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TRENTON SESSION ENDED. A NEW RACING HILL FORCED THKor-.Il BOTO HOISTS IN THL CLOSLVQ HOURS. IT PROHIBITS BACIXfl IX TUT' TUBBS W1XTE1 nonna, and was bbawb op bt tub "DUMB or BttOOCSBTCB"- FI'.axtio. Bl'T FtTII.I. OPPOSITION OP TIIK iovocatfs of t.rrri NHI"KC, \ (.UT Ttl IT.VW. (BT TM F.CKAI'H to mr. TKIIUSr 1 Trenton. N .*., March ll.?Spcnl aad exhausted with exclteaaent, the *Legtolature adjonnssl sine die at 5:1S o'.lock this Bltemoon turo lill Hilo-- of the IIOUUC lliul been stHs|.'-n it'd, ml practifiillv thc same was true ol ti.e St-i.a'i- rubs, um! acutes of bills wert* paaaed without the sli.dit ??Ht eouatderution. Fortunately Coveniur Werta bas thirty days bj which to consider tia* '"ills piesenteil t<i him after adjournment, and thia leisure period trill atTord him plenty of oppor? tunity to elli out the Hud Mila imin the cowl nnd the prent number thal are plainly unconsti? tutional. Leglalation was never more reck? lessly paaaed neve thnn thi* yttt. The railroads and (.tiicr corporations found lt an eaey Lagtolatara la handle1 and they have seenred the piisH.1..- of lull* that Ioi years had been in trndaeed In vain. Thc most interesting occurrence in the closing hours ot the session na* the puBBuge ul Aseembly man Hyrne's bli] tc prohibit huraa-raeiug t"ir purse* or prizes SOrtag the months of Pepi Bl-Ol. Jai.mry and Februury. Aa wai* telegraphed night, "Billy" Thompson, the " Duke of GUmeeatcr," wai, the real author of this MMaaate. lie bad tlie lull drawn at IO n'eluek list night, but it was not Intruduoed until i o'clock this afternoon. If th. "Duke oi t'Piiicos ter" hu* any athel object in vb-w than the pui'i tohmi'iit of the Guttenburg people who failed to ?respond t.o hie call nu- financial help when h.- waa puttiiiR tho Parker gambling lulls through', it must be to appease tin- Deaauerutic leader* id tho State who had ben pleading with him for days to "io som. tbiug to relieve the party ot the r<? eponsibility for the Parker arin Most people believe that the "Duke" doesn't tan- a straw fir the Denim nitic, leaders, but that his single pur? pose is to lu* avenged upon "Denny" McLaugh lin, because- the latter showed adSshness wh.-Ti called upon to contribute to Ibe racing nv-n's fund. While, ga stated, the great majority renard this as the true i.-ason for the pussuge of thc bill. many ethers fanny that tho measure **>ntulna lomethirg which cannot ho detected upon its furfnec. but which, in due season, will turn out to be for the benefit of the winter tracks. The bill looks honest enouch. lt malu--- racin. rJurfu.' tho -nontli8 mentioned unlawful, imposes ho*vy pennltio.*- for Itu violation, and authorize-*. nnd directs the State police to make raids upon trucks where ths law is violated. It socs even further. Having in view the fact that John P. Feeny ls thc chief of the State police, and that he 1* on terms of intimate friendship with ibo management of the Cuttenbure track, th" " Duke" had inserted a clause authori.ini' tho Governor to call upon the State militia to perform the duties imposed upon the Stat,- police in the event of the failure of the latter to act. Tb.* bil] went through both houses with a rapidity that aa* tonishod even tho ohbist and craftii**st lobby isis The "Duke of Ciloncester" taught them trick* were never dreamed of in their philosophy. " Denny" McLaughlin'** men were aware that tho bill was coming in, and they prepared for a biir fight, expending to bo abb- somewhere in ita progress through the houses to check its flight and kill it. Hat they could (lo nothing of the kind, and the ?Duke'" laughed at their frantic effort-- to heat his measure. Having lien put upon the calendar without reference io any committee snd engrossed In advance, tlie hill was really, the very moment of its introduction, tor tho second reading. Fast and furious came the amendments designed to kill it, snd guilt and decisive were all the votes BgahkBt them. Mr. Carroll, of Hudson, tod the lighting for "Denny" McLaughlin. On his desk was a big pile of amendment*.. After tho slaughter of Cv-vo or three of thom Carroll made a motion to strike out thc enacting claus* of the bill; and that alga wis ( voted down. Mr. Lane, of Union, advocated the hill. So far as it went, he said, it was approvt-d by the Citi tens' Ix-ague. Many members who had voted for the Parker gambling bill* were anxieus to square ehonisolvcs with their constituents by voting f-.r this act, aud they nil spoke iu favor of it. A motion to advance the hill to third reading was carrie., \vbile Mr. Carroll wu.* on his feet ottering amendments. He cried out thut fiir flay was sot being shown, and shouted and sawed the air, but Speaker Flynn puid no attentiou to him. "I have a lot of amendments," encl Carroll. "Too lat<?," retorted the Speaker. "1 want to offer them for thc consideration ot the House.'' " Too late ." Mr. I-ane moved that the bill Ik* taken up on third reading, and Mr. Carroll taunted him with joining tho gang which he had for weeks been denouncing. "You're a line iiioralLst, you uroL-' -houted Carroll at Lane. ? You bot!" exclaimed a man in the gallery, and .everybody toughed Tlie FB_g and nays were now taken, and the measure was passed, 37 to 17. In ten uiiiiutos more the bill was on the Senate calendar; and the orders there, like those iu the House, were to whip it through. Senator Daly made a hurd llnht to heat it. He said, in one of his many speeclu-s, that it repouled some of tho beet featuros of the Parker bills and allowed racing and gambling lor nine months in the year. Ile had n?v?