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GETTING THROUGH LENT. AMi'SEMKNTS FOR IHE PBOPLE WHO STILT. WANT AMI'SKMENT. U j. now definitely sunaiUitid that there nlll not Ya. another < Iiiini*,- of bill ut Daly's Theatre Ibis ?saaa. ?'Ttra-fth Might" ba* sn lug>*ttatol its-u B-nlth thc apaetol adaslreta af Mr. Daly's company nnd the taentll pata of .hi- elly ...ii'-riilly Him lt vin be qui"* awe ta till no- f.-w reuu-tatng weeha af the lagatai aruaan ta the bette* aatlstactlUB af tha p-Mir itinn any i bange ri Mil t mild do, Oiher lil? yveil ms Which Were to be Mt foi 111 SOOI1 ll) Ihbs Stagg ... i,ave to wait to* Mother Btaaan, Th,, production sf "Olrotte Otrott*" lui* brought t?ck |BBd h*U8BB ta th?- Ourd-ru Theatre. Mi*s Lllllin BU-BBB nnd her company BMhe the perform? ance of the opcru thoroughly Httrnctlv.-, and lt 1*. trestet lind nioutiteil In the sumptuous manner UBUal a\tb 'his BrgaatoatlBn. T. Henry French, Mtoa ttus* ,.11*1 naaagll. who ls now In Europe, win in- bach in . ferr U*shB nod will -Stag it new opera or leo to l"' ?aug next season. jin- attendance on tha performances of O-car S'Ude'i *? 1 ?d> Windermere"* Fa-i" nt PslBBer*! Theatre IBB-Bur* la bs BUttateet-cy :md Ihe piny will run lor the r'">' of ,'"' lagalar *.-.*ison of tin- stock com ajr.I. -s" aiuioiinceiiieiii of further plans ha* been uri*. Ete pcisiol play trill be given out of town jrtt lesson by another Company. Hs reception here ^ Bo Bfl*h*t contributed ta ibo e* gc rn* as af ihe report**** siniggle for the possession of Mr. Wilde's tr* P*' HCU-M will be clo*,, the first three nights of [jj, erek lo permit of preparntlon* f..r a prodaottoa ? Skarslay tsrtnlng af ? ;iii?-?rt and gulttran'a "The (rOB-oll*'*"'''' "'The bond-Men" bas not bltttcrta had e-pecttlly good luck ben-, bul li always bad Ita friend*. .lr. Volt will have tm advantage In tin- services "f J. H. Byl'-.v. wbo has always been BUMUg lin- best, if mt thc viv besl, Interpreters of Bf. B. GHhert'1 comedy tn this country. The other principal stagers u. i were h".'ird in '?'Ibe Rjr-oche" will appear lu thc new producion. The Lyceum Theatre end* Its regular season in a ita weeks, when the company will ko to Chicago With "IBMtirana Abroad." Briureea April 17 and next November ibis organization will visit California ant Oregon, sud ha seen In thc chief plays .?! Its repertory In the principal cities of the Kast, wilb ri second Chltago engagement In Following tie stock company's departure Daniel Frohman hus orfanlred another company, which will be situ In "Th* liuardsnian" nt the Lyceum on Easter Monday. AH Interesting oci urrence ol tomorrow evening wal be th* return of Bose and Charita Coghlan and their ci_npaiiy to thl* city, at Hie Fifth Avenue Theatre, lu Sardnu's, ?? Diplomacy." in which they made a genutn* snecess ut another house earlier In the season. ance that time Hie Coghlans have presented the piece In many of thc large elites, where they have noa slmost universal praise. John T. sullivan will igaln be seen in bis IsspsfBOOBBoil of .lillian. The Mst will also include Mi"*s gudla Matlluot as Dora sn. Bobert Fischer as Baron Stein. The engagement *f the Coghlans is for seven weeks. The Anni performance of ''On Probation" will be given at the "Mar Theatre on Saturday night, and ns it will be Its fiftieth consecutive presentation in this city, tbe prevailing carissa of giving souvenirs will b* carried out. The mementos are described as being "pretty sud useful, and not meant aa an ornament for a day, bot u keepsake for all time." They are bonbon dish'-* imported, from Japan. They are taste? fully decorated and on tbe Inside of the cover ls u picture of Mr. Crane. " Brother Mia" has been Iii rehearsal for the last fortnight and a smooth per formince ls promised on Its opening night, March 80. Among the new-comers ta the organization ure J. ll GUnuur, Ml*., I .bile Hudson Collier. Joseph Wheelock. Jr., a son of the well known actor, and Mis* Cotton, u laughter of the old-time minstrel. The success of Carl Mllloccker's work, " Dis stum Ugs-lnd." at the Amtierg Theatre, is now established. For the l_iit week the has b**a crowded nightly. Mr. Conrled bus made mme changes which hive Improved the opera. Some of li* dialogue WUS tut and new music and new songs were introduce.. "The Child of Fortune" will rt BBB In for only two week* longer, after which several older works will be produced. The engagement of the Charted Fareucsj Comic Opera Company at the Amb.-rg Theaire exptret on April 19. The operas to be produced are "das parnne." ??The Bat" und "Poor Jonathan" At Harrlgan's Theatre "The Mulliicau Guards' Hall" wUl end Its lon? nm with this Week, and Cordelia's Aspiration," will be revive, on.- areeh from tumor row. "The Mulligan Guards' Hall" bas l,:nl a career on which Mr. Harrigan and Mr. Hanley eoagfUtutate themselves and each other, anil nothing more can It desired than that the ?, revival may meet wllh etjiial success. Charles Frohman's comedians continue to draw large audiences at the Standard Theatre by theta sprightly representation of "The sportsman." The company will continue at the Standard Theatre until the end of Hie season, and Hun ga ta Chicago, where lt will play a long engagement, filling the time left vacant by the continuance in Ne vv York of -'Th"- Giri I Left behind Me." Before U.e departure from New Tork the company will present u BOW Alisha* play ?ntitled "The Silent Hattie," by isaac Henderson, of this city, lt was first produced lu London several months ago by Charles Wyndham al the Crit-riOB Theatre. "The Girl I L'ft B"hlnd Me," at the Empire Theatre, is still playing to good Baritone-*. Charles Frohnuin makes rhe announcement thal Hie production of Jerome K. Jerome and Edin Philpott".* play, ?? Thc Councillor's Wife," whbh was to foliow, will be post BRWtt uiiUl next season, ani that the spring cngfige tte-t thst the company Maa Ut play in l hlcugo has hetn abandonee!. William Gillette'*, play "Ninety Days" enters on the la-t week of Its engagement at the broadway Theatre to morrow night, lt ls one of the most dab orate scenic prodm-Hons seen In New-York In mmiy wasons. Tonight at the Broadway Theatre Colonel Kohert G. Ingersoll will deliver his last lecture of this telson In New York. The subject selected. "Shako tp__re,' ls certain to please, as lt affords the Colonel t___y opportunities for his powers in forming beauM lui word pictun-s. Interesting e.ipie-M ms and lin-plr lag flights of eloquence. To-morrow evening Thomas Vf. Keene begins the SHond and last week of hM angascasaat at the Inion fcquare Theatre. Tomorrow ?' Richelieu" will bc pi-***nt*_; on Tuesday night the bill will be 'Louis Xl"; "Othello" trill be given on Wednesday night, with Mr. Keene as firhill* and Frank He*-**** a* lifo; on Thursday "Hamlet" will be played: on Friday ??O'hello"; Saturday matinee, "The Merchant ol Venice," and tiaturday night, io close his engagB ?nent. 