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such storage room for Th!rd and Second ave. line* a* 1? necci*?ary tor cars. Seventh?Thu said company ihall acquire additional ?ermina.- at or near UBI **B*_S| Bal -Ttl HRH tt by th* pure hoi* of property so a* lo relieve notthbound train* in the aft'Tiio ii on \V. *t Sid- gua ; th*s#e a/Mltlon*! t-frinlnals to provide ,ii.|, *?,,--.:.?'? iv'in a* I* n>-ce??ar.T tnt cir*. Thal null mawe ii additional fa.-llllles and fXteaSMM of the tratk* and railway, of Mild company ihall be ? uliject tu Uie loliovviiig t*siiiis. condition* and rogalt** meiits. Kint Tin- structure supporting Uie additional track* ?nil all new structure* mun bo H MinVlent strength and SM bl li ty M ir-rmit the running of tlvcur train*, at a spe-'d of lliiriy-llve mila* p'r hour. Necunl-All new BSBIBI* ii "i'i!r "1 "hall baie * capacity equal to Um pu-.-nt standa-d twenty four-ton eni'lne* , .md lu ISM of lie sea ut motive power oil SB** car, HM oircre gate ragarllj B*f train of fin- tiir* shall not bc le** l-an the ab >vt- stand .rd. Tlil!*d Kxpie-* stations -lull Ix., located on thc S-c'iid Avenue nae al I'liatham Square, at Foiirtecii!h-*t.. al Twei.ty-Uiirl-st., et, ot Fifty ?iw-ventl.-r-l- . ut Elght.T*?l>t!i.*.t. and at Oiie*luir,dred-and-twent, -fifth-xt. l.xi-i ?* station* *iuii. be lo' ut'-d aa tli? Thlrd-avc. lino ut Chatham Square, at Foully. nth*?t., at TvVenty. Uilrd-T . at K. itv *eionil?t., Bl Kifty-nlnth-st., at Eighty-fourth**!., _? Qua hs***s8 BU* lats IT HUB *l Kxprcss tt-.itlon* *hall be lofated "fi the (lic'iivv Ich *_. Mutli aad KltrhUi ave. line at Battery l'ls.-o. i'.rt landt-'T.. at at f*altB**BB Bl., at Kurly ?*ec"ii'i-st . at Kifty* ut ont baa*,** aa!twsuty. and at Onchiiiirir-fl-aiid-forty-ilfth *t. lit-.I nothing herein tsataJasS shall prevent thc stop. page of taptSBB tmln* at sash other station* ** the tom* pany may determine. Fourth- 1-eh station not rea'htd by I BVBSSBB except Bubs sa BeeaaUuve. bmmI have tu* ilsli a sj asgeaaehea, each wide enough far peraaas ti' ia*? n, opp.sit- llreetl-s*. Fifth?The Manhattan Ballway Coiniuiiy shill co:itra-t that the complete- Btru.ture* thus impioved ihall be opcratc 1 io u* to alford the ino*t ofllclt ut SttVUS to the publl?*, both lu eapreaa uni) nay, Sixth-Tin- pnsetit tia-S* a-ul BWllehSB near Bout Korry itutlon -ihall I** so urran.'.'l Bl ta rna train* con? tinuously b"tween thc eaft and we.t sid" line*. \ iu_icieiit mnulier of train. Shill be so ron ta aSaa_HM_Ma Hits fontlnuou* liu-liii **. aad no more than one far" of i i BBL* shall b* iliorged fur MM eont.liioou* ride tl-.ereon. fecvontii?All the impiovchicnt* herein provided for shill be con plctel upon earl, of thc never.,! linc, within t,vo year* from tlie du'e ,.f the BCgS-rillaa or the consent of the municipal oiitii..rlti.i and of the property owner* .wherever nei-e*-_ry) to BBSh Improvement*, on each linc respectively. Eighth? Plas* and ^eet8eatttaa for all tho*e improve* went*, Including the general arraniren cat of tc:min ill and BgpraSS -t_t:n:i*, ihall bs submitted to thl* commission oa ut beferc May I, 180.1. Ninth?Frep-t con i>o:i*utlon shall I** made to th" city, the nriKiunt thereof to be IlxCd aftei hearing the company uni BM prap' i . Ity of*!' luis. Such a baa-Bag shall bs had oa March 15, 1803, at 2 p. m. (.'..niniis.sioncr Starin, who ever since the fail? ure to lind a pafehniet for tho andergruund fran? chise hus favored independent lines of elevated . a railroad*, offered a substitute resolution, provid? ing for an elevated railway to ls* oflered ai public -ale upon the following streets and prop? erty: Commencing at Battery I'lnco and Washlagtsa**!., run? ning thence along WaablBgUS-lt. I* lIarrl?on-,t.; HMUf* along to BaBlSU-Sl. j thence along Ballia bt. to B.nk-su ; Uienoe Meggi ltank-st. ond private prop? erty to S'venthave. ? thence along seventh. ? ve. to Ketty* flfth-.t.-, thenc.- ab'iip Broad* nv arid the Boulevard M t,ev*,r. , UMBI* s'BSg TcMa-av tfl On* hundred aud-iixtv.-c"i.ini--t.: Iheaee alone the Blagsbildie Hoad to lt* int. r-i'tlon flt* Jenth-avc., r.eir Two lnmdrfdaiid Blltreillh M j thenee Bet*** tia.* Hallen, Uiver ship Cabal ea*t uf Hie ?f Broadway; HM*** le Bio.idway aaa! tin- Meran tiffi ot aaMsgah; _hsaes aloin' tho linc ut Urort-ivay to thc city limit. AI*o u f-t ti ta along ll od ?r>:i-st., trom llarr:.f*n*,t. t i C-aml-r***!. BcmiIvmI, Thnt |he general plan of BBU*tf?*tl*B fiom Bstterr nasa io lin ls..ri orri Franklin *U*.. and frmn ( liam bers-u. al'Miu Hud-iei-t. to Fraikliii*.*!., -.hull bc with tvo track* on BM sun." lev, 1. That from Franklin and Boise* it*, to One-hundred and th1rty-tiftb-*t., tlie lailvrny nhill |?* coii*trutle<1 wllh four t-*ck* ,'it, tha .ame H*ef, nnd ft..rn (ine-hiindrert nm! UiirtT-llftii.-t. -.? the city limit theta shall be two track UpOll tilt. mWtt levi. HeKiivcd. Tnt tl:- StaUBM for SSeB Uses *hall bs pre* vid<*d with an pb- eur Bise sagacity srharet'ci ttic peatfenm ?hall lie tw.iity feet or nen', above the cub lin". Keeolvd, That the eM*t BUgtSHf "f t I.i - board be and be I, hereby in-iruitel BB make the ii".e,sr,rr lurvev* aa* prepare in cl. t:*il tlie p.itu* and lg*elB*att-ai f"t i'i, li ra,I way snd BShaut the muk- promptly U Ihl* t?.ard f..r lt? further adi.m. tlnally let*l_Ual*fl a geaeral plan f"r Mh> mission to the I'.miuitsi Connell, in aci'idaiee with th. provision* of -tlie K-|>!d Tr_ns!t act of Januiry 31. lsai and the amendments ihoiet-i. Hesolv.*d. That the pinn and frarehir- to rBBStlWI f-ald raiiroiti along BisslsBi and the llfle'TStl .lull be subject to thc riirht to nustthlt and operate Hm und' rzr'.nnt ra I* 1,-vd here^lfnr?? laid out by thi* t orr.nlision along the wear rnute. or any erther underground rillraad thu niay be herefift?*r laid out Ihen on. Mr. Starin nrircd the adoption of hi* amend? ment. Hp spoke B-TUHgdy in fiivor of it, hut i-vidc-ntly felt that it wan n-**.-V-.-*-sv for him to urcre it, for in order to secure tte, adoption a unanimous votr- was psqalwd by thc Bapid Transit act. Tire resolution watt gtfeonded by Mr. Beabe. It whs tabled ky a vote of thr.* to live, I'oiiiuii.