*r seen the bill, and wanted the S*-nators to have thc advantage ot printed cories ho that they might bo able to read it carefully. "The bill shall bo road carefully here before Anal action," said President Adrain. .Senators Terhuno, of Monmouth. Stokes, of Cumberland, and others, said they Intended to vote for the measure Ikv.iiso it killed winter racing. It might tx- detlcient in many reapects, but txi stop the alleged s^ort for Hm** ni'inth* in tho year wa* a concession to public sentiment. Senator Marsh, of -Talon, made a short but strong apeeeh against the bill. Men wen- bidgel. he said, by thc company tiny kept. This bill wns fresh from the hands of the men who had foisted tho gambling laws upon tho State. It had been in the Senate only Bfteea minutes, yet t4 <-y were tlready demanding Baal action on it. The bill wai*, to say tha least, open to BUBOklpn. Ho wan against gambling in any form or daring any period of the year. It were far better to let thc gambling laws stink In the nostrils of the people tho whole year. Next winter a body of men would be elected aa the Legislature who would not prostitute thc State to the interests of the gamblers. After a few more short speech**, pro and con, tlie roll was called, and the hill passed! lb to .",. .hose voting in the negative wen- Meaar*. Daly, Marsh. Mc Nile ken. Miller uud Perkins, nll^ Demo? crats, lt is believed th<- Guvernor will sTmi tho bill. Just before the break-up in the House th* m_?n bers presented Speaker Flynn with two beaptilul shirt studs. The commit tee on presenta? tion constated ot Messrs. Lane, Salinger snd Studor. The;- all msdo speeches complimentary to the .Speak**, praising him for his courtesy and fairnea* in the "hair. These men had all chal? lenged the ruling* of the Speaker many timee PU- mn* Wide. Not on Oil* broad continent alone, but lu malarial hreedlng implf-al region*, tn c. ur, te mi la. Mexico. Snath Aaterlc*. Ut* I.thmui of Pinnum, and t-lrvvrhcrc. Unite*-* ter1. stomach Ritter* ?trot** t, Inhabitant* und sojourn*? pretet-tiCKt **alnit malari*. The miner, the BaBhhj ?-*rtv d Ironilmnt. the tiller et the virgin .ntl new ir r-obb** of lt.* ganail Br the *xe of the pioneer, gai In Bm *upero anU-febril* .pe-rlflc a p*v*ervrr qilnn the vol?ori m i.lai-m* which, lu v**t dlMrlct* Heh In nator-l r_t_.irce?, I* rta fertile tn d!-e?*?. n annlhilitei diiorder* or thc ?ch, liver and Soweto, fortlflei tho* ? who uie lt agalnit ailment* bred and tottered by outdoor expo.uis.; tafUBBS gastal uaiuilh tata a frame chilled br a rigorwn -BngwalBN. sad rsha m their pawer t* hana morel*, asd evsntag astits aud vapom laden with hurtfalneaa; *_ren_th aaa tte waak and eeota*ia tactplant kKtaar traahl*. during the racetrack excitement, and they were obliged io ward their honeyed word* eorefully. Speaker Flynn returned hi* liuiiins Iceliiulv lol tim pm, -,n j acknowledged that it mus thc hrs! tii_. this winter that he had lost his nerve. SHABF PRACTICES AT LINDF.S RACE-VACS MEX PA! K A BEPVBUCAX PRIMARY AMI NO.MIXATl. A TltKKT The rncettncB gang m-ca-.p-d down on binden town? ship Friday right, find bv pB?Mug Hie Republican primary wrth Demuetata and truck follower- sm* reeded Iii gefeultug ihs ticket which the respectable people ri the township had selcoted to be voted for *1 tbe nnniial township election. No inch cup -wa* expected bv Hie anti racetrack element. ?nd ?* a result Ita. were taken nniiwuics. Mani* of llic^li Bfgleeted to sttend the primary, awlai t* the Marmy wrath**, umi not thtahlug lhere trout- he anv ao* test. The raerirach gang, however, Usc* thrir ie* feat at the meeting ot iln- lotrnshlp ?camarltte* leal Monday night, lind been secretly toying fVlr plans to turu the inblcs on their opponent* .-ind ou-t frc ni power In Ihe IOWB?hlp the committeemen who wei" antagonistic to them. Tin* township m- carefully cu ti va*-?d for- votes, nnd every luau who could bc found fnev-imblv In, lineal town ul the racetrack wa* induced to attend tn., primary. Th.- -introm* wis tl,nt the anti racetrack ticket was beaten tbrce lo one. Flushed with llielr triumph Vie racelrack men pro? posed lust night lo pmeltaC the -ame lactic* al Ihe I'i iiiociall" primary and prevent any man being t'oinl natc.l for township commit leeman who would not pied(.-e himself If elected to license the racetracks. binden |s a -drong Itepnblicin lOWUahlp, under ordinary iIiibbbiIbbiss but the rscetrach ganii.ier* .te fearful lest ii u__Men1 number of reapeetahle and law abiding Republicans should bolt tin- tick't ttxed np for them io vote aa* cast their haBota for Deaaucrutta town eoauultteeaMU, who. if sleeted, would iio aatagoata-k k. thc racetrael Publlc BseeHagl lo rtenonnce Hie trick and to pul nn Independent citizen*' tint 1 racetrack ticket In i_> field are lo tic held nt and binden, lt ls belleVetl Hint by ii Combination nf the moriil and religious elements In Un' townthlp, Irrespective 'if party, there I* an esceltenl prospect for defeating Itu* racelrack schemes at the etortlon next weeli. Tlie struggle promises in i,e a meiiu.rablc ono, und a big vole win be east. et--? ? RUNNING OVER THEIR BANKS. DAMAGE FROM FLOODS IN ICE-GORGED EIVERS. Tin: uni'.AK it oi* mimi.k ix band BBOGREsg -Pi; AI HI is IN Till-: W-9ST BECOME VAST MABBHKg. Highland Tails. H. V.. March ll (Spet t.ili.-The sin ams in tills Bfletls* nre still rising and lin- danger or frtsbets is lK-ttiming mon- Imminent. The rain continues falling, but ile- cold B*ev**ta the *n?tw from in.libig rapidly, otherwtoe the goads tumid 1* -toastrous. Thc road* arc ?lmosi Impasahto I ? pistes trlnns Mei. arc "ti: il ey cd on Ihe Vi *t road watching tb.- biidg.-s mid keeping crivert* opell. Avon. N. V., March 11.?The Gencsee River In this section has overflowed Its bnnks, and on the nester* side the flats ure completely covered wllh waler from ii lo ls Inches deep. In some pince* thc river h.** Covered the trucks of the Western New-York and Penn sylvania Railroad. Large cukes of toe going *Vf* the tracks make iii-, passage ()f trains dBBaull and tangaratta. Rufhilo. Mareh ll*?The lc- moved out of thc BeSBto River yesterday, und the channel ls kept clear Ly ii "troiig current, a gorg.- (armed nenr the monta of th., river Thursday und fears of danger wen- enter tallied, but tbe lilu, hade wa* broken Up Illili ll SBSaBfT forced when the great Iim-s of Ice Jia-s.*d ont. I he remove, all danger of tin- n*nnl spring Inundation ri the low.-r purl of the city. I.atavla. H. Th March ll.-There wus n sudden rb* of tbe wuters of TUaawaaB* Cree- Ihi<- yesterday ftftaruoeu, und the result wu* iiii iinprectd' nt.