'RU hard lil" will ba repealed. Ramsay Monti's comedy company will make Ita first appear ?nee In this city at the I nloii square Thant!* on Ssrch -JO. The organization lin bid's suth well known people us George Glddeu*, John Llendlii.'iliig. lUrry tiwi net ie. Miss Wsi" d?- Wolfe. Mrs. E. J. JW'-Pa and Ml*, Helen slot kwell. Th* play to be ttv?n U " Joseph." "-len da Lough, ? an Irish play which was seen a tow weeks ago ut thc Fourtceiith Street Theatre, will he presenied at the Columbus Theatre this week, with -?ttj- Burray ta the leading part ns before. An In Ufr,f*Jl*Jig I.aim,; will be the appeai-ince of Professor Crouch, the csuamhl* composer of " KathleeB Mat our Been," who will direct th* orchestra (luring Mr. Mur? ty'* singing of the famous old ballad. M?fly Change* will be made in the bill at Tony "?'or's Theatre this week, but u lew of the riaadaid barlte* win remain. Tue company will Include Jh Psguerelte; J. Vf. Kelly, "tin- rolling mill man"; "to Vests Vb loria; Hie Evans, Edward and I Bria, ? "The Little Sweethearts"; o'Hiieii and R.-d.llug; ^?a ?nd w.-si, negro Bsaataal team; Miss Julia "My, ht.fie .-a.lolst; Major Hurk, Georgi W. WO*** ?J Oeorgo Wllli? m H military spectacle. "The out ?wt"; Mts* Addie smith, Scotch duncer; L-UBBS, tha ?"Wier, sn<| n,e Mnrellos. ??'? J. Bcaalau'i plav, " Mgrtfanrna**,' interpret ci *J Mr. Pitou's company, win tte the attraction at the Ur*?d Opera House this week. ( huuncev oleott plays "??part of Tcrcue* Dwyer, and when ha presented il toHiriem * few weeks ago be won a substantial popu ???. He will slup all the pretty little song* willi- n *? thl* ptay, lueladlsg --fkrourueua," ike ?ong ?jj was Set to music by Mr. scnnbui hl-BBrif Bm y**tt app-arauc* on the stage In thl* city of MTS. *'ini**? QaJe-HayneB will occur at the GianO Op*ra ??ta in Ihe wi-k of March tt, she haMug __**4e_ ?tottta from Hie siage ai the end of this SUB aha mR sid hg supporti- by the sumo company thut *W*ared with her during her enaagnaBsal al la* tttar Theatre earlier In (he s.asou. Several changes In the sari of "Tlie Uluek Crook," *ttthe Academy of Mutt*." will take place tomorrow ?^?mllig. Vf. M. Bartholomew trill b<* 1-Sf-attB- by "ward Marble. Mr. llarltiolomew ls about to Join ?he new production In fhloagB James O'HHeii will *^*n In the <a*t until Sum Collins la able to appear, ?^t sc*ne painters have been engHged on the Z?"7 <>* lh<* Present production at the Academy. ?Patt who witness the performance of "The Black ^MtmV thia week will see *omet_l-fc striking In th* Al aUge-settlng*. The following artlsta uiU ap-, RIDLEYS FASHION MAGAZINE. E. Ridley ev. -*ons. of Grand, Orchard and Allen sts., have Just Issued their fashion magazine for Hie ??pring and slimmer of IMS. lt contains ITO pages of interesting matter, descriptive of the latest and mos! correit styles and acutest goods, nnd the most eXtettStUe Ridley stocks, whirl) ore niinoiili''tl lo be .tiered at the lowest prices to be found lu New York or anywhere else. Eighty-five departments In their iiuie establishment arc said (,, tr represented. Thc la-mil 1s profusely lllu-triit.-d, and will be sent free lo thoa* who forward their miine und uddr.s- to li.- linn. JUDGE MADAM DISMISSES THE CASE. Judge McAdam. In the Superior Court, yesterday Usastaaed itu- suit of Robert AtoStoW nnd oilier mein hers of ihs Btonecuttera' Paton against Patrick! Kelly. the treasurer of tha BBBactatlon, le recover if*(">.oin of the asoariatlou's funds, which, lt ls nllogi-d, he mis appropriated willie the Btonecuttera1 strike was in progress last var. The stonecutters raised Bl 1,071 for the Milker-. Kelly paid out to the men at Bps ton If-I.'.-'iO, t* the Striken lt Springfield, Mass., Slfi.CK)C). and S1.SM) to th* Providence men. K? ? 11v had an Item ni Hie 1-oolt for Rfl.not 77 for expenses. The plaintiffs alleged that Rely had failed tu account for Iha -urn sued for of tha money which went Into bl* hands. Kelly declared that he 'md accounted for every cent which be bsd racri*red, mid he aaaeried lhal he hail onlv l"'"'ii iwld f-v? his services the clim Of gl.340. After hsnrtng what both sides ImU lo say Judge McAdam glBBBlSBB- the (Use. THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT. inattoa lagrahBBI In UM Supreme Osurt yesterday appolnt'-d Charles E. JsChsan guardian of Mary KttBU beth I.'-wls, In a suit In width the toort ls asked lo say what dlsptisUliui shall be made of Miss Lewis's share of the Income from the estate of her father. Thomas I/i'Wls. Thomas Lewis died last year nnd left an Batata Valued at about 11,100,000. Ha made u will. In ISgtt, In which he directed that the Income of ' the estate should ha divided ei|iially among his four I children. Mary ElUal-cth l.ewl*. Rosetta L. Ilodginati : and Thomas and John Lewis, ile made a codicil to the will, however, on November 2. ISSI, In whbh he nppo|nt<*1 three executor*, who should say whether Mary Ellrabetfi should receive her sh*re of the Income or not. This action wns taken for Un? reason that Mary Eliiiabefh has boen In an Insane usylutu for souie time. The executors want liistrue I lions about what their duties are under the pro I visions of ihi* will and codicil, and what they shall ?io with the income -which would naturally go to Mary Ellrabcth. pear lA th.- concert given by Gilmore's Bnnd at the Academy t! ls evening: Miss Villa Knox. Miss Marie Wlehmann. W. H. Hamilton, Redfern Hollins, Signor CampobeUo and Don Aurelio Oeruetoa. A farce comedy P|V,.S way to a farn-comedv nt the bijou Theatre. -'A kind Bargain" bas gone und 'Loss and Mora" collies tomorrow right, lt was seen at one theatre j nd another shout lown some time ago. William Collier will play th.