfy to lt*. venerribU' age. When constructed no ttVO room- Hell- la|| III"' MIIIO' J?*Va*l : tho I'elllngS Wei-' not plastered, but the bram** nml -ballar- Were pol tabed :in<i waxed, and Un- lamb* of tic ll replace faced ititi, porcelain nb-- containing ?i rt pim ,i -c. io- and ?ext*:, in early Hum- n tra* a gnni resort f t in ii n . It arra oui.|.'..- the siaaiioni,., .rai ti hen ito- Indian* callie to Hu- cltv to trad.- ih.-lr fur* i.ftefl fur iiim and worlhleni ir'nketi they would make Ibis bouse their abiding place. Ii mu- iln- acerie ajf many -thring events, and Bboul its doors tl.e Indian' In bi many n ima now, nml ???? . ano. furl, ti- under the liiflni'iii of drink. This build. inn. Milich lan- wit;,-toa*! i'o- rai-pi .f Ihe wcatliei riiul rat-sped des!mellon by fire, though lt ha* liol leveral narrow eaenpei fr. the flame*, I- no-sr, after nearly two ceiilurti-, to he tom down to make ianani foi- nu enlargement to a bnxlncss block. GLOOMY fBOSPECT lol: i HU ABO ANS. rofNTiNi. il' r.r.i.A'rivi.-* rob -iiii". wonf.D'8 PAIR IS I'1-.lll AltTIMN'.. iii ii Pennsylvania Railroad dlolng-i-ar ii'- other ?lav, n Tribune reporter caught an Inter-eating gllmpra of ii social problem which ls Just now troubUng i I CIRO. ??Tl:!.- World's l"n!i baalneas," -nhl un cl.brit- maa filing near ile- reporter, "hi going lo drive t'? arra age i titi-utfai man distracted. About tbe brat "f last September my Mir.- -aid to nie: 'Winiam, there i- a very Bellona mutter bar u- lo con-l'b r.' ?? We bad bees dtsenssteg ?> new roof on the kitchen wini;, and l thought Ho- erl l- bud come. "?Wllllt I- lt?' I -nial. ???Wa- nm-t decide wbo ere io visit ui daring Ibo World'- Fair, and lay out tte dates now.' "'That's aaay.1 I -uld. feeling Immensely Tellered; ?invite every relation ae've got.1 ???rn you boon bow nmny relatloni you tere " nba l Ibo-ghl abonl Of ty. "'?filly I Wall, I have m. t ..:?? hundred and it.irtv two, and i have never leen say of tour ano!ber's Brother's family In southern Ohio. They ure sure io colin-.' ???rin not worried sboal my family,' I remarked, a ll111.- annoyed, -but rn order rame nen ja-i-t- put in tin- boase laamedlately, nial have tin- nalia itrength 1'lied.' " -What .io ron meant' she raid. ???1 nii-iiii Hint \. fun your relatives begin In move toward ? blcago there'll i-- about gfteen iowna In Iowa, Mew-York Stale aud Coi.rtlcol completely <i?-j.?.i>u laled.' *-Along uliiaut i:,.-r>- ;',.? argument begun, : "c| lt*a kepi up ever silica-. Wi- haven't neille* aa,I, iii- yet." lia- ( blcago mun jinn-si lon' to ii i* *i, * 1. >:, Iii*, i. i of 1,1- order io lt" vt.iil.r. ?lor awi,ii,-," ),.? continued, '? I Ind mi Idea thal ... ca.ulai tull.* relatloni In dem. of ttearnesa, a.ri a,f lille tir-t niul aeeund snd third mortgages, bul lhere ar" to., ms ny rompltesllon*. rertaln fundamental*, however, my wife uini I lu.v.- settled. No om' arti] I.- permitted ti, stay longer Utan ou- week, niel nader no condition* .luill tn- rive uji our own room. Tl,ut minn- ihiii "a. have taree room-, two double, one single, available for vhdtors, .-iii'! the season I- uta.,nt sixteen weeks, so tii.r,- |. in,,(inn,oduiioii for eighty people, \\.- Rgure out Itel together ne Imve une hundred Bnd forty-aeve* near relatives, l tell von ito- strain I- dreadful, and aa lo expenie, I route take mv tttiaaja. family lo Kumpe and ssve tunney.'' ? Why don't yon do lt ." asked Ihe Chicago man's companion, -an* cul the wbiie problem ibort." "Nu ii-a.," snld the oilier sadly. ?? (uie hundred and forty-seven men mid women would set up a haiti i ?Chicago Imus' und tiie chorus from second rous ins nell, i'd Kite up mv own room rather Hu.ii bear I Hat 1" THEY CAUGHT ONE MOUSE ANTWAT, ONI". TUM' Will. II AS RX PERI MU NOT RAVI TO Bt'Y. "Hld you et"-r bay a BMBM tia-ipT*' peaslVlly liif|ulred a until on a Math nra, elinttd irala the otter BNwalag ,,f the fr ia nd Mho -at neal to bim. *-I leter iM." natal 'he BMMI, !'aa,klng uji from lil* ii -i-lirapi-r Iii .om'- .urprl--. "did yoi'*' "i han, indeed, i inn a n aeee4iip rsperi Toa -?? tin- mice in cr (itu hut.- Beea* hui. They grew so tame that I'v ISM them fin Bi n.-s Hie pariel Mien (lins- or faur iii*ii|i|i- Wen* lu the ronni, lind Bl Bight 11,.* nib-Mag md jutteilmt Bs cams -. i""d und coaalaal thal art .(.ulii sleep. \V- kept u pll>- of Hil |,_>- r-. amt -laaa-, by Hie -Ide of the bid, Bad V lille thc 'illinium! I ,li held ont theta mu* a eeaatnt fu-iia.i". Abos! toa neeka agu l grew so -i,k of ?ii,i,ii-e, niraie,1 a. ti,., aaeadlaa iaBMSHS topic, that 1 salli la, nit tl Ifa.; 'Si e bm, thl* ino.i.e bUSBBS-S inii'l i-tup. I'll hut' ? Inp.' I did. I caine hm,,,, that evenlag tilth on- of BBese round i.-d aaa* na|i-. ana on tba tray ap baal Um alaratei Matteo I in v.-M.d in a bin ailee ut ira fro-h -keera IV ell, na asl timi tiru, la.r faaiir i.Ifrl.t-., nnd a-aan-ht not SOS I thought |?-rlii|i* lt tv.'ik'd hard, ia I oiled Bp tba "Ires. Nu NCMBa, 1 then bBUgbl a. ttjttit Hap tvltl. tito bola * and malhei with lour, lim. gtVtOS M a total of ahvan mice rapacity, but nil lu tain. Tba BOX! dav I weal .?vcr in Vesey st sad tasked mt., Um Biran trap ballal m " -Caa you eive bm ray pabrta aa arawa usn.1 I ?uid to the jiroiulelor aif a .torc oM-r there. 