*d flood lng of ninny nert, of land wei cf Hie city. The !<??? gorged n.-nr the Redfield farm, and another gorge formed Bear the Xe* York Outral -ridge, th" mr roii'iijing Ughwayi heta* geode, several ("?! deep Thc malera portion of the div I* auder wuter. mid nearly every cellar on Ihe south side of Weal Multi -t. ls full. Many tanaera who rame here yeat-tdsy re iiialnt-d nil night, fearing lo venture through th" g*ed, Harrisburg, Penn.. March H.?The Susquehanna BtVCt was nearly llfie.-n feel above low-wntt-r niurk at noon to-dny, and still rising. It has rt-en o\. r four feet since il o'clock this morning. Should Ihe ruin continue, the southern part of th* city tnuy I* flooded Illili the tadailllBl e-tiibllshllielits forced lo dlscoinlnue oper.-i'loii-. Wllkesbarre, Penn.. Mardi ll.-The writer In Hie Susquehanna River In-re lins taite* sixteen feel since ll o'clock last Bight, and nil danger I- apparently over. All the railroads nm iriiln* agata Hil* morn lng, nnd Un- weak places under their tracks nn- being strengthened by a large force of mia. No further lu totiupttoa to tiav.i la anticipate*. bock Havni. Penn., March ll/-There ts little Changs ta the situation ulong the Veri Branch ol tha B*ii|Ufh*nu* River, in the par of Hie Ice pugs BBst of tliLs city the river ls 111] BvergowtUg the lmnk-t anti Iniintlulli.g Ile* loi'inirts. Tlir-i- million feet of saw-logs ibnt ascsped bom Ibe hooai nt Curweiisvilie iii VWhmarp parus d hera early this morning, and nie lodged in ihe rear of the lea Sorg'. \Ve*t t'nion, iowa, March H.?Rorthwastera tawa, owing io rains ihe last few duys, I* becoming a lust innrsli. Roads are talpa maali). Train* burling thraagh tb* country yesterday returned, not able to get ont of town. Serious nerita ure feared. Ileloli, WW., Mnrch ll. BOC- River and Hie creeks ab.-v.- Bera which <-n?piv Into lt ru** suddenly again last night. bc Uara! families were irtvea toma their homes by the flood. 'Ihe Ice in the river ls still unbroken. At La (To.--.. Hie water Iii Hu- Mb-ls-liipl River I* rising so rapidly us lo calise fear Hint a great deal of damage will he gene by a Seed, lt In thought thal tbe height of Hie wuter will r.-uch thirteen feet. Detroit, March ll. ? 1 lie *-iil.'iWa*>*a and (.rand rivers ure rising rupldly beea*** of kc gorges n-nt i have fat-Bag at various plan*, Hu- wafer In the totter I river being Hie highest sta** the war. At Owaa-to, ' Mich., great damage will be done unless Hr.. |*e gorge I below tho city breaks up soon. The new Iron feothridgB ! lins been Washed awuy, nnd the Woodward fnctory ha* I dost d down Because of high water. Many bunill, a Beat the river have been compelled to b-uve tb* ground floor of their duelling.- mid seek refuge tn tho second story. Tue elly otfekti* an- Masting Hie itt- in thc river w!'h dynamite, tut so far have been only partly successful. Portland, Mich, on tba C-nj'id, -va* 1. ft In dark tics* la*t night because of the flooding of the electric light plant. Many residents of oin- side of thc town ure in the oilier and cannot return. Olbir* nnd stores along the river bunk are rapidly being flooded, ead much damage will he done. A similar rials of affairs exist* ut several other points ulong tltese ?.Hearns. Muir. Mich., Mnrch 11.- An lee gorge luis formed In the (.rand River over four miles in length. The Bruter tm* conie up eleven and a half feet In twenty four hours and I* rapidly rl-lng. Baas mi nts ar* flooded mid lumber and yards are, and lhere ls one fool of wuter already In some dwelling BeUBC*. Hie factories SBVe three feet of Water ol) lin- main floors. Lyons is In gnat danger of being washed awnv. iiiiiiit.ii. Hrh., Murch ll.?Adrlces from point* on Uie North. Middle und Roath l/oup rivers. In BV cen trill portion of the Hlnte, report great duning"- brio* .one ulong those streams liv high water and In gorge*. 'Ihe sum"- State of affulrs exists In the cast of Cedar Creek, whtau flows Into the muln I?up sew Fullerton. The min of Tuesday night swelled Cedai ('reek lievoiirt the banks mid caused Hie Ice to move Several bridges on the brunch of Hie Inion Piiclflf were carried ont. Teeto addy a gorge formed Just Starve Fullerton and thu water roae and spread ovi-i th* t-otlt in* to the dept.', of two feet, hilt BO BSfteUI damage n-iiHed. This gorge beebe sad Hie tinmen-i body of be caine down the liver, reaching the I'ntol Pacific main line bridge nt Columbus, carrying om Hie two east span* of the Iron si met ure. Sererul span* of the l' mid Mlseourt wooden brldg'-l over Hie Plutte Just below Em confluence with Hu Limp, east of Columbus, wire carried out St main Tin: RARITAX STILL CAFSING DAMAGE. MORF OF THF N'F.WDtU'XHWK'K AND HinilTiAXI) PARK SRID-.F. CARHIF.D SWAT. The swollen stream of the Rnrltan River snd the continued benvy rains render the situation threatening to properties along th* water froni In New Brunswick, I*. J. On Friday evening *t 0 o'clock aliont ilxty more feet of the temporary wooden bridge over th* river, connecting N*w*Hrnn*wlck with Highland Park, were dislodged from their *Jace by ihe current and carried down the river. Thl* leave* a gap In tlie structure tM-gtnnlng about 100 feet from tbe easterly bank of the river, causing a loss to ihe contractors ol about one-fourth of the material The water yeaterday wai somewhat lower In thc river and canal, but ll 1* still of sufficient height to forbid Uie reconitruction of the bridge, and continue* to cause apprehension. People were conveyed across the canal to th* towpath In boats, sn* from there made their way, with much Inconvenience an* danger, across tha partially oomplated nev stone-arch brldga Johaiuiu "King of Natural Table Waters." "Its Natural Carbonic Has imparts to it most ri fleshing and tonic properties. As a Table Water it i- unsurpassed.'' ?1,< onion Ilotpital fi ti ref fe. it CAB nt: uah AT ALL Till. r.lADIN". CLUBS, IIOTF.I.S, il IMA I HANTS. AMI I tWtat. ?rn1.1> nv FIRST 'I,A ss ".Rn i.r.