Newspaper Page Text
T?E COURTYARD TORCH. From the Ctilnesc One, J'eng l.eaou. How goes tlie honr I *? Not midnight: The torch flares bright." My guesti, are near: An* they tn sight! iVtiat now Hie hour? ?? Not yet time: The torch burns (lear.* Wy guests spnaar: Ttnlr horse-bells chime. Again the houri " 'Tis sitni-1-.o' '1 lu* torch Haine dies." y guest-* liri- here: Those are their crt.-:. -(J. K. D.iily. THE DEATH SPIDER. bhowix<; now ysmaki.a. the yaqui ' MAIDEN. WOVE A POIT.NT STELL. One time I waa ataying down at the Hactead* del Torreon, in tin- State of Daraage. It >-. knifed to my friend and my family's friend, Mariano Contle. He and I bad bee.n out atf.-r lu* rc ml as-lots of antelope and dcor still around there?BBd WO got hack late Saturday afternoon, just M the mnyordomo was calling th.* raya. That means xvhat we Americans would say by "giving them their tiu-(*.', He take* thc 1 i-it from tli" book kra>per'e ligures, and coinpiins it with the ac? count* k-pt for then-** lvi-s by tin- people. As they cantiot reid nor wi ite, they use a system if lines and drelce to denote a day, half-day, quarter-dav, a real (twelve and a half '??nts . a ?edla. dollars, etc. If the two accounts tally. and they generally do, for these ranche folks are mighty honest, tlnn tiny an* paid, sometimes in niom-y. but morageflrrally- tin* most part, any? way, of their wages?in orders on th" fiends. Those hacienda stores mak.- lots nf money for the hacieiididu*, .md In-np th** people in debt just about as hn!*el..*Hs as th.* old s-ln-ni" ol penna-.". But tte- tiemla at Torreon wm fairly managed, and the people always could have ninney il they preferred it tn ciedws. Thu*, time, after the ray* WM over, ani ni mt of tin- Beanie had gone lounging away for their one rest of thc week?fo* it is a greal mistake to think thc peon, a ai - loafers-they really work like beavers-well, as I was saying, one gill walked up tn tho luayordomo and said seatet-dng in a low- tune. "Ey? winn's that0'' said Don Esrique, "thou, Ysmaela, aaklag for tlie washing! Aw the clouds reallying to min honey:' Sine,, xvhen ait thoa tired of PMtiBf ?" We could imf bear what she said, but she appeared to lu- insistin.. Dun Raitque looked a question nt Mariann, .if coane the BBByordoiBO had the right to distribute the worb as lu- thought proper, hat when tin- ainu was actually on the epot, it was eomprooxieo?that is to say, M*xicri etiquette ?that tin- employe should consult the master. Mariann WM :i go ><1 fellow, and he never did ni* -aid anything tn hurt tin* feelings of those around him. Tin- admini-tra lor .ind tim mayordotun were both of good families?lota nf geiite tina, imn won have sin-tit all their ninney. aro glad enough now tn toke posit tens tlnn an* considered inferior in Mexico?and Marian.> was so good-nature,) that ho let them "un thing, about bs they pleased. Von mi-ht ewdly have mistaken either one of them fur tin* master. Not that lu was careless about his aflaitf. tot !,(* was a sharp, shrewd buslncSB fellow. Hut be hud. a* tin* M \i cans say, sn much delicacy for them ihat when ne disapproved of their doings, nr wanted to mak" suggestions, lu* always told tl,.-rn about it pri? vately, and before folks, even before ile- peones. he treated them \-er.v respectfully, ami appeared to take their advice about everything. "t coarse that sort nf thing is utily skin deep, and rou can call it insimvr", if you want tu, but all thi- -same lt ls mighty pb1 nra ni ta hi' treated that way. Well, sn that was why, when Doa Enrique Var? gas loukeil tiiat way at Marian.>. tin' patton shrugged Ins left shoulder and threw out Ins left banu with a gi*sture thal meant: "OhI 1 leave lt all to you, my dear tetlow!" Bat the little minx had Been the inavordumn's look, and she twirled around, as cheeky as you please, aud l*'i*aii to discourse him. "Yes. ye*, chula! but this is an affair for Doa Enriaue. Hi* will s?nd thee to tim aeo<rtiiu. if it seems to him well Uut why wishes! thou Um wash? What has bitten thee? At that the girl gave a qufck jump, ns if BO-BO. thing had bitten lu-r sure ,-nou.h, and sin- tallied about tho color of manila paper, .is .sin- faced around I* the dour and mad- un* la BO little hurry. Tho la-t wi- saw nf her face, the color had not come back to it. We wald imf help tatting about her and h.-r whim, ami th.- qu<-a*r euper ol Iict leaving like thal when Mariano sjiok" to her I gather.*.! fra m what tle-.v said that sim had known the administrador rather better than wm good for lier, and that bra freak als.ut flic washing mps in order to _et anny fr mi the house, so slie would not have to Bee ami w "rv ^^ over the way that .viv blade wa- now duii.iTii'g Hi around Ptmeona. a prettv daughter <>f old Damasa, WM the t!jrfillr,-in.*ik.*r. Br That's one thin" I cm never get used lo in these Mexican fellow* I'll turn lo look after a woman sis quick te any other man. and 1 dont say that T care for them tm, hbrb-tO-ied or h'irm-1, either. But thees bi*rant wenaen??atrapplagi greasy beanie*, with every P'ire in their skin" marked ou*? in bloch, *ik<- tbs linn on ""crackle" rtottery I They are supposed tn have a hath everv fan Juan (St. John's dav , bal I really think with many of them it is only "eada Corpus y San Juan" 'every Corpus Christi snd Sc. .Klin's Day . end the calendar-makers suv that the-., twaa feri-t* fall on the same day only once in three cnturies Anyway. Sharona was worra Ilma I'aawei*: she w.19 fatter. Ysmnels had a very good li'-'ur", though sho was vi ry stander. Sh-* WM pretty, too, all but for a wicked I -oh in her black eyea I've seen the rama look often in bolting horaco. when tlii-y cock their "ins and mil tli.-ir eyet back to see if you're olT your guard nr r< a ly fm them. I said something like that tai Mariano "Oh, yes," he aald; "you're right. I know it JThe girl is dangeron-. I am sure?tho sort ihet the Spaninr-ls describe as bavin* 'fhrer- black boar's bristles through the heart.' Bul I dont know, I gm sun-, what I can do. I wi?b Comm were away frmn here?ho is a .renter care thar all the reef of the hacienda. But lie will not r" sign, nnd I cannot dismiss him, pur rompromiao from that conventional obligation that sn f,*tt< r* and hampers as Mexicans. You Americans would raver it as with a sword-stroke. His father am; mino were rorapadif*" co sponaotB sud >"_! must beor with bis excesses at my very lid-"* rl/ik. Th. only good thing is that the girl seems ta -vant n keep away fmrn him aad ont ol mtechtef, Ot course Enrique will let her ga with the lavaaderai ?thinkest not that he should, (ar'it ..?a?" Now, I wast to say. right here, though it hm nothing to do xvith my story, thal my name i* not Carlile***, nor Carlos, nor Charles in miv shuts whatever. My true Bans is mid aad um omni.>n even in English, and the Mexicans are determine I shall bafre "a Christian li. e., saint's name,"* si they hafe saddle I several on me. I am genenll) Ysae, or the diminutive or nickname af it?'Cine snd from that ha* come my beta* called "Jaeh' by Americans. .Mariann dislikes Inane in Rpinial ss much as I do In, and bo lo him 1 av ? Carlos. ? A day or txvo nfter we rode around tho Bce-.