'I know a tl,lin,' or two ttla.ut si..ip trap., but I mn looking for a irap thai will ?p|> al Ui un educated, Intelligent mou-ac.' ?? Xte _,-ai-i laskad a intie wrprirai. "'Have you children 1 ' he said. I admitted a little gin. " ' 'then hi-te.* nc h_ui. ' I* thc *c|iilrrfl rag- trap. It always pMaaae Mm rklWin. Tte n?.ti?. pam in sera Mm nap cia,*** iiut.miailaillly, and ba I- IB-gbl lb- iii.n imu out into thl* ttlivcl, and by riniilni; turn. lt. It I* a very IMBllBg dcvlai-.' I -uld we tv.-rv Bat h-oWn*- i..r ?ameemaat, bra na weald nae to caesh s mons.. ,,, m.,, .,, i atead nun imp m th? laMaetlaa, ani alaa Baadbw witt wire winn., which nan BpM ??hen ihe trap ame Mi bal a lapped MBjattet by monk. yla. tvlih th.- kilt. I ??? a_d five tr-p*. ami aramac juxt bttwa Mtrlna, 1 anatei up I Mg piece of -h-cs^, laalfd cvnry Wag, B*d .'o,*l Hacin iKnuitl tb.* aamsnl nf thc room in an arila-.* ?_>-. which I felt ai, ?. woull ,i]i|ieul to th" cia** of mice ti.' were calerini to. About 3 o'.-lo-k In th man.tnt- I awoke feeling very faint. We Blw,y? K. cp a cracker or tw.. In our tie*room, and I dctcrmlnerl to got up quickly ind obtain one. 1 forgot that wing usp. A moment later mv wUe ws? .lulng up tn a cold pcraplratlon. " ' Willi un,' ihe red, ? ls thc houae sBret' " ' Wons than that.' ???Uraveai and earth,' aha aili, getting lady to ?' ' Keep quiet.' I snapped ; ' mr big toe i? esught in the new- ?inir trap.' ?? urara Ma sataaai dana ?h* uindiy fii ne* um ng kBBgWga h?d IBtBBlfld di-pth* of di-jiratlty In my natur* that mud? her nhiiddei. I nnullv tv-panied Hat i-on-e nap Hom my p. r?aaii and crept l.a. k to lied, .ni'lUn. like n Welsh bit. The next imht I mad- one nmr- at.*|t i-itii maaa inga. 1 laaaMded tba tbrara wa- las ira H. -.. I asms Ital l-VMNfc willi rt slab nf 0-r* ii au eheera. I B*vet haul m BMMh room in an etenMd tra.*. BeMe. 'Ihe crew* fa-ll over (.ch Sibel to fha. nv B awt. i could have lei tmi sharai bp ? wring, wt neat t.a Bed thai inrht with latogBS on our pillow* ind every wm low agaa, but all thc imp* were lulled, aad I said l-l IV ll ll*, ? lt'. I|6W lal iia-ver.' " TM Barram j-au-ed h'-r... und psoalvcly Mid the ad* verii-e'i" nt- on the agpeette sid., (at tba car. ?? Well, did v..ii cat-h ? BBWMf1 it-ii.andcd bi* friend, with much IntT.-.f. "Tea, a.unlit i mon-**." " XN 1.1' h trap? " ?? No mp at all. He Ml Into tte bath tub." A TRAGEDY OE THE SEA. Tilt. STORY OF TIIK TIIF.KI.A. Sahioin luis lhere been fold a awn giiwaaau talc limn Itel Of Hie tlir-e sailors wbo have l.ei-n con (ined iii ibe prison ni RltBebuettet, under enrage or murder sad cannlhcltom. Thcv ur.. Ibe survivors or tte eran of tte ship ti..kin, aad after drifting alHiut for ll lite, n day- on Hs wreck, ahmist (bad from -lunation, they killed mid nd- the flesh of tte fourth m. *nber of tte ir ghastly party. All tbrra are young. Olaf Andersen, ol Tonaberg, in Barway, i*. twenty-two; euri-Hun lljnlmar Sanborn, of rbrto tbmsand, ls !!,?? rame age; Atexaader Jabanaran, born In Ftekerbekskflde, In sw..(len, I* lu lils twenty fifth year. Tbe murdered man, of wbom nil three speak as "Ibe Dali lilian." was tte eldest; te waa twenty seven. A corn *|.oiideiit of Ibe " Hamburger Niichrlch ten" lins Int. i viewed tte lirlsiaiia-r*. and gives the faallaaH lng Ila I Hillt 1 Tte first ta. step Into the small court ht Oluf Andersen. He ls of middling height, nnd of broad build, stoops -lightly, nnd bas long swinging imus. His load, covered arith fair curly hair, I- ii one, Ho. forehead high, mid bl- face, which ls not without -iain.. Intenigenee, I- tear-teen, bloated nnd coterie* -. .uul lils geaby underlip hangs down. His steel gray eves, with tte tired nnd sad look, only raise themselves now mid then, BBd very unwillingly. ? non the ground. Tli.i ImprarabNl Itel Olaf Auder -cn Hulkes I-; i,oi sn rn favorable one oin- might Imagine bim i-* be an uncouth f.*ila,w, bat be te mean* a a I* ked one. ' Olaf An.b-i-eii. -lt down and t.-ll BM your story." "You menu ul*.ul (be Dutchman, -I.'' ?? -i ? ., about (te lii.lililiinn." Olaf Andersen look, down aad hegira to tarah. llb vol." Hound* born-.', lat be speaka wlib-aiit tesl tating, a- ir be knew then iras univ one thing now and for ever Ibal lie could retnte, ond Unit wu- about tba- Duli lillian. Olaf Andersen began* "We blt Philadelphia au Ibe i-t ol December. |-p lo Ibe 90th we bad a g>"*d voyage. Then in tia- .\or*i, -?ri tie- bad weather began. Otra! seas tr,,li- ov-r Ibe Vessel, rind tte ship wu- teat. Bte berni ta, Irenic up. Two BM Ifl ted gone bv the boo ni, 'ct thal did no good. We nen to late to Ibe boal*. bnl "hil" Ibej m.Ta' being towered tte) reprized, all but one, Tbora who route manage tl pimped iii. the captain mid rame other altogether righi. Those who remained behind rbmbed Into Ibe rigging. We dbl no) -??? mach of radi otter, end at lii-t did not ev. u know who had Mopped "ii Ihe wreck. Jaar vi,ni wtth Ho. continual railing "f Ihe vessel and '!?? i nie dashing "t.r ber ire hoi a* ? we . c ii clo to pr.