*. DRVOOISTS, AM) WINI. Ml. I KT IAN rn. li. 1' kinlay I CO., K Breai BB., sui* AgeaBs. to Highland Park, lt wa* rapeetei Hint nnvlgnllon on Hie canal would be resume, on Mendal, bul there i* sa likelihood ri l*nuts being Bhto t<> pa-s -brough. The towpath ls either sutauerpri or ahrimcted with ! stans used in the cunriructtoa ri the new bridge, nun ] Hu- Iron track ned In moving Hu- alene ls .still then ls puris. The freshet has mri*red necessary repair* to tb" outlet lock below Bew-Bmnawtoh, and ii win be at least tell dais la-fore navigation will be possible. I THF, ICF RRIDCF. ME LT I.NH AWAY. Blagara Fall*. M. Y.. March ll.-The min nnd warm I weather of the last tea days have done havoc to the great lc* bridge over the falls and the structure ls being rapidly ttstetegrated. Large portion* ri ll Bl* breaking away and going over Hu- cataract, .iud a w.ek more of the pr.nt Weather will demolish lt almost entirely. 1X.M RFD HY A MASS OV FALLIXC SHOW. st. Puii. Minn.. Marah lt.?\ serious and peculiar accident occurred nt the plant of the SI. Paul Cordage Company, at Mnckuhln and float sis., Como Matriel, about 8 o'clock Ihls morning. A huge avalanche of Ice und .snow fell from the naif of the building* and strach ataeeph Fob-y. Mm Koch, Joseph Mau* aiul William I.elunuli. who were at "Cork near the!itc. injuring all of Hem seriously. .1 CATHOLIC GREEK LETTER FRATERSITY. A movens nt li ou foot to Bfgnutae In city n chapter ul the Phi Kappa sigma fiataialty, uhtoh is pi iha p* H..iv s.-iiei .sii.i,*iv- of Roman ralhritcs. I Harry H. ItacdoUS I* the most active pruUWter Bf th* | enterprise, and he hu* enlist.-1 i number <>? members ] of the I'lilon, t'nlversity. Manhattan and oihc. leading | club* In Ihe tua**. As be ls n govern'r ri Ihe Man ! hattnii and has a wide act|.ialnlalice amoila clutuncri, | the proposed chapter I* mini fortunate In having Min i as ii* ie,nun? -pirn. The argaataattoa h lo hs mads i up ri gradual!'* of Catholic |*atMUtleas Bf learning , mid of other solleg* graduates of the Roman catholic , kith. Men from W.-*t Point and Annapolis trill he ' cugll'le. some effort ha* been made lo organise n ! Catholic university club, but Uti* sMertahlng has bee* csnrideiuri ta bs tao difficult of ......mpii-iiinient ni present. Tba Phi Kappa sigma chapter may lend up to lt. The lir*! chapter Bl the fraTerr.itr ha* been estab !l*h"*d al brown t'iilvcr*ity. other* arc le ba bl BB*. ul Harvard. Yule, Dalliuoiitli, Ctdomttta. Carnell mid j other laritlattaas. Vale ani cornell Btoeadj nave I lui noll. dubs. Holli graduutes and B*_S*rgr*dU8l? . belong i". th- Brana rhapttr Bventnatly ?j the i Catholic college* iii the ri,.-. ..(..ii. will bave separata chapter*! bul Iha centiul one i* to h.- founded drat, , The .mo ul Brown 4* sailed the charles Carr* ll chap 1 r, and ino-t of the other* will also l?- Hamed aller preariaeal rathoBc layaMa, web aa laud flalll mian. Stephen Mot lan, on.- nf Washingt n's f.iv..,itc K>. n i era I*, cln.f .iu-ii. .? Boget B. Ihney, Ureates A. Ilrmra soo, Joha (>. Shea and General Bhiitaan 'ihe fra lernlty al- sim io brine Bboul a i,?tt-, acqarinta ic* between lat hollo* al Ihe* coltoge* *nd uni ( ver-nles, ami lu furnish COlleg* llbmri- - With CUtA-lll periodical, and lb* wanui '.i lending Cutta-gi writer*. lu-lde-. 'I. win be it,- advantage* "f metal inter imir*- v. Iilch Hie fial-mitl- Bring. v.r. Murdana has renter*** vini, away who ibosM | be eligible t . Jell, the f-Opt-l her-. Llld bn* Ul*-* 'tl'll escoucagemuui from ail *k1' . a* men u* plans ar* farther .ii-.a-.d mid the re operation ri mir* meti I. t-iill-te.l. a meeting will h.. h'-ld for the formation of th'*, i hap' r. I HE i.ur TIRED ol' WAIT I ES To RE AHBEHTHD .ufiti I. Dougherty, *n ea-eouvtet, tn- iiei.i rn awuM the ai 'I- ti of the ".mud tory In th* LBS Avenue I'olb r i ciuri, iirooe.ivn. yeaterday, aa s eharge "f burglary. Dougherty piturie* g-Mty i* ihe charge^ri besahlag i lulu the home of th.. Rev. H. Ii. Btreg-S :.. pastor Bf I St. Pud's Ft angeli, al Lutheran Church, st soail Fifth and Rolli.v -I-.. 111.h,IHyu. DOUghertj wu, *? teete* while In the h.Mi*e i.v Mary Hodman, a aervant, but succueded in amhtag bia e-cup... The pun < .t.-ie Informed, and they began a *?-art a for Dougherty, yesterday insulin ty went tt. Mr. Btrodaeh. bouse an* gav- nj,. j au, tae iiiali vviin I,nike Int i this kouac Ita* morning. Arre-i me,* i*M Doughertj to the -orvaiit wiri caine |* Hui door. A p>.lie. man was *ci,t for. bm as ha bm sin* to arrive, Daugherty -aili be had uulteri lone tanugh t-. i*- arri sled, and l.ft the bouse. lb- wai- afterward arro ted by a l iitrt l-reelnct polbcninn in * Broadway liquor tore. CONVICT MISERS Est .WE FROM PMISON. Tin Y jin. OCARM and tiih.tifn CAT AWAY-I'lT.M' Milli IlI.'.'iUHOIXIiS. Nu'rivi Ilo. Term.. Murrh 11. That part of Tracy City near the city Prhon wa* ao*B*whal earitori yarinday oTcr the wcape "I Hiin**eii convicts from Mine No. 1.1. Joseph Hnrglv one of th" gaari*, wa* kin* i..-d down hv one of the convict*, and his gun taken from bim. Vf. A. Mlle*, another guard, who wai nenrbv. immediately nt templed to get bis pin In position to tire wiiboui mriuugaring n?rgis, bm beana he souM do anything ha na* *v*tgounod und Ms pu* tahea away. ThilteeB of tho convicts, twelve negroes nnd ii white man. made their e-o_p.. -*.me nf them are desperate chiracter*, and In for long terms. Then, were gfty-MVe* more who had tiie BBBM chan. ? to Beean*, bat did not do so. Maiden Burton wus *oa* aa Hie trail with bloodliound*, but ha* not fri cap tur"d any ri them. Knoxville, Tenn., March ll.--The Tennessee l.-gis j biljie invi'-iigatiiig ceauulttee reports a fearful eon I dillon of affair- muong lin- convicts ol Cool Creek. Th'-v arc In tn* nior-i gfaeeaed .md flit bl condition, nial tiiiiiiv of Hiern are pp poorly fed Unit thcv are starving to deatli. WASTED TO LT Nen THE ELECTION JVD>JE. Chlrngo, MBBCh ll.-.lam'!, McUwecney, one of th* ludg-s cf the Uemocr?tlr primary election lo select delegates to the Southern Urmocrutlr Convention, w?s ptaeeri behind the Stir** of _ cell in tba Deering .