Newspaper Page Text
SCENES IN GUATEMALA. amrgMSaQ FHO.M THE SUMMIT OF SANTA r.?tc-nala City, .lan. 15.-A rest of half nn lnnr In Vadc at '1"' I'1'1'"" n,>:ir tlle M,n,ni1' of Iha santa veted nnd suth refreshment as our sadly de s^p,t- a rn Td .-ii. was a'needed pr. pnraiion for ammmt Whh* completed the (lay's Journey to a few ni'.nienis" ride brought us to thc - f the iMgt and thc magnificent pan alan ilk. 00% .?m.- .summit i ot thc valley In which th,- Puel.l,, of Salama ls rlin ? aawmPt -Mat* our astonished right .perte- BtriBB of Para-iaa. The valley appeared '"L, lev.-i Hal* akaat two miles in ataa.iltr. in ". am lofty mcitnialns nnd irttTCfafd hf a river !__? water* Bowed betweea verdant haaka studded f stately mangoes. We Wan BIOS- Ulan ti..- valley, aad Inahlng down ike ito** rows .'oOO (ct t> tel ?ifl-dhalBT -ld. Af tin- moniituln the tWrtl ,,charmin? BtT-BBi description. Th,- bed ?f thc 2an tss*wte "' '"' ******* MUM a carpet of p* U_u* jw'"'rn ,B* >-'r"i"-'f'1y l'lilllnnt colors, --pots C!dtfkcr green iBggnted BlBitn of tre.-.s and clumps \tm\mSH BhrnlBa, while tin- ttwee of the Inclosing *' jialns *erc il..theil in masse* of tropical YCfeta IH P*f,u"' W'l> "* i,!,r:,c,lvo ,,lllt *<* lingered tl lti largetful Ol the dark (louds which wart itslrc (urtiiidiiMe bank ahav* th* aarrntcd pcakj scene iiiid hy their restiveness adtnm _?__;-> * rWE ih(, j,01,tn, mid of thc f;ict that the sun WM JJ aww the bama mountain upon which we weie mM aamtHS,h ^jjtdl.'-e no time In making the descent. Hw JJ tn wider than usual?half as wide us an oidl _*, m.-. bu* desperately sleep. The curves w re a.-^ tad sharp, and the zigzag course must hive ^y thc (11-!:ince. Thc downpour of heat.wa* !n tan._l-d by that radiated from the mountain -Ide. Tte per*plrutl"?i rolled from our faces and each ? ant ter upon oar animals was a conduit from whit., tba (jaded n-Mare dripped. At Un" wa nd*, hat as the way beenme so steep Hit tb* animals found difficulty in retaining their foothold, wt dismounted and drove them hefOM a*. Kr arte apparently de-iending Into a furnace. From mw ME* atwrat%ge we thought the niouniaiiis covered Hick wit- tree--, but the trees disappeared us ng ap ?**r_r_*d them and became stunted .shrills. Tlie air a*a_llatcd and waved and glowed as if heated Ly i*ni enormous furnace. The eyeballs baned .ind 4ajfc ip**-! danced t.efore our sight. We filled our lils with Barn of a kind of inge, hui the brain grew *xiy and an Intense desire to sleep came ov?r us. Te rwc.ed Ute bet of the tullei, and montitlng mr inlmals cndeiivored to urge them Into a trot. Hey could only walk. The floor of thc valley had dinted. What npreared like a beautiful carpet of Bci verdure was bat sand and gravel, doned wtth dlltiTB of lowgrowiag cactus, each leaf covered with kittani flowers, protected by a mass of BBBdle Bk* dims. The club cactus grew to giant proportions. Ut lt also was burdened with blossoms and fruit Ai occasional bunch of pu ni pas grn-s gave variety, but ittttever there was of vegetable life found Its su> tm_c(* In the heated air and baked soil. The river was. a* lt appeared from the mmiiiliili. Brlered by luxuriant munno trees loaded with gred ind golden fruit. It flowed with an easy, grace'l ?dion over long reaches of pebbles and sand, rid Kilned to Invite us to bathe In Its clear waters. A *,rtn_tlv? bridge spanned the river, nnd on thl* Br* I crossed. Many women, nearly or (-ult- naked were nibing clothes near the shore or baihing farber out ta the stream. There were no men In sight,-Od Hie ?omen showed no signs of timidity at our tfPraach, lit rather curiosity?a dersire to have us .curer to tlMD In Order to see who and what we wee. Cross b| the bridge, we at once entered a street vhlch led llrer'ly to the Plain, but every cabala lal nn ap* *a*rsnce of desertion and not a human bei.g was In Bfht. e-nr animals tramped nol-lly VU '!-'' Stone nvement. but not until tte entered th. PBBB did w. trt signs of life. There WC found a "w Ifldlo* ju-i krglnnin;.- to eaagngat* and displnyltt- Hmtt llmlied Birts. We Inquired for the gO-BBB **nd following Be dire. Hon Indicated, rode under a ?*uvy stone arch btu a patio which wa* the r'copilo-room for travel lr*. In the centre of Un- patio tr spln.-.i'iic water tw a fountain of Indian coi..'"('tlon Ml with gunin, sibilant sen-ntloti upon ?r 'lr'*d nerves and unheated brains. A number of Ladlno W*_BaBr*aaaMad In an un *J_tly group near the JanBlBlnaatahlBg expoctorat* kg and adding to the feeling r-disgust which an nc tttiti_\?i\on ot -Uh produced. I*' a hammock In ihe th-ldc of the wide p..rrh a g-er-y. haH-dressed Laditio wstcl.ed us with no apparel- ciict-rn a> to our ln tentl ns. Th- absolute larilBHBtia af Hmm people to stranger* ls amazing. Sc*"!.**- aa 'hi ir own animal wants are supplied they c.W'i' nothing else, and not ?ntil *ome emphatic Spfir- hud Bera mart hy the Doctor did our hummock-"vine Ladlno landlord be rttr himself to prepare ood for* and our BMSti. Our room was'uiuh belter than the guest clismher ai Tr-.ctie, htgwtth abundant lltier on the loom to shelter The |gB*BB* broods of fleas, whit li began in Immediate an<k upon defenceless legs. As loo-i as arrarig.-iiientrhiid bein made for tbe night ind for fresh moro*" Iha morning we strolled out to tbe Plaza, now Etti with an active throng of boyer? and Milers. Many curious i-W-t of Indian make, especially woven cloth-, ba-*'- and mattings, attracted our nt t?Bt|on and exclt1 mir surprise at the beauty of tho and tkt-Wt*elloa*B of the work. Th.- c.i tbadral ls a larr ???"? Imposing structure at least Coo yuri old. but ' excellent condition, and In that re ipect qulie dtfr"nt from the churches herelnfore seen, lhere were m?V P-lBttaga, some very ri ne and others Hoticc*h!e foith.-lr -Insularity of design. The altar wnamentatlo *'ns VP''V elaborate and rich, and the Irenes of tl saints did not show the exuberance of tinsel seen gaa the saints at Coban. We visited a -.Biber of otc* and found th?-m mostly In the hands d dermal' All complained of dull times. The lo a.on of'** town ls peculiar and should make lt nn Importan'h___BBBB centre. lint the intense heat titres *-?n the Indians to Hie mountains, and except b th? fin during the hours of market ihe entlr pUce h' a* appearance of desertion and decny. A t-trcb 1 pafaliBf lanatiauttoB Becaptn a eomaaand* bg poilon up'.n the side of the mountain iwo miles tr tatt from Hie town. A lon. flight of none steps M | 'o tts ornamented front, bul we had no time tl itt lt and could not learn Its history. gremalnod at Salama one night and at tl o'clock th? follow I rig morning were ready to start for TJB*"be lirande. Cine of our BlBBM. however, was ttUng, and after an hour's search could not ba f?*4- As there ?ai no other India to be had, the 0-mindMit,. nggaated te tba Alcalde that ha laka ai t**.. Biasing MA, as wa could not hs d*. MC There was no other way, and -n the Mayor .Sala-na Strapped upon his honorable back one-third ' OU" luggage and tramped off with thc other-., eight FJ". '"f the immense reward of _1_ reals, rta ?"its. Pnrihty tj.l- ls not the lirst time u Mayor J*? been obllgwi to carry a heavy load for a small fcm.n.ratlon. bat ihe experience ls not common. "Ot* night at Traphhe Grande was the climax of ??eomfnrt. rt.e pian ht a pa*bia of not bmbn tbaa *???Ti Mhaaai kaaglai upon th* steep sides al thc '? *Kh no B*aada, l*dglac-heaa* or place for the ?tcommodaUon of travellers of any kind. The jTj* w"r* anatty af upright pole*, covered with ?Jbufchlng nf C*hBn palm leaves, through which the "etrrulatiKl and Into which Klgbt penetrated with ilZ,or's,ru"10"- ?n" ru?'n constitut?