-v. 11 ourselves bring washed r.v.r.v. Wi,. o ne were able i.a lo'lc about n bil we aa Ibal lhere were four >.f ns, Jacobian, Johsi en, the Dutchman :?!.'! I. TM- w-,, ..i, ? ... __,1 ..' December, We all four had nothing I* rat, ? ? .. ? ? a tobacco bc': no! i -Mee of brrad. Il bul nil . ;?;??"! 'i mddenly. besides bring hnngrj We ? .trl.l rot ileep, f,,r We -it In tbe ?S'nttte, fid lt ubi verj mall. tti-.ii sleep gol ihe belier ot ? * ? a ?*. .-a ime mid -trna k one on the brad mid fara, nhl h - mae* .-rent pain, se rieep aral mat i.a i ?? t io igl ? .,'. i h io ida ni f- i t-.-rv bad. We ff. i -l gr,-Hr. -: Ipi pa et as, bal dbi i ??' rt u*. for v. int n ii,ai ol fogg] weal ter, or it wu i ght. We rertalnl] ran them, tbrae ilrange iliip*. ? v ti in 'ti-- darkes! night, for a,ur raffertagi Biade .mr evr harp, bnl ibe other* bud not tack eyas, ? a. iha v pa - 'i ? .n and ? iw ni not." Olaf Inderan ..f murra r, i.t,*i ntl Hil* la broken M-ntenCi rile nm'-ll.-ii- bad to be put la bim Ingly, -i erenpon he answered without ant nerita lion. In lita iiaiementi be made ih," Impression ot ,i lunn Who, although ic.* q ll mn ten lo ekpresa htmielf, ns yet quite ?ur.. nba.nt v lint tie wanted la .v. ii.di taara i ?'..ii .:.? i im :>.. nt h day?ll waa ? Friday?tte a i had calmed down; Ibe weather waa ivu had faUen lu tte momlag and w.- ink.-it lt o.T tte lopmasti sud ite manila t ?!'? * ni fur aa we, enuM reach. This gave floate of ui courage. Mm aol uti. Tbe iiutciiiimii. f.r inataneo, wns galla Bet pent... ??lodi von mate tour.if anderstoad with th-* Dutchman 1 DM you sprab Ui -uigusgs. or ;.. "There wai bo! much labdng going on, ITohodv eared I . I iib, and bad ararrely it... -tr. ui'tii to te bo. in order tn prevent ouraelri. bring fr"r*n to death, we rbmbed from Ite irnttle lo the fhrers-Ute, whteh al thi, timi* t..*i above water, nml from Ite fore i.a-tie barb spate lo Ibe lentil*. While Bainding lhere urmebod- .poke Ite tir-t time o*J lt. Win lt mis I don't tanow. n l- rufltetenl lo know thal it wr pi Ben. ('tn' of u- vu" to .lie -" ilmt tte otheri i,.ui.i live. Tbe Dutchman said be lld not mn ant Hun. Bboul hi- Bte. Ite would di-. Bnl We ol ben auld thal if ll bad lo ba lt swat ba don,, fr.lilt, n- ls (be eu ?'om In inch euora. ? ??tu i,i.nt Why, have yo* onr teaed of such s (rightful < iMtom *" "Tra; irini ne decided lo do tt that any. I'li-i ne welled fi. morntag nu noon. Perhaps siter nu ii --tiii* wo'.i: rome, bul Bono rame. Tten Ite Dutchmen began again. Ile uld Itel rr* nen lo lunka- aa end "f Ite maller, .i way or tte ol bra; be could not b ni ii mv longer. so nu nguiu io Ina f.ramie, ime after tte other. When ll,a-|a- Olia- of ll pale oil II pi.-Ca* of ||l|a|| l|||l| dlvllIM ii Into faaiir purls, a,ne of which wu, -hurler than the others. Tins .hurl one meant dentil, Tte man Who dnW tint Uas lo (Ile, and |he Illltclllliif) dr.w lt." i int Andersen pa***- tte tech af his tend ever bis brow. Thi* nus Indeed tte only algn of ev rttement steam bj bim. Ile -tin ipote In Ite hmm tetlow tone bi iii th" begtnnlag. Me eaatlaaed i ??The lintel.ii,rm became v* rv .lill, nnd ara re molli'<l -ii loaa. All b| ,,nc- |,a, farnell lil- hf* lo thc -an and-hi- I.I. lo ii., nml thal wc- the riga. None of ll- Illicit III look lu hi* race. I [rom l.ehliid |?i-iaj bm arms round iii- rhest. Jacotoeu did the mbm with hi, li",-, anal .la,hun sen stubbed at lilli willi Bil Mille." ?? And voil really Bte bim I* "YOB, w. i'la. ,.| ll ou Ihut dnv and on Hie other* nu ite Uniia-s arrived snd look u- og." ?Anil you (lld Bot think of mn thing while doing so-not of Hod, not of lour parent.; hot thal von tia-i*,* asprtvlng \iiii--..iva<n ?.f Uie ri-:lit tai live among nun. aye, eve* of culling rnuraelvn naman beings'* -.No. -lr. We IBo-gbl of nothing." '? And not even benora thiel" "Thirst, hunger and tlieptemac-as?tbsBa were un We a a,ulai think of." lb- prcBMCd both luin-ls to hi* h'-rld. I* If te would like to bantae. Ihe teamas which were mll-d up by inc memory ol those awful day*. ( hrl-tlrti lllalmur Jacobran. ihe i..*.*..ti I MlloT who partook of Him dreadful meal, |, louvwliat imalter, but thick-ei, ami mu. h more versatile than hi* companion. Ile is abm broad and has a beary sall, ? ?tats hi lody and -'.tin.'- bil arma. Ilia hair. i,,ni-e .-mal darn, I- romteri aver hi- low pinhead, hi- etas nra. I.luck and pb raine mid v.-rv restless. in- fara, teatdleea, Mba <>lnf Aadersen'B. ls bloated nml flomewbal swollen round lbs ebie. Illa tnniin.-r ls moi-.- determined Ihnii lils compute-, und Ma -tnt. io. -i's are -hui o,l|, ala. hird. H.* tu r.iliipiilil... his Words willi lively '.-I -Ila ula tl.Ml*, |il|t hi- h<-nrer? do liol gal* tte Impre?lon Itel thc rcineinbullier of lil- crliiia- mules hltu .riitfa-r. ns ne noticed n BB aad then In his companion Olaf. The general lnipri*ss|aan Itel thl. fellow make, i, much nun.' unfiitarable, espectsbr whim, natte speaking, Ms thick llii Uari and ihow hi- powerful .et of teeth. Hut Hie third limn i-, th- mo.i um.?min looking, nnmelv, the Swede. Alexander Jobansnen. He h Ihlrk-aet, with a Hgure rwembllng somewhat thu! of Jarabeen but much inure sgOe. The brbtllng n-ddl-.h ll-rhi bair surrounds n aquan fi-reheiid. Ill* face, iov end with spol.. is set In a lhln benni of p l*Kht r< d color: hi* agra, onrahsdowed bv ahorf, vellow brlsilln- eyamihei, an washed ont lind c lories* reminding one of a common Hiv tish, iiis agra Picker like a ll.hl blown hy the wind. TM* wicked at,, s.