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Jn&rt to -\ihirrti6.m.nte. Pane. Col. Anitis' i-uaits.|] 4.0 Alll.0.1.1" ll'ellU* _ I" 4 Awe. naP* il-* I.,lite lo ;, li?nK-r? ai il llreki-r?.-.t 1*3 liri ailie? Illunie- 10 0 Pastoria .Niiti"-* ; 1 livri'nor A* a.-'nue. 10 . Hivlficiil Notice*.... St li Orv (ii.ials.lo 4 Bu wpm" Advt*... il .t ul .VJ 3-4 Help W i Betel* .io ;i le ( ream .io liiitruitluim.10 gg Law W.tiool...T* Msrriime* v Dei tai. 1 .ill-'. If-.ll.'O'I- _lg ..i.s.. ;a*,o.e, .- .... ll Mu-leal .10 Musical Iiti-iriiimiits.lO New P-bill-tl-tl*. Ill ' iee m .-stein ls -J , Beal Baden.. .to ttollr-ada II Rellglou* Nuilee. 7 se-, lil N..H. ?.. '. Kltuatloni Wanted ic I'eaell.t- ... .. 10 NiiaiiL' Beni I*. v'Ol. I 2 l-l il 3 3 DallT. without Sunday. E.iud*- I tih'ine. Werajy Trihune fceraiAVi-ekly Tribune . Tribune Moiitlili. finanireo Xotuea. Keeps Dross Shirts fioni Stock, ?1 SO Each. Noir I., tu I at n.i |.r. e. All -c. I'- ?' ik....a.- .Old ... ? v lenr.tli.-. sn Broadway. f>f Exquisite Flavor, Pm* .inti Wholeaomp, Dr. hiKi.iaKi -.?. ik.v niiii_n-, I- , ..(auaaid lal ? dclicat.v. ?ttxiHOXtt xenHa to mau/ nl'BbCBiB_-_b. b tn gio 1 rear- 0 wo*. A mci. 1 mo. copy. Pally. 7 dayi a week... ll" 00 ti 00 Ht_ :.0 Bl 0<1 . *** 4 (H) 2 00 90 .1 rjf*. .2 00 too 50 .... ?') CU. i oo . acm* . 2 00 . 8't*. 2 00 .26 cu. Pn?ta*S prepaid by Tlie Tribune exr-rot as hereinafter Ito ted. C.TV PORT* IE .-Tue lu?- requires that a 1 nat peal*** itainr. I-i- ?ni\c't tn even MM of Ttv Dall v. Sunda v. ni Senil-Wcekly Ti Heme, malled for local tlcllvcrv in Bew.Teeh City, tm- po.ta... mun tm pat.i ty *ub I rlb?r. Render* ire b-t.,r lerved br .nylnj; theil Tribune from a nsjUdaalCiT POREIHN POSTAGE.?To all foreign countries fo\rop% i i ani.hi anti Mexi.-o). 3 -ont* n Mgg en The Sunday Trll.vne; 2 cent* a cope on Dnllv Pernl-wee*!/ and , Weekly. Thli po*t**r tnii-i lie mi'd hy iiihicrlbcr BEMITl'AMF.S. Ilfinlt bv Postal Order. 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IOU Mest 421-st. near Btb-*ve. ?JO Wet l-tli ..f . near .'.th-avc. .VT \V?t 42..-.',. between 7th and 8ttl aves, i:.7 it.hiive., reraer mh-.t l.SMS gdeve., between Tilth and 77th -Is l.fea 3dave., ly-tween T.Vh and TOth st-. ] (>?C. gdeve., near 61?T-**t 1.70H 1it-ave.. instr Rftth-.t TOO Mare., ci ncr 47th*?t. 6">4 Rd.ic... near Ea-* "7fh.?t. ">2 Avenue A. between ,1<1 and 1th *B. 17 Canal*-!.. an,1 1.-.7 DM*1on-?t 1 "i Ch>i"-h..f.. bet WM* Warm and Chambers sts. Wi l.hertv-st.. ne*r Tl roo tl tv av. 8.1 Bleecker-M.. near Clo i'to-ili-r-st. I*B Fl' *7tti ?t.. corner Brt-are 2? Raal 42:1-.t.. near Mf.di.on.ivo. t.O.'il Bd-ave, between 112th and 11 ?'?h st*. n.MiT.lM OPPICES: IS" Fist 12r,th-?t.. near .l-b-iie. ?i8 w.-it i-..*itti-st.. hciweeii 7th ond 8'h avei. :cjo Weet M-th-et. BROOKLYN OFFICES: 307 |,1_B Mvrtle*_ve.. f.8 Court-sf.. CC.-, De* Kalh-ave., 1.200 B-dloid-avc . UH* llioalvtar. Xttotytttk&ztiln EriiiniR FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY' SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 1898. i' TWENTY-FOUR PAGES TBE NEWS THIS MORNING. Foreirzn.?In tire* Pun.nun there weir- i-'.-n-a tional .li*>closiire.s i.y M. Andriana ami Muk*. ? Gotta; M. lloiiriroois, .Minister af .Jur-tieo. basil rc-iit-n-'l: Pan* in in h totaaent. -____?- Ai. effort i. by lister t-Maa-rtg ta obtain anni- in England | j wag ilcfentt-tl tor Ike l.ritinli liovoniiii.-ni. ir.-..a j, A judicial ar.p:ir:ition from lor hnaband, with > the aaatedy af lier son, wa* ?.-ruritt-.l tu La-rjr |, 1'ilanelio Howard de Walden. Donn-Mie.?Tho N'evv-Jerst y l.f*L'isl:itiiir- ad journ<*.l wine di,-: b Mil pawpaws! hg Ih* ' Duk" of C.loiiee-tfer"' wa- iBtiediieed in both benara aa 1 riir*hi-l to pata-BP, proliiliitini* racine j,, j).. einl^-r. .lanunr.r and F*c*braarjr. - fleur Iii*** an' thaBfM t't have lic*<*n toat in tlr.* l-ciston lir-: Hm pr perry loss will aaaounl t*> 94,oao,eM. ( on, ni issi one rs Cgatle and Tliiirston ia interviews stroiiirly oppo*.-.i tho prepoaed protectorate *t*f liuwnii ac-as Ice gotgN rnnard dratruetlve Snodbi in many riv.-rs i. Senatoi Allen was appointed hy the Geeamaa af Waaalagtoo lo auco*t-d liim Bc-lf in tin- I'nitcl States Senate, City and Sulnirlan? Th* Ifaiiid-'lran-if C*-B BikB-oaer. dopted a pla* for lb* extenalon of the eli'-ateil rallmcl ay t -m. . Major John I'.yrn.' oilt-n-d to give to Jin- Iri-'n lim I. --..-. A mci-titi- ol th* University S.-tiI.-iiiodt Sooh-t;. was held to di ciili- upon plans to help the poor. ------ Aa alliane- was (.niin-il bettre-en th* New York. Xi-w-llavc'i and Hartford and the Boston and Maim- 1'ailro-id coiiipaiiie-. = - *st?cks dull and I-Tegul-*, opening strung and Bloaing rathra w.-ak, but ta thia rah* lhere were exception, in both ways: final ehangrs wen- Banally 1 ??.*-rn. Money on call was tinninal at I per cent. The Weather.?Indicathffa f..r to-day: Kaia. f llowofi iiy cip,iiin_ and wanner matbr-r. Tent* peratuie yt-i.f.liy: lllghrat, t.'i degreeB, lon cst, JG; average, l-l-.'. lt trill lie Been front carr apccial cable dis patclics that Mi. c,|,i'l-t m<- i- anhjeetiag the C(imiii(.n? ti lii*_'li juc?m.