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WHAT HROOKLYN TALKS OF. BL1MPSKS OF MEN AND THING'S ON THF. LONG ISLAND SILK OP THU KAST HIVES. Brooklyn made a brave showing at tte hearing on Wednesday on tie CSBBOlldallS* bill before Ik* tW* j Committees on Cities at Albany. Tbs SeleSBtlon j whlrh went to thc capital to urge the paBBSgi "I Ita bill was a -troiig one and contained not a lew men who are well know* and Influential The arguments which they presented In favor of allotting the people to vote ta the Bjaratbm af ooa-oBdstlon' and well put, and. if the m.intiers of the LegfotatUN were free agents would be convincing. OB tb" other side nothing was paid ex ???pt by Senator McCerren, WhOS" elaborate speech dealt wlt'l Hie question of consolidation Itself, and not with tte question now before the Legislature. Why Ita COBBObtallonlBta, a* tua eiaseatn el the peadlng 1,111 an* called, should object so strenuously ta the BU-iwdmrnl .suggested ht Corpora Mon Counsel Janka is dlflu ult to understand. Do thu friends of Matfon moan to force lt throu.ti In cast* Hie people Itameetvea declare ut Hie polls that they do-not want lt I It would appear m. . and lt would appear also as |f the Hurd Bett tefl of the bill were put In there not by occident, bul with a set purpose. This BCCttofl provides tint Hi* Consolida? tion Commission s':all go ahead with the scheme of ] union regardless of ihi* voice of the people aa ex? pressed at the polls. Wliat ls thc BM of anv vote at all then I Its purpose should be io ascertain the feeling of the people, which may serve as a guido for action in Sha future. If the people want consolida? tion, and sst ao, ull right; if not, that oughl to settle I the question thc other way. Tie consolldatloiii.sis ore clearh Inconsistent In the position they have taken. Thc amendment la n reasonable one. No city or town ought to bc forced Into union wit 1 N"w* York against the wishes of a majority of Its people. Mr. Hendrix's term as a member of Congram hav? ing begun, he has promptly resigned from thc Hoard Of F-duentlon, and hi* place hits been lilb*d by an ap? pointment nuide by Mayor Boody. His resignation, Of course, leaves a vacancy In thc presidency of the board. There wns a luther animated contest last summer Bree lida eB-Ce, an ellort being made to Mr. Hendrix, who had Siled tta place for live years. The candidate of Ita spposMoa ut that tim" ls a can? didate agata now; but it win dearly not bc to the best Interests of this branch of the city's business if he secures tbs place. Mr. Hendrix has been a mem? ber of tlie board for ten y-ars, having been BffolBtel bv Mayor Lott soon after bring defc-ste. bv thf latter for the oflee ol Mayor. He bas dum* good work in the board, particularly ns its president, and he will bc greatly nil-sa-d._ Park Commissioner Browse reperfo that he has no funds available to meet the expense of the removal of Mr. Beecher's statue to Straped Park. Ita money ought to be promptly provided, so that Ita transfer can be accomplished during Ibe spring or earlv in the summer. It would not be inappropriate lo have lt take place on June '24, te anniversary of Mr. lie*.-li? er's birth. At thal time the statue will have stood In front of the City Hall, gn/.lng at Ita look) pillars ' Of that building," for Just two years. By the way, Clerc is to ba- a celeb ration of Mr. Beecher's birthday by the Hrooklyn institut'' on that date, and Hr. Lyman Abbott, his successor In 1'lvmoutU (inneli, will dc- | Uver thc memorial oration. The people of Brooklyn cannot take miic't pride to themselves bi contrasting the readtnera with which nearly ?S().000 has been raised In Huston for a me? morial of Philips Brooks with tin* difficulty experienced here in steering evec SS-gOOO for the statue al Henry Ward Beecher. Win- i< li thal there |s such fork ol fiiibllc spirli In Ce fourth cltv of the Fulled .tates. a lt beean.-' of tte divided Interest of many of Itu people, owing to ibelr doing business 011 ihi* otha-r aldo of tta Bul Btver.1 lt ls stated that one man has recently moved from New-_ork to Hrooklyn for no other reason Can thut smoking-cars tire run on the elevated road In Fulton Bt* He raye he ls toe busy ta smoke at his allia,-. and his wife will not let him aaaota at home. Now he can consume two cigars a dav O Ile travelling: but he lives in hope coat some day tlie d.-vated roads In New-York will Imitate Hie Kings County Company, and t_*-n he will move badi again. Boss McL.incl.lln has various titles to distinc? tion. One of them is that he mikes lt an invariable rule never to sign a petition, tio matter how worthy the object In view nor how much interested T"e may be in lt. lt was this raia whick prevented him from signing the peiltinn asking for lae removal of tlie Beecher statue from Its present -position. It seems rather late in the aaaeea for the police to make a proclamation that all boys who Indulge tri snowballing In Hie streets will bc arrested. Buch a prodsmatlon ought to have been made at the tagia* Ding of the year, and resolutely tarried out. Throw* Ing snowballs ls a gnat nuisance, but lt ls practised regularly bv schoolboys, and they care lit tl" who mav bo struck by their missiles. One of the worst forms of the nuisance ls the flinging of the balls Into open windows. An open window BCOBM to have an Irre Blstlble attraction for tte average boy of the perl.*! in Hrooklyn. As many windows are opened In the morning Jor purposes of ventilation, boys on their way to school find numerous opportunities for Indulging this propensity. Another winter it ls to be hoped that th" police will not walt until the la--t snow of tbe season is melting before taking etegfl to put a stop to tills liul-iillie. _ Ur. Talmage had no cheer to offer to his congrega? tion las* sunday, and today he will not be arith Item, being absent on one of lils lecture tours. Whit !,?? said a week ugo was virtually a repetition of hts pre? vious statement. "We must have help or .stop,"1 Waa bis cry; whbh ladlcstea mtSciently ite critical tltua Hon which the uff,,iiv a,f the Tabernacle tara reacted. A foreclosure of a mongaga, is Imminent on April 1. unless one of the numerous crediton of tte church ls BaU-lb-d In the mean lime. The Hamilton Club paid Oeaera] Tracy a pleasant compliment four yeera ago, ju-t after be aaaumed charge of th** Navy Department. It took tba form of a dinner, which was given on Marah IS, loeii. General Tracy has the unl(|iie distinction of fleing the I J only citizen of Hrooklyn In all its history wi,.., bu been tancred witt) a place in a President's Cabinet, ond naturally all Ita po"ji!o of thc city regarded his appointment by Mr. Harrison with aaalfoyed satis? faction. General Tracy now returns to Brooklyn with new and lasting laurri* on his brow; and Ibe Hamilton Club has arranged to honor him with another dinner. which ls to be eat.u Beal Thursday, just four years to a day after the former one, A notable feature oj the dinner win be rii-- presence ri Secretary Herbert, General Tracy's BUOCeaaw. 