-.treet I ollce UMlOB Inst night. This wan done to protect film from a howling mob of 4O0 excite. Democrnls, who threatened tn lynch him. It "rwiuired (en pullet* men with drown revolvers and * vigorous application Of their club* to get Mcsweeney to the station. The cause of the trouble wu* Hint M.Sweeney refined to al.Ide. l.v the decision of the other Judges, and bega* iwing hi* revolver oa "ie crow* to Liing them around to his way of thinking. OVERTURN IN A CITY COUNCIL.*. March 11.-There war. a w|M shaking up In the City Council lust night The council bas been Republican by twa majority, hut tbs veto of nu ordinance relating to the water narla bv Magee Ens tis caused two Republicans to holt. Thl* guve the Democrats n majority, mid the-, forthwith ousted l*r?-sl dent Bealle (Rep.) uud elected Alderman Basehto (Dem.| to succeed him. Hardly had the m-w presl dent tahea his seal when a new hsi of shindlng com mlttees w?s announced. All the city offices, save th. policemen, are elected by the council, nnd th.- uctton Just taken means thut every (Itv official drawing a salary win be reinov.-il at oncn and a Democrat In Malled in bl* place. All desire for liquor perttintieutiy removed. The Empire Institute, 107 Wi, 43d St., Now York, offers an improved sricntifir treatment for the cure of liquor, morphine, cocaine and tobacco diseases. Not a single ! failure or unfavorable physical result has j occurred. No detention from business is necessary. Call and witness Irtutment. Highest reference*. THE FIRE LOSS IN BOSTON. FOCH MILMANS .-VKN'i' FF W FI.AMI-: AND SMOKE. P0UI PERSONS AT LEAST THOUOHT TO BE DF.AD -NVMIS OK IBJUBBO VICTIMS Cr.OWIMi -l\>l T.ANi'K (.'" 'Mt'AXtl-S 1X1 RI'.ASI. TIIMK RATF.S TMB PBOPXBTT DisTROvi l) [nt TF.i.K.r.R.ini to TUB trihim: 1 Bolton, March ll.-The scene t,r yct.-rdnv** Ure wa* rlrited today hy tUou_aiids. lt ls feared thal -?viral bodies may tie In the ruins. Leonidas ll. Redpath, of Ba. 81 Cumberland st.. Boston, one of the (Ii id,-.eas In lils olUce. al No. gg Lincoln -t.. when th.- lire brahe ..ut, and lil* brother, E. w. Redpath, wa- wm, him. When the sheet of flame rushed through the building without warning, bolh brother* -prang to the dludow and made a leap for Ibe ground. E. W. Redpnlh escaped willi only slight Injuries, but lils brother was badly hurt and was taken I" Ihe City Hospital. He was Injured Internally and Mgered concussion of the brain, and probably was uncon? scious ?f pain. He (Ibd leal -vening. Mr- Bed* puth wa, boru lu Allegheny Hiv. 1'. nn.. lu 1-t'i In 1-170 he came to Boston lind went Into the shoe business. Th-' linn nus Redpath Brother*, coii .Ming ol L-onldiis ll., K. Vf. and N. II. Beripath. H" leaves a widow, one daughter lifteen years old, and a son of eleven year*. Frederick Meadow craft, of No. A'', Che .tnut-st., Cambridge, was found by Patrolman Donovan In a gutter and tata- lo the Culled Slates Hotel. ITom th.-re he was taheu to the city Hospital, bm he was dead when Hie ambulance slopped Iii fnint of Hie door. There ls now no ream* lo loutit thal (barb's T. ( -Jonie, Un- travelling salesman of R.-tlpalh Bros., I.s nmong the victims. A thorough leurch lins been mild.- In lin- hospitals and morgues, tnt no trace .,f hint con be found, .lust BM the warning cv OB* Mr. ndiori.e was seen io tonve Hi.- feurth story while he was rngBgeri, and lt ls probable that In hi* descent of Uk- stairway Hu- flames cut on* Ins . scape, mal ibal Hi- body now Ilea under a larg-- pl'.' of wrrehegr near il.tovator shaft on Lincoln-*!. Mr. Oritarne was lum In Vermont about fort v two years tito, and had .cen a rc-ldciil of Bo-Ion n-nrly iw.v yenrs. Ile was well known lu Uo- shu.- trude, ile leave-, a widow. L. H. Buck, w|io, with Harry Turner, a fell iw em plove of the Jauulth ''onipany. was reported miss? ing, has inriK-d np all righi. H.- Myi Turner and hlm-elf were on the fHHi floor ot the building when the tiri- brake om. Biri arhea the -moke bad nearly BUUUCUteri Unrn be (Hm b? lumped from th* window imo a n-twork ol utrea abeu! tea tori betow, calling on Turner to follow him. Turner sceni-d alrald. aud hesitated until he wa- nv-rt onie bv the -moke and fell back Into the |***B. That UM Hie la-t Huik saw of bini. The foll, wing w. nu.mig the Inlurcd. additional to (h.- 11.1 given In The Tribune tills mon lng Mar tin White, giiincv, ritotocateri iboulrirr; Frank Marella nd. of No. ?'!?'' Ampi lon st., Cambridge, twenty years elli. Jell B?B B bidder IWeUty feel. I'.-l-lllg sum*ros* eautuatana, and Bancuestoa o' ihe brets i*. f. mri; BIm Maggie lav*, Bo. at Prescott-Bt., Ivar .-ir. si v.-i.i.-.-ii year- old.* contusion -: Miss Dnrie Atria, No. _.i chamber* st., Beeton, twenty two year* old. sfauheu up and s.iffi-rliig fnni ii'-rvoin prostration. Thoams niblin. Hmunn, eui nu the lo-ud alni liokeii th..tub. f. I'. Part ride-. -..: ol llltrace PUrtrlripe, Ht. IBO Noni: nra., CambrMg*-, -evenly l.oin.* about the tara, ne. k and hands. Miss L. A. L> ..rv. -l-ti'.graph. r foi lin- I'anildg. " ompaliv . .la'iiah a Plarn. burned on wrist and ann. not s.-rt-mslv ; .i. ii Harvey, taririuraaaa, f*B ihlrty-Bv* l*ri from n Ivldar and brok- bl- leg. Bia* Lucy RH" out. Bot it Hsmpshlre**!., Cambrlrige, emptaysri t.v the Lariat MBBUbrtarioc Oampoay, hand badh tacerattri; Thra Se** "rocker. No. 1*0 BrooU***!., I.i* -t Ho-lon, Jum-fd ftam tri" taarth Mary window nt ttariputb Brothers' mid n.el*.** a rractured Jaw. j fn.'tur-d right cb ow. iv fiBiilMseri light 1,1 p and a rumpeuad frurturs ri iha light tog: lt I'.urw. II. employ.-I bv Rad pu th Brothels, arm .prettied mid *. .,|[i wouuri. .loin, ? i'air-e. >. pr?I bi ut luraraar* ag. nt. repp* ?eiiting a lani' number of CUmpuUlea, se? ll,, n.i Ure los, will be thant M.'KKj.Ot.'l. of which HO per teni will come tu, Un* l-MIUU*** COBB pantoa. An Iniurenr* Bsrirrwrli*r says 'hui everv poll. > h..1.1. r will secure pia. H. ally H.- entire sum represented ai bli eerttflcuu**, There ulh be very Utile ulva.... The riet-tructlon In asurly .verv In-, stauee i* romplsta Batata aurnara ant tenants are ii..i i||vrer*.*d io furnl-h e-Hinate* of their lo-*..,. There ar.- several roue ern* which .tiller n heavy lea* tn Mnohe mid water, wi,..