-d th<- entire "*? md answered for all requirements of the fum ^*"* Bf the animals, which domiciled with the Af al?'T Mrtohe house In Hi* place had been taken S-.?darenunent fur a telegraph .latlon and wa* ia l*ur0tJ ''i "" telegraph operator, hts mother, **t lui v!T',he-w ,w" *?*?? a &* "lld aklckanB wttb ttllwaa Theru mete two rooms, one tx cupbd r-jT^si a telegraph oflc* *nd lb* other for all ut ?nuL . *?? CaaaUy and aaefe eaaapani as the furn BB._Tr__**d' A small table, two broken chair* ?mead T b*lu"}l com prl ?e* ihe furniture, and aOTOM jjA^tof the room was * .toni- shelf about fourteen ?ki VL. ' wll-ch was the old ladv's bed and which e\At\if,'Hi '" ,h'* Honor and myself, lt was a mV*t eiqulslte ago.iv. Of E __8 **9* "I""1 a heap of corn In one corner it*Tlaoi^ ' ,h< "1(1 W***aa and her .two. l-nys slept the ta. np0" ,,"> floor: u group of Indians nuder tanTi1?* m,<1' '!"* atr groan willi iheir breathing. *__??,. '"^ '?"' ?,r ira** wllh brft,T_lr7 *"** unA 1*a? rl**< Hiinrl laaS "?rtiiKhernelsof -*?ni left *-!*???-. discord w*s belong de ried and fought for ,'t from tbe mule*' . -.* ... . im iIom rlpilon and the faja-^ aeyooA endurance. Wrapping mvsclf tn mv CmmC',i WMlt ou' Hilo the darknms and waadarM ?mZSJ1". wad Cain 'onlum. glad to be anywhere out of that WnSJu ?"(1 tortillas prepared ur* for the flr-at halt *ty rf1 ?oy upon the mules before we reached thl* m'_i? a* a u*y of unbroken pleaaure. The nar nafc ^11 W" h,,jh "P on O'* *w* ot the sharp vol j. -*?n*, ann f0ucwi*d In and out and around the IB-k. _L*vn!*,',y ,ev*l Une. Above us the mountnin 657tu* a?* ,n,? ,,'?* blue ikv from 2.000 to 3,000 - ' ?*|?'roppe* below na to an eqnal depth. Of* *?e__i/ a "'frenea aixned nnder us ao deep thal aa__*.S__>nIy *"? the bottom bv the waler Which fUgd -,v ?' **-m *-t*^ -e-'lliiill ii^ nir- na^i ?*????-. - ???__? Ir^0** I*. At inch place* the trail narrowed mtxl ZIT*1 ^n,bo,' ?1 H pntli. and the frrllng was rxati aUSt n_l*"*t?*P would plunge us Into the chasm, *T-_i_kP tnr "* *"nld ne meninred by elernliy. ^She w* "lopped at a smnll puelilo for re*t and ^I5r*rtvwi nni ?nr haatatB Onr moto* took Jhemselvn. Onr posada was the vlllsg* Md th* wlf* of th* teacher mad* coffei i ""i*?* ow eom***. This achoo! waa at* s-I.i?' *Bd Otetr Bladin mast har* boen *^*n*d bp tb* adrent af two Amerloanoa. St IrV th!1 ?.n -SH ygj* by a fpw l?a from a long f?rJ..J_V ,p,"'h?'r " ''"ids. and for an hour we were B lStaJ IS?" ?f l?,hllc ?h<"'' management ht It was hue lu the afternoon when, tired nnd dusty na hungry, our soldier guide halted our animals at ie door of the (iran Hotel m the div of Oaatemala. na tedious bm batedaeiy interesting towney Irani ?"'*"s across the niouiitiiins was completed without CCldent, and now, altey a few da vs- rest, we i-i .nhl liter upon the real i?,sine-s which brought ii* Into un nniivl Ized country. So tar we have found Ibe onnirv full of an the eienit nts of wealth, watting >r the touch of Northern enterprise to develop lt. re haye found the native people honest. Innocent, uperstlii,,,,, thring In n Montey where Nature -up ?lies n|| their wants, nnd therefore they are ntbont ambition or enterprise. BR EASING UP OF A FRIENDLY CIRCLE. rm Bccoits divobce obahtes on KVIDF.NCE IN THF. ni.dOMKlI'.LD CASK. There was n proceeding In tho supreme 'ourt of Westchester County before .lu-tho ">ykman, at White Hains, yesterday In which lever*] prominent New-York people figured, 'ndge Dykanaa apentd court an hour earlier than isual, In h'.s private room, adjoining the supreme Curt chamber**, .lohn L. HUI, of Brooklyn, appeared *lth several witness's, who gave icstlmony Miniolont or .Indge Dykmun to grant a decree .f iibsolute drona to Mrs. Helen stokes Turner from her hus ?and. l-llbcrt H. Tinner. Uith of New-York. The (?stiiiioiiy was scaled In an envelop* and ordered lied In the County Clerk's office, .Iiidg.- Dykman ?barging that 11 bc kept tecrrt. .lohn 1.. Hill refused o g1v? any Information about the case, haying lt was ? a private affair." lt ls understood, however, that Mrs. Turner secured irr divorce on evidence growing out of discoveries nade by Mr. Hill while counsel in the rase of .lame*, ll. Ploomfield. the New-York Jeweller who secured in absclutc divorce from his wife a y.-ar or so ago. n the I'.loomiield divorce eaad Thomas M. Turner, i brother of the defendant lu yeste-dav'f* .shit, was i.m.-d ns co-respondent, and nt that trial Hilbert ll. lunier .-wore that he 'h-id nrvgaeateg questionable louses in New-York In company with Janies M. 31o"uit!t*ld. Thoma* M. Turner's wlfo secured a divorce from the evidence In ihe liloomfield nae, which was on i rl:il while Mrs. Turner was In Ba rope. Teeter* 1*1*1 proceeding makes the third divorce ...ur.-il within ll).- nioiimfleld-Turner circle. All Ihe pattin il om- Un.e were on friendly term*, and liven near ?sch other at Yonkers. TBE SYMPHONY SOCIETY. Tte fifth coining concert of th* Symphony Society, which took pluce last Bight In the Hurif Hall, was overwhelmingly dominated by the Pad >? nw ski ln flucice. The admired pianist, lt is true, did not ?gm on the programme more extensively than is jtstomary at such concerts, but lt was plain not only from thc size of the audience, but also from Us be? havior, that, interest centred in him. and. Indeed, tn tils solo numbers. He played the Schumann concerto, ind wiih lt placed ii his credit the most relined, poeil ral and nliogethor lovely performance of which be has leqnltted himself litre this season, bul Ibe plaudits with which the andtenea rew.n-ti.ii him f.r lt were hyon sequential compared arith Ukm* w hi. li his playing of \\ie solo pieces evoked. Thee solo pieces were geham ann's " Baebtatue-k," tba same composer** transcription of a study by Paganini and Liszt's twelfth ll ur. cu rt an rhapsody, the sauie pieces thai he played on Friday afternoon when they were announced on the print.*! programme. Beau tlful as was his playing of them (and only rbBgaody could b'.pe to BBB-* th" the: lt of that pl.t'. Ing appre? hended!, lt was Insignificant mid tawdry ("inpaled with his work in th- c.:.tenn, lhere ba made plain ike feciv-t of hi* marvellous hold on the admiration and affection of tho mu-lc lovers. The hysteric* f sptnsten and the sentimentalism of Behool giris had nothing IO do with his triumph. He plated inar VtilOUSty. with elillre devotion to tin- spiitt Bf the wonderful composition, with compieie atisorpUon . f ita lendernefli and pas-Ion. A more perfect prod. inatlon of Us fin.-. Brm, ?wer| lovellne.iM scarcely l*> imagined, .and he was s.nde* hy Hr. HnmroDch .-md bli orchestra In a manner t tiat ra sounded to Uirlr credU In no small degree. l ?? orchestra, Indeed, did excellent wort all tho evening, especially In the fourth symphony by TsrhalEnwshy, beard nrBer In Ihe season from ihe Philharmonic Society. Hs other Bumbcn wen Smetana's vigorous ai.d spirited "Overture f *. a Comedy," .