60 the Abbey will soon be no more. Tin* newel generation of Hronkly niles will feel no sorrow, per Caps, over this aaaeuneMBeat, bul ta many of tb ?Id-tlmers thc destruction of tils landmark will seem | like the brea liing of a sining link willi itu- jiasf. lint the land on Whick lt stands ls very valuable for bust* ness purposes, now Mal tba part sf Hulton st. ti!,.-re lt stands has become the centre of the fashionable shopping district of the city. The present fons af 1 the Abbey will nut expire until a year from tMs j , spring, but after that ll ls BXfected thal the new j ( owner will e*ect a large store on lbs rite of lins well* ' hSgUBJ building. Possibly ihs base mav be brute* , Bonner Will the member, of thc -oclety of (lld , Brooklynltcs put ou mourning winn they are forced to bid fan wall to Ite Abbey 1 Wliat a good thing * lt would Imve been if they could have araared tte j odd building and maintained lt aa Hulr hoadqaarteraI Ex-Judge Van Cutt las BOW elected president of the Board of Trustees of tim Parker Institut.-, to succeed tte lite A. A. Lew. Ha uas rae* a -Bembil >.f the hoard since JejO. and Hs vice-president for the List ten years. Mr. Van (ott ls a geuilemaa of the old school. In the best meaning of thut more or less abused phrase. _ Assistant postmaster Smith, who died on Wednesday- j Biter a brief Illness, was ona. of th,, m.-n nba make . themselves Indtepeneshle in wtatevce ptecea d tru.-t ' and responsibility they are called to UH. There wu,, j no thought of disturbing him during; the IB mill I Bbl) ' ( regime from I--", to i?o. and If he had lin*! lt is < * morally certain that te would have been retailed by " tbe man selected by President Cleveland ta Bucceod ? Postmaster Cnl'lns. He wns .1 genia! and kindly ofll- 1 dal, and popular In the, albeit atricl iii the I matter of dls-ipline. Ills death ls -apedalte Bater- v lunate nt tris time, owing to the severe Illness nf B Postmaster Collins. ; f There waa, some "thundering In the Index" regard | I lng tbe Grand dury and Hie Newtown "Creek nuisances, 1 ? bat when the presentment made by that body was r handed In lt proved to !*? a very innocuous document. , 1 lt ia true that the Jurors accused tta health and po- ' bee ofticlal* of neglecting their dutv, but they did not ; F censure them, und apparently did not even think of " bidictlng them. The mild recommendations made do : * Bot promise to produce con sequen ces of any lui pur- a lance. ; h Can any one doubt thut the city ordinances are vlo. " lated In the running of trolley cars at the high mle J ti speed which ls frequently reached, especially In thc P evening? The places the maximum speed I n lt ave miles un hour. These cars at times must reach tlhie Or ten mil.-*. Is -tlil** dangerous practice to go on unchecked? Or will tbe obliging Aldermen raise tho maximum to ten miles an Imur? There ls no ijU?stl'>n timi they might tie Induced lo do this. The companies will perhaps consider lt cheaper to take the risk of having a few of their motormen arrested. ' Tb* New-York Central affords the fsttest and mott complete through train aervlce of any railroad tu An*?len ... America. POLITICAL AND PERSONAE PUBLIC MEN AND AFFAIRS. ex rr.F.-sin: nt iif.xdhix. cf tiif. nunn or EDOCATIOM?MEETIXG of inr. p.r.rrni.i* r\\ OEBEBAL COMMITTEE. One of the mo-t Important departments of the municipal government ls Ital Intrusted to the Hoard of Hducatioii-the public school lyatcm ol the city. For many years it has bein In tbe bands of a body of forty five men. who give their services gratuitously tai n... city and arc sppotated by Vie Mayor for terms cf three years each, one-third going out of oflics each year. Many well known rn>? n hate screed for yean In the board, lhere have ben -ome members who have Hills shown public spirit and devotion lo duty for a quarter of a century or mora. One of these Cyrus P. Mnlth, wns president of the braid for twenty five years. E. J. Whitlock held tta same oBce for seventeen years, and db-d soon after ta retired frmn lt. His Bncceeaor waa 'innis o. Bergen, who is sim a member of Hie board. After ta had been re elected hall a dozen times. Hubert Payne was chosen to succeed him In 1880. The following year Poaeph C. Hendrix sine.sled In defeating him and ha* been re-elected every year since. On account of Ms election lo Congress last fall Mr. Hendrix has felt constrained to resign from the Hoard of Education, and this act Involves bis retirement from Ite -flire of president aficr un Incumbency of >lx years and a half. J. C. HKNDBIX. Joseph c. Hendrix ls now forty years old. He was bom at Fayette, Mi., and wa- the ion ol fl banter In that town. He wa, educated at Central College, In Fayette, aad at Cornell University, in ithaca, N. v.. where he began newspaper work In a small way upon a Democratic dally, in i-i'A te Brade bb wey to Bew-York and secured an opportunity ti work l'r ??The -un.*' He made bis hoine In Brooklyn, and In 1-7.". he took charge of Ita nm,kl vii BOWS for that paper, lb* began to take an Interest In Dem> eratic politics, and became a member -if tte Jeff, mon Hali wing of tUe party, led by ThBBae Kinsella. In 1^-0 h.* was made chairman of the committee which prepared thc plan for party reorganisation on the basis of enrolled primaries. He became president ol the Tenth Ward DeflBocratte Aasoctatlon andi.