*. That has bega tho habit of his life. I'tv-tity-Iivc venn ago, when lu- wa* Primo Minister for the Ural lime, he lircnipiit f'Hivaid h vi slat: vc sehcate* al a tate wMch ni.:clo K-Hliahairn'B head* airitn. Yea. after yem pdnged, and om reform meaaurc lai-idly suicfodcl another. He fairly oxbauat <d thc cnoii*ios nf his fcllotverM by his l"|-i? la*ive mtlti.iti.v. He i*- lerribly in earnexl now as ho then, lt ia this (jiiality that baa iharrictoii/ocl his wh -lc career, and caairi; be reparded in any -cn-c as a va^'ai.v tu eoeen* triiit.v nf his old a^-. Pclic-c* renerrea were bel I in readineaa all day yestot'dav at WUHaBaaburg fm tho purpoae ..f t(i|ini* uith thc striking .onfahoremen em? ployed h,\ Pent Warien E. >. -c* itt at thr llavoinovcr gngar riiir iy. It was feared that tho strikers mmHM make trtmbln, gapedaUy if now nun wore taken ott to replace those who had sto| ped work. Theac apprebenaioaa h ive int, however, as yet bann icili/od. Th- strike is asserted to have trrigiaatrd uith tbe Port \\'.iid"ii's attempt lo rtlirrimiBgtf against a Bamber of tho 'hmgabomgaag who bad given Ihi ir tappodl ty one of his political opponenta at the last election fog Hm Assembly. Tho Pi.rt Ward'n is -tit d ti be I prominent nu in? lier of the Fourteenth Wai 1 Democratic Aaao ciation. The projected Btrike of the Chicago Btritcb men ha. aa-waed large propoitio-w, but tlie n ;uls aflccted bj 'i <1" not seem to l<e greatly disturbed, lt h repot tad that thone ronda bara resolved to hand themselves t igether to rosisi the demands ( f tho suitchnien. and thu what ever lo-scs may raaull to any lin- ^r.iuiiii; out of a sii ike will bg met bj a pi > nita c\in tiibution apaa all of them. If tho sw itel: urn gggMB-B) uith tho *?rne detoini nation th- ti_rlit bids fair to he a hitler on:-. Tho fa-t, bow over, that aa order has boen sent out by one of tho Ricat loads demandinj- an iniiii'-diat.- " aiiBiver on tho part or the switchmen as t . * their int.ntions seems to indicate that the nil road mgaagetg leal conlident they hold the winning (Mids. In view of the fact that tho winier now drawing to a close has been unusually seven' upon the poorer gtagatg of our fellow-citizens. the article upon pawnbrokers which we pub- I liih in another portion of our issue of to-day will tl be read with peculiar interest. For the poor L V* nant ia tho pawnbroker's gall-, and those u money lenders who ave p .pula, ly known as "uncles,'' and wbo air permitted by law ta charge interest to the usurious extent of 'AO pet cent pet annum OB the advanc* which they make, have naped a golden hat vt-t dur blg tbe 1 i-t season of e ld weather. In Mexico, Praam and aoaae i.ther foreign ooeBtriea 'ho pawnbroking o-tiidi*hmont*- instit uti ms ex* clii-i\e!v patronixed bj ii"" poor -are limit".1 to .",. fi and 8 |k-i (???nt per annum, the latter boin--* the maximum tata ol' interest permitted. Eat in the Knited Mate* and Groat Britain tho people in bombie < iiouiii*t-.iU"s ate under the necessity of pnvin^r more than three tun.m that ainoiint for temporary aocdamodation. .--m, Those who are interested in work among tho poor abouM read tho report Riven elaawbere in this issue ol a meeting at the hons ? of Mr*. W. J, Schieffclin, held for the purpoee of Beouriag aid for tbe ITnlrendty Scttiement. There is mt a lnovnnent in this city which i* worthy of moro liberal support than is this one. The men who can,, on ihe work live Baning those wnom they attire to help, and their main effoit la given t i teat liing those who arc unfortunate* how they may imjirore their o niditio!! by their own exertions. Thara la pressing need of such work in thia city, and tho great success of similar endeavors in Lon dt:n shows that willi proper support the Uni* versity Settlement in Now-York, which is in the hands of competent. OW Bent and energetic men, will give a good account of itself. NEH-lERSF.Y's WOKST. Tho worst Legislature that ever dfegrared Neu-.Ieisiy adjourned yesterday iii triumph, having accomplished the main purpoaea which tha majority were elected and t icc. unplish. The Slat ? ha- been oppressed and dishonored many times in the poa. bj. its law? makers, having had a long and unliappy ex? perience with worthless ani ignoble represent? atives at its Capitol; but aevei before, we think, has such audacity io evil -d ing I.n dis* played. Tho contest betweea Ihe friends and fo--s of go (1 government and morals was waged most strenuously and oonspicuoiislj OVCI th I acctrack gambling bills, th- pas-ace of which ivas contracted for during Ihe last compaiga. flic contract has bpgfl kept, iu spite of the Jovonior's veto and of tho moat Impicssive lcm nstiati.iii of popular opinion which lias icon witnessed in thi- part cf th ? country for nany years?a demonstration so sir mg and d ? ermined thal a final surrender la thoee again-; it-bom it uas ?lii(*,;. d seemed ai one tim ? inei i able. Hui iii" pcrsnasion of their pocket*, iroclivitiea, political ti'- and personal ambi ioiis was so sir, ng. and lin- mornl acnae lo thich the appeal uas made ao weak that th-y i leM cut tn tho la-t. and the repealing bills died. hue. in thc closing m..mein- ut the \.<n atnie a bill wa- rushed through both houses tboli-hiug niling during the three wiuter niiths. inn tin- wa- not prompt d b.i any nil-kings of rons< lenee. lt i- propel and noceasar*. to c nd.'mn and ? lespiae the miaerable creatures who have now ;ono back to their constituents; but al tbe I aaie time ne inu-t leiniiid these constituents I !.ar theirs uas the original sin. Theil repre ' cntatives al Treat n were beyond theil cob- I roi, bul the candidate- who wanted theil vt- i sat fail nore at their mercy. These m *n nh i iave ben-died them were ekcted l.t-i-ai:-- the,i iei*o nilling t" take tlie risk if being be rayed. Rogne ignorance, amiable nnwill* agness t . believe the wont entered into Ih" esult. and all..wain*.- must be made f >i thi aci. We do nt charge a majority of citizi in if New-Jersey with doliber it-'I.i contriving I In ii own shame ami Oppioa-ii n. lilli sn -h ;n ccusation as that must be bi atghl again-d I hem hereafter if thej tolerate thc i app -n in-.- in public life of an,*, one ol Ihcsc gani .leis' I or trust again ile par:;- 1 i which hoy until it has purged itself <>f Ibis olossal offence. The roten of the -Stat* can i dminister an rdecptate rebuke, and it i- al- i goat impossible ti doubt tba! they will make his their chief public business until it ls a mpiished. And yet the mem -rt of such evil lays is ufi"ii brief, and Ihe storm of feeling rhich th.;, have aroused anbsides and n > j t ecompense appears, lint this will n. t in- the i iperieace ol the coming week* in New-Jersey 1 f tho people wbo hav.' lately sh..wu a laudable eganl for their own honor and welfare ara a much in earnest as ihey have aeemeil i i !