-ains with one look to irv to barn the In tenuous of those pr.m. Alexander ioteaaara heal on Ian-lag i.n ?ni to n,.* Hcaman'i Ho.pinn on ?rcount .*r his froalhttteu feet, and hus ..iiIv Just returned te Mi companion-. Christian Jar-terra hh.i Alexander JobnoBBra ore both convinced that whai Itey dkl is rind excusable under tte cir rnmatancra. One of them was obliged to die if tte miarra wen- to ive. "Ai siicl: a palra | Are v, ur lives more ml liable limn thal a,f th- murdered mun' Ami what Can your gras In future lie. when foo think of what bas happenedi Bren it lb* naaembrann no Imprcaaion upon you. Au yam ihlnk that yon will iver timi work nenin lu ymir culling, or new comrades who will work ?_,,<? bv *lde with you ' Ihey seemed rarartsei for a moment. Tte* had np to now nut eonameied their position In this light. Hut they aoen answered In the same dull. Imper turbable manner: ??uh, yen, slr; we shrill lind work again, and comrades, loo; foe, you ?ee, the hunger snd thlr*t and want of .leep were the res* in of lt. If the Dnnik had only come three days sooner Wt should han liked lt better, but ste did not," SOCIAL AFFAIRS IN PARIS. A DIPLOMATIC ..Fi Kl'TION - E0OEXIE - A QUEEN WHOSE DEATH EVOKED A SMILE. Paris, Murdi l. 18H.1. Were it not for thc iium-iei of tin' church service*, which are largely attended hy the giand nioiule. it weald he dilTi'tnlt to laslfv-- tlint wo gi* in Lent, IS the p-oeption-. nnd dinners ure fur more numerous now timi they have ''.-en at any time isince the beginning of tin- y>*ar Of course the line is drawn nt ?>nll?, bul with thi* exception every specie* of payoty i- In full -wing. The reception of tlie Diplomatic (orin by af. lai-on y Castillo, the new Spanish Ambas? sador, tonk place in the eveeing lB8te_-l of the afternoon-a very happy innovation-and was a uio*t brilliant alTair. Tin* Embassy W8S nil ablate with lights :md redolent with flo- per* fiinic of hothouse Ihrinn o'i that occasion, gad an array of hickeys dr.--**-.! In orange mid orim goa?the Spanish solars- stood in a hmg douhle (ih- irom th* bull entrance to tin- door* of the r-ulou-i, where the Anibiiisiidor mid Ambassadress awaited their gaeate. The o\ tollotte* aparhllag with Jewels worn hy the indi.-* of the -Hploanatie Corpa nnd tin* gokMaeod uniforms of their Toms and BBastrn mad* an attractive med ley of bright colors which would have- tempted tin* brush of an artist. 'Ile' President of tin- Re public waa reptceented hy om* ??f his hons, as well hh hy th.* nw_abeta of tin- military beasehold : M. Ribo! was surroaadcil hv his mends; lb* Marquia of DulTerin, aceoiiipuiii.d hv tin1 Mar* rbioneas, appeared in the uiiiforni of a lord lieu? tenant, and nmnng th-' other members of tho" English Embnaay I la-roelvied Coloael Talbot, Mr. Constantin* Phipp*, Mi- Austin Lee, Mr. Towrie* ley and Mr. Oraham. Th* Corps Diplnii.iti'iue whh "nu grand ~omplet,M und everybody ama ih-iiirirtc'i tn ranc-w acquaiatanee with M. de ('a tillo. nnd with hi* rhnrming wife, who were both equally glad to Bad thc.ii8r.lte8 in Pbria aga ia, It is BtraBg* f,. think that lt WBH the Dflfl ib- Wandas who took M. tana y r*u,tillo's ptera an Sp.mi li Aniliai*-a.bu a few years BgO, and that if is univ M. Castillo v]m sacjeeeda flo- Duke. Mm.-, ile Castillo is ;i v.-ry stirer ti ve woman, and In-r largo dark ey.* tram to Imve retained seme, thing of tin* glori.??!* light 'd tin- Andalusian sim. Both she and lo-r husband ara* rimplteity itself, ami tin- graehnia fuahion in wi".Ti they make one feel arelcome under their root wins i'.il hearts. Americans will te Interrated to ln-nr tint ea* Queen Isabella, who i* devoted to tin1 memory of Christopher Columba*, has i*ist sent a sp.-nial envoy to Iii* Holiness th.* Pop* in order to request him tn canonlra tin- Illustrious wiilnr who planted the Saviour'! cross >,*i tho -.nil ol the new world Queen laabclla feels ihat it is to her, tli** .;.?-????ii.lani gad namraake of Isa? bella I. that should fill the duly of bringing snout the --ratification of Col limbos, gad Comte Bosrlly de Ijargaea, who baa been fin- greal dav coveree'a htetorinn, hai at bra requenl started ter l.'"tin-, in ord'-r to trunamll f.. Len MU Her Mnjraty'a ardent wish.** ju tin- matter, During her abort stay ten ex-Emprraa Eu .-??iiie receive! In apeeial andtene**- Mandi**] Can* rotert, I'ritu- Murat, th- Dun nfl [Whenan -I" Moo. lu. Prince and I'rit: ram ite Polx, Marquise ? la' la Toni Maubourg, I ".rut.sse ,),? Bra ii laincourt, ??tc, ,.f. Tin- Imperial lady i* much ag-1 an I hroken, .md if must te hoped that hey visit to Pepe Martin, wier.' alie i- building a villi, will benefit her rapidly failing health. Many pen* ple wonder th it tl.i* erually bereaved uni *f. Birted woman aboald ever Had hean to return '????n momentarily to thc ..cen.