- I reorganization. In ls*.; Mayra low appointed bim a member of the board of "(duration, and bc luis served nearly eleven years, having been reappointed by Mayors Low, Whitney and I hapln. In 18S3 li" was made the Democratic candidate for Mayor, running against Mayor Low and reducing his majority from 5,000 at tta previous election to 1,800, but falling lo defeat Mm. Th* campaign wa*ea*of tbe most spirited ta tta bi? nary of the (Hy. The Beat year tl:- COBtroBer and Auditor appointed Mr. Hendrix a illidge Trustee to .succeed General ll. w. slocum, und upon the death of Secrrisry (.uimard he was ehosea to bia oflne. He filled tils until President (leveland made 1,1m postmaster to succeed General McLoer tn July. 18SO, In each of offices ho Instituted re;.-rms and Improvements, and his record In the pootoSce was highly commended by Ita-Miler General ttttmt. Before Ma term In the oflice expired iii 1S80 Ita Kings County Trust Company had been orgaulied and Mr. Hendrix was elected Its president. II'' has devoted Mmtdl to the business of th. company, which hus proved highly HBoeiiful. -imo he retired from his i.ovi-rnniini poritton. Last fall General lanac s. catlin was mada, the candidate for Congi, i la the Hld District bv Un Democrats, but lt wns finn rt ihat hts acceptaace of the orara would involve ia* giving up .if bis life pension for wounds in battle, where be lost ins leg, amounting lo nearly tte salary ?s member af Congress, and he withdraw from Un ibid. Mr. ll'iuirix wa*, then nominated, and io? was elected by a largo amjority, ea tte district, under the n.-w apporttoaaaeat, ls largely Democratic lb' announced that tn- would retire from tte presidency of the Hoard of Education as soon aa hi- brm in Oongreaa hagan, ou March 4. Mayor Boody baa up pointed Dr. Andrew .1. Dower te the plaee In the board bft va. ant bv Mr. H. inliix"-, rd In imnl. Ills raceeaara as presiding efScer wail be elected at tts mooting of tba board in April. Tho -Mardi meeting of Hie Republican Geaeral Oemmltra of thc county win bi- brid ea Tuesday evening in the Crlteikm Theatre, nt paitoaot. and Brand sir. when the committee has nut for two years BB** last month, WhCB Me- un .ting had l. be held in Historical Hall, ii- no Otter place was imitable, nm the disturbance cf Ihe cuitomary _ulet of tWs place by th.- noisy proceedingi will probably praclads tho nnting nf the place lu Ibo future fi...- political purpose . Th"- meeting tiik areeh ls likely to be in strong contrast with thc february meeline for wveral reasons. trna 1-, that it win jiossivs a iiutiioiiai character, .is i.-aa taUona will in* presented anil apeeebca Blade in memory of Mr. Blaine, ex President Hayes and BUlbun ii. Beard, a member ol the Mate Commit tie from Brooklyn. Tbe nb-commlttee ii> which th., various resolatlona in their honor, presented n Mst swath's meeting, wei-., referred, ls composed ?f George F. EUtett, Jesse Johnson, Theodore B. BUBB, Jacob Worth. o\ .-. nato-.- .f. W. birkett, J>. M. Hurley, and .lames W. Fuller. Th" lr report itlll embody Hie sub lance of tha- raaotntloni drafted ast month. The execuUve committee will report a, Ihi- general lommiltec lu favor of such amendments tn the bylaws ns will provide for the disciplining si Bsmsberi of raaBaaHtece who fail to perform n.eir lillies. The coniniltta-e on rules and bv laws will ?cport several amead-aento to the by-laws, bal Ikey .tin probably be ordered pi luted oed laid over until he April BteetlBg. The i .\pec"at_'.n Ihat Ita N )i'g.'ini/.atlon ii?rn mit ti e would report at this month's neciing win nd be rcall/'d, u the. committee met, 'or Hu* Bret timi" lu-t week, and after tearing Ita .'arion s plans for reorganization read, ocdeicd thi in irlntcd and referred to n BUb-cOBUnBlee of nlu , t,, ?ep ,rt lirnii inion to Hie committee of thirty-two al ii Beering to-morrow evening, ll is probable thai ? iiiiniier of iiu-i'ihigs win be told before :i complete li.ri Ls formulated The exits Od break lc.wc n tte BlOOhtefl l>*mo mry and Governor Hewer canm in vt week, but as isiial McLaughlin and lils men walled Bo long before Hiking ttelr blow thal ll Ml short and falleal ,,f nv effect. Had Ibe derision to oppose tte Sire island lil been reached while li ws* still in Hu- Assembly io- opposition ml.nt hnv.- been much more effectual inn it was tn tim Senate, bu- iiu- Kin/s uoaaty \. omblymen lioM Hu- balance of potter lhere. \- m.. isnlt ibowed Un- only vaata.., HwA could be accused gniii-t Hie liovernor in Hie Bennie not* those of tte .mr Long Island Denalon. 'Ihe bill Bdghl have been anted bach to the Assembly had nenalnr MrOarren .?cured jin amendment In the senate, inn be was otgeneraBed to such a degree that the matter was alien ont of his hands. The title the Fa stern Matriel senator besioweal upon i.ovarnoi Flower, hat of a ?? political Don Quixote," ls (lt lo muk lilli the designation which William C. De Witt be tower) upon tito Governor before lu- was nominated aar hts prase af lifflie that of a ?? rlriiiibotalit mil tamil*.'' If he tad not been a BiUnonalre hi- would iot have been abb- bi pay SSO.OOO dep'islt oft hand ipon tbe purchase of Fire Island. The death of Assistant Postmaster .samuel .smith samvea om* of the most faithful and oonsrtenUous niobe official* of tho elli. He was no thoroughly amlllar with postoitue allalrs through Ids wide cv icrietire as nn liisi*vtor for a raora of years before ie became the assistant to Postmaster McLoer in BS*, thnt lt gave him entire fatnllliirltv with all the etalls which cnme nuder lils supervision lu Hie ofliro e nhesguently Sited, nnd his services were so rata? ble that he wns retained by Democrat nnd Id-pub ca*i allin* when Hie office changed hends III* peclalty was in detecting -ratten and etelta who lebl.