-mi two Bambers, a Bet-mad* -md theme, and variations frmn Lalo's ballet ?? Namouna." very pretty music, but rather Hght-waJstcd, lt mme* te us, fora symphony concert. THE BUZZARD FORGETS ITS ANNIVERSARY. I'pon the Just nnd the ur.Just the rain cairo pouring down yesterday. Thoa* who wen Jn-i rnoagfa lo th. mselves to rnrry their unbrtlla. and those who were unjust enough to others to carry umbrella whleh b.-b'ticed to orn- elsi* got almost tl:.- lull benefit f.f the ti-t'isture which prevadeg rverytblng. Th.* streets were filled vii), 'ml- of tvalet .Hil the g.itiers wera turgid strtams, WatertaBs issued from bat brims, and Utile cataracts leaped Irom Iha edges of Bmbnllaa. Today 1* the um.I vcr* arv of the great bBtaaid af Mar- li I'i, |ggg, There are no si*.'ti.s of --uch a -,'rimd revolt of tba elements as that which t.v.k place apo* if*** sum.' day five year- apo. The stol m Which w-as raging over.Luke Superior has passed far to thc north east, and Bew-Yorh may expect rains to-day, fallowed by clearing weather. The backbone i.f winter, it li said. Js hrok.n. ..nd spring weather will probably fol low the heavy rainfalls ol lh<- la-t f?iw- weeba. THE ORDAM AGAIN STCCK IN THE MUD. Within a short dl-tance of the place where sb* went aground a few days ago on her return trip from Bottetdaaa, the Metaerlands Aaatriraa iteamer Obdam went ashore yesterday at i t3D a.m.. eatward bound. sh.- was lying yesterday at Upper Hiddle, near the -swash Channel. At ."> :4<) p.m. several attempts wen- made to get her off Ibe shoal, lint the efforts were of no avail. A short lime ago i-he went aground -ecaiiie the pilot made M ml-talo- lu ihe I > cation of the buoys. This morning nt high water another effort will be made to get the Obdttn ont of her pndteaaaeni. The gnt rabin pasaeagen of the ulcdaiii ure Miss Ii. Weir*kopf, Hr. .lohn Vf. Adams, Dr. H. li. Iieye. Dr. H. M. Miller, Lucien L-rvlelley, Mr. and Mrs. C. Itlchter. Franklin I -tacker, llaslav* lliiveno, C. r*?rlmil"t William McNeill und Vi Ott Kiluclier. PROGRAMME AT THE TENDERLOIN CW H. There was nn entertainment at thc Tenderloin Club last night which began at ll o'clock and lasted for a**M tim.-. Ml-s Della Kerry, soprano; Miss Mil fr.-d (iolberg, BBSBa* WlplBB*' Ml-s Miilvlnla Heck, c ill tralto; Theaaaa HatehtaaoB, Barytone; Joh* Hemp ey, basan; Wallace Wert lake, btyloas and Arthur Ada'iiinl. tenor, sung B*B>-H*B* fr'.in "Faust."' They gave parts of thc aper* at the Fifth Avenae Theare, aa Hareb o. Professor Begla lenaa lind his son gav.- iiii exhll.1 Hon of fencing with foils and broadBWOrda, Helli v Millard, of London: Charles H. Daly, Harry C. Curtis and Melvin Hy*, .sang. _rn AUTHORS READ FROM Tn FAR WORKS. There was a large attendance at Luther .?. lt. Lincoln's authors' rinding, "Client Leave:*." la-t night at Carnegie Hall. Among Ihe authors who rea* from their own works were 1-VOflMB. A. S. Hurdy, William Henry Bishop, and Colonel Hilliard Miileolm .lohnston. Miss Laura Sedgwick Collins delivered a B*W monologue by Charles linrnaM. the playwright, and Auguaius Thomas gav* u mik on the din inn. _ PROMINENT ARRIYAUS AT THE HOTELS. EVF.RF.TT?Charles I.. Curter, of th* Hawaiian An* BaaaHaa Commission, fifth tXEMVH osaeral W-? ley Merritt, IT. IS. Army. HOFFMAN-Baron Helen tacher, of the CJerman Letstlon ?t Waak-BgtBa, and tieutgt Q. Cannon, of rt*h. DO TEE OTHER CABINET OFFICERS LIKE IT t Washington dispatch to The New York Sun. The plano which Gresham hohis in Mr. Cleveland*i confidence la shown by a circumstance wi,I. h hus not at 1 rai*ted much attention. It I* known that (inslnni Wai lately summoned by Cleveland to come to Lakewood In th'' shortest lime. The Judge wns working nlghl and dav li, get ready to leave Chicago to euler on hts duties as Secretary of Stat* .it Washington, lt even 1hen being certain that he could not Ik present at ibe iBBBgBIBtll*. Dropping everything und adjourning th* court for a lew flays, the .ludgi obeyed Hie summons. What the Proa-teat rlnt wanted of Gresham was bis opinion whether or not should there be an occasion, the Secretory of th. Treasury could, under the low. do a e-rinln thins regarding Ninda. In three minutes (ireaham ott band enlightened the lVcsldent elect, un* on th' first train started back to Chicago. Tills lucidon! derives Itu significance from the fact thut, aHboucl the prospective Secretary of the Treasurv. Cnrll-le who ls one of Ihe very ablest lawyer* lu thc conntn and has paid much attention to this very question max at cleveland's *1!kiw 1 Although Cleveland at the moment had selected. If he had noT announced hts Attorney-Oeneral. whom he would ntiturnlly cot. ault on matters of that kind, lt w*s onlv (ireshnm'i opinion that would suffice, and hr wnp sent for even though lt w?s on a-qticst___ outside of tbe Uni of duties to which bis fut ur* position In the Ad ministration related. It ?hows the confidence Cfev* land has in i.reslmm, and goes far toward Indicating the power which tbe Secretary of Stale, who l.a always ranked a* a Republican, la likely tn ban In the Administration. Take the World's Pair gpectal. via New-Tork Cen tnl far C-deago. Speed and elegance. No extn tare. SELECTIONS FROM THE MAIL AN l.TIDKMIr OF TYPHUS KHAKKD. nu: OPINION OP A physician wu-i said Tin STKEETs i AN lil. i |,| v.NI.Ii. To th.- F. d i t o r of T h .* Tri b uno. Slr: In forty years" experience in hospitals and pl.igii.-sirlckeii citbs l have Bern area a . ity M rife for ;:n epidemic of typhus f. vr a- I- BeW-York City tonight (, p. m.). Th.* thaw his r?dui ttl the sir-.ts lo a r-urfaio of ll.-ni.i mud. In which all Ike tilth and dropping.- of animals anti nfaae which lay on the Mirlate of Hie snow ai-.. In a more or len pp dpltated COndlllon, and In one .|unrl-r of the loren which I happened Jual now io visit (Amsterdam av.-.. between SUty-gr*1 ami sixty Oath .-i-.i the Briaaau from lin- street wa- pnefptlMe to a bright ol seven le.l. The stree! was crowded with in.ii. women and children, ami th.- odor waa stilling. I am aisaug thai lu other OUartrn then ls a -Mil more foul and gradi) miasma and a still more crowded c*_riltlon <>f Bflalrs. The streets of tills eily can be cleaned. St.aui wi.i etan them, water vin dna them. Garbage can Le burned nnd ti... resulting gases dUslpated bj tall chimneys ai very small comparative expenae. The money appropriated by the city for cleaning Ibe str.s eau. If honestly Intended to etan Hie streets. be placed wllh the , ili/.-ii*-. each lo be allowed 1.. draw an amount Hated to clean one half of the sire, t oppoalte lils domicile?that rn, io the centre ..f the street, ur the city, if li honestly deatre* etan slr.-e's, can not only omit io appropriate any atone) al all. bril can tefl al alic'lon ihe privilege of clean In. them lor the nfuse H-lf, us ls ii. in nen European city, or In most ol them?ur at leaal this could h.- tried. Hui Hie nasty, stinking, vii.- and p?tllent stn*eta I Us.- strong terms pun.Iv are, 1 mn told, not to be cleaned but their nasty, slinking, vile and pe.ii Icntlal condition la actually encouraged a* a pretext im- drawing monee out af the public treasury. And ihls is a elly where I have bein ama/., -il al the pradlgaBtv of Insurious furnishings in th.- bonne* of .-ten moderately wnlthy cltlxeii*, and ihe opulent and bewildering tarnishing*! .f ih.- nth men's palaces, th.- delicate refinement of the women and Ihe high br.