|Ui. By Jove! it w;is a pretty Bight tbere_-l wished 1 was a painter. Tim wide, deep ditch, with it, white sand Indium, xvas full of rippling water liumroiii'. to itself a little Boag, ami the poplar* along the ede" keeping time tu it, xvith all theil plpssy leaves a-clapptng like Hoy hands Al,m. the bank*, in the flings of fi-rn* and wa* a strim' of women kaeeliag, Brane rn a sui Of scoop nui'ie of a '.'nods-buv. bat BBOStlv ill hole< hollowed in tin* rand, for boards are boards ii Mexico. Sloping into the water before thom each one had ii hoard or n big flat stone, an I ..r if. she scraivd and thumped BBd pounded nm paddled thc soiled clothes, rinsed by aoaaiag ll thu water, or lay ponting o\"or water .villi bb olia or a painti?d floor* paiated ealabaab. sou.. used tlie lonu*. inch-square bars of Mexican eoap others used pounded or grated ninnie ...;? pr-ot' but this xvas mostly for wed lena. Tin* womer looked well, moving in free, vigorous swings, will their long, black braids swaying, their bin reborns catching the sun. and tlmir hrtehl skirts Their brown arms nml necks allowed like br nw ?!>ove the whit** che ia lacs, tor tims/* rinclin work women do not wear waiata or Jackets. When we got to Ysmaela we saw that sim wai washing her stout with some herb?a lot of erect Ie*vee nounded. "Hola! herc is something new!" aald Mariano "What hast thou there, my daughter? Is lt weed common enough to save me ti lot on snip"' The girl mumbled something about it -wini ?eareo-a rare herb. "BareI ye* I warrant, ymr worship," sui' Ysmaela'-. right-hand neighbor, looking up witl aa impudent, leering erin: "too ian* tn ts* waste* on common ropa. Please, ymir mercy, it is j philter, a love-potion?those are Don Cosme'i clothe* that ahe is washing, to coax him aw*] from Simeonn." Ysmaela lifted the linen shirt on her board sodden heavy with wet. and swung it with : sweeping b.-b-hander that knocked her smart friend head-first into the aci-qiiin. Vsniaelii looked minded to hold her uuder water, but re turned to her task, while ber mutes pulled out the other, caterwauling. "I don't like that," said .Mariano, ns we r..dr on; "tbe girl is too quiet by half. If ?he weals' rage and storm?but you seo she strikes am; does Bot speak. She was brought up here, a baby by * family from Sonora, and my father alway* believed sh* had blood of the Yaquia. They ar* like that, the Yaqui*, silent, sullen, but swiftly, favagely dangerous.'' Te tell tbe truth. I did not like it either. Mariano liked it ao little that when we went MBtiag again, ha made -esme de ia Guerra ooma with us. to ke**p him out of mischiel. He did not want to ionic. He disliked any work harder than giving orders or hanging about the women. We rode iii buckskin, with .launel shirts. Be was in charra, it is brue; bat his riding-suit was elegant black cloth, with all tho regulation silver I raid and buttons, and he took pains to show off his white shirt and the wristlets of ids silk undershirt. Well, we pushed him hard thal day, ta pay tor Ins foppery?Mariano dislik.-s such neflneaie. We nilled three antelope, and. ave* a spur of cae foithills. w- struck a fresh .mar trail that led UB up tn a stony mesa, where the trail and the light failed us toaether. "no of the im.r/o* wtth us na* .luau Larg... and he was the worst, fellow nft.-r hi'.ir von ever did s.*-. No wonder, eitner. If a bear bad don,- ta one side af mv lace what a big f-iiv.-r-tip dil to Juan Largo's. I would go hot-loot ofter every one of th* Irina that, made nu* a sighl of horror to frighten children. "With flu- will of your im-rcy. we will camp her- to-tiL'iit and follow on la tli" morB.Bg. Tue ora i* u .in" home?1 rae that In the speed of his footprints. With thc ligbl We can go straight, to his house." _.?____ va Of course we agreed. Juan Largo knew tn* business, ami he always did a.s he pleased with iis nu ii hunt. But frome did not like H. He made all kinds of objections, and JUBB "ps-'t them 0111 by one with good, common-sensible answer*. "Come, come, Cosme, lie reasonable, ania Mariano: "it is too dark ta travel: we would go farther to Tire worse Like we others, thou Blt hungry. Thou wilt botta*r appreciate JUBB Largos can- for us after supper." Cosme growled something about "rocky ground for cascabeleb." Juan lAitio came over to him. grinning?a smile made that awful face of Juan mure hideous tlmti ever. ??oh:" he s;ild. "your mercy Dun Cosme will pardon. If I had understood that roar mercy was so little a "uuntryman I would have set, your Urara at rest by l"issnns of the camp. I will clear tin* stones Iron a apace for your honor's bed. ns for the other gi-nth-men. .ind then lay tale mix* around it. Within ft* nug you mny sleep in* io tin- innis of?your mother. No snake will cross a cabriesio, ami willi reason?but drag roar hand across it. and say TT you would bear its rasp on your belly." It was true enough that Cosmo had nut Known the safeguard of this expedient that everv plains? man ami mountaineer uses nightly. Tin- ventral sensibility nf the s.*r|ient race shrinks from tho prickling bristles that stand out thickly all over tin* excellent, lalo* that tho ranchero* weave of horsehair. Well, we had sumter, then we smoked, and rnrned for awhile, then rolled out in onr '/.arin"*. And as fur nm. T knew no mm-o BBtll Juan Large shook- me awake in thc morn inc. When I sit np, Marman ami T blinked sleepily at cash other, while Juan went on to C"sme. "His fen* of tlie rnttl"*makes did not ni'ikf hi* sleep'1 Bald the nhl UM>M -Tinily : then, a-s he touched Cosme'* haiul in turning doWB tho blanket, "Santo Dios! come hither, quick, your honor!" We hnrri.-d to him. Iff* man ever was don der thu Cosme .le li (iuerra. Mis Unlit mBaHihe showod bri .ht yellow against bis rriv face. When the first sheck wo* over?'" It must have be-n ti rattWaake, afta*r all."1 said Mariano. ??Not so. by your mercy's leave." sail Juan Largo; "th- reata i-* ti.-ht to the ground, ms I peaced i<* down la-t Bight. Now that the light is strong?I have bern walting-We will look ?I smelled him when I bent above the dlfunto." " Smelted what ?? But Ju ni Liir.o. slowly, cautiously, wa* opening the clothing of Cosme. Inside th" neck <>f hi* shirt, far down, was nestled a big un I devilish spider Ihat !?- very ran- in Mexico, but whoso bit.* or stin.' is a* deadly ti* a stroke of lightning, ?? They are eamlnnnles great traveller.," sii I Juan Largo gravely, after lu* had taken me*aurei to keep, tin* beast (rom future ili'vilrmvi-*. "There is." he'wen! oa, more slowly, ' ,1 strange thing about them arana*. Thor" is 1 w-oi-i they love bitter than a lube loves th-* milk ol its mother. No. your worship, I know nol the weed hy light. I know onlv its smell, ami that it is Called la rei]?th.* net?and that the Indian* on the Yaqui River strive to rub it on Ihe dress of sn oarany? and on.- of the snider* will And him. Vour honor, bend and smell." We bowed above th,, haly of Ccsme/nod a strange, enticing perfume penetrated to our sense through and beyond th" cs-eri'"?s lc always wera like a xvnmrin. " Vour honor, the cucumber smell nf tin- eascahel give* warning that the rattler is utah, and la r**l t"lL- the apara* *h of the I>eath Sjiid.-r-t . tho**, that kBOW Hs power."?J. H. A. "Dealer" in Th.* San Francisco Argonaut. / PO A BEAUTIFUL NUN. Natimn Haskell Dels in "Feet-lM*.11 fair Nun, t':it siottiy naaderesl 'iiiroiigii bywayi of iii.