><? i Wc .should rejoice I i see Ihe agitation re* I dulile.I. (lovornor W'.-its ban leon rebuffed i ml affront d. Wo hope Ih ii be will lind image to call an extra session .if thc I, .i* iture fi.r the repeal ol the gambling laws. Jut if the people inu-t wait long v f.,,? i (thane ? it punish the guilty lhe,i arc nndci an obliga* ion not to i. t theil anger c ml. THE PANAMA DI SG BAU E. Tinn han- been few went** iu French his iii,-. more remarkable than thal enacted <.n liday in t!:e Panama trial, Three of thc m -t leadei fl of the Republic confront d Charles cb- Les op- ami ana tiered the oharga f ci.iinivaiuc in official corruption which le* ad boWI.1 brough: againal them. Ona bad ever boon in ofliee, bul be bad' li ld the foit* u'-s of marly every recent Cabinet iii the le I i\\ of his hand. Ali .th. r had been Pu -id nt f the Chamber of Deputies f r a long I 'in nd had als i been Premier. The third bad cen Premier many times, ami almost ionium- f u-ly in cillif<? since tbeoreithrou ol Pro-id *nt i lacMahon. All three had exercised groat lg llliieiico in directing the tendenciea and,a Imping the destinies of the Republic ; and all .ere incriminate] by the testimony of tho son f the ll real Frenchman who had done more ian any one el*e to make his country famous uriiig ihe la-t thiri.v yt ar-. There they were, li ;t. under indictment, but practically on their i .fence against charges which practically r*' need 1 Ik iii to the level of extorting 1111111.11-. ii upturn funds from the corporation, I I no-half of uh ne subs, lipti ms wore shown to j a BVO bein mi-applic I aad Bqiwndered. Moreover, a more atirtling accusation was 1 follow. M. Clemenceau, Ib Becking to e-tab- I sh the fact that he and hi- journal had boen lodged from the beginning t 1 assist thc t anama enterprise and that it v.a- uniieee uy to buy Hm support of either, dragged in ic nani" of the President of the Republic, ie ass..-nd that when Ferdinand and Charlo* c I..-sips visited him in |BM9 they cain" in I :i 10 name, not of Corneliua Her/, hut of M. b arnot, who had idriaad thnn to perauade 10 ie Ibjiuties t . rapport the canal undcilakin.. B he g were tho 1 irauamtaac 1 nuder which, an* I nding to his explanation, be had promise! w nre-ei vodly to help the company : and ho il (fend documentary arideae. to prove his I tatemeatg and lo repel the aceu-ati m thal i ll ither he or his journal hail been bribed to do ti hat both had voluntarily offered t 1 di in tho li itcrest of the 1{.public So after 1 ,*,,* delay u ie honored name of the President has been '? ung into tho Panama BMMlhtrom by the dis- tl -edited leader of tho Radicals, p .M.*do Preycinot and .M. Fbqaat Baited with tl I. Clemenceau in justifying on public grounds fi 10 advice which they had given ti Charles de la eraeps. M. do Freycinet admitted that ho had 0 rged a ooaapromiae with Bacon Hoinach and a: the avoidance of a lawsuit, but t (.mend d thal bc na* influenced wholly by considerations >f public expediency. M. Flagon pr.Ktoillv ad? mitted that lo" had given -imilar eoun-cl. and, moreover, was unable to BMCt the accusation ihat under his Premiership Panama money had boon us, d in offsetting tho Honlangist agitation and ciiiying tho elcct'ons. Ilo B-fceted -<? ?iil? lili diaregard of the charge* against him. and boasted that nnd"i similar ciiciiinstaiic - h" nonie] repeat bia action bacaos. it uas gumti I ed upon the welfare of the Republic. No "in? cl re friend of existing institutiona in Franco can sympathize uiih bis audacity ani bravado. If thc woifl cf accusers and accused be ac? cepted at il- face value, they were all striving to save the RcpubUc by dishonoring it. Charles de Lesseps wa- distiilni|iii'.' millions among speculative bankers, lla-hy adventurer-, venal journalists and political managers. The leaders of tho Deputies and the tiovcrniiicnt nilling to connive at tho diversion of tho canal funds frmn the pm poses fir which thc sub? scriptions had lic.*en made, and counselled ac quieacaaoe in extortionate denian ls beoauae tho Republic uas in danger. The daughter of Hie lu fo'eech trna on every street-cn net scream? ing, "Giro! give!'1 and canal speculators, lobbyists and political leadei* cried out uith one acclaim: "Sho is tho Republic; .'ind we ate all patriots!" Hut that swarm of profli? gate* and apologists for crime did not repre? sent th.- true France, which has civic virtue, lucid political intelligence and sound morality. Tho dignity of tho true Franco will be vindi? cated. The Republic will stand, and the base intriguers now plotting the orel throw of demo? cratic institutkma Will be bailie.I ami put doun. lt will stand bocnuse virtue has nut gone out if it while crimes havo been c miinittcd under ihe .specious guise of patriotism. LEVIATHAN ASD USERS. Tho Pastern uas considered a marino marvel when she waa completed thirty-four ream ago. but she prored a failure becauae she nag mt well designed, and, -uncover, barauae -he was too lug for the Uni" With all th ? inaikaldc advances in steam navigation tim ng recent var* lui- dimensions have not been ippp aclu d. She wa- 153 feel longer than tin Sou Yoilv and JO feel I>i? u<I. i* in beam, and I. i tonnage ua- 13,506 greater. The new lunardcra will nuke a clooei approach to the ;nai Pastern in dimensions and tonnage, but .viii -nil bc mai ki ol.* Inferior in this respect. im in engine p wei and speed all tie- newesi in.r- lik.- th.- New-York, tin* Pan-, the Tra? nnie ami the Majestic are a long way in .li? ane, 'lin- Urcat -.astern hid four acron ail omi paddie enginia. with a cjllcotivc horse ..wei of m.con. 