-iMoners Steinway, Spencer and Inman voting "aye," and Starin and Buck* "no." ('oninii*sione. Spencer then offered 8 substi? tute f. r Mr. Stalin's resolution* in thc form of rofolution*:, which were seconded by Mr. Inman. Mr. Spencer's resolution),, hi* remarks in rapport of them, and Mr. Inasaa'a action in aseundteg tin-in apaln showell unmistakably the de-irj-.. of both thone gentlemen to ?.'ive to ths Manhattan Hie vat,, I Hallway al* it asks for. 'Hie inclina? tion of Mr. Spinier and Mr. Inman to hand over to the Manhattan (-very thoron !-",i fa io it wanted has ben apif-i'-nt from the beginning of their duth* as llaiiid Transit Co____JaB] iner*. Mr. Spencer's reholutions begaa as iollow*: Hctolved. That in addltl.ii t., tlie fj'-llltle* and ex* tciihloi.? air,-adv crunt.d to. ami tl.e condition* impose 1 uhon. the Manhattan Hallway < ompany, thl* Hoard Will ejion prujier sppllcatl'i I opprovc Bie further .privilege la - .aid conijony tu eon.truct and op.-rate BfUUeb lli-e. ,.r extension,, with aee**a*ry iiiinc*. ssushi*. unsefB-s, titi strtioin thcr for. ii|K,n the fo lowing roite*. vlr : rit*t -Fruin b point on Its peicit *t-u.tiire <n Vlnth. ave., ot or near ih*.e-hiinilr,--l*', or at or a*Bf One-hm, tred-and-nlntih-.t., Uence by a curve ti the west Inti either (ire-hiiiidn-d-and-clthth-st., or One-huiidnd. *iid*ri)jirji-*t., Uicii'*'* a^iig OBS haiBtll* SB* IIghHSBI. ut nn.*.hiiiidrcd*and-iiiiith.*t., tu or near thc carrier ot lt. ? IVouleviird O' F.leventh-ave., thenee alon* tlie l'.oulevi'U an Eleventh-avc. tu Hamilton I'lif'c. thence alone MaHBtss I'kee to 'I'lith-avc., aa.I thence a ..air Jtnth-avi. tx. lt point at or rw**r Fort Ueorge. S.*< ond?A liramh line or cxten.lon bc-inning at the prcs.nt elevated structure, ai Batu-ry Place, thenee along Batt-rv I'la'-.- to W' . tii'ii... bI**_ We.t-st. u. lhrl*topher-it., Mience along "'hrl.u>|ih<-r-?f. to Waverley Pl*cc, and Uience along Waverley l'lai e to a connection wlUi th* prcieiit elevaUd itriutiire In Slxth-avc. Provided, however, thut Uie riirht to SB-MtUSt said brsneh.?* or connections shall not t# exercised, ai rr-*|H-ct, each bran.h. until Un- consent of abutting property owner, thereon shall hive bstB obtaJned, cr dania."* to said owie'i. ghan havo been adjuau-d ind tiald !.. the aggrcguto amount, ai re.urvl* that liramh, of not le.* than two. third* ot. the lineal frontage of the property ubuttlng thereon. Provided, Matts*, that thc bBSM-SMBm and SpsaaMM of Mid branch line to Kort Ceorge *h?ll Ik' .nlrjei t to tho right of any comitany In future organized by thl* inti,. mission to construct and o|*rat/t Un- underground rillwjy tii-reU'fur.' laid out by thl* . orrnnl**iitn ulong or under the Boulevard. l*-|we*n Oiie-hundred-and-elclitli-.t. atid One* bundi ed-and-tlilrty-.t-venth-st. Tlie resolution further | rovidi-tl that the bounda? ries for 'tin* branch lines named ba constru-ted so as to admit of thc laying of four tracks, if needed, and that not less than three tracks should be laid st the Ix-dunm-, except in ( hrisUipher-st. and Waverley Fine*, between (Himnt-h al. and Slxth-ave., where only two were to Ik- construct.-d. Tlie etructure was to be built so as to admit of the running of *ng*l_S train- at tho rote of thirty-five miles an hour, and wa* to _?? com? pleted in three years. The company would also kl required to convert In th? same time tin- pre?*nt Ninth-ave atructure, batrtmn Christopher and Otie-hui;dred nnd-ninth-sts.. into a four track ro.-.l, with both expnus and way platforms st F**fty*e*on4 and Flfty-ninth-sts. The company would ba raqnlrad to make the stations at Pan haadied HMM ftlHrtk and atti, starting points for southbound trains duri mt the crowdvd hours, and to lay nccs sarr Bidiues and switches at thoso NtstionM. As a further condition the company would I*? re-juli-od within three years after the coin plot lon of tho branch line to Fort <.eon*r> to extend one or more of ita lines so as to perform continuoiii train aorvice tietwee'ii the northern limit* of the city snd South Ferry. The maximum rat*, of faro for om* continuous rld,? for any distance within tlie city limits on tin* line* so extended wan fixed by Mr. Spencer'* resolution at 18 cents a paaaenger. Tho maximum rate of fun- between any two point* on Manhattan Ialand, tit* re_o lutiona provided, wss to be Uv* cent* for one pntinuo-* rid*. Ihe aompensation to be paid to ? _* FROM HEAD TO FOOT rou feel the good that'* done hy Dr. Pierce's uolden Medical Discovery. It purifies Ihe blood. And through the blc.,1, it eh-ansc*, rotiairs, and invigorate* tho whole *vi-teni. In recovering from " 1a% Grippe." or In convalescence from pneumonia, fevers, or other waiting nothing can equal it est an appetizing, restorative tonk to build up neetled flesh and streneth. lt roana every organ Into natural action, promotes all thc bodily functions, and restores health and vigor. For every disease that comaa from a torpid liver or tarpura blood, Dyspepal*, In-HtMilon. Biliousness, and th<- ni .st stubborn Min, Scalp, or Scrofulous off oct ion*, tho " Discov? ery'' Ls tho only remedy ao certain that it Spa lie guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in everv cose, yea havo your money back. * _ For a perfect and permanent cure for Catarrh, take Dr. Sages Catarrh Banally. It* proprietors oller |800 reward fur aa incurable case of Catarrh. the city wa.* to bs determined by tbe C~nimis~lon alter bearing thc proper oncers of tm- city aim ol the tlaabatuui natl way Company. Ml, Bpsnest spans ai conaiuerable length and witii great varneBtnes* te support of bia resolu? tions, lo support ol lu* pian lie said tiiat it pro? vided bt'ttti iscllltigs tiiaii Mi. -.turin's plan tor baadliag tba large travel t" and irom tue Xuw Jersey lorries, sud sunveyed it conveniently at one late to tm- hotel anil shopping district near Sixth-nve., whick was ImpossiWe by any proposed or any iitli.r new lin.-. ins pian, he said, met tko objeetiona ?.i pro| erty-oafnera in appel Droadway and the tearer Boulevard, it wuu.d occupy ii\?- mllea les* >>i sirct'tr,, ami those streets important anea tu ba preserved. The O-nstrUCtiuu could be completed iii a shorter spaee of tune. "lt leaves," continued Mr. Bpencer, "tbe held entirely open for aciy possible superior ini-ans of transit, either Viaduct or underground. Tho new line doses thia Held lor year.