- san," pan as formerly, and the one'played before by (barbs Reed, win, K |?,W dead, will l,e In the bands ,,f Mark Sulli? van. The company Include* other uri] known enter? tainers. -A Mp to Chinatown" at the Madison gqaare Tie aile ha., posse* another Important polnl In il" career-namely, tb" 900th performance ai thi* theatre, souvenirs tn ??otnmetni.rate ihls vere distributed on Friday night, and now ih" farce bas started on Its Second ll il! thousand. There ls yet no hint Of liny limit. "Th* Hassler" has been seen numerous llnn-s at numerous .New York theatres, lt axed to be played by .Mi-* Lidia Thump-,,n. It will be aero 'lils week nt the Fourteenth Street Theatre, utth Mi*s Anna lloyd a! tin- head of th. company, whlrh ulsn in iluii.s Mi-* Jessie Hali lue, Jaaeph on, Un- dipper Quartet, Ml-s I'lamb. Arkwright, Mina bia Bogers, Mi-* Adille Moore. Miss Annie Wll'iiuib Curran, Mba Belle seaford. Mis* Bva ta-lto, Frank Ward, tuite Curran, Albert lian. Maurice Haynes, Max Miller ami W. ll. Wnv. An rai ra statin*, win be riven on si. Patrick's Day. To mollow evening an entire}) new feature of tbe programme ai Border A nial's win be ih" ilr-t ap pea ra nee In America of M. and Mme. Uerouvllto r-ianry, Parisian and dan,,.,-, ti. Hie ?Eldorado, Paris, wi,eu- they an- s.ibi to Imve lahlj treated a genuine sensation. Miss lien.- Mark, an? nounced as a "iravestle vocalist." from Hie Empire Theatre, London, will also i>.- seen i<> morrow itu the ti i-s t lillie. The balance ol tm* week's mu win in elude Ihe riot-Irk dante "Columbia." hv Miss Dorothy H.-niling; the three Judges, acrobats; Mlle, Violette in n-'iv song-; .lames Thornton In a new .nob.gue; Hi" perforu-aiMS iii Karole's one oct operetta, "iii. Rehearsal," .md Offenbach- "(UphCUs.* v.hbh viii be withdrawn on gsinrdsy evening, lo be followed by the inst pn sent alton of Leeo-ii's comb- opera ?? lo lille de Mme. Aiignt,*' arranged hy Frederic Solomon. A striking feature Ot Hie program'ne nt (he Imperial Music Hall ihls wee!, rill Oe Un- luirodiit!. ol two sets ?.f French dancers. One come* direct irom the Casino, Part*, ini* i* th.. m.- troupe of four young women, whn*e daming was fm* two aeanoui eu jove.i at the French capital. Nothing like them, lt I* saM. ha* ever 1.,-en seen In this country Next lu Imp.riflnce are the Edonardns, th" four male danrer, Whose lame is not new here.* There will also be .laui.s Mc Amy. the parody singer; Maud Beverly, vocalist: Emerson and cook: Flenreli*; swift mai Chase, the musical leam: Dixon anti Lang, character artists; John F. Drew. Vocalist; r*.itsiuua. Japanese equilibrist; McAvoy and Mav, dueti-:*: Lavender and Tom,on, character ani*i*;' tlie three Donaaettas, gymnasia, and F. J. Huber. Th- regular.rt win be given to-nlght. Miss Catherina Celeste cogg-wiii. fbrmerly with the Lyceum Company, ha* boen engaged i>-> Frank Mn. .Pr to support Lawrence Hanley In bis tour, which begin* ut Norfolk on April 'tl. Stuart Robson I* pla-, ing his annual engagement tn Boston at the Tremont Theaire, where be u appearing In Buckston*^ "Married Life." Next se*?on Mr. Robson ls to produce shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors." lt will he i revival adequate in detail and slaged after tin- maim, i ol Mr. tto-Wank production of "She Sloops to Conquer." which h.- |* io present ni tin- Fifth Avenue Theaire following ihe engage? ment ol the Coghlans, Owing io the success of the Crania spectacle, "The Woti.Ters oi America." the performance* ai Music Hall will i.e cuntlaucd ibis ueeh, amt uti be given on Tuesday and Wednesday ev .-nings and Wednesday afternoon, Mar. li l-l and IS, Garrett P. Berrin dc livers the explanatory discourse. The latest theatrical freak ts the announcement of an Indian udor. His nam* I* Taratan** anti be was formerlv Ml** Lillian RnaaeU. coachman. Ile ls lo play ??Othello" te Moor and tue American Inli'i' ure so much ?Bk* and a dramatisation of one raf J. Feninmn- Cooper's novel*. If fie.e Wnrks well other plays ur.- to be trb-d. Th" newspapers recently contained an account ri tlie de*tb ol aa old sea captain win. In bl* declining dais Imagined thar his house was a ship and bl* fam? ily the crew. 1 pori this Incident of real life Albetl strns-mati ned William il. A. Wilson have written a play .ailed "The Long (bas..." which will soon be produced ont of town. Miss Rei iha Welby, au actress and dramatic teacher. Biri Miss Anna Wardell ar., to give a dramatic and musical entertainment st Hardman Hall nn Thursday evening. Mani, ?.?.*!. ?? \ Happy Fwlr" win t-. given bv Mis* Wein* and a well known Bctor. Ml-s Wo idell win be heard la a monologue called "The Wedding Kv ? " Tho last of the Lenten matinee entertainment* at Dalv'* Theatre will l.e given ttl Monday. Tuesday. Thursday sud Krldav nf this we,-k. nt ll a. m. lt will l.e a lecture or " puMIc lath" on "Booth tu OrirW e-t London." Tlie lecturer I- dean lb ed a- s most si tractive- H:id fascinating ipeaker. Ihe li tbe daughter of Mrs. .tulla Ward Howe. Owing to Ihe race**, "f Miss Romoln Tvnt"'*- re? cital si the Berkeley Lyceum recently, she i* ta give ii lecond before gobur to Boston. H will tah* place In the Mudlo of J. Wells Chntnpliev, N... U? Fifth n\-.. on Mendal March -"'? Mi-* Tym* vi'li hnv.- ihe assistance of c. Hayden I'ottln, who will sing "Good-bye.*' by Tostt. and tw* new "For Eternity." by Mr*. Harding Cx. nnd "Love's Wal." Curl and Theodor -tasenfrid have received mntur letters asking whether lt <ould nol be posslt-le to have Mme. 1 tu-?' give one more matinee. Tlit'V have accordingly gained her consent lo appear ome tti'.re in New Vorh before toavtaf the rite for the s.-nsi.n. A performance "f "Camttle" will ink" piece ut the Fifth Avenue Tliea're on Friday si 2:13 p. m. Miss Bertha ?Behren* will rive ber first roueen i , Bew-Yorh next Tuesday eveuta*. Mar. li tl. *t Hard man Hall, Wneteenth-et. and Fifth-are. Mis* Bebrens. ns a " hld. was accounted n prodigy "f talent, she ha- riiidled rind wnrki-tl hurd for *eve:-nl ve.-irs. an.I lt ls thought that th- lover, of violin BIU*tc will be mo-i agreeably Impressed by h.-r prcfactad per f. Tina IlCe. THE PARIS LIKELY TO SAIL TO MORRfiW. The Assorleaa Line st*um*r Itali* w! 1 sall tor Routtouuptoa tn morrow, if tin- Injury to ber crank shaft caa ba rep*lred in lime. Mschlntots are vorh iii pr day nnd Bight putting the machinery of the in Hn< r In arder. Ihe Parti I- beset not only br mechanical but bv legal dlttkultle*. Tin' Marine Engineers A**ortatl_ci of the Cnlted sintr-s yesterday ?eui to tlie "oil -rior of the Port a forsaal pratesl atjalnst Un- is-uing of rlssrsuce papen to the Hails, on me atteged around that her anstaeen are not rlilaeus of the I lilted Slalts. Tile laws of lin- I Hit.