-d lo the temptatliin to rob tho tatters wtdch ?assod through their hand*, and he ferreted out lany BUaaBaj cases. Ills d'-nth wa* dm- m aa* (-*ure to dmfis In Hie corridors of th* new Ftata-Bm ullding, many of the convenient erraagemenu of my ol lilch" were planned hv Wm. The customary st. Patrick's Day purtidc will be .arib Ipaicd In by only ? few nf the Irish BOriellOB f tho city this year. Al Hie aiimia] dltin-r of the t. Patrick's Society, on Friday nlgpt. Maror Hoodv' he Bev. James Mitchell, CongreMmtni CBomba Law ince Kehoe and Joseph W. Carroll will be Ii moue he speaker*. At ?n Irish Xationsl eoaeerl on tiSSPmrnVPS*. ,n ,h* AltaSsaum a new ,ong en* tied ? Tho New Ireland Over the Ocean." written y John J. McGlnnls. will be sung. "* mvtn WORK AT THE NAVY YARD FLANS FOR THF. GREAT NAVAL REVIEW. CBVISERS li wini, y ciniNn BEADT?BOTES AND 00MM1 NTS lt has be.n decided Ital Ita great naval review 1n Bew-York Harbor stall take place ea April *_T. lill? is an Important fact, for the naval revtew I* pertapi Hie lt. ni about Hie Navy lhal CMOteC Ita gia-.ita'.t In terest tn tte mind ol tte public at the present tiara, And lt ls natural that lt BbOUM ta so, for lt 1- t.. be something greater and mon- Imposing Ita* nny Hiing of tte kind has ,-var bein pit an lu tbe Balled stans. | w Ive nations, at least, tn. liding Ihe Culled States, are io bc represented, and there will br lilly iar more waac li from tJielr navies. Tims people nbc attend tbe review win have a chance to see collected In one place tin* warships from mon* Ballona than they win ever again, probably, r-ce in one piece In thdr lifetimes; they mil have me chance to con, para- tte Ben vessels of their own Navy with those ol foreign navies. The vsriena s!,Ipi will rendezvous at Hampton Hoads ,,n April 17. and will leii.uln there until April ?ii. then they will start for New-York, and ll ls expected Itel they will all !>.> bert IWC days later and ready for Ibe review. Tie' plans for the great dis play are not yet entirely mada-, but Admiral Oherardl -aid yesterday tba! te was working sa them. When they ar.- completed they mu*! te accepted by the Sac? ra.tart ..f ibe Navy. Bear Admiral Bancroft Oherardl, who ls tbe senior oilier of the Navy, hus the whole affair ..( tbe revtew ta hi* charge, lt ls not certain what ship will be as tbe reviewing ship, but tta Admiral said yesterday lt would probably t-e fritter the Mtantooomofa or the Dolphin. If the Mlantonomoh ls used fair this put goat, a wooden platform will te bulli b.iw.eii th'.- barnard and after perta "f h.-r mper itructure as a riattee for Prestdeni Cleveland and bis parly. The Minni,momob probably will Bri parade. anyway, bi - ie cannot te steered itralgbl moagb. In fact, lbs monitors never would mind thdr brim. Il has loan expected IbaM/the vessel! would psrsde ap the lind-m Breer f.-r ? distance, tu.- revtewlng-sblp bring stationed part way up. pertapa ai PlBteth-at.; but li i- now ssM io be possible lbs! Uie vessels may form In double column, -uni ra,main stationary while the revtewlng-sblp passes by Item, rids would make ona. long Una >.f vessels ai anchor. Cong. falia*ai taa pa-- iii, law giving penni sion tai exercise a special polia, jorisdlciloii over tl.e barber, to keep Isa.its of all kinds out of Ite way, sud Admiral (iharanll. who ls a thoughtful nnd <ai'" ont--r, fears rame ad dent If rall tlie vessels an- mot ing. The cruiser Baltimore, thc t'a,'..tiip of ite special IgUadlOO, has not yet i.,|,ie om a.! the lindo* k In Ita Navy Ysrd, because her bottom I- not ge! painted; tb"* weather hus Been ra stormy thal Ite wwi tai been much delayed. Admiral ? iti.-rr,ntl returned io th. baltlBM*!. jr< t. id.iy. and hoisted his Hm- on btv about noon. Tte admiral, when i.i- tagship ia- beni al ? N.itt yard, im- not usually bullied lu.- tag OB h* r, out ..' deference to th.- commanding ofSccr ol tte Nevj yard and itatloo, w ho I- always his Ju lor tn rank, from Ike fact Ita! Admiral uterar*! i tha renhlng offli the Bevy; hoi I Wi lime te I engaged on ila'* "I sjm- i;ii Importance and BlgnlOcance, anil lt was though) bet! lo have his veauel distinguished. The work o| retubtng tte i?.ii-r- ol tl.e cruiser YorhtowB i bow g lng on. nniy two boiler, are to be related al liam. Tbe work alli probably i"- ab done nnd the ship ready te bav tbi y ltd by the hui ol IhU month. ai tail tte flagship i Uraga, of tta Barth Atlaotlc -'|ii.i'ir..ii. I, io from ber ii.*',.un of tabing tart cruises, whbh has teen a long-standing J"'?"' ?.' ike > ml, and n.t.nally ito lomewhera. Bte ls to leave tl c viirii at blgh nd.' t" morrow , nnd -tart for Hampton Roads. Tn* -hip ia,, ri-.iiu been ready for ora ab..m two w.-el... ,o si.Bid have gOttC "... ioro thl.,. but ike h.,* bad ti" miling orders. Th* dynamite cruller Vesavtui ls tia receive a new iteertng engla* e bile he ls in tta jupI. and this I* Ita principal work to be done ta bra; her old .?turin'* wa* net powerful enough ta put iii" behn over more than s eertaln Bamber "f degrees, e peetsUy when sh* *** running st a high rabi si ipeed. Tta enViri ol th* rossel feel Mgklj grsdSed st tin* result al Ihe recent Hints of her gnu . lev h*VS Itadlsd Ita siiljas t iari.'ally tbemsrivee. and Iboroaghly bebeved lu the *v-'"!n and In thc va iel cfn before Ita trial*. Thc trials wen at In-t held, mid the ..flu-, i . Of the ship wire greatly pieu-.*ai with lin- report of Ihe bourd ol ofiners that conducted them! Itap epeok la high terms ol Captain Montgomevy Strard, the .haliman, and the wav be went to wer!;. stud) lng cm dully thc ?ystem. Doing a- be did. the iriuls ?.iff rouducted cari'fuiiv and wit:, .a the bool Mt "f barty, -od wera eahsnsBvo. The taree amste of the purtle* cruiser Bancroft have be*n put In Har* lb the Mri wraB, and ihs rig ging win soon te pm an. tami af the fur*;!' ure bra also been put on board the hip. and the ofSc.*r end m. ii .are tr'.lt.a.* lo -hake thing, dOWU tata P-MO n* rapidly ss posslbte. Tta ofSeera hove Bri yet iak>*n up their qnartera pernmnentty on tte vessel, bul ite clew w.rri on board yraterSay to live. Two "f the -n.ail guns on Ita -Mp Imve tees Btoanted on rarrlagra, and tta met of ita tattery win soon be put |BtS plli.a-. A ebtonotogteal liri of rctlremants pf nth* .-rs "f Ita Bavy that win occur during the sdadntstratten <?! l*r. l.t. ni (li v. la int. fi'.m ISO- to ISB7, Ifl of palliou Iar toteres! al ihls tin,.-, in th.. Bavy thors wUl !??? dxty-one ailinn, m. through tte ofBcen reaching tha rj^-e of BtXty-tWO tel'*, wlm li will In-Iud- sll Dd I ?? -l\ r>iir luimiiiiis on i_,e m liva ll I, six of tho b u pn * M* comamdan , two raptriaa nnd live commando!*. int aoaae of the e "ill be promoted t? Hie next higher grade befon they reach Ita age si retirement; snd it th.- laa- paso d providing Ihat oBterrs retired f..r ogs ir length ol service shall be retired ntl- Ibd Rink >.i the ne*! higher mute held at Ita time ol retirement, a.m.- a.f iiie captains will i.