- ..f her past hap pine * ami triumph, for tin* meiaortea called up bv flu- gfght "f ran. must, in I.ol, Iw painful to her, nm! she iekaowtedgra fbi* tn lu* the ??ns** Hut soon-how or othra she enjoy* in her own meiatyholy way to eon* bete now an ! nen I tl l'rincc Von Than uii'l Taxi*, nepliew of th* Empress of Austria, and lu* vialing wife, Arch* duehera Msrguerit* I lementloe Marie, went tbrough Tari* n few dav* ago on their wat to thu siiiifli nf Franc.- limy ari- Beeompanted hy a numerous snit,, and ar.- travailing in tin* mn ;? ulfloent train which th-' Prince prerantcd to hi. wife on h.-r marriage, Thi* truly royal train th eludes a anp-Th ralon-rar fUrntehed with Oriental luxury, a Bleeping room hung with pale-bued Vel? vet,, embroidered bf hand with gnrfauida of llowi-rs, n dining-room containing ali inoiia'ni Improve? ments; ii bathroom and a lar.:.* Balm f"r fiie gi-titlemen and ladies iu ntteinlain*.-. 'Hu- kitchen ear i- iM-rli-eCVn. and tH.-n* i* als,, n sinai*. Tibrnrv weil -.tockisl with tin* fnverite books ni tie* Arch* duchess. Tia- august couple put in an appeal iinci- nt tl.pen and al*'i visita*d *er*vr*nl exhibi? tions, aaaong others the Culinary Exhibition, now held nt the I'lilai* de ?. It mnat '..- cn fessed that this show is well worth arning and gout-Beta tenet their eyea and sharpe11 'heir n|*~ petltee when gn?ing at the rhefs-d'oeurre* on view then, f r th'-.**.- ttaaiui.-rfiii spocimens '.f pasir)' nml confectionary hava inver teen nu rpo sar il in any other country. They show that in spite ?.f revolutions nnd ohangw of Ministries, to ny nothing of demoraliring scandals, th.* Fronch cuisine still hold* its own. Then is mu. piece nailed the Triumph nf th* Kepublic?a chariot drawn hy twelve horses which is a work nf art that might ngura with advantage in th.* Salon, Another composition worth mentioning is a stain*. in i-uK.'ir of Mosarl playing on Hie violin. Tli.. chief novelty in the exhibition this jwtt \g a glaas eus?i eoutuining th.- portrait* nr busts nf all tb* ratehtated "ch.-fs" and "cordons bteus" from linn-almost ininieiiioria!. Huron Hrissc and Brilia! Snvarin are, of course, imf forgotten, and could they como to life again, even they would he able to learn somothin. from the nooks of tn day. It ls very pretty, no doubt, to ara flu* costly dishes whioh form the great attraction nf the show, lint b0W to cook a beefsteak, boil ii potato or make a B-fW would Im inure to the pu lpns,-. It i.s true that tim Academy deas gtvn leanna it; cookery, but. fruin ono cause nr another they arc not us snenraafnl as Hmg might ia-, th,, attendance of pupils l-a-lllg smal!. All tin- WOrtd and his wife an* talking hen of th.- nnbery in the Ra* Cta-lilee*, the victim nf which reminds om- of Ilalrne's favorite horn. M. Gie niki, f.-r his i-\tr.-me avarice ser-iim to have ticen worthy of HttftgOg hiniseir. For tin- past twenty-three years thia very i"eeiitric nhl .eiifli-inan has l.-d thi- life nf p hermit within a lew var ls of tin- Avenue dam Champs ELvsee*. Ilio mansion in whi li he hus resided sime I nilli, without a single Bat vant tn wait iiiinii bini, is gloomy and forbidding in appearance. Heavy iron liars have been alli Mil to tin- earlainli-M winilotVM. anil tb>- pirie.- tv.-nrr. an ias|ia-.-t ol nC*teot. All sorts of i|iic*?r storii"* have long lM*en eurrent iu thi> anlgbbarbnsd i.v wag of eaglanatl ia >>f th* iiiisiinthropienl habit* of the proprietor, but one clear fact remain* that after lending a gay life in fashionable cr-les. he BM dav sold his rarriagn and norw*, diamlarad his servants, and sime thal date lins .shut himself up alone in tin- hons-, which he never h-nves. iii.* sole intercoms ? wah tin outer unrhl being Oonflaed to th- bi-weekly visit* of n distant eotiein. wini, accompanied hv an attendant, 'nings him his provisions ami cn dent ora to keep n few of the roon* iu Hollie Ktati of order, if not ri comfort. Sn great in the old gontli-tiinn's parsimony that he itrudgvs himsell oven a pair nf shara or slipper*, umi is in th. hali! of wulking about hi* house barefooted, wrapped In a gn-nsv old dmaaing gown, frayed and dilapidate I. If was well known in the neigh borhood, however, thnt linne sums of money un.I h considenihle amount of plate nen "onoc.ilod ii tho beete, am' this must have assented flu- thieve. to commit OlM nf the mo*t uii'liicioiis bur.bu i.'i ever pel pr teated in broad daylight. Through thi Invilitigations of tin- police it hus been tenn I that the burglar* entered the hon** darin", thc night and, finding it lnipos.-a.lbh* to make their way into the lieilroom of tim proprietor, spent BBHtt hourn ia one ot the ai lons, reclining on thc HAIRCLOTH LIGHT-WEIGHT W ^^^^^^ SKIRT LINING. w. -ari*- .He __?__? ENGLAND, GERMANY, _?,p.., or -bi. -n. FRANCE, AUSTRO-HTJNGARY ,,fc::...rroc,.rte. SWITZERLAND> BELGIUM, ' And are receiving afclpmcnle hy every incanting Meal**, Wr.l..c.n.rol.he.?.p'_?