* to coma; and ii* adoption will be inconsistent with the Utterances of thi* board on this subject. Tin* new inn* would lu- radically defective ifl the utter Inadequacy af duwatown terminals lor B four-track truuli lino eighteen miles long*" ih' said that his pinn waa the only one consistent with the record of the coinmiaslon, and roatlnned: "1 challenge any one lo instance ;?. Bingi, euee of the su e. ssl ul sui.- at public am timi ol a franchise i ir a l-ir>;c and expensive transportation enterprise wnw the purchase! had no yul 'c in the Concept ion and Inauguration of the plan. The auction may ba an easy way p.r the commission to elude responsl ? ility and escape unpleasant criticism, but ii is not. in my judgment, the way to secure the im? mediate Deeds ol tin- city for rapid transit; and if thc responsibility and (Titi.-iMii are to be avoided si expense of the advantage* ol quicker relief, better facilities, thc preaervstion of im? portant, streets b?r live miles, and possibly greater levi nue ttl (he city, it i* not COUragC-tlS in this commission to shield Itself at auek a cost to the pill,lie " Circnnitancea have aol admitted of the brand relation of the rapid trnnsit problem up t>. tin* tune. It is not likely that tuc golution will bs immediate, or that praeticul results therefrom eua J'i- realised f?.r several years Recognising this, we should provide liberally fyp-thc present-, and tor that DcccBsary interval, bat wit boat Mocking thc way for taut possible broader s"lu tioii in the future. I submit that my proposed plan (I'm-h this. Mure than it embrace* i* un DcccBsary, lc** will prove lo be Insufficient." Mr. lum:.n supported Mr. Spencer's substitute rejplutions te a lew l rn-f remark*, and tho other ? ?Iniiiiiir?ioii.-i.** spoke againal them. The r--*> Intions wen- tabled by a vote nf :i to '.', Com uiissioiier*. Starin, Duahe nnd Steinway yoting "aye," and i oinnii?*ii.iiei* Spencer ai,.I Inman "no" Mr Starin'.'. resolutions |.r< ? \ i <11 n _: b.r the public sale ^ of a franchise for ? B?sw "i.-va'-'d road apd Mr. Spencer* aubstltate for Mr. Stmin's pinn being tabled, oidy th* rea - lutions adopted unanimously i* print**! attora re? mained t" ne announced a* the commiasion'a plan for rapid transit. The itieetiri'.' lasted abodt two hours. Mr. Steinway s:it tn hi* chair lor un boar, but wa* finally obliged to recline upon a couch. Mr Steinway's mental power* have not been impaired any by his illnes*, ::* ara* attested by the vig? orous snd active manner in which he took part in the discussion thai followed the aubniiskion >f Mr. Starin'.* and Mr. Spencer', resolution*. .lohn M. Bowna, coontie) lo tl.ommleeton, was present nt tin- meeting. It is understo-Bl that he pre pu red the resolutions thal were adopted iv the commlaalon. Wh'-n the commissioner* left Mr. Sf- mw.iv's house: they looked a* ir a load hgd b*en '*iit'*l frotn their minds, althrohgh a rlngg olaerver would have sot iced a dight expreasion t.f innoyance ..i disappointment on the face* of Mr Bpeneer arni Mr. Inman, who andoabtedly were diaappoteted by tin- rejection <>i their pinn lor giving lu Ihe M ( ompany conoeasiona Russel] Sage, one of the directors "f the Man? hattan Elevated Kallway Company, ills-?ns*e I the report of the Rapid Transit Commissioners a* length last evening. "Of roirros," hr mid I* a I'ribinii- reporter, "the company h is not yet le citied what it will d" with regard to the rep .rt of the eonrnissi'i.ii. Thut will. J,* ? mile public it the proper lime "ind nf t?*r a thorough Hseussion of all the conditions. We are willing lo m~**t the oommiaeioners ani t-> conalder anything which th.-y propose. \V<- will examine Into the e al of the prop-8ed changes In the system ond deride whether Ol not vs.- can tu make them. The Manhattan Elevated Ballway Company will do anything which i* reaaonahle hu tlie accommo dntioii of the publi'*. There are many men wh* think that the eomnuny should be put lo an exni-nse which is wholly unreasonable." ?' Do you think that the privUego nf bavin. three tracks will bc satisfactory to tko company? ask.-ti the reporter. ** I think bo," replied Mr. Ssge. " How about th.- condition which rc mires that the structure of the elevated rallron-l shall be *tri-tii:'lieii'-fl'.'"' "I think that the coal will I*, enormous. I will back the preaent structure a sal nat iii- wor] I, When the elevated ronda wire built ttsTC were people wbo said that tiley would stand only a short time un seeount of tho vlhratlon. Tbs structures have stood for years and they ure ;,? strong to-lay as they ever were. There i* a certain clam of people who won] i force the <-"in puny to ga t-. almost anv expense. The present Purify Your Blood Now is the Time to Take Hood's Sarsaparilla /jj Master C'as-e.l l*urt:ell i'tt\nt, Ohio. " My little boy fell fr**tn hi- lur-li dour. MiallBg his lime, nu. never1- liiflinilnatliiii Bpg-Bfel In Ll* I fWt, I hey ttrm very M.r.- for a laug Base. lb- cu'ilil nat baas tin: light, and wt- hil lil Keep Him in a Dark Room. He *te,v w.,r.e and w.r-. tint,I ?.- fenr.-rl lir w,,,ill I,,.. hi* sight entirely. Medical advice gu. v iriou-. SM lollies failed to Iteneill him matti. beariSg lh< ... 'I Ho nj I Sar ?ai>*i..iii hid lana 'or sthars, us raueladd n try it. I must -av Hood'* S:ir-ii|, mi -i Worked Like a Charm. While ink,I,;' t?o liottlcH th--|..ii trradiiilly di,* BgpMM-a lils SPSS Hftw l-BMgtl m, tl,at lie could L. ir the Hg-*> Bc his *,...ii HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES roniplclrlv ? ipiI, 1 clicerfiilly MBMSBMUg Hood'* BuraapniHln I -ll discosc. .rising fioin Impure blood." Mr*. J. II. l'l'ltrCELL, P*vrrlte l'ltc, HM gaul- m., l'lqii*, Ohio. Il*-**'* Pill* rut* liver HU, jaw-lice, bUlousaes*,' ?lek h*r*__c_e aaa coniUputiWi. IS*. struct-ir."* are perfectly sound, and if then-is any breaks they are (SBS-ly and .-ultiBly repaired. ?? How about thc refuaal of the commission to ictinit tin- u*,. of forty*-eeond**t. for bundine a connection fietween ina (-karate-) randi on tin Ka*f and West Sile*'''' "The BM of Forty--*.cond-st. is not so import? ant There are surlaec cara there which make frequent trip*, lt i* not ike abject of the Maa* ballan Compaay t>. build a read where there ore slready mean* of transit. I think that One* l,!it:dr"d-a!i.l-tw"iit.v-ei^htb-st. wonbl have been B I ll,'.Ie11 better Btieet Ul which to build a,-.pur "".11- I nesting tke Third and Ki-hth-ave. mai!