'i'i,.. engine* of the ae-wc-M hips have a powei ranging from 15,000 up cud. and have Blore than doubled th- gi a" bi ialhan's -p. od. Sii I.dwan] Hail uni, the gnat li. If.i-t ship* milder, reirntly -poke ? f lb un-I. the designci A. the (.real l.a st. rn, as a di ? un r nho wanted 0 go Iii la*'. "Hi- ship wa- a gi' it ...ii eption." lu- add' d, " but she was wi ag." Hi 1 import ions certainly wore .un >>l gen. f.u -li ia.I a d'?< I. t... many wa- t 1 high oat of valor and rolled heavily in a gale. Km the ?realest miscaktilathin >f 'he designei was ia elation t h.r adaptability t.. the conditions 1 '? an I alli' . The -inp (lld ll ?! lil" t an.* of he practical leqidrement* <>f -lie iras .ulallie n- it 'ni fi passenger n 1 rreighl -? 1 i.e. P. il sh* hal ha I Irv.. -i-f.-r shift-! rad.' might have Iteen created for a Urea! Bast :u line, hut 1- 1' wa* sic- vv 1- a (Biluri fi 'in th." .ii- 1. Indet'd. the only u? roi functi in uhich ni 1: .ii-ii in ti n Barred was that nf warning l.-ignei- against building -'np- t ?> big ?foi h.-1 tim . bi d . f adm mish ng the shipbiiil I'i hat it was lu- lii?t duty t . steamship wu-1- with \is.s.|s nhich 1 nil b>- p. -ht ild.v !"-iat.'.|. The 1.1..nt advance* in Ile- ar: ()f shipbuild* ug have nig beru icriimpanied by commercial*. The tonnage and dim nsiona if ocean steamers have been gradually ni? na*. <i bm ..ii|v proportional I.* t . the normal j '? vol i|.m.-i.1 of freight and |i.*i-s i"_ 1 Hallie. , !i'- ] 11 \ un. ns appointments and high apt ed >i hu in".', liners have been in-".iii*?I by thc cnor urns e\paiisi..n d the pi--, ng. 1 1 ade. Ivett iew departure aaa be n successful, and the narre] is thal with the rager e mjietition aad uti 11 -I- desire mi the pan of rival r irporati ina .it*tnp one an itlet no s. 11 ms mistake ha* ii-ii made, lt is 11 1 uncommon lu lear the infliction that Ihe voyage bsd ween Sen _*orlt nd ',.ii-i.wn will be made before many cars inside ol lour dat*: and in tew ..! th* mazing improvements in steam engineering I ming ihe la-t twenty year*, Ihei ? i* ie. rery . og" diaft upon human <u.lulu; involved in 1 in h f .111 asl*, -till, even if the possibility 1 f urn a mechanical aohiovemi nt lie Bdmitled, it nil b? a designer as bold and possibly ai i.aniv as the builder ol the Great Bastern hu cm ih lii.t . a'el.v nnd.: lal..' lo plan such a Inp. (.nat as will l.e the mechanical dill: uhios of improving upon Ibo beal linds non Boat, lhere will be the superndded riska of taking Ihe initial cost io high and the rou* mill lion of c .al so .1101 an.11- that ihe updating xpi n-es will far out run any puagible increa*. 1 pasnenger or freight tragic. AT hast ruo LESSONS. Tba Hostoo iii* c mains ai least twa 1 maana .r erery community. The Haines, though solut.l,v and skilfully opposed, spread With 10.1t rapidity throughout au entire block, mning l.u:|.ling- uhich had been much ad . ii cl fm their handaome ami aubstontial quai? les. Now. in the light of th" -win coaflagiar? ion, it is declared that they were excellently daptcd f'i fu I. the only wonder being, per* aps, thal th.y lasted s. long. For the most art. it is explained, thcv were co-natructed ii'lei a buildiog law le-, exacting than "tho no non in force.'' We strongly suspeef that j ii- ph mae should be amended to 1 ad, "th* j no now purporting to be in forre.*' ITnlem loatoB is much bottei protected by the officials 1 boag duty il i- to supervise building opera oiis than other cities of the Failed Stat a ith which we hate some familiarity, the law j lire, as it i- cl-ewh"iv, is bolter than tho 1 locution of it. Innumerable flimsy structure* re going np const.nilly in all parts of the unit rv which have BO right to exist. Tit y uno into I toing without iiih.Ii observation, ami j ie n it complained of until they ??.-,. ravaged I y tire aliin-t in a moment, pethapa with loss j f life Tien lhere is a little excitement, and I inch condemnation of lax "flMala follows. I ait this i.s about all that follow-. The Iii.- I aps of New-York aro mt all relies of g ],** ite'ligout and cautions ago. In loading of the llo-ton lin- iv- learn also ial the difficulty of lighting it and tin petita 1 uhich it exposed occupants of building- and lomon ware in huge ima-uio due to tho n-*t irk of overhead wire* uhich aurronnded tlu urtiing si 1 nt tm cs. That is a condition of lings which not a fen persons wish to ro I'mIiuo in Nou-Yoik. Mayne Uraaf though! iat the trolb-y, f r example, wns a Bptft thing ir thc upiicr part of tho city, and thanks rgoly to him. we shall soon have it there in insiderablo force. Huston has it in an un it-gated degree, and doa* Bot like lu fcvery lim reveals one of the main reasons for its ex? clusion from every city street. PKABOUY ASH HIS. TIMES Tho life of tho Hov. Pr. A. P. Ponbody syn? chronized a m. moutons eui in the development of Now-Kngland reli.i us thought, lt uas a | lime vibrant uith vague expectations of groat things I., o .inc Tho pitiless conclusions of thc old orthodoxy, worked ont by .Jonathan Ed? ward*, had produced a widespread reaction of thought, which gave a tremendous impetus io I the Unitarian movement. Thc tiino for lea-oii ! ing out tho old Rename of theology hud nut I vet arrived: lint thinking mon wore led by an ' impulse they could Bot control to question it< authority, If n-.t its truth, lt was a period of -haip antagonism, of hard and rdentle*a war? fare, between two radically different concep? tion! of Dod and man. in which there waa none of thal " .sweetness and light'" which after leard came to chatactoii/o tho now Pnitarian i*m. Mon on both aide* used harsh language. I Tho conservatives explained the crisis in clear 1 and Scriptural phrase. The bottomless pit was opened. Satan uas itnb uind, and Apollyon uas striving against the saints of Hod. Nor were tim libeials without an answer to all this, as tho pamphlet and periodical literature of tho period will -how. They had Intellectual