* retired n* (ear-admirals. .lr* following I- a lull 11*1 of the retirements (., tal... place, iii their nrdei ol date i ISfKi. Naval Ceastmetor Robert hf. Steele, April 13; gurpon-Oeneral John M. Browne, Mav to; com ?miora Jaarea ll. -hills, May 14; ChaptalB winiam ll. Stewart,July ll; Medical Din.tor Delaven Dloodgood, August BO; Chief Engineer Kif ard D. Bride, raptem Ber ii. i-iii ? BearA.imin,l Gecrge K. Briknap, Januiry IS; ibar Admiral Andrew B. K. Benham, April IO; Rrar-Admiral John irwin, April lb; chlo! Bnglnrar \v. Moora, May it: r_a_iuodor? Aaron Vf, Braver, inly i; ( bicf Kagtaeer Atexender Headerson. July 13; ?".nulli'.tera Josi]ih I'tif", July 8S; Bear-Admiral DavM lt., September SS Oouunedore Henry Krbeii, September o: Carpenter Barren Barnard, Oi lober IS; unnner Joaaph SWIM, November ii; Major Migmtus s. Nidioi-.aii |Marina Corps), November .".; Si ar Admiiai Rsucrof! (iherardl, Kovsstter IO; Car? penter Auguslni O. uoodtae, Pei*artier T: (Mel Ba Sneer Aardrew 1. KtersBsd, December SS; Sallmater riioinas (>. I ii.-s.ti. December gi, 1885. Coiniii,.lore Joaeph S, Skonett, JBaaary l-1; l.ear Admiral .Iain's A. |iWer, February Ed ; milner lohn Gaskin*, March 8; Chief Bagtorar BHJah Laura, March SO; Manara .lames Hayes, March St; Chit. 'nidi.r Henry Sf. Filch, April lt: captain Bdward -;. I'oii.r, May '.?; Medlral Director Blrkaid c. Dean, day ii; Boatswain James Stet, Jvae ;i; Chief Ku rlin-i-r li. ):. li. Wharton, Jane 13; chief Bagtneer Thomas wiiiiam-mi, Ange I Si Conu**mder Joha k. .vinn, Aagusi :?i: Medica] Dlrraloe Albert L. Utban, September _4; tallnmker Bamael ii. DeatweB, septem mt _*: Pay Inspector WortbtagtoU QoMsboroagh, '.lobar P: Gleaner Wlllbim Sf. -Brier, October IU. 1800.. BobIswbIb Boteft Auder.'ti, rVbraary ll; -ptain Charles C. carpenter, and Medlral Director ?iiiliii >. Wah , Pebruary _7; chnpliiin DonaM Mi .inn. Mareil 7; Q Ulm. i Oeorge I.. Albro, Apiti ii; Mariawala Chartea Miller, May _; Efcymaater Alter! I i.a'he, Mm- 83: M.-iib ni Hire. i.n-. Albert C. .on:*,.. Mat -tn: Chief kilgin*-. Jack on McKlwell, une *i; Chief Engineer Ueorge 1*. Kui., luna, li; ulef l'".nglii". r Georg*! Vt. Roche. Jun ;i; Commodore Mar I'. M?nt.m, juli ls; Medical Director, Dsvld (Indleterger, HepiemberS; Mallmatei fi itt, .-rt lb Macy -rptember to; rvotesaer L>. I Prud'homme, september .1; Commander William ii. Newman, Dctober _ Pal nn-br Henry T. -K.|,lin?. October :tl ; Gunner John .. i.-i.-r. November :., commander looma- Nelson '"ciiiber .a. chief Engineer DavM Smith, Decembei ... Commander Kally ifcCurtey, December _* l-i.T. Medical Director Henry M. Wells. January UjCommande, Frauds M. i.|..-ii. februan- |:i. rhe rumor wss aSoat al tte Bavy Vam yesterday Bat Chtef Naval Con-farm-tar Theodore H. Wbson who as been in in i,?.sin, for several mont ta si ., i.-uli f pneumonis, and i*. to go Sooth mi au extemiari nve, would iona te placed bu tte retired list, in con ii u.i. nport there ifl mach -.peculation win Macrae* Mn, but if ihe principle* nform ar.- carried nut, n |s inou-ilii instructor Philip HlrhbORi. who has cen tte deputy chief af iii., bureau f, tnr Wl f civil serri hat Naval Og ie aiid ts m.ire fainiliHr wlib the details of con in lion of the new navy Dian sJ-BOSt any oth-i ian, will be promoted tiners point wu. for the benefit ut - aptrant. Ctmwtruetttr Htehtara ls et th. tte Ionic iptaiii; sn?^5&*"?B5 V'taSer'SW hs range of selection was determined nrs.n lenrW S* "ft? tt,l,,on, ^an'M,? *n* ?"" Pt ting of tlShl laura la tho appropriation bill, which BpSsaa ey is, mg law, 1. cliaracterired ss a dangerous use of Mti?rr feature of tateraried mfc^^gSl s.-e, Hon will te announced !?> ,,l? ' ' ? t lor morrow. At one time m*&WEWj*&Xu& m.-il. of New-Jersey, wsi thought BJ be the li -."H isiididii.e. but C' -nan ... |s.*nli...mer n i. *?*? of N.w j...-e> have protested agatast Ma sri*ell non t,?. .round thai te 1- no| B restden ^^JgJJj lb- wa, a member Of tte Committee on Naval Allan's ? r ,.i ,1 ti * and t- rsmiltar with tte Nawaai - ls de c - f adu, Bx Ueutenan Com Sander lam'es Parker, who te al PJ."? ?M*1! ibis .itv Bnd a r-i.lcnt of Nsw Jersej.also hs* a strong baching. Mr. Parker wns ? graduate ol' I <* N.-,v.,r AcsdenVy In 1880, and had OmjettBot Ueu* ,,,?,,,, .,, tbe beglBBlng ol tte t vii Bar. Ber*ea liraugboul the war Mid. distinction. eenrattUy at Ike i.omi.unlment of Pori Fisher, sad ws?JHa^tHj vom m.. r at. .1 up,,,, seversl nccorinn* for Mli "}?"*,1^ _*rvlce- ||e |s s promlneni member i.f th- I mm Lesion, and ls thoroughly familiar wi.h ravaliidmlnte iran..,. Am.fh t rame pr mlnently men toned I* thal ,! A..1 Vt. Fletcher, who nat secretary jitneys rblef representative In tlie Navy Denortment (turin [ne flrri Administration of Mr. ?^*?*v J__,_!"2_a i-onstnictor Lewis Nixon, who restgnCd iwo years ago to mk., ihe place of chid eonrirnetor at Crenipe Work, hu* become a strong candidate in the tesl two oi three ilnvs..a? the probable retirement of V, , 'm wu,.,!. arcounl ul 111 health, th- PreeMent^wfl have an opportunity to select from Hi-* ****** " isplri.nis the -ucre-sors to Other chiefs of burralUB whose t.-rms will end thl- veLr and next. Th" tn -t vacancy to occur win be Ital of chief of Bureau ol Medicine and Surgery, on Mav 10, when Mirgeon-i.e i .?rnl John Mills llrowne will te retired on account or ?.... Th.-n. on August l. the four rears? teniwe.nd oftice of Commodore (.eorge Dewey, a* ( of n ires* of Bqulpment, will end: and the n.*\. vacancy wm br thnt of Chief of nureau of Navigation, b.r the ex plnitlon .if Ihe t-rni of commodore Francis ?.?* suv. on November I. The other vncaiic es will bi? lli..-., of chief of Banoo of Tarda and Hucks, on Mardi fl 1MM, now brid by ?Commodore Norman H. Familiar: Chief of Bureau nt ftappHe-"- and Accounts. on Moy IA, le?4. when Puymasli r ni Maui Kirwnrt's term will expire: Chief of Bureau of st-am Engineering, on Aueusl 8, 1-'?'?>. ihe prcseni Inrumrenl heine Commodore (.'?"ire" Vf. Mririlte. and tlc office ol Judge Advorate-O-oenl. now held by Lieutenant -.e| c. l.-mlv, whose lerm will expire Juno ... 1808. '_ BROOKLYN'S TWO PASER ALT. CATCHERS. WORM, or j hum ts I' AND "COX" n ttr.r.Y. Th' n-w rlian.-. in th" Jiliiytng rule, promise ta-, lift the basebsll ratetet sal ri Ike mir- ri oteeurity into which be Bs? i.ii grsCrally rinking, a. in- pitcher hseams in..rc .stn' gie ti- rstebet besoa to t ?*- nandlag, aatfl bra HO ian l" un* Brae elv n.ore thnn tt,.* r-a-elving rad of .I bettering ram. used catchers dur.ns- tte raming mmOi win eensegurauy bc tn Smamd, and tilt* deparu-enBia the "" ? IN" DAItaET AVD T. F BIBBLOW graeklyu Clab ls likely (?? ba "".I sllraded f" by "Csa*' -talley sod Thomss i". Klnsiow, Beretrioie t an elute hava curried mveral ral tor*, bul Ite -? wm seram Ihfl ., ?? ell j, levers! aUien will .!? arad a| i in-ii itu* ve.ii I* ? .s...t rate Ben ar** w.utli a do ICU ".ntl* nari I... .