-d courtesy of the men i However, a pestilence of typhus?such as two or three such reeking nights ai lo-nlght aili a* sarelj bring as to-morrow will brine morning, noon ami Bight- will perhaps bring the people io their senses. .IiHIN S. HIP .W.N. M. D. SI. Luke's Hospital. New Turk, Mani, li, 1-03. THF. TCHNPIKE BY-TEN IN INDIANA. To the Editor of The Tribune, -Slr: It 1- rather aatualng 1*- n- of th.- -Wild and Woolly w.sf io s.-e Un- stir then ls toward a good ron.I system. There |s oi,iv on* ts..\ and thal ls to build them niiil pay f"r them. They won't grow unle-s Ui.-re an- dollars behind them. We have lu Monroe C univ a -y-t.-m Of ten turnpikes leading mit from tim county mt to lin- four caldina]* for a iii-tuno- ..f -it a;,d eight mites In every <i rec Bon, all of which the farmer- ami proper)3 owners in town have paid for. nnd then th" county take- them in band mid beeps them up in repairs, kui- firm of 188 Berra bai been assessed in ntl about ggdO mo-t of walch ha* bee* paid. Th.- hood* ar- Issued and s,,i,i t , iaii;.i win., payable m eight yeer!] pay tm ni-. Tw,, y.-.'ir- aga In ..fra mile wa- bulli. running past oar plan, on whbh we w.t.- taxed mid any one who ha* ever waddled through ..ur Indiana limestone toll f r .>!.?? wini": would think it wa- getting o!t t h. ap. We can now haul n Mg load t" cr from loWB anv dav In the year with gnat comfort h. hor*n and driver, I'nteaa th.- grading I heavy and rock a l"!ig distance io haul, ii roadbed ..f eight in. hes <f rrashed r*?? k and two inch* ol gravel on lop should be built f..r pl,600 or gt.700 per mlle. Th- pavel -h.mid be pm . n ai fa I aa i <? broken rock to beep |b* stone from ipreedlng oui. The gravel cement* the roc* iud mah** ?> ?mOOlh ino li a! on.-, aral -cm* -. I.i-:p th" '!,:!'! I,.-, .f th.- road. Prom nor exp, lenee wi would n?t I... without the turnpike ll i' were io i ( u* double what li in*. li. Il CHAMUEBUN, bloomington, Ind., Harcb a, i-'?'.-? will HB QLADBTOBB IHEND HI- BILLI To i h ?? Eil I I o i t. f T h e Iii I. u n c . slr: Then I- Irish enough In mv composition to .iv.- me ;, personal lub-r.-i In Ireland, and i" b*ve noted -"in-Hiing of ii- ..-irlv a- well .:- later history Mr liladstone'i Hom* Bal* bia, rn l's present form, will be defnted; -.r, if pa rd, wonld give Irriand ruin Iti-lea d of Home Bute. IreteBd a a Who!* cr.i,not live in peuce a- a State lind, r ii lingi- form of bani gov. nun! nt. But doe* thal mci prevent Inland from esercMag Ibe rich's ,,f lal Hom.- Eui- B*. lim the plan in'. I b* belter and inori ienr.11-* tba* Mr nladsl ne'a programme. If Hr. Otedston* d**trrs i Hom.- Hui.- for Inland, bl I'm burrow nor.- from oar American pian of guvernmeat ian lb* limited tatara lo- credlti lo bs tn bb iprech befon Ha ii.ii . ,,f Commons; and pvovtdt for It*I.mi al leasi j ti-., -n.t. . or p.i:.'.!'- Hirer win br 1*11rr. lat ll-f.-r I.rn -im.. mid Central a-..1, i,.i:....i constitute th.- uro St;. - "f - ll" al '1 '?Hied ? ?. I., r era I, Ol Ihl Sales hgV? ps rx.Ive, legislative and |udtcial -v-i.a.- oi govrrnmroi with such or similar pi-wen ".' local guvm-m-nt a* Mate. ol our i ni'.ii "vni-". taviiifc 'h- authority Bnd power* nf a National character lo I.kentara by HM Kingdom Empire; Ihe respective Mair* t>- Imve j repn-tentatlon htrtb In th* Ibu-.- ..f Commons and _air_ Timi will ba Home Kui,- -.palled with MP I H and R ol rr* pei tah**, si,.-. n. a. kai lEKxiN. Vineland. 'D?nu., Mi.rch I, 1-: il. WHY NOT CALL IT THE "NOHTH END"1 T a th.- hdilur of The tribune , Hr: Th* request ..f ihrfacultj "' 'he I nlvenlty af tbe du ol Bew-Yort Ikal ti.Iltors of rity Joarnab ii ... i Marana deetgnattoa rn nferrtag to the portion ?,f th- etty beyond Ihe Harlem will BB*et wllh tb* approval of all : hm lb* lille -Ii-..ii Harlem*' ls hardly n happy s.b.tlon. Al least -o lt -,,.!,,, to one wh"-- buataeai and home intemta .uv ..-itr-.l h.-ie. I- nol "North End" more appro pilate" Th* appellation " Ann-.t-d District." Which mi pi:.-- that ihls section i- aol entniad io th- dignity Of being referred to on I'Tiii* of finality Wit* "'her portion- of Ik* "itv, a-, for Install, e, the Ea-t side, or w.-t -id.-. I- seldom a ed by Ike residents ->r buslneu u en of iii- tocabil who prefer tba drslgna lloiis -North Bnd" and ??Nord -Mr," both of which titles an al?o now In Quite general bm among Iks wi-H-rs for ihe da Iv papen. Then ran hm.Uv be anv better nason for sui.-ti luting "Trans-Harlem" rn* '?North End" Hug Ihen would I--- foi designating Hs n hat tan 1 h.nd as -(is Harlen." N. Ht 111 END. Horrll Heights, N. Y., Mardi ?, I-'Xl. WASTIN'i. THE TIME OF TALHBMSN. T o t h ?? |, d i t o r of Ihe T r 1 b u n ?? . Slr: In responn I" :i -uiniiions from the -brriff, I was ni tke supreme Court. < "lr. nit No. 4, at io a. m. io dav, prepared t>. discharge my duly as Jiirvliirui. I wa- out of town thi* morning, but took un early train In ord. r la be Bl W"' court room un time, it would hav. been mach awn nave-teal and combinable for BM lo lake * oiler tran., which arrived at 10 :o:.. but I did not do m is I want.-d in be prompt in attendance, At the Mme appointed, in compaay vt li li ihlriv live or forty fellow Jiu > men. 1 united in Ile- coull room nulli ld :-''? a. m.. When the clerk called Ike roll of Jurors, and after another long walt told us, at 10:15 o'i lo. k. lhal We could gt. until li o'clock, when we must nt urn promptly, lt ot scarred to bm thal if Ike Judge aad roan -Seen would, attend to their dutiei promptly there would be lea h.-s of Un..i tin- piirt i.r AN CM " iKTI NATE JIKVMAN. New Vork, Mardi B. 1*803. ? ? THE sOYEKEK.NTY OP ilAWAII. To the Editor ol Tho Tri kana a Slr: Then- ls on.- point Which .ms to have been overlooked by tbe Frillies Kalulanl ami her guardian. Mr. Davies, In ihe appeal Ju-l linnie public Ac it.riling to enlightened BMdern Mesa, no country ls the birthright of a -over.-lgn ; hut every ruhr ls the servant of the people and hollis bia throne al llo-ir plea-ure. When th.* people of Hawaii deposed their Queen Ihe lYlfice-s became -imply Mts* (leghorn, and any provision lo be made for her will be, nol a right, hut a graceful act of generosity. J. P. New-lurk, March i, Inna. A PLAN TO PKF.YENT POBOKBIBB, In Hi.' Editor of T li e Tribune. Slr: Thr excitement and talk which bute been meted bf the pabBcattoa af r*|mrts of several ci.-ver and BBeceaaiai aback bodi- forgeries by an pilli, musters of chemistry certainly oiigh' bi gtv* rise to n new *. tlvliv of Amertcun InvetiHv* genius. I would like to submit tba fallow Int.* plan, through The Tribune, lor the consideration of busi? ness men generally: a plan *n .tmplc. and yet *o complete that 1 think lt will eft-, tua liv put a stop to the scheme of converting ordinary business letters into commercial paget of value. There ls scarcely a business house of any Import? ance nt the present day but what ha* ndopted tbe universal system now tn use for th* better protec? tion agslnst "check rslslng," nnmely the um of a stsmplng machine of mme description which cuta thr tlgurei of the amount through the paper on whlrli tbe chech ls made out. While thia method ha* not been wholly rlfectiuil In making aa end of "(heck Hising." tt has cerf-ilnly dom- a great deal In that direction. I would suggest * like treatment or all letters sent ont hy business firms containing the algnature recog? nised at the bank. A small stamp which .would learly cut the words "letter signature," or some bbnVtattOB af the sum.