giants for their leaders, ulm made Titania WBT on what they doomed tho absurdities of tho old faith. Put beyond tho immediate issues of tho conflict there was tho thought, often uiicn scions, that a lieu epoch was dawning, when truth, absolute truth, should reign, and a risible millennium .should omi". Neither party in the contest dreamed that tho issues then bo paramount would lose themselves aa they have done long ago, in the far greater queationa that to-day occupy the attention of thc Chris? tian w.irld. Nor is this atrangei for when Peabody en? tered the Hanaul Divinity School none of the greal kadara of mo lom N'ew-Bnglaad thought had yet ri-en. B-B-taua had just been "ap? probated t. preach" in the Second Fnitntiaa I Church -.f li -t'.u. but hal given n> evidence 1 of lu* .ling see.hip. Uc tt wa- known simply a-a t aoher of childi on, who had gained - ni" reputation as a beautiful bul mist* talker. Malgar, t Fuller was also known aa a tjachet with a reputation foi daring originality am mg tin- uii'ii good. Longfellou waa a young pro* feraor in llowdoia. Lowell wa- only a -oho 1 boi and Wendell Phillipa wa* still learning li reek roeta in Han ard. Hawthorne, who ivii living with bia mother, had Just published an hiishiii---fnl r man. e. Ueorge Ripley wa* a llostoa pnatoi i and the Urook Form experi? ment had not yet been tried. It una into thia i'a-."!it inu-lleciiial epoch that Andrew Piv t. ii Peabody was ushered i and it was to tbe i rderly develin, menl i f it lhal he gave his ri|ie intellect and wide culture. Ho uas aol a pre? eminently gnat man. compared with tome ol the! actors on the scenei and even in hi* ow ii dotuarn a- a religious t??nrheT he failed rolly io gi isp the larg r . ibm pt ion >.f religion that i- lin.ling expression t .-day. With him i ih.- wa- largely between Xew-Kngland oithodoxy .md \. i*. I.iil'Iiii.I I ni'.'ii lain-m. lim In- genius, though limited, cannoi be ifues u h..I. Hi- inguence tu his generation wa* <!?? p ami lading; and lo- wrought will and ni*eli in fi eing N'ew-Rngland thought ile labyrinth ?l i|iecidatiou in which it om ? bad" fur it Ix- I.i-i. W ith lum pa--..- away altno*t th" list of Ibd --ld wt.nines. |leora, the ti.uisc- mh'iital l-t : line ls -ir. th., s... j? : (longfellow, tho |toet : Margaret Fuller, Wendell Phillipa, Whittier a-ii all the ut bet a of tho noble compnay of reformer* have taken theil place ia history. Now Peabody, the same gentle and lovable preaebei of the movement In- j I ned Un in In the temple ?>! ? di -thiess fame, MPS a SI' HIE FASHIONS. lu nearlj i-.ei\ reference lo the **i il.- worship "t ii lu.oi ii i* lake* :..r granted that woman i* the urnrsiiippcr. lint tin- aasumpti n itara ni Bl ' i.- ..rd th ? ic'. Ili.uli'l.... r-l.e is ii wundiipp r. lui' in every rare niau will i .? round kneel Ins ii lui skle more than that, he i- not only ? worshipper ..f Inslilon on lila own i inuit, i ut h.- aron] I he ? most unhapp!. not t" -a\ angry, mortal it his aroi.i full* should take In- cynical tim;- at fashion sriiously, and ignore it- tteervtw lt glenara him and dora aol al ..ll ofiend the wm. tn h.dd then, ip .(s stave* tu fa-:.c.ii I'.itf tl,.. . ..vv -.ti .11> |..||..vv i- himself -tell i cringing slave t.i fashion that Be gaea na v..;ir alt-i yen viii- al.- utility and inipprn in i.i t.-ii.-*--* In lunn respects li- ha- lona Iga BC knowledge Ih..ii- is th.- "|iin.'" hat, f,,i instance, Prom tl.e artistic .md utilitarian pant ..f view it i* ult.riv Indefensible. If i* nu ul ted to Ibe win.Iv and Stonily vvalii.-r ..| vvint.'i and spring, and in summer it i- Int!,. I.s. tluan *?? .nm.-. It is con? structed in defiance ol all hyt-irnie principle* lt I- ugly, t.M-: like vi..-, ii j, ;! monster ,| a fright* lal inieii Tut, like vice. als... u I.??cine.-, tulcra i.h- and eve* bountiful In aspect by constant uratm. A iii.- "plug" haj ought t,, lind in. I..II..vv.-t* ailinn.- Intelligent p.-..pie who think tlM-tnsi'lves. "tnt a* a matter ..I lad it \v,. vv-i.i;l.| net I..- tin.|. i-t-..> I a* indulging in any Priticimn ..f tie- "pin." hat, much Iit-s as organising a emsade Boainst ii. Potential a* The Tribune lia- I" i'll and I- ni the creit ii.-li', ,,f r? lorin, lhere ate*, even tn it- gower; and it ha- neither th.- Intention BOC tic desire to in ike the-e Umltntiona evident tu the arorid by maning imineit Bgatnat lira-Wrara af fashion. We have nm a vv.rd nf rritlrtsra for th.- men wlm wear "phii:"*: ilit-v fnrin a lan.'.- proportion Bf mir beal and auMt Intelligent citizens Even the man wlm wciirn a ??phil,'" hat while riding a hi vd.. may. -uni doubtless dora, adora every station lu* lill*. All wi- uieiiii tn Imply iu ibrae remarks is, tint in tha*ii devotion tn faallioa women ure hat Imitating men. They tte only actina a- they knon men an* moat drairoua nf hnv iie.' them act. We ar.- aware that this admia* simi mav BpBfBf tn lu- a base sin rend.a ..r that rhum tn superiority in thi- matter which ni.-n always make fur th.'m -elves, nm! which mihi wniiicii weakly allow. We ar.- al BO await- that uv ?ir.- taking tin- bread mu nf tin- mouthe ni Banter* nus win, han- h.und Blaney ami lame in jt kes about wiiiiinn's Bubaervlency tn Hut Bone nf these ronstderatlona can tempt n- tn ignore the enid fad- in tl.ase. Tak Ing un attitude nu the great quratioa of fashion ba such, we simply remark that men who g.1 mar after pent wearing "plug1 hat*, merely bo* inns.- thcv ar." displayed in thc wittdoWB nf Int ] -t ia s, hiv.- im righi tn nial;.- jukes almat thr foul? ing reign of crinoline, lint wiall ns man is with respell tn la-diidi, wo an- glad tn lu- aid,- tn ?ay timi In- i- Bbowing Bama dlapoaitioB tn l.-t lu* .'.uni nraau assert it-eli la Bratten nf Bram ami _darnaa*nt*, N it maui years uno inest Ami-rii-nn inon wnnhi ha-..- horn aahamed ti) wear a Im atellnicie. They wniild have i-niisid- . . ?t-red it a maik nt effeminacy. Now it is beeoat*. j ing (HU* "f th.