*.. rtaUau win si-gaira iidJuHcatloii, but the lar.'e boise*, win, the . \c-ptSn of I'lnfiin. Young * Stautoy nnd oilier orcupantfl of the BlagatOB NCCh, will present full stolm . Ogs of 'he girl* who wa. Injured bv Jumping from Hi., ihint -ton- ..f the Ames u anding graphically tc sf rib** be* Mpertouce. mi*. Allia, employed bj Hie Lariat MBUUtai luring Company, snvs: ?About 4 ao il looked ni my watch a few minute* betel I, and said li "us -l .Hi. -om", on- said: "I srii.-ll smoke.' ?H's ...nillig through the d't.r,' -honied Muggie Lev*, W<- nil {Umped from mir ?*?*ais nnd ruahed for thu wit Im*. 1 r:i*b.*<l to ii window, threw lt op-n and Jumped on thc lctlg-*, follow.*1 bv Mis* -scott and Ada Perrin, "lor Cod's sake, don't Jump; lt l certuln di-alhl' hUoui.d Mr. Young. OsptalB TVilby wu. op.nlng the other windows. There w.t.* live In nil. 'Ke.p ct..I. and we'll pet ont of this pince all right,' -aid QspUla Tolhi, woo wo* rushing about the room to Ia- sure we were all sifelv at the window*. ?K'-ep roar bead* w?ll ,,ul.' he aald. ?.?uni riool Jump.* on. but ii was awful: I stood there aa thal narrow Mps arith Mb* geott anti Ada Perrin hanging io my ann- nnd Btaadlog i . Im- -av.-l. When I dare-l to bs.k down, tho distune- mutle me tari Rh li. li SeeBBOd an h.sir that I -.bari then; SWBytag back and forth. Above us il,e flan,.-* vv.-cc. bursting fem il,. whole appa, part of the building. The bent of Hie flames mu overcoming m. Down on Kingston*!., three stattofl below, a crowd of esprsmase* w-i-rc shoaling ami ninnlng about They t r.- the blanket*; -rum their bee-es' tacks ami grabbed the canvas rheeling* from ll,.- WafBUS and h. id ih-m ;lK BOM 1. cruel, u.s. I taoheri back .nc..; th- t|aii?> were breahlag through the door*. Mt Ueud -nw lissy, i -hm raj eve* ter a Bmataat, umi wjien i o|ieiied ill- in 1 *?w Captain Tulby .,u the coping. Hi erawtad atoug um ll h.. was apporite a teb-grnpn poi.-. Ile reach.- out. euaghl hold if one of tl.e ,-, ,ss pieces and nw ung himself on lo il. He locked his legs around the pub and called on Mr. Young' to follow Wm. Mr. Young got h >ld of a window casing and held Miss Rideout'* dre**, while aha fell forward imo captain Tolbj'a arms. Hear) Young and the taja bo)* fellowed, r,|| -liding down the pole. Mr. Young call,. M Miss Perrin, Miss Scott and myself to come, but he had tsarerig spoken when Up- Hum.-*, whbh were now In ihe room, began breaking from Ihe Mariana between ns. Mis* perrin screamed, i think .-he fulnted, for sh.- fell forward, but wau ??uiigh! by one if the blankets held hy thc expressmen below. 'Jump Tor yon- lives!' frito-! Ila- crowd In the street. Ml*s Scotl Jumped nud l followed. We bath fell Into the blankets, but my weight bore mo lo fin- sidewalk. I usa caught near the foot of lin* telegraph pole. Mr. YoUUg was Just sliding down aud his feet stunk my head, but did uot Injure nie much.'' M1*s Alvis and her companion, Miss Scott, aro testing tSBStly at home, und ure uot dangerously injured. The Mute of Massachusetts will lose some f 10,OOO Iii th.- destruction of the ptasa and record* of the Met? ropolitan aeweraan commission, whoso of_cee wera in the Lincoln st. building. At a special meeting of the Boston Board of Fire t'mbrwiltcrs today lt was uiianlinously decided to boreas, at once the rules In th.- conflagration dlitrict -lo nllow for a eoaaagrattoa hainrd. an element tor which tm provision is at pres-mt mad* in the rate*. ihe arivanis win be -fi per moo worth of mmWHHmpm ihat ls, u tlriii paving to scala per hundred will poy SI to, mid a Brm paying *:. per hundred will pay gil. The Increase is mmlt on the basia of a flxod charg* for a l?ri hnrnrd. and not by a percent***, becaaie ibe hoard believe* that I lie construction of a building should not be considered In a great conflagration where good or moderate cuustruritoa hus little effect In stiling Un- pn.grc.* of (ho flames. T. H. Flt/, a member of the firm of Brown. Dur itll tn Co.. says that their *ioch which ls not burned li of inch a ratal* a* to be easily Injured by wuter ir smoke, so Unit they have nothing left but the In tanara, h.- -Mah* it win ink.- to make them Whole. The assessed vuliiuiliiu of the buildings burned to the ground ls. lu round numbers, #7..O,0OO. This .um dot.* not Include any of the buildings damaged by waler. The Individual losses on buildings are a* follows: Ames building, aaawssri valuation, g_'_B,_o*>; total loss. Brown, Horrell .v Co. building (owned by the Boston Beal Estate Trust), g2__,0O0. Ludlow Manufacturing Company. Essex st. and Eases Flare, g-M.-OO. United State* Hotel Company'* building. asaesBad al gll-,aoo; damage estimated at gSO.OOO. / Pneumonia instead of I*a Grippe, is raging this Spring. Other forms of inflammation also are prevalent. All are permitted by ? low state of health. If the system were not run down bv i. hard Winter's work it could withstand or throw oflf Inflammation. What is needed ia a nourishment to ow come quickly the run down condition of the system. _SCOTTS EMULSION of Cod-I IVER OIL, with hvpophosphites of lime and soda, eives strength to ward off inflammation, and thus prrcentt roughs and colds and the beginning ot lung diseases. Where inflammation has already set in 5C01T'5 EMULSION Boothes and by feeding the blood it gives immediate relief and natural recovery?that is, it enables thc system to cure itself. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. PREPAREO BY SCOTT _. BOWNE, N. V. DRUGGISTS SELL IT. 87th YEAR. COWPERTHWAIT Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, Stoves, Pictures, EVERYTHING FOR HOUSEKEEPING, LOW PRICES, GOOD GOODS, LARGEST STOCK. Longest Credit Given by Any House. 193 to 205 Park Row, / ?alWatT Illy ?(">' ?"d tMrnmrnmHUM Square, *. V. B. M. COWPERTHWAIT & CO., REFERENCE: Three Generations of Customers. I No. IU south sf , owned hy John H. Both, grt.OOO; I No.s. UT ami Hu South st., i.wiied hy Ellen M. Baker. , *_.'i,(>00; No.. (ic. to UM Lincoln st., owned hy John s. Fnileiv s lieir*., -JH'JO.OOO; No*. IO-* to ll* Lincoln* si.. *WD*d hy 1*. H. Brigham's heirs. f4.V00<): Nos. j IM lo 1__ B*Bl*X*at.. owned hy Jame* L- Lilt e. Cl urie* ; B. Jacka** .1 it, 4*J4.inKi; building .