--. Slat s I'eiiulre that the officers of russels aubridtsed l.v ihr Government shan he Aaaericaa tttiaaua. The officcr of ihe Amerfsn bim- n*sert that engineers are not the officers referred to In the slutatea. George T. Deas' mtornf-y for 'Tn- Marine r.i:gineers' As-o Istton. ba wiittcri letters upon tb" sabjeet io President devi land and .Secretary nf tho Treasury Cartis!*, Every ftlww I* ? .tliacroble Nioner In church, but outside of one it I. unsafe to s*y much about it. cscept l*> a ?msll msii; however, you nead never lear to tell all you know *U.ul I** purli**- *f Ott Domini*.* ClgiWtU-*. PHILADELPHIA WOOLLEN MEN FAIL THE ASSK.N-MI'.XT GK s. n. STITT Jt CO. ( At'St-S si'iti'ltlsi;?tim: PIKM wis Mil H. Philadelphia. March I1.-s.ti, H. siitt and lohn IL r.ottoinley. Iiiilivltlually nnd trading as S. H. Stitt tt co.. woollen merchants, No*. guvCtt? chestnut -t.. Ilillde iiii BBBBJimiBl tO-day for "hf IK-nefll t,f their crediton to Mut Dtehey, of .Philadelphia, haaher, aad William Henry, of Haddondeld, n. i.. ?bookkeeper. The firm was formed h, |--n, nt which Hm.- Ihe mills op. rut.,1 by Mr. SHH mr.- laoorpotuted under the same ri toa Camden Woollen Mill* Cumpsny and Highland Wanted Min* Company, wit:, a eapttaltaa. lion of ,r*1(Ni,iN,(i ,,,?( #_( rt'-pec'iv.'ly. In Kti Mr. .*Htt bougiit ihe Cousbohocken Worried Mills from their aastgnea for ttlSS.000, mid tutouqseatly *oM them to the Merion Wonted Mill* Company for ttSOO,. "xx1, payment belug made t? him li full pull stock to that amount, thc (apltali/.atlon of tbO^MeriOB nilli being f.'Mi.ooti. These mills, it M "said, nre pratt I.illy *w*ed by H. H. .*1IH .V. Co. Il hi ,-iImi .aid lhal Mi', -lill owned a valuable properly lu Bewport, H. I., and was ,-*t|. mriti*! to be wi,rth fr un S-00?000 lo foo,OOO. Bottling can be learned regarding th.' cause of the failure or the amount of ihe a....ts nnd b.illlitl.-s. The 'trn ls rat-d al aver SI.OOOc-00, and Ih.- failure chu*.? l general surprise, us tia- wool Inri* is lu a good ton dillon. MAYOR MA SN I NO 8COBE8 A FOIST. JUDOS HCRRICM srsTU>:s jenOE MATMAlftt ORDFR IX Tilt: A I.UAW I'.LtC TIOB gQUABBLB. Albany, March ll (gp dali.-The Cleveland Demo* erati scored another pulu: over the nm men ber* today, .lutlge lien bk passed apo* the election ofltaers' case, sustaining Judgs Muyham'i order staying all ptUCavdtagS under thc BMadamui *f .Iii.'ge Furimus, whick dir?iis Mayor Manning t,> pubUsh the 11*1 of election (-.heel's furnished by the Hill Demo? crats mil adopted by the CommlsstoUOn of Election*. Andrew Hamilton, cuauset for the Hill men, aahed that the derision in ihls ca-,, should not Interfere will-, Ihe anion which had air adv been brought against Mayor Manning f.r contempt in refusing io obey Judge Faraman'a mandamus by puhttsMng the official list, and which will be srgued on Monday Ircfnre Judge Edwards at Klng-trin. Tho court re? plied that ll could not tal.o eogulSBOCa of ihe mutt*;-. Judge Herrick's opinion suv* among oilier thing* that Hm election of!l<eis, lt appear*, have already been sworn In. a tnt tO-day ls the lirst day thev ure to sit. Presumably Ihey ure acting. They havo the ragtatrsttoa bi*.ks tn their poBBCaetoa, and to re ilise to , uni lim.' ihe stay would provoke c,infusion and mischief. He U'di spoke of lin- sfiIf,- i? leCUl* laapirtara, and *uid that " wa> " disgraceful aifali*. ?I imvo brought tba court stenographer Into tin room," he -Bid, "liol having had lime to wiro un opinion, an. I consider thi* <|UCsilon io ssrloua that ii ls eminently proper ihat the stay should bs granted In otder to sire the Heneral Term an o|ip<>r iiuiliv io j. i*s iiii thl- question. r-A eminently ]>ini'iT do I consider nd* that 1 have .isi.iii.ieu io -tm thc proceedings anni the mailer run te- brought io the attention ol the isenoral Term." The appeal io tho Ueneral Term cannot ba at ted upon 'before May. TUE SUICIDE OF R R KISG. St. LoaiS, March ll.-The subide In Denver of R. B. King, formerly of thl, . itv. ha* brought to mind it s.-iis.ith ii In thl* tily la*t fall, vv Inn King *epaiul*d from hi* wi,'.-, who was the widow of el Maj >r Arl bur II. La: reit, anil daughit-r of Mrs, Martha ? Wi-aiiiigt-n, one of UM Wealthiest women ol tho elly. Mrs. King and her family to .lay ritaled t?. Uilk. Kine's lirother. Jnhii Vf. King, paymaster of Iii" Mts s".in larine, nil) provide f'-r the ballal of the holy. probably in this eily. The dead anus whh ,,t one ame ? clerk in Uta Wabash Brilway rile* here, and lt wu* in April. HUM h.* aasrrtod tha widow ,,f Arthor u. Barrett, Mis. wa- Well oft. Kum gave up work * uti nfier h.- married, and Indued Mr,. Klug io -Ign nil lier pru pe riv ti him, ss she Miy*. to give him a foundation for credit In .t bariueua which he never -tart.*t. TrOShla arose between the roupta, nnd le,! i'i lober she tlb-d a Brit to forco lt, rclurti. Tlie IWO the* agreed to separata, and King reUua-terrsd al tin- properly r<> tai rou, Jaflsas \. ?*. Burrett, in tru-t for io* mother. Mr- King uas sri ls :.-k for Mimong and King wu* IO go away and never BUgeal her. A fe-.v dav, iutei ia- tried lo eui In- throat, his lift. h. lng mred. He wa- Induced " gs to Denver, whir. be ii_. b.-en alni e, -. *. - IMDICTED UNDER THE civil SERVICE LAW. lents*lita. Kt.. March ll. Ihe (.rand Jury ws* Iii ml.sad by Judge bin Thursdny aftaraeon. Bc fm.- thi. awuttmn "? I-- dlsrhaigett. bowevar, they Banded in (..ur uidic'iiK-iit-. iwn agalmtl Collector Mull, nod one each again*! D,putin shaw and lilley. Th., first ludtatflsent agalaal the Critector w?* for riofalU 'll of the ( ivil service laws Ifl BaMUB-Bg BU calnpaign purposes , the led.nd f.,i siding and Bbri ting certain ni.-n in leftaudtog *he (.oven,rn-ut. iii" ia 1 ludtotmeut contalaa twelve e*uatB. si, awn, i' is i haig--. w.-re In two iBStaBCei '-.nh frito**! Ip'Ui dntv 1* Bttuad paUMeal ameUaga, bal aeverthetoi collected th.-ir full pay from ths -tovernmeut. Bf. E. Rlb-y and Bf. P, Shaw w.t.- al a Indicted a* numerous counts for al m.* nnd abetting in aaaearing ami toiicciiiiK **?i**miuU la riatattou ri Uie < i-11 Service tows. The sum* collected amounted to bust *T_.<m*i. Me-sm. Scott, Ril'-v mik! shaw lin in- <;ii, I >-l \ lurrendered lo the Culled stale Marshal. Cnluori Scott in the civil Service ruse wu, put inder ? 