- Ilmst Ctillininll, I' * it is nm- nf the in .st appropriate, adorniaenta "f ?gi-nttotni-n, not merely nu or restive nccasicms, hut daring iniMiies-, hann. In itself th.- wenrlng nf a flower may ?,*oni a small thin., lint it nun have au B-BM-apeeted iagnene* in tho tiir?*ction nf ra inn-rs and taateg Ami if then- were un gthag -unsi lera tmn it *-? a geed thing for men, must ul wh im* lives ar.- immersed in thc urtill.liilities of lifo, thus tn lu- -taught Int* ciuitHct with a l>it nf tu? turi-, with its ni.inifi.1', BBggrationa of simplicity and hen 1 ty. Moreover, in many little dt-tailj of dress which we hava not apaoa hera ra snumerate mon aro showing a disposition to get away fron tho (load _.?<! colorless uniformity which lias B loni* boon the rule. It, is neither possible nor do suable to go back to the picturesque ntyb*n of flu Inst century. Such stylos would he out af liar immy with tho spirit of Ml industrial age. Hu without tiny radical changce th* present stylos 0 men's dre?s may bo, and ilniibtle-n wifl be. vcr.*, much niiprnved, so as tn mah* thom moro beautl fal us well as more convenient. Senator Met .arron's speech ugainst consalidatior on Wednesday wmld be worth taking into con sidt-ratinii if that were tho gaaatloa which tin Ogialatar* is culled on to consider. Hut it li not. Th.* t|iiostinn is simply and only whetli.-i the people of Hrooklyn and the other towns nnd cities directly concerned sh:.ll have an BBpot tunitv to express at Mm pells their oinnions on the subject Of consolidation, lt is gg unreason? able for tin- opponenta af B*na-HdaHon t.. appen a measure like this a* lt would be for the friend Of the movement to array themselves Bgairnt it Mr. -feCarren'a argament ongbl to i. thrown out ol court as totally irrelevant Advice to weather prophets who think of tel] lng the pablie what sort of weathar niay bi looked for next summer as a gcijucnco to this hard winter?Dh, don't. HM iJeographical Club ol Philadelphia na. decided to take go astir* part in promoting nie m-xt expeilition of Lieutenant Hoary toward the .North rule, and ha* agu ed Opon a plan Tor raising $4,000 or flB.BOO ol tim $20,000 or $25,004 that will bo re? quired. In rel urn Mr. Hoary prop-Bra to turn >ver to tim club whatever Collections ol | it-ntitle value lo- may make in tha Arctic region. This assistance will no doubt be grate ful to him. The gallant Lieutenant has .shown a spirit deserving of hearty adnuratinn in his (letdminatinn to rai*,- the money b* BtJBmm by means of his lectures, and BB las met with ex? celli-nt success thus far. The American people lik < pluck, especially when it Ls Joined with ini.lcs.y, ami in Mr. Peary they iee and admire both. It is reported that a realistic couplet ia now being circulated la Waahlngton and Albany which causes the nnti-i leveland Democrat* wini parma it to turn pale and tremble. Thia la the eonplet That |{.il.! rt A. Ma.wv.ll uni gse ills slurp sae weg! In a much truer sense tKaifis ordinarfly attached to the wnrds. it mav hg said ol' Mr. (Jordoa McKay, who lias made a maaiieent sift tn Harvard i'm versify, that be has pail his ninney where it will da the most ..'nnd Tb* amount al the gift la imf preelsely known, i.ut it i- Midd-t.I tba* it will he between ?*-.',.,000 and f t,1 00,000, Many men desiring tn devote sn mu-h to the cans.- of education would have been strongly tempted to found ? new Institution which would hear their nam.-, if Mr. McKay felt this temptutioa it ia credit? able tn lum that he resisted it ami rraoived, instead, t" enrich an old ratabllahed Bniveralty. I', v? aij11 question Ins henefaetioa will be far BBur* wisely used, a* well a- prove more neeful, thin if h.* had established a new college. There is oo les-.! ..f more institutions of learning, at leant in tl..- timm, is demanded is the btoad cuing and strengthening "i those m .-x Istenee. Mr. M.*k..*, ha* aiade nu Important ooii ti ibutlon in thal direction. A enotrlbntor to "The laondon Qaeea,'' wiitin.' mi the subject of dinner-giving, say.-- "There ar** ono er two nolden rule- which no ono can over .ic wrung in fallowing. The dinner, ahonld be unambitious md w-.-ll served, Rverything ahonld he hot." M'i*t crt linly: leif finn, don't ymi know, s,,;i?. (nlks like tln-ir Rowan pun-h aud ll.-ir Ice cream enid, ,,r -it all events not hot. -Ap. - . 'Hie Klm-st. Opening Mil i* rightly regarded with suspicion, lt should not be forgotten thut it i- general in Its terms umi give* tbe city authorities-that i- ta say, Tammany Hall? virtually niiliiintcl power t" cniiliseate the pr..|> i-rty ..I private cltiseus t'> any extent that ph t. "a tliraa, payment therefor to be made only after lone, ami tedious legal piuCimem. There is na rall f.o -nch legislation, lt ls dangerona in th* extreme. The Klrn-nt opening i- not i Butter ul pressing importance. Keen if it w.-re, it would be moat foolish and sbort-tdgbted to con? fer upon our Tatumanj officials ao large pow.-rs ra are graated bj this bill, lt- true character -h.>.ibl In. rnthh?Iv uncovered in the 1 .--_riehitur**, and the bill killed a- it deserve-, to be. Mr (.i.iiistntie j* a but driver, bul the party behind hun k not the alow emull, lt is tba Coo? per va tl ve party that always ha- the l-rakes oa the wheels and halt thc time is bending In tbe wrong dil" dun. Mr.' anee decided bettreaa tin* chun* "i twa candidates tor p-*ta__eter iu a Western town by placing the petitions pw ranted by the awn on a pan ni aealra and awarding tha .itH'e to the cnn.Iidaf.- with the itreightier claim. Perhaps Mr laBWler, who wants the Chicago pist niiic- badly, believra thal bia caa* will is- set th-l rn a -iniilar wav At all events, ho his taken to HVaahlngtoa a petition sn balky thal it iv..niicI a " burly od.ned man" to carry it. The iliH-iiitit'tit is mi el to contain To,non names. lt has i.n placed on ni,-. There i- a rival ean tlldafe. Imf he has Bot yet produced hi- |M-ti ti.'ii at tin- Postofflce Department, so that th.