*? pi, mt * /.imn,, r i? Kurth o fortune. ,- l Kln?lou ii."'' hunsell known I the Mra?.k Itb baseball public by Bli illlanei with tte Haters' I . , ? i, ll., li n tt',.I,inst.,ii l*",y sid ? i* I,"mi lu I Min |||a f ? ,| i ?-..'.. atonal ? nfl-*' menl "in willi thl Alexandria, \. rluh In Isa-, ll- "...tint. Um tv.-n. ii,..-|..n la ..? ..? In I ss,-, h.. ant Um leadlue ranlter , i , - - in i-s- and laao. Kln-I >t* , .r,.,| Un I'l* . ' l.-.i.-c nf Uti opening f the -? ?- a .if l- ??? ind rt* a-* . . I lu Br ? I lyn U< itood forty* lifi In th- lott ni is' m- I'la ? r*' teweue n illili ilsti wvea i.*..* hlti in ilstr-Uiied games, and telina .i atintK" "f 'Ul- ni 1 ll '" averse-' wa? .9AA Ba i,.. te a with Ihe Brook lyn League leam f>r lb* ln-t ta-.a l.-ir. ii al fi- a*.Ma. ia. I--I, ni, I f,,r ml v rand lin |a in ssrellsol Ihrowai fj ttl- ba*., amt a -* ' -* bala. nan. lr. far! be >???.-. one ol los beet botssfn In th- brno*. lia f.nrn '_,.(. real II!. .!,..,.- r,:ri| I. thst te is utii r ?low in haaervnnlna Mr- Kin-leu g aa.t tte head* ?,.rr --I woaii n tn Ur" > ir, Fea" J.slier I, a Jin -te i-l.itid Mr. !!? I? at""it twenty<olna rear* ol*, lt. use Bimlow, wa* Introduced ra-J'.-.-s . t., i i ? ? r*'li tl," I'.ii'-r.' l.a-nc'i-t'flm of I--,,, I , is-.', i,.- wa. rn rased hv m.- I'r-n id-ie-e Uwwut team sn.1 ibm irenl ta. ib-.uiii for th- leoa-na ol ls*',*-:. Ila rae wini ladlanapolli when, et the tn gumlu,,* uf IssJ. tnj ju.ned Uk: UrUc iliaaaxl Bttvcment. AMONG THF CLUBHOUSES. TUT, DTIOB LEAGUE'S MBXER?TO HOXOI EX si CEETABT tracy*. Th? rixth ann1v*r?nrr of the forming of the f'nton LBSgUS Club wan celebrated ns ? -rounder's Iiav." with a ditiii-T lu-t evonlag. .Major Keary M. Celvert pr.-.,d-d and among tin* aprakera wera ex-l*re-?ideni fames 0, bedell, whi responded t> "fiur Btrthday"; ea Pw-i-ient Frriii'*- ii. Klteon, who flpoba for "Tho Colon Lwgus nub"; Itenenl Btewari L. Sfoodfbrd, -ai,., a i* rarigned te repreaeet "Tba l Hy ol Brooklyn," aad Benjamla ba . vii.*., loplw was "Municipal -aovemmcat.* Letteri ad regrel for raterrad Bteenra w.-r** erad from 8. V. White, niial e*-Pre lieut Howard M. Mint ii. Many memben of ste club new present. The ii,en,!?r. ,ir i;,,. Montauk iTnt. pve u dinner hut evening, al nhlrh Ike gaeii- w.-re Oeneral liorace !'..r'ar. eg-Judga Henry K. Howland and Sf. I lair Mr Kelway. lhere w.-re soven Inld fair SOO, l'n* bb-nt ( aries \. Moora wai Ina st am stir and amde min ii ic irlui.iii by I.i, clever nllu,ion. in Introducing i ... i*-:,!,.--.. who m. iud-.i the gurati nf the .vening, wiiiiain li, WUllsms, ex Prc-btenl ol tba Voung ii" Club, and .ithci-si. The dlBBCr was one of tbe most lacerasful rn the history a. the dub. Pwparalloai tot tke dinner la honor ..f ex-Sec* rotary benjamin v. Tracy ta ls* given by tte Ham? ilton ( inti ou Man ti IS are alniaist oempteteu. Whirr a. Herbert, tte new Secretary of tte Navy, and Com? modore Itenrg laban will ba- smong Ite gilesta, Tte i.l I'.ururin.eiit ..f tba AlgMMiuta Club ended on w.-iiiie-ajuj* evening, mid th?- prises, conthtlng ..f | cues, were won b) Ueorge v. Milter and con.,. c. Hunt, ta UVelr respective cl*. Tte club tent ns r. pie eniiiiites io tte whist ronfewnce brid Bl thc Montsuk Club mi I ilal.iy dening M.-,-rs. Job* Hun lmr nnd .b,nu a. Dunbar. Tli- weekly inii-b ride of ih.* Bldtog and Drtvtng club, hali! ou Wednesday, Marah g, 'tu, under th.. supervision of Themas >. Muara. Ths Hors,. .?;,,,?. COmmlttra snm/unced thal all the stalls have i.p spaalaa'ti for nt il,. , om I ii rf horse .how, and additional ma "inm.Kial i, ,,s Will probably hate to bs provided for those ib,illili,' io iiiiii,.' entries. The formation >>f a Broohtya whist club ls betbg ...ii-iii- red. i;.pr- eiitniive, from tte Alffonquin, Twa rant, Carlton, Excelsior, Haaever, Hamllion. Union Leak'.ie, U.ifonl and Lim oin clubs held n BMCtblg on Prtdsy evening si the Montauk club ta tulle over tke project, jimt a commute*) waa appolated to report sonia- plan of Briton. Ike 1'iool.lvii treaa dub has appointed a com mince to arrange Ira a dinner to be given acme Hmo In April. Tbe annual dinner of ute llenover club was held on Thuraday overing, ami wea an occasion long ta te n-tni-.brred hy tte memben tor ova r StgjOOO was sub cribed I* paj ng Um debi ..f Ibe dui,. This trill den- ite Beating debi ..f pio.000 and kora a b-taaee tai apply io tbs bond.ii oi gii4,ooa Partner raa KllpUuna an- ..?.,,.,(,si, a.s nilly a sn.ill proportion ..f Ho dub Bumbora wera pies, st, Among thc speak* ira al th* (linn, r nara the Rev. Cornelius g. Thwtng rector ..f Calvary Church; Bernaid Petcra, William (ineii and the Rev. Hr. Henry .\. hm ell. nny memben of me MMwoed Clab. of Ptalbush have entered l,,|?? hOwltag for fl pn,,, known bb tte progreerive traphf, i? be given bj Edward 1" He briding,,,, llf ,|?. ,.,,?, j^ ^^ (" io te swarded t? Ibe member showing the greaten improvement h. his tewRng in UM Bret Ufty games roibd duriag tte p.ri..f igrra mouths ending May IS, i-un. Next Wednesday evening William L Kee,,, the president of the duh. will .i.i,rt..11, the members lu tim dui. parlors by nu avering of recitals. The members of the Kalckerbocker Field Club have arraiigsd asetedrieol games fora eoattnuooi bowUna ...,ri,i.m,;nt .,, couUnu. .ni (bo end of ibe Meran. I.asl nlchl Hie teams tv,.r,. arran ged bv Cint.iln i'rederl.ii Vebater. wte aili central f-Ttte'ctemK ship mid tin*i handsome rluh gold medal. Mr w.b -.ter was iiuahle to mil ,?, ,,,,. ,|?|, u,.? Ttaira*.. Bight, .-wini; lo an arcMeni which lncupsclt-U*d him iroiii using bl* hg, and K. ll. Loll loni, bis Place Th.- junior members rolled then- Uat series ?f niues bm one bisi night. Tte highest sveragea up lo date areas follours: Writer lin. Ilolinvs Uj. McNeil UM. R. Waiker Cul, Yates I3i Bom, 1.1,,. Hagedorn Hi. .Na,rtt,a,*i nt!, Besraaley ion, and Wall IOU. Tho .inbers of Nen I tri'iht Club, of lialh BsBgh, Ml down lo their second annual dinner last lu.-.Int Bight, io commemorate tho grant of a -barter to the township ,,f N(-W-! ti'.s'lil by the Slate of New Voile on Murali 7, 1788. Ttie banquet was served in tha irand-.'nie n.