- iou 11. T'-ll me Hie ibougbts thou ponder. Demure, ultu eyes east down I Tin- world around l- beautiful; No jot to I:.??!? lt brina., li'- ni-" Ihjt spirit dutiful ls set ou braveniy IblagB, The sunlight I* im' ranby, Bot pleasure .-i.n of 111: llrlgl ' greHlnm ot urbanity M.av tenUrt I, en rt .-lilians tiirlll. Bal all Ibeoe tilings are nangbt to |ba*| Sui ii vision* t ima m.1-1 ?lina. Aiiotlnr i mb. i< tungin to tin-... Thou -ol'-nin vestura-d Nun I T!iv tal-.nt---aube no ii-" of flem To tviu the work}'* apptaase; .- ll tl ll-e Wera- tell (ihllSe a.f I ,e||| To hun ReUgloa- rause. Thv vi'e, though rl-h nnd gloria*-, , Mas! not In mlrt'i ti.Ke purl ; Thy hands inn-' be laborioui Ju c iirlty. not :irt. Thy fae* would prac* society. Thy hand l.e tough! In tera Bul nil t,,v realm I* piety : Ttij bear! is lix.-j above. Yet calm nnd BBtegretfally 'Pion gorm! on Hiv wnv As though desiri' wera mel fully In tiiiii ona- nord "obey." No tbsagb! of rarfbly foy dtstmte Ker earthly love mu i cease; No trivial annoy disturb* Tn* a arrant ol thy peat ?. Surround.*l hy th* p'irlty As by ;in angeTi arm, Thou nsssesi ia .security Amid all da and lunn. tSw* a-t brid" of beaven, i.Mdlnglr Thv thought* .-.ll heavenward flow; Ant thus alone, contldliiely. 'i lion waBunl hen tetaw. The BOBlbra curb Hiou wcrirest here, Tbe rosary, Ibe erase? Symbol of ttiint timn brarrat here ? Make all things s< oin hut dross. Above, tbe wedding raiment walla. Tin- crown, ibe promised spouse; Toi 'di the ions the p.iMu. nt volta, The answer to thv vows. For ihls thou hast foraaken all Thv toasty mlglii have won; For I',ls alone ti.i-i tiiR.-n all Tin- sorrows of a Nun. Fair Nun. ruy heart acknowledges A pring lo per tin* tera. 1 rare not for theologies, 1 only eon for grace. , And get I would not change thr lot To ibnt of mortal bride. I.ef (lad alone BITCage thy lot And In Iliy Iniirt abide I RA ILA DE OF WOMEN I WEB, in- Field In The Chicago Pew* BillW<. .Tamera Mean hath nn old hine plata, Hld in au oshea chest, Ami a Franklin platter ol anrtenl date li'-nretf! Amandy Baker^a anal: Minn tim" suevra I've been Ibelr guest, Bays I lo myeelf in an undertone: "nf noaara folk, it nnist i** coal.4 These do 1 loVC, lllld Hies,, ll).HU-.'' Then, nguiu. In Hu* Nutmeg stale, Donday Pratt I* richly btes! with a rill.- of arl and a land effete, A pitch, r of glsMB that's ml, not pre sod, And ii Washington teapot ls pus-,..1 lion 11 in Pelham l.v Martha stone; Think ye now that 1 "suv In jeri : "1 In-se do I love, and'these alone!" w,-re ll. psv Higgins Inclined le male. Or Hon.ts Eastman pion.- n, inve.t lu (juiihrs Bends, they could lind their fide In lbs bflOtlesB hurd of ('rockery For they've heaps ol trumpery : so'imve tbe nat nf those spln-l.r- whose wore I'd like to own" You se* why 1 say nilli such certain rent : "Tlnse do I love, and llrse alone f ENVOY*. Pitncc, show mc th., quiches! wnv nm) U-nt To gain tin* subject of my uionn; We've neither spinsters nor relics om West; "Tin-?? do 1 love, and tli'-*-.- alone." A FIDDLER'S VALENTINE. Bf A. T. Quilter ("oneil. Pretty player, from thv t-trlngs Lotti ? Whlspen luke them wings. Ta kc He m wings nnd hie io me : Ifl my hollow heart they dwell 1'kipping li us 'twere a bell liing a ding Inside o' me. Hand lo play and heart to ring? Together might they moke n spring On cer'h beyond imagining] Hut nay, and nay'. For now ray love's denied te me; Therefore, dear, lay down thr fiddle, Vite ms once anuna tbs ralddla. Kin and ray good-by to ms. PAWNBROKERS' EXTORTIONS THEIR EXCESSIVE RATES OF INTEREST. HOW Till' BOOB Mil ill I K' iM THEM?FOBEIilB Pl BUG ext ham.i>. Hafcs of Inn-rot.-(in -?,?.. ,,f 100 BeBsiS ..r mid'r, .1 per cent pet luotith, or Bay friction thereof, f.r lir-t. mn Boalla, mit i t? r a a nt -x-r meath ihernBar. (in stun* of .,t>r 100 Dollars, 2 ja-r real pet month f<r fir-t *t\ lo'titiis atid i i*r real iK-r ui'*itii ihereafier. The foregoing ls familiar to nuiiiv. Sun- p. onie lia v.. au sppstlsnUf te r*rid lt ra often ihey haow lt bv h.-nrt. Ii ls on everv pawnbroker'- Ilchet rhlrh ls given to people when artlclei ar.- pledged at Ihe lunn office. The ticket ls genenUf Blade of brown imper, and Int a-sttgatlon shotts lbs! lt l< ns familiar to the BBBMSedlf WeallbV, tin- spei uhitor nml the wMMressed Bum ns lt is to the poor artisan and laborer wbo so often reverses. During tin* void dan of ibis ulnter thousands of Nev.' York's poor have been breed ta resaart io tbe priivn-hop to keep from freralnc, nnd f?.r monet Hms obtained the needy hsve mihi Interest of amt* limn tm per cent a tear. Thirty per cul a v.-nr! Such I* Hie exorbitant rate Ihat has lion lied hy law. BBd Hu* thaasandi of vlctlmi nb* ar.* dally forced to patron!!-!- Hu* American pawnbroker are ivstetaatlcallv robbed In ninnv of tbaas Rcenaed lastltaltons. tn -ono- of tin- lanes slaces a teammate baataeas, ac? cording lo law, ls carried on. and Ihe eyre.-Iv.- ::(? per cent mte |; nil that ls renal red of them. A rare fa] Investigation, however, shows thut In manv of Hu* pawnshops dishonorable methods tire resorted to. mid mstrad of Hi" nita' granted by law being re-rag Bleed, the broker- so nmnlpulate (be Igures on the pnwn ticket fiiriit-hed to every patron that In reality many of Hu* needy frequently tiny Interest nt tha* rate of about 100 i?r (eui per annum. Pot etaample. a imor woinnn whose complaint was made to the super Intendeiit of n mi- lon Mi. th., following story of how she was swindled : Ibe pawned a t?.*. cl.-ok for PS, and that amount sh.- "received. Two month, later, when Hu- woman went lo redeem lor property, -h.- learned that th.- figures on flu- tlrhot rend " PS 50" teales* of '?Wi." nnd -he was forced lo pnv PSOfl }?turu ber ?property was returned lo her. la Ibis ca e tha amount on tba pawn cluck wa- Increase* without th, knowledge of ibe person lu need nt Bioner. Men abo are under the Influence of Honor, tmor old women, anal children who are rant to Ibe bmnh-v lenders bw In thia wnv Imposed upon, bal In m*ny of ibe rases the lanna nre |*ed on Ihe llrbH nllh Ihe knowledge, if not by thc consent, nf the patron. lor egSBtple, If anv one toe, into ? certain pawn hop In Third ave In Vnrktiiie. ti,.- pawnbrakra wm ny, If the article to la.- pawned i< clothing: ??Wa- have t.> take good cnn- of thi,. and therefore yon must pay r.0 cuts , xlrn .*" The vletUa wants money and h.- meekly rabmlta. If the arti, le I a piece of furniture the same rraao* ls elven and storage charges ara demanded, if diamonds, un extra la Im].i for ratekccplng. A I. WV ALWAYS EVADED. There ls a law on the -taint,* Looks ,f "tea Vorh smte ablch rennins a pawnbroker to return lo hi natron, ail no.n. v ir, race - of il." amonnl pteda I. I, .* th.. Inten it. if t'?? article pawned I- ever mdd. 'ihls reoatremenl hv law l- slwsvi evaded. Ttl i hon lt l* done, a perse* pawns a pl 30 watrb for Sis, nnd the article ha* not baan redeemed at tbe ea Strattea "f a rear and Hu- laterr-t ls unpaid. I' ?? Mwabraker lelht th- watrh '" nnae of ids Mends fa.r tim exin t amount tbe owner would hat- te MT ter lt* return. At any ru"- the record* of tte- sawn* broker -luaw Ihat -nih a at', ii? been reade, and ihe owner of tin- SIM watch, whea lt I- wteequeotlv sold for *7.. or ifl.mi. gora liol r* di/" I doll IB on tl - sale. Even more dtenoutaMe laelbodi than tbene -teawn In the teeegBtng nre resorted ni hf tbe Nen- York Munlimber. Tie- pruprletara of a certain loan eStee mi the Rael Me, nat f.r frmn Ur" - .rmi.! Central -talion, oho ?? llebeta slwsvs tofona minn* tt il thev are " riot BCCOUnlSble In "rt e of In, das I ? no.Ui or rol.b.rv."