-, dttndly under tba signature, BBBM Io nie to Im- all that U BBCnaBfy. In Using iii., stung of mane mir mail BM car ot 111 any Way to mai li tie signature, as this would fiord opportaalttoa for rtet'ei tagcrlm mid -o defeat I* an* puip...e. ii;;,i ,,f protectlan; ind yet the limping -h..nhl be -" .lose t.. the slgnatiire that nv tampering or attempt to fill up 'Pi- open lett" could mar Hu- dgnature, and thus r.lttter detection nore than Uki ly. 1 dare not say that In time the most clever forg'-t*. muld not find tottt nunns of clri umvenllne even his sat, guard, but the method of prole, timi Bl I iave pre-cut.-d |i is -tmple and fgectual. rendering in- signature, or. coitecilv speaking, tbe paper, iii.i. If not absolutely, n m-forge*b|e. CHABLIS MF.I.VILLE. Bogalo, N. Y., Mann ?', 1-03, IT IS JIAI'I) TO FIND *-HELTER FOR WOMEN, ro the Editor of The Tribune . Slr: Yow statement lu yesterday's Issue attracted ny attention, because for many years I have had .iirloiis ca-..- among women who drink, women who in- p.-isi or uiul.r ipeetBeg nge. and a great variety ? f exceptional lases, for Whom I have never been abb o Bad a place to .helter th. m. Ike Charitable homes ..r women and gills of all ages and classes are mnch .vercrowded this winier. Every superintendent of a harllable home |> obliged lo make Hie Statement that be ls puning women a m girls to Bleep upon the leer beena-, all the beda ure occupied. I have tried a Beean a plan for i woataa thirty live yean tit Ige, Who has had a leg amputated a little below the mee. Bbc ls perfectly willing to go to tbe country, 0 ga anywhere, and gc nny kind of work for a home, ?be, like oilier-, of her claas, t, not an exceedingly nmp.-i'tii woman. As i am chief servant of tin Vatlonal Christ!-* I..-ague, sin- was first sent to me >y a police matron, after .sh" lind been obliged to .pend tm., nlgbl la tbe atatloo hons- becaaae, from weariness, cold and hunger, tba could lind no other dace for sbeltn. I kept bet at this time nearly ti *eeka lu my home, beean-,? then was no ather place 0 put her. Then, lhrougn tbe Aaaodated Charitln, 1 luccreded la getUng h.-r into th-- convalescents' I bun" for two week,, and they kept net a little over wo m..mis. ||.r.. lhere ls no span to give details. leveral of the managers of the CBavaleaeettta1 Home, ,,f il..- o!hc is of I,,,. A*ao_l_tiU Charities and .th.-r memben ..r the Chrtatlaa Lragae, and purlieu* arly myself, have endeavored lo hud a temporary lom.- for Hil-, woman. Tbe .superintendent or the ritteiidon Hom.-, uhlcb li -Isier io the Florence Mis .b.ii tn m. eel,, r it., aral me word that she bad oao -:..1 Ihoroughly, anil Hore Wa* not a home or any place lhal wat nut overcrowded with girl* and wemen. i -un nave ihi, woman la my borne temporarily, welling for som., place io be found for ber. ls then not some earnest woman who wishes t.> build up one IN..I-" insulation, ready to eatablish a home that will gu.- sewing, ty pe writ lng reporting, dressmaking, wa-:,ing. leaching arni . v ? rv Oilier -or' of work lo -ni* anil worn -ii al ri nominal -alarv. Of wages nnlll ihrj tan timi soinetalng belier to do, or at Inst re? muneration enough lo pay for being sheltered, fed and Hi., necessaries of life In itu a a borne I I., ll (.HANNIS. Prerident Ballonal Christian League for ibe Pro* motion of Moria I Purity, New l.-rk, Mar. li n. 1*09, HOW LONG WILL lill". PBOPLE HEAR IT T To Ibo F. tl I t o r Of T h e Tri b ii n e . -lr : That I- Ibe question of Ibe hour. How long will ll,.- people bear lt I I allude, of . ours... I., ll... boM and bnrefiit ?.' io'.'" ry of their political right.. I.i-t win? ter, a v.- r ago, lin- 1.. _1 -Eil iii , ol thc great Milli' of New-York w.i* deltberately stolen, by premeditated plan ..nd In ib liam !? of court rule. ,\s a rouse quence, legislation wai egecltd thai ibould perpetuate ihe Inbiallj already perpetrated. All preteiue of fnirne-s wai thrown a kde. Election adlciri of one pani, ular iv p.- wen lo h.- appointed io control ::.-? roting, and bob* olhen were io be tolerated. ii. p..liing voting on '.il-.- nain.'-, fal-., residences, and fal ?? pretence! ol every kind were made poaalbl* by thc lu*.-- .: i'*"l bv il.e nicked bad. i* of a wicked party, through u.-- nicked leg] wickedly thrust i.r.. natl le which Ihej were nm entitled. That i about Ct* **/? "f l' lu Sew York Bute. Tke people know of ami -?-. thi- labially. They iee Ihe conae .(ii. .iies a. iii i...ii lugburg yesterday; ikey ian lt In Bea *i"rk during ile- la-t eba rion ; Ihe) MC In N. iv .i.i -v an In ?nc* ol il... ia mc highhanded be bavin and yet they radon lt. And by the in -.iva cn ..mala ?? of Ih-- people, thl -.??' I* who disgrace offl . lal pla. es are . inhold.!;, d to piir-ue Heir course with ;.it ge, ? v. ? ,.i irom i" hi io bobin, tram shnwd Ui daring m.'!.."i . b> which their nefarious scheme* shall Be BCCOmpll bed. Now. how long ls thl- to con11nue * Uh-ir lilli the :il"i-d p.-eple rle, ihsk* ott iii letharg] that envelopes them, .md declare with one vol..-: -ihis .hall not i.e. Outrage upon our politi? cal rMit- -hail no more be lateraled than the tyranny lhal v..ubi control our physical actions." Ami hiv lng s,:.i ti1,., in ih-m proceed io enforce it rn san ai'i effectually. Let them not stop with a lew'l .*:- pa .-il In meeting a**etnNed." Then I- ;i way io reach criminals, Tbe keen per c.j.h..i, .-,.,.i (real skill ..r ihe legal prole.slop are . rrtalnly rtpial io Hi* formation of Mme plaa of legs! procedure nrhlch would reai h inch mtamante and Pring them tn lena*. I ertelnly then must b* mern ber- of the li ga] fraternltv who arc not ready In io'.rmi that ll.*- a. nm. ii of Hill ar Murphy la tot iiMeh for the lovers ot good order .ind justice lo contravene; thal n<> one can be found who dares antes lb* 11*1* willi tb.-m. or WbO will plant himself on m.- .land of rl^ni mid ugh: it- ballin again-i ihe rbamptoni of wrong. Bbl ls the bettii not Joined a'hj la liol di", conflict now at tinily In progress 1 Why ar-- pnbltr despOllen allowed to en j.'V fie fruits of lii.ii clime, and lo daunt their piratical color* In Hie Lice* of iln-lr victims, while ihev .norn derisively, in the language of thi arch brad: ?* .-.hut arc von piing tu du about Itt" Do 1 hear a mm .-ni.-ut Shy Wileri . INgllRF.It. Broakl)n, Banh a, i-b;j. A PLAN l'? DUPIMK <>F THE OABBAOH T o f h a Ed l 1 o i nf The Tri 1. BBB. .-ir: i>ur ncent Brtlele* ob garba** cnamtloa have eff linlui lie. of a plan of nf_e* disposal -ii| gnted to th.- BUthoilttea here two yean ago, and disapproved Ihen onlv on BC eena of the Initial ex? pense involved in its fail appBrattoB. 'ihat objection might BOt BOW weigh against thc gen.-ral publl"' de? mand for reform In this direction, (.url.nge iieiua lion Involves a huge espenn in plant and a NB outlay in operallon. In order to de-troy what, with onlv a Mule more car.-, might be linnie a source of revenue. || neaten a separation i.f BMtertalS, .?ind If lhal MparstlOO could be Ill-lit- complete, each portion would have value. The plan suppose* eiich house to bu ntppBed with Mparate covered rraaela for garbage ami aabe*, amt a Bovemd baakri tot papen and chan litter, and turill h'.l ts lt U full Instructions for Iks depoell ot vari'.ii* material lu ?ii.h ; nceptaelei lo In- lill-'ii BU if, emptied, cleaned, disinfected and returned lo tin-ir proper Bambers, and a Bar to ba lmiH,..