* than i <> niiit1i-?t., as proposed hy) the commission. ? hu^und'ftsd-aBd-twenty-eighth st. i* much iietter adapted t?. our parana**. Tbere was a |ir..p< *tti..n that tin- company anoiild binbi :i conneetlng mid slung the Harlem Tilla would Cost more, :i* we wonld be put to consider? able expense for piMnx, vet the plan l- ii >t a bud oiit- I think that an uptown connection cnn b# arranged tor without any grent diaagree.nt I have ;il".-av*, thought thal the road -h..ubi have lucie room at the Rettery for laking care of tho prof number of pauswngera there There should ?leo he I road near thc (erne* With regard tn the purchase ol property at Tryon Kow for ad? ditional terminal facilities, the action of Ike com Mny will depend upon what tho property t ut*. We are alway* buying property for rioting loco? motives and car* uptown " ?? How about the fare, Mr Sager" ?'Tin' company la willina t'i Baree t> anything which is rca.*'.liable YV>- fla not pr..nos- to .??hiv people to Albany foi .'< cents. .letween hue points In the city n '.eent tere i* reasonable For longer dhrtanee* it i-* not enough. The North? ern Railroad was lorin* Svoo.iioo ov<*rv year. Vim may say tint the Manhattan Elevated Rail? way Company will consider this nrntter thor. OUghly and decide upon what it can afford to dof A TBBBATENINO CALM IS cn ic AGO. SlVITlllMf"*, QIIl.T. V.V-T Till" OPtBlOB fl***' IIIM, TflXT A STltlKK IS I M'.VtT AHhEu flib.uro. MMek lt. There I- no (haii.e In thc sim BthMI BBBOUg the *w|tc amen. K.Verythlnp ls SSOtiUg smoothly in iinci shout the yartoo* raliway yat**. Tit* local Rilciiinie committee* representing all IBs roo:!* lu Chicago, and till the tuen lnlere*!e(|. will hold n terrel lesrio* tomorrow BMrnlng ani 11,?- whols maller will be thoroughly ill-cu-setl. The future nairn- to be will be *ett| A tip'.n nt thl* session. Al the BtrttehuBBU's heulgswttri ?--eerythtog ls quiet. Orsnd Master Wllsnii .ind Vlc-iiraii'l Mast, r Downey refuse to say anything except that Iha lawi nf tin- organlsatton win be fully ?carried out Tb" agwonle- setlvlty nf Iha mad* nnd Hw extreme q-Jetne** of Ihe nrltcbmeB ladlcata thst thc -'rup gie, if thc stiilo- |i will be extr.-niely bttter. Persons who are un um Inside my that wMtda the next ten dais the climax will ernie. Othes* Bay thal I' stay not be before Moy I, or eve* a awol* hiter, teat ci.iicertctl nelli n win he lahea by i: ? witi has -n's t'nion, nn.i a tork-out --claret, but all iimciir In the opinion thai lt I* Inevliahle. for thc men Hinno! DOW eonriricotly withdraw from tlolr ile monds willi nny legree >.f grate or poaslhle hope for standing. Ihe main question Bppears to tie th.? tltne at ul :? li ib" ulrika win be lo*ta***. ? It hu- bee* tl.ilib*l mn,.nu thc p.-ni-rul B-SBBIHI timi iii" l?.-.-* ?.f ihe i,, seeaalaaatf by th. itrike, win be pro-rated, and the espeaaes if ruaalag tin- riati, wii| l.e bora* .-iii'ally i.y -ii the road*. They will nuke ? rirnihtofd lipid and will md, ivor t., *i..p once for all Ihe langer Bf bavin. | *irike cn the mad, whenever travel becomes bustier than sauuL If ih" 2,000 iwttehnea emjg ?y*l tm Ih* railroad! entering Chleago ihouM ki ont aa a r-trlie to-day the r.'n.i IrouM aol, ii i- asserte*-, safer in re tlinr, one dnv of serioui lncinvnlen*B, ?We .re not nt rill anxloU, BbOSI llie threnten.*t -trlk"." BbM b pi .'"'In' ni iii.inap.r to-day, mu.', we Rrsl foll -ure thal th? urtlahis* wouM .-, '.. for an Ipsreusa In wipe*, and STOUM pr,.lint.Iv stitt* If demand* w.-re nf a ..1. th., rioin.ipers ot -til Ho- CMrago roads hare f>. n quietly at w..rk -e.url.,' nen to rn Heir pla. Il lia* been no trouble what? ever ii leeure nan In th* Ra*t who are willina t., i ome to 111, ntn t ? v. .rh .ti the rsBroada.* Th.- ? Menge ind Rest-ra Minni* Company hat bee* n' wirk Ihe pn*t two dav* huBdlng bertha la Ni freight hoi*.- al Twelfth-*!., arbtrb are tn ba assd iv the low- nen. providing erm ewe ur.- narmtt. Th* t.t'riof,' hv an Rasters e'lipl v h.. nt ap. lo v Uiat ?v.- ' iv. . -hanged soo mi liri win' BU) nore" Beet io Indleate pretty .burly (hat _ strtu.- u tnertubt >, TWO Itt NlU'.Kli MKS r-F.ST TO f*MK*AfK>. Philadelphia, Mar. h il Bi nly two htindr-M men left this dir la t night on a iperial irsln ,.f f.,nr ran from lb* Penntylvanta Rullmud'a proad-st. <ta il.iii for ntUburg. Ali of then wer* uii-lcr ^..trtmea with an employment np. nt In im* riff la tale th" plseea of Bariiehsiea f.n mad* esntriag in rhlasg* It i- h. Iha! Ih* ni" li ur* lu te met !,y MM mer ai int ur.' and an niu ii i. imi .-r fn m U*ltlmnt* mid Bew-York. SOT APPROVED RV OOFEMSOS MEISIEY CohuHbua, ".hio, March ll. Qevaraar MeRlato** in -l-l* lo.'iv Hint C..I..H.1 Iii.inti<..rt. ..f ihr- Kth Kepi menl. "? N. ti., ihall retail a iirulnr ii.klnp hi, men to 11.nilli,ul.i .no il..Uni ea. ii to help ll,. the I...V. TIM.t's lillie ,| line... BIRHOF ll Wt,hod RETURXR To QEOHOtA. Allan!.*!, (iii. Mac li |] (gpeel*!).- Ili-liop AMI.ut ?.. Haygaod im* returned I* Oaaeglu, ?ini win h*nee foin, rnahe "\fini bb boase. Ka piss..i thruagh Atlanta an bu ?,! thither till- morling, act nipan!*! by i>is family, bishop llaygood ruane to tic. cumin don tome Um* ago that be coahl test perre ia- rburrh by removing lo llltfornla, bul Ihe rUassta dbi ti>-t agree wini ham, tatt hs ans fun<it to rome bark, THE COMMITTEE WAD SO MOSEY TO SPARE A ItsrssMoa sra* pre* Iff ts ted at the nn-etliip of lh>" Army sf !he lb pul.Ile Memorial ti nd Kxecu live I'.niiiiiiiie.. of Klnps County lalt evening In the Brooklyn (Itv Hull. wh<*a Henri M. birkett moved to :ip;.r<'|irluie ifliKi fr.un th- funds of tl.e ? oinmltfee towsi-4 lefraylni Hm leht of tha Proohlyn TBharaaila. Mr. B-rBett la a brother al aa senator Jama* Bt. iiirk'ii, treasurer <>f the 'Tabernacle. The motion wa* ,i|iiei-,*l by several* of thc c..ii.milt.. , who bsM thal i ie committee n*edi*d uti it, fund*, and lt wns voled i.y n lurga majority to Im ths reaoht iioti eu tht lau*. REVIEW ASH REA El'TIOS Of "OURS." ?General .lunn - M. Leer reviewed the _:m Keghneat lari evening ni lb* narmonl ave. anaary, Hrooklyn. The troops, auder Colonel I'urtridp.-, terned out arith full ranks and pres.' u line Bpp*SfSUCO. Mnrh awn's Bedail and budges wer- pr**e*|ed lifter me review-. A recepttoa BM dan. Inp rloaed tea tvenlnK, - -O' DI SS ER OE THE CAMOMIHTH CLUB. A Baas* ot mora af raaoeltts, lupraaVntlag th* farteua ? bibs lu Itu* elly itiul aalgbh-ThOJd, sat down ut lim Ar.