-.t Lincoln und 'inn- -fs., award hy John >. Bait**, 1*1 Hi ooo r*B*?tag ls u description of Hi.- _.iH-in_:s burned and tiieli uar*paati: Tb. Aims, ur Haran Battttdg*, gaH-tag. waa built tv V. I.. Aim- Bboul thi.-.' years ag i. utter Hu- Thunk-t itrtag tire, argea tin- butt-tag -i-u'iing on ibui A't wu- toiullt d.-.-tro;. rd. lt mi- af brown! muh-, six si ii. . in brigid; aaa -i-t-r. lat* lara aacttaaa umi arouglcg l.v i lie full av lng linns : Woo n sm-kc I Huh bet . unijiiniv, Barbour Blather*, Ba*B 'llir.-ud. .Muslin Mn. hine Company, t tttm It-Btltl LaatlBB il.i. Mn* OMBfaaj ; M. a. PaaBaid ?* co., .sat-pie boot*, ami -lines. Merri' li 1 lirc:;t| ( oiiipanv : T. E. I'-'t'-rs, .iiii.i i.iery; i;. i;. Appleton, Bndarawar; Haaavcr -ii e i mi. wu ny , Vt. E. ItOgfTB, BWilllwg agftJOJ; Lir,at i .. Maiiui.ii luring c .uii'.niy . t i_.ii.ii. tarah*1* * i ?, ;, Mai Mi A ('.., lui ul: nu-; ..ipi-w Machine i..niip.inv ; Mule, states glibber Lompauy, Le wis A l Ue. agent*; Redpath Manuiactuttng Company; s. ic TBiag .v io., ii. .'. Jacqult* .v. c>... rubtom burta and Mi'fs, ii..ra..- fartrtagt n Co., wholesale fancy goods; Hathaway, motto A iiairlagtufi. boola ??* ?ao-?_; ?<? ?-*. I t.-^g; M. a. iticUnra .v lu*., .-iuii|ile bania und i-Ii. M<-u*>i> lilian b*V?l*ga Coiiuiu.s-si.-n; Ewing Bro*. A ci., -BBBpta b-*ah-.?; J"iin F. liy.ui. hair Brenner, Cbarln tv. ?purr g _'o., lampta rtmrero, unit UBfB I <*t i.iass company. Sciiercr Ur.ith.-i**. taniy leaiii'-r good-, Ame; lcm im Company; Badga jt l., ...liar*, una .nits, otto I'erlsin.iii, jot.b.'r li.i.its nun shes; ii. **/. Howland, medical iiUce*. I in- entire lind una ubi.v.- wis occupied by ths llorn.-i*. Cm ri.lp- i ..I'lninv. Tills l,ai,.li ;.* rum Imin .N... nu tn Ut Lim.lin kt, umi la fully linuied. I r.iiti the Aloes Building llM tin- sprvaJ utT >ss thc atreel lo the Limoin r.ulldiug. whlrh extend* ihe entire lintel it al 1 in.'..ii -I. h..rn Ettawx Vi lutis st-., lunn i?r-si .?. to i(i4. lt ara* i*wn*d bv Ute hoi* < Jolm ?. Fallow, and vue. -illluc-l ctinpletclv d.-Hoy. "I. lt " is a nve siniv str.nruie. It wns orcuptrd tr. Ill No*. (14 iii flu i.y th.- HtagBi M*B-_arturiog Hnmg*ny, ?awing nan innes. Hasler, man* d Mhenkrlberger, leather snit* rutting*, occupied Nn-* TC to 14, N.i-. Ti, la were o. i ?..i-ai by cwaln. Fuller A Oo? boola and -.Inns, U|, (i,,. f||,. Boor and ha-eiii-nt. al-'i hv A. O. _, Bi. ii. Lovers, sample rubber shoes, and Joseph Van Ba**; s.e. nd Uoor. hv A M. lei-kln*. bm nhl Bo* j third floor and, tv lin-.ur, Won* _. .-cii-iili.-l belber. Th* linns rit .No*. Bil to Mil Lincoln st. were Uh*** : Daft* Knn.\ _: Soli-, alu... inuelilii.r*, ; Utivid Klntr A Co.. ?nV*; Automatic Heel Machine Company, -simple BMChlB*-*; Wire t>ilp "fastening Comp-iiiy; I lilian .-pct lui sewing Machine Company, workroom*, md the .to-daid hi vet Company; OamigBtod wire. 1-ii-it-i.ii.tT Company, wire In ra*n uki machines: J. li. lilt, manufacturer ot women'M and ciilldreii'a lotion wrappers, Brawn, I'lin-rll _. Co., dry goods lu ca***. Tile basement and lint floor of Bo*. Mi to I'i* Lincoln *t. vvit? also hy the Wit** (.rip C.mi-auv', vhlle M. S. cahill, ti: fi th ?shoes aud sup piles, occupied tue WOaag goof and above. Nos. ino to ii?-i vvei.- us.d hy c. g. iiii'hurd*on, grooartsa; , a wiiiiiiuis, sample i. nit ti ir -r machines: Fae t l'levnttng Machine Com pan) ; Nerrick .-'?wini* Mu. hlne company; A. L. I'eikins a Co., inuinifa. taren af -Ba? loola. The Ludlow ntilldlnc. 138 I Ai E-sex st., six stories, nccupled hy the low Manufacturing Cmnpaiiy, enrduge, wits entirely d.-slr.iv td. Tin* reiimludrr Bf tin- Moak bounded by Tufts, Kliiffiton un* Baaa* sts. and Eisex riace. wus oitu ].|i-,l l.v the fiiorin .us liri.wu liun-.-ll fiulldliu', seven st..rles, nwneil bv tin- BeOtOfl Real Bama Truil t Nain |>:tliy mid BCBBBBflg at *'J.''.,i.l>l*0. i'lie Upper itOTln "ere bullly ilitiiiageil, hut ll wa* the llieprnot walls and aiitoiuutli' igrlnhlan of til'* building which stopped the arogren Bl Ihr lire In that dlrectli.ii. Brown, Uurii'il a Co, .mulled 'he ba**m**t, itfaad aad iixlh Morl**, N*a. 104 ti I3_ Klngaton-tt^ with u Mort of iiiii-ll waie*; mi thc third llmr were the wiiiimnniic riii-.-iui compaay, H. P. ? Baarr mu a Co.. -niall war.-- ; llralucrd .. Armstrong Company, -.pool aaBaa and em? broidery Bilk. Un tiie fiuirtli lhair weri- Hay, i "n11?Imn a ("ti., cloak uiiiniifui'iurer.s, mid on the Illili Btchatdaon, How* d ?Lovejoy, w.uncti'v upparel. miiy Ih* loma tlii.rt. of Iha bnMlBg witi- saved irom toinplele tle.stnit tloil. In th? rear of tai- Lincoln Illnck, und rBBnlag p null.-l with lt from Es*e\ in Tuft st.. were ? iiiiinber it sniuii batt-laga oe ca pla* by tin- Braaeh uutlllrry Compaay, and th***, owtiig tn the tntln iiiiutt ttl*. nature of tholr Contents, weil- badly damtigid. Thr fire also atilt, liol th* building at the muthern corner of Uaeola und l*ufts *ih., md for a while lt looked ns If tin- structure would have tn succumb to the fury of tho flume*.. The building oppoalle the Cnliod .Mate* Hotel, at Tufts mid Lin. oin sts., was occu? pied by L. I'. Bogers A Co.. leather; Hurr.ell Trim? mer Coiiioany, National I'lblt* Hoard Company, Haw? kin. Muclilne CoiniMiiv. (ilub*- Mutter (.oiup.iny, |WBB* ton Supply mid Harlan* OMapany, Bostoa Lasting Miichln. Company. I'lagg Minufueturlng Compnny. Toward Summer st. th.- Hit* attacked Hu- -.nurture opposite the Uaeola Mark occupied by Farnsworth. Hoyt At fo., breaking out In Un* loiiith sioiy, Hui wu*, ?Ubduod after a -lnirp st i nguiu. The building tin the i-eiiiaiiilug corner wns not touched by the laBM-S, but was badly wat.-r-d In? side lu neilin, the luis,. Vu un advantageous posi? tion. Thi> building al Columbia and Essex sts., >|\ sturt,.*, owned bjf .lames 1.. LltUe. valued at g-D.OOO, was damaged h-i-.-kni. it was ih- univ bulldlug ou thr north side of Essex st. that caught tire. Th* entire -itreet floor of this building was omi pl.