* havi practised method Ibal ihoald riv toto t.riu- lu tl.e pat It.-rit Irarv. A- fir hark a* Septeinl" r tu. ISSY, nfl lug. - IA, Ifttfl, Ihey ap rar.!,'Iv entered Into n conspiracy with a Bamber >-t 'rro.,k-" lo di,!,"ne Uv oh-iln ni"!"!. A' ( time- between IM7 and ISBI, and pranahh later, they issued a lnr.'.- nbmber of pawn tl'kits property Bnmherad and pramriv reweded In their boohs, Ac i online tn tl... ncords sim in ibelr t>"-?? lon dj n.i t-ln.. rained nt leveral hundred dollar each, valuable natch.--, etc.. w.-ie n in nol lu ll,, lr ni ,, e. un.! In rai ll ..,-?? a.noni,!- ranging (rou, SM l.a |70 v.. rc ls r II appearances, advanced on Ibe nropertv. Pawa chech* Mewing Unit ralaatde article* wu al lb* \> i as s -i urliy, wish t'.e uai.f Hu' Hebrew pi prl' I a Ol, tie- lop Of Hie lillie btOWB MP*T I lc la*. In "ll' niv-terlaaiis iii n nn. r *Ol IMO 'lo- i.- |,,n ,,f u I.f of "crooks." and the result was tha! shout'v people who frequent ilo- rai eira, k- an* paolrowin* were swindled bv bein* Induce* to fay pawn cheeki which io nil ntu caralie!-, npresented In each rase that a f.jnn or i*nm diamond ring lot been pledged. Tbe amonnl thal bad toes adv-inced na ito- ,en.i. accord* lllg to Hie Ila kel, V.a "V,(l. a],ll the nilli at the rai" iraak .T who had lt lob! a pHlfnl tah shoal ?*los|iic nil hi. ti.i.i, *v on tl,.- li-i rni-a-." mid ba waated BIS " "' Play a dead itratebt up." riiMiT.rriv; Tin: swim.i.i-. The ni.-ii with th. ?? l! &<?<- found e.l.sV vi. Mm-, and Wbe* Ho. ttl vii fl..-.ks war, presented ul Ho- baan office the ticket-holder aaa Informed that tbe real owner had snld a -*enth befon ll,ai he bad h. t hi, ticket, atid hating proved ii property lt had bren returned to bim. Tin- records In tl..- I.I., nen ihown to substantiate arba! lbs brakar -aid. mid the mun who had paid *M'? or *l "? ou a bonus Chech . cured no Batlafaetbm. in bios! ch <? ila- vb nm made no farther com plain!. lia! nevenl >.f Ihe dane* broach) th- manor to tin- Btlentto* "f Ike Mr-nr's Marshal, mid when the proprietors of ll >? loan oSk ?? nen asked lllldlT OIlUl til -Milalli. Iii"! lilli a, to tl,a- a |,tile -,tl fa. t|.,n of Ul" presiding I il. and tl,.- tl. Um* found im lt ., aid thai Tammany regularly laxes the pawnbroker! lor political partBtwes, sed the Imnrlsl Bsslstsncs received from source t* ,,, ul, lalillal thal iom|il:ilnl* Bgslnsl Ho* molo'V billi rs r- ii"! always pre* ul with Vigor. lt i iiu- prediction aswan manv thst if th- pswn* broki r continues nllh hi- n urina* ami di bonombte printie*- Bia ny yean tenger an open revoli certainly must follow. In Hu I.i tl", man who practl ed fl orv similar t.i Ih- metbod-i adopted bv some of itu* A merl can brokera ass srabbed and driven out of renata parts ol the coantry. Tbe rtalm na? that he na no! a producer in Bay way umi that he lived by th of ol hers. Till". MONT M. PISTE OP PANIS. An In Illation u,at I- milt ..1.-I In Ho eui.*, of the 1'nlted siai.s i, gae similar io tl,. de Plats of Paris, Thia InstltuUan wai- started in ihe tatraral of ti,.- needy anon after there nu a rigorous uprising Brain*! the maaejr-lenden vin. charged suda estorttonate rai..-, of laterrat. B'en lt not for Hu' gelierr.lly pro-|-?roii- iiilutlllon of affair*, lu America there probably would have been n po pater upri lui ns-:iiiist the pswnbrakers on this ride of the .Minmi", teas aaa, Tbe revolt win come, thinking men Mg, if the present system of extortion continues min h tenser, and their pim et will bi- nibil bv aram* de ptete. Monls de pl.te are not onlv public Institutions lu Paris, but In ninny paris of rantlm mal Earope, The Mont de 11. te ,,f Paris 1- th. nm-t famous place of Its Idnd, but there me similar plana where n.ev ls b-nl to Hie poor in ether flttea oui-lda* of Friince. ami even Mexico ls abend of Ibe l sited stiles with lia public pawn-hop. which ls < the Moule de IT dud. The original object In starting the mom, go pl,.le in Barege was to debver Un- Beady from ti,,. ,\ orbitnn; charges of motley buders, (m.- |s mid to have hara founded lu Pretatag, in Bavaria, abanl Ibe year IS00 i.\ ? charftabls aaaoebitloa nnd nllh the sanction of paps Innocent III: bat li ls more gan emily il,nt ii,,, rlrst mont ile pl-n* was .-s lablished lu Parugla la Iha latter ball of tbs Ifteenlh eentury, and derived its bbbm (meade di pteta) from tba mu upon which ii was aHaated. ti.sritest one In Praam wns probably Hull of BhetflBS. Marseilles. Montpellier .-md otinr Preach elita praaraaad awuta tb* jiieii" lu Iheneveateeath aeatary, aad, aa In linly. Ihey were supported by clnirllabb* endownienls, but itiev charged tetanal at tbs rate nt IS per ram upon ali loans esraedtsg r, Innes, nberaas lbs Italian nv stitiitions only charged a small rule, randy exmed.Bg .-, per cent io serra the Indliprnrabls upi mi a. The Mont de Hit- of l'ail* w,|a opened on .laiiiinrv 1. I77h. and was BUthwtsed lu lTT'.i to make | loan gnasaateed hg Ibe income of lbs h*pttal general, iiuring Ibe itevoiiiiioii ii was iio-ed. Tbe Bintrloni rana id Interest (barged bv the innlii-v lenders daria* h<- Reign of Terror acre .similar to BBBM Bf tba rule., tanged hg some of Bew-Ycrh'a pu wu brokers, and tba H-siiit **n* that ii wns mepeaed in |got I* M haBed with delight t-v Hie poor. In 1 -*:ji lt wus placed .inder the charge of un administrative council, and In 1801 the monls de plete were pluccd under Uer superintendence of a uelect committee. A Ii VA.WK.*, AT laOW RATES. Tho Paris Mont de Pteta ls situated In tbe Ene dn -fiancs Mantesu, wltb two targa branchs* la tba Bu* lat. largs Moll! BaaapartC and the Fut* de la noouette. There are nl-o about twenty agents scattered ovr Paris, ap? pointed bl Ibe administration. Tba Mont Sa Pb-te nirik.-s advances from 'A francs upward nt .1 rate fixed |B ISM nt 4 12 per (eal per annum, which has since I.a as high as li per cent. IB 187S IM rate was 5 p.r ..lit. No inon.v ls advanced excepl upon fe CUriHea, tie value nf which I- iis.-ssa'd bf ll cmnmlt t.f -ippral-cr*. four-fifthi of Hie value being ud? ialla xl inion articles nf gold and Silver, and two thirds iDi.iii i.n oil,,!- articles. A receipt fm- Ibe article pledged 1- given to tin- swam, who mast provo hla identity In order to reclaim it* Tl,.- article- pledged. If not redeemed, un- disposed of nt public sales at the expiration of foorteefl months, and tin* surplus mopey. If any. ls paid to the owner of th.* article If applied f.-r within three vars. Th annus] receipt*, and rapendtturra of th.- Mont de Piste ase respectively about BOyOOOyOOQ franc*, with a bal? ance of Bboul _r..,(.(i(> francs In favor of Hu* ln-U tatton, 'ih.- moa! profitable castomen ?f the Koo! ib- I'l. n- ar.- Ihe poor, but the needy of Hie higher ila-*..-. Durlns Ike rub- of th- Commune In i'arls lu i*7i ih.