-na la-l sight to th.- .-a omi aiiniial llaaCf of Um UsooelBt*1 Club. William Wliatbaih, of the Nc* York i-ano.- i lui., jr.- i.i,"i. Among thoes presaul wen-.1. H. bah.',* vice pr.?itt. nt of the American Canoe AflBO .talton; Vtoe-Coaiat-d-re 1. v. DarBag, Ff, ^. nat, ol tin- Marine ami ibid duh; Prank Danatti, of the Meaklya Clab; tames R. 1 in mi. RalefesrbuefeB-r Club; B. Bili,, of Hie Artliipti.ii Onion club; li. g- Oood_ril, of ih,- Vanheta Canoe rluh, umi C, v. lahuylcr, sec rotary of tba CUnotsIa1 Club. .1 WEDDING. Doipeviiie, n. v.. Mardi 11 ftp 11 toll ?ItflntJ Delga", Hie youngest member ol Hu- firm of Alfred |).,l_. m Mil, wa- inarrh il lo Mi-* .Milli, Heller, nf BBdhMUen, Oermany, hera io day. tlaarga A, HaMin, af LltUa l'all-, .In-iltt* of the -.apr.nie Court, performed ll,.. Ci-r.-monv. v.-hlch look place In ihe new factory of Hu- Anio Harp I ompaiiy. Biidolf llolpe lins cbiirpo of ihls manufactory. FOR a EUCCEEROE To BHMATOR MM AM. The regtatrall** ?t voter* in the IXth geualarial D1-11I.1 for ihs *-_M*tsl ilectbin in mi ih,. vacancy by be death of leuator Edward p. iia.-an wa* . oinpleieit ye-lertliiv. Th'- repistnttlon y.*t.-r-1iiv wu* a* follows: xiii Ass.niblv HKlrlcl, .'.ii; XHlii, laT; xiii, i_t, xvi. *i xxiii, ut, xxii. tit, XXIV1I1, CI. The total nplslrullon wus l,:wl. -**> WILLIAM M GRISSEL!. RESIGXS. Waahtegtea, March u.-wiiiiam M. i.rtnniii hu* offer.-d hi* resltrnntinn 0- n,,. ?,rtt. ?* of Third A-B-Steal grcretary ri Malo, |? i..i?* cir,-ci ut the pin**** of tho PBisUial. In (ouipllanie willi thc reipitsl of the .-et nl-ry of gmt*, he will continue In onie- mull his has boen -rieetstd. Mr. lirlnneli ha* ar ranged lo eater th.- bniiklnp h"i|si- nf Morton, bliss A-. Vu., ul New 1 ort,. It |s -n|d Ila! 110 Self, lion Jut* jet been lundi- ,,f a g_ass__*r. t Al'TAlS VASDF.RRll.T SOT EXPECTED TO LIYR. The ct.ndlllon of f'nptnln Jae*- Vanderbilt, who ls danpcian ly Ul nf ht* h.,me gg lirymes Hill, ji staple lon. rt. I.. C-U-MBl for Hu- wi?rsc vr-sterliiy niornliiR. sbnrlly lifter 3 o'clock he bacaasa penepilbly wether ?nd was .t-llrtoiiH. List night lie wa. Weak, ?Ithnusli h* had slept during the greater part of tha 1*7. J.S.CONOVER&CO. 28 and 30 West 23d St. Open Fire-Places A fine and largo assortment of Brass, BfogflM and Iron in new and e'egant de? signs. Mantels in all woods, anthe and foreign, '-om our civil special design**. Tile of even- foi-ri-n make, in rich wte?? col.>rincs. and Pattern* lol Root*, Walls. Heart-is, ndaggand Bathtfootaa. Our new facbirv. with oxtonsivo facilities, cjt ablos us to pi dd me the linest (lass of WO* -*? grcatly rediiicd cost. Foiiiitlry and Factory, 226, 528 and 630 Wost 65th St. Dr. Clark, who ls atteadlag Ihe captain, admit- thst Hm condition of lils pailful i- criucul, aaa umi aa cannot live mora than a few boors. STU A 7 NOTES HERE AND THERE. Y-T-en one of Mrlmrl Crakerifl r-v*. horse* poer* to ila- po*t ihi- seanou tarrying ina Yal* Mu* *s the color of lin* Jockey-* la-Bet, loo* BUl for the Vale cry. The hoya In New --Haven ai" Ilk-ly to lOSB their pocket amory on Tcrkrille bell", Kel Baansr sad PMry, If they at-.- not lu. ky. They cannot bel np:,lr,si their own d'or-. Wll-li some new l'.i?m.n chooses IV Ihn-va'ti rrlm?on at H* color, eolb"?* buttle* may he tonghi over en Iha t*rf. It ls propos'd to purify Iha Tliinie. by Importing a ki li.x.t of crocodiles io set a, river seaveufer*. How wimbi it do to im]<oit r, few thousBud te parity the street* of Bew-Yorl' .loim A. Norri* llk.s KriPlislinun, Fnrll*h horses and Kupll-tli panics. The athletic pr mud*, a' MurBS I'nrli will I..- cbunged imo a rrlrhet geld, and *omB fine pam.* nt*.- exported to lake place lhere this summer. Th**-* ni*' ?1i*c:uly BCVefnl tine tci'lils tomi- In front of tim riubhoaao. Wtiinen luive n perfeet right to rumplste when msa moil..poll',.- Hie hind mil- 08 th" r ur platforms of *ire-! mrs. nml torre them to squt-ese their way to Hie rtdir ns beet hey 'no without means ef support. There ought I* ba a society f"r street rar reform. Th- rear platform iheuM be kept clear, Biri in more per-on-t Mho.lld be allewed Inside I an can Hui seal-.. The Kretuii I* ihe only right one. in Peril .?very pa .Beggar I-- euUlied lo a mat, .'inti when all Hie ...nij it, n imi.ip- temrefemt e tte tefeeu the wonl .mpht- I* lump over Ihe d'*.r. which ni'iin* Muk" the m ,i mr; thu doesn't atop,'1 us Hie Aflsericso'-tt lt. A stroll through th* B-W-Y_r_ ?nnunl exhlhttlon of pure rood*, w:,|.|i js BOW open, will convince rmi .ne Unit Mew-Yorher* ore th* lest nv,-'. In 11*? * word; a'al -ai li ii i ..iivb :|..ii vv.eihl not h- far Wrung. CMcBga in- nt last decidei ihit her archtterian hu* Ih-.ii loo 1 rir.-ii-1 ? ?-. *.i In t!,,- fii'nre If mn*' he more '-tpin-iv... < lilia.,, bs* one advantage over N.vv \ ..rk |< iuiii" er..null around i'. W;is p t,n cartbQtuho aflar aUl goss* my lt ^as Mr ' leveland Butting bl* fool lews on the -td n ?trive nc Idem-' nf tie- Iv' llo'i*,- of lt-pr.- 'iita'lv. s. The wtirid move. Th.- i iiiverii.r of CaUfomla bas signed tba t-lll *i>r..!ilbltin_ prtse-flghBng; anti t'l? In ?lie rai- of UM 'nt-in-nf Hi.?! (??,l;i 1- ),. c., ruin. Merl, .-mired. Loultlsn* win non hun- n monopoly ?f tb* priae-rtng barine**. If Thomik.-rn, - p.,ii., of Gloucester," will put ? .top |,. ulnter racing be arlll hld* i tow ..f bis huge Biuintade "f iln*. Tbomhaaa ought t"> te- ? better ann. Ile ha* a *"ti rtudytag for the mini-try. Tlie v.iiinp man ghoul! h. .in preaching at If Henry Brady bsd iu.*l there, would have t-.*en no nec.--?ity for lb.kv, .ml Ifdke would base bean -pire.t th., *%ful NapauatbUlty "f ropplylng Ihe O*or*_a_a uith Um '.m*: all ru wi,*, liohe'i rival demand, fli-in. Kit.- nnd derilny .-ir- truublc ?ome IhlagB, Therr-'o no (riling wher* they wtO b-ad ? mini ti jie ii . ? -i toolang aad smiling, Wilde Brimpton 1* t.. t.e taken mr" of. Tba chief regret ..f fa.- i,i<l B*n>fSl** ll', ls Hint be ita, the vic? tim of r, mule ami not ,.f a bullet, When bs tost hi* hp. ft 1, no crlmo to lilli a ama tn a prl/ hold, a Jii'lp- of ri :-*in Fruin lac* petita cart. Th* lerifltoa i- probably hn*.tl aa lbs betts! that a pri/.e. ggbler I- * brute, and this Jud." useasa to nink lhal lhere I* no crime In kuliup n bur... An nni'iptils'iciti-d. iit!