-tl hy tbe Fllk Dining Itoonis, H. H. 11*11, proprlittor. Ills los* 1* glj.iXKi; liisurnnce, *bh..'s<k>. The aaaang fliMir Was occupied lay A. ?*. Moirlsoli ,V Bf**, ii.hiiii faoturtrrs of Jerseys and silk waists, 'll'irlr Ita* will be *bout *.1.tHM>. partly Insured. The entire four nppir stoHes were (xinphsl by Walter s. Humes, box manufacturer, employing seventy-live ivomen ani flft**n man. The loss tn Mr. Hames lu stock and r_*cl_-*ry will bo about *p1:..ihki; lnsaratici>, fiiM-no. Iii* building tn tht* rear of linnvn, Iiurr.-ll \ Co. waa damaged nndl*. It wm* occupied bv the Em.-r* g*aor Hospital on the tlrst floor and J. li. mu nu <v Co. had the around floor und basenn-nt. 1'roctor A Hunt, No. 132 Lincoln .1., inflered considerably from water. Vf. (i. Oueev*,r d Co., paper boxes, Kingston at., cauatit Ure, but whs spuedlly rttlngulshed. Holme* it Go.. In the same building, suffered som* by smoke. The Huston Towel Supply Company, Cr**d, Kellogg A Co. and Claflln, Young _? Co. are damaged slightly. Tlwre .mull buildings east of tho Ames hnlldlng and between that building and ihe United States Hotel arm almost tntallv destroyr-d. Tlie buildings wer* occupied a* dwellings lu Hie upper stories and by small traders?provision deniers. gr*c*n and fruit dealer*- on Hie ground Uooi-s. The damage lo Uie United State* Hotel was placed bf the management Ut Sv.O.IM*.. WHAT THR INSCHANCK ( (iMPANILs HAW LOST. No complete statement of the rl*Us held In thr humid dlsirlet of Heston ly eompuiiies having l-end tltinrters In New York could be obtnlned yestenlny. - everal comrnnle* declined to gjre Information alaout their policies, and others had not received advice* from ibelr Hoston agencies giving full portlculan. Itrrcber, -cbrnck St Co., thr agrnta of the Assunnce Uoyda, aald that their rlalu aiuountod to fTA,|00. It wns reported Hint ikey had ?.l-.'-.o-iO on th* pro*. atty, but this they said na* not true. Ths ag*.-, ol one l?rge cr.nipnny which lt w?s th. light fBahSB hud largo Insurance In tha burned dNtilct nport-4 flint they had a good deni less than glo.OK), in. t_U w-re i-.treed I ugly happy. They had k-pt ont of Um district beviiii-i- of tn.- Piree fl.,.,r space tu.^. |n p^ portion io tin- niT.-s. and dM -o in spit., o* thr*" loni agents, who kept urging th- folly of lo-iina B* laige uiuouut ol business alter** to them. YOUSC, MES RIA LIFE DIPLOMAS. THI COM Ml VI.Ml. Ni' OB THE NEW-TOU COLLBBB OB iii VTlsTRY. Tin- twenty sert-nth a: bbb! ttmtmmtamma] of tis Bea-Teak CoBiga af Dentistry wa, bali lu chick ??ring' Kafl lusi night. The Ttl. K-pim-n: mtmt play* a grund mun li nt I o"i|.?k, rh-ii the facnltv uni giaduiitlng il.i-s t.ok their mis. The MMR-Mf op. ned nilli a priiyor 1-y th. lt. v. Hr I*. McC_. incl. Hr. F. La I{.>y Suit.ri..- prnMeit, A liand.snm.-pin mednl was awarded to JeAmet Barrla Na*h, sal sllv.-r medals were awarded to (ie.ig. s. .1 tuiii WriM mid Fri nels Joseph Agr.111t.1nte. The junior tUtej prize for ey.. Hence In sch. lars..lp vin. *oi by Herbert Ralph Armstrong: the fresh man pdt*, by (Huton Aimil.. Downs. ,1. L.v in Cl.ulm tn. d* braaae BBSlal. Hr. J. smith Dodge mude u tv terestltig address io tin-'ii.itli.g ila.,*, Warn lUUrardaUTend Bm valedi. mry. ^7)..gre..-* were conferred upon the fOUowtag _BBBB1 Bf the senior class: c. F. Aldous, p. J. Agrsaiostt, ll. B. Horst, P. A. Hunting. L. (.. lirinmier. H. *. Ilotein. E. H. Herendsohn, R. P. i unitnlngs, _. s. ( urinan, J. A. ChnuuiovvsM, 11. .1. i> EStt, ?? A. Fischer. I . P. (.ates. Vf. M. Goiilt. K. Hillyer. W. H. Hickok. II. H. Hunt, W. V. Holm-*. B. B. Harvey, Q, A. Hamm -td. E. HBB-t, T. ?*. .lute. Jr., T. A. Kt.niiiii, U. Vf. Mellor. L. Mettam, .!. M. Nut. M. H. Nigh*. I', w. Prior. ,t. 0, PttataaB, A. i Peters, H. L. B. Hyder. I*. A. Bene, H. IL Ri_*i-*1L W. ti. Sharp. 1 . I". W. Heh ruder, I". I.. Stanton, A. .1. -C-a-es-ter, C. L. starbuck. .-. V. .?sh".. JI. H. Smith. J. O. Taylor, Jr., I). H. Tn my, H. H. Vee.-. O.n. ITtaigh-, c. A. William- and g. Bf. M-BB The aaanal dinner of tin- Alumni Asyi-iitloo tot be held at Delmonico'* on Thursday evcnlnjt. RtttA 16. The commencement exert tan were und** til direction of the following cliss ..fflccrs: Pretl-iBt, E. Hillyer*, vice-president. A. E. Baan*; secrctiry.I. M. Nash; treasurer, (J. A. Haiii'inmd. A CHANCE SELDOM OFFERED. Tho prseiii ggHkhaMer* I th DEGRAAF ft TAYLOR CO., Furniture Dealers, 47 AMI 4ft IV. 1 ITU ST., Havo deild*- tn ofter tin- emir-' ...wi ito-- ot the I mr [Milt- at pc. 8100,000. Thl* h-Badaa * ret iBipl-a .l?t"tty Ut hil et Bii.ltl. Iha raine ar -1 "..ind will "f Iii - ten,pim hiv. lug bc-a noll and h**BB tu: Wi* I"** 41 YKAIti*, sii.mi. be -t Li-t B'li.ttS more. The above offer cover* tlie ljtii Mn-ct bu'la? ing nmv Ui.ed In eoilliC' tii.n. Ihl -BB* i- HSt from t-iiciimbrsiit-r. While .uniting a g-ifkaH* hf Bat CAItfai IBTOl'K, the -.'ompinv vt ill ..lier at 'ft..:; BB entire .toe* of IIBBT I I RHE I ti.tom-ma-l Furniture, mule e\pr.?.ly tnt BgrhM Trait". HE now !n their war-rom* , itereraoin*. inti ttttotf, ?t li PER CENT, -f'l"" '"-I* Thc liitentloii I. lo i lt.-- ont _i" wrbjll flatt on or belure A PK 11.'.OTU \EXT. Th.- C..ii.i*inv lagani thai sll den ind* tetin* them hs pi.i.te'l foi uni: >sl: ,t - --tllem IBS, i'd sll panie* liidcbb-d t. them ure MfBaaBl t* make prompt payment. II. P. DEI*.It4Al'. Pna'l. Indigestion is not such a Jajgj matter as it sound*. That ^"^'""'r!.!'fain I if*(l. boob growa Into pojW'ya, and then farewell U all thc BgJ^-flJR 1 Kot into nek a state that **$L* ilma chronic invalid, and could d' nidhing- ^ nos*, hoi.bios. nott of all k!*&J02a___5 ? coane, bonn ti.*-*, and ever}thing ?Tj3mw bore. AH I could tin twa ...???* " ^Me eknir and rend. And u la ra her rem we |jft that, when .von have an "''"""Vu-iTthe nett* you ann alway* ?-'?d a P*'*'' .1 .h^iW*80' of the day is exhausted a Kood ?^johann ia quite a treat. Hf W ?? "ff-.- ' ? Hotl's Malt Extract. I eve ian "V"" r 1 .* tried it- ??i 52 l fi ia changed for tho bettor. .My ?]?""??* Bl? and I wouldn't be without J"h.a?\f;0Jj, ti* uact for the world. Tbe Ke?i?inchj?g<|ca nature on eipnr bottle. Caner * st-mow CO., S0l? ASfiEmt, ISwH-ltRSU