-f.lra. . * * UNITED STATES .?? CANADA .leading iniiniifacinrera af Ihe owe Wholesale Headquarters for Haircloth: Henry Newman & Co., 628 & 630 BROADWAY, 276 & 278 FRANKLIN ST., NEW-YORK. _CHICAGO, sofas. Shortly after ? o'clock in the nmrnin-.. Jail as the victim wns leaving his bedl-OBB, and was on bifl way to the study. B thi"k rag was suddenl." thrown over him hg two masked mon. If" tried to resist, but was soon overpowered, and after being gagged and hound was fereed to hand over his kev* to lin* thieve., who dragged him to hi* Study, where they were soon engaged in rilling his d-sk. Having stuffed their pockets with hank note* and gold to the extent of some $, tin* hnrglan toqulred when- his jewelry was to bs found, and were then e inducted to the bedroom, when they poNsraaed thetaaelv_* of a couple of ..carfpitiM of no gnet value and of an natlaaated, moth-eaten fur overcoat, which ono of them ita ?nciiat.-iv donned. Thear then locked tho oil gentleman in ii roi m. warning him that they would kill him if lo- made ga outcry. After a ?hort time the l.att.r made his way to the window and '?ailed for help, .'ind soon some of tho chief officials >.f the Prefecture rrere on flu* anet! The old gcntleOBun, although verv muon upsa-i by his ad? venture, and still mon- afraid of Icing subjected *,, a repetition thereof. la in no way in.^lincd to assist tin- police in their investigation, and appears in a hurry to he rid of them. A Qoeen hrtn died during the last week in this i itv, lat 1 r.-.r-'t to have tn stnfe that the an iioiiiiefiieiit of h*V flemise has given rise to mirtli and laughter rather than grief. No funeral honors Imve heea accorded to ber remains by the tiovem lueut. nor him any mention '"-en sande of ber de. partura for another world In the Journal Ollieiel. In tho lithographed and bleak-bordered aetiB OStion whtch ha* te-en addr.******.! to BM I find if stated that flu- Minister Secretary of State. Duke af N'iaealiel, htn tin* honor to inform mo of the sad 1,,-* which hus just toefl sustained by tho royal family of Araucania, Patagonia, through tho death of Her Majesty, Dona Maria Elisa Octavia Cosey, i onnteas of Alanna, and Consort of Iii* Mijit-ty. Adi,ile* I 'Ho* latter, who ha* never, so far as can bc a-o-rt uno.'., paid a visit to his kingdom in South America, i* it french gentleman named Achill*1 Luvtsrde, who aueoraded the lat.* titular King of Araucania, Orelie I, who-p death in the pauper ward of mia of tho Paris hospital* I hail occasion to i.rj in the columns of Th* Tribun-* <i year ..r two :w:o. orelie I wan, like hi- BBeorasor, a Preochman ami a lawyer by profession. I am liol aware l.v what right Achilles I elainar-1 the mccraaion lo Kin-; Orelie's throne, hui* ut any rita* tm on.- disputed his tight, thereto. The lady wi.death has just taken place Ls flu- daaghfer nf a near kinswoman of Iha famous Ia.-f.-bvr.*, one a.f Napoleon I* most able aud faithful general*, 'nu* Araaeaalaita Imve now, 1 und-r -t ml. adopted repuhllean institutions, a fact which probably accounts for tim prearnoa of King AchUlea I in our aomewhat populous colony hero of "Lia Rois en Exile." lt i* baldly necessary for me to .fate that tl,'-re ls no such nain.) uti that of B-BOBg the list of Duke*, eiiuiiierati-d in tie- Almanaeh de Gotha, it being merely ono of tl,..*,- empty title* which King Achilles is in tho habit >.f conferring among such of his friends us ri.- \ti.Ung tai pay for tie- somewhat doubtful honor. King Achilles and the Duke of SlaCabel uro by no means tin* only people bete who have a*sum.-d royal sad noble titi.--* of thi- most fantastic k.n.l. Then am her.- BOi-dlasflt princes of I.u-ignan, who do not scruple to Style ihcniBtilTfS " Kings Tif .!??! u-ali'm,'' and as sash tn eooier titles and deeoratign*. Th* nuafter' of Betitieus ?Plincos, Marquises, Couflta und lian.ns nf both .''rendi and for.-iurn hirth who un- to ix- met at alflMSt every Btcp i- something absolutely b,*\vildering, and tho stria! coBtrol forme ily exereissd by tba polios and hy the Granite Ubaacolteri* of thc Legioo bf Honor over the nssumplbin of Bohle, tttlaa and iiiiiiia-i n|']s'irs BOW to Ijiive Ceased to exist. While the Duke Sf Orleans Ls now once inure with his parents, having landed a few days a*,'o at Gibraltar, whither Ilia sister. Prineraa Helen, pro cea'di'd to welcome him home OB his return fr .in (he east coast ol Africa, his cousin, Prince Henry of Orleans, bob of th* Dud oe Chartres, is attracting (-" sttenti-b hm smong men of esrery shade of poetical opialon by aa article which be baa recently pubttsbed in the "Revue Politiquc i oioiiiai.-" on the eoadition of France's poraeseloaa in < ... iiiii < 'hina. Th.* travels of this young Prince, Who is infinitely more popular and re spected than th* Duke of Orlenna, lu Central Asia and in tbe tar east have caused bim t<> be ie* l.nd. al a* i|iiite an authority ..ti ill!, in;i..t ts COB* Dented with those moot* region*, Ile charge* the tiiivi-itiinetit with n too passive and negative policy in Indn-i tuna, nnd ur^.-s if to treater activity and enterprise, gBawling that, otherwise, France will assuredly io**,, tim-* colonies on thc ao..uisi ti .ii aif which sin* hs* lavished so mu di blond ami treasure. Every possible thia* that goes wron. in Fran'-" at th.