*iisp"cfin_ countryman tra* frigbtene- Blasost to dealt a div or two apo as he vailed lu a leisurely wnv up Parhuve., geul leven tl.t', st. A Central ibillroi.i engbie had stopped lu the tunnel, und Just ns Hi- niau reached the railing that surrounds t.r ntr bala tbe pop calve blew open, raualng a I".id riptoriea nml Bending a rloud nf Beam up thrnup!! ib*- bale, lb- bad been reading Bloat ta* Mri-rgaaa*, and rijr't here waa a rolntna auder )< tn '. He psuaed stu t>. laveaUgat*. ta hi* pr. el pi Mle fli.lit b* touched the proiinil only lit Hie Mph places. He -lint atop in bia nate mn ir nu two aveaaea ind a purl of Onlral l'ark vere behind him, nnd w-'ofi last .n wa- ":i fie vsy to Now .lert.v, i-mHtic f.irtive rjaaw* over bia ihoaldtT. in tin- miner iif ronttagratlonfl Boston i* one ,,f the bbmI aatoetaaata rifles in the v*rM. Mer Ires are marly Blways attended with lom ..f nf... There's - .nwt'i inp wrong v..m.vv here. Narrow streets and trollv wires immIi.- ii must dnnperoii* eomWsatlon. A kind of mild winter cholera bl prevailing In this .?itv. I, it n toreini.r of what may ba experted next Bummer 1 Au matelda yang mm shout tova, wini tin, ex pemb-ii hu patrknoay in th" percha** >.f experience, ls Vftttng a b'.'.k. Hie title of which 1-, ""TU* Ant., hiopraphv <f ii ge-f-Ooufeaaed PooL" Th.- toOovlog lifo- Mill BPP**T "ii the lille p*gB! " Maliciously disiicrit.ti ti til., univ enemies i bsv* in ta* worid Ibe chapples Vho are in my debt." Thia antin.r has sur.-lv arrlvi*. at tte ripe nf dlacrettoa. a Mestemer, apeahlng of the **usriVr ..f mhhlta tn Or* ga Bi ii*. *1 a somewhat itnrtlliip phlBM t.? eni phaalas ihs bri timi Um ?toto is averraa vUh l .? p.stt. He said in Hie aerloaa wnv pomdble: 1' er.- are i-noiipli tails lu an OregBO winni ii.*ld IO pnt.'.i T.-xns a nub- In Its raggedest phire." Thl* is auppaacd to ba Hie laaguaga ..( the *i,ii, the da ciiilem e of w hbei caii-es Ho- hlph llt-rary critic lo The limitation ls literal arith the exceptlou .if one ward. Ila didirt ,ny Texa*. SCARLET FEVER IN A SEMINARY. It was discovered yc-t.-rdny that fha It.v. K. Bf. Thsurpaou, ri PhUsdriphU, a student ls the "Torte |.,eleni Seminary at New llruiiswn k. N. .1.. is siitf,.r Inp willi scarb-t fever lu a NM* ut rlerttog Hall. Ail of fe stadsttlfl lune leen rs stoved frvm ibe lormltory. ? *? MR. QUINCY A PATRONAGE DISPESSER. Hartford nmraat'1 Maabtegtoa -topatrh. when .lurtpr (tresham **s "hos,n fur secretary of Male Ihe li'-ni.'inits woiii1ei.ll whiil aii:iiip.-iii"iii ( leveland could make ii* lu the tli-trlhulluii of the hjulN of the stuie Department which wonld not lu* otbnaive lo the Ht-mii. mile leader*. Som* nf them Imve uld wllh l.-i im ?-. (and l-n.-l. I'na-.v ? .my. of liidiann. I* reputed lo b* aBBoog iha number j Unit Ili'-v would nut iiii|> a man, whom thcv rfMOaa I" call * R.-itnl.ll. an. in tin* ennui Itv of ..nic.* si-ikers, nml Hint I ley would n?k ho lav or* of Judge " .r.ili.m. Tho mj-ti'Tv l< now aolved. .Intlpe Ureaham has been ihu*(-n tor Iha daly lo vhleti be I* *o well lirte.t, ol i,iii-iileiiiip a al getermtnhig Ihe vetghty -|U**.Hont of Mate whbh are certain la c..m.- before iii* tb partmeal In th* m-.xt tour year*. The intdert* of ullin, peddling and of rewarding polttlea] favorite, and cf jierforiiiliip the fiiiicimiis of machine potltlrt**! are not for him lo eansMer. lt hit* ln-t-11 dtst'ivep-il thal the real utiject of Hie appointment of .fosluli (anincv. of Boston, a* Asdstant SerSBtary of State I* Hint he mav br- lb,- repres.-ntil llv*.. of I.rov.-r CfeVUtand Iii Hm- Mate Hep irlineiit ga Hie tll*|ieii*er of pal ronan,., and thai In- univ lie tin man lo whom the wini b**Ses may apply for (on milnr porittoU*. Mr. Quincy ha* beeii n. ll, lint l.r-cnu-'C of nil etlli e-iil reeoid of pulillr *eiv li-,>. but becauaa tt his nctiv.- Daamcmtla partsmMhtpi noni: i* kwi.kt ?when it's in thc country, for Mic air i* nure ami there is room for thc ekfldrea to play, lt's aotn fort whoa you have a goad Med lot. pure water, good *cwcrm:c, gjaalili lisht, Iward pnved streets. I .mut ami hourn h Bf* cheap, ut iNcwi Ikniiiil r.rook. Sml for book? " liouiveeekar*, to li. V. Pierce, Hound lirook, N. J. AND STILL NOTHING* DONE, P.MiLItO >MS FLOIHISH INMOLEfifTED. MCO-iT.'B IM'.KIKXTS OP TIM'. fimClAhS-MU. III I.I, AT A LIJA NV. Il y.-t ri Bastes fur the i Itv officials to make a bonn I fide, lBugatti) effort tn erina ont Hie irHilroom*. At present they content themselves with saylnp that tho gamblers hnv.. BUtarttted the lawmakers with their loinmlstlon device. District Attorney Nicoll d.fhir.'S Hint iimbr th" present -,1111111- evidence on wl-Lli to convict pool r-teller* cannot be ubini lied. Till, coll fesrio* Of inabllliy lo eepa with the lawbreakers ls in it range contrast wtth soaaa of the achievements t*f Mr. Nliell's of!!.". If he ls bul thoroughly nroiised to ibe need af bavtag a person touad gatlty nothing .ni exeeed tha tnargy aa_ ihievdaem with which his n-.-l-i.ints search for evidence. The history of such cases as of Carlyle Vf. Harris and Charles \V.?lardner stairs thia, Bal in tea pr.*< ni Imtaaea the aanriala aban a guinna ?>f wit teal would ba surprising lu a country justice of th"- pen,,.. I;e toliiml-shill pietcxt 1, IBU I hollowest Sham, -Hill IV. 1-VhlKly UllOV S lt. Ill tho lil-I pince. BUBf pel-soli- (lo Bri even pay Um t. n cents, (if COaiM poUcemen Vb* are going la make arrests always do. Private detectltea miel t. how? ever. In- found who would see scores of lits nude in Which tb* (lime was not pns-o'd to tho cashier. Agata, lt la a simple matter ti show Unit Hie po-'l S lh rs do not place the money al tba r.icetrurk. lt la said that a jallakin of Um Cattai states Mpamaa Court would prevent tin- -.rand Jury from compelling Westeta inion officials to testify about thc dlspatehas sent flinn poolroom t* Hi" racetrack. Il might, li,e.-,, vcr, ]*; i.osslblo bi ir.'liiln- BBUUt mess-ar** Hint ar.- not sent, for of course none ls. A simple plan vms a'L.pb-d lu Hrooklyn wi tl awrfced BUeeeBB. An exp'-rt telegrapher look ti place In Ih" ?poolta--, whi- In- could lieut' thc Ukin**, of He tel graph lastrssteat. A deiecllv" made g wager. The telegrapher could bwusb thal aa bbbbbbb* steal ever was tent to the traill. Tin- c.ulii of evidence wis Hms cimplet". Apparently, Hil* simpl- device has not bert trieil here. Absolutely tin- most bruen piece of bUS-UBBB in connection uith the whole subject is th* introduction in il..