- ililli i.i! dry-ail punH-dicd a decree on Mav IS that all articles of Wearing apparel, linen, tinks. bedding aid working tools pledged nt Hie Mont da 1*1. te for ii -um not exe.ling 90 frillies could he taken mit Million! any pnyim-nt, the receiver Bl nmm-y on siuh nrtlch-s proiing his Ideality; and 1' was ntl ?mted Uiat Un- sum lo repay Mich advil lies would bt iiiMiiit 3,000,000 hones. Tin- largest number of Betides for redemption ls on Saturdays and Just be? fon New Year's nnd Esster. In 1873 thora* wari' forty-six monls de pict* In France, wllh a capital of about 00,000,000 francs, making yearly loans of about 00,000,000 francs. In live of tin- Bstsbltah* mellis Hu* loans wen gratuitous; In the rest the rate of Interest yarle-. Th.-re ure iiiinnToiis similar mtabUshmrnta In Holland, Belgium and Germany, in tbe latter coun ln the rale of Interest varies from H lo !'_ BOT (dil: loans rarely exceed SI CO, and Hu* smallest pledge must h.- wnrtli ut len.1 -f. on- month being Hu* short? est and a tear ih- loneest term of Uie loan. China I, sahl to posses, ancient Institution nf Un- kimi under the illr.stlon of gent dlgntlsrles, whbh Men in be conducted upon inure charitable principles than these of Serape, bra rat.- of lataeeat there toing only from ti to :; per rent. in Banda then ar.- ao-catted mont-; de pb-te and the rate of lateral charged ts e per ont. Thara is -I, much corruption, however, among tbs Baaslsn il*, ii is charged, lhal th.- monta de ptete lu that emptn, Inst.-nd nf resulting In toOeSt to Ho' needy, lat >d much discontent, atid the Hebrew pawn? broker b nnd a gaaaHi opportaalty io do business ai exorbitant rales, in this way tba revoti against tbe Russian 11. brew money lender nas brought about ami resulted lu many violent deeds, and manv prtvatlona nen raffcred by the lender and hi- (BmUy. Ile aaa not only driven from the com,irv. bul ld* totenglngl ware taken from him and be was luhuinaticlv t r..-.i t* il. MI Ell "'8 lil". PAW XBBOP. Th.' I'nlted -ima. cm mak" the claim thal U bl far In inhaia a- ol ll,.. Bepebllc Mrxko In Hi- War Bl lil. I.ll.IT"', sa ia||, e illili the arl-, lilli, ill.-ll.ll III Uh! lion, ami nearly rverytblng -I ?? tbs! bi found in iititi/.ai countries, bot it mano! mt Ihat lt 1- stood a,f itu- null 11 rub a| by lian, ral l>li/ lu nfen-nce lo 1' ?? pawn lion n nest I m. lu Mi tk 1 then U Ito Monto .1.. li..i.,d. wi.l.h ls an I ititmlon dmllar lo ihe Monl de Fl.", in parts. If ito 1 rdled Kt*t,i would folio a Ito .\.nilpie ul Mexico in eulabil liing monls de piela In -on,., ,,f the larg.- ellie*, land ne - rn-u at, many aaf Ihe p.Hir aOUld ll"! 1 ?' llll|aaisel| llpaO! lo si,rh lill exletil a Mai ire at pr,-BeUt. The '.toni' de ll-d I 011. I . . !?!:-',m. 11 io a v.. nllh*) Bexll m. Ite hil .-?.,!, ia.., in :,| i-ill |o I- devoted lo pulling up a Isilldlna -? her., the poor I'uild ba.rrotv monet al an ?? pei ? :.' r.i". Ila Mg pawn?hop building 1 one ..f n... pi,.. * ,,f im. ri -' in Ihe ( Ut ..f .M. th ??. lt t. w..t .at n.i 1.1 uni t'atbedral. lt ba, M frontage >.f IOU [.et .'.lill I* ."'ll (? ' ? 'I' ? ll 1' Lea aloe p..pul ir from Ito Ono lt m.. opened, aral .,? |,i. ont III loans amount, i" .?*_*.?>'H'ii ., mon I li, or tB.40O.O00 a year. 1: ? r ii, ,,f intere t tin - never teen tn exci of 8 ;? r cent l'r annum for -m ? ll a,r large amount*. Kori \".n lhere 1, un auction mle of articles un redeemed, sad If tte artlrte I* -old f".' anti .ins' tn ex ' itt n wa- advanced -"ii ii ibe amount, le Ihe :!..-? it. i< returned lo il,'- person who pawned I'. I'l'ii-aiuls of Mobur, an'lt nturned lia people who were !?? to redeem tbeli property. Incident* .' it- kind ne uiiiii.c* 11 In ito rutted Slates, a] thougti ihe law require* pawnbroker! to maka- mi, : ? ? It I- th. poor A-norh an laborer "ta, I* a mfferer nf ihe hand, of Ito Imertean pawnbroker. He I* foned to 11"'.'" to* t""i- in order lo I ?? 1. a Utile warmth aid 1 little bread In iii- mode*! home. The carpenter pnn,, pla rn- and nw, and Ihe 1.r dat in. rra idedcei lil* -ii,,\.-i in nine rase* out nf len Hov ure net 1 r redeemed, and Iha- money -lender real Ur* fraaiii -.-un to 400 per "ii hi- Investment. Th., .even trent!,er of til. Brinier Incnsaed the hu li--. ,.; n,. pawnbroker-, especlsllv w'..r.. th psti ,1" ? atong ii,,' poorer cl* et tm.- nf the proprietor* ..f a loan ..ita., in Third bvc.. tn ipeaklng ?.. , Tribune reporter sboul it ? i.litton of trade, Mid "I I. !*?? I"-. 11 In Ito loan. Ila..- boHlm-ii* r.,r .-.,-.. a t ? ir . snd ii.ii winter we ha- ? had cii,*..uia 1 - among the pa?,r people, wi... wanted money '.. tut coal and fuel, I ian during ant other \ 1 Then ls a office acm - th. line! fem ben, i'"'l during Ito ''hi -'"ii ie m.m or woman, after pawning 1 piece of furnltnn, a clock, toola .ar ?.ib.-r arel. . v..?i.t _-.. ,!ln. Hi t.. He ,-,,,| nfllre. Seven .?.Hot In N.-w Y..ri. W ...met- In. flo- poor 1. il.* -f tl.. ,;.,* I,rive nol experienced for B long lime .uni ".. 1 nen not prepared for lt." "NF I.i M.r ns VIEWS. William Simpson, nt Ma. Ol Park Kow. cnloys tl,,* .11 linet lon ..f toing at h.- load of th- oldest pawn broking nta-tlshaBsnl In America. Tbs Mmpeona t'i? nt 1 .ts. r*. or money-tender*, further bark than the present bend of the boase can recollect, in.f iii. simpson's ancestor* ??stablish..1 Mew* York- tlr-f pawn-lop In 1 -'-I*-!. MeW-Yorfc was a big il'v aia-n at that Orita , Put one MWB-bOB was inSlctenl i" scrommodels nil the psraonsl-propeity loan bustnes* ?.f Ho* (in . (m.. of th.' chief rca-,,ns r,,r Ihl* I-. perbsps, Ibal lu Ibo early dayl 1.pie did n..f live " expensively a- Ihey do In the mon rushing, of i|,,se modern time*. Men .lot not drop their fortune* in 11 dav. get on ibe wrong ilde of Ibe -*!i.1 U or wheal msrket nnd need a quick him: .lld not, aa a general ml.-, lit- beyond Ibelr mn na, nml nen Bo! compelted io pledge their property to eenre enough money to make a big di olav for the saki' of ap pea noe es, as manv of Ihe transaction* at Simp* ???,', bon I- dolo- nowadays, Then, n.o. Bimmil everybody 1.10 v. everybnd\ eli' amt a mon fraternal iplrit nm.n- people, 'lhere WI, a -ort of unit.lui co-operation among tin m ai,it loan- it. re _?? i dalli made among friends, aid th.- pawnbroker ?* , 0lilt tl-il.,1 whan ||?. eas- ?;,. ,,,,,. of dir,. |i-cess|tv or Ui" I.-I friend bad been appealed io In vain. Tlnre has Peen Utile change In Ihe method* of condm ibu* iii.- pawnbroking Im-lnr 1 Ince ihat Hm ll,'' ll,re. balls "ar.- ? I - a-11 -ll l|a.W the *|r_ll th lt lilllie known lo Hie put Ile Ilo- faa I fha! g.|?, wales al.,I chattel* could to di-po ed -.f temporarily witt,In. Tlie elly wm not so crowded In Ihe .-1 riv uni aaf Ho* aeiiiorv nour,- of whom Hore Wen n-lallta lt few compared wlib Ihe apiuu'lng nu inlier* ,,f ibe |ir.*-ent dav- rarely had lo las,ut la. tl,., pawnshop |,i nlleve nu, au,pit exche<|UcT. lu I--.'.', Ihen, Ito Hrsl pawnshop was at a puta! a few bun-rod feet ,.||S| of Where lire Hr- ..kit ll Illidge I'.'fill . Thl, nsi one of thc il bf binltiess c.uitras, and from a Uni.