-il for any Violation af Hu- In-liti. Hon*. The ch un ashes and clean III!-r would be easily disposed of at a prom. The garbage, attn the bones wen picked out, if no better usr offered, rouM l.e adzed with Hm" i.ud stael -w.-eping, rn- stable manure on board nrhooner* nf. llgtiters, and seat io r.-nni/.- term* atongxhon. Treated la n.i* manner li forms a rich and Inoffensive fertiliser. Thee teasels could nirry hotels and grapple* fur transferring their load* to cart* without handling and ihus make quick irips. i'rlvaii bindings could be MtabHahed for this Irafle, and li sle.iui ve-sels were U.setl, regular Jitvirs could be lixed f.,r BeBvery. Thl- plan could be niel on a small scale, at slight aspens* and ult:,..rn delay. * BOY s'i'ONH. N.vv Yolk, Hank ?*. IBBw, A WOMANS PLAN POB CLEANING THE 9TBB-RI To I ba Ed I tor of The Tri bil lie . sir: I am a woman, hut none th-* I"*s fl good cltl ten. I Iioih-, and ss such I write lo urge that a once measures lao 'akim to make full and completi prcpnrailoiis lo clean ihls city. If Tammany wll not or cannot ga lt prl vu ie ciii>ens ought to besiii thein-elves lo make lt poaBtbll for otter and BMn aaaipetent peraooa I* be altewed ta control the work cr at bast aid In ll. Tine, the uiiii-uial weather lin made stre.-t .leaning Infinitely banter than Ba**] but then the sltiiallon ls nun.nat, too, and therefor, unusual effort* -In uld bc glraatcd toward cleanliness Without Belay a gang of sturdv. robust men ifcoah b?- asslgni-a* to rael Braal In tb* illy, and the ave tines be divided oT to iretteaa, and the work begin at all points at ann. H sufficient system, miisrl and Intelligence ba brougbl lo bear on this problem lt c_n rory -'i'ii ba ?olveil. It I* merely a qiiestlor of deieimlnalloti nnd money. If we carnot force ou present Commissioner Of iUBBt Cleaning to do ht bounden duiv. or he makes lt .lear that he uaes ht available funds wisely and ls really Insufficient!) **| piled, then I* lt not the duty of private cltl-.-ns t. put their shoulders lo the wheel: If money | needed, In lt la* ruls?d by subscriptions, if lt take gl,csH"i,(sio, nnd let it he done now. If there are not enough scows owned by the rltj ?r rented from private parlies let others fcc procured Send tln-m to sea by the score, not by twos ant threes, and for once let us see what the city is pavel with. The scourge thal hang, over ns shows plalnlv that ll will have to be done sooner or later, and f ls obvious that the a*MMf the better. Even wltl the temperature of winter, with ice on the ground some of the East Side streets are throwing off fou odors, much as they do in summer. They have ni ready what I have heard termed the '-Third ave smell." It. winn summer comes, w.- find we ar to lie saved the devastation that ha* swept througl Hamburg, we should have the satisfaction of knowlm that our foreign visitors will bate seen this beautlfu city at Its best, and they can go home with high praia for our city government, that gives aa atneta ai clean as those of Parts. Perhaps they may never know that what seems custom to them ls really an ?vent for us. HOUSEHOLDER. New-York. March 4, lfllKt. LORENZO s. COFFIN AND THE CAR-COT'PI.ER LAW. To the Editor of The Tribune. Slr: The history of the origin and passage nt last of the Cnrooupler bill, now a law by tbe approval of President Harrison, as published by you. 1* cor? rect, so far as lt goes: bat there are some fact* re? lating to lt which ought now to be given the benefit of your wide circulation. True enough. President Harrison Indorsed the measure In each of hlr. nnnunl mes-ages, and no doubt his earnest and -no*t humane and Judicious eflcrts greatly aided Hs Pnal pa-sage. .-.o tin the enlhu-lastlc and powerful advaCBCV of the men-iire by Colonel Dave Henderson, of Iowa, entitles him to ihe handsome praise accorded hy your coi respondent. Th-- other gentlemen named by. yea* correspondent nre fully e.Hitled to the credit given them. Bal the name of one man ls wholly left out, who should be named tlrst whenever thc Car-Coupler law ls under discussion That man ls the Hon. Lo? renzo B. Collin- "* farmer who tarn.**?who resides In the counter, about three miles fro.n the city of Fort Dodge. Iowa. Ile was the originator. Hie author ?.f this mom beneficial and l-.umnne measure. Ile j lt was who lirst brought the subject to the attention of President Harrison four years ago. since that Mme Hr. Collin lins attended .very session of Cor-1 grete?*t his own expense?for the purpose of securing tts paaaaga. At one tba*, doubtless, tue RepubB? cana of iowa would have nominated him for Hov ernor. Hut having enlisted In this great catiae? hav? ing originated tbe atcaaun he declined to be a can? didate for the nomination, point.*dly refusing to be diverted from hi- chosen work. At lu't, afier six yean of most earliest effort, he now wltnes*es the suc? cess of his great measure, and doubtless reads those tributes of praise from whir li his own name is omitted. Hut The Tribune ls too gnat and too Just to do such a luau Injustice, nnd I do not doubt that lt will fre?ly puhlNh this brief tribute to so good B man. lt mai' Interest your readers to hear a further fact or tw-o concerning Mt. Cogra. Me went Into Iowa, In IBM and located a farm, upon whlsh he abides to tills day. He hus always been noted for his good work*. He ls author of the i\'hlte Hutton total ab? stinence pledge, which has been taken by 40 .nco rail? road operatli ivs. No other man In the Nation has done so much for practical temperance nm. ng labor? ing men. At his own home he some years linea built s chapel for nelghborhofd religions service-,, ami also established a free cir. mating library under Its roof for the use of the farming community around him. In the work of general charity no man In hts county or State has ever done more In proportion to his means. But even in Iowa sundry political lia ve sought |e take credit to themselves for Mr. Cof? fin's grcut rarooupler mea****. If Its true history ls ever written the cr.-dlt of lt- origin will l.e given t.. Lorenio .s. Colin, while l*eneral Harrison. Colonel Henderson and other good nen will neeta their pr..p-r meed of praise for their timely assistance. CHARLU ALDRICH. Washington, March 7. ISliS. ??SPECIALLY RESERVED FOR LADIES." To ike Ed 11 o r a f The Tribune. slr: lu your "Stray Notes,- March -I, I notice a statement nanto thal "on almost at] trains in France smoking is allowed In every cor which I* not ipeetelfyr renrvad for ladies,? and "thc man who ls fond of his cigar wonders why the French custom l< not nd pted In this country."' Permit a and it dally IraveBn OB boats and trains, to make a few nanika pert-neat to the .subject from her j standpoint. Ender praaent randttlana one-half (practically two ! thirds, lt-, hiding deck-room and wagon-way.*) of the accommodations OB ferryboats aro '"specially reserved' for the masculine set. There ts one cabin, however. , over the rntrann lo whh h may bo seen th? word : ** YV. m. n," but one strange to our customs' entering ' lt during the morning or (.arly evening hours, and seeing -eat nft.-r scat occupied by what may surely ; bo termed hero tke "wrong" gender, would be apt ! to give ii backward glance, under the Impression thut le- misread Ihe Inscription over the door?but, no. Advancing lo th.