- |.r,"i'->it moment, whether it be th.- weather ? r politics, hlistnras or domestte nutters, is sud ? Ucl upon the broad bach "f the Paaaaa cri-is, nml i' ha- ev,-ii been he'd ira ponai bl* for the ?aripaala. nf a sixteen-year-old sohoolboy, whoa ilisappearanee lb* other dav attraetnd Bt tent lon tin mi.limit Europe. The lad is a sun nf M Itetirgeois, tin- Minisl r >.r Jostle*. Pot soak* i\.oks hi* Hf.* hal bee* made a burden tn him I.y hi* -..?bool-filhiwri at the [.vera Janpofl ,|, Saltly, ll.- wa*ayute-MtieaJly tormented by them and they neted a* if they draired to make him expiate the sins of tin* (invernm.-iit. and to gUfllafl him fer the laxity di-phiied Ly the latter ir prosecuting tho r-'til culprits in the aiTuir. A peculiar form >.f their nmusemenl was tai preseai the boy arith what purported to be cheeks rigor*-! hy the Panaau directors. At length he c mid hear it no longer, and. hat ing a couple of hnfldnd franc* in hi* poehet, dec hied to nm away, For tina.* ai.iv* no truce of him could be round, al? though h.- ttn*. sought high and low bv Hie police ilirni.bout iln- country, tin- general Im? pression bein* that h.- lad bron Mdnapped, either Ly flu. Anarchists er l.v people Implicated in th* canal frauds for tin- purpura of being bold ng a h-otagei, or els.- lulled nut nf a sentiment of r.* ivnge. At tin- ead nf thnt time, however, he .?onr.v returned heme, minna his money uni with a somewhat disainated and sheepish look i-pnn his facg. Where and bow li" spent Ins thro.- days and his money hus not yet beeonae known. At any rat,* his (urents have vouchsafed no information mi th,- point, and he has now been -.-nt nit to a school in the country. l BHOPHMSfBB WITH TWO PRU ES. Pram Tin* dm Innntl Trltume. I triis inning n pair of BpastBClsa Bat hmg ano from Hie niiiii who lin* sola ii.verv pnlr I ever hid Bra-era] people wen- abrading nt th.uniter. I hilri down *?i .'..i and "darted te go. m.- rolled m.- beek ?? Pw* dollars, if you please, Mr. Byatander." *?*>wii.v-.wiiy,"* said |, in astonishment, ?? I thou.iii II nas onlv i dollar and a half." '?oukih "Two dollgra, sit. I never *oli| ? pg* of SI,oct:ieles III tills slui|) for b's.. ' t adis* the iithi-c lialf-in'.lrir. nml anea mon* tume? lo gi. Agate In- li.K-iniiit.Ml mr. larne* I wish inn ttonld |*I*|| lamk Into the rear of the I followed him meekly. As soon as we were nut ..MienH,,,, of lb. others ?e shoved a ta_M_KJIn'lo ?? There's your geological specimen.'' he BTOwleil ?? Dont yon ever play me a trick like thnt ..__i,. SVV' neverpaid Wifor a pair of apSbiiin te yoSrHf* Rm J^-IMlint I bad mit a geniua aud wra'bimbira ac". ANNETTE ESS1P0FP. A CHAT WITH 111:1. IK PA1HS-T0O FEARFm OF Till*: OCEAN TO COM.' To AMERICA, I'aris, February 21 Among tho thousands of Bomen who have aa. peared in th" musical world as pbaiiti, three now hold conspicuous rank. Theresa CaiTCM Sonhb M.-nter and Annette Eaaipof, thc lirst an American Of Spanish extraction, tin- second an Austrian, sal the last a Russian. American* are familiar milk th.- playing of Tbsiesn Carreao, th.* superb dash ;ind vigor, the mastery of an instrument whick sounds triumphal. Sophi.* .Mentor's playing lg ro. markable for an extraordinary and absolutely faultless technique; whilst Ks?ipoff has a grace g brilliance and a feathery Hfhtaeaa of touch lia. equalled. All -hens are nbaolutely perfect in their genre, unlike each other, and have attained world. wide noogaitiOfl and renown. In private life they are not unlike: each womag has her peealinit?BB and alas | her history. Short, ly after Rubinstein founded the Impeekl Con<tnrv%. tory of Music in Sta. Petersburg one of the great. cst of modern composers Mt if* portals to Wom# famous, Peter Tschaikowsky. Hi, was 0,,|y (h, beginning of a long linc of names more or lias illustrious, anion? which wo find Annette Easi poff. At Iftesa sYnatttg Egtfpog was a marvellous player, und ono of tho most l**autiful of young girls. St. Petersburg wont mad about, her. Sh* was feted ond petted by the Court and the noble*, and her career promised to bo ono cf extraordinary brilliance. LeebetHaky was her taaeber. ami, although a married man with a family, he became no enamored of his beautiful pupil that 88 taned Lutheran ia order to obtain a divorce an 1 bs able to marry Annette. St. Petersburg was aghast at thc noan. dal; aghast, too, at Bsslpoi consenting; but artists have, or rather make themselves, a special code af morals, and the two were gmt I led, ami were forced |8 lenvo Russia, inasmuch as their marriage in thst country was not legal. Th,* first Madame Loehotltsky who was a singer nnd still gives lessons, romaine 1 in Sf. petersburg with her childr.-n, and many a time have I ?,^fi her at Kuhiiistc-iu _ house, while fTii- groat Russian com* poser-pianiit lived ia St. Petersburg, not as now in Dreads*. laochetitskv entiled in Vienna, an" Essipoff went year after yea.