- pu of an laatgnlSrani loan .bop ?simp- .o's to came ii Holed exclin i.e. anal f,,r lome resp Ito Pro prb-ior hud ri monopoly of the hu Incas, lin alli tt developed to such au ? xleni ihat other* entered Ihe ilebi ai,d pawnshop exchanges gr. n gradually to their pr.ul proportion**. If om- wen to stand near the entrain a* tai -inipsaai's rt Na., til anil watch for nu hour or Iwn the people ?'l.Bte* Hu- lillie lu' would corn.. l>. Hie conclusion "iii Ho- t.r panpb- ar. not th- milt ones who rom pened to ash a loan of the patt ii broker. Some of slum-'.m's ln?l castomen ar" those whose mimes un? familiar aa Iiiu. thaasa. .,f Insncicrs. men of letler* and even tho**.- wini have been considered io to within Ihe i l,armi*l circle of New York', to-t society, Mt I VIN H. M IME laOAItH, "Sa,me of tbe best people tn Men-York nn- ms totinu-i of mine," sni.i Mr, Simp eu In ths curs. ,,f nn Interesting ebal wini a Tribune reporter, "in fm I I luiti. few who ure nba! you might call poor, ns I do not make lo.ln-t nu clothing and only accept valuable personal property as pledges, Mich as dlBflBBUdS, Watches, -liver plate mid the like. We frequently hate nit* from supposedly substantial iltl/i-u* who maintain cltv mid country houses and Ute like nulli ii.ilr.s. ami ih.-v being along great Bela of solid -liter or gold dinner -ertha- and n-k loans. (if lours., our I.n -In. ss |, Confidential mid we would not fm- a moment ll,Ink of Braking public Hu- Mmes of Ila' people Wi- I.alp Olll III Cl - iona ll V. hilt f cotllll gin- \ou a list i.f prominent New*Yorben ne hine or hate hud iiii our Um.ks (hil would BStOfll__ you. ?? Heckle s -p.inl.iiors and' broken who eel nitii'niv pinched op ihe wrong *kte of tin- market drop Iii lora, frcum.nllv In a areal burry mid pledge their tv:,nhl . diamond* mid rverytblng else valuable Ihey may have io get nady cash io raver their niiiii.'lu .. i..nut.I...-, ami theatrical people an- .-,iii'.fii. our good castomen alao. lt is seldom, however, Ihat lld, class ol people perm 11 their pledges tn go unre? deemed, and l?i per nil] of Ho- properly pawned willi ii. ls tahea back mid Mu- loans repriiil. | mink the Bvrrags min.ber of pledges redeemed ls -n per (.-in aataog ihe clara of pawabroken which baa poorer people ns a nib- for customers." N'aai much -loleii properly, comparatively, ls re? covered (brough U.e mellum of pawn sha,!,.. Mr. **linp son said. I'nwubioker. never esk question* nf Itolr customers ami Isto anything offend on which they ur.- willing io Blake a hann. Stolen properly i- ran* .?ri,liv sold outright, or. If pawned, th" thieve* seldom lt for fear of detection, ilo- pan nbroker, lake iha- numbers of all wa tr hn, and wlu-n ram* plain! ls made In Hie police of ? |,,si watch Hie dei... the bureau -i-m!-* Ho- number of the watch to all the pawnbrokers, a,king If Ihr. have ibo bearing Ihe number. Prequenllf nut. los an ri coi.-rel ,n ihl* wat, ami If Un- porsnn losing lt I, In CllUed lo Im- chis,- be inn force th- pawnbroker to give up Hie stolen Briana without n comps asa. neaenTly, however, wara sort of a compromise is reached, but the pawnbroker u'lTnriillv -lifters In Hie transaction and gels much lew Ihmi be loaned on Hie article. This, coupled with other alleged rl-U, leads all pawn brokers lo declare that Ihe exorbitant Interest (bey sre permit led to chsrge ls not too excessive. In thc mesn time the poor mn ii whose clrcumsiiinces will not alway* permit bim to keep sway from Hu- pawnshop suffers and no business failures auiuug tue i'uwii brokera arc reported* FRUIT GROWING IN OREGON. THE APPLE ORCHARDS OF THE PIONEERS AND THE VARIED PRODUCT OE THE PRESENT. B_?IVMIMOS Ol' WHAT Ifl LlKF.LY TO PROVE A VAST*. OB-GUOM PKl'NK AL? UKA DY WIDELY KNOWN. Rnlcm, "ire.. Keb. IS.?New-York ls an emporium Hint markets Un* products of the world when lt sup? plies: thc needs of B lic-ii*pliere. Sta ls :u "inch inieii-tel lu BOW regions for pr.Kluctlam as In new demands of trude. 1'rults BM B m-ccs-lty and luxury. nowhere eira is there so great a eemaaa for the fruits Of nil countries, lt will then bo of Interest (lint a new fruit revlon ls opening that must claim a .share of trade lu tbe near future 1 speak of tha ParlS. Northwest, lying north of California, mid allude speclS-nlly b> tbs culture of thc prune Thc pioneers of tho IBeISc Wet* hUSBS BBlldiri, who |, fi I",,, th..,, far We-t to nialia* new homes on the Paclffc. It ls ii rumiinc", that story of how oregon was made American and Ita Willamette region trans? formed from a native Eden lo a lund of orchards .-ind BO-BCBl As early ns IS43 lintnl-iinils took apple siciis with them ami planted Unas. when tb* seedlings grew they procured Kiona and grafted them. When tho gobi era ii me they hud already had orchard, and Hie faiiio of the (fregon red tipples Went sll over the coast. The weary miner, threatened with scurry and overburden.* I willi gold-dust, thought nothing of weighing out a dollar to secure a pippin. Vessels cann- to tho Columbia and hOUgbt 'iregon apples; pack train? from Northern California nnd southern Oregon camped In the orchards, loaded their mules with roblen fruit and BBB-C the toilsome n.nrcli back to "the diggings." They paid HEB a bunba! r..r apples that retailed for B180. MM of middle age, who wen boys then, tefl Ibdr children how they used to plav "pitch'' with WO slugs, a MlBflBBBl shaped coln Invented lo supply tbe teeni neel*. As gold hunting became "played OBI," tbe product of orchards laeraMed, tba Bric* drooped, and when onlv ?! a bushel could b* lad. orchards were ne? pi, etd. There was always eiioir.'h for the homo demand, and ioma for export, but Ichabod was writ in ths i Urgon tipple. I'- "lory had departed. As ."?rillforiilii placers WOW .-ul hr people wcro forced lo till the soil, fruit growing became n paying re lauree, for orchards and vineyards proved more proilt ibte Ullin ever golden placers had been. Oragonlsns, loo, hS-Bii the Industry enow. Within a few yours a furore f'.r fruit growing lins taken pine nnd suil nl.b* I .call mn ot lilli and pnlrte have hean planted bi Ircc, nulli mllSons ure now (inning Into heart Og. California ls largely -acini tropical; tar vineyard**.. on nra aird lemon proves and olivo plantations can have no rival on tba Western shore. They nlio paw U,a. apple, peach, clo.irv, plum and pruna-. hut Irrigation, the light volcanic soils mil Un* conditions ,.f drouth render some of these fruits tough of skin and dr\ of meat timt lack* Savor, so that your ii.n li mis. nml many of yonr rOBSBBMra n!?o, lind noni ter complaint. This tm-at- one al everv tm-n In Bea York, la echoed by nil Bott dealers, a- to green ,'rliHs. :a r 1 at bv gTOCCn SS to cur-I pmdaetS. There I, no need t . bel Ute f'aUfornta products, for many ,,f are sui gdRPrtsl Ike semi-tropical fruits and tl..* grape, i va-u Hi.- apricot, California alone cnn produce on thal coast. Vtr ronan,-.- of H.>- r-d Bpptes of OngOU In Ike gold decade I "ii" Of tbe Idylls of our pa-t. one thal we i. vr expect to sc* revived, dearly as we cherish lt, h ma part and purci of Ow extmvaganco Of Ihat period, and ai graphic In ns any as taloa ol firm a* and al Ind?ti I tine necompnninient to Oatt* 'o la'* dream Ol gold. Tin- OnsonlBfl of the fm tl-*, t beeoaSng arana; only enough nra* left for object lessons. Then I* come (,i the I*ne|tlc a generation Hint knew little or nothing of Ho* i-hap-*-ly of thu golden ige. These mea ar-- practical; ifl a huabet ?. rn- price enough for them. Yeera ugo a f.'tv im-ii. sot f.