11,-00 bond, aa were ni o Bile] and shaw, cn the oilier only indictment scott us* placed under 11,500 liol id. SALE OF TUE LAKE EUPEEIOE M1SE Duluth. Minn., yindi ii.-A controlling Interest In the Lake superb r Mino. |,v A. J. Triuihl-, Flank Ulbtlng and tho Bew-Yorh asea ta te mted la ihe Weat Mlperlor Land ? oiiipanv. h*fl be.-u sold lo the Wetmore IMerrill lyndleate, which al** control* the Duluth, MnahU miu! Bortbern mad. Fifty-ono per cent ri Iha Bloch wai purchased and SBSO,000 ta cash was paid. Thl* gives the syndicate the control of the carrying al the on- frmn the mine, and Rive* them alro control ri ali four of ihe centra* "I me Be posit on th.- Mesa** range. A SIAYW AT KASS AS DEMOCRATS Topeka. Kan.. Mardi lt.?Representative Greenlea iii.p.). yesterday Intend seed in tl.e House bb uasend neill lo Hie AttBUmttaU BSllOt bill Whick prohibit*. Hie appointment ss eh-ctl ,n Judges of members of a party which had "faaed" with another porty at a Urevlon* Billilli. 'lin* proposition wus cacried bf a vote of ll 1" Cl. and th" grant* concurred. The populists supported the ?taaare. The object sf Uta iitii.-Il'lMi.-Iit I, aimed a* lin- Dem ians v. NEW OFFICERS f)F A STEAMSHIP COM PASY. Tho director* <>f Ih'- old Dominion steamship Com? pany have elected new attic tra ben as* ri Iha recent death of IT'sldeiit Robinson. Henry A. Bourne was president; w. L. OulOaudeu, acting ib.-prcsi ilelil aud lilith' ninliugcr, ulnl John ll. Cooper, secretary ami tnasarer. A PELL HOY FISDS ?<?>,< >O0. gratti*, Wash.. March ll.-MUton W. Won-, who reported Iha toss In thia lily ri a pocket hook cm mining pt\-00 la Cash Bad note, la*l Thursday, ro urn "I I* Tu< om. peat rlav. and taund that th' pocket book had bee* l'*ft M fl hoi.I. where ll was found by ii bell boy who turned ll our to his employer. A (OUST IS DDT ED FOR FORGERY. Baaaan, Maui it.-The guttrih Osnatp c;rand Jury today report*-* Ba Indictment against Count Armand de Ravignon, of Furls, for for.lug and utter "* _te_ MISS JASE MEADE WELCH'S FOURTH LECTURE At her fourth lecture aa Tuesday In Iha series on ?Tho Finding of Hie Hem World,'' Mb. Jane Meade Welch will describe the lively battle between Tt.rat and (Jut Uah oatl, two of America'*! fascinating hero myths. SfiSATOR ALLEN TO SUCCEED HIMSELF. olympia. Wash.. March ll.-Th,. I;,,vernor to-night appointed John B. Allen Fulled states .-eiistor io neceed hlm-ilf. IN Legislating- having aijoafB*. i-ariy ynterday awrnlng without chouriag a h_|tatar. .I.V ENTIRE FAMILY I'OISDXED. Msd-SO*. Ind.. March ll.-A mysterious ca-.- of pols,,nlng has developed lu ibis etty. La-t Tuesday Miss Eva Ro-s wa* taken lb.bully ill alni Ito- on Wednesday from Hie ?ritoflta of poison, lt wa* sup? posed fhat she had taken ll with suicidal Intent, ns ?.he had Ihreateiied ta oinnilt suicide. Vesti-nlay her moUier. Mrs. Janies < larlison. wa, taken III In ?.Imllar manner aisl db-d. A son. Janies, who left I ere on Tuesday for Anderson, Ind.. was stricken In Ihe same manner by the time he reached Anderson, ind ls reported dead. Two other rons were at? tacked yestertiy. nnd both their Ure* an- despslred nt. Tbe Coroner's Investigation In th* case of Eva developed the fact that death was caused by arsenic. B large gaantlty o' attlch was found in the stomach. A Mat i'i .rletn will ba held up** the Battg "' lb* mother and the matter fully Investigated. MUTINY ON A W BALI SQ BABB. I). TAILS OK TRI OUTttRMAI Ott THE WILUVM Hiv:.ii ? ki vc;i \i.vviir:n .lim N'.w-Redford. Mardi lt (Spectah.?A <!l<p:itch to "The Rlentag slrindrird '' from *-:m FnncbCU today gives d.-taii, nf ?:,,. nun my and Bttetapt at Brarttet on the whaling burk Williain bay:"... ,,f ihls port, while on the high sen,, .iain.- stony, i>. ii. Stanton, E. Ml'f'i'-li, W. Briacril, Bkbard Manning and (url lleudryh ar.- iii the rustpdy of thc Culled Stat.-* Marshal In san Francisco tor mutiny, and Ibiidryk is al-o inid for intent io Braider tin- fourth asate, Raptl-te. r-flie dispatch says that baptist,, found Hendryh apparently asleep at tin- uberi, sad nara he approached io wake him lleudryh Immediately showed that he Was much awake and that Hie sleep Was feigned, lb- sprang at Hie mate like a tiger, and with a knife begs* ti cut and slab lu a desperate and ?Venaled manner. I'll.- mil" gave lin- alarm, but Hendryh attached him sn gen-el) thai, attbough au stotaaee came r-utrkly, be uss un lu a mBftrt places la-fore in.- savage ubeehnsu waa diaarmed. Hendryh vcas beurily leaned ami tahea to the tosurette auder tin- cabin, where he was kept for two days la-fore being brought to the mast for trial. As soon as the Irons were removed Hu- pris..'kt linnie a desperate run for Hu- forecastle, geBttcutattag vi Hilly, screaming and behaving lu suck it manner ns to Caaae Captain Porter to think he was ii violent maniac lleudryh vvas again captured and Ironed ami was returned to conSnement, ami as be appeared perfectly rational and refaaed to listen to any om- In authority he was then- until February 10. (Mi tin- morning of timi day twenty-two of the rr.-vv marched aft tu the ma-: and demanded that Hendryh I*- released, under pain of their rriaaal io do duty. Eighteen of th" m.u wen pul In iTOtt* and fed on bread and water for thirteen days, when Hie vessel arrived at Honolulu, charges were made against live of the ringleaders, and Consul severance ordered ihem kept innler arrest, lleudryh was put In an aaylem for two iIhVs, when he confessed that Io? was not Insane, but only feigning. The ni.-ii will h.- k"pt in custody nulli the vessel comes from tbe Arr Hi* tn th* fall,' winn they utll he (ried. DlSGRACEFCl. SCENES IN A LEGISLATURE. Guthrie, G. '??. March H.?Yesterday was the Ust day of the n s'-loii -I tin- Territorial Legislature, and ihe *ccn?'? thal wen enacted Bpou Ihe floor wen- dis graceful In the extreme. Fur sixty days this Legisla? ture his sat and quarrell, d. Within a few day*, however, they have awahelied lo ihe fact Ihat the peapto af tha Territory demand legislatlra, but in the hurry and heat, Ihat whick hits been done at tost I* BO bailly Jumbled Ihat iii mo*! things the Terrilorv ls worse ol than it was before. Hiring an attempt to r-peal the anti grimMlng rill yesterduy pantie Btaalum reigned. Memben called each other lUr*. and nt Um.