- Aascuubll ly "Div Dollar" Sullivan of Mr. Ni.-,,ir, i.m t., hm ptwfceflfng. a visit to the room shore if... bartui m tn Centre**!., which -sullivan lins ?Wiled h.r a long Hui", will show Just wh} lt is child. play lo look fm any result from Mr. ,V|cf H's effort, polite captain* In Whom precincts pa**_rit*fS were arr. sted on Friday hnv.- bee* directed to send to Superintendent Byrnes report- regarding the evidence Mil.mitt.-d to the police |astiocs, 'Hit- tfaperiBteudsBt said yesterday; " I cannot mille suderatand why mme <<t tte {ustlces discharged the prisoners on (he ground that tlure lind been no violation of law, while another magistrate held tin- pool-.-lier-* for trial for riolstlag the law. I nm williup lo do all that lb-* within ny power to put a -top to pootoetUag In this etty. The ll"Oable In Ho- way of tb" polite cnn be told in a few words. Th.- porinrilefs claim to act Hs com mon carriers In laying beta at th" racetrack,, and they beep up tho pretence by cliaririiic BaaBmlsricns. Telegraph!* BUBBeetlona vtth H." raoetmchs are main? at He- poolrooms. Th" p..Iii" cannot prove ililli Hi.- Biders for bets at tb.- track* ur.- not lela graphed. Arrests ure inn.!.- with Ih- belief Hui H.- law I* b.lnp violated, hut -utii.- of Hu magistrates promptly discharge the prisoner*, and even ga ss fnr a, to publicly censure the police f?>r makin, the ?treat*. Coder the dreumetancea lt ls bani to keep mi trying to enforce n law that seems to have a weak ? p..i in if and cnn 1... evaded so rutty. Iluvever, I bare repeatedly Bastioned th- Inspectors that the police tiiiisf liv to enforce tb* btw where there iippt-nr* I., be nny vb, Inti. A, and arrests ar.- BMde now nml then. Poota -liing MUM be Mopped In thl* elly if tbe pollca wrre sustained In making nrr.-sts whet* lhere was CVtdeUee thal Uri law wa being evaded or riolated. The DUtriet-Altarney ba* iri.d io have (Bc Legtatatare amend the law m Ihat lt COOM Bot bc by anv pr.-iencc of acting a* comman Banter*, bat the bin drawn by bim ha* tiecn defeated. There ls another attempt now bring ale h.iv. the Legislature, Which ls Iii -e*s|oti. pa** make betting in the poolrooms Uligal. and I bop* the bill Mill b-- passed." NO MOSEY FOR DR. PABKBUBSrS SOCIETY Mi mmi rt savs that ntl-; POLICE PEB-B-CCTE (?"i\Ti:tritr..i.s "The treasury of tin- lodety for the PrevenUsa of (rime, of whbh Hie K.v. Dr. Parkhurst ls president. ls empty today,1 -aid a well known lawyer and poll Brian yesterday, ?? it i* empty bsennte the men ri wealth mid Handing In th* ? .immunity who have peen in Hie of eontrihutiug io its tunda nave been b-dgared and bulldos-d int.. dlscontlnuta. their -ni. icripUons. ihe tow vhu have continued to coutrit-ute have begged Ho- otttoeVS of Hu- Society that their ii.-tiii--** be kept a io ret. Every device known to the police lor annoying, humiliating ami intimidating me* wlm have leen lubeatbera to * ti.* fund* of Dr. Parkhurst'* ?oclety has been practised, l bnun ..f one .ase where tin. taning.- of it liberal giver ls Dot now allowed to -land a moment nt (lie curb while Hie ladles of Um bimby euler a store to do shopping. The driver I hy the policeman on Hie beat to drive off Im? mediately. That Hil* I* done to annoy th" family be cause of th" liiuiluial aid Its head hi* given to the Parkhurst society l.* not doubted, by those who know Hu- fails. ?? business BSM do not care |<i come Into contact with tin- pun er tel hittaonaa which the politician, wield, and tiny Hud ll mich tUrier to withdraw their -ni.-irt pt lon, than to face threatened bijery to their Interests, You mny coll them covvai-fl* for so d 'lng. Lui lin- prent majority ul New-Y.-rivera can M* in. I calton for putting their burin*** altair, tu Jeopardy, if that must I m. she [M'tinlty visited apon lb.-iii for their attorta to nhl lu purifying the tlty. If lln-y iim*r make such a merilee ol personal Interests, they are going *>? let Dr. Parkham, looft elsewhere tor fiialiilal assistance." ft is sniti Umi sevens] p nee captains imve been ri'iiveiv everting tbe,mean* ni their command In In* Hun.-Sling bO*ln*?lS llien Wh* B*Ve been subscriber* II the t.i'iisiiry of Dr. Parhbunt'i gortety, and Boan pelling them to wit bora w from th.- list of tillite who lniv" peen giving n substantial -ld. THE IICRDERER'S SOS WANTS THE REWARD. Dexter, m,-? March ii. a new tooter* in the matter of the reward Ottered l.v the Dexter BUVtagS Hank f..r tbs discovery of ihe nuittsrera of (.a-hhr barron I- % -ult I,ion.lil hy Charil* P. .-tobi nguiu*! Joh and A. 1-*. bradbury, the survivors of tin- Board of Tl-Bless, to recover it. stain l* tea son of tho burglar Stain, who. with ''liver Cromwell, i* terring a bf.atenco tn thc state orison for tho murder ol barron. Bx-sherifl Mit, hell, suit to re? cover 'he reward, brought some months ago. comes np lu tho supremo Court nt Ihowbepr-s this term. THE GRAVES RAHM AMI MURDER CASE. r'rom The Boston Transcript. The full beiicli of ihe gupnm* ''"UH of Colorado bas granted Dr. Qraves, conrieted of Hu- munler of Mis. Iiarnati). a new trial. Al lin- taine Um., lt l, Intimated Hint nu further lll-oieetlllips will Iii- taken sgalnit him, ami that In- will bc rclens.,1 on h|, oWfl bond. Hie Supreme Court, in reviewing the trial, linds lhal Ihe Judge Who presided admitted evidence Hint should have been excluded mid excluded evidence that .should have I.a admitted; nml that the entire trial abounded in error* which. If toft sneorrected, would roustttUte pr.-cl,-nis dangerous to thi- righi of .?viv BCCUaid p.-rsoii lu an Impartial trial. From the pilhli-heil abstract lt would appeal' Hint Hie Mipreiue Conn thought lhal Ihe lower cunt Ju,lp.-, Jun- anil the acosecallns attorney frilled loree* io hunt the accused to Hie giilh.w*. nu,' of Ho- Judges who reviewed the trial pi-feeding*, ha* been elected io tee bench since the conviction of Hr. lirave*, Uefore hi, eiectten he expresaed the opinion ..f the trial bv graphically nb servlnp Hint lt was " inllrnatling n mun tu his grave." lu view nf ihis e\p,.s*iun h.