* weighing process must is- poet paned. ?? ? ? The I'nionist divlatona uro pr..baldy only t.-m p.iaiy Harrie* Th* toetiona will is* found thoroii.hlv welded together when the ilivisioii mi tin- rending ol tba Hoaac Bul* bill oeeara. The Conservatives ure lamons for tln?ir dis.-ipline. \ lt can safely be at-unaed that th*' appraaebiag divkdon will he mic tu the cloarat evei wttncaaill iu I'liilianient, and that every available l'uioni.-t| vote will ls-east against llnme Kuli-. Th.- movement in favor af tba noaaolldatiaa of the cities has reached a stage of popularity in which th" expediency ot a change of bbbm is naturally discussed. A oorreapondent of Tho Tribune, I'. Hobart Smith, ha- ahead) propaaed two nones, York-] n and lireat Vork, aud naked for amendment*, le them. Yorklyn can hardly lie, iv' I'liplmiiiniis ni* handsome, but it has! at leasi iiie merit ni being a aombtuntlan mime in! which Brooklyn can lind traces .d n partial rather than a total eclipse, lin-u Vork hus a grander I nug ami makes a higher Iud for permanent popu? larity. We ennnot, however, convince ourselves ? that New-York is aol ? thoroughly acceptable I mini.-, li it be said that the "ity can aa longer' be properly d-raignated aa new, we would reply' that it would hg newer than over, if tbe outlying' -entre* of population gre consolidated with it. By ?oiiiitintiy renewlag ns youth it hus NaaalMd al? ways New-Vork. PERSONAL. lu nddillon lo the Bjpeclal lectures io Le given by ?x I'ri-iih ni ii:iriisi,ii. ?granta*, rjalveraltj provMes .(lier liisiruiilnu lu law. grBMt Hagen! wus re ?ililly appS-BBBl tn Hint ilinir. I.nt s,khi r?*lgB*>a, Hit, is was aii.psi, beeaase a* reaargeg tba law garary bb*1 cnaa tc br the itaaCats, inn boaaaaa in- wu* writ ag it ir.-nils.i tuples not coven-* In nara colUsrtt limul.-. Pl*ucla u. Abbott, Un nine *, ,* |, ,, --Ja lille III Yule Ililli till- llnstnll LBW .*flll.n|, nll'il lilla l-eell i itrefessiii- iii tba Mlciiiu'iiii nu. Northwestern uni .?cr.itl.K. uanlliier C. Mme, an etaetfk BBgla* hiilltli-r of li.vlilellt-e. limy tart I lie Ile lllncinll,. uninlnall,,!, ___ inverimr of Bhists 1 dang this month, ?gram Abiintfs lathe* i- in n_* kath, soiling a ii.-iu.itlui vnliiini- iclailm* tn ibal -inger's life. in aider to Rai i p ipatlnr aeaaHatB Bgaa wham non* nrtiaaa alimaata bi Chfcaga cnn mm,. |OI- wtatt, la r.i.r i.i MU oil carter Harrison, u,,. m .-....--s ?* nm ,iiy. tiaras! without anBaaHaB, have hrrBag i.ii?ers lo sen* la b-llou for nt*. 0f the lollowltis ight usa. wuo ara pra__uwui ia aaslasra a* gr*f?? . sion nnd ore widely respected: i.vmnn J -*._ ! 8. crlnnell, s. w. Atherton. Judge]? p 2_f. Wh* ?, Knickerbocker. J. w. Downe, Ju.? s pST-J. 7 ., and ll. ll. Kohlsimt. 7 *m? * *? BeC-nj ieler Turney, Uovcrunr nf fsaueB-BJ wh . oath of orara a few w-n-ks sgo oa ngick-M ?h*Ti> !* . MWeTC |.bi|se. nii'l nr.- i-llti-riuln?i L. * recovery. A rumor wm iiirr.-m ??.. iiv ub?ut kl* - dial h.- was rti'iid. hut tills pi?v,*l uniruc. *** Wlllium Niithiiniel Roach, tli,- lew s.-iiotur fro. * Dakota. ls n Virginian by Uni, and long ? r?_^*'l,,* Bat he w.-nt tn tb,. North wiii|iTnt ** to apatato niall routes a* u contractor, u l*7' lionu-stead m-ar Lu ri mon- ut this tim,, and ? * (he mal aatata lmsln.-ss then. He wai clo^!*,.^ fl.-d with the development of tho brno and JtrLw Its fti-st Mayor. In IMO he wm ||?. 0I,|~ CJlJ 1 j In the Dakota Terri torin I LegUlature. |n J^*"** j 180O ha was the party entidldnti- for Governor I *** isgsatsg Hie first tine- liy M.uo. vote* and n,-' Z? hy only OOO. He was the naen B*?n*raa_u_S 1 .nor this winter. Mr. Bosch ls Ifty-SfM ? *?" age mid was odurnti-d in UeorgetoWfl i'tuittm'J1 was niiirrlert In l?T-i to a gaBghtar of Dr Uai___, P of Washington. Bbc died in Io'mj, )mt bwtS'Sm dri-ii survive. "w <-ft. Iha Ibm. Wlllium ll. H. Allan, of t_?. Xew-jw shir., .-uptime Court, will present his n-slgn-Jr** tha next nu cling nf the full hench, toma u__ .-* Boath, owing lo Ul health. He 1* n?w |? '-uh.?:,?* aseouat. ?"it lian- Btehter, at Vienna, fee gnat arthss_g '-rn. has consented to cnniliiet u series of summer c____. Hi lac k-a.n lark, (lih ag i, next summer. """"Bl Professor Dh Bali Bay-Must, the great Oermu-. cul .st. celebrated the rift let li n uilv.r-ary of his ?_i_. latin fmm tho uiiivi-rsltv and the rcciot * *, I title of goetor reit inly in Berlin. Thc Emp-r-a j! hone- of the occasion, made him a Privy (;our___J of .Msilelne Addn-ses and memorials wen ^j, _ bim I'niii alaaost nil the ui iv. i sitl.-t in Barra* rn *?_. Baynond, wlm i- th.- nn.-i famnu* std__rl_r__& on Bilmal ih-etricliv, ls a hsnditonie aori*_JI-_f I man, witii a heavy body. Ill* beard is mow tau. , Ht- was crippled early in life, ami |, Uub. '?*? Profmor u one nf tin* most popular teaeh_*iats I Untvetslty nf lurlln. and ha* nilly two Maa.*.__ In th- facility of e.vpr. -lng thoughts In b*_.Hi_} langUBir?Pn.fessor ion mi. fflSS ?__.-. ,,.,.ii... *run??? Ernst Curt lu THE TALE OF THE DAY. Tho hana* old DUrenBy of Dargal, In to .?. ern prarlnera et Bassta, a-hM ha- u,n *?, riintBrt-. the prMe of the mhfecta ot Um Char with Oran blood in their veins, will soon be only a me-ao-e. A few years ng... ewing tn Pan Harte Inane*!, a, *_j crusade wus began against the Oenatg In.-,..-*, which surrounded the gmt -eui ..f learning. At flnt il was nerti, that Btstractto* -hmild no loner bl giv.n lusiv. iv in Orama, bm in b*u O-rana tnt Basalan. several ni nth- later Hr.- .,r -i\ p-ife*,./,. .ships Md liv men wini -tarana names ?r ef tie-nun hlrtli w.ri- shoH-hed. Thea esme the tterm Mrttt, inc ail lectures und Instruction to be alrra tn Kutttn ilntie. Many of the grofr-sert resigned their pUtcn s the time, rather thm logon ile* raoumaii al lill hajraty, A few we. Us seo u,,. BamtlaBha of tht ulv.