- first cabin he ls liable to meet n few women blocking up tile passageway between leaning for support airaln-i the wall, and weaM pr. bably s,iv to himself ihey are an overflow from th* Ini cabin, where d.ntfilloss the ladl.f, are Brated, bm as he enters h>' ls transl.x.-d on the tbreaheM by a right that might well a Biara even tho..- long ai custom.*1 to lt. Down the long length of the cabin, on either -Ide. he seas a row of news? papers ijit-ld highi, the holders of them being dressed wllh great unanimity in trousers, and deeply In? terested In Un- news. Hara and there a ludy's skirt breaks the monotony, but tht** are mostly crowded together near the outer door, from which the presumption arises thut the wearers have walked the length of the cabins, and being unable to go further, have made a pnu-*e, their number being eon*_*atly augmented by Inter roniers, until tb*y f.irm quit* ii llttltj colony, and some few gentlemen have surrendered their seats to some few of the ladle*. (Query?HOW many ladles does it take to make one gentleman t) Passing to the train, our stranger finds himself ' a participator In a game of grab? ' good earnest gi ab HO sham (or shame ' about lt, and on entering a car would doubt* J le.* believe, bot for hi* previous experience, that there was some one car on thr train -specially re? serve* for ladles." as the one hr enters appears to be sped?Uy occupied by gentlemen. Not Ihe Curtisndt-st. ferry alone, gor Llberly-st., nor yet Harelay, nor Chambers, nor any one of the numerous ferries outgoing from New York, but on all ls this scene duplicated dally, not to mention Ike crowding, Jo*iling, shoving, pushing, an*, I would like io add, 'hogging," that ls constantly se-n on the ?" L'" ronds nnd the Rt-td^-c enrs. surely this ls a ?? social evil." Oar business men are growing seltish. rude? losing that tine courtesy fer women that dlstlngulthc. tbe American, and of which Americans away from home are so Justly proud; and our youth are easy leiraers. nnd are fast surpassing those who should be their superior!. I our WOBMn?karinara women especially?are becom ] tug aggreeatva, taking as right what ls theirs only by courtesy; losing that " liner .sense" that implrei. while lt compels, respect. Surely there ii a remedy. ('or|n.rations should be coinpellid to provide *iufjt I clent accommodations fnr their patrons; mothers should teach their -ons that courtesy to other worn.n ls a tribute to themselves, and every man J ami every wowan wh* form ptirt of?should I also realize that they owe a duty to?th* i travelling public I titi nie tlie majority of women?even tho*e who disapprove the thing Itself would assent lo the I Justice of *? smoking being allowed on every car not iperiatlf reserved tor ladles," could they be eon I taieui ihai enough cars would be ".specially neerved j for ladies" to Insure them BCCOBMBOoattou', but, pet* I haps, ihey cannot filly appreciate the necessity af a ! reform beginning at the smoker's end. Will not The Trlbaae and Us readers take the I''woman's part" and agitate this ni.itter In her I behalf 1 ONE OF MAXY. New-Vork, March 0, IMS. THE BLOCH SYSTEM IN STREET CLEANING. To the Editor Of The Tribune. Mr: I'nless tho at nat CleaatBg question in Bow* York ls a question of how not to do lt. the advantage of the block system in one point alone ls so great as to overbalance g|| thal can be said against It Ibat ls the amount of superintendence required. Ender the plan hitherto In use lt ls impossible for the work io be properly followed up without a very i large number of overseers. Overseers colt a good ' doa.1 more money per diem than sweeperi. Hy the ' block system one-tenth the number of overseers could I do the work. Moreover, as one of a gang continually under a beat, a sweeper la likely to work only Just hnrd enough to avoid being discharged. Put him in charge Bf a limited space and there will be a distinct im? provement In Vie work. There ls room for an ap? peal to a man'* ambition even In street-sweeping. At tba best tho Street Cleaning Commissioner has a hard taak. Let him heartily adopt Uie block plan and he will be abie to sleep night*. _ . X. New-York, March 3, IBW. """ FOR WOMEN WHO PRE I.IQT'OR TO EXCELS. To the Editor of The Tribune. Slr: In St. Saviour's Sanitorium. In the House ttl Mercy, at Inwood-on Hudson, the Sisters of St. Jtary receive women afflicted with the morphine habit oi addicted to the undue n*e of stimulants. X. New-York, March 8, 180.1. DESTROYING NEW-YORK HARBOR. To the Editor of The Tribune. Slr: Permit me, ns a render of The Tribune, tc thank you for the intelligently written and ex hausilve article under the title "Cnmate tmt C.nrbage," appearing In Hie issue nf your paper ol March i. Resining on -staten Island. I am painfully reminded almost daily of the present enlightened method of disposing of the etty's nfuse?a method which, owing lo the varying slate of the weather, ls most uncertain, and, if honestly done when lt storms, ls dangerous to those employed In lt. Th* gnat harbor of New-York lt the fonndaUon for th* vary ealBteaie and tbe growth et oar metropolis, and yet. as your paper states, about 1,836,253 load* of refuse, 75 per cent of which ls heavy material, insoluble lr. sea waler, are dimped by us nnnially into its mouth. I nm Informed by the Pilot Com? missioners' ollie* thnt lt ls becoming mon *nd more difficult to pilot henty draught vessels through th* harbor channels. In treating the magnificent water highway of this city ns we do, surely wc are squandering our patrimony. 1 slntenly hope thal PBJI will persevere In your efforts to agitate thl* subject, and I feel aure race*** will eventuailv amil* on Jou\- . .. OSWALD H. C.YM.MASN. New-Aork, March 7, IMS, WHERE THE MONEY' WENT. I | "^ To the Editor of The Tribune. Slr: In de-criblng the Inauguration ceremonies, one of your "e*ttvmed contemporaries'' says about Hi* parade: "The Tnnini.iny men wno all dressed alike in black trousers, black frock coat*- and black high bats. Eliminate their beaming faces nnd the pink* in their buttonhole* und they looked like .1..100 Engllsh mutes at a funeral." The-e suits and hats could no* have cost less than MSB catii or #?7,50O in all. Add to that cxp.npes for flowers-think of a ward bummer weiring ttovvers-hotel bills, nillwnv expenses and Ul* cost oi the undoubtedly enormous supply of ?? nra gurds" purchased, and one can hardtv w.indn thad Hie street* of New-York are not rle-iw*d. and that poor laborers have to strike bv the hundred to gol their paltry pay from 'Tom" Brennan. ?. ALAN BAYARD. New-York, March 5, i?f)3. FANNY KElir.LE'S 'F1.ANCI-*. THE FIRST." To the Editor of The Tribun-. Sir: The Tribune of Mardi i asks "How many copies of Fanny Keinble's play, -Frnncls the Flis',' an io be found in the Balled states?" I have on*. The title page ls : ?? Francis the First : a Tragedy tn Five Acts. With Other Poetical Pieces. By France* Ann Kimble, sixth American Edlti in. In Which Is Included an Orl-rlnal Memoir and a Full-length Por? trait. New-York: Peabody * Co. nioodwiv, lo33." CHARLES EDWARDS. Portland, Me., March 7, loila. ODDS AND ENDS OF POLITICS. WILL W. A. POI-i HER RF COLLECTOR? MAXY BEMOCBATB THINK HE WTLD-I-X-JCDOB Pl .IVER MAY BB I* ISTM ASTER. The stock of William A. Toucher, of ciswego. for Collector of the port of N.