- rxpreaaed bl* willingo.,,, to withdraw fruin th" bearh while ibe application for s new trial was under consMerattou, If counsel for thc State s,, tiesinsi. tun ihey dbl not luke sd ra nf age ut hi- ogee, baring their own opinion of the proceeding, lu iiu- lower conn. New prosecuting filth WM were chosen aft. i Dr. (.raves'* COUVtclton and Hov ave knO?U lo hnv.- hrid their doubts ns to the mei hods followed nt his trial. Indeed Imrrr appears io have been a widespread feeling in Colorado ihat if Dr. i.raves va* guilty lils guilt wa* n,,t shown by ti.itdenee ..n whir* h.- was rontieted. Tin- full .-.-III ll. ll slio'll.l Ll1 lelllellib,,,',,), ,||,| ,,,,, ,,.1SK II.MHI Hie guilt or Inn..cen. i- of Hu- accused, for that question wn* nm before lt. The real rtsestton the Judi-os of lin- supreme fOUrl were Caliea agon to deride wa* whether Ihe accused hud lind a fnlr trial, and they derided that he timi not. lt wis Imposrihto lbs! Dr. (innes aheuM have hud a fnlr trial, Th* oomaiuBlty where h.- reaMed and the community wherein he wu* had 1.a for months lb* bnllle pr..muI of reporters with theoriM and clew. Long trt-fore the Jury bad been Impanelled the sleuth- of lin- prt-s had, ncc riling ns they wore Orave* men or anti dravo* men ronvtoted him or acuullted him. The innjorliv ul* these " sleuth," were tor conviction and they arrota of "Im a, a murderer wt,H.- In ll,., eves of ll,.* law he VB* Vet prc-iim.. to Im- Innocent. They took an active part In (he -rail? roading" prores-. vhtoh was niiiub-d io by the Colorado Judge; they tr* trap* fm- him: they tranatormed them Ti,,'";,'"", .."";''.'r." i1"",' ,*,V,,,I" SpMBBBtoBB from cither ( olnrado or bhotb- toland acted a* If thcv were ..then of the law. So fnr as |? them ?7 the* .ep,ruled me pcs ??,, ??,.rf,.r,,, ,,?,. tt)? Sn*** Hu- law and Jusilce. Prom on,- .Miniuunltv w hone mindii had 1.n Siled win. theories i" wiltne*Er__ ll,.- rte! were draw,,, mid f,-,?? ., ,', h."sim h. riv Bflttcted il,,- jurvine,,. ri,.. t,|?| r.-n , 'ted the ie ntl llient of a comiiiiiii iv wlios,. mind* Int- K_L_, ?, ,h . ? In advance that n?. areotro vu*' gritty? P mWS &CU3B" "?"*-*?- ?* "MACY.,' IIXTII AVE.. 13TII TO 1,T1| M Grand Opening of Spring Novelties MILLINERY, MON,, TUES, and WEIL March 13, 14, 15. Imported HATS. noWi'Ts, and VOQCm ?elected and each-dee Oriana ?f t>BBB* -mC,' ajjj^ HATS and BOMMKTS of our own ***aa*U. ? Perfect gen* of the taB-lt*** url, and re M Mest that th.y will Inspire th" Bdnn'r-ttM of __ !? behold them. "^ Richness and neat nena are ?* two predominating points in m stylcst CLOAKS AND SUITS, Our assortment of Lnttiet* Misses9, and Children's Iinpotioi and Domestic Wraps. Coats uni Costumes ls now complete, and out prices are from 20 to .7.5 percent, less than the same goods can bt) purchased for elsewhere. We /tnt. almost, ererg eoneciuabfe stf/le fa the European and home marktti, Special Skirt Sale for Monday, o 00 umbrella-shaped Dr ott Skirts, in black soft oil.wool camel's hair eloth, li rows of stitching, tailor-made, deep fata ings, sixes $4 to 44 {ualue $i>.7J>), ___ **?*? Trimmings. Paney colc-cd eire* In tin*'I effect-, ?J*., III., mc, l<*c? gie. pg, colored beal p__MBse*teri*B la mv, ot usa and hellotroi*', p. r var I. Ile- Tl-. We., -ri.I. S119, SltL Colored Head BlgBB, per yird, U . -I'.. 28-., Mc. Jet, Edtf-v, per vari, 0" , 10".. 13.-.. lie. PH, Jct Band*, per vari. llb-.. BV., Sb., tole. lundi sus Mgsu psi rani, le., O'-.. ;??., a.-.. toe, 12--., is-., in, Piala SHS Bun.*, pet yard, 2ic, Mag Itel tu. A large assortment of high el ant imported goods at ueug low pricet* HI'.IK.I'I.F-S IlllAUM Itt ULA'K AND Abb XKH SlfADI-S FROM . T ) 2 . IXCM-M WliiE. Latest Novelties in Black anil Col? ored Boleros and Bodices. BtaBh Silk Hole-on. each st HUB, *l..l, ...2L tm Poler,,*, erich fi.OO. IMI, "M. 21. r flick Silk md Jet ll di'*?,,, 11.31, *1.49. 11.81, HM** Colored Bead Bodice, worth double. MM Bargains in Dress Goods. At 29c. Per Yard, TWILLF.f) IltiMK-l'INS. ri'vy soring color!*!*, -ttl mid _*rk ,h?.!.-?, worth .".Oe. At 69c. per Yard, PIMM Ar.Mii'.r. si'.ipii ss, bbu moa aaaste toi Ila* at Mtass aad Mach, aratth ri pm jard. At 49c. per Yard, ALL-WOOL STOBM BBBGES, ii, mut colon isl Mach, is lnciie* ute*; tagstof tv-, ti'iiip*,. 69c. per Yard, PmXMCB CBCVIOTB, tu ariM tutors int into* effects, full line ri color*, a*Mh gh i" r ---.rd. At 98c. Per Yard, An Innr-enr-e variety of BMW STYLES, KAXCT WI.aVI.s, Hal i til.nKINifS BCITABLI for (-UU C*Sl__m*i many ri them are worth ll *>o ptf Tiri. At 79c. Per Yard, PUri-f. DlAOOMAL Mi.f..vN".i:. ta a vinery d .hales, vry Spll-h. for entre ,?*t,:u,e-: fal v*lti? tt pal y?rd. SILKS. 5000 YAP.ns Ott KI".I INDIA SILK, M IB-HES Willi*., .v OBBAT VARIETY Off 'AE* sTVI.I'S a Xii COLfOftlBOS, |gr. I'll'. Vi RD. THU IS A Mp Ki. IA I. UllI'.Kl.N.. AND CAttMOf BS. Itt IT. AT EU. - B. Perfumes. Full 2-ti'. il'tr'.'. Aloysius Brohl et Cie.i Extracts. wiutf. SOttM, VlOLttT, winn; lu.v.. and JOCKET CLUB. "* Medicines. F.Mr I.M ON Ott um i.i vi u OIL, PCMMH m.d ttsM. J OOM liv ki; on,, subtly para fiato. ? Groceries. (.'?th FliN.r. BCU tttt-B-ttl A few handled SUSSS MSSUta ol'our srcnl eat*mta ?f Imo. ci ic. from Hie well-known Brm ol C. MgttJ huber A lo., bm Ihcy vtill nol ln?i lou*, snat *** Ihi-f are ?obl lhere ia no prob? billi, l-*i ?"*?*** ennncH unod* will soon Haul., bc og.'red ?t tttaw prier* ao f*r below iho-e now chnr.i d by wkatetmmm lor ihr *iimi' moo-*. , lloiiickccpi-r* will br win* I* Hike altaaies*? ibis opportunity. PURE ENGLISH JAMS* t< Baulks hoi'Tiiwixi/s, OMM-POtfMS . I.L.WS JARS. STltAlVIirKKY. ItASI'- I llF.RRV. Al'lUK'lS. illlKINt.At.l . HAM'* [ it IlKltllY AND BED I I Ult ANT. OOOttM i *Hw IIF.RRY. IIIU i l'K HA NT. III. Ai K (TR- 1 RANT. DAMSON. llllANl.l'. MA UM A I.A DE. / HUM I'I ON OT FM.LAND I'K.AS. ll*. ?"?"' -,-* csu ot _ isasa.? girtl-D LA ULY jr Xl', i'l.AS, ISS. BBB, <*? Ol artftt mm tufa I down.? Itfl-MtTlMM ITALIAN llt.IVK OH* gBBttai -BUN ^^ pint! . SPANISH (.HKI-.N OLIVES. ..# 32*oi. Uottle,.JJ is-m. Howe*. ;u IQ-ll. Uottle,. Bedding. (Third Floor. Main BnikUdtl B1TOUM-, T1RASS AM) WHITF, ENAMEL ^ bf.ds, i.ia** top*, fun -hst., ona.??._?__*_?. ALWAYS OX IIABD FILL LINK OF MAJ?"""" ?MSI HMM 1LA-K SOUTH AMERICAN. ?w$lJ(ll lim.nd* ." jgjt IBpOBO QfALITY. agt P.FST W1BE COTS.'.'J'^wwelSS ** MATTU-rfcai-ri MADE XO OADUH IS **? *^m IMOBTlCttT BOXICtt._mtmm . ?n-ttarou illiW-tlw. ttl fl? I