-:-Uv wu- completed h\ a tikn-e rh-BB-g lt| nana aad Ihe num.. at ihi rlBs** mai Dargal g la-Jeff. Iicii-ai wa* f..r d.c;,d.s ih,. ?;,iv bmHtmrnR ia Bawd* carried oa atong the bum lint-- a. Ut |Vn| i.t-nnaii BBlversltles. rlthful li.ily. -X. w Girl-Voting man hu - , r.l!?-_| 0 i*e .nu, Btes. M.s Lillian Lillipilli (glancing al card)-*gr. IB* .lam.- Bet-tab"! iTnctounl I'n nm Ul to kt ?*->-*| Till im. Betty, I'm?Oh, sin-*, g_a*l Nra (air! (a Btnon-nt later i.. roaog mam?Yi-i, dr, -li"'-In. i.ut. gnu-Ions I ?be-i not lit tobe tera.-tcS 0:1 g. i 1'rl.nlle. A cur. p,,il(ie,,t .,f - The Phttodalpkla ReCOjd' sift that racethek -lang i~ pravalral in Tr-num. "lu* tha I'M rai| am I" i- Wm ga*ry of a atataaana wh-i be want- t. knara u the hiase kn kera eaBai ta Briar. "rsm. tb* nw l* tbs stand." i. .*-_* wi.eii thst. s u delay. The pagm ny~eh af --wilga* lag Bx" w'mi they raper! to lbs lergnal at arms, ial wiieii they ire Linly lu datBg uti emuid they tay Ue.v ? t;>>i inn ii p,*-itel" or Int., il... nick." ? B era i-tie a Cbaa-barf" _*k.d a mill old (Juaker tl* tbef iliiy nf a BBSJa, ??Any of (t.-ni ates tn tbs rlgM." the buy r-plled. ure gate ;,i Ui, CBgltal tills winier, -ls tit,- .* strtsl'iii nowP lininlred tha Qimlier. m ? Baw, dey'ao *nrj ipi luina" the trnrVt.'' ?? Wiuit did Btoe n,, mv mtla man F -li.v"-.- prliiUlln' ho truck. !>?? bsB won't i_g fur a lislf hour pata* Ti..- yuiiker ?caiiglit,,," |? a mu,, while. A I'..pnlnr My?ti ?Tlniimevvorfi " nilllloi mHHf lie still survive-,, und I nu.-ly tn prove -urtraL I'etipl- all over the county ;,re trying io :iccu*_i-.ti l.iMNi.iMiu cancelled i*.sing Hamps. In ih>- N-Betthata Handing oBer I- -Brae by u- Uovernaient or br mn* iMKty ni a Wu prlia- lor -nc... collectloB. tsinii- Hut Uni B10.000 la the -um purantetd, while oUiea laiaglne in.-it the rews ra ts-i1(. endowment of i -ra niaiieiit In'H In a honpltBI The popular nutloti <? Ibis iBbfect iM'Ing sniin vvi.a- r-defin***, letter*, tSHR shoal H an- con?tsntlji recriv| B| u?, Poat-lku Dr |iiiriiii"'ii(. liol no denials -er. ,,, ^. ibe wtd**. spp-ntl faith In tills strain.*- "hinters. (Vftmmmmt Letler. A -cn of n illgnlfl'-d llartfor man. nl'hoiifh Ml old la yean, kai a paed Mt a a?> la hi* brains. The family ..t.-.-rie de cii-mm ? :, _ti> rit |.l.*-ln| ul the ial.!.'. aral at dlnn.-r neeBy (l,,. mBfttttm spoil.- ap, "Why don't ya* say ll i??|, p., ?* -Ye* dm -..iv it Blond if poa eiK. anna." rea_~d tl* father, and bowing his lead snbiiml ,.,. ||t||.. Mlo* origtaated u.i- aaaaae gran.: MOa_b*ra mt-rcjm ll. rletaals.* A ST1.MII.AM. nufclde the twinkling stars',right, Th., m.m.n ruse eera ead iltur. -II..W lin Vnll like HIV ll.VV I.eckUC li.- whispered In ber ? ar. " I think lt I* ii great wcci ?-, s> ,.- iiiurinureil soft nml lew?; " | like li best Of all. beraase It's rack - help, you know."* "And why" he .pi. stio-'cil. bail1 rip,* gav I- Iut head n -bake. " I..-cause,** -he said, "it keen nu-, deal "xi Verv wide awake'" -iCtothlet and FnriiUr. Last Siindnv, "The lliitfiiln Osarler" ttRt, * irrp mull af that elly wa- training S ClH-s ,,f >nmll d'-m, ami conceived Hie Iden af toflflBf thoB _B***--I-I current -Well, iiilidr.-n," ka bbM, -d..h lOBOU what Important thing k*PPe*Sd aamaBmW on.- hoy wa- loaded for Ju-i rack I gass-Ba Bl I-, and he wein o!f sn quick that the tem le r luirlj. '? bl- gravity. "Yes, slr." lc fairly .-ht-iU'd, -otp (.rover In :'' Hii-iiiess nini Isl'? Ismail Wkj (i'd yon refua to sell that man anv slumps ' .. Iirug i l.-rk-lle tim lejadlliv. Be ttUtm I., people likely to Beed nedi mtHHmmm a polls .1..iirnnl. "My wife and I,*" say- fl tnvelBBg ?__. " Jj Ollie 111 fl hole! Where Wt- ,..lll.lll"t gd -Bf l"1""^ waler. Aile* we Bad di-. Based the dtas-ha niv aU aahad m.- tf I had i.arelaps la an -iiti"1- ' H* .it. when aha told un- to mi it with aaa* ?? in.hi lt over tbe gas |et. I keeltete*, bat mi-l.**/*? lt. mid cxpei i.-it to -c Ihe nvetope Han -P *^ nm.m. Hut it didn't Lia/.. The eavetopt tan J ii Utile, but thut wu* all. The wai-r bullet lt linn-, and the envelope was as go.*! as mt ***** expert-Beat was at an end. I dani know t'"' HAW l-iry of Uh neceas, but try lt yoiirslf and ?(-*?* win uot nark." Utile Dot- Mamma. I wa- playln* with TJ**^ o'clock Ira s.i while von wa* sway, bb' w"'"..-..j la-lug it .mt fm- i.nany yoall ke awfully SgwW. cau-e roa'fl think one "nf the mp- -si a ny ??j bal it Isat a hair. Mummil What U li L|ttie "~ ? lt's only a crack il-hkI Bean. Than li tn he ii iiitmuiiitiit nf emil nt tiie 'V("*J pair tiftv f.-t klgh, lea Int leaan ?? lU* Us,\'bT lour feet,* at the top. lt ls to IX' exhlWti-d ' I lenn-Mvanla mal cnnipaiiy. Il will ka ?"?*? ,. m sacttont dxtera mt long, ani pat {?""-S t-htoaga Urara af coal win be aakto-Bl Hm show, when placed In |BlHllB. all H.- ?f'TJ mini-nils Ihat ur.- found lu Uga mining of BBB* ? paris of th.- win h.- i-f! tn Ubi ram* ??? d ?then will h.* highly pcllsh.-d. "n.- slntH** P* coal Bkraady nepand weighs almost two ton*. A tody had keen Ul and aader ?J^J^ raJ'S for ,, lone lime. As ,l,e grew .... britoj BBJ-j ^ -I,,,,.,,., iilsim-tful of ker ph}^^iJFwmWm ? ,?? wira to se.- him. snd y.t yt"*3"J SS I him sn. She . ..nimiin c-iiisl her ?"??'C ,0 m**I* her maid. " Lave 'Im i.i ific mun Lu? !? ,??, -aid th* gm* By mid b? Ihe deci_r___" ...^mr, Sra Ind midget raened ^''^'l!'.l',ml,_eday.*!t -lr.** slid Itoi, " lint >.- .m. '?'""?.' ,- ??_____ thor!" ?Cant cane tal B^SjVL1 mrt^-vSM* nerada be mo 111 for lo see v BkB d">. Rir" delphln Times. ^^ Never b-fore ln.s th. RottSti ^i^tZSw Y,?k bra. so great us lt B BRAT, *aaj to ?l JJ Ctoaatag Departneat. M* ir "?? nlf, 1st* Pleasanter B th- I).-|.ortment would hiralsB bottomed buns for the cltlrctis. [?ll-eartlilv BM baiv ***??* Ba?* Winks-iiiiess you dont know mum ??? do iou Mink* ".SEafliW**-* J Ital Wall'l I waatto A