-iruoTs, attempted to mubo a pleasure of horti? culture BBd planted tr.e. |o vary the III allot.HIV of . <:? t irv Ute, Tiley wera- o'ta-u professional men. Tho sitter and* a rohixatlon of ins plantlag to v rj t ,?? monah iv . f ?? j ?.-?': dhan" and saw tb* cherry, plum and prune rome Into hearing. Tin* prune c pretally became of Intenst, becaaae lt could be rurel nn! Ii,*i?t li stair-. Tlnre. on Ibe Atlantic, every variety of plum ls ntrjeet to ntiack of tbs eureulte, nn ins.-.-t Ikat ittnm tke gr-n-n fruit nnd Muan 1t to fail, our climate nnd conditions?wet sci ons -jht!i:i[*-s -.'in Unsuited to this peet. so tba prune ls grown with average raceeea mid very gnat . ?*.. ellet c. Trie aa,a t valley* nurtli of California, lu? ll;,lil.-' I.rltl-li c..luiiib11, .similar cirlltlons. etuis.*i lit thc Japan current, tbe Gulf stream of tbe r:u Hie: the mme fruits are adapted to all this co-nit line. lying between tho <'a eade Mountains and the Praise. liv nr year* nirai Ho* writer waa ulna-si tiio only producer of Bw>*a fruin n.-nr the oj Oregon. Th- scenic Brands* of taeetlon nv.d the rtslai thal cutatlnated lu snowy peaks ou tbe east nnd the Coast Kanga- ,,n tl- west, a State capital ip read below la growing might and beauty?Brade enterprising real e.stat.. operators nae Ur* place for bb object lesson. They brougbl th.* ?**"tenderfoot* te thia hilltop, showed lim Pomona's world In fruitage. I.t him tata iii th- grand cap d'oolH ol vail, v and mountain, then sold him land t. plant to -nra. There me now bnndrcdl Of small nnd large fruit farms in that region. Bsewhera Ihe Kimo result has taken place. There are fruit farms nnd prune orchard, all through tba Willamette Valley, around Portland, on th., bunks of tbe Lower Columbia, in Wa hlngton. Valleya and on Puget sound. In no country can fruit alnara tie grown with cer? tainty. There ls none where all varieties will thrive nt their beat. Tin- north ninda of Bummer bring us tnul Bights that do pot -ult th" peach, and lt mn-1 le ll sollie fal'or dlllld shell, red location. It ls Im-rlous when well crown, however, as are all fruits. beCBUM conditions favor ii tender and rich swated perfection iel possible In loo dry a climate or under Irrigation. ihe Kecie Kiter -Valley, southern C-regoa, cultivate* Hie peech on tier hlll-hb"-. ami the apple and pear on the trilby lin,I,; ihe grape d*N fairly WelL North ar.- t'mpi|ii.i mid the WI lamclle, where the fruits of Hie |. inperil!- /..II" ill tillite, especially ! |u* e|:,.ITV, lippi-, parir, prara and plum. Small fruits do web everywhere. While p.nomi attention ls bestowed on Hie pnUM as im.-t reliable. HleV llbo grow fruit to mi: pu rsnnertes, OaUforulana t.-ll m that when the canned products of our regtou Br* known lu the worid'i markets they must command a preference, fl anther j e ir will s.c lum 1rods of new Bretti inls begin ti bear, ami older ones art?] i.-ai mora heavily. Hera, ns in inn binda, du- foot lillis sn the choice spots lor fruit; also the hui Bingra ara tavorabte, as above frost, .saam. butta do w.-ll on Ho* higher rolls of prairie. The qaanlltf of lend adapted to fruit in any ? minify Ib biH treat, bul th.oast valley-- contain enough ta support a I.iil'" population. Good worker--, buy small tracts, twebfy acre*, lor In-tame, plant t-n or twelve ai es to prunes and some to carden and meadow; one caa plant any* d crop union. Hi.* trees, mull (bey are In p.,si bearing, say liv,, veins. Caiim-itc*. and (Hhs create a demand for Bunill fruits and regatablaa, that can In* pleated milong Ibo trees and b-? made to yield a ipili k return. Thc real mtate mau will gel Ibo blgg?i story h. can to retail to his custOBBSti Bach people ar.* aanttsbls nnd lOBBetlmaa draw ou lumgiii (ilion for Ibdr facts. In yean when prunes did not average more than -fr no nu *ers above aiptnata. I have Mild .finn tai .fi'.isi north i"f flinn muiio ?in i" a.i". Clear income of ifiisi nu pete is enough; good woiH and lotetbgeut cara* should avei-age that tillich, uni; man mn cori* for len ncr.s ; plow, PIOUS und do all thai is iicc.led, milli fruit lim.n.e., then th., tamil) may h.-lp lo gallic,, market and to cure ihe fruit, htmpts mid efltetant evaporaten an* used, ao ti,n i a power inn do eyry thing hi-BaaU. packlag the cinetl prunes (or iiiai?ci by h|s own labor. I havo .shown groccra anil dealera, wketeaeler* and BtMri, of New *>ink, samples of oregon prunes, and hate Hie greatast pssslble rBCaangeaMBt Irom lin highest trade .sources, for every nu., ncngulaea Unit the fruit eaamlBed ls suiierlor to nny ether of hunte growth, and BOBBI to the brat foreign prunes, ongon grows tergaly me PeUaatarg, oi Unban praas, nut prolunsl in; ike .lench pnme, gulifrallv grown lu ('allforiila, 1* larger mid of liner ouallty amt ilavor willi us. Kast or tue I'liscndcs mid west of the Beehlsa Hi.' an liaineiisi- region, u tin* 1 h lu ml buinirt. mostly rolling upland, but portions produce . Imlc. null, ns al Tin.- Hullos, c<oso to Hu- Cracade* nt Willa Walla nml In Un- Pulou**. A ,erj luieiestlng tact in conneotten with ngton is tiwi the river ranon* of the ( oiiiiuhi.i anil nnahe rivers and their tribuiarlm all of which hay,, mt gown through nlUitlal iiplamis' Millietllllcs thiMi* lillis of feet, produce fruits not mown' valleys and mu pr "-? i lu puah bunch -mas hills. y?u r?me to'Saak* *t\Tw Just brow l.ewl.stnn, and Ond tifi?.n L ? m r .isntcd to orchard. Hm lrTito Wet 222, 522 of tho tarthra! West, planted ov"? flftvImn^JTi* iiilas. uiiorira. Hero sn pi-aches anne. J TV'-' _? i tiSftk Hgt, witt ?-x__t sad rema g,.^' ,f$t?l?' S>apra. Otcours^ Japanese. Chinese, Turkish & India Goods, 877, 879 Broadway, PLACE ON SALE MONDAY, FOB TIIK PIM! TIME, A RARE and BEAUTIFUL C0LLECTI01 OF Japanese and Chinese Antique Embroideries I omprlsbiK -ifiiKiiiticeui nnd Hore fpeelnoastf Temple Hangings, Richly Kinhroidered in Hold ar g on choice colored mound, af Mik barba. Japanese Fukusa, Ki, lily,ialci rai in liold and HSh. ? ?'in eseiiiiritf in.ioi i, ni ri. ii rc* and aaa. h-BBBS, -.nimble for Cl -IIION TOPS, r*t ItKKN**, HEKMW CSrTBBS. Kt.. Japanese Kimono, PiBaey Nm ive I o.tuuir*. >InsnlBeeslI| Knilirnlilereil on *t\ hile. Ked. liluc, Or*J, Ura*a nnii Purple kiouuiN, * pec tall] mbiliied lor li TEA OR MORNING GOWN. HMM ls scant territory t. but alon. Hil* B -0 ml lei of Miers are occasional Uland*, river mores, or bench lands Hint produce such fruits. Hr. llb Inch, of Walli Walla, hui planted over SOO aerei of _t_a-| land on Ho- -..uili Md,, of Hie I pper ( "liiiuhla. Iq Oregon, and draws aster from the i-H r h, sti-ini power to Irrtuate tbe whole. This shows tra mine put li [Kill .n. h lo, nihill-*. I;.!-.' Valley, in Idaho, pear bo's- (Itv. hm Ona orchards, but seaaooa are nol nlirayi proplttoua, tba ttllit-Ts being lull'll linrr ? ..of .?!-' ol Ihe (.ir.crii.ei. Iii Bitter Bool Valley, Houtan.i, .;.'??? t.. ta. i;.,ckr Mountalua. apples grow, but the i,.,t fruit hinds of the wiii.. I*... ni.- Northwest sre near ti,.' Bran .ind In their canyons nt Eastern oregon snd B'sshtngtsB. mid In tin- valley, framed in bv il,.. *-.-,-. ,,|,. and Cwm Mountain-. Which li- prrrillel t. the I'acliia for 1.000 niile*; tho valleys nam "1 rep.-Ming tor the Ni-rtB what th" ralley* of Ho- -ascramente nnd tl...- san Joaquin ur" t'> Callfornte. soon tundra fruits can M braughl Ksat bv rend.