-w bowUng alleys, which were prettily decorated wu li Ssgs, potted ptants amt Japanese lan n-riis. a mena of lea eourara wns served, ufn-r u hlcb speeches of un lliforiiinl Hmm,'ter bemm. The priaclpal nddie.s was chat of Pwridesl J. l^.tt Nos ir.Hid. tvhu renewed the hl-torv of Ilia club. Tin* committee was mado up as follows: M. I. MeOratb, chairman; 1. Vf. Copman, J. Neville. O. E. Nostrand, i; W. earhart, Jilin RohtBBO* and lt. <i. Larssoii. Tin- oltli-er* of the rlub are: I'leslilenl. J. Lott Nos? trand: Vice-presidents T. A. Kitson: treasurer. IS. (J. I.a rn ton: corresponding secretary, W. II. Plscki re? cording secretary, C. Q. Smith; cnptaln of bowftng, ll. ii. Mundt-1", commodore of the navy, R. ll. free IMPORTING RETAILERS, Fulton St., opposite DeKalb Ave., B R 0 0 K LY N. Thc best Heh lori, mWWt venlllnted nnd mom pertretly appointed wtore In Amerien. Our imnorltiieiil* ure lur_fer nnd bonn-, and our prieeo lower, limn thoi-e ol" nny oilier ulore In Hrooklyn. 4'onvluee yourielt by nuk? ing lor sample-* und prier*. OM FI NAE GREAT SACK I' FICE SAEE OF EA DIES' WINTER A SD EARLY SPRING GARMENTS AND SUITS. Prices arc made Bufllciently low to insure the tm\e ot every garment tin.* week, us gre must nave the room tu show our new Sering ami Summer garments, winch are arriving nally. Ta ilor-madc Sa its. 37 Cheviot Snit**, navy and black, doublo. Iiri'.ist.*! iio'iao. habit linell, reduced to$8.75. ls i 'uiiii-l's Hair suits. navy and black. Kton Jacket, vest and skirt. $8.50, worth double, ls Keefer Jackets ami Skirt*, navy BBd black Cheviot, halt lin..I and trimmed with braid, $12 50 : won- ?1 f.60. 1.' Suit* I Reef era and Skirfsi, in navy and Mack cloth, edged ttitb fur and laced with antin, $12.75: wop- ^"*.'4.:.(i. I'l Russian Suits of lino Diagonal, fninniorl with braid sud pearl buttons, $0.75; were $19.50, 7 Tlirctvpioce Suita iskirt. waist anil oaac , iu tan mixture*. $18.50; \t re $27.50. Three-quarter Capes. 11 T.on. Cape*, graya and tans, for early Spriti. $*-..?.-,: were si 11.50. lo Iaotu tapes, in tun broadcloth, plain and embroidered, $11.7".: were $74.50. :, Hu,..'.(H.nt,.i (.ipa.*, ni nm Kerr*]*, with embroidered top capes. Sid.75: were $13.75. .". rhr-usquurter Black t'ap.-s, baadeomcly bcuded, $8.50; wen* $19.50. Coats. Blank Cheviot '..ats, fur-trimmed and half lineil. $10.00; afore $10.50. Black Diagonal Coats, Cur-trimmed and half lin--.|, $15.00; uren $30.00. Thiee-iiuarter Coats, navy and Mack Korsoy, lined with plaid, $18.25; wen- $32.50. Velvet Plash Wraps. m few handsome Velvet l'lush Lon? vTraBB, rcduc.-il from (47.50 to $24.75; from $72.00 to $40.75; from $0*1.00 to $55.00; Hom $116.00 to $07..",0; from $225.00 to $75*.M. Macintoshes. Special rednetlona thia week lu thc price, ot lin" English Macintoshea. NEW FANCY SILKS. 'Two Good Leaders for To-morrow. 1,000 rarda 22*lneu extra Quality Glace Peau do sop*, chameleon effect*, with printed d-sigB*? $1.25 rurality, bat slightly Imperfect?80 cte. per yara. ?J,...... yards '.".'-inch Brocade India Silk, in self color*, full line ot newrat titit? for strict and evening wear, new effects, woven in lnr;ro and -mull demgl-S, regular 85 Ct. gOOOB, at 60 cts. p<-t jard. DRESS GOODS. Antony the Extensive Variety of Fine Nouelties wo mention m particularly desirable Plaid Sin In-iio, Bennline Brocbe, Ottoman Pereiaa, and Porellne < ihangcaat. Als... ;i new weave in all-wool Momie Cloth, very .hoi..* shades for street and house ivar, at IS '.'ts. per yard. WASH DRESS GOODS. Lorraine (repos, 32 inches wide, in handaome stripe-, l11 eta p-t yard ; regular ariee. 1, eta Scotch Zephyr li in-liamr*. good colors nnd do* signs, 15 cts. p.*r van!: regular price, 25 cts. Kim* Scotch Novelties, In corded, Bayadere and bur.I.-rcI .-tT.-.'ts, r.i .ts. per yard *, regular prices, 35 and 45 eta. MI LEI N E RY O P E NI NG. Paris and London lionnets and Hats, inst received, will >?- shown in tin* Millinery Department, second Boor, nn Tuesday. SMALL HARES, Altuays at hewer Prices than Anywhere Else. We fully realise th.* Importance ..f this depart. mont to .\erv shopper, and for this reason wt* allot to it more span* than ii rivoli to any other Mimi 1 tt ni* depart mont m Ann-vice. Our n.-s.>rf ii i. - ii r i. larger, and our pries an* tourer, than tims'*, of any other house. Dur facilities for eb taining tin- very loweri rab's sire such as un* not enjoyed hy any other linn. Our quuMUra are always of tin* is-st, mid our meusuretnenta full ?two points that should always lu* bonn- in mind, \v,. ipa imt ask you tu tain* our riutement for grunted; we will ula,liv glv-* you untptee and This bring so, why Imagine that jun can (lo iii well elsewhere '?' Specials. To?morrotu. 25 groat Pearl Huttons, whit.-, natural and shaded, suitable for cloaks mid bn-ki-ts, ii'.', .-*'.? iiu,I ti* its. per donen?juat half of regular price*. Reliable -neel Scissors, 6 1-2 and 7 Inches, i."i und 40 cts. p,-* pair -half of regular prices. Keatherstitch Hr.ii'l, l .' yard pieces, 12 cts. Paney Cotton Trimming, 12 yard cards, 14 cts. Wat nil.' lions, 12 cfs. Ah oh d Lu iii r.*, 18 its. Braid* of Ciilorcd Sewing Silk, io cts; skein-,, 5 cte. _ LACES. Half Price and Less. Black Chantilly Laces, varloaa widths, up to half bouncings, 10 tu 49 cts. per yard. Brussels Applique, Paney Cotton and Irish Point Laces. i"> tn 80 eta. per yard. Millinery Lace*, Persist-, imbi, Silver and Beaded eflrata 25 cts. t.. $1.50 per vanl. Black silk Drapery Nets, neat styte*, ta cts to pl.50 per yard 404nch Black Chantilly Flouncing**, 08 cts |1.23 and $1.49 per yara. shoes. Many New Lines Worth Seeiny, in Ladies' Hutton Bouts, Oxford Tics ____ uiin. pors. from tho very te*st mnkV? lr! t7,? ? .,,p* our ragtag $:,.,,? SSifSSa OxIcwVtER |2.25 lo-morrow. ? earn ""l m?^7?1f &?{* 0,,"rfV or ?* ?r?p Slip .uiutT'forTLoo" COn,mon "- sl'PI*rB. 9LU ?swaMA ART EMBROIDERIES' Specials in Stamped Linens. - Wc haye taken from our regular a___n line of Iloni-mtched Lim-ns, w,,| ,??? ** alli,; Btaomed in artistic pattern* an,! ^**t| them to thc following prices- ' redu?ri l'r il il Iii* ll, .I_1 - '?ll; to SI. m. ?"' ,ro?n?4. .MomicSc'aif*. 16x54, rrsluc?*d fram in.,, 16x72. iron. 60 to -lu cte.; 16x54. h___,_L*ll 40 cts.: I.;.v7.', from 7.", to 52 -staT m *2 tf toI',incNUh"<' Tw l**21' reJuo?> "oatt Carving Clothe, 27x36, rcduc-d fr0ra ., __ 45 cfs. "? so || Also, a small lot ?