-, ullin,-t mme l.?,, (barges of bribery wera Bfenly made, nnd en nigh was disclosed to Indicate that certain Btembei. hail openly iota their rotas. TUE FRIST CLOTH If IgrTc.T. Fa'l River, Mardi 11 | *p clap -Th- print .lath market bas been steadily ictlve luring the week BBd cjo-ed linn. Tlie sale; w.n* a little In excess of tn,, product!**, and BMnutoeturon bellen they had the bet end of thc bargain*. The weekly state mem i* a* folio*-*: Production, l95,oo_ plena; de liveries, llt.-..ot*?; .fork "li hand. ."..O-Hl; ia*! w..-li's stink, t,,ttt)U. sale., lMi.(Hi-). ,,f WMch 175,000 were odd-, M"0U0 MsU-s; -4 .(/"xi t|*.'s and IT8.OO0 fu'iires. sal.*, for weekly drilveHe* Ifl March, ITs.OOO pieces, April, 13*1,000: Mal, 180,000; Jilli". lO'.'.IKS); July, -j:!,"**'; August, KI.QOO; geptamber, iMMMO; October, 1,000; B*vcu-tar, n,oo0; Decamrur, BfiOO. Tue prloe I* 4 cents for *>4\til. and Hi" market ls steady. APFOtMTMHMTS IS THE STATE c, a r Albury. M*rth li.'uient Commander Joesph p Cleary, of the v.te tl, a. lt., in Ueneral orders Bo. 1, l*?u..d to dav, iu:,ke*K tl,.- follow mg appoint? ment* Medic*] l)li>- f..r. I. I.. Bddy, of nlean; L?*. partasant I haptsta, thc R*v. W. R. Helaas, of Kb h n.-id spnfiyt; Council of AduUslstratloa, Munni Bhort, ri Brooklyn: totem g. liraham. of Rochester; Ii. II. Md'..-muli, of Alinriv; li. 1. Finley, of N'-vv Torfc; John C. sh ??!-, of Vonkers; Inspector, c. A. Weaver, ol Syracuse; Judge-Advocate, tieorge M, Von Hu?sn, "f New lurk city; Chief Mustering t.flicer. A. B, flatlander, >.f Son \'.uk (itv senior Abie tb-camp, .rge ll. .-"'.wiir, of ihiRbIo. HOXRIDXOR BATOLLVR HIRRIOH WEST. Ht. loni*. March ll, "The ii|-.iw- Democrat'1 *.ivi thi, mornlag: "Archbishop Francis BUtotB, Papal Lt pst* tn America, win gs t>. Lincoln, Ssh., tot. BM-dtataty s''er Elater, sad n." n-jact of his mi.sion I* fur th" rir*t time made public. Ills vi-it. it rat Itt Mtkeritattvoly -ta'.-d. aSCeti the removal of Bishop Thoma* Bmacum*. -The Olc-beiDemocrat1 list week Intimal.-d ihat a in".venn r.t wits on foot to ttniisfer bishop Botwr im to ( bey nn... Wv ., ,md ihl-. dl-iilf... lion of several yean' standing has eui urinated in a petition which rrac_*d Monsignor Hdl lt I- tri document that ha- prompted him ta malie a Western ' mr. Incidentally, be will stop ri several iiiim.i. points, and will iWt st. Louis." A YOUTH! IL HUEDEEEE TO HANG. Chuuton, n. j., March ii .tuite.- -tantana this attuning r.-fu.-d lo Interfere lu the BU*B of John Hill, ihe elghteeiiyenr old boy who is auder lenten** to ha hanged mi April lt tm the murder of .lo-eph Dob? son. Jada* Ital I luau i-aid thal the boy's (rims iw.scrv.d the ItlUBBB penalty. Hill lay In watt for bis victim, and when ht* approached shut him dead. Ile was promised IO ?'"'>. bc said, by two sn loon hB*p*ra if hs would rouuoll th* asurder; nnd of this niii'.unt. h.- said, be was paid -.1 BO. Boed and Derrichron, tha mloouheeperi, wen- placed on irini for the crime, but w.-re ncuultt**-. inn's counsel win appeal to Governor Wert* for clemency. WOHHS CBURADEBR lose their cases F.n,n,li.'iiii. III. Mareh ll.-This ct'y has f.r several gays beni greattj exrlttd iver the trial f th" suits brought hy Ihe Wooten crusaders for their ejectment fmm Ike saloon* last Mondav night. Th* cius.ulers were routed In every cum. The ?'iifs against William lehnabritai and Itanrr Mon* wen gtsmlssed for want of evidence. Mrs. K. Reiitllngcr and her daughter Lulu were trbst for fordl-lv ejecting Mr.. ,\. n. K'-ply ntltl Mr,. Lac .ck, tv o of fin- crusader., from their premtoea. ls ejecting Hem Mrs. Kepty nnd Mrs. Larueh vc. soundly thrashed, and the court la-t evening ?eqrittt-d Mrs. Rentltnger mid ber laaghter. Tho trial vvas ulUu**S*d b\ a thousand people or inure. TO DEED FIRE ISLAND TO THE STATE. Albany, Mureil 11. Mr. .-aiumls. with his counsel, was in BonsaPattoa trlth Attorney o*u*ral Bo*euduto I., dav legardlng tba transtor ri Ihe deed of lin* Isla ad Ifi il" slat.?? Mr- "annuls had willi him a deed transferring the property 10 Ooveruor Fl .wet-. The tow pa*aed tin* week, ?utboHring tha purehssa ri i hf Island by tha stale, provide* that tha nov* eraor ibsB frans!** lils ctalm to the state, and that the transfer ot tte property ihall ba mad.- direct to the BIBI*. A ptOUet geed will ba drawn up arid submitted to Ihe Auurnor Ueneral next weah for his approval. FLINT'S FINE FURNITURE FOR ECONOMICAL BUYERS. POSSIULY yon don't know what qnaint and .mistic pieces of fur niton we're showing. They would mid ? chaim tn any room. PROBABLY you'll be surprised at iIih low prices marked on them. They're etist of manufacture prices. CERTAINLY it will pay you, anti please you, to visit ns?whether you're thinking of baying jost now or not. You'll come again. Bl V OP Tilt: 1IAHKII. GEO. C. FLINT CO., Furniture Makers. 104 TO 108 WEST 14TH ST. STEADY MEAL ESTATE ACTIVITY. HAME FM.IU. SAMS K-UBP nUOKKRS BUSY. a vvc.u of rteaiy arilvtty is to ha ehanadttoi in tha real estate __?_**. While large UU-Mritaa* havo not been aaasetons thar* Bsve bera amny snmii sai<>_ which *.rve io heep brokers hauy and always form tin- bulk of business and. inure than deal* of jrreat magnitude, shan prOnptrO-B condition*), llnllliigtun lloolh. of thc Snlvutloii Army, has purchased fruin Pf. I'. Douglas Hie pb?'. TSWtMHJR with a gara 7.'.x44 in thi* nar of Kan. I'M to 124 West Pourteentkst- aad nram Faanp M. Bohlaaaa No. lil West Thirteenth st., for about ir-'J.'i.OOO. A ilx .ii.rv building as a memorial lo Mr. tiooth'l mother w.U be rrericd OB the plat. .Morris K. tttmB has purchswd fnun beiijninln Utah-SB No. 150 Madison uvw, adjoining lil* luiiise, for about *?.->.(?iO. lt ls said that Mr. .icsup win iBunstl 'he two amarna so ri* I* BBBhe I hem one. W. B. Thom lin* piircha.s.d Hi" loua-risry toounrioue house No. n K_i>t Fifty* sixth *t., SlxdQxSg, for -cT'.'.iHSi. -The l.ccord and Urida" reports that John Pettit ha* purchased No. Vii UhertJ -I.. 90*113, -<>."- in Cedar st.. and Intends io erect ;i -a-v. n story addltiOO to the Electrical Ex rbanpn Building wimii n adjourn. Ph.. iiuin!" r ul convcyancea dering UH week wa* 247 and the umoiini Involved was H,8gg,_-S lu the HHiespondlag araefc ?f last year the number was ?JUT and Iha ainoiint ta valved wo* BSttt\MA\ Tha .rtgnge* numbeied IBIS! a.ui In vol* id #.'1,0:12.4117; agata*! poi, Involving tUl.Toi.TtiO. In the corre-pondtiig iv eek a year a.... sixty Ivvo building* al au .-nimai.