-vv York has been going up steadily dining tba last twenty four hours, and many Democrats, both within and out-ldo th- Anti Simpp-r camp, were predicting yesterday that Mr. I'.iuiher'a name will be sent fa the ganai* by Hu- Pre-blent to morrow. Mr. Puncher has Hie backing of tho May Convention element of Albany, Hutf.ilo, syrnctiM, t'tle.i, Beekeeter mid, in fa. t, of tl:.* entire cleveland Do-Barney of the Interior, and since ex rSecreiary Fairchild uitkdraw from tin- Ibid and look to "sulk lug In his tent," th.- AaH-daappsn of New York Cl'f hnve given Ikete adherence to Un* candidate from Oswego. This does not accord tvlth Mr. Cleveland'* original promise that th.- Collector should be a New York Qty man. hut his friends are now saying that the appointment of Mr. Poucln-r ls the best that tau bo dom-. Colonel Robert drier Monroe, of Governor Flower's military stuff, has recelvtsrl assurances, lt ls said, that he will not be overlooked In the distribution of good things. H.- wanted to be First Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, bul will tie BBttoBad with the oiric* of Commissioner of Patents, which ls the "Job"' now set down opposite lils linnie. Colonel Monroe ba* been one of Hie most ardent and active among the yoiiiig.-r eton of Anti Snappers from the beginning of the anti Hill movement, and "took hts political life In his hand," as ex Mai or Grace put lt, to aid Mr. least** Hill was mi angry about Monroe's course lu the early part of th* tight that ha called on Governor Flower to remove him from lila place on the staff, but Mr. Flowec rightly decided that lt would h.- bad piritttes. Ex-Judge Maurice J. Power, who has been In Washington for severn! days and had an interview with the President, feels sanguine that he will be the next Postmaster of New-York in a abort Baw. Many Manhattan club Democrats believe that Senator William L. Brown cnn be Postmaster If b* wants the place, btu IB* preponderance of opinion awards lt t . Mr. Power, who is tlie unanimous choice of the New York rs. Aqueduct Com? missioner Francis M. Scott, who ran H the People's Municipal League candidate for Mayor two years ago against Hugh J. Grant nnd was defeated, ls said te run sn even chance with Senator Charles P. McClel land for the I'nlted -.tates District Attorneysl'ip Of the Southam District of New-York. Dr. Charlea B. Stott, of Ulster County, ls a tandldate for reappMnt ment as Assistant Appraiser of the Port of New-York. He held the office under President Cleveland's Ad mlnl-trailon eight years ago. This fact may weigh Bgataat his chances. H the President's rule to BX* elude applicants who held office under his lirst Ad* ministration ls adhered to. The .alary of the office ls KLOOO. Chicago, Mirrh ll.-Coloncl John -. Persona, _ New-York politl lan, to at th- > ermnn House. He believes lt ls possible that William A. Poucher will be appolnied Collector of Hie Perl of New-York. *? Presi? dent Cleveland's attitude toward the men who hava from th.- tlrst stood by 111111." -aid Le. -shows that Mr. Poucher Uas a good chance of being ch<**en for this good position He wa- te man -who formulated the plan of campaign that resgtlttd in the Syracun convention, and lt was due to bis tact and skill that the delegation from that convention to Chicago did good work here for Cleveland and did not maka a foolish move by contesting the seats of the nie* 1 h>sen by tl.e regular convention. H.- is an original Cleveland man. but has never held an appointive office.* Wa-hlug on, March ll.-The resignation of Cole lector Hendricks, of New York, mashed the Treasury Department todaT from the Executive Mail-Ion. ll having been s"nl dlrist to the President. The resit* nation ls dated March (I and ls placed at the dl?|n>. alttuu ..f te President, t'ntll 11 MieceMM ha* been appointed and qualified. Collect-- Hendrick"-, ajp re? main In iharte of the New-York CBStom House. N* action bas yet b'-en taken upon the resignation. - ? - HERMAN REPVIH.ICANS ELECT DELEGATES. The German Republicans of the city held the_r primary I Bellona on Friday night. Arning lui* dele? gate.! elected to Un* Central Committee wen- -burles Muller, Albert C. Eodler, Charles Zoelhr. Fred-rick Tflmmrr. Jr.. William Michel. H-nry Braun. Charl.* Dress, Gustav A. schtnTiniinn. Adam Geninnd. Augu-t i Iiiierman. Jatoh Hanbrlch. lleiirv Scliumaclrer, August ( Braun. Henry C. Hotly. *-'. otto Baise. Rudolph ! Rubens. II. HetoharB, Adolph Handle, Dr. G. Raafle, H. llaaataaBB. TbartflS Wundres, Theodore Dh-bold, ] Charles -pring. Rudolph Vf. Faller, Frederick Flaccua, I Theodore H. Milt li, Willi nu Mueller, William Hube, . .lohn Frit/., Herman Cantor, R. Landwehr. Dr. Gustav j (.choler, claries Hahn, Beta* Lana, Frederick ttlgrl.W ! Daniel Bateebaaa, Adolph Gaspar!, winiam Gaust> I berg. S. .1. SHH, MMtt Goodman, Leonard Lelsersohn, I Henry Braun. The central committee consists of live delegates from encb Assemb!,)* District, and wffl I Iks a more represent at ive body of Gorman Republlcina than In fornu-r year.-. Th- Oet-BBB Republican Organization of the XXIVth A(-sembly Dist rbi held a meeting on Friday night la-t. nt No. lilli hecond-ave. Eloquent speeches lu praise or the Republican puny und Its principia** were made by many of those who were present. The steelton of officers for the organisation r*** stiltid tt*- f-llows: Frederick A. Hotly, president; W. B. von Kraflt, vice president; Gustav Meta, secretary: John Yogler, treasurer: eh-ctlon Inspecton, Frank stelnbret her, Henrv Inteinann and Adolph Kohia; delegates to the Central Committee, Charles Hahn. Adolph Peter Lens. Theodor- M. Kass, and Charles Pfi-itf; District Committee. Adolphus Relmann, Bernhard Bolr.enthal. B. A. ilreltenbach. Francis A. Wernek, Adolph liargcbtihr. Joseph Wenk, Lotti* H. Bold, Frederick Bauer. Rudolph lierge, John Frank, Ernst Meyer and A. L. El-ner. MR. Mi'RTON MENTIONED FOR GOVERNOR. A number of prominent Republicans were discussing the situation at, the Fifth Avenue Hotel yesterday. In the porty were Senator George 2, Erwin and Assemblyman Malby, the Republicen leader of tbe Assembly, both of St. Lawrence County; |ex-*enator C. P. Yedder, of Chautauqua County; ex Congressman Henry O. Burleigh, of Whitehall; bernard Biglin. Dwight A. Lawrence and other well known New York Republicans. The Governor-ship 1 was mention.d and some one suggested that the brat possible nomination that could be made as things looked now, eighteen in- nths ahead of time, was Levi P. Morton. Tho unimpeachable record which Mr. Morton ha- left as vice-President, lt was unsnimouily agreed, would prov* a tower of strength in the con? test of 1304. lt was declared, without dissent, a* the unbiassed Judgment of a.11 present, '__?* ft Mr. Mirton would eeassnf to the use of ht name he would hare no opponent In the Republican Ota** Con ten Uon. CLOSING PRICES OP CALIFORNIA STOCKS. Ye.terdar To-day A1U .M .15 Bulwer .25 .25 lc st ,v. Belcher.. 1..Vt 1.55 lodi- Consol.05 Chullor .BO BO Con 0*1 A V**. 2 Vi 2..0 Crown ,|5 Gould A Curry*?? -75 .gt) Hale A NoKress.1.15 1.11 M-_l__* .a..a.*in I."* San Frincl-K-o, March ll. 1981. To.terday.To Ophir.vii Pates. .Lao Savage .70 Sierra Nevada....1.1* Cnion Conloi.BO Yrltow'Jae-.. *" ' - CoaHBoa wealth IS