- gM Froneh ?_.! Square* at half price. Mf? ?M t hoice deaigna in 32-inch Printed rhi?a ,_i_ .5 tu 85 f. quilty, at 50 Cte. pc M,r,| ^ A Standing Embroidery Pramc givra _?_*__. purchasor of b dow* Royal Society EmbrriS WAISTS AND SKIRTS. All at Special Reductions, 50 flae-atriped Wash Silk Wsistel also !__, nos,-, in shaded effects and solid colors. J. shawl front. S'i.'.is, instead of $.v*:. ur"-*M 75 Silk Waists, with solid colors, pleated aoifb-. front, med nt rn sizes only, $?_?.?>.-, i?ste:id ?f IrS1 200 Han.i.-I Waists. ai\ difTerent Htj-Wji colors ann sizes, some with striped Eton W._7 l?8 cts., instead of $2.25. "***> Uti lino Percale Waists, stripes onie *.? front, luundered .-..liar and cuffs sue* 3."2 40, 70 cfs., instead of Si |0. . % 150 Wa-k Katine Skirts, colored embroil Bounce, $1.25, laatead of $1.78. ujv?wrai ISO Ladies' color.-.] Law* N?*gl.gO Gtrttmf with color.-.! jabot front, po jncho* around SJ tom, ns st*., Instead of il.47. Ala* |_7ri__ haadaume embroidered collars and ci'iff* gil? instead of $1.65. _ ' '"? O'-Wi STATIONERY DEPARTMENT ra?for Booklets and rards, a largo a*orb_-ra.' at verv low prices. 4,000 at 4 et* each* ______ 10 to 15 ct. quality. ""-u.regtiBl V.-notir,,i ami Doubte Rep, irjsr. Line* tad Foreigp Mill Writ ins* Paper, :, ets. per quire rtrx. Iar prices, li and in cfs. Envelopes to t_.tP__ 5 cts. per pack. * Pine quality Enamelled finish Playing C_rii (not second-i, 7 cfs. per puck. SIL TER WA R E DEPART. ME NT. Now- df*fii_ns in Easter Spa.ons. Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoon**, flo ctg Quadruple plato But'.T Jiish.-*, faa* Brntm and $3.00: regular tirics. $4.50 to til. flo." Quadruple plat** Oak* Baske_h $3.01 ts $4.Ni regular prices, $5.50 te $8.00. odd Sugar Bowls and Cream Pitdan, $3.ooi Regular price*, $4.20 to So 30, .'.-inch turd Trays, quadruple plate, d 9 ct* iii ,???*? I).'s!i'*s, cut dara coven, $4,56, children'* -'ui-s, quadruple plat.*, $1.50; ren, Iar price*, and $2.63. Cutlery. Pearl handle- Kniv.-s. medium pitt, yefth aMrui naf'iriil ImperfectioBB, $13.30 pr .jo-en: reipiUr price. $1 9.6)0. Pearl lia milo Deaaert Knives, $10.50 per doirat regular price, $15.oo. ' CARPETS. Our Assortment of Fabrics in lino Carpetings is beyoad comparison in HM market. Fer tliis week wo still havo a ten- Mo-]uetl_v regular $1.15 quality, at $1.00 per yard. Jacquard A-mi&sters, $1.50 per vard. Sew and large aawrtmeBt of Wilton Carpet*-; from $1,35 per paid. Velvets, no et*, to $1.00. Lest Body -kuacek, 00 ct?, to $1.35: largs ninety, new co lor in1-"*, standard makes, Taprauy Bruss>*ls, 55 to ti., em, Beet ijualitj* Ingrains," now colorings, 63 ui 75 cfs. Ag almost unlimited a?*ortmont of Strtwlfib tin.**, Linoleums and Oil datha. FURNITURE. Thc Most Extensirc and Finest Line ot medium and Ugh class Farlor Furniture lt Ir* found iti either city. Five piece all upholstered Parlor Suit, covwet witli I'l-o.-it.'lle an I silk plush, $52.00. Thiee-nlerg " Empire" Parlor >*iit. .-olid ma? hogany frame* covered with tapestry, fot.00. Kiv-pi. all upholstered Parlor Suit, covent with tine tapestry and silk plush. $115.00. I'ivi.'-|Ti!i*i- Parlor Suit, entirely raveled witk brocafefte and trimmed with line fringe, Siso.otb Thns-p'. Parlor Suit. m.'id in frame. with niar'iiietcric ornamentation, SX-lJ,"' V.-ry lim- three-piece " Empire Pirlor Suit heavy aolid mahogany frame*, $210.00. JA PA NFSE A ND CHINESE Rays and Carpets, perfect Cop_9j of [ndta and Por-tan lvit_?. fma I.6x3.g feel to 0x12 feet, ut ',:, ct... po Ma ?l.oo, $1.50. $1.80, $2.75, $6.50, $0.06, $l!M, $13.50 and $17.oo. LACE CURTAINS. Reduced Price Sale Tommorrouft Irish Point Certain*: 1 :t patterns tl duced f-om $6.75 and $7..*)'" to $?? Hi in -? " '? f 12.60 M $0.71, c, " " . $13.00 .'. $11..'^ ,.$11.5?. Sot lingham Curtains, white and ecru: 1?"" patt" rus red ii'.-ii "nm $3.00 mid $:i.'.'". t*i$2--i* lt * " " $4.00 ? $4.50 ? fh:-i..M>. || '? t*f $0.00 ? $6.78 ? $"???_. Ms-fi, plain Ve|...,i* 1'..mints. *i\ coloriogb friii_.-'l top and bottom, reduced trom $7.50 t# $."...... per imir. DYEING AND CLEANING. The success of our Dyeing and (leaning Dj parttii.-nt is dui- tn tli.? faed that BK BmfcO ?? point to have work thoroughly well <!.-?' g have the mo-t complete eetahllsh|neBl el tne kind in either city. Thc prosem i-- 1 W* SHS to have work dene for naring use. The n*ra .hades of lavender and h.-liotropo are now rewTi DENNIN'S CERTAIN CURE * For KheuDiati-iB aad -lout teriute, ftnle nnd speedy, wBcilier .Icuic, 9* iHPJ or I'hroiiic s.a?n B The cum exhibit* lt* ino*t eiUaoidiaafr JKtTmtt ?ellevlns in a f-w inn Ute lUieumitlc &a\Zttw*T* rn.iw,*. ind ?roolJ.'if for T*?r*. Sold by "-^Vlt* Ol r/lll bo Hal bv ,'xpre** iiald W nay uddreii me*"" jottie. o.? S7 50 per half -iticn. . UIARLES ?BHffl9i The PharBi??i Kirai I'laor, cor, lourc^wi.. Br??klf ? >? Y ^ ?"?mmmmmmm"-*BBB*--_U__----_----------^M-BSSU-MOT---^?mmm^^^^^m~wW*^^ DISCUSS1SG TUE SIXK1SG OF TR ACES. _ At tbe swettag foe Hie ^lrtllfr conslilerstlin etm iropo-ed bill provlilln.' for the ,lepre?i-lng "'fMTT IriSBd Itiillroad trnclcs tn KlHtbusli ive.. ywtrrW, PreiMeat Kortoa, for th- AUeaMe Avenue r-",nPJ^' shiel oivn.s nie rigM of iv.iy, aald ta did ??^"?" i equitable to maha an ciu-,1 division of thr ca? if the Improvement between his cco-psay nni .ont- Island Ks ll road rompany. ta t?c? Uter?mP?nj bengbi it i-igut not te per snytblng af "><?" ?A* l.e Improvement, counsel ter th.* boag i-J^-n *?j -..ul ParngBBT said that BOtglUg could be dunf Im* elly remov.-d Hie mater main* sud sewer I>ura' le thOBghl mulling COalO be done untU iii*- coouo-i sade a conee-rion. nt iiu> v**" Assa-inbivniaii Byrnes epaossd ?aam et aw j^ ?,s,.i smendmente to hts bin. a ?Wf^S nude tl.e elly seer.* ?'"* '""i?.,u .ftr-cdM* mnpanles In the Btreel li. ?<'?'?'" f'" 1".ff waa W Ktter further discussion the ?'* ni i^ t'irtsi to ii couiinlli.f of live. J'S^k^JV-7 F* ntercsts, to see If agreement cou!kl te .^I^ioeBt In* only result of an bra* aerateb * hi * JJ^f^tt ha' liirnr Ho-stv slioufct miine u <????""*; ^Jem ipun a bill lille- would proper!-. > li Hie ?e**?Tte Ztvrtn the two rsllnod rampanlea and ^J^t me ,l.,yor named ex -.con-tary ?7-J^Sea?BBBil Ubintic Avenae < ???JnT =-??(? l_??W* " &Sr.,eV wara-wa|.o *\ t__.- -ai_^ nn TmtttAnr .. ?_ - . .___? electra Mwuier. a ?? lajrofa oflc* on Turada/,