* erator cars, but it win li" yean leforc we erm loud fast fr lt trains ? taral times :1 week. Pratt-grawtag ha- lome lu ra meal, and will nmaln pei nmn-ntly. with favoring conditions >.f "il and rliewte te ace f.-ct crowth and excellence, lt mu-t h.- of conseiiuenea to the world. Kn.lMi hon,-, |;, I'a.nlnnd annually s. rai lamptea of dr. goa prunes to th., t'nlted Kin.-dora, ard alway* repnN**nl th it ihey I'l'iuti-uid muck tb Iciest ai.'I are fully appr.i labs!. A GIRL ON AFTERNOON TEAS. From The Wa-Uiig'nn Aft. ' tea" all (.-ays Flashlight) what nn absurdity A Two or three bowls of roues aroemfl the corners and the ?? spacious apartments wert B ina.-.s of bloom,'' a violin or two nnd a plane mite '?wnv.-. of m,bait." men -.Ml-s Blank, lu v.llow bilk, served frappe." We nre perfectly well aware that lt ls no conipU. meal to be asked t.. a "tea." It I- merely plaune us in the list of tl,aa? wli.i must I.paid ott." and thal al et little cost as possible. We declare thal wi ??jus! wm,-' go," but still Wheo the tiru-comes around wc generally don our !???-1 calhng gowns, crimp, pow? der, pul an ti.-tit slave- and lichter shoes, iain upon "ar a aral a .as. . amt inpart In genuine Ba* tewpae. Ttia-r>' are a doseu carriages, mora' or less, in front ol the "tea" giver's door, and ti thick of feminine tin* inanity going in and out. We crowd lu, anal in ths crush all the enamel 1* taken off the Upi of tha Btw lu,,,ts. However, wtth fines composed into ahasdp smiles of deilgbt, we elbow In to where the ln.ete-S amt -om.* girl?wh* invariably lack- plainer than sba ever did before- .in- standing, with Ups par!.. In a Wean grin of welcome. ??So ring to ?,.. ton. Miss Kr r rum: let me Intro dina- .Miss F. a- a ab." accompanied with the iate-at thtnga in handshakes, bo lt with elbows in Voe enemy's face, wrist high above ihe head, a suddra collapse ol the right sid.* (,r a courtesy, and then we light our wav out to tbe dining-room. lt Ls beautiful ts *??? with what ( hrlsilan fonltndi the "tea-era" nr>- standing lt all; tl.arly martyrs wen no more bernie ttan ure they: they bk all hnt nml .ross, tbe powder ts all rubbed eg ar Ma gatbara. lu int. hes, Ha* hair v.h;c ? lt took half au tenir to arrnliea ls tumbling down and tickling ears and Beck, while the hairpins have gone eliding down the beek; bats are ashen from frequent bumps, nnd gloves arc bat* ililli''--, and probably torn on account of t.e very vp,but fashion of handshaking; evert body ls scream* 1 ii;; ot th.' top of her vaaha> ami everybody ha* a head* ache in consequence. We ur" overcome with Joy st th.- sicht of our "dearest fa..-." who has heretofore b. .ii considered a taaatr umi who never Isstad *> plain as now : but then th.* awful Idea orama Ital lt sh,, looks s.. frightful we must look a great deni wor-*?. Everybody dora exhibit her worst point, sud HM b?r bi-t ones at a ?? toa." Hf course all the world's wife and daughter .irs then-, but the world himself ls not to be BM*, wt.'ch makra mi,, respect bim Immediately, lt speaks raj. innes in favor of the mascuBue element timi lt positively refits.-s to in. tu fies.- atf.ilr*. Tie Ameri? ca n woman is superior to any ott earth, bul lb* American man ls superior tobra is proved by til* re? fusal to he Imposed upon In this fashion. We nil -??' ??Aw. howdeyondo, 1 dldnl expert lo -,.c you." nnd look encii other ever Bom tep to toe, ir mme u anything wron.' In oar attire bo sure lt 1* observed. commented mid enlarged upon. Ihe Idee "f saying that worn."I are not courageous I The verv feel thnt they is'.ir this Hr.- of fa u lt il ml I m.* glances without aaa nullor ol un eyelash proves the contrary, aad, tf thnt is not convincing enough, watch ita girl eta hal raptured om- of ihos,, anomalies, a dude, The wav she lmbls on to him ls truly Spartan tn _? bravery. Let a less fortunate sister ;lt.i*.*.ir In the foreground and -io- u atralghtwaj on the deferatra, How s|?. will light te raisin that?weS, nm. (?? ni nb- li. therefore tot lt fuss for l mun ". MB how he .niots li. the (bar fellow thal 1-. te doc* ll sha- is pretty; but if not he looks t-*.> borra foi* warab He rael get away, though. As Mantles! a- aaf Jj lu driving oe, oilier u'lrls. just sai determined ls fte to keep posse) lam of him. iud it ever occur to von bow rai a Baa mys leal Bm thin. sh., ought not tossy at a "tee"! If >"" h!i\* n particular bobby I,., sore that lt w ll be mell BB ?_f i rltlcl-ed rlirhl to your face. We all take a th-ndl.-B dollirrhl In making a fau\ pa-. _. Now we cmne lo the frapii"!: Hu* mixture In W ls cold, but that 1, nba,ut nil to he add h.r lt. Jnts table ls not much patronised nnd th- daa-iri tjMMjH ii b.oks wrara, for h m.! th.* genna "dude" eoUaetaS wtth Joyful mien about the punch bowl, and does nn her rival who serves H.- vm mild "Siawster" mm Mipra*i:a-lv hapi'V I ll! f:'(,l She ls III*' M.? P-CMB_? s'.iles tb.*'imbibing chapples who aeeflM to enjoy _t*r? sa-lf in the least, , ,__ (tut in Hu- dining room then- are t-'ri and rhorol-.e bolh composed of m.>n' water than nuttung BBg nnd fine of these must h.- drunk, Itapp-se re* Jmm Busstan l-a. To tt." wll nnd and traveUra mm vbiual that means rum. lemon, -uga.* and Ihe negrara herb. Not s? t,, th.- il. liv Wbo presides h.*rc. rae giv.'s just lemon ami tavored hot wster-BOt ?M"SH of anything stronger. .\* rarely a- ran BM bm mixture von wish iou had tried chocolate, mid twa versa. Then lhere sra nsndwtebrs, but ns tacf.-s; manufactured ai shoal Ita time that tha invitation* wer.nt ont they biol; freshness: there ira mg Sngara and thora atrocities known ns BlmeaSraR* too. May tonis of tin* ta upon Ita head of w'ioei-*r Invented these tatter. A few sticky raa*w*,a_ nronnd. but vl.o on enrlh would dar.* to tate BOB P them ' Nobody, imf BVOB -he who hold* *o brtivciy-ra the dud.*. And last, hnt not least, ls that niryen^r fretten i.f colored cristine known ns iH**_Lt-3H nre lied willi ribbons mid tire he-tuTTfiil ta echo". I! ls iHTfa-cllv un.ler-t..o.l I hat Hm! I* nil '^JfUE No om* would think of breaking tl,.* neat Bttte fPP lulu which thev are bil*!. Tiny ar.* not ??1?aSH to tast,. one is to t.milne.*! of tfcst 1 BjW* know how thee mav ha v.- 1.B eace, hut nott tnww sr.- certainly not a (curating dish. Fm they ara i"^ looms In the family nnd sra bequeathed MmtSWmW ibm ta. generation? There ar- |.pie In America J? have had th-m In their* sine* tS ?? ll ,*?'?* was perpetrated. _.i ? Kat Tiles,- nub- colored rolls don't look_v^JJ?jg_g, i?.iuM*e ta sun* that thi't have presided st masy i Wedding nnd wak.'. Look* nra' (l.cpitvo. However, having peed BBCU BB ''!'"".-Ltn'tM nnd having slpued Bl H.- tee we brat* -tMS.ara ba ttl,, of life nod push. Jostle, elbow out to '?',,.?.,. han l.voi* Hiing! She h. ks inure we**-* of ""? *.' rl?i,h * ever, nml she nlisivers our "Hood 'n"?'"" *"???!? sigh. Itv the way. what s tue* tt*t -OoiftmttlBMT nt (Ive inliiuies to il. no*t ni'erldlaii, K j' J" ,,*,?-. to show wliat B set of sh(N*p we nre. _*?ln<ll>' '"l^^ our lender. Whv doesn't some one havetne <ij"^, te conn* out N)141v sud say ??..ood njtenwra, i or We would di* first. Wc ir* P^lZnnrAnt tSrt nnywnv. I think. Life do-sn't veern worth Itrtn^uj having been to ons ol these bellew BMCBBB-ra ? "aftarnooa tra*"