- on artistic tour* all through Europa till her fame roached tin* Tinted Sfatr?. end sh* came over to charm all by lier wonderful gift*. Last week her success in Paris, gt turee concerti lu Ihe Salle Erard and at thc InaBaaMeex concerts, was phenomenal. Sho is playing more perfectly than ever, if that lie possible, ml proving all th* tirno that ns a master I>*chetifs!iy is unrivalled. I'udi-rcwski. Rosenthal, lllnomtioM, Slivinski, all are his pupils; and it is tho greatest possible pity that Josrf Hoffmann ahould not bs willi him now, ns at first intended, instead of with Ruhin?t*ifl,ai Easipef says is the case. Before sin* left this city I called on F.ssip "ff athd, hotel, mar the Bsalevard d"s Capafinra Sh*had just como from a rehearsal with tho Limo.reaut orch,*stri, and, awaiting luncheon, was playing B '* patience," the ..-ards as I entered lying all one the table. As Entpef dislikes apes blag Em-l-ii, wo spoke German, and she took mo round to wt tho (|iiantitii*s of flowers that had boen sent her. " I am proud of them,"' she said, smiling. " for they ur.* no lotm.-r sent nie ss a woman, but a* an artist. Volt see,*' sho said fiuiekly ns I fri".l Nf som* reply, "I am no longer young nor beautiful. I ineasur* heaven only knows how many inches around th* waist, and I am fust, becoming old." I certainly hardly recognised the brilliant Psst pott of a few year* back, nor do I know if it wa? ller dre** or tho cards outspread mi the tahl", but lt -eemi'il to me that all thc daredevil el.-t-.i.-nt had left her character, and that Annette FsstpolT had lieenme?in one word?motherly. In answer ta my queatton as to her movement*, sin- said that sh* was Staying moro and mon* at home. " I love Paris." she said " mv aud'ene'e her.- ar.- all so kind and attentive, and I look for? ward tn my yearly visit.'' A* to America, she sn id arith a shrug: "No, I .lo not intend to go then*. If is In* far. the Jour? ney i* too long, and tia* paaseg* is on.? lang eerira of misery for me. I think we Russian-, ar" Pe? culiarly ill-adapted for sen voyage*. leah st Rubinstein, ll.* cannot bear ono t . mention th* Atlantic in his hoarin-. whereas you Ameri-ant cross and recross tin- ocean with as little reg.trd as we do the putting off or on of our shoes." I tri.*.! to have a ph ph from Ks-ipofT. hut sh.* told me that she had given np bavin/ them dime. " It ls just this," she said, smilln:: "Th-'.v always tell you it is only a i-|ae*tioa of 1 few min? ute.*, wheieaa they ma lc* it sae ot boars, for ht-f spend so much time riwviag poer bra 1 this way and that way, gad it is all so HiesogBS ti' l-topH that I have given up haviag then ... n *. neriita. "very one tahsa them from uiiil.*r my ho rv*, ad ifter all my trouble I am always h*ft wlthoBl on* .-np v." I asked Ibdaiae EaatpoC if she pri.-ti*-.'. dii'f, and she replied at once: ??('.?rtiin'v I il". :"i ,,"tf ,.r two at least*, Every player must. I nerer *** li.-ve th..*.* who say th.-v don't" f -r rmniii"" H cns of tbe great Beere*** la the sn "-.-si af 1 ptaetr**. Another till lg I h.. loo, is ta lube Merrin ani tt ral well. That ls half Ihe hatti" Without hraltl and Bagels it i* bnp-8ejb|e t 1 b?eoiBea marti*! I ask.-d her if abe had ann RuNnanin bWi ind sh?- said " Yo." that h* BH llvlll* in PteadtB 11 a i ensmn. and artytneelghi mirks a day." wg ?f it." sh- sii.l. pityingly. " Riihlrsb>la. nba gae* had lera than itnntv gu- *? at h?? 1iann*iaaa\ md has entertained timmi Dahra wltb lavis i gam nitalltv." .,, ...u " Well, but he could make a fortune if he WgAW only ro tn th.- raited Platen." I r-r'i.*d mw many times have I tn ole priti -Iv aiers I >bha ttom impieraari** during tin* yean I was wttb mm ? Ruraia?'' ... ,1m. ??Ab. v.-." -itifi K-wiiHf*.. "bnl v "i torte* -bj is always th.* AtlBBtl betwln aad hetweeav ___? sid.-s. it wonld b.* -neut easier than ann*, wog stein ba* literally thrown ti wy hundreds OlMSW* sand- nf rouh-ra in entertninlBg Btrsn-ters. an 1 n ? no longer young .-mm rh to aiidertake itch a jag" ney for tho mn* rain of monee, rte is Ru on tran, and greater his fame be. It 1* en tutti m "V-.ik.vl Madame Fs-ipoff if khe were wing f.irth.-r aa her travel-, but sh,- sa. I " *?? fRES.S ing hume to my tw.. .bil ln-n gad mv baabam Tl.e rest of my enrng. n.-uits for tins seasm ?w-o Vienna." TUE VENUS OF c.lLIFORXl.i From Tin* Sui Francisco F.xiunlner. Ani,-* d'ssar.n th- -ul-'-! of tue ftlwn lovell declare ll,,., the s"?-1V:/'7!l(!,2 ...1.. ,,.... ......i.i ni.iriin eves I'"* uvtrm Veone. Tt living models would antrtvri f^JK-S that lived nt Melos. but doubt flee** f **?JTS. Of ,he st.1.110* SB to th- wNdOall Mild BB?P*2_" Z l.lliltlng till* illiterate tenatyet <*??**??Zt\ thora who think lt would ls- hid form. mme'"" b? tlio figure plight ?*?'? - -..-a. ,, ..xhlMlJon sa.ine fear tiwi chicigo *%&****?iSlitr. nen os a departure fmm Ihe.strte! ""?"**/ JJT,"mbe of If th. stniuc weee driped n ? ''^ ,tf%U;rent, the Hie iilir'it. tn N.-tv YorH lt would be dl-rereni. His i -ay. for KewYorb Ma aa ?rt BUi*rim^J^J onen even on Sunday. A*Jg*&L 1&L pwstnlty Ideas In such maller* are modified ti> i-ne p? io Rurope mid the lersev const. mi-hi te em (Hers ...seri that whUe OwjtottvWkjHf ilrelv wi!hln Ihe bounds "'^^^"ViSal dranery enough 10 make a ^'^"",jLjiiSp be becoming for tee Hs te to aw^J|? S^J abm* about ao divine a thing ns womani w???