-d itjst of gl.OlKl.g-O were projected; against eighty Tiree al aa estlamtrd cost of gt.a*i9,_u_ ta thc cor reapoodtog week of ISM. HOW .1 JURY RUDDER SAVED A SCHOONER. A Shipper outwitted old Neptune yesterday. He should have been a Yankee sklpp-r and the muster of an old-time American clipp-r sMp, but he mas the inptain of the llrblsh s-limner. Amy 1).. of Italia* I .ro. Nova gcatta, from san liomin ko, February '.). hound for Kew-Yerh with a cargo of sugar. Ills inline ls Mat 1 hews. Tue Amy LI. was eighty miles -out'i of Beady Hook when she was struck on Frldav by a tremendous (rab- from the northwest. The mls chl voiis spirits of the storm hafried the Utile schooner at.oiit. spins! ed her with waler and sent her reeling before the gsle. They tore away the fore* itayaril, and Rave lt to tlie betalllOUB wave* for a plaything. Tiny pirouetted on Heir toes over the decks and dan-i-d n hornpipi- on the liow, The pale tasghed and Blocked, and Captain Mat their* became phlegBBBtte. Iha Jib went next and tha ?"villi? jib took Hs flight far out to sea. Then tbers wa.* a wreurhlng and twisting, and ihe .schooner wius WttbOttI 11 rudd.-r. Captain Matthews was not disturbed. Ha simply grew more phlegmatic. "I may be no Judge of a gab-." he observed, "but I think that I can -lix a Jury rubier that will get us out of Ihls."' For forty miles the BCtWBCC was blown otf the eea*t, bal during all tin- enforced myona the ?hipper ara* buay. With spurs and rigging he made a temporary rudder, by BMaua ri uhtoh the schooner rounded M.minuit Point ani caine -vailing Into port yesterday morning LsPind sound. 1 never asngulne, * remarked Captria Mat hew*, "Indeed, I am,tm lined 1,, |?- pblegssatle, hut 1 thought ihat Jury rudder would du the work." PETER GOWANS DIES IX SOUTn AMERICA. I'et.r Gowans, a tandtccp* artist af mach promise, died darlag Um Brat week ..f Fehnmry n.iir Naataatoa, south Atn.-ila. He b-ft New York nearly irwo years Hgo io Bash* studies Hmong the northern lungra of the Andes. His work began at Caracas, and he wa* travelling southward atong the smuatola chain on tha uny to Bagota, when be vvas sttackwl with pneumonia, und di-il In B few- hours. A letter from his travelling fi?I panton states that they Iud WU Ched ?*i high au altitude that ihe cold wus extremely ?sven nnd the artist di-d from expO-ure. Ha was nhoiit tw.nty seven years old and a native of this st.ii... He rune ta New-York nine years ago and exhibited the following year. Ills work at once attracted attention, and he heeaam a regular con Irtbator to Hie exhibition** both m till and water color. Ho hud a tirge un Ie of Manda lu art ll IT BM here. AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS TO EXHIRIT. An exhibition of pictures will open next uredaes ?lay ut the room-, of the society ,,f Amateur Ph* lof-rapbcra af Stew-Yark, Nos. naur. Weat l-toty* ? Ighih st., which will Shaw what Its members, thangi, cnn do an photograph*!*. Over BOO pb' lure* will de on the walls. Alfred Steiglitz lia* af. fer.-d _ sllv.-r gilt fltedal for Iha b-st entire exhibit; .1 sllv.-r in.-dal f..r the nio-.t meritorious ana bv a member who has aaver re_rir*d a prize at a photo? graphic exhibition, and B silver medal for the be*t BCtontlflC exhlUt. The solely will also give six nu'ini-.. Tue eatthttto* will ba age* from Mnrch 1 i tu M*r. h 'j.'., aftorfl.1 nnd avering; aud my one nhs wuuld 111.* to vt lt lt will receive a raid of Invi tau..ti by applying by totter ta T. J. Harte*, ths sec? retary. FREDERIC R. COU DE RT SAILS FOR PARIS. -Tad*rte B. Oouderi, coubjbM f"r tha L'nlted states In the Behring Be* Coafarence, which ls soon to he held In Carl*, was a passenger yesterday un the Flem h stumer I.a Hreingiie, I...und for Havre. Mr. Conder! was accompanied by his sen, Fredtrtc R. Conder!. Jr.. >ir .lohn s. Ii. Thompson. Ttrnilif ri Canada, wa* al-o a passenger, budy Thompson, Mtoe Thomp**H and Ml-s Kranliie Thoinpson BCCampantad him. A-Boeg the other passcngera on La Bratagae were i.niiy i aron, Judge f. cnrroil Brewster, Oscar Hummer-.!.in, the BeV. Achilles (.erste, Maaaats de I'orl.-s and Mr. and Mrs. Hector l.e Comte. Sine of the passengers 0:1 ihe Cunard Line steamer Bervta, ta.nnd fur Liverpool, were \V. B. fin J nm. Mr. and Mrs. Vf. T. Beaidslee, M. Mason ltaburg, Bohcil Thylor, Boberl Vt'llsoo and Albert Whit*. NEW JERSEY DAUGHTERS OF THE REVOLUTION. A meeting ri the Kew-Jeney society, "Daughters nf the 1,'eviilulioii," helli at the hame ri Mrs. k. c. Haariltan, No. IM Itaiitoau ri., Bari Oaaage, }f. J., on Tuesday, at which Mk* Adeline Vf. Torrey, regent ri tin- State, prertdid. a lurg.- Bnaaher ..f nome* were present, luckrilag Mrs. Bdwaid P m..-rs, prestdenl sf the 0 enc ral society, and Mrs. ii I ho-iil\ Ingrahiiin. Secretary Oe**mt BsfBCta from ('range and Soiilli Orange, Montclair and Bari Orang* Chspten showed an active Increase In the society and a large Increase In membership. Th.* next regular meeting arlU Im brid nt Um hoi..f Mr*. wallum lo.ny liulnl, gcotleud Rand, south orange, vu April i. ?-?? TWO FORGERS APPLE IMO FOR PARDOX Cov.Thor Flower ha* asked District Attorney Nicoli's (Urinion about Ihe merit af Ihe application for the pardon af Alfonso Voullalre and Amos M. Wlthrovv. The former was sent to state prlr-on for two years and 11 half on October BS for forging a check for *tU). Ile mme Into notoriety bv declaring that he had evidence af extensive rtatettaas ri the inter? state Commerce Law against several railroads. Wlth? rovv wu, sentenced to ita years for forgery on July 0, IMO, Mr. Nicoll will send lils recommendations shortly. TO CELEHEATE OHM MEAL GRISTS BIRTHDAY. About ISO of Uk- 306 delegates who toted for QeU> eral (/.rant's nomination fur President at the Hepnb llcuii National Convention ot Imho, at Chicago, ut which Oe ac ral OariteM was successful, Intend to cele? brate tin- sex! aaa! ear Bary af < (inuit's birth? day with :t dinner et Philadelphia un April 'il. Among UH survivors of the "OH (inuit delegates fm mi this etty who expect ta take part In the Mil tanita* are ox Assemblyman Harney biglin. Subway Commissioner Juroh Hess, e_-l*ollcc Commissioner ItBphe* II. FreiTch ond De \V. C. Wheeler, ex-Congressman John I). Law? son nml ex Appral-er James H. Davies. .I.V EXGIXEER STRUCK DEAD BY A FLYWHEEL. Frederick Fritz, nn engineer In Jacob Ruppert's brewery, No. I,SM Third ave., while nt work In the eugine room ut 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, missed his footing and fell against tin- flywheel. Ile was killed InataBtly. Fritz was thirty seven years old, and lived at No. BAB East Nlnctlcth-st. EMPLOYES ROR HILTON, HUGHES St CO. Tlie firm of Hilton. Hughes A- Co. learned several weeks ago that employe* In their dressgiMids depart meiit had been systematically robbin* Hiern. All etfurls lo catch the thieves were Irullles* until yes? terday, wh.-n Detective BtBBBOaa, employed by Ihe linn, assisted by Detectives Hanlon aud sloane, of Hie Mercer st. gtgtfgn, arrested Willum owen, a sales? man for many years In the dnssgoods department, anil Kdward Hellion, a former clerk and salesman lu the same department. The two person* were caught lu the net of taking goods from the store. Intlwen's room, nt No. 22S East Tl'lrty-slxth-st were found four valuable dress patterns, and In Henton'* rooms, at Nu. ld East sixtv-nlnth-st., six other packages, valued In all at over glOO. owen tana been employed for eighteen yean by tha Arm, und The Little Boys Aro well provided f r in our establish mont. j Fashion decrees that they shall be put in 1 rouser* at an eatiigr iga this season than funnel Iv. and BO ive have inndo np a very at tractive assortment of Paney braided Jaoke-t and Pants Snits, and -ail'ii Suits in Long and sh< rt pants. ;i to ti years, lint tho stock of KILT*, and DSE8SE8. 2 1-2 lo 5 years, has not bena iic^'octed?in fact, ts better than ever bef.ire. New ityle* la W?*h PhbriCS gS.Tt to ti SH. Flannel* and Fancy Mlaad I'i-. -ri.Vi tai S7.80. Th* Ki.t .ult slioivu above, mud'' lu pain Dn>vle|othS and Velvctine* Ls one ?f the inert |-.|nilar for Ure*. ?_>. BEST & GO Lihptttian Bazaar. 60-62 West 23d St How to make the new VENETIAN IRON WORK. You can do it with very little prac? tice. Inexpensive, elegant and orna? mental to any home. No rivets or nails! Materials anti instructions of HULBERT BROS & CO., ATHLETIC I'OOO* Ol' KV KUY DKSCRIPTlOJf. ?J6 Hist ntl rd ?.rsjBli IS. I. Opp. .llb B****** lietel. We will plaee on ante any lenci inn Iron Work mud* by our citalomrr*. Call and see the samples on exhibition. SEMI FOII I lilli I.Alt. WilbeltQ&Qraef "BROADWAY & 26tb ST. I I.KAKIM. MAI.K OV China, Glass and Pottery ut bi:biii:i> pkhi:?. ri received ii satary Bf BT5 a month. Benton, lt ta snld, bu* lost iiioti.y In tbe poolrooms. Justice (-.rudy, before whom the tur* men were ar? raigned, held encl: one fm- Mini In the sum of 11,000. Ute prisoners acknowledged their guilt. FA TH E P. TH EA CY Ol 8 TED. WHITS OF F J Fl TM c. NT WU r.F.I'l.F.VIX Slr-RVEO ri'.x him in BWKDEBBOa-O, g. J. gareiaabarOa N. I., Mareil ll.-A il gulf sheriff thia asitslag scrv.d writs of eje tun nt and replevin upon Father Treacy, the Catholic |>rie*f, who. after being arOra_ to do so by Btohop O'PurreS, of Trenton, and Arebtasbop Bulola, refused ta give sp possession ot the <hirth und pirochbil rariteuCB to bl* saccjsaor. The Sheriff Muk i*.ssissi,,n of the rbtin-b, and Father Treacy will not be ul Ion.-tl lo iiniss tninor row In lt. The tannie is true lu retettOU to Fatlier Leahy, who araa apf-latci rather Tn-m y's successor. Tlie latter will nay um** in Howells Hall, nnd Father Treacy Banuuueca that ha -vin *ay -Bass in a private lu Hie ni'.1 mut;. THE FMMUMH HEH ABATED IX THE EXCHANGE. The feeling s*MUg some of the member* of tb* stuck Bxehaugs with ransN to tho failure to convict J. o. Beeta A CU, nf gta Bharge of tutting comm!** slona luis not ubati-tl. There will be a meeting of dlssuilstb.l m.-iiibi-.-s of ths Exchange tomorrow after* noon. In the btitidrooiii, to protea! _>-' the de riatan al tha (Meaning Ooaimlitee. The hot-headed ? kickers*' uro bbM to latani lo put a ticket in thu Ibid for the annual eh-cit ui lu Mu v. from which will be left tin- ninnes of all Hk- governors who voted BgBlari conviction. 'Mle tesllllli liv submitted to ttl* QuvetUUBg (oiiimlttee on the trial last Wednesday i.s said to show Hil*. I.unison Urns. _c Co., of I I.lens ?, liuve extensive connections throne**. the Bf-ri mid th.- s,.ui li. They put |* loons here sud Hjere mid nut out the facilities to other concern* ?>r individuals. T. Vf. 1'otter, at spring-eld, (Hilo, baa i.n urratitrement with l.anisoi) Br**, -v Co. by which ha receives a rebate i.f BUS bait on all orders executed on -hg New York sn,iii Km bange. In a room back of Baan* ?- 0s._ aito* nt Be, 17 Exchange-pi., an otflce Ikis been BCTSptad by Janies \V. .stevens, a partner, lt ls snld, ,af Hie I.ainsoii I'lib-Mgo llrm. Mr. I'otter sent n bill to J. S. liaclie ai Co. for rebatea dm- to bim for BM business of la*t December. Dache A co. turill*! the bill over to Stevens, nnd the latter ls milt to have written to Mr. I'otter saying that ha was to send lils bills to bim (Stevens), und that all transactions were to be considered confidential. Mr. Stevens ls repOrtC- to have sent his own c-tu-cg for eioo to Mr. Putter. Ha** thia transaction Mr. steven* has removed his ellice to ii floor above J. B. Baot* A, Cu.. in the same building. He testified be? fore t'w (im"ililli- Committee last Wednesday that the cl*??? k sent to Mr. I'ott.-r was out of lils (.Stevena's) personal account. Thl* transaction did nil convince Hu- gasrevners nf tin- stock Exchange that Hach* _-. Co. were guilty of cutting cnaiBsI?lea*, but the ?? Licker* " lu the slock BauhaagU ure itullsfled that tli*.' evidence wu* Muktanc. THIS CARRIER CANNOT RE REPLACED AT 0\CE. Then* ls deep regret In the Pwtoffico over th* death of William H. Haywood, who had been ? letter carrier for twenty nine years. He died on Thursday from pneumonia, which was due to tha draughts In tlie 1'oitnfflce. Tbe funeral will be ghj* afternoon ut his house, Xo. 357 Seventh ave. He was born In England, but enlisted In a New-York legtflSent when th* war begun. He was a most faithful tarrier and well Ukid by bl* associates. For a long Hine he delivered the letter* for th* Italian colony tn Mulberry st. He knew the names of all the residents, and the most illegible addrsa* was .|'ii. lily deciphered by him. It will be Impoaathl* lo find a man who can, even in a few years, do thu work so well us Haywood. ETHESDA Amarloa'i Favorite Water. 111.*, thai. Vaalar, Sa*-'t mtTmarry.MIT* I-1 ntaei BatbaMl* aaa d*li*Btl*l W.ur.irrr*** tn* -nd iB'Wontliiu. wllh ? US-Bill praia kBataaaf astah mwmr I *ror^|ahy.lll>T*_rl^*?BOl?e**** >. ochebeb. A**?i,e n_*-*ur as* ?* Ht